News Briefs – 07/16/2024




Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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One thing pointing to the Trump shooting being a legit assassination attempt is people are pointing out how the photographer who caught the bullet’s vapor trail was perfectly positioned and timed, with an ultra-high shutter speed, to capture Trump’s head as it was hit. Some are arguing that was the plan. Others note CNN never streamed a Trump rally until this one.

CNN finds as many as three shooters, according to the audio analysis:

Forensic analysis suggests that as many as three weapons were fired at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday.

The FBI said Sunday that the shooter acted alone.

The first three shots were consistent with alleged weapon A, the next five were consistent with alleged weapon B, and the final “acoustic impulse” was emitted by a possible weapon C, per audio analysis by Catalin Grigoras, director of the National Center for Media Forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver, and Cole Whitecotton, Senior Professional Research Associate at the same institution.

Some witnesses said more than one shooter:

Tucker Carlson says it’s “not crazy” to think “it wasn’t just a lone gunman.”

Veteran whose team holds world record for long-range sniper shots claims Thomas Matthew Crooks may have had inside help. Fascinating for a bunch of reasons, not least of which is this dude is Tier One SpecOps, and he is not read into the conspiracy, and he is just talking openly. I wonder if he even knows he is being followed about while shopping. What he says, is the first half of the big realization. The first half is, intelligence was involved. That place was crawling with surveillance. Vehicles you drove by on the way there, a mile out, were probably scanning passing cars for indices of weapons, and sniffing for gunpowder and explosives. The whole area would be blanketed by surveillance, both covert, posing as regular people, and hidden in ghillies, and garbage dumpsters, and vans. There would be overhead surveillance, planes and drones, multi-spectrum, and much of it would focus on anything doing stuff normal people were not doing. Approach through the woods on foot, crossing a stream and scale a 150ft unscalable rock wall, to sneak into the target through the back door, and you will immediately be a focus, and they will be all over you. But for this kid, to do what everyone else was doing, to blend with them, how does he get a giant ladder and an AR-15 to the building which, the day before, was identified as the biggest threat in the walk-through? Did he walk across the parking lot? Did he come across a field in the back? He should never have made it there. The only way he did that is with intel’s help, and it just adds to all the anomalies. Which brings you to the second half, which is what I note about Sept 11th. Once intel is in there, what happens will almost certainly be, what the intel op intended to happen. They wargame, re-plan, wargame again, and leave nothing to chance. If they got this kid in, he would have been trained up to make the shot, and he would have made it. I don’t know what happened, but my gut says this was part of the show, and I find that very disturbing, given yet another of our kind was killed, right in front of his wife and daughter.

Firefighter Corey Comperatore’s widow refused Biden call after Trump rally shooting: ‘Didn’t want to talk to him.’

Two different LEOs saw Crooks, including on the roof, 30 minutes prior to shots, thought him suspicious, and took photographs to forward to intelligence, but nothing came of it.

It gets better. There was supposed to be an LEO sniper team on that roof, but it got hot, so they abandoned the post and went down to hang out inside the cool building while Trump was speaking. And another officer saw Crooks carrying a gun case, but did not engage with him, and instead called it in, then a Secret Service sniper saw him, with an AR with no optic, but had to deconflict him, and make sure he was not a SWAT sniper, and in the interim he took his shot.

From Q’s board:

US Secret Service enhances Trump’s security for remainder of election campaign.

A newly obtained video from TMZ shows the shooter, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, firing at former President Donald Trump before being shot, and in the background, a woman is heard yelling, “Crooks, what are you doing?! Get over here!”

Failed Trump assassin purchased ladder and 50 rounds of ammo on the morning of the rally, according to new report.


Secret Service Director: ‘Buck stops with me,’ But ‘I do plan to stay on.’

Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle landed job after push by Jill Biden’s office, sources say.

Biden finally grants Secret Service protection to RFK Jr after Trump assassination attempt, months of resistance.

Extra security approved for VP contender J.D. Vance after Trump assassination attempt.

Thomas Crooks’ phone has offered federal investigators no clear explanations about why the 20-year-old tried to assassinate President Trump, so investigators have now turned their attention to the shooter’s laptop in the hopes of uncovering clues about his motive. This kid will have a file a mile long assembled by the children of American Stasi members, and he was probably being watched in his house.

Joe Biden gets angry and combative after Lester Holt brings up his performance at the debate.

Joe Biden has defended calling Donald Trump a threat to democracy, as he gave his first interview since the attempt on his political rival’s life.

Elon Musk has said he is committing around $45 million a month to a new pro-Trump Super PAC.

Donald Trump picks J.D. Vance as running mate opting for a MAGA favorite in last-minute decision. Can’t really question the man on the ground. It is even possible the shooting was a warning to him to not go off script with the pick, ala Reagan. It does open up 2028 to Don Jr and Eric, without risking their lives over the next four years.

Small world:

GOP Senate candidate JD Vance said he doesn’t ‘really care what happens to Ukraine.’

Former President Donald Trump and independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reportedly had a meeting just as the Republican National Convention kicked off in Milwaukee on Monday.

In blow to Biden, Teamsters consider no endorsement in 2024 race.

Anti-Trump protestors who ‘hate Republicans’ cause chaos outside of GOP Convention in Milwaukee less than 48 hours after assassination attempt.

Former President Trump on Monday received one of his biggest wins yet in fighting his criminal charges when a judge tossed his classified documents indictment.

Judge Aileen Cannon’s dismissal of Donald Trump’s classified documents case may backfire on the former president, according to a slew of legal experts, potentially landing the presumptive Republican nominee in another court where he’d be less likely to win on the merits.

Unprecedented Haitian influx overwhelms Ohio city, igniting dire warnings.

Study finds a sixfold increased risk of colon cancer in Covid “vaccinated” people.

Biden to propose national rent hike cap of 5%.

Gavin Newsom just signed Assembly Bill 1955 by Assemblyman Chris Ward (D-San Diego), the bill to prohibit schools from notifying parents if their child is “gender confused” or “transitioning” to the opposite sex. 

One in ten K-12 students has been sexually abused by a teacher: The rate of sexual misconduct in public schools far exceeds the high-profile abuse scandals that rocked the Roman Catholic Church.

Hungarian intelligence services prevented an assassination attempt on Viktor Orban. The real danger is the dumbasses in CIA doing all this try something on Putin.

Young voters are abandoning the Democrats in droves.

Donald Trump’s campaign has raised more than $4million for the families of the three men either killed and wounded during Saturday’s assassination attempt.

Trump makes triumphant entry at the RNC 2 days after assassination attempt.

Spread r/K Theory, because the script has a bad guy named Crooks

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3 months ago

I don’t know what happened, but my gut says this was part of the show, and I find that very disturbing, given yet another of our kind was killed, right in front of his wife and daughter.

I say it’s a clear case of the 0.01% of the time they fail.
This was Divine intervention.
I understand the UFO guided bullet theory, I just put it at an extremely low percentage chance.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

It went the way it was supposed to. for sure. Also, CNN never aired live rally’s of Trump but this just happened to be the first one. wonder why?

Last edited 3 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  English Tom
3 months ago

I think we can safely assess they were involved, or tipped off.

It is possible they are innocent, but safe to say “complicit”.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I think the assassination attempt (complete with changing out the protective detail for keystone kops) was a response by the other side to being outplayed by Trump’s side.
Everything else that has been going Trump’s way was obviously planned and either a set up or a successful manipulation of expected enemy moves.
But I see the hand of GOD in Trump’s survival, not the hand of man.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Devine intervention! GOD’s will is perfect, it encompasses everyone and everything. #ChristIsKing

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

I put it in the same camp as Kyle Rittenhouse’s defence

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

I’m on the fence:
should we start calling her Kim-Chee (like the Asian cabbage dish) or Kimberly Cheeto, since word is that she was in the food-sales-protection business before joining the U.S. S.S.

Mike G.
Mike G.
3 months ago

Has anybody seen or heard from Max Yearick since Saturday?

Q jr
Q jr
3 months ago

AC, I’m wondering your thoughts on Vance’s Indian wife who he met at Yale law. She also has an undergrad degree from Yale. Is she another stasi plant? Same question for Kimberly Guilfoyle. I think you may have address Miss Guilfoyle before but i dont recall. It is interesting how these people change sides when it conveniences them…

Reply to  Q jr
3 months ago

She’s a woman and a foreigner married to a miscegenator, part of the rich bitch club who could easily afford to go to some gay ass rich kid club in the ivy leagues not on a merit scholarship. It’s obvious what she is, and that she is tolerated anywhere near the controls of the American nation is a disgrace. What, no Americans left for leadership positions to stand up to the enemy? Please…

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

Agree totally.
Indeed: JD’s Red Dot wifey is a handler of some sort. That’s the first thing I thought, when I read that his wife was a Red Dot. (Thank you, Anonymous Conservative for teaching me about the intel!)
She got her hooks into Mr. White-Man-Going-Places and now here she is.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

A foreign wife adds to the nation (caveats apply).

A foreign man undermines the nation (ditto caveats)

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Q jr
2 months ago

These people change sides when convenient…
Think about it. If you moved to their homeland and wanted to make a good impression, would you care which of their woggy gods you pretended to support? No, but you would probably pick the one worshipped by the wogs you intended to kiss up to. These creatures don’t care for anything about America besides extracting whatever value they can get.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
3 months ago

If the shooters knew Trump’s speech ahead of time, they could have timed their shots when he said a particular word or phrase in order to coordinate their timing. It could also have been when a background screen changed. That way they would not have had to communicate with electronic devices which might have left a clue. They could have set it up where the real shooter further back from the target would shoot one or two words ahead of the patsy so the bullets would arrive at the same time covering up his tracks. I am not Sherlock Holmes but that seems to an easy way to pull this off.

Reply to  Prof. Woland
3 months ago

Still something you can’t plan.
If the bullet was just a little off Trump would be dead.
That’s a risk you don’t take if your plan is that he lives.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

The bullet was not off, it was traveling exactly where the shooter sent it, Trump, was a little off. Divine Intervention is more likely. Unplanned indeed.

3 months ago

More WP install problems.

Scruffy said something about logged in users vs. anonymous users and how they affect the database.
I wonder if the attacker has an account and logs in as part of the attacks.
Maybe you can look and see who logs in when and if it fits the attack pattern.

Just Me
Just Me
3 months ago

And just like that, WordPress screen is back.
0615 to about 0630, then again 0800 to 0830 eastern.

3 months ago

‘One in ten K-12 students has been sexually abused by a teacher: The rate of sexual misconduct in public schools far exceeds the high-profile abuse scandals that rocked the Roman Catholic Church.’

An increasing number of those teachers are female, and those cases don’t get as much attention.

Reply to  Maniac
3 months ago

The bar for consequences is very high (low?) and every depravity is celebrated.

Reply to  Maniac
3 months ago

The female teachers are where the satanic overlord class would really have an advantage. Any halfway-attractive female teacher gets sexually fantasized about ALL DAY LONG by her (straight) male students, and would be able to seduce the female students, too. Male teachers would have a MUCH higher bar of attractiveness to clear to wield that kind of power. I would verrrrrry closely examine the CLUBS, the afterschool clubs which involve trips especially, but anything extracurricular, really. Sports teams, too.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

funny because (anecdotal evidence suggests) it is true

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 months ago

CNN finds as many as three shooters, according to the audio analysis:
Tucker Carlson says it’s “not crazy” to think “it wasn’t just a lone gunman.”
Lots of conspiracy theories floating around and understandably so. Still, I enjoy reading some of the dumber takes. An example below from a recent Naked Capitalism thread.
I’m entertaining myself with the idea that the shooter was targeting the fireman. And if there was another, more obvious and distracting threat, we would never know.
Of course he was targeting the fireman. I mean his role was to be a distraction for the real shooter don’t ya know. I mean he could’ve just made Trump the target too to better ensure mission success but fuck that, the fireman was clearly the better option lol.
They continue and then we see the reason for the theory being so ridiculous.
In my personal experience with secret service – being a woman who works near a plaza frequently used for major events – there’s no apparent rhyme or reason to the prep and level of security for events and these guys are most concerned with securing female companionship.
So, a woman with personal experience with the SS? Unless she was blowing an agent she’s probably an agent herself. If so, Saturday’s fuck-ups make much more sense.

Fed Up
Fed Up
3 months ago

Jill Biden pushed for Cheatle’s appointment. Quelle surprise!

Old Joe doesn’t have the balls to go against Dr. (hah!) Jill’s wishes and so Cheatle will stay on. Not that there was ever much honor to begin with, and DEI is hell-bent on removing what remains.

Contrast with other cultures where the public shame of such a gross failure would mandate immediate resignation and actual recriminations.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Fed Up
3 months ago

Vox Day had a post about the lack of female accountability and here it is in real time!

3 months ago

Veteran whose team holds world record for long-range sniper shots claims Thomas Matthew Crooks may have had inside help. 
There are really only two scenarios here:

1) gross incompetence of ALL security pieces – it’s not even success by chance on the part of the assassin, too many dominos fell correctly – or

2) an assassination was game planned involving the security pieces or at least the security piece(s) in control. Local LEOs are subservient to the Secret Service. 

#1 is impossible. Not everyone is incompetent or at least incompetent at the same time; more to the point, incompetent over an extended period of time. 

#2, as horrible as it seems, is more likely

There is a third possibility. The assassin was there to be a shooter. He was to spray the crowd to create mass panic like the dude in Las Vegas (an incident we STILL know nothing about). When his shots were instead directed at the President, he was taken out. THAT would’ve been preplanned. 

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

.22LR vs watermelon
start @3min
Multiple AR platforms and cartridges vs watermelon.
I still don’t buy it grazed him with the limited damage, based on all the guntube shit I watch. In the video above, the m4 with 55 grain creates a hole in a watermelon and blows the backside out. This is the result I’ve seen with killing deer as well, but watermelons and white tail are not a human ear (not enclosed). Also, the ear is not flat. It sticks out more in the back, so if it grazed the front it should have done more damage to the back. IMHO, Trump couldn’t have moved his head quick enough to graze the front AND back ear with a bullet moving 2000-3000 fps over 2-3 inches.
I guess we’ll know when he takes the bandage off and he goes back in to get the stitches out of his ear, since it pierced him (Trump’s words).
Here’s a schizo thought. Maybe the ear wound was hollywood f/x and Q team gave Trump the heads-up to eat the dirt.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

5.56 vs .308 5 gallon water jug at 300 yards.

Just Me
Just Me
3 months ago

Now the sidebar is gone

3 months ago

“Mr. Kennedy, we’ve decided to grant you Secret Service protection after all.”

Kennedy: “Yeah, about that…”

Reply to  Maniac
3 months ago

Arrests must follow.

If innocent, it will be shown in a court of law. Or Courts Martial.

3 months ago

Kim Clement’s “Strange July” prophecy

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
3 months ago

“Trump’s ‘White Hats’ really are a ‘Thing,'” says Mike King, brilliant journalist who is also no fool! After all, Mike has authored “The Bad War,” “I Don’t Like Ike,” and at least 20 similar books.
Now interviewed on Alpha Warrior, Mike King sheds light on the important ways that our favorite President, Donald J. Trump, has fought, screwed over, beaten, and neutered the Pirate State of “Israel” and it’s Zionist supporters, both Hebrew and Evangelical. Nothing in Mike’s revelations is wrong or denialble.
Listen for yourself, on Rumble, but I cannot post the URL, so look for: AlphaWarrior Show, “Trump Card Israel’s Rugpull EP.316”

3 months ago

2nd shooter?
Video shows audience member hit and dropping. It shows hydraulic line hit (according to video author).

3 months ago

Who’s up for a good conspiracy this morning? 😉 🇺🇸 🇮🇳 💩 🇺🇸 🇮🇳 💩

It’s unravelling on Alt Skull’s Charnel House @AltSkull48

#MAPA Make America Pajeet Again

The emphasis on “diversity” and Indians at the GOP indicates that they expected Trump to be dead and Haley to be in his place and due to how close it was to the RNC they didn’t have time to get a backup plan together. 🤔

I should have expected the GOP to pivot hard to defending Indians at their conference, what with them being their chosen minority and all, especially with how hated Indians are becoming the world over, but I was still surprised to see just how blatant they are.

So the GOP wanted Niki Haley, they’ve wanted her for years, they tried to have Trump locked up, and when that didn’t work they tried shooting him? Sounds insane but the evidence roughly lines up now.

Reply to  Bman
3 months ago

And now we have a VP with one for a wife.
And they had one give a heathen prayer to a false god.

This has to be thrown into reverse, they have to go.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

I completely agree.
I don’t care if it was “legal” or not. Legally exterminating heritage Americans is still exterminating them.

3 months ago

Stocks shorted before the Trump shooting:

3 months ago

Guys three possibilities given what we think we know:

1)It was real. God’s intervention. A genuine miracle and fulfillment of prophecy.

2)The White Hats have staged the entire last four years, including this moment when they gave Trump a new scar on his ear to put the finishing touch on engineering him an honest fifty-state landslide election victory.

3) LOOKING GLASS was able to give the Q team a detailed enough look at the event that they could include artwork depicting it several years in advance. Alternatively LOOKING GLASS could be accurate enough to give them step by step direction on how to set up up.

I’m okay with any of the above. Trump is a civnat boomer who hires the worst people and is basically a 90’s era populist Democrat.

But guess what? Running the US on tariffs and ending the income tax is Ron’s Paul idea, but Trump has the political capital to make it happen, especially if he wins a fifty-state landslide. Deporting twenty million illegals instead of importing 20 million more is objectively a better outcome even if it leaves twenty million here. Ending the EV subsidies and mandates is objectively GOOD. We probably will never be able to get rid of the NFA34, but just maybe we can get short barreled long guns & silencers removed, and even reopening the full auto registry. Go down Trump’s list, and it’s enough to get us going again.

I’m not going to purity spiral and I suggest you don’t either. Take what we can get and move forward.

Let’s be CLEAR – THIS ISN’T OVER. The SHAKING has begun. It won’t be over until around this time 2025. It’s going to get worse.

3 months ago

IMI Razercore 77gr. $0.83 a round.

3 months ago

Ballistic evidence indicates
the approximate location of a 2nd shooter..

3 months ago
This is the most incriminating evidence demonstrating this weekend’s attempted assassination was a known event amongst powerful players. Like airlines were shorted before 9/11 (presumably by people connected to the terrorists), “somebody” placed a massive 8 million share bet that Trump Media (DJT) would inexplicably collapse this week.
To people outside the finance world, this DOES NOT HAPPEN without a leak of non-public information. Going into the RNC, securing Trump’s nomination, we should have seen the OPPOSITE activity, with bets for shares increasing being placed (on Trump driving traffic to Truth Social as nominee & potentially President).
For decades, the clearest proof of foreknowledge of 9/11 has been the airline stock shorts, but was explained by the terrorists “leaking” knowledge beforehand. Who “leaked” knowledge of Trump’s assassination if it was a lone wolf acting alone? No one. Someone knew.

They bet and lost.
He was not supposed to survive.

3 months ago

Xi Jinping Reportedly Suffers Stroke at CCP’s Third Plenary Session

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Political Assassinations is the new black

Last edited 2 months ago by FreeBee-Anon
3 months ago

Yes. I am certain cabal had nyma elites kids well covered, and would either co opt them into cabal or totally kneecap and sideline high performers out of caution to their operations. Standard s.o.p. would be followed, unless… A manchurian candidate sleeper agent can be from any locale or using any personage. When the fake and gay goes way beyond belief and randomness possibilities, all schizo theories are now wargaming material. The Fake and Gay show offramp was passed long ago, your now on the twighlight zone freeway anons. Buckle in and stay frosty. Thanxs a.c.