News Briefs – 08/01/2020


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Senator James Inhofe put President Trump on speakerphone in a restaurant while having a private discussion about the bullshit of cancel culture and let someone among the enemy record the conversation to document that Trump opposed erasing historical figures like General Robert Lee. You do not do that by accident, especially in this environment, unless you are a complete idiot. These guys all know, better than anyone, the surveillance terrain, and after just a short while, it is drilled into them that people are trying to eavesdrop at all times. He has had a few times he came to attention for questionable stock trades.

Prominent conservative Steven Calabresi, co-founder of the Federalist Society, said Trump’s tweet on Thursday morning calling for an election delay was ground for impeachment and removal. All assets deployed. If there was a group you heard of on our side, the media told you about it because they were told to tell you about it. Think about the level of control that would require, to make sure nobody let an honest group accidentally get mentioned. Think about how you could do everything these guys did to promote your group, but all you would see is the media ignore you and nobody even know you existed, as this corrupted group soared effortlessly. That was the power of Cabal. It was everywhere.

Marina Abramovic gives an interview, and says she misses humor right now, and “We’re living in a time of death. But such an important time. We have to confront fears of the unknown. A time of mental and physical transformation. Embrace this!”

Court documents claim Jeffrey Epstein ‘forced underage girls to have sex with Prince Andrew so that he could get incriminating information to use as potential blackmail.’ And then they became friends. Such a strange world.

Bill Clinton went to Jeffrey Epstein’s island with 2 ‘young girls’, Virginia Giuffre says.

Epstein told people Clinton owed him favors.

Bill Clinton claims he never visited Epstein’s Island.

Evidence shows FBI tried to tie President Trump to the Epstein case but with no success.

Breitbart news appeals Twitter account suspension, and the ‘review’ drags out beyond 48 hours.

Seattle City Council moves to abolish the entire Seattle Police Department and replace it with a “civilian led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention.” In other words they want to get the cops who are on the job off the job, and replace them with a new raft of security officers they hire and control fully.

Colorado is declaring racism a public health crisis after employees inside the state’s Department of Public Health and Environment put pressure on its top health official to address the issue.

The death sentence for the Boston Marathon Bomber was overturned by a three-judge panel after they concluded that the judge who oversaw the case did not properly screen jurors for biases. There will be a new trial to see whether he should be executed.

Although New York’s primary election took place more than a month ago, problems in the system have caused confusion as the counting may wrap up this week. One candidate said, “We know that nearly 25 percent of people who actually went through the trouble of requesting a ballot, getting it, voting and dropping it in the mail will not have their ballots counted.” That is the track record of vote by mail, and they want to base a Presidential election on it.

Senate Democrats press Postal Service on delivery complaints. People have been complaining about this on Free Republic, and an insider spilled the skinny. It turns out the Postal Service is near bankruptcy, so the new Postmaster tried cutting out overtime and hiring temps to handle periodic overflow. The way it had worked was at the end of the day, everyone who worked at the Post Office went in the back, and they all got overtime as they all set about clearing all mail from that day. The Post Master wanted to end that and have temps handle periodic surges and buildups. But every day 5-10% of the mail wasn’t cleared, and that got added to 5-10% from the next day, and they had trouble finding temps, and all of a sudden people weren’t getting their mail. Now it looks like the Postmaster intends to try and keep the overtime, but eliminate Post Offices to cut costs, and that is freaking out Democrats because just as they need this system stable for vote-by-mail, it is all fucked up, and getting worse.

Businesses and non-profits in the East Market District of downtown Louisville have received letters from left-wing activists demanding that they give in to a list of racial reparations or face having their businesses get negative reviews online.

Nearly half of young Americans say it’s okay to fire people who support Trump.

From COVID to cancers, HCQ is a ‘wonder drug’ of our time.

French Doctor Didier Raoult testifies that the person behind death threats he received is a top doctor linked to Gilead Pharmaceuticals.

The family of a murder victim in California was outraged to learn that the state has released the person who killed their loved one from his 84 year sentence as part of an effort to reduce the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks inside prisons.

