News Briefs – 07/27/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Twitter Brief is here.


Don Jr’s new book is titled “Liberal Privilege,” and it is available for pre-order. You can get signed copies too. Also funny is Don Jr actually owns the domain He does have a nose for topics with no shortage of material.

Igor Danchenko, the man behind the lies in the Steele dossier was ordered by a court to obtain mental health counseling and had previously crossed paths with Rod Rosenstein.

Sundance looks at how when Sessions recused, and handed his oversight responsibilities to Rosenstein, Rosenstein has testified he refused to perform oversight, which means SC oversight fell to Tashina “Tash” Gauhar, who was literally from the school and law firm of former Obama “wingman” Attorney General Eric Holder. Here is a facial bifurcation of Tash, who has a shocking level of disgust manifested in the left, “true” side of her face, to the point she is practically snarling and baring her teeth:


If you thought ‘Defund the Police’ was insane you’ll love ‘abolish prisons’ in Seattle. Nobody supports this shit. And yet it keeps happening. I am increasingly of the opinion that unless you are routinely killing politicians, to the point it is seen as an everyday occurrence, you cannot possibly have any democracy. And of course, killing anybody the conspiracy doesn’t want killed is impossible in these times, for reasons we have covered here too many times to quantify.

Queen’s nephew Earl of Snowdon ‘named in Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous black book of contacts,’ along with Mick Jagger, Richard Branson, Flavio Briatore, and Tony Blair.

Tom Hanks got his whole family Greek citizenship. Feels like it would be significant, but I can’t see how, as it doesn’t affect extradition. It might make getting secret bank accounts easier, if he were able to do it as a Greek with a Greek passport, rather than as an American.

National polls on the 2020 presidential race are meant to “suppress the enthusiasm” of President Trump’s voters by making it look like Biden is winning, Tim Murtaugh, director of communications for the Trump reelection campaign, said Saturday.

On July 24th, Conservative columnist and activist Lloyd Marcus passed away at the age of 71. He passed from a “sudden heart attack.” I wish he could have seen what is coming, from this side with his own eyes, but he did get to witness the greatest President in history, and my guess is he will see the rest from the other side.

Aurora Police launch investigation into driver who drove through protesters. The short stout female, probably lesbian Chief of Police is upset because when he sped through the crowd, a protester opened fire and hit two other protesters. I long wondered why so many Police Chiefs were not hardened beat cops, but rather were the last people you would want showing up to save you if attacked. Obviously Cabal needed people who were not warriors to make calls like this, and when necessary, defend the very people attacking the Police as they persecute the regular citizens.

In Seattle, Antifa and BLM had a list of businesses they were told to target for destruction. Notice the City Council is passing taxes on one of the targeted companies and its employees, while another local criminal protest group the City Council caters to is going around extorting the businesses, the Police have their hands tied when dealing with any of it, and the prosecutor won’t prosecute anything even if the Police chased it down. I even noticed that one shop said, “… they smashed all the windows, the security gates, the doors, pretty extensive damage. Normally we can get it fixed really quick but in Seattle the glass companies are really backed up.” Why is that significant? I just happen to know a bit about that. The primary glass manufacturers/suppliers in the country, which supply the plate these guys needs to repair windows, are unionized (union shops), and they will not sell to any glass repair business which is not unionized itself. As a result, there are few if any glass repair businesses which are not union, and I suspect getting in the union is a subjective affair reserved for those who are in the club. So you have yet another centralization of power and influence, which the Cabal-owned Democrats are known for historically controlling, which will now keep this guy’s business closed by just telling him they are too backed up to get to his shop. You are beginning to understand what happens to all the kooks who claimed they were gangstalked, when they suddenly find the machine is everywhere they go, and always letting them know it. It is all connected. Only these people still don’t know everything that is behind all the walls they are running into. As Q says, this thing is bigger than you could possibly believe.

Anti-cop demonstrators wreaked havoc in Lower Manhattan on Saturday night, setting fires and vandalizing several NYPD vehicles.

San Francisco relaxes restrictions on gay bathhouses so they can contribute to the economic recovery. But don’t you dare go to church.

Topps honored Fauci with a baseball card after his piss-poor first pitch.

The American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME) launched a national ad calling for Congress to provide $1 trillion in financial assistance to states, cities, towns and school districts in the next coronavirus relief package.

Trump just tweeted this New York Post article on Biden’s plan to take every peaceful middle class suburb, and forcibly build low income housing for welfarites right in the middle of the neighborhood, so they can bring the ghettos into the nice neighborhoods.

In a rare revelation, Beijing has admitted that its 2.4-kilometer Three Gorges Dam spanning the Yangtze River in Hubei province “deformed slightly” but says it is still safe.

Seattle radio host and Twitter-based criminal defense advocate Paul Gallant mocked President Trump last month by denying that the riots are violent, then the radio host was scored on by rioters who set fire to his apartment.

Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community watch and security groups, some bearing firearms, to fight a surge of crime. Gun control is dead.

Harvey Risch, professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, says that hydroxychloroquine is “the key to defeating COVID-19” in a Newsweek op-ed published this past week.

Ukraine proposes to introduce fine for promoting homosexuality. This will accompany the return of K.

Mike Ditka says, ‘If you can’t respect our national anthem, get the hell out of the country.’ Mike was supposed to run against Obama after Jack Ryan bowed out over his divorce files being unsealed, for no real reason at all. He was practically in, and would have beaten Obama, but then he suddenly got cold feet and pulled out. I always wondered how they got somebody like Ditka to back off, but I suppose they have their ways.

John Elway head of Football Operations for the Denver Broncos says, “Kneel on my field and you are fired on the spot.”

A decisive scientific look at the reliability, accuracy, and wear-factors around using steel case vs brass case ammo. The summary is steel case’s cheaper bullets and powders wears out your barrel faster, but if you can replace your own barrel, it may still be cheaper than Federal, which was easier on the gun but much more expensive. I was surprised to see that rapid fire actually lowered barrel life down to 10,000 rounds.

Meadows says White House is ‘hopeful’ it can announce new coronavirus therapies ‘in the coming days.’

BLM protester who pointed his AK-47 at a driver and fired five shots into his car to try and stop it, was shot dead.  Well done. Always keep your gun out of sight until you commit to killing someone. Video here, but you can’t really see anything, so you just hear the shots, followed by a lot of little girl screams.

Pentagon ‘orbital outpost’ in the works, which would be a major step for American military in space.

Spread r/K Theory, because liberal privilege is a thing.

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4 years ago

G’morning AC. Happy Monday. Thanks for these daily posts.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

You have to wonder if this is a spoof. Hard to tell these days. Graffitti artist paint on a wall and when the owner paints over it he is fined for defacing “art”.

We desperately need to start impeaching judges. The latest ruling where movies can open but not churches is silly. You won’t get many people who will not see this as blatant attacks on the churches. I think Trump should publicly ask for Roberts impeachment and make it a campaign issue based on the church closings having different rules than commercial establishments. I bet if we impeached 3 or 4 of the most egregious cases it would save us a lot of grief as they would back off from making up laws that don’t exist.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Impeach all 5 on the wrong side of that ruling.

Let the left freak out about losing ALL of their SCOTUS power.

4 years ago

The Simpsons expose the globohomo gaybal:

4 years ago

What kind of malfunctioning artificial intelligence wrote the article about John Elway?

4 years ago

John A. Stormer in the 60s made many Americans aware of a conspiracy in America. He was not the first.

There are many reactionary precursors to this conspiracy.

AC uses the term “Cabal”.

But the first name given to this was “INSIDERS” by Robert Welch founder of the John Birch Society. He came out with the “Blue Book of the John Birch Society” in 1959 where he outlined a Communist conspiracy governing a revolution within America. In a follow-up essay titled the “The Truth in Time”, Mr. Welch used the term “INSIDERS” for the first time and he always put the word in all caps.

[QUOTE] “For more than a hundred years now the conspiracy had pushed on steadily, along many avenues, all leading to the one goal of world rule. During that last half of the Nineteenth Century the INSIDERS were using the Communists, the anarchists, the socialists of various hues and kinds, and dozens of other groups, to promote their purposes. Many of these groups were largely unconscious of how they were being spurred on and guided by a few clever INSIDERS. While under the guise of humanitarianism, and in the pretended promotion of freedom and equality and brotherhood, these INSIDERS, and the guillible idealists who served as their dupes, were busily undermining the very beliefs and institutions which made the Nineteenth Century a highwater mark of such civilization as man has laboriously achieved. [END QUOTE]
(ref, The Blue Book of the John Birch Society, 28 printing, 2000 A.D., Western Islands, Appleton, Wisconsin. pg 174)

The Democrat Party is the Marxist Party USA. The Anarchists work with communists. The Masons also adhere to the agenda of race-mixing. America is undergoing a Marxist takeover. And many within the Republican Party adhere to Political Correctness/Social Justice which is Cultural Marxism. John Kasich, John McCain, the Never Trumpers, et al. These are part of Cabal Inc.

No need to re-invent the wheel, people have for the longest time been warning of this Cabal.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

It appears they have been doing this forever. Infiltration from the female side.

4 years ago

It is truly appalling how many police departments – particularly on the Left Coast – are headed by women or womxn. Starting with little Heather Fong in San Francisco, with Danielle Outlaw in Portland, Sue Rahr in King County, and now the spectacularly feckless Carmen Best in Seattle…the list goes on and on. The longtime (male) Chief in Tacoma is currently at odds with the City Council over a Fentanyl Floyd-like incident, so expect him to be replaced soon, probably by the lesboriffic Chief of Tigard, Oregon.

None of these females got to their exalted positions by being rock-em sock-em crimefighters. Each came up through the Community Policing scam, which seeks to repurpose police departments as social workers with badges. Once in positions of power, these masqueraders then hire and promote in their own images. As their respective departments become more and more ineffectual at their basic purpose, the rates of violent crime skyrocket toward insurrection.

Cabal? Most likely. Oxygen thieves? Definitely.

4 years ago

fake news re: that John Elway quote. he never said that.

4 years ago

Funny silly video for some laughts:

4 years ago

1) so tashina guahar is a street-shitter? that’s *very* interesting, explains a lot, and moves the rationale/mechanics of the attempted coup in a significantly different direction, I’d say

2) Three Gorges: that article you linked is dated 21 Jul. in the last week or so, memos from chairman xi have clearly gone out to the whole world: “no talkee.” we’ll see, soon enough – 7 more weeks left in wuhan monsoon season

3) in re plate glass/union cartel: AC, I’ve worked with some hardcore unions in the past (you don’t know what fun is until you’ve dealt with Oakland teamsters. a goodly % of those guys belong to another group: the black panthers. guess how it was dealing with those assholes) but even those guys didn’t have anywhere near the clout to make ownership/management *refuse to sell the product* to ready, willing, & able buyers the union didn’t like. how’d they pull that off??

4 years ago

Mike Adams didn’t kill himself. I don’t think he has been mentioned on the blog yet.

4 years ago

“Minneapolis residents in some areas still recovering from rioting and unrest are forming community watch and security groups, some bearing firearms, to fight a surge of crime. Gun control is dead.”

No we need to mutilate its corpse and start repealing laws, especially the laws restricting full auto and heavy weapons.

4 years ago

Ban Judaism and Islam in the West, then deport or execute all zionists, and then sanction or nuke Israel.

4 years ago

About Tom Hanks and Greece:

comment image

4 years ago

Excellent thread on Antifa organization:

Reply to  info
4 years ago

Great post.

4 years ago

Twitter Censors Trump By Completely Removing His Tweet For First Time

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Sundance looks at how when Sessions recused”

I didn’t understand why he did that until Ann Coulter explained it. She said that Trump went on one of the news shows and said something to the effect he directly fired someone. I don’t remember all the details. She said that Sessions was only following the law and that to follow the law he had no choice. Now we are used to dems not obeying any rules at all but to some old fashioned types, like Sessions, following the law is paramount. It’s a mixed bag. We want our side to win but continuing to not follow the law means that the end result strictly ends up being who is able to be more violent and use force. I don’t want that necessarily.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

not buying it. sessions had been a senator for 25 years, he *knew damn well* that his recusal would a) hamstring his boss terribly and b) allow the dems/coup plotters to get up to all KINDZA trouble in the DOJ.

coulter be damned; her act got tired a long time ago. he shouldn’t have recused. since he did, his next move should have been his instant resignation. had he done the right thing, I expect Trump would have plugged him into the cabinet elsewhere; and/or he’d have won his old senate seat back. he’d still have a political career, and he’d still be worthy of respect.

but nooooo, being AG was always his dream, so….. piss on Trump; piss on the USA….. he was gon be AG, y’all heah?!?

at a time when we’re kinda sorta teetering on the edge of dissolution & civil war, jeff sessions put his ego over the good of the country. and then mewled “laws” when he was called on it. to hell with him

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

I try to stay out of the Sessions argument but I will say this, if Sessions was playing out the plan and is not an idiot it hangs on revelations that are yet to come.

His recusal without resigning looks bad enough but he also failed to do much of anything else that screamed out to be done about things he didn’t have to recuse from under any interpretation of the law.