News Briefs – 07/12/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Trump tells CPAC Dallas that he received a letter from Philly US Attorney claiming Bill Barr prevented investigation of election fraud. Your inclination is Barr should die. But you have to consider the story by Byrne, where he, Flynn, Powell, and her fellow lawyer infiltrated the White House and ambushed Trump with a surefire way to launch full audits of four states under Presidential authority. All Trump had to do was sign one paper, and Powell would have set it all in motion and in two weeks the fraud would have been revealed. Trump danced around it as if bullets were bouncing around his feet, and then he called in some White House lawyers who danced, and then he took everybody upstairs to have some of his grandmother’s meatballs while he danced some more, as I recall. Finally he agreed to sign the paper. And when he got rid of them, he never signed the paper and avoided all future contact, in essence making sure we were set on the current path. This is a plan Trump wanted. It could be a Cabal plan, but Trump feels too good to me, and he has done too much damage to Cabal for that to fit. To that end however it is impossible to know if Barr was a predictable traitor, or if he was a patriot making sure no local AG screwed up this massive plan.

The Democrats in Pennsylvania panic as State Senator Doug Mastriano announces his committee has the votes to audit several counties.

Joseph Flynn Tweets, “Arizona audit will soon explode on to the scene… then PA then GA then WI then MI… what they did in Maricopa they did everywhere.. they are trying their best to suppress they will fail….it’s gonna be glorious… The Big Lie turns quickly into the Big Truth!” Odd he chose that order, when I would have thought Georgia would have been ahead of Pennsylvania. As if he knows something.

New book details how high ranking RNC official was working to stab Trump in the back from within the Party, sabotaging efforts to secure election integrity.

Democrat Jim Clyburn says the Democrats will lose the House unless Biden pushes the Senate to quash the filibuster, so they can pass their big election fraud bill.

Texas now investigating 386 more cases of voter fraud, Attorney General tells CPAC.

Texas Republicans advance voting bills after all-night hearing in Special Session.

RedState points out the Capitol Police, which are trying to open offices across the country, are a Police Force under the direct control of Nancy Pelosi through Congress. According to here, they are immune to FOIAs. And they can kill people, and just blackout the entire investigation and never tell anyone anything, because they answer to Congress, and not the Executive Branch. I wonder if they could be a parent agency associated with the domestic surveillance machine. Nobody under local coverage would think to file FOIAs with them in DC, they could just ignore the FOIAs because they can kill people and not have to answer to anyone due to the Congress linkage. And maybe they could claim they have a domestic network in every state because they have a Congressman in every state, and it is part of their intelligence wing. Liaise it with, or use jurisdiction to take over, local units in State PD and local PD, and then force them to do heavy lifting and take the risks. They could probably get jurisdiction over local PD and maybe even FBI as well, due to the Congressional linkage. Interesting to file away.

U.S. Capitol Police will begin fielding military surveillance equipment as part of sweeping security upgrades as the force becomes “an intelligence-based protective agency” after the Jan. 6 attack.

FBI encourages Americans to snitch on their own family and friends. Allows for recruitment of new people in the domestic network, and leaves everyone who partakes, unable to be judgmental of others when the truth comes out.

Perkins Coie had Seth Rich’s laptop.

Two lawsuits pitting Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler against a former intelligence czar threaten to expose highly sensitive US government secrets, prompting Washington to consider a rare judicial intervention, documents show. Not a lot on what this is about, so no revelations yet.

World Economic Forum is warning the public that a terrible global cyber attack like a computer equivalent of COVID, could force them to usher in the Great Reset instantly. Sounds more like a prediction than a warning.

US logistical convoys hit in three locations across Iraq. Cabal is back in action.

At CPAC, the power shut off for ten minutes during Glenn Beck’s speech. Glenn has been fairly open about what he has been under.

Study shows children have a 99.995% Covid recovery rate with two deaths per million kids.

Fauci says he supports local vaccine mandates.

Sydney imposes draconian lockdown, with only one person per household allowed out per day.

Mitt Romney sells $23.5M home after years fighting with neighbors to try and stop people from being near his house on the public beach.

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Republicans should “be careful” about their claims on the January 6 Capitol riot. The phrase, “Be careful” is what the two dudes who may or may not have been Law Enforcement, parked in a tinted sedan outside John Lang’s house told his friend, as the friend was cutting a video about how Lang got murdered by the gangstalking network. I got an anonymous email out of the blue years back from a Philippines IP, after the ground network began their shock and awe campaign, but before I was writing about surveillance here, telling me just “Be Careful.” I assume the phrase is some sort of meme among them, but getting threatened just pissed me off, and drove me to be uncareful. I still feel a twinge of reflexive pissed off-edness whenever I see the phrase, and picture them thinking I would roll over. I’ve always had a policy of not rewarding bullies by giving them what they want – which is the easy win through your capitulation. If they want it, they’ve got to do the work and fight all out – and endure the chance they may lose anyway.

Black girl who got a Robert E Lee statue taken down celebrates it by posting herself on Twitter making the pyramid hand sign. Could be mimicry, but I never knew about that sign at that age. Curious. She is overweight, which running surveillance can do to you, just sitting in a car, or in front of a screen with nothing to do but nosh.

Cuomo notes there were 666 new cases of COVID.

Colombians held in Haitian president’s assassination claim ties to Miami-area security firm. As I recall the last Merc team caught down there was also from companies based out of Miami.

Wall Street executives are requesting transfers from New York to Florida.

Rapper Indian Redboy got in a beef with people, but kept up his social media streaming, got tracked down, and was shot dead while streaming. Once you have problems, you need to think like your enemy. You need to ask if they can get you and how, and try to plug those vulnerabilities. And you shouldn’t be broadcasting your location.

Chuck Schumer on Sunday called on the Justice Department to investigate the National Rifle Association for bankruptcy fraud.

Mexican Bishop seeks Priest exorcist to, “attend to certain situations that have occurred in the last few months in the Church in Tampico.”

Electric vehicle lawsuit claims prolonged driving while sitting on a giant battery caused an electromagnetic radiation injury. The legal aspect is unimportant, as I have no idea its relation to the reality. What I was thinking about was an article about how powerful these new electromagnetic motors are. They can actually propel cars at motorcycle speeds, a process which entails generating an alternating magnetic field to drive the magnets on the motors, which themselves are incredibly powerful magnets moving through space, creating their own flux in the electromagnetic fields around the car. I never thought about the powers of the moving magnetic fields required to propel a car-sized weight from 0 to 60 in under 3 seconds, or what 3 hours of commuting, encased within such an electromagnetic field in flux might do to one biologically. Electromagnetic fields have been associated with both activation of viruses such as Epstein Barr, possibly through effects on the immune system, and perhaps relatedly, with cancers such as lymphomas. Food for thought. You might want to let the electric car phenomenon take off for ten years or so, and see if anything interesting happens to the adopters, before jumping on the bandwagon yourself. Along those lines, I wonder what effect having graphene nano-particles congregating in certain organs might have on someone housed within an electromagnetic field in regular and very strong flux for a few hours per day.

School curriculum in Canada disputes view of math as ‘objective’ discipline, argues it has been used to ‘normalize racism.’

Four arrested at Maven Hotel, police feared a ‘Las Vegas-style shooting’ during All-Star Game in Denver. Except it appears it was just a bunch of druggies with a bunch of guns, maybe for sale. This is the second time the media was highlighting people arrested in a hotel with guns, supposedly planning a Las Vegas style attack. Could be coincidence, but I also wonder if they have a few MK Ultra Windup toys out there walking about who are programmed with a sort of fear of being beaten out on being the next Las Vegas shooter. If the CIA MK Ultra shrink who probably created Charles Manson could be so bold as to actually write a chapter for a psych book predicting the Manson cult murders would happen innocently, as he was in the process of creating them, anything is possible.

Bill Cosby is pursuing legal action against the state of Pennsylvania to recoup ‘hundreds of thousands’ of taxpayer dollars as compensation for his wrongful incarceration, friend and publicist reveals. Discovery could be interesting, if there are emails and text messages.

There are thousands out in the streets across Cuba, from small towns to big cities, calling for freedom from the Communist government and chanting “we are not afraid!”

Also, As Cubans take to the street to protest socialism, the White House pretends they’re demanding vaccines. A tweet from an admin official claiming this blatant lie.

A report Cuban Police are shooting protestors.

A prominent writer of “Batman”, and Arkhaven creator, Chuck Dixon, says the “big two” publishers — Marvel and DC Comics — promote an ‘obvious political agenda.’

While on the subject of Vox Day Projects, UATV appears to be taking off as the technology falls into place so our streamers no longer have to rely on Management’s platforms. Vox notes now is a good time to subscribe, if you haven’t.

For any students here thinking of heading to college and looking for financial assitance, from here, in an article on the Texas Army National Guard : “The Texas Army National Guard is a part time service. You train one weekend a month, two weeks in the summer, and it’s really utilized mostly for the college bound students, because you can do it all at the same time. And you’re gonna make between $700 and $1,500 a month while you’re in school, on top of getting school paid for.” But you probably should see how their Vax Policy works out.

New Texas law repeals the Texas state ban on the possession of silencers/suppressors/gun mufflers, puts into effect a “no commandeering clause” for federal enforcement of the National Firearms Act (NFA) for silencers, and sets up a federal test case of the NFA in federal court.

CPAC crowd cheers the US missing its vaccination goal, and Fauci calls it, ‘horrifying.’

Marjorie Taylor Greene uses ‘Just Say No’ in urging Americans to reject the COVID vaccine. She is right, avoid the virus, but avoid the vaccine too.

Woman charged with running over protester found not guilty. They did hit her with a reckless driving charge.

Governors’ races see a flood of pro-Trump candidates.

Mel Gibson salutes Donald Trump at UFC 264.

Trump easily wins CPAC 2024 GOP presidential nomination straw poll. Pence scored a Zero.

President Trump’s speech at CPAC is here.