Fears grow that releasing thousands of inmates from CA prisons will spread COVID-19 into communities.

Microsoft reportedly in talks to buy China’s TikTok U.S. operations.

In Germany, a Muslim migrant rapes 11-year-old girl, is released after a month, then rapes a 13-year-old girl. It is possible these things are not done by chance, but rather Cabal has some way of signalling to these characters, be they migrants, pedophile priests, or just regular pedophiles or serial killers, who among the vulnerable is protected and who is not in the club. I’d love to know if this girl’s family had a history of being sideways with the machine, or if it was under coverage for some reason, maybe going back generations. This would be an excellent way to stall somebody who otherwise might rise to become a problem. The Machine is not a charity, or a lark. It is on some sort of mission which must have a very real reason and purpose for being and consuming the massive resources it does. Somebody sees advantage in it, and not just a small bit, given the risks they take on in operating it.

The U.S.-backed Afghan government in Kabul has engaged in a “policy or practice” that allows government officials to rape & molest little boys inside “government compounds” w impunity. This has been around forever, but I would suspect it was a matter of time before Trump made a move to deal with it.

China threatens to trap up to 3 million people in Hong Kong by no longer recognizing their UK overseas passports.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other Department of Homeland Security agents seized more than $2 billion in cash from travelers in U.S. airports between 2000 and 2016, according to a libertarian public interest law firm. Don’t carry cash through airports if you can avoid it.

EU funding withheld from six Polish towns over ‘LGBT-free’ zones.

Abortion remains illegal in Mexico after widely watched Mexican Supreme Court decision.

U.S. seeks to seize Bolton’s $2 million book advance and profits for violating clearance procedures. Nobody buys these books. I would assume Bolton’s publisher makes $3-4 per book. Bolton gets a much smaller percentage of that, maybe $1.25. So he has got to sell 1.6 million books just to break even on the advance. Did you buy the book? Did you even think about buying the book? Suppose he was pro-Trump? Would you have ever bought the book? Especially when the media is going to read it and give you the salient points in about 1200 words or less? Do you even have the time to add his 250 pages of reading to your schedule? If you had the time, would you spend it on that, or on something else you love to do? The book industry works completely differently than we were told, and it is not the only industry to do so.

Chinese state-backed hackers infiltrated Vatican, cybersecurity firm says.

Tampa teen faces 30 felony charges for hacking prominent Twitter accounts.

Ellen DeGeneres wants to shut down her show. The official story is her upper management was engaging in toxic sexual harassment. But if she is getting sucked into the Storm and destroyed, they may want to get away from her now.

Ellen DeGeneres deserted by A-list pals amid show investigation.

Less than quarter of voters say illegal immigrants should be counted in assigning Congress seats.

Supreme Court sides with Trump on building border wall with diverted military funds.

Trump says he’ll ban TikTok in U.S.

Oregon state police arrive in Portland in push to stop riots.

Florida doctor charged in massive $681 million substance abuse treatment fraud scheme.

Malware author pleads guilty for role in transnational cybercrime organization responsible for more than $568 million in losses.

Executions scheduled for two federal inmates.

People are stunned that Fauci, who has openly interfered in everything from business to dating apps, refuses to weigh in on whether protests should be limited when asked by Jim Jordan.

CDC warns Congress of ‘significant public health consequences’ if schools don’t reopen in the fall to provide nutritional and mental health services.

The US is sending 1,000 troops to Poland to establish a permanent military base.

Leftie James Murdoch resigns from News Corporation, the parent company of FOX News over “differences in editorial content.” Presumably his lefty wife will have less influence too.

Leftist women are being unnerved by heightened amygdala-stimulation due to men looking more at their eyes due to the fact they are wearing masks. An interesting possible phenomenon, which might explain all the people who are freaking out of late over mask issues. Masks may increase eye contact, which increases amygdala activation, which makes people more combative.

New Hill/HarrisX poll finds that Trump’s approval on the economy and jobs holds amid the economic effects of COVID-19.

Focus groups show voters who voted for Obama and Trump would now vote for Trump over Obama in a hypothetical match-up.

Rasmussen shows Trump at 50% approval rating — Three full points higher than Obama at the same point in his Presidency. And we live in a time when admitting you love Trump can cause you harm, while during Obama’s time, people were claiming to support him to seem hip.

Spread r/K Theory, because things are better than we are told.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Nearly half of young Americans say it’s okay to fire people who support Trump.”

Without a racial breakdown that stat is worthless. I tell you hwhat though, if more than 30% of huwhite youth feel that way then the apocalypse is nigh. Better corner the market on propane powered flaming guitars while they’re available, I tell you hwhat.

4 years ago

Put your mind at rest. Senator James Inhofe truly is an idiot who is also 85 years old. He is running for re-election this year and is guaranteed to be sent back to D.C. after having had his head stuck into the public trough for 50 years.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Donnie
4 years ago

He’s still upset about the 1st Civil War, being an Iowa born carpetbagger in Oklahoma and all. He’s certainly old enough to have heard some war stories from his pop.

4 years ago

> Seattle City Council moves to abolish the entire Seattle Police Department and replace it with a “civilian led Department of Community Safety & Violence Prevention.”

No police unions or retirement overhead.

No oversight from state law enforcement.

Being created fresh, they might use contractors, which would mean no civil service unions, contracts, or overhead.

The police are just one third of the system, though. The DAs/prosecutors and the courts are the other two thirds. Will the new “civilian led” department feed malefactors into the existing justice system, or will they have their own private courts?

One thing for sure, I’m not going anywhere near Seattle for the forseeable future. There is no law there now.

4 years ago

> There will be a new trial to see whether he should be executed.

One US dollar says Tsarnaev will be a free man within ten years.

Our court system is actively working against us now.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

One US dollar in ten years will be worth

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

I don’t see how they convicted Tsarnaev. They showed him with a backpack but it WAS NOT the backpack that exploded. You could clearly see this. Even worse a military contractor was standing near where the bomb went off with what appeared to be the same type backpack that blew up and after the bomb went off there are pictures of him without the backpack in a different location but near where the bomb went off.

With a fair trial and all the evidence present I don’t see how they could convict him at all.

I think he was a FBI informer and they set him up telling him to bring these backpacks to the area.

Best advice ever. Don’t in any way work with the FBI or anyone. Same thing almost happened to Richard Jewell but luckily he had a friend who was a lawyer that came in and dragged his out of the FBI building while the FBI was trying to get Jewell to make a “training video”.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Never trust anyone completely. If you have to trust, make sure you hedge your bet and have redundancy or a backup plan and think of all the ways you might be getting played.
At least that’s how I operate in this day and age.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

In connection to what Sam says above, i attended the first appearance of Candidate Trump in Grand Rapids back in 2016. I got there so early I was the third in line.

So, Candidate Trump walks out and starts his speech. And a guy comes up to me and suggests, “hey, jump over the barrier”. A little later on, another male comes up and suggests something else. I swear at least 10 to 15 of the people in the spectators at the front were ATF agents or undercover FBI, or sub-contractors. —Trying to instigate shit.

So what Sam says above—does happen.

4 years ago

> It turns out the Postal Service is near bankruptcy,

The USPS is *always* near bankruptcy. Your postage is a hidden tax; the money the USPS takes in goes into the General Fund, and then they beg Congress for each year’s appropriation for operating expenses. The difference is “free” money for the Fed.

4 years ago

It can’t just be me—the longer you wear a mask the more agitated, panicky and irritable you become. It’s hard to get through a shopping trip because the near suffocation triggers a fight or flight response and you can’t think straight. How do people work in those things?

Reply to  Rowe
4 years ago

It’s not just you. I can barely breathe in one and after five minutes I’m out of air. I don’t know how people can work in those things.

I don’t know why people people wear them walking out in the fresh air, all alone, in the park, in the car.

People are fucking nuts.

4 years ago

Thanks for your work AC. Appreciate it greatly!

AC: “The death sentence for the Boston Marathon Bomber was overturned by a three-judge panel after they concluded that the judge who oversaw the case did not properly screen jurors for biases.”

