Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
A retired DEA Agent writes on Twitter:
The following is based on information I have received from people who are very close to some ongoing federal investigations.
These investigations will undoubtedly soon end THE MASSACHUSETTS CORRUPTION PROBLEM that we have all been witnessing and experiencing.
THE MASSACHUSETTS CORRUPTION PROBLEM that we are all watching and experiencing is actually a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORRUPTION PROBLEM that has been under an intense, extensive, unprecedented, and massive investigation around the country for several years.
The ongoing nation-wide investigations are targeting judges, legislators, governors, and other public officials working in every state, commonwealth, and inhabited territory in The United States of America.
The investigations into the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORRUPTION PROBLEM have been going on for years and have heated up considerably, all over the country, because the investigators have compiled enough evidence against enough public officials to bring this whole corrupt system down at once.
The bottom line is there has apparently been an anti-American globalist scheme operating, in the background, for decades.
The plan was apparently set in motion to control the judges, legislators, and governors around the United States under one central system operating outside The United States of America. This seems to explain why there are so many bad judges and prosecutors in place, all over the country at this time, and why nobody in any position of power seems willing to fix things by removing the corrupt individuals from power.
How could this happen?
My outside sources tell me that the nation-wide, ongoing investigations have focused on the funding of the scheme, and it involves some corporate entities and other well-known names that you will recognize, including:
the Open Society Foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, other corporate entities such as Google, Apple, Walmart, and The World Bank, and a number of other domestic and foreign malign actors, as defined by the FBI.The investigators around the country have it all, and soon the public will know. This is because the investigators who are outside of Massachusetts are furious about what has been happening, and they are not nearly as tolerant of corruption as the public officials in Massachusetts appear to be and allegedly are.
We will soon get control of our country once the corrupt public officials among us, and beyond, are publicly exposed and punished under the law.
I will brief more on this as the information is made available.
Kamala Harris’ graphic designer Ana Rice has history of calling for arson, political violence.
Kamala’s secret Freemason Police scandal: here’s what we know.
Why is no one discussing Kamala Harris ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Her husband, Douglas Emhoff has refused to release his clients and, unfortunately, Emhoff is not required to publicly disclose a full list of his clients by federal law.
He also is not practicing law at the moment but you know the relationships did not just evaporate.
The fake fact-checkers have falsely denied and connection but how is that possible when Emhoff is refusing to disclose?
From a 2020 National Pulse article by Raheem Kassam
which is even more relevant today than ever:REVEALED: Kamala Harris’s Husband’s Firm Reps Chinese Communist Party-Owned Corporates, Employs Ex-CCP Officials
Kamala Harris’s husband’s firm, DLA Piper, consults on behalf of a bevy of Chinese Communist Party-owned companies and employs former Chinese Communist Party officials.
DLA Piper, a multinational law firm, boasts nearly 30 years of experience in China and over 140 lawyers dedicated to its “China Investment Services” branch.
Harris’s links to the company are found with her husband, Douglas Emhoff, who has served as a Partner in the firm’s Intellectual Property and Technology practice and its Media, Sport, and Entertainment sector since 2017.
DLA Piper boasts of having “long-established and embedded “China Desks” in both the U.S. and Europe” to assist their China-focused consulting, prompting questions about how the firm’s potential proximity to the White House could be leveraged by DLA Piper, exploited by the Chinese Communist Party, or represent a financial conflict of interest for the Vice Presidential candidate.
Jim Kramer says Kamala Harris is going to take off. Looks like this election is a wrap. Congratulations, President Trump.
Shocking poll says a shocking third of Democratic voters wished Trump had left his July 13 campaign event in a body bag. We are at war, and truth be told, there are a lot of people we wish were in body bags. If you assume democrats at half the population, (a decent overestimate) that would mean about 16.6% wanted Trump dead. I will bet the majority of those wishing that are domestic surveillance, and in the conspiracy.
FBI statement on Trump assassination attempt: “What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle.” Director Wray tried to claim Trump may have been hit by shrapnel, or random debris, despite a bullet’s vapor trail captured on film. Wray seems a genuine bad guy, in charge of the whole FBI.
How did the three-man sniper team overlooking Crook’s position miss him?:
There was a three man SWAT sniper team located in this position. One member of the team went home early — not sure how this was allowed but it happened. The remaining two snipers positioned in this room were notified that a suspicious individual [Crooks] was lurking outside the building. One team member left his position to investigate, leaving just one sniper with overwatch of the roof.
The investigating team member found nothing and in the process of returning to his position realized he had forgotten his access card into the building. The last remaining sniper with overwatch LEFT [!!!] the position to retrieve his team member locked outside.
Crooks crawled across the roof and fired on Trump while this fully-equipped sniper nest with a perfect view of Crooks assassin position was left completely UNMANNED.
Court smacks down Jack Smith’s desperate attempt to save Trump case.
Chicago alderman sounds alarm on migrant surge ahead of DNC: ‘We can’t handle any more.’
Newsom calls on Oakland to allow more police chases, stop suspects from ‘fleeing with impunity.’ Cabal changing course?
A military family who lost custody of their autistic son after they refused to transition his gender are suing a major DC hospital. Interesting story. Kid goes in the hospital, sounds like he may have been MK Ultra’d somehow, hospital calls mom and dad to tell them he now wants to transition, they decline, say he is impressionable and confused, and then custody is taken away from them. After CIA took over weekend depression clinics, and MK Ultra’d patients into forgetting how to speak, or losing control of their bowels, just to see if it was possible, you have to operate as if all these organizations are enemies.
Covid shots break people’s eyes — study.
76% of all personal income tax last month went to servicing the $34 trillion national debt.
Mitt Romney praises satanic Olympics opening ceremony: ‘imaginative, inventive.’
Pentagon’s Ukraine aid accounting errors reach $8.2 billion.
