News Briefs – 07/22/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Twitter Brief is here.


A video with a closer look at how Elon Musk’s starlink will work.

DHS says nearly 40 feds were doxed over Portland riot work despite hiding their badge numbers, names, identifiers, and masking their faces. That is a more sophisticated intelligence operation than a bunch of low IQ hippies could muster. I would not be surprised some of the protesters knew their IDs because they recognized them from when they had run coverage on the federal officers at some point.

Twitter bans 7,000 QAnon accounts, limits 150,000 others as part of broad crackdown.

New York Post shows the anti-Trump Lincoln Project founders have a history as lobbyists for the Russian Uranium One company, as well as tax troubles.

Conservative Icon George Will says he’ll vote for Joe Biden in 2020 election.

Moms Demand Action has joined the anti-police witch-hunt, saying Police violence is gun violence. All of these are paid actors being run as agents by the conspiracy. It is why they are all always on the same page.

Consulate General of China in Houston creates a stir when they light a bonfire in their courtyard to burn documents. Some think some sort of war-like conflict may be imminent, and they are afraid the US will raid them. Could be a planned incident in the south China Sea, like sinking an aircraft carrier. Might Cabal touch off a war with China just to try and keep President Trump from reelection? Fucking A they would.

Joe Biden says, we have lawyers “going out to every polling– every uh, voter registration physician in the states.”

Top Biden communications aide has history of sexist Twitter posts.

Andrew Gillum leaves rehab to talk about his alcohol addiction. His case was fascinating because the picture of him sprawled naked on the floor featured a man’s bare feet in it, so it wasn’t taken by the cops or paramedics. One of the guys in the hotel room with him that had gotten him OD’d while corn-holing him took the picture as blackmail. You too could be Governor, but the rules were you had to do something like that and give away the blackmail to show your subservience. Did you ever think that was how you rose in the political world?

Virginia’s Governor signs law allowing undocumented immigrants to get driver’s licenses. So they can vote.

Michigan school fires popular teacher for saying ‘Trump is our President.’

As many as 16 people shot at Chicago funeral home when a gun battle breaks out.

Vaccine developer Johnson & Johnson targeting 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by March 2021. Not sure if that should go in the good news section, or the bad news section.

Florida news station reports a flood of reports of people who signed up to be tested, backed out due to various reasons like the length of the wait, and then got notification they had tested positive, even though they submitted no samples to test.

China’s Huaihe River flood response raised to the highest level.

Mother of 19-year-old fatally shot in CHOP zone files wrongful-death claim against Seattle.

House Republicans air grievances against Liz Cheney over support for Dr. Fauci and splitting with Trump.

Matt Gaetz calls for Liz Cheney to step down from leadership position.

‘Allah hu Akbar’ attack stopped after a passer-by runs the gunman over in Paris.

LinkedIn cuts 960 jobs as pandemic puts the brakes on corporate hiring. Is it that, or was this a Cabal mechanism to control who works where, and funds are running dry.

Russia’s novel coronavirus vaccine trials were successfully completed on Monday and the results indicated long-term immunity could be established, Russia’s ministry of defense said.

Common and cheap drug Heparin appears to bind to the Coronavirus spike protein, neutralizing the virus.

In this video, Rand Paul corrects Dr. Fauci, points out that NY was a disaster.

Dow futures jump on stimulus support bets and Coronavirus vaccine progress.

A surge in support for police, as just 2 in 10 back ‘defund scheme.’

CNN warns Black Lives Matters is failing, and former Vice President Joe Biden is underperforming while President Donald Trump is over-performing with black voters. Lets have a bunch of white liberals turn black neighborhoods to shit. That will get us the black vote.

President Donald Trump signed a memorandum that would prevent migrants who are in the United States illegally from being counted when U.S. congressional voting districts are next redrawn.

Trump campaign raises $20 million in virtual fundraiser.

Spread r/K Theory, because if any one of them are not one of us, then they are one of them.

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4 years ago

‘Portland DHS betting doxxed’ is almost certainly coming out of DHS itself. we’ve already been shown that the FBI, DOJ, State, EPA, etc etc is riddled with Soros Youth/Antifa Lite. and in the final analysis, DHS is just another bureaucracy to be penetrated & converged.

I’d look at the back-office: IT, Payroll, Logistics….

4 years ago

“Consulate General of China in Houston creates a stir when they light a bonfire in their courtyard to burn documents. Some think some sort of war-like conflict may be imminent, and they are afraid the US will raid them. Could be a planned incident in the south China Sea, like sinking an aircraft carrier. Might Cabal touch off a war with China just to try and keep President Trump from reelection? Fucking A they would.”

They are being evicted from that consulate.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

if nothing else, even if our magnificent God-Emperor fails in the end at his herculean task of single-handedly slaying the Beast with Literally a Million Heads…..

he’s buying us time. use it wisely, boys. Pro Tip: we ain’t gonna be able to vote or litigate our way out once it starts.

4 years ago
4 years ago

“President Donald Trump signed a memorandum that would prevent migrants who are in the United States illegally from being counted when U.S. congressional voting districts are next redrawn”

Invaders occupying our territory don’t count.

The House is going to look a lot different in 2022 and the EC will be much more favorable to Don JR in 2024.


REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“DHS says nearly 40 feds were doxed over Portland riot work despite hiding their badge numbers, names, identifiers, and masking their faces.”

It wasn’t just getting recognized from coverage, it was also help from within. There are liberal moles all throughout any government organization (and society really) that would give up info or the security of that info.

“Cabal starting a War with the Chinese”
Yes, they could do that. Plan accordingly.

critical thought
critical thought
4 years ago

Re: Chinese Houston Bonfire:
Trump closed the consulate in retaliation for Chinese economic espionage. They’re burning paper and hard drives, but you can bet the info collected has already been transmitted to Beijing.

4 years ago

There’s a problem with your assertion that VA governor Blackface gave illegals driver’s licenses so they can vote. He’s already done away with a Voter ID requirement.

Reply to  swiftfoxmark2
4 years ago

It’s about putting the illegals through an automatic voter registration when they process through DMV. Swell the voter rolls with names even if they don’t vote so long as they add the name to the voter rolls (unlawfully) they find a way to benefit, or at least recently have in places like California with ballot harvesting and probably other schemes. Nixing Voter ID fits that agenda.

Another anon
Another anon
4 years ago

O/T A bit, but not really … LA Times is reporting that a failure of the Three Gorges Dam would threaten Wuhan. Just a one-off sentence at the very end of this article:

Assuming some predictive programming here or the “we have to tell you the evil things we’re planning to do” religious aspect of Cabal.

Should it go that way and major infrastructure, like, say, the Wuhan Bioresearch lab flooded…we’ll have to choose between believing an impossibly convenient coincidence, believing in high level weather control being rolled out to destroy evidence of a lab origin for the pandemic, and/or believing in severe enough media control and collusion with China to fake a catastrophic flood and destruction of the lab to conceal a lab origin of the pandemic ….

Bets on the dam failing? Wuhan lab getting destroyed? Which explanation would be least implausible?

Reply to  Another anon
4 years ago

the pic in the linked article was taken 17 Jul. it shows 2 floodgates open. 2. that dam has at least 18 floodgates. wonder why they’ve only got 2 working in a literally life-n-death situation??? it’s a reallllly bad situation there…. and they CAN’T be broken or imoperable, because legendary chinese build quality……

*cough **Stuxnet** cough*

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

I’ve read that 12 of 15 gates are presumed to be blocked by silt. That’s why they’re never open.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Another anon
4 years ago

Wuhan is the Epicenter for Human trafficking, the river leading to it is part of the Silk Road & was dredged to allow larger container ships access Wuhan without the ‘Cargo’ being inspected/unloaded to smaller ships?

Walmart bought the Maersk shipping line and uses it as cover for child/Human trafficking… they also bought ‘Evergreen’ shipping coz, you know, business is Booming!

4 years ago

Former ohio republican leader, never-trumper who founded a pro-biden super pac, arrested in 60 million bribary scheme. Controlled opposition.

4 years ago

Prof. Jonathan Turley, famous legal expert who works at Caltholic Georgetown University, in Washington, D.C, outs his school as recommending a book by a San Francisco Prof, Robert C. Smith entitled Conservatism and Racism, and Why in America They Are the Same.

His online profile is here;

This book came out in 2010—this means that this book is defining the narrative out there. They ARE linking conservatives with racism—as they should because every true conservative is about conserving, preserving his race,

So in the minds of the Left—Conservative automatically means racist. A racist is to lose his job, be attacked, and/or killed. When Rush and Sean Hannity or Joe Pags runs away from this—they are stabbing us in the back.

You can’t have it both ways—EITHER you Claim to be a Racist—and Preserve your people—or you deny being a racist—and you are Genocider and a Traitor. For Rush and Hannity and all the other Cucks out there—-You can’t fight the propaganda—the Left will not listen to your sweet reasons, logic or sophistication: Conservative IS Racist. That is in the Leftist head. The meme is already out there. Embrace it now or you are going to die anyway.

The Truth is WHOLE. Half Truths are Lies. If America is not racist—then it is a Genocidal country to begin with and deserves to be demolished. This is also Vox’s opinion as well. There is NO such thing a Civic nationalism! Nationalism means —-BY BLOOD. Kinship is BY BLOOD. That is the OLD Order. America is a Novus Ordo, a New Order, the Tower of Babel.

Which is it people?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

America is like the Kingdom of GOD, it is based on a culture and beliefs.
If that culture happens to coincide with race then so be it, others have had their chance to adopt it and some have.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

NO. America is NOT the Kingdom of God. It is a Masonic creation, an Enlightenment creation, this so-called Hebrew Republic. That is why Democrat presidents are trying to cram nothing but Jews on the Supreme Court—there Nine Jews rule over their “Hebrew Republic” of Goyim.

America is a false construct. It rejects the real, original Natural Law so it has nothing to do with God.

What you are proposing is this “Creedal nation” or this “propositional nation”. Creeds and propositions come and go. Creeds are like trousers, one can change them everyday—Blood kinship does not change, is for evermore. You are “Locked-in”.

God created Nations by Blood-kinship. God did NOT create creedal nations. A creedal nation is an oxymoron.

Again, I go back to where I posted the Scholar of Kabbala, Gershom Scholem who points out that the Puritans who formed your Kingdom of God, Messianic belief of America, was actually influenced by the Jews and their teaching of Messianism.

To Immantize the eschaton is a heresy.

The Marxists are proposing their own Creed to replace yours. And theirs is catching on. They are doing their own “replacement theology”!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

I said America was LIKE the kingdom of GOD, not that it was the kingdom of GOD.

And culture is what makes a nation, many groups with the same blood have split into different nations based on culture and many genetically distinct groups have merged into one based on culture.

GOD divided man at Babel but he didn’t decree that no new groups could form or that no old groups could disappear.

4 years ago

“His case was fascinating because the picture of him sprawled naked on the floor featured a man’s bare feet in it, so it wasn’t taken by the cops or paramedics.”

Should be in jail for possession of illegal substances. Yet, they issued a WARRANT for an unpaid SEAT BELT TICKET for me.

The rule of law is gone.

4 years ago

2020 USA in a meme:

comment image

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

“LinkedIn cuts 960 jobs as pandemic puts the brakes on corporate hiring. Is it that, or was this a Cabal mechanism to control who works where, and funds are running dry.”

My guess is that LinkedIn is cabal central.

4 years ago

Consulate General of China in Houston creates a stir when they light a bonfire in their courtyard to burn documents.

It now appears they’ve been PNG’d.

4 years ago

scuttlebutt in social media is that the organizer of the whitmer recall either was threatened to drop it… or was a plant.

4 years ago

NSA Gen. Nakasone: U.S. Cyber Command’s Primary Mission for 2020 Is ‘Safe, Secure, Legitimate Elections’

4 years ago

Virginia Sheriff Takes First Steps To Deputize Thousands Of Armed Citizens

4 years ago

One of the enemy battle strategies that seem effective in terms of counter-insurgency.

Allowing a lightning rod/s of the opposition to attract as much as his/her followers to their banner until all people are drawn out of hiding. Then kill them all.

Similarly to how Chairman Mao had the “Let 100 flowers bloom” to allow all those who would oppose the party to seem unscathed so that everyone is emboldened to come out and rally. Then after killing everyone of them.

Defeated whatever opposition he had in the country.

4 years ago

Greta Thunberg won a $1.15M humanitarian prize. She’s donating it all to environmental groups