Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Yellow Trucking Files For Bankruptcy
DFT – Square Enix Falls Off Disappointing Final Fantasy XVI Sales
DFT – Elon Musk To Get MRI For Back Pain, May Need Surgery
DFT – Austria Looks To Enshrine Cash In The Constitution
DFT – Russian GDP To Increase By Over 2%
This is an amazing link, you must read it and come back. It is about a guy volunteering to clean up Portland, he sees a smash and grab, and goes after the guy, and it turns out the thief was in the petty-crimes unit of Cabal’s domestic surveillance op, and gets operational support trying to stop his pursuer all along the way.
I have seen this myself, during the first few months when things went overt, and they were doing shock and awe. Imagine instead of junkies and petty criminals on the street though, you are walking through Costco, and every time you turn a corner to walk down an aisle, you bump into a soccer mom, or some geriatric with a cane, or some fat lady in a motorized wheel chair with an oxygen hose under her nose. And each of them looks you in the eye, raises a wrist to their mouth, pinches their shirt cuff, and says, “He just turned into housewares, aisle 7.” And then they walk off. There is no key to a microphone in the cuff, and no mic on their wrist, they use chest mics, if they use mics at all. I suspect most comms are run through their cellphone mics now. It is all for show, to fuck with your head. But everywhere you turn, one of them pops out of an alcove, turns a corner, walks through a door. It is unreal. They are all over. This is them.
And it is not just some innocent neighborhood watch. Here, they are running street criminals doing street crime, in a sector where surveillance command called up FBI and had it put under a surveillance “flag,” so uniformed patrol can’t go in there while they are operating.
They actually have neighborhoods where they are running MS-13 the same way. And I saw one case where the MS-13 dregs were angry some 15 year old girl would not let them deflower her, so they grabbed up the girl and her friend, right off the street, took them to a local park, dismembered them with machetes while local surveillance listened from the telephone poles, and then they planted the pieces of the bodies in the park. The mom complained as I recall, made some noise, and was driven over and killed by someone who was dismantling her daughter’s memorial, just as she visited it, by pure chance, you see. It is unreal out there. I do not lie to you here. I really think war is coming. There is no way America is still like this ten, fifteen years from now.
And you can see, it has gone too far – to have a system which would give innocent 15 year old girls, to scumbag MS-13 El Salvadoran illegal alien dirtbags to rape, and let them dismember the girls if they tried to resist. What do you think it was like for other young girls in that community, when these guys demanded sex, and they saw nothing was being done about the other girls who were murdered? And it was like that for years. The system is poised for a return of justice. That is a direct affront to God.
Those MS-13 murderers got away clean too, for years until Trump took office. I saw that case when looking into Gilgo Beach. The Police Chief who was banging heads with FBI over Gilgo being under a surveillance flag and off limits to him, was withdrawing from the gang task force with FBI as well, feeling the feds were using it to protect the gang members, as they barred him from entering MS-13 gang territory under the rubric of surveillance. Those girl’s bodies would probably still be planted in that park, had Trump never taken office.
And just to zoom out to another level, grasp that when a young Marine, who would die for those girls, is sent into war, the people sending him are the ones creating, importing those rapists and protecting them. He is fighting for their cause, their system, so they can protect those rapist, murdering MS-13 members as they victimize little girls. Those are the people who run this country right now. Those elites are who he will be maimed and killed for.
In this new case, that car which picked up the thief at the end, probably contained the unit commander, who was shadowing the chase, and calling up assets to threaten the guy all along the way. They are all on comms, maybe radios and hidden earpieces, maybe cell phone texts. This is probably very similar to what the killer of Jay Danielson was doing for a living, before Cabal assigned him to that hit. It was what the whole crew assigned to that hit, who got him moving into position on the target before he could see the target were doing for a living the week before. It is probably what all the guys you see Andy Ngo tussling with are doing before they get assigned to him. Kyle Rittenhouse probably smoked a couple of guys who a week earlier were doing just this kind of work. That was God’s work Kyle did.
Now, just a word to enhance your operational capabilities. Notice how different this is from the movies. In Collateral, after that guy broke that car window, Tom Cruise would walk up curiously, out of the alley, in a gray suit, and say, “Yo, Homie! Is that my laptop bag?” Then, after killing the guy with two to the chest, and a coup to the forehead as he walked away after picking up his bag, he would walk off back into the alley and be gone in the night, and nobody would have any idea what happened. You see now how that would work in real life, and why all movies mis-program you, from bad gunfighting which does not use surprise, distraction, cover, and concealment, to bad operational tactics, blind to the existence of surveillance.
You see why when I postulate guerilla tactics which any war against this criminal enterprise will eventually evolve toward, key to them is first uprooting the surveillance and preventing it from operating. Because so long as that surveillance is operational, there is zero chance any resistance will succeed, and you will, 100 percent, end up a slave living at the mercy of this bunch of criminals and savages who are authorized by the “government” to rape and dismember your daughters.
Some other thoughts. One notice the costume change the guy did effortlessly, even cutting his pants into shorts with a knife on the fly. That is a pro. Nobody cuts up their pants. He was raised as a kid in this, and went to the surveillance camp they have in Florida for a few weeks. He looks like a tatted up schlub, but he is a pro. Two, he has a backpack. Three, the guy who was robbed may have been targeted, maybe to cost him his job, by taking that laptop. He may have bigger problems than he knows. Four the good samaritan will now get coverage assigned, and I suspect that little group he was a part of will come apart at the seams, and is picking up new “members” as we speak.
Now ask yourself, what do you think those guys, the types of guys who would smoke Jay Danielson on a moment’s notice, these types of petty criminals, will do, to keep this gravy train flowing? What kind of people were those, operating on those streets? What will happen if this is about to come out? I don’t know where things are going, but I know in between where we are, and any vision of a free America without this thing, it would seem there will have to be some hairy shit going down.
And I do not see somebody saying, “OK, the Op is over, everybody go home,” and those people are then just left out there. Because that dude will just as soon kill you, as sit down to a cup of coffee. And everyone that Samaritan encountered, was the exact same sort of savage. They will not hang up their saddles and sidearms, and get productive jobs. You will have five or ten percent of the population, trained, capable, ENABLED in the way operators are trained to see opportunity and immediately take action. They will reassemble and return to operating. America is in a very prickly situation. In a very real way, I think it will be Freedom, or Them, and people are going to have to choose. Five to ten percent. There is no easy path. Do you want your daughter dismembered because she would not let some El Salvadoran MS-13 gang member rape her? Or do you want the America they told us existed to really exist?
Deep, deep, stuff, touching on realities you will not see spoken of anywhere else – for now.
Does this next piece look any different to you, now that you see the petty criminal units are actually assets of Cabal, and on radio comms, coordinating with the vehicular coverage in the sector they operate in? – Convenience store clerks under investigation for assault after beating would-be thief in Stockton, Calif. I’ll bet the black dude on the video filming, and saying, “Let him go, there’s nothing you can do,” was overwatch, and the control enter was watching the op through the cell phone’s video camera. Like the reporter who said, “You’ll see him now.” Also, Modesto Bee says the clerks went too far. They want you to think it is leftism, but it is not leftism. My guess is that store is not Cabal, and there is another Cabal liquor store nearby which wants their customers.
