Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Saudis Say No Agreement To Increase Production After Biden. Interesting how Crown Prince bin Salman seems to be strictly adhering to a script to tank the economy under Biden, and will show him no respect.
DFT – US to Supply $108 Million In Military Support To Taiwan. Deal is supposedly all but done. Though it appears more maintaining what they have, rather than arming them up even better.
Patrick Byrne testified for eight hours in front of the Jan 6th committee, no further info.
In an unprecedented action, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted on Tuesday to craft a proposed measure, aimed for the November ballot, that would give the board the ability to remove Sheriff Alex Villanueva and future elected sheriffs from office. So the people elect a Sheriff, the politicians don’t like him, and they kick him out? We are heading for the end-stages now.
Primary election results could be delayed weeks, says the Maryland State Board of Election.
Only 14 percent of Stacey Abrams’s fundraising haul came from Georgia residents.
Hunter Biden laptop reveals he frequently met with Joe Biden after foreign business meetings.
Idaho Democrats decry GOP rule barring cross-over primary voting — Democrats vow to “become a RINO.”
First Oklahoma, now Texas: Another natural gas facility explodes.
WEF pushes for restricting “certain types of actors and transactions” from using decentralized finance. They want some kind of third party inserted into the system and able to grab crypto off the blockchain if it is going to somebody they do not like.
Transgender woman who impregnated 2 inmates removed from N.J.’s female prison. Sent to a youth facility where he is the only “woman.”
UPenn nominates male swimmer Lia Thomas for NCAA Woman of the Year.
House passes two bills to federally legalize abortion.
BBC photographer claims to have picture of Prince Andrew that would rock the Monarchy if it was ever made public. Won’t say what it is, but another show may recreate the photo in a future broadcast.
Yellen says U.S. aims to move ahead with global minimum corporate tax despite setback.
Rush Limbaugh’s Palm Beach estate up for sale at $150-$175 million. Looks amazing to me, but they say the house is so dated it will probably be torn down.
Scientists claim to have built a robot they describe as ‘self-aware.’
GET BASED, MAKE BANK! ANTI-WOKE COMIC RAKES IN $1.7M IN PRE-ORDERS – I’m not linking to this shit, just because it pisses me off. But this was an article on Stephen Crowder’s website. Basically some random asshole had the totally new idea to make a book of non-woke comics, which he is charging $90 for, and he has supposedly sold $1.7 million of them. And Crowder is promoting it. First, notice, no mention of Arkhaven comics or Vox Day, who have only been doing this better and bigger, even for free, for years now, and who no doubt would dwarf this guy. Second, no way this guy shows up unannounced and has more reach than Vox has accumulated, after decades amassing fans in all sorts of genres. But he sells $1.7 million of $90 books almost overnight? Do you think you could do that? Would Crowder mention you, if you did? What you are seeing is how the machine tries to bleed Arkhaven, by having one of their actors show up, with a product the machine created, get free pimping on some machine mouthpiece, with sales that sound a bit odd, and try to squeeze the real things out of the market. Learn to see the difference between the real things, and those things they jam in your face.
Kiev wants to strike Crimea with US-supplied missiles.
US conducts “successful test” of two hypersonic weapons.
Joe Biden leaves Saudi Arabia humiliated.
Joe Biden risks impeachment if Democrats lose both House and Senate.
Spread r/K Theory, because if it is jammed in your face, it is probably no good.
“But this was an article on Stephen Crowder’s website. …. But he sells $1.7 million of $90 books almost overnight? Do you think you could do that?”
That’s so much glow we could harness the energy to power a small country.
once his head writer Owen Benjamin called Crowder out as a Globohomo gatekeeping.fake arse Christian 5 years ago as they parted company.
OB Batting 1000
1.7, yeah, right. Might as well have shoehorned 666 in there. That makes me wonder, is 17 sort of like an auspicious number for Cabal? I get the feeling that they only invoke it for positive outcomes towards themselves.
To be clear though, Eric July has a podcast, a show on Blaze, and is part of the online network of based comic folks (which is large)
He’s outspoken and popular, and I totally believe the $1.7 million number as accurate sales…
Vox, whom I still read daily, has gone in the other direction, he’s isolated and insulated himself intentionally at a cost of losing the ability to generate large outreach numbers. When was Vox ever appearing on shows like Friday Night Tights, or being invited to be on Blaze? Not his cup of tea. Like it or not, the “light right” is a much bigger audience than Vox’s. Daily Wire and Blaze are doing what Vox is doing (creating alternative platforms) but doing it in a way that puts money/viewership first. And yes, that does mean they compromise more. Vox is not a compromiser.
It is more complicated than that. If Vox was in Cabal, his handler would tell him he is doing Blaze, and the door would be open when he got there, IMO. And he would be, “popular,” “edgy,” “opinionated,” or any of a dozen words that would make him the interesting guy who everyone was interested in and found intriguing. And the sales would just happen, because that is how Cabal tricks all the normies into thinking this one is the next big thing, and not some other one. My guess is Vox’s file has a detailed psych profile, and he just is on his own wavelength, has a temper about some stuff, and they assume if they gave him that platform, it might end with him leading the charge into government buildings and overseeing the beheadings.
r/K Theory was interesting enough, and I was normie enough at the outset, I could have gotten attention for it when this was all starting out, if things were genuinely just random people interacting randomly, with no overarching command on one side. At the time, it was curious that all those doors were closed to such in interesting idea, and I noticed it, but did not understand it, and didn’t really waste time wondering. Now I think I do understand.
It is all very controlled, and I mean going back to you, in your kindergarten class, having at least a couple of kids there who were reporting observations back to their parents on everyone, and you were getting a file. A ridiculous number of people, who you walk by every day, all know.
And I think “mass-success,” whether it is the overnight viral sensation with ten million views, or the billionaire entrepreneur, is artificial, for the most part, and used as a way those in control try to guide the lemmings. They, as a matter of procedure, cannot have some rando just suddenly have the power to affect a million brains.
I mean 19,000 people paying $90 for a book of comics? I have now spent a decade trying actively to be of use to people, saving them time and effort, as I have tried to ride the back of one of the most interesting ideas in political theory to get spread, and I have what I think is one of the most interesting educational programs on surveillance, which I would think people would be blown away by. And I may have been doing it at the exact perfect time, just as the r-selection went stratospheric, and the intel operation behind everything was getting revealed. How many have I gathered here who would pay $90 for something? I had about 1200 clicks when I asked, and that was just a click.
This work, of gathering an audience, is a lot harder than they make it sound. You do not just “go viral,” wake up, and in a year you have millions of followers. I think being hit by lightening would be more likely, because the intel op running things is not trying to prevent you from being hit by lightening.
And the accrual of an audience goes a lot slower, especially, for people who are not being actively promoted by Cabal. I don’t want to discourage people, but I do want people to understand how the world works, because one way our kind get fucked is they get diverted onto battlefields the enemy controls, and the enemy lets them waste their time there. It is easy to look at the tools Cabal promotes, and think you can do better and be more successful. And you could, if it were not all fake playacting.
VD’s dad went to jail for 10 years for some weird tax evasion thing, definetely a Cabal zerzettung thing.
Yes. If Vox’s family was anywhere near the network, that would never have happened. And if it even began, he’d have known where to drop an envelope of cash to make it all go away.
Just correcting the spelling.
AC, I wish I had known all this many years ago, and then I wouldn’t have spent so much time and energy on a creative career that got me very little in return. (This was work that wouldn’t interest this crowd, so I’m not asking for a promo.)
I agree with all your conspiracy reasons, but there are also non-conspiracy reasons for your not having a wider audience. This is material that is just too intellectually demanding and emotionally unsettling for most people. Even Youtubers that are quite small and unimportant get a lot more interest when they do something as trivial as try out a new restaurant. Or some generic crime novel outsells all 9/11 truther books combined (some of that is marketing, but I’ve never seen anyone read a conspiracy book in public).
Few years ago I would have thought that AC is straight up lunatic. But since my surveillance went overt, this is pretty much the only place that makes sense of the world.
Yeah, there will be people reading this, for whom it hasn’t gone overt, and I am sure they are wondering what is up with this site.
The only thing I can say to those people is, I was there, and looking back, I now see as clear as can be, everything I was taught was a lie. And there is no way to see through it clearly, until you see a surveillance machine openly, which is so immense, it seems to defy reason, economics, everything. You have to see it, to force your brain to reject all the lies which have been so fully cemented in your brain, you cannot see the truth any other way than to be violently shocked into re-constructing your whole worldview from scratch.
Once you get shocked into having to face reality, you realize the world is ruthlessly Darwinian, and wholly corrupt, and your inability to see it before was basically a measure of how completely they cement those lies into your brain, from in school, to in movies, where the plots you see would never happen in real life, because surveillance would be all over them. The marquis of Queensbury rules, the idea cheating is bad and nobody should do it, the idea society will ostracize evil. It is all fake.
Here’s a few sites to show the range of Fakery available:
-Israel and 911
-Fake Rocks
-Fake Birds
-Fake People
-Fake Weather
-Fake Climate Crisis
-Fake Heros
-Fake Saints
-Fake Holocaust
-Fake Terrorists
To Name a Few…
UNFORTUNATELY a Very Real Genocide.
I see how you got the $90 per book because that is the simple average, but a vast majority of the books sold have been $35. 96 pages is the length of the book. Compared to other indie books, that is pretty reasonable. I believe there is a market for quality comic books, and $35 isn’t too steep to give a 96 page book a try.
Eric July has been on Youtube, building an audience, for over 10 years. I don’t watch every video, but I know he has at least mentioned and complimented Arkhaven as an example of creating independent material. He is one of the only ones besides Jon Del Arroz and Bounding into Comics to do so.
The fact that he sunk his own money into building a website/distribution and finished the book before announcing it has a big appeal to those who have supported other campaigns (such as EVS), where books haven’t been delivered in years. Eric July’s site copies Indiegogo’s format so it is instantly familiar to those who have used Indiegogo. In summary, I think he has done the work (including talking about creating a comic book universe for years) to garner a big response.
Gathering an audience is difficult, and the Youtube algorithm is particularly suspicious, but I don’t think a large audience necessarily equates to being part of the Cabal. If they supported it and then try to ask for something in return, they might get a middle finger from Eric July. I suppose time will tell.
If he complimented Arkhaven, then maybe he isn’t entirely comped. Though I remain suspicious of anyone on the enemy’s platforms.
It is just what he might do if he was trying to target Arkhaven’s audience.
Though I have to also admit I am getting a reflexive hostility building up I need to keep checked, before I start making podcasts that look like the selfie videos from that Asian dude who shot up Virginia Tech.
AC- you’ve def had something if an edge to you lately, more than has shown through on this blog in the past. Seems to be coming out about whether there are “white hats” with a “plan” in particular.
Meant to say earlier, but this seems as good a time as any, regardless of the” best laid plans of mice and men” or lack thereof- the ultimate white hat is God and he’s got the master plan. He’s a true expert at lemonade out if Satan’s lemons, and it may be naively white pilled, but I think if you look at things from a certain angle the seeds of poetic justice are often sown when things look at their worst.
Have faith, brother. You’re doing God’s work here and the people plans don’t matter so much, God will use them as he wills.
Thank you. This is the interview Eric July did with Chuck Dixon. You should watch it. At the 40 minute mark they talk about Arkhaven.
The great Cabal plot to get an anti-woke comic into the hands of an audience hungry for anti-woke content. Diabolical, I tell you!
They give small victories all the time to place plants who will slowly shift the narrative over a span of years to whatever satanic end goal they want.
That’s how controlled opposition works.
Some people will create and find that kind of thing on their own, so you give them yours and then you slow poison it.
At least we know who was giving all those random downvotes.
“Scientists claim to have built a robot they describe as ‘self-aware.’”
That’s not surprising, IBM’s TrueNorth chips (and variants) have been proliferating for a while now. Variants of those chips with 2nm and 3nm feature sizes will be exceedingly powerful, and possibly capable of simulating a human frontal lobe by 2030.
“Farmers in Italy, Spain and Poland have joined Dutch farmers in protest of ‘green’ government regulations that will decimate the industry by forcing them to reduce their use of nitrogen fertilizer compounds.”
Since Europe doesn’t have much in terms of fossil fuels and most mining activity over thousands of years has depleted the continent of minerals, farming is really their most valuable primary economic activity that produces commodities. Without farming Europe instantly becomes the poorest continent on the planet.
Your last sentence is exactly what the globalists want.
Hundreds of millions of impoverished but unarmed Europeans are putty in the hands of the globalists, or so they think.
The globalists are getting increasingly desperate, which I take as a very good sign, but a cornered animal is a dangerous animal, and the only tactic the globalists have left is war, meaning a nuclear WWIII.
They think they will scurry away to their bunkers and sit out the storm as Russia and China unleash hell on the west.
there arent fossil fuels, earth makes new oil nonstop. / europe has oil under it, just not seen as the easiest to get to. they, like the northern US, also complain about ecological effects of getting it. they do drill offshore, except in preferred resort areas. it’s a scam like the rockefellerian approach to foreign countries, kick their ass and take their gas. despoil their areas, not ours. includes more bad assumptions, like it is automatic despoilage… and keeps your own natives poor (and foreigners too) while the international elite makes money.
Sincere request for links on oil as a renewable resource? The search engines are utterly useless.
abiotic oil is the term to use
There are lots of “debunk” articles out there but you can find others if you look using the right terms.
Try looking up “abiotic oil” or maybe “abiogenic oil”. You’ll still need to sort through a lot of links to “debunking” sites, which indicates to me that it’s probably true.
Search ‘abiotic oil’.
> Primary election results could be delayed weeks, says the Maryland State Board of Election.
Back before we got the voting machines, my county in Arkansas used paper ballots, that were all counted and logged within an hour after the polls closed. And you could stand there and watch them being counted if you wanted.
And as soon as the counts were done they threw them in the trash and reported whatever number the beast system needed to make their guys win.
It’s been going on a lot longer than voting machines.
> Trump aide Deborah Birx claims Covid ‘came out of the box ready to infect’ – claiming virus was being worked on by scientists in a Chinese lab.
…which is the exact opposite of what she said when she was trying to dismiss Trump’s claim that it was developed in a Chinese lab…
We can see history being retconned right in front of us.
These scabs know their CovidOp narrative is collapsing around them, and they are basically rearranging deck chairs as the Titanic sinks.
Screw them.
The major adverse reactions affecting millions of people aren’t going away, and the folks behind the scenes know it, so they are trying to figure out what script they can run to avoid the rage that will come once the general public becomes aware that the vaccines have killed and maimed millions.
it’s also an attempt at limited hangout: all china, no cabal…
> BBC photographer claims to have picture of Prince Andrew that would rock the Monarchy if it was ever made public.
Suuuure. British law isn’t the same as American law, particularly in defamation, slander, and libel. In the US, the perpetrator can only be prosecuted if his claim is not true. In Britain, the victim only needs to prove he has been harmed; whether the claim is true or not isn’t relevant.
Andrew would have his ass in court. MI6 would probably become involved. And Elizabeth has been quite testy about the foibles of her offspring in recent years; she’d be (exuse the inadvertent pun) be royally pissed at the whole thing.
I doubt he has anything; we’ve seen too many “I have the Secret Knowledge” claims from too many people to believe anything without proof. And if he *did* have anything, he’d be Arkancided, and then they’d claim it was all Photoshopped anyway. And they’d slap a D-notice on it and there’d be nothing else said, at least in British media.
> Joe Biden leaves Saudi Arabia humiliated.
I am conflicted. It’s the Saudis… but it’s nice to see other countries realize Biden is a nobody and tell him to piss off.
On the other hand, it’s the Saudis… [sigh]
“countries” as theyve been typically defined by borders / language / culture
no longer exist
> Putin’s defence minister Sergei Shoigu orders ‘shock and awe’ attacks on Ukraine in an attempt to stop Kyiv inflicting ‘massive damage’ with American HIMARS artillery.
Why would the Russians clump up in nice artillery targets? They were interleaved with Ukrainian cities and factories, last I paid any attention.
As far as “shock and awe”… note that we’ve still not seen Russia’s best soldiers and weaponry, just mostly newbies and obsolete or semi-obsolete equipment.
The Russians have drones, and satellites, and, if the SVD has been doing its job, they’ve thoroughly pwned the Ukrainian civilian and military communications systems. Unless the Ukes are moving hand-written messages by courier, the Russians know everything that’s going on.
It’s looking like Vlad is deliberately marking time until General Winter comes to Russia’s aid again. Europe has already been weakened, economically and politically, by Russia’s return sanction of cutting gas supplies; several EU members are starting to look like they may go Sri Lanka’s route. All Vlad needs to do is wait until the rioting and coup attempts start, then roll in and set up new Russian puppet governments, just like Uncle Joe (Stalin, not Biden) did in 1945/6. And instead of an “iron curtain” from Stetting to Trieste, the Russian Bloc would extend all the way to the Atlantic.
With no actual war being declared by Russia, NATO would be powerless, plus the majority of NATO members would be part of the Russian Bloc. Britain+the Commonwealth doesn’t have the horsepower to oppose them, and now, neither does the United States. China is unlikely to get involved.
Unless Vlad dies or goes nuts, I don’t see how Russia can lose. All they have to do is keep Ukraine at a low boil and wait.
Even then, the Russians are reading half of them, because half the runners are assets. Russian HUMINT is peer to Israel or China, and we are a distant non-peer to all three for HUMINT.
“Philby, Blunt, Burgess, Maclean, and Cairncross.”
“Alex, who are the Cambridge 5?”
Huh. Most of my espionage books predate Cairncross’ involvement being admitted in 1990. They talk about the Cambridge Four.
Wikipedia: “Cairncross confessed in secret to MI5’s Arthur S. Martin in 1964 and gave a limited confession to two journalists from The Sunday Times in December 1979.[2] He was given immunity from prosecution.
According to The Washington Post, the suggestion that John Cairncross was the “fifth man” of the Cambridge ring was not confirmed until 1990, by Soviet double-agent Oleg Gordievsky. This was re-confirmed by former KGB agent Yuri Modin‘s book published in 1994: My Five Cambridge Friends Burgess, Maclean, Philby, Blunt, and Cairncross by Their KGB Controller.”
So, the Brits officially knew about Cairncross since 1964, a year after Philby defected, and had a confession of “impropriety” and connections to Philby since 1952, and another public confession in 1981, but the Brits chose to sit on it until 1990, when he was officially outed by the Soviets.
His actual crimes appear fairly mild, trivial, compared to the other four. Which leads me to suspect whatever he was actually doing is still being covered up.
I don’t think Russia is worried about military being damaged by the new arty being deployed, I think they’re trying to minimize civilian casualties because we know the satanic fucks puppeting the corpse of Ukraine have zero hesitation in shelling civilians in Crimea, Donbas, etc.
The all out attack would be to push them out of range of targeting major civilian targets.
Why would Russia want to end the war? The West keeps shipping multi-million dollar weapons to Ukraine where the Russians destroy them with multi-thousand dollar artillery, drone, or missile strikes. The West is slowly disarming itself. Why would Russia want to stop that?
> Joe Biden risks impeachment if Democrats lose both House and Senate.
Of the various Presidents who have been impeached, the consequences were all: None. Zero. Bupkis. Zilch.
Not to say the GOP might try, just for the PR, but that’s all it would be, and they have to know that.
AC, I know you’re very busy, and you probably haven’t had the time to read all the devolution theory pages by Patel patriot. Wondering if you’ve browsed any of it? A lot of it makes sense, would be pretty dumb if Trump did indeed, walk away, and do nothing at all. Just curious as to your thoughts.
I have not, mainly because I am not sure anyone can say what is going on, and I am skeptical of anyone who implies what is going on required any sort of rules-based framework. As I have said, there are no rules.
What I see, in the surveillance, appears to have a command structure which extends into some sort of network outside of any government, which just tells its people to do whatever it wants, regardless of rules. IMO, whatever it is, is outside of government, and is basically like a private sector shadow CIA. It has penetrated all the important parts of government it needed to neuter any rules, and it controls them. So I go to the cops with hard evidence of illegal surveillance, and it controls the Police Chief, the politicos over him, the legal system, the DA, the Judges, even the lawyers I would try to hire to represent me.
So IMO, there is really no US government now, at least with regards to anything important. What the machine wants, it simply orders its assets to make happen, and they send word down the line to whoever that is who makes it happen. I mean, they got to Epstein, the only question is, did they kill him in the most secure place in the nation, or did they pull him out and supply a substitute body, and he is on an island somewhere raping young girls right now.
I do not know how far up in the hierarchy Trump goes. He seems high, but it may not matter, and they may still not have told him exactly every detail. And he may be OK with that, putting OpSec over his need to know. IMO, he knew what he needed to do for his part, at least. A lot of people seem willing to trust the people above them in conspiracies, which I do not really understand.
That said, I have no idea if what is above him is what he thinks. It is possible it is not, and this thing is going to a bad place.
But if not, and it is a Q-type thing, then IMO, there was no need to invoke all these governmental rules. The type of operation I see, if it did invoke the official rules, would just be doing it as a theatrical device. In reality, they would have the movie script, and simply have told everyone, here is what you do, and everyone would do it because they are in the conspiracy, it has blackmail or control of them, and this is how things work. Adding the rules to the script might be useful to keep the plebes, after it is all over, having faith in the “government,” and not just ignoring it all as bullshit as I now do. But the idea Trump had to sit down with pen and paper, and work out flowcharts of all these rules to come up with some one in a million path to invoke the right rules in the right order, and how to manipulate them, seems silly. He would come up with the brilliant plan, and Cabal would just Epstein him, probably with a Secret Service Agent who grew up following people through grocery stores, and let himself get MK-Ultra’d at some point.
IMO, what I see with Q doesn’t look like what will free America. It sounded better when Trump appeared in charge of a military which wasn’t encouraging infantry to wear dresses and be fabulous. I just don’t see how you have this surveillance, which is clearly a hostile occupying force that has killed people, allowed 9/11, and seems to view normies who spot it as problems it needs to control, peacefully scaled down and put back in a box.
The only way I would see Q sounding legit at this point would be if he told everybody to buy 5,000 rounds of 5.56, 1,000 of 9mm JHP, body armor, and have the weapons to use it ready, because orders will be coming on short notice and each of us will need to hit the closest houses nearby when he releases the database of addresses, just as a shock and awe thing.
The idea we will just cool our heels and this will all be dealt with absent entirely wild unrest, as Cabal sends all the illegals to cache-houses to pick up bolt-actions and 220 rounds, and we enter into some sort of mix of martial law in some places and local gang-chieftain control in others, seems unlikely. The Military leadership is now tranny-worshippers. Obviously FBI leadership is Cabal running cover for the surveillance as it either supports a serial killer, or is outright serial killing. CIA was probably always a foreign operation. Local PD seems to have given up resisting and is just hunkered down after the last four years of onslaught. I mean what exactly is Q relying on, in a world where guns are the real power, and Cabal is basically looking at the end of their lives if they lose? And Cabal now has the assets in country. We are even getting the Acute Flaccid Myelitis again.
I haven’t lost all hope. There is stuff I don’t understand. But at this point I am more hopeful the surveillance gets outed, and triggers the unrest more randomly, and maybe our kind ends up actually establishing that myth they have been feeding us for decades. That reveal, I think is inevitable, and I am actually a little worried Q and whatever this plan is, might fuck that up. And I am even a little worried that plan may be something a lot worse.
Yeah. I sure do hope you’re right the surveillance will be exposed. According to Trump we’re all going to be happy with his plan, whatever the hell it is. I see no way anybody will be happy without everything being exposed and destroyed, and him taking what he won in 2020.
This depressing analysis deserves a longer response than I have time to give.
My take is if there is a counter-cabal, their strategy is to decapitate the cabal leadership. And the identities and locations of the cabal leadership is a closely guarded secret. So the plan is essentially to troll the cabal into coming out into the open and establish their dictatorship publicly, in which case they will have to self-reveal. The counter-cabal is not strong enough to do the reveal themselves.
The danger is that the cabal wipes out the dissidents first, which they will have identified just from getting the names of the people who didn’t get any injections.
If that is the plan, and it might be, I doubt it would work. Whoever is at the top of this is smart, and has no desire to be on the cover of a magazine. They will hide behind false-fronts behind false-fronts, even if they establish an outright Monarchy. The King you behead will never be the king.
I think they know who is who. But I think to get to them they need to erode control over everything below them.
And I think best vase scenario, they want to do this with as little bloodshed as possible because they fear if it becomes chaotic, Cabal might turn the chaos on itself, divert it, and ride out the storm. Worst case scenario, whoever is running the Storm is hoping they will run the surveillance when all is said and done.
It says something the brightest side of this could end up being the vaccine, which really is kind of Civil war in a needle, distributed hundreds of millions of times in the US. More or less everyone, good people and bad, who lent Cabal their power through trusting the system and believing what they were told, may very well be on a path to sterilization and death.
It’s very refreshing to see you take a very realistic stance in regards to the shitshow slowly exploding around us.
Obviously, none of us here really knows what is going on, but I completely agree with you in that I don’t see how all of this insanity, and the depth of the institutional subversion and cultural inversion, simply gets walked back and we all live happily ever after.
That doesn’t seem logical, and certainly doesn’t accord with any historical examples we have. An ending like that would not be serving any concept of justice any of us are familiar with.
At this point I assume, if there is a counter cabal, it is not centered in the U.S., and the white hats final moves against cabal may not ultimately benefit the average American, for the simple reason that I think the top of the pyramid of international cabal resides in Europe and possibly somewhere in Asia.
American institutions were hijacked decades ago, and as AC points out, there is some evidence that CIA was always international in scope and direction.
There are plenty of prophetic voices, both Christian and otherwise, going back a century and more, that make clear the U.S. is not a critical part of the final dispensation, as difficult as that might be for Americans to believe.
When Q said the ending wouldn’t be for everyone, he may have been writing more honestly than many would like to believe.
It all depends on your access to past information since those at the top (the humans, not the demons) would have to have been there for a long while and it is hard to completely high through history. It is possible a significant number of them are known. How do you take them out. Not with ordinary weapons such as snipers are small arms teams. In the end it is in God’s hands. He either blesses the effort or he doesn’t. Babylon is unexpectedly invaded and destroyed or it isn’t. His choice.
I will trust Q again when the military rolls out and imposes martial law.
But as you have said before, it won’t really be what it claims to be unless the surveillance is stopped afterwards, or without a massive wealth redistribution. (Trump’s “diamonds” are not the only stolen gems that must be returned)
We also need to see millions of foreigners and leftists expelled too.
I agree with you that involving the populace would be best but I would accept it if only the military and law enforcement took cabal down.
It would only be a small clique in military intel and some lower level officers who were still loyal that would be needed to launch the counter coup.
“Secret Service Agent who grew up following people through grocery stores”
That would be so absurd, except I’ve seen it first hand. Why do you think they follow people in supermarkets? What is so interesting about someone grocery shopping?
I think it is two things. One, they want to know everything tangible about you, which includes each tangible item which enters your house, and exits it, to put it in your file, just as a matter of procedure. I have no doubt they also pull all your trash and go through it too.
Two, I think everyone’s file has, an en extremis plan to kill them by poisoning, and they need to know what brands of food you buy and how you select which item, so if the order came down, they could have one of those grocery shoppers put a contaminated item on the shelf, just before you walk down the aisle and pick it up to take it home.
And this is essentially CIA-level, so even if it was like a sealed jar of mayonnaise, they can make one with the safety seal and everything.
But yeah, it seems lunatic. You pull in to the grocery store in a car alone, and as you get out five other cars open up and people who were just sitting in them get out and go in as you do. One of my family members actually lost them once in the store, and a store stock-worker in an apron walked at the end of the aisle, stopped and yelled back into the rest of the store, “They’re over here!” So even the dude making minimum wage stacking shelves is one of them. And what is he going so far to fuck over the Constitution, and all he gets out of it is a gig as a shelf-stocker? It is very strange.
And meanwhile for those who see it and get the overt stuff, that becomes normal. People wonder why I say nothing works the way you think.
I disagree. I think he wasn’t in on it, and they asked him if he knew where they went. That’s why he was so obvious as to yell it out.
This was during the shock and awe phase, though, and the stocker looked amused, as they all tried to look during it to make it more like they were fucking with the family and there was nothing anyone could do. Their impression, and mine given what was going on, was even he was in on it.
I think it’s a little more nuanced — he told him that if Trump is asked to send money to Ukraine, he’s going to ask why, and that would be a threat to “your” economic and physical security (the death threat.)
Eric July (Rippaverse comics) is part of an anti-woke group of YouTubers I’ve been following for years. He spent $200K of his own money getting issue #1 created and printed before turning to crowd funding to build out the business.
This is all the response by an audience weary of the DC/Marvel hegemony hating their audience, and many YouTubers amplifying the signal. Not every success has to be “glowing” or Cabal approved. A few news outlets picked up on it because of the anti-woke factor.
There’s always a call for our side to “build our own platforms”, but then you immediately dismiss any successes. As a great President once said, “C’mon, man!”
“This is all the response by an audience weary of the DC/Marvel hegemony hating their audience, and many YouTubers amplifying the signal.”
I can’t tell you, 100% that things didn’t work the way it seems. Lightning hits some people. But this pressure has been out there for a while. It had a great outlet already. The outlet, Arkhaven, had quality writers and artists, and was just focused on quality comics. It was being done by the guy behind Castalia House, so there was some history there of accomplishment, and it was not his first rodeo. The guy doing it had a lot of other things going on and a little of both renown and infamy, so he was getting word out and people were hearing about it. If people were in the comics space, they would probably have heard about it. And the appeal would have been multifaceted, as if you just wanted the woke out of comics, all he was promising was quality comics. And if you wanted to drive the knife a little deeper into the SJWs ruining comics, well, the guy doing the project was the guy who if you mentioned his name at a Tranny-child-grooming event, half the audience would faint, and the other half would pull out their razorblades and begin cutting themselves feverishly.
My case is we kind of have a benchmark for how things would work in Vox. He kind of did it the absolute optimum way, at the absolute optimum time, with every advantage. But I don’t see Crowder mentioning him gratuitously, and I don’t think it would be dropped in his lap like this, especially if he was coming at it without Castalia, or his name, or the last decades of his work for the cause.
Again, I am not telling people not to try these things. But I would warn them that these overnight success stories, where people are supposedly falling ass backwards into millions of dollars in return for sticking Cabal in the eye, may not actually be the way they seem. It may not work out that easy for you, so don’t think if you see someone else do it, it will necessarily work that way for you. Understand it should be a ton of hard work for very modest gain.
And if I have it wrong, and this guy has never followed anyone through supermarkets, or he hasn’t offered to be a cog in this thing and fuck over the Constitution, and lightning did hit him, God bless him. But if he is just another cog, obviously we are on different sides. Obviously, him succeeding on youtube, where Cabal can flood his videos to people like yourself until you follow him, and suppress everyone else, makes me suspicious. Would they let an uncontrolled wildman, who was trying to screw up their plans, become a success on a social/video platform they controlled?
One of the things that irritates me about Cabal is the way it lured in all those people who where honest, and tried to follow the rules, like the tech people who tried to follow in Bill Gate’s footsteps, or all the young kids with stars in their eyes who could have done so much more, who went to Hollywood thinking even if they weren’t Mel Gibson, they could make a solid life as a mid-level talent. All those people, if they knew the rules of the game, and how it was rigged, could have accomplished so much more. But they did not, and they played by the fake rules Cabal taught them, and Cabal wiped the floor with them and left their lives expended, with nothing to gain.
This just feels like Cabal sees where things are going – that Woke is on the way out and K is on the way in, and Cabal is trying to get its people in at the head of our movement, by making it look like they are succeeding effortlessly.
And again, obviously a lot of what informs my world view is having seen the surveillance at the ground level, how extensive it is, and how it begins when we are little kids in kindergarten, with kids of the surveillance people sent into our classes to sidle up next to us to begin building out our files. That is a machine which spares no effort to win. And when facing a machine like that, things going our way easily and effortlessly are always going to make me suspicious.
VoxDay links to this, with a lengthy excerpt on his blog.
It has a man raised in China by missionary parents. Both he and his father graduated from Yale. That’s the university that Elon Musk tweeted about- the mischief, or something like that. Perfectionism is a type of Yale religious belief.
Perfectionism, as practiced at Yale, included confessing sins and getting evaluated before one’s group. This was taken to China by Yale missionaries and turned into self-incrimination trials, and whatever else it’s called.
Since the Yale missionaries were training the Communist elites, I kind of wonder if that’s why Baptist missionaries were killed off by Communists.
Luce, who owns a media empire, doesn’t propose that America give away media empires. He wants the government to seize the intellectual property, and real property of other- manufacturing and farming- industries and just give that to other nations. If the other nations proposed that, it would be seen as industrial espionage and piracy. He advocates for where he grew up- China- and not America. He is literally acting like an immigrant shipping stuff home. He is also oblivious to the invisible structures that made all this possible- high trust, faithful marriages, families, honest business practices. He’s a blind materialist.
I left out, East Coast private boarding schools, and then Ivy League. And shipping, but not coastal defenses or land-based defense.
If you know, you know.
Yale grad, here. Also did a stint at a private boarding school (kicked out for truancy.) Never heard of perfectionism while there.
Interestingly, Luce is less known than his surviving wife, Claire Booth Luce, who was a bit of an incendiary socialite. I knew her close assistant who was an evangelical Christian from Wheaton College … a nice, though dull, woman.
Institutions seem to slip to the left over time. I suppose this could be explained by Weberian “bureaucratization” but it seems to be more than this. Regarding the Ivies, Harvard started out Puritan and devolved into Unitarian, Yale started as a Harvard reform school of a Congregationalist stripe and ended up UCC; Princeton started as a Presbyterian reform of Yale and …
… the pattern continues. On rare occasion, an institution actually rights itself by purging the apostates within it. I’m thinking, now, of the Missouri Synod Lutherans and Southern Baptists who amazingly managed to fight the strong leftward tide. Educational institutions associated with these denominations similarly shifted to the left. Catholic institutions do the same in spite of (or because of?) the hierarchy — Georgetown comes to mind.
Secularization is leftward pressure. Reform is rightward pressure. I know you guys don’t like the left and right terminology, but until you come up with better words, these will do.
Most China missionaries came from England, not America. China Inland Mission turned into something else, I forgot the name. Methodist.
In America, it was Princeton, not Yale, that sent most missionaries to China. Presbyterian. Many were killed.
Still later, the CIA infiltrated mission stations and tried to coopt the missionaries who, mostly, refused to play.
Very interesting. “Perfectionism, as practiced at Yale, included confessing sins and getting evaluated before one’s group. This was taken to China by Yale missionaries and turned into self-criticism and whatever else it’s called.”
Yes, public self-criticism became an integral part of Mao’s regime, probably reaching it’s height during the mania of the Cultural Revolution in the mid 60s. Mao continued to force his most trusted henchmen to publicly confess their sins and shortcomings right up to the end of their lives or his life. Those who failed to humiliate themselves to the required degree often fell from grace and sometimes turned up missing. In essence they were forced to plead for their lives on a regular basis.
Now in the USA government institutions and corporations require white people to apologize for their white privilege and their inherent whiteness. Those who fail to do so adequately will soon find themselves unemployed or worse. So we have gone full circle from Yale to China and back to the US. The practices of Christian missionaries have been filtered through Chinese communism and returned back to us as cultural Marxism. I don’t think this relates in any possible way to the teachings of Jesus; it is a perverted parody of Christian confession.
Oh, I think I know what you’re talking about now. Sorry.
Perfectionism, as you describe it, was an off-shoot of 19thC pietism. Think: confessional/mourner’s benches, 2nd awakening, Methodist circuit riders, Keswick later, etc. There’s still a wee strain of this in some of the more stringent Protestant off-shoots, but not much. I don’t know about Catholicism.
Of course, it was long gone as a religious movement by the time I got to university. Having said that, the idea of public confession and group evaluation, however, is a defining characteristic of the political/social Left — purity tests, language police, closed trials by university courts, and that sort of thing.
Somewhere in the Manifesto, Marx suggested it, so it makes sense that his acolytes, incl. Mao, would carry the idea of public confession forward post-Marx. For many, confession was equivalent to public humiliation. That was the point, I guess.
Back to the 19thC — within American pietism, humiliation was practiced. Stocks, shunning and, later Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter come to mind.
Oh, golly. Luce’s Wikipedia manages to erase Clare Booth Luce from his personal life.
“GET BASED, MAKE BANK! ANTI-WOKE COMIC RAKES IN $1.7M IN PRE-ORDERS – I’m not linking to this shit, just because it pisses me off. But this was an article on Stephen Crowder’s website. Basically some random asshole had the totally new idea to make a book of non-woke comics, which he is charging $90 for, and he has supposedly sold $1.7 million of them. And Crowder is promoting it. First, notice, no mention of Arkhaven comics or Vox Day, who have only been doing this better and bigger, even for free, for years now, and who no doubt would dwarf this guy. Second, no way this guy shows up unannounced and has more reach than Vox has accumulated, after decades amassing fans in all sorts of genres. But he sells $1.7 million of $90 books almost overnight? Do you think you could do that? Would Crowder mention you, if you did? What you are seeing is how the machine tries to bleed Arkhaven, by having one of their actors show up, with a product the machine created, get free pimping on some machine mouthpiece, with sales that sound a bit odd, and try to squeeze the real things out of the market. Learn to see the difference between the real things, and those things they jam in your face.”
This fits a pattern I’ve seen before. On the Dike Merchant (Amazon), some “conservative author” will come out of nowhere, get bestseller sales figures with thousands of reviews. A couple times; even though such an author is technically the competition, I’ll buy Book 1 and read it. Never better than mediocre; but a couple times I’ve bought the next book or two because I want to encourages authors who don’t publish woke garbage to keep writing. Then, once they think they’ve got you hooked, they start slipping in the LGBT, feminism, “dangerous right-wing extremist” characters, The importance of the war on terror,” even pro-abortion talking points.
They turn out to be gatekeepers like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson; the GOP, etc. And they’re probably rolled out, like you say, to suck all the grass roots customer base away from somebody who is legit.
TV Shows were like that too. They begin all warrior-patriotic, and next thing you know, they have gone woke.
Hey look, Lucy’s holding a football!
Sorry fuckers, I’ve seen this show before.
Try going on YouTube and watching the interview Eric July did with Chuck Dixon. Then come back and apologize for your moronic comments.
None of us know anything for sure, controlled opposition is often friendly with real opposition, especially in the early days.
The promotion by suspicious people makes July suspicious and it will take a lot to change that.
Let me know if he talks or writes about surveillance.
You’ve said your peace, Eric. Now go away.
It is interesting to me that it is confrontational. One, I said it seemed a high likelihood to me, and I can’t say 100%. And If Eric said I was Cabal because of something I did, it is how it is – in this environment we are all suspect just by being here. I am kind of happy to see people paranoid, even when they accuse me, as I know it is a hostile environment for Cabal.
Plus we are all on the same side if he isn’t, so even if I am wrong, well, I’m mistaken, not an enemy. If he thought I was Cabal, I’d make my case, ally to ally, and that would be it. Even if he didn’t agree, we’d part on good terms from my side.
Finally, even I, if I knew 100% Eric had been approached by his surveillance, and everything was explained to him, and he made the deal and took the ticket, I wouldn’t hate him. I hate the whole corrupt system, but I am understanding of some ticket takers, if they aren’t the satanist-variety you see at the top. I suspect many of these people at the lower levels who took the ticket just saw the writing on the wall, this was how the system was, and it was their only shot to succeed. If he wanted to make comics, and this was the only option for him to break in, fine. But I do hate a system that tries to deny places like Vox’s the success which should fall to them in an honest system of free and honest competition.
But a lot of these feel like how a liberal would feel towards an arch conservative site. Like we were an enemy before we even touched on the subject. Which raises the question why these people were here hanging out if they didn’t like us to begin with.
I’ve been reading your site and your books for close to 10 years. You’ve been absolutely consistent the entire time. While we have no choice but to be paranoid, I rank the odds of you being Cabal as too low to register. None of them have the ability to play that much of a long game, or their handlers won’t let them.
Within 2 years of Q appearing on the scene, a lot of sources I thought I trusted freaked out over the Q thing and went another direction. Alex Jones and Corsi were among the first, but a few lasted a little longer. There was that “Education 4 Libs” guy who seemed pretty solid, then he did a video 2 years ago where he repented of talking about Q, claiming he read Q posts like reading the Bible and said it was wrong in God’s eyes. Very weird. Jordan Sather wished him well and said he hoped that guy didn’t take any money for it. Sometimes I wonder if part of the Q operation was to divide the sheep from the wolves. Alex and Corsi lost their shit within a day of Q’s first “be careful who you follow” post, even though it said nothing about them in particular.
Yeah, I hope Q is real, but at this point, I think if he is, then one of a few things must be the case. Either there must be something very weird about whatever is going on, like the elites are actually allied with real demons/aliens/interdimensionals, who are a little more involved, with much higher tech, than we would think in this material world. Or Q is part of some rival clique, which intends to destroy everything Cabal has to get power, but they want to keep the surveillance, and maybe take over the top-level control, for good reasons or bad.
I just see no reason for leaving the surveillance, rather than exposing it and taking it all down right at the outset. It is such a power, to ID potential school shooters, supply the intel to set up the approach and recruitment of them, to set up assassinations, get blackmail on politicians, to protect criminal activities like the vote-rigging, even to guard against offensive Law Enforcement activities like surveillance of Cabal.
And I mean, make it public, out it, and it will be taken down one way or another. And once it is down, Cabal is blind. Then you can actually have communications with good Law Enforcement to coordinate take down operations, you can launch your own surveillance to target stuff like the vote-rigging.
It just makes no sense to me they left it in place. Everything Q said sounded legit. And he definitely knew something weird after predicting McCain’s death. But why the fuck did America need to take this much damage?
If it came out that Q was a Russian intelligence operation meant to seriously weaken the US while also liberating us from cabal as a way to get cooperation from some Americans like Trump I would not be surprised at all at this point.
It might still be better than the current cabal but it can’t be that it had to be this way.
Not revealing the surveillance yet could be because Americans would deal with it swiftly and decisively before we took as much damage as the Russians wanted us to take.
Putin may be better than cabal but there is no reason to assume he is a pure servant of the good, the beautiful, and the true to the point he doesn’t want to take as much unfair advantage for Russia that he can.
I wish it would proceed faster. All I can think of for the time this is taking is “moves and countermoves” and “You have to walk through the darkness before you see the light.” People are slowly starting to wake up, but we’re still way above the 4-6% lost forever. He also said things have to be done legally. I think he brought up Durham in 2018, but Durham is so stealthy, people didn’t believe he existed. But somehow, he ran an investigation with no leaks at all for years. We still don’t know where his office is, but neither does the “media”.
And the enemy gets a vote in your operations.
I’ve considered the possibility that this is simply another cabal wrestling for control. But at this point, I’d prefer rule by another Cabal as long as they’re more competent. These goblins that rule us now are idiotic.
As for the spiritual or extraterrestrial aspect, supposedly these entities feed on “loosh”, or negative energy, which is why they want us living in fear or anger all the time. It might be why Paul said to “think on good things” so we can starve the fuckers.
“First Oklahoma, now Texas: Another natural gas facility explodes.” should read “First Kansas, then Oklahoma, and now Texas…” Check out the natural gas plant explosion Haven, KS Midstream Gas Plant on April 14, 2022.
And there was another Texas on, too, at the second biggest export facility, too.
Rush Limbaugh’s house uses ‘classical architecture’ much like Mar-A-Lago. It’s warm and cultured. No one who buys it for $150 million is going to get rid of that unless they’re Cabal and are commanded to destroy it and replace it with something cold and demonic.
Oh, come on. Modern architecture can be beautiful.
Did you catch COVID? You seem to have no sense of taste.
I lol’d
Could be. Make it happen then. Surpass past architectural styles like Art Deco and Art Nouveau in Beauty and function.
I really like some Modern architecture/Brutalism, “if” it follows what the original purpose was in creating it. The original purpose was that the classical styles had become so expensive that it was making it so average people could not afford houses and apartments. The guy who is most responsible for inventing this was Le Corbusier. look at his building Unité d’habitation. This was designed for lower middle class housing. It’s a super livable building. Still around and rooms are in demand. I didn’t like the bright colors but…oh well.
I think the proper way to think of Brutalism is efficiency. I heard prices of $25,000 for an apartment. What if you could buy an apartment in NYC for say $50,000? I think this could be done if you went up 50 stories or so and used all the prefab concrete you could. Mass produce all the walls, floors, finishing, the whole thing and hoist it up on poured concrete frames,(which could also be mass produced). There’s a company in China that does this and builds 30 story buildings in 15 days or so. Very fast(The Broad Group). Even if your house looks mass produced you could pay the thing off quickly and not be a wage slave.
Look at the Unite D’habitation section here.
This is a fantastic design with each apartment getting like and large balconies from each side of the building. Included in the building design is small shops and other businesses. The base is on pylons so it can be put anywhere.
Scroll down here,
to see the fantastic roof terrace with community swimming pool, community meeting room and open space that could be used for whatever.
Far different from the bleak roofs of other buildings.
The USSR really went into this in a big way. Their problem was they made a half assed design and never improved it. However all criticism should be tempered by the fact that in the USSR before these buildings were thrown up as fast as possible people were living in dug outs, shacks, barns and tents so even as poorly done as they were, they were a step up. They had some better designs but they didn’t follow through.
Re: Anti-woke comics
I would agree there is a “ticket taker” feel to this push. A single comic hasn’t been published yet.
But Vox is not the only comics creator out there who has been pushed out by the industry wokians. And there is a path to success cultivating a social media presence that can be harnessed. The “go fund me” business model works well for comics, as collectors will instinctively throw money at anything new.
But something can be still said for old fashioned and old school business principles, especially in terms of sustainability, which will be proven best practice in the end.
Vox did it the right way. Bet correctly on the future trend, built from the ground up, in house, with a focus on quality. Then let everyone else catch up.
Vox is now extremely well positioned with a fan base, quality creators, and, now that he is printing hard copies, tapping into collector dynamics. Do I see goat skinned bound graphic novels in the future?
Success in business is not failing. Anything after that is a bonus. I have no worries for Vox.
One final thought, because this brings up a larger dynamic that we might start seeing more of.
There is a camaraderie and vitality that is built in the struggle which is its own reward. But the irony is that in winning, not only is that lost, but the fruits and spoils will be taken up by the opportunists.
Imagine a day when Walmart sells “Q” t-shirts, if you want to get a gist of what I’m saying. A sure sign of victory that makes you want to puke.
If we don’t center our thinking now in doing what is right for it’s own sake, for it’s own reward, victory will only be tainted and bitter.
I love how all of you are commenting on this so authoritatively without any facts. THE BOOK IS ALREADY DONE. It’s shipping in a couple weeks. This is stated plainly and clearly on the web site. The “crowd funding” is not to hire artists and writers to begin work on the comic. It’s already been written, drawn and printed. Eric July fronted a couple hundred grand of his own personal savings to pay the artists (and pay them well) to create this book.
This is exactly what Eric July has done. He didn’t hire amateur artists that nobody has ever heard of, he hired top-shelf talent for the art and it already shows. But because he doesn’t suck your political dick fantasies like Vox Day you’re just going to shit all over him without knowing any facts. You’re just as bad as the lefties on twitter who also don’t know anything.
That’s nice, but irrelevant.
What is relevant is the way the controlled opposition is promoting this guy.
You sound more like a deceitful troll with every post I read.
Well, that’s us told.
Here, here is the start of of the secret surveillance :
Waters Flowing Eastward: The War Against the Kingship of Christ
by L. FRY
Very good! Your link doesn’t show on the main comments page though.
What is described here would definitely create what AC is telling us about. And Jews are not the tiny percentage they claim to be, are they. Didn’t Mark Twain think they were more like 20 percent of US population back in his day.
“…And Jews are not the tiny percentage they claim to be…”
I’ve said this constantly. There’s no way they could be involved in so much with the percentages they tell us.
“$1.7 million of $90 books almost overnight? Do you think you could do that? Would Crowder mention you, if you did?”
This fits a pattern I’ve seen before. On the Dike Merchant (Amazon), some “conservative author” will come out of nowhere, get bestseller sales figures with thousands of reviews. A couple times; even though such an author is technically the competition, I’ll buy Book 1 and read it. Never better than mediocre; but a couple times I’ve bought the next book or two because I want to encourages authors who don’t publish woke garbage to keep writing. Then, once they think they’ve got you hooked, they start slipping in the LGBT, feminism, “dangerous right-wing extremist” characters, The importance of the war on terror,” even pro-abortion talking points.
They turn out to be gatekeepers like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson; the GOP, etc. And they’re probably rolled out, like you say, to suck all the grass roots customer base away from somebody who is legit.
Keep your head down and just KEEP GOING FORWARD.
This one is a head scratcher for me…. who gives a $180 cutting board to “maintain client relationships”? Good information on keeping a small business flexible, but, yeah I got nothin.’
They bulk buy someone else’s cutting boards, laser engrave them in a couple places, give them a mineral-oil wipedown, and then resell them for up to $170ish dollars. To professionals that give them as gifts to clients? Does that sound hinky to anybody else? Don’t get me wrong, if they found a way to essentially use small CNC machines to more or less print money I’m all for it, but I just can’t see how there is that much demand.
It’s like the wooden tray thing. I’d never buy one, or make for myself, but apparently everybody and their brother sells them on Etsy.
It sounds like someone with “connections”. (cabal)
Could be, but I have no evidence. I know that she mentions only selling to people they talk to on the phone, in the process of hiring a sales team, and as I am not a chatty person I will never know if that really works or if that’s just Cabal.
From 4chans. Epps is a longtime boomer glownig. Has dirt on Obama. That’s why they won’t touch him and even run cover for him.

It could be. But I will say I am nowhere near the threat he would be, and if you gave me files on Obama that would take the whole Cabal down, it would be very hard to stash them. Surveillance, even on me, is 24/7, literally, at 3AM at least one car within 5 seconds of my house to drive by, and maybe two, with five or six during the day within 30 seconds or so, and I am nobody practically. If I went to a bank to put them in a deposit box, surveillance is going to know, and banks are prime intel sources, so they are all compromised. I’d have no doubt I would drop off the files, come back, and the box would be empty. And for anybody who says, just lose your surveillance and do it, it is not impossible, but very difficult.
There is no doubt this guy glows, and the early pic of him with some paramilitary unit makes it look like he was some sort of professional sociopath for the agency. But I tend to think he was just following orders, and they are covering for an agent.
Yeah that 4chan thing was definitely dreamt up by someone who doesn’t know how things work. Anyone that dangerous would be dealt with. Besides, who is he going to show this evidence to? The media? Why would they run it?
people watch too many movies.
4chan used to be fantastic for this kind of stuff. After “they” noticed, it was quickly infiltrated with false info and fanfics to distract people.
There’s some nuggets but it takes a lot of sifting to find them
I suspect we are going to find they have some wicked AI bot tech that looks very real, and can flood a site with fake content. And some of it may even be on this site. When I said, go to this page and post a comment with just a 3 digit number, there was a comment on there saying everyone should check some link out.
Thanks for this- stayed up way to late reading it
Very cool. Worthwhile read for those interested in the nature of consciousness. As Chick Missler always like to say, the universe as we know it fits the definition of a digital simulation. First, the universe has a finite size, like a TV screen. Second, there is only so small a substance can get (before it becomes instantaneously dispersed throughout the entire universe), like a pixel on the screen. There was a quantum physicist (maybe more?) that killed himself because he couldn’t take it. The more we learn, the less we know.
So I TRIED to make this. It hasn’t gone great.
Campfire Cocktails! – Excellent Cherry Bounce From The 1700’s
I didn’t have anywhere near enough actual cherries to juice, so instead I hunted until I found bottled cherry juice without chemical preservatives. I sourced an apple brandy that with shipping cost me about $70 – for 375ml. Lacking any yeast because I lacked physical cherries,, I used the old standby Lalvin EC1118 white wine yeast. Just bottled it today after two months fermenting. I am the only person who has tried it that can stand to drink it.
I don’t know what the alcohol content is, but pretty sure that it’s HIGH – it hits you quick. I got five bottles and I’m going to let three of them just sit on the wine rack and age for a year or two to see if it smooths out. I added a little monkfruit sweetener and it helped.
Navy Officer who Refused COVID ‘Vaccine’ Cleared of Misconduct in Groundbreaking Legal Case
You are so amazingly and incredibly wrong with your take on this situation. Eric July funded this with his own money to start a company from the ground up telling great stories in comics. It’s not “anti-woke” because he isn’t injecting politics into the comics at all, it’s just focused on good storytelling.
You’re butthurt because Arkhaven didn’t get a shout-out? Well boo fuckin’ hoo. I’m regularly immersed in the comics crowd and I never hear anyone talk about Arkhaven except you and Vox Day. If that stuff were legitimately growing in appeal I would have heard someone mention it by now. I even asked on a comics related discord if anyone had read any Arkhaven books and nobody has responded so far.
Most people reading comics don’t want politics in their comics and it doesn’t matter if it’s left or right. They don’t read comics for politics (life is already full of too much political shit), they read comics for a good story involving good characters, good art and having a little escape from the political intrusions on daily life.
You write on here how mainstream news reports on an event for which you have personal knowledge and they get it amazingly wrong and how you should generalize that to everything else told to you by mainstream news. I agree with that. And you know what? That is why I enjoy the news articles you link to, but don’t give a FUCK about your “analysis”. Because here is an event for which I have external knowledge about what is happening beyond your reporting and your “analysis” is an utter pile of uninformed bullshit.
To you, everything is a conspiracy of the “connected”, the “cabal” or some other super-secret network of people that are intrinsically “running” everything. Planned economies, which were explicitly such networks of people attempting to run everything, fail miserably every place they have been tried. Somehow you think that this “connected” “network” of “cabal” have somehow managed to succeed in running everything despite all historical evidence demonstrating that such things cannot and will not work.
That is magical thinking, not rational thinking. It’s the same thinking that lefties use when they say “real communism hasn’t been tried yet!” except for you it’s “the real network hasn’t been exposed yet!”. You’re both miserably and utterly wrong.
Again, you have to see the surveillance. I could not have understood how the world worked, until I was forced to accept people were running their children as spies in grade schools, to build files on the kids. It is that big, that extensive, doing things that nobody would believe. There are people on here who have seen video of a kid walking in front of my house talking with another surveillance kid about running surveillance. Literally, the fucking Hitler Youth, recreated in America. And apparently these people think it is fantastic.
I cannot say Eric July is real or not. But Vox has some of the best artists, the best platform, and the experience building these things. He was in it for years. And yet you think any overnight million dollar success is defacto legit. I can’t say it is not. But it does look suspect.
And you have to understand, if Eric were to see the surveillance, and be fully legit, he would understand me saying that. Just like if somebody tells me I am suspect for some reason, like not having been killed yet, I would have to agree. I know how big this thing is, understand the paranoia, and see others accusing me as a good sign they have their feet planted in reality.
This world does not work the way they told us. Our economy is not just randomly planned here and there. I think it is 99% controlled and planned, and where control and planning failed was probably where other people tried to plan and control some part without this thing’s support.
I’d also add, not apropos of anything, it is a bit peculiar you seem familiar with this site, as if you are visiting it regularly enough to know its central theme, and yet you seem to have some intellectual revulsion to the idea there is a hidden hand in the nation, or things might be centrally controlled.
I would just think if you found such an idea stupid, or not worth your time, or obviously wrong, you would discard this site as mistaken, unable to advance your own superior knowledge, and unworthy of your time, and go somewhere else, where the proprietor was not so deceived and clueless.
I’d also point out, I have no idea how much July is worth, but does it not seem strange, in this online environ, where everything is so sinecure by necessity, somebody would drop $200,000 on something which conceivably might not sell? I mean Vox Day didn’t buy a Bindery, and then look to see if people might be willing to make it economically worthwhile. It just seems oddly risky, because if the demand hadn’t been there, he could have been out a hundred grand or more.
I just don’t think there is a lot of money out here for stuff, waiting to be dropped on people’s heads, and if you are out here, you will tend to be cautious.
But I do not know the guy. Maybe he is loaded, and losing the cash wouldn’t have been a big deal for him.
I already explained it.
You manage to find some interesting news articles worth sharing. I do share them. But I don’t personally find your tacked-on analysis compelling or even mildly convincing, so I don’t share that, except maybe privately with a friend or two for a laugh.
I have shared your page on narcissists with someone who has had first-hand dealings with a number of narcissists and they echoed the sentiments you posted there.
I also see some value in the r/K evolutionary psychology approach to things.
So I’m not saying everything you have produced is worthless or without merit, but all your off-the-cuff remarks about “I bet he is connected” or “imagine the surveillance” and so-on, ALWAYS posted without a shred of evidence, to be laughable.
In this case, I know the story from outside of your conjecture and hypotheticals and all your “I don’t know…” and “I have no idea…” disclaimers and that’s what it all boils down to: you don’t know and you have no idea what is actually going on but you’re talking like an expert and filling every empty space with your surveillance conspiracy theories. Even Vox Day wasn’t exhibiting a response that paranoid and personally vindictive.
You’re acting like Eric July is your sworn enemy, yet obviously you know nothing about him.
If you read the comments, I have said if he promoted Arkhaven, he might be OK. But I understand a bit about publishing and online promotion, and how comped many of the people who get promoted are. If he is supported by Crowder, he has to accept he will get some side-eye. If he genuinely is not comped, I wish him well. But I would put the probability now at 70/30.
As for your dismissing the surveillance, you realize I link the news story where a sitting governor who wasn’t comped, David Patterson, and twelve legislators, described an operation which walked right past his security and secretary on his first day in office, closed the door to his office, and proceeded to run through 30 years of his most private secrets, which was accumulated through surveillance. The guy proc4eded to have a news conference where he and his wife by his side detailed every affair and drug usage, so he couldn’t be blackmailed.
Do you think they know who the governor will be 30 years in advance, or do you think they cast a wide net over anyone who might become governor? And how do you think a Governor could have a hard on for the operation, gather a dozen legislators, and not make one inch of headway against it, and be driven from office by it, if it is just a small operation?
If you are really denying that is something interesting, I’m sorry, but you are just a tool.
Even if July is Cabal,would it really be a mistake to promote Arkhaven? It’s not a global power, it’s just an up-and-coming publishing house. And if the endorsement did help Vox Day’s sales and political power, Cabal can interfere in other ways.
I’m not trying to mix into this argument, just pointing out that boosting Vox Day would probably not hurt something as powerful as Cabal. It could be useful campouflage for a Cabal asset.
True. The problem with having intel operating in any space is it is a chameleon. It tries to look like what it needs to. Invariably, you end up in a spot where it is difficult to act decisively. But I will always lend more credence to the guys who are fighting all the headwinds.
He’s playing the same game as other trolls have in the past.
He’s being a voice of “reason” that accepts everything but the surveillance and the cabal’s control of society using it.
His vociferous defense of July just makes July all the more suspicious.
I was going to play for a while and see what happened, but yeah.
One interesting tell I always see immediately is the casual mention that he is laughing with someone else, at whoever he is arguing with about some technical debate. If you and I are debating something, the last thing I throw in is a mention I was laughing at you with someone. It just has nothing to do with the technical thing. It is like explaining something in science, and mentioning in the middle of it I was dancing yesterday, then going back to some active site of a ligand. It just jumps out at me, like WTF did that come from? It might have something to do with being in that quasi-autistic/logical frame which is so absorbed in technical material you don’t have room in your brain for the social shit.
But a lot of those who are controllable will have some weird obsession with others laughing at them. Bob was like that, even getting very angry when other people were laughing at stuff unrelated to him. And it translates in debate into tryingto weaponize it by saying you were laughing at your opponent, like that is a factual kill-shot. It is possible that relates to some sort of different brain function, which is more geared to maneuvering in the social space, to elevate stature socially by manipulating people, rather than manipulating matter and devices. And those people have some sort of reflexive revulsion to being out-grouped which we are just not programmed to feel, but which they assume is in us.
Two people laughing at you means you are outgrouped. Outgrouping is their greatest fear.
Feudalism worked well enough.
That’s what cabal does, crypto-feudalism.
You are either ignorant or a deceitful troll.
I have a request for you: when this guy publishes a book or two more, check back in on this comment and let us know how it ages. If you’re right, this relative nobody with secret big boy funding will still be making legit content.
If we’re right, he’ll be weaseling in a faggot sub-plot, a race mixing couple, or some other cabal shit. And I know you’ll never cop to it, because this is clearly an ego issue for you and not an impartial analysis of the facts on the ground, but I hope you would have the guts to admit we were right if that’s how it pans out.
Crowder is a confirmed faggot glownig, so anyone who branches off of him is probably even gayer. I’m not going to be mad if I’m wrong, but if it smells like shit it just might be.