News Briefs – 07/28/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Bill Binney touches on the seriousness of the fact the wannabe Trump assassin has metadata showing he was communicating with foreign entities over encrypted lines in the runup to the Trump assassination attempt. 6:00. Yikes. Also a discussion of how bad it is in the US, targeting US citizens. FBI DEA, DHS, and even IRS are all listening in to everything without any warrant, and Five Eyes is allowing full surveillance of all of us by foreigners which is given to US agencies. 23:40, Bill Binney says NSA must have ratted out Seth Rich for the DNC hack, and triggered his murder. And Pakistani intelligence was in there, and may have also been worried Seth would out them, and gotten involved. Lots more on Trump’s assassination which indicated he had help. Bill also indicates Mike Rogers was only covering his own ass when he warned Trump he was being spied on, and he was no hero. Bill Binney is a patriot.

Say something nice about the guy who is likely to be the new Democrat vice presidential candidate:

Secret Service counter-sniper assets were routinely denied to the USSS Donald Trump Detail if the locations weren’t within “driving distance” of Washington DC.

Trump’s would-be assassin’s use of a drone doesn’t add up. FAA does not allow flights over any venue the President or Vice-President are attending or passing through.

Sen. Josh Hawley has introduced a bill to declassify information on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.

Obama threatened Biden with removal from office under 25th amendment – Sy Hersh.

Interesting, and curious –

Might the intention be for them to win some of those states, as write ins, simply because they have to, to highlight the rigging of elections? It is one thing for Kamala to eeek out a win over Trump in normal voting, despite her deep unpopularity. It would be another for her to defeat him soundly as a write in.

However since that graphic, now some say none of that is necessarily true or binding – CNN survey finds the election authorities of at least 48 states, both Republicans and Democrats, say there are no obstacles that would prevent Vice President Kamala Harris from getting on election ballots if she becomes the official Democratic presidential nominee, as expected. 

PA teachers union accused of laundering $1.5 million in union dues to bankroll Democrat governor Josh Shapiro’s 2022 campaign.

J.D. Vance’s long correspondence with a transgender friend who attended his wedding has been revealed—including how he spoke about hating cops and disparaged Donald Trump and conservative icon Antonin Scalia. Interesting even though it is the leftist Daily Beast. It feels like intel was surrounding him with manipulations, from the tranny who kept in touch, to engineering bad interactions with law enforcement to drive him leftist, to the intel-operative wife, and I am not sure he knows. It feels like he was some sort of project in covert manipulation, maybe which failed, which is why this tranny-agent is burning him.

US national debt hits $35 trillion. debt-to-GDP ratio, at scary levels, dips a tad and T-Bills’ share of this debt.

More Americans are driving without car insurance, and it’s making coverage more expensive for everyone else. Migrants.

Mount Cristo Rey, which sits largely on American soil – located just inside the border at Sunland Park, New Mexico, is now totally controlled by Mexican cartels who use it to sneak illegal immigrants and rape and rob them on their way to the US.

Steven Kirsch has been diagnosed with a sub-retinal hemorrhage. Their Havana weapon, which had been tuned to target his position when sitting at his computer,  just happened to break blood vessels under his retina. We are all playing Russian Roulette with these idiots. I just had a blood vessel break in the inside corner of my eye, giving me a black eye I took pictures of a week and a half ago. This whole thing is really a menace.

CrowdStrike CSO Shawn Henry sold 4,000 shares on July 15, days before massive Microsoft-CrowdStrike outage.

Eric Clapton: ‘Israel is running the world.’  In fairness it was said as more of a complaint, than a statement of fact. But everything these guys say is part of the psyop.

The official video of the satanic Paris 2024 opening ceremony appears to have been deleted from the Olympics account as viewers’ backlash grows.

C Spire, one of the largest corporations in Mississippi, announced they will be pulling advertising from the summer Olympic games over the “mockery of the Last Supper” featuring trannies.

