News Briefs – 07/13/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Russia To Continue De-Dollarization Push With ASEAN

DFT – UK Mortgage Rates Reach 15 Year High

DFT – Carlyle, Trustar Plan $4 Billion McDonalds China Exit

DFT – Amazon Slapped With Labor Complaint For Refusing To Bargain With Union

DFT – Back To School Spending To Drop For First Time In Nine Years

Ray Epps’ lawsuit against Fox News reveals he’s being criminally charged by DOJ, 2.5 years after Jan 6 riot. Was this to bolster the lawsuit?

The FBI faced a grilling on the Hill Wednesday as Director Christopher Wray answered multiple questions about how our nation’s top investigative and domestic intelligence agency has devolved into a rogue security bureau. “The FBI acquires the personal bank records of Americans who have purchased firearms… The bureau reportedly sent search inquiries—all done without a warrant.” Lots more intel shitbaggery at the link, though it has not yet reached the surveillance. Trajectories anon. They continue. I would make sure your rifles are zeroed, and you have lots of ammo. There is no telling where this is heading. But you can see a general direction, and because you are here and have read this site, you know what is over in that general direction. It is not a stable government, or peaceful environment, and there be monsters that way which will try to kill you when cornered. But it is the only direction in which lies true freedom, and American greatness. And every day, we head a little farther in that direction.

FBI whistleblower says Christopher Wray lied about surveilling school board meetings. Getting warmer anon. See most people will read this and think, FBI just went in there a few months ago and surveilled these parents for political reasons, because they opposed the wokification of school boards over the past year, and that is the big scandal. What if the FBI, or some intel organization had already been, had always been, in the school boards, and any parents who got involved who were not in the conspiracy had always been put under surveillance, because they were unwittingly challenging the control of the school boards by a giant secret intel operation which was spying on kids, and trying to manipulate their paths? What if the big scandal is that this was not new, or made up on the fly, but was rather a long-standing operation?

2024 GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie calls out attacks on FBI Director Christopher Wray during today’s Judiciary Committee hearing as “theater and people trying to raise money for campaigns.” “I think Chris Wray has done a very good job,” Christie says.

FBI Director Chris Wray fires back at ‘insane’ GOP claims of bias as Lindsey Graham and Romney to his rescue.

FBI whistleblower: Deputy director told subordinates to hide Jan. 6 informants.

Heated exchange between Rep Matt Gaetz and FBI Director Christopher Wray on the Hunter Biden investigation.

Taibbi: Newest Twitter files shows Twitter ‘immediately’ took down accounts FBI requested without investigation based on false charges.

FBI Director Wray confirms Joe Biden is under criminal investigation for Ukrainian bribes by the US Attorney in Delaware then tries to backpedal.

Rand Paul was the only Republican who opposed confirming Christopher Wray as FBI Director.

Congressman has grim take after access to UFO footage: ‘We can’t handle it.’ Apparently there is more footage out there we have not seen.

John Solomon is reporting that the Secret Service is moving up their meeting with Rep. Comer & other members of Congress to tomorrow at 10:00am in a SCIF to update them on CocaineGate. “Moving it up signals that there’s been some form of a development in the investigation.”

DeSantis hits all-time low in delegate forecast, holds crisis talks with donors.

Poll: Biden’s approval rating stuck on 40%, close to lowest level of Presidency.

Democrats exploit automatic voter registration systems to register non-citizens.

DC’s UFO lobbyist on alien spacecraft claims: “This thing is getting ready to blow sky-high.” Whether real, or a psyop, or some combination thereof, the UFO thing is clearly significant.

The U.S. Secret Service on Tuesday declined to honor a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for communications related to its investigation of the cocaine found at the White House, saying that to release those materials would compromise the investigation.

Some foreigners can now serve on US Capitol Police force. I’ll bet if any of you had stellar grades, top education, and were squeaky-clean, there would be some reason you would not get hired. But for these characters, all you need is a green card. Just like everything else here, you will eventually see everyone out there come to recognize that these are foreign agents of the conspiracy, being positioned for use against American citizens.

Almost 40% of US attack submarines out of commission due to maintenance and supply chain issues.

One person is killed and two are injured by DC hit-and-run driver who struck victims by National Mall while fleeing SECRET SERVICE cops who spotted car’s expired tag. Sounds like Secret Service may have flipped a light and then tried to have their foot surveillance slow the guy down by absent-mindedly walking in front of him, and he ran them over. Not sure why they let him get away. I have a feeling if you are in DC and they want to catch you, they will. Maybe when strong, appear weak.

A Michigan hair salon owner says anyone who does not identify as either a man or woman is “not welcome” at her business and should instead go to a pet groomer, after the Supreme Court rules businesses and choose who to do business with.

Dog the Bounty Hunter goes on homophobic rant, threatens violence against Dylan Mulvaney. Given his history, I think he is pretty clearly a Cabal agent, so this is the script for some reason.

Ex-Anheuser-Busch exec finally admits Bud Light’s Dylan Mulvaney partnership ‘was a mistake.’

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on July 11 announced new proposed rules for lead paint in a bid to prevent hundreds of thousands of children from being exposed to the toxic substance. Or are they trying to enhance the functionality of their thru-wall surveillance gear and weaponry? What kid eats lead paint chips? What house with lead paint has not already covered it in seven coats of latex paint?

Sanctuary city San Francisco is fueling property boom in HONDURAS as $350,000-a-year fentanyl dealers send cash home, safe in knowledge they likely face light sentences and will never be deported.

The Fake News says, the future of AI someday will be, “Automated real-time fact-checking.” Then you will know anon, that everything they tell you is the absolute, only truth.

Alex Jones warns of the Deep State’s push to frame the ‘Right Wing’ for impending false flag attacks it will launch on the power grid in order to collapse society and blame dissenting citizens.

FBI Director Christopher Wray fired back at two GOP congressmen Wednesday over their criticisms of the agency with him as director, pointing to an increase in applications from Florida and Texas under his tenure. One of the most mind-blowing things to me is how you could be squeaky-clean, stellar academic record, love the nation, and you just would not qualify for FBI for some reason they would cook up, even if it was just making sure you “failed” the poly. And I understand now. It is all secrets which those outside the conspiracy can never be allowed access to. But when I was younger and dumber, I was so sold on the idea, anyone could do anything.

Disease carried by mites that kills up to 70 PERCENT of sufferers is found in US for first time, CDC warns — as bug-borne pathogens rise across America. Scrub Typhus is now here.

‘Rich’ stepson of billionaire Titan sub victim moans about not being able to ‘get laid’ Brian Szasz, the stepson of British billionaire Hamish Harding who was killed on the Titan sub, has come under fire for moaning about not being able to “get laid” despite his huge inheritance. I didn’t think the sub thing was a psyop before, but now I wonder. Most people cannot imagine how it really works, with intel hiding in every shadow. What is the statistical probability a billionaire heir and complete rube would not be able to “get laid,” if I was a goof in high school who you would think would have fucked off and done nothing in life, and Cabal was sending in girl after girl in after me? It isn’t even gold-diggers. It is spooks. If this dude was real, he would be buried under intel-sent honey-pots, looking to fill out their operation’s slush funds, and strip him of any power he had from his money. He would have trouble finding a way to not end up “laid.” He would step in an elevator and two naked girls would fall through the ceiling and pin him to the ground as the doors closed, and before he could resist, it would be over. He would stumble out and get in a taxi, two girls would jump in from each side pinning him in the center, and the driver, who was in on it, would smile and drive off, ignoring his screams for help in the back seat, as he was just ravaged. His day would consist of incident after incident like that, from multiple ops. His story just does not check out.

Massachusetts proposes unprecedented sweeping gun control. It looks like a quick push to try and ban registered assault weapons, so they can grab them and destroy them before Bruen is definitively applied to protect them. Once the law is settled, then everyone can go and buy new ones, but they will be out the thousands of dollars in weapons which were lost. Not sure if they will be able to get an injunction with the leftist courts there, which are probably just rubber stamps for Cabal-initiatives.

Three “fairly mummified” bodies were discovered in a remote Rocky Mountains campsite, with two of the bodies found inside a small, zipped-up tent, while the other was outside in the camp, in a wooded, remote area, away from areas typically frequented by hikers.

Massive lava outburst may have led to Snowball Earth…Eruption dates suggest chemical weathering of rocks triggered plunging temperatures.

Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket engine explodes during testing.

A group of congressional Democrats reported Wednesday that three large tax preparation firms — H&R Block, TaxAct and Tax Slayer — sent “extraordinarily sensitive” information on tens of millions of taxpayers to Facebook parent company Meta over the course of at least two years. Of course Meta is an intel operation, so who were they really sending it to?

A former White House aide to President Donald Trump who became a prominent congressional witness against him and his allies in the wake of the Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol has a book deal. And it is in the main Fake News outlets, as a big story.

Microsoft says Chinese hackers breached email, including U.S. government agencies. Looks like they got the emails of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

BBC star presenter Huw Edwards  hospitalized after being named in sex photo scandal. “Huw is suffering from serious mental health issues. As is well documented, he has been treated for severe depression in recent years. The events of the last few days have greatly worsened matters, he has suffered another serious episode and is now receiving inpatient hospital care where he’ll stay for the foreseeable future.”

Argentine Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez, chosen by Pope Francis to head a powerful Vatican office, admits he made mistakes in the way he handled the 2019 case of a priest accused of child sex abuse, which still brings him criticism for allegedly protecting the cleric.

Recent French riots boost support for far right’s anti-immigration rhetoric.

Outraged Italians are groping themselves in unsettling videos in protest of a judge’s ruling that unwanted touching that lasts less than 10 seconds isn’t a crime.

I don’t know how true this is about our military equipment, but the guy is right about the levels of lying online. So now I am wondering if a lot of our equipment could be cheap shit, while Cabal embezzled all the money which was supposed to make it great. I don’t really feel invested either way. If we lost a war to Russia and they executed Biden and the entire administration for war crimes, I don’t see where I have a dog in that fight, but I found the counterpoint to the relentless drumbeat we hear in the US to be interestingly possible:

Ukraine’s “counter-offensive” lost over 26.000 men, 1200 tanks and APCs, 21 planes and 5 choppers since June 4.

It looks like Ukraine went into Russia and used a fitness app to track a Russian sub-commander and kill him on Russian soil as he went for a jog in a park, in retaliation for his service in the war. I have never seen a war that was fought by one side as if it were a mafia/drug-cartel turf war, with no rules. People serve their country, follow orders, and then go home, it isn’t personal. But Ukraine acts like it was a personal affront that these Russians would serve their country, in its military, when called up. I am surprised Russian intel hasn’t unleashed its people to just wipe out Ukrainian intel yet.

Kiev will “likely” get F-16 fighter jets from Washington’s allies in Europe who may have some to spare, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Wednesday.

Biden now admits he is considering giving Ukraine long-range missiles capable of reaching Russia AND Crimea on top of cluster bombs.

Ukraine’s “counter-offensive” lost over 26.000 men, 1200 tanks and APCs, 21 planes and 5 choppers since June 4.

In the wake of his aborted mutiny last month, Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner Private Military Company turned over more than 2,000 weapons and pieces of equipment more than 2,500 tons of ammunition and over 20,000 small arms, the Russian Defense Ministry (MoD) said on its Telegram channel Wednesday. So, Wagner is no threat to Ukraine because they are disarmed, and the fact they are rested and recouped, a two hour drive from Kiev is just a coincidence. Sleep tight, Volodymyr, you have nothing to worry about.

The war in Ukraine has shifted decisively in Russia’s favor.

Moscow could place destroyed military hardware on display outside the embassies of Western nations that supplied it to Ukraine.

Possible Romney challenger reports record fundraising haul as he considers primary bid.

From here:

Allan Lichtman – famous for correctly predicting the outcome of every U.S. presidential election since 1984 (barring 2000) – says Donald Trump is now the mainstream in the Republican Party, and no other GOP presidential hopeful stands a chance of winning the party’s nomination. The American University professor, himself a fierce critic of Trump, said ex-MAGA rival Ron DeSantis was an “abysmal candidate” who lacks Trump’s appeal and personal charm. Lichtman was clear that other candidates, sometimes described as standard-bearers of the “Republican mainstream”, had no chance – and were no longer the mainstream.

Former President Donald Trump continues to dominate the Republican primary field, more than doubling his closest competitor’s support, according to a YouGov/Economist poll. I wish he could come out and say, if they fuck us over on this election, the guns are coming out and we are doing this one the old-fashioned way. Imagine the media reaction to that one.

Spread r/K Theory, because we are getting closer to meeting the monsters

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1 year ago

Thailand’s Constitutional Court agreed to hear two cases challenging prime ministerial front runner Pita Limjaroenrat’s and his Move Forward Party’s (MFP) eligibility to take office, Thai Enquirer reported on July 12….

I don’t know anything but this seems familiar.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

“Pita and his coalition partners held a press conference to on 22 May, emphasizing issues such as drafting a new constitution through members of the Constituent Assembly, military reforms, voluntary conscription, same-sex marriage, and the decentralization of the economy among other issues.[24][25] Pita later stated that he utilized campaign strategies inspired by Barack Obama’s 2008 US presidential election campaign.[26] Despite securing a majority in the House with coalition partners, Pita requires the votes of MPs and Senators combined in order to be elected Prime Minister; the vote will take place on 13 July.[27]”

His nickname is “Tim”. Lmao. Neo-lib stooge looks like.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

So it’s this then:
comment image

Unless he really is ineligible, then he is just following in O’Bummer’s footsteps again.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Re: Some foreigners can now serve in the US Capitol Police Force

I’ll bet if any of you had stellar grades, top education, and were squeaky-clean, there would be some reason you would not get hired. But for these characters, all you need is a green card. Just like everything else here, you will eventually see everyone out there come to recognize that these are foreign agents of the conspiracy, being positioned for use against American citizens.”

I quote AC’s entire comment because it is so pithy. I remember (late 90s/early 00s) when I began flying into Reagan National, DC on a regular basis. The approach as you flew over our great historical landmarks and land in the heart of our capital was beautiful, majestic. Then I began to notice that half of the airport employees were Somalis. It was as if entire clans had just shimmied into our country and been handed easy government make-work jobs on arrival, en masse. Foreign agents is right.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Foreign Occupation Phorce

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

The nursing trade is the same. It has been taken over by rude, nasty, incompetent Nigerians.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
Reply to  Anonymous Joe
1 year ago

I can second that

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

One way to create dissonance in a country is to import lots of people who have very different customs. Another angle of attack is to degrade the architecture by bulldozing it, letting it fall into disrepair, or add incompatible elements (pictured). Is that guy even making a certain famous gesture?

Another example of this soulless geometric BS would be KKL Lucerne, a building for the arts that might be anywhere, and has nothing to do with one of Switzerland’s prettiest towns. A completely unimaginative shape, but done by ‘starchitect’ Jean Nouvel. Or the ‘blob’ in Graz, Austria’s second biggest city. Just do an image search for ‘Graz’, you’ll see immediately what ruins the cityscape.


1 year ago

‘Ex-Anheuser-Busch exec finally admits Bud Light’s Dylan Mulvaney partnership ‘was a mistake.’’

Ya think?

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Not to be disrespectful, but IMO it was not a mistake, it was deliberate.

Again, respectfully, this is where our side gets tangled up, measuring things by conventional logic.

Any ad campaign will be thoroughly evaluated before hand. There is no possible way (IMO) that the controlled destruction of Bud Lite was not well anticipated before it was implemented.

Our side often buys into the confirmation bias big time, like “go woke, go broke,” and “how dumb can these people be?” This type of superiority on our side (IMO), augmented by the every day genuine stupidity of the apparatchiki on their side (who actually accept and defend nonsense), is the premise of a lot of what they do to mislead us.

No one got hurt except people on our side, the drivers, bottlers, and kulaks like distributors. The independently wealthy kulaks (through hard work) must be destroyed, and many have been the past several years.

The short sellers and Finks of this world (IMO) have made a lot of money with the death of Bud Lite, all the while destroying an iconic American brand associated with Deplorables. So, as usual, they get their money and their sadistic pleasure at the same time, all the while laughing at us.

The follow-up ad laughing at the stupidity of their white consumer base was similarly ridiculed as stupidity by our side, who did not get that the joke was on us.

Last edited 1 year ago by Tonawanda
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I hang out in a working class bar where a number of guys stopped drinking Bud Lite. It is a MAGA place, mostly, but when I say “our side,” I have guys like this in mind, good, solid, often highly intelligent, but they do not read this site, or Day, or some others, nor has their thinking reached the level of people on this site.

But they are “our side,” and their consciousness is critical to what happens (IMO). I am 100% happy about where they are with Bud Lite. Bud Lite has created solidarity among people who are disgusted with the propaganda, the perversity, the evil, and fascist “down your throat” attacks on us. That these guys (and a few women) have not fathomed that the depths of the evil is a level of consciousness (IMO) which will take longer to happen, but it is definitely happening. People are getting there, slowly but surely. And people like the people on this site can help if they help discretely and respectfully.

BTW, a few weeks after the Bud Lite thing was detonated, a strange guy came into the bar, rather ostentatiously acting like a homosexual. About ten minutes later a guy wearing a white wedding gown type of dress came in and sat next to him, and they stayed for 30 or 40 minutes.

What they did not know was, nobody gave a fuck. Nobody cared. They thought they were going to provoke something, and left when it was obvious no one gave a fuck. They were noticed, and laughed at afterwards, but no one cared.

This place is rife with surveillance, but that is a whole other story. We regularly get folks in who (to MY eyes) are obviously there to snoop, at least. The other guys do not see it, nor do I make an issue of it, although we had one lady who pretended to be from the VA, and when I questioned her, it became obvious she was not, and they understood she was a phony, but they did not question further why this phony (with a phony questionnaire) would be there in the first place. That is what I am talking about, when I refer to our side.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

When your enemy holds all the cards your options are limited.
Ignoring the tranny would have been worse.
Stop overthinking things and being only reactive.
Do what you must when you must and look for ways to go on offense.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I NEVER said to ignore the tranny, and you assume too much when your order me to stop something. I order you to re-read what I wrote. These are totally separate issues. The response on our side was beautiful, even if it was largely based on a misunderstanding of what motivated their attack.

And more generally, another problem on our side is people going beyond a point and mistaking one thing for another.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

The actual target for all this woke garbage is the share prices of these companies and the pension and investment and insurance funds who hold shares in these companies.

This is a deliberate 5th generation warfare attack on the middle class.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

That is my take, as well.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

My first job out of HS back in the 80s was at a liquor distributor on a delivery truck. As the “hate Bud Light/etc.” movement progresses, I have been thinking about all the blue collar workers who suffer. But it has been happening every generation. Cabal destroyed the American steel and commercial shipbuilding industries in much the same manner.

If goes as usual, they, the blue collars, are going to have to find new jobs.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

They were waiting for ChatGPT to tell them what to do

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Central “Intelligence”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

“Scrub Typhus is now here.”
Sounds like my new gamer tag.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

Have a tube of Ivermectin on hand

1 year ago

Not sure how significant it is, but ten years ago book deals were widely believed to be book deals. Today, it is widely known that books deals are bribes or money laundering.

There must be a dozen such examples from the same time frame. Who knows where the consciousness will lead?

It is wonderful in itself, this type of understanding.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

As a long time reader, I can confirm.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

On the book as bribe insight, the needle was pushed to the limit. In my experience, this has become totally understood so the recognition is automatic. This is how we win.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yep, first time I read it was from AC.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You are a King among men AC. Truly.

Reply to  HighAngleHeck
1 year ago

A genuine gift. There are a few, not many. The hard work, courage and insight is heroic and deeply appreciated.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Agreed. You’re the first to come up with this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Not surprised that you came up with this. That is why this site is so valuable.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago

Also a money laundering scam. Paintings by no talent scoundrels being sold for millions. Didn’t AC promote that idea as well?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Adolph Hitler was made rich selling his book, Mein Kampf, his payoff from his British Crown handlers who ghost wrote it for him while he was allegedly imprisoned in a country villa.

Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

The late Tom Wolfe mentioned that in his last novel “Back to Blood”.

1 year ago

The US attack sub issues and the Ukies murking a RUS sub commander are defo related.

The trajectory of this whole conflict is heading to the seas and naval conflict. And then, a direct threat by RUS on CONUS.

I’m an annoying broken record on this but the entire “Western” system is built on the decapitation ability of our subs. All of it. And that’s all we have left.

RUS is of course churning out new sub types and has dual engine nuclear powered ice breakers and missiles far in advance of ours.

God I wish I knew what hijinks were going on under the sea right now.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

The Migard Serpent.

1 year ago

There’s been a lot of talk here recently about the ayyys and tartatia etc etc and ancient tech. So, I thought I would plug Carl Munck. Idk how widely known he is, but if you haven’t watched The Code, I envy you.

Carl is like if your HS football coach showed up in your math class as a sub for a few weeks and just went off on ancient sites and how similar the geometry was.

He’s just the coolest goofiest hard core dude ever. And The Code is BASED. Great before bed watching.

1 year ago

Just to address a comment from way back on 7/11/23: The Bolsheviks are Jews; they slaughtered the White Russians, the Christian Russians. We face their sons, grandsons, and nephews and nieces in the United States. And it is the US cohort of Bolsheviks who are leading the current attack on Russia, even China.-Teo Toon
I believe in conversion and redemption and I’ll believe it when I see it with Russia too. When Russia takes their army and topples the Bolshevik regime squatting in Rome and places a Catholic man on the seat of St. Peter I will happily recognize their prophesied conversion. Until then I believe we all just witnessed a failed Bolshevik “mutiny” by Putin’s bff. Theater, actors, skits, same old same old. Why are you guys always falling for the bad guy all off a sudden becoming the good guy with no legitimate redemption arc and then EVERY time we are left with egg on our face? I want a good guy too, not trying to black pill but we don’t have to keep falling for the same old bs from the same old Bolsheviks.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

a mysterious poaster on 4chan, goes by BB, aka The Burning Bush. He is related to BDanon and CIA-anon and Terry. He claims to be God. He has said that Putin is his Sword. He will cleanse the West. This same poaster predicted that Omnicron would come out of South Africa and would be the cure. “putin has been to the Valley of the Blue Moon and prayed at the tomb of Mary.
for more info see Paul Furber on Gab. He owned the original board Q appeared on. He keeps an archive of these postings

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Putin video here. Be prepared to laugh when the kid does it Putin’s way.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yes. Trust God, not men. God knows exactly who He needs, and He brings those power. It may be someone like Putin, or someone foul like Sampson. God will decide.

Two days ago, my brother in law told me, “If some man wants to hurt me, either God will allow it because He wants me hurt, or He will stop that man because He does not want me hurt. Either way, it is the will of the Lord, and I trust Him.” You should too.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

New World Order = British Empire = Roman Empire

Rothschild, banker to the Crown, banker to the Vatican.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The prison gangs in Russia have a specific argot. Putin speaks it. It’s why the more university cultivated media refers to him as a gangster. He sounds like one. He sounds like a regular person when he wants to. He code switches, as all our famous diversity college students write angstly about.

This is important: the criminals have a different mind map, and very different information than polite society has. This means Putin knows things that the media cannot guess. This also means Putin knows more about criminals than his military officers.

This is kind of a big deal, since Ukraine is the base of operations for all sorts of organized crime, for one.

For two, the billionaires that got put into prison were, in general, well-educated factory managers who were advised by Harvard economists, in order to strip the Russian economy. They went to prison, and stayed in prison, and talked to other prisoners. Putin can talk to prisoners, and they can talk back, in a language that the college, Western, school Russian speakers cannot piece together- codetalkers, as much as our famous Comanche.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

He code switches

This takes a lot of time, effort, and energy to learn for a non-liar, especially one with a non-lying constitution/physiogomy. Putin had his KGB training and service to learn it. Trump, I believe, deliberatly put himself to this training through his socializing and TV appearances. Likely, both learned the “trick” of it early on and knew they had to work on this skill before they were “ready” for the global stage. I tend to think the both Trump and Putin lean toward introversion.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

1st Dan here. I remember that photo vividly. Vlad was clearly having an enjoyable visualization of hitting Obama with the planet.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Russia has been Orthodox since before Rome split from the rest of the Church (Alexandria, Jerusalem, Constantinople and Antioch). The papacy is one of the heresies that Rome adopted.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Catholic Worker = Bolsheviks

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Since it is my comment you are referencing:
Why would the Eastern Orthodox Church care about who sits on Simon Pater’s throne? The lie is that the Papacy is even Christian; it is esoterically Lucifarian; it is pagan. The great founders of the Reformation realized by studying the Scriptures — the Received Text; the same text the Eastern Orthodox Church is using — that the Papacy was the little horn of Revelation; they even carved that understanding over the doorways of the old Nuremberg town hall for all to see. Putin would be doing Christendom a great favor if he removed the heirs of Simon Pater, tore down the foul St Peter’s Square and had let Orthodox bishops appoint proper Christian bishops to oversee the Roman church and forever destroy the Lucifarian/pagan counterfeit.

1 year ago

Michael Hudson had a great quote on what the shirtless Mil guy was saying:

“What America does have, what it calls military, is what you quite rightly linked it to: the military industrial complex. It makes arms. And weapons.

But again, these are a funny kind of weapons. Suppose you had a winery that made wine that was so good, that really wasn’t for drinking. It was for wealthy people to buy, and to trade. And as the years go by, the wine would turn to vinegar. It’s not wine for drinking. It’s wine for making a profit, a capital gain.”

Devastating. But it is prob more like modern art than wine. An entire fake indistry built to launder money. He’s right though, these weapins aren’t meant yo be used but rather collected and moved around between friends.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Yep. Book deals, MSM jobs, fashion, music industry, Hollywood, professional sports, academia, restaurants, wine and modern art have been converted into currency by Cabal to payoff, bribe, trade and provide sinecures for its minions. An entirely fake economy exists. Its awful mediocrity reflects not just its hidden agenda but the total lack of genuine artistic or artisanal merit.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Fake space program. Boeing and Lockheed got $40 billion, or more, for the SLS and launched one, just one rocket.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Also said can’t invade a well defended country without conscription. Globohomo is building institutional knowledge for forced conscription in Ukraine if you believe the media reports.

The US boarder fences completed to keep cannon fodder from going home.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Hudson’s book the collapse of Antiquity is a great read and very interesting for those who enjoy patterns.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

Thanks. Yes. I’ll read that after my current reading.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Yes. As long as there is an agreement of the perceived value placed upon things this system goes on right under our noses. I want to say that the surveillance machine also provides a product. Data. Hasn’t data become a kind of currency among theses entities?

Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

That’s a great point. I remember reading about that a few years ago. But I’d forgotten all about it. Yes. The theory was that Cabal used info as currency. Makes sense. Thanks.

1 year ago

>Massachusetts proposes unprecedented sweeping gun control. It looks like a quick push to try and ban registered assault weapons, so they can grab them and destroy them before Bruen is definitively applied to protect them. Once the law is settled, then everyone can go and buy new ones, but they will be out the thousands of dollars in weapons which were lost. Not sure if they will be able to get an injunction with the leftist courts there, which are probably just rubber stamps for Cabal-initiatives.

PVC pipe, as long and wide as you need. Insert items, add moisture control packets/fill as needed. Some people say coat items in oil or cosmoline-like substances, but it’s not a decades long plan here. Caps on both ends with PVC primer, PVC cement. Wrap it all in 6mil polyethylene, shingled to promote drainage away from the ends. Bury vertical, at least 6 feet underground. Post Hole diggers are nice. Bury several decoys in a 500m radius around the area. Mark the location with a memorized location finding methodology that you do not write down or tell anyone.

Cabal will know where you bury things because you’ll either be followed or a plane/drone will record you as you work. But normal law enforcement will not be able to dig those up without admitting to the entire surveillance program. That’s all we’re banking on here.

Will certainly buy you time if they try a short-term grab and destroy program at the very least. You have rights given by God independent of the alleged “government” and their whims. Worry about what God thinks, and pray for protection as needed.

>If you need to bury, you need to use, ANON!

I think we’ll all know if that time is upon us. Don’t be the first man to reach the trench if you value your life.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

A Christian husband and father has a responsibility, given to him by God, to protect and provide for his wife and children. God created the state as a framework for society to create a structure and stability for a Christian man to work within to provide for and protect his family.

If a state directly threatens a man’s family, it is an indication the state has left its area of responsibility and has become ungodly. A man then needs to determine his response. That response needs to be the minimum necessary to protect his family. For example, our government school system in the United States is hostile towards the faith. A Christian father’s correct response is not to burn down the school. It is to remove his children from the school and seek alternate avenues of education.

With that said, if the ungodly state seeks to rape, torture or kill a Christian man’s wife and children, the state has gone well beyond what God has tasked it to accomplish – a stable society which supports the faith and families. At that point a man must do his duty, given to him by God, to protect his wife and his children. That is the role of the.patriarch. He and his family may die in the fight, but in the resurrection, Christ will look at him and say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Don’t disagree on the principle, but this is just a tactical piece of advice if a short term thumbing of the nose by .gov overreach is attempted.

As I said I think it will be very obvious if the time ever comes where burying is no longer practical. I just ain’t gonna be the first one over the top to get the party started

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Killing the ruling class and their progeny [could be] self defense.

Target rich, lots of low hanging fruit, vast reconnaissance ability, hence the surveillance.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Where elections are rigged, illegitimate office holders can be righteously executed by any disenfranchised voter or voters.

It is self defense to use deadly force against any Color of Law usurpation that illegitimately possesses for itself the authority to use deadly force.

Armed security services in a state or nation with an illegitimate executive can be targetted at will.

Macaque Mentality
1 year ago


128Ducks works. Thank you for all of your hard work.

M in the 517
M in the 517
1 year ago

Random thought:
Am I a cuck for thinking women should be judged based on the contents of their hearts and minds and not on the alleged residual elasticity of their vaginae?
That’s an alt-right trope that never really sat well with me.
Sorry, not sorry

Reply to  M in the 517
1 year ago

It’s not about the materialist’s abstractions of sex (read: anti-God) where “it’s just sex bro lighten up” or “loose pussy” blah blah blah.

Every sex partner takes an axe swing at the trunk of your soul, man or woman. Tell me with a straight face that a virgin marrying then having sex with only one person in their entire life is the same emotional and spiritual bond as two people who have dated and fucked 500 combined people. No chance. That may be the extreme, but it proves the point by amplifying the scale. Scale it down to the more “normal” 5-10 people and you can see it’s a less egregious problem, but still a problem.

God commands you to become one flesh with your partner. It’s infinitely harder to do that, for many reasons, with a whore. Man or woman.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Unevenly yoked.

Reply to  M in the 517
1 year ago

It’s not about the materialist’s abstractions of sex (read: anti-God) where “it’s just sex bro lighten up” or “loose pussy” blah blah blah.

Every sex partner takes an axe swing at the trunk of your soul, man or woman. Tell me with a straight face that a virgin marrying then having sex with only one person in their entire life is the same emotional and spiritual bond as two people who have dated and fucked 500 combined people. No chance. That may be the extreme, but it proves the point by amplifying the scale. Scale it down to the more “normal” 5-10 people and you can see it’s a less egregious problem, but still a problem.

God commands you to become one flesh with your partner. It’s infinitely harder to do that, for many reasons, with a whore. Man or woman.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Noted. Thank you.

And yet, I too easily fall into the trap of thinking (and acting like) “She’s The one”, which is a dead end and a killer of relationships before they even have a chance to take off.

Reply to  M in the 517
1 year ago

The two are different, but strongly connected.

Reply to  M in the 517
1 year ago

You may find an answer to your self-doubt here:

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

That is exactly what I was needing to read….like 5 weeks ago
I fell into a spate of bad 20-something gamma habits
Due to some circumstances
I am working my way out of thar though
Thank you

Reply to  M in the 517
1 year ago

In their hearts and minds they are whores

1 year ago

Ray Epps’ lawsuit against Fox News reveals he’s being criminally charged by DOJ, 2.5 years after Jan 6 riot. Was this to bolster the lawsuit?

That’s what I thought when I heard it last night. They realized that if they want to keep his cover for the lawsuit, they have to charge him. They can drag the trial out, wait until his lawsuit with Fox is concluded, and then just drop the charges against him.

1 year ago

Fishing weights are made of lead. I have never heard any attempt to ban those. And while I have never heard of anyone eating them, I think it more likely a kid would try to eat a small fishing weight of chipped paitn.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Don’t forget the airborne particles surely present in just regular shooting of guns. If lead were really Uber-dangerous as described most shooters, especially the prolific ones, would experience symptoms over a lifetime, no?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

On an indoor range you MIGHT be able to inhale enough lead LONG TERM for there to be a problem, say as an instructor spending all day in there day in day out. Having to spit out lead shot from your roast duck is nothing.

On the other hand, Abe Lincoln used to drink a tonic every morning with lead and mercury as ingredients. There’s no way he wasn’t feeling the effects of heavy metal poisoning. Of course lead in the brain was fatal in his case.

People who work with zinc have to be ridiculously careful Of fumes because zinc fever is a very real thing, so you sand off the galvanizing before you weld. Also relevant if working with bronze because certain alloys use zinc.

But back to lead – yes is obvious that Cabal wants the stuff off the market and if they want something it can’t be good for US.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Whoa, whoa. Easy!

Any serious shooting professionals take lead management very seriously. Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch won’t even allow lead ammo on his range.

Here’s some important lead hygiene knowledge:

DO NOT wear your range boots into the house. In fact, I’d recommend stripping off your range clothes before entering the house.

Do not smoke, eat, or consume liquids after shooting without washing your hands and face.

DO NOT shoot at an indoor range that is not highly ventilated.

For people that are around it day after day, it IS a very real problem. Lead poisoning IS a very bad thing and there’s no good amount of lead in your body.

If you’re a serious shooter who hasn’t given a lot of thought to lead mitigation the time to start is yesterday.

I’ve known plenty of people who were fucked up by lead.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Symptoms of lead poisoning are paranoia, nervous system disorder, tremors, auditory hallucinations, anxiety.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

How were they f-ed up and how much shooting had they done and where?

Do you know their lead lvls?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That’s funny. I remember eating various birds for dinner at my first girlfriends house, birds shot by her hunter father, when I was a teenager. I remember also having to spit out the shot that was in them.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

FBI Director Christopher Wray fired back at two GOP congressmen Wednesday over their criticisms of the agency with him as director, pointing to an increase in applications from Florida and Texas under his tenure. 

Gaetz handled him like a boss.

But having said that, how lame of a defense is that? “Sure, we break the law all the time and I play dumb about it while I violate my oath of office with impunity; but people are lining up to join my corrupt, sanctioned Mafia organization. Therefore we are in the right.”

Some rando
Some rando
Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Yep. The corrupt FIBber can’t say how many crimes the bureau has committed under his watch but knows exactly how many people from FL have applied. Smdh

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

it’s straight out of grade school. “I have more friends than you do, loser”

1 year ago

“But Ukraine acts like it was a personal affront that these Russians would serve their country, in its military, when called up.”

Come on, AC…you know better than most that “Ukraine” is not calling the shots…they are puppets.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

London. They have the vast maj of “advisors” on the ground. Add Latvia (?) and that is almost all. Zel met with MI6 etc etc Storm Shadows… BoJo stoppimg the peace deal…

1 year ago

Re: Hit them with your car (foreign agent)

Our surveillance has been busy and pedestrian fatalities are up significantly in recent years. “Pedestrian deaths have surged 18%, or 519 additional lives lost, between the first half of 2019 and 2022.” according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. ““There is a pedestrian safety crisis on our roads, and it’s only gotten worse since the start of the pandemic,” said GHSA Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Adkins. “A single roadway death is tragic. But it’s absolutely mind-boggling and heartbreaking that drivers are killing an average of 19 pedestrians every single day.”

I post this screenshot from a 2019 Steve Sailer article to highlight he makes reference to “it’s almost the same percentage as in homicides…” Sailer doesn’t seem to connect the dots he’s looking at but IMO, we’re seeing surveillance/foreign agent attacks on their targets. Here’s a link to Sailer’s related articles.

1 year ago

Re: Hit them with your car (foreign agent)

Our surveillance has been busy and pedestrian fatalities are up significantly in recent years. “Pedestrian deaths have surged 18%, or 519 additional lives lost, between the first half of 2019 and 2022.” according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. ““There is a pedestrian safety crisis on our roads, and it’s only gotten worse since the start of the pandemic,” said GHSA Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Adkins. “A single roadway death is tragic. But it’s absolutely mind-boggling and heartbreaking that drivers are killing an average of 19 pedestrians every single day.”

I post this screenshot from a 2019 Steve Sailer article to highlight he makes reference to “it’s almost the same percentage as in homicides…” Sailer doesn’t seem to connect the dots he’s looking at but IMO, we’re seeing surveillance/foreign agent assassinations of their targets. If you’re a runner or cyclist, watch out. Here’s a link to Sailer’s related articles:

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

That and just all the 3rd worlders they bring in being drunk drivers.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

I’m not saying it’s the vax, but it’s the vax.

1 year ago

Severed finger mailed to Macron

Interesting spin they put on this. The more likely Cabal blackmail/extortion of Macron scenario goes unmentioned.

1 year ago

Pet grooming has changed forever. First came the binaries and freaks, soon to be followed by the pronouners.
Who will protect the dogs?

1 year ago

“He would step in an elevator and two naked girls would fall through the ceiling and pin him to the ground as the doors closed, and before he could resist, it would be over. He would stumble out and get in a taxi, two girls would jump in from each side pinning him in the center, and the driver, who was in on it, would smile and drive off, ignoring his screams for help in the back seat, as he was just ravaged.”

AC, ever thought of directing a short film? This is hilarious writing; you are the King of Comedy. It’s the best medicine!

Independent Baptist
Independent Baptist
1 year ago

Massachusetts proposes unprecedented sweeping gun control. It looks like a quick push to try and ban registered assault weapons, so they can grab them and destroy them before Bruen is definitively applied to protect them. Once the law is settled, then everyone can go and buy new ones, but they will be out the thousands of dollars in weapons which were lost. “
What makes you think they’ll destroy them? Could be an attempt to re-allocate them to their own assets before things get really hot.

Reply to  Independent Baptist
1 year ago

They just have no need. They own the military complex and those sources of procurement, it may be a secondary benefit but doubtful it’s the intent of the action.

Some rando
Some rando
Reply to  Independent Baptist
1 year ago

Just like in Venezuela

1 year ago
I thought this was interesting because now the term “American Stasi” is starting to get used. It doesnt touch the physical surveillance though.

1 year ago
I thought this was interesting because now the term “American Stasi” is starting to get used. It doesnt touch the physical surveillance though.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

We are on every list there is. But that should be badge of honor. Nowadays, if you are on some domestic terrorism watchlist, it basically means you are “enemy of Satan”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

the entire article need s to be read and understood; for, it hite home like a sledgehammer.
comment image

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Maybe it’s easier to start listing people who are *not* suspected Cabal?

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

definitely shorter

1 year ago

I got a good laugh imagining two cabal drones falling naked through the ceiling of an elevator to jump the billionaires son. We live in such a crazy world so why not? Lol

1 year ago

I always appreciate the comments from readers as well as ACs comments about the surveillance. I believe it exists. I still don’t know for absolute certain I’m a ‘target’ or if I’m developing a touch of main character syndrome, but I think about things from the perspective of ‘coincidence’ as well as the other.

Here’s the most recent: there is a small non-chain convenience store (now owned by a chain) about 2 miles from my house. I used to stop there a few times a week on the way to work for my favorite energy drink. As a regular, the workers there knew what I got and we’d have little chats as so on.

Begin working from home 2020, still would go a couple times a week just to get out of the house. Decide the people who worked there, and the owner, were my kind of people because they didn’t wear masks. When I was convinced I was getting fired in 2021 over the vaccine, and since my job search had been fruitless for 2 years, I inquired about working there just to keep a paycheck coming. I apparently had the job, though in the end my exemption request got accepted.

Still go up there a few times a week. The woman I asked about the job, and who has helpfully let me know when I walked in that they were out of my drink (and another time where she let me know there was a recall, but she’d thought of me and checked and their supply was ok) I suddenly see everywhere. I am also a woman, and straight, and don’t suspect any weird romantic thing or stalker thing.

I live in a city of ~1 million people. I’ve lived here nearly 30 years. I attended a large local university and worked for several large companies. I can count on 2 hands the number of times I’ve run into someone I know while out and about. I’ve seen her at other stores like 5 times now and not necessarily right here in the vicinity of my neighborhood. She sees me but never speaks to me, goes the other direction.

1 year ago

New Miles Mathis article, “Tucker Interviews Tate”

An entertaining and very idiosyncratic take:

“Remember, Tate liked getting naked and sweaty with guys in the ring.”

Strange fashion coordination of the two men, as pointed out by Mathis.

As for the gorilla? It’s Mike Cernovich’s spirit animal, too. Why did Cernovich and Tucker even bother to fly to Romania to meet the guy? Video conference not good enough?

In the ape, man recognized a distorted and baser image of himself. The ape became associated with vice in general, and was also used as a symbol of lust. (Atlas Mythica)

Trying to make society more primitive?

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
1 year ago


Should pending comments be visible?

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Vox Day has an interesting post up on the fraudulent US military being really financial scheme:

The arms, basically, are there to create a huge profit for Raytheon, and the other companies in the military industrial complex. They’re for buying, and they’re for giving to the Ukrainians, to let Russia blow them up.,,,,But they’re not for fighting. They’re not for winning a war. They’re for being used up, so you have to replace them now, with yet new buying. 

Vox is quoting Michael Hudson:
But Hudson makes a very astute comment on the Roman Papacy which goes along with what I said above and here about Rome:

And I find that the whole financial system was transformed by the crusades.,,,Christianity had been denouncing interest payments and usury, ever since it became the Roman State religion. But Rome wanted to fund the Crusades, which were mainly against other Christian countries, mainly against France, and Germany, and Southern Italy, and Sicily, and Constantinople, is a kind of power grab….And these wars required financing. So it was the papacy that introduced interest bearing debt and bankers, back into Christian civilization. And the modern financial system was introduced by the papacy itself, reversing all of the early Christian denunciation of usury. As Islam had denounced that, and freed its society from usury. All of this was a result of the Crusades, and the associated Inquisition, that was used to essentially wipe out all opposition from the real Christians, in Southern France, the Cathars, and the Christianity of the German states, the Holy Roman Empire….And the strongest survival of Christianity in Constantinople, and its allied churches.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

Hudson’s work on ancient societies and debt is outstanding.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

SO, both Cavizel and the agent he’s playing have a one-eye connection – Cavizel has been photoed that way and Ballard is a mason. Maybe they released the film now in order to get ahead of the issue? Basically, whatever henky shit is in the news you can count on the Democrats being up to their eyeballs in it, and this movie comes out and THEN we get a whistleblower indicating that the Biden crime family is big into human trafficking which could even directly involve Joe himself.

I get the same feeling on this that I do with Tucker or Tulsi Gabbard or RFK Jr.- they are being positioned to be the new gatekeepers in the same way this film is being fed to us.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

RE: Kiev will “likely” get F-16 fighter jets from Washington’s allies in Europe who may have some to spare

If even ONE PLANE is delivered, it won’t even be an F-16C, it will be an A model from the 1980’s. The Russians can shoot them down all day long.

Remember the ending of the latest Top Gun flick, when Tom Cruz takes out a fifth generation fighter and then successfully fends off another 5th gen fighter from the cockpit of an Iranian surplus F-14? Yeah, reality ain’t gonna go that way.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Fwiw, RUS has said that F16s will all be treated as n-word capable and RUS will not try and determine if any given F16 is carrying an n-word.

Pretty sure that means strikes on any extra-UKR logistics.

And further mvmnt along the decision tree toward RUS use of n-words pre-emptively.

I mean, I am fairly confident RUS has already used n-words in UKR. But this would expand use.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

PSR – This War Is Being Fought With 3D Guns(Myanmar)

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

He should stick to guns and keep out of complex foreign affairs he doesn’t fully understand.
I don’t think there are any good guys over there.

1 year ago

Israel: First judicial reform bill passes plenum vote; PM rules out return to talks until full passage

1 year ago
“What’s the weirdest place you’ve bumped into a friend?”

1 year ago

I had the weirdest moment tonight that might be worth thinking about. Can’t sleep which is why I’m up late.
I had a YouTube video pulled up on my phone to show the family. It’s a beautiful insrumental song from ages ago that not many people know today.
Like I said, I had it pulled up on my Android phone, ready to play having listened to it a couple times earlier today. But because my phone was using rhe YouTube app, I saw all these obnoxious ads. I swore out loud at my phone saying I didn’t want this shit they were peddling!
Next thing you know, I go to click Play, and the song is gone. Wouldn’t come up no matter what words I used to search for it.
They are listening more than I knew. And they’re punishing us.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

A few weeks ago, my son had a rock hit his windshield. He told me about it, and said one of our pastors has the same insurance and says they have a windshield benefit. He filed a claim. Nothing related to this happened on any of my devices.

The next time I went on LifeLog, I saw windshield repair ads. I generally don’t see ads related to my interests because nobody will accept them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Many such cases.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The same thing has happened to me with Spanish ads. I used to speak Spanish and sometimes use some spanish words and phrases. And I get bombarded with Spanish ads and recommended Spanish language videos on YouTube.

Thanks for pointing this out because I’d been wondering just what I had done to make them send Spanish shit my way. Now I know.

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

Use Newpipe app. No ads.

1 year ago

> FBI Director Chris Wray fires back at ‘insane’ GOP claims of bias as Lindsey Graham and Romney to his rescue.

The fact that Lindsey Graham has not been expelled from the Party tells us everything we need to know about the GOP.

Same for Romney and a bunch of others, for that matter.

They’re openly against everything the GOP claims to stand for, yet the party continues to support them. If one were a ‘conspiracy theorist’, one might suspect that the party’s platform is just a smokescreen.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Lindsay Graham and Mitt Romney are puppets. Neither one of them dudes have had an original thought since pre-teen years. Who Are the Puppeteers?

1 year ago

> It looks like Ukraine went into Russia and used a fitness app to track a Russian sub-commander and kill him on Russian soil as he went for a jog in a park, in retaliation for his service in the war. 

The Taliban used that idea against the US in Afghanistan, and the PLO used it against the IDF in Palestine. “Fitness apps” in both of those, too.

My state recently ruled that you can just take pictures of your driver’s license and concealed carry permit, and if they’re on your phone, the police will treat them the same as the originals; you no longer have to carry the fancy laminated cards with their security holograms, barcode, photograph, and thumbprint. In some countries, your smartphone is basically your national ID card.

Just remember, the phone isn’t for *your* convenience, any more than the tags stapled into a cow’s ear is for the benefit of the cow.

1 year ago

> Biden now admits he is considering giving Ukraine long-range missiles capable of reaching Russia
Since they share a common border, practically anything down to hand grenades would be “capable of reaching Russia.”