News Briefs – 07/24/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Q only had one post today, it was a link to this tweet by Catherine Herridge talking about the FBI going in to give a standard brief to Candidate Trump on Security and Counter-intelligence, and using the briefing to further their illegal spying campaign against him. There was no further statement by Q on it.


Epstein floodgates open as judge rules explosive docs detailing Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex life can be unsealed in Virginia Giuffre’s defamation case within a week.

New book on Matt Drudge says that after rising to national prominence, Matt became hyper paranoid, and suddenly began to think there were spies everywhere. I remember way back then, a caller in to his radio show ended their call by telling him to stay safe and watch his six. His immediate response was something like, “Oh, you have no idea, They are everywhere, but I keep moving to stay ahead of them.” I remember wondering at the time just what exactly he was seeing. My guess is they made some sort of deal with him early on. Now of course he sold out entirely, and NDAs prevent him from even acknowledging someone else runs the site.

NBC reporter says Trump using Federal agents in Democrat-run cities is to prepare for a military takeover in November. I have found that there are a lot of people out there who know the big secret because they are in the Secret Society. They all perceive it as a shocking secret, never to be mentioned. Casually bring the subject up with them, and their shock can be .palpable, if their command has not warned them it is coming from you. But they know, and it makes everything seem different to them, and can allow them to communicate in plain sight, without those outside of the conspiracy any the wiser. Here, I know this reporter knows the Secret. So seeing them write this, I see an agent of the conspiracy, who knows resistance is coming, who knows they are in a precarious position, and who had it suddenly dawn on them that Trump deploying Federal Agents to Democrat (ie Cabal)-run cities could be Trump positioning agents to conduct round-ups. But Cabal comms are not direct. There is no clear, traceable Chain of Command. How do they warn others of their kind of this potential threat they have just seen? They write this article, and the Secret Society, who knows this reporter is one of their own, and knows, will realize this is what the reporter is trying to say. The funny thing is, they could be right. And there is a subtext to the article of the type of high amygdala you can only learn to perceive in others by experiencing.

Pentagon’s UFO unit is to make some findings public. 

Facebook plans to announce QAnon content crackdown next month.

NASCAR officials try to have visibly disabled Police officers, wounded in the line of duty, who were invited by a driver, and cleared to take photos with her car, arrested for trespassing. Local PD declined, but what the fuck is up with NASCAR? First it bans confederate flags, then it gives BlackLivesMatters a blowjob with its own dedicated car and fake hate crime, and now this. Somebody wants us to feel under siege, even from previously safe havens. Not entirely logical if it is Cabal, as this will only redouble our determination.

Conservative professor, author, and commentator Mike Adams found dead.

The head of the Denver police union has confirmed that Democratic leaders in the city ordered officers to “stand-down” during a rally supportive of officers that was attended by conservative author and pundit Michelle Malkin.

Three Federal Agents may be permanently blind after being hit in the eyes with lasers in Portland. Remember back when Cabal controlled the US government, and the meme was if you fucked with a federal agent, every federal agent would make it their life’s mission to end you? Remember when supposedly federal LE ran intelligence operations that penetrated these groups with infiltrators, and would find out plans like these and shut them down before they happened, to protect fellow federal agents at all costs? To me, this is a strong indication Cabal has lost control of the US government, and now it is trying to cow federal agencies with attacks like these, just like it tried to cow NYPD with cop-killings like Miosotis Familia by its MK Ultra wind-up toys. Now that the feds are protecting themselves from lasers, watch for Cabal to escalate with something more aggressive.

Gretchen Whitmer cuts one quarter of the State Police Department’s funding.

Jeffrey Epstein’s homes in New York and Palm Beach are for sale for a combined $110 million. And that money will disappear, and nobody will have any idea where is went.

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition now features a Muslim model in a Burkini. Basically, a tighter burka you swim in. Again, a bad business decision you would not expect to see in a Darwinian, capitalist system.

BC Government says, to avoid Coronavirus, you should make use of Gloryholes (holes in walls that separate the people having sex). So head out to the local gay bathroom meet-up spot and bang strange men through the wall with confidence you will not catch the Coronavirus, because it is completely sanitary. I have literally gone to grab a headline I see, only to find it was a satire piece, and I have begun to write off headlines I see, thinking they must be satire, before realizing it is a real article. I cannot tell the difference anymore, when a tranny health commissioner that looks like Jon Lovitz in a wig and makeup is running the critical response to a global pandemic which it looked like could kill hundreds of millions.

Twitter is locking the accounts of users who display the Star of David in their profile image or header, deeming it “hateful imagery.” It is possible there is an AI running in the background which has learned that a lot of people with that image in their profile are posting pro-Trump material, and it has been tasked with reducing pro-Trump material.

Twitter is exploring potential ways to further monetise its platform — including considering introducing a paid subscription model.

Hundreds charged worldwide in takedown of largest child pornography website. I was channel surfing the other night, and came to some show about a woman vacationing at a relative’s house when bad guys showed up. At the beginning, before the action, she is chilling out and calls to order a pizza, and when the call connects you hear the pizza shop worker say, “Hello! Cheese Pizza!” Then the character saw something and hung up. But I thought, who would name the shop in the movie “Cheese Pizza,” and make it a point to put just that in the dialog? (Cheese Pizza being online slang for Child Porn.) Symbolism will be their downfall.

Former Abscam Congressman charged with ballot stuffing, bribery, and obstruction.

San Diego business leader pleads guilty to masterminding a $400 million ponzi scheme.

O.C. man admits operating an unlicensed ATM network that laundered millions of dollars of bitcoin and cash for criminals’ benefit.

Longtime leader of south Los Angeles street gang arrested in RICO conspiracy case alleging two previously unsolved murders.

Vice President of investment firm arrested for running multimillion-dollar ponzi scheme targeting Afghanistan-based bank.

Federal agent and alleged accomplice charged in Miami Federal Court with conspiring to distribute drugs, obstruct justice, and lie to the FBI.

Baltimore Police officer pleads guilty to federal charge of possession of child pornography.

President of two labor unions pleads guilty in U.S. District Court in Maryland to embezzling from unions. No idea if it is coincidence or not, but somebody is posting a lot of these last nine types of articles, which look suspiciously like a purge of bad actors from government, organized crime, and the private sector, to Free Republic.

Bernie Sanders secures support from half of Senate Democrats in his bid to defund the Pentagon. Another you would think is satire. This is Breitbart, not the Babylon Bee.

NFL fans troll the Redskins as they reveal their new name for 2020 season is ‘Washington Football Team’.

Trump announces Jacksonville part of GOP convention will be canceled over coronavirus concerns. And suddenly it becomes clear why the media has been playing up the spike in harmless cases of Coronavirus in Florida as some sort of pandemic 2.0.

Researchers say forced stay-at-home orders were not associated with lower coronavirus deaths in countries around the world.

Chinese state media has admitted it views the novel coronavirus as a tool to defeat President Trump.

Bishops urge President to rescind memorandum excluding illegal aliens from inclusion in apportionment of Representatives.

Locust plague spreads to Europe as Sardinia sees worst attack in 70 years, Italy.

Ten migrants  convicted over gang rape in Germany.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Wednesday defended a series of insulting text messages sent to the city’s police union president after he asked President Trump for help.

D.C. mask mandate exempts lawmakers and government employees.

The mayor of Summerland, B.C., is declining to apologize for going into a dollar store in the community and cutting up bandanas featuring the image of the Confederate flag that had been part of its inventory. She just destroyed someone else’s property, without any compensation, and justifies it by crying “white supremacy.”

Federal prosecutors have renewed a push for a 21-month sentence for the man who tackled and injured U.S. Sen. Rand Paul in November 2017. Paul won $580,000 in the lawsuit, forcing this guy to sell his house and turn over all the money (which was still $100,000 short) so at least this guy’s life is pretty much fucked.

U.S. and U.K. accuse Russia of launching new anti-satellite weapon into space.

Big Three networks censor the story of the DOW breaking 27,000. The thing is, liberals are a huge minority with a massive lust for power. So when Cabal goes to them and says, “We can put you in power,” They want it, and they know they can’t get it any other way. Conservatives, by contrast, are a majority which really doesn’t want power over others – we just want to be left alone. So if Cabal came to us, and offered us power, if we would just oppress others for (((Them))), one, we’d feel like we could get power without Cabal, and two, we don’t want power, or to oppress anyone. So you can see why when everything shakes out, it ends up with a disgusting leftist minority owned by a trans-national conspiracy.

