News Briefs – 07/31/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


I had linked to this way back, but it is worth a reminder for the new readers – Nick Sortor tweets:

Just HOURS after I began pressing the mayor of Maui SUPER hard about children missing from the fire, I began being stalked, harassed, and intimidated.

This morning at 5:45 am, about 2 mins after I started my live shot with Steve Bannon on War Room while alone in the rear of my hotel, a stalker aggressively approached me from behind.

My hotel is 45 minutes from Lahaina.

I don’t know who this guy is or why he showed up to my hotel at 5:45 am. He would’ve had NO WAY of knowing I had a live shot scheduled.

I’ve even received SEVERAL death threats from “anonymous” users (aka cowards) over the past days, and ESPECIALLY the last 12 hours.

Although I now have to move hotels, get a new rental car, and possibly even HIRE SECURITY to travel around with me for my own safety, I WILL NOT BE DETERRED.

That is domestic surveillance, called into action to stop any questions from being asked about missing children after a natural disaster.

1 in 7 Americans plan to move if their preferred presidential candidate loses: poll. That is a lot of people. Is it possible those are members of the conspiracy that run surveillance, who will be fleeing criminal charges if Trump wins?

Trump shooter’s drone worked fine, Secret Service cold not get its drones in the air due to “connectivity issues.” At least, that is the latest story, though it does not take into account local agencies offering drones and them refusing them. If it were real, that would be Cabal intelligence operating behind the scenes against Secret Service. And if Secret Service were doing their job for real, they’d have been running spectrum analyzers, and know what kind of interference there was, and maybe have grown paranoid that it might have been someone sophisticated jamming their drones for a reason. If I am Secret Service, and cannot connect to my state of the art drone, I am going to get real paranoid real fast, and find out exactly why.

Acting Secret Service Director said they didn’t detect the shooter in part due to “bad phone connectivity,” however, officers were able to send PHOTOS of the shooter back and forth for 90 minutes prior to the shooting.

Over 2 weeks later: FBI still unsure how would-be assassin got rifle onto roof.

Half hour audio recorded by some surfer guy when he was interrogated by Police over what he saw at the Trump shooting. Only two interesting things, so no need to listen to it. A guy in a red pickup, who may have had a handgun, was trying to clear everyone away from the building the shooter used, claiming he owned the property, an hour before the shooting, before Trump arrived, and he almost had several fights. Surfer guy worked in the area and said he had never seen the guy before, but Police stopped the guy and questioned him. The second thing was the surfer guy heard Police radio traffic as the shooter as found, which DHS was detaining him, and the radio traffic clearly said on sweeping the building, they found blood in the bathroom, and it appeared a second shooter, maybe wounded, was on the move. No idea the significance, just datapoints.

A Secret Service counter-sniper warned in an email there would be another assassination attempt, citing the agency’s inability to protect leaders after a shooter wounded President Donald Trump, two of his supporters, and killed another at a rally. Says he will not stop speaking out until “5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions.” 

FBI now claims Trump’s would-be assassin allegedly ran an “anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic” social media account — GAB founder refutes this claim with FBI’s own receipt.

Trump insinuates FBI Director Wray may have been involved in assassination attempt.

Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe was directly involved in denying additional security resources and personnel, including counter snipers, to former President Trump’s rallies and events – despite repeated requests by the agents assigned to Trump’s detail in the two years leading up to his July 13 attempted assassination, according to several sources familiar with the decision-making.

Congressman with no shooting training recreates the Trump assassination shot with a similar weapon and scores 15 out of 16 killshots. Of course divine intervention is a thing. However whether this was divine intervention or not, one thing to consider is, if this was a genuine attempt, those doing it were top of the line pros. I, as low as I am in the hierarchy, know about the weird tech which is out there, in somebody’s hands. And I would think now, a shooting against a single high-value target could probably be thwarted. They would have to know as well. However they felt that tech would not be employed to thwart them. Either they did not know their OpFor had acquired it, or they did not know their OpFor has formed an alliance with some entity which has it, or they did not know their OpFor had taken over the entity which had it outright. In short, if it was a real attempt, it is just curious those behind the shooting tried something which had worked in the past, but something since then has changed, and they had no idea.

There is some drama going on where Democrats are trying to label Trump as “weird.” I will not go into it just because the imagery is too disturbing to put here. Think George Takai Tweets that Donald Trump is weird, and someone replies with pictures of Takai smiling broadly as he is seemingly sticking his fingers up the asses of two naked men, bent over in front of him, and another picture of him grabbing the crotch of a naked man, with the caption, “With all due respect sir, perhaps you should sit this one out…” It all backfired and became just a vehicle to call out leftist weirdos and degeneracy.

A Rasmussen poll has found that a majority of Americans want Joe Biden to resign the presidency with immediate effect.

Interns at Kamala Harris’ office ordered not to look her in the eye – that privilege was only reserved for senior staffers.

Kamala reportedly ignoring her daily presidential intelligence briefs.

Kamala no longer supports a mandatory government confiscation of AR-15s, but rather just wants to ban all sales of them going forward.

However, asked on the fly, Kamala says she intends to take executive action on gun control, possibly including bans and confiscations, if Congress doesn’t pass new laws in the first 100 days of her administration.

Kamala Harris will hold Philadelphia rally with VP pick on Tuesday: report.

Democrat Governor of Kentucky Andy Beshear has received additional security detail protection, leading to speculation he may be Kamala’s choice for VP candidate.

Fulton County is missing 380,761 ballot images, Fulton County failed to verify signatures for 148,000 ballots, and Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss double scanned ballots.

California Public Utilities Commission’s 10-year-old promise to make the state’s cell phone service subsidy program available to undocumented immigrants could be fulfilled in November. So wonderful the government will take your money and give free cell phones to people who broke the law to invade here.

Massachusetts, the wealthy sanctuary state, is going broke under its $1.8 trillion migrant ‘time bomb.’

The violence on the Southern Border points to America seeing violence against homeowners along the lines of what is being done to whites in South Africa. You have two paths. Get NODs, maybe dual spectrum with thermal overlay and IR illuminator’s/lasers, and arm up and train, and get ready to fight alone when it happens, or expose the surveillance now to everyone you know, and as many people you do not know as possible. Without the surveillance the control this conspiracy has over the government will fail.

5,800 IRS employees and contractors owe nearly $50 million in unpaid taxes: Treasury IG.

Project 2025 director resigns, program likely to be shut down.

A Rasmussen survey of over 8,000 likely voters found that 62% of them are concerned that cheating will skew the 2024 election results.

Texas AG wins $1.4B settlement from Facebook-parent Meta over facial-capture charges.

Weight loss drug Ozempic may cause an increased propensity to get pregnant, as well as birth defects in the resulting babies.

Gardasil HPV vaccine fails to protect against cervical intraepithelial neoplasia over time.

Two male trans boxers cleared to compete as women at Olympics.

Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh killed in Tehran home.

Third girl dies after Southport dance class stabbing, say UK police.

Riots break out in Southport after Stabbing attack kills 3 kids, wounds more. Before you deal with the Muslims, before you deal with the traitors in government who imported, them, you need to deal with the surveillance. It is the first step, and the only step which really matters. Deal with it, and the traitors will get in line, and the Muslims will rapidly be shipped back home.

Anti-Muslim mob chanting ‘English till I die’ riot and burn police van outside mosque in Southport. You can see how important everyone who might ever aspire to see their people free, must be apprised of the surveillance situation.

Ski masked man with knife near murder vigil for young girls.

Nigel Farage, who quite frankly appears as tits on a bull compared to Tommy Robinson lately:

Machete fights in Southend tonight.

Our country is being destroyed, our values trashed and the public on the point of revolt.

Tommy Robinson:

‘How many more children’? British Prime Minister heckled at scene of mass-stabbing of young girls. It makes no difference to him. He was selected for psychopathy, and a desire to get his, at any cost, and maybe an enjoyment of betraying his own. He is not even the real problem. The problem is the intel operation subverting the West, and the first step in dealing with it, is getting everyone to see the surveillance. Ironically, there is nothing which would terrify they all more, than a sudden realization the cat was out of the bag with respect to the surveillance.

The new leftist Labour Party government in Britain announced plans to slash winter energy benefits for around 10 million pensioners while preparing massive tax hikes to fund soaring spending driven largely by mass migration. Again, do not waste your time fighting where they want to fight. Take the fight to the place that terrifies them. Strip them of their surveillance overwatch by exposing it.

A massive battle between Venezuela freedom fighters and Dictator Maduro’s thugs has broken out in the streets of Caracas.

At least four statues of Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela from 1999 to 2013, were toppled across the country as citizens took to the streets on July 29 to protest the result of the election.

Is everyone operating on bad data? –

Is is kind of nice when two assholes are fighting and you know one of them is going to lose.

Ukraine ramps up mobilization, hoping to bolster battlefield strength.


Appeals court orders Biden administration to finish Trump’s border wall.

The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) declined a request by Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign to appear at this year’s convention, however it announced Donald Trump would appear for a moderated conversation at the Chicago event.

Former President Donald Trump’s appeal in the “Blue Wall” states might be too strong for Vice President Kamala Harris to overcome, Democrats indicated this week as they fear losing the presidential election.

Electoral college model forecasts Donald Trump heavily favored to defeat Kamala Harris.

Spread r/K Theory, because the good fight begins and ends with the surveillance

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7 months ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Israel commands its pets: Israel is not a member of NATO; it just owns the kennel.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Turkey or Turkiye as they now pronounce it, will be leaving NATO anyway. Turkey knows the East/BRICS is rising. Turkey also has a neo ottoman penchant to connect with the Turkic descended peoples all across central Asia to the Uighurs in Western China.

Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

Most of BRICS is teetering on collapse, and so is Turkey.
Not that the west is doing much better, especially the EU.

Turkey under Erdogan is a back stabbing opportunist and will be of no value to BRICS.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

BRICS is doing very well.

Turkey has a powerful sophisticated military that has maintained a radio silence NATO membership.

Tired cliches of 2 weeks till Russia runs out, 2 weeks till rouble collapse turned out to be gaslighting

Reply to  Anonynnous
7 months ago

Russia and India are the only members of BRICS doing well, Brazil would be if the commies didn’t steal it.
All of the others and their junior members and fellow travelers are in the early stages of collapse.
Slowly at first, then suddenly all at once.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

True, I was talking of the situation from Turkey’s perspective. Control or influence over Azerbaijan and other Turkic peoples further East give them a major say over the BRI.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Also, locking Turkey into BRICS should give Russia less of a headache viz its Southern flank.

Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

Turkey has also greatly desired to be part of the west since Ataturk, and somehow hasn’t gotten the message that the west has snubbed them for about 100 years.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Heading East will also give them a say in the China BRI project.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

“Head East” is a 1970s US rock band. Maybe they were onto something 50 years ago? ):
Never been any reason…

a nony mus
a nony mus
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
7 months ago

They played at a big local party for us, after they found out how much the guys collected at the door for teenagers entry and the size of the crowd in the gym or whatever that venue was, dance hall or somesuch, they demanded more of the cut above what they had agreed on for playing. I think they also got bent about the flyers advertising that “Head East” was playing, not dudes from Head East, they were not all in the group any more, maybe, faint memories but that night did rock hard.

Someone I didn’t see often at that time had a cute girl with him, so I teased him about why wasn’t there a ring on her finger, as she definitely was a “keeper”, and he told me later that he was silently telling me “shutttuppp” at that moment, but there are 3 kids and twenty years marriage, he did it after all.

Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

China’s white elephant.

7 months ago

Records Confirm FBI Infiltrated Patriot Front, Investigated Group for Years

How do you infiltrate that which you created?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Clown world goes:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Awesome, I’m going to post that on substack and rub it in the faces of people who didn’t think Patriot Front was infiltrated if not fully controlled. I just call them the Glow Front, nothing catchier comes to mind.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

We’re pretty sure both the FBI and CIA operate on at least two levels; those who are read in on the real purpose of the organization, and the gomers who think they’re real agents, but mainly exist as a sacrificial firewall should something turn bad.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Using the word infiltrate suggests PF are an organic movement that grew out of patriotic people, rather than an astroturf political movement created by TPTB.

7 months ago

So AC, why not approve post showing people heard Trump say he isnt a Christian?

General consensus outside this forum is “not”

It is unlike you to censor. I understand if you are bored of the conversation. However it is important. We are here as truth provides situational awareness, and organic discussion leads to better correctness.

Hearing 1+1=3 aint good.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

and they have all their shills pushing that all over

Including this guy.

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I am certain he said “Not”, as per internet consensus. You are certain of the alternative.

I think you are wrong. You think I am wrong.

The Mandela effect is real. Dolly did wear braces, and Tinkerbell did fly around the castle.

Is it possible we see different videos?

Reply to  Name*
7 months ago

Textbook concern trolling.

Your concerns are noted, please collect your shekels at the door.

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

You are incorrect, and therefore are missing important information.

I have been on forums for near 30 yrs. Sites usually start with free-speech, but over time cliques form and certain individuals see themselves as gate keepers.

Your insults regarding trolling and shekels are not helpful. A better option would be to ignore, or counter with logic.

Reply to  Mme la Vache
7 months ago

Oh yes, you are so concerned that if we don’t let drive by commenters come here and conduct demoralization campaigns, we will fall apart. Because you care so much about us.
Get thee behind me. We seek neither your counsel nor your sympathy. May your chains rest lightly upon you.

Reply to  Name*
7 months ago

Obviously he didn’t say that. But who cares if he did? I don’t. Being a Christian shouldn’t be a prerequisite. The Christian churches these days are largely an abomination, cabal and gangstalking behavior pervades most denominations. Christians can’t make their own churches just and decent places to be, so there is no reason to believe that people like Mike Pence and the rest are uniquely qualified to be President.
Most of the best Presidents were Freemasons. Starting with Washington.

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

If it is obvious, why does henry makow say otherwise?

I could produce other links but AC wont publish them

Reply to  Mme la Vache
7 months ago

That link glows like the sun, and (((echoes))) too.
Trump “covered his hand” because Netanyahoo was trying to Big Boy Trump by making Trump reach across himself to shake his hand. Trump countered him by putting his other hand on top. It’s Alpha Male posturing, and nothing else.

Reply to  Name*
7 months ago

Ah, the well known appeal to self decreed consensus citing enemy propaganda.
Where have we seen that before?

Reply to  Name*
7 months ago

collect your shekels on the way out, Schlomo

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  BFYTW
7 months ago

Am I permitted to insult you back?

Reply to  Mme la Vache
7 months ago

More importantly, does it count against your quota as an additional post on your metrics?

a not happy reeder
a not happy reeder
Reply to  Name*
7 months ago

Want to know where to shove your consensus?

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  a not happy reeder
7 months ago

Helpful intelligent debate

Reply to  Mme la Vache
7 months ago

The “consensus” by definition is going to be average intelligence. Why should I care what an average thinker believes?

Reply to  Name*
7 months ago

It took me a long time to create that meme.
I was very proud of it’s landscape aspect so that it wouldnt clog the page

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

His boss is going to have to stop raping Gazan prisoners to come and yell at him about this screwup.

Reply to  Name*
7 months ago

He said “I’m a Christian.”
I don’t give two shits about “General Consensus.” How many divisions does he have under his command?
Stop letting the Establishment Media gaslight you.

7 months ago

Hey AC, can we have a block function so I dont need to read Farcesensitive‘s abuse?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I will not respond to personal attacks from him from now on.
But I will respond to things he posts that are wrong or enemy propaganda until you ask me not to.

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

I made a list of your personal insults and accusations made over the past 5 days. All were in response to an opinion you disagreed with.

AC didnt publish it. I guess he would like to draw a line, but dont go thinking you are the innocent one.

Reply to  Mme la Vache
7 months ago

I made a list of your personal insults and accusations made over the past 5 days.

I believe this is called a Case File.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Traitors first. Then the rest. We have not even begun to fight! #ChristIsKing

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Am_Free_USA
7 months ago

Author Matt Bracken reports that he has been adding this to his comments in blogs and forums:
“First the traitors, then the invaders.”

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

For me, or that other poster, I dont insult anyone unless they cross a line, and debate is not possible.

Farcesensitive doesnt like honest alternative theories that contradict his “certainty”, and tries to shut them down with “go away with your black pill”

There is no compromise with purist, “think like me or else”.

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I am a christian (some may disagree), and that speech didnt endear him to me. It sounded patronising, creepy, ambiguous, and to answer the question “who cares?”…
I do, for situational awareness. I followed Trump and Trump prophecies, Kim Clement, Praying Medic and more recently Brandon Biggs.
If he is not a Christian, it is new data point that needs processing..

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Just ban this guy

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I cant vote, because I am not american.

“Commitment to the cause!”, “Heretic!”, sounds like enforced conformity bias,

I suggest all clue up on conformity bias. How people will force themselves to believe something they dont believe.

Romans 12:2

Do not conform to this world, but ascertain what is true and what is God’s will.

500+ people died in the KLM/PanAm 747 crash because the co-pilott want to rock the boat. He preferred to risk death than counter authority.

Me? I’d rather be unpopular than accept 1+1=3.

I still recommend people vote Trump, and in the UK I recommend Reform UK & Farage – with questions and reservations for all 3.

Reply to  Name*
7 months ago

Oh for crying out loud. Get a grip, man.

Last edited 7 months ago by BFYTW
Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  BFYTW
7 months ago

If someone tells you the same will they get censored for “insult”

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Name*
7 months ago

I’ve had disagreements with Farce, also with AC. These have always been done in a tone of respect. It’s not hard.

7 months ago

Not that this is news to anyone but illegals are already getting free phones and service. I have a buddy who works with one and he just lies about his identity. Recently I guess they found out he lied so they cut him off and, according to my buddy, he had to call a few times and lie about who he was again. It’s an inconvenience for sure but he eventually got a new free phone with free service.

7 months ago

The sidebar is gone.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

To add into the mix.
“Self spreading vaccines”

“Because unlike ordinary vaccines, self spreading vaccines require no individual consent”

Reply to  Mr Twister
7 months ago

According to Gates, self spreading is done by primarily screwing the infected. Nothing like forced celibacy.

Fed Up
Fed Up
7 months ago

Summertime blues.
Too much waiting for the good stuff, like MOATF and WikiLeaks items.
Have to remain patient, do some exercise while the disclosure cannons are loaded up against Hillary and the rest of the Commie-sympathizing douchebags and traitors.

7 months ago

> A Rasmussen poll has found that a majority of Americans want Joe Biden to resign the presidency with immediate effect.

Suuuure they do.

What this means is that Kammy doesn’t want to wait until November, and Rasmussen is reporting what they’ve been paid to “find,” if they even bothered to fake running a poll at all.

7 months ago

I’m not interested in the “crisis” in Venezuela, for reasons explained the blog post, but for those who are, here you go:

7 months ago

Bruce Charlton made two important posts on his blog recently.

The first explores the relationship between the hidden, Satanic, leadership of the Cabal, and the totalitarian “middle managers” (Charlton’s term) who are the people visibly implementing Cabal directives:

The other examines the aims of the Cabal, or at least of the current leadership (Charlton thinks the goals have shifted recently), and concludes that we are living in “End Times”:

Marielle Redclaw
7 months ago

“Nigel Farage, who quite frankly appears as tits on a bull compared to Tommy Robinson lately”

I’m sorry, what?!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I like Nigel but I believe he is an insider. Tommy Robinson is an agent of ZOG. He talks so much truth, except to state the people who pay him are the ones behind flooding Europe and the UK with 3rd world invaders, to bring on a race war so they can initiate martial law for when the system implodes during the debt collapse.

a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Agreed, the lame “parade leaders” want to steer us in any direction except where we can do good, and lose the time and effort to no effect. They only need to say one or two things the normies agree with and “instant respect” given (a la Tulsi). That’s what stops progress form NPC unable to discern and help us that belong, not the “us pretenders”.

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Farage is not a bad person. He may not have all the right answers, but his heart is in right place. Also, he has survived several assasination attempts. Who knows what other threats he has had.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Mme la Vache
7 months ago

Non-probabilistic shill posts like this won’t work here. People like you (assuming you’re a person) are really leading the sheep astray, though. The Lord rebuke thee.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
7 months ago

It means useless.

7 months ago

Is it possible those are members of the conspiracy that run surveillance, who will be fleeing criminal charges if Trump wins?”

Unlikely. I’m sure they have great Opsec in terms of protecting the identity of their members. I would also suggest that the majority of people doing this know less about the total context than you imagine. For example, I do not believe that they are told to move into a new house in order to spy on a particular target. I think it’s much less formal. I think they are guided to specific houses in the buying process, offered a great deal where the conspiracy wants them, and then learn of their duties after they are all moved in.

many members of the conspiracy as you call them are uncertain as to who is who or why things happen. Like the rest of us, they are constantly manipulated.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Unlikely. I’m sure they have great Opsec in terms of protecting the identity of their members.”

Pfft. Or, more precisely, you are simply wrong. No disrespect intended.

If you have had them harrassing you since your younger days, which I have, they GLOW. I mean, seriously glow. It is freakin’ obvious at this point in my life, all that I’ve seen and been through.

They go out of their way to stalk you and prove to you that they have the numbers to be on your rear end 24/7. In your face. If that is protecting the identy of their members, it sucks tactically.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
7 months ago

Yeah, their attempts to hide themselves have UTTERLY failed with me, for example, hence why the majority of my old faux-friends have removed themselves from public social media. Except for Sara fucking Colb, who is now suddenly [drumroll] the Deputy Director of the ADL of New England! Bold move, I wonder if it will pay off for them. (Spoiler: NOPE, it will backfire on them, per Saint Barbra’s Blessed Effect.) The brains behind all this surveillance shit MIGHT just consist of nobodies or “nobodies” like the Colbs, whom you’ve NEVER heard of, unless you’re somebody who pays attention to my “schizo” personal rants in these comments, or unless you’re a hardcore pro-life activist already familiar with (THE DECEASED, lol) Sherry Colb’s book Beating Hearts which is an implicit argument that it’s okay to eat human fetuses, or perhaps her role in the documentary Assholes about shutting up dissenting assholes. Some rinky-dink upper-middle-class family who lived in West Roxbury near Roxbury Latin, not even a Rothschild or Loeb bloodline, not APPARENTLY, anyway (I HAVE PLENTY OF TEA TO SPILL ABOUT *THOSE* FAMILIES, TOO, FYI) just some fucking…Colbs. (“Colb” reversed is: Bloc.) Sherry interned for Justice Blackmun, that was their big claim to fame when I was classmates at Latin School with Ora Colb. (I wonder if Blackmun was a Frankist like Brandeis…or perhaps Blackmun was a CRYPTO-Frankist.) Ora went to Wellesley (LUG, or perhaps a crypto-lesbian FOR LIFE) and then IMMEDIATELY skipped grad school to work for Goldman Sachs, then she moved on to Citigroup, fairly crucial positions in that whole machine. What if a family like that were like the Jewish version of The Sopranos? Just an upper-middle progressive Jewish family, obviously not leaders of some Jewish mafia…right? (p.s. If anyone ever again complains about me rambling about “personal anecdotes”, they will regret doing so for the rest of eternity.)

Machine Trooper
7 months ago

“Either they did not know their OpFor had acquired it, or they did not know their OpFor has formed an alliance with some entity which has it, or they did not know their OpFor had taken over the entity which had it outright. In short, if it was a real attempt, it is just curious those behind the shooting tried something which had worked in the past, but something since then has changed, and they had no idea.”

Here’s where I say something even crazier than some ideas AC voices:

I believe the UFOs reported which defy the laws of physics are extra-dimensional, not extra-terrestrial. If those entities were involved at Butler, that would be a puzzle piece falling into place for me. Being extra-dimensional, I’m thinking they can navigate the 4th Dimension (time) both backwards and forward. Or at least perceive into it in ways we cannot–similar to “remote viewing” perhaps. In which case, they would be able to wargame out every scenario to the nth degree and successfully manipulate the masses generation-after-generation.

I suspect there is an internecine conflict within Cabal (as AC has suggested before) and these entities have picked the winner for this round already. If that chosen winner is comprised of “white hats,” within Cabal, that could explain the Q posts which seem to have proved prophetic. If the entities are not bound by the same dimensional limitations we are, then they could watch events unfolding in real time as if in slow-motion. And, even though the actual shooter (whoever it was/they were) had already fired a perfect head shot, they could flash some kind of distraction Trump would see, to make him turn his head at just the right instant. Or, more dramatically, alter the course of the projectile somehow as AC has proposed.

Of course, this could all just be a crackpot hypothesis and it was simply God that inspired Trump to turn his head right then. Honestly, I hope that’s what it was. Because I believe the entities involved are demonic, despite ostensibly helping the “white hats”…if this hypothesis is, in fact, accurate.

I didn’t decide to comment with the intention of inserting a shameless plug, but I might as well, now. Ideas like extra-dimensional entities moving freely to and fro through time, manipulating people and intervening in human events, an enormous pan-continuum conspiracy involving such entities and an international Cabal of human elites in an internecine power struggle may be crackpot concepts, but they can make for great fiction. So if you read my sci-fi Paradox Series ( available on pretty much any online book store) you’ll find all these elements in addition to the journey to manhood, the time travel, the conspiracy theories, and the fun. The 6th book, which wraps up the over-arching plot, is scheduled for publication in September, to coincide with the Based Book Sale. I’m working on the (hopefully) final draft right now and am very close to done.

I’ve had some strong sales spikes for each of the books so far, but ‘Zon (the biggest market) clamps down hard and fast each time they threaten to break out of obscurity. So if you read them and like them, any love you can show them (word of mouth, ratings, reviews) would be awesome.

Yeah, lousy opsec doxing myself like this, but frankly, my identity has been known for years, so I might as well try to spread the word on my books while non-Cabal-aligned authors can still even self-publish.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

It seems that with the unfortunate protests against the Church and the current eclipse of the Church by the New Order perversion, people of good will are kind of trying to reinvent the wheel. I’m by no means an expert in demonology and don’t desire to be. Too much curiosity can get one into trouble but I am aware of some of the basics. Demons can not read our minds and they don’t travel into the future. They can ape miracles only by producing preternatural deceptions. They can see and hear everyone at all times and have intelligence far beyond human intelligence so that allows them a tremendous advantage. Obviously, there is no better surveillance team than that one and that is not saying that there isn’t a very terrestrial team of human surveillance surrounding us, as well. Trump turning his head was miraculous not a preternatural trick. I’m not saying that Trump is a divinely chosen ruler to save us from the globalists but it sure would be nice if he were one and I’ll pray for him.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

I’ll check ’em out. Thanks.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

Mmmm. You are BARKING UP THE RIGHT TREE, right up the right fucking branch, too. This is precisely what I think is generally happening. Hey, wait a minute…is Henry Brown just a pseudonym for Tom Kratman, lol? No but seriously, there are Catholics like Flynn and Kratman whom, despite however right they’ve been, I wouldn’t trust in a ZILLION years, because they’re so emotionally invested in “protecting” this or that bullshit “mystery”, i.e., the part in the Q Drops where Q says 60% will need to remain buried? BULLSHIT. What kind of ANTI-CHRISTIAN shit is that? ALL WILL BE REVEALED, it’s not just a Led Zeppelin lyric from Kashmir, it’s a PROMISE from the New Testament. So, Catholics like that, EVEN IF or ESPECIALLY IF they are pre-Vatican-2 Catholics, CANNOT be trusted, because they will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to preserve their precious paradigm, INCLUDING Grand Inquisitor Shit against the Second Coming, and they’re also DESPERATE to keep their own skeletons in the closet, too, probably. (HI, TOMMY, IF YOU’RE LURKING! READY TO HAVE THE TRUTH SET YOU FREE FROM WHATEVER PEDO-MASONIC BLACKMAIL YOU’VE BEEN TRAPPED BY?) Flynn might be a homosexual, possibly a Spartan pederast, whatever. Shit like that. DO NOT TRUST “WHITEHATS” EITHER. Rely on your own exhaustively-applied logic and intuition. I bet “whitehats” tried to coopt Q, or invented “Q” to try to coopt the REAL Q, i.e., the Q Document, the REAL Q Document, which must be soooooo controversial that it will smash their entire worldview and also smash their phony piety and also expose THEM, individually, as monstrous hypocrites. DO NOT EVERRRRRRR SETTLE FOR ONLY 40% OF THE TRUTH. 100% or bust, motherfuckers. That is what God promised us. [NO ISSUES WITH THE SITE UNTIL I TRIED TO POST THIS REPLY, GEE, WHAT A COINCIDENCE. Sorry for clogging your inbox if you saw my last two attempts, AC.]

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I’m not going to debate him on scripture anyways. Jude, brother of James:

Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries. Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”

I’ll just tell him, “the Lord rebuke you” and move on.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

I believe the UFOs reported which defy the laws of physics are extra-dimensional, not extra-terrestrial.

It is annoying to see people write such things instead of simply stating the truth: these things are either angels or fallen angels. The fallen angels are the Nephilim of old (read the Book of Enoch even the Book of Noah) who took wives from among men; and who taught mankind technology and other knowledge: “As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the last days.”

Machine Trooper
Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

I’m not seeing where we are in disagreement–except with regard to the Nephilim. Most of the time (in English translations of the Biblical canon) it refers to the offspring of the fallen ones–not the fallen angels themselves.

The Hebrew prefix “cha” or “ha” is not translated into English for some reason. Nephilim+”fallen ones.” Cha-nephilim=”derived from the fallen ones.” But when they’re transliterated without the prefix,that makes it seem in the English like it is the fallen angels themselves being mentioned.

That said, there will definitely be fallen angels involved in what’s coming (and in the current UFO stuff IMO), according to the prophetic books of the Bible. I probably shouldn’t have used the word “demonic” because these are not just demons (unclean spirits). More like the entities named by rank in Ephesians 6.

7 months ago

>weird campaign
That shit is really spamming up pol. I added “weird” with a few mispelling variations and it filtered out about 20 additional threads.

7 months ago
Video about massive data center outside DC. Data centers need more and more room and electricity. Video itself says nothing about what all that data actually is, but we know what it is. And we know why they need so much. Before collecting text messages and audio was enough. Now they are probably storing all sorts of shit like biometrics, face scans, AIs to analyze all the surveillance data.
Now, I wonder if things kicked off, how important would these centers be? Imagine if surveillance lost access to all their amassed data thanks to a few lads with an axe to grind. Sure would set surveillance back I imagine.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Those english riots seem to be something and they should know something given all the cctv cameras they have there. I do think the absence of these data centers should be a high priority in the event of any event.
I imagine 3d “images” of lots of insides of buildings are in there too. If they went so far as to include details like the color of objects and object identities I bet you would get some pretty hefty file sizes.

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

5G towers are probably more to do with control than internet access.

  • local radar monitoring realtime activity in 3D.
  • individual identification through devices, (carried/worn/injected)
  • crowd control (ADS, microwave)
Reply to  Mme la Vache
7 months ago

The data centers store and analyse all the collected data from those items. Hard-drive vs. sensors. CPU vs. sensors. Personally I think the formers are more important and a more effective single target.

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

The ordinary working man / woman are reacting to gross injustices and blatant hostility from PTB. They are not at a stage where they think they need to act tactically, as did the IRA etc.

For years, the narrative has been engineered of a “Far Right” terror threat, even when it was clear there was no such thing.

Now, these distressed people will be labelled. Problem, Reaction, Solution.

Reply to  Mme la Vache
7 months ago

I don’t think you need an organized force to remove the data centers. You just need the knowledge that they are important to be known. At minimum, a small group of guys nearby could hinder some transformers. They just have to know why its important when the time comes.

Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

“seem” Yeah, duh, they were psyopped. It’s amazing how gullible people get when the psyop is something that flatters their worldview. That impulse to suspend your critical thinking when your worldview/ego is flattered is SINFUL. You better try to correct it.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Not sure what you are on about.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Like Boomers?
(Certainly the majority that I know anyway)

“I am at the point, I can no longer even picture the America(& UK)
I thought I grew up in possibly existing in the world. Just a simple country where we are all a team and loyal to each other is like thinking 20 ton flying dragons that breathe fire could be real – and yet it is only rendered impossible in my mind, because of these weird, cowardly, individually weak people.”

Reply to  Mr Twister
7 months ago

Gee, I didn’t realize all, and I mean all, Boomers were at Woodstock, rolled around in the mud, smoke(d) dope, and say “cool,” “man,” and “yo, dude.” Well, I missed the party, as usual.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

I’m in the UK none of the Boomers I grew up around/know today went to Woodstock, but they all fit the stereotype.

To a T.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I think I’m on target AC. Getting a lot of flak here. You could cripple surveillance with a few strategic disabling’s of data centers. Should by near the top of priorities when things kick off. Fuck up their entire sigint.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I’m far less worried about knowing everything about everyone. That actually is just a natural evolution of spiritual nature. Trying to do the same outisde of spiritual nature is the crux of satan’s rebellion.
I only care about blinding them. Burn it to the ground.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
7 months ago

AC, you may have seen this already – the concept is intriguing
Hunting Camo & Apparel | Experience the HECs Difference (
HECS® fabrics are lightweight, breathable, and durable. Our conductive and interlocking carbon fiber grid is woven directly into all our clothing and is specifically designed to stop your natural electrical emissions making HECS StealthScreen the best hunting technology on the market. Our camouflage apparel is perfect for hunting during any season and customers have seen awesome success with our:

Machine Trooper
7 months ago
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

Wasn’t similar behaviot reported about Hillary, when Bill was president? SS agents were told not to speak or make eye contact whe passing her in the hallway.
Also recall a boot camp d.i. telling a dude not to “eyeball me” in a film.
It can also be a cultural thing. Ghetto Blacks tend not to meet one’s gaze.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Ordering others to do the avoiding is a demand for submission, and doing the avoiding is submission.

Last edited 7 months ago by Farcesensitive
Machine Trooper
7 months ago

A massive battle between Venezuela freedom fighters and Dictator Maduro’s thugs has broken out in the streets of Caracas.

It’s a shame that Americans will only have the guts to do this after they’ve suffered as badly as the Venezuelan people.

On the other hand, I’m sure Cabal has infiltrated the resistance in case they win, and will try to enslave them with the New Boss.

7 months ago

The WP install thing hit again, and the sidebar is gone again.

7 months ago


HAARP being used to look into the Earth!

Using HAARP in Alaska to generate Very Low Frequency “EM waves” which then can be directed all over the planet to look into the ground!

Earth Penetrating Tomography (using radio waves to look into the Earth)… was tested from HAARP in Alaska to look at Drug Smuggling Tunnels in San Diego California , a National Rifle Association site in New Mexico, as well as permafrost mine / tunnel locations at Fairbanks Alaska nearby the HAARP transmitter.

Link to the US military site and paper here:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Radio waves are fun. I can’t remember which anti-HAARP documentary I was watching back in like 2008, but there was a PHD talking about the possibility of the HAARP array completing a circuit to ground with the ionoshpere, which would lead to an electrical discharge large enough to vaporize the entire facility.

Then I remembered that Tesla patented a better lightning rod and that his Free Energy device was a giant radio tower(JP Morgan paid to build it). In other words, it has long been my conclusion that Tesla planned to provide the Free Electricity by calling it down from the sky.


7 months ago

2/10/2018 — Core of the Earth Mystery Solved? New experiment may change the geoscience world

7 months ago

WeatherMod 101 – Laboratory Experiments – Microwaves Inducing Tornadoes (RF heating)

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
7 months ago

British Stasi at it again

From Telegram

“Move through this video to about 3.5 mins where you can see riot start.
I was there and filmed. The below is the final film with some footage from RGB.
The finger print of this ‘riot’ was a sudden appearance of young men in baseball caps with bandanas over their faced. They all wore little backpacks.
At the same time smoke bombs and bottles were thrown.
It was just like a riot on a movie set and didn’t feel real in any way. Other than the thrown objects, violence was almost non existant.
The MSM all appeared at the right moment too, as if they had been ready.
The agitators all vanished as quickly as they appeared.
Many freedom protesters were there saw and noticed same thing.
Why was the riot so strange? Not one real freedon protester would be seen dead in a face mask or covering their face.
Hence these shipped in agitators stood out a mile.

I’m suggesting the reports in Southport match 24th April 2021 in Hyde Park.
Was the attack on the mosque instigated to get the fire blazing?

Comment on this post in our dedicated NOTB chat group.

Join Not On The Beeb for more stuff the BBC forgot.”

Bussed in
Little backpacks
Disappeared after.

Reply to  Mr Twister
7 months ago

UK Patriot Front.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Mr Twister
7 months ago

It’s all theatre to bring on the race/religious war the system needs to deflect from everyone turning on the pols etc and hanging them from lampposts.

7 months ago

comment image
comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Distraction for the masses

Reply to  Anonynnous
7 months ago

We can use the laugh for psychological relief anyway.

7 months ago

Zelensky Suspends Ukraine’s Foreign Debt Payments Starting Aug 1st

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

No refunds, lmao!