Could these kids be part of the program – Shocking video: gun-strapping kids roam ‘Grand Theft Auto’-style around St. Louis suburb.
CDAN claims the girls killed in the Idaho case were being sold into sex-work as children by their parents, supposedly. It would fit with why they were under such massive coverage, if they knew stuff about Cabal’s darkest side. It would also make them potential loose ends which needed to be tied off, maybe. You can see how dangerous the world is. You could get paired off with girls just like that in a rental by chance, everything looks totally normal, you go to grab a yogurt out of the fridge at 2AM, and suddenly you are face to face with a Cabal hit team with game faces already on, which was guided in by assets living right alongside you in the rental. Unless you have an innate, burning desire, always eating away at you, to watch the life drain out of the eyes of people like that, and the presence of mind to grab a filet knife and immediately bury it in somebody’s eyeball to get their weapon, you are going to be at a heavy disadvantage. On the bright side, you see the quality of most of their assets in the piece above, where that dude got run down, beat up, and made to grovel. It is not uncommon. I do not see many killers among them for some reason. But the element of surprise does count for something. Hopefully after reading this site, little will surprise you. Nevertheless, you should be preparing yourself mentally, and arming up and armoring up. The future is not bright, save maybe for some muzzle flashes.
Court records confirm millions flowed to Biden crime family from China.
Donald Trump vows to prosecute Biden if elected in 2024.
While Trump faces host of charges, none filed in Biden special counsel probe on classified memos.
DeSantis dismisses Trump’s 2020 election theories as false. DeSantis reports to the same command as the dude up above, running petty thefts. Think about that, and ask if they would ever let us elect an honest leader. Oddly enough, I would bet DC Draino, who tweeted that, also is in the employ of the same command. And they all know this.
Donald Trump says Dems ‘have something’ on old foe Mitch McConnell.
House Democrats introduced legislation Friday that would place a 1,000 percent excise tax on AR-15s and other firearms they refer to as “assault weapons.” New Sig Spear for $47,000?
Illegal aliens in colleges soar to nearly 2% of population, study finds. Probably free college, that you are paying for.
Former tennis star dies of massive heart attack at 31.
Developed nations with packed infant vax schedule linked to higher childhood mortality rates.
NYPD moves to encrypted radios.
Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe James Stavridis warned on Sunday that the conflict in Niger amid a looming deadline for coup leaders to cede power could potentially lead to a “full-blown war in Africa.” We were only looking at Ukraine and China. Now we have Africa. Where next?
‘New era’ dawning as joint China-Russia warship fleet aggressively approaches Alaska coast.
France supplies long range missiles to Ukraine.
Primary poll: Trump leading by double digits in all three early states.
Trump shared Dr. Jan Halpert-Hayes going full Q. Trump called it “fantastic” and a “masterpiece”.
-Trump can re-litigate 2020 fraud
-US DoD “has the goods” on fraud
-Trump ended the US corporation
-Trump had to wait to prevent civil war and let the public wake upWild stuff.
Video of Dr. Jan Halpert-Hayes from the Tweet:
Spread r/K Theory, because the only thing harder than a decision is what comes, if you don’t make it
re zoom…
Looks like they don’t like it when I post. Soon as I went to bed, face and jaw tingling, radio on within a few mins, and woke up feeling sick as a dog.
So sorry.
Welcome to technocratic communism.
“The society should be worked up to the level where every recalcitrant young man can be brought into court and assigned to a psychopolitical operative, given electric shocks, and reduced into unimaginative docility for the remainder of his days.” (Page 56, The Soviet Art of Brainwashing).
The opposite of unimaginative docility is creative defiance.
Something to try… one night i did an experiment when the humming and iritations were bad. I wanted to find out which direction it was coming from, so I went to the basement to see if there was any place it was less. it’s partially underground on a couple sides. I found it would stop if I stood directly under the granite countertops in the kitchen above. A step one way or the other it came back. So, it must come from above. Also it was like they could tell what I was doing because after a few minutes of that it stopped completely rest of the night.
Wow. Bill Binney has said a bunch of times his attacks are coming from drones. When they blew a hole through the shielding he put up, it was in his ceiling.
Oddly enough the 411 guy said whatever is grabbing people in the forests lives in areas with a lot of granite.
Might be satellites too.
I have a weighed blanket that has 20lb of glass beads in it. I found that when I covered my head with it the tingling stopped. That’s when they turned on the radio.
Don’t know if it’s just the weight/mass providing shielding. Seems likely. Could be the same reason the granite works – it’s extremely dense and would require significant power to penetrate.
I love my gravity blanket. My wife hates it.
mfw I read today that gravity blankets were developed for autistic kids.
Those creatures responsible for the missing 411. Need to be hunted down and destroyed.
Humanity doesn’t need to live in fear from those creatures. Neither did the Sabretooth tigers survive our onslaught.
Vox has a post up on the movie OppieHeimer Oppenheimer and the Manhatten PsyOp which links to an exquisite article by Miles Mathis Oppenheimer was a Fraud which is why I used “Oppie.”
Just how much of the American experience is fake and gay? Is Russia in the same boat; or, are we the only country like this?
Having just learned recently how long the Japanese tried to surrender before the bomb was dropped, and that the US had enacted a full trade and oil embargo on Japan before Pearl Harbor, effectively forcing them to attack us in response, made me finally accept that everything from 1910 is definitely a lie.
Mathis’ work on Hitler and Goebbels suggests it is far more widespread than imagined.
People have been calling out the nuke hoax for a looooong time. There is real history, it’s just hidden under layers and layers of gay.
A decent litmus test: if the “history” paints a narrative of people being insignificant, easily destroyed, worthless bugs before some grand destructive power (nukes, the holohoax, etc) then it either outright fake or narrative-controlled. The enemy wants you scare, isolated and separated from your divine provenance.
Yes we have!
Likewise “Space” is fake and Gay.
You’ll all catch up one day.
I’m sure of it 😉
People will say it’s a spiritual war between God and Satan, and yet refuse to read even the first page of the bible for guidance. Does the following sound like the creation of an insignificant sphere of space junk flying through a black, infinite void of nothingness called “space”? Not to me, brother.
Genesis 1:6-10
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
A/C…It’s bubbling up everywhere now…
talking about CWII… People are starting to ‘get it’
Naw, the hard part would be dealing with the surveillance done by the CIA/FBI/NSA, etc. I believe they have things like that giant server farm out in nowhere Idaho or Utah. Dealing with the tanks and jets would be relatively easy. Dealing with the 24/7 electronic surveillance and drone coverage could be trickier.
Wait until they see the domestic networks.
Hi AC,
I saw this on CTH this morning: “When the internet shadow-banning system is triggered later this year, all of the above will remain visible and supported by the regime. Remember that; these outlets/voices are deemed not a threat to ‘national security.’ Only the non-pretending outlets, platforms and voices are going to be targeted. More on that later.” You can see the post at
Sundance talks about surveillance like its just tied to the Patriot Act and started then, and gives the impression that its just electronic. He posts these “What else should I be doing?” posts and there are a couple of posters (myself included) who say “tell everything you know about the surveillance of the American people”, and he hasn’t, so…..
CTH successfully transitioned from being deplatformed to apparently “owning their own platform”…somehow. He writes and researches well, he supports Trump, saw thru DeSantis…but I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop because he doesn’t talk about the surveillance. So he is not in the “Trusted” column.
But, Sundance apparently thinks the internet will be shadow banning people. He doesn’t say deplatformed. Clearly, he thinks he knows something. He commented the other day that the majority of his readership comes directly to the site without search terms, so they have the site bookmarked.
Hopefully, people have this site bookmarked so they can navigate to it without wading through search engine chaff.
Yeah, I am seeing gross changes in growth rates, which indicate they are clamping down somehow. We were basically exponential in growth rate up until a few months after the 2020 election, Biden came in, and then everything began to decline. It is happening already.
This Koran burning by uber cucked and woke Sweden stinks to high heaven if Cabal.
It’s actually making me angry. Despite me not knowing why they are doing it precisely. Obv, they are up to nasty evil involving their “muslim” extremists.
They are making sure Turkey will not let them into NATO.
They get to have their cake and eat it too by following orders to join but never having to deal with the burdens of joining.
Yeah. But US has not reacted. And Sweden pols are uber cucked to US. Cabal has to be behind this for soemthing larger.
They may be trying to initiate the coming Europe wide race war that will plunge the continent into chaos, thus completely delegitimising the EU.
Following a long period of chaos, Russia will come in as the saviour of Europe and the Eurasian Economic Union will be expanded, from Vladivostok to Lisbon. All ruled by the banksteins.
These people think long term, in decades and centuries.
Yes and we are the opposite. It’s actually amazing. Forgive and forget is one of the hardest maxims of Christianity and people often have to just pray for the grace to forgive otherwise it could be impossible. But when it comes to a certain group of people, it seems every other generation forgives and forgets the misery and despair that they plunge us, their mortal enemies, into. Good to forgive, good for us, but the forgetting is pretty disgusting behavior, we don’t even take care of our own because of this despicable compulsion to virtue signal. It’s depraved and quite shameful.
This is all so fascinating and even fractal.
Russia is gaining strategic options against the US (Cabal) because its industrial power is growing. Open a new front in Africa? Sure boss, we can do that. Poland? Yeah boss, if you want.
US (Cabal) strategic options are shrinking because its industrial base is shrinking even including EU and Japan. Send forces to counter RUS in Africa! Uhhh boss… WHAT? Uhh UKR swallowed our shells and our A/D is spread thin in the Pacific and other places…. FUCK! Boss, London can send some drones against Moscow and anchored merchant ships? JESUS!
And then here DJT is gaining voters constantly which is the industrial base of politics. And this opens up strategic options for him. All the while Cabal is lising voters and de-industrializing politcally.
Cabal basically has unlimited USDs for bribes and unlimited fake ballots the utility of which is based on the decap strike potential of the boomer subs and the sociopathic willingness to punish enemies.
The USD is fake not because it is fiat. It is fake because the military threat behind it is being shown to be fake.
RUS is calling the bluff on the military backing of the USD and DJT is calling the bluff of the Institutional backing of the ballots.
The Rube Goldberg contraption built to disguise the naked appeal to force that Cabal really rests on is being stripped away.
DJT and Putin are saying there is no iron fist inside the velvet glove.
“Illegal aliens in colleges soar to nearly 2% of population, study finds. Probably free college, that you are paying for.”
The BIG picture is:
1) Colleges are a negative. Anyone connected would be signed up for courses and instructors that furthered cabal agenda. Anyone not connected would be signed up for courses that used them as guinea pigs.
2) Taxes don’t pay for anything anymore unless you consider higher prices as a tax. Legislated taxes are a control tool to limit non cabal. Cabal funds everything with debt. In the bible Joseph comes up with such a system for Pharaoh and that system is used to enslave everyone including Joseph’s family.
The USA is not the promised land in the bible at this time. USA is Egypt under Pharaoh advised by Joseph. Trump may or may not be Moses.
Ya, purpose of taxes is to make sure you never stop working. Slaves need to keep working and they might stop if they could go off the system with their own land.
Every Saint in the Bible including Joseph have their flaws:
Even though he is saved by God through Faith. The darkness of his heart or his lack of Wisdom in regards to the long term implications of actions.
Unlike Jesus Christ/God himself is what helped to lead to the future enslavement of the Israelites.
When the Hyksos were expelled and the Native Egyptian Dynasty retook the Throne.
“Hopefully after reading this site, little will surprise you. Nevertheless, you should be preparing yourself mentally, and arming up and armoring up. The future is not bright, save maybe for some muzzle flashes.”
Trump promising to prosecute the Biden’s after his election to the presidency is a deliberate amping up of the zeitgeist. In a post at his site on Saturday Vox Day mocked Trump for his failure to cross the Rubicon. I think Team Trump continue to operate as if their every move is war-gamed out and determined by the Cabal’s moves – with the entrapment and annihilation of Cabal always the end-game. The US presidential election dates are major milestone markers in time that by their nature command major narrative shifts. For the myth of democracy that the Cabal-controlled Democrats and RINOs have pushed all these decades, the presidential election cycle has to exist. Trump, with this announcement of retribution on our tormentors, is pushing the Democrats towards a “national security”-required suspension of the constitutional election cycle. He is seriously pushing the envelope, forcing more and more exposure of the Cabal’s political and other minions and their ops.
The Cabal is approaching the Rubicon in its American op. Team Trump is using its power and the sacrosanct election cycle timing to force this choice on Cabal which will be damned either way it goes. If it cancels the elections or bans Trump as a candidate it reveals itself. If it scams the election results again it reveals itself.
If Team Trump is allowed to win Cabal’s minions will hang. Cabal will have determined that its minions must be sacrificed. That’s how a cult operates. Many will self-sacrifice. Will the top of the pyramid pay this time? Or will it recede into the shadows to begin its endless infiltration cycle again?
Excellent analysis.
You would think that after the events of 2020, the Cabal would just operate openly, but they seem to really want not to do that, and to maintain the “democracy” narrative. The counter cabal strategy seems to be to force them into the open.
If they don’t negotiate a deal with Trump, allowing them to retreat, they will have to go even further than they did in 2020. That may well turn out to be too much.
There will be no retreat. They are in too deep, and if allowed to retreat, they will come back five times stronger, having learned from their mistakes. This is either complete destruction for them, or complete victory. I am not sure we are not seeing a psyop designed to keep us pacified until the leadership can enact some schizo apocalypse they feel is destiny or something under their occult beliefs. I think as you get to the top, the beliefs they hold are batshit crazy.
I have no doubts on Trump’s intellect, but it doesn’t matter how smart you are in this environment, where even it things are legit they are so compartmentalized, you will not be able to be 100 percent sure of who you work for or the real purpose of your orders.
Trump recently said something like “When you kill a snake, make sure it’s dead”.
> operate openly
Some people are born to sneak. Even things that would be entirely innocent have to be hidden, because their whole life is “I’ve got a secret!” That’s one reason totalitarian regimes *always* have some kind of “secret police.”
And… they’ve been operating covertly for a long time. Bureaucratic inertia is a thing.
I apologize for being so backward but what is catbox dot moe?
It should have displayed as a video. for some reason periodically they do not embed, and just list the url. Catbox is the only video hosting site I have found so far which will hang onto my videos and not delete them. My host doesn’t want the bandwidth drain of videos.
I’m more and more confused and weirded out by Lindsey Graham’s tearing up when he talks about how Joe is such a great guy in that car interview.
What the hell is going on there? What is the content of that statement and emoting?
What could Joe have possibly done to elicit that from a man like Graham?
I guess it says Graham is a guy who develops strong and inappropriate emotional attachments to men. But we knew that.
Does it say anything about Joe? About Cabal?
I get the feeling this is all simple and obvious and I am just missing something.
RFK Jr. will stage his death. If need be.
It is a family tradition.
CIA has been replaced with the DIA, the spear tip of which is Space Force. JFK created the DIA.
Fifty one former intelligence agents signed their confession to High Treason.
The Crown will no longer win our elections, 51 to 49.
Joe Kennedy Jr.
Lockerbie Evidence Room
Deuteronomy 28
God Bless
“Filthy British” guy.
AC censored my reply as to which God I refer.
His censorship is why this site will never go viral.
He is as bad as facebook.
Filthy British again?
You lost me when you told people how to spot surveillance by them not putting out garbage, which is completely wrong. One of my observation posts is like a flophouse, with a bunch of rooms they have stuffed people in, and the amount of garbage, even obvious intel-related stuff like old car loan forms, is off the scale.
Either you are holding yourself out as an expert and spreading disinfo to weaken everyone, or you don’t know what you are talking about and you are weakening them because you are a moron. Either way, you cannot do that here.
We are coming up on the big battle. The people here will come out on the other side just fine.
>God Bless
Which god, “friend?” Tell me in explicit detail which god you serve. Just a little litmus test.
If you’re receiving a blessing, it seems a bit churlish to quibble over whom it might be from.
No it doesn’t. It doesn’t at all. Not in the slightest
Interesting video. Trump sharing it intrigues me. He’s either completely insane, and full of shit. Or he did, in fact do something. He’s dropped little hints like this here and there. I understand this is completely obvious, but it makes things interesting!
[Posted late yesterday. IMO this is important and should be widely disseminated, hence this reposting.]
Q1: How do you prevent congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes?
Q2: Why was it necessary to halt the chamber process?
Q3: What was so important to refuse this motion and the subsequent votes to suspend the electoral certification?
Q4: Could this have been done some other way other than creating a crisis/protest?
Q5: Why did the motions, once that the speaker RECONVENED congress, move forward back again to the floor for votes? Why were members disallowed to even consider putting forward ANY motions to the floor in when the chamber business was reopened?
Q6: Other than new rules, emergency rules, what other peculiar things occurred when the speaker reconvened?
Amazing analysis of the J6 event.
Is there any basis to disagree with this perspective?
It was written by a prominent commenter on The Conservative Treehouse, and only edited, but not authored by Sundance. Use link for full text.
REMINDER – The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection Within the questions: the FBI and government apparatus had advanced knowledge of the scale of the J6 mall assembly yet doing nothing? Why were the Capitol Hill police never informed of the FBI concerns? Why didn’t House Speaker Nancy Pelosi secure the Capitol Hill complex, and why did she deny the request by President Trump to call up the national guard for security support? Why did the FBI have agent provocateurs in the crowd, seemingly stimulating rage within a peaceful crowd to enter the Capitol building? There have always been these nagging questions around ‘why’?
Regitiger explains below, only edited by me [Sundance] for clarity and context:
I think most, not all, but a large number of people, are totally missing what happened; and why this happened on Jan 6th. I am going to try my best to outline the events that day, blast past the commonly held assumptions and get right down to the core corruption.
I will present this as a series of questions and answers.
A: It requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency” …An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.
FACTS: Remember carefully, focus please. Just moments, literally 3 minutes before two representatives issued a vote for motions to suspend the certification, the House members were “informed” by capitol police and other “agents” that a protest was about to breach the chambers. It was at this time that key people: Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Mcconnell can be seen being walked out and escorted from the chamber. This effectively halted the Entire Chamber Process.
A: The crisis was created to eliminate the motion challenges to halt the certification and to begin voting to look into voting irregularities and fraud
FACTS: The two motions were completely legal and constitutional under at least two constitutionally recognized procedures… procedures that would REQUIRE the house to pause the certification and then vote to determine whether the motions of suspend could move forward.
A: It was important to remove that process entirely and continue the fraud and certify the fraud with no detractors on record. This effectively gives no standing for a SCOTUS ruling appeal! Understand this. If those two motions, even just one had successfully been voted EVEN IF THE MOTIONS were DENIED IN VOTE, this gives those who presented them with STANDING FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ARGUMENT BEFORE SCOTUS.
A: Unlikely. In order to prevent those two motions, requires that speaker of the house, minority leaders, and the president of the congress (vice president of the United States: Pence), to NOT BE PRESENT IN THE CHAMBERS.
Once the capitol police and other “law enforcements agents” informed the speaker and these three other individuals, Pelosi UNILATERALLY UNDER EMERGENCY RULES, suspended the business of the congress. This protest was necessary. The crisis was created because there is no other way to suspend the business of certification UNILATERALLY. By creating a crisis invokes emergency procedures. No other circumstances other than war or mass simultaneous explosive diarrhea can create such unilateral speaker delivered suspension of the certification.
A: The Speaker initiated the NEW sessions under special emergency rules. These rules abandon and make it clear that the ONLY purpose of the new session was to EXPEDITE the certification and dismiss all prior regular session procedural rules. This is why those two motions to table votes to consider a debate and pause to the certifications of state vote electors never happened later that evening when the house business was reconvened!
A: Members were allowed to “vote” in proxy, remotely, not being present. You can use your imagination about what conditions were placed on ALL members during this time to prevent anyone from “getting out of line”.
Also clearly, it was at THIS NEW SESSION that VP Pence, President of Congress, would also have no ability to even consider pausing the electoral certification, because there were no motions of disagreements on the matter. So, in a technical legal claim, he is correct that he had no constitutional authority to address any issues of fraud or doubts about electoral irregularities. But this completely dismisses the FACT that congress created rules in this crisis/emergency that never allowed them to be floored!
Understand what happened in Jan 6, 2021. Don’t get hung up on Viking impostors, stolen Pelosi computers, podium heists, and complicit capitol police. Understand the process and what happened and what WAS NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.
This was a coup….it was a very organized and carefully planned coup. VP Pence without a doubt as well as most members of the house were quite aware of how the certification was going to be MANAGED. It would require new rules to prevent the debate clause from occurring! New rules that ONLY AN EMERGENCY CRISIS COULD CREATE! So, they created an emergency.
•NOTED: I understand why many people have great interest in debunking the j6 event. I get that. I think it is important to dissect and examine the events of that day but please, step back and understand WHY these things happened. Examine the chain of events in congress. Why those two motions that would have at least paused the certification THAT WOULD GIVE VP PENCE THE CONSTITUTIONALLY RECOGNIZED POWER TO MOVE TO SUSPEND THE ELECTORAL CERTIFICATION AND THEN EXAMINE THE IRREGULARITIES AND CLAIMS OF FRAUD!
At the very center of this coup stands Mike Pence, the same individual who also spoiled President Trump’s first opportunities in the earlies hours of his Presidency just 4 years prior, when he created and facilitated the removal of Lt General Michael Flynn. I will not spend much time on this thread explaining why Lt Gen Flynn was so important to President Trump and why the IC was so afraid he would have advisory power to the President. That I will leave for another day, another time. But understand this clearly: MIKE PENCE WAS AND IS WORKING FOR THE MOST CORRUPT CRIMINAL TREASONOUS PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT.
•PRO TIP: If you really want to get a true understanding of this matter videos of protesters walking in the capitol is not going to address them. Actual video and timeline records of events and the specific actions taken by the speaker just moments before TWO MAJOR ELECTORAL ALTERING MOTIONS WERE ABOUT TO BE FLOORED.
This crisis was developed just in time with a precise coordination to prevent those two motions to be entered into the chamber record. The two motions do not exist. The emergency powers established in the new session made sure they never could be entered. The emergency powers could never happen without a crisis.
This guy is very talented geoguesser. He decided to visit Europe and the first thing that happens when he gets out of his hotel room, the google street view car is waiting for him. Some coincidence….
“Now ask yourself, what do you think those guys, the types of guys who would smoke Jay Danielson on a moment’s notice, these types of petty criminals, will do, to keep this gravy train flowing?”
Bingo. Keep busting your ass working 12-16 hours a day Anon, so these free-loading fucks can spend all day how to fuck with you.
I have been following this story for awhile. Looks like Cabby funding itself to me.
We are going to find there is something weird about gold, I think. At this point, I would be unsurprised to find it is converted into fuel by the aliens/interdimensionals, and they have a deal with Cabal to make it valuable just because, so people will mine it, and Cabal can siphon it off and hand it over to them. There is something strange there because this is not the first time Cabal has done all sorts of weird stuff to get their hands on it in quantity, when they can just print money. There was an interesting case out at White Sands Missile Test range like this, IIRC.
100% agree that gold has to have some occulted secret use. I doubt the alchemists were obsessed with it for wealth.
And let’s NOT forget what the aliens were mining on good ole planet Earth in the movie: Cowboys and Aliens:
yup….gold. In fact our intrepid hero throws hot melted gold onto one of the evil aliens and melts it to death…
Yeah, and sometimes those movies have things like that thrown in as an inside joke.
It is a heavy element, so you never know if you threw it in a particle accelerator and bombarded it with something else, could you end up with element 115 or something.
That’s allegedly why the Anunaki were here. Their atmosphere went to crap and they had to mine gold to fix it somehow.
They might use gold for money among themselves. Since they print the fiat money, it can’t have any intrinsic value for them.
You have no idea. Gold is, has been called, “precipitated sunlight”. Very alchemical sounding phrase. The source for this opens up rabbit holes in all kinds of directions. Very controversial.
“‘New era’ dawning as joint China-Russia warship fleet aggressively approaches Alaska coast.”
That fleet is unstoppable with Sino-Russian air with Kinzhals supporting it.
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CDAN claims the girls killed in the Idaho case were being sold into sex-work as children by their parents, supposedly.
Of course it is Blind Item #17. Why wouldn’t it be?
Vox Day posted same article as your first one above, and SocialGalactic has quite a few new frens poo-poo the idea it’s anything but a crime ring. New frens with no followers and no comments for last 2 years.
Your pinned comment above “Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance…” is indeed their weakness. They can’t allow people to think of the Stasi being real, in America, and extra-governmental.
You get really paranoid in this business, and anytime you see success like Vox’s you will tend to wonder, could he be one of them. But that is the one measure which cannot be faked. They cannot talk about this. Ever. And Vox does, freely, and without restraint. It is really a 0 percent chance he could be compromised, which is all the more reason if you need anything from books to social media, to a TV subscription, you should be patronizing all of his operations.
It’s wise to be skeptical of everyone. In retrospect, I believe I was offered the opportunity to join the club after graduating from college. But I didn’t take it, and while I have been fortunate to have had a modicum of minor success in several different areas, I think it is fairly apparent that I would be vastly more successful if I had taken any of the tickets on offer.
To give one example, I was offered the opportunity to write the first Starcraft novels. I turned it down in favor of writing a trilogy of Christian fantasy novels. Strangely, the publisher kept me and cut the author whose next book turned out to be The DaVinci Code, but then refused to pay for a cover or release the third book when I delivered it.
Chance, destiny, or manipulation? Even with hindsight, I can’t say.
As for the surveillance structure, I openly denounce it. I see it as a human echo of the demonic surveillance to which we are all subject. But to paraphrase Matthew 10:28, one should fear the Creator God who sees and judges one’s sins, not the fallen creatures who celebrate them.
(((they))) run a full court press nonstop. has to bag some victims somewhere.
Vox, when is your book on the SSH coming out? Will be buying several copies for grandsons.
[Editors note – I approved this comment just as an example of what I believe is a psyop, please do not reply before reading my reply to it below.]
Imagine being so brainwashed, so utterly under cabal mind control that you think these are the good guys, the representatives of God on Earth.
And putting aside their centuries of genocide, cultural incineration, child murder, and child rape, imagine you accept their claims that any beliefs other than what they approve of are “satantic” and “demonic.”
And imagine, after nearly two millennia of these nutcases terrorizing the world, you claim to not understand why any school which offered an alternative view of things may wish to keep their doctrines out of the public eye.
And imagine being so mentally and emotionally skewed by these Roman perverts that when you see some white women in a club that studies the history of western philosophy and wisdom literature, you find their and smiling and laughing to be “creepy.”
For the readers, I think this is the one who acts like a Mason, and attacks Catholicism, but I do not think they are a Mason. I think this is the Anti-Catholic psyop guy or people, who have just latched on to this method, of attacking it from the perspective of Masonry. I don’t think a real Mason, raised in secrecy, even if we posted the most obnoxious anti-Mason attacks, would say a word or get involved.
I just post this here, because the quality of psyops went up, like two to four months ago, as if we were handed off to a group of real pros, who spend time thinking about how to get their stuff approved on here, so I would like a few of the posts documented. And it is interesting a primary goal of the psyopers seems to be putting as vile an anti-Catholic screed as possible on these pages.
Previously I have assumed there maybe a specific Catholic visiting they were hoping to repel, but now I wonder if there isn’t a broader desire to prevent the materials here spreading among Catholics, and to drive them away more generally.
Maybe the masses of rank and file Catholics are judged some type of special threat, or maybe surveillance really targets that confessional with eavesdropping gear, or maybe they have been able to place many assets as priests to get that intelligence on every sin every Catholic has been committing, to be sure they get them all in their files. Maybe they fear Catholics seeing how far the intel op has gone, and beginning to look at their worship and the protection of their Church from a counterintelligence angle.
But I don’t think this dude is a Mason. He just feels off.
I never claimed to be a mason. I’m just trying to talk some sense into you people who are convinced for absolutely no reason whatsoever that the masons are up to all kinds of evil. And who ultimately use Catholic justifications for their attacks on freemasonry or the examination of any wisdom literature.
I’m sorry, but just because someone isn’t a Christian (or a catholic) does not mean that they are engaged in satanism or demon worship. And grannies who form a club to play pinochle or bridge or charity or to study philosophy aren’t “creepy” and you don’t need to be terrified of them.
But if you are concerned about cabal, you should have some concern about the only organization big enough and old enough to form the central structure of it.
There is no organization which is free of this, at least at the senior levels. Masons will be in it, as will the Vatican. I am not sure either is the central node which runs things. My guess would be that traces back to families whose names we have never heard.
That said, if you can read people, those little old ladies were absolute sharks.
(((the only organization big enough and old enough to form the central structure of it.)))
We’re not “concerned” about Cabal. We know it exists and its aims. And we know it’s not physical in nature.
egads man…quit mixing and matching what you’re reading here. I have unfortunately watched enough movies and seen enough TV and other crap to see masonic imagery EVERYWHERE. It’s pervasive in our society. It HAS to mean something. It HAS to be for a purpose. Yet you wave it all away with yer little hands and then conflate grannies and pinochle with it all even though that’s NOT what I actually said. If you actually WATCHED the female mason documentary with a critical thinking eye (which I do NOT think you make a habit of doing based on what you type), you would see them referring to rituals CONTINUALLY. Again, this is NOT some old ladies club playing pinochle. Also, if you had watched the documentary you would have seen a limited number of verbal communications betwixt the witches…er…the grannies and the stuff they say to each other is not only ritualistic and obviously PURPOSEFUL, but IT…IS…CREEPY. Sorry if you don’t like that word man…just deal with it. The Holy Spirit was given to us for a reason. Obviously the Holy Spirit has been faked and abused and twisted by all kinds of people, but it is still REAL and was given by God for us to help us in our discernment. You obviously ARE NOT DISCERNING EVIL as you should be. And I happen to agree with you on the papacy and their particular brand of mummery and rituals. NOT biblical. DEFINITELY witchcraft. DEFINITELY designed to throw mankind off of the true Christian path.
The real question is why you’re so afraid of rituals. Rituals are a ubiquitous part of the human experience. Wherever you find advanced culture, you find rituals. Wherever you find cabal, marxism, the frankfurt school, etc, you see a fanatical effort to stop people from engaging in traditional rituals.
So why, exactly, are rituals so bad?
Rituals designed by God are good because they have a good purpose and good outcome. Gathering for worship is a good ritual, etc.
Everything else is worship of a false idol or self-aggrandizing nonsense.
>And grannies who form a club to play pinochle or bridge or charity or to study philosophy aren’t “creepy” and you don’t need to be terrified of them.
Minimize threat, deflect to mundane nonsense that is obviously not the problem at hand, obfuscate the truth, accuse us of being cowards scared of old ladies, etc… it’s just too obviously psyop-101. We’re not falling for your shit.
Argues like a gamma.
>I’m not a Mason
>proceeds to White Knight for them
For someone who doesn’t have a dog in this fight, he sure is putting a lot of energy into writing about. Valiant, really. Just out here battling disinformation, misinformation, malinformation all by his noble lonesome.
>>He’s doing it for US, guys. We’re hopelessly misguided. He’s just trying to save us from our ignorance and superstition. We should be thanking him. 😉 <<
AC is right: the tentacles of this thing are everywhere. Masonry alone has not been miraculously spared, and the notion that "grannies are harmless" is cast into doubt by the mere existence of Pelosi and HRC.
I don’t know what is weird with that poster, but something is odd.
Oh, and the main reason I dig at the Catholic Church (far different than all catholics) is that they’ve been the main force of opposition to the freemasons. And the people who most have a flea up their butt about the freemasons have totally and completely accepted the Vatican’s arguments. All this nonsense about satanism, demonism, and all of the rest of the persecutory zeal, all of the prejudices and assumptions, it’s all 100% vatican talking points.
It is a waste to act like there is any organization out there which is not the enemy at the senior level, or to defend any organization. And you risk alienating the lower rank and file, who are the people we need unified.
That street in Portland is filled with what are essentially enemy soldiers on the battlefield where our freedom will be won or lost. We need everyone who is not one of them to realize that, and align with us. That includes the good Masons who have no idea about any of this, and Catholics.
His defense of the Masons is so inept that I almost wonder if he wants us to reject them.
But I’m not simple minded enough to react like that, I’ll continue to hold my own opinion of the Masons and their leadership based on my learning and experience.
AC, these fedpoasts might be popping up because they’re scared of the newcomers that are entering your site through word-of-mouth. I tend to think the movement is growing. The vaxx was not deadly enough and might actually be counterproductive now that the statistics are out. The sheep are waking up.
I do see my links popping up around, as all these stories are emerging.
yeah. no. / a lot of people dont endorse satanism, demonism, and (((freemasons)))
>Oh, and the main reason I dig at the Catholic Church (far different than all catholics) is that they’ve been the main force of opposition to the freemasons.
And you claim not to be a mason, lmao. Do you care as much about opponents of your local chess club, for example? Or do you care because you’re involved and it’s a personal issue to you?
I know they consider certain Catholics a threat. Last year they declared the Rosary a “hate symbol”, and the FBI considers TLM (Traditional Latin Mass) Catholics as terrorists at the level of parents questioning the school board. The kind of things they’re REALLY afraid of. So far you don’t see them going after the types of evangelicals who tend to be right wing, like Southern Baptists or Pentecostals. At least, not directly. I’m waiting for them to go after Baptists by declaring the casserole dish a “hate symbol”.
I am 100% Catholic, ever since I returned to the Church after a decade of atheism. My view on all the anti-Catholic BS is simple: As Jesus said, ‘when they hate you, remember that they hated Me first.’
And these people are absolutely reliant on people having no real understanding of history. Anyone who has any knowledge or even the ability to do simple research can easily refute every single talking point.
I have mostly lurked on this site for the past two or three years. I read it daily, no exceptions. No anti-Catholic screed is going to drive me away, because there is far too much at stake. Not only in America, but my country as well. I want my kids to grow up with the ability to live more or less as they choose, hopefully with a solid moral foundation to guide them. I have learned a LOT here since I started reading, I intend to continue learning, no matter what.
Excellent. We really need that in the citizenry, because I have seen behind the curtain, and it is just unimaginable. None of these kids coming up can just go out and have volitional interactions with honest people, and soar where they want. And worse, the system tells them they can, so they will waste effort trying, never knowing all these forces arrayed against them have doomed them before they even start.
I knew a smart guy, went and got a law degree, did everything right, all the right schools, and just could never get hired. And I think he was too smart, and too moral. Somehow they blackballed him everywhere. And he still has no idea. He thinks there was some opportunity he missed, or that he just failed somehow. And they do that to the good kids, because they want the scumbags.
Thank you for coming, and taking part here.
“I knew a smart guy, went and got a law degree, did everything right, all the right schools, and just could never get hired.”
Personally had that experience, in the 1990s. Its when I first suspected that there was a secret cabal with its own surveillance network determining these things.
I have no doubt that the upper level of the Masons/Catholic Church are corrupted, but let’s put this in perspective. Let’s think about all this turmoil stirred up. Who might do such a thing?
Let’s ask ourselves, how many TV stations do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many Newspapers do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many radio stations do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many banks do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many brokerage firms do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many book publishers do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many TV script writers are Masons/Catholics? How much of the political finding comes from Masons/Catholics? How many TV stations do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many TV stations do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many of the major press and TV producers are Masons/Catholics? How much of the global wealth is in the hands of Masons/Catholics? How many African slaves were brought to North America, the Caribbean and South America by the Masons/Catholics? How many global pornography companies do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many central banks do the Masons/Catholic Church own? Was Epstein a How many TV stations do the Mason/Catholic? Are the Masons/Catholic Church responsible for major organ smuggling rings? Are the Masons/Catholic responsible for global drug smuggling? How many pharmaceutical drug companies do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many vaccine making companies do the Masons/Catholic Church own? How many schools and universities are primarily run by Masons/Catholics?
So I ask you who runs things? And I ask if you is whoever runs these things is responsible for the mess we are in?
I agree with your assessment. That said, I ALSO agree that the papacy is horribly corrupt (and quite possibly the literal anti-christ of bible prophecy – remember: “anti” doesn’t always mean “opposite of”…it can mean “in place of” and what does the CC claim: that they can forgive you of your sins (e.g., their priests and their pope are “in place of” Christ).
okay…all THAT aside…I also agree that “mason-guy” seems off too. Kind of like he is trying too hard. What might be happening though is either he is using “nothing is wrong with muh masons” as a way to somehow help you believe that his attack against Catholic church is somehow legit. OR he is literally a mason and this is one corrupt group fighting another corrupt group.
Finally: mason-guy does NOT (and I mean DOES NOT AT ALL) convince me in ANY manner that masonry is fine. Egads the symbology, mummery, and just overall CREEPINESS is enough for me. I’m the anon who posted the comment that I watched the female mason documentary and wow…that did more to destroy female masonry than to help it. Even though they showed smiling old ladies who couldn’t POSSIBLY be corrupt (or witches)…wink wink…the overall gist of the organization is just not good. Definitely not biblical and definitely creepy (which I interpret as the Holy Spirit helping us to “see” through things that are trying to deceive us). Those bitties could NOT stop talking about “rituals”. “Yeah…we have rituals…yup…rituals…gotta get me some more rituals…MOAR RITUALS PLEASE…blech.
Anyway…it must be fun (or totally exhausting) to have to deal with this crap all the time. Just know that I appreciate YOU (have read the narcissist book and the r/K books MULTIPLE TIMES and am scheduling to read them through again) and I come here every day and lurk (mostly). Keep up the great work (oh great…now that I’ve posted I suppose I can expect the vibrations).
OH: speaking of that…I’ve been meaning to talk about that. So yeah…we had one of my family members living with us for several months (very troubled soul, was molested as a child at camp blah blah blah basically has turned him into a narcissist at this point) and there were nights I would wake up and my entire body was somehow buzzing/vibrating…hard to explain it. I sat there and didn’t move (this was while I was starting to read your books and read yer blog). I prayed for God to remove this, whatever it was, and indeed, it faded away (not instantly though…interesting). I considered it demonic activity, but who knows…maybe it was electronic/psyop weaponry.
Finally/Finally: (I’m allowed to have THREE “finally’s”): There’s a guy on YouTube that has done similar work (in fact one of your other posters clued me into him) where he is convinced that SOMEONE (we know who it is!) is putting vibrations into the air that somehow “ride” on other noise (like air conditioning units and other white noise/hums inside typical houses and apartments) and it is either machine AI programmed to “listen” to what’s going on in the house and to then “speak” certain words, either to the surrounding air (so that the house/apt occupant can hear the words) OR to the surveillance listening in. It’s downright creepy (even creepier than female masons…HAH!). Like he would chamber a round into a paintball/airsoft shotgun (which sounds just like a real shotgun) and the “voices” will immediately say “gun” or sometimes they’ll say things like “shoot her” or “kill your wife”. This guy’s whole point is that ghosts aren’t real, but this surveillance voice-generating thing IS real and it’s driving people crazy.
Anyway…more things to deal with…sigh.
The risk with Masons is there is loyalty. Wherever you get that, the psychopaths of intelligence are going to infiltrate is and try to exploit it. And it is difficult, because loyalty is so vulnerable to abuse.
“The devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry. For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the mythological and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend.”
– Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Albert Pike, 1872
No matter what it’s called, it’s always the same evil gnostic bullshit. Metaphors, forces, balances, interpretations, and secrets. And it all leads to wickedness.
Pike plagarized almost an entire book by Eliphas Levi.
Not just loyalty, but loyalty pledged via all sorts of oaths. Bible explicitly says that this leads to – and comes from – evil.
“But I say vnto you, Sweare not at all, neither by heauen, for it is Gods throne: Nor by the earth, for it is his footstoole: neither by Hierusalem, for it is the citie of the great king. Neither shalt thou sweare by thy head, because thou canst not make one haire white or blacke. But let your communication bee Yea, yea: Nay, nay: For whatsoeuer is more than these, commeth of euill.” Matthew 5:34-37
Maybe he is working with “filthy British” guy.
Could be. It is amazing in this world, they cannot just leave any corner of it for people to just hang out together without having to shit it up.
That’s exactly how I feel about the mindless anti-masonry I find here. What are these little old ladies doing that you all find so threatening and worrisome? If I understand correctly, people here are threatened by any theological discussions on topics unapproved by the vatican. And any group of people developing oaths or attempting to create high trust social groups.
Any high trust social group will be infiltrated. It is just a rule. They want to corrupt that social trust to neutralize an enemy and turn the force to their ends.
The ladies being judged had nothing to do with Masonry. As I said, they were sharks, and I would say that if they were working at the local dog pound as a rescuer. There is a spark women get way back in the eye, a sort of burning flame they try to wrap up in a smile and hide, but it is always there. You would should learn to see it.
I don’t remember anyone talking about Masons very much until you popped up. Strange. I do remember yhe posts about Madon symbols and such at mass events. But not much more than the notation.
You’re like the alleged black guy (white female) who alleged this was a hotbed of racism and needed educating.
“That’s exactly how I feel about the mindless anti-masonry I find here. What are these little old ladies doing that you all find so threatening and worrisome? If I understand correctly, people here are threatened by any theological discussions on topics unapproved by the vatican. And any group of people developing oaths or attempting to create high trust social groups.”
Nice try. Fedpoast or willfull ignorance. I don’t know which is worse.
“Wisdom literature”, oaths, secret rituals etc are esoteric dabblings that are leading a person away from God. It’s going into occultic territory. Congratulating yourself on having secret knowledge other ppl don’t have is a form of pride, one of the 7 deadly sins. Any group that requires loyalty by keeping secrets and making oaths is spiritually dangerous. Exorcists have reported dealing with demons linked to Freemasonry. At some point the larping becomes a spiritually corrosive pursuit.
so yeah, this comment you just spake and others like it reminds me of my thoughts on the liberal left. Now I used to think it was JUST liberals who “wouldn’t leave you alone”, but now I’m starting to think it’s probably mostly the surveillance that does this. it’s like “can’t I go find some land, plunk down some type of cabin/shed and just BE LEFT ALONE?”. nope…the level of government intrusion is so far reaching that you basically cannot do that (ask me how I know…on second thought…don’t). About the only way you MIGHT be truly left alone is if you either had land so remote with a well and solar and chickens and vegetables that they couldn’t get to you (ask Randy Weaver about that) OR you go truly mobile with a small RV and you deliberately drive back roads and basically dry camp in America where it’s very remote. THAT is what THEY have done to US. And according to r/K theory…hmmm…maybe THEY will push US too far some day…
Very true.
I know the intel agencies have paid shills sent to disrupt forums. That’s what it’s starting to seem like to me. They’re not authentic and are just following the script given to them. I guess your comments got big enough to attract them. We know Aurini reads this, as does Vox Day. There is no telling who else could be on here. For me, the volume of comments has increased a lot. It’s getting to be normal to check RSS two or three hours apart and find another 80 comments.
This guy’s repetition of “scared of old ladies LMAO” definitely seems to be a script trying to get us to feel emasculated and minimize the threat. Too obvious, back to shill school mason-guy.
It’s pretty much the same script as “empty Masonic lodges” guy.
What is the threat? LOL. Dear Lord.
I think so. Too much overlap in subject matter btwn the “Hardcore Prot warrior” and “Filthy Brits”
Good question Don. It’s almost like the whole thing is scripted sequence in a film. Granted this movie sucks, but it’s still playing.
Ever actually try to sit through that 80’s martial arms flick “Best of the Best”? It’s awful. Awful… until the the actual martial arts exhibition match begins in the third act and suddenly it’s an entirely different film that’s ridiculously engrossing, shot differently, full of heart and absolutely worth a watch.
I’m hoping Q’s movie has a similar ending.
You know I look at the street networks coming out of the woodwork, and covering that guy over with a blanket, and I just don’t see how you fix that outside of just giving out all the identities, and saying, open season, no tags, no limits. Because you do what we did in the Revolution, and leave the King’s networks in place, and they will be right back operational, and smarter, in a year. And then you are right back where you started.
But maybe like 30 million people, from every strata of society, which have some sort of government warrant, dead or alive, put out on them? This is not going to be a movie which ends. It seems it is going to be a twenty season, recurring version of John Wick, with maybe 90 million John Wicks hunting 30 million people who will probably in a few cases shoot back, or try to take out innocents, and in a few cases, our side may get bad IDs, and take out innocents themselves.
It is hard to imagine a bigger messy ending, although it is vastly better than this thing just continuing, and living under a giant criminal enterprise like this.
Not that I mind, getting rid of this. I am at the point I will just enjoy the idea I can live and do shit without being under some sort of microscope. But looking at it from a practical standpoint, I think the ending will be something different than Q promised. And I do not see how he does it without calling on the citizens to pitch in.
We have upwards of fifty million illegal immigrants in this country. Even if Trump straight copies Operation Wetback, it will be ongoing for like twenty years. We didn’t get into this overnight, so by now I think we should all know that we certainly won’t be getting out of it in anything like a hurry.
The surveillance network is almost certainly older than America itself and probably is responsible for Rothchild having the intel on Waterloo that gave him the window to scam all of London out of their manufacturing stocks at pennies on the pound, and Lord only knows what else over the centuries. It’s entirely possible that network runs on the John Wick coin system from the movie or something like it, with every area having a regional headquarters like the Continental hotels from the movies. So, yeah, that’s going to be a full time job for a bunch of people.
Look at it this way, how long did it take the Spanish to drive the Muhammedans back across the Med? Well, reclaiming America will be a breeze next to that.
We can exceed Wetback, and they will start to self-deport when we do.
Forcibly deport everyone from after 1965. It’s easy, start with the skin color.
We don’t have to *forcibly* deport them all. Just as we didn’t *forcibly* import them all. We just have to make staying here so intolerable a choice that they deport themselves. If the choice is to leave or get ethnically cleansed or thrown in jail as slave labor, most people will leave.
3,000 Boer families emigrated to Russia. They should all go. I was really taken by the saying: “Russia is an Ark”
RE: House Democrats introduced legislation Friday that would place a 1,000 percent excise tax on AR-15s and other firearms they refer to as “assault weapons.”
OMG, I HOPE they pass that. The SCOTUS smackdown would be EPIC. It would be so bad that it would directly undermine the entire 1934NFA because such a heavy tax is a defacto ban, which is of course is directly in violation of the 2nd Amendment. They would have to extend that backward in time to when a $200 tax was levied on a $13 shotgun.
TURKEY- a powerful explosion has destroyed The Turkish Grain depot.
Holy shit the Ukies are suicidal.
I don’t think that was the Russians.
Just how evil can the Empire of Lies get: billions are going to starve; and the three largest grain owners (Soros is one) are going to become multi-billionaires on the heap of corpses.
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I’m a little sad. I was in the gifted programs growing up. I’ve had a couple innocuous encounters with people involved with the CIA in the past. My IQ up in the “fraction of a percent” percentile. Yet I haven’t been groomed at all, as far as I can tell. I also have very little reason to think I’m being surveilled, beyond an odd encounter seeing someone I hadn’t seen in 20 years at a grocery store, in line directly in front of me. He seemed a little annoyed that I started talking to him. But we also weren’t friends at all before. Just co-workers.
I’d have hoped my stance on most things, my iq, and finally getting jew-pilled 3 or 4 years ago would have made me more concerning. It’s disappointing when you realize you probably aren’t viewed as a threat by anyone.
Same brother. Same. I’m thankful though.
It’s not too late for you to become a threat. Godspeed high IQ fren
I think the point is that when and if they could be subtle, they were as subtle about things as possible. You may have no idea of the ways your life has been subtly steered or impacted by the cabal. It’s only when their back is against the wall or they are panicking or they’re using slack jawed idiots that you see “the man behind the curtain.” You may well have just had very savvy cabal handlers. Tex himself talks about how cabal always wavered between trying to make use of him and his skills vs. trying to crush him. Maybe your handlers never waivered and figured out how to keep you happily employed and working towards endeavors they approved of. As times progress, and as your dissident wrongthinker status grows, you may well find out you were very much on their radar all along.
It took me bringing this up for my friend to note that he’d had the recruiting opportunity back in his first year of college. He didn’t take the bait – he’s just not interested in bribes – and so he didn’t get approached again.
Are you sure nobody ever offered you a small amount of graft, after taking a curious interest in you?
Paterson reemerges:
Ex-Gov. David Paterson outlines reasons NYC could be headed for ‘70s-style doom — migrant crisis at ‘tipping point’
“This an amazing link, you must read it and come back” I enjoyed your comments on the link, they were very cogent and non-partisan. I am sure that your effort is paying off with the west coast normies. This is very important.
I don’t know anything about this website, but it looks like it could be potentially interesting.
Satan hates white people the most. Two reasons:
1) We are descended of the Hebrews (YES I subscribe to the lost ten tribes relocated to Scythia theory) and Satan thought that he had us when God divorced the Northern Kingdom of Israel only to have that victory snatched right back when Christianity spread across the Roman Empire like wildfire. The successive waves of Eurasians spreading across Europe only to convert to Christianity returned our people to Him as prophesied.
2)Then whites took Christianity with them wherever they colonized. Satan had flat out OWNED the kingdoms of the world until the spread of Christianity, and then it was all taken away by our ancestors. To Southern Africa, to the Americas, to the Orient – The Gospel was taken to the whole of the Earth by our people, and so he hates us the most.
The flag of the Boer will fly over South Africa again.
About the CDAN post regarding the Utah murders – in the comment section there was a nice summary of an alternative theory about this essentially being a drug related killing. They hired the guy to kill one of the girls because she was going to out them. This leads credence to AC’s theory these girls were under surveillance in that one video.
Seriously, it’s an interesting summary that details how some of the domestic surveillance is interconnected to petty crime, drug sales etc.
X Seizes @Music Handle From User With Half-Million Followers
Niger’s Junta Closes Airspace, Bolsters Troops In Capital, Citing Invasion Threat
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