2024 Olympics officials told Brazilian surfer João Chianca, 23, in early July that he must remove a Christ the Redeemer motif from his surfboard. If they did not believe, they would not care.

The opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics, which featured a transgender parody of the Last Supper while highlighting a controversial Muslim performer, have been branded as a national “suicide” by a former French government cabinet member.

Olympic Games city of Paris experiences a massive blackout a day after the inauguration; People who were outraged by the games’ inaugural ceremony are starting to say this is divine intervention.

Tommy Robinson London demonstration sees tens of thousands rally against censorship and mass migration.

Venezuela ‘may explode into civil war in DAYS’ as Putin-backed dictator warns of ‘bloodbath’ if he loses election.

Two new swing state polls show the serious trouble Kamala is in.

Trump calls for US to be ‘crypto capital of the planet’ in appeal to Nashville bitcoin conference.

Crowd goes absolutely nuts after Donald Trump vows to fire SEC Chairman Gary Gensler during the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.

Trump, if President, pledges to form a Bitcoin Reserve, using 210,000 Bitcoin seized by the Department of Justice, as the core of a new “Strategic National Bitcoin Stockpile.”

Trump clobbers Kamala Harris with independents in head-to-head matchup, Rasmussen poll reveals.

Spread r/K Theory, because God will not be mocked

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7 months ago

Lizard person in a mask? Yep
comment image

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
7 months ago

“Trump’s would-be assassin’s use of a drone doesn’t add up. FAA does not allow flights over any venue the President or Vice-President are attending or passing through.”

As if a guy committed to killing a Presidential candidate (or killing anyone, for that matter) would give a rat’s posterior for FAA restrictions.


On the topic of whose name is on the ballot, voters are choosing the Electors for President, not the actual candidate. Joe Biden can stay on the ballott, and all the electors can simply cast their Electoral College votes for Kamala … Assuming Bibi has not decided Trump will be 47.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
7 months ago

Likely he means the FAA (or more accurately the SS) would disable it and investigate

7 months ago

Mark Kelly:
He’s perfect for their plan scheme. NASA guy, so automatic hero status. *Wife a victim of gun crime, already in DC for awhile, ambitious and is easily controlled. I think it’s mainly the gun crime angle though. They have got to get rid of those guns to get their main objectives in place.
You posted a story about Gabby Gifford campaigning for Harris the other day. Whether Kelly gets the nod or not, Gabby is already jostling for trough placement for hubby and/or herself.
*It matters not to the Democrats that her shooter, Jared Loughner was a leftist nutjob

Reply to  WDS
7 months ago

Gun control activist, got caught trying to buy a gun with fraudulent ID. And general dirtbag.

Reply to  WDS
7 months ago

Let’s not forget that he killed a, I suppose, conservative judge. Gabby was collateral damage.

Reply to  WDS
7 months ago

Nah, fake space narrative above all else. He hold massive blackmail potential over them if he were to just tell the truth that he’s never been to space, it’s all faked, etc.

Blackmail is the only weapon the enemy cares about at that level.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Any more fake than former-Senator “Astronaut” Bill Nelson?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

That’s a good sign, but the question remains… what comes next?

The Covid Op showed us that cabal is ready to Build Back Better by initiating an overt and total surveillance state, complete with digital passports and CBDC’s. That is cabal’s answer to the social and financial chaos they have knowingly created.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

There are also peptides like BPC 157, which have swept the athletic world by storm, and radically increase healing rates.

I know this from direct personal experience.

Reply to  Another Dave
7 months ago

Rian Doris(flow research guy) dickrides that peptide in particular. I have not looked into this.

If it is true, then I guess bayesian= Rian is more likely to be legit

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

There is also the possibility of a body double. Vox Day is confident Trump uses them at times.
(A body double doesn’t make it any less of an assassination attempt)

7 months ago

‘J.D. Vance’s long correspondence with a transgender friend who attended his wedding has been revealed—including how he spoke about hating cops and disparaged Donald Trump and conservative icon Antonin Scalia.’