Spread r/K Theory, because everything feels like it is planned, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“At CPAC, the power shut off for ten minutes during Glenn Beck’s speech. Glenn has been fairly open about what he has been under.”

That may be true, but the supposedly discerning Glenn has shown some serious type errors of late; from ‘apologetically’ crying about how his old Fox show was “divisive”, to passing out teddy bears to illegals to sticking his face in a bowl of cheetohs to mock Trump. If Glenn is among the religiously select, as he claims, then he should know from scripture exactly what was going on, and he completely missed it the last 10 years. If he is contrite about his ignorance and honest about his personal failings or poor experience that is one thing, but if he is just going to use his speech to ridicule Trump and be subversive I would shut his power off too.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Mitt Romney sells $23.5M home after years fighting with neighbors to try and stop people from being near his house on the public beach.”

Did you see a picture of the house? That man is an idiot.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“and endure the chance they may lose anyway.”

But they will lose it anyway, they either lose or they blow up the country then wander the Earth like the toxic pos they are.

Kinzinger was a loser the moment he was born. He’s the wrong type of person, with the wrong type of background, he is completely captured by them, and completely sacrificial to them. And they would attach more value to one of their bowel movements than they attach to him. Kinzinger is a traitor, an outcast, an idiot and vermin. And the best thing is everyone knows it, except of course little, stupid Kinzinger.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“New Texas law repeals the Texas state ban on the possession of silencers/suppressors/gun mufflers, puts into effect a “no commandeering clause” for federal enforcement of the National Firearms Act (NFA) for silencers, and sets up a federal test case of the NFA in federal court.”

That is wonderful news, Texas just got a whole lot quieter.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The best part about it is that it is going to have to be fought out in Federal courts, and the law required the TX AG to file a lawsuit to fight that fight as soon as a manufacturer in TX tells him that they intend to make a silencer under this statute.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
3 years ago

“Also, As Cubans take to the street to protest socialism, the White House pretends they’re demanding vaccines. A tweet from an admin official claiming this blatant lie”.

This is such a blatant, instantly disprovable lie that you have to wonder whether the person making it was deliberately trying to discredit themselves, the Biden Admin and the Covid psyop, and if so, on whose instructions? Like with the Sydney lockdown, our Chief Health Officer here in NSW at a recent news conference was sniffling and then, on camera, wiped her nose with her facemask. Is this something anyone would actually do, let alone someone in her position? It all looks very *white hatty* to me

Xi Jinping the Aussie
Xi Jinping the Aussie
3 years ago

Any Australian will tell you the Sydney / NSW (and for the most part Australian population at large) population is incredibly compliant. There are no rumblings of rebelling in the slightest. We have a total buy into the narrative. Everyone seems blind to the fact they will go broke. Almost no one uses their brain or cares for freedom here. Only bankruptcy and doom juice malfunctions will wake the people up. Sink the ship because drowning might be the only thing to wake us up.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“World Economic Forum is warning the public that a terrible global cyber attack like a computer equivalent of COVID, could force them to usher in the Great Reset instantly”

Honestly not sure why they even needed the WuFlu operation. The easiest/quickest way to achieve their depopulation goal is to take down the world’s power grid and blame it on a solar flare. All while hiding in their powered Kiwi douche forts.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Wuflu op is laying the foundations for the beast system, with vaccine passports a first step in that direction, identifying the non-compliant. Plus, the fiat printing has been taken up a few gears, hastening the hyperinflations.

3 years ago

As usual good analysis
Regarding the Barr item
Your description of Trump’s actions fits perfectly with him being an agent of rival cabal faction or being threatened and turned in my mind (i.e. he’s got the evidence and won’t act)
You still have some faith he’s legit
I do not
I would be very happy to be proven wrong in the coming months
Keep up the good work, this site matters a lot to me

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I want to be proven wrong as well, but available evidence supports your speculation.

Either Trump is some sort of controlled opposition, or a very viable threat was presented to him in regards to his family should he fight the fraud when presented with the opportunity to do so by Byrne and Powell.

Either way, it feels like something big was going to happen between November and January 6th, and then… it didn’t happen.

Something got derailed or plans were radically shifted, and shifted in a manner not necessarily benefitting the people of the U.S.

Trump is still bragging about the vax rollout, and even Putin is making it borderline mandatory to take their version of the vax.

Something is rotten, and I have a feeling there aren’t any real white hats, just self interested players who occasionally do something that benefits the plebs.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The issue I have is with the “show them” part.

As unpopular as the MSM is, they still seem to hold power in the mindset of so many people. I think you’d be quite depressed to hear how many vacuumheads out there honestly believe Trump personally led an armed inssurection on Jan6.

How many people read sites like this? If I went out, Jay Leno style, and quizzed 100 random people on the street about any of this, how many would know enough to come to the correct conslusions? There’s people in my close circles who I talk about these things with, and even they are all “Wait, who was Gen. Flynn again?” It’s all complicated and alien to most people. It doesn’t stick because it just theories from their that crazy gal they know.

I said early on, even back in the 8chan days, the only Plan that should have existed was some way to get control of the news media and just start broadcasting the truth. *THAT* is the route to the minds of those who really need the most help waking up. This “Plan” allowed the propaganda industrial complex to metastasize into a pulsing brain cancer for over half the country.

Even supposed Americat First pundits just whine and cling to their Twitter and Facebook accounts. When they do make a new platform, they make the fatal error (IMHO) of hiding the content to non-members. Notice how you can post a link to Twitter or Facebook, and anyone in the world can go look at it, members or not? I’ve yet to see an openly “conservative” platform do that. You always have to get an account just to see the content. That’s stupid.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m definitely eager to see this play out, and only time will tell the tale.

All we have at this point is faith, both in the creator and that there is some level of decency out there in the various layers of corruption that surround us.

I think this war is far more than physical, and there are larger forces at work beyond our comprehension.

All we can do is love our families, fortify our homes, and pray for the best outcome, because the chaos is really quickening at this point.

Reply to  Another Dave
3 years ago

It always goes back to the same problem:

Why Trump?

With either Hillary or Jeb, Cabal gets everything it wants with the least disruption. There was no reason to run a Trump in place of those two.

Even if you assume that Trump is part of a Cabal faction, you get a further problem: what the hell was going on inside Cabal that one faction took such an extreme measure to burn down so much of the existing system?
What happened that Cabal’s operation was somehow determined as unsustainable?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Cheeto Puff lost me when he led a half million people into a ‘wild’ ride at the capitol.

Some are still locked up like dogs in a way that would make the founders ashamed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

3)First time for everything…
2)Simple purview exemplifies
1)Cool story bro

<3 Qwazy's

Reply to  PF
3 years ago

Did you just “cool story bro” our host?
Get the fuck outta here

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It’s a nickname beck got after his “dunk my head in a bowl of Cheetos” stunt.

Beck is forever on my shitlist going way back. He is OG Rino Cuck.

Reply to  PF
3 years ago

Your concern is noted. Please collect your shekels on the way out.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  PF
3 years ago

Concern Troll is concerned.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“Keep up the good work, this site matters a lot to me” and yet, you still doubt. Despite ALL that AC and Q have shown, you still doubt. Why is that?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

“…you still doubt. Why is that?…”

This is tremendously simple to answer. Because there is no fundamental effort to pull the trigger on any long lasting change. If for up to five years people tell you that,”in two weeks, any minute now, next month, etc” and this goes on for five years…

Numerous opportunistic have been passed up.

Some examples
1. Why wasn’t Wieners laptop pursued?
2. Why didn’t Trump clean out the FBI?
3. Why didn’t Trump fire all the Justice department? All of them. Clinton did. The only guy he let go was Sessions who you may hate but he’s damn sure not Cabal.
4. Why didn’t he force a revote due to corruption before he was kicked out of office. The “line” is that doing it as we are now would show the corruption. Well excuse me but couldn’t he have done that before he left office. Answer this, VERY IMPORTANT, and simple, point, what’s the difference between counting the votes and showing fraud now and he having done the exact same thing but before he was booted from office? How is it “more” credible “now” than it would have been earlier? The answer is it’s not.
5. Why didn’t he make a major effort to find the blackmail material and then,”I would do this as I’m a son of bitch”, use it to blackmail the people who are doing evil?
6. Why did he surround his administration with Jews who constantly led us down the wrong path while letting his best associates, Sessions, Flynn, Bannon, flail about in the wind with no support?
7. Why didn’t he get us out of Afghanistan? Or Syria?
8. He knew that votes were very, very likely to have been stolen in the first Congressional election in California where they kept counting votes into the night until the Democrats won. Why didn’t he do an intense investigation then?
9. Why didn’t during the four years he had he do an intense investigation of voter fraud and then change the system or at the very least make such a huge stink about it that no one would trust the Democrat voting city centers?
10. Why make such a stink about AFTER he’s gone? He could done this before? Why wait? What’s the purpose? Do you or anyone think that a big stink now is any different from him doing it from office? Well it is different at least in office he had power to do something about it. What does it say about him that he waits THEN raises holy hell, after he can do nothing?
11. Why did he appoint people to his administration that were tied up in covering up Epstein’s business?
12. Why didn’t he make inroads into child trafficking for blackmail? If you are honest you know he did stop some of what they called child trafficking but it was mostly underage girl prostitutes and of age prostitutes they called child trafficking. There was never any stopping of Epstein type politician blackmail. There was never any bust of pizzagate type stuff where children are held captive. No real stopping of the group controlled stuff. They only scooped up freelancers.
13. Why didn’t he go after the control centers where due to court decisions they put cops in by testing that are less suitable for the job? He could have taken away these people’s ability to control police insertions.
14. Why didn’t he fire the political generals? Obama had no problem doing this and they were acting pozz even when Trump was in office.
15. Why didn’t he get to the bottom of what appear to be false flags but with many deaths of the attack in Florida and in Las Vegas where many witnesses said there were more than one shooter. In Vegas there was 100%. You could hear it in the cab drivers video. There’s no way there was just one. Not to mention the Natural News break down which was very good showing two different shooters at least. He could have sent Marshall’s in and confiscated the videos which would prove this one way or another. So a bunch of his supporters can be murdered and he does nothing.
16. Why didn’t he protect the people gathered during the election by pardoning them?
17. AND the big WHY, but hardly the last there’s many more, why did he not do anything about 9-11? If anything would shock the people into action it would be that the President coming out 100% over and over and making it impossible to hide that 9-11 was a false flag and that he was going to use every available resource to find out who did it…but he didn’t. Big red flag that.
18. I could go on for pages but you get the idea or should.

All these questions I posed are legitimate and while you can say that they need more time or more investigation to wrap things up it’s VERY difficult to use this argument when Trump or they or whoever let the whole damn thing slip right through their fingers. There’s not a lick of difference between making a huge anti-fake vote counting effort now and doing it back when he was still in power except he can’t do a damn thing about it now but bitch.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Sam J,

“Answer this, VERY IMPORTANT, and simple, point, what’s the difference between counting the votes and showing fraud now and he having done the exact same thing but before he was booted from office? How is it “more” credible “now” than it would have been earlier? The answer is it’s not.”

This is easy to answer and pretty much provides an answer in every similar case.

Had Trump involved himself in the pursuit of voter fraud, we would have what he have now, only the half of the country that is pissed would be the Left.

There is simply no evidence of voter fraud that would be believed if Trump’s fingerprints are anywhere near it.

With Trump out of office, with Republicans clearly not unified as to the outcome of the election, and with audits taking place at the State level, evidence of fraud looks much more plausible to the grassroots. There is no central point to attack, like there is with Trump being the nexus on attacking an election.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

I get what you are saying but I see no difference between the various Republican legislatures recounting votes now and recounting votes before Trump is gone. That the left would be pissed is…well that’s what we want. I have said an unbelievable amount of times that if we are going to prevail we need to stop caring at all what they think.

Do you think the left sits around and says to themselves,”well if we just hamper, harm and lose power for ourselves then the Republicans won’t be suspicious and will let us be”? Please!!! Just think about that for a moment and you realize how silly it sounds. Why this is nothing but self defeating mind warp. Only depressed and despondent people think like this.

The Democrats get in power and do whatever they can get by with. I’m simply saying that we should do the same.

Let’s say the Republicans catch them, count the votes, find it’s all lies and demand a new election and refuse to certify the elections if they don’t. Even tell them they will automatically put Trump in if they do not have fair well monitored elections. That something like this has never happened is false. Back in the day when Nixon was impeached and the Democrats had a huge big number of politicians elected to the house and Senate they said that a voting district had fraud in New Hampshire. I don’t know if they did or not but they told New Hampshire they would have to do their elections over or they would not seat the representative. They made them do it “twice” until they got a Democrat and then seated their representative. Why can’t we do that?

What the hell are they going to do, burn down Seattle, oops already done that, unleash criminals in San Fransisco oops did that too, kill off people in New York city and threaten all the average citizens oops that happened also.

I say let them burn their damn cities and laugh at their incompetence. Make a huge deal out of how retarded they are that everywhere they run things it turns to a huge third world shit hole. I mean really obsessively, go off and do not stop. Be seriously abrasive about it to the point of complete obnoxiousness.

They do this to us all the time. We are just going to have to belt our selves down and refuse to let them run over us anymore and every time they try feed them back what they give us. What will they do? Nothing. Nothing at all if the legislatures in red States back their people defending themselves. And if they don;t we should send them packing.

In the State where I live antifa came in and they told them, take off your mask or you’re going to jail. Not to mention people kicked their ass if they came in and threw their weight around and the prosecutors did not harasses the people for kicking their asses “if” antifa started it. They didn’t come back. They cleared out. It totally ruined them.

“…There is no central point to attack, like there is with Trump being the nexus on attacking an election…”

I think it’s very important that you bring this up because you think it’s important for the left to believe you but…they don’t give a damn what you think as long as they have power they will crush you no matter what you think. If we do not crush them, and I mean legally not make up stuff like they do, then we will lose and it will be for hundreds of years maybe forever.

You can not fight savages and evil power mad people with “good will”.

And further I really, really, really want to stop this march towards a civil war. If we do not curtail their illegal grasp of power then we will be forced into a corner where that will be likely the only option we have left. And we may very well lose. I can see, clearly, the Democrats would embargo the central States, bomb all the manufacturing, food , water supplies and then bring in millions of Chinese to finish us off.

If they are not in power they can’t do this.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

I get what you are saying, Sam, and you are not wrong. I would also like a muscular approach that laughs at Democrat cities burning to the ground. Heck, I enjoy it when a white liberal is murdered by blacks.

I can, however, see a leadership not indulging in that thinking. Remember, nobody cares about what the Left thinks. What they care about is what a Normie thinks. Normies are very far gone, essentially living in a fantasy world. This is the type of attitude that does not see a problem if the rioting is merely three blocks away from their homes. Remember, these riots are staged in such a way as to do minimal damage to residences and are designed to attack large mostly commercial enterprises that are indemnified from any damage. Yes, there are small businesses destroyed but that is collateral damage for Cabal.

Remember, what you are seeing is mediated through TV. All sides understand that if you grind down the standard of living for normies, things get out of hand very quickly.

Btw, your analysis and outrage is a very important part of this whole process.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Great comment. Nothing’s ever 100% sure either way, by design, but the competing hypothesis that Trump was really on our side is much less likely than that he was part of the control scheme. They NEVER act from one side or the other unilaterally. Hegelian and post-Hegelian (Marxist, post-modern etc.) doctrine is to always control both the “thesis” and the “antithesis” to control the outcome (synthesis). Trying to do so with only one or the other is like trying to pick something up with one chopstick.

“why did he not do anything about 9-11?”
The 9/11 issue is a great litmus test for identifying some “limited hangouts” that otherwise are hard to spot. No reasonable person can believe the official story, and no one who has done much research can have much doubt that the Israelis and their people in the US government were involved. (Not that others weren’t too, and may be the real control.) Of course many of the wilder theories about it were planted to “poison the well”, but for an otherwise reasonable, insightful source to claim that it was the ISI or the Saudis or some guy in a cave is just openly admitting that they’re compromised. (Jim and Miles M., I’m referring to you.)

Reply to  savantissimo
3 years ago

Thanks, for writing all that, A.C., can’t reply directly because of the blog depth limit on replies to replies to replies.

My working hypothesis is that most people in Cabal, especially the ones setting policy and coming up with ideas will have no idea that they’re working for Cabal at all. This largely removes the politicking, institutional constraints and observer effects that would otherwise warp their advice. Operative-level people think they’re a part of some other secret organization or club or whatever. I’m not even sure there is an inside to Cabal.

Not everyone passes auditions, and they wouldn’t want those under consideration to know, of course, . Washouts aren’t usually treated as enemies, so far as I can tell, and may be used in other ways.

Principal bureaucrats of Cabal appear to generally be orphans or virtually so, not from great families. It’s a similar system to court eunuchs, but rather than having no children, they have no influential parents or extended family. Kissinger might be an example, or his protegee Leslie Gelb (State Dept., CFR president).

I suspect certain institutional connections may be a tell, e.g. the leadership of Time-Warner ~20 years ago was jokingly referred to as the “Haverford Mafia”, Swarthmore is another one. Quakers are the most likely original core — there are only a few thousand from the old families left. They controlled mining (iron, coal, lead, and the silver from lead) and the money supply in Britain from the late 1600s very quietly. They also had Britain’s iron production from the early 1700s, and rail from its inception. Barclay’s, formed from the Quaker banking cartel c. 1900 is by far the biggest nexus of financial control in the world, bigger than Goldman and Morgan combined. There is much more, particularly in science and social engineering, but I’ll leave it there for now.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Off topic but I’ve been thinking lately that all of the demoralization we’ve endured over the last few years may just boil down to one simple answer. It’s all about taking the jab. This operation was obviously planned years in advance and part of that plan was how best to get people to accept the shots.

The fear and demoralization have created a situation where alot of people probably have an unrecognized death wish. Be it drugs, suicide, or just submitting to the pressure to get the jab. Anything to make it stop.

Whereas most people hate change I’ve always looked at great change with a sense of excitement. Even when I know that change will be stressful or to my detriment I still get excited. Always have.

Job loss? “Great, what comes next”
Break-up? “Great, who comes next”
Pandemic? “Great, who dies next”

My strengthening ties to Christ are an unexpected development for me but it’s something I look forward to pursuing. My desire to kill the evil-doers that planned this operation has been tempered recently but only because I’m curious as to what Jesus has planned for them. In other words “What comes next?”

I have a feeling His Word will be far more painful to them than anything I could cook up.
Also, if any evil pieces of shit are reading this then listen up. It’s still not too late for you. Accept Him and rebuke your current path or suffer.

You’ll know you’re successful when your thoughts are centered around Him and not your selfish lusts/urges.

For example think about what you would do if you came into a great deal of money (lottery, etc)
If your first thoughts are about how many drugs you’ll buy or how many thots you’ll boink then you’re still on the wrong path. Your first thoughts should be on how best to use that money to spread his Word.

Don’t wait too long.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago


17But you, beloved, remember what was foretold by the apostles of our Lord Yashua messiah,18when they said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow after their own ungodly desires.”e 19These are the ones who cause divisions, who are worldly and devoid of the Spirit.

20But you, beloved, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21keep yourselves in the love of God as you await the mercy of our Lord Yahsua messiah to bring you eternal life.

22And indeed, have mercy on those who doubt; 23save others by snatching them from the fire; and to still others show mercy tempered with fear, hating even the clothing stained by the flesh.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Off topic but I’ve been thinking lately that all of the demoralization we’ve endured over the last few years may just boil down to one simple answer. It’s all about taking the jab….”

That’s not off topic at all and you could be 100% correct. Sure looks that doesn’t it?

Maybe “Q” will save as they are dragging us off to the camps to get the jab. I mean he’s done such a job so far.

3 years ago

I heard that the President scored a loss on a previous poll, so Im wondering if the Vice President had also scored higher. Does anyone know anything about this?

3 years ago
3 years ago

And they can kill people, and just blackout the entire investigation and never tell anyone anything, because they answer to Congress, and not the Executive Branch.

This is why they will be slapped down in court as soon as they get off their little reservation. It becomes a separation of powers issue. The Judicial Branch (intended by the founders to be the weakest of non-co-equal branches) jealously guards the co-equal branches myth that they made up. Vesting clause, Article II Section 1. Hell, if it goes to SCOTUS, it might scare them enough to disband the Capitol Police altogether and put security of the Capitol under the executive (unlikely, again because of separation of powers, but possible.)

3 years ago

Bill Cosby is pursuing legal action against the state of Pennsylvania to recoup ‘hundreds of thousands’ of taxpayer dollars as compensation for his wrongful incarceration, friend and publicist reveals. Discovery could be interesting, if there are emails and text messages.

In a lot of states, it’s by statute and a regular course of business. In Texas, for example, you are automatically entitled to $80K per year (and they have to notify you to make sure you know.)

It looks like PA is not one of those states, but they are considering it.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

The court “fined” him $25,000, then billed him for “court costs” of $43,611. And his lawyers stuck him with a $6,700,000 bill for not winning his case. And he probably has substantial financial losses on top of that.

He should get all that back too. And then go after the perjurious bitches who testified against him. The janky judge and dirtbag prosecutor are protected, of course… but Cosby still has enough money and influence to ruin their lives, and at 83 and in poor health, it’s not like he has anything better to do.

3 years ago

“Electric vehicle lawsuit claims prolonged driving while sitting on a giant battery caused an electromagnetic radiation injury…”

I wouldn’t worry too much about this notion of being hurt by EMFs from EVs. I ran that story by my super nerdy business partner here, who majored in physics and follows this kind of stuff as a hobby. Here’s what he said:

“This is pretty dumb. 2 mG or less safety standard is a ridiculous rule imposed by Sweden on video screen use and does not apply generally. It’s accepted that up to 1,000 mG long term exposure is perfectly fine for general public and up to 5,000 mg is fine for electrical linemen. See this report by Iowa State University:

Oh and if you ever get into an MRI machine, that’s at least 15,000,000 mG. So I think the guy who filed the lawsuit needs a psychiatric evaluation.”

Kinda reminds me of that character on Better Call Saul who ripped all the wires out of his house and made anyone visiting him leave their cell phone in the mailbox outside.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I spoke with a naturopath about this. She said the taxi drivers who went electric are not doing so well. Her observations are based on large taxi fleets going hybrid electric years ago. Makes sense full electric would be worser faster.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I used to work, sleep, eat next to a nuclear reactor and I’m fi—

Oh shit, I have all sorts of health problems.

God dammit.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Swanzinator
3 years ago

I can’t say categorically that electric cars are not in any way harmful but one thing to keep in mind is that all electric motors they try with all their might to keep the electric fields squashed into the motor because that’s where it works ad actually does something for them. Not out in the body of the car. So fields are tailored NOT to be anywhere but in the motor. I expect a hairdryer is far less controlled.

There’s also a Scandinavian whole country study where they took the health records of everyone in the country, where they lived and where the power sub stations with the most EMF was and tried to correlate them with bad health. They found nothing. This was a long time ago and every since I read this I have not been much worried about EMF.(I wish I had a link for this but it was a long time ago likely pre-internet)

True some higher frequencies that are resonant with human tissue are a problem but most are not.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

That Scandi study is extremely suspect. Sam J, do you have time to read the first quarter of “Invisible Rainbow”? Even just the first chapter had me convinced; it went back to the beginning of electricity and found at each stage where electricity use increased, new disorders and ailments appeared, without people connecting them to electricity usage. Very consistent disorders and ailments, consistent with the level of present. He presented the info going back several hundred years.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

G.I. Gurdjieff was saying that use of electricity was going to reduce mankind’s life span back in the early part of the twentieth century. What gave him that idea?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
3 years ago

“… Sam J, do you have time to read the first quarter of “Invisible Rainbow”…”

I can’t make any promises. I found a copy of the book.

Ok I downloaded the book and the guy is lying on the very first page. This does not bode well at all when he’s lying on the first page.

From the book “Invisible Rainbow”

“…“Anxiety disorder,” afflicting one-sixth of humanity, did not exist before the 1860s, when telegraph wires first encircled the earth. No hint of it appears in the medical literature before 1866…”

Anxiety disorders have been around forever. The ancient Greeks had a name for it. “hysteria”

“…Influenza, in its present form, was invented in 1889, along with alternating current. It is with us always, like a familiar guest—so familiar that we have forgotten that it wasn’t always so. Many of the doctors who were flooded with the disease in 1889 had never seen a case before…”

I don’t believe this. All sorts of influenza type viruses have been around forever. They used to call it the “flux”.

“Prior to the 1860s, diabetes was so rare that few doctors saw more than one or two cases during their lifetime. It, too, has changed its character: diabetics were once skeletally thin. Obese people never developed the disease.”

This is from the rise of sugar consumption from industrialized processing of sugar. Before modern times people did not have access to sugar in mass quantities.

You know what the old timers Doctors advice was for people with diabetes. Eat lots of meat and little to no carbs. Hmmm…what does that sound like? Paleo, Adkins…

“Heart disease at that time was the twenty-fifth most common illness, behind accidental drowning. It was an illness of infants and old people. It was extraordinary for anyone else to have a diseased heart.”

Once again sugar. Look at this graph

“Cancer was also exceedingly rare. Even tobacco smoking, in non-electrified times, did not cause lung cancer.”

There are skeletons of dinosaurs that have what appear to be cancer. So I don’t believe this either.

So I read a few pages more and here he’s talking about early experimenters with Leyden jars.[Large capacitors that store electric charge].

“…Then as now, it was not socially acceptable to say that electricity was dangerous….”

Everyone says that electricity is dangerous. Constantly.

“…Its inventors were not the only ones who tried to warn the public. Johann Heinrich Winkler, professor of Greek and Latin at Leipzig, Germany, tried the experiment as soon as he heard about it. “I found great convulsions in my body,” he wrote to a friend in London. “It put my blood into great agitation; so that I was afraid of an ardent fever; and was obliged to use refrigerating medicines. I felt a heaviness in my head, as if I had a stone lying upon it. It gave me twice a bleeding at my nose, to which I am not inclined. My wife, who had only received the electrical flash twice, found herself so weak after it, that she could hardly walk. A week after, she received only once the electrical flash; a few minutes after it she bled at the nose.”…”

Well let me see, you charge up a large capacitors with electric charge then discharge it into your body. Surprise, surprise it knocks the hell out of you and makes you feel bad…sigh

I scanned a few more pages. He goes on and on about high voltages. Did you know that the voltage in the earths atmosphere goes up by about 100 volts for every meter. So just from the ground to the top of your head is near a couple hundred volts. Much higher in thunderstorms.

Shuffling your shoes on the carpet in the winter can accumulate 10’s of thousands of volts and then shock the hell out of you when you touch a door knob or other grounded object.

This is really a bad start for a book to be out and out lying like this from the beginning. And if he’s not lying then he’s really uninformed. And just the first few pages is…absurd. I’m not reading any more of this and deleting it.

Something interesting while looking for a copy of the book I found this one,

“Invisible Rainbow: A Physicist’s Introduction to the Science behind Classical Chinese Medicine”

That looks really interesting and I know AC is interested in this sort of thing. It has good reviews.


“Changlin Zhang provides a scientific basis for the success behind alternative therapies such as acupuncture, qigong, Ayurveda, and other traditional therapies in an illuminating discussion that explains the efficacy of these approaches in treating a number of chronic conditions. Underlining how public perception of acupuncture has shifted over the last few decades from one of skepticism to one of acceptance, he explores the progression of acupuncture research from its unsuccessful beginnings to the ultimate discovery of a scientific basis for therapies centered on the subtle coherence patterns of interacting electromagnetic waves and fields. He explains the dissipative structure of electromagnetic waves that constitutes our electromagnetic body and describes how changes in our mood, lifestyle, and environment affect it.

Invisible Rainbow explains these developments within the context of science’s parallel development from its nineteenth-century focus on materialism, reductionism, and closed systems to its realization of the mass-energy equivalence, electromagnetic field, and its study of open complex systems. Discussing differences in Eastern and Western thought traditions and how they influence their respective medical systems, it also elucidates acupuncture’s meridian system and Ayurveda’s chakras and auras.”
As for as the Scandinavian study I don’t know how you can say it is sketchy. I can’t even remember which country it was in. If I had to save my life I guess it was Denmark or Sweden. Also this was maybe 1985 or so.

I do remember the study impressed me and at the time I was questioning if EMP was a big problem or not. I’m impressed by large high population studies. It’s damn hard to fake statistics on this sort of thing and anyone looking at them if they fake them will see it.

I do believe that studies in the past in a Scandinavian country would be more likely to be honest. They could be wrong but I think in the past there was less political science. There was some but if you lock carefully most of the time it was Jews or heavily communist influenced people that were cooking the science studies. In health and science based stuff most people reported what they saw. Now…it’s hard to tell if a study is real or not.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The problem with these high population studies is what happens when the people you want to sample refuse to be a part of the study? Do you then rerun the sample, pick the numbers again? Well, what happens when those refuse to be part of the study?

At some point you have to stop random sampling and just use what you have. Now your study has poor design from the get-go.

This is probably why the “double-blind, randomly-sampled” study is not really done in practice, but is simply alluded to to fool the public.

People do not want to waste their time with someone’s science fair project. This is doubly so for very sick people who do not want to end up in a placebo group. They would rather be in an experimental clinical trial.

DB-RS is necessary for long-term safety trials, though.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

FWIW, my understanding from my statistics acquaintance is that you offer to pay (bribe) them and assure them of anonymity.

3 years ago

“Overweight”? She’s so fat her blood type is Ragu.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago
