News Briefs – 07/17/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – EU Nations Seek To Extend Ukraine Grain Ban

DFT – Italy Looks To Trade With Russia In Rubles

DFT – BIS Survey Shows Central Banks Moving Toward CBDCs

DFT – Tesla Sees First Cybertruck Roll Off Production Line

DFT – China’s Growth Data Disappoints

Vox Day on the massive destruction of Ukraine, and why that war is entirely unwinnable, but it will wipe out every last Ukrainian K-strategist. For those who want to see just how completely the Western media is lying to them. The numbers on KIAs are just mindblowing. And those Ukrainian kids are not dying for Ukraine, or the girl next door. They are dying for Hunter and Joe’s $10 million payoffs and Zelensky’s $30 million mansions. Smedley Butler knew.

The UFO Congressional whistleblower Grusch has informed Congress that there is a crashed UFO which is so big, it cannot be moved, it was downed outside the US, and it has required a building be built over it, and Congress is looking into it now, and it will come out:

Even if the UFO reveals are a psyop, it is significant. 4Chan is trying to find it based on it being remote enough to be hidden, but close enough to military activity that the activity is not unusual, with satellite overhead masked, and drones and air-flight banned. Most thing Antarctica.

Tucker Carlson claims that witness from 2020 campaign says Biden took ‘pills’ under wife Jill’s supervision before every public appearance and was ‘like a child’ without the medication.

A federal judge has ruled Oregon’s new gun control measure – one of the toughest in the nation – is constitutional, and that banning large capacity magazines and requiring a permit to purchase a gun falls in line with “the nation’s history and tradition of regulating uniquely dangerous features of weapons and firearms to protect public safety.” On the bright side it is closer to being heard by the Supreme Court.

Trump says Secret Service FOUND who brought cocaine into the White House and claims the agency ‘knows everything’ – after agency closed its investigation without a suspect.

President Donald Trump told Maria Bartiromo that the only mistake he made during his time in office was some of the people he picked to serve in his cabinet. “The mistake would be people. I mean, I wouldn’t have put a guy like Bill Barr, and he was weak and pathetic. I wouldn’t have put Jeff Sessions. And there are some people that I wouldn’t have put in. You know, most people were good, but I had some people, we had Esper. I didn’t like him. He was incompetent. I thought we had other people I didn’t like.”

Tucker Carlson – “Sounds like this could use a longer conversation. We just asked @GovChristie to sit down and explain his views on Ukraine. He refused. You hate to think that Chris Christie is a blustery coward who plays the tough guy with sycophants at ABC but won’t answer real questions, but who knows? We hope he reconsiders.”

Sotomayor’s wealth has skyrocketed since joining Supreme Court, raising ethics concerns. She has a bunch of books she is selling.

Another mass shooter, who one neighbor says came up to him out of the blue and said, “You’re the police, aren’t you?” before arguing with him. Gangstalkers/domestic-surveillance will try to make some harassment targets think they are the cops. I am sure their agency/organization/operation controls some cops. And it has the power to force uncompliant cops to do stuff. It may even have compromised departments in places. But in my experience most cops I have seen appear to look on the stories of it with curiosity, as if they have seen elements of it at work, but are not really sure how deep the rabbit hole goes, or what exactly it is. I do not know why they didn’t infiltrate and take over all the Police departments in the 90’s and early 2000’s, but I suspect we will find there was some reason, which if they had, would have posed some risk to their operations. Maybe cop communications are legally recorded and searchable, and they want their operation completely isolated and walled off from it, or maybe they need to be able to send cops to die, like on 9/11, and doing it to their own would be bad for morale and unit integrity. Or maybe they view cops as stupid muscle, and they are the refined intellectuals, like Hannibal Lector, using brains and political juice to manipulate things, and thus they are above mere service and force. I don’t know. But it feels like there is some reason. But in cases like this, I think they find it funny to make targets think it is the local cops harassing them, so when they pop, the cops are the ones sitting where the bullets are flying. They will do the same thing with firefighters too, for some reason. There was a female lieutenant in New York City, just recently, IIRC, who had the misfortune of walking by a target who was wound up using stalkers he thought were NYFD, and he just stabbed her to death out of the blue as she passed. In the video, she didn’t seem to know what was going on. Like I say, this thing is very weird. Anyway, we are back to the mass shooters, so it may be contest-time, to produce mass shootings again nationally, and we will see a few more pop off in the coming days. Stay alert.

Another ambush of Cops here, kills one, wounds two and sees a female civilian shot. Not much to go with, beyond a guy set up an ambush on Police for no reason.

Interesting concept, which might have broad applications follows.

They can punish you for wrong think, but in this environment, where everybody is wholly clueless, absolutely nobody can punish you for being so stupid and oblivious, that you accuse the other person of paranoia for reciting a narrative everyone accepts. The Holo-what now? 6 million in how long? No, I don’t even think that math checks out. Get me a calculator, I think I can prove whether you are lying with some simple math…

It could be a very interesting weapon in an environment where they are trying to weaponize the past against everyone. I almost think in this environment, we could rewrite the entire history book, and entirely erase vast swaths of events, just by pretending anybody who believes the past happened, has something wrong with them, because clearly good people would not do that. And the funniest thing is, Cabal couldn’t do anything because they can’t promote people educating themselves, so they have to reward stupidity and ignorance.

In Chicago, they are selling fog units that will fill the store with peasoup fog in seconds, to thieves cannot see six inches in front of them to steal stuff.

A mere few days after the Secret Service wrapped up a hasty unsuccessful probe over cocaine found in the West Wing of the White House, it now surfaces that the US has suspended satellite monitoring of Colombia coca leaf fields — a move that comes amid a historical spike in production.

The US Naval Criminal Investigative Service is investigating after multiple Navy personnel reported receiving unsolicited smartwatches in the mail that could be installed with data-stealing malicious software, an NCIS spokesperson told CNN on Friday.

The military is reviewing video of a large mystery object that has washed onto shore at Green Head on the State’s mid-west coast.

On Twitter – IRS targeted a conservative economist, Peter Schiff, with the ‘largest tax investigation in the world’ but came up empty. Then leaked its investigation to the media, which offered his policy views on taxes as evidence of guilt. Then authorities cited ‘negative press’ to close his bank, costing him $10 million. Article here.

Video of the world’s largest Freemason ceremony is fairly terrifying, as it is conducted under a solitary, giant, blinking eye. Maybe the eye is just freaking me out, but that whole thing has a frightening 1984 vibe to it. I was waiting for the girl with the sledgehammer to come running in and do an Olympic hammer throw through the eye, so everybody could wake up and be freed. The video says John Wayne, Richard Pryor, Buzz Aldrin and Mark Twain were all Masons. Apparently Ben Franklin too.

A massive 7.2 magnitude earthquake has increased the risk of a volcano in Alaska erupting imminently as the aviation level was raised to red.

Hondurans demand screening of ‘Sound of Freedom’ in local theaters. May mean something entirely different down there, where villages routinely see their kids disappear, and freak out if they see a white face, because those are the people who are apparently stealing their children.

Ciaran Keating, the brother of Irish pop star Ronan Keating, has died in a car crash, his former employer has confirmed. I have no idea who that is, but I immediately saw the Public Enemy rapper saying something like, ‘They offered Kanye the deal and he took it, went down and joined the Masons, swore his oath to lucifer, and agreed to a sacrifice, though he didn’t know they were going to sacrifice his mother.”

Son of Canadian pastor gets standing ovation in EU Parliament as he slams PM Justin Trudeau for taking ‘freedom and democracy’ away from citizens – as his father faces jail time for sermon to truckers blocking US-Canada border last year. Everything is a show designed to produce an effect. So I would assume the change in tone is the script.

Putin ‘planning to use Wagner fighters to invade key strategic strip of land straddling border between Poland and Lithuania in move against Nato’s Baltic states’ according to Putin ally. Disinformation, pressure, or just the truth, there is no way to tell. But the story is out there.

Ukrainian units are leaving behind their Western tanks and advancing slowly on foot after coming up against dense Russian minefields, report says.

US, NATO weapons stockpile at ‘dangerously low’ levels: Top Air Force General. On the bright side, hopefully everyone realizes we lack the manufacturing capacity to support a war. Better to find that out before you get mired in one.

95% of the attendees at the Turning Point ACTION conference believe the US should not be involved in the Ukraine war effort.

Moscow’s forces thwarted a major Ukrainian drone raid on thekey Russian naval base of Sevastopol in Crimea.

Former President Donald Trump explained his plan to secure peace in Ukraine within 24 hours of taking back the White House on Sunday, saying he would just tell Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to make a deal.

Biden’s ATF sued for “Zero Tolerance” policy towards gun dealers.

Vigano’s latest Speech for the Bornholm, which appears to have gotten him kicked off Twitter.

Donald Trump DOMINATES Turning Point Action Straw Poll with 85%.

Spread r/K Theory, because America will be free

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1 year ago

Anyone here use the Yandex browser? Thoughts?

I’ve been trying it out and it seems incredibly fast on my phone. I’m having trouble getting the translate option to pop up and I am a white text on black background kinda guy but can’t find that in the settings. And bookmarks?

It seems really fast and simple though….

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Use Yandex to search for any dissident material. Google is for when its fine if I get one of Google’s own programs (Youtube, maps), or Wikipedia, or some sort of institutional site, or the weather.

Pretty much Yandex is to find out about the world, Google for the most mainstream of mainstream such, or if its not so important that a quick half-ssed response then moving on would still work.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

It’s the browser I am asking about. I use the russian yandex almost all the time for searches

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Last time I looked, it was just a Yandex-branded version of Chromium, the “open source” version of Google Chrome.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Well that’s lame. Oh well.

1 year ago

Well, looks like London blew the Crimean bridge. RUS officials seem spooked and not even angry yet. At least that’s how TASS is leaning their coverage. Still all hands on deck vibe.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

london…. (((london)))… FIFY.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Just to be clear, I don’t mean Englishmen or even Brits when I use London. The foreigners I like the most are Londoners: the actual residents not the City types.

Honestly, I don’t know enough to use anything more precise than just London or The City of London.

It’s the same as how I use DC or The District or The District of Columbia.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Just to be clear, I don’t mean Englishmen or even Brits when I use London. The foreigners I like the most are Londoners: the actual residents not the City types.

Honestly, I don’t know enough to use anything more precise than just London or The City of London.

It’s the same as how I use DC or The District or The District of Columbia.

1 year ago

The usual suspects are mocking DJT for his simpleminded cluelessness re UKR. But as always, he’s right. UKR actually agreed to a peace deal early on. But then London sent BoJo to nix it. The deal was done.

1 year ago

About the cops and cabal surveillance, I don’t have time for a more thorough post, but I’ll propose that the issue is that there is just too many cops.

Take the fictional firm of the Scranton office of Dundler-Mifflin. There would normally be no reason for the Cabal command to pay attention to it. But if for some reason there is, say a targeted individual starts working there or becomes a big customer, there are only about three dozen people working there at the most, and they are isolated. Cabal can flood that office with surveillance within months if needed.

According to the census bureau, there are 924,326 police officers in the United States, spread about among umpteen local departments. And they move around. Cabal could fix things so that no police officer gets out of an academy unless they are surveillance, but its a big effort, and they seem more focused on information warfare, eg media and schools. I think they prefer to neutralize the police, and the army. If they need to in the future, they can just put their existing surveillance in uniforms and give them badges, and use them to replace the police and army.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Seems like they’re modus operandi is to have a few key positions, i.e. appointed positions and internal affairs in large urban departments. They could just use comped FBI in small town jurisdictions, although they seem particularly interested in the post office. As for local police, in the U.K. gang stalking declasses they more or less rely on gas lighting and planting evidence to make targets look guilty and even better crazy.

1 year ago

About Holocaust oblivious, you can do that with the Apollo missions, and in fact that would be so much easier I would try that first.

All manned missions to the Moon took place supposedly between 1968 and 1973. After 1973, there has been nothing. No moon bases, no landings, no sending a shuttle or space station to orbit the place. They can’t even produce clear pictures of the supposed landing sights. And non-American space programs haven’t tried anything either.

So it should be possible, when the subject is raised, to just say no space program has had a Moon program that you know of, and say you don’t believe there was one fifty years ago. There is obviously no particular reason to try to send astronauts to the Moon, they would just send unmanned probes like to all the other places.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Why not send unmanned probes? Ummm.. remote sensors weren’t all that great back then. A Hasselblad camera just works better with a human operator. Besides that, this dates to a period of time when Americans aspired to be something more than pod dwelling masturbators. America 50 years ago is a completely foreign culture to what we have no, a place where people admired adventurers, pioneers, and explorers. Such people were national heroes. And the entire goal of the space program was to develop the skills to expand where HUMANS could operate. It wasn’t merely about collecting data but expanding capability.

After 1973 there’s been nothing. Cabal got rid of Richard Nixon one year later, and with that another nail in the coffin of this country was placed. He was just a follow up of JFK. Nixon was lucky.

Cabal has been attempting to squeeze and eliminate our space capabilities (and all of our scientific and technical capabilities) ever since. That crazy space program was creating real problems, motivating kids to study science and engineering and everything. What really makes more sense? That all of the telemetry, blueprints, and data have gone missing from NASA because we didn’t really go to the moon? Or that cabal swept it all out of there to both further their cultural lobotomization and sell the data to the highest bidder?

I’m still really stuck by your comment, “There is obviously no particular reason to try to send astronauts to the Moon.” Dear God, how far this culture has fallen when the spirit of exploration and boldly going to new places has been so completely lost on the population that they struggle to figure out why men would want to go to the moon.

I really wonder how young Americans react when they see things like beautiful old bridges, Masonic Temples, skyscrapers. My guess is that it won’t be too long until they are wondering why those crazy americans built such things. So much better to just burrow into our pods and turn on our VR goggles and watch porn.

One wonders how future generations will look back on historical figures such as Daniel Boone or Davy Crocket. Or fictional ones like Indiana Jones. Old, racist white men, for sure. But probably suffering from some kind of ‘homoeroticism’ and weird obsessions to be constantly venturing into the unknown and seeking adventure. What was wrong with them? COuldn’t they just sit peacefully in their pods?

Remember, psyops aren’t just something that work on other people. You’ve been just as damaged by them as everyone else.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

It is a verifiable 100% fact that this person is actually one of Elon Musk monkeys with electrodes in his brain, hooked to an AI, which is hallucinating.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Shut up retard. If you’re allowed to make personal attacks here for some reasons then we can too.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No. You can’t.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Yeah, and why don’t we send rovers to the moon like we supposedly sent to Mars? Unless we did send rovers to the moon in preparation to sending them to Mars and I just never heard about it.

1 year ago

I used to hate my neighborhood watchteam so much but now I mostly pity them. Them infringing on my privacy is not my shame, its their shame. And they basically sacrificed their own individual potential in order to sniff my farts. What a bunch of wretched, hollow people.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They sacrificed any possibility of natural relationships. I’m sure cabal keeps them distracted so they don’t often think about it. Its so strange. So strange

1 year ago

Another ambush of Cops here, kills one, wounds two and sees a female civilian shot. Not much to go with, beyond a guy set up an ambush on Police for no reason.

Here’s something to go on:

the suspected gunman, identified as Mohamad Barakat, 37

1 year ago

Re: Large mystery object washed up on beach

This is in Western Australia, near Perth. I don’t know about the object but what struck me was the Australian MSM news anchor. Look at the guy. He’s another Anderson Cooper out of Cabal’s MSM news central casting department. We’re being told that these polished tools, in their sombre business suits and ties, are the epitome of seriousness, intelligence and decency. When they present the news we are to listen intently and follow their instruction. What’s impressive is the global scale of this psyop and our trained acceptance of it – from Rockford, IL to Perth, Australia. The BBC News presenter, Huw Edwards, is out of the same op. That he just got outed on gay pedo-related accusations feels like a successful Patriot counter.

BTW, if you’ve never seen the Australian party dude getting interviewed/reprimanded by the local tv news anchor Karen, it’s awesome:

h/t Chateau Heartiste

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

“Ok boys, do not be Corey Worthington. But defo be friends with Corey Worthington.”

1 year ago

This article says East Germans stole infants from their East German families, prior to the Wall coming down. I don’t know what to make of it. The main subject of the article loses her son when he dies of extensive burns. The doctors have terrible bedside manners. The article links to other articles about child-snatching.

The West Germans had government sponsored pedophilia. It’s not a case of one good and one bad. It’s varieties of wicked predation.

I don’t know if it is organized, or a habit with hive mind types, but it is certainly a theme. Yemeni Jewish mothers had their children taken and given to other Jewish mothers when Israel was young. Georgia Tann stole Appalachian infants to sell to wealthy East and West Coast families in the early 20th century. Currently, social workers in South America seem to have a thing for taking dissidents’ children to give to politically powerful families.

I don’t see how stealing babies from the fertile to give to the ideologically and physically infertile makes sense in a material world that promotes abortion.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Stealing babies makes total sense if you’re a pedo looking for kids to rape

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Qbannon
1 year ago

Or you wish to create red sparrows and other types of asset.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

Yeah. Stalin seems to have created something very different from a pedo crypt-ocracy.

This narrative seems more like 5eyes than Commies.

1 year ago

For the person asking how unsafe computers are.

Every computer has a MAC address burned into it by the manufacturer. The MAC address is individual to that particular computer. Half the address is the manufacturer’s code. Half of it is the individual computer code. The manufacturer buys blocks of addresses from some regulatory organ. I can’t remember which one. It is an American/European agency, I think? Bit vague.

And,yes, the usual counterfeiters of the modern world- China, mostly- are building and selling hardware with duplicate MAC addresses.

Frank Station
Frank Station
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

A MAC will be seen by your local network connection, but shouldn’t be passed upstream.
Turn off your wi-fi on your devices when moving around town to keep them from trying to talk to every damn access point in range. An auto-shut off when out of range of your home wi-fi might be helpful here.
Most OSes offer MAC randomization.

Reply to  Frank Station
1 year ago

> wifi
Specifically, watch out for printers. Most of them have wifi, a built-in web server, internal storage to keep copies of printed documents, and automatically connect to the internet. Some HP models won’t even print unless they can find a live internet connection; others will, but they require access to the internet on initial setup. Just the install CD isn’t enough to get one working, at least under Windows.

“Smart” printers are a pus-leaking security hole.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Cash pawn shop laptop for sensitive info. One with the WiFi card physically disabled if you’re really paranoid. Thumb drive any thing that needs printing to a public printer.

1 year ago

Most likely the Ukraine war is a movie production. I remember the Vietnam war as a child. The only Vietnam combat Vets that I’ve talked to and interacted with could have received the Manchurian Candidate or MKUltra treatment. Most troops in Vietnam were support. The Tet offensive was like a live fire drill for my brother given his description. My brother never got a good look at who he was firing at (he was guarding a supply dump). Ukraine war is less real than the Vietnam war.
I suggest evaluating factual media reports and official press releases the same way you would advertisement. Some “they” are trying to sell you something.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Look, there really is a war in Ukraine. There really was a war in Vietnam. We really went to the moon. The Hindenburg really exploded in flames.

I need to stress that I do not find it plausible that Putin is participating in a staged show just in order to fool Americans.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Good job slipping in one lie with the truth. People die in wars, no doubt. No one ever went to the moon in a tin can that magically survived absolute vacuum and a radiation belt that was not discovered until after the alleged mission.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s called a “limited war.”

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Moonlandings were a hoax masterminded by Tricky Dick Nixon. I was exposed to dozens of Vietnam veterans growing up and it has been near unanimous among them, “The moonlandings were hoaxed to distract from the debacle that was taking place in Southeast Asia.”

The enlisted veterans of that time, with few exceptions, completely rejected the Apollo missions as real. The grunts on the ground were in full scale rebellion and it began to spread to the officers. Nixon and the War Department were desperate for a distraction.

It failed. They fooled ordinary people, but fighting men did not bat an eye. To them, the Apollo missions were just tv shows like Star Trek and Lost in Space.

Reply to  Anonymous Joe
1 year ago

The fake “moonscape” set was in Beth Page, Long Island, New York.z

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

My pop was in Vietnam/Cambodia 67-68. Something he referred to as “11 Bravo. He reported rarely did he ever see the enemies face. Not that they didn’t exist, but that was just the nature of jungle warfare and how the VC fought.

He also reported the War Department and the MSM did much embellishment of the goodness of Empire and the evil of the home team VC.

Reply to  Anonymous Joe
1 year ago

“11 Bravo” is “11B” and refers to his MOS (Military Occupational Specialty). 11B is an infantryman and most 11B’s are the guys who actually fight, so he indeed would have likely seen action.

1 year ago

> In Chicago, they are selling fog units that will fill the store with peasoup fog in seconds, to thieves cannot see six inches in front of them to steal stuff.

#1 That’s equivalent to blocking emergency exits; if the thieves set a fire, the store owners are in deep excrement. If someone is injured by the bad guys or or is injured or dies trying to get out, they might as well suck-start their shotgun, because the hammer of the State of Illinois is going to come down hard on their naughty bits.

