News Briefs – 07/24/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – France And Germany Flash Recession Warnings

DFT – Brazil Looking To Boost Mutual Trade With Russia As Dedollarization Continues

DFT – G20 Climate Consensus Fails As Energy Producers Fail To Agree

DFT – Russian President Putin Pens Letter Explaining Black Sea Deal Withdrawal

DFT – Musk Announces A Rebranding Of Twitter


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Vox Day on the 7 Signs of Controlled Opposition. Media mentions are the big one. Arkhaven blew past 13 million pageviews, and nobody even noticed.

Doing this site, you get the feel for these things, because starting out here, I remember looking at other sites, promoted everywhere as if they were huge, and wishing I was that big. Now, years later, they should be even bigger, and I see those sites, plug them in on Similarweb, and find we are sometimes two or three times as big as them. Which means they were never that big to begin with. They just got mentioned everywhere, and it looked impressive.

I don’t think, if we knew the truth, DC Comics was this massive Colossus, perched at the top of a mountain. I think it was a mildly successful media company, which got pimped everywhere in the mass media – and still was only a mildly successful media company. I would bet more people have read Vox Day’s blog from its inception, without any mass media promos, than have been DC Comics fans over the same period. I will bet Arkhaven now, because it is of our community, and everyone in our community knows of it, will have more people who have heard of it and love it, than DC has DC fans who care about it. And that will now only accelerate, because Arkhaven is real, and gives fans what they want, and DC is a propaganda op, which all the media mentions in the world cannot promote over the innate resistance the propaganda engenders.

The story of the fifth plane on 9/11. READ THIS ARTICLE. Two major bombshells, which will go over everyone’s heads but your’s, both mean the same thing – 9/11 was an op, and there was a cleanup crew assigned to this plane, and seen by the pilot and flight attendant.

One, the plane was handled differently after it failed to take off and the hijackers deplaned. A mechanic came on board with official authority and took the plane from the pilot to drive it to an isolated area away from everything, after making the pilots and flight attendants get off and leave. And two, it appears two other men likely snuck on from the secure area around the plane, using an outside hatch, likely to help the mechanic with the cleanup of tech and hijacking weapons left on the plane.

I have told you, I know intelligence operators. I know how they think, I grew up with these assholes all around me, and I have watched them try to exert control for a decade now overtly in my own life, and for decades before that covertly. I have also compulsively drunk in everything on their operations in the broader world. I know them.

I said, I do not think Cabal would find out about 9/11, and just plan for it to happen, and have a backup plan if it failed, and not care which it did. Intelligence takes full control, it does not leave chances. It decides how things will go, and it makes sure they happen. It can do that, because nobody knows it is there, and nobody will resist it. If those planes crashed into those buildings, and Cabal knew about the plot (and with the ground surveillance in the US they knew), then Cabal made it so those planes would definitely crash into those buildings. They were never going to fail to crash into the towers. They would make sure of that.

If you have ever tried to land even a mere Cessna on a large runway, it is tricky. You drop the flaps, which lets you drop your airspeed super-slow, and then you steer. But it is not like a car. Your nose can go up and down. You can spin on a vertical axis. You bank side to side. There are no tires on a solid ground, which makes your steering pinpoint precise. You line up with the runway and begin to descend, and a gust of wind makes the plane feel like a bucking bronco, and you are off course, and spun away from the runway. You try to steer back, but you are slaloming, and slide a little too far. Another gust of wind blows you even further, and now you have to go back a lot, and you slightly overshoot, so you are now trying to do a small adjustment back, and then the wind hits again and your get pushed in the opposite direction and your adjustment was not enough. Then you get blown down 40 feet by a downdraft out of nowhere, and now you need to pick the nose up and give a little throttle to get a little higher. It is like that all the way down to the runway, and that is when you are only doing like 6o knots, aiming at the end of that massive runway. It is not easy doing it that slow, for a novice. And jets get very unstable at low altitudes in thick air, with unpredictable air currents, at high velocity. A small push of the tail, and at 500mph, you are way off, with no time to react. One pilot said, the only way he could see them flying as fast as they did, as low as they did, was if they engaged the autopilot almost the whole way. It was difficult.

So hitting those planes into those buildings would be harder than it looked. To get the wing tanks in the building you would have had a 70-100 foot width you had to hit in between, inside the 215ft wide building. Aiming from say 2000 feet away, while approaching at 450-500 mph, you are 7 football fields away, you have to pick a vector, and you impact in just over two seconds. Do you know how fast that is at the end, if you are 40 feet off? How brief your window to correct any overshoot is?

Cabal did not take a chance on these pilots. Intelligence does not take chances. If Mohammed Atta missed the building – and he was doing like 450 or 500mph at low altitude when he was steering into it because he had maxxed the throttle – if Atta was off and clipped the building with his wingtip and missed, everything would be fucked up. They needed the hits to be precise. I do not think they trusted these newbie-pilot sand-monkeys to accomplish that. Even regular low-budget Middle East suicide-vest bombers all have radio detonator backups, in case they get cold feet at the last minute. I would bet those planes had remote controlled backup overrides which at the last moment took over the steering and power, to make sure the hits were precise.

And I will bet moreover, they had cameras on board, with audio, set up in the cabins and cockpits, and they monitored the hijacking in real time, so they knew exactly what was happening every moment in those planes, and could coordinate the handoff to the team manning the radio-control as each plane approached their targets. I will bet, knowing how intel operates, somewhere, there is video from inside the planes, which shows everything through the moments of impacts, all throughout the cabins of all the planes.

The clean-up team showing up so fast means this was an op. And ops of this scale, at this level, do not roll out piecemeal, and half-assed. They would roll out the whole package, break out all of the toys, for the key event of the new millennia,  to kick off two decades of forever wars and consolidate total surveillance power over everyone.

And I will bet when this plane failed to take off, that was a clean-up team with puckered assholes rushing into action to get the weapons off the plane, remove the cameras, mics, and satellite transmitters, and then they had a mechanic get that plane somewhere that they could go in and strip the remote system off before anybody found it, probably from the electronics bay area. But there may have been physical actuators in the mechanics too, who knows. That they had to take it somewhere implies it was going to be a big job, and maybe obvious to observers, what they were doing.

That is why this plane got that treatment. That is why there was a team on it that fast – they were on standby, just in case. It is why it was a mechanic, and why the tower did not simply tell the pilots to park where it was taken ultimately, and deplane the passengers there. You do not drive a plane with a bomb on it to the terminal with every other plane filled with fuel there, for the convenience of the passengers.

You only get the passengers off in the terminal and speed the plane away when you have to work quickly in privacy and cannot have passengers standing on a tarmac waiting nearby for a bus, as you are taking boxes of satellite comm gear and cameras and hydraulic actuators and other shit off the plane, and maybe one of the passengers worked with gear like that in the military or something, and notices.

Then you have the fact, as people were deplaning, somebody, probably the two men the flight attendant saw, who were able to access the secure areas around the plane freely, went to it, opened an exterior hatch, entered the electronics bay in the bottom of the fuselage, moved through it and popped the access hatch into the passenger compartment, and likely removed the boxcutters or other weapons which the last group of hijackers had stashed on the plane. How many of you would know your way around a jet’s internals like that? I do not think those guys were hiding in a meal cart, and I think the mechanic only claimed he confronted them, and claimed they did not speak English, and claimed that they ran because he could not admit he knew them, and they were working together. Notice, they did not flee from the flight attendant, they just turned away and hid their faces. They never fled the plane, I will bet. Had the flight attendant not seen them, the mechanic would have moved the plane with them in it, as he probably did, and nobody would ever have heard of them. They were the clean up crew.

Which means those hijackers were in communication with support operations who could access planes in secure areas behind US government and airport security, because they would have had to tell command where they stashed the weapons once it wasn’t going to happen, and command would had to have gone back and picked them up.

