News Briefs – 07/26/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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The Biden speech (video here) is confirmed as AI generated:

Some thought it was just a new actor:

And I would expect Biden to lie about his height, and only be like 5′ 10″ or less.

They demanded he pull out of the race, he refused, and now he looks like he is missing. That might be why his entire family looked so ashen-faced. It is possible they killed him with the beam, for not playing ball. It would make sense of them reportedly dropping the White House flag to half-staff for a day, which is only supposed to be done for a President or former President’s death. That could have been a message to all of them across the country, which only they understood. Also fascinating – there is no doubt this is an AI video, meaning the White House put out an entirely fake video address from a “not-President,” and the news media will not say a word about it, even though it would be a scandal with drama and ratings far beyond anything we could imagine. So the media is entirely just a propaganda arm of whatever this is, taking over the West, and it is taken over enough nothing they want kept secret will leak from it. I say a lot of crazy shit here, but as time goes on, you have to see the world is a lot crazier than you were told, and I was just trying to honestly help my kind get on top of that.

Josh Hawley – Whistleblower tells me local law enforcement partners & suppliers offered drones to Secret Service BEFORE the rally – but Secret Service declined.

Beaver Country Emergency Services SWAT counts 5 SHELL CASINGS nicely grouped on the roof of the AGR Building.

Crooks made three explosive devices with remote detonation capability with no online search history of bomb making and hatched assassination plot just 7 days before Butler rally.

Daily Mail has another UAP zipping behind the stage at President Trump’s Pennsylvania rally, as Secret Service stormed the stage. The expert dismissing it says people are always flying drones at Trump rallies, so it was probably that, but clearly it moves too fast, Secret Service says it deployed no drones, and they would not let a citizen fly a potentially explosive-laden drone at a Trump rally, so do your own math. So that is two by the water tower, one behind the flag, and this one. At the very least, they are watching. And apparently moving so fast people there do not see them.

Shocking poll finds 9% of “likely US voters” that voted in 2020 were not US citizens or “not sure.”

Shock poll: 28% of people who voted by mail admit to committing one form of fraud.

Sixty-two percent of likely voters are concerned that the 2024 election will be marred by cheating, a new survey released by Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute finds.

A lawsuit seeking records about the FBI’s involvement with the Oklahoma City bombing caused the DOJ and the FBI to make statements so misleading they merit sanctions, according to the plaintiff in that case, Utah attorney Jesse Trentadue. The lawyer wants records regarding Roger Edwin Moore, a CIA asset, an FBI informant, and a business associate to OKC bomber Tim McVeigh; as well as records about the Aryan Republican Army, a neo-Nazi bank-robbery gang also involved in the attack. FBI told the judge they already released them all so he can dismiss the case, turns out that was a lie. Mainly interesting we are heading to some kind of climax and big reveal, and this is on a trajectory intersecting that point as well.

GovTrack deletes website ranking Harris as 2019’s ‘Most Liberal Senator.’

Miranda Devine has an interesting op-ed today in the New York Post, sharing information gleaned from a group of law enforcement who are no longer cooperating with what they see as a highly politicized FBI. I have noticed only a certain Police Department seems to follow me in my area now.

American Accountability Foundation – ?BREAKING: We have sent a letter to @SpeakerJohnson demanding the House immediately investigate credible claims that Kamala Harris extorted President Biden under the threat of the 25th amendment to end his candidacy. These reports indicate a clear federal crime was committed.

Barack Obama is “very upset” with Democrat President Joe Biden for endorsing Kamala Harris as his replacement in the presidential race, according to a new report.

Biden megadonor John Morgan believes Joe Biden endorsed Kamala Harris as a “Fuck you to all who pushed him out,” because Obama wanted an open primary and had his eye on Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) as the nominee. I thought this, before I saw it appeared it was an AI Biden. However if this were true, it would mean whoever constructed the AI Biden did this to thwart Obama. It would also make sense of the fact both Biden and Jill hate Kamala, and reportedly had intended to not give her support.

One of the world’s biggest drug lords, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel, has been arrested by US federal agents in El Paso, Texas. Do you think this dude popped into the neighborhood, and was rolling around, and the local surveillance cell had no idea who he was?

Biden White House says he would not pardon son Hunter for his three federal gun charges that carry a jail sentence. I don’t care, they are all traitors, but who does not tell the world to go fuck to protect their own child?