#2 Just like the lockdown goons, anyone who traps you inside a building with your enemies is also your enemy. Robbery and homicide are closely linked; so close that some PDs lump them into the same division.

1 year ago

> The US Naval Criminal Investigative Service is investigating after multiple Navy personnel reported receiving unsolicited smartwatches in the mail that could be installed with data-stealing malicious software, an NCIS spokesperson told CNN on Friday.

I wanted one for tracking cardio when exercising. Smartwatches vary from $7 to a couple hundred bucks. As far as I can tell, *all* of them require a connection to the mothership, usually some place in China.

I bought one of the $7 ones, hoping it would let me at least download data to my PC. Nope, web-only. And for seven bucks, it has a camera and a microphone, neither of which can be turned off. Really? A camera on a $7 watch? It won’t even show the time unless it can contact the mothership.

The fancy name-brand ones are the same, as best as I can tell. Almost all of them want to pair with your gPhone or iPhone; sucks if you don’t have one. Some older ones would sync to a PC with Bluetooth, but you still had to install their malware on a Windows or Mac box to get data off the watch.

1 year ago

Agent of the Crown and British spy, Prince Harry committing espionage and acts of war against the USA. Three part series.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

crown? british? no. (((crown))) (((british))). FIFY.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Kings and Queens urge their idiot serfs to blame their Court Jews instead of themselves.

Vile papists do the same. Pilate washed his hands.”The Jews made me do it!”

1 year ago

> US, NATO weapons stockpile at ‘dangerously low’ levels: Top Air Force General.

The expensive high-tech 21st-century toys, probably. Particularly Air Force toys. The USAF values expense and complexity over effectiveness and efficiency.

But in 1992 NATO was armed in depth, with stockpiles of artillery shells, mortar rounds, antitank weapons, simple rockets, etc., in anticipation of a vast Soviet armored invasion of Europe. Way more than an order of magnitude bigger than Ukraine. We also had enough armor over there to theoretically stop a Soviet invasion. What happened to all that stuff?

Probably most of it is still sitting in the warehouses, because nobody wants to go out and get sweaty in an un-air-conditioned tank when they can use a multimillion-dollar drone and smart missiles. But we never had many of those, and we never had any production lines for them – the military buys things like that in small batches, virtually handmade, which is why they’re so expensive. It’s poor budgeting, but it’s not like the taxpayers have any means of objecting to it.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Military view towards tax revenue, “There is always more.”
There is always a new threat and a new need to meet that threat.
The Russians have hypersonics. We need’em too.
The kid across the street has a new toy, I need one too.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Eagle Mountain Nevada south of Reno north of LV… a lot of military including a place where they take all that stuff apart. Must be several places like that around the world

1 year ago

Undeniable proof of gang stalking

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You have to wonder what they are planning on with all of this. In many ways, I think a lot of targets are just test mules. People to practice on. I have to imagine they are planning on really blitzing a lot of people if cabal gets closer to losing control. It’s interesting to think what it’s all about.

1 year ago

Video of the world’s largest Freemason ceremony is fairly terrifying, as it is conducted under a solitary, giant, blinking eye. Maybe the eye is just freaking me out, but that whole thing has a frightening 1984 vibe to it.”

Like the big eye they just put in Las Vegas?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Looks like a Pink Floyd concert.

1 year ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

It’s amusing, and it’s true. But the real arch criminals already know everything about you. And the lowest level street criminals are all under the control of local law enforcement and local crime bosses.

1 year ago

“The video says John Wayne, Richard Pryor, Buzz Aldrin and Mark Twain were all Masons. Apparently Ben Franklin too.”

Yeah, you know, it’s almost like the good guys in history have been Freemasons. How about that? Just imagine, a fraternal order where the members study philosophy, history, wisdom literature, and seek to help each other be better men.

You’d almost have to wonder who could be against that. And you’d have to wonder what kind of aggressive psyops would have to be carried out to convince you that such men were the real danger.

It’s quite something looking at the Masonic Lodges across the country. Beautiful architecture like we don’t make any more. Dining halls where people meet and share a meal a good conversation with others. Libraries full of the most important books in history. Theaters for performing arts.

One can just imagine how despised the Freemasons would be for those who want us locked in isolated pods, owning nothing, and being obedient slaves.

And to think, amongst the followers of this board are people who think Christianity is going to save us. When many Christian churches are leading the LGBT pride trans assault on our culture even more aggressively than Disney, priests are diddling little kids, an organized crime soldiers are coming for communion to relieve themselves of the guilt they feel for all the innocent lives they’ve destroyed.

Everything good and noble in the American national character and society traces itself back to a fusion of Puritanism and Freemasonry. And every place cabal has taken over, their first targets of degradation have been the Masonic lodges.

I’ll tell you one thing. I’d much rather live in a country with buildings like this in every town than our current shithole of strip malls, casinos, fast food, and supposed “churches” that have all the ambiance and charm of a dive bar on Saturday night, and featuring a band playing on Sunday morning that still looks high from the night before.

But that’s just me.

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Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I don’t know that there’s any reason to believe that the Freemasonry is structured as you’re assuming. The Grand Lodges in each country appear to be independent, with various minor squabblings between them.

I really find it very hard to believe that it is the freemasons behind the targeting of the kids in public schools. You’d necessarily need a much, much larger organization to make it logistically feasible. Enter the Catholic Church, which is vastly larger, has far more people in government jobs, and is deeply against Freemasonry.

I’m not at all convinced Franklin was a traitor to the US. He did far too much work to improve the US, everything from basically starting the self-help movement (teaching people how to be free citizens) to improving our economic and scientific competitiveness. From education to public libraries to the postal system. His industriousness helped make the US a major economic power. How he could be capable of sabotage that would undue that is mysterious to me.

I don’t know that Freemasonry is “dedicated to the exclusion” of everyone else. The basic motto is “to be one, ask one.” As far as secrecy or oaths, I think that those are the foundation of any kind of collective worth anything. People form groups that require something of members in terms of behavior. Groups that don’t do this tend to not be very valuable or develop much internal trust.

The idea of “secrets” is not rare or unusual at all. Guilds have them. Schools of martial arts have them. All the great philosophical schools of the ancient world had them. There was always doctrines to not teach outsiders.

I do not think that this is necessarily due to the desire to put outsiders through any kind of a ruse. Whether it’s martial arts or schools of philosophy, it’s a common belief that important information should not be handed over to unworthy people. Unworthy can be people you don’t know, or people who simply lack the prerequisites to learn what is being taught. If you have any kind of school of thought you’re not helped by having a bunch of morons running loose babbling ill-digested summaries of your ideas.

As far as Q and the mass shootings go, let’s look a little closer. First of all, anyone can get such hats or t-shirts. It’s kind of like saying, “the Jan 6 protesters were obviously Trump supporters! Look, they had Trump flags!” Obviously we all know that in this cabal ran world, nothing should be taken at face value.

Secondly, what does it MEAN that they are wearing these symbols? Obviously they are trying to communicate SOMETHING to SOMEONE. What are they trying to communicate and to whom?

During COVID, in the initial outbreak, state health departments and so forth were constantly announcing variations of “33 new cases” and so forth. Obviously they were trying to communicate something to someone. From what I can gather, cabal exploits symbolism of any and all kinds. So my inclination is to believe that they were just signalling to their own people “this is an op.”

And since all the players in the health care system that made the covid op possible were vastly more than the number of freemasons in any community, it seems that the recipients of said message were certainly people other or more than any freemasons.

Luciferianism: This gets confusing because contemporary Christians seem to regard Luciferianism as being synonymous with satanism. They two are simply not the same. Lucifer was the angel of light. He became Satan in the rebellion against God. Two different entities.

Moreover, the idea of “light” as a philosophical and mystical concept traces back to the ancient world and its schools of philosophy. This concept entered Europe along the same time as the re-discovery of classical culture. And it can be seen in the transition of European churches from the dark and dreary Romanesque designs to the more light centered Gothic Cathedrals. That is, this notion of “light” as a philosophical concept was probably what we’d nowadays call a secular or at the very least irreligious concept but it had profound implications and manifestations in Renaissance culture and art.

I won’t belabor the obvious similarity between “light” and “lucifer”. But one could easily see how the unsophisticated or uninitiated may regard people talking about “light” to be indistinguishable from “luciferianism.”

And such slips of the tongue could have very, very profound consequences in Catholic Europe, where they were happily killing all sorts of people who in any way talked about topics the clergy wasn’t happy with. So people tended to be guarded in who they talked to things about, and thus the formation of things like Lodges around this time.

This transferred even to the new world where puritanism was very powerful and yet the spirit of the age was very philosophical and inquisitive. Masonic lodges were places where people could talk about philosophical ideas without fear of being destroyed.

All of this also formed in a time of expanding trade. With merchants doing a lot of traveling. It’s not hard to imagine that merchants would want to find a place in a new city where they could meet people that they had some form of trust with. And it’s not a coincidence that Masonic Halls were called “lodges.”

It was this international of network of merchants who became interested in ideas, travel, and establishing contacts. Hence the rise of Freemasonry amongst the prosperous and educated.

Of course, the Catholic Church has been against this for centuries, often violently so. They are against anything that conceivably threatens their power to terrorize people. And the very foundational ideas at the heart of Freemasonry and the idea of building high trust relationships is what makes life as a free man possible.

So it’s quite obvious that cabal would seek to undermine and eliminate all of this. An organization that wants us in pods and carrying digital ID simply does not want people being free. And they don’t have much use for an organization that, by it’s nature, enables men to be free or teaches the values of freedom or stresses the importance of high trust.

It’s pretty easy to see that the decline of Freemasonry in the United States is a direct parallel to the decline of every other thing that’s good, true, beautiful, and worthwhile. I don’t think this is a coincidence. Because cabal’s goals are quite in opposition to Freemasonry’s goals.

But that’s not to say that the organization hasn’t been penetrated and undermined by cabal. It clearly has.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

If you were a CIA or FBI or Mossad operative, and you staged a mass shooting for a new shock-and-awe event to pump a story into people’s heads and livingrooms, what costumes and props would you use? CIA or FBI or Mossad signs and such? To be sure everybody “knows” whodunnit?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thanks for always being open to honest polite debate and the humble pursuit of truth … with people who also seek truth.

“…a lot of Sheriffs are Masons…”
and a lot are not Masons.

“they have the resources and the attitude to deal with that, or at least to find out who it was who was wearing that shit, and make it known they were not in the order of Masons, to clear the organization’s name, or to get rid of them.”

Would sheriff maybe arrange for a reporter from the local MSM affilliate to provide a mic and camera long enough for the sheriff to publicly talk about who is and who isn’t a Freemason, and tell the world something that differs from the official story just staged and broadcast-blasted around the world? A soundbite that would
set the record straight once and for all?

“You would not believe the job they did from the time I was a kid. ”

Actually I would. It’s a little comforting to know that the grip of 20th-century psyops and indoctrinations of US public schools is loosening and not permanent.

“we are surrounded by an enemy whose whole modus operandi is to be as a chameleon, and appear as one of us, and exploit our loyalties and friendship while destroying freedom and trying to screw everyone else to feather their own nests. ” Well said.

And they are Freemasons? All Freemasons? Only Freemasons? Possibly some. But even the possibly some Freemasons who might be secretly trying to destroy freedom of other people would do so contrary to Freemasonry, not because of it. Liberty, equality, and fraternity are just three of hundreds of principles of the very very old “craft.” Where is that possibility pondered, examined, contended with other than in Freemasonry? Where is IS contended with other than Freemasonry, is the enduring consensus there that these are ideals worth pursuing for ALL people? Or just for monarchs or some other exclusive group?

Is liberty possible without fraternity? Sincere question. How can men achieve and guard liberty without systematic alliance with other men? If a systematic alliance is a prerequisite of liberty, what system would you use? If you invent one from scratch, you’ll probably either consciously or unconsciously create something that has a lot in common with Freemasonry. Does it ever seem like one of the main reasons for the weakening of the implementation of the ideals of the American colonies (which I believe led to the US Constitution, American ingenuity, and freedom within an economy in which to ingeniously prosper)… does it ever seem like one of the main reasons that has faded is the decay of the strong alliance of the good men that until recently did a pretty good job of guarding the ideals those good men cherished? What happened? TV and media — instead of systematic in-person meetings that formalize consciousness of good will by good men fortifying their individual strength by teaming up to promote and defend a divine vision of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for all? Versus hypnotic sitcoms sponsored by sales pitches for lethal drugs? (“Talk to your doctor,” “Talk to your doctor,” “Talk to your doctor,” “Talk to your doctor,” “Talk to your doctor,” … … …)

If leaders of contemporary Freemasonry had to prove at some point that they’re corrupt and evil in order to advance (flipping from good to evil after years of making oaths of honor and practicing Freemasonic guidelines with other Masons?), then yes, the organization must be corrupt and evil at its core. I don’t know if it is. Could be.

Even if it is, essential to the beginner-degrees’ teachings and practice is self awareness and self improvement. In the company of others who are also pursuing excellence. Not trying to fix what’s wrong with each other. But doing the much harder and more worthwhile work of just fixing oneself. To thereby improve the lodge, family, community, world. Like a business or country in which each participant is self-correcting, self-educating, self-cultivating. Whichever club has its act most together wins. A bucket full of holes causes problems.

The local physical lodges, as far as I know, are shelters that are effectively an invitation to do the work of setting up or participating in an operative lodge. I’m pretty sure men of higher degrees have no power to influence men of lower degrees to be immoral or criminal by means of Freemasonry. To do so would be contrary to Freemasonry.

What I hope is happening in contemporary Freemasonry is the good men in the fraternity are taking your charges to heart, conscientiously examining the morality of the institution and its members from top to bottom, and polishing to perfection every brick in the edifice that Freemasonry figuratively is.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Cabal probably started it as a honey trap.
But even if they did not they had many generations to infiltrate it, and they are willing to take generations to infiltrate, they will be the “best” and “purest” members and so will their sons, and grandsons, if that is required, before revealing their true colors.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Why do the Freemasons need to keep secrets?