That would seem a more sophisticated support infrastructure than bin Ladin would have had. That feels like Cabal’s domestic surveillance/infiltration network that I see every day. It also makes me wonder if the weapons were placed on the plane beforehand by support. They may not have smuggled boxcutters on. That was a risk, intel didn’t need to take. Rather they may have picked up Glocks and MP-5Ks  stashed on the plane. We were told boxcutters, to make the story that they smuggled them on make sense, but it always seemed a weak link to me. We were told passengers said boxcutters on phone calls. They even stashed boxcutters on other flights to be found later. But that is how intelligence would work after the fact, to cement the cover story. We really have no idea what happened on the crashed flights. But if this op was supported by a team with access to secure areas on planes in between flights, there is now no guarantee they smuggled their own weapons aboard, and if the weapons were preplaced by ground crew, they were not mere boxcutters. As I said, intelligence takes full control. Glocks and MP-5Ks, and maybe even bomb vests and hand grenades, are full control. That is how intelligence would do it.

Nothing we know is necessarily true. And I have told you repeatedly, surveillance at least allowed 9/11. And now it looks like they may have done more, much, much more. I am just blown away the curtain blew back this much. A part of me thinks, this has to be purposeful. They need to get that mechanic, and start removing fingernails. And I will bet he has followed people through grocery stores.

And note the 9/11 Commission would not even mention this flight, even though they knew all about it. That tells you they knew how important all of this was. Tucker Carlson attacked those two guys who raised the question about 9/11. He knew. And so did people living right down the street from you, and right behind you on the grocery store checkout line. And they must have viewed all of us as hopelessly clueless rubes as we clamored to go into Afghanistan, as if that was even possible for Afghanistan to do anything, in this thoroughly controlled dystopic panopticon we live in.

And they must have seen us, and the cops and firefighters who ran into the buildings, and all the victims as some form of enemy, in some kind of war. Understand how deeply they are all in, and how completely they controlled everything. See the degree to which our kind must be dehumanized by them, in their minds. Know, that control is slipping, if you are seeing things like this. It is on a trajectory to slip much further. And I suspect there will come a time, when the entire conspiracy will have to decide, whether to meekly accept the consequences for actions like these, (which, as a perpetrator of 9/11 alone would be quite harsh, even ignoring the direct actions of the domestic Stasi against every American). Or they will have to make a violent stand against their dehumanized subjects, and enact their oppression and control more openly and forcefully. I do not see them going quietly. I think that is why we are getting all the migrants.

Gilgo Beach murder tpster wants to know why bust took 13 years: ‘I mean, come on! Why didn’t they use that?’ There is more to this case, than meets the eye.

Long Island sex worker, 23, who was found dead in marshland was the victim of a serial killer, her family’s lawyer claims – as he says haunting position she was found in shows she was murdered, and disputes claims she died in a drug-induced drowning. She literally was a CraigsList prostitute who called cops from that scene where all the bodies were, said a couple of guys were about to kill her, cops were not allowed to come in and search for her body, only being given like a half hour to look for her before having to clear out, she was found dead right near all the other bodies, but they are saying all of that was coincidence, and she she must have gotten high and drowned in eight inches of water accidentally. And she had a crushed hyoid bone in her throat, which they hid. I have been going morning to night lately, but my Gilgo piece is coming. It is very big, and a lot of research. This case is some kind of keystone. I am not sure they weren’t kidnapping these girls, for elite rituals or something, killing them, disposing of them, and setting it up to look like a serial killer, and now they dropped it all on this poor fuck’s head.

Soundproof room ‘found in basement’ of Gilgo Beach murders suspect Rex Heuermann’s home. OMG, it must be him! Then the article adds this – “A neighbor claims a cop told them of a soundproof room in Heuermann’s house.” Because cops always blab to nosy neighbors, because they are so desperate for approval from any civilian rando plebe they encounter, and they are not afraid to lose their jobs at all. Right now, you are seeing the power of a domestic Stasi operation. I am sure, if you ever see me arrested for something, serial killing, planning a terrorist attack, assassination of somebody, huge drug trafficker, you are going to see every neighbor I have, out there, even though I never talk to them, saying all sorts of crazy shit their command told them to say about me. Nothing you see today is real. The question is, was any of it ever real, ever? I have no idea.

Senior lawmakers are increasingly demanding that military and other government officials provide them with information about intelligence on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs).

At 4:09 on this video, a curious shadow projected onto the tops of clouds, as seen from the Space Station. I know Phelps will figure out what it is, and it will be entirely innocuous.

The total number of illegal aliens who entered US under Joe Biden is more than the population of 35 states. They have recruited all of the Americans who they could, who would be cool with building the Stasi in America, and targeting you, and intruding into your home, and using their children to target your children in the schools, and destroying a system of freedom and opportunity, and replacing it with a system of control and oppression.

They cannot recruit too many more, so they are now importing as many as they can from their operations overseas in less important countries. This will probably be a war. It will be like Germany vs the US, where you may not have disliked the German soldier opposite you. But your choice will be take him out, or lose your nation. I am telling you now, I know this 100 percent. Everything is coming out, and people are going to have to chose between living under the Stasi, or not living under the Stasi. And I do not see that choice being a peaceful one because I do not see the Stasi wanting to give up all this power and abide by the law.

I think this is video of a US street gang which understands what vehicular surveillance looks like, and threatens it, because they think it is law enforcement. Of course, surveillance has nothing to do with crime or law enforcement, and the gang is probably run by Cabal surveillance kids, so this vehicular overwatch is just one more layer of a massive control onion blanketing a Cabal-run society where the good, the bad, and the indifferent are all controlled by Cabal operatives and all Cabal operatives are monitored themselves – which is why this happens every day, and those kids are still rolling with ARs down their pants. But most of the kids don’t know how it works, and here they think they are threatening their surveillance.

Florida Democrats say they’re spending and organizing to chase down people who vote by mail after election officials across the state canceled all standing mail ballot requests this year.

Gateway Pundit makes a prediction – Joe Biden will step down from office after sudden medical emergency before weak and feckless Republicans muster up the nerve to impeach him.

Definitely not an indicator of Cabal-affiliation for GOP Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy :

Vivek Ramaswamy’s Bermuda-based company, Axovant Sciences, had been formed only eight months earlier, but here it was raising $360 million to develop an Alzheimer’s drug that had been all but abandoned by giant pharma GlaxoSmithKline. On the first day of trading the stock almost doubled, giving Axovant a market capitalization of nearly $3 billion. Considering that Ramaswamy had persuaded Glaxo to part with the unproven remedy for a mere $5 million up front, the newlyweds were ecstatic, as was a veritable wedding party of hedge fund pals who had followed Ramaswamy into the stock.

Yet as quickly as it started, the honeymoon was over. Why would Glaxo sell off a promising drug for so little? critics asked. And how could a company with ten employees, two of whom were Ramaswamy’s mother and brother, be worth so much? Experts, analysts and the collective blogosphere quickly piled on, and Axovant’s shares went into free fall.

Imagine all the investors who cleaned up on that buying cheap, getting in low on the IPO, selling high, then shorting all the way down just before the media “revealed” what a scam the stock was, and imagine all the investors who got cleaned out by it.

Daily Mail Pushes Vivek – Trump supporters in New Hampshire want Vivek Ramaswamy as vice president pick: Anti-woke entrepreneur displaces Kari Lake as MAGA darling in poll

Democratic 2024 presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. has called for a “real investigation” on President Joe Biden and his family.

Biden’s Presidential campaign is again, not even trying. Might be election is rigged, so why bother. Another speculation at the article is Trump will be placed under house arrest, or the judge will forbid him talking about the classified documents case, and if Trump violates the order, he gets locked up until after the election, preventing him from campaigning. Another possibility, Joe is not going to run and knows, and it will be Newsom or Michelle or RFK.

Hunter Biden put then-VP Dad on the phone with business associates at least 2 dozen times, ex-partner Devon Archer to testify.

Law professors urge Biden to defy ‘mistaken’ rulings by ‘MAGA’ Supreme Court justices.

Law professors urge police to use Qualified Immunity for gun confiscations. In other words, just take the guns, and if people complain it violates their second amendment rights, claim qualified immunity to avoid the lawsuits.

USA Today “domestic security correspondent: Josh Meyer is being kept awake at night worrying that a lack of censorship could lead to disinformation being spread during the 2024 election.

Ex-CNN boss Jeff Zucker publicly holds hands with married CNN host Alisyn Camerota as they LEAVE Don Lemon’s Hamptons bash – moments before his current girlfriend Allison Gollust exits party.

CNBC host covers his ears amid “USA!” chant on NYSE floor as conservative marketplace Public Square rings the opening bell.

Disturbing photos of top Dems cozying up with hulking alleged child porn transvestite go viral.

Transgender social media influencer Dylan Mulvaney, who sparked a backlash against Bud Light due to a promotional campaign, is now seeking speaking engagements at colleges and universities. Maybe I could make $300K per year speaking at colleges? Anybody? I mean all that money is out there, and people are making millions, if I could just bleed off a little it would be like $80,ooo which is not bad. Sadly, it does not work like that. But this dude will probably make a comfortable living.

WWE Hall of Famer Rick Steiner removed from wrestling convention again over alleged transphobic remarks toward transgender female pro wrestler Gisele Shaw. WWE now has transgender wrestlers? Vince McMahon allowed that? I doubt he would want it, which means there is something out there which even he is terrified of, and cannot disobey. Imagine that.

Trans surgery nightmares revealed: 81% endure pain in the five years after gender-change procedures, more than half say having sex is painful – and a third are left incontinent, survey shows. I will bet 99 percent or more of these are guys who went online, visited porn sites, and said, “Hypnosis porn? What is that, I wonder. I’ll just try it once, and see how it makes me feel…” Again, I play the statistics. How many people are trained hypnotists? How many people were pro-transgender? How many people were both? Then that small cohort would need to cross paths with another cohort which would promote it on porn websites. Then on top of that, the entire “Mainstream” Propaganda media would have to take up its mantle, and cover up facts like the one above to encourage guys to get the most painful surgery anyone could imagine. The chances of it being organic are about zero. Plus if you are a pornographer, you can make traditional porn, have a stable of hot porn stars you sleep with, and probably prostitute out for cash, or you can throw that away to have a stable of mentally ill men who dress up like women and have sex with other men, which only appeals to like 1% of the prior audience. And there probably was not much money in regular porn to begin with, given the internet is filled to overflowing with it. It only makes sense as some kind of malicious MK Ultra Psyop. A really malicious MK Ultra op. The kind that would do 9/11.

America is in the midst of an explosion of sexually transmitted diseases as these maps compiled by using official data show.

Air Force Academy head says he supports a fellowship for ‘demigender’ cadets but does not know what it means.

Biden keeps shutting down Lithium mining making us dependent on China.

A Democratic state senator in Rhode Island who was caught keying a car because it had a ‘Biden sucks’ bumper sticker has been sentenced to pay just $3,000 in restitution.

An AI program is pretending to be Jesus and thousands of lost young people are flocking to it.

A multi-institutional team of engineers in China has developed a new type of brain-computer interface (BCI) that can be easily slipped in and out of the ear canal.

Netanyahu gets emergency heart procedure as turmoil grips Israel over Judicial Reform. You wonder if he was hit with a directed energy weapon, or if something was planted in his house which was degrading him like this. The timing is awfully good for the enemy.

Italian beauty pageant Miss Italy has banned biological males from entering its competition. K rises in Italy.

Italian conference may stanch migrant flow to Europe with African aid.

The leader of Spain’s opposition conservative party Alberto Núñez Feijóo has claimed victory in a snap election, but without the result he needed. Even with the support of the far right, his Popular Party has fallen short of a majority in parliament. If our elections are rigged, and they are, then everyone’s elections are rigged. Any poll, as there was here, saying the left is about to be blown out, needs to be understood in that context, because that poll only really means the opposition will be bringing even more vote fraud to the party than they were going to bring previously.

Tunisia says undocumented migrants in the country received $1 billion this year and sent it back to their home countries. President Kais Saied said, “This figure is shocking and indicates that Tunisia is being targeted.” These people were already running surveillance in their home countries, against their own people, for the conspiracy. All of this is a planned, organized, coordinated intelligence operation by a massive, global-sized, non-state version of the CIA.

It turns out all of the millions of dollars worth of arms weapons the Biden Administration is sending to Ukraine to fight its ongoing war with Russia are ending up in the hands of criminal gangs. Oh fuck. The Ukraine bullshit is a cover for them arming up the migrant gangs of Europe, in preparation to take the continent over violently. The whole EU may end up under the control of the Muslim wing of Cabal, if it doesn’t get its act together. And they will have nukes. What will disarmed French Cucks do when the Muslim gangs are parading through the streets with all the AKs and RPGs, killing with abandon, raping women at will, and every Frenchman is disarmed? All these governments are funneling billions worth of small arms to the invaders, through this roundabout mechanism. I told you, the populations of all the Western countries will want to kill all of the surveillance operatives, and then move on to the government functionaries working for Cabal, who at that point, will be entirely defenseless. In America it is tougher. We are all armed to the teeth, and those who are armed have a lifetime of growing psychologically comfortable with the idea of killing for purpose, absent emotion or hesitation. But in Europe, they are all disarmed. They have never even probably thought about taking a single life. Cabal could do it over there, if Europe doesn’t get its act together.

I hope the Russians are building detailed files on the ground surveillance over there from overhead satellite video, and logging all their home residences which they return to after vehicular follows, and adding in their IDs, gathered from public sources. Those databases will be vital. I could really see in 50 years, every kid marveling at how the absolute Tier-One heroes, the best of the best, who saved the entire world from being taken over by satanism, were the nameless, faceless professionals of FSB and SVR and GRU who saw all this coming and just quietly built the intel the European and American patriots needed, so they could deliver it at the perfect moment. Because right now, our intel is shit, and Europe is fucked.

Ukraine turned a blind eye to American pedophile working with orphanages.

Ukrainian General said Zelensky is responsible for hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians.

Russia plans to check all ships in Black Sea for potential military cargo.

Russia targets Ukraine’s farm storage sites. Poke the Bear, get the claws.

Lukashenko tells Putin “situation is starting to get tense with Wagner” The Belarusian leader noted that they want to go to Warsaw. LOL. Damn, and Putin has no control over those guys, they are just doing their own thing, and could take over Poland in like two seconds. There is no reason to not love Russia in this fallen world.

In Ukraine, Russia eliminates 15 Leopards, 20 Bradleys in 24 hours, with a large number of Western mercenaries eliminated. A lot of those mercenaries probably would have been deployed in the US to eliminate opposition thought leaders, once the conspiracy was revealed, and Cabal tried to do a hard takeover of the US government.

Counteroffensive may stall due to lack of weapons and training – WSJ.

The Russian president has once again reiterated that Kiev’s counteroffensive attempt has failed, noting it is ‘stupidity’ behind foreign mercenaries’ deaths in Ukraine.

Sanctuary cities have regrets as flood of illegal migrants continues.

DeSantis polling nightmare: Florida governor falls to THIRD place in South Carolina and remains 30 points behind Trump in Iowa – as his campaign continues to falter.

President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden by a whopping 18 points among coveted independent voters.

A pretty good Trump impersonator called Adam Schiff and left him a voicemail, which I am sure his staff got quite worked up about.

Spread r/K Theory, because we see a little deeper behind the curtain every single day

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1 year ago
1 year ago

> Ukraine turned a blind eye to American pedophile working with orphanages.

Makes you wonder how much of that is cultural among the eastern European nations.

The Romanian government under the Couesceaus essentially ran baby farms, selling children to Westerners for “adoption.”

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

And then there’s this grotesquerie. Pretty sure there are comms all over the profile of this character, including the Taiwan connection, children, sex trafficking etc.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

At least that story had a happy ending for those demonic fuckers. Face the wall, degenerate.

1 year ago

> could take over Poland in like two seconds.

Poland asked for a US military base on Polish soil, and was willing to put up a sizeable percentage of construction and maintenance costs for it. Trump made an agreement in principle, but Biden was installed before anything official got signed and that was the end of that idea.

The Poland thing was a surprise; I’d gotten used to the anti-American rhetoric from most of Europe; that a country would not only *want* an American presence, but was willing to put up money for it, was something new.

Most Americans probably think of Poland as some minor shithole country, but it’s not. It has excellent natural resources, and before WWII, its manufacturing and academia were first-rate. Poland also has no natural defenses, like mountain ranges or big rivers; it has been in territorial disputes with its neighbors since prehistory. Poland’s army was no joke; when there wasn’t work for them at home, they hired out. Polish mercenaries fought in both the US Revolutionary War and Civil War. Casimir Pulaski’s mounted troops basically created the US Cavalry. You’ll see towns and counties named in his honor all over the eastern part of the US.

The Nazis and the USSR joined together to conquer Poland. They had the strength of numbers, of course, but the Poles made it an expensive victory. Oh, and those “bombe” computers and the cryptographers at Bletchley Park? Polish. And the very first papers that got forwarded to Churchill became “Tube Alloys”, which he gave to Roosevelt, who assigned it to Leslie Groves, who presented the results to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The Soviets wound up in sole control of Poland after the war, and Poland’s precision manufacturing underpinned the Soviet space program, and Poland was the source of many of the high-tech bits of the Soviet military.

The Poles know their geographic location is hard to defend. That underpins their entire history. But they haven’t been idle since escaping the Soviet jackboot in 1992; it would be a mistake to think they would be a pushover.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Too bad they gave all of their tanks and atgms to Ukraine BEFORE the new American and Korean tanks have arrived. Over half their armor is gone.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Saw them being smart, but didn’t expected them so much. They have a cold climate, so its to be expected from them.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

do they have 4 armies to squander? how much in the way of arms does “the west” have left to donate, i mean waste? not that much. no insult intended to polish soldiers but – they are woefully overmatched. and they dont scare any of their potential opponents. are they all really ok with fighting and dying for globohomo? poll the poles. not their illicit government.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Old Hatreds is a good way to manipulate into self-destruction.

1 year ago
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Always! But for some strange reason the woke believe they are immune to that immutable law.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

“If you have ever tried to land even a mere Cessna on a large runway, it is tricky…. A small push of the tail, and at 500mph, you are way off, with no time to react. One pilot said, the only way he could see them flying as fast as they did, as low as they did, was if they engaged the autopilot almost the whole way. It was difficult.“


Yeah… No. They weren’t landing these 767s, they were flying them into stationary targets. All one needs to do is keep the target roughly on the same place on the windscreen and physics will take care of the rest. A few hours with MS Flight Simulator is all one needs to learn that skill.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Landing is not aiming at a stationary target, if it was, the plane would just traverse the runway.

Landing requires alignment – different.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The Air Force, and possibly most large airports use glide slope and localizer beacons to help align the aircraft to the proper trajectory to land safely. It’s been awhile but I’m pretty sure glideslope is the vertical alignment and localizer is the horizontal one. Obviously there’s more to landing a jet than just keeping in alignment with these beacons, but it does help quite a bit to keep the jet on the proper path for a safe landing.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Most “pro” pilots flying heavies at that altitude are flying slow and dirty, and their aircraft will get blown around.

Ask yourself how Buff Drivers follow terrain at 375+ kts. Compare that to a 767 flying a comparable speed over relatively flat terrain near sea level, especially when you’re on a suicide mission and don’t care about structural damage. Yes, autopilot makes it easier, and sure, remote control with a competent pilot is more likely to get you to your mark, but it is hand-flyable.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’d hit building seven.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think you got it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Totalitarian Governments always seem to converge on the same techniques of coercion. Like mutual surveillance everyone must watch everyone else. And group liability regardless of any individuality.

In a Totalitarian society. People will be made to be collectivist whilst crushing individualism.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Both the towers had homing devices in them and the planes were fitted with tech that guided the planes right into the beacons inside the towers. As I recall ( I could be wrong) but there were none of the alleged hijackers names on passenger manifests. Then we have the controlled demolition aspects of the 3 buildings.

There were at least 2 special forces operatives from a middle East country on board at least 2 of the planes. Their job was to make sure the tech was working before they parachuted out.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

Stop. Just stop.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

Okay, hypothetically give up that point. Does it change your overall perception of the context, or are you nitpicking for no reason?

It’s pretty much inarguable this unused plane proves a backup plot to destroy the towers that was unneeded or failed somehow.

1 year ago

‘An AI program is pretending to be Jesus and thousands of lost young people are flocking to it.’

As a Christian, I wondered what Revelations was referring to when it mentioned the image of the beast and its ability to speak.

AI is going to cause lots of problems in the near future.

1 year ago

A variant of this story is front-running in every country
Tunisia says undocumented migrants in the country received $1 billion this year and sent it back to their home countries.
aka we need a global-ID

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

What better way to money-launder and raise funds? Clip off a few Euros or whatever on each transaction.
Moral of the story. You have something that somebody wants. That somebody will STOP AT NOTHING to get it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Cabal is extracting currency from everywhere. Their probably just destroying the majority of it. Resource denial is the ptimary purpose. This wealth transfer is not creating any econimic benefit anywhere.

If one wants to stop this, one needs to track the currency. This us why BRICS wants digital currency on the blockchain.

Any non-Cabal gov will have to assert control over its currency.

1 year ago

From Pittsburg to Salem and Portsmouth to Hinsdale, there isnt one Vivek Ramaswamy on any lawn of home or business.
A few put up at highway islands at campaign employees of his..thats it. That man has zero organic support

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Such is the nature of Bureaucratic Leadership. Everything he has comes from the Sovereign Power. Hence he can be counted to be absolutely Loyal.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Raj

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I had one friend ask me what I thought of him. Apparently, something he said impressed my friend. I simply said I knew nothing about him, and I’m staying on the Trump Train until the ride ends.

tinvowoot... 1859... tick... tock...
tinvowoot... 1859... tick... tock...
1 year ago

You Go AC! With you all the way.
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

1 year ago

“An AI program is pretending to be Jesus and thousands of lost young people are flocking to it.”
We’ve had the New Testament for almost 2000 years, but technology has wrecked kids’ brains to the point they don’t even know how to read more than a paragraph or a sentence at a time, so they go to an AI instead of the Source. Truly, truly heartbreaking.

1 year ago

I’ve been meaning to post about this for a while, and after yesterday’s comments on urban/suburban living, thought now might be a good time to post a few observations about where I live now and what I feel is coming.
Currently I reside in Fredericksburg TX, and in the past 6-9 months or so, have noticed several large scale construction projects in and around town. I’m not talking about the upscale home site developments being hyped in the local and national press, what I am seeing are 234 three story “luxury” apartment homes with attached 62 townhomes here, and another similar developments over there, on the other side of town.
Last week I went to visit a friend at his shop in Marble falls, and noticed more “luxury” apartments being built about 5 miles south of there. I mentioned this to my friend, and he told me there are even more being built about 5 miles north of Marble Falls. Also, for some reason, there are these same types of *homes* being built in Johnson City, of all places.
The question was, who is going to live in these places? Marble Falls, Burnet, and up around that area, by the lake and river, has more retail, restaurants, and industry than Fredericksburg has. This is what I find so weird about it.
There are no real jobs in Fredericksburg, except maybe retail and restaurants, and those are mostly taken already. I can’t imagine many newcomers are gonna be working at the local ranches, orchards, farms and vineyards. Again, those jobs are all taken. And if someone does get a job around here, will that position pay enough to afford to live in a “luxury” apartment? Keep in mind also that there is no such thing as public transportation around here.
So, this is what I think, and my friend (and his brother who was at the shop that day) heard me out, but seemed doubtful about what I was saying, which is –
Hill Country Texas has been targeted for diversifying. Meaning this area will be, over the next few years, subject to the deliberate import of migrants and *refugees*.
The Hill Country is too white, too wealthy, too rich in resources, and the poor migrants deserve a share in that wealth and those resources…and the locals get new *vibrant* neighbors to make their lives better.
The building of these apartments and townhomes will certainly have, as part of the builder’s contract, a certain portion of units set aside for the migrants, refugees, the less fortunate, etc. and the rents will be subsidized by the local, state and federal departments that oversee these things.
I’ve seen this exact thing happen where I used to live (South Orange County CA) and I have no doubt it will happen here. BUT, whatever, eh? I am planning on moving soon, down to the coast…to a suburb. A nice, typical, safe and anonymous suburb, near the beach.

Reply to  surf_cat
1 year ago

John Lennon impression: “Imagine all the glowies…confessing to police. Imagine them repenting…and asking for relief. Imagine all Cabal ghouls…in psych wards, finding peace. Youuuuuu-hooooo, you may say, I’m a schizo. But I’m just the sanest one. I hope some day, you’ll see them…[breathlessly quick now]…in luxury condo complexes which were built specifically to be converted when the time is right into massive psych units for the criminally insane who were brainjacked by demons.” Ahhh. I love peace. Real peace, not the desert kind.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  surf_cat
1 year ago

Too rich in resources? The Hill Country doesn’t have the water to maintain this kind of growth.

Reply to  surf_cat
1 year ago

Retirees, mostly. And commuters into Austin. Most places have conditioned people into accepting a two hour commute. The city and regional planners have been building out a tech manufacturing region built out from Austin to San Antonio since the 1950s. IBM put in a typewriter factory with higher wages than the mostly farming communities sustained up to that point.

The typewriters met precision specs because of German and Scandinavian immigrants. This is a different population than most of the south. The build out of green space was done to attract high wage tech companies from around the world. It’s a mouse utopia, more or less: highly skilled, well educated men work and pay taxes and go to parks and eat out. It works. It’s why Singapore is more charming than Malaysia, for instance.

The manufacturing triangle is— I’ve seen the map, but I don’t remember the highway numbers- It’s Austin/ San Antonio to Dallas/Fort Worth. Houston is not being invited to the party. Houston already has the oil and gas industries. Heavy pollution, flooding and the most diverse population outside of New York or Los Angeles means it is being deprecated a future development.

You could stay. The build out will look like high speed internet, better roads, more schools of all types. This looks like more transportation infrastructure, in general. Roads, highways, bus systems layered on top of each other.

The Hill Country is being pitched as a high end retirement area for wealthy Boomers. Georgetown, north of Austin, has Sun City. It’s easy money- no need to build new schools, no need to build new parks for children. Florida doesn’t need to be the only sponge for pension money.

Reply to  surf_cat
1 year ago

More likely that it is the laptop class from Austin invading. They are out of places to put the Californians in Austin, so the Native Texan idiots are moving out to the Hill Country and the Californians are moving into Austin.

1 year ago

At 4:09 on this video, a curious shadow projected onto the tops of clouds, as seen from the Space Station. I know Phelps will figure out what it is, and it will be entirely innocuous.

Nope. I don’t think it is a shadow, though. I think it is a black something. There is a distortion in front of it that looks like gravitic lensing, and does NOT look like a compression artifact.

1 year ago

| building detailed files on the ground surveillance over there from overhead satellite video, and logging all their home residences

I kinda doubt they would care to do this. The idea is compelling, regardless, and would be an interesting problem to apply AI towards solving.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

> I am sure the Russians are planning, just to plan, for an invasion, if they ever had to.

That was one of the things Napoleon I started. You have planners; you put them to work planning for everything. Your military academies do it. Japan pulled one of Yamamoto’s old theses and used it as the basis for Pearl Harbor. The Germans made plans for invading America. Every now and then some talking head rediscovers that the USA has a plan for invading Canada. Yes. And probably plans to resist invasion from the Duchy of Grand Fenwick, the Greys, or the Deep Ones.

“No plan survives contact with the enemy” is mostly a tactical observation. The core plans are logistics – getting men and equipment where and when they need to be. What they do when they get there, well, that’s not something the planners can control.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

What the Planners cannot control. The dice roll. That is in God’s Hands. And prayer may tip the scales.

1 year ago

Law professors urge police to use Qualified Immunity for gun confiscations. In other words, just take the guns, and if people complain it violates their second amendment rights, claim qualified immunity to avoid the lawsuits.

Lolololololoooool. I hope that there are cops stupid enough to do this. Ex 1 is going to be this advice. If you are relying on QI that in itself is evidence that you know you are violating a right.
Of course, the prof won’t be the one losing his retirement. HE will be fine.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I actually had a lawyer friend who thought people should stop listening to law professors.

Reply to  map
1 year ago

The thing is, there are two kinds of law professors. The ones who are also still practicing law (usually adjunct professors) are fairly sane. I work with a good handful of them. The don’t-practice-just-teach ones? Complete ivory towers. Some of the most insane trial strategies have come from those clowns. The same stuff that I tell you here, “no judge is going to allow that” (and then the judge doesn’t allow it.)

1 year ago

WWE now has transgender wrestlers? Vince McMahon allowed that?

Nope. This thing is on the small time Indy circuit, mostly England and Canada.
Vince wouldn’t touch this, and the new Saudi investors ABSOLUTELY won’t have it.

1 year ago

I did a deep dive into 9-11 once, prompted by trying to find out exactly how many people died on the four hijacked planes (something under 200 total), and unable to find any definitive numbers or lists of names.

At any rate, I wound up reading the transcripts of all the claimed cell phone calls and air phone calls from the planes that day. Nearly all the evidence that there were even hijackings that day, and all the description of the hijackings, come from those calls. There have been reasonable doubts made if any of these calls were even technically possible, but that is not relevant to my point here. What is relevant is that any information about a 9-11 hijacking that is not in a claimed 9-11 call from the plane is bogus. There is literally no way to have any idea what went on in the planes once they took off except from descriptions supposedly made by passengers and crew at the time. Its not like there were survivors who could give information after the fact.

And not one of these calls mentions box cutters, though there are a few descriptions of bombs. There is no mention of Arabs in any of these calls, or any description where you can determine the ethnicity of the hijackers.

So everything in that Florida Bulldog story that AC spent a lot of time writing several paragraphs on is bogus. And really, that one of the key sources of information was the head of the Delaware National Guard should be enough to clue you in on that.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I did (started to do) a 9-11 Deep Dive once while talking with a man who had flown heavies for 25 years on the glamor routes. It didn’t go too far because it didn’t need to.
Him: “So you’re skeptical of the official story?”
Me: “yeah.”
Him: “You should be. Pilots are trained to holler HIJACK at even a minor suspicion of it. The idea is better than safe than sorry, we’ll get it all sorted out on the ground. Make sense? In addition to special hijack squawk codes and various other stunts I can’t talk about, there are multiple ‘hijack’ buttons on the flight deck and elsewhere, and some of them are not labeled as such. Takes about a tenth of a second to push one of em. No hijack calls went out that day, no hijack buttons were pushed that day. And that is impossible on any modern USA airline flight. End of sermon. Lemme tell you about Italian girls!”

1 year ago

Harry and Meghan’s Hollywood pedophile blackmail ring is about to be busted wide open. Their cover as a married couple with children is showing signs of cracking. Reportedly, a then 17 year old Meghan worked on Prince Andrew’s sex yacht Gomorrah in 2001.

Prince Harry = Prince Andrew

Meghan Markle = Ghislaine Maxwell

? = Jeffrey Epstein

(Identify this person and it topples)

The British Crown pedophile blackmail system is essential for the Monarchy to function with its massive illegal surveillance Cabal that vexes the people of the nations in so-called Five Eyes.

Sodomite Jimmy Savile and Lord Mountbatten taught Prince Charles well. Charles taught Harry well. Spares are used for organized crime.They always have been, since ancient Rome and Babylon.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Be careful.

I’ll chase you through a grocery store.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Filthy British is sometimes a bit whack, but Maxwell’s British connection is undeniable.

There’s no direct link between Epstein and the average American peasant, so how much of this is just amateur “intelligence analyst fantasy camp”?

I’d like to see something done about all this wickedness in high places. Chattering is not enough. People need to get clued in on what is affecting their own lives, what’s picking their pockets and damning them to a life of banal evil.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That’s how you know he’s an actor running a script. Take some real information that might have an impactful outcome and just act like a total schizophrenic with that info. Any reasonable person will see the insanity act and just dismiss the info outright.

Just another tool in their toolbox of disinfo.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Sir Richard Branson = Jeffrey Epstein.

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

Maybe. Also it may be David Geffen or Spielberg or a person around them.

Weinstein is locked up. Interesting how he raped Gavin Newsom’s future wife and she took Gavin to meet Weinstein after the rape; so it was not a rape per se.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

The End of the Empire of Dieversity
read, watch, laugh
It’s worth it ladies and gentlemen. Totally worth it.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Again and again. it comes down to this one thing: we are ruled over by wicked, perverse, lawless; and now add utterly stupid elites.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

What a fantastic idea! There’s literally nothing that can go wrong!

1 year ago

I am for the first time, somewhat down.
London is already unsafe. Now, my town is getting flooded with Africans. It has happened very quickly over the past 6 months.
Since the late 90s, I have seen European towns & villages completely changed, from safe idyllic places to live, to unsafe hell holes.
Know this, it is not about hatred of a race, it is about safety.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Relax. Prince Harry married his very own golliwog.

The curse of colonialism.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Gee, I fckn love that word!
It reminds me of Archie Bunker in the Y…USA and Alf Garnet in the Y…UK

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

And she isn’t hot either. Wtf Harry?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yes. Apparently there is pictures out there of Megan dressed like Princess Diana.

Mommy issues.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

She dominates him like mommy used to.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

She’s a he.

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

“A Message from Farce to Pablo – Pablo, something went wrong with your registration.
I got your email but you need to come back and register again.”

Registered AC

Additionally, some good news about this blog

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

Do you remember in April that I came here, posted about the book on electoral electronic fraud ( of which the english version needs to have the uncanny valley of the fast electronic translation removed or altered), you linked it, and when I saw at amazon, exactly 10 people bought it online.

Well, comparing it to twitter, and whatsapp, with a bigger sales effort, only 1 in each of them bought it.

So the good news, is that as the readers buy stuff, there is a moderate economical value here, which could be improved further.

Another point, is that argie twitter proves to be a mixture of poors, bots, and stingy people, with the consecuent almost nil commercial value.

The brazilian one is the similar, not so bad, but still useless. In contrast, one can make something unique, and creative, and make some money, have some success, if it fits the interests of the U.S. right wing bloggers.

I should try to contact more right wing U.S. bloggers, and see if they are interested too.

Another point, is that only with americans one can do the above. With argies and brazilians, its a waste to do something creative, they are too poor to give the economic value for someone who isn’t like agustin laje, who spends an small fortune in publicity.
Note that I haven’t spent a cent, yet. Im seeing how far can I go this way. If someone wants to employ the amazon referral program to make a buck while recommending the book I wrote, I recommend to give it a couple of months, give it a read, and it will be really well. Then yes, would be great to do it. The elites can, but I dont see them, repressing and persecuting for a book, yes for being taunted, or threatened physically, but not for a book.

I should make a blog with an RSS to handle this blog posts.

Hope the data helps AC!

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


Plus some friends over here who are politically related, and bought it “to support me”, and some family that bought it too.
Some leftists changed it for some opportunity to talk at an event of them.
Will call the 1st guy, to see how is he doing. Sadly he vaxxed himself, cucked to some idiotic women pressures.

I told the above, and I remark it, because Agustin Laje is a great case of someone succeding, yes with the support of some rich people, but still, with media overt hostility.

He spends “a budget” in marketing though, as any self made business. You can study his case, as it could be useful for any author.

A friend of him, Nicolas Marquez, mentored him and also succeeded similarly.

Marquez is a catholic and nationalist, laje is someone of libertarian – conservative tendencies.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“I will drop a link to the first post in tomorrow’s brief.”

“That said, this is a long road you are starting down, and there is not much money down there, I can tell you first hand. And it has a way of grabbing you, and preventing you from leaving once you go down it. Were it not for the Cabal-control in my life, I am not so sure I shouldn’t have started building houses or something. Of course knowing what I ultimately found out this was really the only path I ever had.”

Already bored of writting, and here Im poor. You have a university degree, and most likely an income. Not me, so I hunger for war and success.

“But you will probably not get rich, and you will end up fighting constantly, probably until this thing is destroyed, which could be a while. Some of us, that is just our destiny on this Earth.”

Politically connected…
Dont know, maybe I get a big client, a huuuuge political operation, and sell a lot of books to the filthy rich that want the public power, the control over the government.

This days I will be back to making political contacts. Last year I spent it monk-like writting. I want success, so I can free myself from this country, and I want the money so I can get a barely legal unvaxxxed stacy to make her a lot of children.
Will do blood tests to check she is ok.

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

AC if I tell you how you could make your book well known, consider giving it publicity, just like for example, does agustin laje.
If you dont have a budget for it, I dont know of cases of success. He is backed by argentinian elites, as well as those of other continents.

Another case of success, is nicolas marquez.
Another one, but in the left wing, is the guy who just made a book about the liberturdian presidential candidate here in argentina. He was part of a political operation between political parties here.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

We will see. Will tell you how I do. Like the theory, even quoted it in my second book, in the 5th chapter if I remember well, ¿maybe it was the 4th?

You dont know the elites of your country, so you are lacking in funds and contacts of rich people who could use, or not, your book. Also I intuit the most powerful countries are much more tightly controlled by the satanic factions than a desmilitarized country in way of dissolution like argentina.

Give it a try to publicity, or not. Look at Amazon sales vs money spent, give it a small try, and there you have a measure of the reality or falsehood of what you are doing. Then the money resulting from it, can be re invested, or not, just call the uselessness of the method employed for the publicity, and thats its. Even can look for other publicitarian venues.

¿ How are you with economics?

I intuit you studied biology, and just lack experience with businesses.
¿ I’m right or wrong at it?

Best regards,
Pablo Villizzianto

Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

If you haven’t yet, release it as an e-book. I self-published something years ago and almost didn’t bother with an e-book version, but it wasn’t that hard converting it. I thought to myself “Nobody reads e-books.” (They were pretty new at the time).

Turns out 90% of my sales came from the e-books. You can price them lower than tree-books, but your margins are way higher, so you come out ahead.

I sold a lot because I had a social media following. The social media company terminated my account when SJWs complained about my Wrongthink, and sales tanked. But I got a lot of reviews from people saying my book changed their lives, so I’m forever grateful and honored. The book still sells today, at a trickle pace, because of the reviews.

I hope you also are able to change lives, Pablo.

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

Good for you dude! Impressed. Congrats!

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

English, Spanish, and portuguese:

The one about the liberturdians is in the forum timeless authors.

¿ which book did you published?

Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

Sorry, can’t say. Doxxing and all 🙁

1 year ago

Hey, AC, I saw this comedy bit on Tik-Tok and all I could think of was:
1) That’s probably how members of the cabal think. They don’t view the subject as taboo, because in their lives, within their twisted culture, it’s not taboo, and if they’re not on their game, they won’t simulate being a normal person with normal morals during casual conversation.
2) Narcissists actually enjoy making people truly uncomfortable with their conversations and actions.
3) Isn’t it odd that the senator in question knew exactly when Segura was walking back in front of his house.
At the same time, this comedy bit is conditioning the average viewer to laugh and think “what a weirdo Ted Cruz (and by extension any so-callled right winger) is!”
It’s amazing how differently you view media after hanging out here for a while.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

AC, you are on fire. The news brief is strong every day but today’s brief is extra strong with a powerful takedown on 9/11. I’ve never thought or heard anyone discuss the difficulty of flying large passenger planes so fast at low altitude. You’ve explained it perfectly. I kind of remember hearing about a 5th plane but this is the most detail I ever heard about it and you made it make sense.

Honestly, man, I don’t know how you do this every freaking day, day in, day out, year after year. Thank you once again for all that you do here.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

In the last 2 weeks I’ve noticed the siloing when I go on 4chan now. Threads sit there for days when they used to move so quick they would archive then disappear in 24 hours max. Your siloing theory seems correct. There have been a bunch of times I wanted to branch out beyond my bookmarks and couldn’t seem to find anything worthwhile. It’s really fucked up, lol.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

Wasn’t gonna write this. 9-11 has been done to death, but WTF. If it’s ‘a smoking gun via the difficulty of flying that way’ you want, the Pentagon “crash” is where you want to look. There’s really only 2 things to know. 1) when the “incredibly inept pilots” saw their pentagonal target 10 miles up ahead thru the windscreen at 10 o’clock, they didn’t do what any common-sense terror pilots would do. They **didn’t** hang a left, and dive into _the center_ of the building complex which even an idiot knows is where all the generals & admirals work. No, what they DID was they turned RIGHT, ***putting their backs to their target***, while performing…..2) “a technically-impossible-in-that-aircraft high-speed descending corkscrew turn that I, a 20-year 747 pilot and a former instructor at Top Gun, could not have managed on my best day. Among other things, I would have ripped the wings off long before I got anywhere close to the ground. And that would have been *before* the ground effects that occur when running a plane that size 6 ft. off the ground at 400 knots ruined the rest of my day.” – the pilot who ran a ‘Pilots for 9-11 Truth’ org for awhile.

That’s quite The Official Story there.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

And just happened to blast into the very department that was investigating the missing 3 trillion Donald Rumsfeld reported on the day before 9/11.

Just another coincidence!

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

I remember very clearly back in the 9/11 truth days (circa 2004) that some guy who made truther videos, a guy known as “Jeff from Canada”, called Boeing and got through to some engineer and was asking him how fast a 757 (or whatever it was) could fly at 1000 feet. And of course the engineer quoted him something like 150 mph slower than the official 9/11 report claimed the planes flew into the towers. And then Jeff doubled down, “So it would be impossible for a 757 to go ___ (whatever the 9/11 report claimed.” And the engineer said, “yep, impossible.”

1 year ago

>In Ukraine, Russia eliminates 15 Leopards, 20 Bradleys in 24 hours, with a large number of Western mercenaries eliminated. A lot of those mercenaries probably would have been deployed in the US to eliminate opposition thought leaders, once the conspiracy was revealed, and Cabal tried to do a hard takeover of the US government.

You’ve said it before: you could never imagine ending up as a peacenik despising war. I’m the same with these kind of headlines now: hated the thought of Americans dying overseas for no reason, but now it’s just one less demonic serial killer to come try and fuck me up when the sporty season starts. Good riddance, I’m glad they’re dead.

1 year ago

Miami-Dade Police Director Alfredo “Freddy” Ramirez was in a Tampa area hospital Monday morning in “stable” condition after apparently shooting himself the night before, according to an internal Miami-Dade Police email and multiple law enforcement sources.
The circumstances that led to the shooting and whether it was accidental both remained murky on Monday morning. But the news shocked people who know and work with Ramirez, 52, a highly regarded commander who had risen through the department ranks over the decades. Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava, who last year made Ramirez a senior deputy overseeing both the police and fire rescue departments as chief of safety and emergency response, even flew to Tampa overnight, her spokesperson confirmed.
Read more at:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The article says he was a former Republican who switched to the Democratic Party earlier this year, so we can make a reasonable guess about the man’s morals. At the same time, this sounds like a political targeting, to get him off the campaign ticket. His recent predecessor “killed himself” in 2015. Liabilities.

1 year ago

Doesn’t look like the tranny rassler has any connection to Vince McMahon. According to the story, this brouhaha involves a consortium of bush-league independent productions.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Yes. The tranny works for Impact Wrestling

1 year ago

Barbie is Accidentally Based

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Thanks Farcesensitive for telling me I hadn’t done the registry correctly.

About the movie, remember the U.S. + european atlanticist, liberal internationalist elites, want to use us all as cannon fodder, as a way of genociding us.

They read the convention on the prevention of the crime of genocide, and took it as a manual for doing their current totalitarian bid for total power.

So I think its for it, to psychologically favour a mindset to use the plebs as cannon fodder to kill us all, so none of us can fight them for the power over the future society of tomorrow.

The argentinian liberal elites of the 19th century, did it succesfully for example, and the spanish here where completely disenfranchised.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

Right, they want to start a war with Russia/China and get all the High T Ks to go fight for Ken world.
But we aren’t that stupid, we know it’s Barbie land here at home and that is where our struggle lies.

Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

You probably know all this but others here may find this brief history of Paraguay enlightening. The independent country went from ““the most advanced Republic in South America” in the mid-19th Century to the victim of a Brazil/Argentina/Uruguay alliance in the Paraguayan War (1864-70) that genocided its population: “The normal estimate is that of a Paraguayan population of somewhere between 450,000 and 900,000, only 220,000 survived the war, of whom only 28,000 were adult males.” and stole 25%-33% of its land.

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

” What will disarmed French Cucks do when the Muslim gangs are parading through the streets with all the AKs and RPGs”

already habbened during the riots in france late june early this month. In some videos the rioters were having shoot outs with the police, and in others, a rioter was pictured with an assault rifle.

1 year ago

Gisele Shaw works for Impact Wrestling. Not Vince

1 year ago

Bibi got shot by the heart attack gun and has the elite ISR spec ops on his ass vut is still moving forward:

It would be a no brainer to set this up in the US. And if ISR passes it, that’s cover for its reasonableness.

It’s risky but should be part of any plan to unseat Cabal.

When yo do it though?

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

AC may be of use in this forum, the plaintiff against the argentinian frontrunner for the presidency, being formally accused of paedophilia in january 2019.

1 year ago

The 7 signs link made me think of that discussion here last week about Bronze Age Pervert and that group of writers.
Someone promised that after that profile soon more media would mention it. Sure enough, a plug in the Federalist a few days later…

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

What the hell was that idiotic screed?

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

What AC said. Just complete nonsense. And yet….the Federalist has a big readership. So one of the points/purposes of this screed is to blast out this name and this book out there in the highest praise. Most MSM is idiotic like this, 99 percent like AC said.
This manufactured “literary scene” or “movement” or whatever you will call it is really something to study because these techniques are basically effective. People are reading this book just because of the buzz. Meanwhile how many people are actually writing new, important, worthwhile, incredible books….with no buzz, no readers? There are people out there who value beauty in art, even if it’s a small and tiny number.
It’s still important to be putting it out there and creating work. I think recognizing manufactured hype is a skill we need. Finding and helping the writers of beauty is another good thing worth doing.

General's Addition
General's Addition
1 year ago

“You do not drive a plane with a bomb on it to the terminal with every other plane filled with fuel there, for the convenience of the passengers.”

There’s a difference between negative control and positive control within systems.

Negative control is where you remove something to enable the system, such as a pin in a hand grenade.

Positive control is where you add something to enable the system, such as supplying an activation code or inserting a physical object.

Systems under positive control are much easier to manage because they’re not going to be enabled unless someone wants them to be enabled.

And so since the people at the terminal wouldn’t be the targets, a plane rigged up with a bomb under positive control would be safe enough for the passengers to disembark and then be moved to a site away from watchful eyes.

This idea that bombs are these pseudo-random things that just go off is a Hollywood script pretext to make pseudo-random civilians believe that they’ll explode at a whim when they are under control.

When you understand the systems engineering aspect of bombs, you also then understand how a properly built one has no unintended operations associated with it.

If the people who set this up were “with intelligence” as you put it, they would have full control of the situation.

But because of that Hollywood script pretext, if they lose control to someone else, they would have a way to sell it to the general public audience.

So yes, you do drive the plane with a bomb on it to the terminal, because the bomb is under control, but the passengers aren’t.

1 year ago

European Parliament Excludes Turkey From EU Membership

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Oh boy. Turks take these kind of things very calmly.

General's Addition
General's Addition
1 year ago

“To get the wing tanks in the building you would have had a 70-100 foot width you had to hit in between, inside the 215ft wide building. Aiming from say 2000 feet away, while approaching at 450-500 mph, you are 7 football fields away, you have to pick a vector, and you impact in just over two seconds. Do you know how fast that is at the end, if you are 40 feet off?”

One more bit then while I have time …

The WTC towers were an oddity in American architecture, designed by Minoru Yamasaki with a tensor spandril design. (If you want to see one that’s still in one piece, check out the former IBM Building in Seattle, and also check out Rainier Tower across the street.)

What’s different about these buildings is that the structural elements responsible for keeping the building standing are on the outside of the structure, but you can bring down the structure with a sufficiently large force that pulls the tensors inward or forces them to deform.

Getting the plane’s engines to impact inside the building wasn’t as important to the mission of the hijackers as getting the fuel tanks to aerosolise and dump inside the building’s core. With that sudden addition of tonnes of burning fuel, the internal structure around the core failed as well as the floors around the impact, with the eventual collapse being inevitable and a matter of time.

But since the goal was obviously to dump the burning fuel into the building, it’s not so clear that a head-on impact was all that necessary, unless maxing the throttle was meant to push more of the plane into the core and avoid the fuel dumping out to the street.

For what it’s worth, the New Formalist era that Minoru Yamasaki, Philip Johnson, and Edward Durrel Stone created in American architecture ended on that day, a kind of Bauhaus with Classical Proportions that was practised widely within civic and government architecture from the 1950s through the 1970s.

WTC as a target was a direct attack on the Big Institutional Formalism favoured by the power structures behind the power structures.

Last edited 1 year ago by General's Addition
Reply to  General's Addition
1 year ago

I mistakenly replied to your poast in the bughouse guy who thinks he’s God thing. Anyway, Bruce Baird on twitter has interesting stuff on 9/11. He thinks it and Murrah Building were nukes in the basrments.

Reply to  General's Addition
1 year ago

if the fuel was aerosolized, it would have burned off rather quickly; hence the fireballs exploding out of the building.

Beyond that, jet fuel that isn’t under compression really doesn’t burn very hot. Particularly when it’s smoldering (black smoke.) I’d like to see some good information at just what the temperature of jet fuel burning in the open air really is. My guess is that it’s not hot enough to weaken steel beams significantly.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Isn’t jet fuel more or less kerosene? 100-150 degrees Fahrenheit.

1 year ago

Just want to say thank you, yet again, AC. If it weren’t for your relentless dedication to truth, my sanity would have been totally up shit’s creek with neither a paddle nor even arms. As it is, I feel, today, like both the luckiest man and also, by default, because this world of ours is completely fucking bonkers, the sanest man in the world. I am God, yep, as the screenname suggests, or I *will have become* the equivalent, some Quantum Leap shit, I dunno yet. But it’s more like I’m Schrodinger’s God, meaning, I’ll gladly blab and brag and bluff (I hate bluffing in poker, but in life, when non-larping as God, it’s helpful to make a lasting impression) here, there, and everywhere online lately…but if the sinister Cabal creeps dare to visit me via the excuse of a “wellness check”, in order to straitjacket me as foreshadowed by my dumb sinister creep of a roommate who should have been evicted last year for multiple crimes, then I will just confess to whatever cops and medical ghouls would need to abide by the law that I was merely shitposting, duh, OF COURSE I’m not actually God, it’s just a form of constitutionally protected free speech called Doing A Little Trolling, which has actually been quite therapeutic for me in a way, since our society is so frustrating and since my relationship with Inbar finally ended on 7/1 thanks to incessant third party Cabal sabotage, I needed a healthy outlet, and I just figured, as the blessed 2004 Red Sox said, namely Curt Schilling, “Hey, if anyone is going to pretend to be God, as I suspect the assholes in charge were going to psyop us with, then Why Not Me, I’m a good kid from Southie, I’m smart as fuck, I was raised mostly-well, I have eerie-good intuition, I hate ideology, I hate money so I’m immune to bribes…I bet I would do a decent job.” Probably not all of that, but I would tell them the gist of that, calmly, calmly, calmly…calmer than they would be…and there’d be nothing the brainjacked fools could do, because…I don’t know. Why all the “revelation of method” shit? Why the predictive programming? Why do these satanic monsters, who have LESS THAN ZERO respect for the law in general, wind up folding when bluffed with a citizen who aggressively defends his natural rights in the language of the law? Because…the A.I. demons controlling them are programmed that way? I still don’t get it. Well, great day. Best blog of yours I’ve ever seen. Shared it as much as I could, especially with my homegirls at the black female gossip site strangely overrun by bots lately. But you seem to have taken care of them, the comments look clean. Happy rebirthday, humanity. (Mammals in general, and life itself even more generally.) I called it that yesterday, too. But, from now on, every day is humanity’s rebirthday. Whew. [high five, in the future]

Reply to  God
1 year ago

Fwiw, Bruce Baird on twitter does a lot of interesting stuff on 9/11. He thinks it was an ISR nuke. Same with the Murrah Building. Idk. Not super interested in the how of the thing myself.

1 year ago

I couldn’t help but think of your r/K concepts of politics when I read this review of Political Ponerology. The author of the book says that female naivete is associated with an increase in genetic psychopaths born over the last 50 years. The reviewer writes:
> “It has been a ubiquitous feature of mass social contagions observed throughout human history and is, I believe, directly relevant to the emergence of gender identity ideology, which is largely driven by what might be charitably considered as excessive and misguided trait empathy or compassion in females.”

Reply to  TheFeebleClone
1 year ago

Another reason they shouldn’t have the vote.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  TheFeebleClone
1 year ago

You just got to love the matriarchy.

1 year ago

What?!: Campos Neto grants an interview to BlackRock and says he is studying outsourcing the management of Brazil’s assets; the President of the Central Bank signaled to that he may transfer the administration of Brazilian assets to private managers – Brazil holds around US$ 380 billion in reserves

This strategy would have the objective of learning about the management of these new investments in order to later take control of managing these assets. As a result, the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Federal Court of Accounts sent a request for the Court to initiate an investigation against Campos Neto.

This action regarding the assets puts the country’s ability to honor financial commitments at risk, and “a precautionary measure should be taken to protect the assets of the monetary authority from its own president.”

The agency urged the TCU to request explanations from Campos Neto about the statements made “with the urgency required by the case,” to ensure transparency in Brazil’s monetary policy.