Spread r/K Theory, because the war has come home, quite literally
I was reading Vox’s posts on rhetoric and saw this and wondered if a big reason they react so strongly is because as you say, they are not actually American.
That could be. I mean, their lives are fake, their friendships are fake, their commitment to the American ideals is fake, everything is fake. I think just doing the work, and growing up in that world, you have to become cynical and everything seems fake. I sometimes have wondered if they envy regular people, because even though clueless and deceived, their lives at least feel meaningful to them. That is interesting.
There’s an awful lot of kids that go missing each year. I wonder how many of them are conditioned from an early age and wind up as “fake” whatever.
The scary thing is, that one, every kid gets a file from a criminal mafia-like organization which is tasked with molding what kind of terrain those kids will present to the conspiracy at adulthood, and two, surveillance is watching everywhere, so almost all the kids taken will be taken under the watchful eye of surveillance. It is not at all impossible a lot of those missing kids have their fate actually scheduled by surveillance, which then does overwatch for the snatch.
I have to do a piece on it, but I was watching Jack Reacher, and there is the scene where the lady-lawyer gets grabbed up by the Zek’s guys, Charlie and his buddy, the Russian guy. Everyoen should go back and watch it. As the Lady Lawyer exits the DA’s office (her father, who she just tried to explain the conspiracy to), as she exits the office, she walks past an old guy who appears to be a janitor, polishing the floor. She walks down the hall, and you hear the polisher behind her going. She turns the corner, and suddenly there is a dramatic shock moment and she spins around as the polisher stops making noise. Then you hear a door close and footsteps of a guy running down stairs, before she dismisses it all, turns and keeps walking.
To normies the scene is just a dramatic tension builder. But to surveillance, I think that was an inside joke. Clearly it was floor-polisher guy, who has no other role in the movie, and is never seen anywhere else, having called her direction of travel to Charlie as part of domestic surveillance, which is working for the Zek in this case. He called which way she went and set the timing for her to be intercepted, and then floor polisher guy was off to another surveillance gig. It was a little homage to surveillance nobody would notice.
I think that was the joke to surveillance, and I think they all laughed at it – that yeah, their operation is so criminal, it is even working for the Zek, and helping Charlie grab up the innocent lady-lawyer to be murdered, and help him cover up a mass shooting which was done just so the Zek could take a little more of “what can be taken.”
The surveillance, The Zek, Charlie, all the dead bodies, it is just another day for their op. I think they all laughed at it all, as everyone else in the movie theater was clueless. I even think many of them, seeing that, know they have been on ops like that, following the Idaho girls, waking up the next day, and finding they were all stabbed to death, or following Irah Sok, and then she gets shot in the forehead in her living room in front of her family, and they are knowing they were somehow involved. Or even 9/11.
They are a weird, weird conspiracy. And I think we will be shocked if we find out everything they were doing.
So I got these paragraphs from Miles Mathis’ article on the Trump assassination:
Jones is now claiming that high level Pentagon sources have confirmed there was a Deep State attempt to assassinate Trump. Really, and you believe that? They are going to lie to Congress but call up Alex Jones and admit it? OF COURSE the Pentagon is going to play their part in this vaudeville, since they are complicit in all this staging. They want you to believe Trump was nearly assassinated, because that is the script right now. It isn’t Trump’s script, since he is just an actor. THIS IS THE DEEP STATE SCRIPT. Get that through you head. The script currently is to build support for Trump and tank the Democratic Party. I have been telling you for years they are doing that to move the country right, but they may have other things up their sleeves as well. I have admitted I can’t get into the diseased heads of these people, so I don’t claim to be able to predict the future or know what they are up to fully. In my opinion, they seem to have some sort of death wish, since I don’t see how this is good for anyone, even them. I guess they have some computer model that is telling them the Phoenix rises out of this stronger than ever, but in my own model—which has turned out to be smarter than all their computers combined— this turns out worst for them. Destroying all trust in government cannot benefit the governors, can it?
They had a pretty good model back in the 1950s, which was to sing everyone to sleep with picket-fence fairy tales of the Mayberry variety, but the success of that was too boring for them. They needed more excitement. They needed more of a test of their abilities. Plus, the Intel agencies running these projects were headed and staffed by children of the Families, and these Families had fallen into the Wasteland sometime before WWI. They had looked into the abyss and been seduced by the dark side.
Actually, the Phoenicians had been deep down that well from the beginning, but the depth had fluctuated over the centuries and millennia. Someone had the crazy idea during the Enlightenment they might all be happier if they shared the wealth a bit and made some friends, but that all went out the window after WWII, when some of the ickiest lines of these Families rose back up. By about 1960 they had taken over the Intel apparatus in the US and were busy installing Project Chaos, by which they hoped to create ultimate order out of a staged chaos. They had been seduced by their own Hitler fiction, that is, and were curious how far that fiction could be turned into reality. The jackboot turned out to be very appealing to these people, who were nostalgic for the times of their Roman and Egyptian ancestors. The late 19th century had rubbed them the wrong way, with its progress and rising middle classes. Letting up on the reins and whip had been very distasteful to them, because without all their ancient trappings of faked nobility, they began to see through their own myths. They saw who they really were and always had been, and it wasn’t pretty. That, and not the first World War, was the impetus for the Wasteland.
The same thing happened again in the 1950s, as the middle class burgeoned, threatening the hegemony of these self-styled nobles. They had never been real nobles, just billionaire merchants and bankers pretending to be, but the pretense had held for a while, at least in their own minds. Living in places like Versailles, they could pretend the taste and artistic ability exhibited was their own. But that came crashing down in the 1870s and again in the 1950s, as they saw through their own veils. The fake war in the 1940s had been so vile as extended vaudeville, they choked on it themselves, throwing the Wasteland of the 1910s into an even higher gear in the 1960s. As they collapsed once again into selfloathing, they swore they would take the whole culture down with them, and they have.
