News Briefs – 07/12/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


We lost a few more comments, unless I am mistaken, as the total comment number shrank. I have no idea what they were, though I probably have them in a backup somewhere, so I’ll look at some point. Also a raft of comments from 7/4 and 7/5 showed up and were approved, no idea where they were, as  I clear the deck each day. Sitelock anti malware says we are clean, and I have again changed all passwords to new super secure passwords but for some reason we keep losing the sidebar, though whoever does that appears to have no other access. I am not seeing the install screen at all now, but apparently some are. If you get it, and get back in please note the time it showed up and let me know. I am still working on making a static, but updatable version of the site.

New front page copy at, and I added a final section – Epilogue – What Do I Do Now? That site will definitely get a static version to speed loading and eliminate the database interactions, which are a limit for traffic. In that regard, thank you to the guy who was overloading the database here, as you moved me on that front. And thank you to the readers here who gave me quick short courses in advertising copy. That information was invaluable.

Wow- Daily Mail – Gun restriction laws DON’T lead to decrease in homicides, nationwide analysis shows. Nothing of the old model was honest. They wrote what they were told, and those who did the telling anted gun control. This means either the old ones who told are gone, and they are now being allowed to be honest, or whoever is doing the telling wants to expand gun ownership. Very strange.

Rep. Thomas Massie shuts down conspiracy theories about his wife’s recent death. From the piece, Massie wrote – “She did not take the COVID shots (we were both seropositive by the time they became available), our house is very secure, family was in the house the night she passed, and an autopsy has been conducted (we do not yet have results).” He seems better than most, so I don’t want to make a big thing. But none of that means anything in this environment, with the new generations of thru-wall directed energy weapons. I am not sure how to record sound underwater, but I can say some of the tech you are dealing with is amazing.

Under about eight to ten inches of chlorinated water with a heavily buffered pH using pH down and baking soda (so somewhat salty), one of their techs bombarded the top of one finger with rapid-fire pin pricks, while the other hand was on top of it, however nothing was felt in the other hand on top. As each prick hit, it was preceded by a short sound audible only under the water, similar to if you took a pipe like this (about 1″ in diameter):

and drew a knife blade crosswise to it down its length fast. I presume each pop in that Brapppt of multiple pops was some kind of acceleration force being applied repeatedly to a particle, maybe a salt ion like Na+. However, since one hand was on top of the target surface the tech, I think, had to be identifying ions in between the two surfaces (which were in contact, so a very small space) and accelerating them into one surface but not affecting the other, I assume from a house 80-100 feet away. Under 8-10 inches of water. And some of that weird stuff, I have felt inside of me, I assume as a threat.

Massie does not understand, but I understand him not understanding. You cannot believe this stuff is possible, until you see it yourself. But her being inside a secure house, even right next to him, means nothing in this age of thru-wall directed energy weapons. If she passed from any sort of internal bleed, I would be very suspicious. Even clotting could be this thing, if it can raise temperatures, which I would have no doubt it can from the thermal video I shot and posted.

One other strange thing about his tweet, here. When I looked at it, it only showed me two replies under it, with all the others hidden behind a “probable spam” button. However his tweet said there were 11k replies. I checked through some, and they are all conservative personalities at the top, and no spam. Not sure if that is siloing, or suppression of anyone conservative. I would be interested if anyone else logs on and sees all the replies.

Utah voters say their votes were tossed after USPS routed their ballots to Vegas.

VoterGA Update: Over ONE MILLION ballot election records missing in Georgia’s 2020 Presidential election.

A federal judge has ruled that Ohio’s strict voter ID law, which includes a photo provision, is constitutional and has rejected a challenge to it.

Alec Baldwin in deeper shit in the Rust trial as it comes out right after the shooting he made a phone call and was planning a vacation for his family, as he was overheard saying, “Still come to New Mexico, we’ll have a good time.” A surprise negligent discharge which almost killed someone should have a guy pausing after it. A surprise negligent discharge followed by watching an innocent woman you knew then expire, filled with fear, on the floor, as everyone is helpless to aid her, should have even more of an effect. Either Baldwin is a psychopath of unimaginable scale, or he woke up that morning knowing he had to ice that girl, and the shot was no surprise.

Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris ‘Vice President Trump’, Calls Zelensky ‘President Putin’ in solo press conference. Sounds like he is losing it. And yet we know for a fact he has an earpiece, as we have seen him walk up to two Marines guarding a door and say to them, “Salute the Marines!” and then walk in like a boss. And there is no way he ditched that crutch at this crucial moment. So how does the earpiece say “Vice President Harris” and he says “Vice President Trump?” Nothing is 100%, but it feels like it doesn’t fit. It makes me think his lines make him look even more incompetent on purpose.

The Telegraph – Biden looks finished – there’s surely no coming back from this. I take none of these seriously, but look on them as weathervanes showing which way the wind in the script is blowing.

Biden couldn’t recognize familiar faces at NATO summit.

Connecticut Congressman Jim Himes (D) has called upon President Joe Biden to step aside from his presidential campaign after his press conference.

Biden’s Cabinet members are saying the 81-year-old chief executive’s interactions with key members of his administration are actually pre-scripted and carefully choreographed — with aides going over questions and discussion points with Cabinet secretaries ahead of time.

NYT- Some longtime aides and advisers to President Joe Biden have become increasingly convinced that he will have to step aside from the campaign, and in recent days they have been trying to come up with ways to persuade him that he should.

Fearing a floor revolt against his nomination, Joe Biden’s aides are telephoning individual delegates to next month’s Democratic convention to gauge their loyalty to the president, according to three delegates who received a call this week.

Several of President Joe Biden’s closest allies, including three people who are directly involved in efforts to re-elect him, told NBC News they now see his chances of winning as zero.

Democrats are biding their time until after this week’s NATO summit to pressure President Biden into ending his re-election bid, a party pollster told The Post Thursday.

Sources say dozens of Democrats expected to call for Biden to step aside after NATO conference.

Ranking House Dem on Intel Committee tells Biden to “Step away from the campaign.”

Report: CEO friend of Joe Biden says ‘no way’ he’s dropping out, ‘hates’ party elite, ‘will tell everyone else to fuck off.’

Trump slams ‘rat’ George Clooney after actor called on Biden to step down: ‘Go back to television.’

NY Post – Biden almost impossible to replace on ballot in Michigan and other states: Democratic county clerk.

Hillary Clinton coming to Boston for ‘Something Lost, Something Gained’ book tour.

New York Times Editorial Board – “Donald Trump Is Unfit for a Second Term. He failed the tests of leadership and betrayed America. Voters must stand up to him in November.”

Trump donors on the brink of Civil War over possibility of J.D. Vance for VP.

Eye-opening voter registration numbers in June should raise more concerns for Dems.

Poll: Donald Trump and Joe Biden tied for popular vote. Really?

Dems privately admit Trump is no threat to democracy.

House fails to hold AG Merrick Garland in inherent contempt after four Republicans defect.

Tech companies are once again colluding with Democrats to push disinformation and censor legitimate conservative opinions, this time with the imprimatur of legitimacy conferred by the U.S. Supreme Court that allows them to do so more shamelessly and aggressively than ever.

Musk announces that X will sue the “perpetrators and collaborators” behind the advertising censorship cartel.

NYC Mayor Adams wants to roll back and ‘correct’ sanctuary policy: ‘Previous administration made a big mistake.’

Biden administration designates Venezuela gang it has imported in large numbers as transnational criminal organization.

Video of Fetterman crash aftermath released by Maryland police.

Ken Paxton announces Texas House General Investigating Committee colluding with Biden regime to bring federal case against him.

New confirmed evidence shows US intel worked alongside al Qaeda branch in Somalia.

Ellen DeGeneres is ‘done’ with fame after Netflix special: ‘This is the last time you’re going to see me.’ She was one of the ones pictured with an ankle monitor under her pants cuff, supposedly, if you can believe anything.

Whoopi Goldberg absent from ‘The View’ after testing positive for Covid again. What is she doing that she keeps getting exposed? You would think as a multi-millionaire celebrity, she is not rubbing elbows with the masses.

“Whistleblowers from Disney have provided O’Keefe Media Group with Disney’s internal communications, including group chats, bulletin boards, the company’s employee roster and employee websites, and the company’s Slack channel. “What we’ve discovered is so shocking that it makes the Disney Tapes series look like child’s play,” says James O’Keefe.”

Leaked US Army briefing slide calls pro-life organizations ‘terrorist groups.’

Teachers at Pentagon schools promoted materials that train students to be social justice activists and pushed diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) on teachers, according to a new report.

Washington Post says ‘framework agreed’ for hostage-truce deal; Hamas, Israel to cede control of Gaza in 2nd phase of deal.

Macron informs French people no new government for a while, as ‘no one won’ his snap election.

Fire breaks out in spire of Rouen Cathedral in northwest France.

The US says it’s going to put its new long-range strike missiles, including hypersonic weapons, in Germany.

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán to meet Donald Trump.

The leaders of the US, the Netherlands, and Denmark released a joint statement Wednesday during the ongoing NATO summit in Washington, stating that the transfer of US-made F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine is underway.

Now Zelensky says the F-16s he is getting will probably be useless, because he is only getting 50 of them, and unless he gets 128 of them, they will simply do nothing.

Russian Foreign Minister says if Ukraine joins NATO “either Ukraine disappears, or NATO does.”

Transparent, LED panels adhered onto glass create transparent TV displays.

LED seashore flooring.

The nonpartisan group Cook Political Report (CPR) shifted the Michigan Senate race to a “toss up” on Thursday as issues with President Biden continue to affect Democrats in races elsewhere.

‘Daily Show’ reporter stunned after focus group of Black New Yorkers say they’re backing Trump.

Gun rights would be ironclad if all 10 million gun owners voted Trump in November.

Spread r/K Theory, because Big Boy Press Conferences are hard


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Bix Noodleman
8 months ago

I wonder if Alec has ever seen “The Man Who Shit Liberty Valance” starring Jimmy Stewart and John Wayne.

8 months ago

Also a raft of comments from 7/4 and 7/5 showed up and were approved, no idea where they were, as I clear the deck each day.

I see comments I didn’t see before for 7/4, but none I didn’t see before for 7/5.

I don’t know if some were hidden after I saw them and then restored, or if some were hidden again after you just approved them.

8 months ago

Top comment about trouble with site.
Who’s your hosting service? Your problem sound similar to mine and it seems to track down to my host. I’m not fully certain though so I won’t mention the name but something you might want to consider.

8 months ago

House fails to hold AG Merrick Garland in inherent contempt after four Republicans defect.

The four Republican defectors:

“Reps. John Duarte (R-CA), Dave Joyce (R-OH), Tom McClintock (R-CA), and Mike Turner (R-OH) voted against the resolution. Joyce was the lone Republican to vote against the successful contempt resolution in June.”

Don’t have time to post the Wikipedia pages. Three are Deep State guys and McClintock need to get his head out of his a—.

8 months ago

Macron informs French people no new government for a while, as ‘no one won’ his snap election.

This is a post from a very normie but informative academic political science site that explains the dynamic here very well:

The snap election didn’t really change anything. With the National Assembly divided, Macron can appoint a Prime Minister and dare them to vote no confidence. That is what he was doing before. In fact the sitting Prime Minister resigned after the election and Macron told him to stay on the job. The only difference is that Macron’s party has even fewer seats, so the net effect of the election was to make things more difficult for him.

8 months ago

Again, on the “Biden” “dementia” stories, him withdrawing from the “campaign” is not important. Only hacks care about the “campaign”. The problem his him having presidential powers now.

So why isn’t Vice President Trump triggering the 25th Amendment process?

8 months ago

Sometimes Vox Day misses, but not today and yesterday. He has been on point in his most recent posts.

8 months ago

AC, don’t take this wrong… but….

Under about eight to ten inches of chlorinated water with a heavily buffered pH using pH down and baking soda (so somewhat salty), one of their techs bombarded the top of one finger with rapid-fire pin pricks, while the other hand was on top of it, however nothing was felt in the other hand on top. As each prick hit, it was preceded by a short sound audible only under the water, similar to if you took a pipe like this (about 1″ in diameter)…. and drew a knife blade crosswise to it down its length fast. I presume each pop in that Brapppt of multiple pops was some kind of acceleration force being applied repeatedly to a particle, maybe a salt ion like Na+. However, since one hand was on top of the target surface the tech, I think, had to be identifying ions in between the two surfaces (which were in contact, so a very small space) and accelerating them into one surface but not affecting the other, I assume from a house 80-100 feet away. Under 8-10 inches of water. And some of that weird stuff, I have felt inside of me, I assume as a threat.

Making extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence (Carl Sagan) [former co-worker from 25 years ago who knew him called him a total asshole] but also Occam’s Razor…
You are claiming not merely a targeted beam, but precisely controlled able to distinguish between two different body parts intentionally from a distance. Sorry but you’ve reached a level of incredulity here, and I am forced to consider alternative explanations magnitudes more likely.
You provide a daily service of information collection, and you’ve documented the r/K factor in politics and culture which is clearly validated by ongoing facts and trends.
And while a variety of ‘Cabal’ theories DO explain many of the seemingly nonsensical events and trends…. you’re still far short of the mark where they would not just target you but use the tech in ways you are claiming, purely as a threat.
So Alternative theory 1: you have begun seeing/feeling things not there. Cause: unknown. Not speculating why.
Theory 2: the targeting is not physical but mental, and you are hallucinating and/or being stimulated directly in your head.
Theory 3: open to opinions…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

again, this isn’t enough. Pointing to other (potential) ‘physics violations’ fails to address the inconsistency of WHY… you aren’t answering the question: why you, why this, given the umpteen better options ‘they’ could do with such tech.
My point remains: I think you have been led down a rabbit hole when other potential answers make far more sense. You can disagree, you clearly do. But you destroy your credibility by not considering more likely answers. You’ve had no luck at documenting these ‘energies’, which seem to have unlimited precise effects. It is significantly more reasonable that you are targeted by an effect causing your brain to perceive them (stimulation of brain areas, a known phenomenon), which fits with the experiences of others.
And as I said, perhaps others have opinions, or valid theories.
I’ve skipped ones questioning your facilities, etc. That’s the slack earned. But there are limits.

Last edited 8 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

It is real, very real and if you look for evidence it is literally everywhere. Many others attest to this. Part of the harassment is making us seem crazy. Perhaps your not under it or just completely numb to it. Do you live in the US? In the end we win and the truth will come out. #ChristIsKing

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I’ve had a weird occurrence lately. Often at night, I can hear a diesel engine off in the distance. I’ll hear it idling, then it revs up a little bit, then returns to idle. I can feel the vibrations in the floor and in my mattress. There doesn’t appear to be a doppler effect; I can’t detect it moving at all. It’s either really slow or stationary.

We don’t live too far from train tracks and I can occasionally hear the trains, but they’re usually moving. There is also overnight construction on a state route near our neighborhood. It’s plausible that the noise I hear is from one of those sources. I think it’s probably from construction equipment as the road condition changed overnight. It also did not happen the last few nights due to rain.

My wife doesn’t hear it and has trouble believing that I can. But it interferes with my sleep. I am eventually able to drift off but I keep waking up and hearing it and feeling the vibrations. It doesn’t affect my wife at all.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I can hear it away from my pillow. The other night about 2130 I was binge watching a show and suddenly I heard the diesel engine kick on.

Somehow I avoided GATE. I’ve probably posted this before. Around the 3rd grade, my parents told me I’d get tested for a program where I’d be in class with the smart students and we’d get to work with computers (a HUGE deal in the early 80’s). I heard nothing for a while, then I got pulled out of class and taken to the school office. One of the principles started asking me questions, then asked me to do 2 column math. I had no context for this exercise, and I think I was enjoying whatever I got called out of class to do. I asked for a pencil but was told to do the math in my head. I was able to, but with no idea why I got pulled out of class to answer math questions, I refused. I was sent back to class and later my parents told me I didn’t get into the program. I said “Well if they’d just told me the test was for the program I would have taken it more seriously.” I probably dodged a bullet from everything I’ve read here and on /pol about GATE. I don’t know if I ended up being tracked anyway. Some of my experiences match what you’ve posted and I’m sure they know I read and comment on this site.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

You answered your own question. And it is something I have long believed having followed this site for a considerable time: you are uniquely constituted to understand and reveal what is going on, and they know it.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

Making extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence

This is the least scientific thing a person can say. It is actually science hostile. It’s the words of a priest, not a scientist.
Evidence is. One piece of evidence, properly collected, can invalidate an entire branch of science by falsifying it. That’s how science works. To claim that you somehow have to go above and beyond evidence is anti-science.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

you’re ignoring the point. Evidence required.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

What is your take on the idea it is antidepressants causing all of these shootings

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

The idea is (if the anecdotes/evidence is true) is it’s entirely plausible and inevitable it’s antidepressant caused because in trials and also in the market the antidepressants caused serious psychotic symptoms. (many never had symptoms pre meds, and symptoms went away after stopping meds)

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

third time idiot.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

You are arguing in bad faith.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Nope. I’m more convinced that easier explanations are more likely. That’s the point of ‘extraordinary’: if you want to suggest that the obvious normal answer isn’t correct, then you need to provide reasons/evidence it isn’t.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

Your “easier explanation” isn’t an explanation, it’s an absolution. “Well, I don’t like the implications, so you must be imagining it.”
Nope. You need to have a reasonable explanation for why a witness is suddenly unreliable about something that is, on its face, very straightforward.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

I concur. It makes a nice bumper sticker, but it has no applicability in the real world. As I recall, Sagan was an atheist and made the comment in the context of Christianity or UFOs or something.

Dom Zerchi
Dom Zerchi
Reply to  EricTheAwful
8 months ago

It makes a moronic bumper sticker; it is simply meaningless. People who use the slogan don’t know what they are saying and don’t understand science. I don’t know how to explain Carl Sagan; I guess even smart knowledgeable people can say dumb things at times.

8 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Ben is a brainiac, a capable card counter that was backed off out of vegas casinos, as a matter of routine with numerous folks also in the “griffin book”, those that can beat the house so playing there us politely refused service. Jen, the o.g. garner was of course in “Alias” television series, soaked in cia skullduggery. Their spawn, even if a trust fund idleling away kid would have the neighborhood crew keeping tabs on them. The cabal may just beam out the kids and periphery attachments to those tier 1 high flyers, as a matter of policy if those targets are not in the club. Like spraying for bugs not seen, but just in case. The collateral targets are more numerous than an accounting can ever be made. Stay frosty, and not a collateral statistic.

8 months ago

> Why is there a teleprompter set up for Biden’s conference?

Barry O never spoke in public without his teleprompter. Biden’s just following along in his footsteps.

Frankly, I’d be surprised if Biden is still manageable by teleprompter. He would have to read the prompt, deliver the reply, keep an eye on the crowd, and listen to his earpiece, all smoothly enough to not be such a buffoon even the managed media would have to report it.

From some of his earlier ventures off the reservation while speechmaking, he’s now ignoring the teleprompter when he gets his freak on.

8 months ago

> Either Baldwin is a psychopath of unimaginable scale

Possibly true, but the shooting wasn’t his responsibility. Hannah Hyphenate was hired as site armorer, and the gun were her responsibility; she signed a contract guaranteeing it. 100% of the blame falls on her, no matter how much of a dirtbag Baldwin is.

Also note that there wasn’t supposed to be any live ammunition on the set, and as far as I’m aware nobody has questioned how a live .45 Colt cartridge managed to find its way into the gun. By the way, the difference in weight and balance between a blank and a live round would be instantly obvious to anyone handling the cartridges.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

Nope. Just like when we absolutely positively pushed & shoved Japan into a corner in 1940-41, our actions were a big major cause of Pearl Harbor, no doubt about it… but Japan (and Arrec Barrdwin) made the choice; the conscious decision to point the weapon at human beings and pull the trigger. He is therefore more than 80% responsible. Adulting is hard yet very simple.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

The shooting was the responsibility of everyone in the chain of custody, him most of all because he pointed the gun and pulled the trigger of a gun he hadn’t personally cleared.
And that’s assuming it wasn’t on purpose.
It would be possible he was given an empty gun and added a bullet surreptitiously.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago


Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

Alec Baldwin in Mission Impossible: Fallout from 2018: “I think this one’s loaded, you wanna find out?”

8 months ago

More political science, in this case from Polistra’s Mill:

“Continuing from the Person Of The King.

“I’ve made this comparison hundreds of times now and it’s still valid.

“Execs of corporations get painlessly retired with a golden parachute when they’re incompetent or unsuitable for any reason. The only exception is when he’s the founder, like Elon or Henry Ford. Even in small businesses the founder gets to stay, usually with a manager doing the real work. I’ve seen this arrangement twice.

“The prime minister in a parliamentary system is a regular non-founder CEO. The board (his majority party) can replace him painlessly and quickly when he fails for whatever reason, incompetence or senility or just the wrong leader for the current situation.

“What we have here is NOT a corporation. We treat presidents and senators and Supremes like founders, or like hereditary monarchs… BUT we don’t have the compensating advantage of a hereditary monarchy.

“A real hereditary system gives us the roll of genetic dice. Genes can produce psychopaths or nice imbeciles or decent rulers or great rulers.

““Elections” as currently conducted guarantee that the WORST OF THE WORST OF THE WORST end up at the top. It’s an extremely rigorous quality control sieve, selecting the most wicked quasi-human monsters in the world for president. After he’s in, he can’t be removed for any reason. The only break we get is the 4-year limit, but the break doesn’t matter when all the available “choices” are maximally torturous genocidal psychopaths. The next pair of “choices” will be just as bad, so it’s not really a break.

“As currently conducted? See 1946. When Deepstate resurged from its richly deserved grave the day after FDR died, it created Kompromat Kamps for all top candidates. The Kamps guaranteed that only the nastiest can reach the top, only after thorough molding and blackmailing to insure total loyalty. Ike was the last unKamped leftover of the old system, the only president in the last 75 years who didn’t create any new problems or new wars.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

And they had plenty of ways throughout history to control hereditary systems.
The only relief we ever get is through Divine intervention.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

AC, do you think it is possible to create an empire without the help of an Intelligence agency and how likely is it that such an agency can consist only of your own ethnic group and still be of any use at all, given that how would your group ever know “what is going on over the horizon?”
So aren’t intelligence agencies potential subversives and traitors?

Last edited 8 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Originally, Naval Intelligence served that purpose, I think. World-wide, a nation state would get a CIA-type organization when it got a Rothschild-type central bank, eh?

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

If you think FDR killed the deepstate then anything you have to say should be ignored.

8 months ago

> Hillary Clinton coming to Boston for ‘Something Lost, Something Gained’ book tour.

Interesting. She made tens of millions off her previous books, and supposedly even “Madame President” earned out its advance.

8 months ago

> Dems privately admit Trump is no threat to democracy.

I hope he stamps that shit dead. We don’t need democracy. In particular, we don’t need “Our Democracy”.

The United States of America isn’t a democracy. It’s a republic. There is a difference.

8 months ago

> Video of Fetterman crash aftermath released by Maryland police.

This is a man who told his fellow Senators and the press that he was too disabled to dress himself. And who has a car and driver as part of his office perquisites.

So he’s not only still driving, but speeding and ramming other cars on the highway.

“Seems legit…”

8 months ago

> Biden administration designates Venezuela gang it has imported in large numbers as transnational criminal organization.

[concerned look] “But who could possibly have guessed they would still be gangbangers after being resettled to America’s magic dirt?”

8 months ago

> Whoopi Goldberg absent from ‘The View’ after testing positive for Covid again. What is she doing that she keeps getting exposed? You would think as a multi-millionaire celebrity, she is not rubbing elbows with the masses.

It’s a good way to drop out of sight for a week or two, no questions asked.

Also, the simpler Coof tests are, according to the CDC’s web site, accurate 52% of the time; basically the same as flipping a coin.

She’s likely still seeing plenty of the unwashed proletariat in restaurants, stores, and other places. Perhaps she’s exposed there. You know, like gathering for a church service meant you were going to die horribly, and the police were sent to break up church services for their own good. And then the same police were sent to protect Antifa and BLM riots, because SARS-COVID-19 absolutely was no threat to rioters.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

It blows my mind how people are still freaking out about the Big Scary Cold. The normies I work with seem to test “positive” frequently, and yet they can’t detect the pattern that they’ve been surviving this for years.

I think celebrities use the “positive for COVID” to hide for a few days. Falsie used it at least once to get out of testifying to Congress.

I think around January, my stepson missed work for a cold, and since some of his coworkers tested positive, his boss wanted him to take a test. I’ve never taken one myself, so I had no clue how or where to buy them. I was at church and got a text from my wife asking if I could pick one up. I stopped at a CVS and was able to ask the harmacist where the tests are. I successfully did not use the words “stupid”, “fake”, or “fucking” when I asked. I bought the cheapest one, told him to swab his cheek instead of his nose and it came out negative. His boss was happy and I was pissed at being put through that bullshit exercise.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
8 months ago

Brilliant suggestion to use his cheek because the assumption is people will follow the rules. Great way around following the rules!

8 months ago

> Macron informs French people no new government for a while, as ‘no one won’ his snap election.

Next he’ll get an “Enabling Act” passed to give him emergency power to deal with political upset, rampant crime, and racial problems. Then he’ll dismiss Parliament and rule directly, moving Party functionaries into positions that were previously elected or appointed. They’ll get some snazzy new uniforms, and…

Oh, sorry. That was some old German movie. “Never mind…”

8 months ago

> Fire breaks out in spire of Rouen Cathedral in northwest France.

[shrug] It’s God’s will. Churches in France just do that sort of thing spontaneously, you know? Happens all the time. Nothing to see here, move along. These aren’t the immigrants you’re looking for.

8 months ago

> The US says it’s going to put its new long-range strike missiles, including hypersonic weapons, in Germany.

According to a casual web search, a “long-range strike missile” is technically the PRsM, “Precision Strike Missile” in military parlance. They’re smaller and lighter than the previous generation of truck-transported missiles.

Actually, they look like a pretty nifty design; they’re not much larger than some old air-to-air missiles. They have comparatively tiny warheads, depending on the latest guidance technology to direct them to specific targets; “smart missiles”, if you will.

“Long range” is a relative thing; the PRsM has a range of 310 miles vs. 190 miles for the previous generation. The contract was signed in 2016, and the first deliveries began in December 2023. So, no big thing, just a scheduled upgrade rolling out.

As far as “hypersonic weapons”, the US has a development program that’s running years behind. Every test launch failed until the one just last month. So, the US doesn’t actually *have* any hypersonic missiles, and we’re probably looking at two to five years before any might go into inventory.

8 months ago

> Russian Foreign Minister says if Ukraine joins NATO “either Ukraine disappears, or NATO does.”

It’s interesting. NATO supposedly had an inflexible rule that no country could join if it was engaged in current “hostilities” with another country. That’s NATO’s official excuse when they refused to let the Russian Federation join in the 1990s;(*) they had some ongoing “border disputes” with Chechnya and Georgia. (**)

Yet Ukraine is in an actual war, and they’re going to just abandon that “rule” and sign NATO up to an ongoing conflict, since the NATO charter boils down to the same as the Three Musketeers’; “fight one of us, fight all of us.”

What was that phrase again? Yeah, “seems legit.”

(*) The Soviet Union was part of the original NATO talks. NATO was set up to make sure Germany wouldn’t be a threat again. Truman was the guy who made NATO; Truman wanted Germany to be an active part of it. The Soviets were outraged that they were planning to re-arm Germany and pulled out in protest. The current NATO official web page now says NATO was formed to counteract the USSR, but that doesn’t agree with the account from Dean Acheson, who was the guy Truman tasked with the details to making NATO happen.

(**) The Russian Federation tried to join at least twice, and was rebuffed both times.

8 months ago

> Transparent, LED panels adhered onto glass create transparent TV displays.

That’s not new. The Chinese have been using that in amusement parks for years. A typical setup is a bridge over a gorge, with a glass floor. When people walk across it, sections “break” and cracks spread across the panels.

8 months ago

> Gun rights would be ironclad if all 10 million gun owners voted Trump in November.

Not hardly. Trump danced with the NRA to get their support, but he has no fondness for guns, gun owners, or the Second Amendment in general, and did nothing for gun rights when he was in office.

He was just a better option than Hillary! or Dopey Joe, who vowed to outlaw and confiscate everything as soon as they got into office.

8 months ago

> ‘Daily Show’ reporter stunned after focus group of Black New Yorkers say they’re backing Trump.

Well, obviously “they ain’t black!” if they’re not ridin’ with Biden.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

Dey be orios!

Dom Zerchi
Dom Zerchi
8 months ago
  1. Followed your link to Massie’s tweet, scrolled down, saw dozens of comments and no scam message, then browser back button to here.
  2. Looked at your headline again, then decided to see if I could estimate how many messages I could see, so followed your link again. This time only saw a few comments followed by the “probable scam” message.
  3. Weird. Left a comment, followed Massie, then repeated step 2. Same result, but with my comment at the top.
  4. Browsed around Xitter, then searched for “Massie”. Followed search link, saw hundreds of comments and no scam warning.
  5. Opened Xitter in new window, no scam warning.
  6. followed link from here, three comments and scam warning.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Can confirm. If I go to X & find Massie’s post all the comments show up underneath. If i click on your article link then in the article click thru to Massie’s post only 3 comments display & the spam warning. The same thing occurs when I click on the 2nd link you gave to Massie’s post.

8 months ago

Picture paints 1000 words…

Demon spies a Christian

comment image

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

There’s footage of her looking extremely ‘wired.’

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Plus she’s a treasonous cunt.

8 months ago

Orban exposes Soros Plan, WEF & NGOs

I think they will try to assassinate him.×540/_jsOs_phXuTT2m7Q.mp4

Macaque Mentality
8 months ago

Meshtastic is gaining traction. For those who don’t know what it is, it’s about P2P networking/messaging over fairly long distances. They say up to 10km using some remarkably small units that look about the size of the newer disposable e-cigarette devices.

Data Slayer | It’s Been a Good Run, Phone Providers.

Data Slayer | It’s Been a Good Run, Phone Providers (Part 2)

8 months ago

Whoopi (((Goldberg))) absent from ‘The View’ after testing positive for Covid again. 

My wife’s reply: “No, she just glued her balls to her butthole again.”

8 months ago

New York Times Editorial Board – “Donald Trump Is Unfit for a Second Term. He failed the tests of leadership and betrayed America. Voters must stand up to him in November.”

In other NYT news, their columnist Pamela Paul wrote some serious pilpul about the Alice Munro and Neil Gaiman scandals a few days ago. Basically, “Artists behaving a bit immorally is old news, move along now.” Very quick admission of Munro’s guilt in one sentence, no further info or analysis on the case, also BS about her “quiet and humble” life in Canada (as if that somehow excuses her behavior, even if true), but mostly moral relativism and general statements about artists and their moral issues, pointing very much away from child abuse, towards politically incorrect statements. Some of that I think was even factually plain wrong.

8 months ago

Underground city built by Christians.

So, beamproof?

8 months ago

The 25thA was unnecessary and made things worse

Nonfeasance (failure to perform mandatory duties of office) and misfeasance (performing duties inappropriately without actual malice) through disability are High Misdemeanors which are impeachable offenses.
The fact that Edith Wilson got away with hiding Presidential incapacity either shows she hid it well enough that Congress didn’t know or couldn’t prove it, or that Congress was complicit.

The 25thA took what should have been an impeachment process where Congress would have power to require evidence and testimony etc. for hearings and a trial at its sole discretion and changed it to a process that could only be initiated by the President’s closest allies in the VP slot and the Cabinet, the very people who would be part of concealing the incapacity of the President.
The VP is the only one who might benefit from invoking the 25thA and there are many reasons to not do so, the cabinet members have nothing to gain and much to lose.

The 25thA does the exact opposite of what it was sold as doing, it fortifies Jill/Hunter in the Oval office.

8 months ago

I just read a short article and watched a short video on a Clark County Nevada county commissioner. His name is Tick Segerblom (fake?) Anyway he is approached by angry constituents over election fraud and drag queens interacting with children which this asshole pushed. Someone asked him if he was a minor attracted person and he seems to reply yes. What I noticed in the video was this pedo piece of shit has his cell phone in his shirt pocket with the camera facing the people talking to him. I assume recording it all. Thanks to you AC, your site and the commenters here I have learned a great deal. I would have never noticed that without you, this site and the commenters. To all of you keep up the good work.

Dom Zerchi
Dom Zerchi
8 months ago

One imagines energy sources converging from two or even three directions, multiple “beams” that only produce an effect when they intersect.
Ever since I’ve begun reading your descriptions of these highly localized and focused phenomena, my imagination is drawn to a 1970s stalker movie I saw as a child, where the police call the victim and warn (absurdly) “the calls are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE”, right before the climactic attack. Could there be a mechanism very near or in the house that makes some of the specific typed of phenomena you are experiencing possible?
There has been news in recent years about research using energy sources within a building, Wi-Fi routers for example, to enable through-the-walls imaging. We know TVs can “listen” to us. Maybe appliances, mundane things such as refrigerators and dishwashers, have hidden disguised devices built in that aid in surveillance. Maybe it would be interesting to systematically turn them off one or two at a time to see if it makes a difference.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago