News Briefs – 07/22/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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Rough maybe mock-up of the book cover:

Lets hope the Second American Revolution goes as well as the first, and it can be spread all across the globe.

Maria Bartiromo: Mysterious man in grey suit climbed ladder, directed Police while they took photos of Crook’s body — and he was not Secret Service as initially believed.

Photos show Police snipers were 40 feet away from crooks, and bystanders said they saw them watching him for 30 minutes prior to the shooting.

New audio forensic analysis reveals at least THREE SHOOTERS at Trump. I wonder if you opened a warp bubble and one shooter’s multiple bullets passed through it differently, whether doppler-esque effects could produce this… Because three shooters, one patsy and two pros, would seem unlikely to miss, especially with all the Secret Service operational support and the counter snipers standing down for half a minute or so.

Sen. Ron Johnson drops bombshell preliminary findings in investigation into attempted assassination of President Trump. Typical Gateway Pundit overstatement. Basically just some tidbits showing Secret Service initially was not even going to send snipers, and it saddled local law enforcement with almost everything.

Shooter took a pistol course shortly before the assassination attempt, had his own 9mm and was a crack shot. Why did the machine send those kids out to make him out to be a terrible shot at the school gun club, which it turned out he never joined?

Trump — Secret Service told me nothing. They should have kept me off stage until they had Crooks in custody.

The Secret Service acknowledged Saturday that it had turned down requests of additional resources sought by former President Donald Trump’s security detail in the two years leading up to his attempted assassination last week.

Trump says, “There are some things going on with our government which we need to really worry about.”

Robert Barnes has been promoting this one:

Haley posted she was invited to the RNC at 5:42 on J13. Trump said she invited herself. He was shot at 6:11. @barnes_law reported Pompeo told Iowa delegates he would be VP. Was never on DJT’s list. With Trump gone you would have seen a Haley/Pompeo ticket. They knew.

Bill Ackman Tweeted and then deleted:

Victoria Nuland saying “Trump won’t be president” and smirking just like she did when she said “Nordstream 2 will not move forward.”

Rothschild, BlackRock, VanGuard, Bush’s and Cheney’s stood to gain $696 billion up to $1  TRILLION in profits after short selling DJT shares one day prior to assassination. It turned out it was just a filing error, anons.

Biden drops out, endorses Kamala to take over the race for the White House, but it will still go to an open convention. However it may not be that simple, as Wisconsin only allows a candidate change for death, and these states will make it hard:

House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday he could foresee “legal hurdles” in some states if President Biden is replaced as the Democratic nominee.

Harris races to lock down support after Biden drops out.

Seventy-nine percent of Democrats said they would approve of Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the Democratic presidential nominee if President Joe Biden steps aside in a poll.

New CBS polls shows 56% of Democrats and 59% of Black voters want Biden to remain the nominee.

President Biden’s announcement that he was abandoning his reelection bid was just hours old, but Bill and Hillary Clinton wasted no time in giving their full support for Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement. Clever. Kamala is Constitutionally ineligible. But she is the only one who can access Biden’s campaign cash. She accesses the cash, transfers it to a dual ticket of her and Hillary, and then has to drop out, and there Hillary is. I wonder if some of this drama is being inserted into the script to draw more attention, and involve more people. Because the great script is useless if nobody is paying attention.

Obama issues a statement, does not endorse Kamala.

The New York Times (NYT) editorial board wants Vice President Kamala Harris off the 2024 ticket because of “profound concerns” about her electability.

Sen. Joe Manchin is considering challenging Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic presidential ticket, according to a report Sunday.

People are questioning whether Biden actually resigned or was the victim of a coup. So Joe, Jill, and Hunter are all laid out on the floor of the White House basement, tied up with socks stuffed in their mouths? Some thought the signature on the document he supposedly signed looked kind of forged. And of course, nobody has seen him. Then there was this:

Biden staffers reportedly blindsided after president drops out of 2024 race: ‘We’re all finding out by tweet.’

Fox News hosts want to see proof of life.

Jill Biden just jumped on a plane to France, according to one report.

Trump still winning:

Donald Trump: Kamala Harris will be easier to defeat than Joe Biden.

Biden campaign officially rebrands with the FEC as ‘Harris for President.’

Harris looks less competitive than Biden on the electoral map.

Calls for Biden to resign White House surge after he drops out of presidential race.

RFK Jr urges Democratic Party to use ‘neutral polling’ to name new presidential nominee.

Democrats in all-out war as John Fetterman blasts faceless powerbrokers who pushed out Biden ‘before an absolute sleazeball’ like convicted NJ Sen Bob Menendez.

Donald Trump may be laying the groundwork for scrambling plans for another presidential debate, suggesting that Fox News, and not ABC News, should be the host.

Brit Hume says former President Trump is ‘beatable’, VP Harris ‘has assets’ in 2024 presidential bid. George H. W. Bush’s tennis buddy. As I recall, Brit Hume had a son die, supposedly by suicide. It all looks different when you find out part of the process of the elites is to sacrifice a loved one to get inside.

Woke media goes into meltdown as CNN’s Van Jones CRIES on air and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow shares utter disbelief after Biden steps down.

Tucker Carlson – In case you’ve forgotten, here’s Joe Biden casually implying that Barack Obama is gay. From June of 2007.

Hollywood star Sharon Stone has revealed that she is considering moving to Europe if former President Donald Trump wins in November. Unfortunately she no longer has any money.

Migrant warfare: Fed source says illegal who urged squatting in Americans’ homes worked for Venezuela’s military intelligence -report.

Synthetic opioid 50 times more powerful than fentanyl is discovered in Florida.

Hundreds of thousands in campaign cash being funneled to Democrats from Chinese-owned company.

Odd activity at Chinese submarine shipyard draws interest as the sudden appearance of four crane barges where a submarine had been parked has sparked rumors of an accident.

#JustStopOil protestors who deliberately stood in the street and prevented sick people from getting medical treatment in Britain have been sentenced to prison.

Schoolchildren are converting to Islam ‘out of fear’ in German schools.

Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko: Zelensky ‘risks political suicide’ in case of concessions to Russia, will need to hold referendum.

New quantum computer smashes ‘quantum supremacy’ record by a factor of 100 — and it consumes 30,000 times less power.

Elon Musk calls for in person only and paper ballot same day counting voting in response to Mike Lee thread.

Former President Donald Trump has the edge on President Joe Biden “in every region” of Michigan, translating to a robust seven-point lead, according to an EPIC-MRA/Detroit Free Press poll. Probably doing even better against Harris.

Trump leads Harris by a 51-46 in the key swing state of Georgia.

Black NYC voters discuss their support for Trump.

Trump’s GoFundMe passes $6 million for rally shooting victims.

Thousands of Trump supporters flock to Michigan for first campaign rally since assassination attempt one week ago.

Spread r/K Theory, because the best movie in the world is nothing if nobody is watching it

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7 months ago

Spread r/K Theory, because the best movie in the world is nothing if nobody is watching it

And this is the worst movie in the world, it’s so bad that it took Divine intervention to keep Q from letting Trump be killed.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

yes, I agree, but the cinematography is spectacular.

Just Me
Just Me
7 months ago

re: photo of shooter on the roof

How is it his AR wound up neatly placed about 8 feet away?

While we’re at it, how did he wind up lying perfectly straight, on his back?

Kind of like the whole scene was staged…

Reply to  Just Me
7 months ago

The impact of a large caliber bullet tossed that thin framed idiot like a rag doll. I believe he was on his side,at least in the photo I saw.

Reply to  Just Me
7 months ago

answer A) several paragraphs of lame BS about Central Nervous System spasms with a headshot, and computerized “crime scene analysis” that, not being a certified professional, you wouldn’t understand anyway

answer B) shut up shut up SHUT UP!

Reply to  Just Me
7 months ago

Standard approach protocol to confirm the status of a hostile actor. Toss the weapon out of reach, roll to back to confirm they’re not playing dead and hiding another gun, explosives, etc in their hands under their torso.

Try not to always assume the enemy is so obvious.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
7 months ago

New audio forensic analysis reveals at least THREE SHOOTERS at Trump.
I find it hard to believe there was more than one shooter. I mean Crooks missing his shot was only because Trump turned at an unexpected time.
If there were other trained/hidden snipers then Trump would be dead.

Reply to  Corn Pop
7 months ago

There were TWO COUNTER sniper teams. The one behind Trump missed their shot–the second counter sniper team hit Crooks. There were Three Shooters: Crooks and Two Counter Sniper teams.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

I’m only referring to shooters targeting Trump.

Reply to  Corn Pop
7 months ago

Okay, Crooks slightly missed Trump and killed Competore and seriously wounded two others.

The Second shooter–where were his victims, or where did his bullets hit. Evidence, please.

Reply to  Corn Pop
7 months ago

It would be even more a miracle if they all managed to miss.

Last edited 7 months ago by Anon
Reply to  Corn Pop
7 months ago

Crooks was the distraction. He didn’t take the shot that narrowly missed.

Crooks had to quickly climb onto a hot roof, get into position, and take his shot. I know there are stories about him hanging out there for half an hour, but I’m skeptical. It would make sense that the good shot was taken by a trained sniper from a concealed location.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Ed
7 months ago

Reaching big time

Strange Old Hermit
Strange Old Hermit
7 months ago

Re: Jill Biden heading to France a day after Biden’s withdrawal–

Reply to  Strange Old Hermit
7 months ago

She’s arranging housing accommodations for Sharon Stone.

Reply to  Strange Old Hermit
7 months ago

I heard she skipped the country and is in France

7 months ago

The true conservative candidate is Harris

Reply to  IsraelChosenOnes
7 months ago

Yeah, Tom Harris, he mows my lawn.

Reply to  IsraelChosenOnes
7 months ago

AC can we just IP ban these gimmick sarcasm accounts? Literally zero contribution to the conversation.

7 months ago

I missed yesterday’s call for testimonials:
“If you’ve ever wondered why anyone would drive around Alabama in the heat of July with a window open, but only the driver side window–this book will explain why the person driving is likely American Stasi.” 
–A reader from Huntsville, Alabama

Last edited 7 months ago by Chief_Tuscaloosa
Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
7 months ago

Nyah, let’s call it the “Art of the Side eye in July.”

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
7 months ago


Was just in Huntsville, Chief. High nineties plus humidity and windows down is the ultimate tell.

Reply to  MentalAnon
7 months ago

Last week on my regular walk to the dispensary, before noon, with the temperature around 90 and it feeling like a *miserable* 100 with the UNUSUAL humidity (about two straight weeks of New Orleans weather here in Boston…strange, ahem) I saw soooooo many cars with their windows down? Guess what I did? Me being an irrepressible asshole who gives negative-million fucks, I screamed at them as they passed or sat at a red light. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU MOST CERTAINLY HAVE AIR CONDITIONING, BUT YOU GOT THE WINDOW DOWN, ON AN DISGUSTINGLY HOT DAY LIKE THIS?! YOU GOTTA BE SHITTING ME!!! WHAT ARE YOU, CABAL PEOPLE?! SURVEILLANCE PEOPLE?! DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW FUCKING DOOMED YOU ARE?! YOU MUST NOT, SINCE YOU’RE DOING THIS SHIT! PREPARE TO BE SENT TO HELL, COCKSUCKERS!!!” Et cetera. Felt good, man.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Every stifeling hot day that I drive in my 30-year-old Ford F150, I find myself expecting to receive cryptic instructions over its once state-of-the art FM radio, which hasn’t done anything but buzz annoyingly for the last decade. At least the g.d. radio lasted a few years longer than the air- conditioner!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago


7 months ago

‘Brit Hume says former President Trump is ‘beatable’, VP Harris ‘has assets’ in 2024 presidential bid.’

Um, yeah – her only “assets” thusfar have been not being male and not being White.

As of right now, another asset she has is the neverending nuisance that is the (especially Leftist White) female voting bloc. Now’s not the time go be resting on our heels – the way Harris lifted hers.

Reply to  Maniac
7 months ago

I gave up on Hume when he exposed his left wing bias. what an idiot.

