News Briefs – 07/11/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

So Democrat Politicians are getting kickbacks from the dead baby business. A part of me wonders if some organization has arisen in the shadows as a middleman, who clocks the arrangements, logs them with some sort of credit system, and then sets up the laundered payoffs.

And here is another one. Nobody cares about women’s soccer. The “massive” outbreak of viewing parties, the parades, the media coverage, the adoring fans on TV who were gushing about how wonderful the lesbo who looks like Gary Busey is, all of it is a scripted show put on purposely to make it look like those opposed to Trump are winners. I would bet the majority of the obsessed fans are Cabal ground operatives, living next door to you, looking like you, talking to you, and acting as if they are just like you – but they know about the Secret Society and you do not. They took their script and said on camera what they were told to say. It was fucking organized by psychological specialists, funded by desperate politicos, and performed by a crowd of insiders, and reported on by a media which was only hired after a detailed surveillance review of their backgrounds and probably having been raised from a child as part of the machine which exerts all of this control. I understand now what Q meant when he said, “You are watching a movie.” Everything you see on the news is manipulation which only gets by because nobody would believe how big this thing is, or how many are a part of it.


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

New Epstein accuser says she was 15 when he forcibly raped her.

Ocasio-Cortez sued by Dov Hikind for blocking him on Twitter.

Somebody vandalized posters of Lesbo soccer leftist Megan Rapinoe, and now it is being investigated as a hate crime. Ironic, how you can burn the flag and they celebrate you. Free speech is only good if it tears down the country.

Schumer got thousands in donations from Epstein.

Flynn prosecutors will “reassess” sentencing after other trial concludes.

Ben Garrison pulls out of White House Social Media Summit because the left digs up a cartoon that shows Rothchilds and Soros pulling the strings, and claims it is anti-Semitic.

Epstein and Clinton were dining back in 1995.

Singer Sting cancels a string of concert dates due to an unspecified illness. Probably nothing, but if he keels over tomorrow, you heard it here first.

Clinton-era State Department Official breaks down in tears as she’s sentenced to 40 months in prison for conspiring with chinese agents.

A second member of the Harvey Weinstein prosecution team quit the Manhattan DA’s Office last month.

Epstein’s child handler/pimp was the daughter of another character who moved through Cabal/espionage circles, and who turned up dead under mysterious circumstances – if it was his body and he didn’t disappear himself, leaving another body behind. She has been accused of photographing Epstein’s victims “in sexually explicit poses and [keeping] the child pornography on her computer,” and “engaging in lesbian sex with the underage females she procured for Epstein.”

Rachel Chandler posted this picture, ostensibly of preparations going on at Epstein’s Little St James Island in July of 2013, and Q’s anons noted the dates correlate to St James Day and the Grand Climax, which is the satanic date where you perform ritual sacrifice of females.

Germany and the European Commission are urging European Union member states to take in migrants.

Jeffrey Epstein helped pay off the debts of Prince Andrew’s ex, Sarah Ferguson. He paid off some which allowed her to restructure her £5 million in debt.

Epstein’s Wiki page stealth edited to remove ties to Democrats. The internet has become an amazing little propaganda machine.

Iranian forces tried to hijack a British tanker, but were thwarted by a British Navy vessel.

Biden avoided a half million in taxes by using a tax loophole Obama tried to close.

Iran threatens to attack US bases and aircraft carriers.

San Francisco homeless count goes from bad to worse, jumping 30% from 2017.

Doctors are gearing up for 2020, to try and spot the regular spike in Acute Flaccid Myelitis that appears to come from a Central American Enterovirus, and which spikes every US election cycle.

Ex-Marine who raided the North Korean Embassy in Spain is freed on bail pending his extradition hearing.

California now gives free healthcare for illegals up until age 25 after bill is signed. So your kid gets cancer in Mexico and needs $500,000 in new chemo. What do you do?

Now an older Asian woman in Florida ruined $2,000 in ice cream by spitting, licking, picking her nose into, and urinating in the containers. Why are they focused on ice cream? Maybe I am getting paranoid, but why do I feel like this might be some sort of experiment, where some MK Ultra researchers put out a hidden message somewhere their pre-conditioned windup toys would see it, and then waited to see how many would pick up on it and follow the hidden orders?

Massive propane gas leak in Florida forces buildings to evacuate. Again, we have seen this same thing how many times now?

Google is scrubbing images of Clinton and Epstein from the web.

US judge orders Mueller to cease & desist claiming the Russian troll farm entities he indicted were directed by the Kremlin to interfere in the 2016 election.

NY Times says, homeland security officials say nationwide raids to sweep up undocumented families for deportation are scheduled to begin Sunday. This sounds like another leak to the same organization as last time, designed to endanger agent’s lives and stall the operation.

Acosta says Epstein was going to walk completely free until he got involved. Pretty incredible. Actual rape victims who worked with Police to make a case, and with just a snap of the fingers, it would have been like nothing had happened, and the victims would have had to deal with it. This is what Q was talking about. Cabal had corrupted everything, to the point Cabal assets could be completely untouchable if they were valuable enough. My suspicion is something changed after 9/11, and some sort of agency or authority in government hijacked the ability to take over any Law Enforcement organization which they walked into. But maybe it was like that going back farther, and we just didn’t hear about it.

NYPD let Epstein skip judge-ordered check-ins. This is what shows you the coordination between all parts of Cabal. If actual NYPD Officers made this call, the media would be all over them as failures. But here the media knows not to say a word, because NYPD is probably dying to put the blame on whatever secret agency or authority walked into Headquarters, flashed an ID, and proceeded to tell them what they were going to do. The media knows this entity is out there. They are probably assets of it themselves. And if you ever mentioned it to them, they would deride you as schizophrenic and pretend you were crazy. But they know when to cover for it. The US was really getting weird.

Merkel has the shakes again. It is still possible it is a GI fissure issue, but to happen this regularly, it may be something else like Parkinsons. Interesting they seemed to think it was under enough control to blow the last one off as nerves, as if it would resolve itself by now. Clearly she is breaking down.

Perot Jr contributes the maximum to Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign effort.

Migrant arrests at US-Mexico border drop 28% in June from May, first drop since January.

Release of illegals into the US drops 85% since Trump cut the new deal with Mexico.

Britain’s Ambassador resigns.

Ann Coulter says that sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein had a “state sponsor” backing him and that his operation was a way to blackmail powerful men.

There is a story of David Pecker mentioning to Trump at one point that Epstein has pictures of Clinton doing very bad things.

Vatican to open two 19th century graves looking for the body of a 15 year-old-daughter of a Vatican bank employee who went missing 36 years ago. Off an anonymous tip. You wonder if somebody’s surveillance saw her being planted, noted it in the file, and somebody like Q has just dug it up to stir the pot.

Trump has scheduled a rally for the same day as Mueller’s testimony.

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit filed by DC and Maryland claiming President Trump is violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution because foreign government officials stay at Trump’s DC hotel.

Puerto Rico’s former education secretary, others arrested in federal fraud probe into steering money to unqualified politically connected contractors.

Lockheed Martin will keep Pennsylvania plant open at President Trump’s request.

Societe Generale sued for $792 million by heirs of Cuban bank seized by Castro.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Stealth Bomber is wheels up.

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5 years ago

Interesting how the 15 year old Epstein victim told of being approached by a female “recruiter” outside the high school. A recruiter who apparently knew a lot about her, that she was an attractive young girl whose father had died of AIDS leaving her vulnerable and easy to manipulate with a story of Epstein knowing all about her plight and how he had taken a special interest in her and could really help her. How could such a thing be possible without massive surveillance? Makes the theory of a kid database seem plausible.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Are you suggesting that we could just set up AWAPSS on a major city and find practically every child that goes missing or runs away? Solve every crime down to broken windows and stolen kid’s bikes?

But children have been going missing for a long time, even when mobility was very limited and town gossips saw almost everything neighbors did. Who do you think the Lost Boys were in Peter Pan? The kids that vanished with the Pied Piper.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Don’t forget the lunatic neighbor who tried to kill Rand Paul (who was also at the ballgame with Scalise).

5 years ago

Why are they focused on ice cream?

