News Briefs – 07/29/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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Video shows what appears to be a muzzle flash from a window below the shooter, so we likely have a second shooter on video. This complicates the model. A second shooter would only be needed if it was a genuine attempt to kill Trump. Moreover that second shooter should have been a real pro and not have missed, unless there was either real divine intervention, or technology we do not know about operative at the moment of the shot. I say absolutely crazy shit, but very often, it kind of makes the most sense if you think about it. You have several articles now, noting UAPs were on film, moving faster than stuff we have, in the background, as Secret Service rushed the stage. Which means, stuff on the stage was likely running slower than whatever was going on in those UAPs. It could be the one in a thousand chance, Trump turned his head at exactly the right moment, and both the MK Ultra windup toy, and the second shooter missed. But IMO, statistical probability, and my own experience seeing technologies which they have hidden from us, might indicate there is a greater probability. Especially given the Secret Service they had protecting him were just a bunch of tools, who could not move him reliably to cover, or even holster their firearms. I mean one of them was hiding behind Trump. I think I have an advantage in processing these things, in that I have no ego, and so I do not assume I know anything, and I question anything I lean toward. Of course when you have been as wrong as me, growing up, it is easy for me to conclude I am an idiot, and nothing I think would necessarily be right. That frees me to examine all of the evidence I have seen, absent any personal bias toward any explanation at all. In a world where we have all been psyoped from the day we were born, and where there may be an entire civilization advanced beyond us, by thousands of years or more, which everybody denies could possibly be here, you have to assume your instincts will be wrong.

CNN – Forensic analysis suggests at least 2 weapons were fired at Trump rally. An intelligence-based conspiracy, with the advantage of surprise, which compromised Secret Service and maybe local PD, and which had a pro shooter. And it failed. Think about that for a moment.

Trump assassination attempt – 2nd shooter? Sniper on water tower? New evidence that’s being ignored. I highlight this as likely misinformation, to guide people to understand how that works. Real snipers, like a second shooter would be, do not fire from prominent positions like water towers, or prominent rock outcroppings, or places like that. They fire from the place which has a thousand other places like it, so when that shot goes off, and you scan for where the sniper shot came from, you cannot tell here they are, as they are slinking away. It is possible, with twenty or thirty windows, somebody fired from a building, especially if they were part of the security and were supposed to be in that building, but I do not see anybody setting up on the water tower, to take a shot from 300 yards away, and then have to climb down.

CIA addresses claims Thomas Matthew Crooks was subject of MKUltra experiment.

Text messages, obtained exclusively by The Times, indicate that some law enforcement officers were aware of Thomas Crooks earlier than previously known – and he was aware of them.

Local SWAT team from Butler, PA reveals no communication with Secret Service prior to shooting, scheduled meet-up upon arrival never occurred.

Google’s biased algorithm hides Trump assassination attempt search results.

Video emerges of Kamala Harris questioning if young people should forgo having children because of climate change.

How Elon Musk broke with Biden and the Democrats after  snub by Biden. It sounds good, but none of these characters promoted by the machine are acting independently. All of them are reading the scripts they are given like good little slaves.

Homeland Security failed to enforce mandatory DNA tests at the border. whistleblowers say violent criminals and child traffickers took advantage.

3 Palestinian terror suspects caught after crossing border illegally as overwhelmed agents warn: ‘I probably let terrorists in.’

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that as president, Kamala Harris will work with Congress to “create a pathway to citizenship” for all the illegals.


Terrifying opioid 100 times stronger than fentanyl, deadly animal tranquilizer discovered in NYC drug supply (carfentanil, medetomidine).

New England Patriots d-lineman Christian Barmore treated for blood clots, no timetable for return.

Warren: The Supreme Court is ‘actively undermining our democracy.’ Whose democracy is “our democracy?” You have to wonder if she is calling for an assassination, in their Cabal code.

The Park Fire burning in Northern California near Chico has now become one of the largest wildfires in state history as flames continue to grow, causing additional evacuations to now spread across four counties and taking aim at a community that is still reeling from a deadly wildfire just six years ago.

