News Briefs – 07/23/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Mass shooting in Canada. Chans that know the area say the shooter is walking from a Muslim area, and shooting into a Greek restaurant. Authorities say terrorism may be a possibility.

Not the only instance, as Toronto is in the midst of a gun crime epidemic. Those are not the middle class, conservative Canadians shooting everyone with illegal guns. Import Muslims, get Muslim gangs.

Woman treed by wolves. Leftist Washington wildlife officials say, we can’t help because the wolves are federally protected. Always occupy the high ground of violence yourself, because the state may see you as expendable one day.

In NY, woman who murdered her 4-month-old daughter, admitted smothering three of her other kids and is suspected of killing yet another five, could be freed from prison by next month after parole members gave her a get-out-of-jail-free card. This on the heels of releasing two cop-killers and the murderer of a prosecutor. Leftists are evil, period.

Three Muslims walking by throw acid on a three year old for no real reason whatsoever in Britain.

Canada will accept up to 250 white helmets who a fleeing Syria. Basically paying back Cabal ground level operators/propagandists.

Germany mulls hiring foreign EU nationals into the Army. I always see a government looking ahead to deploying its military against its own citizens when I see this.

Children’s show Rick and Morty has a pedo problem too. (disturbing, features pixelated video of fat guy filming himself raping a baby doll):

Marco Rubio argues for Cabal, says Carter Page FISA docs do not indicate there was any spying on the Trump Campaign. Google “Marco Rubio gay dance troupe” “Marco Rubio Coke House” and “Marco Rubio gay foam party.” Tell me nobody has anything on him.

Meanwhile the Washington Times points out it shows that the FBI used anti-Trump media reporting, and a dossier paid for by Trump’s political opponents to initiate a bogus surveillance operation against him. So if your political opponents say something bad about you, that is all it takes for the government run by your opposition to begin full surveillance of you and your entire campaign.

People are talking about Clapper saying that Obama, by setting off the Intelligence Community Assessment, set in motion the chain of events that led directly to a Special Counsel investigating the political opponent of his desired successor. They never thought she’d lose, but just in case, they wanted to be able to spy on the Trump campaign and destroy Trump.

Flashback – Obama Spokesperson states catagorially Obama never ordered any surveillance or investigation of any political opponent.

From the Conservative Treehouse:

Assad sees victory at hand as rebels prepare to flee border region with Israel. Israel may have been supporting those rebels to give it a foothold in Syria to monitor and go after Iranian nuclear activity in Syria. This may be a sign Iran’s nuke program in Syria is gone, and all that is left to do is get a grip on Iran’s banking so the Cabal’s bank accounts can be closed, and Cabal will lose the ability to move money in and out of the system unseen.

Trump gives Iran the Kim Jong-Un treatment:

We think this is Trump creating stress, manipulating minds, and setting the stage for victory. But there is a possibility victory came after the meeting with Putin, Iran is already our’s, and this pattern of tweets is simply playing the same script, designed to allow Iran to give Trump what he needs without losing face.

Interesting and dramatic changes in North Korean trade numbers, which are going down, despite North Korea playing nice, and our presumptive desire to see them benefit with increasing trade to reward them. It makes me wonder if all those trade numbers were part of some sort of Cabal-driven money laundering scheme, routing cash into goods and trade to launder it back into the banking system.

Mexican President offers an olive branch to Trump, asks for NAFTA deal. Can’t help but wonder if he is an anti-Cabal leftist, and he will work well with Trump because of it. Fighting Cabal offers a real possibility of actually uniting left and right in ways no other threat could.

Young people will not vote in the midterms, according to polling.

Lesbians want to strip the L from LGBT, because they don’t like men who are trans trying to claim they are women. Too many victims and not enough victim status and sympathy is K, and it causes splintering.

Comey tries to offer self-destructing Democrats advice, says don’t rush to the Socialist left, and former Obama aide tells him, ‘Nobody is asking for your advice.’ The feeling when you have picked your side and openly and aggressively declared war, only to then find out the side you picked is filled with losers.

Kurt Schlichter advocates for all out, take-no-prisoners war against the Cabal-owned left, at every opportunity, for any reason, with no mercy given. Unlike Shapiro, Beck, and the rest of the NeverTrump Cucks, who will never lead the right under the God Emperor. The Cabal-owned leftists wanted a raw power struggle, they are getting the gentle version of it the right has at its disposal.