So that is where we now find ourselves. The world is run by these loathsome old families who hate themselves more than you hate them. You don’t know enough to hate them properly, but in that at least they are way ahead of you. In these final stages of corruption, they are torn between self-hatred and hatred of you—for not bowing down before them regardless. So in these crazy events, we see them acting out and acting in about equally, in an orgy of destruction. How will it turn out? As I keep saying, that is up to you. You are taking the same tests they are. Your courage, honesty, and all other virtues are up for assessment at all times, so remember that. The events of history, real or imagined, don’t really matter. What matters is what you do in response. Life is just a construction, but your acts will follow you beyond the grave. To say it another way, at birth your memory of former lives is wiped, but your actions are not wiped. They determine your next life, and the tests you will find there.
Life is just a construction, but your acts will follow you beyond the grave.
Exactly. From what I see, the world only makes sense in the context of a test. Will you sell out the good, innocent people who just want to be left alone, to get a piece of the pie those who work for satan are enjoying.
With respect to fighting, I increasingly see what they mean when they say the best way to predict the future is to make it happen. We cannot see where this is going in their plan. I don’t think we have enough info about how the world works, who, or what is really manipulating things, and the tech we face.
I do think we can construct a simple model, to inform good people of the surveillance, with an eye to getting them to inform other good people, and then piggyback the exposures which the conspiracy seems to have incorporated in its own plan to drive exposure and understanding of the surveillance. If we can get rid of surveillance, and its control, from there, I am convinced other things will open up to us, including, possibly a better understanding of the enemy we face.
I think the best bet is to make that future happen, and not give a fuck what is going on with Cabal’s plans. It is our only path forward.
“They” have *always* only been merchants and bankers, ever since the time of the Akkadian Empire, which is when they took over all the separate Sumerian city states. Apparently, they quickly learned that it would be better for them to remain in the shadows while floating a succession of empires that They would create and control.
Gregory Delaney,Ph.D., made that point in his book, “The Sumerian Swindle,” though only kinda in passing, since his main focus was about how The Guild of Merchants and Moneylenders…Created. Something. Else. (That will surprise most of you.)
Brilliant work by Miles Mathis, there. Thanks!
You imagine them to be monolithic, even as your own narrative states that “some of the ickiest lines of these Families rose back up”.
They are far from monolithic and we are witnessing infighting as the faction behind Trump tries to put down the ickiest lines and return to the 1950s or the late 19th century.
The assassination attempt was real, the ickiest lines are getting desperate.
Bob Kudla had an interview with David DuByne of Adapt 2030 channel and he stated Trump will try to take the US back to an 1880’s economy.
People say the craziest things.
If you think Mathis is worth quoting, I feel sorry for you.
The ‘testing’ part works regardless, but that’s not Mathis, that’s reincarnation.
Real American here…. Call me fake and I will laugh and say FUCK YOU!!! Next…🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
“If you assume democrats at half the population, (a decent overestimate) that would mean about 16.6% wanted Trump dead. I will bet the majority of those wishing that are domestic surveillance, and in the conspiracy.”
Don’t forget the RINOs and NeverTrumpers who identify as Republicans. That number could be up to 25%.
I think AC’s take is completely plausible, just looking at Democratic “voters”.
Here is some math. Commentators have guesstimated the surveillance itself at about 10% of the population, so the estimated surveillance in the adult population is about 26 million people in the United States, probably a bit more.
Some of these are posing as Republicans and some don’t vote, their names aren’t even used to generate fake votes. Probably a majority “vote” for “Democratic” candidates.
The relevant Wikipedia article ( estimates turnout, as a percentage of the voting age population, as normally between 50% and 54% in US presidential elections. For non-presidential elections, it is normally around 40%. The claimed percentage for 2020 was 62%, which is way out of line with all the other recent presidential elections. It is claimed that 159.7 million votes were cast, when 140 million votes cast by actual voters is somewhat plausible and still on the high side given recent history.
And we can assume that a good percentage of the “Democratic” “votes” in normal elections are fake (Republican too, but more so for the Democrats). They just really put their foot on the gas in 2020.
So Democratic votes in 2020 were claimed to be 80 million, but in a “normal” presidential election its more like 60 million, in a non-presidential election like the mid-terms much lower.
So normally in presidential year, 60 million votes cast for the Democratic presidential candidate, 14 million cast by surveillance (people following people around in grocery stores), 10 million votes are totally fake. And these are pretty low-ball estimates for surveillance voters and fake votes.
I also think the number of actual people not in the surveillance who vote Democratic has dropped substantially in the last ten years. Many of them have literally died off.
So its very plausible that a “third” of “Democratic” “voters” in these polls are actually surveillance.
Over on the NorthEastShooters forum, a member named Boris put up a picture set showing how he cut and shaped an ordinary hardware-store shovel into a functional AK-47 receiver.
It’s actually easier to do an AR receiver since it’s just a bracket holding some parts in alignment; it’s not structural. Over on the old Weaponeer forum a member carved an AR receiver from a pine board using a pocket knife and a drill and took video of shooting it.
Wonder if anybody is gonna bring to the justice’s attention that there is no split receiver design on the market that actually qualifies as a receiver under the existing definition and that ATF has just been pretending for the last several decades? Believe me, if I were in that court room I definitely would.
ATF Immediately Stripped Of Power To Regulate Frames/Receivers Nationwide! ATF Pleads With SCOTUS!
Armed Scholar
‘Kamala Harris the ‘soul-destroying bully’: Former staff expose shock details of degrading tirades, decades-long ‘toxic’ behavior that left people in TEARS – and saw them quit at unprecedented levels.’
Sounds like she’s the Ellen Degeneres of American politics. Won’t matter much to the boil on the ass that is the woman voter, though. Probably be a net-positive, if anything.
Shocking poll says a shocking third of Democratic voters wished Trump had left his July 13 campaign event in a body bag.
When the left say they approve of political violence, they set precedence and an approval to attack them.
They live with their thumb on the scales and do not understand the word consequence.
Repost – In case you missed it…

God said piss off with your tower of babel shit, but people think a globo-homo circlejerk of sports is somehow cool with the big man? So obvious to anyone even 2% awake.
I’m going to guess that was more of a homosexual scandal than strictly a pedophile scandal.
What’s the difference?
‘Journalist who criticized Aaron Rodgers for his views on COVID-19 vaccines ‘dies unexpectedly’ at 43.’
Got the multi-language sign-in screen about ten minutes ago. This time it let me into the blog. FYI.
Thank you!
Got a different multi-language login screen later, with a red background, when trying to save a reply. After a few hours it let me reply without putting the screen up.
I am going to have to do a complete new reinstall. This is ridiculous. On the bright side, I think we will be ridiculously highly ranked on similarweb, because we are heading for 3 million pageviews this month.
> Newsom calls on Oakland to allow more police chases, stop suspects from ‘fleeing with impunity.’
“Hot pursuit” is a police perquisite; Happy Fun Time on the clock if they can egg someone into running. Generally the chase leaves a trail of damaged property, wrecked cars, and injured or sometimes killed citizens. But that’s totally okay, because it’s all the perp’s fault, and the courts have generally ruled the police have no responsibility for the damage and injuries they cause.
That’s why many jurisdictions have banned pursuit, period. They have cameras, radios, drones, light aircraft, and more patrol cars to surveil or intercept a runner. It’s not worth the risk to the city budget when the occasional court sides with the public on the inevitable lawsuits.
Because they are incapable of cold pursuit?
The narrative you presented is used to give criminals a get out of jail free card.
“you can’t be detained if you don’t consent”
Just make sure to run and crime is legal.
Here’s a real example of this:
Assholes stole some car, get into an accident, guy gets out to help, they steal his car, police decide not to pursue, assholes steal another car while shooting a Mom parked at a Wendy’s, and leaving her paralyzed.
> 76% of all personal income tax last month went to servicing the $34 trillion national debt.
“Yeah, whatever. We’ll just find something else to tax. Pay up, suckers, or we’ll send men with guns to take your stuff and put you in prison.”
I shouldn’t say it because it might give them ideas, if they read this, but a federal property tax piggy backed onto our state prop tax would be the thing they try to go after.
The Sky’s The Limit
> ‘Badly understaffed’ Park Police assaulted by ‘mob of thousands,’ pelted with poop at pro-Hamas riot in DC: union chief.
That’s just a maneuver to get more funding.
Most PDs have reciprocal agreements with nearby PDs to provide support when necessary. And the Park Police are Feds; they can request assistance from any non-military Federal “law enforcement” from Homeland Security on down.
“Nothing to see here, move along.”
It’s a cover story for the regime telling them to stand down and forbidding any other agencies from assisting.
> Mitt Romney praises satanic Olympics opening ceremony: ‘imaginative, inventive.’
Barack Hussein Obama might not have been the worst option in 2012.
At least he made no attempt to hide his plans to wreck the country. Mittens turned out to be… I think we dodged a bullet, there.
Excuse me. I need to wash my keyboard in solvent after typing that.
Q should have launched Trump in 2012 and taken both of them out.
> Security firm experiencing nightmare after learning new remote employee is North Korean hacker who immediately began loading his work computer with malware.
“Sure. It could happen to anyone, right? Best not to ask too many questions about it; it might give the bad guys ideas, and it makes the stockholders uncomfortable. Just drop it and move on, that’s the ticket!”
> After promising no additional tax rises in election campaign, UK’s new left govt prepares ground for just that.
Where did I put my Surprised Face?
> Pentagon’s Ukraine aid accounting errors reach $8.2 billion.
The Government Accounting Office has been hounding the Pentagon for two decades, trying to get them to account for almost two trillion (with a T) dollars that were budgeted to them, but they can’t explain where the money went.
This is Congressionally authorized funding under GAO oversight, not “black budget” money which doesn’t go through GAO channels.
“The government” not only doesn’t listen to us, its separate pieces ignore each other as well.
You might want to look into the role of Dov Zakheim in relation to the missing Pentagon trillions.
> US government agrees to pay Peter Strzok $1.2 million in lawsuit settlement over release of anti-Trump text messages.
They were job-related texts between Federal employees with security clearances; they came out during a public investigation. As I see it, Strzok has no case.
It’s a payoff for being a good soldier and not ratting out his handlers. Way better than dying of “suddenly.”
> Chicago alderman sounds alarm on migrant surge ahead of DNC: ‘We can’t handle any more.’
Chicago has actively encouraged “migrants”, smacked down anyone who objected, and has been warehousing them in police station and airport lobbies. That’s official city policy, challenged many-many times by the citizenry without effect.
The Democratic Party also loves “migrants”. The more, the better, right? Texas needs to start running the buses to Chicago so the Democrats and city management get all the Diversity they so richly deserve.
> Former first lady Melania Trump’s upcoming memoir will hit bookstores on Sept. 24, her publisher tells CNBC, just weeks before the presidential election on Nov. 5.
It will be interesting to see what the reported sales figures look like. If the publisher asserts it was a complete flop that didn’t earn out its advance, it’s probably good.
Gonads of iron.
The WP install problem hit again and the sidebar is gone again.
Thank you!
The sidebar is gone again.
Thank you! I’ll have to get to a reinstall of the software, and see if maybe that fixes it.
The tweets from the retired DEA agent are obviously garbage. You can tell by the claim that the FBI has defined the domestic and foreign malign actors. The FBI is a malign actor. Its just more of the Q psyop telling us to sit on our hands and don’t do anything because the White Hats have everything under control so even if they take your guns and mutilate your kids genitals, just sit there on your ass and don’t do anything. Just another load of steaming hot bullshit.
Q never said that.
I believe Q’s words were FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT. That’s after telling the anons to launch memes and how to craft memes to defeat the AI’s in use at the time. And telling people to vote. Basically do what you can within the system while you still have it because there’s always time to start shooting, but peaceful conflict has a time limit.
Still not sure that I agree with The Plan, or ever will, but I see plenty of evidence for it.
I think the “Plan”, if there was one, may have failed.
Get lost.
“How did the three-man sniper team overlooking Crook’s position miss him?:”
This is just more “We’re not evil–only incompetent!” bullshit to fit The Narrative.
“Incompetent” seems to be a completely acceptable excuse when Federal agences are called out for not going their job. “Oh, okay then, never mind.”
Also more evidence that you cannot allow ANY amount of infiltration, because a minority of enemy operators can create serious problems.
Theoretically only one guy on this three-man needed to be a bona-fide cabal actor. If the CO of the three man team was the enemy agent, he could easily say “you go home, we’ve got this” to the third man who could be a legit agent. Then, he could “conveniently” get locked out at the exact moment required, taking another legit agent out of the equation for just enough time while creating plausible deniability of his own involvement in the hit process.
Even one enemy in your ranks can be your downfall.
Beware the enemy within.
“A retired DEA Agent writes on Twitter:”
We’ve been seeing stuff like this for almost a decade, and my first reaction is more Q BS.
However, I also think the Cabal plans to go nuclear this year (maybe literally), and they moved the launch date earlier. And that could well be prompted by their normal control operations starting to get unraveled, and they are going to overturn the card table and start shooting. I’ve been predicting that this will happen for some time, I just have no idea as to the timing.
It could also be triggered by events in China, that we will know nothing about.
So this is either completely made up, or if its not its more of a sign that we are close to another COVID type operation, which was launched close to when the Epstein operation was exposed.
Something massive is coming. And whatever it is, they do not want people having the ears of citizens, and just honestly assessing it.
They want everything everyone hears to be their mouthpieces spouting their narrative of the event. I am thinking the Covid lockdowns may have been a test to see how well they could isolate everyone from even real people in their lives, so all anyone would see for a few weeks would be their propaganda, and communications from friends routed through the internet and filtered by AI to remove any analysis they deemed problematic.
Lockdowns were designed to identify the “1 in 20” as the German POW commanders called the trouble makers.
I’ve often seen the media run variations of the “Kamala Harris is mean to her staff” stories, especially against female politicians. But they tend to get run against politicians the Cabal is obviously unhappy with or wants out of the way.
At this point, I think its safe to start treating all media stories about Kamala Harris, both positive and negative, as complete BS.
But the important point with here is that if the powers that be wanted her to be President of the United States, she would be Prez right now. They could have rigged the 2020 primaries for her just as effectively as they rigged them for “Biden”. There were tons of opportunities for “Biden” to resign (or to use the 25th Amendment) for all sorts of reasons over the last four years, and they didn’t happen. Many people were quite reasonably expecting a “Biden” resignation last week. It didn’t happen.
Whatever the Cabal plans are, they don’t involve Kamala Harris being President of the United States. If they do, it means the people running their operations are completely insane, since they are doing this in a totally a– backward manner.
Kamala Harris could also have mild schizophrenia, as Phelps says below. So that would explain why they don’t want her as President. But then they would not want her elected to the office either.
Donald said something “crazy” recently at a rally focusing on Christians about the necessity of voting being unnecessary after this cycle because of a system change.
“You won’t have to vote anymore [to save America].” Whoever has ears, let them hear. I don’t know if it will even be necessary THIS time, if he is reinstated, but we’ll see.
It was curious. I wonder if he means we will get rid of all the foreign assets of Cabal in the country. I suspect if you eliminated the surveillance, as in got rid of everyone in it, and eliminated the rigging, we would not see anymore 50-50 elections. Maybe what he means is we get rid of all that, and elections will be 95% for the pro-American candidate who is not trying to rip us off and 5% for the liberal.
It’s an interesting quote, and ties back to several of the devolution theories, which claim that Trump will be the last President.
The theory goes that the white hats, after totally destroying cabal networks globally, and locally, will dissolve the office of the President, and everything will be kicked back to the states, and the individual state any of us happen to live in will be our “country”, and voting will be in state elected officials.
That Trump just said it at a rally is thought provoking.
Bad idea.
50 different separate states will fall to divide and conquer easily.
If we don’t hang together we will all hang separately.
I’d rather he established a dynasty and passes the torch to Jr. or Barron.
And I’m a Republican heart and soul.
The break up of America has been the banksteins plan all along. It facilitate’s a divide and rule strategy as Farce has noted, but most importantly it takes a giant piece off the Grand geopolitical chessboard, leaving space for new, rising contenders.
See also Civil War 2 by Thomas Chittum.
I also think it’s a bad idea, both for national unity, as well as international action.
While I despise the degree of “foreign entanglements” the U.S. has been hobbled with since at least WWI, if there isn’t some degree of federal coordination, what’s to stop any given state from saddling up with another country for increased revenue, or something more nefarious?
I hate the permanent bureaucracy in D.C., and it should be scrapped, as well as most federal employees forced to find productive work in the real world, but we need some sort of framework to deal with inter state competition.
Cabal would love nothing more than 50 disorganized nations that have no coordinating principle, so cabal can work its manipulative magic.
TOO BIG TO RIG…. and then you never need to vote again?
Heard that and I’m kinda scratching my head. As long as he wins this election he’ll be able to fix things so well that we’ll never need to bother again? I think NOT.
“Trump: You have to get out and vote. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore.. In four years, you won’t have to vote again.”
FUCK. THAT. He’s a POTUS, not a messiah.
People are miss hearing what he said because of his accent.
At 18 seconds in:
—– “I love you Christians. I’m not Christian”
Also be careful to not interpret ambiguity as you want to hear it. When Boris Johnson said “Let’s get BREXIT done!”, he meant take it round the back and put a bullet in it.
Trump said “you wont need to vote”. That is ambiguous. Why will there be no need to vote? Because everything is fixed, or it achieves nothing?
Because everything is fixed? or it achieves nothing?
Or because all decisions will be made by others.
That’s not what he said.
He said I’m a Christian.
Not only is that clearly what he said, but there is absolutely no way he would say he wasn’t in this context, it does nothing for him to tell Christians he isn’t one.
Him saying you won’t need to vote is obviously aimed at unlikely voters who don’t like to go to the effort to vote, he’s telling them he will fix the fraud so their votes won’t be required to overwhelm the fraud.
How stupid do you think we are?
He said “I’m a (with an “a” sound like in hack or whack or quack) Christian”.
People are miss hearing what he said because of his accent.”
Lowell is right. Watch it slowed down (Twitter’s had this feature for a while), listen carefully, and watch his mouth.
Thee will be no need to vote because you will all be in camps?
Take a hike with your blackpilling.
I am here for situational awareness
Why do you want to shut down opinions you dont like?
You claimed Trump said “I am not a Christian” when he clearly said, “I’m a Christian,” and you said to the board “You will all be in camps,” not “We will all be in camps.”
I do not see anybody getting thrown in a camp here, that I am not going to be looking over at them from the cage next door.
> “what is the nature of that cryptic gesture you made during Netanyahu’s speech?”—“My hand was trying to flip him the bird, and I was holding my hand down to prevent it.
Arms and hands move independently sometimes. You remember Doctor Strangelove’s arm in the movie?”
I’ve been looking at disorders that manifest as both inappropriate laughter and logarrhea, and I’m both a little shocked and very disturbed that I’m only coming up with one.
Hebephrenia, or disorganized schizophrenia.
Hillary and Pelosi have The Cackle too.
Moo-Chelle mostly just glared at people.
“The United Kingdom will no longer object to the International Criminal Court seeking an arrest warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a major foreign policy change for the country’s new left-globalist government.”
This will probably only be of interest to Bible believers. A precedent has been established for invasions to be launched in order to arrest leaders of foreign countries. Think about how Bush launched the invasion of Panama to arrest Noriega (his former CIA asset). The coalitions that fought France before and during Napoleon’s rule had similar rationale.
We know that a powerful international coalition will invade Israel in the future. The prophets hint at the true, underlying motive, but don’t waste time documenting the official excuse(s). That excuse could very well be to arrest whoever the Israeli PM is at that time, after they are convicted by the ICC–or whatever succeeding court exists at the appointed time.
The almost universal hatred of Israel prophesied (Zechariah 12:2-3; Joel 3:9-16) is already falling into place–even here in America. And will probably manifest in reaction to my comment, in fact, for not showing sufficient Jew hate.
Of course the USA is immune from that court, and for good reason. But some of our presidents could surely qualify.
Remember that the enemy, being led by Satan, knows all this info as well and will seek to try and bring on the prophecy on their own terms to corrupt and try (in vain) to “beat” God.
Just because the prophecy appears to match on the surface, even the Bible says believe not in man as many will pretend to be the second coming of Christ, etc.
If you’re a true believer, then believe. God will make His works known.
Yikes. Hope he brings private security this time. And that they are not compromised, too.
Uh, why are these guys wearing NODs in the middle of the day? Guaranteed those are analog, so if the lens caps come off they will burn the tubes out in the sunlight. Plus you’re just gonna bang them up for no reason and they really aren’t cheap.
JUST RELEASED: Additional Bodycam footage where Trump Shooter was positioned
Daniel Davis / Deep Dive
Dude! They’re tacti-COOL! They’re the trademark of Operators, not mere field agents.
Feh. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s someone who sells fake ones, like the fake pagers and cellphones back in the 1990s.
They probably got them for free through some military surplus program, and have backups and backups to the backups back in storage.
Alternately they are thermal, or hybrid dual spectrum, and they keep them around incase they need to see through smoke for some reason.
I suspect that the additional equipment is for visuals, making a scarier impression on the civilians. Or just in case they have to enter a darkened building. All that black material has to be unbearable in the direct sun.
NODS on gear in case of quick reaction to interior fighting where power is compromised. Urban buildings can be DARK when all the lights are off, and mounting NODS is time wasted when they cost almost nothing to keep on with lens caps, as mentioned.
The person that Sean McDonough ( retired DE Agent) is relying on for information to make this statement on X is this guy:
A perennial scam artist , who weirdly enough..never gets busted and always seems to have enough $ to purchase expensive homes
The framing of Karen Read is extremely strange. Its lifted the lid on vast corruption throughout all of Mass government. Its a rabbit hole of epic proportions.However, it’s also attracting weird dudes like the guy you quoted who are acting Alex Jones like. Pointing out legit conspiracy but in a way that’s so strange and fantastical, it makes the whole cause look nutty.
Thank you!
Trump says he isnt Christian.
So what is he?
He also said he was a Christian, so I am guessing something is out of context somewhere. A lot of what Trump says is about disarming his enemies and getting them to cease opposition.
Denying Christ is not something to ignore, like Elon Musk’s Satan armor.
It’s not what he said.
Ivanka on the other hand converted to Judaism which exists in the AD era as a specific denial of Jesus Christ.
Those born in it don’t know any better, ex-christian converts are apostates and renegades that must never be trusted.
Might depend on what kind of “Christian” he’s talking about.
There are a lot of devout followers of Christ who want no part of what their organized churches have turned into.
they would describe themselves as “Christian”, as opposed to “not Christian”
That’s not what he said.