Killer whales sink $128K yacht in ‘terrifying’ 2-hour Mediterranean Sea attack: ‘Like watching wolves hunt.’ Guy was dropping fireworks in the water, so I would assume underwater concussions are of no use. Which means no transatlantic or Mediterranean voyages without a 50 cal Barrett, and you are going to have to kill them.

A new study suggests that the first of seven key pyramids in Egypt, the Step Pyramid of Djoser, was built using a hydraulic lift.

Vigano on the Olympics and more.

?????????? ????? ????? ?????? Called Emanuel Macron’s Wife a Transvestite and Called out Michelle Obama as a “Muscular Man in a Wig”, while Condemning the Satanic Olympics. “It is no coincidence that the sponsoring revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.”

Tommy Robinson arrested under ‘anti-terror’ laws after screening banned film, supporters claim. You can say what you will about Tommy, but he does invariably piss off the right people.

Erdogan says Turkey might enter Israel to help Palestinians.

How did we get dragged into this? MEGA ops and Epstein-type ops mean all of the degenerates who run our government are owned by Israel, which means at the drop of a hat our apple-cheeked Marines are expected to die for the state of Israel.

Forero says an exit poll indicates that opposition candidate Edmundo González has defeated Nicolas Maduro 64 to 31 percent. Of course the assholes in the CIA could have been rigging it the other way. I am not sure any election today is honest, but rather it is just a competition between a multitude of assholes who are trying to subvert the honest measure and rig it for their own benefit. The problem is our kind has not been enabled enough to actively seek to kill, aggressively, anyone who would subvert the honest measure, so in that vacuum, this is what arose.

Armed communist Maduro gangs “Colectivos” are now storming polling stations in Punta Cardón in the Falcón state, Venezuela.

Nicolás Maduro wins in Venezuelan Presidential elections with 51.2% of the votes.

Why am I so reliably siding with our “enemies”? – Iran says France should be ashamed of itself for its opening ceremony at the Olympics. “The insulting representation of Jesus Christ in Paris yesterday was completely offensive and crossed all red lines. France, a country with a major history of Christianity, must be ashamed of itself, and I implore our Christian people all over the world to speak out against this act. We resolutely condemn this.”

Far-left group claim responsibility for Paris arson attacks that crippled country’s rail network just hours before Olympic opening ceremony.

Letter ‘laced with the plague’ sent to France’s interior minister.

Tehran has summoned the French Ambassador for the offensive representation of Jesus Christ during the Olympics.

Paris 2024 break silence on Olympic opening ceremony controversy as organizers apologise after Christians slammed spectacle for woke parody of the Last Supper.

Fitch downgrades Ukraine further into default zone.

Putin vows ‘mirror measures’ if US puts missiles in Germany in 2026, as planned.

Russia punches through weakened lines in Eastern Ukraine.

Supreme Court sets date for ‘ghost gun’ case. just knock over the NFA and make machine gun ownership legal already. Not that I even have any use for one given the monetary burn feeding it, but once they are legal a lot of other shit should become obviously within the law.

CNN: More Americans armed for self-defense than ever before. That might not be self defense they are arming up for, unless you count throwing off a communist conspiracy trying to subvert the government as self-defense.

Trump vows to continue to hold outdoor rallies with increased security in wake of assassination attempt.

Spread r/K Theory, because Trmp doesn’t quit, and neither will we

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Just Me
Just Me
7 months ago

AC, wrong date on Title

7 months ago

Today’s blog is titled the 28th again when it should be the 29th.

7 months ago

Hat tip for the Vigano statement:

Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig

7 months ago

Israel threatens Turkey with USA…

Kinda reminds me of the a weak squit that threatens with big brother. The fact they need to threaten means they are afraid.

Turkey is now industrialised. It makes its own fighters, missiles, drones and ISTAR.

And I dont think Turkey has lost a war against the west.

Reply to  Naem*
7 months ago

Maybe not the modern incarnation of Turkey, but the Ottoman Empire was defeated in WWI. It had been in decline for a long time prior to that and failed to modernize, so it wasn’t exactly a challenge for the British.

Reply to  Naem*
7 months ago

Yes they have.
WWI being the most obvious.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

I think it is more complicated than that. Germany lost the war. Turkey was not conquered and the “defeat” led to internal revolution.

When British Imperial forces tried to take on Turkey head to head, we got battered.

Reply to  Anonynnous
7 months ago

Turkey was losing too.
Lawrence and the Arab uprising were beating them up, and that was with the British treating the eastern theater as a sideshow.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

That was the Ottoman Empire.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
7 months ago

Same difference.
If we only discuss post WWI Turkey then there is nothing to discuss, they haven’t been in any wars with the west to win or lose.

7 months ago

Why am I so reliably siding with our “enemies”? – Iran says France should be ashamed of itself for its opening ceremony at the Olympics.“The insulting representation of Jesus Christ in Paris yesterday was completely offensive and crossed all red lines. France, a country with a major history of Christianity, must be ashamed of itself, and I implore our Christian people all over the world to speak out against this act. We resolutely condemn this.”

Because they are the enemies of one of our greater enemies.
Islam does hold Jesus to be a prophet, that put’s them a step or two above the satanists.

7 months ago

Operatives or moles have to build a cover, identity or persona, so as to operate in a front facing role amongst plebes and be “accepted”. A smell test failure is that j.d. vance (under his old name) enlisted in the marines and was a in public relations job billet. Sometimes a recruit gets a contract or guarantee for specific desired mos occupation after boot camp. Without examining enlistment paperwork, it is curious how that assignment came to be. The marines size is small and it is not like Joker in FMJ movie that just gets assigned to journalism, (headquarters unit, cushy post) because the kid seems “bright”, without some patronage or juice for that to occur. Any of these political “actors” with so called military creds of being a veteran, is just a cover story if they were in the rear with the gear occupationally and attached to any headquarters hiearchy units. Those units and personnel are select staffed by sychophants, and all manner of political fags doing everything but their warfare mission. Starched uniforms and cologne cadres, sickening to see or be around as bad as washington d.c. Then that “actor” goes on to Yale, cia skull n bones univeristy of all places to attend afterwards. Never follow purported leaders with military backgrounds that have an unnatural stank of probability or believability.
Fwiw frosty was an 0311 rifleman, knows fake assed rear echelon hacks from 1,000 + meters away. Easy shot call on this one.

Reply to  Frosty
7 months ago

*in Lee Ermey voice*


7 months ago

Supreme Court sets date for ‘ghost gun’ case. just knock over the NFA and make machine gun ownership legal already. Not that I even have any use for one given the monetary burn feeding it, but once they are legal a lot of other shit should become obviously within the law.

If you need to use the giggle switch over accurate semi-auto fire, cost per round is probably the last of your concerns at that moment.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

I dunno … I carried an M-4 and rarely fired more than three-round bursts. You can only carry so much ammo.

7 months ago

Lookoutfa Charlie om YouTube:


He is discussing and showing electronic AI surveillance

Last edited 7 months ago by teotoon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

AC, I don’t think he’s a psyop, I think there is ALSO the A.I. surveillance he shows. BOTH. Why not both.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Mmmm. You are correct about all that. I instantly felt rage just thinking about that shit being done to people I don’t even know and yet I MYSELF HAVE BEEN A TARGET OF IT, i.e., yep, the wrath will be unstoppable once the on-the-ground Cabal shenanigans get exposed.

One more possibility to consider: Lookoutfa Charlie might be an autistic shut-in who neverrrrrrr leaves the house and/or is so autistic he doesn’t recognize the same off-putting, obvious Surveillance clues the rest of us do whenever he does venture outside?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
7 months ago

Killer whales sink $128K yacht in ‘terrifying’ 2-hour Mediterranean Sea attack: ‘Like watching wolves hunt.’
In May, a pack of killer whales sank a 50-foot yacht in Moroccan waters after repeatedly slamming into the vessel.
Orcas also interfered with a sailing race last year when a boat traveling from the Netherlands to Italy had a 15-minute showdown with the mammals.
Some studies suggest orcas are targeting boats for fun.

7 months ago

I got the multilingual admin login screen a few minutes ago. After a brief wait I tried again and it let me in.

Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

another day on AC’s site attacked by satan’s hoards

7 months ago

Not all of those apple cheeked Marines will be overly endangered if in an American military theater of operations on behalf of the state of Israel.

“Hey guys can I hold that gun too for a photo opportunity? That will look so based in my portfolio for future campaigning for something or other…”

7 months ago

> France, a country with a major history of Christianity,

True. Seven Popes oversaw the Catholic Church from Avignon before Gregory XI moved the whole shebang to Rome. And France has been Catholic for 1700 years, give or take.

Then, as often happens, part of the bureaucracy stayed behind, waved goodbye, and announced they were the *real* Church. That didn’t last too long, though. The Eastern Orthodox Church happened the same way, but it’s still around.

Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

Macron is a Satanist and the NPCs are programmed to prefer anyone else (including communist dictators & satranists) to Le Penn

7 months ago

Found this on DARPABook about the gangstalking industry. And yet, what AC describes must be much larger.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
7 months ago

Not necessarily. A team of 5-10 can monitor many secondary targets. Not many ti’s would require their own team. Also you’re only monitoring the 0.1% of high functioning high IQ individuals who aren’t controlled by the machine volunteerally. Screening for bloodlines and a specific psychology may thin the pool even less.

7 months ago

Video shows what appears to be a muzzle flash from a window below the shooter, so we likely have a second shooter on video. 

It’s glare, a reflection from the sun, not muzzle flashes. It lasts several frames without interruption. Muzzle flashes don’t do that.
(Also, got the install script again. Shouldn’t that be deleted from the server? I haven’t run wordpress in a few years, but it used to be a major security hole to leave the install script on the server after you’ve finished the install.)

7 months ago

CIA addresses claims Thomas Matthew Crooks was subject of MKUltra experiment.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. What about MKDELTA? MKSEARCH? MKOFTEN and MKCHICKWIT?
MKULTRA wasn’t the whole thing. MKULTRA was just one part of the entire MK family.

Macaque Mentality
7 months ago

Guy was dropping fireworks in the water, so I would assume underwater concussions are of no use. Which means no transatlantic or Mediterranean voyages without a 50 cal Barrett, and you are going to have to kill them.

Yup, this proves that the firecracker deterrents were a bust. Wonder if sonic deterrents would work. If they do, there’s money to be made because sailors aren’t going to stop sailing because of orcas. They will find a way, even if it involves using a 50 cal.

7 months ago

Supposedly at one time the Romans were afraid of the water. Although we know they also used a lot of ships. Perhaps they had a certain time span when killer whales were going after ships in the Med?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Most ancient peoples had a deep awe, bordering on terror, of the open seas, and rightfully so.

That includes all of the seafaring nations of the ancient world. There was a time, up until the cusp of the modern age, when whales, and most other marine life, were far more numerous than today, and definitely made their presence felt to ancient mariners.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Cant really blame them though

7 months ago

A question which has not been raised, let alone addressed: where was Trump’s private security?

FWIW: a couple days ago I spoke to a guy who had been to more than a dozen Trump rallies. He was at Butler (a couple hours away).

He said that Trump’s private security was plainly evident and active at all other rallies he attended. At Butler, no where to be seen.

I talked to this guy at a small local Trump rally on Saturday. I cannot vouch for him other than to say he seemed credible to me.

But whatever, where where they?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago


Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
7 months ago

Interestingly, the UK Office of National Statistics changed the way it reported weekly death registrations. In the past, they’d show weekly registrations alongside the average of the previous five years. When the COVID BS started up, the previous five years was at one point re-defined with the effect of making COVID deaths look horrible in comparison, then re-defined to smooth things as the vaxxes were introduced.

After a couple years, the excess deaths were starting to get obvious, so the headline tables were radically changed from their prior format, and the average of previos years was replaced by a model-derived estimate of expected deaths. If one used the prior method of averaging, excess deaths through the end of June 2024 would have been roughly 22k, while the model expected rate suggested roughly 4k fewer than expected deaths.

To be fair, UK population is spiking due to increased net migration, legal and illegal, suggesting it is reasonable for some statistical adjustment for increasing deaths due to a larger population (not to mention increasing rates of violent crime), but one cannot help but feel there is nevertheless statistical chicanery going on here.


Speaking of apple-cheeked Marines, how long before Company and lower Field Grade officers decide to frag their political commissars (senior Field Grade and Generals) and put an end to this nonsense? There was a reason Khadafi never “promoted” himself beyond Colonel.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 months ago

Orcas(properly killer whales)

I haven’t seen anyone mention this, but it’s the first thing I thought of because governments are really touchy about big game rifles on boats.

Taser. So swimming pool cleaner pole, with wires from a hot boosted taser with prongs on the end of the pole. I’m willing to bet that that would drive them off.

I wonder…sharks have super sensitive electromagnetic sensors in their noses. They can be given a lot of pain by a fast spike of current through a coil. Could killer whales have the same? It wouldn’t surprise if they did. If so, a taser would be really, really painful.

If that doesn’t work, a crossbow could be very effective and not cause as much trouble with the authorities. I have no idea what the rules on crossbows worldwide are.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 months ago

Another. Make an underwater drone with a fiber optic cable and wire connect. Send high voltage, high frequency down the wire, lots of power. Put taser in front. If that doesn’t drive them off, have a 12 gauge sabot slug in the belly. To reload, speed towards the boat and jump up in like a fish.

If the taser idea works, the countries bordering the attacks should rent a bunch of sailboats and “teach” them, not a good idea to attack sailboats.

English Tom
English Tom
7 months ago

Major stabbing incident in Southport, just to the north of my city. Media saying not terrorism but a 17 year old ‘boy’ who has a troubled background.

I am assuming the kid had a therapist and, if so, we can understand the rest.

English Tom
English Tom
7 months ago

Apparently his name is Ali Al Shakati so he is a mud. The recent Manchester airport incident where a muslim attacked 3 police officers and now this. Looks like ZOG is ramping up the race war.

I’m thinking Tommy Robinson AKA Stephen Yaxley Lennon has a target on his back. He thinks he is helping his Zionist friends but doesn’t understand he is just another pawn in the game, like those dead kids today.

English Tom
English Tom
7 months ago

This is part 2 of the Bob Kudla David DuByne interview titled, Get Ready for the 1880’s Economy.
Thought you might be interested.

Last edited 7 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

Thank you!

EDIT: that link was to the wrong video but I found the right one


Last edited 7 months ago by Farcesensitive
7 months ago

The sidebar is gone again.

7 months ago

A team of scientists from the University of Singapore has announced the creation of a prototype energy-harvesting device that draws usable electricity seemingly out of thin air.
Designed to leverage nanoscale spin rectifier technology to capture what the device’s inventors term “waste RF” signals that exist in the air due to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 5G, and traditional radio signals, the novel energy harvesting system can convert those signals into enough usable direct current (DC) electrical energy.

Might this help shield against the beam?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Try searching about Strange Radiation…

7 months ago

Election workers at the tabulation center of Venezuela just accidentally posted a picture of election results across various states showing a HISTORIC defeat of the socialist president Nicolás Maduro

This makes it IMPOSSIBLE for Maduro to steal the election

You can see pie charts on the worker’s screen with the opposition (blue) DESTROYING Maduro (red)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

If we have learned anything over the past 4 years, if someone in power want to steal something in plain sight, they will do it.

the media will fall in line, along with the NPCs

Reply to  Anonynnous
7 months ago

Maduro bit off more than he can chew, the NPCs are not falling in line.
He may emerge the victor from the civil war that is starting, but it will be at great cost, and he may wind up like Ceauescu.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

The mob can always be managed, just look at France.

I think this time, Cabal is taking him down. If you see a successful revolution, behind it will be money, resources and “individuals”

Reply to  Name*
7 months ago

Your point is?

You are giving the mob to your enemies on a silver platter by cheating so blatantly.

We have no idea which faction is for or against him.
Biden has been removing sanctions to prop him up.

Last edited 7 months ago by Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Venezuela has Suspended its Diplomatic Ties with Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic, and Uruguay; following these Countries declaring that yesterday’s Election in Venezuela was Fraudulent and calling for Nicolás Maduro to Step-Down as President.

7 months ago
7 months ago

UAP’s and their abductions are fallen Angels doing their thing. So Supernatural beings must find some way to impact the physical world

And this may be a modern manifestation of an old phenomenon.

Reply to  Anon
7 months ago

Interesting, how do you know for certain?