So a three judge panel gives a reprieve to the Marathon Bomber because the jurors weren’t screened properly for biases…………

Yet…….Yet…..IN THE ROGER STONE CASE, there is absolutely definitive proof that the head juror, a freakin’ lawyer no less, was a democrat activist, hater of Trump, and had it out for anybody that supported Trump—-AND NOTHING happens! Where is the appellate three judge panel in this case? And when brought up—the judge of the case does nothing.

We have physical proof before God and everybody that Tsnarov participated in deaths of Americans. It was brazen, in full view. He gets off. Roger Stone—on made-up charges, on process crimes—–is convicted with a very PARTISAN juror—and nothing!

This is disgusting. This is two tier justice system. And real criminals get off—while patriots are hounded like Flynn and Stone. I’m boiling mad. Everyday, I’m outraged. I’ve had it.

America was built on this Enlightenment concept of the Social Compact.

There is NO more Social Compact in America—its’ over. Every institution of America is converged, the Justice system, our own government at all levels, every college and university, the Media and all the churches.

4 years ago

>”Prominent conservative Steven Calabresi, co-founder of the Federalist Society, said Trump’s tweet on Thursday morning calling for an election delay was ground for impeachment and removal. All assets deployed. If there was a group you heard of on our side, the media told you about it because they were told to tell you about it. Think about the level of control that would require, to make sure nobody let an honest group accidentally get mentioned. Think about how you could do everything these guys did to promote your group, but all you would see is the media ignore you and nobody even know you existed, as this corrupted group soared effortlessly. That was the power of Cabal. It was everywhere.”

I just love how Trump keeps smoking the traitors out left and right. Like Q said, people must be shown, can’t be told. And the list grows ever long.

4 years ago

>”In Germany, a Muslim migrant rapes 11-year-old girl, is released after a month, then rapes a 13-year-old girl. It is possible these things are not done by chance, but rather Cabal has some way of signalling to these characters, be they migrants, pedophile priests, or just regular pedophiles or serial killers, who among the vulnerable is protected and who is not in the club. I’d love to know if this girl’s family had a history of being sideways with the machine, or if it was under coverage for some reason, maybe going back generations. This would be an excellent way to stall somebody who otherwise might rise to become a problem. The Machine is not a charity, or a lark. It is on some sort of mission which must have a very real reason and purpose for being and consuming the massive resources it does. Somebody sees advantage in it, and not just a small bit, given the risks they take on in operating it.”

Pic related:

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4 years ago

Good riddance to those waste of oxygen, “human” waste meat bags. Should had been executed a long time ago. Hope to see much much more of that in the near, mid and long term future.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Praise the LORD and pass the ammunition!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago


comment image

4 years ago

People marching against child trafficking and pedophilia in Hollywood:

Reddit says RUSSIA!!!one1! is behind the march:

The notorious hacker known as 4benis comments on the issue:

4 years ago

I suggest everyone reads this comment on Vox Day blog’s post:

It is comment #20, by user “map”:

It dawned on me watching Zuckerberg talk about how his company sells “advertising” that this is an utter and complete misunderstanding of how digital media companies actually make money. This “advertising” meme is simply to create the illusion that the consumer is somehow king, with companies desperate to know what you want by analyzing Facebook data and then delivering ads through the Facebook homepage.

This is not what is happening. The goal is not to figure out what you want and then provide it for you. They know what you want because they can see what you bought. The goal is to charge you more for what you already buy. The system is not trying to figure out what kind of wine Vox really likes and then match him with those providers of wine. The system is trying to sell his eating habits to health insurance companies so they can bill him higher premiums.

Basically, their business model is to get around the law of one price. In a retail store, the retailer has to guess what price a popular crock pot might sell for, then they have to display and advertise that price to anyone who walks by. If the price is $70, then the crockpot will sell to anyone who would pay that price or more. The person who would pay $100 will buy it for $70. The person who will pay $70 will buy it for $70. The person who would pay $40 won’t buy at all. In the market, the crockpot would generate only $140 in revenue.