Trump is not an evangelical Christian. He is a baptized Presbyterian. As a mainline Protestant, he’s expected to show up for birth, first communion, confirmation and maybe his marriage and then his death. Everything else is optional.
He didnt say “he is not an evangelical Christian”
He said “he is not a Christian”
He did not say that and it would make zero sense for him to say that.
He said he was a Christian.
Do Presbyterians even have first communion and confirmation?
No First Communion (proper noun) for Presbyterians.
They have the equivalent of Confirmation. My parents attempted to force me to join their church. There were mandatory classes with the minister, after school. Miss one or two and you couldn’t join that year! I had a convenient detention.
The next year, I just informed my mother that as a parent, she could force me to attend the classes… she could force me to appear in front of the congregation on the special day… but she could NOT force me to “lie to God,” if you get my drift.
When asked, “do you believe in yada, yada, yada,” I would be answering, “No, I do not!”
Never heard “boo” about the topic after that.
I was so impressed by how well that went that I decided that if drafted, when asked to swear their oath, that I would decline.
“Do youse guys want me to commit perjury?”
Happily I got a high draft number, buy I later learned that similar kept others from conscription.
I am truly *thankful* that I never needed to frag a fellow human being.
Well there’s Christian by birth, and non practicing Christian unaffiliated. I don’t belong to any church but still believe. I am not pure for sure, but certainly don’t go out of my way to mess with people or things. I was kind of a jerk when I was younger and have reflected on that.
What is “Christian by birth”?
“Ima Murican.”
It aint no thang
Sauce needed.
He clearly says he is a Christian and it would make no sense for him to say he isn’t one in that speech.
Worcestershire works well. A1 will do in a pinch.
is that code for something?
It’s slang for source.
Interestingly “Source” is the lefty fallback.
This is something that happened on the internet, but lefties will demand an internet source, for things that were known before the internet existed. Anything not approved by wikipedia mods becomes untruth. This way they control information.
This weekend, the deviant Olympics ceremony got deleted and they are shutting down people that reported it with Copyright Strikes.
We live in an age of lies. Information control is everywhere. I am not going to believe Trump said “Imma Christian” because you say so, and spamming the board will not change that
It did sound like Trump was using that silly voice where he accentuates stuff, and talks funny, and Immaa Christian came out like Iiimmmmman Christian.
And it would be weird for Trump to claim to not be a Christian, when he could say nothing and have no detriment.
And Farce has been here a long time and put a lot of effort in here, so please be polite. I dislike fighting and insulting in general, but I really dislike it when new people show up and get into fights with the old timers here.
The demand for a source is required so that others can make their own judgement instead of just accepting the bald assertions of a troll.
Trump clearly did not say what you claim.
And we have the source to prove it, in spite of you not wanting us to have it:
“Sauce” in this context means evidence/links/proof.
Watch it slowed down (Twitter’s had this feature for a while), listen carefully, and watch his mouth. He said “Imma Christian”.
Re the Digital Security company employing a North Korean hacker. This to me is just seeding the consciousness of people that there are several malign actors out there looking to cyber attack us. Claus Shwamp’s WEF claimed we would have a massive cyber attack before 2025, which means this year. How can they be so precise in their assessment?
Whitney Webb correctly identifies just who controls US critical cyber infrastructure here>
Good point.
Just So Ya Know Dept:
The famous (poisoned) Hari Krishna guru, Prabhupada, is the focus of a website and a Telegram channel that claim Donald Trump is “The Man To Come,” prophesied by a certain Austrian artist and vegetarian… the man who will lead America to overthrow the “culture distorting” Jews. (!)
Stranger things have happened, I suppose.
Oddly, this is exactly what Mike King claims, author of “I Don’t Like Ike,” and 25 or whatever interesting books, although Mr. King has not opined about Prabhupada, to the best of my knowledge.
You can search out the links, if you are interested. Just don’t tell Q.(!)
But think about it! DJT did say you should not inform the world about your intentions. SO…. What if President Trump pretends to be Bibi baby’s biggest fan, and invites him here only to be arrested and replaced with a double? And all those traitors in the fed gov betrayed themselves by giving Bibi mass quantities of standing ovations?
We should always hope, eh?
If you ask me — and I understand that you didn’t — seeing as that big public arrest of the Patriot Front Gang was a false arrest, which it was, if you paid attention, then the fuzz did not need to remove their hats and masks, and shades. Right?
As for giving PF a few used shields, welllll…. didn’t we give the Ukraine’s midgit Jew a whole passel of used tanks and aero planes?
Here’s to living through interesting times!
For my fellow 1911 fans, just discovered this the other day:
[3D printed 1911)OK boomer – final live fire testing in 45ACP
Purchase machined alum insert rails
Sphynx BETA. A 3dprinted Beretta 92/M9
I have joined the DD chat group, have the 1911 rails sitting on my desk, I CANNOT get into the beta for either one. I don’t know the chat program at all because I don’t do chat programs. I’m a hermit.
I’m planning on doing a whole DiY “operator”[insert laughter] loadout. 3D printed braced pistol with welded together silencer and 3D printed 1911 with a cheap plate carrier and even 3D printed digital NODS+IR laser. It will be ridiculous, but also eye opening I hope.
I have like four vids that I’ve been working on for BOOTSTRAPPY this last year and I’m not finishing anything. I feel trapped and completely stuck. I am on the hook to help my boss build his new plane, but at the same time I kinda want to build a plane because it’s BUILDING A PLANE. But that still keeps BOOTSTRAPPY stalled.
I need at least a solid month or even TWO to get it all working:
1)insulated 8-10×10 shed for storage and extra workspace which is going to need a hot-wire cutter to cut the foam
2) have a new old machine I’m rebuilding that I got from my grandpa
3)the laser engraver
4)MK2 which is sitting in the exact place with all the parts waiting for me to put it together for over a year now. I need to finish designing and printing the Z axis, but otherwise it just needs to be bolted together and setup with the LinuxCNC wizard.
5)3D printed gun stuff
6)upgrades to MK2 and the new-old machine
7)DiY CNC plasma cutter
And oh yeah, I need to figure out some things to actually make and sell. I’ve got some 3D print designs going up on my new Etsy store soon…. once I get my my NC drivers license transferred to my current state, new business account with my current credit union, and the storefront setup. And I have to take off of work to do that because nothing happens on the weekend in this state.
I’m sure you’ve all noticed that I am going to be absolutely shit businessman because I am a shit administrator who can’t get anything done on a deadline. I can’t quit my job yet because no savings. Need at least a couple of months worth. Plus side is that I don’t have any more tools to buy, at least not for this round. I SHOULD be able to save some cash. Not buying anymore gun stuff this year. Still I am jumping out of my skin. Whenever I’m at work all I’m thinking is WHY AM I STILL HERE? Then I remember that I promised my boss I would help him build the plane and he needs me because he’s a very difficult to deal with person if you aren’t used to taking orders, and most just aren’t these days.
Another sign of depression, I’m gaining weight. Back is still a problem and it’s only going sideways, it’s never getting any better, just slowly deteriorating. I’m planning a new shop where everything is at or above my waist level with an overhead steel-girder gantry crane so that I never have to bend over or lift anything, just need $50K or so to make it happen. Should be any day now<sarcasm>.
If you are still reading this I apologize for whining. I didn’t set out to type this, it’s just coming out.
You need acupuncture for the back. At the very least, poke around the hamstrings, back of the knees, sides of the knees, calves, and ankles for raw points which hurt when you press on them (ashi points), and massage those until the pain in them abates. They will often be either on bone or have tendons with raw spots.
Then change up your sleeping position. If you sleep on your back, roll up a towel, slip it under your side, and sleep that way.
And if you really want to shake it up, wait until you get a week off, and the first day, dissolve a teaspoon of epsom salt in lemon-lime gatorade and drink it with two calcium supplement pills, then the next day two teaspoons and four calciums, then three and six the day after that, and build up to six and twelve. You will probably get diarrhea, but it will reset you Chinese medicine wise, the magnesium is a muscle relaxant, and I would bet your back improves quickly.
Seconded on acupuncture/trigger point massage (you can do trigger point yourself, worth learning, especially for referred pain idea: the thing that hurts isn’t always the problem)
Back stuff can be more, sadly. Disc issues are tough to live with and heal, and often are more inflammation related. Turmeric and other anti-inflam foods/drugs are very helpful.
I’ll pray for you.
Re: your back issues, research the McGill Method developed by Dr. Stuart McGill, particularly is “big 3” core exercises. I had suffered major back issues for nearly 20 years which progressively grew worse until my wife finally pushed me to see an orthopedic surgeon re it. The dude put me through a lot of tests and assessments and ultimately turned out to be a quack, essentially wanted to shoot Botox into my lower back to temporarily deaden the nerves and ease the pain. Told him that was the equivalent of putting a piece of tape over the check engine light on my dashboard board. Got up off the exam table and walked out. At the point had pretty much resigned myself to the fact I was fucked. Then a few days later I told the story to my acupuncturist who referred me to a doc that had been certified on the McGill method that she met at her CrossFit gym. She talked me into reaching out to him and so I did. That was 4 years ago and have not regretted it. Those big 3 exercises made a huge difference. I’m virtually pain free now.
Stuart mcgillStuart McGill: A Renowned Expert in Spine Biomechanics and Low Back Pain
Dr. Stuart McGill is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Spine Biomechanics at the University of Waterloo, with over 32 years of experience in the field. He has authored over 240 medical and scientific journal papers and has developed a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing low back pain.
Key Contributions
Stuart McGill is legit.
An inversion table used twice a day for 5 minutes was my physical therapists suggestion, and it helps a lot. It’s not a magic fix, but I’ve not been back to the therapist since I started using this several years back. Then again, I’ve also been doing ivermectin/fenben for arthritis.
Sent you a message via a prior channel.
I don’t know about acupuncture, but in my case, I went from barely mobile with crutches to doing 5K walks in a year.
It turned out the barbell bozos were right. Lifting weights does a lot more than just making you strong.
> I can’t quit my job yet because no savings. Need at least a couple of months worth. Plus side is that I don’t have any more tools to buy, at least not for this round. I SHOULD be able to save some cash. Not buying anymore gun stuff this year. Still I am jumping out of my skin. Whenever I’m at work all I’m thinking is WHY AM I STILL HERE?
Unsolicited advice, but I was in a very similar spot a few years ago. Working a dead end job just to try and save up to start my own venture. It’s working out now, but frankly you’ll never be prepared and you’ll never have enough capital to be secure in that transition. Like a gunfight, getting into the shit will expose your flaws and lack of planning in ways you could never predict, and you always wish you had more CAS and artillery available that you just don’t have.
If you’re a target of this machine the enemy runs it means you’re smart and capable enough to go get shit done, so just trust yourself and pray to God to provide the rest. There’s no better motivator than having nothing to fall back on; the art of war and putting soldiers backs to the wall and all that. When you have no safe job to retreat to you WILL find a way to make the business thing work.
Courts Close the Loophole Letting the Feds Search Your Phone at the Border
Olympic twitter channel put up sterilized highlights (a meager soup) and getting destroyed in the comments
Hi AC. FYI, In chapter 19 of American Stasi, the following link led me to the Word Press page.
You can see it at, where I am laying out, and after eight minutes in the video of nothing, suddenly the beam turns on and a spot on the foil rapidly heated and became white hot on the thermal video.
Thank you!
That should go to
Excellent, great catch.