News Briefs – 08/02/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – More German Consumers Cannot Afford Meals With Meat

DFT – Uranium Price Warning After Niger Coup

DFT – Gazprom Breaks Record On Gas Deliveries To China

DFT – Iran Oil Production And Export Soars

DFT – US Officials Upset Fitch Downgrades US Credit Rating From AAA To AA+

New JFK documents reveal assassin’s CIA monitor was Jewish spy Reuben Efron. “For decades, armchair analysts scrutinizing the mysteries of former US president John F. Kennedy’s assassination have fixated on who, exactly, opened his future assassin’s mail while he was under CIA surveillance ahead of the shooting.” He ultimately moved to Israel, so could have been quasi-Israeli intelligence.

It is important to understand, surveillance is not what your normal person would think it is. It isn’t you trying to follow someone, and losing them, or breaking into their house to plant an archaic “bug” microphone radio transmitter that stops transmitting at a crucial moment due to a battery dying. You cannot imagine what arises after decades of doing it, encountering those incidents and planning to prevent them next time. Because with experience, you learn where you have holes in your techniques and you plug them. You develop technologies beyond imagination, that let you listen and monitor everywhere, from a goodly distance so you never have to break in. And you learn how to suck up everything, see everything, hear everything, get analysts who specialize to analyze everything. After decades, a century, nothing gets past you.

If Oswald was under surveillance, there is no way he spontaneously did even a lone-wolf assassination and his surveillance did not pick up on his planning and prep, and know what was coming. I have told you real surveillance (from Cabal/non-fantasy-camp-CIA, not some law enforcement agency’s half-assed approximation) does not roll out piecemeal, because that leaves holes any semi-aware target could exploit, and you might as well not do anything, instead of gaining a false sense of security from a half-assed op. When a surveillance package is requested, the whole package goes out and is applied to the target, because if he is worth any of it, he gets it all. Technical monitoring of everything, at least one observation post with a sightline to the primary entrance/exit to the target’s residence, and ideally every entrance/exit covered. Pole tech deployed to monitor the road at the target’s house, local vehicular and foot put on call and in box positions controlling the target’s location, social infiltration, monitoring of all communication from mail to phone, to internet, to chats on the street, even aviation on call. It is all made available. I suspect there is even some central control center assigned to it in an office building full of control centers, which is set up like the bridge on Star Trek, with TV screens, and speakers, and computers, and busy drones working them, and one central person coordinating it, like out of a movie.

Oswald did not get in a car in which he carried a rifle out to and put it in, the day the President was in town, head to a building on the President’s route, get the rifle out of his car and inside the building, in a room with a sightline to where the President would be, and his surveillance team was scratching their heads, wondering what could possibly be going on? There is no way they did not know he put a rifle there in the building. Right now, were I facing a Kennedy-era level of ground surveillance, I could not do that, unless I took extraordinary measures Oswald could not take, and even then I would only buy myself maybe a 50 percent chance of success at the start, which would rapidly drop as I approached where Kennedy was going to be, and I began to once again run into the ground surveillance which was no doubt deployed around the President, both the major Cabal surveillance, and the more minor Secret Service surveillance.

And it is worth noting, in this period they had the exact same network I describe, because Pulitzer Prize winning author of A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole, described exactly what I am dealing with, descending on him. From the vehicular follows, to foot surveillance, to the infiltration in his college classes, to him being certain they had installed bugs in his home.

If Oswald was under surveillance, then Kennedy likely ran into the same secretive unit Timothy McVeigh described to his sister being sheep dipped into out of Special Forces training. It is probably the same unit Snowden got sheep dipped into out of his Special  Forces training in the exact same way, and probably the same unit which ran 9/11, and which had elements assigned to all the planes at the airports, so if a hijacking didn’t happen, as occurred at JFK, they could take over the plane once everyone deboarded and get it somewhere secure, to strip out whatever support tech they had installed in it before it was found. That unit, whatever it is, must go way back. And I’ll bet it is a lot bigger than we could imagine. It is not impossible the surveillance, maybe as much as 9-10 percent of the population, know about it, and know they periodically run support for its operations. Maybe the surveillance is even a permanent wing of it.

I would love to know how they take someone like McVeigh, who sounded kind of like a patriot when he was 19, and get him to a point where he would plant a truck bomb outside a government building, to help Clinton get himself re-elected and enact more gun control. Maybe McVeigh was always in the conspiracy and was surveillance from the time he was a kid, and everything was an act. Or maybe he was MK Ultra’d into some kind of windup toy. Either way, there is a fascinating story there.

Former President Trump was indicted Tuesday on charges stemming from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.

Jesse Waters [reading from indictment] :

They lead off with saying ‘the president lied about election fraud, and knew there was no fraud.’ How do they know they he knew that there was no fraud? And if this goes to trial, are we going to now have to go back and find fraud in the 2020 election? Does this open up the entire 2020 election in a court setting, to Donald Trump going back and proving that there was indeed fraud, and presenting evidence of fraud, and having that challenged in the court?

Jack Smith’s charges against Trump include a potential death penalty.

Trump indictment continues the pattern: Trump indicted the day of, or after, bad news for Biden breaks.

The judge assigned to Trump’s January 6th indictment is going to be a nightmare.

Trump’s D.C. judge worked for law firm that employed Hunter Biden, lobbied for Burisma.

From twitter:

President Trump was NOT charged with Insurrection or Seditious Conspiracy This means that despite the very serious headaches this indictment will cause during the campaign, he will not be prohibited from being President under the Constitution If he wins, he can pardon himself If he loses, he will likely be imprisoned This is what’s at stake

Mike Pence on Trump indictment: Trump put ‘himself over the Constitution,’ should ‘never be President.’

Former President Donald Trump’s political action committee, which began last year with $105 million, now has less than $4 million left in its account after paying tens of millions of dollars in legal fees.

Pennsylvania state judge ruled that President Donald Trump is protected by presidential immunity for the statements he made creating doubt about the 2020 election results while in office.

New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office announced Tuesday that it is ready to proceed with a trial in a massive $250 million lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, two of his children, and his company alleging that they engaged in widespread fraud over several years.

Jonathan Turley warns: Biden allegations ‘shaping up to be one of the greatest scandals in history. The greatest, bar none, will be the formation of a Stasi-like intelligence service listening in homes, performing zersetzung operations, running child spies in the schools against children, and probably actually setting up 9/11, and other terrorist acts. Real Americans will never let that go, when it comes to light. Biden taking a few hundred million to do what foreigners asked him will be nothing.

The NY Times is now claiming that it “has long been known” that the president “interacted” with his son Hunter Biden’s “business partners.”

CNN claims Hunter Biden was only selling the ‘illusion’ of access to his father to overseas business associates.

House Oversight chairman says some of Hunter Biden’s blow paintings were going to China.

Michigan Democrat AG Dana Nessel follows lead of Biden’s DOJ and indicts her former GOP challenger Matthew DePerno.

An inquiry by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) into a government contractor using Israeli spy software to monitor U.S. citizens has discovered it was doing so on behalf of the FBI itself. “Hey, wait a minute buddy, that is illegal… Oh, you’re doing it for us. That’s OK.”

The intimate connection between secret societies and the nation’s political elite is as strong as ever as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) was among those present at this year’s infamous meeting of the secretive Bohemian Club at the Bohemian Grove campground in Monte Rio, California. “Society” is probably the wrong word. I do not think much in politics is social, just because these people are being selected by an intelligence operation, because they are controllable due to being some form of corrupt degenerates. Hence the saying if you want a friend in DC get a dog – everyone else there is just an intolerable asshole. So these things are most likely some form of control operation run by the intelligence operation, and there is no telling what they have to do there, or how many hidden cameras there are.

Investigative news outlet Project Veritas on Monday released an audio recording in which Ashley Biden appears to confirm her ownership and the authenticity of a diary that fell into the outlet’s possession. A diary which says as a young child she was afraid to shower while Joe was awake because he would come running in to the shower naked to molest her, so she would wait until late at night when he had gone to sleep.

FBI asks judge to block the release of secret Jeffrey Epstein files; feds claim it would taint the jury pool in ‘possible’ Ghislaine Maxwell retrial. OMG, Look, a UFO! Its just like the movies, anon!

JPMorgan Chase handled more than $1.1 million in payments from Jeffrey Epstein to “girls or women” after the giant bank says it fired the sex offender as a client, a lawyer for the U.S. Virgin Islands told a judge Monday.

DeSantis’ rats are fleeing the sinking ship as staff exodus shocks observers.

Republican campaign strategist Ed Rollins is turning away from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ 2024 presidential campaign, calling DeSantis a “flawed candidate” in a recent Rolling Stone interview. “I don’t think it’s the campaign’s fault at all; it’s his.”

DeSantis’s super PAC burned through $34 million as he slid in the polls. You wonder if it is like Bernie Sanders, and the money went to his wife’s brother’s consulting firm based out of his kitchen.

Dr. Robert Malone: COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world. Malone glows. And yet I think he may be right. So why would CIA/Cabal want people to know?

Canadian health officials asked an Ontario woman to donate organs of her husband who died after being denied an organ transplant because he did not receive the COVID-19 shots.

Democrat states urge judge to let Biden administration continue social media censorship-by-proxy.

First photos of Chinese-run lab in California experimenting with dangerous viruses and engineering mice.

Record NY Medicaid budget to shatter $100B — and migrant crisis set to only trigger another spike.

The Missouri Democrat Party used its official Twitter account to openly call for someone to burn down a Trump supporter’s house because it was draped in Trump flags.

Bernie Sanders leads lawmakers demanding DOJ prosecute fossil fuel companies for climate change.

Biden preparing to declare pandemic-like ‘climate emergency,’ energy industry insiders warn.

The efforts of parents and Nashville community members to stop the release of Covenant School shooter Audrey Hale’s writings, if successful, would be an unprecedented move that could have bigger implications going forward, an open-government expert told The Post.

18-year-old boy died after doctors tried to create a vagina from part of his colon. Could these stories be entirely made up? I mean any medical procedure, is normally tested in animals first. They had a theory that you could increase the oxygenation of blood by pumping oxygenated water into the colon like an enema so that the system in the epithelial cells of the colon which normally transports oxygen from the blood into the colon to control the types of microbes growing there, would pump oxygen back across a reversed gradient into the blood. It basically was like an enema of oxygenated water which would transfer its Oxygen to the blood – not as well as the lungs, but enough to keep somebody with massive lung damage alive until some repair could happen to make the lings more functional. It was just a flowing enema of oxygenated water. They still tested it out on anesthetized pigs first, because you do not experiment on humans.

Most medical procedures are like that, from transplants to drugs. Even cosmetics get tested on animals first. But here, you supposedly have doctors, full MDs, and surgeons to boot, the elite of medicine, who are sitting around looking at their navels, and one says, “Hey, I was wondering, after we castrate a guy, could we resect a ten inch section of his colon, stitch up what remains of the colon, transplant the resected piece of colon into a cavern we core out between his legs, turn it into a vagina, and then sew everything together, and not have him die from bacterial sepsis due to all the bacteria on the colon epithelium, given how it is basically basted in bacteria when we resect it?” And another says, “I don’t know. But you know, I have some guy who we could probably try it out on. Lets get him on the table and see!” And then the guy’s neovagina made of infected colon tissue and attached to his blood supply gives him sepsis and he dies? Really?

That is not how things are supposed to work. And it is so bizarre, either a whole section of medicine has completely lost its mind and disregarded more than a century of procedures to regress to the state of a Nazi concentration camp laboratory, or they are just making things up, Wag The Dog style, and just selling us these stories as some form of mental conditioning to disorder our ability to tell fact from fiction.

Biden administration officials have confirmed that China’s Volt Typhoon malware is much more endemic than previously thought; responders have found it planted inside numerous networks controlling the communications, power, and water feeding US military bases at home and abroad, according to The New York Times.

The military governments of Burkina Faso and Mali have warned that any military intervention against last week’s coup leaders in Niger would be considered a “declaration of war” against their nations.

Italy has admitted the vast majority of wildfires are not caused by climate change after a police drone caught an arsonist in the act.

Banks in the United Kingdom are closing more than one thousand private and business accounts every day, according to data obtained by a freedom of information request, which revealed the increasing regularity of the measure against both politically exposed persons (PEPs) and ordinary members of the public.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said on Tuesday that he plans to expedite the establishment of a contracted army using PMC Wagner fighters billeted in Belarus as the backbone of these forces.

The United States has sunk $500 million over the last decade into training and equipping Niger’s armed forces, which have now overthrown the democratically-elected president of the country who the US supported. Only Putin is brilliant enough that he could get us to blow $500 million funding his coup.

Ukrainian troops on front line admit Russians tougher than expected in ongoing counteroffensive.

A judge has reversed a decision from the University of Virginia Health System to fire a woman after she chose not to take the COVID vaccine and he ordered back pay.

Breakthrough in superconductivity: Huazhong University scientists report first successful replication of LK-99.

Miller Lite and Coors Light outsell Bud Light by 50% as distributor warns it may NEVER recover from Dylan Mulvaney backlash.

Distributors giving up on Bud Light as they no longer expect beer giant to recover from Dylan Mulvaney fiasco.

Trump leads Biden by 3 points nationwide, 6 points in swing states.

If you were armed, and within 21 feet, you could legally draw and drill this motherfucker in the center of the lower neck when he pulls the knife. The ending is not that good, but not bad:

The time a bunch of returning GI’s with guns got pissed off at government, and decided to throw it out. Imagine an entire nation, armed with AR15s, which cannot even sit on its sofas, without feeling somebody is intruding into their home, in blatant violation of the law, to fuck them over, and victimizing their children in the schools. It will be lit.

President Trump: Either ‘The Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.’ You will know if this is real or if it is Memorex, by how much death you see. These people will not give this up willingly, and they will not go peacefully into some legal system to get a fair amount of justice assigned to them. If this is real, it will devolve at the end, into them or us, and one side or the other will end up either killed, or on the run. And obviously, you will also know if it was real by whether or not after the ending, everyone knows all about the surveillance. But it is possible these are big words above.

The truth is, you cannot hold evil at bay with merely good intentions. At the end of the day if the average citizen does not have the means, the willingness, and the periodically displayed ability to actually violently kill evil, evil will walk all over the nation. IMO, any solution to the devolution of America which wishes to yield a government devoted to the good, the beautiful, and the true, as well as to true freedom, liberty, and justice, will have to condition the good Americans to be as readily violent as the evil destroying the nation, so their threat can keep evil in check. And there is only one way I see regular Americans conditioned to be like that, and for the threat they pose to appear credible. Again Q could, and maybe is Memorex.

But even if he were, other things are coming out. And I do not see Americans peacefully submitting to living under them. I have seen them myself, nobody will want to live a life like that. Their choice will feel like death, or a chance at real, utopia-like life. I don’t know exactly what is coming, but it will be anything but ordinary. I guarantee it.

Spread r/K Theory, because the good, the beautiful, and the true are worth the effort

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Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

It’s not fair to hang the JFK job on the CIA alone. Although the MSM buries the lede on anything that is not the official JFK Assassination narrative, it’s not a very well kept secret that Israel wanted JFK dead for trying to quash their nuclear ambitions. Remember that many of the big names in the mob were Jewish, and a few of them ran to safety in Israel when things in the USA got a bit sticky. Meyer Lansky, who had war-time connections to US intel, was but one example.

anon a moose
anon a moose
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

CIA = cia lite (mulvaney mimic, kayfabe)


Reply to  anon a moose
1 year ago


Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


The whole thing with Oswald is, he might not even be the killer. The arresting cop supposedly picked him up on a lower floor literally seconds after the shooting, too soon for him to have made his way from the sniper’s nest… The knoll commando photo is not easily debunked… The sheer difficulty of one man getting off all the shots… The fact that JFK’s head moved in the wrong direction for an Oswald shot…

But worst of all, the sheer number of deaths of people who were relevant to the investigation, shortly after the assassination, is staggering. From a cop getting “accidentally” shot by his partner, to Oswald himself, and other no names in between, somebody put a lot – A LOT – of effort into making sure the truth couldn’t be unravelevd, simply because so many who could have told the truth just didn’t live too long after the event.

No wonder “Babushka Lady” never got interviewed. Either she went deep into hiding, or she was in on it.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Oswald is absolutely the killer. I’ve been to the sixth floor, I’ve looked down Elm at the Xs on the concrete from the next window over, and those are not hard shots. Anyone who can’t make those shots doesn’t warrant a hunting license. The shots aren’t that rapid, either. Watch the video and cycle your own bolt action while watching. They were hurried, but not John Wick fast.
And at the end of the day, Oswald absolutely murdered Officer Tippit, and no one disputes that. Why? If he didn’t at least participate in killing Kennedy, why was he killing cops to try to get away?

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Phelps, the great thing about you is you’re almost never wrong. But you’re wrong as hell here. To keep this from being 100,000 words, I’ll keep it simple. Physics!
1) the TSBD bldg. was **behind** JFK/limo at all times of shots fired. This is not disputed by anyone. So any shots from that position would hit JFK from behind. From BACK to FRONT. making any & all exit wounds, if any, on JFK’s front side. You were there, that’s what you saw, right?
2) The Presidential limo had the stupid-ass motorcycle cop escort: 2 by 2, in a dumbshit staggered formation at the rear wheels and rear bumper, {it is said the Secret Service insisted on this} with the inside riders in front. The name of the cop riding the bike on the inside of the LEFT SIDE was Bobby Harkless. (the TSBD was back behind JFK’s right shoulder) Harkless said, of that day, that he got splattered with JFK skull/brain blowout matter “so hard I thought I had been shot.” Now that might be just ‘hysterical witness’ nonsense, but he also added that he had so much splatter all over his bike, he “had to hose it off when I got back to the shop.” That’s what lawyers call veracity. Since he was **behind** Kennedy at all times of shots fired, it also speaks of shots coming from the front right – since high-speed exit splatter is not known to make U-turns in air. (yes yes, I’m aware of the FBI {spit} “expert” who postulated some kind of ‘super-bullet vacuum effect!’ awhile back)(fuck that lying DS scumbag) Then too, see #3
3) The SS guy who ran up to the car (it was stopped, oh yes it was)(if it wasn’t stopped, how did he catch up to it?) and jumped up the trunk to push Jackie back inside as it (finally) took off was named Clint Hill. He was therefore looking into the back seat at Jackie and dead JFK, 3 seconds after the headshot/killshot. There is no more expert witness on earth than Clint Hill. OK? The Warren Coverup Commission made the mistake of interviewing him. They asked, “what’d you see, Clint?” The most expert witness on earth answered, “Kennedy was slumped over, with a giant gaping hole in the center-right rear of his head.” Interestingly, the questioner, who later became a US Senator, immediately changed the subject and dismissed Hill as fast as he could. This can all be found on a WC web search.
4) Hill was {obviously} describing an exit wound. When, again, Oswald/not Oswald was **behind** JFK at all times when bullets were flying. How is that possible?
5) Maybe LHO was shooting up on TSBD6. Even after all this time, I don’t know. I tend to think that’s not the shot a marine would have taken: why settle for shooting through tree branches & foliage at a target moving away from you at an angle, when 20 seconds earlier, you could have had a dead-on clean shot at a target coming straight at you? (motorcade coming up Houston, right towards TSBD) But I just don’t know.
6) I DO know how entry & exit bullet wounds work, though.
7) Lastly, FWIW, quite a few witnesses do dispute that Tippit was killed by LHO. It’s just that the Coverup Commission chose to ignore them all.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Its actually worse than what you say.

According to the Narrative, Oswald left the plaza, but stayed in Dallas, and later went to see a movie. He shot a cop outside the movie theater, and got arrested for that, was interrogated by the Dallas PD (no record of the interrogation exists), and then in turn was killed in the police station when being arraigned for killing the cop. He was never actually charged or even arrested for shooting Kennedy and maintained he didn’t do that.

Later on, a professional hitman, James Files, confessed to shooting Kennedy (something Oswald never did), shooting from the grassy knoll, and his interview was pretty plausible.

The Warren Commission did a good job connecting Oswald to the assassination, but you can sort of tell they were really trying hard to do that.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

He left the plaza and then headed towards his house. On the way home, Tippet stopped him because he matched the APB, and he shot Tippet during the traffic stop. After shooting Tippet he tried to run into a movie theater (right around the corner from the shooting) without paying, so that he could get off the street.
He was arrested and interrogated by Dallas PD (of which there are MANY records and tons of interviews with the detectives and agents involved) where he insinuated that he thought he was there for killing Tippet and knew nothing about JFK being shot.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

MOS. think dimona.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

Naw, I’ma go with ‘the CIA alone’, because LBJ so obviously knew about it beforehand. (he started ducking for cover 15 seconds before the first shot was fired)

The thing about the JFK kill was, Johnny Boy had pissed off almost literally EVERYONE. Here’s a short list of who would want him dead bad enough to shoot at him:
1) CIA, of course. JFK had stupidly threatened them, in public. “Cast the ashes to the 4 winds”
2) LBJ – the Kennedys were about to dump him from the ’64 ticket, AND they were going after him and his bagman Bobby Baker via the DOJ … and LBJ, swamp creature that he was, knew it. “We should all go down to Dallas, boss!”
3) Castro/the Cubans. Mucho no bueno
4) the israelis – JFK was pissed about their nuke program and the Dimona reactor; he was making increasingly-serious noises about cutting off the izzys from all that sweet sweet foreign aid
5) the Military/MIC. Never forget, the military/Brass was fundamentally insane at that point: exhibit A would be Curt LeMay… – see also CJCOS Lyman Lemnitzer and his pet project, “Operation Northwoods”, which **they admitted** would kill 20 million Americans – and JFK kept telling them no. AND he was gonna pull the plug on the Vietnam clusterfuck. The world’s most heavily-armed bureaucracy was, at that time, both “insane”, and “pissed at that goddamn commie.” Oh, and Oswald worked for Naval Intel. Hmmm…
6) the (((central bankers))), the biggest crooks/leeches of all. Kennedy was going after the Fed, – I have on my desk a $2 bill, a “United States Note”, Series of 1963, on which the words ‘federal reserve’ do not appear – and had stupidly {again} made those plans known
7) the Mob, because duh
8) The Oilmen. JFK had killed their pet golden tax break, the depletion allowance, IIRC, and them rich old boys was *pissed*
9) the Russians. JFKski had made them look weakski in the missile crisis – not really, but that’s how worldwide media spun it, and nobody holds a grudge like a russian
10) My personal faves, the Vietnamese. Kennedy had personally signed off on the killings of the Ngo Dinh brothers, ‘the Kennedys of South Vietnam’, just 3 weeks before he was whacked. Viets hold freaky grudges too, and as we all later found out, they are a spectacularly stubborn and also a pretty capable people.
11) Jackie! She’d had to watch while he fucked every little whore he could get his dick on, and had to smile elegantly while he ran them through the WH right under her nose. “Didja like the way Marilyn sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to me, honey?” (smirk) “Wasn’t that dress something?” (smirk) “You think she was wearing any underwear?” (smirk) see also, among many many many others: “Fiddle” and “Faddle”, the 19-y.o. WH Intern/fuckbunnies

But the CIA did it, because of course they did. And then they killed his brother. And maybe his kid? Fun Fact: they also tried real hard to kill that scummy fat fuck Teddy, too. In 1964. But God is not without his sense of humor: Teddy the scummy fat fuck walked away from the cessna crash. And now RFK Jr. is calling them out, by name. RFKJr. is not the answer: he’s a sociopathic Kennedy who has loudly endorsed Hillary any time she ever ran for anything, among other things. But credit where it’s due: Balls of Titanium.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

NASA was also pissed at him because he was trying to force them into a joint space mission with the Soviets.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

The single most important document to read about JFK is the Miles Mathis Comitte’s piece. JFK was a lascivious rich kid homosexual. Everything we know is wrong.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

“that’s the last time the Irish Mafia messes with LBJ”
Also, not Jackie, I think they were good friends and he gave her children to cherish, Jon Jon seamed to have grown up well adjusted for the shit show that was his life, but old man Onassis? Probably understood all the female dalliances, but the male “friend” Lem, that lived with Kennedy, was always around, and who was widely rumored to be closer than he should be to Kennedy, that may have been a bridge to far.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

No. Nothing is higher than the central bank. Who owns the central bank?
Mossad, CIA, and cheeseburger eating monkeys are all downstream of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers. Morgans. etc.
What was JFK about to do to the Fed?

1 year ago

>  Only Putin is brilliant enough that he could get us to blow $500 million funding his coup.

There’s a Vietnam story I don’t have any authentication for, but always sounded likely to me.

Supposedly the US was flying in supplies of rice as food aid to the South Vietnamese. It was packed in big canvas bags. A guy walked up with a pot of paint and a brush, and as the rice was unloaded from the plane, he drew Vietnamese characters on each bag. He looked official enough, and nobody questioned what he was doing.

Later, someone found out the characters were Vietnamese for, “THIS FOOD IS A GIFT FROM THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA.”

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

I thought it would be best to bring yesterday’s comment from Goybean Oil forward to today:

Goybean Oil Reply to  Anonymous
11 hours ago
Mercian supremacy ftw. Angles dominating Saxons, Jutes, Celts and Danes. That’s why you speak English and not “Saxonish”.
The Saxon has to ‘awaken’, but the Angle never slept.
PS my lineage is Angle, straight from Angeln.

My Response:

Angle/Engl derive from the Israelite word for “bull.” The United States are Manasseh.
The ensigns of the Ten Tribes
As you peruse that page of ensigns, realize that you are looking at the very reason as to why the Jews – the Ashkenzim/ khazarians, even the Edomites and Canaanites which comprise Jewry — desire the death of the Northern European White.
Notice also the Southern Cross derives from the blessing of Jacob.

Know your enemies

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

You got a problem with Angles, bro?

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

This kind of stuff is very very deep lore. I think there is something to it (prob a lot). But even more than usual one has to be very careful to maintain a posture of almost total agnosticism. This info has been so occulted and hidden in plain sight that drawing conclusions is very very hard.

Again we get back to confronting the question of: “What is a you know who?”

Was the Northern Kingdom the good side? Are the ones who disappeared into the north and seemed to spread out east and west the real you know whos?

It’s all wild and fascinating and has the sense of deep truth but it’s always more confusing than one thinks it is. Always.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

I thought the entomology came from the angle region, the triangle in Germany just south of England?

1 year ago

Some doctors absolutely would do things like that. My father, single, has us raised by his parents until we were teens. We were sent to him. He travelled for his job, at times. He had a good job. His best friend was a in medical school. He would ask the friend to look in on us teenagers.

The friend took my brother to her medical student parties starting when he was 14. The other medical students would feed him medical grade drugs and as much alcohol as he wanted, because they thought he was entertaining. He was at a lot of her parties, and then at parties when she graduated, and they had even more money and drugs.

He’s in his fifties, and, by some grace, he is in AA. And, he still thinks of the medical doctor as his friend. No sense that feeding drugs and alcohol to underage teenagers is wicked. Never married, no children.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

A woman whose family is full of millionaires, professors, politicians, factory owners who became millionaires, said my brother was the most brilliant man she had ever met. That, if not for his personal demons, he would be the governor of the state. She wanted him to run for mayor of the city, as a start. She was counting likely voters for him. He would have beaten the current- very corrupt- mayor.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ve long suspected that cabal was ultimately behind Japan’s notorious 731. They sure knew about it and were desperate to acquire data from the experiments. Among other things, our contemporary protocols for treating frostbite emerged from 731.

1 year ago

COVID jabs operation is being pushed by someone way above CIA. Sure, CIA has a role, but they aren’t running the whole show. My guess is such claims are efforts to obscure the people who are really running the show.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Covid Jabs = British Crown Colonial Policy

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Imperial College of London

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Wellcome Trust

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Type in on a search engine, the Anglo Saxon Mission explained by Bill Ryan. This is a presentation from 2010 which states a meeting in the City of London talked about how China would catch a cold and this would spread worldwide.

Yes, the British Crown aka the City of London.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

2012 olympics opening show

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

A hypersigil being deployed, powered by all those who viewed it live, and on television

1 year ago

Watergate “scandal” is another one. There is no way the official story is what really happened. I guess they decided to burn Nixon for some reason?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Nixon wasn’t cabal and thought that as president he had some kind of authority. So he was shown the door.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

How Sir Henry Kissinger got his Knighthood.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yeah. No one bugs themselves 24/7. It’s preposterous. Someone else bugged him. Prob Kissinger.

The dude had his entire world inverted.

He said in typical brilliant Nixon fashion: “Bohemian Grive was the god damn faggiest thing I ever saw “

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
1 year ago

“Investigative news outlet Project Veritas on Monday released an audio recording in which Ashley Biden appears to confirm her ownership and the authenticity of a diary that fell into the outlet’s possession”

1 year ago

Getting an error on the “Uranium Price Warning After Niger Coup” link, says “Error establishing a database connection.” OT: What was your take on Vox doing an interview with and lavishing praise upon Stew Peters? (begins at 26:45)
I thought Stewie glowed from his out-of-nowhere beginning, and especially after his pushing the covid snake venom in the water crap, among other things. I’ve had much respect for Vox as a thinker since his WND days, and this makes no sense to me, but maybe i’m missing something. Would appreciate your opinion.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Fwiw from one anon to another…I had the same reaction. But I trust Vox more than I distrust Peters, so he gets the benefit of the doubt.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I gotta say, Stew Peters Bling rap is pretty damn funny.

Reply to  Steve Morris
1 year ago

this just occurred to me:

Stew Peters = “stupiders”

1 year ago

In 2003 the trucking company Yellow was set up to go bankrupt and take out a large part of union drivers. Came to pass last Sunday.

Honoré de Balzac, the famous French author, used “modern” financial schemes as plots in some of his novels and short stories over 100 years ago.

Most likely Bud Light was destroyed to reduce competition in commodity beer and to get rid of fully depreciated assets. Probably Bud Light has a large amount of union labor. Banks are the real owners of all businesses in credit based money systems (eg Federal Reserve Notes). Banks are down sizing their businesses.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This wouldn’t surprise me. There’s something more at work here than clueless ideologues pushing an agenda for surface reasons.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

To get rid of “fully depreciated assets”?
Explain to this ex CPA, the advantage of going broke to “get rid of FDA”.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

seems like a controlled burn to me before an econ crash. they get to benefit from shorting and “puts” on the way down since they have control of the timing.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

So, nuttin to do with FDA.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Boomer pensioners get screwed because the company made a judgement error and the market share goes to companies with less legacy baggage. The banks still get theirs.

Reply to  Steve Morris
1 year ago

That was a “fight a winter war with Russia” grade error.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
1 year ago

“They lead off with saying ‘the president lied about election fraud, and knew there was no fraud.’ How do they know they he knew that there was no fraud? And if this goes to trial, are we going to now have to go back and find fraud in the 2020 election? Does this open up the entire 2020 election in a court setting, to Donald Trump going back and proving that there was indeed fraud, and presenting evidence of fraud, and having that challenged in the court?”

Sounds, I dunno, vaguely Q-ish to me. Q3850: “How do you introduce evidence LEGALLY?”

Does anyone seriously think J.Smith et al don’t KNOW that this is logical consequence of the wording of their charges? So much of what is happening and has happened over the past 2 1/2 years is so obviously not real. We’ve been told it’s not real a thousand times by an entity with the power to foresee the death of a major Cabal player down to the day, hour and exact minute of its occurrence, a month in advance. And who had the raw power to ensure that prediction came true. And yet, this Trump indictment and so much else is all just taken at face value by a vast majority of conservatives and anons.

I honestly don’t blame Q for not posting anymore. Why bother continuing to post to such a heaving sea of retardation?

Reply to  Cary Kembla
1 year ago

Enjoy the Show

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You can dance if you wanna …

Reply to  Cary Kembla
1 year ago

There are two more likely possibilities. I agree the latest indictment makes no strategic sense.

One is the Cabal leadership really is that stupid. They win because they control most of the Earth’s resources and are ruthless, but since they hate the talented they are not good strategists.

The second is that the Cabal leadership executed a strategic retreat, and are just chilling in their castles in Europe and Caribbean islands or wherever they hang out. Their network is still in place, and all the midwits they put in positions of power are still there, and are doing stupid stuff.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
1 year ago

I agree that something is going on. It’s like they are leading cabal into one mistake after another. If that’s the case, it makes sense for Q to stay silent and drop off of the radar so mid level cabal operators act without inhibitions. It’s not tactically important for our side to be constantly kept up to date on things.

BTW, will someone point me to the Q drops that you feel predicts McCain’s death?

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Cary Kembla
1 year ago

Q may have known cabal players were already dead and was just spooking them by pre-announcing when they revealed the players were dead. With all the weird escorts and ankle monitors we may be catching some or most of this on a serious delay. Or, evening is fake and gay and we’re just watching a shitty movie ala hold back the revolution comrades the tzars forces are marshalling in the Urals, if you move too soon all is lost.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
1 year ago

Regarding the Breitbart article about Trump’s inditements being synchronized with Biden’s, They are using AI to coordinate their actions. My guessing is that the Democrats don’t shit without consulting it first. Whether it is designed to keep Biden in office or purely to thwart Trump, I don’t know but it is what choreographs every movement by whom and against whom. AC, as you say, everything is war gamed out well in advanced and then played like a card in gin rummy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

A large part of the UKR conflict is Pentagon collecting data on RUS hardware and tactics for AI.

That’s why the idiotic insistence on a massive blitz strike fist offensive. Pentagon really wants to see what happens.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Ok Einstein.
Explain how collecting all that data can be used by a pack of obese cnuts wearing dresses to defeat Russia.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

It can’t. There isn’t the industrial base to take advantage of it. But sometimes you just gotta do something, anything.

Strategy is the first derivative of industrial production. Operations are the first derivative of Strategy and the second derivative of industrial production. Tactics are the first derivative of Operations and the third derivative of industrial production.

The Wests industrial production forces us into a fighting retreat to the coming submarine conflict and RUS attempt to show their ability to strike CONUS and also counter any response.

All the West can do with its industrial production is hope to bleed out RUS in a fighting retreat and pray RUS makes a mistake.

AI dominance (dominant number crunching) is all they can THEORETICALLY rely on.

A new ruling class has come to full power in the US and it must re-make the armed forces in its image. And then fight with it.

They’re fucked without the SINGULARITY they obsess over.

Stan Ketchel vs Jack Johnson best case scenario.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

lemme get this right. The country that cant even get students to pass 8th grade math is going to create AI good enough to be referred to as “dominant number crunching”?
Given your comment, please explain Russia’s strategic skills via their chess skills given their lack of industrial production.
Made up shit aint truth mate.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Again, I think we agree and my way of speaking and thinking causes you to think we don’t.

NATO is fucked. They are in the best case Stan Ketchel fighting Jack Johnson.

The Russians have vastly superior strategic skills than NATO/US does.

The Russians have a significantly superior industrial base and production in comparison to NATO/US.

NATO/US has a meaningful but rapidly diminishing advantage in C4ISR and in “AI” (which is for me number crucnching speed). This capability is a legacy inherited from the old ruling class and not their own. They cannot mauntain it let alone expand it.

