Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – China To Repay Defrauded Bank Customers Who Have Frozen Accounts
DFT – Twitter Officially Files Suit Against Elon Musk
Catherine Englebrecht from 2000 mules on the bigger story she and Gregg Phillips are working on – “It involves enemies foreign and domestic… I mentioned earlier that the story that’s coming forward involves a foreign government and it could rise to the level perceived to be an ACT OF WAR…”
Elon Musk said it was time for Donald Trump to “hang up his hat & sail into the sunset.” Musk is pushing DeSantis. Right now, if God forbid, Trump announced he was walking away from politics, I would just assume any chance at peacefully defeating Cabal was over. If Musk is smart, he is comped, and if he is not comped, then he is not smart. But it is one or the other.
Biden to GOP: ‘Get ready, bal! You’re gonna in for a problem!’
Uber has a computer system which lets employees track anyone of their vehicles at anytime, anywhere.
One of the teachers in the classroom getting shot in Uvalde was supposedly the cousin of the Police Chief. Given the chief moved to there from the coast for the job, it seems strange he just happened to have family there, and they happened to be in such a key area in the script.
Two and 3-year-old kids with seizures is “the new normal.”
Democrats are preparing a Covid panic now for the fall elections.
High viral loads found on the surfaces touched by Monkeypox patients.
First in France, now in Spain, and all over Europe, random people out and about are suddenly getting injected with needles by strangers who quickly disappear. Could be regular criminality. But since Cabal has the surveillance, they could be testing anything on people, from anti-aging to finding the LD50 of cancer treatments, and using surveillance to monitor the effects over the coming weeks.,
Founders of bankrupt crypto hedge fund 3AC go missing, as investors try to recoup assets.
Starbucks closing 16 locations in cities around the nation over ‘safety concerns.’
Gavin Newsom signs law allowing civil suits against gun dealers, manufacturers.
PSA on nuclear attack leaves New Yorkers worried, baffled.
The U.S provided another $1.7 billion to ensure the Ukrainian government can continue to provide essential services. This is yet another one which just came out, lest you think I am rerunning the same ones over and over.
The Defense Department IG warned on Tuesday that some of the DOD’s and individual services’ practices for tracking and recording the movement of money and aid to Ukraine are hurting the office’s ability to track aid. Like they don’t want people to know where the aid is ending up?
Zelensky “close advisor” Andriy Yermak is a Russian agent, and homosexual lover of Zelensky.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is likely to legalize gay marriage.
Zelensky to consider replacing a statue of Catherine the Great with gay porn star. Whenever I see all these articles with the same theme, I wonder if it is just chance, or if it could be some sort of controlled script.
White House accuses Iran of gifting ‘several hundred’ drones to Russia. “Accuses.” Can you believe the balls on these cocksuckers? We send more money and other shit to Ukraine than we spent on 5 years of Afghanistan war, and that is fine. Iran sends a few radio-controlled planes, and it is supposed to be some sort of crime.
BRICS could create its own reserve currency, Russia’s Medvedev says.
Putin says a fundamental breakdown in the liberal world order is underway.
The Russian legislature may ban LGBT propaganda completely in the media and on the internet. This says to me Russia’s leaders are working for the people and the nation, and not for the elites of Russia. It would be in the Russian elite’s interests to weaken their society just like Cabal has our society. But they are not doing that.
AP admits Mexican President got along much better with Trump.
Confidence in US media, government, & justice-system collapsing.
In yet another poll, the youngest voters hate Joe Biden most.
“If Musk is smart, he is comped, and if he is not comped, then he is not smart. But it is one or the other.”
Musk is a created persona of intelligence. See article below:
Musk is smart. Just listen him on Joe Rogan.
Btw, Miles Mathis again? 😉
That’s a very good article on Musk.
“Musk is a created persona of intelligence.”
Then what is Mathis?
Mathis’ shtick is to do genealogical research and use Intelius for places where famous people and their associates lived. That has lead to some interesting results, but that absolutely doesn’t mean that his reasoning is good most of the time.
I can’t judge everything he has ever written, but there are a few subjects where I have read almost every book available. If he really were a stable genius, he’d know the field’s main ideas and find a way to subvert or expand them. Instead, it was clear to me that his output wasn’t that of someone who really knew his stuff or even read just one book on that topic, but of a very smart person just riffing off of what he’d read on Wikipedia or found with a quick internet search.
Did you read some of his autobiographical writing? This year there was a paper about a college girlfriend. He gave her full name and the town where she now lives and wondered what she’d think of his work. There was even more, but what kind of person publishes a non-anonymous, quite personal article about an old girlfriend he hasn’t talked to since college, without her consent?
There was a much older paper that was about Mathis smuggling his picnic into a movie theater. He was mighty proud of that, sticking it to the Establishment, disobeying their fake rules, putting up a fight, but what he really did was to just ruin the day of some minimum wage schlubs. Again, what kind of person does that?
That’s really not Mathis’ schtick. His idea is that we are inundated with fakes and hoaxes, run by intelligence for the purpose of looting national treasuries. His goal is to go to a world where we have real science, real environmentalism, real capitalism, real socialism, real public works, real politics, real democracy, real constitutions, real republics, and real laws.
The reason why we do not have any of this is because powerful dynasties have captured the world and they created all kinds of fakery to hide their power. That is why genealogies are important.
Want to know why massive surveillance systems are operating as parallel societies spying on AC? How do they get the manpower? The connected families are how they do it. If they see us as rubes to be exploited then it’s because it is them and their cousins against the world. Mathis goes into detail about how AC’s surveillance works even if he never talks about gangstalking.
Why rely on Wikipedia or Intellius? Because automated computers gather everything and Wikipedia, because of its popularity, is curated by the CIA, which intends to distort information. It’s how these inconsistencies are caught.
Mathis is a progressive and an atheist and I would never normally read one of them. He is, however, such a brilliant lateral thinker that his work is compelling to read.
What’s the value of knowing the details of a field if the field is bogus? Besides, he does that detail work on his science site.
“… I would just assume any chance at peacefully defeating Cabal was over. If Musk is smart, he is comped, and if he is not comped, then he is not smart. But it is one or the other.”
The Holy Bible says it won’t be peaceful. In fact it says Cabal will “wear out the Saints”, “Men will seek death and not find it” among other things. Cabal will almost win, and will kill most people (at least 75%) doing it. So if you know how the story ends, and you know how we get there, then everything that is happening makes sense. It was written down millennia ago. That is the benefit of taking the Christian perspective on things. And even Trump has to deal with betrayal in his own family. Kushner loves himself some 666 properties. So, once again and in all things the Christian perspective explains everything that is happening and everything that will happen before Christ’s return.
There may be some better victories for us in the short term.
But even if that is so we will have civil war when we win them.
Cabal will not retreat quietly.
Daniel 7:21-22
“20I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and the other horn that came up, before which three of them fell—the horn whose appearance was more imposing than the others, with eyes and with a mouth that spoke words of arrogance. 21As I watched, this horn was waging war against the saints and prevailing against them, 22until the Ancient of Days arrived and pronounced judgment in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for them to possess the kingdom”
Revelation 13:1-8
“1Then I saw a beast with ten horns and seven heads rising out of the sea. There were ten royal crowns on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. 2The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
3One of the heads of the beast appeared to be mortally wounded. But the mortal wound was healed, and the whole world marveled and followed the beast. 4They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?”
5The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for 42 months. 6And the beast opened its mouth to speak blasphemies against God and to slander His name and His tabernacle—those who dwell in heaven.
7Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. 8And all who dwell on the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written from the foundation of the world in the Book of Life belonging to the Lamb who was slain.”
What God requires of us is for us to remain Loyal to Jesus no matter how much they throw at us and those we love. We entrust the fate of our loved ones in Christ. But we ourselves must remain loyal. Lest we end up in the lake of fire.
“AP admits Mexican President got along much better with Trump.”
That’s because he knew Trump could make his life miserable. Look at him now, telling us we need to “transform”. Some dogs deserve the leash, and when those dogs are off the leash, trouble.
The fascinating thing about him to me is when he had won office, and was about to take over, he announced he was making overhauling the surveillance a huge thing, because he had been harassed by it for thirty years. And yet we haven’t heard any more about it.
> “the balls on these cocksuckers”
LOL. Poetry
I should probably add, since people here may pick stuff like that up subconsciously, I only feel free to add something like that because this site will never be monetized, and I am sure if we weren’t tanked on google for political reasons long ago, I am sure that would damage google ranking too. And the real ones which will do that are epithets, racial, gender, etc., which you will find a flood of people will try to get on your site through your comments.
I think all of those things are ways Cabal marks your site which are plausibly a natural detriment, but which they really have implemented heavily on their automated backends, to separate sites run by regular people from their cookie cutter “leaders” so their people in the field can tank your site when they come across it just by posting that stuff.
If you have ad revenue, or really wanted to try to launch a legit site and make Ben Shapiro money honestly (never happen, but if you decided you wanted to try), make sure nothing like that was ever allowed on your site, by you or your commenters. Because they will be trying to get it there, so they can argue some other site without it that they run to control people is really more legit than your’s.
There’s also the effect of people getting emotionally charged by reading near constant bad or combative news. Especially in the morning before they’ve had their coffee or tea or Pepsi. Sometimes the comments just fly out, Trump tweet style. And yes, Rosie O’Donnell is still a pig.
AC, looks like Rosie got out of her pen, found your site and is downvoting a bunch of comments 😆
Lauren Southerns video from 7/12 on YT was confirming to me about the GOPe/Grifter class that always sucks in “conservatives”. She seems genuine in her testimony about how the Grifters operate and the back stabbing that goes on in pursuit not of ideals, but cash from donors.
The Milo revelations were disturbing. I will admit I was sucked into his act. During his rise and fame, I had a business that was even a sponsor on his podcast. But listing to Lauren’s story, (she brought receipts!) with copies of texts and emails showing what a megalomaniac fraud he is. Makes me think it is ALL a set up to fool those of us on the right that we had some type of young champions for the cause.
This make me think that while President Trump may be the one to save us. He was completely surrounded by vipers during his first term. If and I pray, If we get version 2.0 of PDJT, he must clean house. I hate to use the phrase but it seems true “drain the swamp” I think that what I have learned from AC is that the start of that will be to expose the surveillance and the corruption.
Let’s hope that’s what happens.
Was that homosexually promiscuous Milo or celibate and working for a Christian (Rick Wiles), and claiming to be one, Milo?
I hate to keep harping, but I find it impossible she, and the people she describes, would not all be pissed about the surveillance. I can kind of understand Tommy viewing it as natural, given the fucking government is imprisoning him off and on, and maybe he thinks it is government surveillance and normal for them to fuck with him that way given he has probably at one time or other had the Prime Minister wondering what to do with him.
But she is just some harmless fluff. How does she have cars driving back and forth when she goes out her front door, and not think that is a huge fucking issue which should be brought to people’s attention? Especially after Brandy Vaughn? Or Paul Joseph Watson, who she is ginning up drama with, or Milo, or any of the others. How do they see that, and I would think at least a few have had the full shock and awe, and none of them even mention it?
I could really see Milo’s handler going to Milo and saying, “OK here is what the script-writers gave me. You are going to be the heel, the Machiavellian prima-donna “fag” who is desperately trying to blackmail everyone, and publicly accusing everyone, without any evidence at all, of exactly of what you yourself are doing. Oh, and we have a sub-story of you converting to Catholicism and not banging guys anymore, which everyone will be wondering if it is real, or if you are still the same heel and just lying to everyone.” And I could see Milo saying, “Oh, my God, that is so me! I’ll play this role so well.”
I kind of wonder if this is yet more manufactured drama to get everyone talking again, just like she described going on in it. Only now it is manufactured drama made up around the idea of manufactured drama. Because she has managed to put all these names back on people’s maps. Even I am now talking about them.
I mean they don’t just let all these “leaders” emerge and have the ability to get millions of eyeballs on some video overnight that could rally an army. They see that as a huge fucking threat, like we cannot imagine. They will either get control of them, or more likely, never let the thing go viral to begin with. If you weasel past all that somehow, you are then going to get the shock and awe, if you are not one of them.
Plus you have to see how many of these little tomatoes they have. to follow you around just in your own locality. I just think they would make sure a position like Southern’s, they are going to make sure that is one of their’s, and not just some rando girl who could one day get legitimately pissed about something problematic, like the surveillance, and become a real problem.
It is all interesting I think, because it is yet another thing which kind of has an aspect that doesn’t fit. For me it is this little niggling piece which just doesn’t make sense, and which permeates the whole thing, and implies there is something more to all that than you see on the surface.
For anyone interested, look up Roosh V’s interview of “post-homo’ Milo. To my eyes, Milo appears genuine, but even Roosh(!) can tell Milo doesn’t really have Christian faith. I hope he doesn’t wind up being the seed that was scattered on shallow soil.
I pray for them both.
It seems VD has quietly dropped everything Milo, not mentioning him in a long while.
I haven’t “quietly dropped’ anything or anyone. There simply hasn’t been anything to discuss or announce. I never pay attention to Internet drama or to what Betty said about Veronica.
“…what Betty said about Veronica…”
but, but, we must know!
I do vaguely recall AJ speaking out on a pretty serious happening featuring both he and Paul… iirc during the show Alex was speaking out/ poking fun at PJW for “falling in love” with a pretty Asian woman who turned out to be a CCP agent running game on him.. I think Alex was laughing at one point because to him it was all so obvious but he couldn’t convince Paul whatsoever of the gaslighting or any of the various other tells. eventually PJW visited the woman and her family in China to be engaged but upon his initial meeting they all switched into rather overt attempts at information gathering by doing things like walking in on his phone calls and conversations with his would be fiancé who would then join in on the psyop. even “misplacing” his passport and then brow beating him into giving private info on Alexes life and operation etc. from what I remember Paul may have let out that It became scary enough for him that he finally snuck away and called Alex in a panic about what he needed to do to get out of the whole situation intact and then he did just that.
Milo is a fag. That’s all you need to know. “Gee golly where’s the nearest sodomite or foreigner I can latch on to to parrot my milquetoast platitudes???” says the alleged “conservative” as he loses yet again. His “repentance” from being a fag is as legitimate as his “conservatism,” it exists solely to make him more money so he can indulge in more hedonism at your expense. If he was serious he’d leave his fag partner and live the rest of his live in a monastery praying for salvation, but he won’t because he only cares about sucking up the carpet crumbs of losers on the “right” wing.
People need to wake the fuck up and start hard-lining everything. Compromise and politeness are nothing but a half loss, not a slow victory.
I heard that Lauren Southern slept with writers to get herself content, and that she was just a pretty girl trying to make it as an internet personality.
If this is true, she should know how Grifters operate, and may be trying to create distance between her reality and her internet personality.
People who want fame also want cash? What a surprise.
“Young champions”? Sure, and Cronkite/Brokaw/Jennings/Carlson really “tell it like it is”.
“Biden to GOP: ‘Get ready, bal! You’re gonna in for a problem!’”
Did he mean “bal” or “baal”? God is scrambling this guys brains to make the omelet he wants. Get ready for some interesting ‘gaffes’ in coming months.
probly was trying to use his favorite term “pal”.
That’s my assumption.
But his senility shows he thinks Baal is his pal.
I’m going with “Baal.” The reporting media deliberately obscured it.
I.T. G.E.T.S W.O.R.S.E.
So, I’m trolling my YouTube feed and what pops up is a Glen Beck podcast. Guess what the title is? What a suprise—-
EXPOSED: Biden Is HIDING Federal Plans To ‘Expand Voting’
“Expand voting”! What is the euphemism for “Expand voting”?
Pat Colbeck in his book The 2020 Coup goes on about one way to steal an election is to loosen rules or in this case a voting list with ineligible voters. “Expand Voting” is about stealing the 2022 election!
Glen Beck’s video was posted on Jul 11.
In it, he is interviewing Mollie Hemingway, chief editor over at The Federalist who wrote an article about this on July 7!
Good Government Groups Ask States To Stop Biden’s Elections Takeover (
He signed this order on March 7! March 7—and I’m only hearing about this now? —-and get this—FOIAs are NOT being honored! Some agencies are telling people FOIAs won’t be filled until 2024. Even congresspeople can’t access the plans.
600 Federal agencies working on the behalf of the Democratic Party!
We don’t have a country or a society anymore. When one half of the population wants to play dirty—that is not a society anymore. How can we live with such people? They hate our guts. And with Colbeck’s outing of the intricacies of vote tabulation—how can we keep up. As California has gone—so does America. America follows the trendsetter California. California is a one-party state where the Repuke party is essentially blocked.
How is it efficient when we have to take time off from our families, from work, just so we have to babysit thieving, lying demonrats? And since they are on offensive all the time, how does one keep up.
What kind of situation is this? I mean really, there is no trust. How does anyone operate a society without trust? you can’t. This is a total shitshow. Elections are FUBAR before they ever begin.
This comment probably goes best here, but it will be worth repeating.
There is enough coming out about the injections that the people mandating them can’t take the risk of congressional hearings on the subject (see here: The Republicans probably won’t have hearings, but they can’t even take the risk.
So if the midterm elections are not stolen, it means they will have been cancelled, and vice versa.
That’s why we must expel al the survivors.
Reporting from the Soviet State of Michocaun (formerly known as Michigan)
So, abortion rights will be on this years election–which means the election will be stolen!
The local news: 5th murder in Battle Creek–a black teen just graduated from high school last month–is shot and killed (probably by another black).
Portage cops finally stop a high speed chase—a group of (black) teens, grab an old lady’s purse, steal car—try to get away. Driver was 14 years old —already ON probation for another earlier crime! 5 teens in the car.
And then in Philly, a group of black teens, laughing and smiling, beat an old black man to death—with traffic cones.
There is a ton of black on black violence in Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Kalamazoo and Battle Creek—but rest assured its “gun violence”! All night local news, Tucker, Glen Beck podcast, —It’s just hard to keep up with all of it–it is overwhelming…and scary. The blacks have become feral. They are uncivilized. When Marx called for the abolition of religion, morals and social order—anybody that adheres to that…, is just an animal. I’m afraid we are living in a barbarous, predatory animal clusterphuch. It’s way bad.
The PSA about a nuke attack in NYC reminded me of this from April. Conditioning?
Presumably they’re doing it for the fear factor, though Millennials and later never pissed themselves hiding under a desk during nuclear attack drills.
Rand did a bunch of studies in the 1950s and 60s, trying to scope out a “limited nuclear exchange.” Most of them involved nuking third parties, Korea or (nowadays) Ukraine. In almost every scenario, “limited” evolved into all-out nuclear war once one side figured out it was losing.
I think the chance of Russia starting anything is vanishingly small. They’re downwind from any probable target, and the fallout streak would be detectable all the way to the Pacific. The specter of Chernobyl (incidentally, in the former Ukraine SSR) is with them every day.
Anyone who pops a nuke in Ukraine – say, the West taking out Russian troops – is going to leave another fallout trail across Russia. The Russians won’t like that. But I think we have an administration that is stupid enough to think they can use nukes, because no rules apply to them.
What’s not factored in here is the narcissism of the existing regimes. Remember the stories about how the nuclear war was averted by the two pivotal Soviet soldiers that refused to follow orders? That means the regime’s leadership calculated that it was worth starting the war. Think about that for a moment.
The problem with narcissism is that it turns MAD on its head: MAD assures that Washington DC is exchanged for Moscow or vice versa, but what if the nukes are limited to secondary cities? What if Moscow nuked Baltimore after America nuked Sevastopol? Would Nancy Pelosi respond with an attack on Moscow if it meant DC would be incinerated? Probably not, as she would not want to endanger her life just to avenge Baltimore.
Now we have a scenario where the US government will most certainly tolerate limited nuclear strikes on secondary US cities without any response. It would just be another lockdown scenario for the psychopaths in DC against many remaining cities. Since Russia is more centralized, secondary targets are fewer, and the only way to win against Russia is to nuke Moscow, which just means the elite US cities then get destroyed.
Nuking Baltimore would be doing us a favor.
IIRC, that story wasn’t that they had been ordered to launch a preemptive strike and refused. It was that they were seeing incoming missile tracks, and didn’t launch on their own based on those false positives.
The real story there is that two Soviet solders outside the political class had the ability to start WW3 based on a glitch in the system.
Nukes are symbolic of nuclear level blackmail, tactical nukes meaning used on specific individuals, not countries. When the media or any comms aware person uses these terms, think symbolically of the meaning, instead of the go-to pleb assumption that what they are saying is literally what is being said. Q understood that the public would freak out with the media going into meltdown mode, and tried to arm anons with the knowledge of symbolism so that it would trickle into normies minds that what the media is saying is not representative of what is actually going on. Apparently, Q in fact did fail, at least currently, not at winning, because it’s clear from comms we are winning, but from the fact that the vast majority of switched on folk can’t seem to grasp that the world is not how you view it, meaning media is not for plebs like us. Anything the media says about nuclear material is symbolic of blackmail, they are NOT actually talking about really big bombs. Notice the term “audience”. That implies the plebs watching the show. The truth is literally right in front of our eyes, yet 99% of people on “our side” don’t see it, or they do understand, far more than me, yet they are afraid to tell people for fear of the public freaking out.
Look up Crrow777’s discussions on nukes. They don’t exist as described, and once you realize that the entire geopolitical posturing system around the topic makes infinitely more sense.
Prominent South Carolinian lawyer douche-bag has been charged with his wife and son’s murders.
That’s awesome. I’ve been following that family’s BS closely for a while. What a great example of some “elites” getting what they deserve.
“The Russian legislature may ban LGBT propaganda completely in the media and on the internet. This says to me Russia’s leaders are working for the people and the nation, and not for the elites of Russia. It would be in the Russian elite’s interests to weaken their society just like Cabal has our society. But they are not doing that.”
It might be in some of the Russian elite’s short term interests to weaken their society, but it would be in none of their long term interests at all. The Russian military and energy structure, mostly centered around nuclear weapons and power, can’t be dismantled, no matter how much any of their elites want that. Because the world is heading towards hard-K (more and more people, ever less resources) the long-term strategic effect impacts more than any mitigating short-term tactic, as the United States is about to learn. So long term interests become the primary driver of statecraft. Some Russian elites realize this, almost no US elites do. So Russian elites will generally not weaken their society, and if they do…. well it gets very cold in certain parts of Siberia.
Speaking of Facebook….
Meet the Ex-CIA Agents Deciding Facebook’s Content Policy Aaron identifies himself as the manager of “the team that writes the rules for Facebook”, determining “what is acceptable and what is not.” Thus, he and his team effectively decide what content the platform’s 2.9 billion active users see and what they don’t see…
Aaron is CIA. Or at least he was until July 2019, when he left his job as a senior analytic manager at the agency to become senior product policy manager for misinformation at Meta, the company that owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. In his 15-year career, Aaron Berman rose to become a highly influential part of the CIA. For years, he prepared and edited the president of the United States’ daily brief, “wr[iting] and overs[eeing] intelligence analysis to enable the President and senior U.S. officials to make decisions on the most critical national security issues,” especially on “the impact of influence operations on social movements, security, and democracy,” his LinkedIn profile reads. None of this is mentioned in the Facebook video.
(((Aaron Berman))). Quelle surprise
CIA agents never “retire.”
Previous career of editing the info he President is given. AKA there is a power structure above the President that decides what the President is allowed to know and influence how the info is presented to the President.
Every single person involved in this conspiracy gets the rope or we all end up slaves. Simple as.
Can’t get to the actual rulings, but Bannon should be allowed to argue that Pelosi and the J6 committee are his accusers, and he has the right to confront them in court. If they elect to hide behind congressional privilege, then he should be allowed to argue to the jury that if they had testified, they would have admitted this was a sham subpoena.
Less than that is pretty clearly error.
I think Trump is spent. We’ve gotten all that we can out of him. The best thing he could do is a cooperative passing of the torch to Desantis, maybe even offering to be his VP (he will be in his 80s.)
One of the key weaknesses of the Trump regime is that it relies on Trump. We need a deep bench, and right now the only one on it is Trump. He needs to let more people on the team and make them starters.
I don’t think Trump is spent. I think he is just cooling his heels for now.
The big problem is, everything else is corrupted. And I mean everything. DeSantis is not going go and out the surveillance, or destroy intelligence the way it really needs to be destroyed. With Trump, his greatest quality is that when he gets pissed off, he has no compunction about going full asshole. So many people are afraid to do that. Everybody else always maintains decorum, and that means ceding to the enemy to one degree or another, and with this thing, that is it. Trump in four years, left such a vast swath of destruction in his wake, it would be insane to not give him another 4.
At this point, Trump, Don Jr, Eric, that is pretty much it for me. I don’t even trust anyone of Trump’s supposed friends, because in this game, that is where the enemy will send the first line players. After Eric, the list of potential POTUSes for me goes to Putin.
agree AC. / also… cabalmedia has been spreading the trope that trump is wore out and should step aside for desantis. Ds have done the same. so have the nevertrumpers. so unless it is trump-fu they were fed to boomerang onto joepedo… it is a DS/cabal op to make everyone give up on trump at the moment of success. it is kind of silly when so-called rightists blindly fall into a cabal/DS op-trap and just accept the mass media’s framing of a situation uncritically.
You forgot Barron.
I don’t like dynasties and I want Trump and Q to supply more options than just the Trumps, but Trump needs to endorse someone as a replacement before I will be satisfied.
Even in families you get sellouts like Ivanka.
If JFK was really what Q would have us believe then Ted sold out.
I don’t like having to hope that family ties are enough, Q said there was a plan for after Trump and we need to hear about it.
Agree, we definitely need more mad-men on the stage. The problem is I think this thing successfully suppresses most of them.
That’s all well and good, but Trump didn’t out any surveillance, and he walked away from the steal, not even pardoning Jan.6th folks on his way out the door.
Unless the election fraud, to say nothing of the Covid Op, is rectified openly with the perpetrators feeling the full force of the law, then not only will Trump not be coming back, but we won’t ever have a fair election again.
The Cabal behind Biden still has two years left, and you can see all of the damage they have done so far.
If Trump keeps cooling his heels we won’t have a country left, and that’s not an exaggeration.
Personally, I think the U.S. is already long past its expiry date. At this point I’m not really sure what Trump is even cooling his heels for.
Trump began with the FISA cases. I found that fascinating as I assumed they would not put their crimes on paper.
Personally, I do not understand why he didn’t go whole hog, and just burn it all, though I assume he is linked up with some intel thinf which is trying to avoid the whole civil war thing and take this down gently.
I agree I wish he had been even more of a bull in a china shop, but he did things gently, and you can see already he is hammered from one side for being an absolute psycho, and he gets it from the other for not doing it enough. But I know of nobody else hammered for being as extreme, so IMO, he is the best option so far.
No way do I see DeSantis leaving the entire media machine in a smoking pile after just four years.
Trump going to do this, Trump is going to do that! Two more weeks!
My take is he is under some sort of centralized, organized command structure, which is trying to preserve much of what is there, and maybe even the surveillance, which they intend to take over.
Bear in mind, I don’t like that. I say tell us the day so we can get everything we need, and then lets do this the hard, permanent way. But until someone shows up and offers us that option, I think Trump is as good as we can hope for.
He has revealed a lot to the masses, who we need to understand, that the entire government is illegitimate, the news media is bullshit, all these fuckers we see touting our cause are corrupted, elections are fake, and it all needs to come down. We are a lot closer to the type of attitude we need to view the government as the enemy, and totally reject it.
I keep coming back to this: when speaking of Trump, I and my other rabidly MAGA anons always end up saying stuff like, “Well, yeah Trump fucked up a lot on {list of bad things. I always prefer to begin with ‘personnel choices’}{remember how Mad Dog Mattis, the ol’ Warrior Monk himself, was gonna kick some ass and bust some heads and set the Pentagon and the whole damn MIC to right? I do} but he ALSO did these wonderful things here.”
But I’ve noticed that when speaking of DeSantis, no one seems to have any bad stuff to talk about. DeS just kicks ass and takes names, and he wins wins wins. (“Florida announces record surplus even in this time of impending national breakup”) Even better, near as I can tell, not 1 of DeS’ people/appointees have stabbed him in the back. (AKA The Trump/Mooch Maneuver)
Trump blows DeS out of the water in stuff like charisma and (I assume) fundraising, but…. my take on the MAGA anons is they want a guy who wins big AND doesn’t fuck up.
But the thing is, I see DeSantis in for four years, leaving, and the media still exactly the way it was when he came in. DeSantis is a good manager, but he will not touch the corrupt system. He exits, and people still think they can get news from the big three, and the FBI is still LARPing as law enforcement and not political secret police, and people still think the election system is squeaky clean.
With Trump, he leaves after four years and it is him emerging out of a cloud of smoke you could cut with a knife, before he walks off. And when the wind finally blows it away, where the news media’s credibility was is a smoking crater filled with smoldering debris. And the same for the FBI, and the FISA court, and social media, and the fake elections, and the RINOs in Congress, and the judicial system.
Trump left the government, the news media, the cultural/Hollywood world, with zero credibility. He destroyed it all.
The fact Desantis isn’t getting backstabbed almost makes me suspicious, because this thing should have flooded his staff by now, and they should all be saboteurs.
Trying to outlaw criticism of Israel is one I can remember.
There are other complaints too, like signing some gun control legislation.
yes, all the desantis pushers can come back and be taken seriously AFTER israel sends him a death threat in a video birthday card.
“…they want a guy who wins big AND doesn’t fuck up…”
YEAH! There are a handful of legislative moves that could crush the living hell out of the deep State. It could also crush the fake vote, the Leftist control of institutions, I mean a real change. People keep saying we need a civil war or succession. Silly people. No we need to crush them, take over all their positions and force them to do things that WE WANT. Not what they want. Make them cry.
This is possible. It’s not even that difficult. All it takes is to take charge of all these institutions that the left has taken over and throw them out. Change all the administrative rules. Loot their assets and send them to institutions WE favor.
So little vision. We should do to them what they did to us. Put all of their pets in gulags making canals, terraforming and planting the deserts of the west where there’s no one.
Rule in our favor and make no apologies about it.
But in truth, that is tough. And it isn’t because of the left. It is because our enemy is a bunch of mindless bots who all follow orders without question, to the point some NPC’s phone goes off, and they head to a grocery store to just stand around somebody teh machine wants to intimidate, and they send their kids into school not to even get educated, but rather to follow around some kid the machine has ID’d for reasons they probably don’t even know.
For decades, maybe centuries, this massively organized intelligence operation has flooded money into the country, to its agents, to elevate then socially above real Americans, and get them in the positions to control who can take control of all these institutions. So they are all organized, operating as a cohesive whole in perfect synchronization, in pursuit of clearly defined and organized objectives determined by a clear command structure, and in positions they have carefully planned ot take to give them full control.
Meanwhile, let us just try to organize. Surveillance is on it instantly, before we even try to recruit. They probably already have those of us prone to do it surrounded, our social circles infiltrated. Our files go back to when we were children. Probably video of every intimate relationship we ever had. Transcripts of every private conversation. Maybe fucking married to girls who gave up their entire lives and possibilities of happy, loving relationships, just to help the machine get a sleeper so close to us we would never believe it possible.
Where do you begin? Because this nation was never you grow up loving the USA, and willing to sacrifice for her, and apply to CIA/NSA/CSA/FBI/Etc, and go through selection and background and get hired on. I suspect I could never have made it through to some little town PD in east asshole. Something would have popped, or something would have happened to make sure I wasn’t let on. My guess is the same for you. They knew who we were, even before we did, and my assumption is the actual machine is so awful, even at the margins, they can’t even risk us getting a little glimpse of it, let alone having any sort of authority. The first time we were told to turn a blind eye to some serial killer, as is happening right now, and the problems would have begun, and they knew that.
Trump had things very complicated, to the point I do not even think his billions, his force of nature personality, his understanding fo everything, would have gotten him close if he was not a part of something bigger.
I don’t know what Trump is a part of, or even if Trump really knows. But I think he is making the best play he has.
Meanwhile our best play is to reveal the surveillance. Keep chipping at it, red-pilling people one by one, examining it, probing it for weaknesses, exposures, and see if we don’t happen on a way to expose it. It is absolutely the number one weakness of this machine, and exposing it is our only hope, the only first step we have that leads to success if we are ever to have it. If we expose it, we simultaneously strip Cabal of one of its greatest powers, and light a fire under the nation to promote every real American to action to rid us of this thing.
In the meantime, let Trump continue to strip the government, its agencies, the media, the “authority figures,” of all legitimacy. In a way it feels like it is all coming together when I say it like that. It could even be perfectly timed.
Start with voting machines. The ONLY POSSIBLE REASON to use voting machines, instead of simple, hugely inexpensive low-tech methods, is so you can cheat. “So we can all get those crucial real-time up-to-the-minute updates!” is Deep State bullshit; always was.
France had a national election awhile back… no voting machines …. and they had the results by midnight of the same day. So did frickin Hungary.
Our modern high-tech elections now require weeks and even months to “get the count right.” Weighted algorithms. Court decisions. Shit like that. Why? Because it’s very very very difficult to argue with physical, tangible ballots counted up and labeled, that’s why.
Someone once said, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice;” but I cannot remember.
Barry Goldwater,”Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
Ran for President against Lyndon Johnson.
I don’t trust Musk.
I hope Musk is not setting himself up as a third-party candidate in the 2024 election. We don’t need another Ross Perot.
Perot was a fraud.
He was born in S. Africa to non-Americans.
He’s completely ineligible and everyone knows it.
But that didn’t stop O’Bummer.
They will have a harder time faking a BC for him though.
He might endorse a vote splitter candidate though if his DeSantis gambit fails to stop Trump.
I’ve met Perot. I don’t think he was a fraud. I think he was naive to politics. When he was on pace to win, (((they))) scared him off by threatening to kill his daughter at her own wedding.
After that, I think Perot would have been 100% on board with most of what we think here.
Perot was a friend of Bill Clinton. His job was to split the Republican vote. In exchange, Perot’s EDS would run supply the software for HillaryCare.
I don’t think that is inconsistent with what I said.
“…Perot was a friend of Bill Clinton. His job was to split the Republican vote…”
No, no, no, no. Ross Perot was way into trying to get all the Vietnam vets captives that we left behind out. He even hired special forces to set up an invasion to get them out. Perot made great efforts to get those people out. Bush as head of CIA thwarted him at every turn and they left those people there to die. Perot hated him. Saw him as unpatriotic for leaving them. Believed him totally corrupt, and he was right about that. Was he worse than Clinton? That IS debatable. Don’t automatically assume Bush would be better for the country. Clinton though corrupt had less power to do damage than Bush.
I remember hearing somewhere that his candidacy had more to do with the fact that Bush screwed EDS out of a contract at some point so he was trying to screw Bush out of reelection.
But it was definitely more complicated than that. He definitely wasn’t running because he believed he’d be a better President.
“…He definitely wasn’t running because he believed he’d be a better President.”
Says who??? Everything he said that was a huge problem got worse. Everything. Out shoring, all sorts of stuff he said was leading to disaster…lead to disaster.
Perot,”…Huge sucking sound…”. Totally accurate.
One thing I will say that is only of importance to the younguns trying to find their path is, I do not think Perot made it legitimately, unless he had some lottery-like luck. Don’t think you can follow that path yourself. There were tens of thousands who actually knew tech, came up with something that should have given them that path, and Microsoft swooped in, took it, told them to sue, and then ripped them off. I always thought that was Microsoft stealing out of greed, but now I recognize that was intel policing the realm of the powerful and closing the door on upstarts. It is just how it works, and it makes Perot look suspect.
Back in the 90’s, we used to talk about “The Microsoft Graveyard”. There were many great software product, then M$ acquired the company and suddenly, that software was gone. I wish I’d kept records of some of those products. It makes a lot more sense looking at it through this lens.
It is sad, because all those innovators were tricked into pouring their lives into something, only to see it destroyed with almost just the swipe of a pen by something they were tricked into thinking could not possibly exist. Many probably saw their life’s work wiped out, and still have no idea the massive machine that did it, or the degree to which they wasted their own life for it willingly, because of the degree to which they had been deceived.
The same thing for all the little girls who went to Hollywood thinking that becoming a great actress was how to get their big break. Just thousands and thousands of lived thrown into the void and wasted, and probably all the most innocent of them.
Can you remember any of those programs?
I am thinking of Visio, which MS still offers, but has not promoted or supported well, if at all. If you have even an older version, it’s an incentive to stay on Windows, since Visio is so much more useful than any program that is touted as similar. Allegedly for diagramming, it is really an idea processor, and that’s with basic use, without learning the many advanced features. Mostly now, corporate drones use Visio to make charts of their departments and organizations.
“…I do not think Perot made it legitimately, unless he had some lottery-like luck….”
I don’t think this is true. Perot got into computers when t was new and growing very fast. He worked for IBM< then set his own business. He grew with the US economy, which was busting out big time, and made a fortune.
I believe that it is becoming harder and harder to independently do anything but that I don’t believe has always been true. I also don’t believe it’s 100% impossible now.
People say Musk is comped but no one thought he could do what he did. Electric cars? Space rockets? No one tool this seriously as a possibility of success. I think he surprised them and by the time they took notice he was so far ahead it was hard to stop him.
I think the mistake people make when they think everything and everyone is comped is they think the people in the deep state are smart. They aren’t. They just have a lot of money and good connections.
I could be wrong.
Musk’s main role is privatizing NASA to keep the fake space narrative alive forever. No one trusts NASA after the moon landing was faked and all their other obvious and probable faked space shit, so they have to have a new “reliable” source to return credibility to the sham.
Fruit if the poisoned tree then explains how everything else he touches is poison too.
“…No one trusts NASA after the moon landing was faked and all their other obvious and probable faked space shit…”
You prove that. if it’s so obvious prove it.
Everyone bitches about Musk getting cash from the government yet not one damn peep about all the extraordinary amounts of grift given to Lockheed and Boeing for which they have not launched one damn thing, Not one damn thing. I have no doubt the amounts are over $30 billion. Likely much more and what do we have for it? Nothing. For the pittance we gave Musk we have the most advanced launch system on the planet. A bargain if counted any way possible. There’s no arguing with success.
Look at the vast amount of money Boeing and Lockheed stole from us for nothing.
This has been going on for decades and they, and we, have nothing for it.
They’ve been working on this thing for years and it failed recently. What have they been doing these last decade working on this thing???
it goes on and on
and on
and they have nothing. Let’s make this clear. They are using an existing engine, the space shuttle main and existing solid rocket boosters, shuttle solids. And existing control system and they can’t build a tank, some software to guide it for tens of billions of dollars. They are stealing the money.
This, this is why I keep defending Musk. Not because I think he is some sort of savior angel or some super nice guy. I have always denied that. But because he has given is real, solid, cost-effective value for the money we have given him for goals the Congress and the President signed into law as being important for our country. And I believe low cost access to space travel, solar power and electric cars are all important for personal freedom and self sufficiency of individual American people and their families.
How people can argue that being able to fuel themselves from the Sun and not depend on the Oligarchs for oil is not in the best interest of Americans is beyond me. I don’t see how anyone could make such a stupid argument. Further no one is twisting your arm. You can use all the oil you want if it suits you. There is an argument that the cost is too high right now but this will not be the case forever. And the argument that we are subsidizing solar compared to oil is not valid because we give all sorts of tax breaks and subsidies to big oil and big carbon in general, and no I’m not a global warming nut.
Electric cars will come way down in price. I’ve shown in the comments here some basic math for getting the price of batteries very low compared to the cost now.
The real breaking point will be when batteries come down in price, I’m rooting for flywheels, and then oil with be screwed. Solar panels are cost effective right now but batteries have a ways to go.
I am 100% for any tech that makes people more independent of government and large Oligarchical control. Ideally, you could set up a prefab house in the middle of no where and have all the power you need and communication from satellites. Every one of these ideas depends a good deal on what Musk is doing. He’s even living in a prefab house right now. A long as he keeps doing what he has been doing I will support these endeavors no matter what his motivations, personal life, whatever.
Don’t trust any of them. Ignore what they say and look at what they do. And keep looking.
Trump needs to be vindicated. That means voting for him again. I will not be voting for Desantis.
DeSantis is a Roman Catholic. Trump is a Presbyterian.
Musk is responding to Trump calling him a bullshitter a few days ago, and seeing how much his opinion matters to the Republican base, which he will court as a moderate and “Unification Party” candidate in the near future.
> Gavin Newsom signs law allowing civil suits against gun dealers, manufacturers.
This looks like another gun control measure, which it is, but it’s a strike against the Supreme Court, which has *already* ruled that you can’t sue the manufacturer of a tool for its misuse.
Which won’t keep Calfornia from doing as it pleases until someone can take a case back up to the Supremes, and given they’re already ignoring them…
It also opens a whole new class of lawsuits in California courts. For example, if you’re mugged by a punk wearing Nike shoes and he runs away, you could sue Nike. If someone hits you over the head with a Budweiser bottle, you could sue Budweiser. There are probably legions of California lawyers practicing their evil snickers while they rub their hands together, heh, heh, heh… the profits will be enormous!
Awesome analogies. Great for sharing with normies.
lawfare piracy
In the event that we ever get back control of the country, after Right to Repair open sources everything, we need an amendment that specifies criminal and civil liability for government officials that knowingly violate the rights of citizens, to include passing laws that are knowingly going to be struck down by SCOTUS.
yeah but…. is there any government anywhere on earth – that’s older than a year or 2 – that actively seeks and prosecutes its own guys? that goes after members of {that country’s} Big Club? doubt it. never mind they’re dirty, they’re in The Club!
“Let’s just raise taxes & fees and hammer the proles instead!”
The death penalty in all but the least blatant cases and banishment/permanent disqualification from voting or holding any government position for those.
> Starbucks closing 16 locations in cities around the nation over ‘safety concerns.’
As various [crazed right-wing Nazi conservative Trumptards] predicted when Starbacks made it their official policy to allow their bathrooms to be turned into public shooting galleries for their local drug users.
“I will do something incredibly stupid, that practically everyone warned me was a bad idea… oh, noes, who could have predicted this?!”
> The U.S provided another $1.7 billion to ensure the Ukrainian government can continue to provide essential services.
Funny, how whatever problems Ukraine is having any given day can be solved simply by shoveling in more money.
> BRICS could create its own reserve currency, Russia’s Medvedev says.
Which would be a sound economic decision on their part. The US dollar is being deliberately tanked by the Fed, Britain simply doesn’t have the economic power to make the UKP back into what it once was, the EU is shaky, and so is the European Union.
They should be careful of the “C” part, though; the Chinese renminbi is manipulated as crassly as the US dollar, but China is still large enough to be the tail that wags the dog.
Argentina and Iran have already applied to join BRICS. One produces natural gas and oil and the other raises beef and wheat. And the Argys have signed a deal to manufacture Russian trucks in their country.
P.S. Dmitry Medvedev is the one to watch in the Russian Federation. He’s a mean little sonuvabitch and he hates us. With good reason. He has used the terms “bastards and degenerates” to describe Americans.
When the US is reformed or collapsed and the EU has shattered they need to ditch the Virtuous Pagans or they will destroy the others.
China was a society of cheats and thieves before communism and communism only made things worse.
> The Russian legislature may ban LGBT propaganda completely in the media and on the internet.
While, in the middle of a war with a vastly larger opponent, Ukraine is going full globohomo. You’d think they would be pressed for time and resources by that, but apparently globohomo is *important*.
>Oberlin College is facing $4 million in interest charges after refusing to pay $33 million in court-ordered defamation damages to a mom-and-pop bakery that it slandered as racist.
That is similar to other non-payment stories I’ve read in the last couple of years. I don’t understand what is going on there.
Here, in the backwoods of Redneck America, if the court orders you to pay a fine, restitution, or award, you pay it, on time, or a court clerk notifies the Sheriff, who will send one or more deputies to haul you to jail in handcuffs while they “secure” your property (in this case, all the college’s lands, buildings, and bank accounts) until you can liquidate whatever is necessary to meet your legal obligations. If, for some reason, that doesn’t happen, you go to jail.
In Backwoods Redneck America, if they would just hire an attorney, they would be able to put all that off for years. Literally.
In this case, refusing the pay isn’t the real story. The money is there in the supersedeas bond, being held by the bonding company. As soon as the court says OK, the underwriter pays it out.
The Real Story is the Liberal Powers That Be don’t like this verdict; they’re looking for loopholes; and fuck what the court says, they. just. ain’t. gonna. pay.
who’s gonna prosecute them? The DOJ??
The money is in escrow, when their legal options run out it will be handed over.
State law enforcement would ensure they paid out in any case, if that were not the case they would not have put the money into the escrow account.
They’re with intelligence. They’ll never pay a dime, and every claimant will end up dead or in prison on 6 felony life sentences.
> PSA on nuclear attack leaves New Yorkers worried, baffled.
It sounds to me like a message. A warning. Maybe to someone who loves New York for some reason and simultaneously has the ability to destroy the Cabal ….
And as a bonus, CIA certainly has a few suitcase nukes from the Soviet Union (remember when they were hunting them all over Kazakhstan and Ukraine back in the 90s?), so there will be a way how to blame Russians. It does not have to be an above-the-surface nuclear explosion, a dirty bomb using the right isotopes, with fragments of a suitcase in front of Trump Tower will do as well. The nuke probably would not work after all these years anyway.
It definitely won’t. IIRC, DoE discovered it in the 1970’s quite by accident, and it was one of the most classified secrets of the cold war to that point. Took the Soviets a few years to find out, and then they tested all their stuff and found it all to be just as useless as ours – anything more than a decade old was only something like 10% likely to even have a n actual nuclear reaction, let alone a strong one. All that stuff Reagan and Gorbachev were making big shows of decommissioning? They were all passed their shelf life and they weren’t going to be rebuilt anyway. All of it was just photo ops.
An article I read a couple of years ago claimed that less than half of our nuclear stockpile was operational at any given time; the half-life of the initiator cores is short, and the reactors that used to produce the materials have either been shut down or are no longer set up to make the proper fissiles.
True? False? Another internet data point, anyway.
A bomb that small has a reduced amount of fissile material, which needs help to get to critical mass. That would be a levitated polonium core as a neutron source to start the chain reaction.. Polonium has a short half life, like 110 days or something.
For the first time in 20 years the dollar is now equal to the euro. By this fall it will probably be worth more. Think I’ll take a trip over there and throw some of my overly strong dollars around.
“More food and wine eh? Hurry, hurry, and cast your eyes when you approach our table you worm! Now dance for me you little monkeys! Dance! Hey, how much for ze women? Two, three dollars? Give me all of them!”
It’ll be a blast until I’m stabbed in an alley by a local. Good times.
A “local” from north Africa
We would all be honored to die in a European alley surrounded by Czech hookers and over-valued fiat notes, friend.
Sounds like Hunter
Re: Redpilling normies on surveillance.
Start with the kids, Gen Z. I’m always surprised at how open they are to the existence of surveillance if you present it the right way. If indeed surveillance is bigger than it was when we all were kids, then it would go to show that these kids have a greater likelihood that they have seen strange/inexplicable things even as relative normies. Plant the seeds early and water them periodically.
Young minds are the least set in their ways of thinking.
They’ve lived with surveillance their entire lives, Macaque.
They had nannycams when they were infants, cams at daycare, cams at preschool, every public school is full of cameras. Any job that involves handling money or customers has cams. Most of them know their phone tracks them to some degree. They know their new car has OnStar or its equivalent, watching them all the time. They know stores and city streets have cams, and public buildings. They’re everywhere, and always have been, all their lives.
It’s not that they don’t care… it that this is entirely normal to them, like air. And they’ve made it this far with no personal fallout from all the cameras, so obviously there’s nothing to worry about, right?
You’re right, but I think up to a point, at least in my experience. I should have expanded upon the “greater likelihood that they have seen strange/inexplicable things even as relative normies” part. That’s what I’ve found catches their attention. Because some I have talked to have indeed experienced elements of surveillance keeping tabs on them, following them, and setting them up for minor things. Bullying incidents or obvious setups (cell phone plants, gossip, etc.) that are inexplicable if they were not being actually watched by a surveillance team. So many actually have had some “personal fallout” that they would not have otherwise detected unless they had me to pry the stories out of them. That’s usually what triggers their interest in surviellance.
Now this is just a theory on my part because I have not successfully red-pilled a Gen Z into our cause. I’ve been able to get a rise out of them to a certain degree. But what if I could reliably trigger and “exercise” their amygdala without alienating myself? Just as surveillance is normal to them, so are outlandish plot points they drink up in their video games, shows, YT, movies, etc. Something that feels *real* to them like surveillance might be something that pulls them right out of the NPC brainwashing purgatory that is Instagram and TikTok. That’s the seed I’m trying to plant and water. AC is absolutely correct: the key is in the amygdala.
Putin may be on to something with his statement about the liberal world order breakdown. Its kind of funny to me, makes a kind of sence, here’s this thing this IT and its got a way to control people like nothing ever before in the history of evil and tyranny, of that i see zero doubt, but there is a lot of dynamics with this senerio, the central premis in Putin’s observation is, and i’m making an assumption or incerting my view into this, but it seems a reasonable perception all things considered best as possible, it is human beings after all which come under IT’s thrall, if so is it an unreasonable idea that there exists a half life to so thouroughly fucking with human beings so they are decidedly terrible servators for this IT, enslaved thru depraved methods which in normal society are usually total taboo for really good and sound reason, and that this half life of the conspiracy is approaching its down slope because the human beings its cinverged and inverted are loosing their minds, and a kind of colkective insanity is the results.
There’s another aspect and its left unsaid if this aspect is a consideration, in concertvwith the half life a situation now exists where IT has maxed out the usefulness if its servators in its thral and the downslope in their performance has begun, that IT’s servators are colkectively breaking down, and soon they will not be such useful servants or sychophants, if so its not an unreasonable notion that this time frame is a most promising and advantagious moment to strike back.
It is war after all on every level what is happening in this world right now being waged against himanity and all that is beauitful good and right. I see something else. Its not available inside this empire of lies, its pretty plain in no uncertain terms pretty much all the people living out in 88 Percent land are of a common similar mind where they simply accept at face value and their own experiences bear this out as IT is a genocide machinesteadily creeping always expanding towards their world, consuming evverything especially their people and countries leaving a wake of total utter destruction in IT’s wake, those people know what IT is. IT is an accepted fact of lifevin 88 percent land, they been fighting it for decades, IT’s earthly form is the United States as an institutional order that imposes itself upon them meddlining in their every affair, its this big careat and the stuck and mostly the stick and it does not hesitate to kill all in its way with its stick the second the carrot is not effective.
And that pretty much sums up the universal perception of regular good folls everywhere. It is such a commonly held perceptiin its barely discussesd in detail necause simoly everyone accepts it because in their world it is the terrible truth.
The difference between us here in the empire of lies is IT has been nice to us, so far, though its showing its petty coat and its some nasty ugly depraved dhit. But IT needs us for now, as IT needs America, cored out to a shell but a useful skin suit none the less, the illsusion of that kind of legitimacy and artificial manufactured tacit concent provides just enough legitimacy IT can wage war on our, God’s green Earth, without resorting to open all out total war. Which it will lose. as it does not have enough of the right kind of servators and sychophants. A case in point is Ukraine. IT been building Ukraine into its own vision, IT needs a mercenary army in its own model in order to take destruction to the next level, and that is the what and the why and the who of Ukraine now. An army bred for one purpose, to destroy the world of Men. To turn all of earth into IT’s dominion.
Has Zputin and his warriors interdicted IT and its plans? No fucking doubt about it. The Russian’s did it perfectly. They have completely interdicted what Ukraine was literalky months away from becoming, that if it had bedn guven the time to be set on the world as it was planned to hapoen only a month before Russian SPO attacked, they way in which IT’s war machine of destruction started would be if not impossible pretty much impossible to stop and defeat guven now the traditional west has been ling taken out if the picture in terms of a fighting force such as it was in WWII, be only Russia China and what meager military force and resources exist in 88 Percent land. Putin and his warriors have fucked all to hellmouths doir and back what IT had created in Ukrain, IT has lost the emitus in it’s strategy and plans it was to release in March/April as it seems and accounts, evidence of and tales from Ukrainian’s themselves tell of. Did Putin know. Got me no doubt whatsoever. I think Ol’ Putin and his people been getting ready watching since 1990 or so, those guys knew back then, they struck right at the most advantagous effective moment employing the oerfect strategy of going in to save and take back the Donbas regions and in doing so IT threw its Ukranian autothones at the Russian Alliance, the slliance presented a target they understood could not be rapidly beaten in worst case, in ideal case it would be a fucking meatgrinder sucking up men and material, consuming in a cleansing fire all the most gavored prized Ukrainian servators and warrior slave class IT built since 2008, and now it is too late for this mercenary army of IT, its a shell of what it was almost become, ince it was set loose on 88 Percent land. Its fucking toast in every mikitary sense of the word. Now its trying to survive existential disaster. See it was an army bred to be a certain thing, not an army in the sense thats generally universal, its was created for a specific purpose and so if your its enemy and you know your enemy as is the first law of war, to win you do this in intimate detail and thus you find out how to win more easily, its such a simple concept but its very complex to impliment to success and Putin and his Warriors did so and they prempted IT and IT’ds purpise bred army of hate and destruction, in such a way it bled it white in only a couple months. Thats why it is not named as a War persay, but correctly a Russian Special Perstuon with very defined specific objectives and its met most. The Russian’s did another thing, very great worthy thing, they made things and set things up in such a way it is the people of the Donbas regions who are fighting almost all of the battles, Russia set up the most comprehensive extensive system if support and supply ever seen, they added to this method of battle the absolute munimum if Russian direct fighting, but have pulled out the stops with military assets those poor people can not provide, indoing so Putin created a military machine of amazing capability, buikt an infantry combat army of superb ability, they said here, we give you all this, we hild nothing back but what our abikity to manufacture in numbers to keep up our suppory but everything is here, we take this whole burden of war off you, you go out with your men, and fight the best small unit very light infantry combat war you can and we do everything else, be happy warriors, we got your back. And thats exactly how it is and its brilliant, on all levels of war. Its one more thing too. Legitimate. The legitimacy exists it can never be taken it can not be destroyed and in doung so it has had a corrosive effect can not be stopped on IT and it’s army bred to destroy the world of Men. Ukraine is only one battle in this war. Its plain to see if you understand this war. pretty soon this war is coming home to is, its already prepared in many respects, but sure as the sun rises it will happen here in America in open war, for now IT is still preparing the battle space. But what Putin and his Warriors have accomplished van be done here, it will be different, but the essential objectives can be met. Because among us on this vast landmass, we have all the elements to fight and win.
I think the people too. i have absolute faith in this. And you need faith if you are to orevail in the end.
I always thought this summed things up perfectly. Some other guys said that once. Brought them lick and goid fortune I think.
“Our Cause We Leave To God and Our Rifles”
Bannon asks Rep Boebert why they hate her so much, “They’re coming after you so hard…. they hate you so much”
“because I was supposed to be one of them.” She replied. hmm.
Thanks for Zagging when they wanted you to zig AC.
So, I guess the implication is that Cabal brought her in as a spoiler against Trump’s candidate in Colorado, and then maybe Trump offered her a better deal behind the scenes?
Fine. Research it is. Fine. You guys benefit.
Okay, first off:
Okay: the logic tree on men benefit from having raw dog sex with their wives after having had a child with your wife.
We know microchimerism for women. That was a big research finding a few years ago. The stem cells from the baby make it out of the placenta into the bloodstream of the mother. Everyone is focused on the cordblood. The placenta develops from the egg. It embeds in the uterine wall. It’s got a lot of real estate latched onto the maternal real estate, on a big organ that is just a velvet blanket of capillaries. Lots of exchange. Tons.
They’ve gone and looked at women’s brains, hearts, pancreases. They find cell patches of microchimeric, baby and mother cells repairing damage. I’m assuming they haven’t found other organs mostly because they haven’t looked.
The vaginal vault is a mucus membrane. White blood cells crawl in and out of the membrane to capture sperm. They get rid of the tail, the take the head of it, and use it for DNA recognition so that the body does not attack the man’s semen as a foreign object.
Cooties, no matter what type, can cross from men to women, and women to men. Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, warts. You name it. We can test for them. We do test for them. Some of the tests involve long swaps stuck down your manly parts. In other words, the cooties are mobile and crawl down the access.
We have the statistics that “happily married men” live longer than bachelors, or “unhappily married men.” “Happily married” is not about the emotional temperature, at least not for men. It’s code for “has sex at least the average amount for a human male in his society.” This means, in America, up until recently, once a week during the work year and twice as much during vacation. In 1950, it meant twice as much as the current year, both during the week and during vacation. The 1950s man lived a longer, healthier life than current year man. The 1950s man also had children earlier in his lifespan. So, twice as much sex for a decade more, pretty much from the beginning of adulthood.
1950s women had children earlier in their lifespan, too. They had an average of four children. That’s more than the generation before or after. These women, mothers of the Baby Boom, also lived longer and had, in general, healthier bodies, despite smoking,drinking and no seatbelts. The early Americans, with solid nutrition, could have between ten and twenty children per woman, with no visible damage to the woman. Yes, no seed oils, no trans fats, tons of free range protein. British middle class could do that, too, for a while. No one else really managed it, while keeping the women healthy. Protein is a big deal.
No one has gone looking for microchimerism in men. Everyone’s model is solid body organs, not velvet on velvet capillary exchange of microchimeric cells, or solid body on mucous membrane. 50+ exposures for decades on end, starting in your early twenties, with ‘vigorous’ meaning microtears on both sides- lots of chances for white blood cells and microchimeric cells to go travelling.
When Jesus said “Man and wife, one flesh” he was being very, very concrete. It’s not metaphoric.
Anyway, Cabal doing its tricks with petri dishes and so on- it’s trying to mimic, quite monstrously, something we’ve been given naturally, Anyway.I would think that the petri dish trick would not work as reliably, probably lacking a feedback mechanism of some sort I haven’t thought about. We’re finding even simple things like breastfeeding- there’s feedback loops that no one had even considered- baby’s drool gets sucked into pore on the aureole, the mother’s white blood cells cook up antibodies, and get imported into the next feeding milk,for instance.
Microchimerism is probably a big part of why Team Abortion is all about terminating pregnancies, instead of preventing them in the first place. They’re taking the Lilith path to health and beauty.
If there can be transmission from woman to man, then man to man transmission may also be possible.
These people are sick.
A failing pregnancy sends out distress chemicals. An abortion abruptly ends the pregnancy, but does not power down some of the chemical signals. It affects the body in ways that- ICANNOTTGETTO with my odd search disabling. It’s on Catholic pro-life sites. It’s always in the middle of emotionally overwrought writing, but there is science getting cited. I want to say, off the top of my head, increased inflammation, increased cancer risks, stuff like that. Like, some of the women’s cancers that are theorized to be the fault of dry cleaning chemicals might be the fault of the sort of women with tons of dry cleaning are actually the sort of women who would have abortions to have careers.
And, second, there’s the feedback loops we don’t know about- see, how does a miscarriage affect the body vs how does an abortion affect the body. There’s tons of miscarriages early on, as pro-aborts are so gleeful to point out. If they affected mothers bodies the same way, you would not be able to see differences in health outcomes between women who miscarry early (all women) and women who abort (not all women).
As for adventurous white blood cells: sperm get beheaded and the white blood cells take the capsule with the DNA, to power down the woman’s immune system. I don’t know that men’s immune systems have that particular setup- a vaginal mucus membrane system- and, again, 50+ exposures/year/ lifetime is different than what most gay men go through. The sperm might only last a few days. It is foreign DNA, after all.
I mean, you weren’t set up to have years of unprotected sex without getting pregnant. It’s more like, a few weeks, a few months, and then you’ve got chimeric cells. So I don’t know that the all male DNA profile survives that long. There’s just this ridiculously long window of fertility, when a woman is young. Like, 1/3 of a month, sounds right. The jokes about breathing on young women and they get pregnant? Really not jokes. The internal set up has pH ranges that change throughout the month, and change in the presence of activity, or not.
Gay men and prostitutes or promiscuous women in history tend to have some exotically strange diseases, not just your usual STDs. I’d think looking at swingers would give you a blurry picture, of possibilities, but I don’t know that anyone has looked. We do know that nuns do not get some of the cancers that even faithful married mothers get. Faithful, married mothers get less than the promiscuous. I mean, there’s just weird chemical stuff going on in there. There’s stuff happening where it’s totally better to be exposed to your husband’s essence, than not. It’s not a linear “Have sex,die painfully of cancer.”
Also, sperm have chemicals for killing off other sperm. There’s books about it. We don’t know what’s going on up in there. It’s not a one and done sort of deal. Sperm can last for days, if it’s the right sperm. The wrong sperm gets peroxided in the entry hall.
I mean, try the shorthand: look around at women with multiple children. Look at their skin. They aren’t, in general, wearing makeup or sunscreen. Then look at women with one child, in an office. Or women who shout their abortions. Your body fat is part of the immune system, and it can go haywire. Look at how odd the ‘shout’ crowd is proportioned, compared to even the chubbiest mothers.
An article from the daily beast claiming a prominent figure in the “manosphere” is actually gay. Read it close.
This is a typical cabal operation. They send these freaks into any movement to derail and delegitimize anything even slightly related.
Absolutely staged and fake, I’m sure of it.
Yeah, I can say, 100%, if you find any type of following without their support, their machine surrounds you. As in almost everyone you cross paths with is one of their’s, even your neighbors. And if you need help running your show, you will have much of that help end up being them, just because they are all around.
The lack of email or text message proof would seem to indicate bullshit.
I have to disagree with that.
The Russian elite obviously realize that they are better off ruling a healthy and strong society even if their power over it is less than the western ruling class wants to achieve by degrading the people.
Only the old benefited from the world our ancestors left us enough to ignore the destruction the left is heaping on us.
Many of the old are also benefiting from selling the last of the seed corn and taking out a 3rd mortgage on the farm.
The younger you are the more you see that your entire future life is going to be nothing but misery if something doesn’t change.
I think someone floated the theory here that Musk’s connection to Twitter had something to do with selling Tesla stock due to stock options expiration or something to that effect.
This is not how options work.
Let’s assume Musk has call options that are deep out of the money. These are options where the strike price is well above the current market for Tesla stock. These are options that are nearly worthless. They have no intrinsic value and they cannot assign shares. There is no value in either selling these or letting them expire worthless.
Let’s assume that Musk has call options that are deep in the money. Here, there is no race to sell anything. Deep-in-the-money options are automatically assigned by the exchange upon expiration. There is no urgency to sell the position. He is creating a huge taxable event if he does. If he accumulates additional shares of Tesla because of the options, then he can protect his position by buying long-dated puts, which would be cheaper than paying taxes.
So the connection between Tesla stock options and Twitter is a weak one.
I’m completely ignorant about such things.
But I know it allowed him to sell without sparking a sell off.
It gave a reason he would be selling other than “there is something wrong and he is getting out before anyone else knows”.
There doesn’t have to be anything actually wrong, but if someone in his position starts to sell for unknown reasons it can panic others into selling and making the price collapse.
The short sellers he feuds with would have pounced.
Why not kill two birds with one stone? It’s like saying that you bought a house so you could throw out your old stuff. Sure, it gives you the opportunity to toss that stuff out without your wife raising hell, but it’s not the reason you bought the new house.
What map says does not equate to what others are saying. Like,
“…Musk’s options do not qualify for preferential tax treatment, meaning that he could be on the hook for a massive tax bill if he doesn’t sell the options….”
“…Most stock grants allow executives to avoid paying taxes for years, and perhaps forever, as long as they don’t sell the shares they get from converting the options, but Musk has taken out big loans against his shares, allowing him to monetize shares without selling them, the NYT adds…”
I’m reading the investopedia article:
If Musk does not exercise the options, they could expire worthless. But that would mean forgoing billions of dollars in salary for no specific reason and paying a hefty tax on them because his options do not qualify for preferential treatment. This means that he cannot hold onto them indefinitely and not expect to pay taxes on them.
According to reports, the options will incur a significant tax liability of as much as 54% of the total gain because they will be taxed as ordinary income tax rates. Estimates for Musk’s tax bill range from between $10 billion to $15 billion, and experts have described the options as a “ticking tax time bomb.”
The only way Musk’s options can expire worthless is if they expire well out of the money. In the article, Tesla stock was trading at $1128. If he had call options at strike prices above 1128, then the option would expire worthless on the day of expiration. Time operates against call option values in the last 30 days.
But if Musk had call options at $200, then he is deep in-the-money. When these options expire, they don’t become worthless. The exchange will automatically exercise the option on behalf of Musk, meaning the exchange will exercise assignment against Musk’s counterparty, transferring all the additional shares to him. This means he gets $1128 worth of shares for 200 a piece times the number of call options times 100, which would be $928 profit for each share times the number of shares.
Furthermore, if he does not sell the shares, then there is no tax consequence. So the only issue is that Musk has lots of OTM options that he needs to sell now because he is concerned about them declining in value, which does not bode well for Tesla’s future.
I don’t know why the article is talking about tax consequences. This is the kind of misdirection that makes me suspicious about Musk.
Now, it’s possible that these options settle in cash, in which case he would have large tax bills either way. But…there is no avoiding taxes in either case.
To all those who are disgusted with Trump for not taking over the government and throwing millions in jail:
who are you advocating in 2024? Who do you trust more than Trump? Who, in the words of A/C, left a smoking crater where trust in the media used to be? Trump did that. Roe v. Wade? You’re welcome. Legal to open carry down Madison Ave in NYC? Awesome sauce.
FYI, Trump is still throwing rallies across America, with tens of thousands of people showing up who didn’t take the black suppository yet.
Put me in both camps.
We needed much more from Trump, but I know of no better options at this point so I’ll take what I can get.
This is a false premise from the get go. That Trump did good things does not mean that somehow no one should criticize his actions, and he gets a universal gold pass on any criticism at all. This is following a long line of “word magic” tricks where they only give you the options to think that which someone else wants and pretends that there’s not more than one way to see things.
> rallies
Harry S Truman did a large number of public speaking engagements after he left office, not too different from Trump’s rallies. He also had a radio show where he answered questions about politics and his time as President.
That was before I was born, though. In my lifetime, ex-Presidents generally quitely shuffled offstage, falling out of public sight.
Except for DJT.
Avoid self-serve checkouts, lawyer warns, or it could cost you
New political compass just dropped
Yikes. And they will put it in other foods, and “mislabel” it to not show it.
They even call themselves “Actually Foods.”
Learn to cook your own meals and snacks; or buy baked goods from your local bakery.
‘I’m A Pedophile’: Biden-Era USPS Chief in Mail-In Ballot Unit Arrested After Trying To Meet Teen Boy For Sex.
Wow. And he was not in that position despite being a pedo. He was there because surveillance logged he was a pedo.
Not a great pic, but check out the nasolabial fold on that guy!
Catherine Englebrecht from 2000 mules on the bigger story she and Gregg Phillips are working on – “It involves enemies foreign and domestic… I mentioned earlier that the story that’s coming forward involves a foreign government and it could rise to the level perceived to be an ACT OF WAR…”
Is 2000 Mules a long con to blame 2020 on foreign actors rather than domestic and provide justification for WWIII?
It would have to be a really long con, beginning back under the Obama years, building a cover for Englebrecht with True the Vote, and the IRS, OSHA and Texas State entities like State OSHA-equivalent all spending years busting her balls and attacking her company, just so we would take her seriously now. It seems more committed than the kind of incompetent things you normally see from Cabal, who can’t even make a false flag we look at and feel is genuine.
On the other hand, I have to wonder if she would be allowed to be a normal citizen and fuck shit up like this, at her personal whim and fancy, without those in control controlling it. I mean why kill Brandy Vaughn, who was just dissing vaccines, and leave Catherine, who was poised to really fuck up vital shit? And why isn’t Catherine talking about the surveillance, which would have to be intruding into her life like fuck-all these past ten years or so, and be a class one pain in the ass?
I don’t know, but I wonder about it all.
I’ll add to the fog here, only because I think these two points are necessary in the analysis toolkit: time & incentives.
Her incentives at the beginning may be different than now. Often I see internet analyses attributing one mission/quest to internet personalities (Englebrecht, Milo Y, Lauren Southern), guiding all of their actions over time, as if these might not change over time.
Belief in one mission/quest per individual/group makes consuming all the signal/noise (which is which?) much easier for us.
However, unchanging and always adhered to ideals are the province of gods, not men.
Both of your analyses work: perhaps she’s been offered a way out of being attacked for the rest of her life via blaming a foreign state. And maybe that foreign state IS to blame! But her story might focus on the foreign state rather than domestic actors.
And perhaps her backers (because she wouldn’t have survived without them) share their enemy’s opposition to the foreign state, but for different/similar reasons.
I don’t know.
That could be.
But I don’t see how they avoid the domestic traitors collaborating with the foreign enemies.
Thank you, hate fans.
Your irrational down votes assure me I am doing well.
Virtuous Pagan Controlled Hong Kong Uses Covid Excuse To Extinguish Citizens’ Last Remaining Freedoms
Virtuous Pagan Controlled Hong Kong: Court Case Shows Police Attempts to Establish Investigatory Carte Blanche