News Briefs – 07/29/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – As Inflation Rises, Americans Are Seeing Savings Erode And Feel Less Financially Healthy

DFT – Russia Forging Closer Energy Ties With China

DFT – GDP Falls For Second Consecutive Quarter They are saying Wikipedia has seen the recession page edited 38 times in the last three days to change the definition.

DFT – Amazon Revenue Beat Expectations, Rivian Causes Net Loss

Donald Trump says ‘nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11’ at Saudi-backed tournament“Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately, and they should have as to the maniacs that did that horrible thing to our city, to our country, to our world. So nobody’s really been there.” We are going to find out US domestic intelligence either allowed it, or maybe even ran support for it. And probably about 10% of the nation, in the civilian informant network, knew all these years.

Fulton county claimed 59,143 people voted on election day in person but the data does not support that.

Evidence uncovered that election county clerk in New Mexico falsified pre-election machine certification records.

Cass and Alcona county GOP in Michigan vote to rescind 2020 Presidential election, joining Texas GOP, Maricopa county, AZ GOP, MT GOP, Wisconsin counties…

A new poll shows gubernatorial incumbent Brian Kemp edging out challenger Stacey Abrams, with Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker essentially tied in the race for Senate.

Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s former acting chief of staff, testifies before Jan. 6 committee.

Former AG Bill Barr to Merrick Garland: appoint a special counsel already.

Barr is calling for a Special Counsel, Kash believes Hunter will be indicted soon, CNN are finally headlining that Hunter Biden is under investigation, even though he has been since 2018, and this writer thinks they all know something is going to happen soon.  I would expect the DOJ is going to give him a sweetheart plea.

Joe Biden met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates while vice president.

White House again refuses to say if Hunter Biden has divested stake in Chinese equity firm.

Hunter Biden emails reportedly show him unable to pay his bills, including his assistant’s full salary and a $1,700 Porsche payment. Remember what I said about the ultra-rich clients of my friend’s service business, and the fact they would not spend $2000 for vital maintenance on a $15 million mansion, but would only pay a few hundred dollars to put some paint over the issue? It is possible being rich is too much power to let anyone have, so Cabal makes sure its assets are kept poor and hungry.

Hunter Biden threatened dealer over $1,200 drug order in detox by using his links to mobster Whitey Bulger’s family. I wonder if Bulger being killed was really Cabal tying up loose ends, or if it was a message to these characters.

Fox News goes full propaganda, says, Democrats are leading in the tight midterm race with a 4% edge over the GOP on the generic congressional ballot, as voters rank abortion as a leading issue over inflation.

New study shows Black voters are concerned with nation’s economy.

Former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson cooperating with DOJ probe.

Biden says US not in a recession despite two consecutive quarters of shrinking economy.

Eric Adams refutes Biden, says US is in recession and ‘Wall Street is collapsing.’

Judge in re-trial of Whitmer kidnapping plot suspects says jury can’t hear of acquittals, FBI informant texts.

Pelosi “appears to have taken advantage’ of inside information: former Dallas Fed Chief Fisher.

Biden’s military vaccine mandate is a political test: After only 95 COVID deaths, Biden wants to purge tens of thousands of unvaccinated personnel. In my ideal scenario, after filling the military with trannies and gays, they fire all the Police and replace them with Antifa, and then we reveal the entire surveillance machine. Lines drawn.

New paper suggests Covid mRNA vaccination rates are linked to increases in overall deaths.

New Zealanders are dying from COVID-19 at record rates as the country battles a new wave of the Omicron strain that is particularly affecting the older population. ie, the most vaxxed.

Wuhan locks down 1 million people after detecting four COVID cases.

Docs show CDC colluded with Big Tech to censor alleged COVID-19 misinfo.

Cincinnati federal judge blocks Air Force, Air National Guard globally from discharging religious vaccine refusers.

San Francisco declares emergency over monkeypox spread. Tailor-made for a SouthPark episode, with everyone running out of the building waving their arms over their heads.

