News Briefs – 08/06/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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DFT – Musk Announces X App To Cover Legal Fees For Users Over Posts And Likes

DFT – Fed’s Bowman Says More Rate Hikes May Be Needed

DFT – Cocoa Prices Soar As Supply Is Threatened And Stocks Deplete

DFT – Russia To Cut 300,000 bpd Through September

DFT – Wayfair CEO Says Fed Rate Hikes Hit Consumers Hard

Over at Texas Arcane’s substack – The Lieutenant of Bad Dreams. I find this one interesting, mainly because he identifies the guy who he was placed under the command of in the Army, and you can see this guy went on to a top-tier glowie position, actually working counterintelligence for the White House. Understand, Cleve is a target. His placement under that guy was no accident or chance. That guy was raised in the program, probably from a child. Cleve was an assignment, on a career path which shows today he was fully trusted by the conspiracy.

Even more fascinating to me, is the mechanism. When Cleve went into the military, he was being watched by someone. That someone had him buried under surveillance as a kid, and they made sure he never could just “go.” When he went into the Army, they walked into places, drew upon assets, and they pulled all the strings they needed to, and made sure of who his commanding officer was, and that he was under control. They whole system kneeled down before them, and gave them whatever they needed to contain this one guy.

All his life, Cleve has been blanketed under a surveillance team which would dwarf what a real terrorist would get. Neighbor observation posts, friend infiltrators, people surrounding him when he was out. And they all know something. Cleve is some sort of classification they are familiar with. They may know of five or ten of whatever they classify him as in the area, who they are periodically assigned to.

I just find it fascinating, one guy, who is by no means a bad dude, who would be a real asset wherever he is, and he has this whole machine assigned to him, more than Osama bin Ladin had, all just designed to contain him, and prevent him from doing good. It is a very strange world.

This is the great evil of our world. A conspiracy which seeks to so thoroughly embed every person in a dystopia of unimaginable proportions, so thoroughly rob every person of free will, that while living under this total control, they could not imagine they were not free.

I wanted to pull this up from the comments yesterday, by one of our regulars:

I’m having a weird reoccurrence lately. During the scamdemic, I developed a habit of taking an afternoon nap when I got done with work. My eyes burn a lot, and it helps with that.

But lately, just as I’m drifting off, a radio station somehow starts playing. It’s normally very faint like I can’t hear the words but I can tell if it’s music (and even what kind of music), commercials, or DJ chatter. It normally seems to be coming from a fan I have on my end table. Also, at that moment I’m starting to drift off, I suddenly feel my body vibrating. It’s not painful, but definitely there.

Yesterday I decided to run some tests with it. I started drifting off and the radio started playing again and the vibration started. I put Netflix back on for a few minutes, then paused it to listen. No radio. Rolled over and tried to drift off again. The radio started again. Tried to push through it, and the volume went up. Put Netflix back on. No radio, tried to drift off again. Radio started playing again.

For some reason, these fuckers won’t let me take a 20 minute nap. I’m not sure how these fuckers are beaming a radio station into my room. While it normally comes from one side of the room, the other day it was on the other side of the room. I’ve checked for everything. I thought maybe my stepson was listening to radio and it was coming through the air vents, but he was at work yesterday.

This whole things sounds nuts, but it has been going on for a while.

I can vouch for this not being crazy. It is real, and the domestic Stasi has a range of these technologies they have been developing going back at least to the fifties, and maybe beyond. They have developed all of these things in secret to assault people through walls, in ways which will be relatively undetectable and unprovable, so they can operate above the law and apply force to people without consequence. And they did not issue press releases announcing each new breakthrough in their arsenal.

This is not even the first time any of these technologies, from the vibrations, to the faint radio, have been mentioned on this site by commenters, and I have seen them all myself too. A lot of it I actually do not mention so they have no idea if I noticed it or not. And there is even stuff I have not seen. I have no idea what blew the holes through legendary NSA whistleblower Bill Binney’s ceiling, but I have no doubt something did. And all of this has been used for a long time on all of us.

I was in my early 20’s – this would be more than two decades ago. I had no idea there was domestic surveillance monitoring all of society, or that it had ID’d me as somehow problematic. I was extraordinarily degraded physically at the time. I was sleeping, it was the early morning, and I was awoken to the sensation that my lower legs were vibrating. It was not as harsh as the grossly damaging vibrations they have hit me with to punish me for writing about them on this site more recently, but it was the exact same technology, just turned down to almost, not be detectible.

But this morning I think they made a mistake and it was just barely strong enough I could feel it, and it woke me up. Again, I had no idea this domestic Stasi had marked me back then, or that my health issues were related to them, which I now suspect they were. I just woke up because my legs felt like the mattress was somehow vibrating under them, and they were vibrating. As I awoke, it was so bizarre, I awoke completely in an instant and I froze, not moving a muscle that might disrupt it, and mentally paused as I contemplated it, not wanting it to stop before I figured it out.

Could the bed be vibrating? No, no other part of me felt a vibration in the mattress, and it seemed unlikely just that spot on the mattress would vibrate. It was very focused. I tired to imagine off in the distance, a train’s diesel engine creating waves, and in another direction a dump truck, and overhead an airplane, and all of their vibration waves traveling down and coinciding in one spot, a foot in diameter, creating a node of constructively interfering vibration waves in space. But that would have to be one in a million, and transient, and this was going for like a minute now.

At that point I was forced to think something was happening in my brain, like a seizure, but only affecting a sensory region for those parts of my lower legs, and creating an illusion of vibrations, because I saw no way two legs, supported on a soft mattress which was not vibrating could feel that sensation for real. There was nothing that could cause it. It had to be some brain thing.

I moved slightly, and in roughly a second, it stopped cold. I went back in the original position and waited, and nothing. I figured I must have disrupted the brain process. But it was so unique, so strange, so real, it was burned in my brain, and I can relive the moment like it happened yesterday. Now of course my suspicion is the vibrations are used as some kind of passive degradation mechanism in select cases, which I must have qualified for. They apply it light enough you barely feel it, so it does not wake you, all night long, and by the next morning I assume your system is filled with inflammatory signals from minor tissue damage, and you are degraded for a day or so.

There is more to the story, I could write all day, but you get the picture. You may just think you are tired, but if you are under this, the chances are that normal health, to you, would feel superhuman. Just effortless, with boundless energy. I will bet there are a lot of people like that, slogging around a shadow of what they should be, and Cabal likes that. And there have been a lot of people like that for a very long time.

These accounts are useful. And for more than just helping others. This thing is coming out in the open. Already I see it everywhere, and people are open to it. And when it does become as known as the election rigging, or the CIA killing Kennedy, or 9/11 not being as it was portrayed, you are going to have 70-80 percent of the population which will view the ten percent or so involved in this as not human, and honestly, the type of people America would be better off, without them in it. Like Mengele-tier Nazi concentration camp guards, combined with the patheity of petty criminals, who targeted them and their children freely when they thought nobody could do anything.

Left on its own, those are the origins of pogroms. My suspicion is to try and avert that, the government will leave it to the civil court system, and most of it will get resolved there, in the largest transfer of wealth in history. I would imagine it will become a class action suit, everyone who was targeted, vs everyone who partook in the targeting. The legal standard for a civil trial is a preponderance of the evidence, not beyond a reasonable doubt.

Notice what the commenter has done in the comment above. He has created a legally referenceable record that he has described being hit by this technology –  assaulted by the conspiracy in his own home, for no reason at all. In a lawsuit, I think making such a ridiculous claim now, which later is shown to have been happening, with technologies extant now which could produce it but which are right now totally unknown to society, that is probably enough that most people not in Cabal who will make up future jury pools will conclude is a clear evidence he was being hit. Because who would make such a claim now?

If you are under this, go to the surveillance page, and leave your account of what has happened to you. It will help others, it will bring awareness of the domestic Stasi, and it may just prove beneficial to you when this all comes out – and it is certainly on a trajectory to.

Trump’s lawyer has said he wants cameras in the courtroom for when Trump puts the 2020 election on trial.

“Minutes before Trump entered the pin-drop silent room, several federal judges — who have been processing the carnage of Jan. 6, 2021 for more than two years — filed into the public gallery, turning themselves into spectators in a building they typically rule.” Like a gang. None of them would be there, were it not for the conspiracy giving their position to them, and they know it. And in their mind, Trump is trying to take this from them. All these people who are around, working for the conspiracy, they all know these huge secrets, of just whatever it is they are on the inside of, and we are on the outside of. This is them, lining up opposite Trump to show their displeasure. There will be more than a few right in your local community, likely following you around, if you are here.

Federal judge tells Trump to respond to DOJ protective order by Monday. Wants him to explain why he Truthed what he Truthed about going after those who are coming after him.

Jack Smith forced to inform court he failed to turn over all evidence to Trump legal team – made ‘incorrect representation.’

Dershowitz: Trump indictment beginning to ‘look like Banana Republic land.’

President Donald Trump’s campaign released a blistering ad on Friday slamming prosecutors pursuing cases against him as “the fraud squad” that is doing the political bidding of President Joe Biden.

Bill Barr refuses to say if he assisted the Jack Smith targeting of Donald Trump.

Feds fight to keep Jeffrey Epstein’s trove of documents secret.

Technofog – Developments – once the Ghislaine Maxwell criminal appeal has concluded… We’ll be getting Jeffrey Epstein’s interviews with the FBI.

Former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin is speaking out and revealing his side of the story after then Vice President Joe Biden demanded he be fired back in 2016.

Peter Schiff – According to the Democrats the sophisticated foreign nationals who paid the #Bidens tens of millions, where in fact all a bunch of fools. They paid for influence, but received only the illusion of influence in return. Hunter is just an incredible conman. Chip off the old block!

DeSantis wants to launch a global war against antisemitism. “We’re gonna go after these third world countries that have become hotbeds of antisemitism.” Also, right during the townhall, it looks like it jumped up from 6 million to 10 million. Unless she meant it killed 6 million, and then another 10 million as well which haven’t been counted yet, in which case we are up to 16 million. Update your notes.

From here:

An analysis from FiveThirtyEight found that in 38 special elections held so far this year, Democrats have outperformed the partisan lean — or the relative liberal or conservative history — of the areas where the races were held by an average of 10%, both romping in parts of the country that typically support the party while cutting down on GOP margins in red cities and counties, too.

For instance, the Democratic candidate in a Wisconsin State Assembly special election last month lost by just 7 points in an area where Republicans have a 22-point edge and where Trump beat Biden by almost 17 points in 2020.

In a New Hampshire special election in May for a state House seat, the Democrat won by 43 points, far beyond the party’s estimated 23-point edge in the district.

They are perfecting their voter fraud, and applying it more widely. The truth is, Cabal has crossed a Rubicon. Surveillance, which even targets children using other children, seeking out the smart ones and trying to take them out before they can soar, is now widely accepted throughout 4Chan, and it will spread from there. The involvement of “the government” in a myriad of criminal schemes, from terrorist attacks, to assassinations, to election skullduggery is just accepted. Their media propaganda outlets are entirely burned, and nobody trusts them. The people this thing is elevating are pedophile sadists like Biden, who pinched a little girl’s nipple just to hurt her, because he is that evil. There is nothing about Cabal which is tolerable, no person in it you look at, and feel anything but revulsion and hatred toward. We hate them, we are learning all that they are doing behind our backs, and as a result, America is now a war, waiting to happen. In truth, all I think we need are battle lines drawn, a roster of names and addresses.

At this point, Cabal has to maintain control at all costs. There can be no allowing a Trump faction to win and take power. There can be no allowance of the rule of law to be applied, or more of Cabals crimes to be openly exposed. From here, I think from Cabal’s standpoint, they have to “win” every election, at all costs, meaning every one will be fully rigged, 100 percent. IMO, that means our side will have to somehow access the election system in 2024 to undo whatever it is they are doing to rig it.

This is curious – An anon posted that the DOD UFO whistleblower appears to have sought to conceal his association with an Information Warfare and Psychological Operations group in the DOD on his resume, and 4Chan went down across most boards. No idea if the two were related:

New evidence suggests vaccinated individuals can transmit antibodies generated through mRNA COVID-19 vaccination to unvaccinated individuals through aerosols, according to a peer-reviewed study published in ImmunoHorizons.

Tough day for Pfizer in Australia as Senator forces them to admit they didn’t understand the mechanism by which the vaccine causes myocarditis.

Bram Moolenaar Death, Dutch computer programmer & Vim editor has died. They have tweets of him talking about the math on getting the virus, hospitalizations, and how the vaccine is a no-brainer.

U.S. Capitol Police Officer, Tarik Johnson, is Blowing The Whistle as loud as he can – “Every demonstrator and every police officer there on J6 was set-up.”

Migrants wait outside the Roosevelt hotel in New York City after they ran out of room and have no place to put them:

The Biden administration is considering designating a million acres of land surrounding the Grand Canyon as a new national monument, which would bar uranium mining in the area.

The Archdiocese of San Francisco will “very likely” file for bankruptcy in order to deal with a wave of lawsuits alleging child sexual abuse by its priests and other employees and volunteers going back decades, the archbishop said.

A mini-documentary on female Freemasonry. Just observing the moments they show, there is a dark ominousness to it. I can’t say why, just something feels dark about it.

Canadian Muslims to stage ‘Million Person March’ to protest against Trudeau Liberal’s push for LGBTQ indoctrination in schools. Reminds me of this:

Police arrested Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan in Lahore on Saturday after a court sentenced him to three years in prison for illegally selling state gifts, potentially barring the opposition leader from contesting an upcoming election.

A Berlin housing association is scheduled to complete its latest block of social housing apartment buildings in the German capital next spring, but they are currently reserved exclusively for use by asylum seekers, it has emerged.

Niger’s coup leaders ask Russian mercenary group, Wagner, for help.

U.S. turns up pressure in critical ally Niger as region faces threat from Russia-loyal Wagner Group.

Niger bans uranium exports to France.

IMF has ‘loaned’ $115B to Ukraine without requiring any proof where it went.

Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira allegedly caught trying to flee Ukraine. Sounds like the dummy tried to use an official border crossing, after posting what he was about to do to twitter and youtube, and the Ukrainian guards arrested him for trying to leave the country. And he was on a motorcycle which looked almost like a dirtbike made to drive off-road, no less, which would also have made it almost impossible for the ground surveillance to follow him without burning their coverage of him if he did it right. Or he could have just headed for a Russian controlled area, or even Russia, which is really the only nation I would trust under those circumstances. The one advantage to growing up with Cabal is you learn to view every single person you encounter as a point of failure which will try to thwart you, and you plan to do everything for yourself, and avoid having to rely on someone else’s assistance or approval.

An official in Ukraine reported on Thursday night that two Russian officers were killed and 15 other servicemen were hospitalized after a “mass poisoning attack” that occurred during a festive event in the city of Mariupol. It is Ukraine, so you are left with the fact it is something the Ukrainians would do, but on the other hand the Ukrainians lie about everything, so maybe not.

Most Americans in a new poll said Congress should not authorize more funding for Ukraine.

Andy Ngo’s lawsuit is trying to treat Antifa like the mob — and it just might work.

Lawsuit filed against Hawaii ban on guns in most public places. The gun thing is something you have to explain, if you are going to take the position Cabal has won. Everyone getting awakened to the fact we have a hostile intel operation subverting our government, as everyone is carrying guns, buying guns, and all the restrictions are falling, is not a path to the full control Cabal would want. Honestly,  it sounds kind of like a backup plan, incase things go south, and Trump just dumps names and addresses and says, “Get them!”

President Donald Trump, the leading 2024 GOP presidential candidate, told Breitbart News exclusively that his one-time chief rival for the GOP nomination, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, is “crashing badly” down out of second place in the race. He is revealed to be Deep State. He is dead to every Trump voter for the rest of his life.

Trump’s South Carolina Rally:

Spread r/K Theory, because all matters in war require prior intelligence

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1 year ago

Have we entered a time warp?
I’ve heard of February 31st, but I’ve never heard of August 0th.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I love it! #BullseyeLeo #AugustPride Every day is now August 0th! It’s the new Christmas/XMas, like, every day is still its own day per usual, but is ALSO SIMULTANEOUSLY “August 0th”, too, 365 days a year. 366 every four years, to account for (Quantum) Leap Day. XMAS, yes, THAT DAY, TOO. Just like the written title of Lennon/Yoko’s song about WAR ITSELF being over, if we THE PEOPLE simply WANT it. Mind you, nota bene, Lennon SINGS Christmas, Yoko (the Tricky Japanese Good Anti-Cabal Spy?) SINGS CHRISTMAS, and they poignantly whisper it to begin the song. The song reminds me of several things. Here are two: Last July, street-homeless for a month, taunting a large fraction of the pedestrians in my midst in the People’s Republic of Cambridge who wear RETARDEDLY wearing masks outside in the sweltering heat, by singing loudly: “COVID’S OVERRRR, IF YOU WANT IT” and “WHY THE MASKING, I’M JUST ASKING” lmfao. Good times. The other: Simone Weil, the GOOD SIMONE, versus that grotesquely inhumanly evil CUNT WITCH BITCH WHORE (apologies to literal cunts and most witches and mere bitches and most whores) Simone de Beauvoir, who made JUST enough Good Points to amass influence over an entire fucking generation of understandably frustrated alpha female types. And then showed her true, nauseating, NOT-HUMAN-DEEP-DOWN colors by signing the Abolish Age Of Consent Itself petition in the 1970s. SIMONE WEIL, on the other hand, was an absolute sweetheart of a GOOD HUMAN BEING, I think she should be literally canonized by the New Catholics, whomever they wind up being, as Saint Simone. p.s. 1986, despite the curse-ish “86” in it, was actually a GOOD YEAR. One must not toss ’86 in the garbage, even if you’re a Boston sports fan like me whose Sox lost the most traumatic World Series ever and whose basketball all-time-team had their wondrously-lucky Jordan-rival draft pick coked to death on Draft Night. Because hey, 1986 also gave us/me Dave Henderson’s PRETTY FUCKING CLOSE TO MIRACULOUS Game 5 in the ALCS, and oh yeah, that Celtics title season is still One Of The Greatest Teams Ever. So, it was a good year, overall. Lots of progress toward The Goal Times. (Goal is synonymous with End, remember.) The Goal Times: When we finnnnnnnnnnnally kick Cabal in the collective nuts so hard it collapses them to the ground in abject hopeless pain, when we punt Cabal in the cunt so hard that the Lavender Mafia portion of it WISHES it had testicles to absorb some of the violent impact, LMFAO. Congratulations, y’all. Merry Christmas…again. (Like semi-repeating Groundhog Day, but triumphant.) HAPPY AUGUST 0TH! Tomorrow is my birthday. August 7th. 8/7. 7/8, in asinine Euroville or whatever. Born 8/7/77, 6:18pm. To those watching carefully in Israel, holding figurative Myrrh and hiding literal Gold (#CartmanLMFAO) it would maybe have been 1:18am on 8/8…hahahahaha. So fucking funny, lol. Sigh. I love life.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I bought one of these refurbed back in 2019 and recommend them. At least I would , but now they only come in RGB as the K845 so that the glare of the rainbow LEDS can keep you awake at night while costing you more money. But if you can stand that they are a great budget mechanical keyboard.

OpenRGB is a good thing if you HATE RGB like I do.

Logitech K840 Mechanical Keyboard

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Unicomp New Model M. Unicomp bought the tooling when IBM stopped making keyboards. They use IBM-patent “buckling spring” switches. When the key goes down far enough it snaps over-center, *then* the signal for the key is generated. No looking up at the monitor and seeing l tt rs mi si g.

Downsides: $125+shipping. And once you use one, you’re ruined for typing on lesser “rubber-dome” or cheap “mechanical” keyswitch boards.

Worth every penny, though.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

It’s comms.!0

Just Me
Just Me
1 year ago

Check the Title date AC

1 year ago

I think I figured out why local surveillance decided to ramp up against me. I had previously decided to just stay in my current job until I retire. Then I started getting dissatisfied with things again and started looking at what is available. I’m convinced I can do things better than the nepotistic Boomers who still run things in IT. Started posting my expertise on LinkedIn and Glassdoor’s new Fishbowl. It’s the only thing I can think of, unless it’s my participation here. I shitpost semi-anonymously on Minds, but that hasn’t changed in years.

Maybe we’re over the target, or getting close to one. Is anyone else experiencing a ramp up?

1 year ago

Bram Moolenar death links to wrong page.

I had used Vim, his famed (in the software development world) text editor, more or less exclusively for 15-20 years before switching to NeoVim, essentially a drop in replacement from different authors. Why? Bram was cucked from the start with pleading for donations to Ugandan orphanages. His message was always, “if you like this software enough to pay for it, don’t send your money to me, donate to the orphanages.”

I switched as soon as NeoVim appeared stable enough. They use a standard open source license without begging for social justice. End all aid to Africa, full stop.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Ugandan orphanages”

Probably child trafficking centers.

1 year ago

Anyone who doesn’t understand why Cabal hasn’t taken out DJT should read this piece about his involvement with the FBI. Read btwn the lines too. I am amazed this is still popping up on searches.

1 year ago

Haven’t had the vibe in the bed, but have had the bed do a sudden twitch down near the legs. Microquakes? Stasitech?

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago


I myself have noticed what the commenter said. Never got the vibes, but very often late at night it I would hear something, almost like radio in the distance. Voices that I can almost but not quite hear, and music that I can almost identify. I had figured that it was just a sleep deprivation hallucination, as usually I only hear it when the AC is on too. But now that you mentioned his experience I figured I’d share mine.

Wonder if my neighbor is one of them? She’s an odd bird, I’ve only physically seen her maybe half a dozen times in 5 years. Always comes and goes at odd hours and gets in/out of her car in the garage. I had always figured she was running from something. Perhaps she’s the target and I’m just catching the bleed off?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

i think they move voices etc thru cell fones too… another reason to not sleep near them

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Do you think it is related to what they called Havana Syndrome? I understand this has been associated with programs which used some sort of wall penetrating waves to affect people. [whether sonic or electromagnetic I can’t recall]. I’m afraid I can’t recall the source on that, but I expect you are at least broadly familiar with it.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


Isn’t it interesting- I typed up a post detailing some other experiences and my browser crashed before I could post. Hmm.

So quick recap – LOUD noises may stop their tech.

Exploding head syndrome and random vertigo may be related.

I went on a trip and I felt superhuman despite not sleeping in 24+ hours. My vision got significantly sharper and I was able to make a 4 hour drive with no fatigue at all.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Sleep paralysis as a kid – happened almost daily. Would see freaky shit in my bedroom.

Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago
Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Would not say overt. Radio started 6 mo ago. Never bothered me. Never noticed until I took the Google street tour. Next day driving was like the prophetic “my eyes have been opened”.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Houses that are elevated / on stilts may be more difficult for their tech to work.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Rain screws up radar/laser may stop them

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Past few months I developed a very strange condition. Extreme fatigue and weakness. I’d sleep for 2-3 days straight. My feet literally would not hold me. All medical workups have come back perfect. I was starting to wonder if I was being slowly poisoned because I would feel better if I was away from home for 6+ hours.

I wonder if this is some kind of new nasty toy being tested on me now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ve noticed that while I have allergies, it seems like almost every night, right around 8 PM, they suddenly go nuts. I go through massive sneezing fits and keep running to the tissue box. It’s like clockwork. But then, I also take my vitamins then. I’ll have to experiment with shifting the time I take my vitamins to see if that variable changes anything.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

They are Vlad the Impaler’s blood relatives.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I look at some patterns and really wonder about it. Coming home, I have two left turns I have to take to get off the US Highway onto the surface street to my neighborhood. If I get stuck at the first light, I have to wait two minutes then spend two minutes at the next light. One day last week I got off the Interstate and passed the busy intersection before the first left. I saw the green arrow, but the asshole in front of me was driving slow. I finally got up to the left turn lane and cut over and accelerated to try to make it through that turn. Then it turned yellow, and I noticed the slow mother fucker start to speed up. This kind of thing happens to me a lot, where I’m stuck behind a car going below the speed limit. Then as a light turns yellow at the point where I have no choice but to stop, the other car speeds up. And I’ve had it happen at that left turn I started with quite a few times.

If this is them, I’m not sure what these stupid games are supposed to accomplish, but it happens to me quite a bit. And I am personally not fond of the inconvenience.

I can see them having an opposite view of things from us. I read a book earlier this year that talked about Gnosticism. While we as Christians see the serpent as a figure of deception, Gnostic types (including the Masons that we talk about here a lot) see the serpent as a symbol of wisdom, since they believe Lucifer was the good god who gave man knowledge the “bad” creator God restricted from them. To them, snakes and dragons are good symbols, which they use a lot.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

They just enjoy making others miserable.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I have noticed this too. I had attributed it to my dogs fur being everywhere, but then why would I have no symptoms most of the time and then some days be absolutely dying?

Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

We all have smart meters on out houses often right on the other side of a wall we sleep near. They are mini cell phone towers. Marinate on that folks

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Interesting. I’ve had extra noices coming from my fridge for a while, sometimes the fridge is shaking so hard I have to stuff its sides with towels because the sound is so loud.

Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

I’ve been getting the radio consistently when I try to take an afternoon nap. Tried to take one after church today and this time they didn’t even let me drift off before it clicked on.

I’ve been trying to determine which house in my neighborhood is the surveillance house. Of the two I think it might be, one of them doesn’t even have a car in the driveway. The other one is only a guy in his 50’s and his wife, although I see a lot of contractor trucks going in and out of their driveway. I have a half acre of woods behind me, then power lines, so it is quite a distance to the houses directly behind me.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

You can determine the surveillance houses by the fact the don’t put out trash on the curb for municipal collection.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Dress like a homeless and dig through trash “looking for cans” at suspected Cabal houses.

What you find will reveal clues.There should be an average consumer trash coming from real households and a not average trash to no trash at all coming from Cabal.

keep an eye out for unusual electronic trash and unusual or shredded paperwork.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Why not ask them for a song you like?

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

I might try that next time. Kek.

Last edited 1 year ago by EricTheAwful
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Send more Chuck Berry!

1 year ago

“Just observing the moments they show, there is a dark ominousness to it. I can’t say why, just something feels dark about it.”

If you think that’s bad you should attend Catholic mass sometime. With generally the most prominent symbol being the son of God being ritualistically tormented by being nailed to a cross to slowly bleed to death.

Of course, he was out there by Romans. Who then decided to make an entire religion based on their killing the son of God.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

1 Cor 1:23 But we preach Christ crucified…

How dare those horrible Catholics follow what Paul says?

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Roman branch of the church (which also included Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and Constantinople) didn’t leave the church until 1054.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

One point I find most overlooked on the crucification is this. It wasn’t the flailing, mocking, crucifying that broke Jesus, it was when the spirit of God Departed. He never sinned, therefore never had any separation from God the Father. When he took on all our sins, all at once, for a moment it was more than he could bear, or almost more, and he cried out. Anyone who had felt the weight of sin and repented in their heart has a pale shadow of an idea of what that must have been like. It puts into perspective the boundless love he has for us and is what we should focus on. Not the gore porn aspect of it all.

1 year ago

Capitol Police office blowing the whistle; yet in his post on Twitter he talks about the poor family of Ashli Babbit. If he was legit he’d be calling her shooting a piece of theater.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yep. The Ashli Babbit shooting was fake.

Rosanne Boyland’s murder, however, was a real.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

“You know, I just can’t make out the words, it is kind of like it is down the hall, and I can hear it is definitely a radio, and those are definitely voices, but I can just not make out the words being said.”

From your comment yesterday. I got chills when I read this, because it almost matches what I wrote word for word in my comment, except I saw yours after I wrote mine.

Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

I’ve shared before but there was, at one time, a “radio” that only I could hear. During the day though, in my backyard. It was a black preacher and I could never make out words, but it was interspersed with bursts of static. I remember wondering how the people in the house where it seemed to be coming from could stand it, thinking it must be turned up very loud for me to hear it at all. However my husband and next door neighbors could not hear it.

Idk when it all started for me, though i have reviewed certain odd things from childhood on thru a surveillance paradigm and still can’t say for certain. But things really ramped up around 2012-2013 – too many odd circumstances, coincidences, and similar experiences to others here. That radio situation was during that time period.

1 year ago

Left wing comedian Jimmy Dore on why no one trusts public health organizations anymore. People are waking up to cabal. Short, under 1 minute.

1 year ago

Not anon from yesterday. I posted a year or two ago. I woke up to my head and Jaw being vibrated. Kind of like if you hum with your teeth very close together. I didn’t move for awhile and just observed the sensation. Finally I told no one in particular to fuck off and it immediately stopped. This shit is real. Just confirming another experience from another person for ppl who haven’t noticed this and are doubtful.

1 year ago

Just a quick note to mention that it looks like some pages are missing from the archives, mostly from 2021 and prior.

1 year ago

Federal judge tells Trump to respond to DOJ protective order by Monday. Wants him to explain why he Truthed what he Truthed about going after those who are coming after him.

Fake news, as in not a real story the way the Examiner is spinning it. State filed a motion. The court, unless it throws out the motion on its own, always orders the defendant to respond. It’s part of the procedure.
I haven’t found a free feed of the docket yet, but this all looks like normal business. If the judge isn’t giving them more time to respond, that’s usually good. If she was planning to issue the order and didn’t give them time to respond, it makes her order more appealable.
Also, the whole thing is inverted. What prosecutor ever wants a defendant to stop talking in public? Every time a defendant talks in public, he risks incriminating himself. DEFENSE lawyers tell defendants not to talk to the public, not prosecutors. The whole thing is upside down.

Trump’s lawyer has said he wants cameras in the courtroom for when Trump puts the 2020 election on trial.

Not going to happen. There are never cameras allowed in federal court.

1 year ago

Migrants wait outside the Roosevelt hotel in New York City after they ran out of room and have no place to put them:

I’ve stayed there. Fairly nice place, in a fairly nice part of Manhattan then (years ago). I’m sure it’s a complete shithole now, and they’ve destroyed the place.
Interesting also in that it has a secret subway tunnel under it that FDR used when he was president to hide being a cripple.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

More interesting to me is everyone in those photos are military aged males.

1 year ago

Andy Ngo’s lawsuit is trying to treat Antifa like the mob — and it just might work.

Yes, this, is exactly how civil RICO laws are supposed to work. Unfortunately, because every lolyer who finds a plaintiffs wants to throw RICO into every breach of contract case (because treble damages) judges have piled on a huge list of requirements before you can proceed with a civil RICO case.
I would like to see who the defendants are, because those would be who he is alleging are RICO entities. The purpose of civil RICO is to get to the assets hidden behind legitimate entities. The example is, Tony Soprano has all his money in the Pork Store, so if you sue him for being a gangster, you sue the Pork Store also and get the money from there. I would absolutely be arguing that the various media organizations and various non-profits are all part of the RICO enterprise.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

>A roster of names and addresses…
Please don’t leave out the many boxcars of ball peen hammers needed to do the job right!

1 year ago

Re DeSantis, the upside:

As has been said, DeS running against Trump, especially in light of the huge future personal benefits had he endorsed Trump, was so monumentally stupid and against self-interest, it could only be explained by a secret alliance with Trump, or by his total subservience to cabal. Now we know.

But in the meantime, DeS did some things (e.g. Disney) and said some things (e.g. about woke), which were 100% what our side wants and needs. DeS in fact may have been the only politician allowed such successes. And they were wildly popular.

Turns out they were cynical ploys. But in the meantime they were better than polls in showing the popular support for what our side wants and needs.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

If you remember, Mitt Romney also started hitting BO really hard like when he did a presser on the sidewalk outside Solyndra, a BO money laundering boo doggie. His polls started rising and then he pulled back real fast.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

>turns out they were cynical ploys

And plenty of people pointed that out from day one. Don’t get fooled again.

1 year ago

>>Just observing the moments they show, there is a dark ominousness to it. I can’t say why, just something feels dark about it.
Regarding the female Masons. I watched the entire documentary.
Yes it was creepy. The two main heads of the two “branches” are creepy. They speak constantly of “rituals”. You get to see a few handshakes and the room where “rituals” take place. All of it is creepy. Meanwhile, the interviewer is talking to the “grand masters” (don’t remember if that’s the right name…but the top leader of each branch or sect) and they are these smiling old ladies that assure the viewer that they are certainly NOT out to rule the world…how ridiculous (we are led to believe)…and gosh…they can’t tell us about the rituals because you just need to “join” to be able to see the rituals and know what they mean…and blah blah blah. They also take great pains to absolutely ASSURE us that they DON’T scratch each other’s back and/or help each other out in life, business, etc. No…no I’m sure that NEVER happens. Hyuk….
Bottom line: my bible sez that Christians are NOT to be involved in garbage like this. Our only “ritual” is to pray to the God of the universe and His Son Jesus (and to allow the Holy Spirit to be within us so that we can know what is right and wrong and all that).
Here’s the other problem with the documentary: very very little opposing commentary from those of us that are wide awake. No showing of all the symbolism seemingly EVERYWHERE in society today. Finally: um…what do you EXPECT you will get when you interview the satan’s minions? You will get them assuring you that they are NOT evil. It’s just a little club that hurts nobody.
Egads…some of the stupid things they say to each other and the stupid costumes they wear. Actually…that’s MORE subterfuge because it is SO ridiculous, the audience is left thinking: “this can’t be evil…it’s too stupid to be evil”. But it is indeed evil.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Bottom line: my bible sez that Christians are NOT to be involved in garbage like this. Our only “ritual” is to pray to the God of the universe and His Son Jesus (and to allow the Holy Spirit to be within us so that we can know what is right and wrong and all that).”

