News Briefs – 07/25/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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Steven Kirsch got beamed, apparently.

While working on the Czech Republic data I went blind in my right eye.

I was just sitting at the computer typing and the text starting getting wavy. An hour later, most of my vision in my right eye vanished. I may never get it back.

He says on Twitter it is a huge retinal tear, but have no idea how it happened. I forget where I said it here, but a few days ago, I noted I woke up with a black eye from the previous night’s beaming, on the side of my face pointing away from the source. In my case, it ruptured blood vessels in the inside corner of the eye socket, spreading to the inside of the bridge of the nose, and the blood drained down around under my eye. Not a ton, it was not like Mike Tyson hit me, but I had a noticeable bluish-black stain under the one eye which stretched up to the inside corner of the socket, and it took a week or so to fade away. Interestingly, if you read the book Chameleo, you will see a picture of Dion at the end of the book, with two black raccoon eyes which were not explained in the caption. He looked pissed off. I thought he must have been jumped when I read it years ago, but now I think it more likely they took that picture as evidence of what the Beam did to him one night, as these characters are not really the types to rumble with you face to face. With me, the Beaming now noticeably picks up the moment I begin these briefs, so the fact he sat down to write, and it began was, IMO, no coincidence. That is them. I can feel it build like a combination of electricity and buzzing filling my head – and it grows as I work on this until it crescendos as I finish. But again, if you do not know they are out there and they do it more mildly, you might think you pinched a nerve in your neck, or you just feel funny for some strange reason. And it just has to focus on the right spot. Ron Johnson lost hearing in one ear. The girl at the State Department in the 60 Minutes piece had to get surgery because it hit her Eustachian tubes, and screwed up her balance. It can also make you sleepy in some forms, and even knock you out, though it only seems to do that if you are sitting, and strangely it only seems to make limp, the muscles from the neck up. I awake after a few seconds groggy, but I am still sitting up, my body seems to have not slumped or relaxed, just my head is flopped to one side, my neck is limp, and it will feel like I have slept on it wrong due to the position. I have had it happen within thirty minutes of having 300 mg of caffeine in a C4 Ultimate Energy drink. Sometimes when that happens, I notice just before I go out, what feels almost like a soft push of my head to one side, at which point I guess it slumps over and I am out. When I say to you it is accelerating, I mean it, even if I do not go into specifics.

I would feel like this is a bad path, but I am not really sure there has ever been any other path to be taken in my case. I was the ultimate blinded normie, writing comments on blogs in support of George Bush and the GWOT in the early 2000’s, and supporting US intelligence gaining more powers to spy, during those days when it looked like evil had struck us from overseas. But I was still waking up fucked up and feeling my legs vibrating from what they must have been doing all night. So in my case, now is just the same shit, different day for me, and there really is no other path, nor has there ever been. There is nothing really to be done, but trust God, and understand that for all of us, being in this spot, as all of this stuff is coming to light, and some kind of big, crucial moment is coming, cannot be a coincidence. Our travel, totally unplanned, has been perfectly guided to intersect with the apogee of whatever is going on, and that is not chance. Our efforts here will prove vital to the survival and victory of our kind, I am sure of it. We are here for a reason, and powers far beyond our comprehension are utilizing us. And there is not much else in this world even close to being as meaningful as that. If you can, say a prayer for all the patriots in the fight, and do whatever you can to help spread We need everyone to know of The Beam, and the people living among us who want to level it against us all.


From the comments, Phelps notes of Biden’s “medical emergency” in Vegas:

“Las Vegas hospital was put on standby for sudden Biden medical issue last Wednesday, instead, Air Force One flew to Delaware so fast “the plane shook.”

I did the math on this one after hearing on Timcast. They said they cut a half an hour off the trip from Vegas to DC. That’s 2400 miles. 747 normally cruises at 575 mph making this a 4.2 hour trip. To make it in 3.7 hours, they had to do 650 mph. I wouldn’t be surprised if that airframe has to be inspected for damage after stressing it like that.

