Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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DFT – Newell Downgrades Forecast Off Declining Demand
DFT – Procter & Gamble Benefits As Inflation Recedes, While High Prices Remain
DFT – Major Automakers Team On New EV Charging Network
DFT – Roku Beats Expectations, But Headwinds Loom
DFT – Russian Stock Market Surges To 17-Month Record
Texas Arcane has another Substack detailing more about what it is like to be identified by the machine as a threat. Now they are wiping government records of him from the internet. If you are here, the chances are you were identified and flagged, whether you know it or not. So these pieces are important to our readers. They are eerie, because when he writes them, so many times I am suddenly thrust into moments of my own past, which played out exactly the same. It is like whatever it is about our kind, merges with whatever it is about them and their system, and we all end up living carbon copy lives, with the same events, just different faces and in different places. I have said here, I think it possible if I could snap my fingers, and erase every member of the conspiracy from the earth, and a cop pulled me over the next day, none of my paperwork would check out, and they would assume I was an illegal immigrant, with no records. I could see getting deported, if they could find some place to attach to me. I get the feeling that the only reason now that doesn’t happen is they keep their people bubbled around me, pretending I am officially on the books, and they pretend they have all the records. And of course he writes this:
“In my experience, nobody has ever said to me when I got this close … “You’re crazy. These things you’re talking about are insane. I have no idea where any of this is coming from.” Which is what I would say if a paranoid schizophrenic said things like this to me…. They clam up completely, shake their heads and won’t utter another word. I think this is all somehow part of their agreement and most important of all I think it has been impressed upon them that if they ever violate their oaths of secrecy they understand they will be put to death.”
I have seen this exact same thing with the wealthy lifelong family friend who was one of them. That is some sort of procedure they teach their higher ranking members, and they do sound afraid when it happens, like they are in danger, and all it will take is one small misstep. If you are really insistent, and they want to pretend they are still your friend, they will revert to kind of yes or no answers, but as “Hmmm” or “Uhhn Uhhn,” with a “Yeah, maybe, could be” or “Maybe not, might not be, I don’t know” kind of air, almost as if distracted and uncaring, said while looking at the ceiling, or off into space. But whatever their training, they are told to not say any words when you talk about the system, or when you start talking about surveillance, or any sort of organization. For some reason these higher-ups don’t lie or accuse in these settings. Street level surveillance/gangstalkers are something else different, and not as high ranking, IMO, and they will lie, deny, and accuse as a procedure. They would accuse you of being paranoid, or crazy. But not the higher ranking people with money, power, or authority. Those are the cult members, while I am not sure what the drones on the street are. One Rothschild anon on 4Chan who sounded knowledgeable called them “janitors,” and implied they had taken an entry level deal which precluded any advancement (ie competing with higher-ups), but secured their position. It is all very strange.
And you always learn something new with these accounts. I never even thought about the honors classes being designed to give us more homework, and prevent us from having time to ourselves, to develop skills we felt were important on our own, but shit, that fits perfectly. I knew kids in the non-honors classes, like regular biology, and they were learning the same material from the same text books and taking the same tests. I bought into what I can remember them telling us, the whole, “Yes it is the same material, but we are going into more depth, and learning it more completely.” But now, having gone through it, we weren’t. Even that was a scam to slow us down. I am blown away.
These accounts are important, and I endorse going to the link and getting a paid membership to Cleve to get more of them. This may be a unique moment in our kind’s history, as we have all found each other, and we are sharing stories, anecdotes, and details, and a picture of this thing is emerging, from the extent of the surveillance to the Zenner cards, to the Googolplex test. Before this, how many of our kind were kept isolated from each other, married off to one of their drones, placed on the treadmill until they died, and they would spend their lives like Neo in the Matrix, knowing something was wrong, something didn’t fit, there should be something more, but unable to even begin to understand what it could be.
The advances we have made here are probably the farthest our kind has ever come in terms of gaining an understanding, not only of what is arrayed against us, but of the fact we are not alone in this. And given the power we must have, based on how they fear our kind, there is no telling where this may lead, if we can amass. But we all have to support each other, and get a hand in this battle.
Onward. Oh, no… Not the Elonerino:
I am sorry Sam, but he is not of our kind…
Hunter Biden may have stored ‘Joe Biden conversations’ on encrypted messaging apps: laptop analysis.
GOP Rep. Nancy Mace claims Biden family received over $50M from influence peddling scheme.
They eye is difficult to tell, but the hand is strange, for a guy who likely leads such a pampered life. It is like Randy Quaid, saying of his celebrity star-whackers, something like, “I know 72 people who died unnaturally in the last three years. How many do you know?” There is something weird going on up there.
Illinois Governor signs bill allowing migrant non-citizens to become Police officers. I told you those migrants are agents of the conspiracy, and they were being brought here as elements of a force being deployed against you. Making it dangerous for cops to do policing was phase one to drive our kind out of the Job, and now they will try to replace them with foreign Cabal agents.
Chicago residents berate officials over crime from illegal aliens at shelters: ‘They disrespect us; they rob us; they harass us.’ What you are seeing is the modern version of the historical phenomenon of the Brownshirts. I never understood, in Germany, how did the Brownshirts operate, when the Police would have had guns, and authority, and the power to crush criminality? Where were the Police back then? But you can see the power of an intel operation today. I would love to know if there were Derek Chauvins in Pre-WWII Germany. I would bet there were. And now today, these migrants may end up as the next class graduating the Police Academy if the Cabal politicians get their way.
Election Interference: YouTube takes down James O’Keefe’s interview with Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. The video is here:
Interesting older case of a parent who had a dental practice flip out and demand she turn over her kid to them for dental work, or they would have CPS seize the kid. The dentist would not show her any x-rays revealing work needed to be done, he wanted to take the kid in the back and would not let mom watch, and the dentist is government-affiliated. I would not rule out them inserting things in the teeth of kids to enhance surveillance abilities, like the ability to listen remotely, or even some kind of RFID for tracking movements on highways and travel corridors. Some tech they use reportedly detects vibrations in teeth from speech using penetrating emissions of some sort, which is why they can even hear breathing, from air moving around teeth and causing vibrations at the teeth. That is the problem with this thing, and why it needs to be totally eradicated. It ends up everywhere.
Megan McCain says she saw the Phoenix lights, and they were not flares.
A New York mother has shared how she receives $84,000 of taxpayer cash a year towards her son’s private education because her five-year-old son Oscar has ADHD, generalized anxiety, and a condition called pathological demand avoidance, which is defined by the Child Mind Institute as going to ‘extremes to ignore or resist anything they perceive as a demand.’ Why do I get the impression Pathological Demand Avoidance will turn into Pathological Law Avoidance as an adult?
Biden regime’s incandescent light bulb ban goes into effect next week for all Americans.
Daily Mail: I used a jailbreak to unlock ChatGPT’s dark side – here’s what happened.
Nicolas Petro, son of Colombian President Gustavo Petro, has been arrested as part of an investigation into money laundering and illicit enrichment, the attorney general’s office said early on Saturday. They are calling him the Latino Hunter Biden. This is probably the scam leaders have done forever, from Billy Carter to Hugh Rodham to Neil Bush. Neil was banging the Chinese girls they were sending to his room each night in China too.
Looks like the South Koreans did another CGI video to help Canadians understand how their government works (might not want to open this if the boss were going to look over your shoulder):
Majority of Greek wildfires result of arson, Minister admits.
Wagner Group mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin voiced support for the ongoing coup in Niger Thursday evening, offering his services to the rebels. Interesting. So a move by anti-Cabal forces?
Russia proposed a BRICS space station to replace the ISS.
Putin promises grains, debt write-off as Russia seeks Africa allies.
Ukraine says Qatar will give $100M in humanitarian aid during ongoing war with Russia.
Russia is ready for confrontation with NATO — Putin.
Putin says Russia does not reject peace talks. But clearly Cabal will.
Trump calls on all Republican challengers to drop out of the primary, and their funds be used to finance the largest ballot harvesting operation the world has ever seen. If only they were all on our side…
Any Republican that doesn’t act on Democrat fraud should be immediately primaried and get out. Out.
And we have some, you know, you show them the fact. 10 million here, 10 million there. This came in, that came in, that came in. “Oh, that’s too bad. But we have to worry about other things.”
You don’t have to worry about other things. You’ve got to stop it. You got to stop it. They play a different game. These people are corrupt as hell, and they play a different game. They play a much tougher game of hardball. And the Republicans have to play like these two guys and these three people, actually four people that we have They have to play tough.
And honestly, and if they’re not willing to do it, we got a lot of good, tough Republicans around, then people are going to run against them, and people are going to win.
Quick Palate Cleanser – The power of friendship:
Facebook Logo = Tubal Cain
You all really need to give up on hallucinating freemasonry everywhere. This is downright embarrassing.
LOL. Nobody would care enough to post if he was wrong. They would just file away, “Hhhmn, that could be, but it looks a little off.” And then they would be off to soak up something else more interesting.
The caring here is interesting. I mean, most don’t see this site, I assume. And Masons make these signs everywhere, so it is not like they are hiding.
If it’s a little bit off to point out something absolutely absurd, I’m not sure what to tell you. I see this all as a dangerous, misinformed effort to get people to direct their hostilities towards the wrong people.
Here is the deal. I am a reasonable guy, who is hesitant to assign blame to anyone, due to lack of evidence. I suspect most Masons are good guys who mean well. But I also think it very possible the Masons have such overwhelming evil in their organization in places of power, that if it were fully revealed, the organization would probably end up hunted down.
These could turn into dangerous times, and moreover if you are committed to the victory of the good, you and your brothers should help the rest of society destroy this thing. To do that, clear the air. Who the fuck are these guys at the shootings, and what are they doing there. I don’t want to hear maybe it is disinfo. I want to know who they are, and do they belong to the group.
I know, secrecy. Except a bunch of children just got smoked, it looks like an intel op, and there is a guy there putting blame on you. Clear the air, and help us figure it out. Because that you do not, helps the perpetrator, and sullys your organization.
And do something to get rid of this fucking surveillance.
I used to catch a ride home in the evenings from a contract I had in Australia with a Freemason who regularly slipped all kinds of information to me when I kept grilling him for intel.
It’s everything I thought and worse. Also, he was clearly eaten alive by guilt knowing what he belonged to. It kept him employed by our Mason boss and guaranteed his income, unlike me. That’s why he belonged and kept his oaths. Unfortunately he would let things slip and it made my skin crawl to hear this stuff.
What stuff? Care to elaborate?
sure mason, sure.
Osiris was not the sun god of ancient Egypt. That was Ra.
What exactly does Musk’s arm position have to do with the two illustrations of the freemasons? I’m seeing no similarity at all. You might as well be showing a picture of crips and bloods doing gang signs. This is silly.
But let’s decode the Masonic imagery.
Trowel: symbolizes the work of spreading the concrete that binds, that is love, brotherly love, trust, the binding agent that makes civilization possible.
Bee hive: symbol of industriousness and cooperation.
Square: to be morally upright, to be square and honest in ones dealings.
Compass: to stay within boundaries.
Steps: through labor, one ascends from our base nature to a higher spiritual level.
The pillars: generally regarded as two opposite forces, one static and the other dynamic and ever changing. Too much of either is death, one must be balanced.
The general message: Ascend from your base nature through a combination of industriousness and love, aiming for upright moral actions and staying without boundaries, balancing order and chaos to reach a higher level of being.
If you find any of this to be wickedness, I want to suggest that you are the problem. If you find it to be anti-christian, I want to suggest that your understanding of Christianity may be a bit whack.
Remember, cabal psyops don’t just work on other people. They work on you, too. It’s pretty clear that this is the kind of knowledge and wisdom that cabal doesn’t want people practicing.
I really don’t know why you people have such a flea in your butts about people seeking spiritual advancement, self-improvement, and the ascension of their souls. But it’s clear that many of you do (even if you haven’t figured it out yet.)
The enemies of our civilization are all around us. They infest all of our important government agencies and academia and business. And several of you are bent out of shape about a bunch of aging boomers who have dinners together and talk about wisdom and philosophy. It’s really quite stunning.
I suppose Elon Musk may have some deep, dark connection with your local Masonic lodge. But until I see all of them driving around in Teslas and urging everyone to get Starlink, I’m going to have to guess that any connection is tenuous at best.
You know, I once heard that Elon Musk ate at McDonalds. Clearly anyone employed at McDonalds or anyone who eats there is part of a grand conspiracy. That’s how stupid all of this is.
God help us when the civil war starts. I’m sure there will be people running around shooting up Masonic lodges, and quite likely targeting any remaining Elks and Eagles lodges. But looking the other way at the local Knights of Columbus lodges, filled with cabal cops and other “public servants.”
The problem is we know there is wickedness in control. Biden, little*girl*nipple*pinching Biden is in control. There is more, but that is just one of millions of examples.
As we know there is wickedness in control, everywhere we look, those doing the wickedness are making the signs and employing the symbolism of a group, Freemasonry, and doing so knowingly and with a smile.
We cannot say with certainty what it means. Maybe they are setting up Masons as a level behind the Jews, so everyone says it is the Jews, kills and purges all the Jews, and if somebody say, “Hey, I think there may be more!” one of theirs can say “Masons!” and we will go after them. I don’t know.
The real problem is Masons have power and authority as their oaths are about helping each other get power and authority, the power and authority presently is wicked, and I do not hear any Mason coming out and saying,
“That is not us.”
If I ran a club, and somebody was trying to make it look like my club was doing mass shootings, by every time there was a mass shooting, showing up in my club’s regalia to do interviews, I would make noise and say, “Those guys are not members, somebody is trying to make it look like us!”
But there all those shootings are, with guys in Freemason hats, tattoos, necklaces, shirts, and so on, and the Masons look kind of like they know it means something, maybe not what, but it is best just not to say anything. Meanwhile all the politicians are doing the Masonic handshakes, and the celebrities are doing these things, and the logos are masonic, and as all that control appears to be in place, the nations is literally being wrecked. And it doesn’t have to be. Whoever is doing it either pledged their soul to satan, or they are just totally mentally ill.
Leave people alone, and they can sort things on their own.
I’m not sure the Masons have any oaths about helping each other again power and authority. Sounds like the kind of thing Texe Mares.would make up.
It is a workers society, and they pledge to always help their brothers over outsiders. Work, money, power, it all travels together.
They sure swarmed this site.
masons out in full force today
When in trouble they will say to another Mason, who will help a poor widows son.
Imagine seeing Masonic imagery at a FALSE FLAG event and determining that such imagery itself isn’t part of a FALSE FLAG.
Masons will know though. If I were a Mason, I would be telling all the brothers, those guys are imposters, and I would expect the brothers would be telling the world. Nobody says anything though.
At low levels the Masons are how this guy describe them. This guy is probably a low level local Mason. At the high levels is where you are required to “take the ticket” as Vox likes to say.
I suspect that. But on the other hand, I suspect when you point out the fact it kind of looks like those higher ups might have something to do with the mass shootings, I notice even the lower ranking members go:
I agree. I think the real rulers have a dozen failsafes they can blame before it ever gets to them. Before the jet sorties leave the flight deck of the naval carriers to target R*thschild castles worldwide, there will first have been a colossal purge of Jews and then Freemasons. Many good people will die also caught up in it just because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time and that’s the idea. It buffers them and nobody ever makes it that far.
The real estate agent who knows he does well because he is a lodge member will be strung up and won’t even know what he did wrong. He was just trying to profit from his business.
But society is pruned of those willing to be minions (witting or unwitting) of cabal.
We need to get to the root, but hacking through the branches might have to come first.
And even if we dug up the root the devil would just plant another sapling.
The branches can be just as important as the root.
Masons are ritual sodomites. The single, all seeing eye symbolizes the anus.
The Biblical Tubal Cain is cheekily symbolized by two balls and a cane which obviously symbolizes male genitals. 33 symbolizes sodomy, two sets of ass cheeks, one on the other.
Masons worship Tubal Cain, the Grandson of Cain, son of Adam, who murdered his brother. They threaten their own “brotherhood” with ritual murder for spilling the beans about their ritual sodomy or the often treasonous oath they take to the British Crown.
Sodomy is Satan’s sacrament, an inversion of Godly procreation.
Filthy British Guy, just to keep track.
Some more on Texe Marrs, who can’t even get right something so basic as the difference between Osiris and Ra:
” In 1999 he alleged that former United States President George H. W. Bush would be involved in a black mass in a chamber within the Great Pyramid of Giza during the 2000 millennium celebrations.[14] Christian writer Constance Cumbey has accused Marrs of plagiarizing material from her book Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow.[15] She requested her name never be associated with Texe Marrs because of his exaggerations and blatant anti-Semitism.
Additionally, Texe Marrs has promoted a book, The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof That Our World is Not a Moving Globe, by Edward Hendrie, which alleges that the planet Earth is immobile and flat.[16]”
Come on, people. This is just plain nuts. It’s so obvious that this is typical cabal distraction. Instead of seeing obvious cabal activity going on all around us, we’ve got people fretting over freemasons. There’s over 500 hours of 33rd Degree Freemason Manly Hall lecturing on all kinds of topics freely available on all of the usual sources. There’s easily accessible PDFs of most of his works. Many here would profit greatly from hearing what he has to say. Spoiler alert: he goes on for hours and hours on moral rules that would keep anyone from participating in cabal bullshit.
“Additionally, Texe Marrs has promoted a book, The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof That Our World is Not a Moving Globe, by Edward Hendrie, which alleges that the planet Earth is immobile and flat.[16]”
That just makes him sound interesting, thanks for the heads up.
I’ve read sig Manly P Hall texts. I encourage commenters here to do so. It’s very interesting. He’s a skilled writer as well. Make up your own mind and read about him as a person and his connections.
I will say that I think he was everything the anti-Masons said Masonry was. And that interestingly while Mason Anon claimed Manly Hall’s fellow 33rd Deg Albert Pike was an irrelevant unimportant figure, Manly Hall felt the opposite.
One actually must decide if Lucifer was the good guy or not. I know how I come down.
Christ is King.
The more I’ve been looking, the more I’ve seen their calling cards everywhere.
Example, on VD today I’ve been trying to wrap my head around why this was done.
Clearly, the war’s ending was delayed to get Jesuits and Masons BACK into positions of influence in Japan. I go with the Owen Benjamin school here and doubt the existence of “A-bombs” or anything like that. Big Bear laid it flat – the “A-bomb” was a literary device to convince Japan’s warriors on the futility of war. War crimes still happened of course, the normal war crimes of bombing cities (like Nazis bombing London or Moscow, or the Allies bombing Dresden, Tokyo or Berlin or the Japanese bombing Peking or Pearl), but Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not hit with anything as silly as an “A-bomb”. Nagasaki was home to the world’s largest torpedo plant in 1945 so when a T-12 cloudmaker hit it all of the torpex went up and that’s what caused the explosion that killed so many. Hiroshima was hit with one or more ammo barges that the Navy floated in, possibly with another T-12 to help. None of this is ‘new’ information btw. Large explosions do “mushroom cloud” type stuff all the time.