Ann K.
Ann K.
7 months ago

The cover is a bit goatse. Better: an American flag with eyes instead of stars.

Reply to  Ann K.
7 months ago

Like that idea.

Covers are very hard. The desire is to cram as much symbolism as possible there, but something jarring yet subtle is often a winner. Making the stars like eyes or little cameras might do that trick. Also trying to think of other symbols besides “eyes” which could stand in for surveillance….camera lens, octopus, panopticon.

There’s a feeling that AC’s emphasis on how children are targeted by this machine is one that will resonated deeply with many who pick up the book. Maybe the cover can be a nod to that….like a young school kid, working hard at his desk, and behind him is the shadowy figure of surveillance in some sort of exaggerated, demonic form. Just two cents.

Reply to  MentalAnon
7 months ago

Manila files – files on the kids who are being surveilled. One of them is a middle school portrait collage. One or two kids are crossed out, with a note beneath their faces: “has the gift” – “can think” – “too good” – “too independent”.
I agree that the focus on kids being kneecapped by the Stasi because they are a potential threat is the kind of thing that is going to get people’s attention.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  MentalAnon
7 months ago

Hey AC… Cover images…as children are involved how about the semi-famous old poster for “The Village of the Damned!” I am sure you are familiar with this. You could superimpose it over the image of a man, viewed from behind, typing at his blog, on a desktop PC.
Use the three children image. Base image is a Bill Of Rights kind of flickering out of focus.

Last edited 7 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ann K.
7 months ago

Do you mean “gauche”?

(Pron: goshe [long-o sound, silent-e at the end]) / or “goash”

Reply to  Carrie
7 months ago

No, I think she did mean goatse… don’t look it up.

Last edited 7 months ago by !!!
Reply to  !!!
7 months ago

Ah, the old shock sites. My wife keeps sending me stuff from a site called “Lemon 8” and I keep reading it as “Lemon Party”.

Reply to  Carrie
7 months ago

It’s a good thing you don’t know how bad things really are 🙂

Reply to  Carrie
7 months ago

Greatest of All Time Stars Eyes

Reply to  Ann K.
7 months ago

A cell/smart phone should be incorporated. It is by far the biggest avenue for surveillance.

Reply to  Ann K.
7 months ago

Goatse might be a perfect subtle signal to represent Cabal, actually.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

There is nothing subtle about goatse.

Reply to  phelps
7 months ago

There are subtle *ways to represent* goatse, hairsplitting-nerd-who-missed-the-point, not that goatse itself is subtle.

7 months ago

Apologies if this has already been shared

Reply to  Anominous
7 months ago

why, what is it?

7 months ago

> local police … were forced to send pictures of the shooter to the ATF

Ballocks. The city PD works for the city, the sheriff’s department works for the county, and any staties around work for the State of Pennsylvania. The Secret Service and DOJ have *zero* authority over them.

The only way they could have “forced” individual officers to send them anything would be to hold them at gunpoint. And since most of them hate the Feds, their response would likely be a variant of “It’s showtime!”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

CIA won the war against FBI with Watergate.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Or it’s possible that the assassination was fake, that it was staged by the branch of Cabal fighting a civil war with the rest of Cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Probably where the spiritual aspect comes in.

God, when we listen attentively to that still small voice of the “Holy Ghost”, is always able to discern what is real from what is not. I find myself increasingly trying, with a little twinge of desperation, to hear Him.

From Habukkuk:

17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:

18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

19 The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Trump is not that good of an actor. His movements were genuine.

Reply to  map
7 months ago

Anything is possible.

Unlikely, but possible.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I highly doubt it’s anywhere near that formal. Ultimately, this is just organized crime, with all the tools and techniques of organized crime. I believe that people like police officers and teachers are “initiated” by a few incidents happening to them that make them aware the world doesn’t work as they thought it it. And they learn that if they play ball they’ll be rewarded and if they don’t they will lose their job and much worse. And then there are those who’ve been in for some time, perhaps since childhood, that can flesh things out a bit more.

I would not be surprised to learn that a substantial number of police who are killed on duty are killed for not taking cabal seriously. And this serves as a warning to the others on the force.

It’s not official and done with laws or anything like that. It’s all based on implications.

7 months ago

>Because three shooters, one patsy and two pros, would seem unlikely to miss
Am I the only one that assumes two pros means that one was for Trump?

7 months ago

Did “Biden” really drop out?

Reply to  Ed
7 months ago

And what are they going to do with the two (three?) stand-ins?

“Hillary, could you do the Party a favor…?”

Reply to  TRX
7 months ago

Contract is up
comment image

Reply to  Ed
7 months ago

Yes, Epstein style

7 months ago

Maria Bartiromo: Mysterious man in grey suit climbed ladder, directed Police while they took photos of Crook’s body — and he was not Secret Service as initially believed.

Just another well-dressed hobo, I suppose.

Reply to  phelps
7 months ago

I believe it was the local Medical Examiner. You can’t move the dead body until the Medical Examiner looks at the body and declares ‘death’.

7 months ago

DId “Biden” really drop out? Second take:

I don’t think “Biden” had “Covid”. I think the “Biden” team of handlers has been blocking some Cabal operation, and they have been trying to penetrate the team of handlers. Things could have happened the way the r conspiracy post describes.

Consider this. Its easier to get away with fake posting something to Twitter or X saying someone won’t be a candidate in an election, than faking a resignation of a US president. The presidency is an official office, and one of them did resign so there is precedent, and some protocols have to be followed to make it valid. You couldn’t get away with sending out a fake tweet.

But technically, “Biden” is still just running for the Democratic nomination for President. The nomination hasn’t happened yet. There is no official effect on the government in telling people he is or isn’t a candidate. The “Biden” handlers really just need to keep the show going for another few months to get what they want.

So right now they can get away with removing “Biden” as a candidate, but couldn’t get away with removing him as President, so and they are in a hurry, so they went with what they could do now.

7 months ago

New audio forensic analysis reveals at least THREE SHOOTERS at Trump. 

They are claiming three shooters total, including the USSS return fire. That means Crooks, USSS, and another. There are claims that local LEO also returned fire on crooks from the grounds (and would be the second shooter), but I’m not holding to that until I see more backup for the claim.

7 months ago

Biden drops out, endorses Kamala to take over the race for the White House, but it will still go to an open convention.

I honestly don’t believe it until we at least see someone in a Biden mask say it on video in front of media witnesses.

7 months ago

Obama issues a statement, does not endorse Kamala.

This is consistent with Kamelho flipping to the Clinton machine.

7 months ago

Hollywood star Sharon Stone has revealed that she is considering moving to Europe if former President Donald Trump wins in November. Unfortunately she no longer has any money.

Probably easier to whore herself out as a celebrity slam-hag in Europe than America.

Reply to  phelps
7 months ago

Twenty years ago that would have been a solid retirement cash-out plan for her, but at 65 years old not so much….. In fact I would go so far as to say that you will start seeing “legitimate” female celebs doing porn or onlyfans at an increasing rate in their late thirties to mid forties for exactly that reason. Those are largely the last years they can monetize their bodies before their looks go away.

The wall remains undefeated.

Last edited 7 months ago by lowell
Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

She was hot once but an ex-hottie is just a spent firework

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

Old Joke: Old Man and Old Woman are balancing the checkbook, and Old Man says, “we just can’t get by. We just don’t have enough money.”
Old Woman says, “Well, I’ll go back to work.”
Old Man says, “When I met you, you were working on the streets! You’ve never had another job!”
Old Woman says, “That’s what I’ll do” and walks out the door.
The next morning, Old Woman come back home, and says, “I made $150 and ten cents.”
Old Man asks, “who gave you a dime?”
Old Woman says, “everyone.”

Reply to  phelps
7 months ago

there are still some that would like to say “I shagged Sharon Stone”, not many, but some.

I once had the opportunity to have sex with a “retired hottie”. I had to say no as I have Stage 2 impotence and cant have sex with ugly / old women

7 months ago

Hillbilly Agent? (excerpts)
David Martin • December 30, 2018

Searching the Web I find that Vance first attained a degree of prominence all the way back in the summer of 2013 as a regular columnist for the conservative National Review. (For some reason, that part of his budding career is not mentioned on his Wikipedia page.) Considering the content of his famous book we should not be at all surprised to see him being embraced by the National Review crowd.

His description of basic training at Parris Island, South Carolina, and his tour in the Marines in general, which included time in Iraq, sounds like it might have been prepared at Marine Recruitment Central. To hear Vance tell it, they finished the job that his grandmother started. Not only did they further straighten him out, but they also toughened him up physically and more or less turned him into a real man. But then, why wouldn’t he sound like a flack for the Marines? That was what he did for the Marines while working for them. Apparently, the only work that Vance did in the service after basic training was as a specialist in public relations.

Had he painted the life of his family and his blue collar hillbilly culture with the same high gloss paint that he obviously applied to the Marines, his book would have been very short and very boring, and not even the full court press of publicity that our NOMA has given it could have made it popular.

Meanwhile, one of Vance’s close associates could well be pictured among the villains in the first part of the video. He is one of the biggest war-cheerleading people in the country. This quote is from the bottom of Vance’s page 220: “My education in social capital continues. For a time, I contributed to the website of David Frum, the journalist and opinion leader who now writes for The Atlantic. When I was ready to commit to one DC law firm, he suggested another firm where two of his friends from the Bush administration had recently taken senior partnerships. One of those friends interviewed me and, when I joined his firm, became an important mentor.”

“Barack Obama strikes at the heart of our deeper insecurities. He is a good father while many of us aren’t. He wears suits to his job while we wear overalls, if we’re lucky enough to have a job at all. His wife tells us that we shouldn’t be feeding our children certain foods, and we hate her for it—not because we think she’s wrong, but because we know she’s right.” (Vance)

I began my article, “How to Become a ‘Made Man’ in the Media,” this way:

A late uncle of mine who flew a spotter plane for the Air Force during the height of the Vietnam War once told me that during his stint there one of our “intelligence services” tried to recruit him. He declined the offer, he told me, but only after he had gone so far as to take a required “psychological evaluation” for them. The experience, he told me, appalled him. “I could tell from the questions,” he said, “that they were looking for someone who was immoral.”

The ambitious Vance, with his fixation on building up “social capital,” strikes me as the sort who would have maxed that test out.

7 months ago

Vance’s HILLBILLY ELEGY: A Dissent from Personal Experience (excerpts)
Jim Goad • August 31, 2018

I come from a similar background to Vance, but for all of his book’s alleged “poignance” and “compassion,” he strikes me more as a traitor and snitch toward hillbillies than an advocate.

Although Vance often speaks with fondness of the gun-toting, foul-mouthed, ill-tempered, drug-addled crackers in his grandparents’ home base of Breathitt County, KY, he ends up placing most of their problems squarely at their own bunion-covered feet. Their problems can’t be genetic, he argues, because both he and his sister were able to crawl up from the meth-stained squalor and make something of themselves. Their problems can’t be blamed on the government for reasons he never quite explains beyond suggesting that people who blame the government for any of their problems are dodging the fact that everything is basically their own fault. So although he concedes that the oft-maligned rubes from flyover country are human, he concludes that for the most part, they are bad humans.

Yet when Vance takes a bleak look at the rotten-toothed, opiate-addled, food-stamp-slinging people who apparently didn’t have the smarts or character to lift themselves out of their environment like he did, he can’t seem to bring himself to blame anyone but the hillbillies. Rising addiction and suicide rates among this population, along with its unprecedented drop in longevity rates, is solely framed as a moral failing—it can’t possibly be pinned on the fact that politicians sold all the middle- and working-class jobs overseas and imported millions of hostile nonwhite proles to snap up the remaining low-paying jobs.

All the despair he observes is blamed on some vague spiritual sickness rather than on material realities. His diagnosis is no less scolding or condescending than Barack Obama’s finger-wagging about rural losers who bitterly cling to guns and Bibles.

Although he self-identifies as a conservative, Vance sends little moralistic smoke signals throughout the book that indicate he’s entirely under the thrall of liberal thought-policing. He repeatedly refers to racism, sexism, and homophobia as if they were leprosy. He speaks of Barack Obama with a reverence that is so squirrelly, it borders on Chris Matthews’s infamous line about a thrill going up his leg. He suggests that rural Americans who distrust a media who openly hate and defame rural Americans are simply paranoid and uneducated.

Yes, our choices matter. But they aren’t the entire picture, nor are they the entire solution. But I’m sure the coastal elites are happy that J.D. Vance blamed the hillbillies rather than the coastal elites.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Vance is a vapid ladder climber, which makes Trump’s choice all the more odd.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Honestly, this kind of moralizing is just standard conservatism. I always run into old school conservatives who have nothing but sheer contempt for the homeless and convince themselves that all those tweakers in my town just like living like that because they are too lazy to get a job. These same kind of conservatives also absolutely refuse to accept that many people have their lives systematically destroyed by cabal from the earliest grades.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

“Yes out choices matter but…” and then proceeds to say that’s it’s the Gubmint’s fault. Vance is right. It IS a moral failing to lose yourself to drugs and/or alcohol. You guys sound like a bunch of $&@& liberals.

7 months ago

Not sure if its intentional, but just pointing it out in case you weren’t aware, but that picture looks to be a reference to the goatse meme where a fage is holding his asshole open.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

If that cover person did that and you didn’t request it, then he is trying to sabotage you. find a new guy.

Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

That’s possible. But then again, when artists are “inspired” to do saboteur work like that, GOD sometimes somehow finds a way to repurpose their intended point into a MUCH better point for the side they’re trying to sabotage, without the artists’ knowledge. So…it might be a good cover, anyway. Perhaps tweak it EVEN MORE into a hideous Cabal goatse. That’s something to consider, at least. Stop making declarative pronouncements like you just did, please, unless you’re reeeeeeeally confident.

7 months ago

No, I don’t trust anyone, but I’ve noticed that we’ve been getting a lot of concern trolling over Vance this week and last week, here and in other corners of the right wing populist blogosphere. Some from commentators I’ve never seen before.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ed
7 months ago

You’re right. Let’s just shut up about our concerns and pretend everything is hunky dory.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
7 months ago

This will be embarrassing for some.
Ha ha… Thomas Rousseau, founder and leader of Patriot Front addresses a curated (!) collection of detracting comments from various nay-sayers, conned-servatives, fat boy boomers, Q-tards, and other dim-bulbs who just can’t understand that until very recent times it was not normal for mature American men to sport huge beer bellies and/or self-justify their own sloth, cowardice and/or lack of awareness and willingness to act by demeaning their betters.
I realize that may sound harsh, to which I answer, “lol; lol; lololo-fricking-l” (with a large “hardy-har-har” included).
Come on; this guy is no different than Teddy Roosevelt except he lacks an equivalent budget, a fat belly, a smarmy attitude, and a Marxist disposition. 🙂
This post is dedicated to all those who won’t bother to listen to even the first 3-4 minutes of a man’s words before opening their traps or putting fingers to keyboard to slander him and bear false witness.

Last edited 7 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
7 months ago

Patriot Front? Patriot Front, the Obvious Fed Project? /JimDowney

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Just simmer down and trust the plan, lol!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
7 months ago

“Patriot Front is real!” has been thoroughly debunked for some time now.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
7 months ago

Vox does have something in that hats, sunglasses, and mask fact!
Does it prove that PF is fake, gay, and fed? No, because it is no stranger than many other things that have been happening over the last few years — which are too numerous to mention. For example Biden receiving the funeral cannon salute at his inauguration.
On the other hand, in support of Patriot Front, when have the feds created a fake, gay shill or movement that didn’t promote mainly, or even one, illegal, mindlessly stupid, or immoral activity and ideas? Any examples?

Last edited 7 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
7 months ago

Back in 2019, Scott Adams predicted that Kamala Harris would be the Democratic presidential candidate. That didn’t happen but the next big thing–being the VP for Joe Biden.

Not many people know this–Biden’s alter ego was Ted Kaufmann, a Jew, for over 40 years! Biden was an empty suit. Ted Kaufman was, as Rep. Massie says, his “Jewish babysitter”. Didn’t Massie say–EVERYBODY has a Jewish babysitter.

That was the WHOLE point of the 2020 Coup—Joe’s closest confidant was a Jew, Kaufman. His COS was Ron Klain, Jew. When Klain retired, a Jew replaced him. Biden appointed nothing but Jews to the most important cabinet posts in his gov: Yellen, Mayorkas, Garland, Blinken. The Jews don’t need to be top dog–they only have to be the surrounding coterie. Biden’s Open Border was DIRECTLY Wanted by the Jews. It is Ethnic Dilution, a form of Soft Genocide. They want to disappear the European in miscegenation.

Now, this whole thing about Biden dropping out–is ALSO PART OF THE GAME PLAN. They Knew he was going to go sometime–and this is the way of shoehorning Kamala into the Job.

Kamala is about humiliating and degrading the WASP and other Europeans. It is one large psyop. It is about belittling and crushing the WASP. This was all gamed out, planned out many moons ago. It is beyond disgusting that some Asian Indian Woman becomes president of America.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

Scott Adams framed himself as Mr Logical predicting the future with Logic.

That is how he framed himself.

Anyone with eyes could see he made assumptions and ignored data.

Just another poster that got distracted by a titty woman

7 months ago

Laura Loomer is asking the right questions and pointing out the obvious:
Why are our members of Congress so stupid?
I mean honestly, this @GOPoversight hearing is one of the worst hearings I have ever seen.

I too watched a little bit–one Rep was harping on the Iranian threat–when it is the Democrat Propaganda of “Trump is Hitler” was the instigation of the assassination attempt! Any AntiFa would gladly assassinate Pres. Trump whenever, wherever. The grooming of hate in the Left for Trump and MAGA leads to violence. And the Left knows that. This Iranny thing is just another CIA psyop of misdirection. (Ohh, how I hate this stuff.)

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

It’s designed to keep the idea of Iran as an active enemy percolating in the consciousness of normies. Netanyahu is in the US seeking support for war with Iran. He needs it desperately but cannot commit to it until he knows USA/the West will get involved also.

Never mind the fact that Russia and China will not let Iran go down, throw North Korea into the mix as well. Things will soon be getting tasty as they say, and the collapse of the West is on schedule.

Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

When Blinken said 1 or 2 weeks before Iran gets a nuke, that is as explicit an implicit Zionist threat to trigger nuclear war as you’ll ever see. I truly hope this Q shit wraps up THIS WEEK, before these eeeeeeeeeeeeevil (SOOOOOOOOOO evil) creeps even have a chance to further brainstorm that option. I truly hope that Blinken and his ilk in power are [insert so many things that would make me look like a fedposting fed encouraging literal violence] immediately.

7 months ago

Sharon, sweety pie, stop contemplating and make the move before you’re too old. Why wait babe?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

This is me honestly hoping they bring out yet another actor for Biden and watch everybody pretend not to notice.

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

LOL, that’d be superb. Like, maybe LITERALLY Clint Eastwood? “Don’t listen to right-wing misinformation. The president has simply had a few cosmetic procedures done to alleviate his Long Covid.” Something like that, lol.

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

It looks like you got your wish.

7 months ago

Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec React to the Trump Shooting and the Coup Against Biden

7 months ago

comment image

7 months ago

Alrighty then, directed energy weapon, transient ischemic attack and Joe Biden. All in one tweet by a medical doctor. Speculation.

7 months ago

So, you think they have had his body on ice the whole time and will go with an open casket(and suddenly everyone seeing his different ears and chin), or would that just be too much?

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

Can you spell “Coup d’Etat”?

They missed Trump, so they murdered Biden.

Doctor of Philosophy Jill skipped the country.

7 months ago

Hey guys I’m just gonna throw this out there – you know how Trump didn’t die the other day? That fact is everything you need to know that things are gonna be alright.

Christ is King. To God be the glory.

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago


7 months ago

Another Hidden Camera Discovered in SoCal NeighborhoodThe device, like others found recently, was spotted in bushes and positioned to view homes and homeowners’ routines, apparently to aid burglars.

Last edited 7 months ago by Farcesensitive
7 months ago

I was just reminded about this elephant in the room tweet: