Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Awesome conspiracy article of the day is here, where the reporter went to a witness who had filed a report with the FBI, saying they saw a missile travel up and hit TWA Flight 800 off the coast of New York, and told them the FBI filed a report of a second interview with them where the witness admitted they were drunk and really had no idea what they had seen. And the witness was never even interviewed a second time, and the interview contained details such as the name of the drink they claimed they were drunk on, which the witness had never even heard of. And the guy who was trying to run a private investigation, was arrested and tried for conspiracy, as was his wife, with the wife charged simply for introducing him at a party to a friend who mentioned in passing something was wrong with the official case. Worth a read, even though it only scratches the surface, because this one shows you we were in Banana Republic territory all the way back in the mid 90’s, when I think I saw them rigging an election electronically. The only difference was we did not have the internet to bypass the FakeNews media propagandists back then, so keeping the secret was easier. Now an even bigger mind blower – every politician you saw on TV, talking about the Constitution, and our innate freedoms, and acting as if our elections were real, knew something was terribly, horribly wrong. Most probably grew up doing surveillance like nobody would believe as kids. And all of them stuck to the lines in their script, and spoke about all of the meaningless bullshit that had no relation to reality – helping to keep you blind to the evil that enslaved you.
A PhD Theologian back in 1995 relates the plan he has heard, to create mandatory vaccines which will contain material of an electromagnetic nature which will coalesce in people’s brains, allowing their ability to think to be disrupted by the application of electromagnetic fields. I find it interesting, as Cabal has a real problem with high-IQ people, but only certain ones. And if they just put a mental retardant into the water, the rest of the population would end up spending all day finger-painting each other’s faces and eating crayons by the time they got us down to a normal level of function, thereby reducing the value of the sheep to the elites. This technology would actually allow them to drop the IQs of smart people by a set amount, selectively through their next door observation post by beaming EMF into their houses, and nobody would ever know. The smart person would just gradually lose the ability to think clearly. And we have now seen vaccines which might contain a magnetic material which they are probably going to make mandatory at some point, so this guy scored a hit there.
An interesting piece by Matt Taibbi on how the media runs cover and propagandizes directly for America’s intelligence agencies. If you want to see why we can have as much as 10% of our population in a civilian informant network building files on our children in school with reports from other child informers, that machine can outright kill a reporter like Michael Hastings, and nobody in our media tries to expose it, this article is it. All the reporters quoted in the piece are actually intelligence agents posing as reporters, and running cover for the machine. I am surprised Taibbi didn’t run cover as well. From the article:
The reaction [to Tucker Carlson’s accusations] was swift, mocking, and ferocious. “Carlson is sounding more and more like InfoWars host and notorious conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones,” chirped CNN media analyst Brian Stelter. Vox ripped Carlson as a “serial fabulist” whose claims were “evidence-free.” The Washington Post quipped that “in a testament to just how far the credibility of Tucker Carlson Tonight has cratered,” even groups like Pen America and the Reporters Committee on the Freedom of the Press were no-commenting the story, while CNN learned from its always-reliable “people familiar with the matter” that even Carlson’s bosses at Fox didn’t believe him…
The NSA story took a turn on the morning of July 7th last week, when Carlson… said that it would shortly come out that the NSA “leaked the contents of my email to journalists,” claiming he knew this because one of them called him for comment. On cue, hours later, a piece came out in Axios, “Scoop: Tucker Carlson sought Putin interview at time of spying claim.”
In a flash, the gloating and non-denial denials that littered early coverage of this story (like the NSA’s meaningless insistence that Carlson was not a “target” of surveillance) dried up. They were instantly replaced by new, more tortured rhetoric, exemplified by an amazingly loathsome interview conducted by former Bush official Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC. The Wallace panel included rodentine former Robert Mueller team member Andrew Weissman, and another of the networks’ seemingly limitless pool of interchangeable ex-FBI stooge-commentators, Frank Figliuzzi.
Weissman denounced Carlson for sowing “distrust” in the intel community, which he said was “so anti-American.” Wallace, who we recall was MSNBC’s idea of a “crossover” voice to attract a younger demographic, agreed that Carlson had contributed to a “growing chorus of distrust in our country’s intelligence agencies.” Figliuzzi said the playbook of Carlson and the GOP was to “erode the public’s trust in their institutions.” Each made an identical point in the same words minus tiny, nervous variations, as if they were all trying to read the same statement off a moving teleprompter.
Granite Grok lays out why the Windham Audit was a sham, and how everybody in the election machine up there knows there is no way Joe Biden got nearly as many votes as is claimed in the certified total. He says everyone in the political machine needs their First in the Nation primary, and if they exposed the fraud, they would have exposed the Deep State, and it would have retaliated by revoking their first in the nation status.
NY enacts election reforms making it easier to obtain an absentee ballot.
Wisconsin lawmaker calls for ‘full forensic audit’ after Georgia and Arizona updates.
Victor Davis Hanson notes – “The two parties are switching class constituents. Some 65% of the Americans making more than $500,000 a year are Democrats, and 74% of those who earn less than $100,000 a year are Republicans, according to IRS statistics.” Cabal has been taking over the upper class positions in society because they have all the advantages in this corrupt system. And now with Trump taking the Republican Party from all the Cucks and RINOs, the Democrat Party is the only party of Cabal left.
Catholic Diocese in Connecticut is filing for bankruptcy with 60 pending sexual abuse lawsuits. One thing you should realize, if you are reading this a century hence and this cycle is repeating, is that once an intel operation gains a foothold, it inverts everything it targets, and eventually it targets everything. so essentially, it penetrates all of the obviously good and turns it bad. Organizations designed to fight corruption become organizations designed to discover who opposes corruption so they may be defeated and corruption may survive. National security organizations become devoted to the destruction of national security, and intelligence organizations end up actually working for the enemy. Counter-intelligence organizations end up becoming intelligence agencies devoted to treason. Crime-fighting organizations become crime-protecting organizations. Child-protection organizations become fronts for child trafficking and abuse. Your neighbor becomes the asset trying to help the machine get one-up on you. Because intelligence infiltrates that which would oppose its evil and turns those organizations to its end, it is a natural state for everything the masses think about the world to become actually a direct inversion of the truth. And you will look positively insane of you try to explain how it is to them.
Cuba resorting to citizen spies, plainclothes cops to crush dissent. A sign of a desperate regime is one which is willing to burn its domestic civilian intelligence network to hold onto power. I never got the feeling the increased exposure of that neighborhood network was desperation here in America though. I got the impression it was being done on an assumption that in a few years it wouldn’t have mattered if everyone knew. Now, I don’t get the same feel so much. It feels like they want to pull it back, as if something changed.
This article says Black Rifle Coffee is most likely selling out conservatives because it wants to go public. More like they were approached and told if they helped demoralize the right by selling them out, they would get a rich public offering. That, or this was the deal from the beginning. There might have even been a charismatic vet who was trying to start such a coffee company, surveillance reported it up the chain of command, it was judged a threat, and this was launched with online support to suck up his oxygen. I supported them back when it looked like they were pro-gun. We should have a rule, if you want to play with us, you admit 9/11 was an inside job with Mossad at least aware of it, and then you have to read my surveillance page and admit there is a massive domestic surveillance operation. That would weed out all Cabal companies.
Rand Paul predicts inflation will hit double digits with the Democrat spending plan.
GOP House Leader McCarthy is funding 5 of 10 pro-Impeachment House Reps. And you know every one of them is a hard-core traitor.
Article on Ed Buck’s trial, which is describing all the weird stuff he did, torturing homeless black guys, lighting their genitals on fire, injecting them with drugs against their will, etc. What I find fascinating is that right next door his neighbor was watching all of it, maybe interrupting Ed and calling over to remind him to drink more water, or eat more food, and probably videotaping it all, and hoping with each one it wouldn’t produce another dead body and endanger their asset. And Ed was probably positioning the unconscious guy he was about to assault for the camera, because he enjoyed people watching.
A new “free speech and privacy first” phone unveiled this week is raising red flags due to its lack of specifications, with one report suggesting it’s just a rebranding of a budget Chinese phone. I saw a Newsweek article on it, so Cabal-media support is behind it. Try making your own fortune in Bitcoin outside of the machine, putting together an honest phone to fuck over the watchers, and see if Newsweek is going to give you a feature article for publicity to launch your venture. Look above at what happens when Tucker mentions an intelligence agency was spying on him.
Covid surges in many highly vaccinated populations at the same time the 15 least vaccinated countries don‘t seem to face any problem. It would not be surprising most new cases of COVID are actually side effects of being vaccinated. Either that, or it might be time to start talking about antibody dependent enhancement being produced by the vaccine. That would fit. Fauci has been wrong about literally everything at every step. Him demanding everyone take a vaccine which made the pandemic worse would be exactly what I would expect.
British funeral director says, ‘Number of deaths skyrocketed after start of corona vaccinations.’
28 fully vaccinated people Contract COVID at a homeless shelter in California.
Diabetics make up 40% of COVID deaths in US, experts say.
Pfizer COVID vaccine is significantly less effective against the Delta variant.
Vaccinated U.K. Health Secretary Tests Positive For COVID-19.
French Business Owners Face Prison and €45k fines for not checking vax passports.
Five times more children committed suicide than died of COVID-19 during the lockdown in the UK.
Dem Rep Joyce Beatty storms the US Capitol, and is arrested and released soon after, while Trump supporters languish in isolation in prison for 6 months for the exact same offense. I always felt there should be a law that it is an affirmative defense to be able to show a powerful person committed the same crime and was not punished for it, so the law is null and void.
Police retire in record numbers in crime-ridden Chicago.
Chicago murder suspects reportedly roam streets on electronic monitoring at an alarming rate.
California electric grid operator says electric vehicles should not be charged during shortages.
Popular podcaster Mat George dies at 26 in hit and run. It doesn’t even have to be a hit. Once you get popular, you have all this traffic running all around you all the time, your chances of dying like this would go up even if they didn’t want to kill you. And if one runs you over, they can’t exactly hang around. It is like Roger Stone getting T-boned on his way to court by a driver who took off.
Eric Greitens last among Missouri GOP Senate candidates in fundraising for second quarter. A good measure he is not Cabal, and is probably one of our’s.
Austria becomes the first European country to ban the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.
Louisiana lawmakers may override Governor veto on Constitutional Carry.
The Biden administration, continuing a Trump policy, seeks to stop ASML from selling China ASML machines crucial to manufacturing advanced microprocessors. Patriots still in control?
Tom Cotton to introduce legislation to stop military officers from teaching Critical Race Theory.
President Trump says, ‘Why even wait’ to decertify Arizona, irregularities amount to ‘hundreds of thousands of votes.’ Using Trump’s statements to gather emails may be useful, but a lot of his statements don’t broadcast as widely. I don’t rebroadcast his statements here unless they get into the public domain to avoid offering an alternate outlet and getting in the way of his email-gathering. But if SHTF, it might be advantageous to have his statements broadcast more widely. Just a few of his words, heard by his supporters changes everything.
“Michigan Republicans want to pass a blitz of legislation that verifies the individual’s right to vote in the key battleground state — and they have an audacious plan to get their ideas enacted despite Gov Whitmer’s opposition.”
From the article,
“…some of the dozens of proposals from GOP lawmakers appear to serve no purpose other than to make voting onerous enough that it disenfranchises voters. A pair of bills that passed the state House, for example, could force at least some voters to show ID twice on two separate occasions — once at their polling place and again to a county clerk located at a central government office — or else their ballot will be tossed out….”
OMG, I can’t catch my breath. My hearts beating out of control…they have to show their ID TWICE!!!!!!!!!
It’s time to go into a full panic as no one, why I can’t think of anyone, ever who will show their ID twice!!! to vote.
I’m sure we all know that Blacks when asked to show their ID twice!! will obviously KNOW that the police will come and put their knees in their backs and choke them until they are dead. This obviously an attempt at complete genocide of all Black people in the State of Michigan.
The question here is whether blacks can show THE SAME ID twice!
I’ve seen video of regular blacks offended by the Democrats claiming they can’t find their way to a DMV or get ID, so none of that is to appeal to them. All of this is just a cover to explain why they want vote by mail, and no voter ID. I’m still astonished we never elected a candidate, probably in two decades, and maybe in our lives.
“Veteran actor Gary Graham slammed racial identity politics…”
Identity politics are fine until…White people start looking after their interest.
“The Biden administration, continuing a Trump policy, seeks to stop ASML from selling China ASML machines crucial to manufacturing advanced microprocessors. Patriots still in control?”
Have a look at this link and the exchange below:
Doocy: “Now that you’ve had a few days to think about it, does this White House still think the protests in Cuba are happening because people are upset about a rise in COVID cases there, or is there some thought maybe you’ve given to the possibility that they are protesting because they are sick of communism?”
Psaki: “Well, uh, Peter, first I would say communism is a failed ideology, and we certainly believe that. It has failed the people of Cuba”
Communists don’t come right out and call communism a failed ideology unless there’s a loaded gun pointed at their head
Very true.
The following list of groups used for Gang Stalking only represents some of the groups responsible for the Gang Stalking of Targeted Individuals. In actuality, these groups only have the outward illusion of separateness, and are, in fact, one single Satanic cult:
Initiates of secret societies and fraternal orders, such as Freemasons, Elks, Fraternal Order of Police, Shriners, Knights of Columbus, Klu-Klux-Klan, etc., and the sororal societies for females of their bloodlines, such as Daughters of the Eastern Star, and the spouses and children (who may or may not themselves be witches) of the initiated.
Initiates of college fraternal and sororal organizations; i.e. “training wheel” Masons, young adult children of Freemasons who assist in persecuting the Elect as a sort of rite of passage and cult service after having received childhood training
Members of modern spin-off cults under the Satanic umbrella such as Scientology and the Mankind Project (MKP), among many others, and their spouses and children
Members of almost all outlaw biker gangs, such as the most predominant Satanic biker gang, Hells Angels.
Members of one of the 4 branches that comprise the Italian Mafia family, which is one of the 13 Illuminati bloodlines and is used as the attack dog of the other elite bloodlines.
Current and former military intelligence personnel and Special Ops of any nation’s military, even if “retired” or “no longer enlisted” (deep cover)—there is no retiring from these security clearance MOS, as one is considered government property, i.e. owned by the Devil
The entire rest of the global intelligence “community” (and their spouses and children); intelligence agencies were instituted by the global Satanic coven, and are, by design, Luciferian, and becoming an agent or an operative—or sometimes even just an asset—means being initiated into the Satanic cult. “Retired” intelligence agents and operatives remain sleeper cells the rest of their lives as members of The Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO).
Make contact with Yahushua Ha’Mashiach, the Son of YHVH, a Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind. Gang Stalking is, at it’s heart, exopolitical. And the Fallen Angels who covertly rule earth tremble in fear at the return of the One Person who can help you. He will personally guide your every step to guide you out of this Satanic Gang Stalking matrix, answer your every question, fight your every battle, if you reach out to Him with all of your heart to make first contact. Preincarnate from the Beginning as one of the Elohim, He was reborn on this planet as the demigod Son of YHVH. After He was assassinated, He was resurrected by His biological and spiritual Father, Who gave Him all of the keys (MEs)—that is—all of the power and authority of the Creator of the cosmos, restoring Him to Elohim status, glorified all the greater. Yahushua called Himself our “friend”. That means that the extraterrestrial King of planet Earth can be your personal friend and spiritual guide. But He respects your freewill as sovereign, so you must allow Him to affect your reality by choosing to let Him in. He will come to you personally. And he will also send the Helper (Ruach Ha’Kodesh).
Freemasons call Gang Stalking, an ancient form of Satanic Ritual Abuse, “The Silent Dagger” or the “White Glove Treatment”. Targeted Individuals of the Bible were targeted by the same Gang Stalking program that you as an Elect Saint of the End Time are today. In recent times, secret societies have engineered “intelligence agencies” in order that the ancient persecutory system can masquerade under the names of various covert operations carried out in the modern age, interfacing the existing ancient components of magic, infiltration, discrediting campaigns, noise campaigns, street theater, directed conversations, frame-ups, set-ups, poisoning, and witchcraft, and orchestrated trauma with technology, thereby streamlining their Satanic methods. However, the technological aspect of Targeting is relatively minor, as it is largely a supernatural phenomenon, and the concept of a modern “black op” essentially amounts to a disinformational whitewash to keep Targeted Individuals from discovering the ultimately spiritual nature of this covert war. You aren’t always being surveilled by just technology, but also by familiar spirits and remote viewers who watch and report back to the witches and sorcerers who are actively carrying out the Satanic Ritual Abuse, a trauma-based mind control that relies heavily on spells and curses put on you.
I think we’re converging on truth here.
Now that last part about curses is weird. Way back, I was like four or five years old. My dad took me out to the store while my mom was off doing something else, so the house was unoccupied for like fifteen, maybe twenty minutes. As we came back, a bunch of Hispanics were hustling single file out of the woods in front of our house, to a car parked by the side of the road, and they were freaked out we saw them. My dad confronted them, but they ran and jumped in the car and took off, and when he went in the woods, they had set up some sort of ritual sacrifice with smaller rocks arranged around a central, larger rock, with one dead full grown chicken and a bunch of little chicks, maybe a dozen, arrayed around them. They had apparently slit the throats of the animals one by one, and been spraying the middle rock with each animal’s blood as they died. They came back later and took the big rock in the middle of the night.
Even as a little kid, I thought it was always one of those strange things, which had to be so perfectly timed to our departure to get it all done in the woods in that short time we were gone, with the arranging of the rocks, and the bleeding out of each chicken, I wondered what were the chances they would be driving around randomly, and end up beginning doing that the instant after we left, so they could get it all in during this short period at our house while it was unoccupied. Now I wonder if surveillance knew we were going out, and had them waiting that day until we all left and got them in there that instant.
I’d blow it off, but whatever this is definitely has an occult-belief aspect to it, and I remember seeing the gangstalking/surveillance network around back then when we’d go out to the store. One of the little kids in my kindergarten class I later saw doing vehicular surveillance later on at the end of high school, so they were all around me as a kid.
Had to read that twice. But yes, I’ve seen weird references to occultic stuff in my life (always from weirdos and foreigners). It should always get your dander up when you hear muslims saying voodoo stuff. That’s what always freaked me out, in College the UN circus was in town, and they were all good friends somehow. Hispanics and Haitians, Muslims and Asians, Blacks and Jews- and they were all with degenerate liberals, and they all dropped occult references. The Whore of Babylon that corrupts all nations is real.
Hey ac, have you ever heard of the video game Escape From Tarkov? If not, its a realistic military shooter. Very fun. Anyways, its a shooter, so think pmcs vs looters type stuff. The weird thing is the game will occasionally spawn cultists at night who wear robes and have ritual knives. The game has been around for a couple years and recently added the cultists, but its always had rooms that would have candles and painted symbols on the ground. I always found it weird how a military shooter game would have references to horror type elements. I think the developers may know a thing or two about a thing or two.
That is possible. I am astonished how what I thought was a savvy, intelligent view of the world must have looked retarded to the Cabal people around me, who had the real scoop. I would never have believed any American would have allowed 9/11, but I think a big chunk of the population knew that day it had to have been allowed by somebody.
I’ve gone from thinking the occult was a load of nonsense for opium-chugging degenerates, with at best some auto-suggestive powers over the occultist; to thinking there is a strong supernatural aspect to our reality. The supernatural isn’t mechanical in its operations, so it’s difficult to pin down & analyse, let alone prove, but I’ve had enough weird experiences to believe it’s all the same real & active. Many years ago I was interested in Parapsychology, a neglected & ill-funded & generally disreputable branch of Psychology, and thought it was so ill-funded because of academic snobbery. I’m now wondering if the funding is denied because the elites don’t want mainstream understanding of e.g. telepathy; and if the elites actually have large libraries and their own researchers (think of Epstein cosying up to scientists) and know a lot more about Parapsychology than we do. Certainly, many of the elites seem to take the darker side of the occult seriously (Satanism etc.), and so many weird things happened from 2016-2020, both on the part of Trump and the Cabal, that I wondered if some actions, e.g. mass shootings, were intended to serve some occult purpose, the “silent war” war to which Q sometimes alluded. I couldn’t really see why mass shootings served any political purpose, since they seemed to push the public to become more pro-gun, yet they always happened when Trump’s people seemed about to strike. The mass shootings had a darkly sacramental quality, as does the vaccine.
Then there’s the Latin Mass (attacked at the same time as Hart-Celler opened the floodgates, give or take a few years) – I went to one a couple of weeks ago and there is definitely “a kind of magic” there. I also wonder if Trump mandated that Government buildings must henceforth be in Classical style not merely for aesthetic but for “magical” reasons (the two seem to blur into each other).
There’s also a lot of truly bizarre Project Looking Glass stuff which suggests an ability to perceive likely timelines. It could be that e.g. a 99% probability timeline was that Trump used the military to stay in power in January 2021 and this led to his death and the triumph of Cabal, and Trump’s people couldn’t see WHY this would be the case, but were trying to get as close to that point as possible in the hope that particular timeline would alter or become clear (e.g. if some of Trump’s trusted people were traitors). I find these speculations difficult, as I have no direct experience with it, and can’t find any reliable info about Looking Glass, but it would clarify a lot of Q’s feints & predictions, as if he were playing a chess game where he could intuit that a certain innocuous move would 70% lead to ruin, if another move followed, and so he was as it were toying with the pieces and saying “j’adoube”, to see what timelines would unfold.
I’d be immensely curious to read the Cabal’s library of parapsychological research, if it exists; though I suppose it’s probably rather grim reading, judging from people like Marina Abramović. A pity you couldn’t have uh invited some of your Mexican visitors into the cellar for a nice cup of tea, and conducted a bit of parapsychological research with a claw hammer to find out what they were up to. My guess is, there is something about your family which interests the Cabal, and for whatever reason they can’t just have you assassinated. There could be an element of supernatural protection which prevents such direct action, so they instead want you to go nuts and top yourself or die by cop.
I’m unsure what to make of it but my elderly father has occasionally had experiences of something almost like positive gangstalking, I mean that people just randomly turn up, knowing who he is when he needs help, and help him without saying anything, e.g. he was close to collapse trying to walk back uphill to his house and a Jaguar stopped, the driver opened the door and said “get in”; my father “who are you? What do you want?”, the driver “I know who you are, get in and I’ll help”, my father got in the back and the driver drove him to his house, without my father having to tell him the address, the driver politely refused to say how he knew my father or the address, and drove off after my father alighted. My father is “kind of” famous in his town so I suppose maybe people recognise him and when they see he needs help they go over to assist, but it’s still a bit odd. He’s also rather paranoid and convinced the government have every aspect of our lives on file somewhere. He’s cagey about anything important so I wouldn’t be surprised if he has reasons for paranoia, which he has never told me and never will. Sorry for mass of text, I’ve been waiting ages for someone to turn up to a video conference and can’t focus to do anything except write as I wait.
I’m the same way. at 20 I was non-religious and thought what hard science knew was all there was, and everything worked like we thought. Now I believe God is watching all of us, and moving many of us like chess pieces, I accept it as fact Cabal, the very people who run the world believe the occult is a real science, and I will be unsurprised if we find out there is another dimension with intelligent entities who will intervene here in some ways, if “approached” in certain ways.
Make sure your Christology remains accurate. I think your statement is veering strangely towards Arianism. Stick to the Nicene Creed:
“We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father [the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God,] Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
By whom all things were made [both in heaven and on earth];
Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down and was incarnate and was made man;
He suffered, and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven;
From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
And in the Holy Ghost.
[But those who say: ‘There was a time when he was not;’ and ‘He was not before he was made;’ and ‘He was made out of nothing,’ or ‘He is of another substance’ or ‘essence,’ or ‘The Son of God is created,’ or ‘changeable,’ or ‘alterable’— they are condemned by the holy catholic and apostolic Church.]”
Christ was truly God even during his incarnation. God’s Deity in Christ Jesus isn’t diminished with the incarnation as implied by calling him “Demi-God”.
And God is Elohim unlike any other Elohim. Truly unique and above them all. Elohim(Which is at the Hebrew Root “Power”)::
“California electric grid operator says electric vehicles should not be charged during shortages.”
What I’ve seen is that they want your EV continually hooked up to the grid so they can draw power from its battery during rolling brownouts. The way some laws and contracts are worded you can shell out $50k for a Tesla, and not be allowed to charge it at your convenience. State environmental regulators can even come and take your battery away.
The always tell you some “new” and “improved” way of doing things is better, but it’s just bs and another way to rob you blind.
“Veteran actor Gary Graham slammed racial identity politics in a Facebook post this week, touting his membership in a new “club” he called the “National Association for the Advancement of People Who Don’t Give a Shit What Color Anybody’s Skin Is.” ”
The guy is a full blown Gnostic. That is a Leftist statement. When anybody says that, he is saying that there is no objective truth for EACH particularity teaches itself, differentiates itself.
Well, didn’t Charles Murray in his book The Bell Curve—prove, scientifically, the differences of IQ?
And we should let the Low IQ roam around and vote?
Did not God create Nations? When Graham said that—that is an act of genocide.
Graham’s statement is fully engaged in Evil. It is Nihilist. It is destroying.
Wisdom is the paying heed to the Nature of things. Graham says we shouldn’t—marks him as a fool.
This is insightful
>Awesome conspiracy article of the day is here
American Thinker is getting in on the conspiracy game, huh? Ever since pizzagate happened, and all the research and details that came to light as a result I have said “Everyone is a conspiracy theorist now”. Not only directly from those emails, but indirectly because once people saw it was possible they started digging through other events and uncovering all sorts of sordid things. They also noticed that for the most part, the “elite” were advertising what they were up to the entire time. People just couldn’t read between the lines well enough to get it. Of course, their occult beliefs require them to tell everyone whats up in some form so they can claim that they must accept what we are doing if they don’t do anything about it when we are telling them. Here is a particularly disturbing case of hiding in plain sight:
Deeply disgusting topic, but your article gave some insights on things I hadn’t connected before. E.g. an elite contact who could wrap his tongue around his nose, or what that stabbing victim outside the bar was trying to find out by showing me the Athenian tetradrachm on a chain around his neck and asking me if I knew what it meant.
BTW is your avatar just cheeky, or does the left eye of an owl supposed to say something more?
> Police retire in record numbers in crime-ridden Chicago.
Chicago signed off some *very* fat retirement packages for various types of city employees, including the police. Those retirement payments are a crushing burden on the nearly-bankrupt city. There have been occasional rumors of the city “restructuring” or simply defaulting on payments.
Some smaller cities have, and gotten away with it. The average officer-in-the-street might be considering now is the time to grab some of that retirement money before it fades away; they can retire, start drawing their CPD retirement, *and* find a job in some sheriff’s department or less-shithole city.
see, the “biden economy” will rescue one industry…
” … that machine can outright kill a reporter like Michael Hastings, and nobody in our media tries to expose it, …”
Anyone remember Danny Casolaro?
The Promis software was/is so advanced that it’s still in use. It was designed in the 1980’s (stolen from the original designer by Inslaw), and came to public prominence when ex-CIA officer Charles Hayes purchased a Cray supercomputer via gov’t. auction that was known by Hayes to contain the Promis software, and Hayes with his associates loaded the Cray into a big rig and were driving around using it to break into bank accounts of politicians, etc..
Hayes was responsible for Patsy Schroeder resigning from Congress (she was being touted as a possible candidate for POTUS) when he accessed secret bank accounts Schroeder had in Switzerland which revealed corruption. Hayes was tracked down and imprisoned.
Yes! Perfect example. There was a reporter out in Vegas, who happened on a different thread. He was investigating a money laundering accountant who appeared to be working as an agent of some intel op, who got kidnapped and then disappeared, and he and Casolaro were talking about the case because it was related. The reporter went out ot his car at the end of the night, and saw Police across the street. He walked over and a guy who just happened to have the exact same old model car, in the same color, was walking to it when somebody put a 25ACP to the back of his ear and killed him.
“Anyone remember Danny Casolaro?”
I remember him. I think I read a paperback book about him. The book was named, I’m guessing, “The Octopus” or something like that.
Charles Hayes. Is that guy the guy that Sheriff Joe Arpaio talked about? I heard a talk taped between Sheriff Joe Arpaio and someone else where they talked about a hacker. This guy was supposed to and did hack all the bank accounts of most the banks all over the world and gave the accounts, names and amounts in them to some guy in CIA for some sort of pardon he wanted. If real, Sheriff Joe Arpaio knew all kinds of stuff. I mean really sketchy stuff. Maybe that’s why they cheated him in the primary and got rid of him.
Something always fishy about Tucker. My amygdalae does not trust him, nor what he is. Not a bit. A most talented agent provocutuer with other cabal assets working together to gull the shit of of the unwary. They have perfected a highly skilled emotional manipulation roller coaster, with an audience of millions, and it’s simple pie for the rest of the 5th column see eye ay yellow media to assist in providing an illusion of legitimacy for Tucker via scripted timely attacks on him. Making him “one of us” Tucker as on our side, is a sly emotional tactic and crafty use of fear as a social engineering tool.
Tucker is a control. A very excellent sophisticated control. Note he never divulges or presents anything which is a revelation to any of us K Strategist’s who are cognizant if events and the machine’s methods of operation, he is timely only in the consistantly seeming impression of a new expose, each new “revelation” presented breathlessly with outrage easily identified with. It is pretty insidious. At every turn millions of good folks played for total suckers, using their natural good nature and positive hopes for redress and resolution against them. This works with good folks who are not right on top of systemic institutionalized gaslighting or people who have a crystal clear cognitive critical thinking sense of how the machine decieves us.
Tucker and his controlls risk nothing then, what they accomplish is damage control, cunning sly diversion, sleight of hand, and in increasing degrees quelling and tamping legitimate outrage, a most important control of all, as good folks all over are becoming increasingly unified, of a same mind, re-discovering solidarity, shaking off the effects of decades of divide and conquer, on the verge of awareness they are indeed a plurality who are unalienable, this being an essential key for good folks prevailing against cabal.
Lot of it has been memory holed. Tucker for example, is a long time patron with a permanent table reserved at a known pizzagate like child trafficking front restaurant, having a long familiar acquaintance with it’s proprietor, to the degree Tucker has a special “dish” on the menu in his honor.
Why would such a seeming patriotic American family man on our side possess such an association to begin with? Would any of us good folks do such a thing? How would we even concieve of such? Particularly if we are genuine honest red blooded American people with Christian Western values and codes.
They gull us, they are expert professionals at this science of controlling minds and perceotions.
What we all must do and it is well within or power, is counter psy-op. The trick is hearts and minds, winning ourselves. Use the energy of our addictions to outrage porn against the machine, its not hard, its good to think of it as winning the minds is a science, and winning the hearts is an art.
Thats grassfire stuff, its open source insurgency on the 4th G psychological battle ground, its fruit is unity and solidarity. They cant beat us if we keep our nerves, they cant win if we refuse to take council from our fears. All’s we need is solidarity, no need to agree on everything, only to be united in a single cause, be results orientated on a specific outcome, winning, ie, MAGA, America First.
In some ways Tucker and all tell on themselves. Notice Tucker avoids discussion or news of American’s united in a positive vien or light. Tou would think a fellow who had only the best intentions and without ulterior motives would be using his pulpit to get good folks to unite against the enemy, at least point out the facts there is this vast allmost incomprehensible criminal conspiracy operating along the fringes of the shadows, and it ain’t the NSA or other converged compromised federal agency.
Don’t you find it remarkable Tucker for all his intelligence does not see IT? It is a contradiction in terms Tucker is able to come out with his rage against tresspasses against himself, the skinsuit of courage and risking everything personally, but it always stops there, never crossing that magical threshold, as AC Vox Day and other alt-media/blog owners do and regularly point out.
Its almost as if the absence and ommision of such widely discussed insights and critical thinking are a particular type of gaslighting, aka, lies of ommission. Done to a high degree of sophistication in suitable context, or absense of key context, we are gulled by the most difficult of all mind bending tactics, good ol’ plausible deniability, the operational system of our government: the swamp, the machine, the institutional order of glowies, their agency lairs, and the vast network they operate.
Tucker is a gangstalker. A real cunning ruthless one. A gangstalker nonetheless by any other name.
When I watch him, ive taken to watching his eyes, I swear on a stack of bibles he has those psychopath eyes a many cabal assets have, they are black bottomless eyes, they are windows into the depths of depravity, deep beyond sight of the bottom, might not be any limits of their depravity. They say eyes are the windows into the soul. What happens when you take the ticket and sell your soul? When you do unspeakable things to children and you sell out, sell out your countrymen. Then nothing is beyond the pale? Is Tucker the epitome of that? The power to get up infront of a hundred million goid folks and lie thru your fucking teeth night after night, with every word betraying them all, betraying everything?
Give that a good think, and when you have doubts, as any good folk will, say to yourself this when your in doubt and can not see the forrest for the trees, good folks do not do such things to good folks, good folks do not even think of such things, these are the all but incomprehensible things about the conspiracy, it’s that evil. It is trying to kill hndreds of millions of people right now, cripple and destitue milkions more. So I look at Tucker Carlson looking right at me and there is no mistaking it he is part of that, i’m looking in his eyes they are tiny gates of hellmouth.
Bakes your fucking noodle is what it does. Hellmouth’s mouthpieces.
AC, did you ever see this incredible open-source intelligence work: The Mechanics of Deception (Yaacov Apelbaum)
He demonstrates software and techniques useful for burning Cabal that I would have thought only the intel agencies had.
I’ll check it out, thank you.
“…We should have a rule, if you want to play with us, you admit 9/11 was an inside job with Mossad at least aware of it, and then you have to read my surveillance page and admit there is a massive domestic surveillance operation. That would weed out all Cabal companies…”
The root of showing normies how bad it is is showing them how building 7 fell the same speed as if only air held it up for over 105 feet [Impossible without some sort of demo]. This is just not possible. Then explain the Jews controlled all of the security in the buildings, the airport the planes took off from and then hauled all the steel off and sold for scrap to China after it fell.
People who can’t recognize or pretend building 7 was not felled by demo are either stupid or crooked and if they try to pretend the Jews did not have control of events that day then they are disinformation agents. Either way they can not be relied upon.
High IQ people with High Wisdom are particularly effective.
‘The government is losing ground’ residents say as gangs take territory in Venezuela’s capital
Something personal, I am looking for a spider expert. Caught this thing on a wall in my living room. Pretty sure it from around here.
I did a image search and found this page. Some of them look similar.
I would careful with that thing. I got bit once by a wolf spider(I think)when I was young. That thing my me so sick. Vomiting and diarrhea. Really bad. So bad that if one was to bite me today it might kill me. I don’t think I would survive.
24 U.S. diplomats in Vienna sustain ‘Havana Syndrome’ brain injuries
From 10:15 — young YouTuber (with a bona fide Trailer Park Boys accent) describes the proliferation of gang stalkers everywhere who “know more about you than you do yourself.”
Thought you might like to see—from the horse’s mouth, so to speak—how awareness of street-level surveillance is spreading among the rank and file.
BTW, his growing little channel posts more than daily about his experiences with narcissistic parasites vs us accommodating types—what he calls their “chosen ones.” A fine lad.
Thank you for this!
It is going to be a shock, when Americans find out there was a bonafide Stasi running actual Zersetzung operations right in their neighborhood. I still can’t believe this got built, let alone it was operating for at least two thirds of a century, and probably for hundreds of years.
OT: Bestgore has updated the [erstwhile] site page to include snippets of praise. This one made me think of the value of K:
“Whenever I felt suicidal, I would always end up back on bestgore. Your site made me see the true pain and the shock behind suicides…. You’ve stopped me many times from a selfish choice. Bestgore made me think twice about ending up dead on a sidewalk. My dad died back in 2016 and it was such a struggle not to follow him to the grave. It is 6am in Canada and I am studying rather than thinking of a needlessly cruel suicide. Thus, not only have you prevented me me from a bloody act, but you have shielded my friends and family from unbearable pain.”
Exposure to the results of evil has a tonic effect in the right people.
Is this of interest? On Ingersoll Lockwood’s site, home page:
PROJECT LOOKINGGLASS URGENT UPDATE July 11, 2019, John McAfee aka Rusty Shackleford R.I.P.
Is it trustable? Trolling? McAfee’s been dead for two years?
The messages change.
I didn’t know what to make of that, but am tracking it.
AC, are you aware that several days of your news briefs are missing? I was going back through them looking for something you had commented on in recent days about trojan mobile phones and notice that 7/12 through 7/15 are nowhere to be found.
I was not. I’ll look into it.
Thank you!
I see them on my end. I wonder if they got put back up after you posted.
What were you doing when they failed to show up?
I see them but to get to them was…odd. At the end of your, AC, post, article whatever is usually a address forward or backward. On this page it is,
← News Briefs – 07/17/2021
News Briefs – 07/19/2021 →
I went to the 16th in recent comments and then opened a comment looking for the back “date” button as above and it was gone??? Finally I see at the very bottom of the page “below” the comments a next and previous to get to the page and when I go to it…now the above next page previous works again????
AC I’m not complaining don’t take it wrong way. I’m just reporting. You site changes constantly. Most of the time it comes up in what I perceive as tablet mode, mobile or phone mode. After looking around a little or opening a day page off of the blog page I get it reverting to desktop mode. Sometimes when I turn on scripts(JavaScript) it changes to desktop, sometimes not. Eventually it always turns to desktop.
Computer stuff is such a pain in the ass. Because so much is hidden. There’s no logical way to fix things many times. It’s hidden. My Mom upgraded to WIn10( and holy smokes it discombobulated all her stuff. It took me hours to get it to where she could use it to do the stuff she likes. Torpedoed her bookmarks. Changed folder options. A mess. Win10 has a lot of decent usability stuff but they move stuff around every single time they upgrade. There’s no institutional memory at Microsoft so they are always making it difficult to do what it was you used to do. It all change for changes sake not for any established principle.
I used to screw with computers a lot. I really enjoyed working on them but…eventually I realized it was endless and things never really got better. They just piled shit on top of shit. What really tweaked me was when I, finally after avoiding it forever, installed WInXp and the “computer management> disk management” plug-in would not come up on a new install. Apparently I wasn’t the only one there was page, after page, after page of things to do to fix it. Most from Microsoft. Not one damn thing worked. Well over 24 hours of installing this, turning on this, etc. So I stopped that and went to something else that didn’t work and whatever it was I did to fix that, fixed the disk management.
At that point I realized that screwing with this is futile and a complete waste of time to try and understand how it all fit together because even the people who are responsible for it don’t understand it.
I would fix my site, but I see you understand. I have no idea why this site does half the things it does.
Thank you guys for the reports though.
“…I see you understand…”
That’s why I made sure and emphasized that I wasn’t complaining. Mostly I was just noting the actual working so if you ever by chance run across something that tells you about this it might ring a bell. I certainly don’t expect you to chase this stuff down as it’s likely the people who wrote it don’t even know why it does what it does.
> I would fix my site, but I see you understand. I have no idea why this site does half the things it does.
If none of your followers can run WordPress and you can’t hire that basic web service either, then you definitely aren’t competent to challenge the NWO.
My site runs on NFSN, a service the NSA would have to think twice before daring to disrupt, due to the extremely high likelihood of swift and thorough investigation, followed by a lawsuit.
> First off the New York Governor I believe, said they told him his surveillance went back several decades, to before he was Governor, and from the time frame, I believe before he was important.
Duh. Scouting potential presidential and gubernatorial candidates is standard party machine business. That’s how Bill Clinton got made. That IS NOT TIPS-STASI.
> Likewise AMLO described being hounded by surveillance long before he got into politics as President of Mexico, I believe to back when he was a student.
I am sure there is lots of surveillance in Mexico given the war between cartels, government, CIA and whatever else. That is not TIPS-Stasi. Wrong country.
> but you keep referring back to TIPS/Stasi, and use that label when we discuss this and claim it isn’t as big as that official government program laid out in its official posting.
You used both the words TIPS and Stasi. Those two words combined describe the theory unique to you that is nuts. You dislike my emphasis on it. It hurts. This is because you are wrong.
> You want to nail it down to TIPS Stasi, and claim that is not possible (even though it was an official government program that was created).
It is certainly possible. The Stasi existed. It just does not exist in the USA.
> But I am just talking about a civilian intelligence network embeded in communities, which I think we can all agree is repugnant.
I do not agree. Atomized communities lacking basic awareness of their environment are an historical aberration preceding civilizational collapse. The organic surveillance of cohesive tribes is orders of magnitude beyond even the actual Stasi.
> If you want to claim TIPS/Stasi and the surveillance civilian informant network are two different things
> You seem to just want to argue it is some unspecified degree smaller than the government had specified in the TIPS program it created, and thus nothing like it exists.
No, you are massively wrong to the point it is accurate to call you nuts.
I do not obsess over surveillance, so I don’t know how many snitches and agents and report-filing librarians and whatnot there are. What I do know is that YOU lack evidence for TIPS-Stasi, because you throw up garbage or unrelated activity instead, and you are trying hard to prove it. This is called a negative proof. Also I find no corroborative reports of your monomania from sources such as QTrump, whom you massively misinterpret through the lens of your false theory. You also massively misinterpret social signals through a paranoid lens, which is nuts.
I don’t believe your interpretation of your mother’s interpretation. That’s thirdhand through at least one nutty filter, with a potential genetic propensity to paranoia. I gave up my familial history of the Holocaust as substantially thirdhand Jewish bullshit. It’s part of growing up.
Nobody thinking generationally would attempt to implement TIPS-Stasi before securing the Communist revolution first. It would be suicidally stupid. The Feds trying to convince more people to snitch is nothing new, and neither is people learning why you should never talk to Weimerican cops. You took a tangent of that circle and projected it into outer space, then started choking on imaginary hard vacuum.
Metaphors, that is what high IQ people do.
Not what I meant. TIPS was an actual US government program, created, funded, fully staffed with handlers and command infrastructure, and was already recruiting ground level civilian informants, with a stated goal of one on 24 citizens, in the pilot program. We don’t know how many ground operatives had already been recruited. My own suspicion is the entire thing already existed for a while, and TIPS was just giving it an official government existence so if it got outed, it would not be outright criminal and hidden. They claim they disbanded it when it was exposed, but they also tell us now our elections are honest. And more importantly, before the official government program existed, people said they saw it. They claimed seeing something impossible, despite it making them look crazy, and then we saw, it wasn’t impossible.
Enjoy full on despotism. You protect freedom by keeping government weak. You keep your guns, and you don’t allow domestic surveillance of a populace. Domestic surveillance leads to blackmail, because the types of people who it appeals to are not pro-freedom, respect for other citizen types.
So should I assume you don’t want to speculate on how many children are being deployed by adults to spy on other children in the schools, given I have video of the kids talking about it?
Lay out what you think is out there, and where the boundaries lie. I’ll rehash the questions I already rehashed below, and then we can debate:
What is the barrier between TIPS/Stasi and surveillance, and where exactly does it lie exactly, in your mind?
How big do you allege the surveillance machine probably is? Be specific, as a percentage of the population. How many people can be moved to spy on or harass people in their communities?
What percent of the population are civilian informants/amateur surveillance?
Are they localized and embedded covertly in each region, posing as fellow citizens, or do they have to fly teams in from somewhere else for each target?
Do they get official technology from the government, or do they just get a plastic decoder ring?
When do they look at people first in life? When they are important? If they show potential? Or do they troll through the entire population of unimportant people, trying to predict who will be important?
What makes them look at someone? How do they spot them first?
How many people in the US do you estimate have files somewhere from this thing, with records generated from local people reporting observations of them?
Do they have such files on any children, who didn’t know they were under such surveillance?
Do they run their kids in schools, as spies on other kids?
How many kids in a school are surveillance?
I told you, they moved one of their mother hens in next to me, and the surveillance kids in the local school all hang together (probably at parental encouragement to help keep the secret), and they tend to be less professional since they are like ten years old. They will be all grouped together at my driveway hanging out talking about following people next to the surveillance camera, at birthday parties and when they just hang out. So I get some idea of these things from more than just observation. Some on here have even seen one of the videos of the young kids talking about doing surveillance. It is creepy.
I don’t know how their social circles work, and maybe there is another clique at the school which hangs together separately, made up of surveillance kids who are jocks, or stoners, or nerds, or maybe other groups. There could be even more. I can’t vouch for all schools, but right now if I just assume this clique is the only one, out of every 100 kids in a class-year at the local school, there are at least ten kids in the school who are coverage. I do not know if where I am is a node of this thing (maybe because they moved their people into my area for me, and families volunteered since it is a good school system and Cabal pays the bills). It is also possible surveillance has a higher reproduction rate than the regular population, either as a conscious long term strategy to out-number regular people in the nation and do an outright numerical takeover, or they are just not being affected by the MK Ultra propaganda because they know it is all propaganda. This mother hen has four or five kids, I forget. But when I go back to when I was in school, I think the number was even higher, probably 15 kids per 100, back then around me. Though I had a couple of mob kids in my school, and one of the surveillance girls was actually banging a mob kid, so between me and the mob kids who appeared to be targets, maybe that was a bad example too. But still, given we were innocent kids, that was a lot of kid-spies to be floating around the school reporting on us to the adults who were running them. And they weren’t just observational. They would propose crimes, and try to affect our behavior.
> Not what I meant. TIPS was an actual US government program, created, funded, fully staffed with handlers and command infrastructure, and was already recruiting ground level civilian informants, with a stated goal of one on 24 citizens, in the pilot program.
You say. Get me something more than a press release.
> And more importantly, before the official government program existed, people said they saw it. They claimed seeing something impossible, despite it making them look crazy, and then we saw, it wasn’t impossible.
There will always be paranoid nuts, especially under high social stress.
> Enjoy full on despotism.
Enjoy straw manning while you look stupid to people who understand logical fallacies. The result of your “civil liberties” is the Communism Cultural Revolution ongoing in Weimerica that you have failed to even competently oppose.
> You protect freedom by keeping government weak.
No. That was the US theory of the Constitution, after the too-weak Articles of Confederation failed. The intention of a limited Federal government was to preserve the autonomy of the strong governments of the Several States. And it failed miserably anyway. Swiss government is much better.
> So should I assume you don’t want to speculate on how many children are being deployed by adults to spy on other children in the schools, given I have video of the kids talking about it?
I believe in MKULTRA child molestation families because we have at least one solid escapee leaker. It should be a zillion times easier to get a leaker for TIPS-Stasi, except it doesn’t exist and you’re nuts.
> Lay out what you think is out there, and where the boundaries lie.
No. Negative proof means you fail the burden of prima facie case. You want to know what I think, read the News Briefs. Few people are more transparent.
> I’ll rehash the questions I already rehashed below, and then we can debate:
I don’t care about debating you. Mid-August will end your theory’s viability.
> What is the barrier between TIPS/Stasi and surveillance, and where exactly does it lie exactly, in your mind?
If you can’t figure out your own theory from the name, I don’t care to explain it.
> How big do you allege the surveillance machine probably is? Be specific, as a percentage of the population. How many people can be moved to spy on or harass people in their communities?
You wish I was a stupid enough debater to start making an affirmative case when a negative refutation will do, just because you double-dog dared me.
Your interpretation of social cues is suspect because nuts. Get a turncoat witness.
The NSA can’t keep its surveillance secret and you expect us to believe that legions of schoolkids have better opsec. Dude stop insulting my intelligence.
I don’t buy that you don’t even know the story of this. It wasn’t a press release, it was the US government’s Citizen Corp website, from the government itself, which listed the program, laid out the details including the numbers it was recruiting (which mathematically was worked out to be one in 24 under the best case scenario), and was doing recruitment. A Reporter stumbled on the listing, and wrote it up, and could not find a single outlet in the US who would mention it. Obviously, that was because all the outlets were run by assets who were already in it and they tried to quash it for the CIA. Eventually he got it published by a local paper in Spain, it went viral, and US media had to address it, and then it was all throughout the US media. Even Wikipedia has all the details. It was a civilian spy program which, in pilot program form, was more extensive than the Stasi was, and that observation in the article is how it went viral. And it was to be scaled up from there if it was deemed “successful” and it had tech Stasi couldn’t dream of. Even Wikipedia has this, and I have linked to it at least ten times, including on my surveillance page.
You do understand what is going on in America is not organic? It is an intelligence operation, which has targeted key positions, even to the point it took over election officials and Secretary of State positions, and rigged our elections. You’ve seen Q’s 4AM talking points, where did you think they came from? You’ve seen how many reporters are former CIA interns. I’ve got a local reporter doing gangstalking between shots on my surveillance page.
Our problem is not our civil liberties, it is that people don’t understand we have in essence the CIA launching a coup on us for whatever foreign power the leaders of CIA answer to. And here I am trying to explain to people the extent we are fighting an intel operation by showing they are running illegal surveillance, and you are arguing we need more surveillance of the population done by the same intel operation which has fucked us so totally beasue surveillance isn’t a problem.
There’re people here who have seen one of the videos of my neighbor’s kid talking to another surveillance kid about running a follow. I’m not posting it yet as we are not in that phase, but eventually I expect everyone will see one of them for historical purposes. If you aren’t a spook (and don’t tell me it would be stupid to think it possible), then the US is so bad it is doing shit which even you think is not possible.
I asked that question because someone in US intelligence is not going to want to answer it, because they will either make people paranoid with a semi-truthful answer (a huge no-no in the community), or you’d provide a comforting answer which will make you look naive in this environment today.
It’s not dispositive, you could just be weirdly absorbed by debate rules, but it would explain why you deny all of this, claim ignorance of things like TIPS when I have already linked to the relevant articles and I know you’ve seen them, and your claim surveillance of a population is no big deal. In truth, I’ve thought for a while some of the crazier aspects of your behavior and postings make more sense in the context of a cover being assembled to confuse and disorient your Chinese watchers than legit logical behavior. If so well done, even I have no idea what is up with you, but I dislike spooks on my site. I’ve had enough of them in my real life.
I will ban all future comments from you, until you explain exactly what you assert is a likely level of surveillance in America, by answering the questions below. You can still post here freely, even on this topic, but first you have to answer my questions about what you feel is a reasonable assessment of what is likely out there. Here are the questions to get the ban lifted, if you have a handler, I am sure he will greenlight you to answer. And for the record, this isn’t two retarded spergs fighting according to debate rules under Roger’s Rules of Order, or some bullshit to work out which of us has the bigger penis. We are laying out our beliefs to the observers here, to see which of us they think has a more solid grasp on what is going on in the US. No rules, no forms.
The questions –
What is the barrier between TIPS/Stasi and surveillance, and where exactly does it lie exactly, in your mind? I’ll break this into two parts below:
Percentage of the population in people per hundred in the surveillance machine, from handlers, to cooperating law enforcement, to simple civilians, running surveillance and informing to handlers about their fellow citizens, ie perpetrators.
And, percentage of the population in people per hundred which have files with personal debriefs of informants who knew the person, ie victims.
Do these people spy on their neighborhood generally, “keeping an eye on things,” using tech from their houses?
Is pole surveillance, ie covert microphones and cameras, deployed generally to watch neighborhoods, outside of specific criminal investigations?
What percent of the population are just the civilian informants/amateur surveillance, who answer to the machine?
Are they localized and embedded covertly in each region, posing as fellow citizens and spying from within their life, or do they have to fly teams in from somewhere else for each target?
Do they get official high-technology for eavesdropping and observing from the government?
When do they look at people first in life? Pick one of the following – When they are important? If they show potential? Or do they troll through the entire population of unimportant people, trying to predict who will be important? (One of the three)
Do they examine people only as adults, or as kids too? (One of the two)
What do you think makes them look at someone? How do they spot them first?
Do they have any files on any children, with personal observations from anyone, and said children didn’t know they were under such surveillance?
Do they run their kids in schools, as spies on other kids?
Do parents gather intel on kids, by asking their kids for information which ultimately goes in a file?
Do any teachers inform to this thing on children, and provide personal observations to ther files?
Do the kids of parents in domestic surveillance know about the domestic surveillance machine, or are they kept naive until adulthood?
How many kids in a school are surveillance kids, if there are kids reporting on other kids?
He wont be missed.
LittleJewBook,”… No, you are massively wrong to the point it is accurate to call you nuts. ..”
Note LittleJewBook’s method of argumentation is classic Jew behavior. I don’t know if they train them to dot his or it is genetic. I have a strong feeling it’s genetic and allowing that this manifest itself in many Jews training their kids in this reinforcing it.
Psychopaths have many of the same traits hence my constantly pointing out that the Jews are likely psychopaths which is a form of uncivilized human animal.
Some of these are ignoring definitive facts.
There was no doubt TIPS/Stasi government program but he just pretends that,”it’s no big deal”. Where have you heard that before?
He constantly changes the nature of the debate.
Constantly calling of names. This is because he doesn’t have good arguments.
Constant reference to some imaginary authority. In this case it’s intelligence yet he doesn’t show it in conversation nor does he have any proof of this.
Seriously, do none of you people know how debate works?
There is a PROPOSITION (“TIPS-Stasi exists”), one side takes the AFFIRMATIVE, the other takes the NEGATIVE. The NEGATIVE does not make an AFFIRMATIVE CASE, he makes a REBUTTAL.
Like in a trial, one side proves the guy guilty, the other side NOT GUILTY. Which is not a synonym for INNOCENT.
The level of intellectual discourse here is abysmal. Hitler himself wouldn’t call a 15% Ashkenazi a Jew. I am far more German, and have neither patrilineal nor matrilineal Ashkenazi descent.
Oh SORRY, it’s only 14.5%.
I’d have better luck having an intelligent conversation with a high school debate team. And if you don’t feel insulted by THAT, then you clearly never participated.
And another 100% verified point that LittleJew is an idiot. We’re not debating you big dummy. We are interested in the truth. You don’t even have a clue as to what is going on.
You’re the guy that would go to a house paint convention and insist everyone talk about floor tiles.
The only reason I keep responding is I hope you will write more. You don’t even see that which is so obvious to everyone else. You are the Mariana Trench of retardation. I read what you write and break out laughing so hard I’m in tears.
Your mind is filled with muck. Maybe you think fast, and there’s been little to no evidence of that, but all you think is full of shit and nonsense.
You forget I read a bunch of your stuff over the years and while I’m on board with skull shape being determinate to some aspects of behavior you took it to splurge fantastic levels. A lot things you’ve said over the years, and lately, show a serious lack of understanding of human nature and is really stupid.
Your behavior is one big supercharged Jew behavior after another and we ALL know that the Jews are nothing but worthless liars. So even if your are smart, and you’ve shown none of this, I mean a PIM for Emacs will change the world??? That’s some of the most retard shit I have ever heard.
Every time you write something you either insult people, because you have no game, no knowledge, no plan, not much of anything or you say something incredibly stupid.(You should stick to the name calling instead of trying to come up with factual comebacks, it makes you look less like a fool.)
If you believe as you have said that you are interested in fighting the Jews/cabal, and if you are as smart as you say then do what I said in this comment, or something similar,
and build a reliable distributed internet. That is the single most important thing that can be done to fight back globalhomo. A serious fatal stab at the globalhomo.
If you don’t or spend all your time attacking everyone else then everyone will know you’re just another Jew.