Your bible says nothing of the sort. Ever been to a birthday party? A wedding? A high school graduation? Those are all rituals.

“Here’s the other problem with the documentary: very very little opposing commentary from those of us that are wide awake.”

You’re wide awake, huh? Why? Because you’ve fallen for a psyop? Because you watched some bad YouTube videos of people attempting to explain what those symbols and rituals mean?

Here’s my fundamental premise: people who are anti-mason are all deeply and fundamentally anti-American. To the core. This country was founded by Masons, its first president was a Mason, and many of its most brilliant creators, businessmen, and leaders have been Masons. If you were really so dedicated to Christianity you’d be living like an orthodox monk over in the middle east.

Many of you have absorbed ideas from the Catholic Church that have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity whatsoever. They really seem to believe that any symbolism or any line of thinking outside of what’s been approved by Rome are all “satanic”, and that anything labeled as “occult” is “satanism.” They really believe that there are witches running around.

Dear Lord, these people are so ignorant and so brainwashed that they really believe that Luciferianism is the same thing as Satanism. Apparently unwilling to realize that calling Satan “Lucifer” is a very recent practice.

What does your bible say about Satanism? What does it say about Luciferianism? Nothing, in fact.

Because everything you think you know about both of these things are Catholic fabrications designed to exterminate people with any knowledge of ancient wisdom traditions or local cultural practices, in their cabal goal of creating a “universal” or “one world religion.” Which is what the Catholic Church claims to be.

You’ve got it all inverted. All twisted around.

If we are to follow the bible and follow its own guidance on these things, we’d expect the truly satanic religion to deliberately appear as its opposite. It would appear to be Christian for the lower ranks but up to all kinds of evil in the higher ranks. And we have a global record of that history in the catholic church: centuries of oppression, murder, rape, pillage, genocide stretching all over the world with concurrent efforts to obliterate and erase every culture they came across.

What was the “dark ages?” It was when the Catholic Church seized control of most of Europe. And they went on a killing spree and we nearly lost European civilization and heritage forever.

Today’s American Christians seem to be like those first Roman ones: wildly mislabeling anyone who thinks differently, convinced that everything outside of their doctrines is “satanic”, convinced any culture that is not their own needs to be wiped out.

So enjoy your religion of gangsters and mafias and organized crime. Your religion of endless child ass raping. Wander around America and notice who build the most beautiful buildings in this country, and then go spend some time in the city of Catholics: Las Vegas. Sin city.

These fuckers hijacked Christianity long ago and threw Europe into a century of darkness, and have left most of the continent an economic basket case. And ravaged this country with organized crime, corruption, gambling, porn, human trafficking, and drug dealing.

And you’re convinced these little old ladies are “creepy.”

What an inverted soul you have.

Take your bible and read it again. And then pray to Jesus that you wake the fuck up.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Idk if this guy is an actual Mason, AC. But imagine being in a secret club with this dude. Guaranteed it ain’t happy fun time.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Just as Crown and Church are together as colonial Empire, Freemasons and Jesuits are together as its overseers.

Until we Protestant American Revolutionaries wipe out both, the Monarchy and Papacy will continue to divide and conquer us through the cooperation of their Secret societies, which, in total, is Cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

So much for “anonymous.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Ah, I see. The Papists hijacked the Christian Church away from Satan and Lucifer or Satan/Lucifer.

I can see why you are upset about this.

“And lead us not into temptation, but spare hs from the Evil One.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Everyone should note how we get the facile inversion of anti-Americanism.

Luciferianism is inversion.

Satanism is parodic inversion.

Considering how goofy as fuck these losers are with their accoutrements and skin crawling cringe caressing homo handshakes….

People who keep things secret do so because regular folk would ostracize them for it. Groups who do it know they would get BTFO’d hard.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Your concern is noted

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

How are the little old ladies hurting you? LOL

I just pray to God that you don’t discover the ladies running a local bridge or pinochle club. I have no doubt that you’d show us all some good Christian values and burn them at the stake. They’re obviously witches.

You people are just insane and so far removed from God and the Holy Spirit that there’s no helping you.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

More inversion.

Yes. Witches are real. And women who engage in secret rituals should be investigated for witchcraft.

“Bro, it’s just like the PTA but with secret rituals and eaoteric knowledge we can’t tell you about! They mostly bake cookies and coo ovet babies”

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Queen Elizabeth Druid High Priestess and head of the Church of England

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Cringe lol. The Druids left no written records. It’s all a LARP.

Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The fake, plastic smiles were the tip off for me. I’ve dealt with evil people. I suspect some were narcissistic or sociopathic, but a few obviously had an occult or demonic bent to their personalities. They all had those pasted on fake smiles. If you pushed them, their face would become expressionless with cold, dead eyes. If you kept pushing, their face would become predatory, like they wanted to hunt and kill you. In some cases that might be for only a second or two, then the fake plastic smiles would come back, but the eyes would remain dead. Once you’ve seen it a few times, it jumps out at you.

As soon as I saw the women with those smiles, right at the beginning of the video, it was obvious they were fundamentally evil. I don’t know if their evil is sociopathic or demonic. Regardless, those women are evil. I’d recommend watching the video once with the sound on to hear the tones and cadences of the voices. Then watch it through a few times with no sound and concentrate on the facial expressions. It will help you spot similar people in the future

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Our only “ritual” is to pray to the God of the universe and His Son Jesus (and to allow the Holy Spirit to be within us so that we can know what is right and wrong and all that).”

There are others, like baptism.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I watched also. My impression:
The demonic have crafted a brilliantly effective way for groups of ppl to come together and have camaraderie and friendship & feel they are quite special & above ordinary ppl because they have all these traditions and secret rituals. To perform the rituals and study new ones required to advance through the ranks takes time – a valuable resource in the short life of a human.

They could be thinking about God and important questions related to life and how it all works & how to connect meaningfully with the Creator and instead they fill up their spare time with learning a new variant of a handgrip and how to partially undress as part of the next ritual & memorizing lines..

The consensus of everyone to keep it all secret cements it as something special & worthwhile to spend time on. It must be valuable because it’s been kept secret the whole time the society has existed! No one would keep secret something that’s a foolish waste of time!

The focus and energy of a person’s life gets funneled into massive timesink.
Denying no other Mason helps another is illogical. Persisting with the games of ritual and dress up needs pay off in real life to keep it going. All the women interviewed had an unhealthy relish for wanting to know more and more secret things. The older ones were especially noticed to be deriving a lot of satisfaction from learning new secrets, like it gave their life power and meaning.

The interviewer didn’t bring up the spiritual beliefs (of course). But I was left with the impression the women have been trapped and are being funneled into something that’s ultimately spiritually unhealthy.

I am not surprised that exorcists have reporting casting out demons related to Freemasonry & breaking off generational ties to this.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Bro, come into the secret chamber and we’ll dress up in costumes and I’ll whisper secret stuff in your ear about Lucifer.”

Jfc the cringe.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They could be thinking about God and important questions related to life and how it all works & how to connect meaningfully with the Creator “


Uh… that’s what most of the lessons and rituals are all about, in fact.

1 year ago

Documented surveillance, with photos, immune to police

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Excellent article that clearly highlights everything you’ve been disclosing AC.
They were one very organised crew.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I was the victim of a baggage theft a few years back. I was on vacation in North Carolina and stayed near the airport the night I flew in. I was there to golf a once in a lifetime course (for me anyway) and had to get up early for the tee time. I had two or three trips to bring my bags out to the rental car and on the second trip my suitcases were out on the ground. Then I realized two small bags were missing, laptop and another electronics bag. I immediately started cruising the business park and checking construction sites and ditches, also confronting 5-6 homeless and asking if they had seen someone with my color and brand backpack. So it’s gone, I’m pissed, what now? Fuck it, I came all the way here to golf so that’s what I did. 6 hours later I return to the hotel to call the cops and file what I’m sure is a useless police report. While I wait for the patrol to show up I look around again and WTF? Both bags, all the electronics still in tact, a $1,200 laptop are tucked under a hedge 50′ from where it was stolen. They probably ditched it when they saw me looking for them. But it was strange they didn’t come back and grab it while I was gone the whole day.

Reply to  Steve Morris
1 year ago

They probably planted stuff on the laptop etc. and wanted you to recover it and use it.

Reply to  Steve Morris
1 year ago

Somebody up there likes you.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Wish you’d use a screenname of any kind so we’d know when you posted again. Because this was picked up by AC and Vox as well today.
Anyway, excellent find.

Lord of the Hundreds
Lord of the Hundreds
1 year ago

“At this point, Cabal has to maintain control at all costs. There can be no allowing a Trump faction to win and take power…From here, I think from Cabal’s standpoint, they have to “win” every election, at all costs, meaning every one will be fully rigged, 100 percent. IMO, that means our side will have to somehow access the election system in 2024 to undo whatever it is they are doing to rig it.”

Kinda puts all of Cabal’s eggs in _one_ basket in the ’24 cycle, allowing it to be destroyed at a single point, much like the single goal against the “Star Wars” Death Star, eh? You understand what happens at that point, as most likely formulated in “the Plan.”

The Dominion voting machine reveal, where the hidden “cheat chip” found on the bespoke motherboard gets max publicity, would be perfectly organized for a late summer 2024 timeline. That would be enough time to proscribe the machines and put in place a Canadian- of France-like paper ballot, overladen with security and third-party monitoring procedures (devoid of Cabal, and probably National Guard to keep election control state-based). Voters at that stage would demand nothing less.

What an elegant denouement to this trea son. Let’s hope the firi ng squ ads don’t take a year to get underway in the new Trump Administration to punish the guilty. Great analytic work as always, AC.

Reply to  Lord of the Hundreds
1 year ago

De ath Squ ads for ming

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Y o u a r e a n i d i o t s t o p t r y i n g t o f u c k u p A C a n d t h e s i t e

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Fedposters gonna fedpost.

1 year ago

Bill Burr comments that women see Titanic as a romantic movie and men see Titanic as a horror movie. The difference being a man knows he would be going down with that boat. If your interpretation of the cabal is correct then there should be entertainment that most people see as fun in some way but Surveillance people would see as horror. And vice versa. Can you think of any examples of this? Other than They Live, obviously.
If civilizations write their story in the book of their art… where is the art of this shadow civilization?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Movies will become the historical records of the future. No matter how far fetched they are. IQ’s are dropping all over the world.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Excellent point. Why I try to note when I use their plots and lines to “understand” reality.

It’s spooky because movies have being. Anselm would call it /in conceptu/ being. Or conceptual being. These things have being. It is less than being /in re/ or being in reality. But still being.

Expetiencing life through movies etc is a sign ones being has dropped below reality.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Speaking of witches…

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Godfather.

Most normal people see the trilogy as a tragedy. Michael Corleone could have had a very nice life if he rejected the family business. He didn’t, and died alone, losing his wife and daughter along the way.

Cabal people don’t see it as a tragedy. They see it as life guidance.

Good Fellas. Scorsese went out of his way to make those guys look cool and fun. Stylish dressers. And throughout the movie stressed what happens to snitches.

In reality, all the main characters in that movie weren’t cool or funny. They were unbelievably ugly, vile, and gross.

But in order for cabal to work they need to entice losers into that lifestyle.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

…. and, which was not emphasized at all in that garbage movie, they ruin and/or destroy the lives of every single person they come in contact with. The shoeshine boy. Liotta’s wife. The poor SOB who owned the Tiki restaurant. Themselves: how many of the Lufthansa gang survived their “friendship” with fellow sociopaths? etc. Yet decent people allow them to live, when they should be hunted.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Godfather is something I use as a litmus test for people. I have a few of. I think it was in 2012 at the Republicuck debate. The moderator asked the candidates what their favorite movie was. Most said “Godfather”. I started to think of them as psychopaths. I didn’t like Godfather. For me it was slow, but it was mostly just people killing other people and more retribution killings. I would have answer something like “Lord of the Rings Trilogy” to that question.

I’ve also learned to not trust anybody who liked the book “Catcher in the Rye”. I borrowed it from a friend about 10 years ago and tried to read it. I couldn’t stand the main character. Worthless entitled brat. There is also Masonic symbology and pedophile symbology in the book. (Look up Joseph Atwil’s articles “The Mason in the Rye” and “The Pedophile in the Rye”.

I also don’t trust anybody who recommends Malcom Gladwell’s books. Gladwell admits he makes things up and lies in his books, and anybody who recommends him is an idiot.

For reference, Catcher is one of Ba’al Gates’ favorite books, and he recommends Gladwell as good reading.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

100% agree. Especially about Catcher. I was freaked out that they made us read that as a kid. And also A Separate Piece (suicide of WASP kid).

I also think Godfather is dumb. A friend did clue me into what I think is the real story. It is a message about how Cabal breaks up. The second generation of Sonny/Fredo/Michael/Tom are the fragmentatiom of all the things The Godfather was and the unity was what made him “great”.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I would argue that the Godfather is really not a particularly compelling novel or movie. The movie is only “ok.” It’s moderately interesting. I think Coppola did a good job with the basic cinematography and such, but it’s not great even in that regard.

It’s a cabal promoted film that everyone is just supposed to like.

Catcher in the Rye is completely over-hyped. And I think it’s designed to teach people to be hostile, isolated, and angry.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Godfather III, now there’s a masterpiece.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Space relations: a slightly Gothic interplanetary tale” by Donald Barr(father of Bill Barr) it’s about a man who goes to a world that runs on child sex slavery and falls in love with an evil baroness. The two characters are portrayed in a positive light. Him indulging in the baronesses stock is portrayed as normal in this alien culture. This from the guy who hired Epstein to teach highschool age children.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Manchurian Candidate for the wind up toys, also, the great classic A Face in the Crowd from 1957, which highlighted the move of politics into entertainment, and candidates as a product.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Great question as to what terrifies them. I would say it is the stories they publicly subvert. So, Tolkein and Disney and Marvel/DC comics for starters. And Star Wars and Raiders of The Lost Ark. As some examples.

Suppression and memory holing are good too. Amazing to think that a film as funny as Beverly Hillls Cop is unknown to almost everyone at this point. There are lots like that.

I wonder if horror movies aren’t soothing to Cabal types.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Maybe The Lives of Others and Jason Borne? One of their fears must surely be losing control of the surveillance managers and never knowing.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Parallax View
Race With the Devil

1 year ago

well certainly off color but… perhaps quite revealing…

1 year ago

I think they will go hard on the climate change scam in the next few years. The “extreme weathers” will be produced by HAARP and other such technologies….and also by simply setting forrests on fire after dousing them with gasoline.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s amazing how many people just think that forests and grass self combust because it’s hot outside.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Biden WH Threatens Reporters With Expulsion If They Continue to Interrupt Press BriefingsThe White House is taking heat for purging more than 400 reporters from presidential press briefings following a new rule aimed at journalists. 