They said he was off balance and shaky on his feet, but it was not bad in the normal ways a TIA would present. If you ran into me while I was unbeamed, you would think me quite fit and powerful, and from years of stand up grappling when I was younger, my base is like I am welded to the ground. But I have had trouble walking to bed after my beaming at the end of the night, due to fucked up balance, and have at times literally held the walls as I went, my eyes bone dry with zero tears from it as well. I don’t know what it does, but it scrambles your head quite well.

I will bet Biden was beamed by them, because he was refusing to drop out. While they were watching from some nearby observation post, surveillance noted he was about to leave for the hospital, and scaled the wattage back, so he would feel better and decline to go. They seem to not want you building hard medical records of what is happening, perhaps fearing in some cases doctors will create a hard record of something, maybe figure something out about the mechanism, or capture evidence and lend you credence. Biden then recovered enough and Secret Service decided to flee to DC, not for medical attention, but to seek a safe harbor from the directed energy weapon. And I will bet he did not find it, they got him there too, he knew exactly what it was, and so he was forced to relent, and withdraw his candidacy. If he had a stroke or TIA, they would have made him go to the hospital, rather than lose him.

I think that is what happened to Hillary. This was a funny video, and few here will not laugh at the start of it. But notice the tall Secret Service agent in this video jump up to block access to Hillary, and touch his fingertips to the pylon. He is doing that because he is preparing for a gunfight, by laying down a forensic record of exactly where he was at when it started, so he can focus on the fighting, and not worry about being able to recall exactly where he was for the reports after it. He is thinking he may be about to scrum with somebody. Now look at all the other agents. That looks like a team vaguely concerned something is going on, and they may have a security issue with their protectee. I suspect they thought it possible somebody was beaming Hillary, and their procedure was the same – fall back to a secure area, in that case, Chelsea’s apartment, and wait to see what happens. And after they did, Hillary’s symptoms abated, and in an hour she was outside meeting with a little child on the sidewalk to show she was fine. I will bet Biden looked a lot like that first shot of Hillary. I have not been that bad, but I have been heading in that direction, as I have wobbled my way to bed.

I know a lot of the shit I say here sounds crazy. But then you follow along, and you begin to see other instances, where what I said was prescient, because I was telling you the truth, as best I could discern it, as soon as I saw it, and I ended up being pretty close to it. That is why I am under all of this. They want you weak and clueless to all of this.

Here is the biggest truth I see now – this is going to be the norm, and you will begin seeing it everywhere, from political leaders changing their positions on core issues with no explanation, to judges making bizarre rulings with no legal justification. Cabal will get what it wants everywhere, and when it does not, when someone stands against them, or shows any hint of individuality or rebellion, you will see that rebel suddenly pull back, and then inexplicably retreat, and The Beam will be what happened behind the scenes, maybe to them, maybe to their children or loved ones. And pretty soon, whoever is wielding the beam, is going to demand everyone either work for them, helping them enslave the rest of the nation, or accept their place as a slave and do what they are told. Those who resist will get The Beam. And just those with a little too much on the ball will get The Beam weakly every night, to slow them down. And it is really horrific. You cannot find a place in your own home, where you will not be assaulted.

Even Eric Prince, asked about Havana Syndrome says he knows it is real through firsthand experience. Even the President, it appears, is not immune to an attack with it. If you thought what you are seeing now is bad, get ready, because compared to the widespread use of the beam, nothing to date will seem like anything other than a world so free, you will no longer be able to even imagine it. I know in my own life, there is no going back to the innocence of youth, and there is only war on the horizon, no matter which way you look.

This is the look of a family which has run into The Beam, and been forced to do something they would never otherwise have done:

Biden’s family cries and his staff weep in Oval address. He would never have given it up, unless he was forced to.

But the pictures with Joe were weird, with Joe having two ear canals:

Biden addresses nation in slurred speech from Oval Office after dropping out (full speech here).

Trump rips speech as ‘barely understandable.’

Hunter Biden’s legal team just got scorched by judge for making false statements in CA tax case.

J. D. Vance said in 2021 that in November 2016 he voted for Evan McMullin for President. Literally the CIA candidate. Trump did not chose him without knowing all this. You have to assume his selection will accomplish something. But regardless, with respect to 2028, he is most likely corrupt and Cabal, though possibly just a village idiot.

Elon Musk indicates he might be willing to take a peek under the hood of Dominion machines, using Tina Peter’s cloned hard drive which Colorado was desperate to destroy. Everything is scripted, the question is whether it is a red herring or not.


ActBlue disabled their credit card verification process so that as long as the card numbers are valid, the name and address don’t need to match the actual card owner’s.

No other donation platform allows this, and it results in higher transaction fees.



I found out today that an Austin, TX resident made 10,000+ different donations to the democratics from 2020-2022 worth over $106, 304.45. The resident mentioned that he has not used
website says otherwise.
The same resident made $12,848.50 from 2009-2019.

Donald Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Crooks was flying a drone above the rally site two hours before the shooting and just 200 yards away from the stage, FBI Director Christopher Wray has revealed.

FBI director says unclear whether Trump was struck by bullet or shrapnel during assassination attempt at rally.

Donald Trump becomes Mexican folk hero in songs on assassination attempt.


Kamala Harris closer to being nominee as DNC approves early virtual roll call vote.

Kamala Harris sought to eliminate gas-powered cars by 2035, risking millions of American auto jobs.

Obama doesn’t believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump, which is why he hasn’t endorsed her: sources.

Bill Kristol: I am now for Harris.

Did DEI crash 8.5M computers? CrowdStrike probed for sidelining its white, male coders. They will put out a story like this, which smart people will latch onto, to hide something bigger…

Undocumented immigrants will boost economy, lower deficit, CBO says. So CBO is full of shit.

Murder charges have been filed stemming from a deadly drive-by shooting from a San Francisco Muni bus. When you still want to go banging with the boys but you’re too poor for a whip.

Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon animator arrested on child sex crime charges.

Virginia city votes to sell $1.2 million property to Planned Parenthood for $10. The money PP saves will go right back to the politicians as campaign contributions, which they can route to relatives for campaign duties like scheduling media.

Tesla to manufacture humanoid robots that could be available by next year Elon Musk says. Musk predicted that once this started, everyone who has shorted Tesla, especially Bill Gates, will be fucked.

A former aide to Gov. Kathy Hochul reportedly had her $3.5 million Long Island home raided by the FBI early Tuesday. No word on why.

Menendez says he will appeal guilty verdict ‘all the way’ to Supreme Court.

Leading biopsy specialists in Japan have just announced that Covid mRNA shots are the cause of soaring heart failure cases and related sudden deaths.

Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk revealed that he is a guest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s and plans to attend his speech before Congress.

Rashida Tlaib holds up ‘war criminal’ sign during Netanyahu speech. I am quite certain she answers to a command which is also in control of Netanyahu, and I suspect after they retire from their roles, they would be like Bush and Clinton, laughing over finger foods together.

Health officials in India are racing to contain an outbreak of Nipah virus after a teenage boy died from an infection over the weekend, the latest in a series of outbreaks in the region of the incurable virus that kills as many as three in four people it infects and has been flagged as having the potential to seed a new pandemic.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Wednesday that the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) would be banned for propagating extremism and that its famous “Blue Mosque” was being searched by police.

Paris ‘feels like a jail’ as security ramps up for the Olympics.

The European Union has revoked Hungary of its right to host the next summit over its stance on Ukraine, even though it is supposed to be on equal footing with all nations in the bloc.

30 Ukrainian officials suspected of embezzling funds designated for military, prosecutors say. The story around just about every war we have ever waged.

Wealthy Russian people are hiring luxury yachts, which are heavily armed, to sail near Somalia on pirate hunting expeditions. Their goal is to hopefully attract pirates to approach them so that they can open fire with grenade launchers and automatic weapons. You really have to love Russians.

ATF destroyed in court – forced reset trigger rule VACATED!!!

Lifetime Pennsylvania Democrats are becoming Republicans. Q did predict they would destroy the Democrat party, but then what? will surveillance be taken down? Will the beamings stop? Why not just make tings better and explain to people how they were fucked up?

CNN poll: 73% of Democrats want someone other than Kamala Harris as nominee.

CNN says Trump 49 to Harris 46.

Spread r/K Theory, because everybody has to start somewhere

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Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
7 months ago

Oh man, pirate hunting vacations?! That sounds like a great time! I imagine being crouched down in the boat with a machine gun while the captain gets an rpg ready to fire as the pirate boat moves in closer then it’s the 4th of July on the water. What a blast!

Reminds me of that video found in the south China seas or somewhere of pirates tossing their victims in the water and murdering them. Payback’s a bitch!

English Tom
English Tom
7 months ago

Been trying to access site all day, kept getting internal server error message, whatever the fuck that means!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

The WP install problem seemed to have been greatly reduced.
I think the attacker responded by finding a new method of attack.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
7 months ago

“To make it in 3.7 hours, they had to do 650 mph. I wouldn’t be surprised if that airframe has to be inspected for damage after stressing it like that.”

A VC-25 has done March AFB to Andrews comfortably under 4 hours. Airframe is going to be just fine.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
7 months ago

During 9/11, Chair Force One outran the F-16s that were supposed to be protecting it. It has a higher subsonic speed than the fighters, which would have had to go on afterburner and use up all of their fuel to keep up. Most of the capabilities of the VC-25 are classified, but it is not an average 747-200, which is the airframe it’s based on.

But most machinery shakes when pushed to the limit.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  EricTheAwful
7 months ago

Not to mention that AF1 would be cleared by ATC direct to ADW and the jet stream on most days is blowing easterly. They wouldn’t have to push the throttles to WEP to cover that distance in that time.

Who would downvote these comments?

7 months ago

Look at the legs. Biden is dead or a prisoner. His family know what happens if they speak
comment image

Last edited 7 months ago by Ting-Tong
Reply to  Ting-Tong
7 months ago

AI artifact or the new Biden impersonator is on stilts.

Reply to  Ting-Tong
7 months ago

This body double is significantly taller than usual

Reply to  Ting-Tong
7 months ago

maybe they tortured him on the rack

Reply to  Ting-Tong
7 months ago

notice how they hold back.

If they were family, they would want to be close.

If they were close, the height change would be obvious

7 months ago
Patriot Front protests groomers, are you protesting them or are you pro-groomer? If not why don’t you stfu about how they do their thing and go watch an interview with Thomas Rousseau to see why their activism is the way it is. Proud Boys fought Antifa, guess who ended up in jail? And dont give me ‘but Teddy Baal says…’ Vox has presented zero evidence and has made the claim that it’s 100:1 feds to patsies which is just fucking stupid.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

aaaaand he’s gone

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Best comment you’ve ever made. Plenty of us out here.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I appreciate what you’re doing here and agree that taking down this cabal is the most important thing and your thoughtful reply. However I have not heard of the shield controversy you mentioned and spent an hour or so yesterday looking for something to back up the claim but didn’t find anything. I’m not saying it’s made up but I can’t confirm it so I’m still not seeing hard evidence that they’re feds. Despite their best efforts to keep feds and leftoids out and protect their members anonymity they have had several members doxxed and they were all normal blue collar guys. I just don’t get the hard on to fedjacket this little group of maybe 400 patriots that would love, the same as us, to take back the country from the theatre kids and dish out some extreme accountability. God bless you and this community.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Your lone wolf scenario is definitely the better way to deal with the deep state/uni-party/swamp. I don’t think Patriot Front is building an ersatz army. Their activities are, however, a good way to popularize certain ideas and embolden a lot of people who would not otherwise get involved.
This shield information is interesting, but as with the hats and mask issue proves nothing. For all we know, PF might have been created by Q or by Trump and “the Storm.” Lots of extremely odd things have been going on.
I am guessing that few or none looked at that link I posted a short time ago, and that really doesn’t matter, since few here would be up for that type of activity, including myself, and as stated it won’t make much effect in the final brough ha, ha. But there is something to be said for being able to sense “reality” whatever that may be.

Last edited 7 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Moose
7 months ago

Everyone moral hates pedophiles. But controlled opposition is built up by contrasting them with jerks. Just because they are saying the right things doesn’t mean they are on your side. Entry level psy-ops.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

Yeah, but the very worst things include butt lazy, opinionated boomer-tards, happy- clapping conned-servative zio-dupes, and the willfully ignorant, whatever their pedigree. Don’t forget that and I am not necessarily attributing those features to anyone here today, though if these words make you upset you may want to have a heart to heart talk with yourself.

Reply to  Moose
7 months ago

Wow, someone sure is butthurt. They’re feds, bro. Stop being such a damn fool.

7 months ago

Cartoon creator pedophile seems to be pretty common. Dan Harmon, the rick an morty guy, made of video raping a doll (baby) as part of his resume before he made it big. I am sure that is just a coincidence the people who let you make shows were really impressed by a video raping babies. Evidence is towards the end of the following post:

Reply to  Atavisionary
7 months ago

Not going to pwer-level too hard, but I have a long history in the animation world. Like much of art, it’s a lot of mentally fucked up people hiding from reality or coping with their problems via their chosen medium. Animation is getting much easier to get into as tech improves, so the degenerates who would once be locked away on DeviantArt drawing forums for their smut are getting more reach with animated degeneracy.

I’ve found a lot of 3D animators are really cool, sort of just nerdy art guys that like pushing tech to it’s limit to create cool visual things, but almost every 2D animator I’ve ever interacted with has been a fuckin weirdo.

7 months ago

And pretty soon, whoever is wielding the beam, is going to demand everyone either work for them, helping them enslave the rest of the nation, or accept their place as a slave and do what they are told.

The problem with that plan is that every time they deploy it to a new location, that’s another place that it might be somehow, through horrible horrible luck or enemy action, revealed and made useless (because when it is known, it loses it’s entire value.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

There must be resource streams that keep them functional. They need supply chains to work.

Reply to  Anon
7 months ago

Egads, the implications. Can you imagine being smart and tech-savvy, and willing to produce machines that will surreptitiously produce physical harm to your neighbors? Knowing that the persons who you are harming are chosen for the treatment completely outside of any proper judicial proceedings, but simply at the order of a distant Mandarin whose interest lies only in maintaining his own power within the conspiracy network?

There are people like that. Just like that. Smart people, who choose a life of organized crime over lawful behavior.

I despise them so much.

7 months ago

Paris Olympic flame relay route features 3 drag queen torch bearers

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Queen is a misnomer. The word “Queen” is derived from the nordic word for wife. A Queen is the wife of a King.

Drag Queer is more accurate

7 months ago

I don’t know if it’s related. I’ve written about my mom hearing voices in her head? She would do what they told her to do, and it would always work? Like, leave her house, get in the car, drive halfway across the country, meet someone and they would just happen to have a place for her?

She would get bloodshot eyeballs and leak blood out her nose for no good reason on a random basis. It would be one sided. Like, right eye, bloodshot, bloody nose, left eye just fine, no left nostril anything. She went to the doctors for this. They’d do surgeries, but the explanation for what was going on never happened? Like, they’d poke around and not find a reason.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

No idea. I was not raised around her. I met her much later in life.
I keep typing out and erasing her life story. I don’t think she was read in on the conspiracy. I think she was used like a puppet, like all of those awful shows about men pithing the free will of beautiful women to use them for nefarious purposes. She heard a ‘voice’ and she did what it said to do. She thought it was the voice of God. Except this voice would tell her to do terrifying, immoral things.

And, unfortunately, it really did break her brain. She is almost at the point of qualifying for involuntary committal at an insane asylum. She literally just wants to be left alone, far from people, with her cats.

7 months ago

“Ever notice that these guys never show to confront these people burning flags”

Ah AC, but they have:

That’s PF outside of an antifa meet up, and antifa is very scared

7 months ago

The sidebar is gone again.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Same with the 2 people on either side of him.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

Just a reminder, the sidebar is still gone.

7 months ago
7 months ago

AC why do you think they are beaming Biden and Hillary when it seems Trump and Putin are doing fine?

What do you think is preventing mass beam rollout

Reply to  kid
7 months ago

After the clean out of the White House in 2017, I imagine both take precautions
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