Ice cream is kept at temps that will preserve any contaminants and cannot be heated before consumption to kill them. It’s why listeria was so bad when it hit Blue Bell.

Notice that it started with Blue Bell this time, after The Great Blue Bell famine was caused by listeria at the factory, the source of which was never discovered and reappeared after sanitizing the whole plant, keeping them out of operation for months.

Why is Blue Bell being targeted, and who is set up to replace them?

“Ice cream, Mandrake. CHILDREN’S ice cream!” Kubrick was plugged in and was either warning us or taunting us.

Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

If AC could close my tag, I would appreciate it. iPad keyboards suck.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I have always wondered why ice cream is frozen at a temperature to keep it soft. Ice cream will harden to a brick in a normal freezer.

5 years ago

It’s starting to look as if Q is talking for a new normie audience now… creating a less obscure / esoteric recent backlog of explainer/proofs posts for when the masses come knocking.

5 years ago

Iran Denies Trying To Seize UK Tanker In Persian Gulf After Military Close Encounter

5 years ago

Acosta Scrapped 53-Page Epstein Indictment In 2008 “After Secret Negotiations”: Fmr State’s Attorney

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Fingers are pointing every which way.

From the article:

Palm Beach police told the Miami Herald that they felt pressured by Krischer to downgrade Epstein’s case to a misdemeanor or to drop it entirely

5 years ago

Somebody may have tipped Epstein on what was coming:

Epstein Sold ‘Lolita Express’ Weeks Before Arrest: Court Document

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Do we know the buyer of the plane?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Thanks for the compliment.

5 years ago

“Vatican to open two 19th century graves looking for the body of a 15 year-old-daughter of a Vatican bank employee who went missing 36 years ago. Off an anonymous tip. You wonder if somebody’s surveillance saw her being planted, noted it in the file, and somebody like Q has just dug it up to stir the pot.”

The Vatican opened two tombs on Thursday to see if the body of a girl missing since 1983 was hidden there and ran into a new mystery when nothing was found, not even the bones of two 19th century princesses supposed to be buried there.

More at:

The Lion
The Lion
5 years ago

Trump cucks yet AGAIN, this time on the census question. Of course the sycophants think it’s 4D chess, but his people intentionally threw the issue by not even making a 14th amendment argument before SCOTUS.

The same day, he also cucked on PBM racketeering.

Now he’s censoring his own base.

I’m also young enough to remember when he promised to deport millions of illegals, but cucked when the Demonscats politely asked him not to. I think it was a bit over 2 weeks ago.

Also when Trump was sued for attempting to end DACA, he didn’t even cite this language in Obama’s EO that created DACA.

“This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch and does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity by a party against the United States, its agencies, its officers or employees, or any person.”

He seems to be INTENTIONALLY throwing ALL such court cases and promises, intending that exactly NONE of them take effect. Remember the government shutdown where he promised to he’d “keep the government closed for a very long period of time — months or even years” until congress relented on wall funding?? But I’m supposed to believe that Epstein is the beginning of “The Storm,” when he hasn’t ever shown testicular fortitude on **ANY** of his major 2016 promises.

Lastly, why is he even negotiating and talking (rather than jailing) with enemies of the republic, that attempted a coup against him, push war propaganda, and who have plans to genocide Heritage Americans? Doesn’t this human debris belong in Gitmo or 6 feet under?

Reply to  The Lion
5 years ago

Your Concern is noted.

Reply to  The Lion
5 years ago

Thanks for your concern.

I would still like to know whether it’s the lion of England or the lion of Judah.

5 years ago

Another #PedoGate Researcher Suddenly Dies: RIP Tracy Twyman

5 years ago

Alexander Acosta – who was recently found out to have helped paedophile Jeffery Epstein evade justice – now wants to cut 80 per cent of funding to the government agency that combats child sex trafficking.

The US labour secretary plans to reduce the International Labour Affairs Bureau’s (ILAB) funding from $68m to $18.5m in the Department of Labours’ 2020 fiscal year.

​The ILAB works to combat human trafficking and forced labour, particularly with cases of children.

More at:

Sometimes the agencies assigned to fight something actually facilitate it so we can’t be sure what this means.