Seattle Homeless population quadruples, and anger is rising among the populace. It is a cycle. Free resources, acclimatization to low amygdala, migration, resource constriction, higher amygdala, anger, tribalism. The stupidest thing the Elites ever did was encourage migration. If they had been assiduous about denying that, resources might have stayed high enough to keep the K-slide going, and there is no telling how much farther the r-slide would have gone, or how bad the degeneracy would have been. We could have been enslaved, were it not for the elites trying to poison the gene-pool with Low IQ foreigners from third world lands.

Frustrated voters turn to far right over Brexit.

Bavarian town votes against building mosque. If Cabal is in control, they have decided to let the right have its way. If they are not, the right is going to get its way. This is the K-shift.

Belgian political leader predicts civil war is near as governments are losing control Imagine you are Cabal. You can try to fight this unstoppable trend, and maybe have unknown entities defeat you and take control, or you can send in your own ultra-right leaders, to the right of the real right leaders, and then order your leftist candidates and moderate rights to let your ultra-right leaders have control.

Trump’s approval rating is still climbing up among everyone in the polls. They throw everything at him, and nothing works. I cannot imagine how frustrating that must be. Also it indicates a peaceful nation prefers to avoid war with Russia, even in the face of the media onslaught. Cabal is crushed. Daily Caller even took a moment to relish MSNBC tears over the data.

Ecuador finalizes plans for Assange’s release to British government. It looks bad, but lets take an alternate view. Assange has been allowed to live. Presumably this is because he has an insurance file that will go live if anybody takes him out. What might be in the insurance file? Perhaps enough Cabal-related material to seriously damage Cababl’s ability to operate. So what does his being handed over to Britain do? It might allow Britain to lock him down and trigger the release of the insurance file, which might kick off the Storm. Alternately he will disappear into a dark hole as Cabal tortures out of him the intel to find and delete the files. But if that were the case, I am sure the God Emperor would act if it were necessary for The Plan.

Spread r/K Theory, because something is changing

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6 years ago

Sundance’s initial analysis of the FISA release is excellent as always. It is a copy, not the original. All dates redacted except the one on the clerk of the court’s signature.

They’ve got 4 men already for the attack on the child. 3 in London. We have a gang problem as well. I expect it is the child of a gang member that was targeted.

If you have some time to read this, Neon Revolt has a very extensive piece on a new Hollywood Anon with the tag name Renegade who has been online exposing a lot of people in H’wood. Triggered a lot more digging on the Chans.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

If you read this you see it’s Jews, Jews, Jews all the way down. Now the cabal may be something else, (maybe but I’m not seeing it), it could easily have more non-Jews than Jews but everywhere I look I see Jews running things.

If you look at all the sick shit they do and the complete lack of concern for the welfare of humans I see psychopaths, psychopaths, psychopaths. The behavior they exhibit is textbook psychopathy. Hence my constantly calling the Jews a tribe of psychopaths. They just act like that. If you took out the medical charts and checked all the check marks on a psychological examination of them it would be…psychopath.

This is why they’ve survived and thrived so long. They are a different species that parasites on normal humans. The Jews have told us publicly over and over and over that they are a different people. That norms are not even human and they are. That they are totally different form us. I agree. They are psychopaths. Slightly smarter as their brains have no space for empathy and with far less inhibition or anxiety they are able to move very fast when threatened. They also are able to reads events better because they don’t give a shit what’s in someone else’s head. Norms try to judge peoples actions by what they think they would do. The psychopaths don’t make this mistake. A valuable survival trait. One thing they lack is they are not able to accurately gauge the level of frustration of the norm population. One day they’re raping kids and ripping people off and getting away with it. No one cares. The next everyone goes nuts and starts trying to kill them. Happened hundreds of times in the past thousands of years. The stupid and slow ones get the rope and the wealthy and quick ones move to the next country to start over.

Their problem is world wide communications is cutting off their escape. All these books that describe them are all being archived online on various places. People that are curious, start looking after some crazy shit happens or you run across one of them and wonder just what is wrong with them? It was 9-11 for me. You start looking around and it doesn’t take long before you realize this stuff has been going on forever and exactly whose doing it. The ability to run is narrowing. There’s nowhere to hide.

I believe I know what psychopaths are. They are the remnants of Humans before civilization. All humans used to be mostly psychopathic. Most animals are psychopathic. The rise of “empathy” in humans IS the reason for the rise of civilizations. Just think for a moment of a city full of psychopaths. Have ever been alone with someone and could have killed them and taken their money and knew you could get away with it? Why didn’t you? Empathy. In a city full of psychopaths you can’t have a city because everyone would constantly take advantage of any weaknesses. You can’t have a civilization of psychopaths. There would be so much disorder it make civilization impossible.

There was book written a long time ago called.”The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind”. He was right that earlier minds were different but wrong on what the difference was.

Supporting evidence for this is studies that show Blacks have less empathy and a brief look at any place they control. Another good source is tame foxes. In four generations they took wild foxes and made them tame. They acquired a lot of attributes of dogs. Quote,”… By 2005-2006, almost all the foxes were playful, friendly and behaving like domestic dogs. The foxes could “read” human cues and respond correctly to gestures or glances. The vocalizations they made were different to wild foxes…”.

I believe that the foxes were breed for empathy even if that’s not what they were aiming for.

It’s possible that this came about by the elites “taming” humans. What they got was less violent people with a side effect of more empathy.

Sam J’s theory of civilization,”Civilization came about because of the rise of empathy. This allowed people to work together”.

Sam J’s theory of civilization, ”Empathy is necessary to form civilization. As capacity for empathy rose civilization rose with it.”

(Empathy. One reason the Neanderthals never did a damn thing).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Unless the Freemason symbolism is a plant to direct attention to them. From what I know they are not an overt group that would necessarily display their symbols so obviously. After all it’s not called a secret society for nothing. Or they are behind it in conjunction with Cabal and are emboldened to ‘out’ themselves.

I know 3 Masons, one my now deceased grandfather who founded his local lodge, and not one would ever talk about it or even show me what they wore as that was forbidden.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“… impression at all that it is a cult of Jews, or some genetic strain, or some secret group?…”

I’m almost sure it’s genetic. Jews have certain kind of freakishness to them. I’m hard pressed to exactly nail this down but how do you nail down “WASP”. You might not can totally explain it but you know it when you see it. I’ll tell you one trait when Jews get in their thirties or so the full Jew seems to come out. They get more intense. More Jewish. It’s difficult to talk about fixed genetic traits today. We have lost the language or mind space to do so because we’ve been forced to ignore it. But it’s not hard to notice a sheep dog will try it’s best to herd things. Sheep, ducks, children it just wants to herd. If an animal can be born and immediately know a huge number of things to so to survive surely other mental traits can be passed on.

The Masons. I believe that most are just folks but if you think about it a very psychopathic or devious person might look at this “secret” organization where everyone is supposed to help each other out and think,”this is great place to rise to the top and secretly abuse others”. So it’s not so much the Masons as it is a problem with it being secret what they do. Allows the bad to rise to the top unnoticed. You could equally apply the exact same notion to the Jews. They are much the same as the Masons. I’ve read numerous times they say many things among themselves they try to never let out to others. I don’t personally know this but have have heard it many, many times and don’t doubt it being true.

“…I am pretty sure Cabal will fuck over 95% of Jews or more happily, as easily and happily as they would the “Goys.” I get a real vibe of insider/outsider, and I feel like the insiders are a small clique….”

If you look at the Jews past if they were not allowed to prey on the norms in a society because the norms caught on and limited the Jews ability to rip people off they immediately started in on abusing the less fortunate Jews. So yes you’re right but at this point in US history they are mostly all preying on us. Not 100% obviously but I would find it very hard to believe that less than 95% of Jews don’t know about the Jews rule of sticking together to screw the norms. Their either in on it or refuse to talk about it. I have no place for them claiming innocence by claiming individuality because I’ve heard all my life Jews, hidden as Whites, blaming Whites for all the ills of the world. They get no pass. Just like the Left and the Jews are whining about the Left being doxed, fired and vilified by the right and complaining about it. They shouldn’t have done it themselves.

Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

Define Jew? There were 12 tribes of Israel. Other names are used including Zionist, Khazarian, Sephardic, Pharisee?

My gut feeling is they are being used as a smokescreen. Their history has been well developed as a victimised race, (though Jew is not a race) again to deflect from what they do whether as a front or actively participating. I agree with AC, I think they will be the biggest losers in this as most people will look for someone or ‘race’ to blame and they are right there in the front of the firing squad.

We have yet to see who is behind them pulling their strings, though this young lady refers to an ancient giant family. Now is that a large family or family of giants? With elongated skulls, perhaps?

The rest is not an easy read. Met HRC aged 8 at a satanic ritual, sold by her father, aged 13, to be abused by Tom Hanks. He was outed by that Hollywood Anon, Renegade, now outed himself as Demond Wilson. If you doubt it as TH is such a ‘nice’ man think about that love scene Hanks did with Elizabeth Perkins in the movie Big. His character was a 13 year old boy ‘magically’ transformed into an adult body. The rabbit hole is a lot deeper than most of us care to traverse.

6 years ago

RE: Germany hiring non-Germans for the Armed Forces. A friend of mine just returned from a trip to Germany. As a former Marine (yes, he is still a Marine and goes to reunions do not get your drawers into a twist) his evaluation of the German males was “listless and lacking in male energy – behaved as defeated”.

So in my eyes the article can very well be wrong. It maybe not the history, but the lack of genetic vigor. Several years ago had an evaluation of both England and France that could be applied to Germany as well. The premise was that with the great wars I and II the millions of men who were killed were the men of genetic vigor (K = warriors and in group nationalists). The first to go to war are the men of warrior blood and so are in many ways the least likely to survive in a war of any length. So the effeminate useless drones who now populate Europe in large numbers are the result.

I also believe that in diluting the European blood (Scandinavian, Germanic, UK, Northern Levant and Russian) in the US by the unlimited immigration of low vigor it is the goal of the Cabal to breed us into passive mindless low IQ drones. Hatred of white males is only the beginning and if you have any questions ask your children what they are being taught in the indoctrination palaces (aka public schools). Question carefully and you will find the awful truth.


Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Most of the casualties of WWs 1&2 were white weren’t they?

Or in the case of Japan ..Christians, see Nagasaki, the intended target of the H(oly) bombs with Hiroshima being a smokescreen forever quoted to deflect from the Christian element of the victims.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Cattle. Sheep. The ancestors of both were rather aggressive creatures. 15ky of selection for maximum product and minimum resistance will do that. Stephan has a good video applying that to human cattle, from maybe three years ago.

Reply to  Goose
6 years ago

Although there is no disputing the lack of thumos in Western Europe, and although the great bloodletting can’t have been positive/helpful in any way, I think there is more to the equation than simply horrific battle casualties. Russia, Poland, Hungary all suffered massive losses in WW2, yet their men are still men, there is no support for BLT perversions in EE, and there is a significant religious revival going on there. This suggests to me that the main culprit in the West’s decline was a PsyOp designed and exported by the former USSR to plant headworms in the West by means of weaponizing words and concepts like “racism”. sexism”, “intolerance”, ad nauseum. (Cleverly, the USSR didn’t keep any of these poison pills for themselves.)

When you have a continent, half of which is circling the drain, while the other half is still filled with masculine energy, you have to look for variables to explain the difference, and I believe that a Yuri Bezmenov-like infiltration program fits the bill.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Goose
6 years ago

“listless and lacking in male energy – behaved as defeated”

What a plugged in [to the truth] response. Shockingly profound. Where in the MSM* media will one hear such a thing today?

* Note: MSM is also a category of personal ads, that is, Males Seeking Males. Gets me every time.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Sadly enough, if you spend any amount of time on an American college campus, your eyes will be assaulted by example after example of noodle-armed neotony among the ostensibly-male population. They talk with a vocal uptick, they are seriously interested in the on-screen exploits of comic book superheroes, and while they may not actually BE homosexuals, “it wouldn’t take much of a prison term”, as Judy Tenuda used to say.

The only exceptions, as a group, are the intercollegiate athletes and a few surfer/Chad/frat boys. everyone else looks like H.G. Wells’ eloi.

Reply to  Goose
6 years ago

My own family’s history supports your contention. In fact I would go further and say that there had to be a second WW to kill the sons of those lost in WW1. We lost 2 brothers (my great great Uncles) in WW1, but both had married young (as was typical in those days) and had sons before they were killed. The sons were lost in WW2. If you look at the length of time between the wars it doesn’t take too much to work out it was a good way to take out at least two generations.

After that the next generations were very anti war and we’re not encouraged to join the armed forces. Always did wonder why my grandfather (Royal Navy Captain – aircraft carrier WW2) produced 3 sons all creative artistic types. Not r but definitely not pure K.

6 years ago

“Israel may have been supporting those rebels to give it a foothold in Syria to monitor and go after Iranian nuclear activity in Syria.”

This is basically nonsensical. I love your stuff, have bought your books, etc. But sometimes you, like the rest of us, have an idée fixe that it’s hard to see beyond.

Israel supported the “rebels” aka terrorists in Syria, because it’s been a long-standing plan to destroy all secular Arab regimes. It goes back to at least the 1980s, and the “Yinon Plan”:

Keep in mind that that is a Wikipedia article, and therefore controlled and edited by the cabal.

Israel and the Zionists have purposely killed hundreds of thousands of Christians in the Middle East, because of their atavistic hatred of Christianity and traditional values. They have purposely flooded Europe, and desire the Islamification and R-ification of Europe. It goes on and on.

I humbly beg you to reconsider the Idea that Iran and Hezbollah are the bad guys here. I doubt that they are cabal-controlled. Israel most definitely is. Perhaps Netanyahu is attempting to go in a better direction, but somehow, I doubt it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Because they can’t exactly wire the digital rials (I think) to all their cells in the West. Cold, hard $ € and £, baybee!

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Reading this comment and reply was meaningful. This is what debate looks like when leftist freaks aren’t party. Really stimulates the mind.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Jake
6 years ago

Jake I would have and have said exactly the same thing that you just said but I’m really coming around, as odd as it seems, that AC is right. I believe this because Q has proved so right about so much and also how Trump has slowly outmaneuvered the cabal or the Jews or whoever it is causing all this strife. Right after Trump took office and I saw all the Jews he surrounded himself with, dropping all of the good guys, Sessions seeming to be bogged down, I was sure that we had been had and Trump was just another long line of Jew puppets but…over time he has outwitted and dropped off a LOT of these cabal hangers on. Every day he renders them more and more impotent. Now maybe he still is a Jew plant but he’s certainly moving the right direction. Trumps not there yet but the stars are aligning in very mysterious ways. By God I think we may win this one.

Let’s hope he doesn’t hide it. We need everyone to know just how close we came to being all locked up in work camps to be worked to death.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

“Fucking A”? That’s so appropriate yet also so 80s. I’m laughing my mullet off over here!

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

Revving the shit out of my Camaro, too!

Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

If you have the time, read the transcript of Pompeo’s recent speech in front of a number of American Iranians. At least the first bit where he describes the fact that everyone from Rouhani to Ayatollah Khamenei ($98billion) has exfiltrated Iran’s wealth. That $400 million is chicken feed unless it was one of several instalments. His comment that a Hezbollah fighter is paid, by Iran, 2-3 times what a firefighter in Iran is paid gives a clear idea of the Iranian elites’ priorities. Their Islamic Revolution has provided deep cover for what may be going on behind the scenes as it did in NK.

6 years ago

Germany mulls hiring foreign EU nationals into the Army. I always see a government looking ahead to deploying its military against its own citizens when I see this.

I see the Romans leaving the defense of Rome to Visigoth immigrants.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

Great analogy. The Visigoths took Rome because they could, when it was falling apart and no one was left to stop them.

Gregory Pierce
Gregory Pierce
6 years ago

Clapper setting table for Obama to claim he acted properly in investigating Trump campaign after being given intelligence that Russians had infiltrated Trump campaign. CYA going on now, looks like things are about to break. They’re scared.

6 years ago

oo many victims and not enough victim status and sympathy is K, and it causes splintering

Watch what women do, not what they say.

These women are splintering off at the exact same moment the K strategists are asdendwnt and the backstabbing r freaks are getting hammered.

I think this is an unconscious desire to reposition themselves with the potential winner. I think the the tranny freak show is just an excuse. Look at Europe, women are literally being gang raped by “migrants” and many of the women still advocate for more of them.

Nah, I think this is more of the Donald Effect. Rather than things going “too far”

Which once again should remind every K strategist man that if you want female love, the best way is to be the winner that they love.

Reply to  Ron
6 years ago

Disagree. There is a visceral hatred for the trannies from that crowd that goes back further than Trump. Five or so years ago, I first stumbled on the term ‘gender assigned at birth’. After I picked my jaw up, I decided to discover what breed of madness and mauling of language and science this might perchance be. Dove into the rabbit hole, and in addition to realizing that the tranny thing was going to be the next Great Moral Cause, that there is honest to G-d venom those two groups have for each other. Not having a dog in that fight, I read and watched videos from each side. Two conclusions: 1) Both sides have some legitimate complaints about the other and 2) They’re both BATSNOT CRAZY. Besides, the feminist/lesbian movement is rooted in deep hatred for men, all men. Check out, he’s done a post-grad amount of research on the history and current crap.

6 years ago

Assange being transferred to British custody may BE the plan. Think about the timing – Trump shows up, derails both not-Brexit and even gets the ball rolling on Teresa May’s replacement. Trump may want Assange in British custody so that he can be extradited to America.

Reply to  Lowell
6 years ago

Or if you believe CDAN’s Independence Day blizzard of reveals (the relevant one claiming Assange and GS are yachting buddies), Cabal wants him. May clearly is, and they may want to Arkancide him, or reward him for his work.

Reply to  bikermailman
6 years ago

CDAN’s reveal says they have already tried to Arkancide Assange by poisoning him. May explain the rush to get him out of the Embassy. Someone got through their security and administered poison. Seems he has survived but his ‘prison’ is no longer secure.

All bets are off. Assange has nothing really to lose now.