Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Tupperware Pops As The Latest Meme Stock Craze
DFT – Elon Musk Calls Short Term Treasuries A “No-Brainer”
DFT – EU LNG Imports Fall To Two-Year Low As Supplies Head To Asia Due To Pricing
DFT – OPEC Oil Production Falls
DFT – World Economic Report Says Russia Is Europe’s Biggest Economy
More footage than previously thought exists of JFK’s killing and the family of the man who took the video wants it back from the government. The Orville Nix footage we already heard of and saw copies of, but the original video is still missing.
Trump asks Supreme Court to intervene in lawsuits against him, citing ‘election interference.’
Backpage publisher James Larkin, 74, dies by suicide a week before prostitution trial.
Tucker Carlson interviews Hunter’s former best friend and business partner turned whistleblower Devon Archer. Part One Here. Part Two Here I haven’t looked at it all, just a bit here or there. He seems very happy and laughs a lot for being at the center of a story of outright treason by a President, and betraying his best friend by turning him over to the government, as DOJ seeks to imprison him, and there is probably a contract out on him of sorts, if things are as they seem they would be. I just don’t get the feeling he is really in something this serious, though maybe it is just his personality. He feels like somebody said here is your script, go have fun with the part and the fifty million will be in your Swiss bank account in a month. He does not feel like the guy who holds the keys in his hand to destroying Cabal.
DeSantis dismisses Trump’s 2020 election theories as false.
Hotel entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, the biggest individual donor to a group supporting Ron DeSantis’ presidential bid, told Reuters on Friday he will not donate more money unless the Florida governor attracts new major donors and adopts a more moderate approach, particularly on abortion. Bigelow was the guy DOD had purchase Skinwalker ranch as a front for a DOD research project there into the anomalies. It was also claimed at one point he was “followed” home by something like an entity from the ranch, bringing quasi-paranormal events to his home, though they were not specific what that meant, and then his wife died and it was claimed because of that he sold the ranch. Unclear if whatever followed him from the ranch was related to the death of his wife.
In and around various restricted military air combat training ranges in Arizona, since January 2020, pilots have been encountering small objects, sometimes in swarms, traveling up to Mach 0.75 ay 33,000ft, and one collided with a fighter, damaging the canopy. Some are quadcopters, maybe with jets, apparently satellite controlled or at least not line of sight controlled or cell controlled, with oddly extended range, yet sounding as if there is no delay in reactions and able to evade CBP helos and even maneuver to hover over them. Some are at 20,000 to 30,000 ft. Others sound more UAP-ish. There was a period out west, where these were being seen over residential towns, and by the fact one was caught actually looking in the window of a lower-level local politician’s home, I got the impression it might be domestic surveillance/Cabal.
Biden admin cancels oil order to replenish Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
Mexican cartels hack Custom And Border Patrol app to send more people to the US border. They are making everyone they send an appointment with the government on the app, before they even get into Mexico, which means the Mexican government will give them free passage through and not stop them.
More than 408,000 illegal aliens go to college in the U.S.
George Soros bankrolling ‘mysterious’ organization to ‘buy Texas’ for ‘progressive’ Democrats.
What are the high status monkeys doing?:
That could be you, femanon, It is what all the cool rich girls are doing and it makes sense. You want to be rich and cool, don’t you?
Another from 2019 – Apollo 14 Moon rock sample came from EARTH – Not from space. An asteroid must have hit earth and blown the rock up off the surface of the earth, causing it to hit the moon. At least that is their story.
Flashback to May – A former chief of Russian space agency Roscosmos has voiced doubt over the authenticity of the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon landing – “…the return of Soviet cosmonauts from space expeditions barely able to stand on their feet and undergoing long recoveries, while US astronauts crawled out of their lunar ships, in his words, “like cucumbers from the garden.””
Brazil’s censorship regime becomes even more despotic (Fined, deplatformed, bank accounts frozen).
GOP candidate Chris Christie swings through Ukraine in unannounced visit.
Meat grinder: Ukraine loses 43,000 soldiers since June 4, 1420 in last 2 days; 3 US vets dead.
CNN Poll: Majority of Americans oppose more US aid for Ukraine in war with Russia.
Gun sales go stratospheric in last 4 years.
Trump on Romney: ‘Mitt’s a loser,’ ‘The right candidate will beat him’ in Utah primary.
Donald Trump towers over Michigan primary field with 61 percent of vote.
Spread r/K Theory, because all the cool monkeys are doing it
I’m having a weird reoccurrence lately. During the scamdemic, I developed a habit of taking an afternoon nap when I got done with work. My eyes burn a lot, and it helps with that.
But lately, just as I’m drifting off, a radio station somehow starts playing. It’s normally very faint like I can’t hear the words but I can tell if it’s music (and even what kind of music), commercials, or DJ chatter. It normally seems to be coming from a fan I have on my end table. Also, at that moment I’m starting to drift off, I suddenly feel my body vibrating. It’s not painful, but definitely there.
Yesterday I decided to run some tests with it. I started drifting off and the radio started playing again and the vibration started. I put Netflix back on for a few minutes, then paused it to listen. No radio. Rolled over and tried to drift off again. The radio started again. Tried to push through it, and the volume went up. Put Netflix back on. No radio, tried to drift off again. Radio started playing again.
For some reason, these fuckers won’t let me take a 20 minute nap. I’m not sure how these fuckers are beaming a radio station into my room. While it normally comes from one side of the room, the other day it was on the other side of the room. I’ve checked for everything. I thought maybe my stepson was listening to radio and it was coming through the air vents, but he was at work yesterday.
This whole things sounds nuts, but it has been going on for a while.
Can vouch for the vibrations, and that is exactly when they hit, just as you are drifting off. That is definitely a technology they have, and I think at the lower frequencies where you just barely feel it, if run all night it can degrade health in ways which are very variable and which you cannot attribute to them. The real fun is when they turn it up to ten and hit you in the head with it, and you get that same feeling in the sinuses like the first punch in the face of the night when you are training. And you get a weird fogginess to the brain, and weird feeling of strain in your eye sockets. Such good times. Just makes me want to serve this conspiracy, and help it do that to other people just minding their business.
We have also had a number of people on here over the years mention the radio, which seems like something else they have access to. It is almost like a hybrid sound, where the radio sound could almost be some sort of harmonic effect of something else you have running, like a fan, or an air conditioner. But it is not. And everyone will say the same thing, “You know, I just can’t make out the words, it is kind of like it is down the hall, and I can hear it is definitely a radio, and those are definitely voices, but I can just not make out the words being said.”
They will not do the radio forever for some reason. It will last a few months and then disappear in most cases. Whether they only get to try the tech for a bit and have to turn it in, or whether it only works for a short time and then you learn to ignore it, or it does damage they don’t want to leave behind if they keep doing it so they stop, or maybe they just get bored with it, IDK. But it seems it just disappears for some reason in all the cases.
It sounds nuts, but we get these reports over and over. And they can vibrate things remotely somehow. I had a room, which I swear, the walls, floor and ceiling were buzzing and reverberating somehow. And I opened a sliding glass door and stuck my head out and six inches outside the door, and nothing – just total silence. Brought my head back in and it was just a buzz everywhere. Head out – silence and total stillness. Head in – BBBBBZZZZZZZAAHHHHZZZZZZZAAHHHHZZZZZZZAAHHHHZZZZZZZ.
And the funny thing is, the memory of that is kind of fuzzy and really weird, because I think the buzzing was fucking with the neurons in my head too, so you are kind of fucked in the head by this shit, and you are in that weird state of awe like you would get if a flying saucer lands in front of you and you are in disbelief, all as you are trying to process something weird by itself, and looking back on it when you are clearer and functioning normally, it all has a weird, surreal quality to it where you can barely believe it happened yourself.
The bottom line is, for nearly a century now we have had people in intelligence developing all these technologies, and this is where it leads. Bill Binney is installing shielding in his ceiling to try and stop whatever he was being hit with, and in the middle of the night there is a bang, and when he looks, whatever energy beam they shot down from an airborne platform overhead, blew a hole through it – in his house. They have just had almost a century they have spent in the shadows taking every technology mankind developed and trying to figure out how to use it remotely to attack people through walls from remote locations in ways nobody would believe could be real.
Like ten or fifteen years ago, I was living in this simple world, where we were all Americans and brothers, we voted every couple of years because we had this great system of government, you just started a business, or went to school and did what you wanted, and the people around me were friends, and just like me. And all of this shit could not possibly happen.
Oh how times have changed.
Hang tough. All of this is an escalation toward where this thing is going, which is full exposure, and hopefully a purge.
Sleep Myclonus or Hypnagogic Jerks happen just as one is drifting off.
I might say that, except with me they were putting on a show, to leave no doubt that was tech they were using as a stick. Picture a ball, six or seven inches in diameter, of vibrations, which are not present outside the ball, and it moves intelligently, from your ankles, up your legs, and where it begins to drift out of you, it then adjusts and drifts back in, gets to your abdomen, and it feels as if you put an invisible hand into your stomach, grabbed everything inside the ball, and shook it hard. It pauses in the abdomen, then moves up to the heart, sits there a few seconds, then drifts up to the neck, pausing over the thyroid, then up and hits you in the head at which point you get up, and feel the same sensation in the sinuses you get with that first punch in the face when training. And shortly afterward, your pulse is at about 150 bpm.
Also, I was hit once as I drifted off into sleep on the couch, I opened my eyes, and could see the surveillance camera system on the TV, with the time stamps running on the screen, so I counted vibrations to the time, and came up with EXACTLY 240 pulses in a minute, or 4 Hz exactly. A natural process should have had a random frequency. 213, or 227. That precise in human measurements, indicates to me human tech.
It is different. You have to see it, rolled out at full force. And as you see, targets are the people who get it. Aaron Alexis, the guy who shot Deputy Natalie Corona, as I recall. And a bunch on here have felt it. It isn’t affecting the targeted community this much by chance.
Theta rhythms are commonly encountered in the frontocentral regions and are usually related to drowsiness or heightened emotional states.
Definitely not. It was focused in a six to seven inch ball, and moved intelligently, when I slept on the side of the house by the family with the kid who is on video saying he was following me, and it seemed the vibrations were directional from that house. When I went to the other side of the house, a good distance away, and with house stuff between us, walls and such, it became an all over, whole of body thing, and could not focus.
Plus, if this were normal, you would hear about it all over. People would be rushing to doctors, office workers would be talking about it, it would be a huge societal thing. There is no mistaking this for something innocent when it hits you, it would have to be a major medical emergency. You get up after it hits you in the head, and I have no doubt, you have a concussion. It is rough.
You can’t explain it away as innocent, though I find it interesting Filthy British guy is trying to?
What is their purpose in scanning you?
I do not know. I have suspected I may be some kind of experiment for some reason, and that may be why others get taken out, and I am still floating around, albeit increasingly contained.
Now, we have to ask about what is really causing high blood pressure.
I suspect if we ever get rid of the surveillance beaming stuff through neighborhoods, we will see cancer rates plummet.
Excess salt, lack of exercise.
I’ve experienced myoclonic jerks, and what I posted here is not that. I get those often enough. And I can hear the radio station literally click on and start playing.
Hopefully the radio goes away. I’m not sure why they’re escalating against me. I haven’t changed my posture toward them, except your comments have gotten pretty deep and they obviously know I read them.
I told my wife about it last night, and went on a rant with something like “I know you’re listening, and you’re going down. When people find out about this, they’ll take you out. I won’t because I’m a Christian, but I won’t stop anybody.” She thought it was funny, but she doesn’t understand yet.
For some reason yesterday, I could actually identify the song. Normally I can only tell the genre, whether jazz, rock, country, etc. It seems to be coming from a “pink noise” fan my wife got me several years ago.