Newsweek mocked for claiming Donald Trump was not really shot because only part of a bullet hit him.

NY Times reports show Kamala Harris had bigger role than ‘border czar.’

The Mormon Church — officially the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) — is quietly welcoming thousands of migrants sent to Utah from overcrowded Denver, Colorado, despite public protests by state and local elected officials.

As Trump seeks to show he has no connection to Project 2025, JD Vance writes the foreword to a book by the founder of the project. Never trust anyone with a book deal.

The Gateway Pundit’s bankruptcy filing in Florida has been rejected by a federal court, with the judge saying, in her belief, the relief sought is being done in ‘bad faith.’

Shoplifting skyrockets by 24% across US even as most other crimes fall to pre-pandemic levels.

Video resurfaces of MrBeast making sexual comments about then 14-year-old Bhad Bhabie days after cohost Ava Kris Tyson is accused of being a child predator. This is supposedly a big Youtuber, and another one with disturbing eyes. He had a married male sidekick with kids who went trans, and now has been found to be grooming some underaged boy, and now it looks like he has a kid thing too. It is more evidence which indicates to me, these youtubers are only making fake bank given to them by Cabal, to make them seem important, so that when you look at the field, it is all controllable degenerates.

CrowdStrike to vendors: Sorry for the global tech outage. Here’s a $10 Uber Eats voucher. Not fake.

Major study of 9 million confirms Covid shots cause vaccine-induced immune deficiency.

Gina Carano is ‘moved to tears’ after judge REJECTS Disney’s motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing.

Pentagon looks to rescind 20 Medal of Honor awards given to soldiers in the 1890s for actions during the Wounded Knee massacre.

Gov. Gavin Newsom is ordering state agencies to begin sweeping homeless encampments on public property, using newfound authority after the U.S. Supreme Court’s OK last month. Could produce significant unrest in the runup to the election, given these people have nowhere else to go.

Texas is hit with barrage of earthquakes up to 5.0 magnitude in past 48 hours.

Israeli tourists in Tokyo attacked a pro-Palestine demonstration organized by local residents. The same thing happened here. Do you think these were regular Israelis? Do you think braining ten or fifteen people with no authority or power changes anything? Probably not. But look at the meme. Those fucking Jews are coming here and beating up our citizens to bully us into supporting them! Powerful stuff. I recoil at the site of Netanyahu spewing his bullshit and making all our politicians grovel – and bringing his laundry here. I think he was in on the Hamas attack. But I also think the hatred of him I have is partly due to a psyop being run on me, designed to drive a broader hatred of Jews in general, in preparation for what Cabal has coming.

Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an American surgeon with heavy catastrophe-zone experience, is among those stunned by the civilian devastation they’ve recently witnessed in Gaza, and especially by a high volume of what appear to be precision rifle-fire wounds on children — including toddlers.

The bureaucrats of the European Union want to build a comprehensive =database of the assets owned by all citizens.

Trains across France halted by coordinated arson attacks ahead of Olympics opening.

Masked Muslims are currently throwing eggs at Rochdale police station in the UK as Police hide inside.

Tommy Robinson on the British government playing Russian Roulette with their children:

Florida Department of Law Enforcement loses in court over it delaying gun purchases. No doubt the winds have changed on this issue, in ways I do not think Cabal or the surveillance would want. It would be consistent with the existence of a counter-conspiracy.

Ammoland makes the case that in pushing for a regulation banning bump-stocks, Trump actually thwarted what would otherwise have been a law, and been much harder to overturn, and that this was all by design, and done in conjunction with the NRA. Don Jr and Eric are hardcore NRA guys, and I am sure even if Trump did not have an opinion on guns, they would make sure he was firmly on our side.

Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris by 7 nationally, 50-43 percent.

Spread r/K Theory, because machineguns are back on the menu

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7 months ago

Trump needs to pack the court:

Only since 1869 have there consistently been nine justices appointed to the Supreme Court. Before that, Congress routinely changed the number of justices to achieve its own partisan political goals, resulting in as few as five Supreme Court justices required by law under John Adams to as many as 10 under Abraham Lincoln.

More at:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Packing is only good if he can get reliable people in there who then solidify the position in favor of the good. Arbitrarily adding more retards to the goblin pile is just asking for pain.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Goblin pile! 😂😂😂

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

We need Thomas to pick all new Justices.
But just adding more halfway decent Justices like Gorsuch, Alito and Kavanaugh will make things better because the places they are wrong should be different and average out.

On a court of 13 it doesn’t really matter if 5 Justices are not pro-gun enough and 4 are not pro-free speech enough etc.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

He’s not going to do that. He’s a 1990’s populist and will NOT set up America as the far right country that it really should be to re-balance things. He’s going to set it back up as a centerist melting pot, which of course is what got us into this mess in the first place.They way to make America Great Again is to make America White Again, 9-to-1 white Christian to one OTHER preferably Christian. He has no intention of doing that.

Deport illegals? At the same time we’re going to keep shipping in non-christian non-white LEGALS(especially for the tech sector). Put the gays back in the closet? Nope. It’s not all bad, on economics obviously energy costs will go down, as will taxes and a continued push for hacking away red tape.

Dr. Carson basically spells it out here, as impressive as a man as he is, he is all in favor of this agenda like the baby-boomer he is.

Dr. Ben Carson: The Left’s Worship of Kamala Harris, and God’s Mission for Donald Trump
Tucker Carlson

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
7 months ago


7 months ago

Yesterday AC made this comment:

IMO this is most original and insightful comment I have seen on this issue.

We cannot have leadership, communication, or organization. Those have been effectively removed from us, and cannot happen.

This issue bears critically on our side’s consciousness. Many people on our side have no idea that these deprivations exist, their categorical nature, and the implications. I am not demeaning the lack of awareness.

The situation was just not thinkable until the last few years. Throughout history TPTB could suppress but not categorically. A Solidarity could always be created.

But daily we see those on our side confidently assert variations of “our side has the guns” without ever explaining how those guns were going to be useful. We see people proclaiming that if a hair on Trump’s head is harmed the people will rise up, a remarkably untethered assertion. The scenario is unimaginable given conditions of surveillance, etc.

But the many lone wolves scenario makes sense. It can only be hoped that a sufficient number can exist to make a difference. Has it ever happened? It may now, because now is the first time ever it was the only option.

And circumstances like J6 are attempts to remove the potential lone wolves before anything happens.

The Cabal regime depends on confusion and secrecy, and they have done that amazingly well. Our side will have to do the same.

Last edited 7 months ago by Tonawanda
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

The time is quickly approaching! It was almost when Trump was assassinated but you know GOD stepped in. You will know when. It is getting so obvious and when we lay down our lives it will not be easy. We will fight with holy hellfire! There will be no quarter, no reprieve, no place to hide. It is our destiny it is the destiny of man! May GOD have mercy on their souls because we will not! #ChristIsKing

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Tonawanda
7 months ago

“How the hell do civilians defend themselves against a police state when the guy at the top has access to ALL their lines of communication? How do they plan a revolt?”

Digital Fortress- Dan Brown.

Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

In a famous tabletop scenario the older crowd defeated all digital measures. It was as simple as written communication delivered by motorcycle courier. The other side was stumped as to how the lines remained open when they achieved complete infrastructure control.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Tonawanda
7 months ago

Somewhere there is a list of all surveillance operators and locations. If my name were on it, or my house or business were on that list I would be very nervous.

So let’s say the list is released. Within minutes anons would start compiling all the information they could find on the names and locations. How many hours do you think it would take before patriots arrive to settle their scores? Bounties will be offered, AC says it will be horrific, and it will be all that and more:

“Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” HL Mencken

7 months ago

I think the simplest explanation that fits the fact was that “Biden” has been an AI all along, at least for years. I had thought they rotated in and out actors, but the AI makes more sense and explains the “dementia” to cover for malfunctions of the AI.

The key is that “Biden” said he was not running for President, but he would still remain President, and there is no 25th Amendment process. I think they lost control of the “Biden” AI for awhile and went with the dropping out of the race as a distraction. Whatever they need “Biden” for, its planned for this year, and will likely make the “election” moot.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
7 months ago

“The lawyer wants records regarding Roger Edwin Moore, a CIA asset, an FBI informant, and a business associate to OKC bomber Tim McVeigh; as well as records about the Aryan Republican Army, a neo-Nazi bank-robbery gang also involved in the attack. FBI told the judge they already released them all so he can dismiss the case, turns out that was a lie.”

It was frustrating how all the stench from the OKC cover-up got memory-holed after 9/11. For those of us who dug into OKC and quit trusting the Swamp Media for anything, Washington’s complicity in ( or whole fabrication of) 9/11 was pretty much expected. It paved the way and led to further fine-tuning to these false flag attacks.

OKC accomplished a lot simultaneously: it marked a drastic upward turn in Bill Clinton’s tanking approval rating. Might even say it guaranteed (along with CCP campaign bucks and the quality of his “opposition”) his reelection. It dissuaded Americans from joining/drilling with their local militias–which up until then had been winning hearts and minds. It checked the political momentum of the Patriot Movement, which had been snowballing after revelations regarding Waco. It allowed Big Brother to pass legislation that increased surveillance powers and impose more restrictions on the effectiveness of the militia. And it made local and state-level cuck/traitor politicians feel safer instituting “assault weapon” bans–including stuff like bayonet lugs–which are irrelevant in crime or terror, but are arguably relevant to militia arms.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

Problem- Reaction- Solution.

Just like how the Patriot act was ready to go after 9/11, and DHS and TSA let loose on the American people.

Last edited 7 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

OKC was probably a hoax event anyway.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
7 months ago

Pentagon looks to rescind 20 Medal of Honor awards given to soldiers in the 1890s for actions during the Wounded Knee massacre.

There might be something I don’t know about Wounded Knee, but I’m not upset about this.

Medals of Honor? For that??? IMO it’s like handing out Medals of Honor to the Feds who killed men, women, and children at Waco and Ruby Ridge for the crime of exercising allegedly protected rights.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

In the nineteenth century, the Medal of Honor wasn’t THE MEDAL OF HONOR that it became. It was basically a commendation medal, handed out to anyone who did their duty with satisfaction. But you are right, soldiers should not be getting even that for a massacre.

It might be better to relable the nineteenth century as something different, since it really was a different award,but do it quietly, without the virtue signally. The Purple Heart was also originally something quite different from what it became.

Reply to  Ed
7 months ago

It is a pointless act other than to rewrite history

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

because it’s rewriting history, pal. that’s the goal. that’s why it’s bad. “He who controls the past controls the future.” it’s why they make movies starring black WW1 flying aces and evil southern (((slaveowners))) desperately offering up their wives & daughters to Buck the Wonder Slave to keep him happy and the Founders turning to Secret Black Political Genius Guy for advice and Robin Hood’s top guy who was a much better arrow shot than RH was, was secretly a black guy. black vikings. black Kang Arffur. black Romans. black Jesus. Like that. make sense now?

Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

Well said.

Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

Nothing is being rewritten.
If it were not part of the general woke attack on history I’d support it.
They are doing this unobjectionable thing to give cover to all the objectionable things and to fan the coals of Indian grievance in an election year.

Vehemently objecting to this is a trap, they want us to be “Pro-Genocide”.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

ah. the cunning old “well, we don’t dare say anything lest it upsets our enemies, but even though we keep our mouths shut in a world where silence implies consent, WE’LL KNOW IN OUR HEARTS that they’re all evil poopyheads and we’re the secret Good Guys” strategy.

IOW, the exact same strategy us normies have used for the last 90+ years, at the suggestion of …. uh …. our enemies. How’s that been working out for us?

And let’s not complain about the Olympics anti-Christian tranny drag show either! objecting to it would be stepping into their TRAP!!! let’s be smart like that canny statesman Mitt Romney and pretend we liked it! that way we’ll stay out of their trap!! JFC, do you even listen to yourself??

Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

You are incapable of understanding.

The enemy is using a truth in support of lies.
We have to oppose the lies but not fall into the trap of opposing the truth.
You are letting the enemy manipulate you into opposing truth, and they will use it against you to full effect.

Oppose the lies vehemently, ignore the truths they abuse.

Fighting for the honor of men who slaughtered unarmed women and children is a fool’s errand.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

So we should strip brave American soldiers of their medals because they fought under orders in a war that some now retroactively consider immoral?
This is just another case of “Fuck you, Whitey”. Give these vermin an inch and they’ll take all the miles they can get.

7 months ago

Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an American surgeon with heavy catastrophe-zone experience, is among those stunned by the civilian devastation they’ve recently witnessed in Gaza, and especially by a high volume of what appear to be precision rifle-fire wounds on children — including toddlers.

(((Perlmutter))), which lends a bit of credibility.

Reply to  phelps
7 months ago

Or not.
There are plenty of his kind on the pro-Hamas marxist/NAZI side who lie or support Hamas lies to whip the useful idiots into a frenzy of anti-Americanism.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

or…. not not. Maybe every comment on this board isn’t wrong!

Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

We will never know the truth in a conflict between congenital liars.
It also is supremely unimportant, both are savages and we should support neither.

7 months ago

> Pentagon looks to rescind 20 Medal of Honor awards given to soldiers in the 1890s for actions during the Wounded Knee massacre.

(The news, first reported by, follows requests from South Dakota state lawmakers and members of Congress, and OVER TWO DECADES OF PRESSURE FROM NATIVE AMERICAN GROUPS.)

(“I have never heard of a more brutal, cold-blooded massacre than that at Wounded Knee,” Maj. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, who was an Army commander during the American Indian Wars, wrote in a November 1891 letter. Miles wrote that women, SMALL CHILDREN AND BABIES WERE AMONG THE DEAD.) [DISHONORABLE?] [Yes, it is a major propaganda source. But even evil propagandists can be correct some of the time. If you disagree with what’s written below, provide facts, not feelings. If you’d rather deal in feelings, downvote away.]



The effort is meant to ensure no troops were recognized for “conduct inconsistent with the nation’s highest military honor,” the Defense Department said in a Wednesday news release. Disqualifying actions include attacking civilians or combatants who already surrendered, murder, rape, and “engaging in any other act demonstrating immorality,” Austin wrote in a July 19 memo directing the review.

The news, first reported by, follows requests from South Dakota state lawmakers and members of Congress, and over two decades of pressure from Native American groups.

“The fact that the title of the event is ‘massacre’ would not seem to be the kind of thing you award medals for,” said South Dakota state Sen. Lee Schoenbeck (R), who helped oversee a state resolution earlier this year calling for an official inquiry into the awards. “It’s time to get it right.”

On Dec. 29, 1890, U.S. Army soldiers killed an estimated 350 Lakota people in the southwest corner of South Dakota in what is now part of the Pine Ridge Reservation. Historians believe the event was preceded by a single shot stemming from a disagreement between the soldiers and Native American warriors they were attempting to disarm.

“I have never heard of a more brutal, cold-blooded massacre than that at Wounded Knee,” Maj. Gen. Nelson A. Miles, who was an Army commander during the American Indian Wars, wrote in a November 1891 letter. Miles wrote that women, small children and babies were among the dead.

The citations for some troops who were awarded the Medal of Honor, the military’s highest honor, after the massacre are simply for “bravery” or for continuing to fight while wounded, according to the Defense Department memo.


English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  NonyTI
7 months ago

The 19th century’s My Lai.

7 months ago

>  high volume of what appear to be precision rifle-fire wounds on children — including toddlers.

Doesn’t mean the Israelis did it. Arabs in general put no value on children, other than labor or sex objects. Shooting a few of their own children to make a political statement wouldn’t faze a jihadi.

That said, Mossad is infamous for killing the families of terrorists. Since they’re cowards they prefer letter bombs or drive-by machine-gun attacks, but there’s no reason they couldn’t use marksmen if they saw an advantage to it.

Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

“Arabs in general put no value on children, other than labor or sex objects. Shooting a few of their own children to make a political statement wouldn’t faze a jihadi.”

Ben Shapiro sentiment.

Bonus question: Which Middle Eastern country never got attacked by the ‘Islamic State’ jihadis?

Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

In other words, why are we taking sides again? And not just letting the semites kill each other in peace?

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago


Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

No. Israelis have been murdering innocent children, both Christian and Muslim, for many decades.

The idea that Arabs in general put no value on children is laughable.

Mossad/IDF are not the good guys, and they are not fighting “terrorists”.

Reply to  Another Dave
7 months ago

They most certainly are fighting terrorists.
It’s two groups of terrorists fighting.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Children are not terrorists.

Reply to  Anonynnous
7 months ago

A they can be, the muslims raise them to be and they have them commit acts of terrorism at young ages sometimes.

B I said both sides are terrorists, when the Israelis murder children who are not terrorists they are being terrorists.