Strategic possibilities are constrained by the infustrial base and rate of production. RUS has sig superior strategic options because of that in comparison yo NATO. All NATO/US can do is try and leverage their single advantage. And that means a fighting retreat to their strongest possible position with precision counters hoping for a RUS mis-step.

NATO/US final position is behind the US sub fleet and its decap strike potential.

The strength of this final position is unknown. I think RUS has surpassed US sub fleet. RUS will have to put this to the test however and threaten CONUS while being able to counter US response.

Of course, in the background NATO/US is attacking RUS industrial production via sanctions and financial hijinks. This is not working and RUS is counter attacking via BRICs and OPEC etc etc. The recent bank failures are also likely RUS operations via money movement btwn RUS shell companies.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Russia most definitely surpassed the US/NATO sub fleet. Their subs have always been made out of titanium so they have a crush depth almost double anyone else. Their problem was navigation at depth. With the computer modeling and 3d rendering advances over the last 50 years that’s now a moot point. It’s like WW2, the zero was the more agile aircraft but it didn’t have the ceiling of the mustang. Having an area of the arena you can’t occupy but your enemy can is a big deal tactically.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Who are the gatekeepers to AI and who is granted access and to what extent? It might be that Biden’s camp thinks it can stay in power by politically ‘killing off’ his rivals, and not just the ones in the Republican party. He allies are allowed some information but at the price of doing his bidding. This how they keep such tight control over their underlings. Big tech is like the Sauron’s ring. The only thing it is really good for is controlling the other rings. If I am not mistaken, Palantir the AI company, is named after Tolkien’s proverbial crystal ball.

Reply to  Prof. Woland
1 year ago

They Panicked When They Saw The Future:

1 year ago

Breakthrough in superconductivity: Huazhong University scientists report first successful replication of LK-99.

If true, this is the biggest leap in (virtually all of) our lifetimes. (If you are 80 you still have the transistor — maybe.) Energy will eventually be almost free (comparable to water from the tap) and Sam will get his electric cars, because ICE engines stop making sense. Light batteries with enormous capacity become the norm, and that is before we get into potential unknowns like how this could impact getting zero-point-energy from the Higgs field.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

There’s no getting around the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (unless you’re God, of course). Not trying to rain on anyone’s parade.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

You don’t have to.
You just have to find a way to harvest the abundant energy in the universe.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Except that superconductors (albeit at extremely low temps and extremely high pressures) have already been demonstrated breaking that law.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Ever read Paul Virilio and his theory of accidents?

Précis: Every discovery or invention creates its own unique forms of accidents.

So automobiles create automobile crashes, for instance, just as roads create pollution (from tires and dust, even without the ICE’s existence), and EVs create explodey runaway cascade thermal failures in battery packs.

Conductor theory is relatively safe because the accidents it can create, such as fires from overloading conductors, may be avoided through engineering, but you can’t eliminate them entirely.

But what about the kinds of accidents you can create with superconductors?

Remember that bit in “Demolition Man” where Simon Phoenix sticks the stun baton into a car’s fuel port containing “pure capacitance gel”?

And so the superconductor explosions may make that look like the clever movie effects that they were.

Near-instantly reversible thermal gradients are also heaps of fun for these kinds of accidents.

Paramedics responding to an Insta-Popsicle event might at first be glad they’re not going to the scenes of fires, only to discover how much worse entering a building that’s been hovering around 80 K happens to be.

It’s like that Star Trek instant suture tool: I always thought it was meant to be used at drunken medical student parties where they try to suture drunk people’s buttholes shut as a day-after joke.

That too would be a tailor-made accident, especially if septicaemia is still a thing.

Technologies that aren’t reversible, that aren’t capable of undoing the thing they do or having it undone for them, are essentially dead-end developments in which they remain usable until a point at which all of the accidental probabilities coalesce into a certain cascade failure.

Science makes the accidents possible, engineering makes the accidents safer or more survivable.

Let’s see if this scales into something non-apocalyptic, shall we?  🙂

Reply to  General's Addition
1 year ago

But what about the kinds of accidents you can create with superconductors?

Seems that if you can cause a superconductor that is holding massive amounts of energy to become a non-superconductor instantly or in a cascading effect, then you have a mighty powerful explosive when all that energy instantly converts to heat.
Just occurred to me that the most common failure is going to simply be the failure of the insulation around a superconductor. Electricity doesn’t take the path of least resistance, it takes all paths to a lower potential. Those are the same thing at most voltages, but when you get high enough voltage, you start seeing some crazy potential leakages that you never anticipated.
A superconductor tied into enough of a grid isn’t going to shock you — it’s going to turn you into a resistor, and the resulting heat will transform you to a carbon filament.

Last edited 1 year ago by phelps
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

mmmehhhhhhhhhh. It’s been a long time now, but ol’ Anon remembers: back in 1987, the pointyhead physicists at U of Houston announced a “massive breakthrough” in superconductivity – possibly room-temp supercondu, can’t remember – but what I DO recall very well is how we were assured that this incredible breakthrough was absolutely positively going to revolutionize the power generation/transmission game, and VERY VERY SOON the world would soon be in a Golden Age of basically unlimited free energy. (ex: if energy is fundamentally free, then desalination plants for seawater will pop up everywhere! Soon, the whole WORLD will have bumper crops of EVERYthing!!!!! Next up flying cars!!!

so yeah, fuck those guys. I’ve seen this movie before.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

That’s why I didn’t bother to follow this one until it had been replicated. Now that it has, the game has changed slightly.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

There were dozens of “respectable” scientists at prestigious institutions who claimed to have replicated Pons 7 Fleschman’s cold fusion experiment.

Funny, when the cold fusion thing collapsed, those papers were silently ignored, and nobody’s careers suffered for their fraud. Well, other than Pons & Fleischman’s careers.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Was it fraud?
Or cabal suppressing tech?

1 year ago

If you were armed, and within 21 feet, you could legally draw and drill this motherfucker in the center of the lower neck when he pulls the knife. The ending is not that good, but not bad:

My wife and I both laughed and laughed and laughed.
Word will get out to the degens in the neighborhood and that 7-11 will no longer have to worry about strongarm robberies.

1 year ago

War Plan Red

The US military under Commander in Chief Trump is preparing to declare war on Great Britain by invading Canada. Justin Trudeau will be assassinated by our advance teams. Chinese, Ukrainian and Royal military forces in Canada will be targeted by air, and Canada will be made a no fly zone.

Seventeen light weapons pipelines will be activated to arm Canadian Republicans in all the provinces. The Republic of Canada will be declared. Royalists will be executed. NATO will be dissolved.

The British and their Chinese coolie soldiers have for some time been amassing for an invasion of the USA at our northern border. This combined with British “Opium War” type attack on our Southern Border was intended to be a pincer that would ultimately return America to Crown control. British spy, Prince Harry came to the USA to become Duke of America. The British plot has failed.

Putin has been given the green light to use surgical strike weapons on targets in London, Rome and the underground bases around Bern and Lausanne, Switzerland. USA will stand down.

Communist Justin Trudeau Castro triggered the Monroe Doctrine when he became dictator. Prince Charles triggered the same doctrine when he went to Cuba.

The Royal Family will be removed, their crypto-colonial system, with its fake communist fronts, utterly dismantled. The Bush-Clinton-Obama-Biden establishment royalist families of the District of Columbia will face swift execution for their Atlanticist Treason. All European “royals” are slated for removal as is their Holy Roman Empire under the guise of the Roman Catholic Church.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Beep, boop, bleep…I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Filthy British Royals are the power behind Communism.

Here is that faggot Ponce Charles honoring the Cuban Revolution.

Big Mistake.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“please do not get into flame wars with him/it, and just approach the posts as something interesting”

Aye aye, Cap’n!

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“… Seventeen …”


needs bernankified globofinance butthex involving royalzzz carrying implications that the butthexored wasn’t seventeen

2/10. 🙂

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Next-gen of the old AI wall-of-text time waster bots we used to get here.

They realized we would just skip past the time wasting walls of text, so they upgraded to shitty fan-fic generator with hints of Q mixed in to try and get us wasting time trying to link it all together and make meaning where there is none.

Could be interesting to just IP ban him and see how it evolves from there. If he reappears with the same nonsense it’s at least a data point to him being sent here for a reason.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

As i have remarked before.
He, or it knows he/it is a nutter. He/It knows we know he/it is a nutter Yet he/it persists in being a nutter.
Wonderful persistence.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This one was an entertaining fiction at least.
I won’t cry if it comes true.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

As long as we’re wishing, I’d like a pony.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Cheap date wanting a pony, I’d settle for no less than a monkey, hard times innit? 🙂

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  General's Addition
1 year ago

Be humble accept a donkey.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Duke of America? He’s too soft.

How about President Markle? I guess Senator Markle would be a good interim step, but Governor Newsome doesn’t seem to want to bite the apple.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

Filthy British royals targeting American youth with communist ideology:

1 year ago

Maybe I am missing something. Tried watching the O’Keefe/Kennedy interview. “Dramatic” background music played throughout (I skipped to various points to check).

For me, the music competes with the spoken words, and (for me) is a complete turnoff.

Could be wrong, but my impression is that whoever produces these types of videos believes that the music enhances the video. These musically “enhanced” interviews are commonplace on our side.

Again, JMO, but effective communication is something our side needs to learn.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The music is designed to curtail summation by ChatGPT

Reply to  map
1 year ago

TY for the insight. So I was missing something.

Too bad these interviews are spoiled. Is it worth it?

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

If I were that widow in Ontario, no one involved in the decision to deny my husband a transplant because of a %@#$! cold “vaccine” would live to see another Christmas.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Just make your husband wear one of your skirts and he is in like Flyn.

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Re: Mike Judas Pence

Murkowski got in on the fun. I told her what for…

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Well done!

1 year ago

“Mike Pence on Trump: “Serves that motherfucker right!””

Thus spaketh Judas. Time will tell, but I’d bet the OG Judas was talking Macho Man shit too, right up to the time he quit doing that.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

In my opinion, Judas Iscariot was a cabal agent.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago


Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

If you do a search I am sure that you will come across the photos of a young pence dressed in his faggot clothes at some faggot do.
He is not macho.
You know what Pence’s wife did when she found out he was a faggot?
She took it like a man.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

Bring back the draft, huh?
This is good. More escalation. Smack the people right in the face.

1 year ago

I have a question re surveillance because i honestly don’t know anymore how to distinguish between common life experiences and possible surveillance.

How often do you find that friends/acquaintances of yours have a connection to another friend/acquaintance from an entirely different context in your life? I’m not talking about a situation where you live in smallish community and have your whole life and someone from church knows someone from work. That’s not unusual. I’m talking about – someone you knew in a small Christian college in the mid-90s that you attended for a year a thousand miles away who is connected to your neighbor via Facebook. I keep finding these dubious connections over and over the last few years, often involving someone who was significant to me at one time – a close friend, a potential love interest – and I can’t tell if this is weird or happens to everyone. Or maybe I’m lapsing into paranoid schizophrenia at this point.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’ve almost certainly been under this and haven’t had that happen.

With me, I tend to have “friends”/ acquaintances ghost me and just disappear from my life without warning. I think they calibrate the coverage packages differently for different targets.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s interesting that they pushed the “6 degrees of separation” idea back in the 1990s. This is the theory that everyone is connected to everyone else by only six levels. Somehow, someone that you know connects to someone else, and that person connects to someone else, etc., and by the 6th degree you get the entire population of the world. I thought it was just silly bullshit at the time. But it could have been a cabal psyop to get people to dismiss “strange coincidences” of people entering their lives.

In fact, the idea that we even know about 6 degrees of separation and it was once a popular meme indicates that it was a promoted notion.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Then there was that stupid “Kevin Bacon” game normies were playing. I knew people who developed expertise in linking degrees of separation of other people to Kevin Bacon. I thought it was a useless endeavor, but it sure kept the normies occupied for years. It drove me nuts listening to that shit.

I guess that could have been the googolplex of celebrity culture.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There is a concerted effort to short-circuit people’s pattern-recognition engine. Whether it’s randomness and probability, or coincidences, we’re constantly taught to ignore patterns that we see in front of us.

The six-degree of separation psyop is similar to lookalike actors that we are told have an uncanny resemblance but are not related, or the belief that if you go back far enough, everyone has a royal bloodline.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I wouldn’t say they hide it exactly. Some of these connections I found via Facebook where it suggests a friend and shows your mutual connections and I’m just floored every time. Other times it was something like a new co-worker tells me a random story about their life, some memory clicks, I ask a few questions, and find they know some old connection from many miles or years away. A whole lot of these have come thru my current neighborhood and current job, both of which I felt funneled into as the only possible option and can’t get away from either by any amount of effort, which is all I’ll say about that for now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I think they do prefer to hire midwits to be cops when they don’t have all cabal minions.
Midwits are more likely to just follow orders and get a power rush out of pushing people around.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Something like, oh I don’t know. Having your future wife live in the apartment beneath you for 2 years, a full 8 months before you and her “meet cute” and hit it off? After you’ve both moved out of the complex of course.

1 year ago

> Dr. Robert Malone: COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world. Malone glows. And yet I think he may be right. So why would CIA/Cabal want people to know?

They still believe that they can sink wrongthink by associating it with lunatics or making the speaker out to be crazy. They’re trying to poison the truth by association with a figure both sides distrust.

Their panic is just more evidence for those with eyes to see.

1 year ago

Just some light news on the cultural front.

This is a lyric video from the band Five Finger Death Punch. It’s like an anthem for the clown world. In the more marginal type of music, Cabal is not unaware of what is happening at the fringes.

Another example, from Falling in Reverse:

At 0:03 The numbers “2033” is labeled on the nose-cone of the airplane.

At 1:25: The Sigil of Baphomet

At: 1:26: The Coming of the Anti-Christ

At: 1:29: Funny lyric: “About to go Darth, About to go Disney”

At 1:34: A Demon grants abilities and skinsuits a musician

The rest is the usual anti-Christian blather.

1 year ago

This is an interesting take on Elon Musk (and Twitter before and after he took over) I’ve read, by Esther Crawford, who sold her startup to Twitter in 2020 and stayed on until Musk let her go recently. Last week she posted a 15-minute video and transcript with her thoughts here. Excerpt:


Although I didn’t know much about Elon I was cautiously optimistic – I saw him as the guy who built incredible and enduring companies like Tesla and SpaceX, so perhaps his private ownership could shake things up and breathe new life into the company.

My take on what’s happened since then is full of lived nuance.

When people ask why I stayed it’s easy to answer: optimism, curiosity, personal growth and money.

From the beginning I saw that some changes Elon was going to make were smart and others were stupid, but when I’m on a team I uphold the philosophy of “praise in public and criticize in private. I was far from a silent wallflower. I shared my opinions openly and pushed back often, both before and after the acquisition.

I made peace with the fact that I didn’t have psychological safety at Twitter 2.0 and that meant I could be fired at any moment, and for no reason at all. I watched it happen repeatedly and saw how negatively it impacted team morale. Although I couldn’t change the situation I did my best to shine a light on folks who were doing important work while being an emotionally supportive leader for those who were struggling to adapt to the more brutalist and hardcore culture.

In person Elon is oddly charming and he’s genuinely funny. He also has personality quirks like telling the same stories and jokes over and over. The challenge is his personality and demeanor can turn on a dime going from excited to angry. Since it was hard to read what mood he might be in and what his reaction would be to any given thing, people quickly became afraid of being called into meetings or having to share negative news with him.

At times it felt like the inner circle was too zealous and fanatical in their unwavering support of everything he said. When individuals encouraged me to be careful about what I said I politely thanked them and said I would not be taking their advice. I had no interest in adding to a culture of fear or walking on eggshells around Elon. Either he would respect me for being real or he could fire me. Either outcome was okay.

I quickly learned that product and business decisions were nearly always the result of him following his gut instinct, and he didn’t seem compelled to seek out or rely on a lot of data or expertise to inform it. That was particularly frustrating for me since I believed I had useful institutional knowledge that could help him make better decisions. Instead he’d poll Twitter, ask a friend, or even ask his biographer for product advice. At times it seemed he trusted random feedback more than the people in the room who spent their lives dedicated to tackling the problem at hand. I never figured out why and remain puzzled by it.

I don’t think things had to be as difficult or dramatic as they turned out to be but I can’t say I’d bet against Elon or count him out. He’s smart and has enough money to make a lot of mistakes and then course correct when things go awry. As the largest shareholder he can tank the value in the short-term, but eventually he’ll need things to turn around.

His focus on speed is incredible and he’s obviously not afraid of blowing things up, but now the real measure will be how it get reconstructed and if enough people want the new everything app he is building.

I learned a ton from watching Elon up close – the good, the bad and the ugly. His boldness, passion and storytelling is inspiring, but his lack of process and empathy is painful.

Elon has an exceptional talent for tackling hard physics-based problems but products that facilitate human connection and communication require a different type of social-emotional intelligence.

Social networks are hard to kill but they’re not immune from death spirals. Only time will tell what the outcome will be but I hope X finds its footing because competition is good for consumers.

In the meantime, I have a lot of empathy for the employees who are working tirelessly behind the scenes, the advertisers who want a stable platform to sell their stuff on, and the customers who are experiencing chaotic updates. It’s been a madhouse.

Twitter moved at the speed of molasses and suffered from bureaucracy but now X is run by a mercurial leader whose instinct is driven by the unique and undoubtedly weird experience of being the biggest voice on the platform…

I’d be remiss if I didn’t note that in all of this there is also a cautionary tale for anyone who succeeds at something – which is that the higher you climb, the smaller your world becomes. It’s a strange paradox but the richest and most powerful people are also some of the most isolated.

I found myself frequently looking at Elon and seeing a person who seemed quite alone because his time and energy was so purely devoted to work, which is not the model of a life I want to live.

Money and fame can create psychological prisons which may worsen mental health conditions. We’ve all seen high profile cases of celebrities who end up with some combination of depression, paranoia, delusions of grandeur, mania and/or erratic behavior.

Living in an echo chamber is dangerous and being at the top makes a person even more susceptible to being surrounded by yes people when nearly everyone around you is on the payroll and somehow stands to benefit from being in your orbit.

Figuring out how to keep “better angels” around in the form of family, friends, and teammates is critical to staying on the rails and enduring intense ups and downs. Everyone needs to hear hard truths sometimes and if you fire all the people who speak up then the reality distortion field may just turn into a vortex.

I was drawn to Twitter because I’m obsessed with the problem of loneliness and connection between people. I find it fascinating & troubling that humans are getting lonelier as we simultaneously create a world that’s both safer and wealthier. I don’t believe that trade-off has to exist, which is why I keep returning to that theme in my personal and professional life.

I realize this is too long of a tweet but Twitter was a weird and special place on the internet, and I’m grateful to have played a teeny tiny role in its story and evolution.

I’m here for whatever comes next – on this app and in new places. Consumer social is very much alive and at a fascinating juncture, so I’ll be watching and participating and sharing hot takes because I don’t want to, and probably can’t, turn that part of me off.

Perhaps X becomes a resounding success. Or it fails epically.

Either way, I expect it will continue to be a very entertaining ride.

Reply to  map
1 year ago

She makes Elon seem based and a true leader to me. And she seems like a genuine pita.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
1 year ago

“…At times it seemed he trusted random feedback more than the people in the room who spent their lives dedicated to tackling the problem at hand. …”

So…he didn’t trust the people who fucked everything up or the bullshit stats they fed him? Bastard!

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I see Trump doing just this, makes a reasonable, strategically correct move. Or a move the seems irrational (until some time later it makes more sense). Then comes up with some bonkers reason for it, like some unrelated NY times article, or far flung anecdote and poof, main stream forget about the move and that it was clearly his gut instinct and focus on the insane reason for the rational move.

Reply to  map
1 year ago


1 year ago

Dr. Robert Malone: COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world. Malone glows. And yet I think he may be right. So why would CIA/Cabal want people to know?”

So he can survive when it comes out?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Blaming the CIA takes eyes off of the real offenders. The CIA are a bunch of errand boys sent by grocery clerks compared to whomever is behind this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

More like Hydra from the Marvel movies.

1 year ago

Interesting foreshadowing:

James Comey on how Trump supporters are going to have to go through the pain of admitting that they were duped. With the implication that this will be essential for the healing of our democracy. Now, if that’s the case, what exactly are they going to have to be prepared to put us through? I have no doubt there will be imprisonment, psychiatric hospitalization, and even executions.

Watch this an think deeply about the implications.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Confession by projection.

1 year ago

If this is true.
If those people won’t repent and won’t change their minds in regards to the truth despite exposure. Then I think the only course of action is to wipe those who are unrepentant out.
They must all perish. This level of racial hatred mustn’t be allowed to persist.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

People need to understand the reality of the state of the battlefield before taking action against the enemy. If you live in Baltimore, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit, etc other Basketball-American strongholds, you’re not in America anymore, you’re in occupied enemy territory. The law WILL NOT be applied equally to melanin-deficient Americans, and pretending you can do anything about that reality while the broader cabal machine maintains that problem is a suicide mission.

There are no real humans that support this system, just the enemy and the enemy’s pets. Expose the cabal and the surveillance, the rest will resolve itself naturally as it’s all being artificially propped up by the enemy’s coffers.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Wow. That’s perfect pure distillated Cabal behavior by the squeegee squad.