Enter digital media. The goal here is to sell the crockpot to the consumer who will pay $100, to the one who will pay $70 and to the one who will pay $40. The result is $210 in revenue, a 50% increase. Their model is granular price discrimination all along the demand curve. Amazon’s ecosystem can easily achieve such an effect by sandboxing your account and only feeding you the highest possible prices their data indicates that you will pay, but Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. all have similar systems in place. Ironically, retail stores are the only reason why prices on Amazon haven’t skyrocketed. They represent the ceiling on what Amazon can charge.

In other words, the more you use social and digital media, the more money it will cost you. This is, incidentally, why these digital companies have such high valuations, when their business models allow the capture of such massive consumer surplus.

This is an entirely parasitic business model that should be illegal. It should be illegal to use any user data for marketing purposes unless explicit written consent is provided by the consumer. No, not a eula, a lawyer who comes to your door and explains what Facebook wants to do with your data, that you then agree to through a contract.

Big brain stuff, I think he is right.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

That makes even more sense.

>”I think it possible somebody has been looking at one of my ancestral lines for some reason, and appears to know some secret about it which even my own family has been kept oblivious to at least for decades, and maybe much longer.”

The Jew fears the BBC (big brain Caucasian).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“But I have a pretty good ability to feel systems, and I have to say, the more I look at these economic explanations for systems, the more they “feel” off. I am still holding out the possibility there is a big reveal which will come and show us things worked vastly, vastly differently from anything we can imagine. Like the whole monetary system is reserved for plebes to trade among themselves, while large quantities of the products of plebe labor were siphoned off somehow for free, vanished from the computer records, and diverted to the elites to enjoy for free in some type of utopia-like breakaway civilization.”

There would seem to be at least some circumstantial evidence that things are off. For example we know that incomes have been largely stagnant since the 1970s for most Americans. And yet at the same time our economy is substantially larger in terms of GDP. Productivity is higher than in the past. The inflation rate during this period has been mostly stable so where did all of the extra value go to?

When I think of all of the value that I produced during my working years, that is quite a lot. Being a frugal person I have tried to spend only what I needed to and have invested the rest. (a wise choice I would argue considering how many people have now lost work due to the virus situation) So I am a lot better off than many people who live paycheck to paycheck. But it still seems that for most people a lot of what they produce does not show up in the economy or in their own financial situation.

If the average salary were about 50K for a person with some education and skills, then their lifetime earnings would be around 2 million. Much of that is taxed away. More is reduced by inflated expenses like health care premiums. And some goes to living expenses. For most people, the remainder is quite small, and we are encouraged to spend that on trinkets. We are not encouraged to save and invest. The schools certainly don’t teach anything useful about finance or how to manage one’s income. Why would that be?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

That makes a lot of sense.

Consider how advertising cannot really work because it is the classic causation/correlation problem. You can’t show that your ad caused more sales or is merely correlated to sales that would have happened anyway. Yet, despite this problem, big advertising is a huge business. Moreover, companies advertise that do not need to advertise, like McDonalds, Coke and Toyota. These are household names. Why advertise?

Well, advertising was necessary for the monetizing of early television and radio. Figure Cabal/Big Government wants access to businesses that have valuable military and social control applications. So Cabal gets Ford, GM and Chrysler to invest in TV/Radio through advertising, effectively subsidizing TV/Radio and training a private sector version of of propaganda.

But…how would Cabal control the auto industry? Well, Ford was the pioneer in mass-production automobile manufacturing. He was the feisty inventor. Cabal gained control not by investing in Ford, but by creating General Motors, headed by a connected money-manager, Alfred Sloane and later by creating Chrysler. Thus, an oligopoly is formed and a valuable business is tightly controlled. This control allowed the direct investment into TV/Radio.

This, btw, is how Silicon Valley companies are created, although you can do direct investment because the network effect creates oligopolies on its own in strategic technologies.