What I suspect was that Japan, once control was gained (or regained) by Cabal (the group that controls masons and jesuits, among others) that Japan was to be a retreat point for Cabal in the late 1990’s because it was 1) economically successful 2) technologically ascendant (for medicine for the cabal aged) and especially 3) weird stuff with children was allowed to some degree (as this is part of many Japanese subcultures). Japan was to be a retreat point for Cabal in case the US collapsed before the 1990’s. China of course was still to be the US (or Japans) eventual replacement as the learned elders of Wye (ie. the Semitic wing of Cabal) revealed back in the 2000’s.
Some assigned reading for homework:
Note that General MacArthur (who wanted to use “A-bombs” against China) supported the creation of lodges in Japan.
The “A-bomb” was clearly a made up weapon to expand masonic (and thereby Cabal) influence in Asia for the empire that never ends, seeing as Jesuit priests (Cabal scouts) were generally unsuccessful for the hundred years before WW2.
Good God Almighty. Do you really believe this?
Gaslighting 101, go back to infiltrator class fed boy.
Yep. House of Osiris stuff. Also, Sun, rising Sun. Risen. etc.
Break free dude.
Or,you know, it was the opinion of anyone of significance at the time that Japan was far too industrious, inventive, and fearsome to leave be and absolutely had to be a part of the US empire. And MacArthur recognized that freemason lodges would be one of many ways of establishing deeper social and cultural connections between America and Japan so that they wouldn’t go rogue or be conquered by the Soviets
I suppose all of the nuclear weapons techs that I knew in the USAF and the dosimeters we calibrated for them were all just to continue the hoax that is nuclear weapons. I bet you think the Earth is flat too.
Nagasaki is a thriving, non-radioactive and densely populated city today, full of Japanese people.

The A-bombings didn’t happen, they were faked to get the Japanese to surrender.
Yes. Stone buildings and bridges still standing and multiple small craters. That wouldn’t happen in an atomic blast.
A bomb damage expert. How would you know what would or would not be standing? Did you check to se how far these building and bridges were from the blast center, then calculated the force applied to said bridges and buildings? The simple fact here is that you don’t know what you’re taking about. This is your thought process: A-bomb equals big blast, no building should be standing, buildings stand, a-bomb must be fake. You probably think the Earth is flat too, don’t you?
You’ve still never answered how Hiroshima and Nagasaki had larger populations WITHIN 10 YEARS of being ” Nuked”
A simple question that you can’t answer.
Tell me how a faked bomb caused the Japanese to surrender. Wasn’t the premise that more cities would be destroyed by a single bomb if they didn’t surrender? So how did a hoax get them to do it? I’m sure the Japanese leaders knew it was fake, so how does a hoax get them to go along?
masons and satanists report to … yahoodi…
Yep.They report to King Solomon’s Temple and his transgressive worship of Ba’al Peor and Ba’al Moloch.
Freemasonry came out of British Israelism, the deluded belief the British royal bloodline seats upon the Throne of David as the Messiah.
“…Roosevelt Ignored M’Arthur Report On Nip Proposals …he received a Japanese offer identical with the terms subsequently concluded by his successor, Harry S. Truman…”
That’s because Roosevelt was a piece of shit who had Jews surrounding him feeding him nonsense every minute. A war mongering corrupt fool. This is “solely” on Roosevelt. Not “the US”.
As for the bomb. Don’t you people know the Japanese actually built AND exploded one nuke in what is now North Korea. We have direct Japanese witnesses who worked on the project to this effect. If they had the bomb they would have nuked the hell out of us, no doubt at all. They even had a special submarine that only carried two small bomber planes all the way around the world especially to drop these on Washington and New York. I covered this here,
The German sub full of Japs, Nazis and Uranium going to Japan when the war ended that surrendered to the US.
The Jap sub made to bomb Washington and NY.
Look how foolish and nonsensical the VD articles are. In one he says, “…peace has been concluded on the basis of the terms MacArthur reported, high administration officials prepared to meet expected congressional demands for explanation of the delay. It was considered certain that from various quarters of Congress charges would be hurled that the delay cost thousands of American lives and casualties, particularly in such costly offensives as Iwo Jima and Okinawa….”
Then turns right around here,
Now which is it. The Japanese fight to the death on some random Islands but they would have just welcomed us in with open arms to the main Island? Please don’t pee all over my leg and tell me it’s raining.
And surely we should all tuck out heads between our tails because of some Jew made Oppenheimer movie. Let’s not forget, the man was a traitor that leaked atomic intelligence that cost us billions and billions to the USSR.
And even more evidence at the total depravity of the White man,
“…Without any military need whatsoever, the Americans dropped two atomic bombs on the peaceful and densely-populated Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
– Marshal of Victory: The Autobiography of General Giorgy Zhukov, 1966…”
So if the Jews make a movie about it and the commie general say we’re the bad guys…well that’s it. We should all just kill ourselves in grief.
“…The Germans were astonished at news of the bomb and plainly had never got within miles of making one….”
That’s because they had nothing to do with it. Hitler didn’t trust them. And rightly so. They were academics and were hanging around the Jews who had neopotized all the teaching jobs for themselves. As we see in this day and age, and I’m sure then, even hanging around Jews turns your brain to shit.
Kammler of the SS ran all the nuke stuff. There are eyewitnesses to whole Soviet divisions being completely destroyed by what appeared to be nuclear weapons. There’s more than one way to make a nuke. In The Hunt for Zero Point, author Nick Cook followed the line that it was a UFO the Nazis were making(maybe disinformation???), but it sounds much more like they were making U-233 which can “likely” be used in a bomb, (very, very high probability). A LOT of the prisoners they used in the programs to remove material from the testing area fell out and died. U-233 made from Thorium is highly radioactive. Kammler ran all of this and at the end of the war he died in about three different places(sic), and vanished into thin air with one of the few prototype airplanes that can fly all the way from Spain to Argentina with a whole plane load of documents.
“…A German historian has claimed in a new book presented on Monday that Nazi scientists successfully tested a tactical nuclear weapon in the last months of World War II….”
“…Rainer Karlsch said that new research in Soviet and also Western archives, along with measurements carried out at one of the test sites, provided evidence for the existence of the weapon.
“The important thing in my book is the finding that the Germans had an atomic reactor near Berlin which was running for a short while, perhaps some days or weeks,” he told the BBC.
“The second important finding was the atomic tests carried out in Thuringia and on the Baltic Sea.”
Mr Karlsch describes what the Germans had as a “hybrid tactical nuclear weapon” much smaller than those dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki….”
(I say likely U-233 or some combination with other uranium isotopes.) and did you get that,”…measurements carried out at one of the test sites…”, so they found isotopes that meant they had nuclear weapons and the explosions left isotope signatures behind (I presume).
The Japanese attacked “us”. All this BS about us starting the war is lies. We cut off trade in raw materials. So. It’s not our responsibility to feed the Japanese war materials they were using to slaughter the Chinese. It’s absurd, the attacks on Whites. If it’s not the Neanderthal glee club, it’s the war time Japanese peace core (that doesn’t exist). How about we talk a little about how when the Emperor was going to surrender the country, troops from the Staff Office of the Ministry of War of Japan and many from the Imperial Guard tried to arrest him, (or assassinate him), before he could go on air and tell the people they surrendered?
WHOOPS! We don’t want to talk about that. It would ruin our, Whitey bad, Neanderthal (and everyone else) good narrative. How about that? Think if we had not shown them what could happen if they did NOT surrender, what would have happened? What if, as some say we needed to do, did a demonstration, and it failed? No, they did what they had to do in the circumstances that they had to deal with, with the information they had a hand. We spent so much money on the nukes you know damn well we were going use them. Think if all that sacrifice and cash had been spent and the President said,”well we won’t use this because it will be mean to the Japanese”. The same ones that were starving our troops to death, lopping their heads off if they did not bow deeply enough( a real thing) and experimenting on them with biological weapons. Get the fuck out. Congress would have impeached him immediately. This sort of mindless blathering is all the rage now. People have completely lost their minds. This country is all ate up with the dumbass (a favorite saying of us fellows in our youth).
And all this nonsense, you see constantly. Mason rule the world, the Queen of England, all this bullshit. Here’s how they do it. It’s on the same page as I was looking for the other link. It’s their playbook. It’s one of their, many, mind tricks to distract us.
Fake moon landings, flat earth, the Queen runs the world. Neanderthals are some sort of angel geniuses. Even when the facts stare you in the face and the things they tell us move in to the stratospheric realms of mindless stupidity and in no way aligns with reality. You people will believe anything the psychopathic Jews say, as long as…it’s detrimental to Whites.
I’m beginning to think we have been infected by some sort of virus that’s passed in the shit. Why am I immune (Ivermectin????), I have no idea, but I expect that if the shit virus gets much worse we will forget how to deal with all the shit, it will pile up all over the world and cover us all up (We have a good start on this in San Francisco). Then the shit hawks will come down and peck away the last of our stupid shit brains. Along with others, I’m waiting.
P.S. You got it exactly backwards. Cro-Magnons were black. Neanderthals were white, redheads, blue-eyed and gracile.
Cro-Magnons were migrations from the equator, Neanderthals had conquered the cold of a million years. Nobody stays black during the Grand Minimum for long.
“…Cro-Magnons were black. Neanderthals were white…”
Yeah the Jews tried to push that in Britain and didn’t get far and I doubt you will get far with that here or elsewhere. Prove it. You have no evidence for this. This is just more of that Jew “pronouncement” technique where they say silly shit with nothing to back it up. When the Cro-Mags started to appear all at once, likely from Atlantis sinking, they were White.
Now DNA showing almost all Caucasian genes arose first in Neanderthals is pseudoscience … but Atlantis sinking is mainstream. It’s all Jews promoting pseudoscience. Actually, nothing is more suppressed than the fact that genes for blue eyes, red hair and pale skin all showed up in ‘Thals first. There is nothing more politically incorrect than that but DNA doesn’t lie.
Where is the lineage of Cro-Magnons in cold climates to show the impetus for qualities like white skin to absorb Vitamin D?
“…DNA showing almost all Caucasian genes arose first in Neanderthals is pseudoscience…”
Pseudoscience. Yes exactly Pseudoscience.
Nothing you say is for any other use than deception. People pay attention, this Jew is completely full of shit. I’m not going to respond to anything else he says. Just like rarely say anything about the CIA gym girl promoter Miles Mathis they are all full of shit. I may link to what I’ve said before and you read it or not. You want to believe their lies. Go ahead.
Your terms are acceptable.
And BTW look at how all these Jews and their lackeys are pushing the same notions as Tex.
“…By analysing the genomes of 50 people with European ancestry and 70 people with sub-Saharan African ancestry, Beleza’s team could estimate when the three genes – and pale skin – first became widespread in European populations. The result suggested that the three genes associated with paler skin swept through the European population only 11,000 to 19,000 years ago.
“The selective sweeps for favoured European [versions of the three genes] started well after the first migrations of modern humans into Europe,” says Beleza…”
Now I ask you to use your brains for something besides holding your hats. How the hell did she come up with those dates by analyzing modern Africans and modern Europeans? She didn’t.She made them up. look at the VERY SAME PAPER,
“…Those wanderings took modern humans into Europe around 45,000 years ago – but exactly when the European skin adapted to local conditions had been unclear….”
So it’s not clear but…it’s clear. Please…stop. Now I’m not against the idea that random Negros were wandering around Europe but they weren’t Cro-Mags.
“…Indeed, a study earlier this year of ancient DNA suggested that Neanderthals living in what is now Croatia had dark skin and brown hair….”
HAHAHHA Neanderthals looked like Negros. IT’S SCIENCE!
Look at these Jews hooking up with dot Indians to whack away at the evil Whites and say that Whites have only been White for a few thousand years. You trust this bunch? Not me. Not me.
Now Tex says that Cro-Mags got their white skin from the Neanderthals, a lie, we know a lie, but…you know you could just as easily say that the Jews/Neanderthals got their white skin from…wait…from the Cro-Mags. After all, we have this paper that says (SCIENCE!) Neanderthals looked like the Negros,
“…a study earlier this year of ancient DNA suggested that Neanderthals living in what is now Croatia had dark skin and brown hair….”
And where did modern humans(sic), really Cro-Mags, and Neanderthals meet. In Israel!!! Oh shit. Oh shit!
The Neanderthals likely looked like that picture I uploaded on the last comment. Let’s look at some recent Jew/Neanderthal pictures. Attached.
Damn it, wrong picture. I’ll attach below.
First, Tex isn’t lying. He could be wrong, but I am not sure he is invested in any of this enough to lie for some reason. It always freaks me out when people say lie, because it implies malicious intent, and is very personal. I have never seen Tex be malicious to anyone, or try to deceive to trick people. At worst if he is wrong, he saw bad research or he is mistaken. At the end the truth we are looking for is not personal.
Now that said, if Neanderthals had dark skin, and Jews are Neanderthals, how are Jews white today? And I mean really white. Whether you are looking at the orthodox, or Hasidim, or the nonreligious, they are white as a sheet. Whiter than nordics, IMO, even if they have black hair.
And honestly, I think Neanderthal, I think something like a gorilla, which will tear you apart. I think Jewish, and I am not being antisemetic, but I kind of think either couch potato, or kind of thin-athletic and not gorilla-like. The gorilla phenotype I can picture, but they are not Jewish IMO.
They had blacks in the ancestry according to the Bible.
But it was so long ago and they bred with so many nonblacks that it got diluted out.
Genesis 38:2“And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her.”
King James Version (KJV)
“…Now that said, if Neanderthals had dark skin, and Jews are Neanderthals, how are Jews white today?…”
If Tex can say that a tiny less than 5%, (I say WAY LESS), Neanderthal made Whites, White, then I can say,
“…Indeed, a study earlier this year of ancient DNA suggested that Neanderthals living in what is now Croatia had dark skin and brown hair….”
Because there’s a hell of a lot more White in Neanderthal Jews than there is Neanderthal in Whites.
“…Let’s look at some recent Jew/Neanderthal pictures. Attached…”
Name was so close I screwed it up.
And one part of this picture is wrong. Namely, that as much as 4% of European genetics is Neanderthal. You’ll see this one day how they lied about this.
Its similar to Osiris, of the egyptian mythology.
God power
Myth unit
Note: notice the similarity with prometheus, of with satan, tempting humanity to eat of the fruit of tree of knowledge.
Another case of the same, with kek
“Kek (also spelled as Kuk or Keku) is the ancient Egyptian deity of night and darkness. As a concept, Kek was viewed as having male and female qualities. His female form was known as Kauket (also spelled as Keket), which is simply the female form of the word Kek.[1]
Kek’s male form was seen as a frog, or as a frog-headed man. The female form was seen as a snake, or a snake-headed woman. He also symbolized the unknown and chaos. Kuk was the god of the hours before dawn and was known as “Bringer-in-of-the-Light” as he guided the sun barge of the god Ra toward the sky from the underworld. Kauket, his feminine balance, was depicted as a woman with the head of a serpent also called “Bringer-in-of-the-Darkness” who presided over the hours of twilight when the sun was setting and guided the sun barge into the underworld.”
Osiris was cut into 14 pieces but ISIS only found 13. His penis is still missing!
Maybe Kokopeli has it 😉
Michelle Obama!!!!
Regarding Barry, I don’t think I’ve ever had a black eye in my life. And when I cut my fingers bad enough to need a band aid, it’s one at a time and still very rare.
I keep a folder of pictures of the “Black Eye Club”; how these elite Cabal people keep ending up with black eyes.
Best comment on 4Chan – I don’t care who is giving them black eyes or how they are getting them. I am just happy there is somebody out there doing it.
I remember someone on Twitter claiming that using adrenochrome drug breaks somekind of membrane in the eyes and thats how they end up with black eyes.
Could also be some miniature version of the “bug” implanted in the Matrix. I saw a video on Twitter where it was depicted as curling around the eye. Like a creepy larval thing.
masonic ritual. he doesnt consider himself “beat up”.
Prince Hall
It’s a club. A club you don’t want to be in.
Nah. If this ever happens, just Mexicanize(tm) your name and recross the border; then you will get free Obama Care while the rest of us have to pay fees/taxes; and you will get three thousand a month in Social Security, even go to college free of charge.
An older friend of mine was being screwed over by both the VA and Social Security. He had a rough time of it for a while.
Bob was 5’5, swarthy, and spoke some Spanish, since he lived in San Diego. (or as the Mexicans call it, “Tijuana Norte”) I suggested he just take the bus to the border crossing, then come back over pretending to be a Mexican. “Roberto” could then get all the state of California freebies available at the time.
He managed to wait out the VA and SSA without doing that, but it was a close call.
I didn’t do the homework, failed or barely passed the classes. (I knew the material and aced the tests, but tests were only 25% of your grade.) It just occurred to me that no one ever said, “lets put him back in the regular classes.” Instead I ended up in a vocational program that consumed all my time.
What is fascinating about it is that if it was purposeful, and I think in the overwhelming, and maybe almost all cases it was, is to picture that entirely different world, with its entirely different purpose, and what was happening there.
Glowie #1 Ah shit! Did you see Phelps? Cocksucker isn’t doing the homework. Not a single fucking assignment.
Glowie #2 Shit. Can we stick him in the vocational class?
Glowie #1 No. His test scores are straight 100s. It would look weird to throw him in with the kids who can’t read or do math.
Glowie #2 Fuck. That is even worse. If we put him in the regular course, there is less homework, it is almost nothing, it will lower his grades less, and he will get straight 100s even easier. He might even do the homework, it is so light. He’ll only go farther there. We have to put him in the vocational program to suck up all his time.
Glowie #1 He’ll think it weird. He might notice us.
Glowie #2 He’ll be too busy. Plus, who would believe this whole school is not to educate these kids, but to hold them back. None of them can fathom it would even be possible. Vocational it is. Now what about that girl Diana? We have to take her down.
And that is probably mostly how it would work, minus them looking at the surveillance to see what you are studying on your own time at home, and them dropping porn mags where you hang out to try and slow you down that way. I mean an organized operation dedicated to kneecapping the smart kids it can’t control like drones.
It is so bizarre, and yet what you realize would have to arise in a Darwinian world.
I never did homework, and somehow I got away with it. I didn’t go into GATE because I didn’t know I was being tested and refused to do two column math in my head without context. But somehow I always got away with not doing homework or studying. I failed 8th grade (I had the same teacher for both classes I failed, so I think she was a factor). I made it up in summer school. I failed 9th but made up the credits and graduated in time. I was in the regular classes, except Physics I my senior year, which was considered an honors class. Didn’t study or do homework for that either.
In the Navy, I got through two technical schools without studying or doing homework. For my Bachelor’s degree, I did a bare minimum and somehow graduated with honors. Same for a Master’s. I went with an online program. I had 6 months to complete three classes. For two of them, I procrastinated the entire six months, then knocked out all three classes in the last two weeks of the term.
Keep in mind: I INTENDED to study, but then got sidetracked by doing things that interested me until the clock ran out.
That seems to be another factor some of us have in common. I had trouble getting interested in a subject if I didn’t know why I needed to know it. Calculate surface area? It’s immediately applicable to painting. Other things were not so apparent and my teachers didn’t seem able to communicate why their subject was practical. I think most school teachers are useless. I only had a handful who actually inspired me. The rest were government bureaucrats.
Interesting account. We should keep an eye out for cases of our kind who seemed to escape notice and slip through school unmolested. Assemble them into a guide of sorts, “How to hide your child’s power level.”
I homeschooled mine. Highly recommended. I put them in a co-op at our church the last two years. That’s probably a good way to hide their power level.
Homeschooling helps and it ensured not such a controlled environment like Prussian model education that probably provides better predictability for ops.
And the watchful eyes of parents and relatives as well as support.
Although your guide is just as useful as an extra layer of protection even in better environments.
homeschooling provides a big step towards this.
We had a family down the street of what you might call “Italian Hillbillies.” Eight kids and not a book, magazine, or newspaper in the house, not even for the parents who had very lower working class jobs. All the boys were serious “troublemakers in school.” Nobody in their extended family had graduated high school.
Hanging around a lot with these kids, it became clear that they were very intelligent — brilliant, even. The boy in my class was the first second grade kid in town history to punch a teacher. Just amazing. I think he is a millionaire retired contractor today.
I went to a very diverse school until 2nd semester 10th grade. I remember my councilor puzzled that I was only a handful of credits shy of graduating when I moved to a rural (from 50/50 black/white to an all, 100% white school) turns out in the hood they were handing out core credits for passing electives, science credit for passing shop, math for small engines and so on. I coasted through for the last two years until they let me know I had to go to summer school after senior year to make up any class I had more than 6 absences in, which was every class. I mentioned this in passing to the office secretary (also highly off that a teacher picked me to relay a mundane message to the front office) and she said she’s could help, the system was coded so you couldn’t remove absences without a executive level sign off, but you could shuffle them around. They were all pushed to the class that had the most absences, whichever science I had senior year. It then gets weirder, I show up for the final anyway and I relay to the teacher that I’ve already failed but I was curious to see how I did on the final,I had to show up for another final that day anyway. He looks at his ledger and laughs, then he says “I’ll tell you what, if you can get an A on my final with 40+ days absent you deserve to pass”. Somehow he approved my grade after getting the A and it was so long high school, no summer school.
Tell them to hide in the library for 12 years. It is the literal equivalent of faking your own death.
Lol. I was that kid who did not want to do certain maths because I didn’t see what the purpose was. No context. No cooperation. Got me in some trouble since I was expected to be able to it since I was a straight A student
Useless Teachers Dept: Right, most who were not evil, if they were nice enough, were still useless. In my Senior HS year, I had a mostly nice Chemistry teacher who actually asked me if I was on drugs, because some days I did so well, and other days it was a wash. I had to tell her that if the subject was interesting, or at least her presentation was I would pay attention, but if not, I would think about something else. I really wanted to suggest that if she showed a bit of cleavage, I’d have been a star pupil, but I kept my mouth shut.
Hey AC, I think I am older than you. I quickly noticed in elementary school that it was *not* education, but never even suspected that it was to waste our time. The “reading groups” we had were, “First, Second, and Third.” I was always in the Second Reading Group, despite being the best and most prolific reader in the class, and probably in the school. Here’s how it went:
They sat us in a circle, in our little chairs, with one student rising to read one word, followed by the next, and so-on-oh-look-see-Dick-see-Jane-see-baby-Sally-see-Spot-bark.
That is not how you teach people to read; that is how you train people to hate reading anything that is not required or necessary.
My Dad questioned this.
As for math, I could do big long division problems if I had to, BUT why do dozens and dozens of them, day after day (this was before calculators)?
That seems like a good way to condition children into a state where their minds would hate performing complex tasks, thus they would never want to think about their own interests or would forget about their own interests by the time they were out of the bullshite school, but they would grudgingly be able to perform when directed.
Or am I missing something?
Yep sounds like the typical math class
I had an interesting experience in 11th grade, the year we took chemistry. I am one of those kids who did not realize I was — gifted, whatever — and my personality was a bit of a dreamer, and so my grades were not stellar and I was not even thinking about going to college. I did not realize there was such a thing as IQ differences — I was kind of egalitarian.
So our school had “arena scheduling” at the end of the year, for next year’s classes. I signed up for “regular” chemistry because I did not think of myself as a science person (being a girl had something to do with that; this was decades ago). Once the class began in the fall, it was the strangest experience, being with average people and a teacher who made it “fun.” However, two weeks into this fun class, the guidance counselor summoned me and told me I was in the wrong level and being moved immediately to the higher level.
The atmospheres of the two classes were totally different. But I am going to say this honestly: while the higher-level class was less “fun,” it definitely was more challenging and being with intellectual peers who took learning seriously definitely made a difference, and the textbook was not the same; it was a higher-level textbook.
The following year, the same experience repeated with physics. Again, I was discouraged by various friends from signing up for the super-challenging physics class, and I signed up for the “fun” class. And two weeks into the class, my guidance counselor moved me to the high level class — which WAS the appropriate level for me. I was the only girl in the classroom, however, surrounded by nerdy boys. Less fun.
To sum up: I tried hard to be one of the cool kids, but it was not meant to be. Years later, I realized that I had misunderstood the reasons I didn’t fit in with the crowd.
Anyone else have blocked by their ISP?
Normally, even with my VPN (tried multiple servers), I get a DNS couldn’t be found errors.
With Tor, I get timed out errors.
Any IT Anons know how to circumvent this?
dns server may be set by your router to your ISP’s DNS. You can override that in the admin area for the router/modem. Use and … cloud flare and Google…you can look up better ones later. See if that works. Also, try both Firefox and a chromium derivative…because now the browsers are using DNS over Ip (DOH), which undercuts you. Setting up a $10/month VPS proxy at DigitalOcean (or similar) running Squid is another good alternative.
Thank you, I’ll save this as a reference. Funny thing: After you posted this, started working again…
“…I am sorry Sam, but he is not of our kind…”
I see some of the Elon Musk haters the same as I see the moon landing deniers. Sure they say a lot but in the end they have no evidence. None. Now Musk may very well be some satanic baby eater but so far I’ve seen nothing that tells me this is true. Just a lot of hand waving and a LOT of lies about him. Very much like the moon landing deniers, there’s constant lies about him. Constant.
When I see different, I will hate him just as much as the rest. Well maybe not quite as much because he’s done a bunch of good in my eyes. Stopping us from having to use Russia to launch out astronauts, world wide internet, electric cars so you don’t have to depend on other countries for oil and wide spread solar for houses, I see all of these as good things. Be careful you do not put me into the category of someone who worships him. I do not. I don’t approve of him all together but none of us are perfect. That being said some of us leave the world a better place and so far, I believe him to be one of those and I admire that.
It is not that I think he did those things for evil purposes. I just do not think the system would let someone do those things to help. It is a script, and he is being guided on how CIA, or Raytheon, or Blackrock want their dark money slushfunds spent. When he makes masonic symbolism, it makes sense. He is in the role.
However it is a risk to trust his platform. Do not put your banking, or other necessary things on it. I suspect eventually he will “step down” or the script will involve him being “forced out,” and the new management will begin cancelling banking and travel for bad thinkers.
And they (?) alreadt did that once before to Elon, when PayPal and Peter Thiel ate up
Musk started SpaceX by casually taking a private flight to Russia and casually buying an ICBM to use as a rocket base. It’s so fucking obviously a lie or a cabal op it’s not even funny.
You’re blinded by your own desire to see some “white” dude do something cool in the public space for once.
“…You’re blinded by your own desire to see some “white” dude do something cool in the public space for once….”
Have any of you noticed that when people criticize me , a lot of the time they start attributing thoughts and feelings to me that they have no way of knowing. They say I’m this or that or the other but…they avoid the facts. Because I will crush them with facts. That’s why. Musk didn’t buy an ICBM. He wanted to but they didn’t take him seriously. I wonder if now they think they might have made a mistake.
All of these criticisms of Musk are much the same. He could this or that or the other or might be. My admiration for him is of a simple sort. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. All this stuff that others could do, he did. Talk, talk, talk, but he did it. It’s so simple. All the stuff I’ve been in favor of he did and it didn’t cost me a dime. All the criticisms of the things he made, electric cars, better batteries, a solar power company, space rockets, etc. are all fantasy criticisms. Well he might this or that but “right now” what he is doing looks good to me and that’s good enough for me.
When you all have some facts, then get back to me.
>Have any of you noticed that when people criticize me , a lot of the time they start attributing thoughts and feelings to me that they have no way of knowing
It’s possible to discern broad thought patterns based on months of your comments here. You think the jews do a lot of shit to degrade the white man’s pride in his heritage and abilities. It’s only logical to assume you’re very invested in the topic and would be excited when a white guy breaks the mold and owns the jews mcepic style or something. So much so you go overboard and overlook the obvious cabal notes.
Have you ever noticed you deflect a lot of answers by accusing people of targeting you unfairly rather than looking at the criticism itself?
How does a private citizen just casually go buy an ICBM from a foreign nation with no problems? It’s not possible without being a state asset or a cabal actor, and he’s only publicly denied being a state actor.
“…It’s only logical to assume you’re very invested in the topic and would be excited when a white guy breaks the mold and owns the jews mcepic style or something….”
You are doing the same here. I do not necessarily believe Musk is White. Go back and look. I have said numerous times he may very well be a Jew and is in the end up to nefarious schemes. So you’re wrong on that note.
“….Have you ever noticed you deflect a lot of answers by accusing people of targeting you unfairly rather than looking at the criticism itself?…”
The above of course negates this as it’s certainly, once again, casting thoughts on me I don’t have. Look at what I have said about Musk and it’s ad nauseam over and over about the technology he has created. I don’t remember ever once saying that persecution of him was because he was White but that’s your whole angle on this. Find where I said criticism of him was because he was White. I don’t think I said that ever. I may wrong, but I don’t remember it. What my REAL feeling on the matter are, I see that the same sort of criticism of him, the tactics, that is used on Musk is used on Whites and that annoys me. I’ve heard this stuff all my life and I, and I bet a huge mass of other Whites, are fed up with it. So when the lying Jews ramp up their lying amplifier, no matter who it is, it gives me great glee to show they are lying. I want everyone who does not yet know the complete depth of their lies and to become aware of it. Once people see this, it is hard to unsee. They see it everywhere and they know who is doing it. So the whole thrust of these last comments is barking up the wrong tree.
“…How does a private citizen just casually go buy an ICBM from a foreign nation with no problems?…”
I forgot to add, he had $250 million dollars from the paypal payout.
“…Have you ever noticed you deflect a lot of answers by accusing people of targeting you unfairly rather than looking at the criticism itself?…”
I thought about this a little, and I can’t remember when I’ve done that. Someone give me an example. If this is so clear and I “…deflect a lot of answers by accusing people of targeting you[me] unfairly..:, then it shouldn’t be any trouble to find one. I certainly have compared the legal outcomes for Whites as a group to other races. It so lopsided, it’s easy to do this. And above I said that people were reading into my writing “feelings” that I didn’t have and was not focused on. I guess that could be loosely, very loosely, defined as me saying I’m being unfairly treated but if it’s a fact, that you are misreading my motivations, and it is, then that’s hardly the same as whining that I’m being treated unfairly. It’s merely stating that you are wrong. I can’t remember everything but well over 99% of all my comments are based on facts with a bit of snark when I feel people are belaboring silly notions with no evidence to back them up over and over.
And BTW I’m still not 100% convinced Musk is not a Jew and is building rockets to move the Jews off the planet.
“I guess I’ll take a coke.”
Do you want fries with that? And how did you know my employment prospects?
Classical reference:
I haven’t seen that. It’s good, very good.
Watch for the men in white suits carrying insect nets.You are ripe.
I believe Jews do stuff like this. Very long, in some cases, multigenerational plans to attack other races and populations. VD linked one of these, no not rockets, but “Kalergi plan”.
It can not be denied that the Jews over many decades have slowly infiltrated themselves and their vassals into positions of power in the US, Western Europe and elsewhere.
There are many of these sorts of things going on all the time.
Another is I believe that the Jews did covid and pushed a contaminated genetic shot. It can not be denied that the person who set up and advised the Chinese on their genetic research in Wuhan was a Jew. He did so in secret and was arrested. It can not be denied that the pharmaceutical companies had some foreknowledge of the actual covid strains. It can be denied that the Jews own the pharmaceutical companies and direct their actions. It can not be denied that they KNEW that the vax was killing people and had very bad effects but pushed it anyway. It can not be denied that the constant propagandizing for everyone to get these contaminated shots was directed by the employees of the Jews, the press and Jewish officials in the government. This is mass murder.
Let’s look at the contrast when I say Musk might be up to no good. When I say, so I’m crazy yet this blog is full to the brim of people saying Musk is up to no good and is some sort of controlled agent of some “cabal”. Who is exactly cabal by those that use the term. They will not say. Myself, I say it’s the Jews and their agents. . Countless comments on this. Are they crazy? Why am I crazy and yet they are not?
Now the idea that the Jews could set up a situation where the Jews move off the planet sounds crazy. I admit that, but I think the Jews ARE crazy. I think that the Jewish religion, everyone will be their slaves and they will own everything, I think that’s crazy. So if you are dealing with crazy people, the Jews, then to extrapolate what they will do you have to think like the crazy Jews and not discount, less than normal ideas. Because they are crazy.
So far their schemes have brought them great wealth and control but if it fails, and there are thousands of ways it can fail, then their whole race is in great peril. If everyone believed much as I do about the Jews, what would happen to them? And much of what I believe IS in fact slowly being believed by a large amount, not yet the majority, but a large amount of people. It’s certainly believed by the Chinese leadership. They know who controls the US and Europe. That in itself is a huge setback for them. How are they going to enslave the Chinese? They moved all this manufacturing and technology to China and now their asses are being handed to them there. The Chinese took all this they took from the west, stiff armed the Jews and then took it away from them. They do not have control in China.
The internet is spreading knowledge and any REAL truth about the Jews, is very bad for them. They really suck. Anyone who knows about them knows this. They have been responsible for directing events that got multiple millions killed, and many people know this. It’s not looking good long term for the Jews and as awareness spreads the hazards rise every day. That they would try to have a “plan B” way out “just in case” would not surprise me a bit. It may surprise you and others, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
>Jews are crazy…
Is it true that Jews have a higher rate of schizophrenia than any other group? Aren’t almost all Jews at least a little bit neurotic? Have you ever observed intelligent Jews melting down, having screaming fits over whatever? If so, to what do you attribute the cause?
It is always possible there were two strains of neanderthals, just like today there are two strains of humans. There were neanderthals who got broken to shit, and they were cared for by others who sacrificed for them. There was one old neanderthal skull found, which was ridiculously old for them, like approaching 40 years old, and he had lost all his teeth, and the researchers believed another had been chewing food for him, and giving it to him to eat. A lot of them appeared to care for each other deeply, which would not be unexpected in a group doing highly dangerous small unit operations like hunting mastodons.
Now ask yourself, who among humans has the highest propensity for having an outgroup sexual preference, or a high likelihood of putting themselves in situations where they would be raped and impregnated, or where they would be the rapist? If I said to you, some woman wanted to import terrorists (back when we thought terrorists were radical Muslims), because she found them sexy, is that a leftist woman, or a conservative woman? Is she likely an empathetic, or a psychopath? If I said some man wanted to rape women and not get caught, is he a leftist or a conservative? A psychopath or an empath? Who among the neanderthals do you think was breeding out into humans?
Maybe if neanderthals could have been observed, there were neanderthals, some flavor of them, saying “My fellow neandethals, we need to let these scrawny spearchuckers live among us if we want to have peace!” Maybe then they cut a deal to save themselves, and became their own tribe, as the others were gradually raped and genocided into oblivion.
There are a lot of scenarios where things could be a lot more complex than just the neanderthals are Jews, and an enemy.
“…There was one old neanderthal skull found, which was ridiculously old for them, like approaching 40 years old, and he had lost all his teeth, and the researchers believed another had been chewing food for him, and giving it to him to eat. A lot of them appeared to care for each other deeply…”
You’re making no headway at all with this sort talk of with me. I know better. Wild animals frequently show a great deal of care for their “in group” or family yet will tear to pieces anyone not in the group. I think animals ARE in fact generally psychopathic towards others. Just like Jews. The Jews do this all the time. They may lovingly gaze upon their young and Jew neighbors but pull the entrails out of the local priest they were torturing in Russia. Really horrid, vile, evil stuff. This is why I KNOW that the smiley faced murders were Jews. A bunch of kids drugging people, luring them into their cars to take them away and torture and sometimes kill them. Jews. Only a seriously sick people would do such a thing. And it was a lot of them and the real icing on the cake is that painted smiley face. Got to be Jews to do something like that and then snark about it.
I will say as I have often. I do not believe that all Jews are psychopaths but they is no discernible difference between a bunch of Jews moving into your country and a tribe of psychopaths doing the same.
“…doing highly dangerous small unit operations like hunting mastodons…”
Africans hunt elephants but apparently if Neanderthals do it they become some super smart, super together geniuses. I say Whites have done plenty of hurting their selves. Anything you can come up with was routinely done by Whites and others but Whites have done far, far more and there is no, nada, none, zero evidence that the Neanderthals were anything but a bunch of bright animals that roamed around and killed stuff to eat. Bears do that. Hyenas do that too but we don’t get teary-eyed over them.
But in Africa, hunting was different. They hunted during the heat of the day, rustling animals from shade, and making them move until heat exhaustion kicked in. I saw video of the tribe which still does it. At the end, the big antelope they were hunting stopped running and just stood there panting, unable to take another step, as they walked up and speared it, totally helpless. That was why we evolved to lose our body hair and have such prominent sweat glands – we could run all day, in the sun. The special I saw was specifically describing r-selection where these animals were everywhere, and the tribes were just walking up to bushes shaking them, and if something ran out to another bush, they went there, surrounded it and shook, and watched the next bush it ran to, and eventually they just walked up to it and speared it.
Plus what Neanderthals endured was different, just by how they were so robust, and were still nicknamed rodeo clowns, because of how broken up they were, which was different from everyone else. Take your view of the “Jews” today you’re saying the Neanderthlas were, in a group. Would they ever endure those injuries? Volunteer to get put in a position to regularly get those injuries? IMO, it is an inconsistency in your theory. Either the Jews and Neanderthals are the same, and psychopaths, and both would assiduously avoid any danger to themselves, or the Jews today and Neanderthals back then both rush to danger to fight and endure grave injury, and if necessary, die.
I think both are too simplistic to accurately describe things, and I think there are people with Neanderthal genes today who are probably a step above the rest on measures of both daring and courage and intellectual ability. I have seen a bunch of people I could see filling that ecological niche, and they do tend to have the physical traits Tex describes, and they do look different from regular humans to me, including in a sort of “spirit” in them, which seems deeper and more connected to the world and what is around them.
“…Take your view of the “Jews” today you’re saying the Neanderthlas were, in a group. Would they ever endure those injuries? Volunteer to get put in a position to regularly get those injuries? IMO, it is an inconsistency in your theory. Either the Jews and Neanderthals are the same, and psychopaths, and both would assiduously avoid any danger to themselves, or the Jews today and Neanderthals back then both rush to danger to fight and endure grave injury…”
No, no, no. There is no inconsistency. I have said many times and even above that groups can act psychopathic towards others. I said it right here on this page above, here,
And Jews will sacrifice themselves and have many times for the group. In fact I wish Whites would do more of this themselves but our individualism combined with a warped sense of out group empathy, “all of us are the same(sic)”, pushes against that.
You are taking a “very narrow” meaning of psychopathy and blowing it up to be any and all mental states of psychopathy. And I believe you know you are doing this. I’ve said so much about this, it would be difficult for anyone to not be clear on this.
It’s not even remotely a misnomer to call Jews, who appear to hate everyone on the planet, except their in group psychopaths, as a general rule. To argue against this is wordism and scheming of the highest order.
Another example, to foreclose a lot more scheming, wordism and verbal wiggling about. If you called Negros “troublesome” it would not be wrong. True, some are not but so many are that the phase would, logically, be correct and only the woke would argue the point.
In fact after thinking about it this “narrow” meaning of psychopathy it might be mostly in modern Whites. Take the before mentioned, “…individualism combined with a warped sense of out group empathy…”, and remove all the empathy and all you got left is it’s exactly what you would get in a total psychopath with no loyalty to anyone. That “narrow” definition fits that case.
Commenting on most of the stuff that I have been is beginning to really bore me to tears and seem futile. It seems to never end, all this fake, moon fake Neanderthal, fake this, fake that.
But in Israel the orthodox Jews refuse to serve in the military. Even Jews I know who are patriotic Americans are, to put it mildly, not comfortable with the application of violence on others, to the point I love them, but I cannot understand their position. I feel like some kind of different animal, literally like a wolf trying to understand a rabbit meekly letting someone kill him. I know there are Jews like the Netanyahu family. I know Israel has fought fairly well in wars, albeit with technological support from us which gave them advantages. I’m sure there are Jews here and there in our military who could tear it up.
But as a people among the citizen Jews I have known, I cannot think of one, who would actually go out and do real, chaotic, get yourself physically hurt, violence, like killing a mastodon with little more than a pike. I have known a lot of other people who might even enjoy that, French descendants, Italian, German, Irish, I knew a Frenchman who was such a compulsive hunter he actually killed a deer which wandered under his deer stand with a hunting knife, but I cannot think of one guy, even a nonreligious Jew, who I have crossed path with, who would be even capable of violence, or comfortable in the type of environment, where you just accept you could get killed, or paralyzed, and you still step up and go on as it isn’t a risk.
And I go back to Germany, whatever happened there, the Jews never seemed to resist.
I do not see psychopathy as violent, in the sense of embracing risk. I see psychopathy as with the criminal, where they carefully chose the weak, and look for the easy target, and never pick somebody who could be a threat. They avoid self harm, and cannot really understand why they would not.
It feels different to me.
“…But in Africa, hunting was different. They hunted during the heat of the day, rustling animals from shade, and making them move until heat exhaustion kicked in…”
And yet, what they hunted in Europe had, big ass hairy coats. So you’re telling me big ass heavy coats do not keep you warm? Here’s some picture of these big ass hairy coated Mammoths (which is what was in Europe and North Asia). And BTW what did they call them, “Wooly Mammoths”.
And look at this picture of Neanderthals, they got the color wrong, they actually looked like Negros, preying on that poor wounded Woolly Mammoth.
And here is an actual Wooly Mammoth pulled out of the ice.
Mammoth found in ice in Siberia, 19th Century
So you’re telling me that Africans hunting, no thick hairy coat, elephants are stupid and only could kill overheated elephants, but Neanderthals hunting Wooly mammoths with these thick super insulating coats, those mammoths, never got hot.
And of course we can see the picture I linked of the merciless Neanderthals attacking that poor stricken wooly Mammoth. Maybe the Neanderthals would wait til one got stuck in the mud, then attack. I’m sure that’s right.
The thing is, you can control heat easier when it is cold all around you by funneling blood to things where it can be offloaded into the cold, and let the gradient take it, even if you have a fur coat. I am sure in a glacial environment, a Mammoth begins straining, blood shifts to that trunk, maybe to the legs and ears, and it offloads the heat there.
When it is hot enough, and the sun is beating down, that you cannot find a gradient for the heat to flow to, there is no choice but to get out of the sun and not move. The second you begin breaking those phosphate bonds in the ATP, that immense heat has to have a gradient to flow down to. When it does not, that is it, you are getting heat stroke, and your muscles will stop contracting because the actin and myosin just will not work anymore at that temperature.
It is possible, but you come back again to how broken up they were. That points to a much more aggressive, daring hunting style, less concerned with physical injury. Something daring was going on there, because of all the breaks, which were normal for them.
Again, I am not saying I know. I distrust everything I don’t see myself. But the Jews as Neanderthals thing, and them being just evil, strikes me as too pat, and designed to poison our side against Neanderthal ad-mixtures. And from what I see, Neanderthals had the evolutionary environment to be something good, and if the genetic research is real (always an if today) then they have something good going on in math and science cognitive ability at the genetic level. Which would be consistent with a glacial environment where they needed to plan, and model possible future outcomes in a complex system.
I will say, I have that innate math/science skill which could be consistent with an ad-mixture, I am unusually strong physically compared to others, I have a huge occipital bun, I do kind of feel like regular humans are something somewhat different from me, with different mindsets and attitudes and ways of seeing things. Growing up I kind of craved fights, regardless of my likelihood of getting injured, and surveillance has always seemed to view me as something different from them, not to be trusted, and of some sort of classification which they all know instantly once they put it together. It feels like I, and my mom, were a target due to my mom’s genes, which they were following. So I come to this open to the idea Neanderthals were not just evil Jews, because it could be one possible explanation for a lot of stuff I have always seen and wondered about in my own life. And while I probably am as close to a psychopath as you will see once I classify you as something the world is better off without, I don’t feel like I am a psychopath in the sense you describe. If somebody is peaceful and just going about life their own way, I feel bound to them, and would sacrifice to protect them.
There is no need to argue, my point is to just consider it may be more complex than Neanderthals as good or bad. There could have been several different types, some could have sold out to save their own tribes, others could have been genocided and raped into ad-mixtures, others may have fled and survived in places. It does not all have to be black and white.
Musical instruments — flutes made from animal bone. That’s more than zero.
Here’s a shot of the moon lander on the moon, as posted by NASA on their own site until people laughed at it so hard they finally took it down after a couple of years.
Totally real people. Completely scienmagistical and cost billions.
And here it is without the foil covering heat shields
Scale models and poseable astronaut mannequins carefully matched to the live action TV broadcasts and 16mm Maurer films. Ask yourself why there’s no motion blur whatsoever (there *is* camera movement blur) on the astronauts in photos we’re told were taken at shutter speeds between 1/125 and 1/250. No blur on the Moon buggies in motion either.
TV broadcasts used one powerful light source augmented with infrared illumination (no incriminating shadows). IR was not possible for the high resolution photography.
Infrared augmentation in Apollo 17 broadcast.
Look at the size of that writing in the slip of paper they forgot to remove.
Rover and LM ridiculously out of scale.
Sorry, AC – you’re not
> Illinois Governor signs bill allowing migrant non-citizens to become Police officers.
“One of these things is not like the others.”
The American cops are the jackbooted thugs of the political bosses… but the non-citizen cops are foreign mercenaries. *Armed* mercenaries; the kind that the Fed prohibits Americans from going overseas and doing. There are Federal laws about that, But used armed mercenaries against *us* is perfectly fine.
They may have built a sophisticated spying machine, but we don’t need one: they operate out in the open, and their names are in the public record.
> Brownshirts … Where were the Police back then?
A lot of police – not just street cops, but railroad security, customs guards, and others – got scooped up by the Kaiser’s army and sent to fight in WWI. The ones who survived often didn’t go back into police work.
There was a shortage of experienced policemen, but the Weimar Republic was in desperate financial straits and didn’t have money to pay many anyway.
The NSDAP had massive financial backing from German industry. Crazy as it might sound now, they were one of the more reasonable new parties fighting for power. They had a written plan, a party philosophy, a charismatic leader, and the support of famous men like Hermann Goering, who greased the way for a lot of the NSDAP’s early successes.
They took someof the money they were getting and set up the Brownshirts. During the day, the Brownshirts were basically police auxiliaries, visible, friendly, and filling in the shortage of trained police officers. During the night, they robbed and mugged, creating more crime to keep public support.
The Party had butted heads with the police many times. After they came into power, they got rid of all the experienced administrators, bureaucrats, and senior officers, keeping only lower-level patrolmen. National Socialist functionaries were slotted into the admin and senior officer roles, with many of them being spectacularly unqualified. But they were in the Party, and politically reliable, which was more important than competency. The ranks of the patrolmen were filled with Brownshirts, often promoted over experienced officers, who sometimes quit in disgust.
So, in a bit over a decade, the Kaiser’s modern, highly-efficient Imperial police morphed into political thugs. Literal, jackbooted thugs no less.
Do you have some proof that what you say is true? Or is this what you have read in one of those, “Wall Street Financed Hitler” books? The SA “Brown shirts” were created to defend party members and speaker against communist thugs, antifa types, who were attacking and killing them. After winning control via legitimate election, the NSDAP really did need to “drain the swamp,” replacing toxic actors with party men, most of whom were of higher character and ideals. What’s wrong with that? The fact that the Republican party has never fought seriously for US demonstrates that we live in Clown World. That said, some of the original party was too left-oriented, displaying the usual degeneracy, and needed purging. I doubt that applied to most SA men.
Night of Long Knives
The SA was the left wing of the party and got purged by the SS.
Left wing?
Perhaps just the working classes?
No, left wing.
They were the socialists in National Socialism.
Their leader (Ernst Röhm) was a perv and lots of them were too. (they were all through the party but more so in the SA)
I lived in Mesa, AZ back in the early 2000s, up near the Boeing plant where they tested Apache helicopters, and saw one of the instances of the Phoenix lights. They were startling at first, but a few moments observation made it clear that they were indeed flares, drifting down and then disappearing behind the local mountains.
I was in that area around that time too. Got to see a flight of Apaches out on what was presumably a test run one fine sunny day. 3 of them, no higher than 80 ft. No guns, missiles, etc., but I’m here to tell you boys: an Apache is the scariest aircraft on earth. It may not be the single very deadliest . . . but it damn sure looks & sounds like it.
Saw three Apaches fly over at the Army-Navy game back in 2018. Remember a chilling feeling I got, but then moved on with the next act in the circus.
Quiet, too. There was a night we were driving into the national forest near Red Mountain, and joking about the movie “Fire in the Sky” where the light beams down on the guy and he gets out of the truck, and how spooky it would be if that happened. Almost immediately, a spotlight hits us from above; we never heard a thing, but obviously somebody was out doing a night flight, testing equipment and listening to people in their cars. We laughed about it, because it felt like a joke that we – in the car and in the air – were all in on, but at the same time just went to show that even if you’re out driving in a seemingly remote location you can never actually expect any privacy.
Can’t remember if this was before or after the video where helicopter pilots in the ME somewhere were listening to a couple of jihadis in their car debating marrying both of the princesses in Frozen, right before dropping a bomb on them. When it happened to us, we weren’t upset because we assumed that whoever it was was an American: bored pilots having a laugh at their little prank. Today I would never assume anything so benign.
Between that story, which I believe for a reason I actually would not go into here because it is too weird, (and I am probably already straining credulity, just suffice it to say, things have gotten weird, but they may get weirder, and there may be some really mind-blowing tech out there), and the fact you are here, it is a safe bet you are a target, and your life is under their control for whatever reason it is they do that. I doubt that thing was over you, and listening, for no reason.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all, but then few things about Clown World really do anymore.
“A New York mother has shared how she receives $84,000 of taxpayer cash a year towards her son’s private education because her five-year-old son Oscar has ADHD, generalized anxiety, and a condition called pathological demand avoidance, which is defined by the Child Mind Institute as going to ‘extremes to ignore or resist anything they perceive as a demand.’”
The child in the story is five years old. The article says the parents are receiving $84,000 a year for the child’s education at a private school, which charges $84,000 a year in tuition for a five year old child, because the child was expelled from a Rockland County public school two years ago, after a history of bad behavior. That means the child was expelled from a public school when he was three years old.
I read a few comments down, and at least one commentator pointed this out.
I know there are other commentators here who are parents and will spot this right away.
Really, for most of the readers of this site this one will be too easy. But the site attracts new readers, and there are people here just getting started, and this story is a good introductory lesson.
Argentinian presidential candidate is intel at least since before 2018.
His candidate for the vice presidency has family ties to argentinian intel at least since the 1970s.
The organizations they lead, have officially been infiltrated as well as thoroughly surveilled by the argentinian intel services a decade ago.
May you add it to the surveillance page, or may I post this stuff in said page?
Thanks in advance,
Pablo Villizzianto
An edit:
According to the same media, he is an agent of the center right liberal former president Mmacri. Grabois is the presidential runner for the far left socialists and communists, while being an agent of the center right, and while attacking the 3rd positionist left wing nationalist peronists. He also has all his family “working” extracting parasitically resources from the federal government, being part of the argentinian bureaucracy – civil service.
A couple extra links:
If you write an article on your site, detailing the linkages with sources, I will link in to it from surveillance. Might be a good subject for a fuller deep dive into how many different players are all intel.
Though I do not know your security situation there, or if there is increased risk where you are. In the US, the Cabal depends heavily on secrecy, and we are all armed up to the teeth most of the time, so the risks of a hit are high from the standpoint grabbing someone can go wrong and end up with a shitload of bodies paid out which could risk exposure of the broader operation, making grabbing people and killing people kind of a last resort.
I do not know how it works where you are. If you can’t do it, I can look at doing something.
The blog (pablovillizziantolibros) is only for my books, I’m happy with you quoting me here and thats its.
Thanks AC, but Im keeping it well ordered.
In my second book, I added a part on readers proposals, the 6th chapter, maybe you could add the same in your surveillance page. Could even quote the current argentinian president fernandez in his inauguration speech, plus he followed through, as he was enraged that he was spied on, as well as most of the politically involved here in argentina. The elites weren’t prosecuted, but the operatives yes, and exposed as well.
Here intel has been getting purged, with the president openly DOWing on them at the start of this term, intervening them, purging them, with liberal whorenalists bitching at their tv programs that intel cant fulfill its job, and on and on.
Problem still are foreign intel services, private intel services like the american ones, as well as the cold harsh fact that all of politics, business, journalism, etc… here is played like an intel game, so we are all amateurs.
Hey, AC, got another one for ya. There’a book called “The Film-Maker Says” and it’s basically quotes from directors, writers, and actors on the subject of film. And this particular quote from Cameron Crowe just hit me odd, like this is how the members of cabal “see” normies. What do you think?
Yeah, that is definitely a curious quote, that implies he knows.
I was thinking a while back, doing this here is really the only real life I could have lived. Everywhere else, any club I join, any place I go, even who I was hitched up with as a wife/GF/Fiance/whatever, I suspect, I am going to be interacting with their surveillance, under their controlled conditions, which seek to script things, control outcomes, and eliminate the randomness of life. So IMO, living a fake World Wrestling Entertainment life, without knowing it, is definitely a thing.
The question is how big is the system for that they created, and how many people are all living under their full control. I run into a lot of them.
Sounds batshit crazy in isolation, if you get into politics anon, then it stops being crazy, and a matter of knowing who works for who.
Then picking up a girl is not just a ONS, but you also need to think if she has interests in a rival faction winning, and on and on.
AC another one.
Jair Bolsonaro and his aide’s were under surveillance by the supreme electoral court of brazil since 2021.
Excellent link.
george gammon (rebel capitalist) on media and politicians… kinda reminds me of someone’s book…
African bloc threatens force on Niger coup leaders
This is claimed to be a picture from years ago, if true it seems to be something he does to tape his fingers when golfing:
How chaos creates an opportunity for change. Short, under 3.minutes.
Russia historian and sociologist Andrei Fursov on how the global elite are losing control and how this can create a big opportunity. It could be said that the Q operation was an effort to make things more chaotic to lead to dramatic change. Note that Q repeatedly said that things would have to get really bad before people would be ready and willing to change.
In regards to the blackmail loyalty dilemma. I have thought of a solution.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ. As in being able to defect from involvement in great evil as an act of Repentance but also being willing to die for their crimes as they deserve.
“If, then, I am a wrongdoer and have committed anything worthy of death, I do not refuse to die”
Acts 25:11
An extra incentive is if they get to die in a more swift and painless way.
Yep, you can (almost) always be forgiven in God’s eyes. Doesn’t mean mortal men will forgive you, nor is death as part of your repentance off the table.
Same concept as those who lead children being millstone’d into the ocean. When you’ve walked the dark path for too long you’re done, and calling it quits is the best outcome for the salvation of your soul.
The beauty is that even if mortal men do forgive. The person potentially faking it will end up with the same fate.
And the problem is solved since he has been sent into the afterlife anyway.
It’s just a matter of time before the CCP betrays Russia for a better deal from somewhere else. Just a guess, don’t expect it until Washington, DC is unable to buy anything in federal reserve dollars. Considering that Russia still refuses to sell China it’s current generation aircraft is one of many indicators that Putin doesn’t trust Xi. In fact none of the BRICs country actually seem to be working together very well except when they can come together to screw over DC.
China Uncensored – How Long Till China Betrays Russia?
This is why Russia and India will never give each other up. Both fear the power of China. Once the threat from the West has been eliminated, a traditional balance of power system will prevail in Eurasia. Like Britain in the 19th century Russia will be the balancer.
I’m sure Russia has plans to help collapse China once it is no longer needed.
Also, China has claims on parts of Russia from the 19th century, Vladivostok area, northern Manchuria.
And they have started to use the Chinese names on official maps.
Quote from FR:
“I know someone who works for a company thats having slowdown due to real estate/building dropoff. Company wide they are laying people off, not for performance reasons, for budget cutting. Example, one manager in charge of 50 or so folks was madated to fire 6 people. Was also given a mandate that NONE of those fired can be from their Indian workforce.
Those people screw up so much stuff the American people then have to work to get their stuff to actually work.”
RFK Jr on replacement theory: “I denounce that theory. It is racist.” (go to 2:35):
Niger’s Minister Of Finance Cries After Learning He Will Be Executed If He Doesn’t Explain Where All The Money Went
LOL. Not a good sign.
Apparently if left on their own they couldn’t developed a civilization…..
I’m not so sure given the above.
I could not help but notice this paragraph from the dental malpractice article.
ABC Newswatch 16 reached out to Smiles 4 Keeps and reported:
A Smiles 4 Keeps spokesperson says she does not know how many of these letters were sent but that it reported 17 cases of neglect last year.
There were allegedly 17 cases where parents were reported to Child Protective Services.