News Briefs – 07/19/2024




Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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ER trauma surgeon claims Trump rally sniper body is missing massive bloodsprays – Dr. Mollie James, Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Room trauma surgeon with extensive experience in dealing with the aftermath of gunshots and treating gunshot victims says the few pictures that have emerged from the rally scene don’t make sense. “There should be a lot of blood, and there aren’t, in these pictures.”

Secret Service was not using drones to monitor Trump rally under scrutiny.

Secret Service understaffed at Trump rally due to NATO summit, whistleblowers say.

Trump shooter researched Royal family while planning attack.

Trump shooter Thomas Crooks had “3 encrypted overseas accounts” — Rep. Michael Waltz (R–FL). He did not elaborate but said more will be learned Monday in the House hearing. Crooks also had another phone he did not carry with him with 27 contacts who are being chased down to get interviews. I am struck by the name Crooks, which is another one of these weird names which fit the character. If I said I was reading a novel about a businessman who always wins, and a scumbag nut who tries to kill him, and the author named one Trump and the other Crooks, could you guess which was which?

Trump shooter used Android phone from Samsung; cracked by Cellebrite in 40 minutes.

Trump shooting updates: Trump met with Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.

More witness accounts of a sniper team which had to hear the crowd warning of a sniper, and which should have seen him, but which did nothing.

Butler county Sheriffs claim responding officers DID NOT wear body cams – no footage of Trump attempted assassination. I find it hard to believe cops would take part in trying to take out Trump. Maybe you can get a few cops in the conspiracy on a department, but this seems to require broad swaths of cops participate in taking out Trump, who is the one guy in the game who would oppose what was done to the Police under the leftists. On the other hand, could “Q” or somebody similar rally them to take part in some theater to help elect Trump? That I could see.

Butler Township: Local Police were ‘strictly’ tasked with traffic control.

Thomas Matthew Crooks hid rifle in advance of Trump rally sniper attack, Secret Service source says.

Investment firm that allegedly “put options” on 12 million Trump stocks day before assassination attempt blames filing error — Rothschild, BlackRock, Vanguard, Meta, George Bush, and Cheney family among top investors.

U.S. Secret Service director agrees to testify to House lawmakers after Trump assassination attempt.

Secret Service equity director says DEI agenda is a ‘mission imperative,’ the ‘ultimate goal.’

Speaker Johnson eyeing options if Secret Service chief won’t resign.

The FBI just declined a request by Congress for FBI Director Christopher Wray to testify next week about the attempted assassination of President Trump.

TIME magazine was so spooked by the effect of the iconic image of President Trump raising his fist right after the assassination attempt failed that it changed its cover to  remove it.

Video from the day of Trump’s shooting, stills taken and enhanced by anons follow, showing possible TicTacs nearby, near the end, though you need to go frame by frame to catch it:

There is definitely a magical hidden hand out there. The question is, to what degree will it involve itself, and has anyone cut any deals with it?

This was the hydraulic valve theory which Sam said was bunk. You can see, you cannot judge things by how certainly people say them online:

Hillary Clinton’s and Jill Biden’s ‘deplorable’ social media silence on the attempt to kill Donald Trump.

Biden is isolated at home as Obama, Pelosi and other Democrats push for him to reconsider 2024 race.

People close to Biden say he appears to accept he may have to leave the race. If any of this is real, and not scripted, Trump should come out and gloat, and create an attachment between Biden leaving, and Biden acknowledging something is wrong with himself. Narcissists can never, ever, admit there is something wrong with themselves. If you could create a situation where Biden would feel leaving would be acknowledging he was inferior to Trump, he was incompetent, or a loser, Biden would not be able to leave. “When Biden leaves, that will mean even he has to admit there is something fundamentally wrong with him, and that he was never up to the job of President, and it was a mistake for him even to try. He just doesn’t have the intellect, or the common sense, or the care for the country which is required, and him pulling out is him basically admitting that even he sees it.”

1,400 Black women sign letter of support for Biden, condemn lack of Democratic unity.

Newsmax commentator Halperin: Biden exit from WH race likely this weekend.

Biden has agreed to step down, will not endorse Kamala Harris as successor: report. An open convention.

Joe Biden is mysteriously now open to being replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris for the 2024 presidential ticket, after contracting COVID-19. I wonder if they beamed him…

Video of Joe Biden appearing to struggle to get into car goes viral.

Joe Biden’s reelection campaign insists it’s “not working through any scenarios” where he “is not the top of the ticket,” despite intensifying calls from congressional Democrats for him to abandon the race ahead of November’s election.

Kamala Harris is polling in the gutter in Swing States.

National security figures are expressing concern over reports that President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, a convicted felon and business partner of Communist Chinese regime figures, may have access to classified information now that he is working as an unofficial Chief of Staff to the President at the White House according to reports.

Hunter Biden argues his conviction should be tossed, citing judge’s ruling in Trump documents case. “The Attorney General relied upon the exact same authority to appoint the Special Counsel in both the Trump and Biden matters, and both appointments are invalid for the same reason,” the filing argues.

Sundance at CTH – Team JD Vance begin announcing policy proposals, starting with Elon inspired carbon taxes. I hope somebody real emerges between now and 2028. And it is not exactly the best of ideas to have it be this windvane waiting in the wings, in the event something happens to Trump.

Some think Vance’s wife gave her speech this way to do the Illuminati eye. Symbolism will be their downfall:

The Biden administration on Thursday said it is forgiving $1.2 billion in student debt for 35,000 borrowers who work in public service, ranging from teachers to firefighters.

Again, if you want a Trump landslide, this is how you get a Trump landslide:

The largest housing provider for unaccompanied migrant children has been accused of “severe, pervasive, and unwelcome sexual abuse of and harassment” of children in its care.

Court validates Mississippi’s lifetime ban on felons voting.

Alec Baldwin plans to sue prosecutor and sheriff after they withheld evidence during their botched bid to prosecute him over fatal Rust shooting.

John Deere ends support of ‘social or cultural awareness’ events, distances from inclusion efforts.

Bud Light’s popularity continues to decline more than a year after a boycott disrupted the US beer industry.

Islamists & Romanians riot in Leeds as Police run away.

Germany banned the right-wing Compact magazine on Tuesday, accusing it of being a “mouthpiece of the right-wing extremist scene” and inciting hatred of Jews and foreigners.

A FOIA request filed by Fernando Morais reveals the US govt. has monitored Lula for 53 years, with 7 agencies producing 819 reports. The breakdown is: CIA – 613; State Dept.- 111; Defense Intelligence Agency- 49; DOD-27; Southern Command-8; and US Army Cyber Command-1.

The socialist dictator of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro threatened a “bloodbath” and a “fratricidal civil war” on Wednesday if Venezuelans do not “elect” him in the upcoming July 28 sham presidential election. Just like in America with the Democrat party!

Ukraine Army withdraws from another village as Russia advances.

Ukraine’s Azov Battalion admits it functions as a “Motivational” unit, setting up behind poorly trained conscripts, and preventing them from retreating by pushing them into the meat grinder against Russia.

80% of Americans fear U.S. is ‘spiraling’ out of control post-assassination attempt. Pretty soon, that awareness of some kind of hidden hand will led to everyone understanding the American Stasi exists.

US appeals court blocks all of Biden student debt relief plan.

Federal appeals court refuses to lift order blocking Biden administration’s Title IX rule.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of election integrity – voters in Arizona who register with the state and do not provide proof of citizenship will be rejected. 

Grand New Party: Bush, Cheney, Romney, Pence, Ryan not speaking at RNC.

Trump during private RNC speech says “God was with me” during assassination attempt.

Trump’s national lead over Biden grows — CBS News poll.

Trump leads Biden 43-38 in new Virginia poll.

Donald Trump breaks his own record in new poll asking whether he will win in November.

Donald Trump delivers heartfelt call for ‘unity’ and recounts harrowing assassination bid in RNC speech: ‘Every single moment we have on Earth is a gift.’

Spread r/K Theory, because America is spiraling

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2 months ago

Donald Trump delivers heartfelt call for ‘unity’ and recounts harrowing assassination bid in RNC speech: ‘Every single moment we have on Earth is a gift.’

2 Corinthians 6:14
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”

King James Version (KJV)

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
Feebee Anon
Feebee Anon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

When you mix ice cream with excrement, what you get, tastes mostly of excrement

Freebee Anon Version (FAV)

Last edited 2 months ago by Feebee Anon
Reply to  Feebee Anon
2 months ago

You’re saying you like excrement ice cream?

Reply to  bigD
2 months ago

It does sounds logical.

If you dont believe him, you could always try it out. I would gamble it is true.

2 months ago

They may have given up on the attacks that cause the WP install problem.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Looks like they just reduced them.
The sidebar is gone again.

Freebee Anon
Freebee Anon
2 months ago

Children today are taught limited history, and asked the hypothetical question, “if you could go back in time, would you kill literal Hitler?”

If the assassination was successful, would Crooke have been shot?

Or would he become a celebrity for “literally killing literal Hitler”, feted by the View, Morning Joe & CNN.

Reply to  Freebee Anon
2 months ago

Wouldn’t kill him as a child, only as an adult, and would have to take out Marx as well. Go back and get the anarchist that killed Ferdinand too. The list grows too long, Mao, Tojo, all the future Nazi leaders, on and on. Might make a good sci fi series, back and forth, checking the outcomes of each killings.

Reply to  Festis
2 months ago

“But when Pharaoh saw that there was respite, he hardened his heart”

Even the bad guys can be part of the Lord’s plan.

(assuming they are bad guys and not framed as such by those that write history)

2 months ago

Joe Biden is mysteriously now open to being replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris for the 2024 presidential ticket, after contracting COVID-19. I wonder if they beamed him…

My wife saw the footage of him on the AF1 stairs and instantly said that he was being poisoned.

2 months ago

Re: hydraulics
Distracting security is not useful. The point was to get Donald to turn and look at it, presenting the back of his head to the shooter. 

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

Insightful. Thank you sir.

2 months ago
2 months ago

Waiting confirmation for this…

Reply to  Anonynnous
2 months ago

That’s not her in the crowd, a current photo shows a less attractive woman. The woman in the crowd is too good looking. Yeah, I’m a sexist, so what?
But only when it matters.

Last edited 2 months ago by bigD
2 months ago

How much of an opportunist is JD Vance:

The article is actually a long, detailed, examination of Vance and of the economic policies of a second Trump administration, if that ever happens.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

It makes no sense for Trump to choose a cabal / establishment VP. He should have picked someone that they would fear being president, so they will hesitate to kill him.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Mononomous
2 months ago

I agree that none of this adds up.

At first I was just severely disappointed in Trump’s pick.

Now I’m actually concerned.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 months ago

Me too to a point. What can we do? This, hopefully, will at least slow things down a bit. If we can get 8 or 12 years it will be great, but after that you just know the globalists will severely ramp things up. Just like they have done this past 4 year. And after the Reagan Bush years.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

I don’t dig those skull and crossbones dudes. They are entirely too tight with one another.

Strange Old Hermit
Strange Old Hermit
Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Speaking of Thiel and Vance…

Feebee Anon
Feebee Anon
Reply to  Strange Old Hermit
2 months ago

the image is a bit blurry

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Feebee Anon
2 months ago

Middle click (your scroll wheel or equivalent) the image to open it in a new tab.

2 months ago

BBC article on Melania Trump, and the headline sums it up:

I remember reading a Quora essay on Melania Trump, which I wish I had saved to my hard drive, where the author looked at her professional modeling career and noted that she was one of the few models in Manhattan at the time who didn’t show up to photo shoots coked up, and seemed to know what she was doing in regards to her career.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

As a voter, I don’t want to know what she thinks. I don’t want her trying to be my fake friend. I want her being who she is- Donald Trump’s private life. He smiles when he sees her. That’s enough for me.

My view? Mr. Trump dated models. Mr. Trump went to nightclubs with models. Models are his standard. One model who he thinks is worthy of marriage? He sees something worthwhile; he doesn’t need to share it with the rest of us.

The article is incorrect in one detail. Mrs. Nixon was a professional model. I want to say Mrs. Reagan and Mrs. Ford, likewise, modeled.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

Reagan was a movie star and married according to his station in life.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

I have an associate that has a smokin hot wife, former model, and she doesn’t show at his work much. He’s a famous musician singer. She goes to the awards things but you don’t hear her ever speaking about anything. They are both very private individuals off stage.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago


Fuck BBC

2 months ago

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 7db625 No.13282

Nov 30 2017 01:12:57 (EST)

Sidley Austin.

Happy hunting.


From wiki:

After law school, Vance worked for Republican Senator John Cornyn. He spent a year as a law clerk for Judge David Bunning of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky,[30] then entered private practice at the law firm Sidley Austin.

Last edited 2 months ago by Anonynnous
2 months ago

Crowdstrike issue is shutting down manufacturing for the company I work for in central Wisconsin. Anyone have more to that story?

Reply to  Aanon
2 months ago

This guy has been talking about it. From what I can tell every computer affected will need to be fixed in person. A lot of companies who outsourced their IT to india are in a pretty big bind. They don’t have enough competent locals to fix it quickly. So they will probably need to pay out the ass for a contractor to come in. Even so, its probably 30 minutes per computer to fix and if a company has 1000s you can see at least a week or two of disruption. Most mentioned issue is airports having bad delays.
Personally, I wasn’t able to play deep rock galactic last night. Will try again tonight.
This guy has been discussing it. They say it was just a bad update, but who knows. If they wanted to hide and attack they wouldn’t hesitate to lie about it.

Reply to  anonymous
2 months ago

I saw something yesterday that the Crowdstrike glitch only affected Windows 10 boxes. I’ve never understood why people buy computers with the Windows OS and refuse to update the OS until the last possible moment and sometimes beyond that. There are still people running Windows XP for some reason. There are probably people still running Windows 2000.

I talked to a friend who is a CISO yesterday. He says Crowdstrike has some really good processes in place and thinks it was an Indian contractor who deployed the bad patch. Some people think it’s a run up to a massive outage around the election. I think it would have been more widespread if it were deliberate.

I crossed a wire between Crowdstrike and CloudFlare yesterday. I had forgotten that Crowdstrike was the one who had possession of the DNC server and the FBI just took their word for it. They also had a server in the Ukraine for some reason and Trump’s first impeachment was for asking their former President about it on the “perfect phone call”. The outage also happened right around the time Trump was due to call Zelensky, so it probably was deliberate.

Feebee Anon
Feebee Anon
Reply to  anonymous
2 months ago

Call it what you like, but in my book, when software makes millions of computers go down at once, I call that a Malware Attack.

Reply to  Aanon
2 months ago

A ton of people had their cards dinged up to 50 or more times when using it at vending kiosks. That was one result. POS devices were shunted offline as well. I take calls for these. Started at 2 AM on Friday

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 months ago

However mortified RFK Jr is by his son releasing his conversation with Trump I support his son in doing what he did. If Trump holds a different opinion of vaccines other than his publicly one then he needs to clarify his position to his supporters.
In the video, Mr. Trump is heard through Kennedy’s speakerphone, agreeing with Kennedy’s discredited sentiments about vaccines before trying to coax the independent candidate into endorsing his campaign.
Kennedy’s son, Bobby Kennedy III, who posted the video before deleting it a couple hours later, wrote on X “[Trump] could have picked a unity ticket instead he picked JD “fire all the unvaccinated nurses” Vance,” Bobby Kennedy III wrote. 
Bobby Kennedy III is my people. JD Vance can eat a bag of dicks.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

I have to agree with your conclusion.

Despite several commenters here hating him, RFK,Jr. is personally well acquainted with Trump, and would have been a genuine unity ticket.

Based on several rather obscure Q related sources I read, Kennedy was supposed to fulfill exactly that role, and after the assassination attempt, Trump rewrote the script and made the boomer move of Vance.

Trump picking Vance is pretty damned lame. I’m not sure what he has up his sleeve with that pick.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 months ago

Baiting people into doing something incriminating? “Hey, just kill me and you get a Yalie for president. How can you refuse? It’s too easy.”
Seems kind of reckless.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

BKIII supports Ukraine.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Don’t care. I’m a single issue voter. Truth and justice for the scamdemic.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

Then you will not get what you want.
The Kennedy family are a pack of liars and will never deliver.
Neither Jr. nor III can be trusted.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

The unvaccinated nurses tweet was sarcasm. The context was about hospitals being overwhelmed, with Vance pointing out that people were still calling for the unvaccinated to be fired.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

You do realize the ‘fire the unvaccinated nurse’ was sarcasm?
Not a fan of Vance, but stop believing the anti-prop about him.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 months ago

Well I guess there’s a good supply, what with all that male to female trans stuff. Got to do something with the leftover parts.

2 months ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
2 months ago

There may be now legislated a valve that blocks off the cylinder(I looked this up, and it’s just a backflow valve. Nothing exciting. My old stuff does not have this.), BUT, do you think these things just fall out? Hell no. They have a spring in them that pushes a valve closed. If you use nothing, use a little common sense. It would take someone with a wrench to take this valve off. You can tell what race this is by the bald faced lie. So arrogant. Just say stuff with not even the slightest amount of common sense behind it. This is of course a pattern. They use some sort of little quibble, even if it makes not one lick of sense, to raise questions. Create doubt. Confuse us. It’s just more of the “Lunar lander is made of tin foil” stupidity. Never bothering to see that it was thick engineered aluminum with machined ribs underneath the foil. And they will repeat this over and over and over even if it makes no sense at all.

And they even use the same stupidity that they followed on 9-11 of comparing the hardness of the material and saying one can’t go through another if it’s harder. No, they have shot plastic pellets at high speeds with rail guns and driven huge holes in thick aluminum plates. It’s “total momentum”, kinetic energy, that matters. The speed is MORE important than mass. Kinetic energy(the amount of force)=1/2mV^2. So the velocity squared determines the force. That’s why a small .223 bullet at high speed will blow half your arm off. Water, steam, will cut someone in two if it escapes at high pressure.

Unfortunately for them, the internet is kicking their ass. I think they have severe metal blocks about the situation because they are genetically ingrained to spout all this nonsense and just doggedly refuse to explain, but this is not working anymore.

I wonder about the rest of you, but I have all my life generally believed people, but once I catch you in a blatant lie. Not a white lie but a blatant lie, I never believe anything else you say unless it’s backed up by a wheelbarrow full of evidence. It’s only older people who only watch TV that believe this stuff. I had a roommate that always had my TV on around 1982. So my other roommate and I took it out and shot it. We brought it back and set it back up…and he would still look at it wistfully every now and then. I bet almost ALL young people do not believe a damn word they say. And even they are fast losing any faith in these liars and their continuous gaslighting.

Strange Old Hermit
Strange Old Hermit
2 months ago

1) Alex Soros posts the glass bullet hole/$47 image.
2) Alex Soros gets engaged to HRC “assistant” Huma Abedin.
3) Soros-connected firms short Trump-related stocks, likely anticipating his death.
4) Trump (aka 47) survives the attempt on his life.
5) The above tweet about HRC incensed about another lady president.
Trump was supposed to die last week, Shit-for-Brains Biden was supposed to step down as scheduled, Hillary–who even the DNC can’t stand, and the more voters see of her, the more despicable she’s perceived– was supposed to step in to save the day, likely because the only internal poll that had her ahead was against a generic Republican. The DNC craves power more than it despises HRC.

2 months ago

3D printed RIFLE RATED silencers are now a thing. Not full auto capable. My guess is that if you printed&sintered it out of that PLA/Inconnel filament from Virtual Foundry it might actually survive. I have the files, HOWEVER I am not going to be making one of these just yet. I plan to form1 a more traditional design out of welded steel. If I had my own land I would totally but the only place I have to shoot are all public ranges and there’s always an undercover cop there(just assume). That’s trouble that I don’t need and frankly just making it easy for them.

I’m also more interested in the carbon fiber, as I was under the impression that it absolutely would not hold up. I’m thinking a K-baffle design so that individual baffles could be molded out of forged carbon fiber using 3D printed molds and a hi-temp resin. Potentially be both the lightest can on the market as well as the lowest operating temp with the caveat that you do not subject it to full auto.

I know for a fact that aluminum is a terrible choice for a 5.56 can. It heats up and literally sags under it’s own weight, which is why you see them on pistols or rimfire, but never on centerfire rifles.

PSR- Plastic Rifle Suppressors Tested

Forged Carbon Revisited: Mould Design & Strength Optimisation

2 months ago

“The Killing of the King is designed to destroy unity and create chaos. From chaos comes suggestibility, and from suggestibility, comes the ability of these people to remake society however they see fit. And it’s the idea, it’s the Judaic notion in the Kabbalah of the Ein Sof, this formless matter that can be created into anything. It’s the summoning of suggestibility. It creates confusion. The Ein Sof is this Kabbalistic idea of “god”, it is the essence of revolutionary ideology.”

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Another way of saying “Creative Destruction”?
If so, then, is the so-called ‘creative destruction’ of capitalism really a kabbalistic activity?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

It is the descendant of the Cthlonic cults that Julius Evola talked in his book “Revolt against the Modern world” about which elevates the Female of the Species and tears down the Male which promotes an unheroic vision of humanity which is fatalistic and cyclical. Reincarnation as a concept is one example of this demonic influence.

Which incidentally Jesus symbolically fulfilled. Yet somehow decisively defeating Satan in the Process by the Cross. In the Book of Revelation the blood of Jesus allowed God to end the endless cycle of History and purge the world of all evil:

Only the Lamb was worthy

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Here is the full discussion, to get more context of the Killing of the King excerpt. This guy is bringing up some pretty darn good points. For example, the only systems that exist now (my attempt to paraphrase) are Oligarchy and Monarchy. Essentially, Trump’s influence is very much Monarchical… and if ‘they’ had succeeded in wrestling his influence/power (which most here would agree is for the common good), ‘they’ the oligarchy – the hidden hand elites who pull strings can basically mold society however they want – i.e. ‘Build Back Better’. Yeah, ‘Better’ for them!

English Tom
English Tom
2 months ago

Tried to access the site today and both times a message appeared saying downloading. Never had this before. Wonder if any one else got it?

Some serious fuckery about AC. Keep up the excellent work.

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

Can confirm I also got it this AM, eastern coast time

2 months ago

“There is no victory in winning only half of America.”

Translation = fifty state landslide.

Donald Trump speaks at the RNC: FULL SPEECH

2 months ago

Titan tours the factory of US ORDINANCE outside Reno, NV, a major contract manufacturer of US military machine guns. They are not only expanding, but they are HIRING, which is why Titan is there telling us all about it. War is still scheduled boys, and they are tooling up for it.

Titans of CNC – How The CNC Machining Empire Was Built

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Or they see the coming death of he various unconstitutional infringements and want to corner the market on civilian sale, but your forever war theory is probably more likely.

2 months ago

> I find it hard to believe cops would take part in trying to take out Trump. 

Most of the cops I’ve met in meatspace were hard Left.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Most cops are go-along, get-along middle-of-the-road normies. Living embodiments of the guy in the meme that says “Wow! Crazy, huh? Didja catch the game last night?”
I have a fairly extensive sample size to draw from.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
2 months ago

Most of them, at least the few I’ve ever been around, change when that uniform goes on. Kind of like the mild Bruce Wayne suiting up to kick butt. Different mentalities.

Feebee Anon
Feebee Anon
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Security services include those that are there for

  • service
  • money
  • prestige
  • power
  • an agenda

those that are there for service, were probably, always a minority, and have been passed over & pushed out.
In Platoon, only Chris & Elias were crusaders, and Elias was murdered.

2 months ago

> carbon taxes

So they’re planning to use their power to tax to dip into my wallet to support their crack-a-doodle cultist cabon-Gaia religion. Right.

2 months ago

AC – here is an article that may be of interest to you titled “How To Simulate Auditory Hallucinations”
PDF link is here:

2 months ago

> The Biden administration on Thursday said it is forgiving $1.2 billion in student debt 
But… but… but… that’s $1.2 billion that could be going to Ukraine, that they’re pissing away on giving a bunch of deadbeats a free ride! Oh, the agony!

Not to worry, they’ll screw the money out of the citizenry somehow. That’s what the proles are for, right?

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

This round of forgiveness was from the PSLF program which was set up by Congress.

History of this program is publically available. There are similar programs for certain medical professionals–they have to work in rural areas with shortages of doctors to qualify. There is also a separate program for teachers.

2 months ago
2 months ago

> Alec Baldwin plans to sue prosecutor and sheriff after they withheld evidence during their botched bid to prosecute him over fatal Rust shooting.

Oh hell yes. Sue them and the county too, in both their official and private capacities.

Whatever you think of Baldwin, a dirty cops and presecutors are vermin that should be cut out of the system.

Just like the ones who “investigated” OJ Simpson in the 1990s, who botched things so badly he walked away going “neener-neener.”

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

He did pull the trigger like the idiot anti gunner he is, but, as you say, I don’t think he was thinking of killing anyone that day. He is a major POS though.

2 months ago

> John Deere ends support of ‘social or cultural awareness’ events, distances from inclusion efforts.

Deere’s support for whack-a-doodle causes, “geofencing” where customers could use their equipment, and avaricious service department put it on my “never buy” list long ago. I’d buy Belarus, Komatsu, or Mahindra before I’d buy John Deere. They’re not America, but they’re not declared enemies either.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

That helps. Thanks.

2 months ago

> Islamists & Romanians riot in Leeds as Police run away.
Seems to be a thing with British police. Though US cops – at least those on school duty – don’t seem any better.

A few years ago I read a news report about gunfire in Knoxville, Tennessee. The police didn’t respond until long after. When asked about the delay, KPD’s propaganda person said it was department policy to wait 20 minutes until after the last reported gunshot, because “going home safe at night was their Number One priority.”

Which tells you where Knoxville PD stands as far as “To Protect and to Serve.” I’ve wondered how many other PDs have similar policies.

Like the defense trainer guys say, “Nobody is coming to save you.”

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Remember Seattle PD abandoning their East Precinct station to the mob during the Summer of Floyd?

Reply to  SteveRogers42
2 months ago

They weren’t the only PD to cut and run from Antifa/BLM.

They’re not working for us.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  SteveRogers42
2 months ago

Could have been on orders. Never forget that the chain of command is filled with weasel traitors.

2 months ago

> Ukraine Army withdraws from another village as Russia advances.

That’s not a withdrawal, that’s a maneuver! The crafty Uke tacticians are just baiting the eeevul Rooskis into a position where they can be attacked!

Well, as long as Ukraine gets another eleventy billion dollars and shakes some more conscripts out of the woodwork. Otherwise, they get their butts kicked, and it’s all the fault of America and NATO for not emptying their wallets into Ukraine’s bank account.

2 months ago

It’s a good thing Uncle Joe says groceries haven’t gone up. Though I have no explanation as to why the formerly <$5 ice cream Mrs. TRX likes cost $8.73 an hour ago. And I noticed the package says “1.5 quarts” instead of “half gallon.”

Thank you, Uncle Joe! And now the Ministry of Plenty is going to increase our chocolate ration to 20 grammes per week, right?

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

If we had his money we’d burn ours seems to be the thing here thanks to that dimwit.

Strange Old Hermit
Strange Old Hermit
2 months ago

“Alec Baldwin plans to sue prosecutor and sheriff after they withheld evidence during their botched bid to prosecute him over fatal Rust shooting.
Too bad for the sheriff, as I imagine he was working in good faith. The prosecutor? Well, there are ways to throw a case, even if incomplete discovery is a bit amateur. Fingers crossed the decedent’s family takes Baldwin for every cent.

2 months ago
2 months ago

Big League Politics is down.

2 months ago

Disappeared math. This is a big deal.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz say discussing when they met with White House officials to discuss AI safety, the WH Officials said they could classify any area of math that they think is leading in a bad direction to make it a state secret and “it will end”, they said that they did this in the nuclear era, turning disruptive math/physics into state secrets, and that they can do this again with AI.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I’m going to be really pissy about this. Good math is clean. It feels good when you are handling it with your brain. Good chemistry has that feel, too. If they are obscuring stuff, it has an uncomfortable feeling. It’s itchy, or the texture is wrong. I can’t explain it, but it’s miserable.

These arrogant, awful, terrible, incredibly time bound, obscure people are harming the mental environment of people far better than them. It’s cruel. It’s wicked. It’s just plain mean.

This also means they promoted people who were okay with obscuring the future, true math, true research. Only second or third rate people agree to the fog of right-now-power. That means the teachers that are promoted are corrupted and wicked. That likely means they have other, quite awful, personality flaws that they let these people inflict on their vulnerable students.

Between the Pollock art, the Epstein and Maxwell at the writers’ camp, and this? Nauseating horror. These people sacrificed our innocent best to their minotaur.

2 months ago

♦ ALL IS NOT LOST – In everything that happens, the geopolitical power players -including the Intelligence Community- have what are called “strategic interests.” Meaning, they plan out their future position based on current events (data), pathways and predictions.

Some of these power structures are, putting it mildly, not good. In fact, they are eroding liberty, freedom and making us serfs. We feel it daily.

In order to best weaken them and/or make them more vulnerable, you put them into a position where they cannot strategize the future because they cannot confirm a data point in their pathway.

Having a known 2028 U.S. presidential nominee gives them the ability to plan for it. They are able to make moves to get beyond the 2024 to 2028 challenges they face; they look toward who they will be faced with as an opponent in ’28.

From that position, they conduct enemy operations against Trump’s strategy…. they essentially plan to outlast him, ignore him, put on a mask when they talk to him etc.

President Trump, making it known who will be the ’28 nominee actually gives his opposition power. Essentially makes Trump’s position less strong.

Had Trump selected a “one-term” running mate (I don’t care who it would have been), the opposition would not know what to expect in 2028. They are then forced to focus every day on what Trump is doing now. That opposition cannot look forward (proactive), they are forced to react. They are kept vulnerable.

Do you want your enemies planning, or do you want them reacting to the unknown variables?

Do you want them focused on your attack, or do you want them brushing you off as irrelevant in the longer term?

Do you want them on their heels each day/week as they try to figure out what you are doing…. or do you want them to know the destination ahead, regardless of the daily or weekly policy moves?

By selecting a VP nominee that will be the 2028 presidential nominee (what 90% of short-sighted people wanted), Trump can give greater power to the ideological enemy.

For the next four years, the deep state at home and geopolitical enemy abroad, must not know what they will face in the future.

From that position of potential vulnerability, they are forced to focus on daily events and counterstrategies, while unable -by design- to compromise the future opponent.

I never resign Trump to a failed position, as long as there is a way to turn a necessary decision into a winning and more powerful position.

The problem of Peter Thiel, his network and the potential problem JD Vance represents can be dealt with.

President Donald J Trump makes it very well known, and constantly reminds people for 3 years, that if JD Vance sucks, flinches, is inept or doesn’t follow orders, then JD Vance doesn’t get the 2028 endorsement. Thankfully, I saw the first indications of this last night during President Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC Convention.

For Trump supporters and all supporters of the goal to deconstruct the worst and most toxic elements of the Deep State, we must support that tenuous 2028 endorsement message. After all, we are expecting Vance to uphold actionable policies against the interests of his benefactors.

Those benefactors and the aligned Vance influence network includes Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Bill Ackman, David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Jacob Helberg, Vivek Ramaswamy and of course, many more.

I don’t care about anything that happened prior to that 2013 inflection point, the tap on the shoulder at Yale. James Donald Bowman, aka JD Vance’s background construct as lived or as sold is irrelevant to me. We do not have the time to be emotionally attached to any individual. We need actionable results.

We are not going to be battered conservatives, pushed yet again into the position of Charlie Brown to Lucy’s deep state, ‘trust the plan‘ football. The trust account of the American electorate is bankrupt. Corruption is running amok.

The threat to JD Vance’s political career must be actual, loud and repeated often to keep the toxic IC and domestic Silo operators guessing. While simultaneously, every righteous attack takes down a small IC silo segment like a bite out of an elephant.

We accept that this approach is going to make Peter Thiel, JD Vance and the entire Thiel/Musk network quite unhappy.


More at:

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Molecular resonance detection from handheld tech.

2 months ago

California Confiscating Guns in Every State

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

That is astounding but not unexpected. With the government labeling its opponents ‘terrorists’; then everyone not a Democrat or atheist is is a terrorist and can be disarmed; and if speech is ‘violence’, there is an automatic ‘red flag’.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

A few friends and I have a compact. Not all the guns in our homes are ours, and not all of our guns are in our homes.

We spread the risk should one of our homes be raided and property confiscated, and we can re-arm without anyone outside the compact knowing.

Same thing for safe deposit boxes, by the way.

2 months ago

TRUMP: “We want people to come into our country but they have to come into our country LEGALLY.”

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 19, 2024

NO! We are full!
You stupid Boomer.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

But, first things first. JMO: this is how Trump handles things. We are miles away from debating legal immigration. Trump takes the benign approach to try to remove the stigma of irrational xenophobia from the debate over illegal invaders. And he makes the central contention about a perfectly rational and reasonable issue, legal versus illegal, not people or ethnicities.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Tonawanda
2 months ago

Stop with the 4D chess crap!

Trump is already making lousy moves again, and he hasn’t even been elected yet.

Enough about legal immigrants. Let’s focus relentlessly on Legacy Americans and how we have been screwed every which way but loose for 2 generations.

There are 200 million white Americans in this country, and we deserve to be placed back on the front burner because we are the ones propping this entire society up and keeping it running.

Q’s BS about mass arrests and resetting the economy and the dollar, as well as exposing the depth of the corruption for all to see appears to be getting memory holed as Trump warms up for another 4 year dance with the Deep State, where nothing truly ground breaking ever gets done.

Personally, I think Trump got spooked by the attempted hit, and flipped the script on his handlers, picking Vance being the most obvious signal.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 months ago

Not 4D chess, common sense based on human experience and the ability to prioritize.

Reply to  Tonawanda
2 months ago

Good point

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

His wife came to the US legally.

Who doesnt want hot women to come to the US legally?

Reply to  Ting-Tong
2 months ago

Anyone with brains.
But even by that logic we should only allow women. (after repealing the 19thA)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

You would give US men no other option other than marriageable american women.


Last edited 2 months ago by Ting-Tong
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ting-Tong
2 months ago

East Indian influx into America will absolutely destroy this nation, whic has already been absolutely destroyed by influx of Muslims and Africans, and, I dare say East Asians and Jews. None of these people are — or can/will ever be Americans. Sorry if that offends you.
Indians are the worst, though.

2 months ago

Trump shooter Thomas Crooks had “3 encrypted overseas accounts” — Rep. Michael Waltz (R–FL).” They also said that Steam, a game distribution service on which he allegedly made a public post, was an “encrypted” service. They couldn’t have encrypted his public post and still displayed it.
They also said that Discord, a server-based chat service in which everyone connected to your server can view or listen to every message, is an “encrypted” service. Again, the server had everything un-encrypted.
We need to be told what these three allegedly “encrypted” overseas accounts are, and soon. Based on what they have said about Steam and Discord, the alleged encryption is simply the expected client-to-server fig leaf, not the kind that the U.S. would have had a problem with lawfully bypassing; we need to know whether Congress is being told lies about those other three services as well.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
2 months ago

Grand New Party: Bush, Cheney, Romney, Pence, Ryan not speaking at RNC.

Not speaking, and not missed. At all. Go away, traitors.