News Briefs – 07/21/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


If anybody here can supply a one or two sentence testimonial for the American Stasi book, to stick on its back cover, it would be great.

I am thinking things extolling the book as amazing, mind-blowing or brilliant, or noting that you have seen the surveillance these lessons taught you to spot, and it is all throughout your town, or there are instances in your life where you now realize what happened was not by chance, or saying every parent needs to read this book and understand the threat to their children posed by the kids of this thing, and signed “A reader from XXXXX,” would be fantastic. Try not to include anything about ideology or the name Anonymous Conservative, or this site. I am thinking I will make a clean break with this book, to remove ideological issues and facilitate the spread, probably going with a new pen name, maybe Paul Revere II. I like the sound of the name Revere.

I don’t want you to dox yourself, so there will be no regular names, attached to the posts of them (just use “anonymous” to post it) and XXX can be where you stayed at a Holiday Inn one time if you want, but things like “rural Wisconsin,” or “the LA suburbs,” or something like that would be great. Drop them in the comments, and I may be able to find room on the book’s back cover to jam them in. Social proof is important, so I may stick a few inside as well.

Also, if you want to write something longer to offer social proof for the website, that would be great too. But the book has very limited real estate, so it is pretty much limited to a sentence or two, as densely packed as possible.

Doctors say antidepressants may have pushed Trump shooter Thomas Crooks over the edge – as concerning new details emerge. Where you see antidepressants, you are also looking at a therapist.

Democratic Congressman Brendan Boyle from Philadelphia calls on the head of the Secret Service to resign.

Trump shooter Thomas Crooks was not a member of rifle team, wasn’t bullied despite previous reports, school claims. The kids who I saw saying this on TV appeared very clearly to me, to be surveillance kids. One was even going on his phone all throughout the interview. Be interesting if surveillance saw some reason those lies had to be told, and just leaving it all mysterious was disadvantageous in some way.

Iranian MP puts $3m bounty on President Donald Trump’s head.

Scott Ritter: SS absolutely complicit in assassination attempt. Maybe. If so, it would point to a near absolute level of penetration of the agency, as well as sufficient penetration of the local law enforcement agencies to be able to guarantee a bubble of only their compromised conspirators on site. If even a single regular LEO in any agency had been there and blown the whistle, it would be a mess, and they do not want to have to begin doing more Terry Yeakeys. This is part of why I would bend the rules of physics so readily, and propose some form of high tech control of the event, or a more thorough deception, which was not designed to kill Trump. Yes, that is unlikely, but I just find it equally unlikely you would have every LEO there be a compromised conspirator, and all working to kill President Trump, who has been such a loyal defender of the law enforcement community. But you cannot say either way.

Top officials at the U.S. Secret Service repeatedly denied requests for additional resources and personnel sought by Donald Trump’s security detail in the two years leading up to his attempted assassination at a rally in Pennsylvania last Saturday, according to four people familiar with the requests. It might have been preparation for this. The more agents assigned to Trump, the more likely it would be one would be honest and seek to thwart any conspiracy. If they managed to make sure every cop and Secret Service agent at Trump’s rally was down with killing him, it would show the conspiracy has advanced quite far in its subversion efforts.

Assassin Eye-Witness: Police are lying about rooftop confrontation of alleged sniper – “The guys on the second floor were watching – But they didn’t do anything!”

Rumors are swirling that SS Director Kim Cheatle will resign Monday.

Trump tells Jesse Watters that he was not warned about gunman, despite reports.

FBI tries to kick out Senator Josh Hawley at assassination attempt site despite him having local security operator’s permission — “Get out of here. You shouldn’t be on the site.”

Somebody did a high-res enhancement of another water tower video which may show a shooter on it. I doubt this is anything, but it’s out there. I think that image of the guy would be like ten to twelve feet high. Still interesting random fluctuations will yield something with a shape which could so closely match what you would be looking for, if only the scale had been different.

George Webb says Pittsburgh police officer confirms there was a 2nd shooter, and several cops were hit by shrapnel. The sniper on the water tower sounds cool, but snipers with training will not shoot from a perch like that, simply because it draws attention when people are trying to discern where a shot is coming from. If you come under trained sniper fire, it likely will not be coming from a lone building, or a water tower, or a lone rock outcropping. It will come form somewhere exactly like everywhere else, with nothing to draw your attention to it. That said, no reason there could not have been a second sniper. Also, interesting fact here – Comperatore’s uncle is related to Mark Fuhrman of the OJ trial. Small world in these major world events, isn’t it? Bonus – Webb references his gangstalkers doing a driveby in the midle of the video. Notice the open window on the pickup that drives behind him. He says he only has seven, but I think he may be missing a few.

Some think this is a disk-shaped UFO flying by the Trump rally. Not as crazy as it sounds. Whether human or other, the disks seem to track with surveillance, which of course tracks with politics. If I had to bet, surveillance has some kind of UAP division most in it probably do not know of, but which is involved in operations. Once you have tech deployed on you, you become a lot more open to the idea they will be deploying it in a lot of other places.

Picture taken out the window of Trump Force one, showing what appears to be a UAP which anons on Q’s board say often accompanies it:

A massive global tech outage Friday snarled early voting in Arizona’s state-level primary elections — as travelers leaving the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee were delayed, officials said Friday. Why would internet security software affect electronic voting machines which don’t connect to the internet?

Court blocks Ariz. illegals from registering to vote… until an appeals court hears the case in September.


Alex Jones claims Crooked Hillary to replace Biden at DNC convention. She certainly wants to. If things are as Q claimed, then Biden will cruise through to the General where Trump will beat him for real, but Biden will probably get announced as the winner before it is revealed everything was rigged. If Cabal is still fighting, they will zap and kill Biden, to install someone else.

Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton are privately supporting Biden and have been encouraging donors to continue giving and stick with the president, two sources familiar with the matter told ABC News. They are sucking up, hoping when the time comes, he will endorse Hillary.

Biden fumes in isolation at Delaware beach house, believes “Puppet Master” Obama and Pelosi are behind coordinated leaks to drive him out of 2024 race.

How a “good conscience” “loophole” could facilitate a revolt against Biden at the DNC.

Biden allies say ‘elites’ are disenfranchising voters who want the president to stay in.

Biden is ‘sick of Elon Musk’ after Texas billionaire endorses Trump.

From JD Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy:

I’ll never forget the time I convinced myself that I was gay. I was eight or nine, maybe younger, and I stumbled upon a broadcast by some fire-and-brimstone preacher. The man spoke about the evils of homosexuals, how they had infiltrated our society, and how they were all destined for hell absent some serious repenting. At the time, the only thing I knew about gay men was that they preferred men to women. This described me perfectly: I disliked girls, and my best friend in the world was my buddy Bill. Oh no, I’m going to hell.

I broached this issue with Mamaw, confessing that I was gay and I was worried that I would burn in hell. She said, “Don’t be a fucking idiot, how would you know that you’re gay?” I explained my thought process. Mamaw chuckled and seemed to consider how she might explain to a boy my age. Finally she asked, “J.D., do you want to suck dicks?” I was flabbergasted. Why would someone want to do that? She repeated herself, and I said, “Of course not!” “Then,” she said, “you’re not gay. And even if you did want to suck dicks, that would be okay. God would still love you.” That settled the matter. Apparently I didn’t have to worry about being gay anymore. Now that I’m older, I recognize the profundity of her sentiment: Gay people, though unfamiliar, threatened nothing about Mamaw’s being. There were more important things for a Christian to worry about.

” Do you want to suck a dick, little eight year old boy?” You can see why they gangstalk authors from regular society. They are drawing on a limited bench, and on top of that, their people need to write stuff which will not make anybody smarter or more capable, since that is a Cabal no-no. Most anyone here could write something which a reader would walk away from, smarter or more capable, and their writers would never be able to compete. I don’t know who Vance had write this, but clearly if this is a bestseller, their average books might as well be coloring books.

Of course the best part is how all the actors have to act like this is totally the best book ever. The King truly has no clothes.

WSJ looks at how Vance diverges from Trump on many issues, and is really kind of a leftist. He strikes me as one of these Mitt Romney types, who will say what you want to hear, and if he wants adoration from the media, he will shift in a heartbeat. I tend to think Trump would only choose him if he were controllable somehow, and his presence would advance the mission. But no way can he be the nominee after Trump.

It is always possible in selecting an inferior VP, Trump is holding the door open for Don Jr or Eric in 2028, who obviously, he could not bring on as VP now without creating a firestorm. That would be a next-level move. I just hope whatever Trump signed up with has his safety in hand. Vance will make killing Trump much more attractive to the conspiracy.

Photo emerges of Rupert Murdoch sulking alongside Lindsey Graham during Vance’s RNC speech. They do not look happy.

New migrant caravan scheduled to begin in Mexico this weekend.

A stunning 10% of Cuba’s population — more than a million people — left the island between 2022 and 2023, the head of the country’s national statistics office said during a National Assembly session Friday, the largest migration wave in Cuban history. Article notes the vast majority came to the US.

Citigroup finances ‘weapons of war’ while refusing banking services to firearms industry. Warmongering arms makers are Cabal entities, while firearms in the hands of real Americans are a threat to the Cabal – if we can reveal the surveillance.

In California “unprecedented land movement” of about a foot per week is breaking gas lines, cracking roads and causing homes to sink.

A US Senate Committee led by Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has issued a report claiming nearly half of Amazon warehouse workers were injured during the week of Prime Day 2019.

A prominent pediatrician is speaking out to warn the public about Bill Gates’s $11.9 billion plan to vaccinate a staggering 500 million children over the next few years using dangerous whole-cell vaccines, rather than refined products.

Speaker Mike Johnson threatens to arrest lawmakers who disrupt Netanyahu’s speech. His AIPAC guy had a talk with him.

Report: Biden won’t give Netanyahu ‘satisfaction’ of quitting before PM’s trip to DC.

IDF fighter jets struck military targets of the Houthi terrorist regime in the area of the Al Hudaydah Port in Yemen.

US says Iran moving forward on a key aspect of developing a nuclear bomb.

China dumped an ALL-TIME HIGH $42.6 billion worth of U.S. Securities in May.

How about a relaxing vacation to Naples this year?:

Amazing how the migrants not only cannot produce beauty, they cannot even leave it be – plant them in beauty and they will utterly destroy it, and not even grasp the significance of what was lost.

Orban offers simple solution to illegal immigration crisis: ‘Don’t let them in.’

Nippon Steel hires Mike Pompeo to advise on U.S. Steel deal. If he was really a patriot, he would never get hired for anything. Bill Binney cannot find work anywhere.

Police in Bangladesh have been granted “shoot-on-sight” orders and a nationwide curfew has been imposed as student-led protests continue to roil the country, leaving more than 100 people dead. Protests which threaten effects are usually organized by more sophisticated players. Moves are being made all over the world.

Ukraine’s Zelensky is ‘bracing’ for possible Trump Presidency.


New Hampshire becomes latest state to ban biological males in girls’ sports.

A bombshell new poll which predicts which presidential candidate will win the election based on a ‘no tossup’ electoral map shows Trump making a clean sweep in the Rust Belt – including a massive swing for one state which hasn’t been won by Republicans in decades.

