Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Q is active, and his posts are here.
Chrissy Teigen, besieged with critics over her tweets joking about pedophilia and rumors of an Epstein linkage, threatens to leave twitter if company doesn’t deal with conspiracy theorists known as QAnon. Where did the QAnon fear come from?
Ruth Bader Ginsberg has cancer again. She claims Chemo is containing it well. But the clock is clearly ticking. Trump must win and big in November.
Top gun-control group will spend $1.25 million in Colorado after affiliate received PPP loan.
Google will cut advertising revenue from sites that go against the coronavirus ‘consensus.’
Florida gang members are organizing COVID-19 parties for up to 400 people with the intention of spreading the virus, sheriff claims. It makes no sense, unless gang members are agents of Cabal, and are read in on the program. I’ve said, I have seen them under protection.
IMF made loans to Belarus conditional on a lockdown, but Lukashenko turned them down.
Questions raised after fatal motorcycle crash listed as COVID-19 death in Florida.
White Helmets co-founder stole aid money destined for Syria.
Lincoln Project paid more than $2 million to firms owned by its founders.
Biden staffer rushes to delete anti-police posts after Fox News reaches out. She had mocked cops as worse than ‘pigs,’ and called for defunding police.
Joe Biden’s glamorous niece, 33, has a string of offenses from drunk driving to ‘hitting a cop,’ but she has not been jailed.
An op-ed published by the Washington Post explains Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden’s proposed gun controls would be “terrible for working class firearm owners.” He wants to tack a $200 tax on AR’s and AK’s.
Miss Swimsuit UK, 23, is stripped of her title over an ‘All Lives Matter’ Facebook post.
Man who led protest supporting Black Lives Matter arrested on child pornography charges.
Report shows US bishops supporting multiple orgs that demand police defunding. Religion should be K. And yet, here the religious leaders are, on the same r-page as Cabal.
SF Police Commission orders Police stations to display Black Lives Matter posters.
Woman caught on video brutally beating cops in the head with a cane for no reason is out on bail immediately. She got bailed out from somewhere.
Disturbing video allegedly shows blindfolded Uighurs being loaded on trains in China.
18,000 prisoners to be released by end of August, California Department of Corrections says.
A pedophile who calls himself Mr Rape, Torture, Kill has been released from a mental health hospital in California after more than two decades, despite vowing to re-offend. An image of him is here.
Barr warns business leaders China may be tricking them into acting as illegal ‘foreign agents.’ Translation – If they support China over the US, they may now be able to be treated like Michael Flynn, only their charges won’t get dropped because they will be real.
Iranian air defense on high alert amid the outbreak of recent explosions.
College basketball coaches call for end to ACT, SAT requirement.
Cook Political Report sees 20 House races shift in favor of Democratic victory. I tend to think it is bullshit, given the Democrats have allied with an outright criminal overthrow of America. But the Cabal media is pushing its propaganda heavily on all of its channels. Bottom line is all votes will count in November.
Gallup claims U.S. party preferences have swung sharply toward Democrats. It sounds like complete bullshit given the love and enthusiasm for Trump, and the lefts embrace of utter anarchy. But I do wish we had good intel on how many people still only get all their info from the evening news, and to a lesser degree, from exclusively leftist sites online. One thing I have noticed is politicians who begin negative advertising early tend to create lasting amygdala pathways linking their enemy’s with negativity. Because they are first into the battle, they can do this unopposed making it more effective than any later attack, and at the same time they gain the ability to claim all enemy counter-attacks later are evidence of how defensive the initial attack made them because of how true it was. I remember reading a good article highlighting the use of this strategy by Schumer when he first beat D’Amato, where it was described as political judo or political jiujitsu. The Democrats want to make the country into shit and blame it on Trump. I’d like to see groups unaffiliated with Trump launch major campaigns now to blame the shit on the Democrats and Biden, and tie them firmly to the unrest and the anti-law and order cop-hatred. Then any attack by Biden becomes more evidence of just how right the linkage between Biden and the criminal left was.
China’s mighty Yangtze River nears crest again, and new floods are feared.
The left is getting really freaked out about the federal agents vanning leftists in Portland.
After bowing out of the civilian AR-15 market due to over-saturation of supply, Colt has decided to jump back in now that there is a shortage. It is crazy out there. Palmetto state has zero 16″ 5.56 uppers. Everything is being bought up. I am beginning to wonder if there might be a shadow buyer out there like Soros or somebody preparing to arm up some ground troops for the big finale.
GoFundMe for Goya raises $300K. I was surprised their Chocolate wafers are like .99c for a massive portion, and they’re good.
A new survey finds parents are substantially more satisfied with private and charter schools’ responses to the pandemic.
U.S. puts Iowa meth kingpin to death in 3rd federal execution this week.
U.S. files lawsuits seeking to recover more than $100 million embezzled by former officials in Kuwait’s Ministry of Defense. Before 2016, this would have been written off, and probably gone straight to Cabal, minus a few commissions.
Roger Stone says those persecuting him and President Trump are satanic.
Senate GOP set to ramp up Obama-era probes.
Conservative writer Andrew Sullivan says his New York magazine colleagues believed his columns ‘physically harmed’ them. I’ve said numerous times, leftists experience amygdala-stimulation differently, and they tell us how they think.
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office announced on Wednesday that it is freezing cooperation with the controversial Wexner Foundation, which had funded an all-expenses-paid prestigious training program for senior members of Israel’s public service at Harvard University. Cabal made these programs, and then created the meme they were prestigious, because they could use them to justify promoting their own above more capable people who were not in the network.
Tucker Carlson’s top ratings are a good sign for President Trump’s re-election prospects.
Spread r/K Theory, because what is about to be unleashed is going to be Biblical
“Barr warns business leaders China may be tricking them into acting as illegal ‘foreign agents.’ Translation – If they support China over the US, they may now be able to be treated like Michael Flynn, only their charges won’t get dropped because they will be real.”
Those corporatecritters have a heck of a lot to lose. But its the same thing as someone doing business with Hitler in 1939, or with Khrushchev in 1959. Fedgov asset forfeiture is coming. Then the charges after accounts are frozen.
Barr and Pompeo. Dream team.
“Conservative writer Andrew Sullivan says his New York magazine colleagues believed his columns ‘physically harmed’ them. I’ve said numerous times, leftists experience amygdala-stimulation differently, and they tell us how they think.”
Ironically they are probably right. They probably had trouble eating and were shaking from fear, all high amygdala responses to stimuli. Then fight or flight kicks in. K and r are like two different species that can’t really even coexist together.
“Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office announced on Wednesday that it is freezing cooperation with the controversial Wexner Foundation, which had funded an all-expenses-paid prestigious training program for senior members of Israel’s public service at Harvard University. ”
Les Wexner gave Epstein his start. And eventually his Harvard office. Right down the hall from Larry Summers’ office too.
Life is War. Part II
In a state of war—-does the individual stand a chance?
Aristotle, notices that men are social animals.
“From these things therefore it is clear that the city-state is a natural growth, and that man is by nature a social animal,
…And why man is a social animal in a greater measure than any bee or any gregarious animal is clear. For nature, as we declare, does nothing without purpose; and man alone of all the animals possesses speech.” [End quote]
Notice how Aristotle is referring to nature all the time and to the natural events in nature. Contrary to Rousseau who preached that men are all individuals, Aristotle, a true scientist, notes that men by nature are herd/social animals.
At Psalm 85 (in the Septuagint), Scripture teaches, “…all the nations whom thou has created”.
We are HERD animals—On purpose. Not only because a Nation is family, and the paradigm of Family is important to God, in the state of Nature—Life is war.
The Individual can NOT stand alone–he needs a community. War is a communal effort—-that is why the Jews and the Enlightenment preached “individualism” for! To prevent war.
War requires Mass. Without Mass, you don’t win. Demography is Destiny. Yes, you need rugged men, but they need to operate in concert, Symphonia.
Libertarianism and any ideology of individualism is not only genocidal but it is also a defeatist mechanism. The Jews are conducting a race war against the European while the European are all thinking “I’m an individual”.
If God created nations—then we are obligated to them. The Natural Law is “parts make up the whole”. We all are parts of a whole—our blood-birth Natus (nation/race).
The idea is “I want to be left alone” is an error. The term “idiot” comes from the Greek Idiotes which means “single”: not dumb nor stupid, but one who refused to participate in communal activities. Who refused to engage in the polis. It was a term of disparagement. The failure of America today is because of its inherent individualist character which caused others of evil intent to take control over the institutions of America.
Does not Scripture teach:::::: “Study the Ant” Proverbs 6:6 Masoretic text.
> But I do wish we had good intel on how many people still only get all their info from the evening news, and to a lesser degree, from exclusively leftist sites online.
It might not matter.
There’s TV and radio in waiting rooms and restaurants, which can’t be avoided, though often muted or ignored. At home… how many people are going to watch the usual news crew jerk and mug at the camera for a whole half hour? They can’t even watch a Schwarzenegger movie without hammering the channel selector on the remote.
The ones who hit leftist web sites… they’re probably hardcore leftists and their views are unlikely to vary much from the Narrative.
I suspect most people get their “news” from the sidebar ads on web sites, political headlines mixed in with their celebrity feeds, and whatever is pushed at them via “social media.”
As for the newspapers… we haven’t subscribed to one since the 20th century, and we don’t even *know* anyone in meatspace who does. The newspaper boxes that used to be near stores vanished long ago; what’s there now are “Thrifty Nickle” type sale papers, real estate pamphlets, and “what’s going on back home in Guatemala” in Spanish.
In latest in series of blasts, explosion reported at Iranian oil pipeline
Blacks turn against BLM:
Kuwait’s ageing emir in hospital, crown prince takes over some duties
NYPD sergeants union chief Ed Mullins appears on Fox News with a QAnon mug behind him
Jeffrey Epstein’s Gulfstream Jet Listed For $16.9 Million In Florida
Bank of America has pledged to give Marxist Black Lives Matter ONE BILLION DOLLARS.
And they will turn around and give it right to the Democrats.
A long-needed conservative movie studio is being created
I think it’s time to meme a declaration of war between the US and Mexico into reality. Think about it:
1) Mexican cartels control the Mexican government,
2) Mexican government protects cartels because they are one and the same,
3) have gen pop demand war against Mexico until cartels are all gone (there are cartels in other Latin American Countries, but starting with the shit pile on your door step would be optimal, I think),
4) with gen pop demanding war on Mexico/cartels the US gov gets political capital for an open declaration of war against Mexico (casus belli being the national security threat the Mexican cartels represent against the US, and the fact that the Mexican government is impotent to fix the issue),
5) anyone with demonstrable ties to the Mexican cartels can be pretty much black sited, and there are a lot of politicians and other officials on the pocket of the mexican cartels,
6) border would be enforced with full military power, and illegals would be shoot on sight.
Should we do it?
I think we need to get our own house in order first.
And I want Mexico as a long term enemy after we drive all our leftists across the border so I’d rather not destroy them or risk getting sucked into nation building.
I think we should wait and see what Trump has planned too.
Fair enough.
>”Chrissy Teigen, besieged with critics over her tweets joking about pedophilia and rumors of an Epstein linkage, threatens to leave twitter if company doesn’t deal with conspiracy theorists known as QAnon. Where did the QAnon fear come from?”
Lot’s of people are afraid of what is going to be revealed. Related:

Imagine being a part of a huge network of global child traffickers compromised of some of the most powerful people in the world in the whole history of Humanity that was untouchable for hundreds of years, and mocking your victims and all the people that got destroyed and killed to prevent the truth from coming out and justice being made because you find it really funny that you and your pals get to fuck and eat babies and then mock and destroy anyone who opposes it because the whole media and entertainment apparatus has been running cover for your pedo pals because they are owned by the providers of said children that get raped and killed and eaten, and then suddenly a single letter group of people from the US military intelligence gathers a bunch of frog posters and autistic internet users from a Congolese underwater t-shirt stamping digital place of gathering for anime enthusiasts that know a substantial amount of the worst truths most people can’t even phantom and creates another digital place of digital gathering when said autists get to connect with the gen pop, and gen pop starts to talk about your crimes non-stop at a unstoppable growing rate completely ignoring the big nosed small hat people that appear on their TVs to give them the news that tell them that single letter guy bad because anti-Semitism, and in the mean while said autistic frog cartoon enthusiasts turn more and more of said general population into military grade weaponized autism civilian investigators thus turning them into autistic frogs too, so your bosses and collaborators decide use literal domestic terrorist groups to try and burn down the whole Country at the same time they tell their yellow Jew collaborators to deploy the sniffles bio-weapon so people just stop unraveling this huge world wide criminal network that protects the worst scum that literally rapes, kills and eats children because they think it would make some Babylonian bronze bull God give them the infinite Earthly power, but its not working and its only making things worse so you panic hard while shoving benzos down your throat and pulling out your hair and decide to DELET all your twats and cry about single letter guy, because nothing is working despite your global network of child traffickers who ultimately control the whole of organized crime on every level world wide having the whole world population under surveillance and zapping people in their sleep with cancer AIDS rays.
Must be hard.
“I think Q was saying to Cabal, and all these asshole reporters, politicians, and activists, the surveillance net is coming down.”
I have heard the President say in a couple of speeches we were going to have privacy. One was in his speech at Shreveport-Bossier City, LA.
Oh wow. I hadn’t heard that, but if I did, I would instantly have known exactly what he meant. I wouldn’t have thought I could love him any more, but if one day he pulls that off, I’ll never, ever have any idea of how the nation could properly honor him or repay him.
And he will go down as hands down the greatest President in a nation which might have an infinite lifespan. Making his greatness measurement like in mathematics, some number over zero.
Noooooooooooooooo goyim, you can’t have privacy. Don’t you know that having child, human and drug traffickers watching and listening to you in your house 24/7 so they can acquire black mail to silence you and black mail you into collaborating with organized crime is fundamental to defend the Constitution and prevent crime? Don’t destroy the gaybal surveillance apparatus goyim, think of all the crime that will happen if you are not under surveillance so we can prevent you from taking action against the organizers and logistical staff that traffics children to be raped and killed in pedo blackmail rings so that your political leaders have to collaborate with our own organized crime activities.
Don’t you get it, stupid goiym? Oy vey.