News Briefs – 07/12/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Nations Are Repatriating Their Gold Reserves

DFT – Lavrov – Russian Trade With Gulf Nations Surging

DFT – EVs Pile Up On Dealer Lots As Manufacturing Accelerates

DFT – Yellen Says A Recession Is Not “Off The Table”

DFT – China’s Regulatory Crackdown On Tech Companies Cost Billions

Here we are again, I was in a rush, hit publish, went on to do the abbreviated site, page says it was published, but for some reason it cut off the date I had put, and under status still says draft.

I am working through this with tech, but they have no idea what is going on.

Matt Gaetz leads charge to let FISA expire, end illegal surveillance of US citizens.

Ukraine Intelligence coordinated with FBI to censor Americans on social media.

42% of Americans believe the CIA played some role in President John F Kennedy’s assassination, according to Rasmussen Poll.

New plan from the Heritage Foundation released to scrap the FBI and ‘start from scratch.’

U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty, acting on a censorship lawsuit filed against the Biden administration by two states and a group of plaintiffs, said the case “arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

Grand jury that could soon decide on Trump charges is seated in Georgia.

The White House refused to comment Tuesday on the potential legal exposure for President Biden, first son Hunter and first brother James Biden after a US citizen was criminally charged for working as an unregistered agent of the same Chinese firm that paid the Biden family.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, is pushing for the FBI to build new headquarters in Huntsville, Alabama, instead of Washington, D.C., to take politics out of how the agency functions, the The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

Ron DeSantis catches heat after he ‘declined’ to speak at Turning Point Action.

MyPillow loses $100 million after major retailers pull products over Mike Lindell’s election claims. They have found MyPillow auctioning off “excess” equipment as he now downsizes due to reduced demand.

Ilhan Omar says Muslims should embrace ‘solidarity’ with LGBT movement. Her whole base of support is Muslim. Hardcore, African Muslims. Why would she do this? And yet, she will get elected again next time. Because she is an asset, the elections are rigged, what she says is solely to push the narrative, and those were the lines the election riggers gave her to say, if she wanted to get elected again. Not a capitalist economy. Not a democratic Republic. Public education, is not about education. The entertainment industry is not about entertainment. The news industry is not about the news. Anti-child-trafficking organizations are not actually anti-child trafficking. Fact checking is not about fact checking. The internet is not about facilitating the flow of information. The fucking kid sitting at the desk next to your kid is not actually just another student. Literally everything, every fucking thing, is this intel op, pushing propaganda, indoctrination, and so many lies that nothing is what it seems. It is hard to believe we have woken up in a world which makes Brave New World or 1984 look like America at the Founding, but here we are.

Feeble Joe Biden skipped Tuesday night’s NATO dinner and headed straight to his hotel room in Lithuania.

In a reversal from the DOJ’s position that Trump was protected by the Westfall Act because he was president when he made the statements about E. Jean Carroll, the Justice Department reversed course on Tuesday and said Trump can be held personally liable in E. Jean Carroll’s defamation lawsuit.

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor’s staff has often prodded public institutions that have hosted the justice to buy her memoir or children’s books, works that have earned her at least $3.7 million since she joined the court in 2009. 

The California Assembly Committee on Public Safety has squashed a bill that would have increased the charges for human trafficking, despite it passing through the state’s Senate with bipartisan support.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody on Monday called on Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking to respond to the ‘stunning’ number of Florida human trafficking cases found to be being facilitated on Meta platforms.

Big Mike is happy to see someone:

Chicago suburb starts making $25K reparations payouts in ‘test run for the whole country.’

OceanGate Expeditions, the company behind the Titan submersible disaster, was forgiven of its $450,000 Paycheck Protection Program loan, according to the ProPublica PPP Loan Database.

Heart pacemaker manufacturer warns users to keep distance from EV charging stations.

