News Briefs – 07/25/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Twitter Brief is here.


There are whispers about that the recently closed Chinese consulate in Houston was caught running support operations for the racial protests across the country. Pretty much an act of war.  Pelosi appears to get money from China paid to her husband, Feinstein (who is on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and hired a PLA spy on her staff) has a husband being paid by China. Bill Clinton gave China everything from supercomputer tech to missile tech to the W88 Nuke warhead plans. And all of them were only in office because of Cabal-membership, so none of them would do any of that without it being Cabal-approved. It would not be surprising to find out Cabal was using the Chinese embassy as a base of operations. It would be a promising sign, because it would mean Trump has forced them out of government positions with access to government-run denied areas like SCIFs. So Cabal needed a denied area, and was so hard up it fled to foreign soil in a consulate. Truth be told, Cabal might have taken over China much easier than the US, since the only force resisting it here is Americans who cling to the Myth on principle, and gunowners who are armed and aggressive enough to kill Cabal-agents in a revolution. China has none of that, being dictatorial, corrupt, and with a cowed, subservient population.

Judge orders release of Epstein flight logs in the Ghislaine Maxwell lawsuit.

A prominent black Trump supporter, well known in his community for standing on street corners with “Vote Trump” signs was killed in broad daylight in Milwaukee’s Riverwest neighborhood Thursday afternoon.

Republican head of DHS under Bush disavows President Trump using federal troops to stifle Antifa terrorists and restore order to the cities. I never  would have thought I would view the Bush administration as traitors. But holy shit, here they are siding with Antifa and wishing overwhelming criminal unrest that will destroy the nation.

Elected officials on both sides of the aisle have joined together in a statewide campaign called VoteSafe Pennsylvania to advocate for mail-in ballots for the 2020 presidential election. We were never on the same team. It was always them vs us, we just never knew, so we never fought back.

The Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General has opened an investigation into allegations that DOJ personnel have improperly used force this month in Portland and Washington, D.C. Cabal was all throughout all the OIG positions, because they needed to close that avenue of attack against their corruption.

The Atlantic threatens even more violence if President Trump wins.

It looks like some of Jeffrey Epstein’s money is funding leftist protests in Israel.

Fauci says “serious threats” have been made against him and his wife and daughters. Nobody is threatening Fauci. 99.9% of the populace has probably never heard his name, or has any idea who he is. So we have one more example of how the media is entirely propaganda.

White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci on Friday defended himself from charges of hypocrisy after he was seen not wearing a mask or social distancing while watching baseball. He is a blatant bullshit artist though.

There have been multiple arrests in Beverly Hills on Thursday evening as a mob of protesters attempted to take the streets of ultra-liberal Beverly Hills. They brought in a chopper and an armored vehicle. Again, it could be satire, but its real.

Antifa splinter cells are planning a day of terrorism across the country in retaliation for the feds cleaning up Portland.

Portland authorities are calling on the government to remove fencing around a federal courthouse amid ongoing protests or face legal action, according to a recently published official letter. Politicians and bureaucrats would not openly align with the psychos of Antifa on their own this widely, as it would seem a risk, should the psychos go too crazy. You would only see this kind of widespread coordination alliance if both were two parts of the same machine, both being coordinated by the same command.

A&E lost half its audience after canceling “Live PD.” Start a business, and see how hard it is to succeed. Then imagine finally attaining success, and just throwing it away to virtue signal to a bunch of leftist half-wits. Again, this is not the type of ruthless pursuit of profit and success you would expect to see from a dominant player in a market in a Capitalist system. Something must not be working the way you thought.

U.S. insurers and brokers are starting to craft professional liability coverage for police officers, spurred on by the push to punish Police. So now tax dollars will flow out to yet one more parasitic industry,

California has 6 extra representatives thanks to people in their state illegally, report says.

Civil liberties groups and a coalition of states, cities and counties filed lawsuits challenging President Trump’s new policy to discount illegal immigrants when the census reports the population for purposes of apportioning congressional districts.

Black Lives Matter Chicago and other social justice groups filed suit seeking to prevent agents deployed in Chicago by President Donald Trump from harassing and detaining protesters.

Philly DA warns federal officers could be arrested if they storm Pennsylvania protests.

Security analysts reverse-engineered a Chinese-made DJI drone app and found the ability to spy on users.

People all over the world are getting mystery packages of seeds from China. Another article about people in Virginia getting them. Nobody is sure what it is, though some think some manufacturer in China is placing orders for their own product using fake accounts for all of these people, and shipping the seeds so it looks like a legit order, which then allows them to give themselves a good feedback score. So far no word on what the seeds are, which is curious.

Joe Rogan is leaving Los Angeles and moving to Texas because there’s more freedom there.

Calls to boycott Major League Baseball trend after players kneel during national anthem.

Nikkei Asian review does a pictorial review of the torrential rains and flooding assaulting China and threatening 150 of its dams.

Chinese military researcher hiding out in China’s San Francisco consulate is arrested.

Nicholas Sandman’s $250 Million lawsuit against the Washington Post was settled for an undisclosed amount.

U.S. District Court Judge refuses to put a restraining order on federal police in Portland to stop them from making arrests.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot caves and accepts President Donald Trump’s offer of federal law enforcement officials to help fight crime in Chicago.

The Police Officers Association of Michigan on Thursday endorsed President Donald Trump for re-election.

New home sales hit a 13-year high in June.

Rasmussen shows President Trump’s approval rating is better than Obama’s at the same time in his Presidency. And back then it was hip to say you supported Obama, while Trump supporters tend to keep their opinions to themselves today. They also find black support is at record levels.

President Trump signs four Executive Orders lowering prescription drug prices.

A photo gallery of President Trump, joined by baseball Hall of Fame pitcher Mariano Rivera, hosting the opening day of the 2020 Little League Baseball season.

Spread r/K Theory, because even the media propaganda can’t hide the Trumpslide.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“There are whispers about that the recently closed Chinese consulate in Houston was caught running support operations for the racial protests across the country.”

Trying to start CW2. Yes, it is an act of war.

“Philly DA warns federal officers could be arrested if they storm Pennsylvania protests.”
“Portland authorities are calling on the government to remove fencing around a federal…”

Actually starting CW2. Sedition and insurrection are federal crimes.

Basic things for LEOs.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Racial tensions are real—and yes, any normal enemy will use that to undermine their enemy. Its commonsense—that is why it the height of foolishness to race-mix. America is fragile, purposely engineered that way—to de-nazify it. And to top it all off, immigrants form 5th columns in their host countries. Jews did spying for Soviet Russia. The Chinese are spying and stealing technology. And our academia are fine with that.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

“There are whispers about that the recently closed Chinese consulate in Houston was caught running support operations for the racial protests across the country.”

I of course would stop the Chinese but I think we can hardly complain as I’m almost 100% sure we have been doing the same in Hong Kong. We should get out of the country overthrow business. If we disprove of a country we should just stop all trade with them and use all other diplomatic tools we have.

Popcorn Mather
Popcorn Mather
4 years ago

Dear AC,
Just wanted to say, keep up the great work, and I really appreciate the new site setup with the separate sections. This makes it much easier for me to copy and send news links to friends and family as I read — usually important things that they otherwise would not see.
The reason it works better is because I often have to use just 3g or other limited phone networks when reading on my phone at work and other locations, because I have a very limited budget and a very limited data plan, and free wifi is often not available. Also, not loading the twitter on my phone keeps me from using my very limited data ration on my current plan, so I can still copy and paste to send to people, but I’m not loading all the images and video from the twitter feeds — I wait till I’m on my laptop/wi-fi to look at those after work, usually. Thanks for the extra work it took to create the 3 daily posts now — I think it was a good move for a lot of us who have limited bandwidth/wifi access. Keep it up!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

This x 100. The new layout is MUCH easier to load and read.

AC, thanks for the all the links and your commentary. Your passion in getting all this out there is amazing.

4 years ago

A lot of people are mad at me for calling America a Failed state. I didn’t come to that conclusion by myself.

I would like to recommend the books by John A. Stormer, a Protestant, anti-communist author. I’ve read several of his books.

He wrote “None Dare call it Treason” IN 1964

“Death of a Nation” in 1968.

And “None Dare Call It Treason, 25 years later” in 1990.

He called it way back then. This is nothing new. Mr. Stormer called it out a long time ago, 55 years ago! And now its all coming to fruitition. Him and the John Birch Society were calling out the communist/Marxist subversion of this country. —–NOW, all of you see it first hand.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Just like post-Soviet Russia. Even after 30 years their military is right back in the game, especially with nukes and SAMs.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

“America a Failed state”

I’m very, very gloomy about the actions taken or not taken to clean this mess up but I assure you we could legally and without violating any of the laws of the Constitution clean this mess up in a few months with real action taken by authorities who will do what needs to be done. Within a few years, maybe two or so we could see dramatic change.
1. Digital assured and checked voting. All States NOT having this will NOT be able to seat their Representatives.
2. Change the illegal Supreme court decision to make States Senates based on population instead of regions.
3. Change the illegal Supreme court decision to make States allow everyone to vote except felons. Make sure that if you don;t pay taxes or haven’t graduated high school you don;t vote. The exact rules don’t matter except that they make sure the voters have skin in the game.
4. Deport all illegal aliens. I did the math on this and it could be done with our C5 aircraft and half the 747’s in one year. That’s not even counting all the other planes and it’s based on a flight for each plane every two days so easy to accomplish. It could be done much faster. We could save a fortune as the aliens are using billions of public services and it would cost us a max of $2,000 to get rid of them..
5. Deport the aliens, rapeugees or public charges. Any and all immigrants that have taken public services, included in the above deportation. I used a figure of 100 million to get rid of for the plane deportation above.
6. Criminals are making life unlivable in many places. Deport them to a vast permaculture project in the middle of the desert and have them terrace the whole entire desert and build canals. We have lot and lots of room and plenty to do.
7. End section 8 housing which is just spreading crime and build massive high rise housing projects, we’re talking millions and millions of apartments. Have a vote in the house on the question is “diversity our highest value” and put every damn one of them in districts where they vote yes. Let them eat their own status preening.

This would be a good start and if we did this or even the first four in five years you would not even recognize the country. It would be a huge turning point. It ain’t over until it’s over.

4 years ago

Terrence Popp has a good breakdown of what’s coming.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

That guy talking about the fields of earth and earthquakes doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I stopped when he said all the current or energy is from piezoelectric power. No. Now I’m not saying I know where the earth’s magnetic field comes from but it’s not that.

4 years ago

If you can read this, there was a story you posted in the past about a man who was surveilled by people with invisibility tech and took them to court. Please repost info. I can’t find it. Thank you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Many thanks!