News Briefs – 07/24/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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Local counter snipers w/ view of rooftop pulled from posts minutes before Trump shooting.

New video from the aftermath on the roof from Trump assassination attempt. Not much, just a Secret Service guy asking cops basic questions so he can apprise DC of what happened.

Secret Service encourages Trump campaign to stop outdoor rallies, and not appear before any large crowds. Probably next they will say to stop the patriotic talk and the criticism of democrats, since it is inflaming people.

Trump plans to stop holding outdoor rallies after assassination attempt, per NBC.

Trump campaign is scouting indoor venues, such as basketball arenas and other large spaces where thousands of people can fit, people familiar with the request said.

Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle resigns.

Twitter video: Eli Crane asking interesting questions about the shooting. Suspect’s home had been cleaned up like a medical facility, and there was no silverware or trash, (as if the family was just moved in prior to the search? Surveillance family playing a role to backstop this shooter’s cover story as just another normie, who was bullied in school and could not shoot? Maybe the reality was he was some kind of Cabal asset trained up in a Parallax Corporation type deal, and they needed to plant his backstory somewhere new, as real Dad was something interesting like CabaTier One/Delta and real Mom was a CIA MK Ultra shrink, and he spent his life growing up bouncing from Embassy to warzone and back. Might explain why they moved two surveillance kids to tell the story of him being bullied and showing up to try out for the rifle club, and taking the point on one end of the range, and being so unable to aim when he pointed the rifle at the target and shot, he hit the side wall on the other side of the point on the other side of the range (The school later said the rifle team had no record of him ever showing up.). Also might explain him having explosives and an exit plan to blow his car and scoot out on a bike, as well as him taking Pistol II with his own 9mm and being a crack shot. Training costs money.

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the patsy who tried to assassinate Donald Trump, had an FBI email address:

Data Analyst Tony Seruga“A Swiss billionaire, who lives in Wyoming, Johann Georg Wyss has ties to shooter Crooks, but also had ties to Maui police chief John Pelletier, who, with the FBI, covered up the Lahaina fires, AND, was the commander of the Las Vegas mass shooting massacre, who along with the FBI stonewalled his own department, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and the mayor. But it doesn’t stop there, he actually meet with the ‘Las Vegas shooter’ Stephen Paddock (CIA asset) in Paso Robles, CA multiple times over a two year period. Also meeting one month before the Las Vegas shooting at an Indian casino in Solvang, CA, Chumash Casino. He has illegally donated hundreds of millions illegally to the Democrats.”

Safety of Supreme Court Justices gets renewed scrutiny after Trump assassination attempt. Yikes.

Not impossible in these times:

Kamala Harris talks to Biden as if he’s on his deathbed during ‘odd’ phone call. How odd was it? It appears to have not even been Biden:

The Whitehouse gets caught using popular AI voice cloning tool @ElevenLabs to fake call to Vice President Kamala’s HQ event.

Las Vegas hospital was put on standby for sudden Biden medical issue last Wednesday, instead, Air Force One flew to Delaware so fast “the plane shook.”

Biden boards Air Force One, heads to White House in first appearance after dropping out of 2024 presidential race.

President Biden plans to address the nation from the Oval Office on Wednesday night to explain his decision to bow out of the presidential campaign and outline how he wants to use his final six months in office.

Kamala must return campaign funds she seized from former presumptive Democrat nominee says FEC Chairman Sean Cooksey.

Kamala Harris’ reportedly vetting these 5 top contenders for VP: North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris Tuesday over her role in immigration law and for allegedly misleading the public on President Joe Biden‘s condition. What about the fact she is not a natural born citizen, but rather was the offspring of two foreigners, one in the US illegally, who only later got naturalized? You know it is fake, because if you were doing it, it would be done right.

Schumer, Pelosi played ‘good cop, bad cop’ to convince Biden to drop out with ex speaker stating it would happen by either the ‘easy way or the hard way.’

No one claps as Chuck Schumer endorses Harris for President; Asks for applause, still no one claps.

92 percent of Kamala Harris’ staff left in her first three years as VP.

According to two recent overnight polls, Kamala Harris’ popularity as a presidential candidate plunged with Hispanic voters compared to Democratic candidates in recent years.

Exclusive-Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds. Dangerous, because the headline might as well read, “Reuters/Ipsos finds Democrats could rig election so that final tally is 44 to 42 for Harris.”

Black Lives Matter demands DNC host immediate primary to protest ‘anointing’ of Kamala Harris.

Trump appeals civil fraud judgment against his company in New York case.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) told a federal judge on Monday that it does have transcripts of President Joe Biden’s discussions with his biographer from the classified documents probe into the president after saying last month that it did not.

Connecticut Bar has initiated no investigative proceedings to disbar Hunter Biden after his felony convictions in June.


The ‘crazy conspiracy theory’ known as ‘Replacement Migration’, is the subject of a 177 page official UN planning document.

The latest from the Pew Research Center shows that as of 2022, more than 30 million legal immigrants and illegal aliens were in the United States and holding American jobs — a 20-percent increase over the last 15 years.

Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone National Park has blown up due to a hydrothermal explosion, destroying a nearby boardwalk as tourists could be seen running to safety.

It is not impossible Peter Thiel could be an Epstein-type op, targeting homosexuality instead of pedophilia. Somebody on 4Chan claimed inside knowledge that JD Vance is Thiel’s man because there was some kind of thing there, and now Thiel, and by extension his CIA handlers, own Vance. Could have been a LARP obviously, but it got me thinking how the Level I understanding with respect to Epstein was, he was not really a financial genius, but rather was a planted money manager for Cabal. then the Level II understanding is, they had that position perform double duty for maximal efficiency, using him as a sex honeypot as well. That got me thinking, maybe all these planted billionaires do double duty like that. Anyway, I thought of it all when I saw this next tweet, which implies some strange servility to Mossad, ala Epstein:

Is it me, or is this grossly disrespectful to White House staff:

Harrowing CCTV shows Australian woman hiding inside shop after alleged gang rape in Paris.

The horrifying attack on an Australian tourist in Paris last weekend is just the latest alleged gang rape on the streets of Paris as Parisian women have revealed their safety fears, while police have voiced concerns in the run up to the Olympics.

Russian Iskander strike destroyed a temporary deployment point housing Western instructors and mercenaries, killing over 50 foreign instructors, reportedly including some SAS.

Court fight over same-sex marriage aims to bring down landmark ruling that made it legal. Remember when they said it was silly to think that would be a slippery slope? Now they are tranny-fying 7 year olds and making them dance for dollar bills in gay bars.

Chicago quietly drops hyped-up lawsuit against Glock firearms company over pistols being able to be converted to fully automatic.

Former president Donald Trump’s allies are drafting a sweeping AI executive order that would launch a series of “Manhattan Projects” to develop military technology and immediately review “unnecessary and burdensome regulations.”

Trump beats Harris by 8 points nationally and 5 points in Georgia.

Rasmussen – Trump v Harris: Trump 53, Harris 40 – Trump v Harris & Others: Trump 53, Harris 37, Kennedy 4, West 1, Stein 1, Oliver 1.

July Polls: Trump crushes Harris in 13 national surveys.

Spread r/K Theory, because life is war

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7 months ago

“Throughout your life has your intuition told you something is not right, but you just could not understand what? American Stasi may have the perfect explanation.” Reader from NY

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago


7 months ago

Trump Reveals He Will NOT Pick JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon Or BlackRock CEO Larry Fink As Secretary Of Treasury

7 months ago

> Harrowing CCTV shows Australian woman hiding inside shop after alleged gang rape in Paris.

Hey, at least she survived. Not like the Australian woman who was gunned down in the street in 2017 by a Somali with a Minneapolis police badge and city-issued gun, who shot her while sitting in his city-issued police car.

Body cameras were off, of course, and his excuse was “he was spooked”. So he got 4.5 years, and he’s out already. Probably working at some other PD.

The PD and the city covered for him, though the act was so blatant the court had to downgrade the charges and then give him a wrist slap.

That’s your “Thin Blue Line” at work

Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

-And the Minneapolis woman killed is in fact the person who called the cops for help.
–Let this be a lesson to us all.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
7 months ago

It is a lesson Cabal wants you to learn

Mostly Anonymous
Mostly Anonymous
7 months ago

Moving to arenas may not be a better plan.

Arenas may be more difficult to lock down than open air. Tunnels, passages, and plenty of places to hide devices.

Reply to  Mostly Anonymous
7 months ago

Plus tight crowds can be disorienting, distort sound and conceal suspicios people, activities. Not a better plan imho.

7 months ago

“Not impossible in these times:”

Best explanation of what became the isse wuth “Biden” I’ve seen so far.

7 months ago

“Black Lives Matter demands DNC host immediate primary to protest ‘anointing’ of Kamala Harris.”
This woman already has ads up talking about how Trump is a threat… so much for taking the temperature down. I wouldn’t be surprised if she mobilizes BLM or Antifa, or at the very least, let’s them do whatever they want.
The Whore of Babylon.

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous
7 months ago

Not topical, but came across this and thought of your position that US Postal Service has been Cabal from the beginning. Postmaster General (who never had kids, Harvard grad), divvies out contracts to big airlines, cutting out little guys who never had a chance. Presumably we had some of our people in Congress still, or this never would have come to light/been investigated:
paid for having sufficient cargo capacity on their planes, whether the planes carried mail or flew empty,”

7 months ago

Las Vegas hospital was put on standby for sudden Biden medical issue last Wednesday, instead, Air Force One flew to Delaware so fast “the plane shook.”

I did the math on this one after hearing on Timcast. They said they cut a half an hour off the trip from Vegas to DC. That’s 2400 miles. 747 normally cruises at 575 mph making this a 4.2 hour trip. To make it in 3.7 hours, they had to do 650 mph. I wouldn’t be surprised if that airframe has to be inspected for damage after stressing it like that.

Reply to  phelps
7 months ago

Or they’re lying, as usual.

7 months ago

That Swiss billionaire in Wyoming has a sister who’s a journalist and author, as I now found out on German Wikipedia. She wrote for just about every Swiss MSM newspaper and news magazine, and authored an influential 2nd wave feminism ‘bible’ in the 1970s. Definitely in the business of shaping people’s minds.

I’m not sure if every Cabal kid gets assigned supermarket follows, it seems more like they get whatever assignments best suit them. And their system must also be open to ronin / mercenary types who have proven themselves the right way.

7 months ago

Is it me, or is this grossly disrespectful to White House staff:

I lold.
Tell me you haven’t spent a lot of time around Jews without telling me. Is it free? Then they will use it to the point of abuse. Because its free.

Reply to  phelps
7 months ago

Phelps is on point here.

I knew a guy who came to the US from that country and lived in a hotel for several months. After he moved into his own place, he said he went back to the hotel to get clean sheets and towels. He would stuff the previous week’s dirty linns into the housekeeping cart and just take new stuff. If the housekeeper said anything, he claimed he was just freshening up his own room to help out.

So brazen. So dishonest. I was gobsmacked. Remonstrating with him about it did nothing. He said his entire family did it and no amount of saying “that is NOT how we do things here” mattered to them. He was proud of it.

7 months ago

Nothing is as it appears.
Read American Stasi.
Buckle up!

Anon in the Sun

Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

I’m not sure how easy it is to post info on that site, but I remember when, years ago, somebody hated a radio host and would post on wiki everyday that the person had died that day. Every single day. Seemed like a threat, but I don’t know if anyone looked into it. Anyway, two cents.

7 months ago
7 months ago

Can’t help but wonder if he was targeted….

Steve Kirsch’s newsletter

While working on the Czech Republic data I went blind in my right eye

I was just sitting at the computer typing and the text starting getting wavy. An hour later, most of my vision in my right eye vanished. I may never get it back.

Last edited 7 months ago by B_MC
Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  B_MC
7 months ago

It is possible it was caused by a clot from the vaccines he took.

Reply to  B_MC
7 months ago

Possibly optic neuritis. Dude needs to get evaluated for Multiple Sclerosis.

7 months ago

Biden AI, Azure, and Crowdstrike: If you want to take this theory and run with it, you might think Crowdstrike was “bricking,” computers and servers globally to cut off potential paths to exfiltrate the Biden AI files.

If a government hacked a Biden AI and attempted to move it to its own system, they may have needed to break up the Biden AI files / programs because of their sizes and jump those files and programs from server to server and from workstation to workstation to keep pursuers from recapturing them. To make the thief’s job more difficult, Crowdstrike may have begun bricking servers and workstations to cut off avenues of escape, then covered up the mess with a fake “bad update” story.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Yes, the whole outage is like a plot point from a mission impossible episode. We’ll never know what really happened behind the scenes from the Trump assassination attempt through biden getting Beamed and quitting the race when he’s already the nominee (lol). And it’s still going on now with Kamala who can’t even legally be president. The Democrat convention is super bowl popcorn time.

7 months ago

I am curious if you have seen the Sonya Massey story/shooting, thoughts on the video. Seems to go from 0 to bullet in the head way too fast.

Reply to  MrAnderson
7 months ago

Seems to go from 0 to bullet in the head way too fast.

Sure, you stand still over there while I throw boiling water at you and see how inappropriate you think it is then. Seemed to be the perfect amount of time between “let me boil these cracka ass bitches” and TND to me.
Inb4 “she was surrendering and scared” yeah, okay, so scared she threw boiling water at them? Best case scenario it’s 60IQ sub-saharan brain doing it’s thing, worst case she cried victim specifically to launch an ambush, take your pick.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

have us impudent disrespectful civilians offended you, officer? dear me! one truly hopes that’s your mom getting gunned down in her own kitchen by a psycho roid cop someday.

fuck the police

Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

Cabal wants you to hate the police. It has been engineered.

Soon there will be no police. It will be like living in a US penitentiary. Chose your gang.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

It’s pretty obvious you don’t belong here. (AC, you should definitely look at the video. She had just called the police to report an intruder. Then the police show up, and they order her to turn off the stove and remove the pot, and then as she does that, the cops suddenly act like their lives are in danger, just because she did what they told her, and one of the cops shoots her. If I’m misrepresenting the video, you’ll know. But I’m not. Looks like she was a Targeted Individual. Targeted that night, anyway. Assassinated. Perhaps just to create some national George Floyd pretext. Or fake-assassinated for that purpose? It’s just sooooooooo hard to believe it when you see it. It’s either theater or else the cops were momentarily possessed by evil, or else those cops were simply that evil all along. Perhaps the cops were beamed at that very moment to act like inexplicable Murderous Cowards. Once you’ll see it, though, you’ll instantly see that whoever the Anonymous above is, is somebody you should permanently ban from your blog, if possible. Imagine if it had been Naylor.)

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Another vote for police officer murdered someone. That whole thing was weird.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

I watched that video. It looked like she got water from the tap.

The policeman over-reacted and should not have been in uniform. It is similar to female police that kill because they are unable to handle situations

Reply to  MrAnderson
7 months ago

Looked to me like massive fucking around leading to the expected out being found.

7 months ago
7 months ago

ATF Destroyed In Court! Forced Reset Trigger Rule VACATED!!!

7 months ago

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the patsy who tried to assassinate Donald Trump, had an FBI email address:
Article says the email profile looks to have been created in March 2020. 4+ years ago. When the shooter was 16 years old.
Are we to believe the FBI contracts or hires 16 year old’s for any purpose?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago
Reply to  gman
7 months ago

How are people who read this site still so damn blind.