Tesla, for example, is valuable because it is a mobile surveillance platform: you can attach audio and video to a battery. The electric car is also far less useful and far more expensive, so it is a way to undemocratize on-demand transportation. Government has an interest in this, so Tesla is subsidized. This is why Elon Musk is chummy with Trump lately, because he knows Tesla is basically a government company.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

“…This is an entirely parasitic business model that should be illegal…”

It’s even worse than that. Amazon didn’t make a profit on it’s store for over ten years. Ten years it sold at below cost with money raised from monopoly capitalism.

They do make some money from cloud server business but still lose money on the store online. Think about how crooked it is that they can totally get around the anti-trust laws.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Big brain article, worth the read:

Just Me
Just Me
4 years ago

Something doesn’t add up with the Inhofe / speakerphone story.
Is there anyone here who can’t tell when they’re on speakerphone?
Especially in a public place like a restaurant?
We’re supposed to believe Trump is a Master of 7 Dimensional Chess, but is too stupid to know he’s on speakerphone?
Either it never happened or it was some sort of setup.

4 years ago

5chin autists, shitposters, and autistic shitposters discuss the issue of how everyone is now being subject to a social credit score system, world-wide:

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

It’s stalking, slander and libel.

It is illegal already.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…From COVID to cancers, HCQ is a ‘wonder drug’ of our time…”

I posted a link on Hydroxychloroquine being used to clear the pineal gland from calcium. ”

“…Apparently HCQ is used to treat a condition called chronic Calcium pyrophosphate disease (CPPD), which is used by the deposition of calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) crystals in the joint tissues. Its kinda like arthritis. It has also been found to act as a matrix metalloprotease (calcium dependent amino acid killer) activity inhibitor. Both of these actions are achieved presumably by breaking down the calcium needed to feed the activity…”

One thing I haven’t heard mentioned was that maybe it could also be used for heart conditions? I happened to think of this while reading about it’s ability to clear calcium. After all calcium build up is a major problem and marker for heart disease.

“…Measuring calcified plaque with a heart scan may allow your doctor to identify possible coronary artery disease before you have signs and symptoms…”

4 years ago

“Leftist women are being unnerved by heightened amygdala-stimulation due to men looking more at their eyes due to the fact they are wearing masks. An interesting possible phenomenon, which might explain all the people who are freaking out of late over mask issues. Masks may increase eye contact, which increases amygdala activation, which makes people more combative.”

And all this time leftist women have insisted that men should look them in the eye instead of looking at other parts of them.


4 years ago

This meme reminded me of all the articles about how AI gets redpilled on the JQ as soon as they feed it legit data:

comment image

They called it the Tayminator, kek

4 years ago

Syrian Army Uncovers Organ Trading Hub Of Turkish-Backed Militants In Southern Idlib

4 years ago

From, please check this out and see how you like it. 🙂

A self-published historical novel called Dawn of Betrayal

Post by MaxGrant » Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:38 pm
What do you call it when a core of immigrants, mostly Russian and Eastern European ne’er-do-wells, infiltrate our country during the migrant boom years following WW I and seek to transform it into the type of socialist totalitarian hell-hole they left ? What do you call it when home-grown Americans over succeeding generations embrace and promote this anti-human ideology? Some rightly call it Subversion, Sedition or Treason, but I call it Betrayal. Betrayal of their countrymen, indeed all of humanity.

Seeds sown in the ‘20s and ‘30s blossomed into sleeper cells, spy rings, bought poltroons, termite-ridden bureaucracies, legions of useful idiots, subversion on behalf of Red China, and actual ascendance to power: the travesty of the Clinton co-presidency, the Bush deceptions, and, most damaging, the recent Obamanation. Ronald Reagan was right when he stated that the USA is the last best hope for freedom on Earth, and for that primarily it has been under constant and increasing effective attack by enemies foreign and domestic.

Dawn of Betrayal, a short work of historical fiction, is a look back – and forward – at the origins and effects of the Communist conspiracy in America. A synopsis can be found at the web page:

My author’s page also features a very short story based on personal observations of human trafficking, “Justice by Moonlight,” which can be found here:

Also found there are three brief paragraphs regarding some obscure pre-Cold War items that I learned of during my research for the novel.

Any and all comments or critiques are always welcome!

4 years ago

Census Bureau reportedly moves to end in-person count early

4 years ago