A young person has told BBC News they felt threatened by the BBC presenter at the centre of a row over payment for sexually explicit photos. Another BBC winner. They haven’t named the guy, but he has an open case because he was paying children for pictures of a sexual nature, and getting them hooked on drugs, according to some reports, to keep the pictures coming. Everyone they elevated over us was a degenerate, because they demanded control before they elevated them, and degeneracy was how they got that control. This article claims it is a guy named Graham Norton, but I have no idea if that source is legit. Update : Now another source says Hu Edwards.

Tbilisi Pride canceled as thousands protest LGBTQ propaganda. This pride bullshit is one of the camel’s noses under the tent. It is a psyop to condition the populace to accept things that innately disgust them, because the state told them to. If you can reject it, make it happen, because what will come after it will be the utter destruction of everything good in your country.

Spanish climate minister flies on private jet to eco-conference, gets out of limo a hundred yards before venue to ride bike for the cameras.

Marjorie Taylor Greene unveils amendments to pull U.S. from NATO, and end Ukraine funding.

Trump says Biden ‘dragging’ US ‘into World War III’ by sending Ukraine cluster bombs.

Germany finalizes $770 mln military aid package for Ukraine: Defense ministry.

Zelensky fumes as NATO denies membership offer and mulls possible non-member deal for Ukraine.

Scott Ritter does a high production value examination of the scripted rise of “Agent Zelensky, Episode 1”:

For those pressed for time, it details Zelensky’s scripted rise, with them giving him a TV show featuring him as President, which went on during the election, timed to boost his election perfectly, and his corruption, embezzlement, wealth, and vast real estate holdings. Very interesting, especially when you add in that there can be no doubt Ukrainian elections are rigged, just like our’s. So his presentation was not designed to get 74 percent of the people to vote for him in the election. The 74 percent figure was almost certainly written and put in the script long before the election. His TV show was a cover, a script device, to make his fake election result plausible to those watching the movie. You cannot argue, Cabal asset/money-manager allows you to steal a lot of money.

Also interesting, remember the first Western President of Ukraine, Yushchenko? Ritter points out it looks like CIA sent in an American tomato to travel in all the right Nazi circles, which she then used to leapfrog to get a spot on a plane where she could meet Yushchenko and end up hitched up with him as his wife. From that point, with a wife infiltrator in place, Cabal put his career in high gear. Literally, they got him with a wife. I told you this shit, which we would never contemplate, is an everyday procedure for them.

In another piece of info, Zelensky was summoned to a secret meeting at the headquarters of MI-6. Ritter says as former intelligence, he knows there are protocols when a foreign leader visits a nation. He always meets with his counterpart or someone of higher rank, and never the head of intelligence. Ritter says the only way this would happen would be if Zelensky was an agent of MI-6 and the head of MI-6 was his handler. He notes, during the war, the security around Zelensky on video, was British. Ritter says, intelligence will never take on an asset unless they have ironclad blackmail, and in the video, they say Zelensky’s wife and kids are even being held hostage in Great Britain most of the time, just to make sure he stays on script.

An archaeologist claimed in an interview published in late June that he has identified the ancient Biblical site where Sodom once stood and the site is reportedly scattered with Bronze-age remains that appear to have been melted in a “flash heat” situation, matching the Biblical account of how Sodom burned to the ground.

Modelo Especial tops Bud Light as most-sold US beer for second consecutive month.

Photos shared on social media show that Bud Light has allegedly received Costco’s so-called “star of death”—a small asterisk at the top right-hand corner of items’ price tags which the retailer uses to signal a product will no longer be restocked once it is sold out.

Biden confronts a ‘pissed-off generation’ of young voters who may be decisive in 2024.

Ron DeSantis says he wouldn’t be Trump’s running mate: ‘I’m not a No. 2 guy.’ Not a number one guy either, apparently. I have told you they are weird, and seem to not care about consequences. He would have been President in 2028, no problem, because we had every reason to think he was actually conservative, and no evidence of him being Cabal. But Cabal is using every asset. It told him to dive off the high board into a swimming pool with no water, and he dove head first. Now he will be lucky to keep his governor position. It is to me, eerily similar to Cabal telling a walker to walk down a street with a mass shooter blowing things up, and them doing it and getting mag dumped by a 9mm, full auto in the back.

President Trump crushing Ron DeSantis in latest Florida poll – Trump leads in Miami-Dade 70% to 11% for DeSantis.

Spread r/K Theory, because not much is real these days

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1 year ago

Okay, now I can see this post now.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

“Nations Are Repatriating Their Gold Reserves”

This will either be faked by these nations, claiming they got their gold back, when in reality they did not. Others could be getting tungsten coated with gold, possibly also watered down with silver. Some may get actual pure gold bars, but these will be few. Besides, does anyone truly believe there is real gold at Ft. Knox and in NY?

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Of *course* there’s real gold in Fort Knox! Only a conspiracy theorist would imply there was a problem there.

The fact that since after WWII the Department of the Treasury has absolutely resisted all calls to independently audit the gold stockpile is simply common sense. If it was inspected, Something Bad might happen. And we couldn’t have *that*, could we?

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Them gold bars evaporate 100gm per year ya knows?
So you leave a kilo – by end of 10 years, ya gotz what brah?
We has an imprint on the floor of where your 15 tonne was stored. Here is a photo. That be evidence we didnt touch a fckn thing. Sorry I have a problem speaking wiv all these gold teef i has.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Israeli dentists have that much gold?

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Fwiw, JP Morgan has moved to become an official Custodian of Phys Gold. London is one as well, supposedly the largest.

With any move toward a global reserve “backed” by phys gold or phys gold being a global reserve asset, obtaining phys gold becomes primary Nat Sec issue.

We’ll just have Wars over phys gold.

This is pure intuition, but I suspect phys gold is the most technologically valuable material. And that using it for currency and as an asset is 100% counter-productive.

It’s not logically necessary to do so. Yet it has almost always been done. The main benefit I see is in durability and non-counterfeitability. Crucial things for a currency. But the blockchain has solved those issues.

And yeah, only those in charge in London know where the gold actually is.

And if there are wunderwaffe or wonder tech, then they are gold based technoligically, I suspect.

1 year ago

The RKPolitics link doesn’t work. For some reason DNS won’t resolve, but plain without the www does.

1 year ago

Rep. Jim Jordan is out of his mind. The EffBeeEye shouldn’t be rewarded with new facilities anywhere until it’s been completely disinfected.

Reply to  WDS
1 year ago

Jordan is OWNED! Lock stock and especially – his “smoking barrel”.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Is there a single “elected” official anywhere in the Empire that is NOT owned?

You must learn to buy and own your own politicians. They are all for sale. Everybody has got a price.

Reply to  Anonymous Joe
1 year ago

They are not for sale to anyone not in the big club.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The “big club” is not as tightly closed as you make it out to be. Bribing gov’t officials is as easy as feeding peanuts to an elephant or corn to a pig. If You Have the Money.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  WDS
1 year ago

The EffBeeEye cannot be disinfected. Like a rabid dog, it must be put down.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Phelps still believes.
I dont know how he convinces himself, though I am in the same line of work – precedent is now meaningless as definitions have become meaningless.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

I don’t think he’s so much as stating what WILL happen so much as he is what SHOULD happen if things were working as intended.

The contrast is useful to see the depth and specific machinations of the rot for us non-lawyers.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

I see it more like a plane with an engine out. We are not in a good place at all, but the plane is still in the air and maybe the engine can be restarted.
Most of the time you have to land the plane and restart it. It might be time to land the USA. 250 years is a pretty good flight time.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

The whole deconstruction of language that went through the universities in the 60’s-80s and then infected everything else was meant to do just that. The meaning is whatever the authority says it is since there is no objective truth or meaning. It is all contextual and the authority decides the context. That is why they stopped looking at the Constitution as a contract, whose meaning is determined by the understanding of the original authors and can only be changed by amendment, to the current living document argument that allows meaning to change with the whims of the times. Con men gotta con…

1 year ago

Ukraine Intelligence coordinated with FBI to censor Americans on social media.

The punchline is that it is now being reported that the SBU unit in question had been infiltrated by Russian assets, so they were actually trying to censor Americans for the Russians.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

>> Another BBC winner. They haven’t named the guy…
Vox Day posts the guy’s name

1 year ago

I just wanted to throw these two sites out there and see if anyone else had seen these. I think I saw these on Gab. Looks like this person is calling into question the believability of Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard, and bringing up some Mormon/Mason connections.

Reply to  Chuck
1 year ago

I just typed in Gab on Brave for the first time – Neon Revolt came up first and a host of bullshitters thereafter.
It seems to be little different from Shitter.
Would that conclusion be right after a 30 second look and scroll?

Reply to  Chuck
1 year ago

I saw one of them, are they both the same author? They were posted in Gab when I saw it. Those are two different articles but they are both on both of those blogs. They were posting on GAB that she had family in the CIA and were recruited by Mormons. Said there was a mess down there in SC. They also said to pray for Jim Caviezel because they don’t think Caviezel is doing this of his free will. Trying to follow. Interesting if true.

1 year ago

Don’t have time these days to comment much, but a quick comment on DeSantis.

DeSantis apparently has a large family and not much money. The Murdochs gave him a $10 million “book deal” (bribe) to do what he is doing.

For DeSantis, this makes sense. He runs against Trump, just has to make it to the first primary, loses, and is set for life. There may not even be an election anyway, and I think he realizes that it will be rigged for the Cabal candidate if there is one.

You can argue that this ruins his chance of becoming President in 2028, but that election will be rigged for the Cabal candidate too. Really the only chance at the White House DeSantis has is that if he IS the Cabal candidate. Instead, take the $10 million and retire into public life when his term as governor ends. It actually screws things up for him if they succeed in removing Trump from the primary ballot, because then people will expect him to win the nomination. I don’t think he wants to be in this past the first primary.

I wouldn’t have agreed. For that matter, I wouldn’t become an American politician with no personal wealth and a large family. That is just asking for Cabal pressure. But in DeSantis’ situation, there is logic to his campaign.

What I don’t get is what the Murdochs, Koches, etc. are doing. Which is running a ton of candidates against Trump and repeatedly indicting him. Each time Trump is indicted, he gets more popular. Lawfare has over the decades been waged against so many normie Americans this point that getting indicted over bs makes someone more popular. And if you are going to rig things that much, wait until you force Trump off the ballot and then insert your own candidate. I can’t understand why they are even having the election. The strategy makes no sense.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Gee, another simpleton. Have you read anything on this site other than what you post yarself?
Ya donts get nout without strings attached bro.
If ya call having the globalists decide any moment in your life “set for life”, then I encourage you to run for office or take the ticket in some other way that makes you feel good about yourself.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Why have elections when there is no need?

All governments with large populations need legitimacy. None can survive without it. The Soviet Union held elections. North Korea holds elections:
One candidate, one party, one choice, and… voting was mandatory else fines and/or jail time.

The monarchs and emperors all claimed their legitimacy from god or the gods. “God chose me,” they all say. This is also evidence that Roman Imperials may have authored Romans 13 in the Christian Bible.

The Anglo-American Empire uses both elections and the claim of “chosen by God”.


1 year ago

De Santis is really Number 2, according to so many polls.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Who does Number Two work for?”

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Was thinking the same thing.

1 year ago

Tom Renz is a lawyer who is involved in a number of lawsuits over the COVID “vaccines”. In this interview, he discusses the injections, what is in them, that there is research being done on how to counter-act them, and the issue that batches with differing doses were released:

I don’t have a background in biology, so I was hoping that readers who do could look at this and see if Renz is making sense.

He discusses that companies like Pfizer were contracted by the Department of Defense to produce the “vaccines”, but the administration of the injections was a DoD program. The Department of Defense is a huge organization. Renz mentioned the name of the program within the Department of Defense that ran the “vaccine” program, and I looked it up and found something on the DoD website. It has a name that runs something like “Joint Office to Administer Sketchy Vaccines” (I’m paraphrasing, but it definitely begins with “Joint”). “Joint” in DoD parlance means “multiservice”, which in turn means that it is being run by the Secretary of Defense and maybe the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff directly, without necessarily oversight by the services and their commands. The only normal service command involved was the Army Contracting Command, which was probably called in to help with drafting the language of the contracts. Its a place where a cabal would hide a program it was running through the DoD, but wanted to minimize the number of uniformed personnel involved.