They’re employing 5 year olds to spy on kindergarteners and lure them into predator ambushes to use sex assault as a future destroyer for kids with a bright potential path. To think a 16 year old (well into fighting age of years past) would be a non-combatant is lunacy.

TruthSeeker Bear
TruthSeeker Bear
Reply to  gman
7 months ago

Assuming they’re not lying about his age.

English Tom
English Tom
7 months ago

Re Netanyahu bringing suitcases of dirty laundry to the US. Could be comms stating if he doesn’t get what he,wants he is going to release blackmail material.
Just a thought.

English Tom
English Tom
7 months ago

Ie don’t air your dirty laundry in public.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

Whitney Webb did a 26 minute expose of this with redacted. I linked to it a couple of days ago. Mossad/unit 8200 control of US critical cyber infrastructure is 100% complete. Of course when it happens Iran or someone else will be blamed but be under no illusions mossad totally controls US cyber infrastructure.

Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

“8200” Sigh. That brings back memories. Namely, memories of me shrieking in these comments last year that my Literal Rothschild long-distance Israeli pianist girlfriend at the time said that over 10 of her relatives/friends were in 8200. Amazingly, it actually is still possible that she is just an Asperger’s-ish naive innocent. Still ever-so-faintly possible. But look, if 8200 or Mossad actually had that kind of control, then wouldn’t Trump be dead? Wouldn’t AC and I and anyone else you can think of with a brain and a moral compass be dead? AC’s blog would be silenced, at least, right? Not just some denial of service crap but nuking the blog completely, right? So, “be under no illusions mossad totally controls US cyber infrastructure” makes no sense, based on the actual evidence, which is US TALKING, me LIVING, etc. You might be the one under some kind of polarizing all-or-nothing spell, in fact, “100% complete”, “totally”, the haughty “be under no illusions” without actually knowing for sure. Have you been hearing any voices or thinking any even stranger thoughts lately? No, I am not accusing you of being insane. AC will know why I asked.

7 months ago

“Dirty laundry”, wow. They sure do love their symbolism. That’s almost preposterously-obvious, “dirty laundry”, and I say ALMOST because that is their modus operandi, as we’ve seen: Preposterously-blatant.

7 months ago

J24 Committee on the way! Insurrection at the Capitol! The Capitol Police let these insurrectionists in as well. They’re in on it!

Never gonna happen.

We are definitely living in The Clown Show.

Paraphrasing one thing LBJ said in The Right Stuff (I’m sure dramatization): “Get those morons outta here!” That includes everybody that’s come over the border illegally. And all the Congress. And bureaucrats. They all suck.

7 months ago

The New Girl DisorderWhy are young women so prominent in anti-Israel protests?”

Interesting read.

Reply to  🌲🌲
7 months ago

“Despite menacing sloganeering” Yeah, real menacing. “STOP THE GENOCIDE!” How frightful! Especially compared to the gentile, errr, gentle genocide itself. “A woman making a show of being a caring, civil person masks her own hostility by projecting it onto others.” Substitute “Zionist Jew” for “woman” and it’s a perfect example of projection. They sure do love them some projection, goddamn. “Of course, most women don’t let themselves get so wild” I myself have never been as infuriated, to an almost-murderous extent, than when encountering mindlessly-genocidal Zionists, i.e., their emotional extremes are NORMAL FOR THE CONTEXT, because the genocide is THAT evil. “Hamas, a terror group so proud of its capacity for sadistic rape and murder that it filmed some of its October 7 atrocities”, gee, the author forgot that Israel blatantly allowed those atrocities for OVER EIGHT HOURS, i.e., a preposterously-obvious inside job. “Kay S. Hymowitz”, lol…LMFAO, even. Hey, are your two trees a shoutout to the original timeline in Back to the Future? Do you yourself harbor a desire to return to some original timeline where Israel hadn’t exposed itself as the Naziest Nazis of all time? “Interesting read”? Not as interesting as your choice to post it! [stares Timberlakely]

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

This was an…. interesting …..response, so thanks for that, I guess.

🌲🌲Two trees is a short form for Forest Anon. I used ForestAnon for a long time then found out some YouTuber was madladding it and building huts and whatnot. I’m not him so changed it up. I explained what I was doing here in the comments, so long time commenters were aware.

Re: the article….I said it was interesting, not that I agreed with or promoted it, and I certainly didn’t offer support to either Israel OR Palestine. Even assuming support for the 19th—and I’m not sure I do–a lot of women have clearly gone insane. This article provided a view into an aspect of that, and fits the goal of sharing information at AC’s place. Don’t like it? Scroll on by. No need to sperg out.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

“The zionists are evil for allowing Hamas to do evil things” doesn’t do much for Hamas.

Both sides over there are full of evil and anyone passionately supporting either side is deranged.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

As a previous supporter, Israel has outdone themselves. Thousands of murders. 10s of thousands of children.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago


Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
7 months ago

The Trump assassination attempt was fake:

* Hands up anyone who doesn’t think that Trump has his own team of elite security professionals at these rallies monitoring every possible sniper vantage point and ensuring Trump doesn’t get into or remain in dangerous situations? Think he’s going to trust Biden’s USSS? What are you smoking?

* While I’m hardly an Miles Mathis fan, he occasionally extracts a click out of me via links in the alt news aggregator sites I visit. Amongst other glaring anomalies, he notes that at the fire station where the guy who was ‘killed’ worked, they hung a fire jacket with his name on it at a memorial they set up for him. They misspelled his name! Mathis says that Trump knew in advance about the fake attempt (true enough), but also makes sure to drop his customary black pill that Trump and Cabal were in cahoots on it. Because reasons. I guess not doing so would defeat the entire purpose of his website. Worth reading anyway as long as you keep this in mind

The most interesting thing to me about this whole thing though is what appears to be an intensifying attack on some of the key ideologies underpinning Clownworld. For obvious reasons women aren’t optimal in USSS protective detail positions, but the female agent in this video is clearly hamming up the incompetence to the nth degree Elon Musk also made sure to post a satirical meme of this agent in a movie poster type pic holding her weapon, under the text “DEI Hard”. From memory, he also retweeted a meme showing a female agent cowering a few yards behind a male agent covering Trump. In between was a line with the text “Wage Gap”. Hundreds of millions of people are seeing these tweets. Then we have USSS director Cheatle claiming that agents weren’t placed on the sniper rooftop because it was sloped and ‘too dangerous’. This is obviously ludicrous, but it plays right into the anti-feminist trope that women are too concerned with safety at the expense of necessary risk taking. Powerful forces seem to be taking pains at the moment to discredit both feminism and DEI. Like I said, interesting.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
7 months ago

I don’t think this was a kayfabe make-up job, frantically applied under cover of the Secret Service huddle. Something wounded Trump for real.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
7 months ago

Your concern is noted. Collect your shekels on the way out.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
7 months ago

One of Mathis’ most interesting takes is that the Cabal went too far in discrediting the Republican Party during the Obama years. Intelligence was so full of itself installing a foreigner into high office that they forgot that America is a two-party system. You have to rig elections to a lot both parties to thrive.

By the time intelligence was fielding losers like McCain and Romney, Republicans were probably polling at around 10%. Not even Republicans had any reason to vote Republican.

What we are seeing now is a correction in the other direction, with the Republicans being given a better script.

The problem is that this overcorrecting is creating real revolutionary conditions.

7 months ago

Elon Musk Says Report Of $45 Million Monthly Donation To Pro-Trump Super PAC Was “Made Up Fiction By WSJ”

7 months ago

The WP install issue happened briefly just now.

7 months ago

Forced reset triggers back into being legal. ATF will appeal. I can’t see any legal avenue they have left to argue that hasn’t already been answered here which is why I expect SCOTUS to refuse the appeal unless they really want to turn the screws on an alphabet agency forgetting the role of the executive branch.

Supreme Court Issues 6-3 Decision Changing The Second Amendment & NFA Fight!!! ATF Loses Big!
Armed Scholar