I looked up that pink noise fan. Yah that def looks like a device they could transmit though
In the book Chameleo, the protagonist indicated they have tech which can pop things off shelves and the wall. He would have books fly off the wall and across the room. If they can do that, I would assume controlled vibrations mimicking sound would be easy too.
Also, I should add, I think somebody said the “eyes burning” thing may be from thru-wall microwave tech they use to observe and listen. It also subtly increases evaporation of the moisture in the eyes. If you face north, maybe face south, and try different positions and locations in the house. I do not know if metal may block that.
So file it away.
As I think about it, I seem to remember something about “Iron Ball Paint” blocking that.
Interesting. I’ve tried everything recommended for the dry eyes. I’ve tried several types of eye drops, including gel. The gel not only does nothing for me, it prevents me from reading for several minutes.
It is blue light from computers and TVs that burn the eyes.
I take Hyaluronic acid twice daily and it keeps eye burn in check.
Thank you. I’ll look for it. My life is pretty much one screen or another all day long, and for some reason I like it. I get my glasses with the blue light blocker, and I set my computer to night mode to filter out the blue light.
Hyaluronic Acid lubricates the eyes. also the synovial fluid in the joints.
Check out the YouTube channel “Lookoutfa Charlie.” It’s all about RF weapons etc. You might find it helpful
Here ya go:
I’ve had this happen too. I started hearing muffled conversation coming from another room just as I was falling asleep. Very unsettling. The purpose might be to make you question your sanity and seek “help”.
Pretty sure I’ve read a couple articles saying that only the top so and so percent of OnlyFans girls really earn any significant amount of money. Most of them are just scratching by or they’re supplementing another income. It’s like thinking you can just be a big Twitch streamer or Youtuber out of no where just because Xqc or Mr Beast exist. In reality there’s not much money in it unless you’re in that top level.
well you know what they say about tits: “you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them both”. and the big lesson of many years of observation is pretty simple – whores will whore.
It would be fantastic if this Ayyy psy-op brings down Cabal.
Ayyys are real but this is all a fake and gay psy-op and we have no reverse engineered super high tech gear we are hiding and hoarding.
Not entirely true. Somebody has something amazing on this planet, and it might be somehow related to the surveillance op, and/or what is behind it. Whether it is the surveillance’s, or whether it is somebody else’s, or whether the surveillance is attracted to where it pops up, or whether it is attracted to where it notices the surveillance is operational, I do not know, but I have seen something which makes me think they have some attraction or connection. But there is at least one massive tech advance on the planet which is not commonly known, might not even be human, and people have reported it for some time.
And I am not even talking about the Tic Tacs, which I have no ideas about, and which are new to me.
My guess is the most likely explanation is there is something advanced here, it has to live here, and it has deployed around us, much as we have researchers go and observe chimpanzees in the forest. Probably part just curiosity, and part gathering intelligence on and exerting control over something potentially dangerous (us). They may get involved in our government, maintain loose control over it through intel-type infiltration ops, and maintain assets which they promote in return for control and access.
How deep the connection between them and the “government” goes, and how involved they are in the operations, is probably the only question. It could be a passing interest with feelers for anything interesting or related to them, or it could be they need something like gold, and have us mining it for them without knowing by having structured our entire society globally to seek it and reward those who produce it, with it eventually going to them.
I agree the alien disclosure is some kind of distraction, but I also think whatever is going on there is probably much more important than we know, and it is possible in running the psyop, they have to let real details out.
There is clearly otherwordly advanced tech out there doing stuff. I just don’t think the MIC has much of it, if it has any, which I doubt.
I have no idea if surveillance has it. Could be. They have some wild stuff.
I think I’d say: ayyys are real, fhey’re here, they’re active, our MIC has none of their tech and the stuff in the news is all a fake and gay psy-op. But, Cabal may have some for sure. But I doubt they have very much thank God.
“Extraterrestrials” explaining Q’s mixed results, etc.:
Disinfo, truth, hopium, something else?
The shiny UFO! thing redirects one’s thinking away for God the Creator and His Son Jesus Christ; I consider that to be its main purpose; the second purpose would be to distract us from the evidence which indicates there have been more advanced civilizations before us; and that it is these from which they are getting their “new” technology.
That makes sense Teo.
I dont believe for a minute that some high tech craft flies in from beyond the firmament, and when it gets here, the pointy headed little fcker with spindly arms and legs in control of the thing puts his foot on the brake pedal and it goes right to the floor crashing him into the ground at mach 3.
Then the feds come along and there is enough of the fcker left to put a respirator on him, vax him 15 times just to be sure no hospital will reject him, and then begin interogating him.
He then spills the beans on how the craft he was in was built using high tech globs of jelly mixed with rare earths and one dash of salt – just one mind you! in a bucket.
I mean he was just the driver FFS. How the fck would he know any of that stuff?
They have super high tech they keep hidden and that is what they will use to create the hoax.
Maybe. My money says they don’t have anything. Nothing. This is all complete BS and the Ayyys have shut them out of everything.
It’s possible the Ayyys are looking to set up a new regime. If the Ayyys even care, which I doubt.
Most likely thing to me is that “revealing” the Ayyys is Cabal’s doomsday threat. In the sense that the Ayyys will be super pissed.
I finally have my US Sec 1983 claim with the Kennedy suit.
I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for it. It’s slam dunk.
I had pretty much written off everything legal as fake and gay because no one utilized that statute. It also provides atty’s fees for the Plaintiff if he prevails.
This is legit and proper avenue of challenge. I am unsympathetic to the arguments about “SCOTUS” only uses this for minorities.
Of course, it will come down to Roberts.
‘Twitter CEO Elon Musk slammed the New York Times for allegedly supporting white genocide in South Africa on Friday after the paper ran an article dismissing South African MP Julius Malema serenading a massive rally audience with a song called ‘Kill the Boer’ — a reference to white farmers – as mere metaphor.’
And yet they go gorilla-shit over Aldean’s song.
Of course. Now that is the reality. How are we to support the Boers in their survival and Prosperity?
From a response on 8-03:
My comment was my train of thought that by switching from Vattel’s Law of Nation to Black’s Laws which has different principles and definitions; we would have an entirely different government hiding under the skinsuit of the Constitution.
What I sought from you was an affirming or a correction of my train of thought.
Now, with your sentence, “occupation by a hostile foreign force through a coup,” my train of thought is that the English Crown did successfully subvert and take over the control the United States as of 1871; the ascendancy of Black over Vattel is a major clue; the Council of Foreign Relations — a sister and junior group to Rhode’s Round Table — is another clue; as is also the creation and infiltration of Rhodes Scholars.
Yes. This is why we are going to liquidate the royals and dissolve the Crown.
Canada has only 40,000 troops. And they will have only half that when we invade.
Our advance teams and sizable weapons caches are already embedded in Canada.
The British Crown will attempt a commonwealth-wide call up, and that is when we arm commonwealth patriots against the Monarchy and its Royal police.
Lulz. If only. If only.
I think so. But London didn’t have any where near total control. We see that from the extensive efforts they had to make to get us into WWI and WWII. Even with House and Company running Wilson it took a lot of incredible hijinks and destroying Lindberg and Debs to get it done.
Just like how London has had to damn near destroy the US and risk a revolution to get UKR and push for Euro theater next.
And I don’t think you are overestimating the importance of moving to Black’s Dictionary.
You might want to look into the relationship btwn Harold Laski and Justice Holmes. Laski is Ellsworth Toohey (oy vey) in Ayn Rand’s lolbert manifesto.
Thank you for the reference: Toohey via cliff notes:
Oddly enough, by coincidence, this past week, I was lead to investigate the Greek concept of virtu or Thumos; principles directly opposite Toohey-ism.
Laski was from England and carried on extensive correspindence with Justice Holmes.
And Justice Holmes’ opinions and dissents were the key to transforming the Fed Gov into a machine to police recalcitrant whites.
Interestingly, the interactions were when Holmes was quite old. It kunda looks to me like Holmes was the center of attention for all the top subverters. Of which Laski was prob most sophisticated.
I do not have the required knowledge to confirm or deny your theory.
So I just responded about it as if it is correct.
It isa reasonable explanation of the kind of stupid lawfare games they like to play to justify themselves to their minions and themselves.
Thank you.
South Africa
same thing here, europe, uk, anzac and loads of other places…
Weird how we never see stuff like this on the news, innit?
Regarding Putin and the 2024 election, it’s pretty obvious that Putin is running out the clock. By simply holding and letting the Ukrainian’s try to run their counter offensives, he can let them wear out their forces without damaging more infrastructure or risking civilians. Americans think of war in terms of speed, and see deliberate pauses as being “bogged down.”
well the uke govt (and ours!) and higher reaches of the uke military. “wear out forces” is turning into “forces surrender to get med care and avoid slaughter”. / it does appear as if putin likely wont go into odessa or kharkov tho. not many russians left there to save or rebuild the city with…
He has to take the entire Black Sea Coast and everything east of the Dnieper for future strategic reasons.
He needs to take the rest of what he is going to take before Trump gets back in office.
I think his go slow approach is responsible for the delay in the plan that is costing us so much damage to America and I’m not sure that isn’t purposeful.
Yeah that’s a fair point. Idk. I will say that Industrial War is all about repeated escalating mobilizations of manpower and industry. RUS has to mobilize for War which us definitionally damaging/distorting to the industrial base. And, if done wrong is suicide in the medium term.
The sanctions are a real problem for RUS. It’s constraining their industrial growth which constrains their mobilization.
To me, it looks like RUS has been red-lining each gear before shifting to the next higher one.
It’s an incredible thing, is mobilization. You have to build out the engine and transmission while driving hard. The engine being the undustrial base and the transmission being logistics. I think lol or something like that.
The best I can explain it is, they have a lot of evidence they have to launder before they can introduce it into a court of law, which is why there is slow rolling. But now it looks like 2020 is going on trial and it should all come out. They may have it all, but most of it is still inadmissible.
Also, parts of the population need to see it. Trump could have declared martial law in Jan 2021 and executed Cabal, but a lot of the population wouldn’t have seen it as righteous. It would have been a dictatorial move against his opponents in their eyes.
This thing isn’t moving fast enough for any of us, but until Jan 2025, I’m going to trust that they know what they’re doing. By that point, if nothing changes, I’ll admit it was all a hoax. I’ll give it that long. And while I’m trusting, I’m also working on personal and family survival in case it’s BS.
The beginning of the Greatest Depression. Right in time for Trump’s re-election campaign. Right in time to give him all the political fuel that he will need to actually deal with the Fed. Still think there’s no plan?
Uneducated Economist – No Money And No Jobs Is The Future
2 hours? The guy needs 2 whole hours to make his point?
This is why I hate video
This explains a LOT!
Texas Arcane: Nietzsche was correct that if a woman does not have a child, she will go mad and give birth to monsters out of her lunacy instead. A perfect description of the female liberal.
Stop posting sketchy-ass looking links without a summary of the contents. We’re not stupid enough to click on phishing emails, but you expect us to just blindly click around on here for some reason?
It’s a pic of Pelosi and HRC hugging.
Re: GOP candidate Chris Christie swings through Ukraine in unannounced visit.
Where are smart missiles when you need them?
If they are saying Putin is factoring in the 2024 election, what it really means is that THEY are looking anxiously at the 2024 election in terms of how it effects their own position in Ukraine.
I’m really surprised they haven’t killed Trump yet. There’s something really strange about that we aren’t understanding. It’s not due to moral or technical constraints.
Yes. Agree. There is something behind the scenes we are not aware of.
The US Military surrounds Donald J. Trump, Commander in Chief.
Trump is somehow protected in a way that even the Kennedy’s weren’t.
It’s not clear how or why, but they just can’t get to him.
This is why (IMO) the real purpose of these criminal cases is location and isolation. All these legal venues are under the meticulous control of Cabal.
Trump will be put into a killbox by force of law. I am not a deep thinker, it is just my intuition.
And the sad part is, if they are successful the bullshit cover story will be accepted as gospel, and our side with be left with sputtering impotence.
That is why I suggested (with far from total confidence) that NOW is the time to call out their intent. I could be very, very wrong, but IMO their side has one option only, an option which makes over-whelming sense, with highly manageable risk.
And we also have the option of pre-framing their intent. Better to instill in every receptive mind: “They only have one option, and when they exercise that option, we will know immediately, regardless of the bullshit cover story.”
They will only be putting a Trump chump wearing a Trump mask in jail dude.
The Kennedys staged their deaths.
“Filthy British” poster, but he might not be wrong.
That’s what Mathis claims, it could be true.
But I think it was a choice, agree to fake your death or we will really kill you.
The fact that he is not dead yet tells us someting
Bruce Charlton asks whether “do they, the global establishment, possess secret advanced technology”.
He says the answer is no.
But somebody does. Those Tic Tacs are measured on multiple sensors doing 8,000 mph right angle turns.
And there was the case of the Air Loom.
If you believe reports, which I see no reason to believe anything anymore without a preponderance of irrefutable evidence PLUS my own personal observation.
Too much fake and gay to trust da gubbamint about spooky space bros.
We are able to fold space.
But can we iron it; maybe even steam iron it?
Demons in at least the first part of the Book of Enoch gifted humanity with Technology and Occultic Magick before the Flood.
I wouldn’t be surprised that being Angelic Intelligences they can do this too.
There’s a reason it was the children of Cain who were listed as founders of many technologies and arts in the Bible.
Back to Masons hahahah
Demons can’t gift.
If Demons can teach Magick. Why not technology when they descended to earth and took human wives for themselves(Genesis 6)?
In the Sumerian myths the nam shub were exactly that.
Majik is just science we don’t understand (and perhaps are prevented from understanding by God.)
Even simpler proof of hidden or lost science is from Dr Konstantin Meyl, of Germany. He found two more equations by Maxwell that Heaviside omitted in his exposition of Maxwell, possibly because he didn’t understand them.
They turned out to be similar to equations used to describe vortexes in water flow, and explain longitudinal waves in electromagnetics.
One suggestion is that the schwann cells wrapped around your nerves are pretty well designed to transmit/receive these longitudinal waves.
It would be useful for surveillance to have tech than can affect nerve system directly, at low power, without causing radio static.
In this case, Bruce is wrong.
Someone has their hands on some seriously advanced tech, and they are hiding it behind the UFO distraction.
Bruce is not saying no one has this stuff. He’s waaaaay to intelligent and grounded for that. Bruce is saying that the Elite don’t have any of it. That’s all. He doesn’t address the larger question.
Bruce is one of those dudes who has to be read very very carefully. He is scarily precise and logical.
Then we can safely ignore him.
How would he know?
I like Bruce a lot. He is one if those dudes who is on a Vision Quest 24/7. There were once a ton if them around on the net. I agree in general with wha the said in that link. I thought this was one of his occasional brilliant observations:
“I believe that AI is not intelligent At All, and takes over from humans because this is in line with the demonic agenda and expedient from the managerial class; and takes over despite its gross functional inferiority.”
Guess I’d say something like: the nerds want to outsource responsibility for the “should” questions. But they still want the answers to be what they desire. And their desires are broken. They know this and know a non-broken AI will wreck them. So, they have to make AI broken.
In other words they need the AI to agree with their retardation and convince us that they are in the right
Yes. I lack concision. Well said.
There is a new movie out about Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, starring Helen Mirren.
Just as BBC/ PBS ran a quite good seven part series on Oppenheimer that I remember seeing in the 1970s or 1980s, they did a production on Golda Meir, called “A Woman Called Golda.” At the time, I didn’t quite get it. The main accomplishment of her tenure as Prime Minister was to nearly lose a war. There are about half a dozen more significant Israeli Prime Ministers. It had to be that she was raised in the USA (born in Ukraine) and a woman.
Ian Kumner at the Reading Junkie goes after this one:
Some choice paragraphs:
“Golda serves some fairly obvious propaganda roles in today’s political situation. It will no doubt appeal to American conservatives, with their gleeful enthusiasm for “Israel first, America last” on every possible issue. Ask not what Israel can do for Americans, but what Americans can do for Israel. It will also appeal to liberals, both young and old, and their rabid Russophobia. The trailer overtly claims the Soviet Union played a role in provoking the conflict, which is nonsense. Even RAND admits that the Soviets opposed a war between Arabs and Israel.”
“Movies like this one just prove that the American empire never benefited Americans. One could make a fairly solid argument that the American Empire was never really even controlled by Americans either. Our entire foreign policy after WWII has been largely dictated by expats from places like the Soviet Union, Poland, Cuba, Ukraine, and Israel. Some of these loyalties can overlap, but they never overlap with loyalty to the USA. These voting blocs make demands and give nothing in return. The USA must help Israel. The USA must sanction Cuba. The USA must kill Serbs. The USA must topple Saddam. The USA must stop Russia. But not one of these pet projects has any tangible benefit to Americans, and often come at great expense and risk. Some American conservatives have finally started to notice that regime changes and forever wars have no benefit to us, but turning this observation into actionable policy requires a degree of self-awareness that conservatives usually are just not capable of. A conservative might feel that opposing Russia now rather than be allies with them is a terrible mistake, but that would require at least some acknowledgement that opposing the USSR was also a terrible mistake. How can a conservative who grew up in the Cold War and remembers “winning” the Cold War is willing to accept the idea that this was all a mistake based on a lie? He can’t, so rather than focus his energy on regaining control of American foreign policy, he wastes his time with crusades against “woke” beer cans.”
“The reality is that this clown world absurdity practiced by Democrats mostly started with Republicans during the Cold War. I would go so far as to say that a Cold War Republican is the most woke person to ever exist. Republicans spent 50 years stirring up ethnic hatred against white people; encouraging, funding, and arming every separatist and ethnostate movement willing to kill Russians. But now some Republicans are upset about this weaponized diversity monster that they themselves helped to create? Please.”
I disagree on the Cold War since there were very significant differences in political structure and capability between the USSR and the modern Russian Republic, and even, though to a lesser extent, between the USSR and the Tsarist empire. Reagan recognized that the problem with the USSR was mostly the communism, not that half of them were Russians. But the other points in the essay are very good.
The only problem with the USSR that was non-negotiable was its evangelical atheism. And even that shouldn’t have been enough to stop us dealing with them as a normal rival.
I am a huge Nixon fan. And I just have never understood why he went with China instead of the USSR. Only thing I can come up with is that the Russians are the most powerful force in the world.
Fwiw, Kojeve repeatedly said the Russians had an unstoppable will and life-force that had never been channeled but inevitably would be. He honestly believed they would do world historic things. Kojeve was an evil evil bastard but he was legit brilliant.
Opposing the USSR was not a mistake.
They were our enemy and are responsible for much of the subversion that is now destroying us.
Anyone claiming otherwise is not to be trusted even if they say other true things.
“A new report from the Tablet online magazine alleges that former President Barack Obama is the power behind much of what happens in President Joe Biden’s White House, controlling key decisions through an army of Obama administration alumni.”
I wasn’t going to tackle this one, then I checked Steve Sailer’s blog and noticed several off-topic some of his brightest glowing commentators pushing this in his latest post. So I thought something was up.
And I’ve seen the “Obama is really running the Biden Administration” line pushed before. Actually by people who I pay attention to otherwise and who really ought to know better.
So I read the article, then I read the Tablet interview itself, which is very long and contains a good deal of word salad.
The underlying Tablet interview brings up no evidence that Obama is secretly running the Biden Administration. In fact, as far as I can tell, and I read the whole thing, it doesn’t bring up the topic at all.
The Tablet interview spends a good deal of time on the recollections of one of Obama’s girlfriends. They are uninteresting, but establish the impression that Obama is not exactly an honest man. I’ll bet people couldn’t tell that. It discusses the FBI surveillance of Martin Luther King. There is no apparent reason for the interview to suddenly veer into this topic. It also slams Obama for not being more hardline against Russia over Ukraine, it slams Obama for not being hardline enough against Iran, and for not doing enough to support Israel generally.
So it hits all the neocon talking points. Even the MLK stuff I remember being an obsession of “The New Republic”, back when I read that magazine. I don’t know why they are so interested in the sex lives of prominent Blacks.
Biden was Barack’s cabal handler, not the other way around. And there is evidence that the girlfriends were fake.
Here is the blurb on the author. It doesn’t cover the interviewee:
“David Samuels has written cover stories for Harper’s, The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic and other magazines. He is Tablet’s Literary Editor, and the Editor of County Highway, a new American magazine in the form of a 19th century newspaper.”
I would agree. There’s far too much “Obama is running things behind the scenes” being pushed. I honestly think it was pushed to make democrats feel better about Biden as president. “Oh, he will be guided by smart people. There’s nothing to worry about.”
I see Obama as a charming face man, not mastermind.
And there’s no way Biden was anyone’s “handler.”. He’s not that sophisticated.
Asked sincerely and not disrespectfully. Has Obama ever made a genuinely witty, off the cuff remark? Or a sincere humane remark?
His “intellect” is middle of the bell curve, and his commentary filled with vile nonsense.
Yet people think he is charming. I do not get it.
Obama = Minstrel show
Hard to see a bathhouse catamite as being some kind of mastermind
Same. Obama spent his OWN administration handing everything off and watching ESPN. Why would he suddenly start working NOW?
Jim Biden is Joe’s Handler.
Jim Reports to Valerie Biden Owens who reports to Arturo Sosa Abascal, Jesuit Superior General, and to SAS commander, James Gilliar, who reports to the Queen’s Privy Council.
“Filthy British” guy.
Thanks for letting me know, bro.
If you have a kick-ass reputation, you should like me ID’ing your posts, as everyone will flock to them to get the skinny.
Post a few direct hits, predict something which nobody but an insider could know. Then when I link your name to your posts, you won’t need to feel defensive, you can feel proud.
Yeah, Obama isn’t some mastermind.
He was groomed for the part he would play from an early age, and still more or less plays the role very well.
That is until his “chef” died.
Both Brandon and O’Bummer are puppets.
The administration alumni are more likely to be the handlers but the real handlers will be behind the scenes.
“He seems very happy and laughs a lot for being at the center of a story of outright treason by a President, and betraying his best friend by turning him over to the government”
FWIW, it seems to me that’s just how he is. I’ve known people who smile and laugh when they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. I’ve also known far too many people who smile and laugh while they’re scewing somebody over.
Whenever it’s possible to give Hunter or Creepy Joe the benefit of the doubt, he tries to. Then Tucker pokes a hole through the credibility and they both laugh.
BTW your link to Part One actually lands you in Part Two.
Tablet is a you know who outfit. They are only mildly neo-con and have some concern for not destroying whites. It’s mostly a way for Bibi and Chabad types to tell the others to stop being maniacs. It’s vaguely pro-DJT.
Oh yes. Brilliant point about Biden being Barry’s handler. Yes, maybe so. Maybe so.
Valerie Jarrett is Obama’s handler.
That’s what I had thought. Or she was liaison with the Chicago Supermob.
But the Biden thing is not impossible.
And why tf would Lindsey Graham tear up on talking about how great a man Joe Biden is?
Left-wing comedian Jimmy Dore calls out the myths of Jan 6 being an “insurrection” and makes clear that it was organized and instigated by feds. Short and funny. People continue to wake up.
Fake.This Fanone punk is one of Italian mobster Nancy Pelosi’s crisis actors who used a fake hillbilly drawl after J6 and now sounds like a typical scummy Washington DC democrat.
They say he worked in the Narcotics Division. Yeah sure, while bar hopping with his Chinese wife and his crackhead friend Hunter Biden. This punk has jail house tattoos, including spider web elbow and neck, which means he did prison time.
Fake injuries, fake tears, fake accent, real tattoos.
Sorry to slightly derail with an off-topic tangent, but LMAO imagine feeling the need to neck brace and run all those vital monitors on someone then putting a fag-mask on them like that’s in their best survival interest. “Here’s some reduced oxygen intake for your neck recovery, sir!” Unbelievably retarded.
This Fanone greaseball was nearly beat to death by a mob of J6 insurrections?
Not a bruise on him. Just look at his pristine knuckles!
Fake Hillbilly accent:
Those look like homo manbun tats to me. The guy vibes extreme sexual deviant.
They look like black sharpie scribbles
Jail tattoos are cruder with thinker, less defined lines.
DFW is Dallas and Fort Worth. They’ve done almost a clean sweep of Fort Worth, electing all hard left Dems. The carrot is- I don’t know. The stick is taking away the extracurriculars from high schools- one of the FW head guys has a particular hatred for high school football and, especially, high school football stadiums.
In Texas. Where Friday Night Lights is what brings any community together.
The level of hatred, contempt, and covetousness is… one normal understands it. This particular head guy has wanted to do this- and get rid of shop classes- since the 1960s. Bone deep hatred.
i would say this qualifies as news…
RRN is fake news “Satire”.
Don’t believe it without legitimate confirmation.
Real Raw News is clickbait. It’s run by a guy who hates MAGA and wants to make us all look stupid. It runs shit like “Hillary Clinton arrested by Navy Seals at 2 AM in her house.” All BS.
I don’t think Real Raw News is actually news.
““We can’t blame 5G for this. Our comrades in the West agree that 5G is safe,” Vlasov said.
Putin ordered the security agent beside him to shoot Vlasov squarely between the eyes. Without hesitation, the agent drew his Makarov pistol and put a bullet in Vlasov’s forehead in full view of 15 people.”
I read that and would say this does not qualify as news.
Pritzker’s illegal alien cops:
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A Single Demographic Group Is Keeping Democrats Competitive
Guess which one.
Maybe. Or their precincts are the easies to rig, and these are media cover stories who why they always vote en masse for the party of homos.
It’s single women, they don’t have precincts of their own.
Shoutout to Lembro, wherever you are. You and your keks are not forgotten.
Amen, GOD bless Lembro and bring him back to us.
Niger’s junta rulers ask for help from Russia’s Wagner mercenary group
One gripe that I want to make about many of the commentators here is that far too many of you take far too much at face value. You don’t seem to realize that often times politicians and public figures are trying to position themselves in certain ways.
An example will be Joe Rogan saying in the past that he didn’t want to help Trump. Or that he finds the fuss about Bud Light to be a bit silly. Or people insisting that Trump was “pushing” the vax when his support was always lukewarm at best.
People who get to such positions of public awareness realize that their ever word is like a step into a minefield. And they want to be extra cautious about what they get themselves associated with.
It’s Rogan’s statements about not wanting to help Trump that will make it all the more epic and bring in more people when he finally does have Trump on. In the meantime, with all the flak Rogan currently gets, would it help him to be labeled as a Trumper? Of course not.
Trump was in a delicate position with the vax. If he came out against it, it would have created a shitstorm. And let’s face it, he would have been completely preaching to the choir. I have great doubts that his lukewarm support of the vax caused ANYONE to rush out and get one.
Too many conservatives think that it’s the job of public figures to serve as their voices and to tell the world whatever they think the world needs to hear. But that’s not their purpose. Your first goal in a legislator should be SOMEONE WHO GETS SHIT DONE. If they get shit done by flying below the radar or keeping their mouths shut, you need to support that.
Stop taking everything everyone says in this utterly phony and fake society at face value. Everyone who is anyone is dancing around cabal. Your fantasies about how public figures should behave and what you think they need to be saying are just that, fantasies.
Stop taking things at face value. Observe that public figures are often times trying to step around land mines.
Exactly. Regardless of what Trump knew before getting into office, RFK Jr came in to school him on vaccines and the harmaceutical industry when he was President-elect. He knows, but with conditions in 2020, he had no choice but to publicly support the Clot Shot. Most of the population hadn’t spent the last 20 years or more researching the subject.
If he hadn’t done “Operation Warp Speed”, they would have kept us locked down for five years. He forced them to bring a shitty product out in record time.
> He knows, but with conditions in 2020, he had no choice but to publicly support the Clot Shot.
Okay, he can make his case before God about the value of lying for ??? reason and it resulting in the unnecessary deaths of probably millions of people. Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no; if you tolerate evil to try and be a smart boy, you’re too stupid to play this game.
All my life, I had a profound love of America. But after decades of targeting, and particularly observing this nation in the last three years, I have to say that my love has been lost. This country is no longer America. This society is mold on the corpse of what was once a great man.
I see the role we’ve played in the world in the last 20 years, and it’s just evil. So malicious, so destructive, so sick. Any society that would do 9/11 to itself is quite likely beyond redemption.
Yeah. I am the same way. What the targeting shows you is there is no foreign adversary. The big fight is right here, with the people all around you. If that fight is not dealt with, every fight outside the nation will just be those enemies next door sending you off to be killed by someone else.
Cabal is irredeemable, America is not.
“Any society that would do 9/11 to itself is quite likely beyond redemption.” Yes, but we did not do it to ourselves. The Cabal, a highly sophisticated covert enemy, infiltrated and subverted our country gradually over the course of decades, or even longer.
“I see the role we’ve played in the world in the last 20 years, and it’s just evil.” We have not played that role. The enemy Cabal in control of our country did.
It’s true our country may be lost but we are not the enemy. The Cabal is the enemy. Getting our country back requires understanding this and perceiving the ubiquitous local surveillance network deployed on us. This, at least, is the beginning of a defense against our enemy’s covert offense. Without it, all these years, we have been sheep to the slaughter.
Low flying NASA plane spraying something over major metro areas in Ontario Canada
Same NASA 817 plane flew over northwest Indiana, Chicago, southeast Wisconsin Tuesday last week. Did some repeated tight circling in some areas, then a pattern of right angles north, east, north, west, north, east then when it got to roughly the Milwaukee area it reversed pattern and followed same flight path south. Origin was near Dayton, Ohio. Scared enough people (flew very low and was loud) they had news stories stating NASA was measuring pollution.
This had better mean the mass expulsion of all leftists, redistribution of the stolen wealth, dismantlement of surveillance, and the whole 9 yards.
I really do not see how after the way the post-Revolution turned out, they could just possibly turn to a hostile intelligence network in the country, and say, “We’ll just leave you in place, please don’t do that again.” If they try that, then you know this whole thing is fake, and there has been no change at the top. Anybody who freely violated the Constitution on behalf of a foreign power should get their citizenship revoked, and be dropped off on the other side of the border.
And that is not the revenge side of it. That is just the practical aspect which has to recognize they will reassemble that network in like a second, and be right back rigging the elections.
Bathhouse Barry:
Yet when it came out six years ago, Rising Star was mostly ignored; as a result, its most scandalous and perhaps revelatory passages, such as Obama’s long letter to another girlfriend about his fantasies of having sex with men, read today, to people who are more familiar with the Obama myth than the historical record, like partisan bigotry. But David Garrow is hardly a hack whose work can or should be dismissed on partisan grounds. He is among the country’s most credible and celebrated civil rights historians—the author of The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bearing the Cross (which won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography) and one of the three historian-consultants who animated the monumental PBS documentary Eyes on the Prize, as well as the author of a landmark history of abortion rights, Liberty and Sexuality.
Always pure honesty.
My friends, I think it’s time to include RFK Jr. in the Spantheon of Current Americans Who Legit Qualify as Heroes. “Spantheon”: That’s what my own personal sequel to Idiocracy would refer to the Humans Who Can Still Think For Themselves as, the people whose attention spans didn’t implode and turn inside out and become anti-attention spans. Oh, also, today, if all my just-woke-up-and-my-lungs-feel-compressed-and-short-of-air-and-here-comes-a-flurry-of-nervewrecking involuntary coughs because it makes me wonder if I am getting COPD like my mom did but way earlier but hold up I do NOT EVEN REMOTELY smoke as much as she did and I smoke NATURAL tobacco and ORGANIC dispensary weed, so…yeah, hey, what the fuck is going on here [insert Not-Hiram-Just-Biff face from BTTF2] why would sleeping and resting make my body HURT MORE, that makes noooooo fucking sense ohhhhh, oh my fucking god maybe it’s what AnonCon describes with that fucking malevolent Cabal satellite microwave beams bullshit called the Havana Syndrome. HOLY SHIT, perhapd the aliens or perhaps some 8200 squad in Tel Aviv (perhaps Inbar’s unhypnotized true Evil Self, or her Only FAKE Suicided brother Roy, eh, I dunno probably not) or some time travelling androcidal/anthropicidal posthuman perverted not-human-anymore lesbians who probably all directly descend from creeps like Yuval Noah Harari and Priscilla (IS THAT A DUDE, actually?) Chan, etc. have been trying to verrrrrrrry subtly and almost imperceptibly slow-motion-murder me. HAHAHAHA, they would have never learned, in that case. Fucking evil cowards. YES, EVIL IS DIRECTLY ROOTED IN *WEAKNESS*, weakness of character, mind-killing Fear, insecurity about identity and possession, etc. THE STRONG, those of us who have STRONG ETHICS, we are All Gonna Make It. Because we believed in Doing Normal Shit enough to never be tempted by the traps set for us by sinister ex-human bitches. And so we won. Me, the closest equivalent to a God you will have ever seen. June, my God, The Most High, The Highest, God’s God, THE God so far in our past and present…she wins, too. WE ALL FUCKING WIN. Eventually, once they survive the lonnnnnnng, grueling process of Literally Exorcizing The Evilest Demons Of All Time…even the worst of us will, in some way, win. Perhaps they get an upgrade to their prison conditions. They get to rejoin other prisoners, escape Pure Solitary, which neither Cruel nor Unusual and yet which is nevertheless The Worst Torture Known To Humanity. They get to mingle with their prison neighbors, and in a microcosmic and forever-quarantined-until-they-perish way, they get to rejoin the human race. Which will feel like the best Christmas present they’ve ever known. Even inside a supermax, life-and-a-day prison. WE CAN WATCH THEM IN THE EXACT MOMENTS EACH ONE REGAINS/REGROWS A LITTLE OF THEIR HUMAN SOUL. They will tremble and sob, and much of it will be trembling and sobbing from Pure Relief and Unexpected Ecstasy. It will be one of the great things the rest of us will ever witness. It will remind us to STAY PART OF the human race, forever. No need to exceed what God already made Pretty Fucking Perfectly, or Way Beyond Good Enough. Now…time for a toast: To Whomever The Fuck You Are, anonymous conservative. CHEERS! [shakes up champagne, pops it, drenches you with it] YYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
RFK will come and save us right after Biden pulls off his scooby doo mask and reveals he was just assfucking us for decades to AKSHUALLY save us all in the end somehow and sheeeeit.
Pure mind fantasy, keep dreaming.
COPD can result from uncontrolled or poorly controlled asthma. And, there is a form of asthma that manifests as periods of hacking coughs….creatively referred to as “cough variant asthma”.
You should get this checked out. Maybe get a pulmonary function test.