Okay, so mayhe Tulsi isn’t so bad after all.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Maniac
7 months ago

Tulsi, who glows a little, is definitely less horrible than Vance.

Reply to  Another Dave
7 months ago

(Tried to reply before, not sure if it went through or if the site was being attacked at that moment. Forgive me, AC, if these are flooding your comment inbox.)

Tulsi belonged to both the WEF and the CFR.
But…maybe SHE was penetrating THEM?

(Fun fact: Shaka is almost exactly how a Boston townie says Shocker.)

Reply to  Maniac
7 months ago

She might have DOUBLE PENETRATED the WEF & CFR.
That’s a distinct possibility.

7 months ago

I very briefly had the WP install problem.
For some reason it didn’t last nearly as long as it has been lasting.

7 months ago

I think we have an uptick in shill posters recently.

7 months ago

Not ‘The Lucas I Knew’: Family Of Yellowstone Shooter Shocked By July 4 Standoff

Authorities say Yellowstone concessionaire worker Lucas Fussner took a hostage and threatened to “shoot Jew-babies” before dying in a shootout with a park ranger July 4. Fussner’s family says they’re shocked and that wasn’t the person they knew.

Clair McFarland
July 27, 2024

A/C, and other anons. This is another field report of someone being mk ultra-ed, and spooled up for nefarious reasons. (In Yellowstone -a .gov federal park of all places, with their own fbi srt type team kitted out swat responders, necessary for parks nowadays of course.) Of note is the ” shoot jew- babies ” purported threats, (everything has to be over the top headlines now) Those types of workers are housed fed etc on location in those types of parks concession jobs. Usually well ordered easy going summer jobs and operations. (controlled group in one place type lab setting) An occurance such as this in an upscale, globally known locale that is usually way more docile than cities etc is a suspect incident. The anons noticing of these types incidents and increased frequency and dramatics tempo is indicative of more direct actions forthcoming. Stay frosty out there.

Reply to  Frosty
7 months ago

Interesting that it was a Federal park.

An incredible number of people disappear in those, usually never seen again. If you want to spend a few hours in WTF-land, google “people disappeared in park” and see what you get.

Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

The government, known for their benevolence and love of the common man, preserves millions of acres of wilderness out of the kindness of their hearts!

Nah, they’re doing some shit out there for sure. The Missing 411 stuff is a lot of bunk and fantasy writing practice, but there’s definitely some weird unexplainables in there.

7 months ago

Common bacteria could ‘melt’ and destroy cancer with up to 99 per cent success

Why aren’t they talking about injecting it into the cancer?

7 months ago

Another short bout of the WP install problem.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
7 months ago

“However since that graphic, now some say none of that is necessarily true or binding –”

Nothing is ever binding for the communists. There is no law. There is no rule of law. They rule without consent and do the opposite of what justifies the existence of government (according to the Founders) in the first place.

They haven’t gone full Mao yet because they haven’t been able to disarm us yet. But with drones and robots coming along now, the odds are looking better and better for them, despite how many firearms are in civilian hands.

Once in a while an honest judge in some backwater presents a localized temporary obstacle to the Agenda, but you know they’ll be taken out one way or another, eventually.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

They CAN’T keep up with the rate the obstacles are popping up now. The FCG-9 is being mass produced in Burma and has provided the rebels an actual chance, and it’s a 3d printed smoothbore 9mm.

Meanwhile, there is now a working 3d printed MINIGUN in 5.56 using AR barrels and BCGs. The next one will almost certainly be in .308/6.5creedmore. There are roller delayed blowback belt feds being developed. The law cannot keep up with the rate of development in the CNC age. It’s a matter of time before they have to loosen restrictions if for no other reason than there is not enough resources to enforce the existing restrictions.

M1337 B1 Updates Testing

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

2ndA worldwide 🙂

7 months ago

Jews DO run the world. The Jews run America. The Jews run Britain. They control large amounts of media in many countries. It says in Scripture: “They that hate you, Rule over you”. True. Because Christians don’t practice Phronesis, nor do they have Arete. Soooo…Jews Rule and Europeans drool.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

Christians do not practice generational awareness or planning: the nature of Christianity does not enable such; for, Christianity is of the Spirit and there is a high chance the next generations may only wear it as a mask.
The difficulty is that Saxons, aka Northern tribes and any Judahite tribes which converted at Christ’s resurrection Scottish and Irish, are more likely not to be generationally aware. That being said, the Scottish and Irish being clannish could plan for a few generations.

Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago


1 Timothy 5:8“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”

King James Version (KJV)

It’s not about the religion.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Then why quote Scripture if this is not about religion.

Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

Because the scripture proves that the religion doesn’t teach what you claimed it did.
The results you talk about are from some other cause.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

God (the Triune Christian God) has no grandchildren only children born of water and the Spirit, but Satan most certainly does. In a way, that gives Satan an organizational advantage.


Satan exists at God’s pleasure. God could immediately wipe him out of existence should He so choose.

So the only reason God allows Satan dominion over the world is to test the quality of men’s souls. If evil is allowed to exist and persist, then it must serve a purpose to God’s plan, and the only beneficial thing it can provide is a litmus test to see if you embrace or reject evil.

Macaque Mentality
7 months ago

Reposting here just in case.

Trump didn’t say “I’m not Christian”.

Twitter source video:

Watch it slowed down (Twitter’s had this feature for a while), listen carefully, and watch his mouth/tongue. He said “Imma Christian”. No “n” shape/motion in his tongue. His accent comes out when he gets emotional.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
7 months ago

Trump is one of the few politicians, even among those who claim to be Christian, to invoke the name of the Lord. Remember that church bombing on Easter when Hillary said “Easter worshippers” and Trump said that we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ? Even Reagan rarely invoked Jesus; he just talked about “god”.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
7 months ago

And then the cock crowed a second time, but it was ok because Christianity wasnt fashionable

Reply to  Naem*
7 months ago

You are lying about Trump and we have the proof you deliberately tried to withhold when you posted your libel:

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  EricTheAwful
7 months ago

Agreed. People are shilling hard on this lie and the midwits with terrible memories are running with it.

Trump was hands down the closest actually sharing the entire message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the entire nation compared any president in modern history, perhaps all of US history. In fact, the core of the Good News is all there. His Christmas tree lighting speeches are the best examples.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
7 months ago

Hands out defensive gesture… shakes head… I’m not a christian.

Shall I not believe my lying eyes?

Reply to  Naem*
7 months ago

How about you stop lying to us.
You have now completely outed yourself as a disinfo agent.

He puts his right hand to his heart with his left hanging at his side and says “I’m a Christian”.

We can all watch and hear it:

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Naem*
7 months ago

“Shall I not believe my lying eyes?”

Either your eyes and ears are lying or you’re a shill. What part of “watch his mouth/tongue” did you not understand?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
7 months ago
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
7 months ago

The whole city wasn’t dark.
The Sacre Coure basilica was lit up like the sun.

7 months ago

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS: Where Matters Stand  • JULY 28, 2024

Trump supporters take for granted that Trump is already elected. This confidence is not justified. They, and Trump himself, need to pay attention to how the presstitutes and the elite are creating a winning persona for Kamala. By implanting a close election in the voting public’s mind, the Democrats can steal the election. I think that is what will happen, thus ridding the ruling establishment of Trump’s threat to take away their power….Trump’s challenge to the ruling elite and the massive support he received from the traditional American population scared the ruling elite whose control over America had been gradually tightened. The ruling elite decided on a coup. The Republican Party, whose voters stood with Trump, had to go. What we have witnessed in the Biden regime is the elite’s decision to install a one-party state completely under their control…Trump has brought matters to a fight or surrender decision that Republicans prefer to avoid.

Robert also covers DEI:

The Biden regime’s DEI personnel policy reduced diversity by excluding white heterosexual males. There are none in the upper ranks of the Biden government. Now we have an African-Asian woman who might or might not have been born in the US as the Democrat nominee for US President. This suggests that DEI can change things even in a majority white population faster than people can notice. By the time they realize that they have been displaced from power, it is too late. White Americans are being set up as the next victims of pogroms. Indeed, 1,000 of them who attended a Trump rally already have been sent to prison.

Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

He’s wrong.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago


Reply to  Another Dave
7 months ago

There will be no “winning persona” for Kamala.
There will not be a plausibly close election.
When they still try to steal it nobody will accept it if they succeed.
They will fail.

Trump voters are not taking victory for granted, we are well aware of the steal and Trump constantly tells us we have to overwhelm the steal.

7 months ago

Oh,good grief. The things I have to think about to not be oblivous. Anyway: Kamala Harris? Black college in Atlanta? Then law school in San Francisco? We don’t even need to go to to Crazy Days and Nights for this stuff.
Statistically, she’s likely to have herpes, AIDS, chlamydia or gonorrhea. Or some other antibiotic resistant sexually transmitted disease. She’s probably taken nuclear grade antibiotics which mess up her intestines, which messes up her brain. She might not have congenital schizophrenia. She might have some sort of antibiotics induced brain damage.
The CDC in Atlanta hands out antibiotics like candy. There’s also heat maps for all the STDs running around Atlanta. It’s nuts. It’s not just black people, either. It’s a disease hotspot. San Francisco has its own medical grade set of diseases fermenting. I don’t even think you need to do anything other than walk around, breath and drink water.

Reply to  wooderson
7 months ago

Howard University is in Washington, DC.

7 months ago

The sidebar is gone again.

7 months ago

It feels like he was some sort of project in covert manipulation, maybe which failed”
Based on track record, the onus is on anyone who believes he’s not a deep state asset that was successfully put into Trump’s orbit. The guy oozes fakery.

Strange Old Hermit
Strange Old Hermit
7 months ago

Huma, merely a common whore? This just can’t be! (The fix is in. Hillary will be the nominee.)

Reply to  Strange Old Hermit
7 months ago

interesting how she is assigned as a wife.

Reminds me of that rapper’s white woman that walks around naked like a sex slave

7 months ago

Paris Olympic ceremony : creepy symbolism/satanic ritualistic signalling noted.

A few things noticed from the excerpts seen.

Gojira/headless Marie Antoinette
A nod to Tim Burton’s movies in the headless queen
There were light flashes & red streamers released in time to Gojira. Zoomed out it looked very dramatic. The red streamers symbolized the killing via the guillotine – arterial spurts at decapitation. An homage to the violent revolution of the past. Gojira played a tune Ah ! ça ira, (It Will Be Fine) which became popular at the time amongst the French revolutionaries. The lyrics changed over time changed to outspokenly promote killing aristocrats.

Immediately after an opera singer sang the Habenera aria from Carmen. The plot is the beautiful gypsy Carmen craves love but ends up causing obsession & jealousy in a soldier who kills her. It’s a famous aria. But juxtaposed w/ the Gojira scene seems foreshadowing of France’s future. The French aristocracy were killed because they were hated by enough ppl & they were in the way of those wanting to take power. France today has plenty of internal tensions.

Scenes of performers high up on poles swaying to & fro. This mimicked flowers on long stems swaying in a breeze but also recalled the putting of heads /corpses of enemies on display outside or on the city walls, & also hanging then from a gibbet.

The rider on a metallic horse. Plenty has been said about this being the pale horse from Revelation that looses death upon the world. But ‘pale’ in the text means green – sickly green. A rider on a horse appearing is announcing something is coming. The bible has Jesus coming on a white horse but this shiny horse & rider wasn”t Jesus.

Riding an artificial horse & not a real horse (which would’ve been way less trouble) messages the themes of transhumanism, AI & robotics.

I think as all this ritualistic & symbolic performance stuff is an inversion of God’s truth that the shining horse & rider were announcing the antichrist is coming.

2 men & a women hook up in a library & appear to agree to form a polycule. Barf.

A dance sequence where rows of dancers jerked & spazzed out & fell down dead at random. The rows of dancers mimicked rows of zombies or video game enemy drones advancing forward relentlessly & the player has to kill them. I don’t see any other explanation for this dehumanizing & grotesque display.

Blue smurf guy served up on a big platter. The garlands around his head & body show he represents Dionysus (Greek) or Bacchus (Roman) God of winemaking fertility & festivities. This scene flowed into the tableau of queer folx aping both a dionysian festivity & Da Vinci’s last supper. Serving up a god on a platter is a ritualistic cannibalistic image & is the woke replacement for. Jesus’ ritual of the bread/wine offered as his body/blood at the last supper. Ie we are meant to eat from what Dionysus has to offer – not Christ. The blue body suit also makes this figure represent the Indian god Vishnu – who in the Hindi pantheon is the god that protects moral order & harmony of the universe. So choosing what Bacchus/Vishnu offers is good. Jesus has been replaced by an obese queer lesbian making a heart emoji – the catholic icon the sacred heart of Jesus is a popular religious image & originates from a french nun in the 167 who had visions of Jesus showing his heart on fire with love for humanity. A feast day was established in the 19th century in the catholic church calendar.

Any explanation that christians are overreacting to this is gas lighting. Not only are you being invited to to partake in a pagan god’s supper & you’re told it’s a good thing. Dionysus is just downplayed as a god of winemaking & fertility – that just means partying with lots of drinking & sex, right?

Well the cult of Dionysus & the Dionysian mysteries was about abandoning civility & reason & returning to animalistic wild version of the self.

A quote from the linked short article that’s worth reading: “Under the cover of religion, the priests and acolytes broke every civil, moral and religious law.”

The olympic torch relay included 3 drag queens. There’an image of a man & drag queen standing with the torch – the man is about to pass the torch. The way they atand, holding the torch up looks like a worshipful act. The god being honored here is Ishtar. See Jonathan Cahn’s book The Return of the Gods for a breakdown of how Ishtar is inportant to trannies & cross dressers.

Finally the Eiffel tower laser show. This spectacular laser show was done to the 70s disco hit Supernature by Cerrone. The lyrics have a definite transhumanism theme.
supernature lyrics

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Gee, I wonder if the Antichrist *is* transhumanism/A.I., I wonder. Hmmm. Why did that possibility not occur to you? What made your brain malfunction? You’re underestimating how evil the Dionysian cult was. READ “THE BACCHAE” BY EURIPIDES. It’s amazing how little people know/remember about such all-time famous ancient classics. That’s what was happening in the woods during the Eleusinian Mysteries, too. Cannibalistic ritual sacrifice. Like the South Park woodland critter episode. As for mocking the Last Supper: HEY BRO, ever wonder WHY Jesus felt compelled to offer the apostles pretend-human-flesh and pretend-human-blood? Mmmm, yeah, you probably never wondered. WHY. Get ready to realize Christianity (NOT Jesus himself) was a massive, evil con job that represented the exact opposite of holy and wholesome. Your church is satanic, no matter what church you belong to. Everything after the Gospels in the New Testament is totally unreliable and full of lies. The gospels themselves are only halfway-reliable. YOUUUUUU BETRAYED JESUS. Get used to that idea. Start by reading Matthew 6, which you violate like a satanic inversion ALL THE TIME.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Hamlet avatar man: you are clearly not ok. I rebuke the spirits of antichrist & hatred in you.
A friend of mine has seer abilities & has seen demons on ppl – even christians. How many do you reckon my gifted christian friend would see around you? Every knee will bow to the Lord Jesus Christ one day. Better to do it now willingly than be compelled by fear & shame on the day of judgement.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

AC, there’s really no excuse for you to hold back the reply I posted yesterday. Not after you approved his comment. Don’t be a hypocrite, AC. No double standards.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Oh no! A HYPOCRITE!?!! The most dastardly of insults!
Every so often I like to quote Neal Stephenson from The Diamond Age because he did such a better job than me on the subject.

“Because they were hypocrites,” Finkle-McGraw said, after igniting his calabash and shooting a few tremendous fountains of smoke into the air, “the Victorians were despised in the late twentieth century. Many of the persons who held such opinions were, of course, guilty of the most nefandous conduct themselves, and yet saw no paradox in holding such views because they were not hypocrites themselves – they took no moral stances and lived by none.”

“So they were morally superior to the Victorians-” Major Napier said, still a bit snowed under.

“-even though – in fact, because – they had no morals at all.” There was a moment of silent, bewildered head-shaking around the copper table.

“We take a somewhat different view of hypocrisy,” Finkle-McGraw continued. “In the late-twentieth-century Weltanschauung, a hypocrite was someone who espoused high moral views as part of a planned campaign of deception – he never held these beliefs sincerely and routinely violated them in privacy. Of course, most hypocrites are not like that. Most of the time it’s a spirit-is-willing, flesh-is-weak sort of thing.”

“That we occasionally violate our own stated moral code,” Major Napier said, working it through, “does not imply that we are insincere in espousing that code.”

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Excellent breakdown of that disgusting ceremony, though it had nothing to do with the animistic Folkfaiths of Our Ancestors. Satanism is not paganism in any manner. It is the negative side of Abrahamism, Christianity, in this case.
Good call on Cerrone’s old “Supernature” soundtrack! That, and he, are both pretty creepy, though there was some fine music on the album. So long ago. Who’d have thunk!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
7 months ago

Christians believe – or ought to if they have studied scripture – that the pagan gods are rebellious fallen angels & these are behind every pagan god – which have different representations depending on the culture but the same spiritual entities are behind them. Ephesians 6:12 describe them as rulers & authorities & these terms suggests a hierarchy. They are territorial spirits. Suggest you read accounts of missionaries in the field who encounter far more spiritual warfare then in western countries.

Retired missionary friends of mine who worked with a Guatamalan tribe noticed a river was the boundary of the spiritual territories of the christianized villagers & the rest of the countryside. When they crossed the river that’s when bad luck & mishaps happened. Flat tires, motor bike falls, break downs etc. You think the pagan worship of ancestors was harmless. That’s what they want you to think – you have made their assignments with you easy. I bet if you sincerely converted to christianity you would experience some blowback from them in retribution.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Christians believe – or ought to if they have studied scripture – that the pagan gods are rebellious fallen angels & these are behind every pagan god –

Christians do not uniformly believe this, and it isn’t from a lack of bible reading. Humans erroneously worshiping a heavenly being doesn’t really say much about that being at all — how many times do angels have to specifically tell men not to worship them?
We are perfectly capable of that sin on our own, no fallen angels required.

You think the pagan worship of ancestors was harmless.

People do believe this, and I’m not sure why. The various baals God fought against were dangerous because they did have power, not because they didn’t.

7 months ago

Con,Inc. has upped their E-thot game. This chick is genuinely gorgeous while also having a seriously impressive dry line delivery. You’ll be seeing her around and for a long time to come.

Gen Z Voter DESTROYS Kamala Harris In 60 SECONDS!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

Gorgeous, in a down home, modest way, with great delivery. She knows how to say just enough, too, though it would have been nice if she’d have mentioned that Kamela is a dude, similar to Big Mike. Look closely, anon.

7 months ago

Watching UK TV, they start with shock at the Paris Olympics, but the conversation gently chages direction, ending with there are some good bargains and now is the time to visit Paris and enjoy the Olympics.

Controlled opposition.

7 months ago

Damage control needs to start working some overtime…

People are saying “Trump said he is not a Christian”.


Trump admits he is not a Christian, so why does he attend church? (He is a con man.)

Reply to  Naem*
7 months ago

It’s a lie, we can all see and hear for ourselves:

Mme la Vache
Mme la Vache
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Can HenryMakow see and hear ?

Reply to  Naem*
7 months ago

Henry is off his nut. I encourage non-Christians to attend church just like I exhort Christians.