Are they secrets about the masonry trade?

Is it secret for the same reason the recipes for Coca-cola and Dr Pepper are secret?

Is the nature of the secret also a secret?

What’s it like telling people “lol silly Lucifer and Satan are totally not the same. I’m Christian btw.”? Is it a “hello fellow High Schoolers!” kinda feel?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I’m not sure why you’re struggling to accept that Lucifer and Satan are, in fact, different things. They just are. Much like America is a different country today than it was 50 years ago.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Well I “struggle” with accepting the “feminine penis” too.

And “racism” costs the US economy trillions a year.

And lots of things that seem insane like Lucifer is really the good guy.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Enduring tradition from centuries of tyrants and their paid employees chopping off the heads of people who didn’t do and say exactly what the tyrant wanted.

Same reasons you probably use end-to-end encryption and lock your doorg.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It sounds like just the kind of thing the cabal would infiltrate and turn to evil.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

If Masons couldn’t even keep itself free from infiltration despite starting well it is done.

What use is it for it to be taken over by the genuinely evil. Without a way to keep them out of the organisation or expel them whilst keeping their own integrity?

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There’s a lot more to it than secrets that for some reason seem to often seize the attention of the scornful and uniniated.
Practicing discipline, speech, reliability, teamwork, shared international any-language ritual, regulat collaboration with familiar others, encourragement to do good works wherever you go, getting to know your own and others’ characters in a safe arena separate from real-world business, freedom to inquire and wonder and innovate, moderation, oaths to better oneself without assuming authority over anyone else’s perceived imperfections… to serve one’s community, family, wife, children… to endeavor to productively work… to help a fellow Freemason in need… for just a few examples.

The work of self improvement relies entirely on self-initiative. No one can do it for you. That’s why Masons don’t evangelize and impose doctrines or dogma or pressure to join. If you choose to pursue personal growth, there are many paths. Freemasonry is one.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It was created as a honeypot in the first place.
Mason guy (who used to claim to not be Mason) may or may not be real.
If he is real he is the kind of guy the Masons were created to exploit.
He sees the public face of the lower levels that is all about virtue and just assumes that there is nothing hidden in the higher levels that is using him and the others.
He can imagine that the people involved in the shootings put on a fake “face” of being Masons, but he can’t imagine the Masons putting on a fake “face” of being virtuous.
He’s either a midwit or a deceiver. (I vote deceiver since he has clearly lied about his membership)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“But I also assume a lot of important people are in it,”
I think that’s true. Some good important people. And some bad (hence unimportant?) but powerful people. They don’t all know each other. Don’t all interact with each other. Not possible timewise and otherwise.

“…with a lot of power, and I try to figure out how I would operate there.”
You might fit in. Not because you are powerful (one example: founder of a useful information resource a lot of people rely on every day), but because you’re thoughtful and honorable. And free and of good report.

“… If I saw some dude flashing freemasonry shit at a mass shooting, and making it look, like many now think, Freemasons have some role in stuff like that, …”
Good Jews have to deal with being associated with bad Jews. Good Catholics have to deal with being associated with bad ones. Protestant, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, men, women, Europeans, Mexicans, Africans, baby-boomers, military, lawyers…

“Do you know what the deal is with those guys who pose as involved in controlling the narrative after mass shootings?”

No idea.

Well, now that I think about it… smacks of disinformation and propaganda, don’t you think? Rampant tactic. Old as the hills.

“with bad dudes in your ranks, trained in intelligence and sent in specifically to subvert your organization, and control it to exploit all of your loyalties and from there, they will bring in fellow intel operators, and it will go downhill fast.”

That’s maybe the most valid concern of them all. And probably the oldest one. Here’s an example:

At the same time, the pursuit of truth is (or should be) relentless. So while FM surely attracts duplicitous saboteurs, it also attracts (metaphorically speaking) building material, tools, puzzles to solve, opportunities for collaborative creativity… Here’s one example:

“Regular people are not cut out to stop intel operators who have plans and organization and coordination, and reams of intelligence files.”

As individuals… not too much. In groups of individuals who have some experience with, so might be able to trust, each other… a lot more. Whichever team has its act most together wins. How do you form a winning team? How do you cultivate all-stars? How do you detect in your team members the qualities your team would most benefit from? How do you strategically arrange and deploy them? How do masters teach rookies what they know? How do you identify saboteurs? How do you distinguish major leaguers from minor?

Sincerely asking: how?

“Either you guys are good and pure, and a lot more sophisticated as dangerous ruthless operators than you are letting on and you have managed to keep the intel op at bay, or, as I suspect, a lot of you are good and pure, and you are not capable of resisting the evil.”

What? Good and pure, but working together ruthlessly and evil-ly to run and hide a sophisticated spy network?
You’re right that if the members are evil, what the organization will do is evil, and the organization itself will be evil. It’s like being a “citizen” of the US. We who are good seem to be powerless right now BECAUSE we’re good. Part of being good is cooperating.

Or maybe because being evil in secret collaboration with other evil people is currently and has been for a long time a much more effective path to power?

Or a combination of the two?

But I don’t think your either/or framework makes sense. FMs are just people. All unique. Different opinions. Different characters. And FM’s essence is self-improvement.

Along with that, as a result of the essence, alliances do form. Good and probably bad. But not directly from what can be learned by pondering and following FM guidelines (which is all it is).

It’s essentially a method for starting with yourSELF in personal growth in order to make the world better. It CAN lead to private professional partnerships and alliances outside the lodge. Some good, some bad. But if the main reason you pursue FM is to find partners and allies for projects outside the work of self-betterment and forming and sustaining a lodge, I think you will in most lodges be disappointed.

I think it has happened that lodges have even been set up by fierce secret opponents if FM in order to demonstrate evil that they’re determined to believe FM is. The drive of confirmation bias and the craving to be right can be that strong, right? One of the things that a lot of people admire about FM is that it’s a set of “tools” that three or more people can pick up for forming lodge meetings and practicing the craft. The practice can be sincere or not. So if you’re a member of a community that believes it’s threatened by organized conscious real-world practices of liberty, equality, fraternity, tolerance, the pursuit of truth, and other FM ideals, it is POSSIBLE to make a fake FM lodge as a foil that you intend to knock down with scandal and conflict.

But I don’t think it’s possible to discredit the essence of what FM is or the tools that men created over thousands of years to collaboratively work together on the pursuit of excellence. Safe from dictators of their self-serving group-think.

And, as you prudently point out, FM and all divinely-inspired good things are targets for hijacking into weapons for satanically-mortified bad things. Is that the oldest battle of all time? Come to think of it, this dynamic is a symbolic theme that runs through Freemasonry and many other equally ancient disciplines. Awareness of it is wise, no matter where the awareness comes from

“So what is the deal with the all the different dudes Q pointed out were giving interviews in Freemason regalia after mass shootings?”

I don’t know. FMs who want the world to think FMs are crazy mass-murderers? Impostors who want the world to think that?

