Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
A leftist article on how to stymie drone surveillance. It is important to remember those drones are not just taking pictures. They will also be hacking any wireless devices you are carrying and using them against you. If we end up in a socialist revolution, we will have to learn a lot fast.
Ghislaine Maxwell may have already turned over “nude videos of individuals.” Court documents are debating how to handle them, so the only question is, did she turn them over, was she carrying them when arrested, or might Law Enforcement have done some surveillance when she and Epstein were active?
Ginsberg is back in the hospital to replace a bile duct stent endoscopically. They say she’ll be out later this week. But she is clearly running out of time, just as the Storm is coming to a head.
Tommy Robinson says he has left the UK and it may be permanent, due to the arson attack on his family. This is the problem. We do not control the judicial system. Even if he had seen the arsonist and hurt them or killed them to stop the fire-attack on his family, the system would have locked him up. We need to find a way for the silent majority to signal to each other that we are all committed to never letting any of us be convicted of anything, through jury nullification. Weapons offenses, killing leftists, driving over them on highways, whatever – we all let each other know, we will never, ever allow the system to take down any of us. Unless Q goes openly active soon, we are coming up on the point where we are probably better served by removing government’s influence, and going with vigilante-ism, and that is a simple, low-cost way to do it and set the stage for what is going to be necessary. Removing the influence of a system corrupted by r, and used to foment r-selection, would be the fastest way to turn the system K. If we can do that, and take down the surveillance machine, or at least make people aware of it so they can try to avoid it or use it as pressure against the government, K will return, and freedom will return with it. But clearly, this is the path we have read of, which leads to the camps.
Politico ran a story with a quote by Biden indicating he has chosen Kamala as his running mate. Say goodbye to the black male vote, after she laughed about throwing black guys in jail for pot before going home and sparking up a joint herself.
ACLU sues Portland Police for video live-streaming protests, arguing it is a form of surveillance. Go to your local ACLU office, explain the surveillance deployed on you, and explain a failsafe way to fully expose it and sue for millions. I have zero doubt they will either find a way to sabotage the case, or they will report you to the overlords, and you will get whacked before you get close to making any sort of mark. Indeed one of the ACLU people may get assigned to your coverage the next day just to amuse your handler. Once you realize how things work, it puts a whole different spin on this lawsuit, and the greater purpose of the ACLU.
A far-left, antifa-supporting paramilitary group in Columbia, SC, openly advocates for the use of “deadly force” against law enforcement personnel to “protect the people” from what they call government “tyranny.” And if a cop shoots one that tries to kill him, he will be in a world of shit.
The place where George Floyd died has become a police no-go zone and a place of nightly violence.
Minneapolis is experiencing an epidemic of brazen robberies and car thefts, often in broad daylight. The intel is out there to shut all of this down. And if Trump controlled it, he would use it, to make sure he got reelected.
Nevada Sheriff writes a teller to a local library, telling them, “Due to your support of Black Lives Matter and the obvious lack of support or trust with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, please do not feel the need to call 911 for help. I wish you good luck with disturbances and lewd behavior, since those are just some of the recent calls my office has assisted you with in the past.”
Fauci tells everyone to go out and get their flu vaccine. It is believed the Flu vaccine reduces the ability to fight off the Coronavirus, but you won’t see that on google. He is either incredibly stupid, or incredibly smart. But he is always consistent in trying to get people killed.
Ohio is banning Hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19.
Squarespace shuts down the website of the Doctor’s group which supports Hydroxychloroquine use in coronavirus infection. Puts a whole different spin on the same actors telling us we have to vaccinate our kids.
Pennsylvania is going to decide who gets lifesaving drugs not based on who is most likely to benefit, but rather on who is most disadvantaged. Redistribution of life?
Big Tech floods House Judiciary with cash as committee intensifies its antitrust review.
States are investigating if Apple is purposely slowing down and turning off older iPhones to force owners to upgrade. My guess would be there is a newer generation of spyware that requires better resources and mics and cameras, and it just isn’t backward compatible with the older phones. I am not sure companies do anything for profit anymore, nor am I sure any aspect of our economy works the way we were told.
According to a new study the United States is the second worst place in the world to raise a family.
Various Democrats rush to the defense of Chinese spy consulates.
Joe Biden says the 2020 census was “two censuses ago.”
Romney blasts troop withdrawal from Germany.
Cuomo blames de Blasio’s Rikers releases and anti-cop attitude for NYC crime wave.
Lincoln Project targets Senate races in Alaska, Maine, Montana with a $4M ad buy.
Arizona Train derailment causes a bridge collapse and a fire. Screwing with tracks using a simple multi-ton jack to move them and trigger a derailment is a common terrorist tactic.
A woman, whose brain was placed under massive amygdala stress, decided to construct a false reality where she was a chicken to relieve the amygdala stress. Her brain then immersed itself into the construct to enjoy the relief, and she ended up flapping her wings and clucking in her garden. The amygdala is the force applier in the brain. Gain a grasp of it, and you can control people in ways nobody would think possible.
The annual Rally to Protect Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms at the Pennsylvania Capitol that had been postponed in June has been rescheduled for Sept. 29.
Trump to pull 12,000 troops from Germany for leaving NATO fees in arrears.
Kanye West files to appear on the New Jersey and Missouri Presidential ballots.
The NYPD has released new video footage that appears to show the woman who was vanned in a recent video damaging city-owned surveillance cameras on five separate occasions. In these times when the left has defanged law enforcement, these vanning videos are excellent counter-propaganda to restrain the left psychologically.
Trump administration to send additional federal agents to Cleveland, Detroit and Milwaukee.
Eight indicted for criminal activity during a May 30, 2020 protest in Pittsburgh.
McDonald’s will close 200 locations in the US as it faces a bumpy recovery from COVID-19. For those who may not remember, McDonalds runs its business on credit. So every month, they tap a revolving line of credit, and use the money to buy hamburgers, buns, condiments, and so on. They then turn that into McDonald’s product, sell it, and use the revenue to pay back the loan, with interest, and then they pocket the profit, before resuming the process the next month. It was one of those things I thought was weird, but it must have had some logical reason for being like that, like this better allowed them to exploit their brand name on a larger scale. And yet, the banks loaning them the money make profits off the loans. So if they simply set up a whole separate bank with capital, and buildings, and lawyers, and so on, and loaned themselves the money, it would be profitable itself, and the truth is they don’t even have to set up a whole separate bank. They could just have worked up until they could capitalize their own operations, and then loan themselves the money without all the bank’s overhead. But they never did… Suppose Cabal is like the mob. And businesses like McDonalds have to pay tribute. But if they pay tribute, it is obvious to the plebes. So instead they simply have Cabal banks loan them the capital and pay it back with interest, with the interest being the tribute. Now the bank owns a piece of every hamburger they sell, and there is nothing illegal or even obvious about it. And the bank can shut them down if it wants, just by withholding its capital. I don’t know for sure if it works that way, but I would suspect it is likely, given what I have seen.
Hollywood talent agency CAA cuts 90 agents and execs, supposedly due to COVID-19.
AP/Ipsos poll show Trump opens up a big enthusiasm lead over Biden.
Spread r/K Theory, because there are lots of reasons to be enthusiastic about Donald J Trump.
“Romney blasts troop withdrawal from Germany.”
The troops are being redeployed to other parts of Europe and the dead weight support jobs are being brought back to the states. This makes the remaining troops in Europe more mobile and better at defending it, particularly in defending the countries that pay their bills. No one else in congress supported Romney’s resolution.
If Romney had one ounce of military experience or background he would know this and shut up. He’s doing this because 1) He’s acting out against the President like a little girl and 2) he knows nothing about the military, also like a little girl.
And after acting like a little girl he will then proceed to hide behind religion and the people of Utah.
Also, U.S. troops may be going to Poland and Italy for other reasons. They may have to protect Salvini in Italy or the Polish government from attacks. (Hint: it won’t be the Russians attacking Poland or Italy)
It’s more likely to be Germany, France or Turkey.
We need to get our troops completely out of those countries .
“We need to find a way for the silent majority to signal to each other that we are all committed to never letting any of us be convicted of anything, through jury nullification.”
John Rivers has been advocating for the same thing over on Gab. Even though I would have found this unthinkable just a few years ago, I believe it is an idea whose time has come.
Pretty good article on avoiding drone surveillance. some highlights
— wait for bad weather (mostly for high-flying drones)
— use trees, etc., for dodging (again, for high-flying drones)
— dump or block digital wireless signals
— confuse drone with: mirrors on the ground, stand on glass, other reflective, walk with mannequins, elaborate headgear
— confuse facial recognition — makeup (there is a good basic graphic in the article (page two)), hats, scarves, etc.
— confuse gait recognition — affect a limp, very baggy clothes, etc.
— block thermal recognition — heavy and/or space blankets, stand in exhaust vents
— umbrellas — widely used in Hong Kong and, lately, here
>”very baggy clothes”
I´ve got just the thing:
>”The place where George Floyd died has become a police no-go zone and a place of nightly violence.”
Top kek
Nothing more honorable for a dead jogger than to have nightly unopposed jogging where said dead jogger died being a jogger.
“Once you realize how things work, it puts a whole different spin on this lawsuit, and the greater purpose of the ACLU.”
Oh! Finally clicked … that’s why there is never a conservative version of things like the ACLU.
I know you have said things like this over and over, but, amazingly, it takes repetition for the connections to connect.
There are conservative versions of the ACLU out there but they just don’t seem to be all that effective for some reason 😉
They do occasionally do some good but that may be just to keep up appearances. (that is actually true of the American Communist Lawyers Union too)
>”Memorial for BLM protester shot dead when he pointed his AK at a motorist is vandalized and doused with white paint by a man who says the slain protester is a ‘terrorist’ who was ‘rightfully and legally euthanized.’”
Hello, based department?
Some sanity in Austin, but propaganda in the story about the Austin man “vandalizing” the “memorial” to Garrett Foster (who died during a “protest march”).
Police are not investigating. They sure would in other cities —
From article: ” Austin PD told that no investigation is being carried out, as the flowers, candles and signs left at the memorial are considered ‘abandoned property’, and therefore ‘no crime has taken place’ “
As I said before:
Sanction or nuke Israel, deport or execute all zionists, and ban Judaism and Islam in the West.
Frens, I thought of a new joke:
Obama = Ogamma
well done
Miles Mathis saying the riots are choreographed and staged. For sure, the alleged “pepper-spray” is fake and, the police officer in the picture from 2011 is fake (named John Pike which is a Cabal/Phoenician inside joke).
That kind of thing confuses me, I know Mathis is right and many things are fake but at the same time I also know many things are real and I can’t agree with Mathis that proof of some fakes means everything is fake.
What I don’t understand is why they feel the need to make fakes when they are doing real things too or conversely why they would do real things if they are making the fakes.
“That kind of thing confuses me, I know Mathis is right and many things are fake but at the same time I also know many things are real and I can’t agree with Mathis that proof of some fakes means everything is fake….”
That’s because everything I’ve read in detail by Miles Mathis turns to gobbledygook where it doesn’t make sense. Unless someone can convince me otherwise I assume he is one of those that his job is to make anyone who is looking for information on the Jews think that anyone who criticizes them is a buffoon like him.
He takes a few pieces of info from others that make some sort of sense like the electromagnetic universe or Jews being involved in conspiracies and wraps it up in so much brain warped nonsense that anyone reading it will have their head hurt from reading this stuff.
I did not read the above link because after reading a bunch of his stuff and it always being gobbledygook I’m not reading anymore.
NY Post article about Kelsey Grammer’s (star of old show Frasier) daughter being slashed with a knife in a NY restaurant.
Take a guess as to KG’s stance on Trump before you look it up.
I saw a painting by Kelsey Grammer on the David Letterman show, if he really did it, and it was really good. It was photo-realism style where you paint like Kodachrome film. Very bright and crisp. Good stuff.
Like worm ridden Apple, Verizon has just notified me that my old flip phone will not be supported after the end of this year.
I guess that it does not let them crawl far enough up my ass. Will be on the hunt for a new co if I find one will let everyone know.
My opinion is that everyone sould get their Ham Radio Technician Licence. You can do the deed and get a radio (sorry to say chicom) and be in business for less than $75. You are then free of big communications. Explore and you will realize when the web goes down you will be up with those who count.
The grandma story is parallel construction. Be aware (and be aware of what parallel construction is.)
following that link takes you to a story about Brave Dipshit Antifa Boy and his MeeMaw’s accidental outing him. the comments seem to be all Sperg Brigade, linking to twitter pics showing him elsewhere, the theme being ‘We got him.’
and none of those tweets/pics exist anymore.
twitter looks after its own. oh sure, they lie about it and say they don’t, but they’re a de facto arm of antifa. they don’t give a damn if we don’t like it.
now what are Barr & Co. gonna do about it?
/pol/ has tagged him “Simpathy McVeigh”
Here’s his cosplay/LARP vest
At the end of the day, someday FEDs will have to storm inside Twatter HQ and pull Jack out of there so he can be tried (sp?) as an enemy combatant for running cover and aiding domestic terrorist activities. IF that doesn’t happen, then everything is bullshit and the best chance America has to fix itself is for the massive civil war going on to go hot in general (because the Jew sponsored terrorists have already gone hot on the gen pop and FEDs) and somehow Patriots getting the job done themselves.
At the end of the day, the gaybal is playing for keeps, and they want you dead, and your family raped and broke, and they think it’s funny. Prepare for the worst, vote Trump, and keep spreading the redpills.
Like I started to say some months ago, death sentences need to become much more common. Way more common. And subversion should be grounds for getting it.
This was one of the suggested articles today upon opening a Firefox browser….
A Belief in Meritocracy Is Not Only False: It’s Bad for You
I find it interesting that they mention Bill Gates, and attempt to distinguish his good fortune as merely ‘luck.’ While that may have had something to do with it, articles such as these seem to, in a back-handed kind of way, wipe away any other explanation for people like Gates who rise seemingly without explanation. In that regard, this article seems to be yet another pushing the ‘don’t mind the man behind the curtain’ mantra.
Or maybe I’m reading into it just a bit much.
I think you are dead on. somebody has realized where the public gets the data it uses to understand the world, and (((They))) have positioned themselves to corrupt as much of that data as is possible – which ends up being a massive fucking amount.
You are 100% right.
You’re not alone. I’m sure if the truth comes out, Bill Gates won’t appear to have half the competence we were told he has. He bought DOS, and his mom convinced the chairman of IBM to license it (not buy it). I’m sure most of his “success” involved other people arranging for it. He was just reading a script.
Any more, I look at these Cabal people and doubt they could do the simplest and most mundane aspects of our jobs. They’re all illusion.
Look at Gates family
Pure cabal
He built an empire on demonstrably inferior software
I’ve said this before but it’s apropos to this discussion. Linux at one time was really moving up. The only thing missing in Linux was a good graphical interface. Back in the day there was this software desktop graphical environment for Linux and Unixes called “Enlightenment”. It was really kick ass. Better than Windows but it needed a little work and some bug fixes but the base of it was solid. When I say better it had windows XP type transparent windows, docks like Apple and this was way before Apple or Windows had them. It was impressive, used very little memory and was fast. All of a sudden work on it grinds to a halt and they totally rewrite the whole damn thing and for over five years or more they do absolutely nothing with it.
Few years later another desktop environment starts becoming popular for Linux, Gnome, so what happens all of sudden they rewrite the whole damn thing and make the desktop like a tablet and take away all the functions that allow you to modify it. This of course goes on for years and halts Linux for PC’s as Gnome turns into a complete mess.
A few years later suddenly another Unix a BSD type based on FreeBSD gets much better with a good graphical interface and a good bundled package of software that works well together. Called PCBSD but then for no reason I can disconcern they rename it to TrueOS, which means nothing and has nothing to do with BSD Unix where it comes from. Then to top it off a year or so later they completely stop using FreeBSD as a base and pick some obscure Linux, different from BSD. I think it was Vector Linux. They don’t even pick one f the major brands of Linux like Debian.
At this point I realize. Somebody got paid. I’m almost sure of it. Especially with the BSD because BSD people are really fanatical. They, and for good reason, are really hooked on the way FreeBSD is a tight controlled system unlike Linux which is a mess. I can not stress enough that BSD users are really hooked most of the time on their system and to abandon it for some obscure Linux??? It does not compute.
Somebody had to get paid. I suspect that Microsoft was paying say the top five coders in these free software programs to do…nothing. Sit on their hands for a few years and or totally rewrite the whole thing so it’s unusable for a few years. It would cost them peanuts even if they were paying them several hundred thousand dollars each. Why not? Those guys make nothing as no one is paying them at all on many cases. What if someone offered you a million bucks to take it easy for five years, would you do it? Sure you would.
I of course have no hard evidence for this at all and I bet the only ones that know are the top Microsoft people and their lawyers who made the payouts.
Things are often not what they seem.
I would bet the top Microsoft people are Cabal intel assets placed to make sure the Cabal controls Microsoft, and they don’t do shit unless Cabal command and control tells them.
That makes perfect sense to me Sam. I have always been a bit surprised at how long it took Linux to get a decent desktop, and paying off a few open source devs to propose a rewrite (which can always be justified on some level) would be peanuts compared to M$’s budget. Just remember that this doesn’t require a massive top-down espionage system, only a few Microsoft executives with dubious morals.
Yes, various people got paid to sabotage the open source desktops. Anyone ever notice that Lennart Poetering actually looked like a young Bill Gates? Utter psychopath. I read an account a few years ago by a former Oracle executive. He described how Sun Microsystems, Oracle, HP and Apple were funding Linux development to bring Microsoft back in line. Around 2006 was when the big slowdown happened, although Enlightenment was kiboshed a bit before that; I remember when Rasterman was hired by a US company, that is when he started his eternal rewrites that noone could keep up with. Back to 2006; that is when Microsoft cried uncle, so Sun and Oracle cut back on funding and slowed things down. That was the year when for the first time, I could install Linux and graphics, audio, networking and printing just worked out of the box, image management was great, and then within a month or two the floor dropped out and Lennart happened. The executive described Oracle as having a whole floor of nothing but Linux kernel developers working on moving Linux forward, even before the year 2000. So, the myth of Linux being this pure open source hobbyist thing doesn’t really fly. A lot of the first network drivers came out of NASA, for instance. That is some big backing. The JPL was involved as well.
I found the account of the Oracle executive credible; the dates and descriptions of his account match up; if I could find the link again I’d save it and back it up before posting it. Don’t want it to disappear. It is the smoking gun that I suspected had to exist.
“We need to find a way for the silent majority to signal to each other that we are all committed to never letting any of us be convicted of anything, through jury nullification. Weapons offenses, killing leftists, driving over them on highways, whatever – we all let each other know, we will never, ever allow the system to take down any of us. ”
The best way to do that is to not disqualify yourself from jury duty and then hang the jury.
jury nullification 101:
the best tactic is to go with what most confuses/frustrates cops & lawyers: be vague and nonspecific as hell. if they can’t latch on to a thread, they can’t begin the desired (for them, anyway) unraveling. it’ll stymie your fellow jurors who – being minorities – will be howling to convict the white guy and howling at you to go along with it. and finally, when jury nullification happens often enough, the DA’s & judges WILL get involved, start questioning jurors, making threats, etc. that’s when this’ll really come in handy:
“I just have this **feeling** he’s not guilty! I can’t explain it, but it’s a real strong ***feeling*** and you told us jurors to use our best judgement, your honor… ”
where’s the lie? there is none. where’s the perjury? there is none. where’s the evidence proving you’re intentionally nullifying those charges? there is none.
judges love to think they’re the be-all and end-all of the courtroom. (see: Sullivan, Emmitt) pro tip: they’re not. Jurors are
That. Also, “I didn’t think this witness was credible” and “I don’t think this witness was telling the truth.” The jury is an unassailable judge of credibility.
Good advice.
“Pennsylvania is going to decide who gets lifesaving drugs not based on who is most likely to benefit, but rather on who is most disadvantaged. Redistribution of life?”
White Genocide.
I DO NOT trust BDA nearly as much as Q, if he is legitimate I believe him to have a far greater ratio of necessary disinformation or he may be a limited hangout whose purpose is to sell the disinformation with the good information.
This is what BDA has to say today, I find it more interesting than usual.
Trump’s comments today regarding the election had two purposes. One was to start a discussion on voter fraud with mail in ballots. The second and more important reason was to set the Democrats up as the election nears. Biden is becoming increasingly unhinged. An internal source says that not only is Biden talking to dead people but is making policy decisions based on those discussions. His decision to select Kamala Harris as his V.P. is grounded in his discussions with his dead brother. As the election gets closer Biden will drop out because of his dementia or it will be revealed Biden is a pedophile. His running mate Harris has a video of her having sex with Willie Brown on Chirstmas eve. Once Biden and Harris are blown out enter Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams, who is the Governor of Georgia, in what remains of her brain. Hillary will be taken out because of the Weiner tapes and Abrams who was involved in criminal behavior that takes her out. So close to the election the Democrats will have no viable candidates and will go batshit crazy to cancel the election till they can put together a team with a chance. This will go down in flames and the Democrats with the assistance of renegade military elements will attempt an overthrow of the Government. Remember Trump understood that you appear weak when you are strong. Back to work and read the tea leaves they are right in front of you. By the way I believe there is less than a 10% chance of an election based on this and other things.
Billboard Ad Revenue Collapses As Americans Stay Home
I have never bought something because I saw it on a billboard.
I think advertising was just another way you paid taxes to the cabal.
Advertising works on women.
No, it doesn’t. I, a woman, have also never bought anything because I saw it on a billboard.
Yes it has.
Also, exceptions don’t negate generalities.
I knew a girl that had a picture that she took of a huge Pepsi bottle billboard ad in her house. If you looked at it the lighting and shadows on the bottle looked exactly like a huge dick. I swear to God once it was pointed out to you you could not unsee it. It was clear as day a big dick on this bottle. I don’t know if she drank a lot of Pepsi or not. 🙂
Thought this was a decent deal. If you are preparing for November, this might interest you. Never bought from them before, but the Lancers are nice mags.
Botach has Lancer L5 Mags for 13.99 each.
Steel Feed Lips.
Very nice. Thank you!
Trump’s ICE chief Matt Albence leaving post
Fuel trucks catch fire in western Iranian city of Kermanshah
Patreon Loses Lawsuit With Owen Benjamin Fans, Likely To Pay Millions In Arbitration and Legal Fees