We’re likely only seeing ‘the tip of the iceberg’ of Pegasus spyware use against the US.

Now an environmental group slams Manchin’s multi-billion dollar spending package that would include oil and gas leasing in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.

House Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee have snuck in a Capitol Hill jobs plan for illegal aliens — all covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — into a government funding package.

Why do South American drug runners keep getting caught with Uranium?

Wannabe Kavanaugh assassin claimed he was “shooting for 3” SCOTUS Justices.

The first victim killed in the mass murder at the Greenwood Park Mall was Victor Gomez, a well thought of husband, father, and craftsman, and he was found to have a handgun on his person as investigators processed the crime scene. He was shot too quick to be able to use it.

Neo-Nazi maniac who planned to shoot up synagogue was given his guns by law enforcement.

A man who was suspected of purposefully setting forest fires in a remote section of woods in southwest Oregon was tracked down and confronted by three local residents who tied him to a tree until authorities could arrest him, police say.

Dozens of members of the public have been spotted forming a long line every day outside the Haymarket branch of the Bank of China in Sydney, because they no longer trust the Chinese bank to hold their money, and they are pulling everything out. People are saying, if the Chinese, even expats, no longer trust the Bank of China, and everyone is going to start pulling their money out, that could become a problem.

Trudeau moves forward with 30% fertilizer reduction climate policy. Sri Lanka all over again. And you thought food was expensive in Canada before.

Hanover, Germany, becomes first big city to ban hot water in public buildings in response to Russian gas crisis.

Austrian Chancellor says EU embargo on Russian gas “impossible.”

New WHO monkeypox advice urges men who have sex with men to limit partners.

For the past nine years, the Chinese government has allegedly been trying to tamper with the Federal Reserve in an attempt to undermine American monetary policy, and suspicions arose after travel patterns of Fed employees were noted.

On 4Chan, why anons are seen as a threat by the cattle-herders. On Reddit, somebody posted a video of a Russian war crime, which featured a group of Russian soldiers with a bound Ukrainian prisoner, castrating him entirely, and brutally, hacking and ripping with a box cutter, clearly on the video. Be warned, the video is rough. The video featured one Russian soldier in a distinctive cowboy hat, who another Redditor quickly pointed to in a video of Russian soldiers on a news program. Except when the video hit 4Chan, they caught screen shots of the cowboy-hat Russian and the castrator side by side, and showed even though the hat was a near perfect match, the castrator had a different ear shape, and was wearing western sneakers, while the Russian wore dark combat boots. But the unique cowboy hat was exactly the same. So what must have happened was Ukrainians, or maybe even CIA, found some poor schmuck, dressed him up as a Ukrainian soldier with his hands bound, found video of a Russian soldier in a distinctive hat, found a lookalike to the Russian soldier, found the same hat, and they appear to have done a real battlefield castration as brutally as possible, filming it, as “evidence” of a Russian war crime. But they forgot to match the ear and the shoes. And you have to ask, would you ever think to castrate another guy on a battlefield that brutally, and film it, in a way so you can be identified, and then post it online? But for some poor bastard, maybe a Russian soldier, the castration looked pretty real. The more I see of our side, the more you realize, in our culture, a real evil is ascendant. A lot of people lamented our generation never got the opportunity to fight evil, like the greatest generation fighting the “evil Nazis.” Well, before us lay the greatest evil mankind has ever seen. The question is if we can mold events to set a match to that powderkeg. If so, I doubt there will ever have been so holy or noble a war in all of history.

All 100 members of the United States Senate are urging the Biden Administration to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Russian National Defense Control Center head Mikhail Mizintsev warned on Thursday, during a briefing, that Ukraine continues to store its ammunition and weapons in residential spaces, as well as in “educational institutions and other social infrastructure for military purposes.”

European court upholds broadcasting ban on Russia’s RT. It is always the evil side that cannot let the people hear all sides and make up their own mind.

Three powerful and prominent Jews in Ukraine appear to have had their citizenship stripped as their long-simmering conflict with President Volodymyr Zelensky has reached a boiling point amid the war with Russia. Jews not on board with Cabal? Guess who’s going to the ovens first. I’ll bet Germany had a domestic intel like in the US, and those Jews sent to the camps, were not picked up as part of massive sweeps. I’ll bet their names were chosen much more selectively, and one by one. Understand, if you are a Jew, and you are not a knowing, active member of the conspiracy, then conspiracy-Jews view you as a rube whose days can easily end up numbered quite quickly.

Iran, Russia to create alternative financial system to SWIFT.

Informal Freeper poll shows conservatives overwhelmingly opposed to US involvement in Ukraine.

US deploying F-22 fighter jets near Ukraine.

Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser, a proponent of sanctuary city policy, has activated the National Guard as she says the region is at an illegal immigration “tipping point” with about 4,000 border crossers and illegal aliens arriving in recent weeks. Bowser demands help to deal with hundreds of illegals who have been by bussed in from Texas and caused a ‘humanitarian crisis’

Country star John Rich’s single hits No. 1 after Truth Social release.

DeSantis announces plan to combat ESG influence in Florida.

Trump-backed Kari Lake takes double-digit lead in Arizona GOP gubernatorial primary.

Trump  lays out platform to ‘Make America Safe Again.’

Spread r/K Theory, because you are in the conspiracy, or you are not

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2 years ago

Quick read, Tucker sharing his wisdom with a young journalist, but also some bad advice, like “Have more children than you can afford.”

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

That is not only not bad advice, it’s the best advice young European people need to hear and should implement tomorrow.

Do you think your ancestors, up until a couple generations ago, waited for exactly the right moment and exactly the right income before reproducing?

Stop overthinking and overplanning. I have two wonderful children and if we were younger we would have had more without any hesitation. Even now we still wonder if we should have more, but my wife and I are 50, albeit very healthy and active, and producing children past 50 increases the chance of having “special” kids.

By all means, keep waiting for that special moment while the rest of Africa and India pumps out half a dozen kids per woman before they’re 30.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

There is a limit to how many you can raise properly, and he is deliberately telling people to exceed it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Key phrase, “raise properly “! Take that bullshit and shove it where the sun don’t shine because there isn’t any such thing as that and no matter how hard you try nothing turns out “properly.” You do the best you can and trust God for the rest, which obviously you aren’t doing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

r selection detected.

Sure, have 20 kids you can’t even keep track of and can’t tend to their spiritual, psychological, educational, and other needs cuz there is no such thing as an improper way to raise kids.

There is a proper way to do everything and many improper ways to do the same thing.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Depends, older children (who are in their teens) and are mature, can be useful in caring for their younger siblings. It is also good training for the older children, who will have families of their own before long. That’s how you have 10 or more kids.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Even younger children can accomplish amazing things, including most of Rob Heinlein’s long list of what a man ought to be able to do. Time was, most great fortunes that weren’t cabal ringers were men who had no more than a second grade “education. I think the idea is that someone who spends more time than that in the government school will have his mind destroyed, his spirit murdered, and be filled with attitudes and bad habits that impede thinking and productivity.

When I was in 11th grade, a friend with three siblings took me to his home, where one twelve year old sister was preparing a complicated dinner, while mother and father were still at work. Older sister was at some school function. For some reason that impressed the hell out of me, as an almost unfathomable accomplishment.

Somewhere on Telegram a very short vid clip was posted of a three-year-old British chimney sweep going to work. His character as shown in his facial expressions was very interesting.

Phony Jewish “concern” over “child labor” has sentenced the children of Western nations to remain semi-retarded children all their lives. Meanwhile, their own Jewish offspring are considered to be adults at the age of thirteen.