Don Lemon, in talking about the cognitive test Trump aced, offhandedly takes a question and gets it wrong. Then Fredo Cuomo, a few seconds later, can’t remember the answer to the question, and says it was Elephant when it was Rhino.

Missouri attorney general seeks to dismiss McCloskey case, and defends his intervention in case on the grounds he is protecting the right to keep and bear arms.

The US military confirmed that one of its fighter jets had flown within a few thousand feet of an Iranian commercial aircraft over Syria to “inspect it,” because ti didn’t identify itself, after Iranian state media released videos showing apparently shaken and injured passengers. Might we be on high alert for some sort of spectacular attack from Iran/Cabal in the run-up to the election?

Judge rules Seattle media companies must hand over protest images to police.

Donald Trump says he may send 60,000 federal agents into cities across America as he brands Portland protesters ‘anarchists’ and the city’s mayor ‘pathetic.’

Why you can’t trust the polls in this election – 62% of Americans are afraid to express political views, survey finds. 77% of conservatives.

Black and minority voter approval for President Trump is at record highs.

Spread r/K Theory, because there may never be a more interesting time in our species’ history.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Pentagon’s UFO unit is to make some findings public. ”

SETA, Search for Extra-Terrestrial Artifacts, has been successful.
These things are like drones and they’ve been watching, they’ve always been watching.

For God will bring every deed into judgment, along with every hidden thing, whether good or evil.
Ecclesiastes 12:14

So do not be afraid of them. For there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made known.
Matthew 10:26

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

Just thought I’d leave this here, the recently late Congressman John Lewis was a 33d degree Mason.

comment image

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Chinese state media has admitted it views the novel coronavirus as a tool to defeat President Trump.”

What if a government or organization had done this to Russia in a bid to unseat (and Ghaddafi) President Vladimir Putin. What would Russia do? What would Putin have to do?

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Conservative professor, author, and commentator Mike Adams found dead.”

Wow. The University of North Carolina had him whacked over 500k and 700k.

Darwin Is A Harsh Mistress
Darwin Is A Harsh Mistress
4 years ago


Why do you adopt the language of the enemy? I see so many of “our guys” doing it today it makes me realize just how beaten down and handshy we are. It will take more than K-selection to undo the wrecked neural pathways of gender in the English language.

To wit, this sample,

“Here, I know this reporter knows the Secret. So seeing *them* write this, I see an agent of the conspiracy, who knows resistance is coming, who knows *they are* in a precarious position, and who had it suddenly dawn on *them* that Trump deploying . . .”

In English, our native tongue of beauty and grace and Shakespeare, it would render as

“Here, I know this reporter knows the Secret. So seeing HIM write this, I see an agent of the conspiracy, who knows resistance is coming, who knows HE IS in a precarious position, and who had it suddenly dawn on HIM that Trump deploying . . .”

Perhaps it seems petty and meaningless to you, a scientist concerned with fundamental human instincts but to me, an historian and lover of our language and way of life, I know gendered language is not only beautiful and poetic but useful, communicating factual data encoded into every conjugation and declination with compose.

And there is this: grammatical gender includes neutral but only our present intelligentsia mistakes it for a template to interpret bio-social truth. We mustn’t encourage this cancer, not even a little bit.

I love your work. It is the Lord’s work. Peace.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I used to enjoy your more in depth r/K breakdowns of individual stories AC they decoded much for me and were a great help.
Now i definitely find myself more open and prepared to leave more on the table regarding reality since finding your site about 6 years ago.
Thank you.

This guy is interesting BTW

Mr T

4 years ago

Regarding the Pizza story, ever notice the “Pizza Planet Truck” is in almost every Pixar kid’s movie. Innocent fun thing or another hiding in plain sight reference?

4 years ago

So I have been thinking recently about Cabal’s strategic position, and in particular I’ve been wondering: is the Internet anathema to Cabal? In other words, is the Internet guaranteed to eventually wake the public up and point them at their slave masters, and on what kind of time scale?

I think this is a very important theoretical point, because if true (and I tentatively believe it is, although it might be a fairly long time table) Cabal must either a) get 90%+ of people off the internet ASAP or otherwise heavily censor it (is this even possible? Apparently the Great Firewall is only somewhat effective) b) try to end global civilization and send us back to the Dark Ages or c) try to offer up some fraction of themselves as a sacrifice while the rest blend back in to the population. Or perhaps I am not covering all alternatives! I’m especially curious to hear from AC, phelps, Rex, & Sam J, but all opinions are welcome.

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

Cabal always advances, never retreats. A is your answer, the bannings currently happening are only the first wave. There are supposed to be Big “October surprises” right? Well Cabal will try some pretty Big site takedowns before then to dampen any Big news. If things look like your C option is happening that’s because something just culled a Big fraction of Cabal and cabal is figuring out how to respond.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

I don’t think that the internet actually is that big of a problem. Sure, it’s unregulated and uncontrolled. But it’s also capable of far greater levels of theft and manipulation and surveillance.

Also, cabal was VERY close to having sealed the deal on this society. Hillary winning the election could have done it. They’ve implement enough surveillance and enough direct action personnel to leave the population terrified with nothing to fight back against.

They were going for total global control. And they nearly got it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…is the Internet anathema to Cabal? In other words, is the Internet guaranteed to eventually wake the public up and point them at their slave masters, and on what kind of time scale?…”


“…and on what kind of time scale?…”

First I am not an expert nor some sort of guru that knows all about this and I’m sure I don’t understand it all but it interest me a great deal so I read a lot about it.

Time scale. That’s the difficult part. It depends entirely on the linkage of already existing “new” internet protocols that are decentralized , linking these programs to decentralized multi-person or servers (exactly like BitTorrent but for all data including websites) and finally tying all these to together in encrypted streams so that people can read and write anonymously.

Every single one of these exist right now in various forms and levels of completion but are not tied together or they don’t work unless you are willing to compile your own software or jump through hoops to get them to work.

The whole thing is a little fragmented and all of these are not exactly tied together. The present internet has a directory that is centralized. This is why they can control it. They control at the address level. I mean address like

The above is a name and when you click on it it goes to another computer, Domain Name System(DNS) which gives the ACTUAL numerical phone number or address that the above name resides at.

Already various programs jump around the DNS that governments control by having Digital Hash Tables(DHT) (a DHT is nothing but a digital fingerprint of a file or any sort of data. Just exactly like a fingerprint of a human can identify then this DHT can do the same for files and can be used as a check to see if the file is the right file just like a fingerprint can accurately identify a person.), It can also be used to find the address or locations of data. BitTorrent has a DHT and this is tied to addresses for files when you are downloading movies or whatever. The various decentralized people/files/servers pass around these addresses and what movies/files/whatever they contain to each other.

Here’s an interesting explanation of a network that replaces the DNS with DHT, one of many, It’s not too long and is interesting and appears a way to get decent speed.

Some more with brief comments

Freenet-one of the first that has almost all the elements needed but is slow. In fairness to freenet and most of these the more secure the slower it is because it must hop between many addresses before it gets to the site.

I2P-It’s at a fairly high level of development but doesn’t have built in a decentralized storage space like Freenet. It does have

but it’s not super easy to get it to work. You can’t just install I2P and it work.

TOR-It’s fast and has encrypted web sites but it’s not completely decentralized and the sites are not scattered throughout the network so they can be found but it’s difficult to do so.

IPFS A huge decentralized storage system. It’s a big one but it does not have encryption built in. It’s a massive undertaking though and very crafty.

Maidsafe or Safe network is another massive undertaking but not complete.

I also like Lokinet which is an offshoot of I2P but it of course is not finished.

Zeronet seems to have most all of the attributes we would want but…it uses JavaScript in the browser. Now maybe this can be made to work but I don’t trust JavaScript at all and even though you have to use it, I don’t like it. It’s had so much unsecured stuff in it I just don’t trust it.

There’s lots of distributed data stores. I just listed a few.

The point is that all we need is being worked on but each are at various levels of completion. We’re going to have to have some sort of anonymity eventually but just having a distributed storage that does work now is a big step up. They can’t censor you. You can do all needed right now but you have to do a lot of stuff to get them to work. It can not be just installed and set up easily. One of these will eventually become easy enough and due to network effects take off.

The network effect where for one reason or another people decide that they like this network or that network will be the deciding factor. A lot of people hate twitter and facebook but because everyone is on it they go there because…that’s where the people are. You can’t really say what will be the one because it’s a bit random.

“…I think this is a very important theoretical point, because if true (and I tentatively believe it is, although it might be a fairly long time table) Cabal must either a) get 90%+ of people off the internet ASAP or otherwise heavily censor it (is this even possible? Apparently the Great Firewall is only somewhat effective)…”

Time is not on the cabal’s/Jews side. Even the present system where they control the DNS or naming system of the internet can not be completely controlled. They kill off one name for a site and the same site is just added under another name. They don’t have the man power to censor everything. Censoring cost money and there’s really not any substantial money to be made in the free flow of information bits. If the Jews did not control most all advertising agencies and vector all funds to their buddies, (I think there’s four main big ones), they would go broke tomorrow. And if they kill the internet all together Women will shriek a bloody war cry and they will lose all power iimediately. Their best bet, and I assure you they are deep into this, is to use AI to censor but…it’s not there yet and even if they are successful then all these other network protocols I listed above will be even more empowered to take over because people don’t want censored internet.

They can not kill the internet without a major we’re going to die inflection point. We mean revolution of some sort. If they do kill the net all commerce will break down and while vast numbers of people would die the Jews would too and THAT is not what they want. They can destroy but they can’t win…yet. AI may change this but it’s not there yet and I suspect we have at the least 5 to 10 years before it could possibly do so. That’s the earliest for low cost AI to take over.

“…b) try to end global civilization and send us back to the Dark Ages…”

I worry about this and I think for good reason. They are perfectly willing the burn the whole damn thing down if they feel they can never win. I suspected before the elections that they were trying to start a nuclear war with US vs. China/Russia but I expect that Trump has put a hold on this. It certainly seemed that way. On the good side they have mental issues where they don’t think they can lose and very poor recognition of threat levels.

In the end they will not be able to do this. It’s true they might kill off the west but Asians are not going away and they are more of a threat to the Jews than the west is. Asians will wipe them out like they are killing off the muslims in China. They are directly genociding these people.

I suspect the Jews did corona. I mean what are the actual reasonable and logical means by which it started.

1. China accidentally let it loose. Possible.
2. Groups in US intelligence, with I bet a lot of Jew control and guidance, let it loose. Possible but face it not in our interest. It could be found we did it and no one in the US wants a nuclear war. Not to mention the blow back where we end up with it killing us off.
3. Jews did it.-The Jews are the only people who profit in all scenarios. I don’t know all the details but I have a strong feeling and I see a lot of evidence that the Chinese led the Jews along making them think they were going to move to China and be rich, influential and powerful there and then…the Chinese fucked them somehow. I suspect they took all the tech that the Jews stole from us in manufacturing, copied it and then told the Jew run factories to go fuck themselves. A big tell is the Chinese started giving support to Iran and then…corona.

So the virus targets the Chinese then it spread to their Iranian enemies immediately and that they just “happened” to be working on a vaccine for the exact same virus (just a cohenicidence I’m sure). For me that’s enough to seal the case. Maybe not to others but for me, the Jews did it.

What that means is they may and probably will release another much powerful one. You need to be ready for this. One thing to get that seems to kill off corona real fast is Ivermectin. I read that it can knock it out in 24 hours. You can get this from Tractor Supply or other farming stores that carry medicine. I have some for horses and it only cost like $3 US. Another is Liposomal vitamin C. The only brand that I know for sure is a guaranteed good product is lipo spheric vitamin c from livon labs. The product can get intravenous levels of vit. C into the blood stream. I have two boxes and will only use it if I know I have corona as it’s fairly expensive. Of course compared to drugs it’s dirt cheap. I don’t work for or profit from them and I’m not saying that other products are not just as good but they have a known good process for making this. Also a good tack to take is make your own. Look up “DIY liposomal vitamin C ” and you will get lots of links. Cheaper and it makes sure you won’t run out.

“…or c) try to offer up some fraction of themselves as a sacrifice while the rest blend back in to the population. Or perhaps I am not covering all alternatives!…”

They’ll do this and are right now but they can’t do too much of this or they will lose loyalty or lose fear of them because if you can turn yourself in to save yourself from them the authorities are more lenient than these animals.

In the end if we don’t get rid of the Jews and their centralized banking system then they will eventually make autonomous robots which will kill off most all of us. Possibly combined with some sort of horrific disease that spreads fast but then falls apart. Lots of risk for them with the disease though as no one can reliably tell you what will combine into what. Might blow back on them.

Joe Nobody
Joe Nobody
4 years ago

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition now features a Muslim model in a Burkini.

This is actually the second time SI has done this. First time was last year and featured Somali from Minnesota.

4 years ago

“Why you can’t trust the polls in this election – 62% of Americans are afraid to express political views, survey finds. 77% of conservatives.”

I was speaking to someone that lived in NJ on anonymous chat app. She expressed fear of supporting President Trump and majority of the responses she got was fellow supporters to keep it down low. Trump is letting the fear that leftists have created to skew the polling for elections. He just needs to start punching back to energizes the base when it comes time to vote.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

Someone was caught trying to steal 900 million from the Canadian government.

4 years ago

The question I have these days: is there anyone that *isn’t* an evil, corrupt cretin? The stories about cheating and grift and ripoffs extend from Congress down to the local level. Here in SoCal there’s near daily reports of corruption even down into the lowliest government cubicle farms. It’s all over the private sector, too. The “Swamp” is everywhere. To regain even a moderate trust society, millions will need to be purged by any means possible, and that’s not happening, so…

The only place left to start anew is space, and the tech for that just isn’t there. Seasteading never took off. Underground? Do we become Moorlocks? Can we build our own secret society- a healthy culture within the decaying corpse of the old one? I dunno… I’m just speculating in frustration, drowning in black pills. The Cabal really doesn’t have to spend much effort there. Simply observing the clown alley of my fellow citizens is sufficient for that.

Reply to  Anon300
4 years ago

as a guy who’s been known to get somewhat melancholy myself – a) so Q needs *more time that it took to win World War 2* to get The Storm started?!? srsly?? b) am seriously beginning to think the Vikings & Krauts were really on to something with Gotterdammerung und Ragnarok – I feel your pain, homey.

FWIW, here’s a thought chain that has of late solaced me somewhat:

1. the world and the universe is unfolding **precisely** as our Creator desires it to
2. we’re not privy to those plans, so by all means…
3. fight hard against what you know to be evil
4. do your best, try your hardest, take care of your loved ones, and….
5. when in doubt, refer to item 1. fear not. despair not. have faith
6. even if all might be (someday) lost, don’t suffer fools – make fools suffer. It’s a lot of fun, and it’s good for the soul. what the heck, maybe the Zodiac was right: they might be your slaves in paradise! (I very much like the idea of Hillary Clinton being the scullery maid who has to hold the pissbucket for me)(and there WOULD be splashback)(poor Hilly)
7. everything has a lifespan: people, corporations, relationships, nations, governments, societies, religions. this too shall pass
8. see item 1

for all we know, the Big Guy intends for (((them))) to win this round and run amok for the next 200 years before their inevitable catastrophic destruction. doesn’t mean you can’t/shouldn’t stand against them anyway.

God plays His games. we play ours.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anon300
4 years ago

Get on dlive and watch Owen Benjamin Comedy.

He’s *doing* what we need to do, and setting the example, we have no excuse!

4 years ago

“but what the fuck is up with NASCAR?”

Ultimately I think Cabal is targeting anything that we love and anything with any tradition behind it at all. Note all the morons who say “I’m boycotting the NFL forever!” And Nascar, and whatever else. Forever is a long time. Of course, these people think that these leagues are just making this decision based on political ideology or marketing. They don’t realize that the leaders are being blackmailed. But, nevertheless, Cabal is doing a superb job of making Americans want to toss their own inheritance into the garbage can and not even lift a finger to save any of it.

Reply to  Anti-Cabal
4 years ago

Much of it was designed to distract and propagandize people from the start.

Find your real culture hidden under sportsball.

4 years ago

“So if Cabal came to us, and offered us power, if we would just oppress others for (((Them))), one, we’d feel like we could get power without Cabal, and two, we don’t want power, or to oppress anyone.”

It’s a very comforting myth, but there’s all sorts of piece of shit conservatives that fall for the combination of greed/cowardice that cabal pushes.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

And they always decay until they are outright liberals.

4 years ago

Well seems like Voice of Europe has gotten nuked, when I try to open the link:

It gets redirected to this:

4 years ago

Lots of scams being busted
Pre-Trump they would have rolled along unabated
Every little bit helps

4 years ago

I took the Don Lemon Fredo Cuomo Elephant vs Rhino bit to be some sort of jab at Conservative Republicans and RINOs.

4 years ago

As for the star of david thing, there are a lot of pol tier trolls who make parody Jewish accounts and then shitpost. Probably more parody accounts than genuine ones.

4 years ago

I don’t believe the polls either. In 2016 every single one was wrong with the exception of Investors Business Daily/Tipps poll. Now they want us to think they are somehow correct when they got it all wrong before? Not buying it.

I was at the dentist this week and my dental hygienist (whom I have known for many years) was expressing concern about the polls being very bad for Trump. She had not heard about Helmut Northop’s Primary Model and was, I think, a bit relived to hear some good news on that front.

The Elite Media Monoculture is working hard to convince the general population that all hope is lost using these fake polls. But Northop’s system is very good for showing that there is a more objective method for looking at the state of the election. The more people hear about it, the better.

4 years ago

Aside – have you read Plague of Corruption by Judy Mikovitz? She became a deep state believer after run-in with Sen Harry Reid & friends.

Rather naive, as she seems to believe that scientific folks in gov’t who keep their heads down and refuse to acknowledge the politics going on are ‘good people’, rather than sheeple.

4 years ago

in re The Football Team Formerly Known as The Redskins – somebody out there, don’t know who, suggested a name I kinda liked: “The Washington Lizard People”

4 years ago

Diagnosed with schizophrenia
CIA after him
Visions from God
Sounds like he got the full package

4 years ago

“NASCAR officials try to have visibly disabled Police officers, wounded in the line of duty, who were invited by a driver, and cleared to take photos with her car, arrested for trespassing. Local PD declined, but what the fuck is up with NASCAR? First it bans confederate flags, then it gives BlackLivesMatters a blowjob with its own dedicated car and fake hate crime, and now this.”

Too many left turns.

4 years ago

I have no idea if this guy knows what he is talking about. He connects John Lewis’s lodge to MLK.

“””The bill was sponsored by US Representative John Lewis, (D-GA), who is a member of Atlanta’s St. James Lodge No. 4 PHA. What this new law signed by President Trump does is to establish the area around Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthplace in Atlanta to officially become a national historical park, making it the first such park in Georgia. (It’s currently just designated as a national historic site, and this changes its status and importance within the National Park Service system.) The site is established “to preserve, protect, and interpret for the benefit, inspiration, and education of present and future generations, the places where Martin Luther King, Jr. was born, where he lived, worked, and worshiped, and where he is buried, while ensuring connections are made to his life and legacy.” It already includes King’s birthplace, the church where he was baptized, and his burial place. But the legislation also slightly enlarges the existing designated area in order to also specifically include Atlanta’s Auburn Avenue Prince Hall Masonic Temple. “””

4 years ago

You might find this reporters articles useful for newbies.

“””Who is Q? What is Q? And, perhaps most importantly, why is Q? Q and the ever-growing worldwide movement it’s inspired have been the objects of fascination, mockery and hatred, but of surprisingly little serious analysis.”””

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

This includes lies about Trump but there is good information attached as bait.

4 years ago

Speaking of ammo and gun shortages. Body armor is flying out the door.

They had around 120 yesterday. All gone. 600ish of the level iii plates today.

4 years ago
Mr Twister
Mr Twister
4 years ago

Re: Facebook nuking Q pages.

Sir Nick Clegg – Former UK Deputy PM & Pro EU leader of the “Liberal Democrats” (always the Wizardry!) Connected by marriage to European Royalty.

Sir Nick Clegg – Permanent member of the Queens Privy Council

Sir Nick Clegg – Current *Head of Facebook Global Communications*

This is at least notable isn’t it?
I appear to be the only person on t’internet that thinks so,
So maybe it’s irrelevant? The world’s just mad right now!

Reply to  Mr Twister
4 years ago

Perfidious Albion is always notable.