News Briefs – 07/26/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The random “fishing guide” who followed Tucker Carlson into an outdoors store and harassed him and then posted the video to Instagram was actually associated with the CIA. So Tucker begins to play out a skit with NSA, where someone reveals to him NSA has his private text messages, and is about to use them to take his show off the air. NSA investigates, and says, yes, they have Tucker’s texts, but it is because they intercepted the communications of someone else who had them, and were discussing them. If, as I suspect, the massive illegal domestic surveillance op running on everyone all throughout the US is CIA, then the NSA was revealing through Tucker that they were documenting an illegal CIA surveillance op targeting Tucker. At the least, they were documenting some sort of illegal Cabal political surveillance, which Tucker will probably dig into and expose now through legal means. And given Trump made sure no intel agency is allowed to use classification to shield a crime from view, NSA will have no impetus to cover for a rival surveillance op. A few days later, while shopping, Tucker is confronted by a CIA guy in a store, under the cover of ideological disagreement. And CIA is a Cabal subsidiary.

When special counsel John Durham finishes his investigation into the origins of the Trump–Russia probe, his report will likely be made public, a Department of Justice official suggested in a newly released letter.

AZ State Senator Michelle Ugenti-Rita had Police escort  Gateway Pundit reporter out of the Turning Point rally, for asking her why she killed the election integrity bill. This is the bitch who we covered yesterday, when she was booed off the stage the the election integrity rally, and who had a curious scandal with her husband appearing to try and set up some sort of relationship with a lobbyist by sending sexual pictures of Ugenti Rita to the lobbyist. Oddly enough, somebody on Q’s board put her name into an image search, and one picture which popped up for some reason attached to her name was this one of a woman who looked like Michelle Ugenti-Rita giving some guy oral sex. I’m not sure it is her, but it is close enough I filed away she may have a Hunter Biden Pornhub thing going on, and that might even be a hallmark of Cabal involvement.

A Capitol Rioter was busted by the Bumble dating app, when a random person matched with him, and asked him if he was near the action at the Capitol. He said yes, and they reported him to authorities. Notice how easy this guy made it for the machine to parallel construct evidence to nail him with. Had this not happened, and he got nailed, he might have wondered how they found out who he was, and they would have had to explain it. My guess is they were on him for years, they knew he installed the app, they may even have had one of his “friends” tell him to, and they have some level of control of who the app matches with who. This is why I say Civil War II is not going to happen the way militias think. They have to set aside small unit tactics and weaponscraft for now, and focus more on understanding surveillance and intelligence, as it is done Cabal-style. If they don’t, we will have to get used to the idea of having sadistic pedophiles in the White House for the foreseeable future.

Pence Aides are still getting government paychecks as Pence got a big time book deal and bought a mansion on a lake in Indiana. 

Brett Kavanaugh helped run cover for the Vince Foster Murder, trying to discredit a witness, and in return Newsmax’s Christopher Ruddy, who dropped a million into the Clinton Foundation coffers, ran cover for Kavanaugh in his reporting, refusing to report Kavanaugh tried to intimidate a witness with allegations of homosexuality. This report contains an account by witness Patrick Knowlton, who visited the park as they were staging Foster’s body and testified that Foster’s car was not in the park, and thus had to have been put there later. In the account he details an earlier version of gangstalking he was subjected to in the run up to his Grand Jury testimony. As I recall from back then, they ID’d one of the gangstalkers, and it was just some 23 year old lobbyist staffer or something.

Joe Biden tells reporters his butt’s been wiped. I thought this was fake, but it seems like he thought it was a joke, which doesn’t make it any better. Others think he said, “My butt’s been wet,” which again is not an improvement.

A new video emerged of Hunter Biden from the infamous “laptop from hell” where he is seen whining to his girlfriend and dead brother’s widow over recent rehab while smoking crack.

Biden says it ‘remains to be seen’ if a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers will be included in the $3.5trillion budget bill but insists it must be done.

Budget watchdogs project Dem infrastructure plans will cost up to $5.5T — $2T more than advertised.

Biden wastes $2 billion paying contractors not to build the border wall.

American optimism of country’s direction falls nearly 20 points.

Social Media influencers bravely blow the whistle on a Russian plot to bribe social media influencers to bad mouth the Pfizer vaccine. If you read the article, it is brilliant reverse psychology. We just had news, yesterday I believe, that the government and colleges were paying social media influencers to promote the vaccine. Now today they run an article saying the Russians were paying people to bad mouth the vaccine. This implies to anyone who didn’t see yesterday’s articles, the government and Universities are not doing bribing influencers, because we all know it is bad, and as this article says, illegal. It also implies the Pfizer vaccine is safe, because people need to lie and bribe to get somebody to badmouth it, and these whistleblowers are so principled they would not take money to lie like this. And it makes the Russians into the bad guys. In reality, I will bet this whole thing was set up by the machine to frame the Russians, the influencers may even have gotten paid by Pfizer and the government to carry out this skit, and right now the Russians are wondering who in their ranks was stupid enough to think they could ever force their vaccine into the Rothschild-controlled Western market like this, or that we needed a program like this to tell us the Western vaccines were dangerous.

Minnesota woman has both legs and hands amputated after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

Martin Armstrong thinks we are at the end of the economic system’s viability, and its imminent collapse is why the elites are trying to clamp down control on everyone. Suppose for a second, the economic system is about to collapse. Supply lines are going to collapse. Anarchy will reign. As a part of that, or perhaps entirely unrelatedly and all by itself absent any financial collapse, the American people are going to find out the elites have been running one big scam, they are baby-raping and murdering psychopaths, who rigged our elections, and spied on all of us inside our own homes, so they could rip us off. Pretty much every American citizen is going to want to murder everyone involved, and stage a full-on coup. Their only hope is to switch over to full dictator, and take full control of the US by force. If it was going to be every American, vs the Cabal, might Cabal see it as being to their advantage to vastly weaken the hearts of every American, so they could not engage is extended cardiovascular stress? Might the vax be designed to weaken us ahead of some sort of impending Civil War II scenario, either due to financial system collapse, or Cabal exposure?

Australian official reveals all but one Covid patient in the country are vaccinated. It is at the end of the video.

5,522 people have died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 vaccine in Scotland according to Public Health Scotland.

Congressman Clay Higgins of Lafayette confirmed on social media Sunday that he, his wife and son are sick with COVID-19. Supposedly he and the wife already had it months ago, and this time around it is worse.

Fox News Panelist says of the vaccine, “There’s a lot of things we can do without calling it a mandate. Just make it almost impossible for people to live their lives without being protected and protect us,” and Rahm Emanuel agrees, saying the unvaccinated need to be forced to withdraw from going out.

Chinavirus lockdown protests rock cities all over the globe.

160,000 march against Vaccine Passports in France. The elites don’t care. They install who they want as a leader, and nobody knows enough about intelligence and surveillance to be able to change that state of affairs by force. Learn surveillance detection. Note who the neighborhood watchers are and record video. School everyone you run into, pointing them to my surveillance page. It is the only hope for freedom that doesn’t rely on praying somebody else will free you.

In Italy the Polizia removed their helmets, lowered their shields and walked with their people.

Protective detail of French President all resign over COVID restrictions; will no longer protect President Macron. I’m not 100% on the source of this, but it is being reported around.

Health officials in B.C. have not detected a single case of influenza circulating in the community since flu season began, continuing an “exceptional” nationwide trend even as the province sits in the thick of its regular flu season.

More vaccine mandates may be imposed across the US once the Food and Drug Administration gives its final stamp of approval to COVID-19 shots, health experts have predicted.

The vaccinated comprise 75% of Chinavirus infections in Singapore.

Now the world’s most famous medical journal the Lancet is accused of costing lives by sitting on a study showing human transmission of Covid-19 that was suppressed by China.

A newly resurfaced video from 2018 shows Bill Gates claiming that he (Gates) talked President Trump out of investigating the ill effects of vaccines. Supposedly Gates doesn’t vaccinate his kids.

Tunisian president ousts the government and assumes executive power, as he warns opponents that the ‘army will respond with bullets’ if they try to unleash street violence. A Haiti situation interrupted?

Prosecutors unveil claims R. Kelly had sexual contact with underage boy.

D.C. archbishop says Americans must ‘share our abundance’ with illegal aliens.

FBI says China is behind past oil & gas pipeline cyberattacks.

A pair of vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel disclosed this week expose major Linux operating systems that could let a hacker either gain root privileges on a compromised host or shut down the entire OS altogether.

Viral video of a cop throwing a baggie into a suspect’s car, which was made to look like he was planting drugs by the media, is revealed by the bodycam video to have just been something from another passenger’s pocket being thrown into the car by the officer after a search. FakeNews lies.

Off Duty firefighter with his dog is nearly beaten to death by a mob of drugged up teens in DeBlasio’s New York City.

In the UK, a woman wearing a ‘Charlie Hebdo’ t-shirt is been stabbed at speakers corner.

Women’s soccer team fails to medal at the Olympics.

US men’s basketball loses to France 83-76, in the first Olympic loss since 2004. I’m wondering if all these Wokesters are getting Havana syndrome’d from our side in some form to degrade their performance, or perhaps more likely, if in previous Olympics, their competition was getting Havana’d in some form to degrade their performance so the Wokesters would win, and be more influential as Cabal tried to lead the US to self-destruction.

USA Today poll finds 90 percent of Detroit residents want more Police. At this point I am about 99% sure that everybody you see on TV is Cabal, under orders. Whether it is a protest, or it is a man on the street that a reporter “just happened to grab” to ask their opinion, or it is a politician who was supposedly elected to office because the public supported them and voted for them. I think they are all on earpieces, and they are all part of a show, the entire purpose of which is to gaslight you into thinking everyone else thinks differently from you, and you are a lone minority who needs to be subservient to that imaginary majority. This also tells you, right now Cabal views Police as a problem, and they want to eliminate them so they can replace them with a Cabal-only force, probably akin to the Brownshirts, made up of Antifa and BLM activists. This is going to be a wildly dangerous period, if there isn’t a Q-counter-conspiracy out there, organized, and savvy to the intel game.

Ninth Circuit rules Gavin Newsom’s California violated private school parents’ rights by forcing their private schools to shutdown.

The smell of BBQ food filled Kruse Park in Muskegon Saturday afternoon, but none of the food was for “RINOs,” according to signs posted at the local Republican party event.

Larry Elder explodes into the lead in California.

Spread r/K Theory, because danger can be fun.

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Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
3 years ago

“American optimism of country’s direction falls nearly 20 points.”

Optimism for the whole thing should fall, that’s logical. But for the predominantly White and conservative flyover areas I would bet optimism for those regions is going up.

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
3 years ago

“Others think he said, “My butt’s been wet,” which again is not an improvement”

President Depends. If his Presidency wasn’t fraudulent he would be the first President to wear diapers and crap himself. Much wow, very history.

3 years ago

I’ve been thinking about Warp Speed. What if the NSA has been tracking it this whole time? What if Q went quiet to conceal this fact? It would make more sense. To silence all doubt once the sealed documents are opened. They haven’t managed to destroy those documents, and there’s the Pentagon thing with Robo-Biden. I think they played a shell game with the !vax and maybe it was only intended by Trump for the most vulnerable, because it could be better for that group only compared to the horrors of the bioweapon America funded. We must know SOME long term consequences and they must be gruesome. Initially denied to avoid a panic, it since came out that it is a bioweapon but… no info on outcomes. There have been male sterility studies connected to it if you search engine. He said it shouldn’t be given to kids, which, makes sense if it’s intended to prevent infertility. The RNA method could indeed cause it in a developing body. Either that or we’re all doomed but then why the audits? How long until the audits are done to bring Trump back or call another election? Why the sealed docs? People have been shown a horror movie, a dystopia. Nobody would doubt the evil plans they had for us now, a la the trailer for Gray State. They could’ve tracked the lies and cover-ups re Warp Speed, because it was a TRUMP programme! That gave him jurisdiction to make other calls re HOW it was brought about. Nothing else seems to fit the evidence. Also, anyone know how quickly enough audits can flip it? They’re panicked in a way that’s speeding it up so now, everyone sees it and forcing it into kids now and I hope before September. Warp Speed made it emergency use so people could refuse. Otherwise we know the FDA would’ve approved based on small studies under Biden asap. Am I crazy to notice this? It’s like stars aligning. We’re watching a movie. A horror movie. We know they’re lying about uptake or there’s a timing issue and they wouldn’t be so scared of something. The NSA having recorded the removal of death data would be one thing. That’s what I would do. Hollywood still seems to hate him, he’s not one of Them.
If Trump had led a coup, it would’ve validated Biden’s phoney win to the world. Allowing him to go to NATO, Britain especially, and maybe also China under the hat of the UN (responsible for child abuses). Invasion of America versus fake pandemic? Which would cause less harm. Especially an EMP prior taking out the elderly and disabled. No justice. Justice requires a tipping point where people see the tyranny. Civil war would’ve destroyed America, what they wanted all along. The virus is the Marxist tyranny and people now see it. The mutant in all its hideous, wicked glory. This has also made fence-sitters into K-types.
(I’ll be reposting this to my blog but you can use whichever parts make sense to you. )
The UFO thing can also go either way, like releasing some of Tesla’s FBI file a few years ago. Either they use it to look like all religion is false (evil) or they expose the ancient serpent cults and how they worshipped based on things such ‘aliens’ (demons) told them. It’s the only thing which fits. They believed they were being watched and had to make sacrifices. Aztecs, Druids, Canaan… all impossibly similar (but some Druids were okay). Why destroy one of their ancient altars in a museum unless someone was after them? Cults are extreme. Transhumanism is about becoming more like them. “To serve man” hints at these connections. As well as “They’re made of meat” sci-fi story (written by a cannibal?) and the false equality of Harrison Bergeron with tall poppy syndrome. Culling people smart enough to resist them eliminates all competition, the rabbity dream. They don’t care about population (let alone da planet!!), they’re resource hogs. Nobody is superior to them, in their mind. A major Q proof would be releasing all the Rockefeller cancer cures. Who could deny the evil has been around for so long, then? Which Lefty would say no, especially if that’s a side effect of the jabs? I remember they had a cure for cavities in a mouthwash that targeted the bacteria safely. It never came to market. Things like this.
If I’m mistaken in any particulars, please correct.
Also I think my comments here are being watched because the local authorities pestering my family have receded (but not gone away) for now.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  disenchantedscholar
3 years ago

I think that people need to face the hard truth about Trump and the Vaxx – he KNOWS that it’s killing people, and he’s known the whole time. He knows the death toll has just started. He also knows that without Warp Speed the US would be stuck in lockdowns until 2023 or so, and we already know for sure that deaths of despair have killed more people than cv-19. It was a cold, calculated decision to sacrifice the elderly, and the lefty zombies, because we are war and that’s how wars are fought. It was done knowing full well that some of the young would be jabbed because of their stupid/weak parents despite all the evidence. This is war.

Don’t expect to ever hear from Q ever again. They aren’t going to take a bow. The awakening they set out to foster is happening. Their public job is done. What’s probably going to happen now is that the audits which should have been stopped if Cabal was still in control will go forward, they will expose the election system as hopelessly corrupt, they will expose that every major election of 2020 is invalid, and it will domino to 2018. By the time we are done with this, there won’t be a way for most states or congress to form a quorum legally – the results will be that bad.

And that’s when we find out whether Q has any teeth, because that’s when either FEMA or the military have to step in and form a temporary government pending new elections. Trump is not talking about this. He’s only talking about his own election and telling congressional republicans to hold off on making any deals until the red wave turns over congress next year.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Any ‘disclosure’ event – control files or extraterrestrials – would be the preamble to conflict, preempting such release/contact from adversaries in the most favorable scenario; whomever has independent capacity to compromise leaky digital systems can do this [McAfee’s software was on HRC’s ‘private email server’, along with Chinese hard/software]. 5th gen warfare strikes at institutional legitimacy. A lame duck 3rd term Alzheimers Gipper in Biden which makes the COG subtext clear: the military will act regardless of the gay antics of the celestials — is much preferable to this kind of apocalyptic unveiling renting the sanity from pleb NPCs primed to respond to it with CRT conditioning and ADE of news media running damage control.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  disenchantedscholar
3 years ago

The worst case numbers I’ve heard are that 70% of the vaxxed will require hospitalization with a significant percentage of those dying because the vaxx has compromised their immune systems. Just like with the ferrets in the Moderna tests, they are now extremely vulnerable to that which they were supposedly made safe from.

It’s also likely that HCQ and Ivermectin will be made easily available at this time and cut that number down significantly. If not, expect a mass die off of baby boomers and lefties. There won’t be anyone that hasn’t lost someone, and in most cases it will be several people per unvaxxed survivor.

My Grandparents. My Father. My Brother. My Best Friend and his Wife who lifted me up at one of my lowest points. That’s my list so far. Who are you going to lose?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Don’t dox yourself. You might be shocked how little it takes in particulars to pin someone down.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

You have my real first and last name, my face on video, and I have not been at all shy about saying that I live in a blue area of OREGON. If somebody actually wants to find me, they can. I ain’t hiding.

Should I ever decide to enter politics in this state, I plan to do the same thing – here I am, here’s what I’m about, and here’s the wrecking ball I want to take to everything. Course nobody would take me seriously right now because I am unemployed and technically not a business owner since I have filed no paperwork for such yet. Details, but we’ll see what we can do.

AC is correct, and you are correct, right now we need spies, problem is that I’M NOT A SPY. I’m an infantryman.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to everyone else regarding your question, “Who are you going to lose?”

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I agree but Lowell has already made that choice by using his name and making a GAB video series where he shows his face.
He has also talked about the state he lives in.

Stay safe and watch your back, Lowell.
You are a good person.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Sorry Phelps, question was not meant to be answered here, just something to make anybody reading start to think about it.

And thank you, Farc.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I’m NOT the only person who has had this thought, apparently……

GOT PLAYED: 124 million Democrats have taken Trump vaccines… what happens if they start dying?

“GOT PLAYED: 124 million Democrats have taken Trump vaccines… what happens if they start dying?
Monday, July 26, 2021 by: Mike Adams

GOT PLAYED: 124 million Democrats have taken Trump vaccines… what happens if they start dying?
(Natural News) In what might be one of the most devastating tactical maneuvers in the history of America, President Trump has managed to corral as many as 124 million Democrats to take “Trump vaccines” that are linked to infertility, autoimmune disorders and increasing deaths….

When Democrats rigged the 2020 election and allowed Biden to occupy the White House on January 20th, Biden simply resumed the pushing of the Trump vaccines. Biden and his administration had nothing to do with the rushed vaccine development of 2020. Instead, Biden simply inherited Trump’s vaccines at the moment they were ready to be released.

Critically, once Biden was in the White House, all Democrat opposition to “Trump vaccines” vanished, and suddenly taking vaccines was seen by Democrats as a way to support the Biden regime. Getting injected with experimental, unproven gene therapy nanotechnology was then declared by Democrats to be, “good science!”

Following the rigged 2020 election, Trump did virtually nothing to fight for election integrity. He failed to order a recount, failed to declare a national emergency and failed to invoke any executive authority whatsoever to investigate and expose the vote fraud. It’s almost as if he wanted to leave the White House.

Democrats only trusted Trump’s vaccines once Biden occupied the White House

Had Trump remained in the White House, Democrats would have rejected the vaccine in larger numbers. …..”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“Had Trump remained in the White House, Democrats would have rejected the vaccine in larger numbers. …..”

Yep, and most conservatives still wouldn’t have taken the shots.

Having Biden take the White House really did turbo-charge the vaccine uptake. Maybe that’s what it’s all been about the entire time?

Everything has been coordinated to get the most people to take the shots as possible. Looking back in hindsight this does appear to be the case.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

It would explain two things Q said:

“There will be no civil war.”

“It had to be this way.”

The people that are either too blind or too weak to fight back against the vaxx have poisoned themselves. So, that’s two thirds of the left, most of the baby boomers, a good chunk of the millennials…

Being unvaxxed is going to become a dating status symbol – it means you are still fertile and have little chance of permanent health problems. Even us old guys will have a shot with the twenty somethings. The wealth hoarded by the baby boomers will be passed on to their kids and grandkids in the form of big houses, boats, RVs, expensive cars&motocycles, which will be liquidated on the open market. The jobs market will open up because there will be millions of vacancies.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
3 years ago

“A newly resurfaced video from 2018 shows Bill Gates claiming that he (Gates) talked President Trump out of investigating the ill effects of vaccines. Supposedly Gates doesn’t vaccinate his kids”

People really need to get out of the habit of regarding Trump as some well meaning but naive, slightly dotty grandfatherly figure who simply takes advice at face value from those around him. Trump has been a key figure in the anti-Cabal ‘Q’ counterinsurgency for a long time, and probably its leader for at least several decades, and his leadership initiatives undoubtedly include establishing and/or greatly expanding Q’s global counterintelligence operation.

Remember this story from 2017? “Trump White House Considers Plans for Private Spy Network”

Students of Trump know that when he muses out loud that he MIGHT do X in the future, it really means that X has ALREADY BEEN IMPLEMENTED, and probably some time ago. What the story above tells you is that Trump/Q have had in place at least since 2017, and almost certainly for many decades prior, a highly sophisticated and secretive global intelligence service utilizing as assets a mixture of patriot private contractors in the MIC and business community (e.g. people like Erik Prince and his Blackwater network) and double agents serving in the alphabet agencies of not only the U.S. but around the world. This would include figures like General Flynn and Admiral Rogers but also, if the following report has any credence, far more surprising deep cover players like current SECDEF Lloyd Austin

The long and the short of all this is that Trump and Q know every conceivable thing there is to know about characters like Bill Gates, literally from the brand of toothpaste they use, right down to the color underpants they wear each day. Gates’ genocidal vax plans would be old news to Trump, and no assurances Gates could give him about their safety would be believed for a millisecond. I don’t know what Trump’s strategy was/is in going ahead with Operation Warp Speed, but one thing you can be 100% sure about is that ignorance or naivety about Gates and his ‘vaccines’ was not a factor.

3 years ago

To add some thoughts/experiences to yesterday’s conversation about Cabal’s surveillance about cars. Your paranoia SHOULD perk up, and you SHOULD keep “strange” things and weird coincidences in your memory. At the same time, remember that Cabal is not infinite. And have a little fun if you can without getting yourself in danger. So my example: I wanted to talk on my cellphone, but I was driving, so I pulled off my street onto a grassy area where cars occasionally park. I was parallel to the road. As I turned the car off to keep talking, I looked up at the traffic coming in the opposite direction. I see the driver in the car that is passing in the other direction is looking at me. I looked back at the driver. The driver in the next car was also looking at me. And the next and the next, but not the driver in the fifth car that came along, but then the sixth and seventh. After that, not a single driver paid me any attention.

Now, before reading AC, probably, I would not have consciously noticed that people were looking at me. If I did, I would have thought “that’s weird.” But now, like posters were saying yesterday, I have a frame for understanding what seems “weird.”

So, as they passed looking at me, I knew what was happening, so I looked back, gave them a bit of a smile and I waved a little at them (I had my window down).

Anyway, it’s just a simple example, but also shows that Cabal does not have infinite resources. After the sixth one, many other cars passed — it’s a busy street — while I continued my phone conversation and none of them looked at me as they passed. Now, personally, I think some of this WAS coincidence. I think the first couple of drivers that passed and looked saw me pull over onto the grass. So, they just might have been curious to see why I had done that. You can see for a good distance on that part of the street, so maybe all of the passing drivers saw me pull over and wondered why. After that, for the remainder of the drivers, I was just a car parked off to the side not worthy of curiosity.

So, for me, Cabal AND coincidence. It was interesting.

I’ve noticed other incidents of being looked at strangely and in strange places. Almost every time, it is a person in a beat-up old van or truck — the kind of vehicle that we tend to ignore.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

I’m somewhat skilled in facial recognition. I used the photo in the first linked news article to compare to the explicit Pic of Ugenti-Rita, not the image superimposed upon the Pic. First, that nose has a rare and peculiar shape, and it’s a perfect match. Also similar are the high cheekbones, pointy chin, and eyebrow shape (but not thickness–i assume she wears more eyebrow makeup when done up for work, which would explain the difference). I’d bet a new Glock it’s the same woman.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You familiar with the Pimeye tool? Looks up images by facial recognition rather than name, label, etc. That plus yandex reverse image search are powerful together.

3 years ago

Henlo dear frens, just popped in to share this link I think some here might find helpful:

I hope everyone is doing well, I confess I haven’t been reading the blog nor the comments for some 2 weeks now because I decided to go on a politics fast and am now completely focused on religion and working on my own inner issues (and I also have come to the personal conclusion, which most won’t probably agree with, and that’s alright, that seeking political solutions to a spiritually sick society is ultimately ineffective, and after confronting my own growing self doubt in what my role should be in trying to help and my growing lack of faith in political solutions I decided I should just stay out of it and focus on fixing my own personal issues and cultivating my relationship with God).

This is really just a drive-by comment, so I apologize in advance for not replying or giving any feedback to any potential replies to this (trying to keep the fast going and politics out of my mind completely for an undetermined amount of time (possibly forever)).

Much love to everyone, and 6 trillion hugs. God bless you all.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

You’ll be missed fren.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Great to hear of your progress, Pilgrim

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Remember dude, just because you are religious (Catholic or Orthodox) doesn’t mean you can’t get married, no where in the Holy Bible does it forbid a man with Religion who is leading a Christ-centered life from marrying and fathering children. Clerical celibacy is post-Apostolic invention in direct opposition to the Bible.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I totally agree with you. The solution is religious and will manifest into politics. Starting with politics is like pushing the short end of the lever.
Congrats on your decision. You’re likely not gone forever, you’ll come back when the time is right.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

God bless you and you will be missed. I understand the sentiments of dropping politics. I think about it often. That maybe it’s better to just ignore it all. I can’t change it anyways.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Good luck man. Walk with God.

3 years ago

From this morning’s Peter King, who writes about the woke NFL:
There are three teams, at least, in the NFL as of this morning that are in the upper 90s in percent of players vaccinated, with zero unvaccinated coaches and key team staff members. In this day and age, that seems incredible, to have maybe one to four holdouts on a 90-man roster, given where we are with vaccines in this country. But the reason is not hard to figure out.

As an executive with one of the mostly vaxxed teams told me: “The league has made it clear that the unvaccinated are second-class citizens.” This year, the gloves are off. There’s a vaccine, and if you’re not going to take it, your football life will either be much harder than the 80-plus percent of vaxxed players, or it will be extinct.
So those of us who have decided not to be injected with this “vaccine” are second-class citizens and for NFL players their careers will be over. Nice. At some point one would think that this is all going to boil over.

Reply to  Anon70
3 years ago

I think it is bluster. One of the unaltered players is Aaron Rogers, and Dak Prescott is strongly hinting that he’s not taking it. If you have 90% of the league but none — or even half — of your star QBs won’t take it, the league has a serious problem.

3 years ago

Joe Biden tells reporters his butt’s been wiped.

Yelling out obscenities (especially nonsensical ones) is a common symptom of dementia.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Given how many High IQ people are fools. I think Wisdom is important far more than IQ. There must be a way to measure that. Alongside demonstrating actual agency which comes with having an actual inner monologue. And being able to imagine 3D movies in one’s own head.

3 years ago

Who is going to fall for that blatant Nigerian money scamming operation?

Look! No Hands!

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