On vacation one year when I was 20, I spent an hour at a campfire, conversing with a Jewish girl of fourteen. I couldn’t understand how she could be acting and speaking at the level of a college student. She had a Jewish boyfriend, of similar age, and I got the impression that they were intimate, with full parental approval.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Typical ruling class manipulation of the peasants.
They have a few children they put a lot of work into for K selection but they tell us to have 20 children who will grow up r selected to keep us down.
It also keeps the peasants desperate and working at 120% so they produce more and die early.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Come on now! Prior to the advent of The Pill, larger families were the norm, since they couldn’t be avoided. Also, the original American school system included children of all ages in the same classes. If you think that getting rid of that feature wasn’t just as harmful as direct election of Senators, I have some land in the Florida Everglades to sell you. Children are not naturally incompetent morons, you know. Read the late John Taylor Gatto.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Franklin was known as a rake, but he may have invented an early form of birth control. Washington fathered a nation state, so he was otherwise busy. Besides, have you had a good look at Martha lately? In fact, have a second look at all presidential wives. Don’t they all have a masculine look? Almost as if… I don’t want to say it!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Define large.
Families of 4, 5, or 6 kids were common enough and reasonably sized.
Families of 10-20 kids were always an anomaly and are too large for proper parenting.

People could and did practice abstinence when they felt they couldn’t handle any more if they were still fertile enough that it was a concern.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

That’s true. 4-5 children are perceived as “many” today.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

If you believe in God and the power of prayer and true belief, there’s no such thing as too many kids. You will be provided for. You may not have wealth and fancy toys but your children and family will be taken care of by God as a reward for your faith.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Too many is when you can’t properly raise them all to be GOD fearing K selected men and women.
It’s also possible to not be able to provide properly for them.
1 Timothy 5:8“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”

King James Version (KJV)

We are expected to be good stewards of that which we are given.

2 years ago

This is a must read from Michael Anton:
They Can’t Let Him Back In

Reply to  beekay
2 years ago

That is a good link! Thanks for posting it. This is the kicker line in it:

How are we supposed to have “democracy” when the policies and candidates my side wants and votes for are anathema and can’t be allowed?

That is it in a nutshell. —If the other side says that what my side wants is anathema—then there is no democracy. They are ALL telling us—that we don’t belong. America has become a Marxist dictatorship. The other half are Marxists—which is a religion—and just wanting to have tradition and safety–you’re evil. Mr. Anton is right! —they will NOT let Trump be president again and it because of us!

2 years ago

2 things of note. 1) Doug Mastriano PA Gov hopeful, cucked and deleted his Gab account. Such a tough ex-marine! 2) Desantis and the WVa Gov are pushing back on ESG. I hope the latter is a trend with all Red states.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yeah, don’t care. I’m still voting for him

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Doug Mastriano is Army, Special Forces type.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser, a proponent of sanctuary city policy, has activated the National Guard as she says the region is at an illegal immigration “tipping point” with about 4,000 border crossers and illegal aliens arriving in recent weeks.

Mayors, not even those of major cities cannot call out the National Guard, only governors can do that; this power, not authority was given to the Washington mayor by Pelosi just this year. What this means is that the Democratic Party is making Washington, DC a de facto state, contrary to the Constitution.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

Per the DCNG web site, the District of Columbia National Guard answers to the incumbent President, not the mayor.

Uncle Joe could do it for her, though.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

DC does not have a governor. Not sure who the peace time commander of DCNG is.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

A man who was suspected of purposefully setting forest fires in a remote section of woods in southwest Oregon was tracked down and confronted by three local residents who tied him to a tree until authorities could arrest him, police say.
You just know the machine is going to release this piece of shit so he can keep on setting fires and destroying lives. Time is nigh to start disappearing the scum and shutting up about it.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Exactly. If they caught this guy out in the deep woods, why not “neutralize” him there and leave him for the animals.

There won’t be anything but skeletal remains after a week.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Only a short step to frontier justice.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“…the fact they would not spend $2000 for vital maintenance on a $15 million mansion, but would only pay a few hundred dollars to put some paint over the issue? It is possible being rich is too much power to let anyone have, so Cabal makes sure its assets are kept poor and hungry.”

