Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
Tony Seruga is claiming cell phone data lead to a second shooter who was an FBI agent, who ziplined off the water tower to a black SUV belonging to the US government. Seruga’s name pops up a lot, but I have no idea how solid his information is, or if he is driving clicks for money.
Trump Gunman flew drone over rally site hours before attempted assassination.
Sen. Hawley: Whistleblower says HSI, not SS, was put in charge of Butler, PA security.
Audio analysis is 100% clear…Trump & crowd were shot by two separate people (shooters) at different distances and possibly different caliber bullets. Not entirely clear. Below, the article on the shot from an SS Agent which killed the shooter notes local PD fired on the shooter too, but missed.
Some think the woman who was behind Trump and acted to weirdly as she blasely filmed the shooting was an FBI Assistant Director. FBI says no. Most likely not, given she is so high ranking and high profile, but you have to wonder who even knew who she was to level the accusation, and were they trying to lend an air of having been discredited to the focus on this woman.
Zuckerberg says Trump fist pump reaction to shooting was ‘badass!’
Sniper with an obscured view killed the would-be Trump assassin with ‘one-in-a-million shot’: source. Edge of the roof only allowed the sniper to see the top of Crooks’ “scope” and the top of his eye. Another source said it was a 488 yard shot with an SR-25 in 7.62 NATO, so the bullet must have gone up and been angled down passing over the edge of the roof.
Texas Democrat doubles down on support for stripping Trump’s Secret Service protection.
Presidential assassinations have always aided the Liberals.’ It is real Americans who believe in the ideals of America, vs this conspiracy. So much will change, if we can out this thing.
BlueAnon rears its head: One-third of Dems believe conspiracy theory that Trump staged assassination attempt. I am pretty sure Trump did not engineer it, but it certainly feels like somebody did. The only question is, was it supposed to kill him and failed, or was it supposed to produce the 50-state landslide he is being handed on a silver platter.
Biden’s Justice Department views Trump as a traitor. It views Trump’s supporters the same way. I would say more that it views real Americans simply as the enemy, just as the conspiracy must, if it countenanced 9/11, which it obviously must have. I do not think I am mistaken in predicting, that since truths tend to out, we will all probably see a hot civil war in our lifetimes. The question will be can we expose the surveillance before it, and get it destroyed, in which case it will probably turn into a slaughter.
The Democratic National Committee is pressing forward with a virtual roll call to renominate President Biden as more Democrats call on him to end his reelection campaign. I cannot believe I would say it, but I think we have to pray for the continued survival of Joe Biden.
Biden is ‘absolutely’ staying in race, campaign chair says.
Ocasio-Cortez: Democratic ‘elites’ who want Biden to drop out want Harris off ticket.
Hakeem Jeffries sticks with Joe Biden, contradicting leaks to media saying he broke ranks.
Odds that Joe Biden will withdraw is now at 81% with market bets soon to close off.
The Biden administration announced Thursday it would forgive $1.2 billion in student debt held by 35,000 public service workers, bringing the total forgiven debt from the administration to $168.5 billion across 4.76 million student loan borrowers. I thought a federal appeals court just ruled again that he could not do this?
Rep Sheila Jackson Lee dies at 74, of cancer. According to a previous tweet from her office, she was fully vaccinated and boosted.
NICS for June 2024 sixth highest year for gun sales & background checks. Still over a million per month.
CrowdStrike code update bricking Windows machines around the world.
Elon Musk deletes CrowdStrike “from all systems,” warns global IT disruption sparked “seizure in auto supply chain.” If Crowdstrike was Cabal, one function it would provide would be to offer back doors into any system the machine wanted to look through. Now they are locked down and locked out. Not impossible Q sent somebody in to get a job with them, and this was their play.
A global internet outage early Friday morning is impacting major industries around the world, including banks, airlines, and TV stations. I wonder if it is impeding the attacks on this site.
Secretary of the Army says training has labeled pro-lifers ‘terrorists’ for at least 7 years.
How the surging demand for energy and rise of AI is straining the power grid in the U.S.
40 Chinese banks VANISH IN ONE WEEK, marking severe consequences for the global economy.
Israeli settlements illegal — top UN court.
U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said in a post on Truth Social he had a “very good call” on Friday with Zelensky. I wonder if these things are even real. Did they even talk, or do they just put this out to make it look like everything works the way they say? Trump knows Zelensky is a Cabal scam. Zelensky knows Trump knows Ukraine is a Cabal scam. Do they spend a few hours playing pretend, or do they both just agree to claim they were on a call together, and Trump spends the time with his grandkids and Zelensky does a few more lines of Coke.
Zelensky pushes UK for permission to strike Russia with long-range British missiles.
Ukraine loses hard-won position near Dnipro river in the South.
Trump official says Dems are ‘freaking out’: The Republican Party is ‘united.’
Democrat Van Jones says excitement at RNC feels like ‘Obama 2008’: ‘There’s something happening.’
Spread r/K Theory, because ironially, we need Joe Biden at this moment, more than ever
I’d say that’s probable based on the timing.
From Lame Cherry: This is for those who are using Trump’s ear wound to signify that he is the ,omg!, THE Anti-Christ.
Equally foolish are those who believe that the Republican selection must, must!, be as pure as the newly driven snow; grow up.
Revelation Chapter 13 KJV:
“2] And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
“[3] And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
“[4] And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”
Nah. It wasnt a deadly wound.
That thought did occur to me.
Keep in mind that the Bible specifies a FATAL wound that was healed. Too many people remember part of what they heard somebody say about prophecy and build a hypothesis on it without ever studying it for themselves.
The Pope doesn’t prophesy.
Lame Cherry doesn’t have a clue what he/she/it is talking about when it comes to the Book of Revelation. People have been saying this kind of thing for hundreds of years and they’ve all been wrong. Just like LC is now.
Anons should be alert for fifth column combat level insurgents embedded amongst these invader hordes. Some sappy media photos depicted scrappy tough looking dudes that are not refugees in any manner. They can form up into wet teams and live off the land guerilla style, doing traveling locusts loot drop takeovers of boomers and normies’ homes, gear, victimizing families, etc, all as a shock value action and allowing these ground armies to go rogue and self support out in the wild as a chaos created event. Don’t bother with the police or .gov during spicy events, as “you” are on your own out there. Stay frosty anyway.
‘Rep Sheila Jackson Lee dies at 74, of cancer.’
My mom died of the same type in early 2019. I obviously disagreed with her politically, but I pray for her and her loved ones nevertheless.
I am sorry for your loss, but there is no doubt, whatever is going on in this world with us, it does not end here. She is still out there somewhere, and we will all meet up someday on the other side.
I’m sad for your loss.
My response to Lee is that the world is a slightly better place.
I mourn for her precisely as much as I would mourn losing a parasite from my body, which is to say I rejoice.
If Trump had been touched by an AR-15 round, he wouldn’t have an ear anymore.
Look everybody: a weapons expert! No doubt this expert opinion he so expertly experted came about after decades of expert experience in expertise!
human ear offers little resistance against a 556
I’d like to know the difference between the dead ear of a pig, and a live ear, pressurized with blood, too.
Though it appears it does not matter with Trump’s case, since it was only a graze, and as one commenter here pointed out, if it was a bullet, the bullet may have just barely brushed it, and it was a turbulence effect which peeled away the edge of the tissue.
Obviously you don’t know anything about real weapons and ballistics. Several internet gun sites have done the testing with a real .223 AR15 and ballistic dummies and no, the ears survived the damage. I will let you look up the facts yourself, which you should have done before you posted something you know nothing about and made a fool of yourself. However, even a slight deviation to the right would have taken the back of his head off. And if he had hit is head a little more directly, it most likely would have exploded in front of everyone. Just go away.
But but but in muh videogames, if it grazes an ear, it blows the whole ear off!
5.56 77Grain vs 5 Gallon Water Jug.
Wasn’t gonna post either of these, but eh fuck it.
Recreating the Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump
Garand Thumb
Testing The Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump
Brandon Herrera
So that would be at least TWO major Guntubers deliberately shredding strawman arguments. If the assassination was staged then there was no gunfire and all the victims and shooters are actors.
A bullet could very easily do that kind of damage because an ear is so thin the bullet wouldn’t have time to expand or tumble, just poke right through. OTH Trump’s ear could easily have been wounded by either a pocketed razor or a remote detonated squib from the practical side of Hollywood’s special effects toolbox, but no one is stupid enough to make the argument that the graze was intentional.
Take the best shooter on our side, give them the most accurate 1/4MOA bolt gun ever produced and they would still refuse the shot because TRUMP COULD TURN HIS HEAD right into the bullet. So if a BULLET did the damage to Trump’s ear, it was a legitimate assassination attempt and God’s hand protecting him.
Alternatively, a squib is ALWAYS used with padding on a movie/tv set because it’s a small explosive that can easily break the skin, so hidden on the ear with a bit of makeup and Trump has an injury that would bleed plenty for the camera, and would produce a permanent scar as a reminder for future photo ops.
Those are your two options. Pick whichever you prefer, but either one is physically possible.
Like I have said, I was visited again last night after I went to sleep by the “ghost of technology.” And again, it begins with some weird, all over field effect type thing.
Somebody is vastly more advanced than any normie technology person would think possible on this planet. As in, they can nuke a specific spot in your brain, without damaging the skull, from a hundred feet away, while you are swinging in a hammock. I had pinprick affect the skin on one finger while a hand was on top of it, and felt nothing in the hand on top. I cannot imagine what the control mechanism for that would look like, and have considered it might not even be external, but might be somebody with some kind of brain implant.
I have no idea if they can stop time, or at least warp it to the point a bullet is moving slow enough to move it precisely even with Trump moving. But if they can survive an 8,000 mph right angle turn (in our time), as Elizondo said they do all the time, then from their perspective, what takes a fraction of a second for us could take an hour for them. They could have been watching the bullet inch forward, and been inching it away for twenty minutes from within their bubble. The tech is definitely here on the planet, so we cannot rule it out.
Given this is the highest office in the land, and some kind of momentous tide-turning event for all of civilization, I would think whoever is out there would break out the best technology, maybe even stuff which makes what I have seen look archaic.
And again, I am not saying that was it. Just it has to be in a probability matrix. Obviously, all of this looms large in my mind, as not a day goes by my brain isn’t being shut down, or I am not walking into a big bubble of vibration in the house, hanging in the air. I see this tech all the time, so my perception of the likelihood of its use will be different from most people.
I feel I can’t say this in front of normies because it seems very kooky or tonedeaf but I think most likely scenario is this whole thing was staged by either the Trump faction or Q faction or even Cabal or Zionist faction. And I do think of course it most likely is a pro-Trump faction and if so mostly likely somehow they managed to stage it in a way where he wasn’t in danger.
I love Trump more than almost anyone but the conversion of almost everyone seemed really forced as well.
Also on Trump’s intelligence. Surely Trump isn’t dumb enough not to hire his own security on top.
Either the other victims were shot with real bullets in a real attack, or they were shot for real to add verisimilitude to the squib strike on Trump.
I don’t think they needed real victims to sell a fake attack.
I also just don’t think it a high odds chance Trump agreed to wear a squib to fake an attack while his supporters ate real lead.
Most importantly I see lots of evidence that the other side was really trying to kill him and expected to succeed.
To GOD be the glory.
Anyone who thinks Trump staged this needs a brain flush to clear out the cobwebs from their thinking. This was a real attempt that depended on not only several major FUs by those on site but someone had to assist him in some way. There is no other rational explanation. There are too many ‘coincidences’ to be anything else. Oh, and he went earlier in the week to a 3 hour handgun training course where he demonstrated expert level marksmanship and knowledgeable proficiency according to another guy who was there. And without what appears to be a special shot by other side SS sniper on a barely visible head poking past the roof top, he would have slid down the roof out of their sight and who knows what would have happened then.
More from Lame Cherry (download and preserve the video): There were at least another assassin in the bleachers (FBI sniper on Water Tower)
Assassin’s keying off Trump’s Words
It is not possible to plan such a safe shot, clipping Trump’s ear. So I would discount the latter option, other than the Creator’s protection.
Psalm 55
Again, I would say two things. One, it is not possible with the technology we know about. You could show me someone sitting in a tank of water 80 feet away, with no metal on them, just in a cloth bathing suit, and I would tell you that you cannot move them with any sort of machine, from 80-100 feet away. Yet I have been pulled through water, and I have seen and felt, non-conductive river rock pushed in my lap, in the water, with several pounds of force.
And the tech can damage tissue. As we speak I have a light black eye on the side of my face pointing away from the house this stuff is coming from that is fading, I assume from what they are hitting me in the head with at night. In the back of the book Chameleo, there is a picture of Dion, with two dark black eyes, and no comment. I wondered when I saw it if he had been jumped by the people harassing him, but now I think he took the photo of those black eyes after being hit with some beam.
And they are not showing me everything they have. I assume this is their throwaway tech.
And if, as Elizondo said, those Tic Tacs are able to actually warp space time, so inside the Tic Tac hours pass as a fraction of a second passes out here and we are to them frozen in time as they zoom around us, and those things are doing it while on stations which last for weeks straight with no refueling, things could be different. I doubt Trump would know one way or another, but an external actor with access to that tech (and there were three congressional witnesses who said a slinter group of humans have it), then we cannot judge whether this is possible with the bullet or not, given that group is undoubtedly molding the political world, and using all their tech to do it.
Second, I don’t believe anything any more. Trump is part of an intel outfit, and he is doing what he is told. So we really have no idea what happened. David Copperfield made an elephant dematerialize on stage, and rematerialize on the other side of the arena. At least it looked like that.
Do we even really know the bullet caused the wound? Not actually. All we really know is bullets were flying by, creating attention-grabbing supersonic pops, and Trump’s ear was damaged. I have seen some type of weapon deployed on me, which can cause matter disruption, on a precise point, from 80-100ft away, when that point is swinging back and forth 2 feet on a curve in a hammock. So they can hit a precise moving spot, from some distance. The have often, for reasons unknown, used to to cause pops right over my ear opening, like right over the hole. They could have beamed the edge of his ear, damaging it, while firing bullets four and five feet from him.
Do I think it likely it was any of that? My gut says the likelihood is almost infinitesimal. And yet my intellect says we are seeing some kind of societal manipulation pushing Trump to a 50 state landslide, the people doing it have that tech, and they value it so little they would roll it out on me – and this is all the perfect manipulation.
We cannot really know from our position. It is why I think in this world you have to fall back to a probability matrix model of the world, and just accept you do not get certainty in the intelligence-driven environment.
You yourself posted the picture of the bullet that passed Trumps ear caught in the picture. Are you now saying that bullet track was photoshopped?
I do not do certainty, or one model these days. I am getting away from even making a most likely model, since a lot of that is based on my preconceptions, and I am increasingly feeling the levels to which we are lied to makes us unable to judge right and wrong by feel.
Could the photo have been photoshopped? I have no idea. I am sure now AI can do that in such a way as to make it pretty undetectable. I certainly would never say absolutely not. Or it could be real, and that vapor trail is two or three feet back away from Trump. We begin from a point knowing it is strange the cameraman was using that shutter speed, so something was up. Maybe he wasn’t using it, but said he was to explain the vapor trail. Maybe he was and the bullet he caught was one of eight or nine, all fired two to three feet away from Trump for effect. Or maybe he was, and it was because Trump was supposed to die. Nobody will know for sure, except whoever set the whole thing up.
Understand you are in an intelligence-driven environment, being run by PhD level psyopers. Nothing you see may actually be real, and I am not sure there is much where you will really know the truth.
The bullet that went passed Trump’s ear hit a guy in the back right corner of the stands and bounced off the railing next to him.
“Do we even really know the bullet caused the wound?”
Donald Trump’s campaign released an update on the former president’s health Saturday, one week after he survived an attempted assassination at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.
The memo, from Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson, a staunch supporter who served as Trump’s White House physician, offers new details on the nature of the GOP nominee’s injuries and the treatment he received in the immediate aftermath of the attack.
According to Jackson, Trump sustained a gunshot wound to the right ear that came “less than a quarter of an inch from entering his head, and struck the top of his right ear.”
The bullet track, he said, “produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear. There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear.”
While the swelling has resolved and the wound “is beginning to granulate and heal properly,” he said Trump is still experiencing intermittent bleeding, requiring the dressing that was on display at last week’s Republican National Convention.
The thing is I have seen what I would term matter disruptions done incredibly precisely, on me, as I was moving in a swinging hammock from an incredible distance. I do not know the power they can dump into such a disruption, but if they could move enough wattage into a point, all they would have to do is have bullets flying in the air around Trump, and zap his ear as it happens. If they could damage the tissue enough to mimic a bullet graze, and I would think it just a power issue, nobody, including Trump would be the wiser.
Again, I am not saying it went down that way. But you have to weigh, if we are seeing a script to give Trump a 50 state landslide, is it more likely the script writer might break out high tech to make this script happen, or is it more likely all the cops and Secret Service were down with getting Trump killed? Because I think it has to be one or the other of those two. I do not buy all the LEOs there were so incompetent they made all those mistakes.
I go with the conspiracy that includes all or nearly all the LEOs involved.
There’s too many signs of it to dismiss.
At best it’s both, one side tried to kill and the other changed it to not kill.
But I don’t think it’s both.
I give the credit to GOD for thwarting the assassination.
There may be different factions with the same tech in play. If Trump’s ear was affected by a disruption weapon, it may not be the same set of players attacking AC at night with that technology.
And for some reason I just feel like nothing you see right now is random, or subject to variation due to chance. It feels like one entity has attained sufficient dominance that it is scripting and executing exactly what they want. It just feels like it is under someone’s complete control. Whether that someone serves God or not outright, or whether they just happen to be aligned with God’s path in this moment, I cannot say, and it is not my concern. Here, we are tasked with exposing surveillance, and all of that other stuff, including Trump, is outside my area of responsibility, so at this point I do not care beyond wishing him well in the script, as I like him.
Beyond that, we are all on course to get where we have to go, as far as I can see.
IMHO, we are watching a movie I’m just tired of all the constant bullshit. I just want the damn truth.
The expression on his face suggests a changed man.
Bullets couldn’t damage UFOs. Its entirely likley the tech exists to sway metal projectiles. Mass spectrometer tech but better. Metal objects can have their flight path changed by magnetic fields. This is known. That they wouldn’t try to advance such tech is laughable.
Vance looks to be the Big Tech, Nouveau Riche, Fast Money pick. This is why I’m not happy with it. In the same way that these groups toss around projects, Trump needs to use some of the support to the top, then drop them after he gets there. They might seem shiny to many but they are no different than a new arm of Cabal.
Just some thoughts on the RNC situation in total. Vance is only part of it.
Remember, the RNC was supposed to crown Hindi Haley after the planned death of Trump.
Everything was prepared for her, not for MAGA and Trump.
Hopefully some others that post these pics will check to see if they are even readable as a screenshot. When taken at the nominal size that is displayed on screen, a screenshot what you see is not what we will get, you need to expand the object prior to the screenshot or else it will not translate into something readable. This was about 231 x 300 png 97.1 kb, insufficient to save and expand with a photo viewer. It may work better for us readers by saving the direct posting as a whole, rather than a screenshot, but the posting person needs to test, not assume all will be as they expect with no assurance of outcome. Please, either give us the text plain or else make big photos, thank you.
The full image on this was about 900 x 1160 pixels, I believe. It is located here:

It may be wordpress is screwing it up, because when he uploads it, the software immediately creates several different sizes, and sticks one of the small sizes in the comment you see, linking it to the full size. To get the full size, I click the image first, which brings up the full size, shrunken down in a small window. I then right click the image in the small window and select “open image in a new tab.” The image then pops up, small, in a new tab, and when I mouse over it, the cursor turns into a plus sign. If I then click it, the browser blows it up to full size.
Unfortunately, nothing is ever easy.
Middle click (your scroll wheel or equivalent) the picture to open it in a new tab.
Worked fine for me. Click to enlarge. Click again to make it smaller.
The thing is the Republican party, like ALL political parties, is made up of groups with competing interests. Some of these groups are more powerful than others. I am assuming that the group behind Vance, Peter Thiel et al, are the more powerful so their man gets the role.
They don’t call it horse trading for nothing! We have no idea as to how the back room deals are orchestrated.
“I cannot believe I would say it, but I think we have to pray for the continued survival of Joe Biden.”
Pray for a miracle that will cause our votes to be counted, because there’s nobody who could beat Trump at this point in a fair election.
“A global internet outage early Friday morning is impacting major industries around the world, including banks, airlines, and TV stations. I wonder if it is impeding the attacks on this site.”
I can’t help but wonder if this might lead to “30 days of darkness.” But that might be a stretch.
Nevertheless those days of darkness are coming, courtesy of mossad/unit 8200 control of US critical cyber infrastructure.
Ten days of darkness.
Ah, OK. It’s been years since I looked at any drops/crumbs/whatever. My bad.
There was a comment by AC regarding the movie/film “Three Days of the Condor” starring Robert Redford, and how it should have ended with Redford’s / Turner’s genius move to tell the NY Times/New York Times what’s going on–and w/surveillance, the CIA/Higgins should have laughed at him just before black-bagging him into the car.
The comment I wanted to look at again is gone–maybe a misspelling or something but it’s driving me nuts. Anyone have the date of that?
Can’t let a Three Days of Condor reference go by without posting this:
The ending of that film was the real psyop all along.
Its a good movie.
“Who is this guy?”
“He reads books”
The mystery of Trump’s missing shoes. I have no more questions. Thank you to whoever posted this link a few days ago, about Ole Dammegard’s observations on the significance of those bizzare photos of abandoned shoes on the scene of staged events.
Agent Ponytail may’ve been instructed to remove Trump’s shoes “if something happens,” it doesn’t matter much if she’s “in on it” or not. I couldn’t understand the connection, until I came across this shot (by Washington Post staff photographer) that would’ve become the iconic photo of the aftermath, had (God forbid) Trump been taken out. As it is, image search shows very limited circulation of this photo, with some of the links no longer working. You don’t really want your signature on a botched job.
And instead Trump is now a shoe in for the election!
Sorry couldn’t resist!
Totally makes sense as an unspoken coded signal that merely looks like confusing noise to everybody else. “One if by land, two if by sea”; “I’ll say ‘I want my shoes’ to cue you to make sure my fake-blood and prosthetic-ear are in place, then I’ll do the WWE fist pump thing…but if I say that and there’s something that needs work on my face, then you have your list of excuses to bring me back down to the level of the bunting so she can apply shit better”; “Red means stop, green means go”; etc.
Save our soles! There is a weird thing concerning jews and shoes.
“To many people, images of shoes are stark reminders of the fragility of life during the Holocaust. In some cases, piles of shoes provide one of the few lasting signs of those who had been murdered at death camps. In other images, you see survivors being fitted with shoes as they struggle to emerge from horrendous circumstances.”
Thanks for that.
Way back when I used to shop in book stores, I thumbed through a book about Beatles conspiracy theory. It was my first introduction to the “Paul is dead” rumor. Mostly, I thought it was all generated by people with too much time on their hands consuming controlled substances examining album covers. But one piece of “evidence” I remember for Paul being dead is that on the album cover for Abby Road (?) Paul was barefoot while the other Beatles had shoes on.
They were dabbling in drugs and the occult by that time, so that would make sense if empty shoes were some sort of occultic message.
Are we finally winning? Or are the going to finish the job?
they still have access to the nuclear option, and they may still Oklahoma Trump.. etc
This time, it actually WAS Russia. Pure speculation, but it feels right. This is Russia both getting revenge on crowd strike AND showing us that they can GWT us anywhere, including the heart of our vaulted expert cyber security.
Crowdstrike was highlighted by Q. Perhaps it was white hat deepstate
No idea of veracity.
Fake and gay.
CrowdStrike update: 19 July at 04:09 UTC / 00:09 EST.
Fake & Gay Tweet: 19 July at 05:39AM, which is not in the afternoon,
“Ukraine on it’s way to standing on it’s own feet”. Antony Blinken, the funniest stand up comedian of our time.
Also, who’s to say that the CrowdStrike issue wasn’t part of an already scheduled chain of events that couldn’t be canceled even if Trump wasn’t killed? The bad security on site, the pre planned short selling of stocks related to Trump? All things to combine and create a massive confused panic with the public. But a monkey wrench was thrown into the machine.
A commentator I read yesterday on another site, I think it was According to Hoyt, floated this theory. I think it makes sense.
I have predicted here that at some point the Cabal will be put in a place where they have to stop using their preferred method of fraud and brainwashing, and start using force. They don’t want to go there. I think this may have happened behind the scenes, probably with them losing control of “Biden”, and they hastily threw together a plan to kill Trump and then the internet.
> who ziplined off the water tower to a black SUV belonging to the US
With all the available witnesses with their smartphones, and with the various media, my first question is “why don’t we have two dozen videos of that?”
You’d think there would at least be pics of the zipline. Those have to be setup and taken down.
because it is fantasy.
It may look cool but would be crap for covert conspiracy purposes
> Texas Democrat doubles down on support for stripping Trump’s Secret Service protection.
If DJT was smart he’d tell the SS to go back to the minor leagues and hire his own security.
They wouldn’t be able to walk all over local PDs with jackboots like the SS does, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
> Rep Sheila Jackson Lee dies at 74, of cancer. According to a previous tweet from her office, she was fully vaccinated and boosted.
It’s supposed to be uncouth to speak ill of the dead, but Lee was a nasty piece of work, and I hope she gets what’s coming to her.
> The Democratic National Committee is pressing forward with a virtual roll call to renominate President Biden
Translation: “We want to do it electronically so we can control the results, because we can’t trust the Party caucus to do what we want.”
> NICS for June 2024 sixth highest year for gun sales & background checks.
And that’s only for firearms sold through FFLs and the handful of shithole states that require background checks and/or licensing for private sales.
Would an AR15 bullet BLOW OFF an ear?
Good catch!
It’s less about blowing off the ear, than causing the damage we saw, just my opinion.
All of the Guntubers got their marching orders. AK50 guys test is better IMO, but remember he’s the same guy that said Lee Harvey Oswald’s shot was possible, backing up the myth. It’s literally pinned on his guntube channel.
AK50 Guy:
Garand Thumb
A bit outside the current issues but this is maybe while “Michelle” Obama doesn’t want to be thrown into the presidential sweepstakes.
He spends almost all his time proving Michelle is Michael and he is black.
Trump official says Dems are ‘freaking out’: The Republican Party is ‘united.’
All of the UNITY crap in the RNC.
Sounds a lot like Where we go one we go all.
Watch the whole video:
Short Synopsis:
During the RNC, media reports that Trump is obsessed with selecting the music that plays.
At the end of his speech, they play opera music (Nessun dorma –
This is the same opera music playing at the end of the movie “Sum of All Fears”. During the movie, they try to kill the US President with a nuke, blame it on a patsy, attack an aircraft carrier, and almost start WWIII. Opera music plays at the end of the movie and the conspirators:
Bomb Finder – Get’s his throat slit.Russian General – Shot by KGB running away.Mastermind – Blown up in a car bomb..
Trump RNC Video:
Sum of All Fears (ending):
If the movie ends with some throats getting slit, I’ll shut my big mouth about how fucking fake and gay it’s been up to now.
Dont worry, if there was a plan, your “big mouth” helps paint the narrative.
The sight of women screaming, gay men soiling themselves and traitors gloating, is all the better, to lure the enemy into the trap.
You should focus on the song itself more, not just that movie. The song is about a psychotic female royal who demands her suitors solve riddles or they die. Then some schmuck actually solves all her riddles, but she refuses to marry him. So *he* turns the tables on *her* and demands that *she* guess *his* secret identity or else he wins the game. The song is about how she has deployed all her assets in the middle of the night to discover who he is. Nobody is sleeping. And they all expect to die when they fail her instructions. H somehow knows she will fail to identify him, so he gloats like Bullseye Leo. “Vincero!” I’m gonna win. But now, seeing the situation we’re in, how things are shaping up exactly like Q hinted, I think he should say “Vinco!” instead, the so-called prophetic present tense. I WIN. That’s what vinco means. Vinco.