Somebody refresh my memory: didn’t Trump have a reporter removed from White House briefings only to be told by the courts that it was a matter of First Amendment free speech; therefore, the reporter must be reinstated. If so, I can only conclude the Constitution changed in the past four years. Damn, it is hard to keep up with the Living Constitution thing.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

It was that douche Jim Acosta.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Yes he did. The reporter was a perpetual a hole. But the courts said he had to be let back in. We’ll see if this holds for these others. I suspect not. Fingers crossed that Constitutional norms prevail.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Constitutional norms will not prevail under this fraudualent DC Corporation.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Everyone should be aware of this amazing analysis of the J6 event.
It was written by a prominent commenter on The Conservative Treehouse, and only edited, but not authored by Sundance. Use link for full text.
REMINDER – The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection Within the questions: the FBI and government apparatus had advanced knowledge of the scale of the J6 mall assembly yet doing nothing? Why were the Capitol Hill police never informed of the FBI concerns? Why didn’t House Speaker Nancy Pelosi secure the Capitol Hill complex, and why did she deny the request by President Trump to call up the national guard for security support? Why did the FBI have agent provocateurs in the crowd, seemingly stimulating rage within a peaceful crowd to enter the Capitol building? There have always been these nagging questions around ‘why’?
Regitiger explains below, only edited by me [Sundance] for clarity and context:
I think most, not all, but a large number of people, are totally missing what happened; and why this happened on Jan 6th.  I am going to try my best to outline the events that day, blast past the commonly held assumptions and get right down to the core corruption.
I will present this as a series of questions and answers.
♦ Q1: How do you prevent congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes?
A: It requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency” …An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.
FACTS: Remember carefully, focus please. Just moments, literally 3 minutes before two representatives issued a vote for motions to suspend the certification, the House members were “informed” by capitol police and other “agents” that a protest was about to breach the chambers. It was at this time that key people: Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, Mcconnell can be seen being walked out and escorted from the chamber. This effectively halted the Entire Chamber Process.
♦ Q2: Why was it necessary to halt the chamber process?
A: The crisis was created to eliminate the motion challenges to halt the certification and to begin voting to look into voting irregularities and fraud
FACTS: The two motions were completely legal and constitutional under at least two constitutionally recognized procedures… procedures that would REQUIRE the house to pause the certification and then vote to determine whether the motions of suspend could move forward.
♦ Q3: What was so important to refuse this motion and the subsequent votes to suspend the electoral certification?
A: It was important to remove that process entirely and continue the fraud and certify the fraud with no detractors on record. This effectively gives no standing for a SCOTUS ruling appeal! Understand this. If those two motions, even just one had successfully been voted EVEN IF THE MOTIONS were DENIED IN VOTE, this gives those who presented them with STANDING FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ARGUMENT BEFORE SCOTUS. 
♦ Q4: Could this have been done some other way other than creating a crisis/protest?
A: Unlikely. In order to prevent those two motions, requires that speaker of the house, minority leaders, and the president of the congress (vice president of the United States: Pence), to NOT BE PRESENT IN THE CHAMBERS.
Once the capitol police and other “law enforcements agents” informed the speaker and these three other individuals, Pelosi UNILATERALLY UNDER EMERGENCY RULES, suspended the business of the congress. This protest was necessary. The crisis was created because there is no other way to suspend the business of certification UNILATERALLY. By creating a crisis invokes emergency procedures. No other circumstances other than war or mass simultaneous explosive diarrhea can create such unilateral speaker delivered suspension of the certification.
♦ Q5: Why did the motions, once that the speaker RECONVENED congress, move forward back again to the floor for votes? Why were members disallowed to even consider putting forward ANY motions to the floor in when the chamber business was reopened?
A: The Speaker initiated the NEW sessions under special emergency rules. These rules abandon and make it clear that the ONLY purpose of the new session was to EXPEDITE the certification and dismiss all prior regular session procedural rules. This is why those two motions to table votes to consider a debate and pause to the certifications of state vote electors never happened later that evening when the house business was reconvened!
♦ Q6: Other than new rules, emergency rules, what other peculiar things occurred when the speaker reconvened?
A: Members were allowed to “vote” in proxy, remotely, not being present. You can use your imagination about what conditions were placed on ALL members during this time to prevent anyone from “getting out of line”.
Also clearly, it was at THIS NEW SESSION that VP Pence, President of Congress, would also have no ability to even consider pausing the electoral certification, because there were no motions of disagreements on the matter. So, in a technical legal claim, he is correct that he had no constitutional authority to address any issues of fraud or doubts about electoral irregularities. But this completely dismisses the FACT that congress created rules in this crisis/emergency that never allowed them to be floored!
Understand what happened in Jan 6, 2021. Don’t get hung up on Viking impostors, stolen Pelosi computers, podium heists, and complicit capitol police. Understand the process and what happened and what WAS NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.
This was a coup….it was a very organized and carefully planned coup. VP Pence without a doubt as well as most members of the house were quite aware of how the certification was going to be MANAGED. It would require new rules to prevent the debate clause from occurring! New rules that ONLY AN EMERGENCY CRISIS COULD CREATE! So, they created an emergency.
•NOTED: I understand why many people have great interest in debunking the j6 event. I get that. I think it is important to dissect and examine the events of that day but please, step back and understand WHY these things happened. Examine the chain of events in congress. Why those two motions that would have at least paused the certification THAT WOULD GIVE VP PENCE THE CONSTITUTIONALLY RECOGNIZED POWER TO MOVE TO SUSPEND THE ELECTORAL CERTIFICATION AND THEN EXAMINE THE IRREGULARITIES AND CLAIMS OF FRAUD!
At the very center of this coup stands Mike Pence, the same individual who also spoiled President Trump’s first opportunities in the earlies hours of his Presidency just 4 years prior, when he created and facilitated the removal of Lt General Michael Flynn. I will not spend much time on this thread explaining why Lt Gen Flynn was so important to President Trump and why the IC was so afraid he would have advisory power to the President. That I will leave for another day, another time. But understand this clearly: MIKE PENCE WAS AND IS WORKING FOR THE MOST CORRUPT CRIMINAL TREASONOUS PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT.
•PRO TIP: If you really want to get a true understanding of this matter videos of protesters walking in the capitol is not going to address them. Actual video and timeline records of events and the specific actions taken by the speaker just moments before TWO MAJOR ELECTORAL ALTERING MOTIONS WERE ABOUT TO BE FLOORED.
This crisis was developed just in time with a precise coordination to prevent those two motions to be entered into the chamber record. The two motions do not exist. The emergency powers established in the new session made sure they never could be entered. The emergency powers could never happen without a crisis.

Last edited 1 year ago by Thucydides
Reply to  Thucydides
1 year ago

The Parliamentarian answers to the Council on Foreign Relations, which is informned by the Queen’s Privy Council as to the commands of the Monarch.

The 2020 election coup and J6 was ordered by the British Crown.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Filthy British guy

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

This is kinda cool. I had pegged graphene filtration as the technology that would unlock seawater for widespread use, but this is even better. It would even benefit inland dry climates with large reservoirs such as the example city in video – Las Vegas – with artificial Lake Mead by recovering water vapor that would otherwise by lost to evaporation. Put the recovery towers on the lake and then cycle back direct water release until you achieve an equilibrium of hydroelectric generation to drinking water. Coastal areas could easily spool up entire stretches of coastline specifically water production to be pumped inland to whatever customer municipalities wish to pay for a pipeline.

Two Bit da Vinci – Limitless Fresh Water Lies Right OVER The Ocean – Without Desalination!

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Was hearing this while hearing the guy

Forgot to think how the representative government can rob their represented with this. That is key if he wants to government to fund it. He didn’t took corruption into account, but overpricing of the public infraestructure will increase the costs from 0,5 Billion to as much the “public representatives” can get with it.

1 year ago

We are still clearly missing something as to how they go about choosing whom to recruit and whom to heavily target. There is a lot of talk about this thing being a family affair, with agents, knowledge, and control being passed down from generation to generation. And I am sure there is some truth to that. But there is more to it as well. Without getting to specific, I have direct family who are members of the Grove and I am basically certain my family is historically Cabal or at least Cabal1adjacent. My uncle has played drums at the cremation of care ceremony and my brother has been to said ceremony himself, though he is not a member. One of my cousins is a member and he holds – and has held – extremely high positions in extremely high profile companies that are and have been knee-deep in this thing. That’s all I really feel comfortable saying and while I usually post here under my name, I’m putting this one as Anon.

Believe me or don’t; I don’t really care. I have essentially been ostracized from the family since 2016 anyway as I proudly supported Trump and aggressively started detailing the mechanisms of the Cabal via RussiaGate, COVID, etc. But My question is, what separates me from them? Clearly it is not blood, right? So what is it that makes one a member and another a target? I assure you that the aforementioned cousin is extremely bright, and as such it isn’t simply IQ either. So what is it?

I don’t know the answer. Just throwing it out there to provide more data through which we can all sift.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This evil requires consent at some level, it’s a consistent through point to their organization. I’m betting you were given small tests at a young age to see if you would comply and consent to the evil, but you passed in the name of goodness. You have a certain spiritual character the enemy knows cannot be corrupted in the way it needs to corrupt people to serve it’s evil machinations.

Thank God for that. And thank you for the additional point of data.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Many of us have God’s seal.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Evola was pretty much a dummy. But he was part of Gladio and clearly Cabal. And was told some true stuff to popularize. One of them was that “race” was a feeling or a sense of oneself. I think this is correct. I see people occasionally who just seem “white like me”. I usually nod to them and pass on some good energy wherever I see them. 99% of the time I get a quick affirmation. Solidarity.

Cabal has the same thing. But zero overlap.

I am almost completely incompetent at navigating this world. But doing this has had remarkable results.

Take it very slow and very understated but give a nod of recognition to our kind for standing firm when you see them. Look for people who vibe like one of us at all times. We are not alone. Take heart.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Union Jobs go to Cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I had a career in which, on reflection, I realize I was interacting often with Cabal or Cabal-adjacent people. I am now quite isolated which tells you something about that exposure. Regarding family members, I am the only awake adult despite other men with demonstrably high IQs and very strong rational, scientific backgrounds. I often wonder why I am different from them. My only answer is in the spiritual realm – that I was appointed by God to awaken first and gradually to help awaken my loved ones. That used to feel like a weak, unsatisfactory answer to myself but in recent times I have become more certain than ever that this world we’re in is far closer to the biblical than our modern educations ever acknowledged.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Bohemian Grove is not necessarily cabal. Contemporary Americans, who have had their social lives absolutely shattered and tend to stay locked up in their suburban concentration camps, don’t understand life in America in the past.

Clubs dominated American life. Fraternal orders, social clubs, community’s bands, Scouting, interest clubs, social clubs, gentlemen’s clubs, even tennis clubs.

Nowadays we have night clubs and gym memberships.

And TV. Lots of TV.

America became a successful society because of these clubs. It was clubs that started everything from the great public libraries to universities such as Penn and Columbia. It was these clubs that formed museums and built public parks.

All of these clubs tried to dress themselves with various arcane and learned symbols. And most of these clubs, in an effort to develop a high level of trust between members, had various responsibilities, obligations, and associated rituals.

In an effort to shatter social life, cabal has sought to isolate Americans and reduce trust between them. And this these organizations have been under continuous attack for nearly a century.

And modern man, who has no social life whatsoever and doesn’t even understand the dynamics of creating trust within a group, can only be baffled by the existence of such clubs in the past. And becomes convinced that any group using any kind of symbols is somehow “occult” and that means they are “satanic.”

It’s about as nuts as insisting that motorcyclists have some weird cult of worshipping eagles because of their prevalence of bald eagles on Harley T-shirts. No, they aren’t engaged in an occultist worship of eagles. They are just grabbing a common symbol of Americana and claiming it as their own.

Stop worrying about Bohemian Grove. It’s just a bunch of rich artsy queers hanging out in the woods and utilizing ancient symbolism to make themselves appear cultures and sophisticated.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Oddfellow pedophiles

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making people believe he didn’t exist even when looking right at him.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Do you have a negative blood type? Rofschild sure seemed to think that was important.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Do you have a link to that? I can’t find via search. Thanks.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

I think that negative blood is worthy of discussion. I would like to hear others opinions

Texas Arcane
1 year ago

Anon, I believe the super winning lieutenant who wins everywhere at everything is unto you. He already changed his page to LinkedIn Only access after my article about him, now it looks like he has removed his page altogether. Since I have been kicked off LinkedIn five times now for mentioning COVID, it might just be me that cannot see it anymore.
This guy was already very elusive to begin with, so probably somebody in the NSA tipped him off he was being exposed with a name and a face. Not a good look being in his job when he was with that title, likely he has people working on it already to find out who is onto him. Notice you have never even heard of the most culpable on 9/11, it’s like the media is totally controlled or something.
Gonna get yourself whacked, Anon. Really going to miss you except I will have probably been killed much earlier anyway before they get down to you on their list.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

I dont think they will try to kill you. They could of course…..but in the occult world that would be equal to them crying uncle and admitting you are more powerful spiritually. I dont think we are there, yet…..

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago


I’ve followed your writings for many years, and paid close attention to the weird events that have happened in your life. As painful and damaging as many of them were, I need to stress that you’ve got off easy. I know people who have been ripped away from all family, completely trapped in foreign countries, tortured, and all the rest.

Their biggest concern with you seems to be just wanting to keep you from developing too much of an audience.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
1 year ago

LinkedIn could be the issue.
I know an otherwise nobody in oz whose profile got a visit from the US state dept.
He no longer uses the site.

1 year ago

You link for the “Bram Moolenaar Death, Dutch computer programmer & Vim editor has died. ” is wrong, it’s the same twitter link as the item above it.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

They’re sowing seeds for clandestine web gear production under guerrilla production realities, such as during a civil war.

T.REX ARMS – We Released all of our 3D Gun Scan Data

As a side note, he is absolutely correct about open source fueling the firearms industry. The AR15, gen 3 Glock, and 1911 are the single most overproduced firearms in North America, and the reason is because everybody has the specs to clone them readily available.
He’s also correct about the FAA killing private aviation development. There simply is no innovation in small plane design any longer other than the “experimental” kit plane category, and those planes are still largely using the same basic construction techniques as a single engine Cessna(I’ve technically wrenched on both types despite not having any formal training). There are only a very few to really embrace carbon composites which have been the staple of corporate aviation for decades back to the end of the cold war.

DarkAero, Inc – Engineering the fastest, longest-range aircraft you can build in your garage

Last edited 1 year ago by Lowell Houser
Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Watch for new ultra light regulation. The new toroidal drone/plane props are not just much quieter, they produce 20% more thrust at the same shaft output. It may represent a big leap forward since with 3d printers you can DIY these things and bypass the massive pricetag they’re trying to put on these things. Couldn’t even find a plane prop price but the commercial boat props are going for $5k instead of $500 for a typical prop.

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

Just kept on with the discussion of before yesterday, AC ¿ how could be expanded the discussion space for easier discussion?

1 year ago

“Canadian Muslims to stage ‘Million Person March’ to protest against Trudeau Liberal’s push for LGBTQ indoctrination in schools. ”
Stage is the correct term. Remember, these is an Islamic effort to coopt certain segments/directions of the right wing. Islam remains far more of a danger than most people admit.

Reply to  TheFeebleClone
1 year ago

If they will not proclaim loudly that Jesus Christ is the savior, they are the enemy. It’s coming down to that level of spiritual warfare.

1 year ago

well yall know this… but the war is vastly misreported by msm…

1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago

@Anonymous Conservative

Very big news that compounds with Don Jr. told to address the “Who is Q” question on his latest show, as reported earlier:

Donald says to watch a video that confirms the following:

“US legally became a corporation in 1871 and we are all employees/slaves” “theory” (1:42-2:22; 9:48-9:58)

Don allowed this to happen to avoid civil war 2.0 (5:48-6:11)

Below is the video and Donald’s confirmation:

1 year ago

Cross appears in sky in Jerusalem

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Ever heard of Project Blue Beam?

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
1 year ago

LOOKOUTFACHARLIE gangstalking, voice in the head technology etc. in his vids, somewhat in depth and analyzed, something with spectrum overlay of a signal on top of another frequency used as a carrier wave. RUMBLE channel here, his U-tube stuff has been deleted/gotten strikes and other typical problems they make for inconvenient information, so try these, hope he posts more there, u-tube can work but his stuff he has tried to cut out the details that might get a strike from utube. I hope this helps, definitely unique.

1 year ago
Paving the way for a whole sale rebuild of US women’s soccer with a full tranny squad of JV 16 year old boys.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Buh-bye, Victoria’s Secret Model!
BTW, Quinn on the Canadian “W”NT is openly trans. And would get punked by a JV boys squad as well.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Trump just TRUTHED this. It’s definitely worth a listen :

“It took 650 flights to remove all the US gold from the Vatican Bank.”[Trump’s doing]

“Good talking to you.”[signalling end of interview]

Trump Subpoena Power and EO 13848 – US a BANKRUPT CORPORATION – SPACE FORCE – Jan Halper-Hayes, DoD TaskForce, Former Trump Transition Team Member

Last edited 1 year ago by Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

face lifts can change earlobes appearance

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Do they change the eye color?
Because some days it is blue and some days it is brown.