What an awful, awful life. Maybe they hate the professional middle class because the successful normies have more actual liquid wealth than they do.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

The same goes for those at the top of cabal, they know they can’t compete with us and that all their wealth is stolen, they created cabal because of that.
Our very existence is a reminder of their inferiority and they wish to exterminate us for it.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

In a Cryptocracy the true rulers are hiddrn from the masses. Tis looking more and more like “billionaire” is a label given to Cabal frontmen. These billionaires and political personalities all look like stage actors.

AOC and Nancy Pelosi are both actresses. No one can be that stupid with a straight face. Tis why they are never worried about consequences. Only we suckers who do real work, pay taxes, and vote… suffer consequences.

A fictioal or maybe not fictional example of Cabal is SD6 from ALIAS.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Cincinnati federal judge blocks Air Force, Air National Guard globally from discharging religious vaccine refusers.

DoD will just ignore it again. Remember- this is Cabal run America, with a legal double standard, they enforce left-wing activist Judge rulings even when they don’t apply and they ignore valid Judicial rulings they don’t like.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“…this is Cabal run America…”

NO—it is Marxist America. America is Marxist. The ‘cabal’ goals are Marxist. So it is Marxist run America.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

America is not Marxist and never was.
Marxist America is cabal run America.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

America is the most successful Marxist nation state in the history of the world, having adopted all ten planks of Marx’s Communist Manifesto in one way or another. Most current Americans would want to do you bodily harm, if you planned to force them to stop being Marxist and begin being free Americans. That’s a fact. Oddly, most such people have no idea this is true.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Judges who buck Cabal usually end having tragic “accidents” or worse: their spouses, progeny, and/or parents have tragic accidents.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Understand, if you are a Jew, and you are not a knowing, active member of the conspiracy, then conspiracy-Jews view you as a rube whose days can easily end up numbered quite quickly.”

Once a Jew becomes an active member of the conspiracy they are no longer a practicing Jew but are apostate. Basically, those who claim to be Jews but are not, they are of the synagogue of the fallen adversary.

Genesis 28:14-15 isn’t wrong.

Mike Q
Mike Q
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

If a Jew screws you, it’s because you deserve it for anti-semitism.

If a Jew gets screwed, it’s your fault because anti-semitism.

It’s “cries out in a pain as he slaps you” all the way down.

2 years ago

Food is expensive in Canada?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Generally more than the States, at least in Montreal and Toronto.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I thought all they ate was beer, eh?

2 years ago

> Judge in re-trial of Whitmer kidnapping plot suspects says jury can’t hear of acquittals, FBI informant texts.

I’m sure he can come up with some BS patter about why, but that’s withholding relevant information from the jury. The judge is blatantly trying to force a decision here.

But of course, that’s accepted practice in American courts, going back to the 1800s. There isn’t any justice. There never was. It was just another lie, like that “Constitution” thing.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Pump the brakes. This is pretty standard in a trial. You can’t say, “these other guys were innocent, and therefore I’m innocent” the same say that the state can’t say, “we already convicted these other guys so this guy is guilty too.”

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

It’s the FBI texts that the judge has no right to prohibit.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Makes perfect sense. The same people that picked Whitmer… picked the judges.

2 years ago

Drug Cartel Demon Worship THREAD:
Read the whole thread on how the Drug Cartels turned to Black Magic. In other words Demon worship as they turned towards more and more evil.
This is why unless they repent. They deserve to be annihilated like the Aztecs before them.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Dude, if your success depends on active demon worship, and the cartels definitely practice at the highest levels, then they are long past redemption or repentance.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Abortion is nothing more than human sacrifice. All abortion “doctors” are pagan priest performing ritual sacrifice to the blood god. That is the secret behind abortion.

All these people protesting and screaming for the “right to abortion” are members of occult witchcraft pagan secret societies. Far more prevalent than most can imagine.

500 to 1000 years from now people will read about today’s world order and think, “My oh my what savages they were!”

2 years ago

> We’re likely only seeing ‘the tip of the iceberg’ of Pegasus spyware use against the US.

Don’t carry the tracking device unless you have to, use it only as a phone, never say anything that might be used against you out of context, and put it in a shielded bag when you don’t have to be available for an incoming call.

Last week the panel advanced a bill that would prohibit US intelligence agencies from acquiring and using foreign spyware, block contracts with US companies that invest in any such foreign technology
No problemo. Instead of giving Federal funds to the ‘fusion centers’, you give them to some puppet, which purchases the software and then donates it to the fusion centers, which then goes on collecting data the Fed is forbidden to acquire on its own and passing it along to them.

It’s a do-nothing bill; the courts have already ruled that the fusion centers are totally OK.

People keep looking at the Fed for Deep State operations, but I suspect most of that is ‘privatized’ and never shows up in any budget or memoranda.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

>>put it in a shielded bag when you don’t have to be available for an incoming call.<<

Where can I get one of those that actually works?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

You can make it yourself. Try this experiment. Take out a piece of aluminum foil at least eight times larger Than your phone. Fold it until is three thicknesses and then wrap your phone completely with it and seal all edges by crimping together the edges of the foil. Nothing in; nothing out. A large roll of aluminum foil from Sam’s or Costco will last you for years.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yes, one that really works. I am not aware of one that does.

I kept hearing about putting your phone in a microwave oven (because they have shielding), when you want to block transmission from it. (Are “they” promoting that to trick us?)

So I tried it. Put my phone in, and closed the door. Then I tried calling it from another phone. It started ringing, so the signal was getting through the microwave oven’s shielding with no problem.

If you think you are blocking sensitive transmissions from your phone… you had better verify it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Peter Gent
Peter Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The cord on the microwave acts as an antenna. If you have an old microwave, you have to cut off the cord.

Reply to  Peter Gent
2 years ago

Ummm… no.

2 years ago

> Biden’s military vaccine mandate is a political test: After only 95 COVID deaths, Biden wants to purge tens of thousands of unvaccinated personnel.

Note that even after that guy got run over by a truck and his death was ruled by COVID, the CDC does not separate “died by COVID” from “found some coronaviruses in the body.” They also don’t differentiate COVID-19 from any of the zillion other coronaviruses, mostly considered harmless.

It’s like the FBI’s count of policemen killed in the line of duty. “Line of duty” means “while employed as some kind of law enforcement officer”, and when you look at the charts, generally half of them are heart attacks, car crashes, etc.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

No, most of them are automotive related. Police/LE are not even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in America.

Commecial fishermen, coal miners, construction workers, and electrical linemen are all far more dangerous than police officer.

John Doe
John Doe
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Not just a political test but a religious test. Tells the PTB who the True Believers are. Now, infidels are identified and eliminated.

Quite brilliant actually. Right out of the Stalinist Playbook.

Reply to  John Doe
2 years ago

Until the compliant drop dead and they have no minions.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

RE: Oregon Arsonist

“He fell.” lolz. He’s lucky he didn’t get caught during the 2020 antifa fires. He’d have been shot and dumped in the nearest river.

Lane County resident – he’s possibly antifa.

2 years ago

US deploying F-22 fighter jets near Ukraine.

I bet they all get wrecked in another “microburts” like in Norfolk.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

They did lose a couple in a hurricane a few years back.
comment image

2 years ago

Blacks whining about the economy? Sorry, but the 95% Democrat voting block can (bleep) right off to the hot place. They’re a cancer wherever they dwell.

Conservative chanting “we’re all one race, the human race” in dead eyed Pavlovian manner in 3, 2, 1…

Reply to  WTF
2 years ago

it wasn’t black peoples who created crack cocaine and imported it. Nor block people who created gangsta culture. When you finally put together the facts and see how cabal and the democrats have broken up black families, black communities, and destroyed the best parts of their culture, you’ll begin to understand how utterly brutal things in this country really are. And you’ll have some sympathy for their plight.

and then you’ll also begin to realize how cabal has also destroyed many ethnic white communities and white culture, as well.

2 years ago

At this rate of depopulation, Australia will be peacefully absorbed into China before 2040.