1 year ago

Inbar and I have experienced a massive, diverse array of tech issues like that publishing problem. Especially our phones. We call it “computer weirdness” and “phone goblins”, and I’ve bandied about so many hypotheses about what they are. Could be psychotic nerds at a desk hitting a button. (She has over 10 cousins who were in 8200, lol…she has no idea what that signifies, she is utterly blessedly oblivious.) Could be an anthropicidal AI trying to thwart us. Could be a timelord cabal. But one thing to dwell on: Whoever/whatever it is, apparently it is extremely limited in what tricks to use. I mean, once I stopped getting angry, once I started laughing at the goblins, I realized how pathetic the attempts to disrupt us were. All it required was learning more patience, like, 5 seconds’ worth, and the attempts totally failed. In fact, they started cheering me up and only confirming for me that my perspective on the world must be accurate. So, if these goblins can only try to disrupt us with these nuisances…what does that mean? There must be some huge complex decision tree which gives whoever/whatever instant feedback on which maneuvers will work versus which maneuvers will backfire. That means that when these fucking people/things explored the options for Disrupting AC or Disrupting Me, the only option they had that wouldn’t backfire on them was…annoying us, slightly, briefly. THAT’S IT, lol. If they tried anything else, I suspect they would have had their asses handed to them by Saint Barbra and her blessed Streisand Effect. And their margin for error now must be EXTREMELY THIN. So, anytime the goblins try to fuck with you like that: REJOICE, the implications are wonderful. p.s. That MI6 shit with Zelensky opened my eyes again to the possibility that the British Royals are somehow at the top of the Evil Cabal food chain. Hmmm. Then again, even the BRF could just be middle management. Who knows.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Steve Cohan believes they are on top of he Evil Cabal food chain, since Charles is the Antichrist and everyone who is anyone in the Cabal kowtows to him after they kowtow to Satan. See his site for more into. See for more info. I can’t find a hole in his arguments…

Reply to  I am not crazy, but you may be
1 year ago


English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No, the (((bankers))) are at the top of the food chain. There is a photo taken several years ago where one of the French Rothschilds has his finger pointing at prince Charles’ chest and Chaz is looking decidedly unhappy. I imagine the Roth is saying to Chaz, we’ve still got the photos of you and Jimmy Savile with those kids.

The British royals are nowhere near the top of the chain. Nice try covering up for ZOG though.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

I think so. But Usurers rather than Bankers. I think there’s a reason they prefer being called Bankers.

1 year ago

Ritter points out it looks like CIA sent in an American tomato to travel in all the right Nazi circles…
Ace Tomato Company to be exact.

1 year ago

Re: CIA involvement in the Kennedy assassination.

If you have not, please read Final Judgement, a book which can be found online:

The book is NOT inconsistent with many other assassination books, but it goes further in explaining how the various players fit together, and adds one always left out – – Mossad. Israel’s motive was extremely powerful, as were Israel’s and Mossad’s connections.

By the by, the author makes the point that the Mafia alone would have been incapable of controlling the narrative the way it was controlled for decades, including the Warren Report. Entities with definitive influence over media and governments were necessarily involved.

Also interesting, and essential to the theme of the book, is another part of suppressed history. The Mafia has been presented as an Italian thing. In fact, the Mafia has also always been significantly Jewish, and the history of the Jewish Mafia is required to understand American history for more than a century.

The book thoroughly describes the connection between the Italian mafia, the Jewish mafia, the CIA, Mossad, and Israel. The book does not purport to give specifics on who said what to whom, and who started things leading to Dallas. What it persuaded me of, is that each entity played a decisive role, and each had powerful motives to do so.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Final Judgement. I second this. I’ve read a lot of these books and this is the best. I think this is the book that got him killed.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Look no further than that JFK passed a bill to take money printing away from the Fed.
Riddle me this – what was LBJ’s first legal change he signed while on the plane back from Dallas?
Anything below that level is pasta without the sauce.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Yeah, the power to create currency out of thin air then charge interest on it has been their secret weapon for a very long time.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Any threat to their golden goose would get them reacting with extreme violence as JFK, the Germans etc found out.

1 year ago

I found this today, a different take on the hype about Sound of Freedom; maybe a poison pill inside the message? A video worth 3 minutes, imho.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Seeing a lot of posts like this all over the net.

Is it concern fagging?

“Hello fellow anons”

TPTB sure don’t want anyone to watch this movie.

There’s one uptread suggesting Ballard and Cazaviel have Masonic affliations 🙄

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

Careful of the “too much protest” concept too. Not saying anything definitive, but when cabal dumps a million tons of “censorship” on something you can still easily get your hands on it could very well be an op to convince dissenters (read: us) to go consume whatever it is that’s being attacked.

Trojan horse in something negative by kayfabe attacking the topic.

Reply to  🌲🌲
1 year ago

sadly, the film *will* make more consider/accept chipping their own kids “for safety”, though any exposure of these heinous crimes is better than none

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

The hype for Mikey Obama has to be mass mind control. She’s the dumpiest, and one of most insufferable women in the public eye.

Biden has nothing to fear from young voters. I’m only 33. I’ll never vote for Democrats, but, in my direct experience, a lot of young people see how the GOP never fights, so why vote for surrender monkeys? They didn’t conserve anything- not even childhood innocence. They let the schools become the indoctrination mindrot camps that these kids had to suffer through. They fought their own duly elected President Trump tooth and nail. They fold like Chinese manufactured tents if they get called a mean name.

They see the inevitable New World Order coming, so rather than resist, might as well fight for a high ranking position in that. Better a guard in the gulags than an inmate.

And, honestly, as alt-right as I am, I’m out of arguments to convince them otherwise. What can I offer them to change their minds? Platitudes? Muh principles? Muh (mythical) free markets?

The only consistent message from the GOP and Conservative, Inc. is “we will never *ever* have your back”

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Their kind are always first against the wall.

Nobody likes a useful idiot.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

And here we go again with compromise.
What fcks me off is these unprincipled turds yapping like “its all someone else’s fault” but not my own – so I should join the ones I hate!
Just think about that logic for a moment and why anyone that thinks like that is risible beyond contempt.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Your enemies would NOT be able to exist without the compromisers on your side. Thus, the compromisers are The Enemies Within who are always the most dangerous and destructive. Compromise is treason.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

The entire system called democracy, which I call conocracy, is rotten and corrupt to its very essence. There is no voting our way out of the West’s current situation. It is going to take ocean’s of blood. God Damn the treasonous cunts who have brought us to this.

1 year ago

This probably isn’t all that important. But my brother mentioned it to me, and since it sounds somewhat related I thought I would share. He engages in a fair amount of serial flings. Dates a girl for a few weeks or a month before getting bored and moves on . Would prefer one night stands when he can get them.

The interesting part is he says whenever he goes to move on from one to another, he has to absolutely scour his residence for items because every single girl always leaves shit there. A ring, a coat, an ear-ring, a sock, something. He says he thinks they do that as a way to signal he goes through a number of girls. That is, an item is always left so the next girl can find it and get mad or whatever the reaction is supposed to be.

Not sure if there is a girl forum out there somewhere where they scheme on how to mess up the game of cads. Or if its a cabal trick. Even if its not the later, its definitely a tricky little technique of the sort they would pull.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Leaving behind something is a reason for them to call you and have to meet up with you again.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ann K.
1 year ago

Yep. Women have their strategies and men have their own.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

So, your telling us he has a shoe from Cinderella?
FFS. What a load of bollocks.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

called “Bird droppings”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I had the same lifestyle back in my younger days and many of them do this crap. They also loved wearing my shirts home. I was going through shirts so fast I had to make them stop.

“Wear the shirt you had last night? What’s wrong with it?”

They rarely brought them back either.

Last edited 1 year ago by Corn Pop
1 year ago

Agent Zelenski has been age restricted by Youtube.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

That is so a viewer would have to have a youtube account and log in. Santa isn’t the only one that makes lists. 🙂

1 year ago

Ilhan Omar says Muslims should embrace ‘solidarity’ with LGBT movement. “Her whole base of support is Muslim. Hardcore, African Muslims. Why would she do this? And yet, she will get elected again next time. Because she is an asset, the elections are rigged, what she says is solely to push the narrative, and those were the lines the election riggers gave her to say, if she wanted to get elected again…The fucking kid sitting at the desk next to your kid is not actually just another student…”
So true; why would Ilhan, a supposed Muslim, ignore her constituents’ beliefs? Wouldn’t that cost her the “election”? Nope; she’ll “win” again.
Wanted to remark about the “kid at the desk”…I remember “students” at my high school with full beards as sophomores. I was in the GATE thing freshman year, but dropped it the next. The freshman teacher for the program was good, but the one for 10th grade turned out to be a pedo; shocking!
Looking at a recent yearbook, some of the “students” photos jumped out at me, and then I recalled Johnny Depp’s first series, 21 Jump Street, about undercover cops at a high school. Doh! They were admitting this is happening. Now those bearded “students” make sense.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

GATE is a military program.

You’ll be deployed soon and it all will makes sense.

God Bless

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Just to piggyback on this I also noticed several full fledged adults in many of my classes in high school. They would sit in the back and take notes and sometimes help the teacher like a TA would. Once I asked one of my teachers about it and they told me these were immigrants who were doing some program to get a diploma because they never got an education in their country. It’s plausible I guess. But if you told me some of them were assets or undercover cops or something I would say it’s just as likely.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I suppose my question is: why is there always a devout Jewish kid? It’s one family. Then the kids graduate, move, go on with their lives, and the next Jewish kid moves in. It’s not like they don’t have their own really nice schools. They have those, too. Why aren’t there two families at the same time?

But, there’s never “Just one Mennonite kid.” Or “Just one Mormon kid.” Or “Just one black Catholic kid.” It is always, always, one fish out of water.

That fish out of water is always in extracurriculars. They aren’t just showing up, then going home and going “Whew, rough day. I’ll play some video games. I hope this ends soon.”

I notice, because there is Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and YoungLife. They have been caring for kids for almost a century? A long time. Bible study, Chik fil A before games, prayer groups. The coaches have come up in that system. The coaches pray before games. It’s mostly “Let us do our best for your glory. May there be no serious injuries.” And these quite anodyne praying coaches get sued on a regular basis by that one kid’s family.

It’s like the sports announcers. The ones that come up from the media are non-athletic, and usually Jewish, while the black announcers are usually very Christian. The white Christian kids, when they say a verse during a local media event- it gets cut out for national media. The national announcements keep the black Christian church references in.

For the record, the Jewish kid at my school definitely went off to the IDF, and expected to be cheered on, while the white kids who considered the American military were thought of as very declasse.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

My school had tons of Jewish kids, not just one. Just another data point for your matrix.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

years ago, a Christian friend was asst. coaching freshman football. before a game three players came to him and asked to pray as they entered the field; one Jewish, one Christian, one Muslim, which he allowed of course.
when the head coach, an atheist Jew, found out, my pal was fired.
the head coach in question is considered one of the best in the region for decades…hmm…
friend still coaches, but asst varsity for a good program, so it worked out for him.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I wouldn’t have noticed. Except: two Christian athletes got interviewed for the local newscast. They mentioned a bible verse, right in the middle of their exchange with each other. They mentioned FCA, which is pretty SOP. The local channel broadcast the verse. When the clip was picked up and broadcast by ESPN the verse, right in the middle of their sentences, was clipped out. It was a seamless clipout, too. I only noticed because it was a big game, so I’d seen the game, the after interviews, and then the big interviews all on the same day. I pointed it out to spouse, and we looked it up on the local news, and then ESPN. Completely edited out a nice Christian boy talking to his very Christian best friend, in the local language of faith.

There are tons of atheists, some- others?- others- and the only ones who ever sue are the Jewish kids. It’s only ever one Jewish kid. Then that kid grows up and writes a memoir about being bullied while growing up. It’s been happening for, like, at least two generations. Wouldn’t the parents, like, try to not traumatize their child with random bullying? It’s not like it’s great cultural metropolises with fantastic economies.

My neighborhood had one Catholic black family. The mother sent her kids to private Catholic school, and only had playdates at her own house. This was a happy enough childhood that other black families felt safe moving into the neighborhood to raise their children. At some point, they had enough to block off the street for a street party. They felt safe. That makes more sense than your kid getting bullied every day.

1 year ago

Steam forcing updates to Win 10/11 to play games – do you actually “own” games bought through Steam?

1 year ago

> Zelensky fumes as NATO denies membership offer and mulls possible non-member deal for Ukraine.

I bet Putin’s offer to let Ukraine join with Russia and Belarus in the Union State is still good.

1 year ago

> OceanGate Expeditions, the company behind the Titan submersible disaster, was forgiven of its $450,000 Paycheck Protection Program loan, according to the ProPublica PPP Loan Database.

That’s *our* money that the Fed is “forgiving.” $953 billion; given the inflation since it went into effect in 2020, over a trillion Bidenbucks.

1 year ago

> MyPillow loses $100 million after major retailers pull products over Mike Lindell’s election claims.

Lindell lost his distribution network, which turned out to be strongly Leftist. But what really hosed him was his string of, “I have a great secret I will reveal in upcoming weeks” jerk-arounds, all of which turned out to be hot air.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Yeah, his entire behavior became a bit sleazy and slick.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

He made the mistake of angering both sides.
I won’t be crying for him.

We should all promise to buy his products in two more weeks.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

🌲 🌲

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I already prefer to sleep under a gravity blanket. I guess that would just be a really expensive gravity blanket.

1 year ago

Have you watched this?

What is interesting is the moment he got saved. The beauty of the world just opens up to him. I wonder if you had the same experience in the past.

But if you didn’t it wouldn’t hurt to ask God for the Holy Spirit:
Luke 11:13
“So if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”

When Jesus was baptized in water he was probably praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit before it came upon him

Luke 3:21
21When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as He was praying, heaven was opened, 22and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in a bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”…

Paranoid lunatic
Paranoid lunatic
1 year ago

“…Zelensky’s wife and kids are even being held hostage in Great Britain most of the time, just to make sure he stays on script.”
Reminded me of this image from last year.

1 year ago

Stress and infectious disease in humans
S Cohen 1, G M Williamson
Affiliations expand
PMID: 2006229 DOI: 10.1037/0033-2909.109.1.5
This article reviews research on the role of stress in infectious disease as measured either by illness behaviors (symptoms and use of health services) or by verified pathology. Substantial evidence was found for an association between stress and increased illness behavior, and less convincing but provocative evidence was found for a similar association between stress and infectious pathology. Introverts, isolates, and persons lacking social skills may also be at increased risk for both illness behaviors and pathology. Psychobiological models of how stress could influence the onset and progression of infectious disease and a psychological model of how stress could influence illness behaviors are proposed.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
1 year ago

Not a capitalist economy. Not a democratic Republic. Public education, is not about education. The entertainment industry is not about entertainment. The news industry is not about the news. Anti-child-trafficking organizations are not actually anti-child trafficking. Fact checking is not about fact checking. The internet is not about facilitating the flow of information. The fucking kid sitting at the desk next to your kid is not actually just another student. Literally everything, every fucking thing, is this intel op, pushing propaganda, indoctrination, and so many lies that nothing is what it seems” – AC

Nukes are real
Space is real
CO2 and Nitrogen are pollutants
There are multiple genders
God doesn’t exist (but Satan does)
The BBC ISN’T infested with Pedophiles

Surely critical thinking allows for the possibilities?