What do you know? What do you think? Does it suggest Q is an opponent of FM? Was the Q who posted up until the end of 2020 the same Q that started posting a couple years later? I’ve seen arguments that they’re not the same, and that the later one is a saboteur but the first one wasn’t, but I’m just a regular person and a complete outsider to all power circles. I’d love to get to the bottom of the Q mystery. Then we might know if what Q’s opinion of FM is.

If you know more, please post. I’d like to know. About Q and FM and FM and corruption and mud-slinging and truth etc etc etc.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thx. I will reply soon.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Please tell us about Albert Pike.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

A minor player. He was involved in the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite. Which is quite distinct and separate from American Freemasonry.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“This, then, is how you should pray:

“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.’

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You’re right, they do commit themselves to the importance of studying and learning. So much so that the highest level of masons worship Lucifer for bringing them knowledge, even though that caused humanity to be cast out of the garden of Eden and separated from God. The braindead retard masons are happy to spit in God‘s face because they believe knowledge is more important, like the braindead retards they are.

Repent, ask God for forgiveness and His enlightenment. He wants you to come to know Him, but you have to ask and you have to believe in Jesus Christ’s salvation. Give up your wicked ways.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

180 poast

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s always the inversion with evil, you won’t surely die, they were free of sin and in the image of God, they wouldn’t have died. You will gain in knowledge, they walked with God with no separation, they could ask him anything at any time, and the answer would be tempered by the love of a father, the information given at a pace they could handle. And, you will be like God, they were like God, only being separated by the act of rebellion. They had the three things the liar promised, and they lost them by listening to him. So, don’t ever bring that “light bringer” garbage to me. You aren’t freeing a child of their societal hasn’t ups by giving them porn, you’re just being a nasty pervert who needs to be put down.

Reply to  Steve Morris
1 year ago

I’ve thought about this. And I think “inversion” is Luciferian. And inversion plus mockery is Satanic. Which makes sense from the historical progression.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I have an ancestor, a Mason, who got caught down South, during the Civil War: out of uniform, behind the lines, making observations. They were going to hang him, but the Confederate judge was a Mason, so he was spirited away overnight. That was good for him, thus good for me, but not so good for those betrayed by the judge, or for a non -Mason in the same trouble.
That sort of thing must happen frequently.

I had a direct superior at one job, who went way out of his way to get people who broke rules that he violated all the time fired.

My mother’s sister’s husband was a high school football star who’s family was so holy that they wouldn’t dance or play card games — not even Crazy Eights, Fish, and Old Maid.
He abused (raped) his three daughters and at least one of the cousins repeatedly over time. Half of them were so screwed up that their lives remained totally wrecked. The one who was least affected still married a much older man who resembled her father. Only one ever had children.
The dude was never called on any of it and never received punishment, let alone vengeance.

None of the above are at all uncommon.

Only the first instance involved Masons.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“And every place cabal has taken over, their first targets of degradation have been the Masonic lodges.”

Please tell us about Albert Pike.

I know something of this subject. As far as I can tell, Freemasonry’s beginning is lost. It is probably as old as construction out of carved stone. Originally it was an organization of stone masons. At the time, all work was considered sacred. Abd had what we would consider a religious aspect. One can see this from the quality and type of work done. So, this org had “religious” aspects and teachings about the world and reality along with knowledge about the trade. These were fused together as can be seen from the constructions. See Carl Munk’s The Code series on youtube. It then slowly morphed into a guild as economics advanced (usury and the you know whos arrived). This was merely one of a number of orgs for the various crafts.

In parallel to this and perhaps originating slightly earlier were a group of orgs for the warrior nobility. These are mostly lost to history. But one can see them in the Arthurian Romances which contain memories of them and their traditions. Warfare then had a sacred character just like stone building did. The last major one of these was The Knights Templar. And it was a sort of hybrid with the priest/brahmin class. Which is very interesting. But the purely kshatriya traditions are lost to us.

It’s important to remember that both these orgs began in a time where the caste system was dominant in Europe. The Stone Masons were Vaisya and the warrior nobility were Kshatriya. The means of devotion and amount and area of knowledge of Vaisya and Kshatriya are different and incompatible. Kshatriya are “higher” than Vaisya and therefore in a certain sense the Kshatriyan thing contains the Vaisya thing. But still, the means and subjects are different.

It’s unclear what happened to the pure Kshastriyan traditions. Some say the kshastriyans rebelled against the brahmins or whatever is superior to the brahmins and they were put down.

The hybrid Templars were put down by Philp the Fair and the Catholic Church. There are two sides to every story. One side says the Templars were heretical sodomitical usurers and the other says Philip wanted their gold. Both are probably true.

The Templars functionally disappeared from history. But I’m convinced that a remnant took shelter in the Masonry org which was still surviving. Hard to say when. But this is the origin of the Specualtive and Operative split. The Operative Masons were the actual masons. The Speculative Masons were the remnant of the Templars. And some of the Templar rites and degrees were “grafted” onto the Mason rites and degrees. Now, this isn’t technically/logically possible under the old tradition. As Kshatriya and Vaisya are fundamentally of different nature. And a higher tradition cannot be used by a lower nature and vice versa. And it never really worked.

All this assumes that The Templars were authentic. Maybe so. Their origin narrative is bizarre and contrived. And the actual organization was a kind of hybrid between the priest and warrior: which is also technically/logically impossible. And the purpose seems to have been to facilitate transfer of wealth and knowledge from East to West. From Islam and Judaism to Christendom. And of course, to gather the wealth of Christendom into itself via crypto-usury.

Anyway, this Templar/Mason hybrid (actually brahmin/kshatriya/vaisya hybrid) became Freemasonry and was mostly concerned with opposing Rome and Monarchies, unsurprisingly. See Reformation and French Revolution.

The Freemasons were in America from before the founding with you know who membership. And DC is famously laid out in Masonic design and the early presidents etc etc were freemasons and so was J Edgar Hoover.

At the same time there was always a powerful and large virulent anti-masonic and Protestant mvmnt in the US. Often violent. That’s been largely memory holed.

Here endeth the history lesson hahahah

I’ll just say that it is very amusing to me that a secret org founded by an outlawed group of sodomitical usurers covertly taking over another org for the purpose of overthrowing legitimate monarchies is considered anti-Cabal.

Moreso when one realizes the covert interactiom with Islam and Judaism in the realm of esoteric knowledge (alchemy and cabala) and finance.

I’ll end this absurd poast with Guenon’s opinion. The hybrid nature of the Templars was because they were the messengers and guardians of the Supreme Center. They were the direct interface between Agartha/Shan-gri-la and the outside world. And thus needed to be both priests and warriors. Angels in effect. Agartha is a real place on earth and the ppl who live there are real as well. But the fall of the Templars meant that communication was effectively lost.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

> One side says the Templars were heretical sodomitical usurers and the other says Philip wanted their gold. Both are probably true.

Historical data supports that.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Best book I know of about the Knights Templars’ connection to the FMs is “Born In Blood.’ The author was a historian. He didn’t expect to ever become a FM when he started working on the book, but eventually he did. Robinson I think was his name.

Reading history itself and direct experience. More reliable than hearsay.d

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Everything good and noble in the American national character and society traces itself back to a fusion of Puritanism and Freemasonry. And every place cabal has taken over, their first targets of degradation have been the Masonic lodges.”

That’s how it looks to me too.

Isaac Newton, Alexander Fleming, Victor Hugo, Duke Ellington… Many more.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Tickerguy has an intriguing idea: returning to the older principles of war:

It’s about damn time someone looked at war as what it both used to be and should be today…War is the commitment of a nation’s force to break the other guy’s stuff and kill his people until he either runs out of fighting persons or sues for peace.  Whether it is “just” or not is a matter for historians and theologians to debate; what you cannot debate is what war actually comprises….It is by definition a decision from a few powerful persons to force others to risk the sacrifice of their life for some cause.
Eons ago, before we had other than edged weapons, beasts of burden and a few siege engines and arrows going to war meant killing in a personal way that was inextricable from both the event and outcome. In every case you had to put your neck on the line, literally, in order to prosecute a war and most of the time you had to look the other warrior in the eye while you killed him. The King or other leader invariably had to motivate his people by getting in front of said troops on his horse with his sword and lead the charge. Sometimes he died but he basically always took that personal risk because without it nobody else would go fight — and quite-possibly die.

An additional idea for the modern corporate state; i.e. USA, Inc; the corporation which rules this country and is willing to slaughter, replace, wring us of our income, steal our property, and deprive us of our God given rights: This USA,Inc is owned by two entities: the Vatican and the House of Windsor. Along with our immediate corporate officers, be they bureaucrats,Legislators, of the Executive; the Russians should expressly target Vatican City and the Crown City of London and the House of Windsor in its entirety.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

House of Windsor are a religious front for the City of London. The Anglo people love their monarch. Thus, they are used to pacify the rabble. But they, the Windsors, are absolutely subordinate to the Banksters.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Ever since the rise of Bureaucracy and Gunpowder advancements. Rulers are kept as far away from battle as possible.

1 year ago

Hey AC!
What’s your take on interacting with the surveillance? I see them pretty much every day. They even park directly in front of my house sometimes for minutes or maybe 10-20 minutes. They turn around in my driveway annoyingly about three times a week, and when I’m out on runs they’ll do U turns literally right in front of me. I decided to wave to one of the U turners the other day. Not surprisingly he very consciously acted like he was on his phone and looked straight ahead.

It’s so obvious now, I just feel like I should start screwing with them. What do you think they’re reaction would be? Bad idea? Indifferent idea?

English Tom
English Tom
1 year ago

That strip of land is the border between Poland and Lithuania. There is a part of Lithuania that separates Belarus from the Russian enclave Kaliningrad. It is known as the Suwalki Gap.

Russian will need a corridor through here to supply Kaliningrad if things go hot between Russia and NATO. If Russia/Belarus can link up with Kaliningrad then it also cuts off the Baltic states from the rest of Europe.

I think this may be the next area of operations once things really escalate.

BTW AC I have had several comments not show up. There’s fuckery about.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

People still think that Q was just a psyop meant to spin us in circles, and then I see stuff like this and it pisses me off all over again that I have to wade through all of that.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Something that Jerry used to say every convo when I was attending Liberty – “All our failures are PRAYER failures.” What can I say, it stuck. Understand, if you think America is DOOMED, I understand. From what you see in the news and especially from right wing sources America is DEAD and gone.

Thing is, Jesus says that raising the dead is a specialty of His. Prayer WARRIORS are needed. People of faith that call what is not as though it already is are needed.

A GREAT SHAKING is coming. It will cause the resetting of America to it’s founding purpose as an evangelical hub for the entire world. Declare/decree it in faith and DO NOT WALK IT BACK. The victory has already happened, declare it and ACT LIKE IT.

Oasis Church – Prophetic Word: The Angel Gate is Open

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Sounds too good to be true.

1 year ago

Youtube video about incident here in Colorado where Foreign pilots buzz small boats on anniversary 911. And .gov lets them leave country after they crash Cessna 172. Confirms who the bad guys are.

Reply to  greg
1 year ago

wow. thanks for posting this.

1 year ago

I have seen AC’s videos, they are as he described them to be.
Including the kid talking about following him “the other day”.

1 year ago
This is the list of victims of Las Vegas shooting. I dont wanna get all Alex Jones with Sandy Hook on you but do lot of these names sound little weird? Denise Burditus? Stacee Etcheber? Teresa Kimura? Rhonda LeRocque? Victor Link? Jordan McIldoon? Its like they had some fun at FBI headquarters coming up with preposterous names.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You might try feeding some of those named into an anagram server. You might be surprised.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I see a lot of names like that when using “free” reverse phone-number lookups. Also strange street names. Doing a Google search on the name always returns just the same phone-number lookup.

I’m guessing they’re “unique” names created for some kind of bulk dataset. Programmers use such things when developing software; all the names and addresses are fictitious. The unique names are a primitive copy protection system; if they show up from a source that’s not a licensed user, they have basis for legal action.

Such things used to be common, back in the 1980s and 1990s when you couldn’t just download all the sample data you wanted for free. They may be using the datasets to make sure any “people” they identify are fictitious and untraceable.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Interesting. And the first anagram for Denise Burditus is “Underbid Tissue”…..

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

When running any operation, business or otherwise, it’s amazing how often you run into seemingly simple tasks that take a lot of thinking, energy, and time to complete at a high level. I would imagine that making a plausible-sounding list of names may be one of these tasks. I can definitely imagine some low-level spook using one of those datasets to make that list of names.

1 year ago

Recork The Champagne: Sweden’s NATO Accession Deal With Turkiye Still Faces Hurdles

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Something I ran across. We’ve talked about gut health a good bit on and off. So there’s this guy that did large scale screening for molecules in the body that kill of sentient cells. BIG anti-aging effects in this. He has a paper I link. It says,”…Sodium butyrate, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, was one of the most effective additives in both human and mouse cocktails…”

So I look this stuff up and find,

“…What is butyrate?Butyrate is produced when “good” bacteria in your gut help your body break down dietary fiber in your large intestine (colon). It’s one of several short-chain fatty acids, which are named for their chemical structure….”

Hmm… very interesting.

There’s another guy who is less well known but has done much the same by sorting molecules from young and old and compared them. He’s using these sorts of small molecule factors that are produced when young but not when old with rats and he has the longest lived record of a type lab rat ever. He’s doing further clinical trials right now.

So what’s the long and short of this. It appears that certain molecules circulate in the blood that keep you young. When you get older these are much less and repair functions break down. Supplementation with these molecules in lab animals has miraculous results. It gets better. My understanding is these can NOT be patented. Harold katchers is patenting the separation process. Not the chemicals themselves, and he says they are very cheap to make.

If you look at all these rich old guys, I think they already know about this. I suspect that the in group gives these to people “if” they d as they are told. They of course do not tell them what it is. I noticed and commented on it that at one point in Hillaries run for office she seemed to age superfast and she started to look haggard. Now it could just be camera angles, light etc, but I did notice. Then not long after she seemed to be rejuvenated and looked way, way better and healthier. Could it be…she lost out on the rejuvenate formula, then got back on it when more compliant?

1 year ago

Findings of Investigation Into Collapsed Bank to Remain Confidential for 50 Years