News Briefs – 07/13/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


Georgia state Election Board calls emergency meeting as Fulton county unlawfully creates “team of monitors” for 2024 election that was not approved by the state.

After the Washoe County Commission refused to certify a recount result following multiple allegations of misconduct, Nevada Democrat officials want to force them to certify the election results anyway.

The governor of the reddest state in the union, Wyoming, Mark Gordon vetoed a measure requiring proof of citizenship to vote.

Ex-intel chiefs called Biden ‘ineffective messenger’ to convince public Trump supporters are threats. Is it a rational assessment, or a message Biden is not doing what he is supposed to be doing?

Elon Musk donates to group working to elect Trump, Bloomberg reports.

Elon Musk: EU offered me a secret deal to censor X/Twitter. If Twitter quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not be fined. The other platforms accepted that deal. ? did not.

Meta says it’s lifting restrictions on President Trump’s Facebook & Instagram accounts.

Biden has an uncanny valley thing going on in person:

Up close, the president does not look quite plausible. It’s not that he’s old. We all know what old looks like. Bernie Sanders is old. Mitch McConnell is old. Most of the ruling class is old. The president was something stranger, something not of this earth.
This was true even in 2020. His face had then an uncanny valley quality that injectable aficionados call “low trust” — if only by millimeters, his cosmetically altered proportions knocked his overall facial harmony into the realm of the improbable. His thin skin, long a figurative problem and now a literal one, was pulled tightly over cheeks that seemed to vary month to month in volume. Under artificial light and in the sunshine, he took on an unnatural gleam. He looked, well, inflated. His eyes were half-shut or open very wide. They appeared darker than they once had, his pupils dilated. He did not blink at regular intervals. The White House often did not engage when questioned about the president’s stare, which sometimes raised alarm on social media when documented in official videos produced by the White House. The administration was above conspiratorial chitchat that entertained seriously scenarios in which the president was suffering from a shocking decline most Americans were not seeing. If the president was being portrayed that way, it was by his political enemies on the right, who promoted through what the press office termed “cheap fakes” a caricature of an addled creature unfit to serve. They would not dignify those people, or people doing the bidding of those people, with a response.
For many inclined to support the president, this was good enough. They did not need to monitor the president’s public appearances, because under his leadership the country had returned to the kind of normal state in which members of a First World democratic society had the privilege to forget about the president for hours or days or even weeks at a time. Trump required constant observation. What did he just do? What would he do next? Oh God, what was he doing right at that moment? Biden could be trusted to perform the duties of his office out of sight. Many people were content to look away.
My heart stopped as I extended my hand to greet the president. I tried to make eye contact, but it was like his eyes, though open, were not on. His face had a waxy quality. He smiled. It was a sweet smile. It made me sad in a way I can’t fully convey. I always thought — and I wrote — that he was a decent man. If ambition was his only sin, and it seemed to be, he had committed no sin at all by the standards of most politicians I had covered. He took my hand in his, and I was startled by how it felt. Not cold but cool. The basement was so warm that people were sweating and complaining that they were sweating. This was a silly black-tie affair. I said “hello.” His sweet smile stayed frozen. He spoke very slowly and in a very soft voice. “And what’s your name?” he asked.
Exiting the room after the photo, the group of reporters — not instigated by me, I should note — made guesses about how dead he appeared to be, percentage wise. “Forty percent?” one of them asked.

Rudy Giuliani’s bankruptcy case has been DISMISSED, removing a hurdle for Georgia election workers Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman to collect their judgment. Their judgement against him is almost $150 million, and he has other creditors. How can they deny him bankruptcy?

Leftists create literally thousands of NGOs – with the most innocent-sounding names – to hide their use of tax-free Dark Money to fund literally thousands of Leftist organizations, some tied to Chinese organizations, and in hundreds of cases tied to groups who are registering voters and running political campaigns to influence elections.

Biden insists that he’s ‘OK’ in Michigan speech — Then flubs congresswoman’s name at rally.

A growing chorus of Democratic officeholders is calling on Joe Biden to retire from the presidential race, and high-buck donors say they will withhold $90 million if he is the candidate.

Joe Biden had a Zoom call with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus showed up an hour late, and things went sideways when a lawmaker told Biden to drop out of the race, and he hung up the call.

Bolton: Biden is telling Dems ‘suit up, lemmings, I’m going off the edge of the cliff and you’re coming with me.’

Former Democrat Senator Joe Manchin (I-WV) revealed that the Democrat Party is expected to reach a consensus on Joe Biden’s viability as their nominee for the White House by this Sunday.

Jill Biden’s deep grudge against Kamala and how that factors into decision not to step aside. She was pissed Kamala said Joe was racist in the primary, and did not want her as VP. Which means Joe had no choice in picking a VP, or he would have done as his wife wanted.

Nate Silver — Biden has 27 percent chance of winning.

Hillary Clinton’s FEC violation was 45x bigger than Trump’s $130k so-called violation.

Raheem Kassam, Editor-in-Chief of The National Pulse, believes Joe Biden’s death could prove to be the ‘October Surprise’ in the U.S. election, even if the so-called “Clinton diaspora” has to “make it happen.”

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox pledges to vote against Donald Trump, then, seconds later, endorses Doug Burgum for VP. Karl Rove also endorsed Burgum, so obviously he is out. Carson or Bust.

Ilhan Omar charged with ethics violations over a campaign rally with a former Somali prime minister, who spoke in her favor, noting that she would “represent Somalia” and not “the interests of the American people” in Congress.

Panama confirmed this Wednesday that it has closed some irregular crossings used by migrants to traverse the Darién jungle, bordering Colombia, in order to preserve safety in that inhospitable area where criminal gangs operate.

Fearing new Panama President will block key route to US, migrants flood Darién Gap.

Poll: Catholics reject Church’s pro-migration policies.

31,309 Chinese illegals cross border and GOP wants to know why DHS isn’t stopping it.

A federal judge in Kansas has refused to block the nationwide enforcement of a Biden administration rule requiring firearms dealers to do background checks of buyers at gun shows, leaving Texas as the only state so far where a legal challenge has succeeded.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs officials testified during a Wednesday House hearing that the department would not comply with proposed legislation barring it from sending certain information about U.S. military veterans to the federal government’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). I must not really understand how the Constitution organized the government.

Peter Navarro, Trump ex-aide jailed for contempt of Congress, will address RNC, AP sources say.

In a bizarre attempt to take a “victory lap,” the Lincoln Project shared a clip glorifying prison shower rape in a twisted and feeble attempt to smear Steve Bannon, who was politically targeted and imprisoned by the regime.

In the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, three of four judges agreed the Covid vaccine was never a “traditional vaccine” and therefore could not legally be mandated.

Following massive online criticism, Fort Liberty has walked back a slide in an anti-terrorism presentation that claims pro-life Americans are terrorists.

Alec Baldwin “Rust” shooting case dismissed over withheld evidence.  His case was dismissed and he wept openly, unlike after a young girl was drilled in the chest with a 45 and expired in front of him, when he turned and apparently began planning a vacation.

Elon Musk’s Neuralink prepares to implant a second human patient.

Bankruptcy courts are working overtime this year, with corporate America seeing the highest monthly bankruptcy count since 2020.

Grocery bill for 45 items in 2022 was $126.67, those same items in 2024…$414.39.

‘Transitioning’ teen (female to male) arrested in Florida after faking home invasion, killing mom and mom’s boyfriend: police.

How the Pentagon wants to cancel Thanksgiving and teach military kids that America is ‘stolen land.’

Bear in mind, DC Police would be hesitant to do this next one, and who would do it in today’s lawless society anyway, when nothing is enforced? At the same time, she is a reporter for WaPo, so if she were somehow innocent of surveillance, it would be all over her, and might want to keep her moving so they don’t have to station somebody by her, or keep running different people past her. Or there could always have been somebody on their way to CVS they didn’t want her to meet:

Interesting John Hinkley facts:

Italian PM Giorgia Meloni makes faces waiting for Joe Biden at NATO summit. From the comments, she was making faces at Orban too:


There was video a while back which appeared to show her doing cocaine, or something snortable at one of these things, so it is possible she attends them while high as a kite, since she is only really an actor who was designed to keep the migrants flowing.

Nearly half of German welfare payments goes to foreign migrants. And it is pointless to fight this battle. As AfD fights this, the real enemy, the domestic intel operation, is running roughshod over them and manipulating everything using a system they have no ability to affect. They need to expose the surveillance, and use it to defund intelligence. Then, and only then can they fight this battle.

The CIA is running global coups and assassinations to try to stop BRICS.

The United Kingdom has clarified that it has not granted permission for Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles inside Russian territory, contradicting earlier statements.

At NATO summit, Zelensky presses for US greenlight to hit Russian bases. It is nothing like it looks, because Zelensky is not any sort of leader, but rather is just a puppet of MI-6, and these are the lines in his script.

Europe condemns Russia for banning Transgender individuals adopting children. Globohomo is not pleased…

Colorado finds 1 in 4 homicides with firearms are ‘justifiable self defense.’

Federal court OKs home alcohol distillation.

Spread r/K Theory, because justifiable self defense is coming to America soon


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8 months ago

The sidebar is gone again.

Bix Noodleman
8 months ago

Commented yesterday about “The Man Who Shit Liberty Valance” in re Alec Baldwin.
This is plausible. Forensics would only prove that his gun had been fired, which is not in dispute. It had been fired many times
I mean, everyone hates Baldwin. I do too, always have. But the grassy knoll assassin who timed his kill shot to coincide with Baldwin goofing off would be a lot more interesting.

Reply to  Bix Noodleman
8 months ago

The gun was destroyed during ‘testing’

Bix Noodleman
8 months ago

People see a bro snorting & assume it’s illicit.
I snort BC Powders when I have a headache.

8 months ago

Yep, called it with this cabal sleeper agent. Wy governor sabatoging election legislation. He is termed out so burning down things on the way out is a job application for some other deep state work gig later on. An example of cabal imbedding and compromising all aspects of .gov and society entities. The butcher’s bill coming due for all the chaos sown by cabal will be quite huge. Stay frosty anons, thanxs a.c.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Frosty
8 months ago

Interesting handshake.

8 months ago

So Ireland… they used to be tough guys with the IRA and assassinations of Irish War civilians & veterans… but turns out IRA was cabal all along, and perhaps in bed with MI5 t’boot.

Irish I know think themselves patriots. Some send the mother back to give birth in Ireland, all make certain their children have Irish (EU) passports – but they dont love Ireland enough to live there.

Ireland is screwed.

Best Irish can do, is do what they do best – emigrate to England

Freebee Annon
Freebee Annon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

If you go, you will be missed.

But know this, you are doing the Lord’s work. No-one can ask for more. No-one can work for a better boss.

8 months ago

How can they deny him bankruptcy?

Judgments usually aren’t dischargable in bankruptcy.

8 months ago

Bidet has been on display.
How many body doubles does he have?
Look at his ears for a clue. Sometimes the right one looks like a normal ear with a lobe. Other times there isn’t any lobe, just flesh that connects to the face.
When will some brave journalist call that out the Binder or to Bidet, and insist on an answer?

Reply to  Orichiette
8 months ago

Apparently Trump just got grazed “on the ear.”


Freebee Annon
Freebee Annon
Reply to  MentalAnon
8 months ago

If it is real, and it is comms, perhaps it means, are you awake yet?

Machine Trooper
8 months ago

Karl Rove also endorsed Burgum, so obviously he is out. Carson or Bust.

I read the article yesterday about the Controlled Opposition’s “civil war” over JD Vance. It didn’t give me much idea what Vance stands for. Sounds like he’s got some of the right enemies, but then so do treacherous dirtbags like Speaker Johnson.
I’m with you: Carson or bust. Carson might be a little too mild-mannered, but I’m reasonably confident he’s not Cabal.

8 months ago

AC, this is for you.

If diet effects sperm quality, then what are the odds that extreme amygdala might as well? This goes to the point about urbanization and the downfall of cities into decadent cesspools.

Epigenetic inheritance of diet-induced and sperm-borne mitochondrial RNAs

Machine Trooper
8 months ago

How the Pentagon wants to cancel Thanksgiving and teach military kids that America is ‘stolen land.’

As much as Tucker glows, he is spot on when he says they’re telling us this is not our land because they plan to take it from us.

It is simple and succinct enough, it should be a meme. Maybe I’ll brainstorm what image should go with it, and cook something up.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
8 months ago

“…they plan to take it from us”. —Jennifer Rubin, a Jew, already said that a couple of years ago! She said, “It’s not theirs” speaking of the White Supremacists. Yes, they ARE stealing this country away from us!

People want to cover for the Jews, [quote from my ltr] “On
Thursday, Dec 7, 2017, Tim Wise, Jewish, came to Battle Creek at the behest of the Kellogg Community College Center for Diversity and Innovation to give a talk titled “Great White Hoax: Racism, Divide-and-Conquer and the Politics of Trumpism” . There Mr. Zeballos regaled in his 20 year relationship with Tim Wise! (one city commissioner attended this mtg) The first words out of his mouth was “They stole this land” and went on to denounce White Supremacy and White Privilege; Tim Wise’s message mirrored Kate Flores’ message. Clearly there is a connection between Jewish subversion and teachings of Tim Wise, Mr. Zeballos and Commissioner Kate Flores.[End quote]
Kate Flores, Hispanic, had a second story stained glass window removed because it a white guy bashing an Indian over the head which was our city seal. That is why we are named “Battle Creek”—a drunk Indian attacked two surveyors. No one was hurt–but she had to remove the window. Here you see that the Jews and the Hispanics work together to attack the whites.

Yes, there is a WAR here in America–they ARE stealing this country away from us–that is why there is an open border—and they are genociding us at the same time! It’s the Jews, plain and simple!

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Machine Trooper
8 months ago

Guys, just because someone glows, doesn’t mean they’re working with/for cabal.

Someone has been handling Trump, and they could very well be the folks handling Tucker.

8 months ago

> Colorado finds 1 in 4 homicides with firearms are ‘justifiable self defense.’

Drop Denver out of the figures and the ratio would be closer to 50/50.

8 months ago

> Grocery bill for 45 items in 2022 was $126.67, those same items in 2024…$414.39.

I just got back from the grocery store. I carried $94 worth of groceries out with one hand.

8 months ago

The Duran on the NATO summit in DC (26 minutes).

Notable between 4 and 10 minutes when Mercouris discusses the behaviour of Meloni and Starmer at these things. He doesn’t seem to realize that Meloni is coked up. Then at 12 minutes they discuss Trump threatening to cut off the Europeans from access to US intel, which actually would be a big change if it ever happens.

The rest of the discussion is mostly about how Davos/ Europe has started recently to threaten China.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
8 months ago

Only had a quick look at the epilogue, found a couple things.

5th para. down past the opening statement, last line “father” when you meant farther, maybe

The handout letter,second to last para. History has a period and then a comma, maybe delete the period, and the next line “And” is capitalzed, is that what you wanted?

Same for a period after in the last line thank you

Good job AC. Thanks for all you do and keep it keepin’ on…

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Appreciating the kind offer, will think about a reply to that.

In the meantime, in my notes I couldn’t find where I had done chapter 19, also, have you incorporated the corrections throughout as you have seen fit from my posted thoughts? If so, then is the current site have chapters updated as per?

Ch 19 in next posting.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Thought I had looked through ch. 18 and saw nothing stick out to me, but here is some from a new read. The minor repeat of prepositions is not serious at this point, since by now I think a reader would gloss over that in comparison to seeing in the first few chapters, so I gloss over them at this point.

About 5/8 down the page, a 2 line paragraph, begins “Among children” end of sentence has a lone “e” probably meant to be enemy, so finish the sentence thought

10 more para. down from there, starts “Under these wartime conditions, extremism,” lose the comma after extremism = extremism is just common sense

next para. middle of first sentence, “to that more extreme mentally” probably meant to say extreme mentality


gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Ch. 19

Para. 11, about new business opening, end of first sentence, change cannot lose it to cannot lose out, reduce endings with prepositions.

para 16, second sentence end, change “begin to circle it”, perhaps to “begin circling” or “bank towards and circle residence”

para 18, second sentence end change to “get priority usage, if needed”

para 26, first sentence suggestion “this is what you should know after reading this book, or, at the very least, suspect is out there” or similar (the first time placement “or” was probably meant to be in the next section)

para 29, end of first sentence has a period with an adjacent capital “S”, remove and capitalize the “their”

para 30 end of paragraph,last line “from it” is ambiguous, perhaps better meaning is “preserve their benefits from discovery, or interference, or ?

Paragraph with actual link to surveillance vid, end of first sentence can be “captions explaining events” as sufficient.

Next paragraph, remove comma after “operatives” to make sentence continuous.

Near the bottom, about 85% down, has “finders cult ” link, last sentence “where they to die”, meant to be “were they to die”

9th para past that, russian gov’t satellites… something like “flew satellites over the US, and hopefully gathered video of traffic patterns”, what was there is too disjointed to me

That’s 30, in journo parlance, AKA all done with this part

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Doing a re-read from the beginning, chapter one, see about halfway down the page, begins “The surveillance commander/archivist”, see near end of first sentence

“watch you move around in your house from through the walls and ceiling”, probably best to just remove the “from” unless you were meaning something more in depth, such as were mentioning through-the-wall tech “watching you move around inside with thermal/radar/xray type devices through walls and ceiling/roof”


gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

The ch. 2, nothing, so CH. 3 (by the way, I am doing this as my little contribution, my own articles I re-read usually several times to catch any potential error or gap in train of thought, so this is more good practice for me)

past lady with carriage, second pic, her behind the bushes shot, fourth para. past, second sentence says “You will then then” remove one “then”

13th para. down from that pic, starts as “Over time, with repetition”, end sentence starts as “And” but could be left without capital to add to previous sentence for one long thought string conclusion.

Halfway down page, past the big pic of car “cheating command”, 7th para. past, last sentence starts as “And”, could also be added to previous sentence like last note

5 pics of black sedan with dude, door open, first sentence past “This pretty obvious”, might use an “is” as second word


gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Lots of trouble with WP install page being thrown your way, keep bucking those hurdle flingers.

Ch. 4 about 1/2 way down page, past work van with driver staring, past the 5 pic stack, around second para. below, begins “If you are organized for Ron Paul”, last sentence has no ending period

Ch. 5, fifth line down at end, “or feral” maybe should be “of feral”

1/4 down the page, para. just before the truck with trailer, “Returning to montana, as you travel on, to the”, remove comma after “on”

About 5/8 down the page “Cut Bank” deleted image, starts as “Just for kicks” end of line has “ha”, maybe should be “had”

After 2023 pic with penguin at right, second sentence past “It could be the same driver even” – put”even after “could” or else delete


gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Very little to catch in these next three chapters. Chapter 6 OK, Chapter 7, past the pics with the 2 utility trucks, fifth para. down from there, second sentence “tests have ot be ignored” change the “ot” to “to”

chapter 8, 2/3 down page, past photo where the dark SUV bailed, the dead end street sign seen, first para. past “As I have said, surv… see end of paragraph has no period


gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Chapters 9 and 10 are intense reads, to be sure.

Ch. 9 about 20% down the page pic of Big Boy ordering food, paragraph after repeats, except second one has notes about youtube video in parentheses

About 80% down, where big boy gets his food picture timestamp 35338, fourth para. down from there, middle of first sentence “no one would get in our out” probably meant “in or out”

Chapter 10, about 15% down, just above the gilgo beach intro.i.e. “Now the case of the Gilg…, para. above, second to last line “action, lay a true utopia”, believe it would better be “lays”, perhaps “exists”, just try saying the sentence to gauge meaning

Third para. below that gilgo beach intro. “thus a few years back I fond myself”, “found”

About 40% down the page, para. about chatty taxi driver “And all along the drive”, third line down, center, “the chatty texi driver” “texi to taxi”

Next para. last sentence,”This was beginning to peak” peak change to pique, or else “elevate” as example to try

Wiki about J. Burke, 4 lines from end “proceeded to throw 3-400 UD dollars” meant US dollars


gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Chapter 11, about 1/2 way down the page Ted Gunderson notes, fourth para. fourth line “FB1” instead of FBI

Three more para. down line 5 “FO1A” instead of FOIA

Ch. 12, about 20% down I believe an embed is not displaying, a photo placeholder icon and box, plus 10 lines of empty space, check it out

About 5/8 down the page, picture of Bryce, ninth para. below that, “He mentions the masons”, see fourth line has no “E”

Brandi Vaughan photo, first para. below third line “on my on my” repeats

fifth para. below has no ending period

Eighth para. below that “In this section we are only” second sentence “To be noteworthy, argets” argets needs a “T”


gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Ch. 13 OK, CH. 14, 1/3 down the page at the porn fairy link, “The porn fairy, that phenom…” then the link. Inside the link “right of passage” should be “rite of passage”

Almost 1/2 down the page, link “That is not unheard of in intel…” third para. below has a plus sign at the end

Seven para. below that “You can say it seems unlikely”, next word is “butchered”, I think you meant to have just “but”

One para. from bottom, mention of video with 10 year olds talking spy shop, could use a link, never saw the video yet so I’m sure all would like to see that example, I’ll save to my hard drive as archive.


gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Ch. 15, change end of opening sentence to “unusual academic abilities”

Ch. 16, about half way down the page, a link for “A single FISA warrant”, next para. begins “Now the interesting part”, middle sentence is long, towards end, just after “Enemy of the state”, see a few words later “surveilance” is missing an L

17 OK

18, sixth para. from the end, starts “It is a bad spot we are in”, change to “We are in a bad spot”

Next para. remove comma after “That ground network”

I saw corrections were done in Ch. 18 and 19 from my last suggestions, see I can still find a tiny thing missed last read by me, pobodys Nerfect.

I expect to go over 19 and epilogue one more time, you should be ready to post a full length PDF really soon for us to have archived. I posted all of the corrections in one spot, this time, so no need to look for where the heck did those notes go to, right?

Good job all around, AC, much appreciated.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Ch. 19, about halfway down the page, para. starts “If you chose to go toe to toe”, the end sentence has another “chose” that should be “choose” -“elites at the top would chose to shed”

eight para. below that, end of first line “sciences+”, remove the plus sign

2/3 down the page, referring to Mohammed Ali, para. starts “Of course I think back to…”
Last sentence “Margret Thatcher” “Margaret”

About 35 para. from bottom, about 90% down the page, para. starts “It would also create a lesson going forward”, middle is “will have stuff reperc…” Change stuff to stiff

Epilogue, 5 para. above the letter, “Until the nation grasps,” remove the comma after “grasps”

First close look at the letter, third para. third line end “seemingly fellow citizens who are assigned watch”, can change text to “seemingly fellow citizens assigned to watch”, is a bit cleaner

fourth para. down from beginning, third line from the end “thing has been built and it operating” change to “is operating”

I hope that is all to be found, I usually need at least several reads through something to make sure nothing is overlooked, but there you go with at least a pair of readings, hope that helps. Realize this is mainly proofreading, not regular editing, but we don’t expect A-list book prose, we are OK with vernacular and normal word and speech patterns.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

Don’t sweat it, AC, I wasn’t going to keep reading and checking, you have to reach a point of “good enough” and stick with that for now, like fixing the design and getting production moving. Perfection is the enemy of excellence, and the road to bankruptcy in business. I know I’ve tried too hard too many times, but the challenge to excel, push the envelope, and reach for the heights can be a heady experience. You have been there already and we all must congratulate you for your efforts and perseverance. This input of mine may be helpful, but your struggles to keep moving during the evil pressures applied made me try even harder to get my contribution finished so you have the best practical manuscript to impress the uninformed. I have the beam in some form, I believe, so let us not feel we suffer alone. Godspeed, fellow warrior.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

WordPress helpfully inserts typographic errors for you, if you forget to put any in.

8 months ago

I really think the NATO summit was supposed to launch the war between NATO and Russia, and even maybe China. It got postponed indefinitely. And this was probably because they lost control of the “Biden” operation.

8 months ago

Okay, fiddling around not doing anything productive.

Okay, there were more live births in Pakistan than the EU last year. I’m trying to source this, but I saw it last week. In other words, no one needs to pay attention to the EU. They are disappearing. When they did things like the Treaty of Tordesillas, they had young people, and they had young people surviving in great numbers. Now, they have delusions.

Second, the TFR for American blacks is something like they disappear in about 100 years. Make college, careers and shopping for mass affluent handbags possible, it goes a little faster. Which, you know, look around? The women get into grad programs, have careers and flash shopping sprees.

They ran the test case on this in India. Probably other places, but definitely India. They’d hook up televisions to trees for antennas. There would be a village television. It would show shopping, materialism and schooling as positive. The fertility rates by districts,regions, whatever they call them? Dropped in the most interfered with regions. Which, you know, a billion here, a billion there, makes a difference.

The American Jewish population has at least two main nodes. The integrated one disappears in about 25 years. Low to no TFR. 10% homosexuality will do that to you. Plus, again, shopping, education, and careers. To get numbers up, there’s adoption. The second node is ultra-Orthodox. I don’t know anything about that one. They don’t seem to have education, shopping or women with careers. They also don’t seem to tamper with the mechanisms of state power, sort of Amishy? I don’t know. Anyway, they get below 2% of the population, and their political position disappears. No one cares about 1% of anything.

Muslims. Okay. They are likely to go over 2% in this time. Everyone yells about the Muslims in Michigan. So, what about the ones in Texas, California, New York and Louisiana? That’s a lot of electoral college votes.

China, who knows? They cook stats.

Africa. Cooks stats, can’t count. Who knows. None of them are food safe. So, get rid of English rock stars feeding them and they shrink.

The main thing I’m getting out of this is Bill Gates is a remarkably evil man. We were already shrinking population growth in fun, new, exciting ways- Michael Kors purses and reading and writing at a high level and money for marble floored apartments. We didn’t have to waste two years and give so many people cancer to get to smaller populations.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  wooderson
8 months ago

Fertility rates have been plummeting everywhere except sub Saharan Africa.

Even most muslim nations have seen a serious drop in birth rates for the past decade, at least.

Machine Trooper
8 months ago

I put American Stasi on my blog’s link list. Will be spreading it around best I can. Thanks for writing it, AC.

Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Doesn’t look like you do. But it’s mostly an entertainment blog these days, that mostly reviews books and movies. I often point out the globohomo messaging in entertainment and sometimes talk predictive programming ( A few years ago, I analyzed the movie White Squall ( since Q seemingly referred to it a lot.

So, I’d be honored by a mention, but I also won’t be offended if you decide the blog is not weighty enough.

BTW, the the assassination attempt yesterday may prove a good vehicle to introduce people to American Stasi. Like pointing out there is no way the shooter and his intentions were unknown to the FBI and Secret Service…then drop your link.

8 months ago

Dr. Ruth Westheimer dead at 96

… she was probably the top boss bitch that helped to normalized rampant immorality and hedonism into our culture, due to being this tiny little 4’7 grandma with a Minnie Mouse voice and seemingly sweet nature.

Interesting “Dr. Ruth” obituary. She was a sniper in the precursor of the IDF?!

8 months ago

Trump shot:
Or was he really shot at? Special Effects to make it look like they shot at him? Multiple gun shots heard. Anyone else hit?

Last edited 8 months ago by Bman
8 months ago
I am having issues connecting to this site after the Trump shooting.

8 months ago
8 months ago

I want Trump, and am willing to grant a lot of leeway to Q/whitehats given gravity of this situation. However, I have to say SS doesn’t make mistakes like this
It feels fake. Pres shot at & no one in stands runs? Trump tells SS to hold on a min while he holds fist up? No one remembers Reagan getting ~thrown~ into the limo?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

There were stories about some wild SS parties when Obama would swoop in somewhere and they’d take over entire floors of hotels for “security.” There might still be some of them out on the web.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

When Trump first took office, he augmented his USSS detail with his own security people. I remember there was some USSS cunt who got fired because she came out in public with TDS saying she wouldn’t take a bullet for him. They’re supposed to be well trained and impartial, but they’re made up of the same people who staff the rest of the government.

I used to know a former USSS counter sniper who told myself and some friends stories. They had some South American hooker scandal during the Bathhouse Barry administration.

Dom Zerchi
Dom Zerchi
8 months ago

Ok this may not be an open forum but do we know that the S.S. do not use drugs? Do we know that they are not vaxed?
They seem fake. They aren’t the border collies we used to see.

8 months ago

I make no claims about this, but I am open minded, and I think Lowell will be interested.

Someone posted this on FR:

This guy predicted three months ago Trump would get shot in his right ear.

8 months ago

At Whatfinger:

Community: Since the Leftists destroyed the community site (it’s still down – click here) we are telling all to email us links for the time being – send to

Did they get attacked because I told you the Community page was an alternate way to share the American Stasi book with them since you had difficulty getting your emails to them through?