As if there will be a China to absorb Australia. LOL

2 years ago

“Eva Vlaardingerbroek supporting the farmers in holland….”

This Dutch woman was on Tucker Carlson, saying all the right things. (What does it take for anyone from another continent to get invited to that show?)

Most people don’t know that she was in a romantic relationship with Thierry Baudet, a Dutch politician who is something like a more politically incorrect Matt Gaetz. She then torpedoed that relationship and his political career.

Not all members of his party apparently share his dubious sense of humor. What followed was a mass exodus and public accusations among different factions of the party. One of the disillusioned members, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, fifth on the FvD list, turned her back on Baudet (her ex-boyfriend), which resulted in his heartbroken reply on a talk show. After this emotional display, he resigned as party leader, proclaiming loudly that he was a victim of a “trial by media.”


According to Pouw-Verweij’s letter, Baudet said that coronavirus had been introduced by George Soros to ‘steal our freedom’ and coronavirus would complete what ‘Hilary Clinton and the paedophiles failed to do’. Both ideas stem from Qanon conspiracy theories in the US.

Baudet told television show WNL on Thursday that he ‘did not recognise himself at all’ in Pouw-Verweij’s accusations. But Joost Eerdmans and Eva Vlaardingerbroek, numbers four and five on the list respectively, have both supported Pouw-Verweij’s interpretation of the dinner.


2 years ago

comment image?width=576&height=646

Someone said this is satire.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Rumble is going to get to discovery in its anti-trust and damages lawsuit against Google

2 years ago

Big floods in Las Vegas. But how is this when Lake Mead is allegedly bone dry? Aren’t Mead and Vegas like 15 miles from each other? How can you flood one and not the other?

Something not adding up.

Reply to  Jimbo
2 years ago

Floods in Las Vegas (and deserts in general) are flash floods. The ground is so hard and dry (and in Vegas often entirely concrete) that the water just sits on top of the dirt, rather than soaking in. It all has to run off, and when it’s a big storm, it can’t drain fast enough.
Edit: Also, Las Vegas is downstream from Lake Mead. No rain from Vegas ends up in Lake Mead.

Last edited 2 years ago by phelps
2 years ago

To Q:
THIS is the movie we need, not the horrible version of A Bridge Too Far you are running

comment image

2 years ago

Caught some kind of absolute amateur dog walker today. There’s a few regulars in my neighborhood I usually see as I come home but his guy was new and half a fuckin retard.
Hat and sunglasses. Clearly texted on his phone as I was pulling up. He was not at all subtle. Kept lookin at me even as I turned the corner and backed up into the drive as he was crossing the street he still kept turning his head to me multiple times. So he’s probably new.
If I see him in my neighborhood again I’m gonna start heckling him for shits a giggles til cabal relocates him.

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

A. He may be the best they can find, for now, or the most they think they need for your level, just a thought.

B. I thought it was usually better for us to hide our powers of observation. Heckling enough and getting him replaced with someone better is not a move forward, when push comes to shove. Might even draw more pushback that is not good for our time constraints we have, as AC has mentioned. Another version of long video that could have easily be condensed to a fraction, and summarized so you could tell that was an hour, if spent, you would never get back and have nothing of substance to show for same.

Anybody else have any “better safe than sorry” type advice concerning your (our, really) tails that always follow?

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

This fits right in with telling your kids to hide their power, not get top marks when that would show them to be someone watched, derailed, spoofed and have miscreants try to befriend and have them in drugs, JD stuff in trouble with cops, and so forth.

The teachers seeing them excel, the surveilling students get another target to bully and discourage, even to the point of maybe having test scores biased against them and skewed towards those undeserving, all to demoralize one with more potential than the whole rest of the class, put together. Having your potential mis-measured can cause one to put in less effort towards what they might be excellent at in real life, just because it seems that others are placed above you and you can’t see they are any better at the task than yourself, and with nobody there to encourage, it is all on the person to do their own motivating and some are less capable at that task.

Thanks for helping show a path through this challenge to humanity.