Spread r/K Theory, because the script goes on, whether you like it or not

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7 months ago

it would point to a near absolute level of penetration of the agency, as well as sufficient penetration of the local law enforcement agencies to be able to guarantee a bubble of only their compromised conspirators on site. If even a single regular LEO in any agency had been there and blown the whistle, it would be a mess.

Local law enforcement would defer to the Secret Service. They don’t all have to be “in on it”. Once the deed is done, any potential whistleblower can be cowed into submission – overtly, or through innuendo.
There was a 4chan thread about the Muslim uprising in Leeds, England recently, featuring several videos showing the police getting absolutely blown out. You can tell that these are men who are not accustomed to actual confrontation. They’re comfortable and unprepared. And not very bright. I doubt that the local cops in little Butler, PA are going to be much better.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Mononomous
7 months ago

This is absolutely correct.

Operationally, there has never been a need to have every single individual “read in” on whatever Op cabal is currently running.

In fact, it’s better if most of the players are NPC’s who simply follow orders and view reality from the most superficial perspective, and let’s be frank, the majority of Americans are NPC’s. The Covid Op proved that conclusively. Even the millions who didn’t comply did so in the most passive way imaginable.

Cabal depends on the herd instinct, which is the primary governing principle in most people, to accomplish its goals, and this is why cabal wins time and time again.

7 months ago

Vance will make killing Trump much more attractive to the conspiracy.”
That’s been my fear, too. Vance may well be another Pence, but one who’s on the surface a more attractive candidate. Still, with Ben Carson out of the equation (Sundance at Conservative Treehouse thinks Carson’s too physically frail to be VP) I think Vance was still the least worst of the available options.
CDAN had an interesting blind item the other day, obviously about Vance and Peter Thiel. I interpreted the item as saying that Thiel is delighted at the prospect of Vance becoming VP, because Vance is totally in his pocket. The item hinted that the reason was because Vance is a closet gay, and he and Thiel had some hookups in the past.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Undine
7 months ago

Vance is not the least worst option, by a long shot.

It would be nice if dissidents started to broaden their horizons and think big enough and radically enough to realize a a major disruption must occur to interrupt the train wreck that is Western civilization.

Another milquetoast GOP operative is not going to disrupt anything, let alone fix it, and it’s looking like Trump is winding himself up for another 4 year slow walk. He didn’t cross the Rubicon last time, and the assassination spooked him enough that it looks like he won’t cross it again, even if reelected in a landslide.

Is anyone ever going to pay for 9/11? What about Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine? What about ending, or at least auditing, the Fed? What about draining the swamp? What about building a wall and deporting millions of illegals who are draining hundreds of billions of dollars from legacy America.
What about shattering the CIA into a thousand pieces?

Will anyone ever pay for Epstein’s massive network of extortion and sex trafficking?

Middle of the road compromises won’t save us.

Trump knows damn well who is actually running this globe. Ultimately, it is a handful of powerful families and institutions, and they must be brought to heel, or we are all literally doomed.

Picking Vance does not inspire confidence in Trump’s next term.

7 months ago

‘Photo emerges of Rupert Murdoch sulking alongside Lindsey Graham during Vance’s RNC speech. They do not look happy.’

When the owner of a Neocon termite mound like Fox News is unhappy, you’re probably doing something right.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
7 months ago

For American Stasi blurb:

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.”

― Joseph Heller, Catch-22

7 months ago

Doctors say antidepressants may have pushed Trump shooter Thomas Crooks over the edge – as concerning new details emerge. Where you see antidepressants, you are also looking at a therapist.

Both parents.

7 months ago

Isnt Lyndsey a girls name?

comment image

Reply to  Ting-Tong
7 months ago

My name is Lindsay. Girls names are supposed to be spelled as ‘Lindsey’.

Lindsay is a very old True Anglo-Saxon name. A shire in England is named “Lindsay”. “The Parts of Lindsey are a traditional division of Lincolnshire, England, covering the northern part of the county. The Isle of Axholme, which is on the west side of the River Trent, has normally formed part of it. The district’s name originated from the Kingdom of Lindsey of Anglo-Saxon times,”

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

Too much personal information anon.

thank you for clarification

7 months ago

“showing what appears to be a UAP”
Looks more like a spec of dust on the camera sensor (“film”)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

I only saw a still.

7 months ago

Old clip of Trump on Fox…

They gave the server to CrowdStrike or whatever it’s called, which is a country which is a company owned by a very wealthy Ukrainian. And I still wanna see that server. You know, the FBI has never gotten that server. That’s a big part of this whole thing. Why did they give it to a Ukrainian company?

Last edited 7 months ago by Ting-Tong
7 months ago

“This book will help you identify and understand surveillance methods used by the malevolent creeps trying to enslave us all. Knowledge is power, and this book is powerful enough to empower you to help defeat evil itself and quite literally save the world.” – A reader from Boston [Too much, lol?]

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Surveillance is everywhere! Watching and manipulating your actions. This book helps you understand who, where and why. This will be on the test! _ An American from the Midwest!

7 months ago

Lame Cherry on Donald Trump candidacy:

The Trump Schism of Hillbilly Nazism

Republican Platform Betrays Gun Owners – Firearms News

GOP adopts platform that softens language on abortion, same-sex …

Jul 8, 2024 … The draft was circulated Monday among members of the 2024 Republican convention platform committee. It will be discussed and voted on later …

Visit in Anonymous View

Republicans Remove ‘Right to Life’ Plank From Party Platform

Jul 8, 2024 … The 2024 Republican platform softens the language of previous GOP platforms and emphasizes the role of states in protecting life.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

I endorse Lame Cherry’s take, insofar as I can decode what is being written.

The assassination attempt was staged/scripted, but Trump wasn’t in on it.

Cabal reached out and touched Don, and let him know that they can erase him at any time of their choosing. They let him live, and will let him have the Presidency, on condition he chooses the Thiel puppet for VP, and tones down any serious talk of ending mass immigration or disrupting business as usual with the fiat currency debasement underway. This includes the softening of the GOP platform on sodomy and abortion, as well as the 2nd amendment.

Cabal has always played the long game, and they know that a tidal wave of righteous rage is building in legacy America. Letting Trump “win” will act as a tension release valve, as millions of angry Americans will think they have won if Trump gets in to office. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Trump’s first 90 days in office will tell us a lot about what his Presidency will be.

Reply to  Another Dave
7 months ago

There’s no way they intended to miss.

We will see what Trump actually does in 2025.

The WP Install problem is back again.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

I agree. They wanted Trump dead and failed. It’s why Joe has to go. No way they can sell the steal with him running.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

The shooter was using a red dot with a 2 MOA dot, which at the distance (~130 yds.) was actually 4 MOA (about 6-8 inches). There is NO WAY he could have done an ear shot with that equipment. He put the dot on the head, which at that distance would have almost covered Trump’s whole head and pulled the trigger three times. The video keyed to the head animation shows conclusively the only reason Trump survived was because he turned his head at the exact split second needed to survive. Cabal was taking him out. PERIOD. Your premise is a fever dream that is not supported by the equipment used or the facts.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

You are correct on the calc of the apparent size of the red dot at that distance but you also have to remember that even at 100 yards a red dot is not considered any more accurate than using iron sights. This was 130 or about 400 feet. Their advantage, if they are of decent quality, is giving parallax correction, so put the dot where you want it and you do not have to align the front and back sights as with iron sights. There was no magnifier so at that distance an ear shot would be impossible and he was fortunate to have gotten the head shot, which only missed because Trump turned his head a the exact split second. The next time you are in a stadium, baseball will work, look at someone in the crowd 400′ away and notice how small their head looks and tell me what you think after that. If you want, you could take a red dot with you to validate the observation.

Another Dave
Another Dave

You actually think if they really wanted Trump dead they would have left it to one of their flaky wind up toys?

I don’t discount the hand of Providence in Trump’s inadvertent, last moment head turn, but leaving such a crucial task to a complete loser makes all of it look like a scripted event to let Trump know exactly where he stands in relation to those who actually run things.

Reply to  Another Dave
7 months ago

Why do you assume he was the one who took the shot?
He was the patsy.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

I don’t think he was a patsy. If the SS sniper had not taken him out with an extraordinary shot (first sniper missed) he had an exit plan. Shinny down the roof, set off the bomb in his van with his remote detonator (found with him) and in the confusion of the explosion and the shooting ride his bike out of there.

I am not crazy but you may be
I am not crazy but you may be
Reply to  Another Dave
7 months ago

It turns out he wasn’t as flakey as first appeared and actually was very accomplished with a handgun.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
7 months ago

“Be interesting if surveillance saw some reason those lies had to be told, and just leaving it all mysterious was disadvantageous in some way.”

Verisimilitude, if nothing else. We’ve been told pretty much all school shooters were bullied, so maybe it’s meant to make Normies think, “Well, that fits the pattern.”

Generation X was the last one that had to deal with serious bullying. Most kids since then don’t have much of a clue what real bullying even looks like. (Except now in DEI-staffed “diverse” schools.)

What’s that–a smudge on your participation trophy? I think I see a scuff on your bicycle helmet, too.”
“Aaaaaaaaaaah! I’m being bullied!”

Last edited 7 months ago by Machine Trooper
Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

After Gen X the next generations got the bullying from the teachers.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
7 months ago

Rumors are swirling that SS Director Kim Cheatle will resign Monday.

If we were still a constitutional republic with the rule of law, she would be interrogated and forced to account for her actions and lack thereof, and give up whoever’s orders SHE was following. And then, most likely, sent to prison.

Instead she’ll get to either retire at taxpayer expense or move to some other agency where she can cause more damage.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

At the very least barred for life from any taxpayer funded positions. Unless she cops to being actually involved in a malicious conspiracy. Then, yes, prison. Minimum 20 years. Life, if a fatality occurs.

7 months ago

Scott Ritter: SS absolutely complicit in assassination attempt. Maybe. If so, it would point to a near absolute level of penetration of the agency, as well as sufficient penetration of the local law enforcement agencies to be able to guarantee a bubble of only their compromised conspirators on site.

I don’t think so. I’m seeing a different picture with 2-3 need-to-know people, max (other than the ones ordering it.) You need Jill’s think in Cincinnati. I think she counts as an orderer, so not one of the three. You need the USSS dir to divert all the resources to Jill, and weaken trumps detail. You need the agent in charge. EVERYONE else was DHS or local, so they don’t know what is and isn’t normal. Maybe you need someone in the campaign to handle the backstage access.
I don’t think the USSS conspiracy side had direct contact. I think they were just supposed to allow openings via “mistakes.” That’s why not only was that building roof not secured, the water tower was unsecured, the backstage was unsecured (campaign folks complaining about unauthorized people roaming around), the gates to the grounds were zip-tied instead of locked, and who knows what else.
I think that the USSS side just got told, “this is the day — make sure that there is a way for our guy, and he will figure it out.”

Last edited 7 months ago by phelps
Reply to  phelps
7 months ago

Move Trump’s normal secret service detail out for reasons and replace it with non-secret service DHS employees. It looks like they did that and its probably enough. You need maybe one insider to ID or create the whole in security, and the shooter or shooters and their handlers (for the MK ultra’d patsy) and support.

7 months ago

Democratic Congressman Brendan Boyle from Philadelphia calls on the head of the Secret Service to resign.

His brother, Assemblyman Kevin Boyle:

Its been five months so its hard to find good video.

I posted this on this site earlier, because drunk Kevin Boyle claimed to be under surveillance, and probably was.

7 months ago

The state Democratic chairs of all seven “swing states” come out in support of keeping Biden on the ticket.

This is the first time I’ve linked to a USA today article here. It was a Real Clear Politics link. I think it is notable as evidence that “Biden” is at the center of a big intra-cabal dispute.

The seven Democrat chairs aren’t going to take it on themselves to issue a statement of support for “Biden” every everyone “suddenly realizes” there is an issue with dementia. Someone organized this, and made sure USA today ran the article.

If you were the chair person of the Democratic Party in a “swing state”, and really wanted to get Democrats elected in your state, you would want the most appealing Democratic politician possible to be the presidential nominee. Most people still pay attention only to the presidential election. Presidential votes affect the votes for candidates for the federal and state legislatures, which the state parties should really care about. Several of these states have competitive federal Senate elections.

This is scripted. The whole “we just realized the President is senile, so he can’t be the nominee, but he can continue being President for six months” is also scripted.

No, its not some Q show. My take is that there was a big Cabal operation planned, and some of the Cabal leaders got cold feet and sabotaged the operation by neutralizing “Biden”.

7 months ago

In California “unprecedented land movement” of about a foot per week is breaking gas lines, cracking roads and causing homes to sink.
Didn’t Archie Bunker say something about when the last of the crazies moves out to California God is going to sink it into the Pacific Ocean?

Reply to  Anon
7 months ago

Some of it any way.

Reply to  Anon
7 months ago

You would think it would be the reverse. After the last of the decent God fearing move out, then God sinks California into the Pacific Ocean.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
7 months ago

That gateway pundit brief about the police not confronting the Trump shooter is very good. An eyewitness saying he didn’t see any of the bs stories being fed to the media happen at all. The most damning thing is a sniper team watched crooks the whole time, had people screaming and pointing at him and the sniper team just watched.

So a well connected hedge fund shorts 12 million shares of djt and 34 million of rumble (then says it was an accounting error in a highly regulated business transaction, lol). Regular ss team is pulled to cover the first lady and replaced by dei girlboss team. People at the rally see what’s happening, alert law enforcement. Law enforcement waits until Trump gets shot and goes down while ny times photographer in the front row has the camera set to take a picture of a watermelon exploding.

Is it a huge conspiracy or a stage managed event? It’s a mind bending question.

What’s even weirder is the location. Those aerial pics showing the pac man security perimeter cutting out the American glass research company are weird. The company appears to be some shadowy entity but just the name of it is weird. American glass research. What do they do? Looking at glass? Looking glass?

It really makes you wonder what the hell is actually going on.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
7 months ago

It hasn’t been shown exactly where the cop was boosted up to view the shooter. But we have seen a ladder along side of the building. Couldn’t they have used that? If he did use the ladder then he jumped to the ground and got injured when he panicked. Other wise he could have ducked and came back up shooting, but no. Male, female, or inexperienced either cop? No interview with this person. Did it really happen? Also, it was reported that the shooter climbed on to an air conditioning unit then on to the roof. Couldn’t they have done that too? This whole thing is cockeyed. And we still have not seen any photos of the ejected cartridges that would be on the roof near the shooter which would confirm the number of shots taken by him, and confirm ballistics, but we have close ups of his phone and the remote control. Then there’s the audio forensic stuff. This is way out of the normal. Kinda like JFK’s security being pulled from riding on the back of the limo in Dallas. We are on the edge of disaster and I’m not a negative type. You can feel it.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
7 months ago

It may also have to do with Alex Soros’ tweet that showed an assassination attempt would be done on Donald. One of the pictures was of a bullet hole in glass and the other had $47 in 6 bills, with two 1s, a 5, and a 10 (1+1+5+10=17) turned right side up.


7 months ago
Reply to  teotoon
7 months ago

What is happening in Gaza is disgusting. They are using bulldozers to just trash everything, rip up everything. The Lancet Journal came out and stated with all the demolished buildings crushing their inhabitants–the death toll is like 186,000 people!
This article at Unz describes some IDF soldiers saying their commanders give the soldiers open permission to shoot anything!
Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one hidden from western publics, by Jonathan Cook – The Unz Review

And then see what they did to Yemen–that huge fireball–the whole port on fire— You have to connect the violence and terror of the Russian Revolution with what is going on in Gaza to understand that the Jew in his heart is just a mean-spirited Barbarian. These people are animals with no morals.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

From Miles Mathis:

This is what the whole fake October attack was really about: moving all the poor people out and gentrifying the entire area. It was just an excuse for the military to clear the area for the developers. The usual. Same thing the Phoenicians have been doing for a century, all over the world. Anytime they see some real estate they want, they find some excuse to take it, usually by making up some false flag and starting a fake war. Hamas made them do it, you know, by raping a couple of rubber dummies in the back of their pickups. Or parasails. Or mopeds, whatever. Some smelly dark guys in rotting sandals decapitated some babies—as happens, you know—so Israel had to take this real estate they had been wanting and had already drawn up expensive plans for. But don’t imagine there is some connection. Netanyahu just got lucky Hamas decided to attack a few months before groundbreaking on this big country club and mall. And don’t imagine that the CIA would help out our pal Netanyahu in his empire building, by provocateuring a series of fake college protests, making his opposition look bad. No, they wouldn’t do that!

7 months ago

Did he miss anything?

(read the reposted tweet at the top and skip the comments)

7 months ago

The JDVance bit sounds like Stephen King when he talks about his family. The straightforwardness, the general kindness, and the blunt acceptance of squirrely behavior.

7 months ago

“The Yeomen of America are not the canaille of Paris”.

By Thomas Jefferson. That is why he bought the Louisiana Purchase–America was supposed to be an Agrarian state. Nature teaches things. People who live in Nature have to be obedient to Nature–or Nature kills you. It is also where commonsense is had, learned, acquired. Agrarianism was the bedrock of the Spartan, Roman and early American republics. The citizen/soldier/farmer. The Farmer. Tough, rugged men.

When I read that and the Southern Agrarian writers that National Review would publish, I always wanted to work in the Agrarian field. I have done so. I worked on farms in America and in Europe. I learned to milk goats and cows and made hay with a scythe for three months in the Swiss Italian Alps. And for the last twenty years working on my uncle’s family Christmas tree farm.

When I started working, we were selling pine trees for $16 and firs/spruces for $23. In the last years of the farm, we had to increase pricing every two years. Now a pine tree is $25 and firs/spruces, $40. The farm has been closed for the last three years but we have $30,000 worth of product in the ground that we will sell off in the future. Till then, I’m working on it.

Economically—IT IS UNVIABLE. It is impossible to run a family farm. I have two jobs. My other job supports my work on my uncle’s farm. Agrarian work requires a lot of piddly ass things–you are NOT going to pay somebody $15 an hour to do! Its NONSENSE. $30,000 of product in the ground–can’t support even one outside laborer on $8 an hour–you put the farm out of business.

Karl Marx hated the Agrarian class. In the Communist Manifesto–he orders a Central Bank. I believe this is the source of Inflation. Inflation is a weapon–A weapon of War. Communist doctrine is about causing Inflation to drive people OFF the Land. America is being run by city–dwellers–and America is failing rapidly; it shows. Without Agrarianism teaching Commonsense–I don’t see a good result. Inflation kills. I remember back in the 90s a report that some 375,000 farmers left the land.

I enjoy my work. I love what I do–the constant war against Nature–the production of beauty and order out of chaos. To beat the elements. And keeping physically fit while getting paid! If Inflation isn’t killed–there will be no more Agrarianism. Jefferson was right. No Yeomen—No America. Agrarianism was America’s culture.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

Agrarianism requires larger families and generations living together around a farm.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

You need to pay more for the workers. This might mean the products cost more, but sucking in illegal aliens to underpay them (as my grandfather did–well, they might have been legal–way back when is not a good solution for the culture).

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Farmers talked about the bankers’ takeover of America’s farms all the way back in the the Great Depression days. They understood the financial chicanery going on.
Small farmers cannot wait out huge polls of money which seem to never run out. They must pay the bills, somehow. The huge banking cartel has no such limitation.
Result: the ecosystem of small farms (and business) is wiped out. A monoculture of corporate fascism takes its place. America R.I.P.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
7 months ago

There are worse things than you currently worry about!

7 months ago

Biden endorses Hawk Tuah Harris? Not a surprise but I still think HilDawg is goings to be the nominee.

7 months ago

Biden is dropping out, so to anyone who believers that there is Someone greater at work with all of this, I want to present Dutch Sheets’ team member’s dream presented on January 20, 2021 that addresses the scenario we have been awaiting for some time:


Biden out, Kamalar Harris (eventually?) called upon to take the seat. Lion enters, but attack on it fails. Military seizes everyone, while lion stands.

Perhaps more relevant than ever, if truly from God and nothing changed, or perhaps, things will change from whatever other plans there are to fit this.

Whatsoever comes of this in the meantime, know that God is truly in control and soon indeed the Beast system to which the surveillance state is a necessary ingredient WILL be dealt a powerful blow (Revelation 13:3, 12), and so the surveillance state will fall with it.

(Corrected link to video with formerly missing “Q”)

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Apologies, this is the correct link:

And no, I have no idea why that last “Q” was cut off.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

“This video isn’t available anymore”

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
7 months ago

Sorry, the last “Q” was cut off when I pasted the link. I corrected the link. I heard several due to both using their own eyes and divine revelation claims such as this that Biden would be out of the picture and the announcement, interestingly came EXACTLY 3 1/2 years after that strange inauguration (1/20/21-7/21/24). Do with the knowledge as you will. I am optimistic; however because many have said that the Q Operation will indeed be finally confirmed as true through them seizing the Deep State’s members, as in this dream.

7 months ago

This is me ranting about the hidden math again. OHMYGOODNESS in full volume Chandler Bing Outrage.

The level of math required to do any of this is high. It means only a tiny fraction of anyone on the globe can do the math. It’s highest in NWEurope, America and probably Japan. They are sifting for the tiniest number of human beings of the most advanced societies in the world, and then going out and just messing them up. They want to support what? America early stages? It’s obscene. America could propagate the galaxy. Actually, Texas, but, you know, bring the rest of you hooligans along.

The Western Christian world was built on tech, not slaves. It’s the distinguishing factor between Christian culture and the entire rest of the world. When they choose to not let the natural people who could do the tech? They are destroying real western Civilization. It’s retards blocking smart people. For lies!

Reply to  wooderson
7 months ago

More ranting. It’s math. It’s observable, objective, real. God has a hobby of dropping math skills on the most unlikely people. If you handicap your population just to keep them in check, that means a different population will pick up the skills and advance them. It’s like the Byzantines getting great at nostalgic history while the Muslims learned where to buy big guns. A different type of Christian made the gun, then sold it to the not-Byzantines.

It’s blinding Hera’s peacock. It’s disturbing on so many levels.

It’s also trapping the smartest people in a place with dumb, mean, shortsighted types who like politics. France did it. The Huguenots could stay if they gave up their pastors and their books. Somehow, that was mysteriously connected to them being good with machines and steel. The English spied on the Huguenots and disenfranchised the Dissenters and kept them out of colleges. The Dissenters built the Industrial Revolution. Britain has been dining out on that leap by their most despised people for centuries. America gave them scope to worship freely. Every wingnut religion adds something like microwaves, or factories or technical advances. Siccing governmental controls on the sort of people with unconventional minds is how Eurasia is a trashbasket.

And, math? Do you know how lonely mathematicians are? They get so excited when they find someone mathy who can share new math with them. Condemning them to loneliness and obscure struggling against lies is evil. It’s an affront to their souls, and their hearts.

Reply to  wooderson
7 months ago

There’s a question we should all ask ourselves when we make outlandish assertions, especially pro-technology assertions: “Did I just think/feel that, or was it Skynet demonically possessing me?”

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

Let me speak slowly: Skynet was dreamed up by a very interesting truck driver turned interesting submarine captain. He is used to working in an oppressive capitalist system. Skynet, in the movie, is a corporation that works with the current government.

When I talk about math and science, I am talking about math and science that will outlive the current government. It will be things we use to go out into the universe. The people who restrict are fighting over a limited resource- one planet. The people I’m arguing for have the entire universe to explore. The entire universe was laid out for us to go adventure towards because a loving, caring deity laid it out for us to discover, and then go out to live there.

Reply to  wooderson
7 months ago

Let me say: the capitalist system is how we get to share James Cameron’s nightmares. He took the money to go build submarines. We get the good things he is interested in.

I am criticizing the system that seeks to hobble the best and brightest. I don’t know what it is, or the name of it. It is wicked to the core. Every time it chooses to lie it becomes more wicked.

7 months ago

Also, someone pointed out that the deepstate could have cleared the board in about a week- Trump shot, then Biden retiring, then Crowdstrike to wipe the evidence fingerprints. Plus, no planes, no other faction escaping.

7 months ago

“If anybody here can supply a one or two sentence testimonial for the American Stasi book, to stick on its back cover, it would be great.”
“Steal this book” – Jimmy

7 months ago

“Paul Revere II”

It’s good that you mention this so we can provide feedback. This pen name is more alienating than inviting. Just a bit too on-the-chin for normies. Your narcissism book penname was better. Don’t let the name be an excuse for someone to dismiss you before reading. The content is the most important thing. Go vanilla.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Try an anagram of your real name, or a semi-anagram or a near-anagram. That way when your book finally starts going viral, as it should, and if any Cabal puppets try to claim credit for it, you can do some “hocus pocus” with alphabet fridge magnets or Scrabble tiles and prove it was you. Protip, from somebody who loves doing this myself: Find a common first name first, then see if there are any plausible-meaningful-funny surnames from the letters remaining, and remember that if there’s one letter that doesn’t fit you can make it a middle initial. No matter what your name is, you should be able to conjure up anywhere between 20 and 30 decent to great anagram pseudonyms. And that’s being strict about using all the letters. You can skip or switch a letter, and whoosh, many more possibilities. You familiar with the Internet Anagram Server?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

He’s got something there! This is a technique that really works. There may be too many letters, though, in Anonymous Conservative. If so, find an anagram for the air loom guy.

Last edited 7 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
7 months ago

“Truths so obvious and profound it’s a wonder they’ve remained so hidden until now. This book will change how you see the world.” – A reader from Seattle

7 months ago

It looks like Jill Biden has been fired for botching the assassination of Trump.

Reply to  Ed
7 months ago

It’s difficult to tell if you’re joking or making a legitimate claim that Jill Biden is a shot-caller.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
7 months ago

I think that she likely is, and the proof is in the pudding.

7 months ago

David Lindsay on the day’s events:

Looking forward to reading the comments tomorrow.

7 months ago

Screenshot: Joe Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race, But Signature on Document Doesn’t Match Official Signature from Other Documents – No Video or Photo Evidence of Signing

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Kind of like when they moved out the Supreme Court judge to put in the DEI hire who doesn’t know what a woman is. It was abrupt and it seemed like he wasn’t even consulted, just kicked out and woke up one morning to learn he was off the court.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

A bloodless coup.

Biden was installed in the White House illegally, and the puppet masters have removed him illegally.

What comes around goes around.

7 months ago

“American Stasi is a groundbreaking investigation into cancerous growth infesting western nations, the domestic surveillance networks that operate above the law. This book will be read 100 years from now”
– Reader from Finland

7 months ago

Kennedy wrote on X shortly after the announcement that he applauds Biden’s decision. He added that the president’s “progressive deterioration” and “abandonment of Democratic Party principles” are what motivated him to launch his own presidential campaign.

   Yet the response of the DNC [Democratic National Committee] was to try and hide President Biden’s degeneration from the American public and disable democracy to ram him through to his party’s nomination,” Kennedy said. “Many Americans fear that the same DNC elites are about to rig the nominating process again to get a monumentally unpopular vice president to step into President Biden’s shoes.”

The independent candidate went on to caution the Democratic Party against “anointing a candidate hand-picked by DNC elites.” He urged the party to assess “neutral polling” numbers to determine who is best fit to beat former President Donald Trump in November.

“The delegates should then select a nominee based on this information,” Kennedy said.

“If they had done this to begin with, I would not have had to leave the Democratic Party,” he concluded.

More at:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

NO more Irish “Catholics”. They have destroyed this country.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

Precisely why they might pick him.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

Which is why Trump had a phone call with Kennedy where he relates his fears about the vaccines.

Do you actually think Trump didn’t assume the call was being recorded, and would be released?

You’re really going to be upset when you learn Kennedy and Trump are being handled by the same people.

Reply to  Another Dave
7 months ago

They are not.
Trump knew his enemy would leak the phonecall to try to hurt him, but he knew it would be beneficial for him to say his misgivings about vaccines and have that leaked.
Trump made another perfect phonecall to an enemy that he expected to be leaked, just like the Ukraine phonecall and the Georgia phonecall.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

No, Boomers have destroyed this country.

7 months ago

Harris is the presumptive nominee, however considering that she somehow polls even worse than “Biden” I highly doubt she will end up the actual nominee. And the whole world will get to see the DNC tear itself apart in the process.

I’m not going to pretend that I have any idea who the eventual pick will be, but if it’s “Michelle” there will suddenly be a treasure trove of Bike Mike pics floating around including a bunch of new ones, and if it’s “Hillary” expect ALL of her scandals to come rushing back. Every prophetic voice I have heard on the topic of this election’s October Surprise says it’s going to be the wildest ever.

And I will say it again – Trump will get a fifty-state landslide. I’m not sure if it will be on election night or some time in 2025 after the lawfare portion concludes, but there is a fifty state landslide being engineered for him because OPTICS ARE IMPORTANT. A fifty state landslide sends a worldwide message that America is unified behind the man and his agenda, making it a clear mandate. It’s going to be an honest choice, but also setup to be the easiest choice you have ever had to make.

Sheep or goat? Wheat or tare? Which are you?

Last edited 7 months ago by lowell
Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

I heard other scuttlebutt–the governor of Pennsylvania–Josh Shapiro—Jew. They just have to get a Jew in there.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
7 months ago

If the attempt on Trump’s life was a set-up and it damn sure looks like it may have been, he probably had lots of humble and unifying speeches all written up and ready to go to gain himself national notoriety. Whomp whomp.

Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

Polls are not a problem. She can be kept in a basement and the election can be rigged.

She is also ineligible. Also, not a problem. See Obama.

So, maybe,

  1. Harris & Clinton VP
  2. Harris resigns (ineligible) or assassinated (*)
  3. Clinton POTUS + An.Other.

(*) Blame “White Supremacists”. Harvest sympathy vote. Arrest Trump for conspiracy.

English Tom
English Tom
7 months ago

Re the blurb for American Stasi.

Who knows your every secret? Who follows you around without your knowledge? Who is targeting your kids so they can identify potential high fliers to derail them?
Who is the enemy within? Find out in American Stasi. Prepare to have your world shaken.

Reply to  English Tom
7 months ago

Very good. One tweak:

Who follows you around without your knowledge?

I just sense that, if a normie hears “someone is following me around”, vs. “someone is following me”, the latter sounds more respectable and believable. Plus, the “following” is not just “around” town, but through your entire life!
That’s my only nit to pick.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Mononomous
7 months ago

Good point. It’s a work in progress and anything that tightens it up to make it a more powerful message is welcome.

7 months ago

Big League Politics has moved to substack.
Is this their way of dealing with attacks?

7 months ago

Here’s my blurb AC. Your work has definitely changed the course of my life, so many thanks.

“A monumental expose. Global and granular in scope, American Stasi contains the most crucial information patriots need to make sense of the omnipresent surveillance in their own personal lives.”

–From a reader in rural Wisconsin and the LA suburbs (seriously, you somehow picked the two places that apply to this anon)

7 months ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

It’s wild. But remember there was an ice-cream gate that accompanied pizza gate.

7 months ago

comment image

7 months ago

Just sayin’….

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  lowell
7 months ago

Calling MAGA communist is dishonest and ridiculous. Does he even know any MAGA people?

Reply to  Machine Trooper
7 months ago

Probably an anarcho-libertarian.
They claim everyone is communist just for wanting minimal government to punish fraud and force, and defend against foreign aggression.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 months ago

American Stasi book

Ever feel like you are being watched…you are. American Stasi

7 months ago

The Sen Ron Johnson interview on Maria Show. To paraphrase the man, he was asking “All you folks out there in TV land, if you were there vid/taping, send us what you got, no matter how small it is. We need it.” But he also heavily emphasized them to make copies of it first. As if he didn’t trust…. the tech companies? The NSA? Moles on his own staff??

I really kinda despise Blackpillers. But. What we have here is a US Senator admitting live on national TV that he can’t trust the national police or the SS, nor any other federal employee who carries a gun. While that’s not ‘as bad as it gets’ – no it gets much worse real soon – it should let any of you who still think this is “America” that it…. isn’t. The Deep State has removed its mask, it just tried to kill Trump as any 4-year-old can see, and is now operating in the open enough that senators are publicly admitting it. And as we speak, their pet media is burying the assassination attempt quick like a bunny. Not seeing much about it anymore, are we?

This being the case, how y’all think that whole “counting the votes” thing is gonna go? They just tried to KILL trump, live on national TV. (CNN never airs Trump rallies…. but they were there, no? So was the BBC, who hates him even more. Weird, huh? what are the odds??) You think they’re even gonna blink at ‘open vote fraud’? I don’t. Pretty sure Senator Ron Johnson don’t.

Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

But it does seem they are not confident in their fraud.
Why else try to kill him?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
7 months ago

best guess? that wasn’t the deep state doing it. that was jill biden.

Reply to  anonymous
7 months ago

she doesnt seem experienced enough… but you can imagine some 3 letter agency director say, “ok, give it a go with your people…we will give some logistics support, and look the other way on the day”