C The fact that many Palestinian children may not be terrorists doesn’t change the fact that so many of the adults are, and the Israelis are primarily fighting the adults.

Your cheap appeals to emotion don’t change the facts.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

To a lot of Israelis non jews are not human, therefore they have no problem slaughtering innocent children. I’ve seen enough horror perpetrated by IDF to know it is highly likely the IDF are responsible for most/all the dead Palestinian children.
Don’t forget the many massacres carried out over the years by Israel, from Deir Yassin, to Sabra and Shatilla and others, which targeted women and children.

7 months ago

> Could produce significant unrest in the runup to the election, given these people have nowhere else to go.

Sure they do. They could bus them to some other state, like Texas does for illegals.

7 months ago

> Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris by 7 nationally, 50-43 percent.

Fantasy numbers. A dead squirrel could lead Kammy by 7%.

They announce these “polls” – which may be entirely fictitious – to boost support among the Faithful, lest they lose commitment to the Cause.

Keith Elder
Keith Elder
7 months ago

“That might be why his entire family looked so ashen-faced.”
This isn’t the real Biden from 2019, so they are probably ashen-faced worried about their own evil selves.

Jame Bhond
Jame Bhond
7 months ago

The celebrities attending the Olympics opening reads like a Who’s Who of satanism

Reply to  Jame Bhond
7 months ago

And now we know why

7 months ago

We need more of these places.

Guntubers do Force on Force with REAL GUNS
Polenar Tactical

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

When I was doing this they flat out said first toss in at least one frag. During Iraqi Freedom I’m told that instead of tossing in frags they either sent in motar/artie or literally just run an armored D9 Cat into the building to flatten it.

7 months ago
7 months ago

The Paris Olympics aren’t just globohomo, they’re satanic globohomo.

See also:

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

yep. It is satanic, as per Eurovision song contest etc
comment image

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

So that’s why ancient churches and cathedrals are burning down while Macron is President

7 months ago

“The choice to know will be yours……”

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

the shading around the woman’s chin is odd also.

No surprise as it is AI generated

7 months ago

Never trust anyone with a book deal.
J.D. Vance not only had a book deal. But, it was the most boring book ever written. He hadn’t done anything yet, and his personal life wasn’t that interesting. Not only that, the shit autobiography was made into a big budget A list actor Hollywood movie. This creature was selected for some reason and it wasn’t a good one. He was most likely selected for compliance and psychopathy.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
7 months ago

Yeah. The more I look at Vance, the less I like him.

It looks like the Trump Curse has manifested again. After the election, I’ll start a betting pool on how many months before Vance stabs Trump in the back.

DJT seems to have a positive genius for picking weasels and putting them in important positions. [sigh]

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

There’s also the “boss problem.” DJT is The Boss, and has been for most of his life. Bosses tend to operate in information bubbles. Their power structures are set up to pass orders down to subordinates; information flowing back up is severely controlled, mostly due to its sheer volume. In DJT’s personal business, he buys and sells properties and businesses he’s never seen, and gives orders to people he’s never met. Thousands of them.

It’s the same problem most other billionaires or ranking politicians have, not a Trump thing. But still, you’d expect Melania, the kids, or some of his senior management people would say “Look, Don, are you sure about this? WTF dude?!”

Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

Vance is most likely a script pick. Poor white boy from Appalachia made good. He’s just like you goy, now go die for isreal.

An anonymous reader
An anonymous reader
7 months ago

Is It Too Late to Stop Facial Recognition Tech?

Reply to  An anonymous reader
7 months ago

any tech can be switch off, unplugged or smashed with a hammer

Reply to  An anonymous reader
7 months ago

It’s far too late. It’s not just cheap, there are open-source packages out there, that will continue to improve. It’s within interested-hobbyist means already, and will only get cheaper.

Reply to  An anonymous reader
7 months ago

Yes. It’s entirely too late. It was too late as soon as it was invented.

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

Any tech can be forgotten or lost

7 months ago
Reply to  SteveRogers42
7 months ago

context for this link?

a hint maybe???

7 months ago

comment image

7 months ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

For the name to be replaced, he would need to die or be 25th’d while running.

I imagine they will rig the system and media will provide cover(*)

(*) boy, I thought the soviet union was bad.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

They will change it, people will protest, they will not listen and they will move on as if the complaints never existed at all.

There are no rules, just what you can get away with now