News Briefs – 07/11/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

A reader was watching Sean Ryan doing a selfie-vid in Vienna, as he hit an intersection on foot:

Driver’s window open, and the timing makes a high probability of surveillance. Also this guy at the next corner:

If you remember, when Obama was being introduced to the world in a town hall, it was Buttigieg and Ramaswamy who were the two “college kids” who were randomly chosen to ask him questions. Buttigieg ended up doing a stint at Naval intelligence before moving into politics. Part of his story is being gay and having a husband, but as with everything CIA, that might just be bullshit, according to Tucker Carlson:

National Review acknowledges that Trump is ““undeniably manly,” which is why the Left hates him so much, and that “the remasculinization of men,” might save our country.

FBI identified ‘person of interest’ in Capitol pipe bomb case by Jan. 10, 2021.

Interesting piece about the legit genius who built the first operating system, and who almost became “Bill Gates,” before Bill Gates made a deal with someone else who had stolen most of his product to sell it to IBM, and just by sheer chance it all fell apart, and he ended up dying after something happened at a bar which is still not clear, and he sustained some kind of head trauma. You can tell by all the fog, you are not getting the full story. They even admit to some of the grosser simplifications of the story which were spread around were bunk. Today, it is even worse, if you hope to make it big.

SAVE Act passes House 221-198 – Almost every Democrat voted to ‘protect’ the ability of illegals to vote in federal elections.

Top Democrat Hakeem Jeffries argues that passing a law to prevent illegal aliens from voting “prevents Americans from voting.”

An NGO is being allowed, with permission from the DMV confirmed ON CAMERA, to sign illegals up to vote.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has officially signed the WORST election overhaul bill into law. This law will stop local officials from conducting recounts to investigate fraud. She wants the fraud. They all do, because they want their criminal conspiracy. What is most fascinating about bumping into the American Stasi is meeting people who look, on the surface, to be normal, and who would say all the right things. But they all know they are a part of this mafia, and to them, being in a criminal conspiracy, and committing real crimes, is just entirely normal. I am beginning to think a lot of the balls the mafia guys had committing all those crimes came from the same wellspring, of thinking to themselves, “intelligence” was their ultimate boss, and would wave off the legitimate law enforcement, if anything ever got uncovered. Lots more people have criminal tendencies if they think they can get away with it, and lots more think all the talk of Constitutional rights and right and wrong is bullshit than you would think.

L.A. robber stole Rolex, got no-prison deal from D.A. Now he’s accused of killing tourist at mall. And I even wonder now, how many of these characters grew up doing surveillance on other kids at school, and then went into this line of work because it scratched an itch, and they felt protected. Though I am not sure how protected they are when things go really wrong. I went to high school with a kid who I would say was 80% likely to be surveillance (and 100% psychopath), and his older brother ended up getting time for icing a gas station attendant during a robbery. Or at least that was what the newspaper said. Maybe it was just building a cover for him, and never even happened – who knows when you are dealing with this thing.

Sen. Chuck Schumer open to ditching Biden for new candidate.

President Joe Biden’s campaign has already suffered a major slowdown in donations and officials are bracing for a seismic fundraising hit, with the fallout from a debate nearly two weeks ago taking a sizable toll on operations.

Nancy Pelosi refuses to endorse Joe Biden in awkward MSNBC interview.

Joe Biden schedules one on one interview with NBC’s ester Holt after network reports Biden has Parkinson’s. Vox Day should do an interview with the main stream media before Joe Biden does. Cabal clearly has put out orders to take him out. Although if everyone is reading from the script how better to further sabotage Joe and throw the election in the fall to Trump.

Vermont’s Peter Welch becomes first Democratic senator to call for Biden to step aside.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is reportedly “concerned” about President Joe Biden’s health after watching his debate performance.

George Clooney calls on Biden to drop out of presidential race weeks after co-hosting fundraiser: ‘He cannot win.’

Stephanopoulos apologizes for saying he did not think Biden can serve four more years, after ABC bosses threaten to take him off the air unless he apologized.

Michael Douglas on should Joe Biden resign“This is such a tough one. I adore the guy. 50 years of public service such a wonderful guy, and this just happens to be one of these elections that is just so crucial and it’s really hard. I don’t worry necessarily today or tomorrow but a year down the line I worry. I am concerned.” He has to be aware of Biden pinching and twisting that little girl’s nipple to hurt her, and still he runs cover for him. It is just enemies all around.

Wisconsin election law says only way to exit from ballot is death.

Joe Biden chickens out as campaign claims he ‘doesn’t have time’ for Trump’s golf challenge.

Convicted felon Hunter Biden is Joe Biden’s ‘acting Chief of Staff.’

NY Judge likely to dismiss Giuliani’s bankruptcy, opening door for Georgia election workers (Ruby Freeman and Shayne Moss) to collect judgment. Just a world without any justice.

The New York Times chief White House Correspondent has admitted to using “translation headsets” to help understand what Joe Biden is saying during public speeches, even when he is 20 feet away from the president, according to the Times.

Joe Biden goes rogue at union meeting, grabs the mic and starts rambling before feed abruptly cuts.

A national election watchdog group has joined a pair of New York Republican Congresswomen challenging the state’s mail voting law in court.

Nikki Haley was not even invited to the Republican National Convention.

GOP committee votes to approve Trump platform’s softened stances on life, marriage. The strange thing is, the more it becomes obvious some intelligence is trying to rig things for Trump, the less motivation I feel. If this is working with the plebes, it would seem everything the masses are motivated by just makes me uneasy over getting played somehow. I suppose playing implies disloyalty, which I always find incredibly off-putting, to put it mildly. We are either a nation, or we are at war until we create one.

The Democrat-majority North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) blocked Cornel West and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from the November general election ballot on Tuesday.

AOC unveils articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito.

Clinton 2016 campaign and liberal super PAC crossed spending lines in loss to Trump, court rules.

Former NRA CFO Wilson “Woody” Phillips ripped off the NRA & now owes back millions. Article shows Wayne Lapierre was enjoying free private jet flights to the Bahamas, Yacht trips, makeup and travel for him and the wife, and all sorts of extravagances with NRA funds, and this guy was covering for him, while getting a little for himself. This guy has to repay $2.2 million while LaPierre has to repay $4.4 million.

Huma Abedin gets engaged to George Soros’ son Alex during romantic Italian break.

Pregnant woman has bleeding, standard of care for her diagnosis is early delivery, but she wakes up to find they gave her an abortion. Was it a medical decision? Were the doctors agents of domestic intelligence, which felt she had problematic genetics, and they did not want to deal with a kid? Did the machine demand some kind of sacrifice ceremony to Moloch and pull strings to make it happen? There is no telling in America today. You do not want to live in a nation which has these things hidden in the shadows.

Packs of “fighting age males” in military uniforms entering U.S. through remote Arizona town.

Video – Hundreds of West African illegals invade Cincinnati, and nobody knows where they are from, or how to communicate with them.

Man’s thumb cut off by suspects who used it to steal money off his phone, court docs say.

Expecting people to be on time is part of ‘White Supremacy Culture,’ Duke Medical School claims. Hopefully you won’t be bleeding to death as people look for the non-racist doctor who was supposed to show up for duty two hours ago at the ER.

St. Louis County Democratic chair fined after using false identity to attend GOP fundraiser.

Jack Cashill at The Blaze – “Time for an American truth and reconciliation commission.” Tell me you are a traitorous cocksucker without telling me you are a traitorous cocksucker. As if you would do that, and the conspiracy would then not try to fuck over the nation, and anyone who sought to stop them.

Alec Baldwin’s new reality show preparing for him to go to jail.

Nearly half of Jewish voters believe NY is unsafe for them, shocking poll finds.

Chinese spying facilities in Cuba signal America’s new cold war.

China’s banking turmoil: 40 banks vanish as crisis deepens.

Mick Jagger booed by Canadian concert crowd after praising Justin Trudeau. Nobody is electing these people.

Uruguay is considered less corrupt than the US & Spain based on data from Transparency International.

France’s triumphant left-wing coalition unveils its radical plans for government including a 90 per cent tax rate on the rich, lowering the retirement age and huge spending.

New UK PM accused of protecting rampant pedophile Jimmy Savile.

BBC commentator’s wife, daughters killed in alleged crossbow attack. Shooter was caught, motive unknown, though the network does appear to be a den of pedophiles and scoundrels.

Australians in shock over former President of Australian Medical Association Prof. Kerryn Phelps’ leaked audio on vaccine injuries “I’ve never seen so many young people having cardiac MRIs in my entire career. There are people who’ve had heart damage, myocarditis, they’ve had heart problems”

For first time, NATO accuses China of supplying Russia’s attacks on Ukraine. It is a sign of a real asshole, when you are this hypocritical without even noticing. They give Ukraine, which is the face of evil as the seat of Globohomo, like $230 billion, and then complain China sells Christian Russia a few drones. I was the most blind patriot once, and now even I cannot stand these motherfuckers, and just want them all to die. If the truth can do that to me, I can imagine what it would do to the rest of real America.

A top Russian diplomat stressed that the Kremlin is unwilling to engage with the White House on arms control issues due to the Biden administration’s Russophobic stance.

Ukraine is on an “irreversible” path to NATO membership, the 32 members of the alliance affirmed in a joint communique released Wednesday on the second day of the summit being held in Washington. Talk about giving Russia no option but the take the whole country.

Russian troops push back Ukraine’s underequipped soldiers. Ukraine is saying that, claiming we all need to send them more free stuff.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said during his remarks on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington that it is unlikely that the 31 US-supplied Abrams tanks made much of a difference on the battlefield in Ukraine, so we should now send him more F-16s.

Ukraine will get long-awaited F-16 jets ‘this summer’ to counter Russian air attacks.

Article on how all of our precision weapons are becoming useless because Russian Electronic Warfare is so sophisticated and adaptable.

Norway-supplied air defense system fired missile that hit hospital in Kiev – Russia’s UN envoy.

Keir Starmer gives go-ahead for British missiles to be used in strikes against targets inside Russia.

CNN is laying off 3% of its workforce.

The Arizona rancher who became the face of the border crisis when he was charged with killing a migrant on his land will not face trial again, a judge has ruled.

A bipartisan group of senators including Josh Hawley (R-MO) on Wednesday came to an agreement on a renewed effort to ban members of Congress from trading stock.

Trump vows to prosecute election fraudsters, including Mark Zuckerberg.

Democrat panic sinks in, as on Democrat notes, “New York is ‘a battleground state now.’

Trump up 6 over Biden in new AARP poll, outside margin of error … in Wisconsin.

Rasmussen asked, “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘No matter how much you hate the media, it’s not enough?’” 45 percent strongly or somewhat agreed,  28 percent strongly or somewhat disagreed.

Spread r/K Theory, because we all agree, Joe is Demented


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8 months ago

[Editor’s note – I think I pulled out everything you wanted pulled out and was supposed to post this, based off your last comment. If not, reply and I can edit further or take it down completely. I thought if I posted just the patch without the background, it would make no sense, though this is not my wheelhouse. Also, if I am supposed to apply this at my site, I am way out of my league, I would not even know where to put this in or how. I basically use the back end of wordpress, or an FTP program when I am getting super-technical. I do not use SSH here, though I used Putty once to set up BTCPay on another host]

So the “corporate hacker census group” eventually decided to attack our firewall with an entire CIDR /19 block of their own plus what we suspect was another CIDR /18 or two over at Google and Amazon.

Apparently they’d managed to discover a small error (a “<” versus a “<=”) in a custom firewall module which we have patched.

This is so obviously a Cabal attack.

Now let’s do something about it.

Please find attached the following patch for OpenSSH 9.8p1, the current version of OpenSSH.

It enables TWO ciphers that were deliberately left out because the current OpenSSH team is in the control of at least two operators who have managed over time to force out every cipher other than AES.

And so the OpenSSH patch does these things:

 — Enable Blowfish CBC 128-bit
 — Enable CAST5 CBC 128-bit
 — Enable Camellia CBC & CTR 128/192/256-bit
 — Enable ARIA CBC & CTR 128/192/256-bit

Blowfish is Schneier’s old cipher and it’s still usable, but with some weakness, although it’s needed to connect to old SCADA equipment that’s been set up to refuse AES.

CAST5 is slightly weaker, but also usable, with the same purpose.

Camellia and ARIA are about as strong as AES, but Camellia is a Japanese cipher with more approvals worldwide than AES, while ARIA is a South Korean cipher with a strong list of approvals as well.


The EVP functions are in the OpenSSL 3.0 distribution already and all you need to recompile OpenSSH with support for these crypto algorithms is to have the development packages installed.

Interoperability for Camellia has been tested with non-OpenSSL implementations including Tera Term which does not yet support ARIA.

So … if you would like, you may post a copy of this patch, as it is not itself a “munition” but instead merely enables the code already in place within OpenSSL 1.1.1+, including the latest OpenSSL 3.0.x LTS distribution.

On Linux, this is typically all that’s needed to do the build:

[cd to the unpacked tarball]

./configure \
   –sysconfdir=/etc/ssh \
   –libexecdir=/usr/libexec/openssh \
   –datadir=/usr/share/openssh \
   –with-default-path=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin \
   –with-superuser-path=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin \
   –with-privsep-path=/var/empty/sshd \
   –with-openssl \
   –with-pam \
   –with-kerberos5=no \

That will get you a build outside of any packaging that you can install and test, and you can start securing your SSH sessions with crypto not approved by Joe the Pedo.

Also: not surprising you’re back to the WordPress install screen again, they crashed your site just as this was going up.

Now here’s the patch, it’s so small that it can also be applied by hand to other versions …

===== CUT HERE =====
— openssh-9.8p1-orig/cipher.c   2024-07-11 04:17:23.000000000 +0000
+++ openssh-9.8p1-ciphers/cipher.c   2024-07-11 04:17:23.000000000 +0000
@@ -48,20 +48,22 @@
 #include “sshbuf.h”
 #include “ssherr.h”
 #include “digest.h”

 #include “openbsd-compat/openssl-compat.h”

 #define EVP_CIPHER_CTX void

+#include <openssl/camellia.h>
 struct sshcipher_ctx {
    int   plaintext;
    int   encrypt;
    EVP_CIPHER_CTX *evp;
    struct chachapoly_ctx *cp_ctx;
    struct aesctr_ctx ac_ctx; /* XXX union with evp? */
    const struct sshcipher *cipher;

 struct sshcipher {
@@ -81,37 +83,65 @@
    void   *ignored;

 static const struct sshcipher ciphers[] = {
    { “3des-cbc”,      8, 24, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_des_ede3_cbc },
+   { “blowfish-cbc”, 8, 16, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_bf_cbc },
+   { “cast128-cbc”, 8, 16, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_cast5_cbc },
+   { “”, 16, 16, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_camellia_128_cbc },
+   { “”, 16, 24, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_camellia_192_cbc },
+   { “”, 16, 32, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_camellia_256_cbc },
+   { “camellia128-cbc”, 16, 16, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_camellia_128_cbc },
+   { “camellia192-cbc”, 16, 24, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_camellia_192_cbc },
+   { “camellia256-cbc”, 16, 32, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_camellia_256_cbc },
+   { “camellia128-ctr”, 16, 16, 0, 0, 0, EVP_camellia_128_ctr },
+   { “camellia192-ctr”, 16, 24, 0, 0, 0, EVP_camellia_192_ctr },
+   { “camellia256-ctr”, 16, 32, 0, 0, 0, EVP_camellia_256_ctr },
+   { “”, 16, 16, 0, 0, 0, EVP_camellia_128_ctr },
+   { “”, 16, 24, 0, 0, 0, EVP_camellia_192_ctr },
+   { “”, 16, 32, 0, 0, 0, EVP_camellia_256_ctr },
+   { “”, 16, 16, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_aria_128_cbc },
+   { “”, 16, 24, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_aria_192_cbc },
+   { “”, 16, 32, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_aria_256_cbc },
+   { “”, 16, 16, 0, 0, 0, EVP_aria_128_ctr },
+   { “”, 16, 24, 0, 0, 0, EVP_aria_192_ctr },
+   { “”, 16, 32, 0, 0, 0, EVP_aria_256_ctr },
    { “aes128-cbc”,      16, 16, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_aes_128_cbc },
    { “aes192-cbc”,      16, 24, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_aes_192_cbc },
    { “aes256-cbc”,      16, 32, 0, 0, CFLAG_CBC, EVP_aes_256_cbc },
    { “aes128-ctr”,      16, 16, 0, 0, 0, EVP_aes_128_ctr },
    { “aes192-ctr”,      16, 24, 0, 0, 0, EVP_aes_192_ctr },
    { “aes256-ctr”,      16, 32, 0, 0, 0, EVP_aes_256_ctr },
    { “”,
             16, 16, 12, 16, 0, EVP_aes_128_gcm },
    { “”,
             16, 32, 12, 16, 0, EVP_aes_256_gcm },
    { “aes128-ctr”,      16, 16, 0, 0, CFLAG_AESCTR, NULL },
    { “aes192-ctr”,      16, 24, 0, 0, CFLAG_AESCTR, NULL },
    { “aes256-ctr”,      16, 32, 0, 0, CFLAG_AESCTR, NULL },
    { “”,
             8, 64, 0, 16, CFLAG_CHACHAPOLY, NULL },
    { “none”,      8, 0, 0, 0, CFLAG_NONE, NULL },

    { NULL,         0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL }


 /* Returns a comma-separated list of supported ciphers. */
 char *
 cipher_alg_list(char sep, int auth_only)
===== CUT HERE =====

8 months ago

[Editor’s note – I think I pulled out everything you wanted pulled out and was suppose to post this, based off your last comment. If not, reply and I can edit further or take it down completely.]

So a few further words on OpenSSH …

Our OpenSSL 3.0 distro doesn’t have GCM ciphers set up in the same way as CBC and CTR, so this was a fast inclusion just to throw spite in the face of those gate keeping OpenSSH operator developers.

When you build OpenSSH, all of the binaries go into the same directory as the build.

You can test what ciphers are enabled by doing this:

   ./ssh -Q cipher

You can test the enabled MAC (hash) functions by doing this:

   ./ssh -Q mac

And you can see how this handshakes with servers you use:

   ./ssh -F /dev/null -c -m hmac-sha2-512 whoever@wherever

It probably won’t connect with ARIA only, but you can see the debug information for the handshake that will tell which ciphers a particular server will accept.

The new OpenSSH 9.8p1 (p1 = portable SSH) supports something called “KEX mode” which is meant to resist the Terrapin attack better, but it’s compatible only with 9.8+ so far with very limited backports available.

But you can get most of the benefits on older versions from doing this:

  — No “-etm” hashes enabled in your MACs (server + client)
  — No “” enabled
  — Stick with CTR and GCM mode ciphers

So there you go, and maybe you can set this up to bring a little “radio silence” to your SSH connections.

Want to do OpenSSL and OpenVPN next?  🙂

These cocksuckers at the “corporate hacker census group” did a damned fine job of pissing us off… 🙂

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Could you recommend any solid resources that a layman with tech affinity can read and learn about this kind of stuff?

8 months ago

He has to be aware of Biden pinching and twisting that little girl’s nipple to hurt her, and still he runs cover for him. It is just enemies all around.

Actually, I’m pretty much convinced all of these idiots aren’t aware. They are in such bubbles that you’d be shocked the lies that they believe are true, and the facts they are unaware of…
Marianne Williamson (who has run for president twice now) on Tim Pool’s show was so clueless, he was shocked, and he often talks about how the (rare) leftists who do appear on his show aren’t at all aware of the facts of almost anything.
Note: I am not saying ALL of them are unaware, there is a line you can draw between the ignorant and the actual liars, I’m just saying you’d be surprised at how many are the first, not the second. Are leftists on Tim Pool rare because they are willfully ignorant, and they believe Tim is awful (example without ever watching his content (Tim is libertarian centrist mildly left if anything, and moderate milquetoast), OR because they know they are lying to others?
Walkaway founder Brandon Straka is a perfect example of the Former first type, who believed the lies, wholesale, and was in system shock when he realized just how much they had lied to him. He’s been on Tim’s show and talked about just how bad the brainwashing/ignorance was…
That’s the wall, the red pill, and most never question it. They NEVER see the pinching nipples. They believe Trump praised Nazis, made fun of a disabled man, that Trump lies all the time, which is why Biden can continue to claim all of this and media won’t correct him even now, as they criticize Biden.

Last edited 8 months ago by scruffy
Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

The level of cluelessness can be shocking because it is cultivated at very young ages, then cemented during their extremely formative college and graduate school years. I don’t know about you guys, but I was clueless in college. I unknowingly enrolled in one of the top Cabal feeder schools in the US thinking I could somehow help usher in a Christian revival there. In exchange, I got to see just how clueless and confident these kids are. I wish I could explain the degree to which these kids are deluded. It’s a combination of confidence, conviction, intelligence, and total ignorance of objective reality. Especially the VHIQ and UHIQ kids. Without truthsense, even the smartest and most diligent young adults fall prey to Cabal programming, which degrees and careers cements into a long-term stupor.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
8 months ago

Macaqu Mentality is right.
It helps that they tend to graduate with degrees, multiple degrees. They are certified smart.

Then they get corporate jobs, which pay more reliably than small business jobs. These are the jobs that have awards ceremonies and industry awards. Small businesses- most businesses- are too busy working to hand out awards.

Then, the corporation promotes them.

So, you have certified smart, award-winning, certified “creative” people with good jobs with good titles throwing prestige points out on to the rubes.

Now add things, like, oh, the women are putting their children in daycare or hiring nannies. They hire elder care to watch their parents. There is no long term exposure to vulnerable or weak human beings even when they are with their family.

They have mothers- but see how shocked and lost they are when their mother or father weakens and fails at the end of their lives. More to the point- look at the next year. The corporate person is in a tailspin. They can never articulate why- somehow, the corporate work gets to be ‘too much.’ It’s never mourning; it’s never confronting weakness or death. It’s never acknowledging a life of immaturity and the pain of growing into maturity.

Everything in their world- every little bit of feedback- tells them they are smarter and more special than anyone else in their life that isn’t as well-educated, well-employed, sleek, without cares, as they are. All weaknesses are external. There is endurance- for the sake of a job, not the family.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
8 months ago

Also, it’s international. It’s Prince Harry and EU. It’s lovely people at dinner parties worldwide. It’s digital nomads. It’s all the clever people who use all the people of the world as a roller coaster amusement ride. It’s every famous person with a mouthpiece. It’s every mainstream published article.

8 months ago

Does AOC not realize Jim Jordan is the head of the judiciary committee? What is the point? Just going through the motions for attention?

Reply to  Ultra
8 months ago

AOC is following a provided script. She auditioned for her role in the house. There are still copies of an interview she gave where she out and out admits that she auditioned for the position. She has no ideas of her own.

8 months ago

Packs of “fighting age males” in military uniforms entering U.S. through remote Arizona town.

Once the Communist took power, first thing they did was arrest the opposition.

With the immigration, the arrests, the SCOTUS impeachment etc, it is starting to look like the US is undergoing a permanent Coup d’Etat.

8 months ago
8 months ago

New UK PM accused of protecting rampant pedophile Jimmy Savile.

He also dropped the police charges against Tony Blair

He was also appointed by Tony Blair

Reply to  Name*
8 months ago

David Lindsay has been writing about this for years.

At best, its like the Trump cabinet official who was told when a prosecutor to let Epstein off lightly since he was “with intel”, but with less excuse, since Starmer was much higher up.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Interestingly barely any posters mention that Starmer was appointed by Blair and protected him against the Police charges. S

Starmer is also Tri-Lateral, just like Bush Snr.

We complain how the sheeple ignore facts, and yet conservatives ignore this also

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonynnous
8 months ago
Reply to  Name*
8 months ago

Crossbows are dangerous weapons and should be banned. They were banned for anyone other than professional soldiers in the Middle Ages.

I support recognizing the right to hold a weapon to defend your household, and also a weapon to be mustered into the local militia. No one needs a crossbow for either.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago


I assume this is satire.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Ed has previously stated that he doesn’t own any guns.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

That changes nothing.
It’s either tardery of the highest order, or satire.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

You do if you can’t own guns. Which most Brits can’t.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Build your own fully automatic crossbow out of plywood and a drill.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Everything is dangerous and must be banned.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

presumably you are ok with people owning firearms, but owning a crossbow where you draw the line? Firearms are much more dangerous than crossbows, they have longer range, greater rate of fire, easier to conceal, easier for an untrained doofus to use etc. you need to rethink this. Unless this is satire, in which case, well done!!

Last edited 8 months ago by Max Barrage
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

You obviously have hands that are registered as deadly weapons. How about sling shots, or, the biblical sling? Baseball bats? Steak knives? Frying pans? All of these can be deadly. Oh,and ice picks? A sock filled with steel bolts? Need is not a prerequisite for anything.

Reply to  Festis
8 months ago

A traditional sling like David used? Anyone proficient enough to hit anything with one of those is probably dangerous, period.

I made a few attempts to master the sling. On a good day, the stone would shoot off in a direction less than 90 degrees from what I was aiming at.

It also takes some time to load and release a shot, and quite a bit of room, and you have to be standing to do it. And it’s pretty obvious what you’re up to.

There are good reasons why almost nobody uses the sling any more.

8 months ago

For first time, NATO accuses China of supplying Russia’s attacks on Ukraine. 

Does China accuse NATO of supplying Ukraine’s attacks on Russia?

Reply to  Name*
8 months ago

Uh… Russia has issued several press releases that were picked up by the Western media, about their new BFF the CCP, and how the Chicoms were supplying them with munitions. I guess that got lost in the “OMG North Korean weapons!!!” furor.

Russia has more cash money than they do production capacity; buying compatible foreign munitions is while they take their time re-tooling their (mostly very old) factories makes good strategic sense.

8 months ago

Talk about giving Russia no option but the take the whole country.”

Russia cannot even leave a rump Ukraine state as it will just be used as a springboard with more destructive weapons

Reply to  Name*
8 months ago

Excellent point.

From the Russian perspective, western Ukraine is a problem. There were medieval Russian principalities there, but it was never part of Russia or Muscovy after the Mongols came. It was incorporated into the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and then into the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was part of the USSR after World War II, but assigned to the Ukrainian SSR, not the Russian SSR. So annexing this territory would mean incorporating lots of people who, with good reason, don’t view themselves as Russian and don’t want to be Russia, which is a big headache.

The best solution from the Russian perspective is to keep a smaller independent Ukraine around, but install their own government. The current government of Ukraine is literally illegal according the Ukraine’s own constitution and can’t be very popular, so this is doable. They could also split off western Ukraine into its own country, called Ruthenia (its large enough) and take the rest.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Hmm. A Vichy-style Ukraine as a buffer zone would only work as long as they kept control of the puppet government. Hard to do if the population is electing their own people.

Though we all know how elections work, now.

8 months ago

Keir Starmer gives go-ahead for British missiles to be used in strikes against targets inside Russia.

Starmer got 33% of the vote, and 20% of the electorate, and probably 15% of the British people

When he takes out the decision making centres, I hope he avoids us plebs.

8 months ago

Joe Biden chickens out as campaign claims he ‘doesn’t have time’ for Trump’s golf challenge.

Trump should challenge him to a dance off.

Convicted felon Hunter Biden is Joe Biden’s ‘acting Chief of Staff.’

“Hunter Biden” has effectively been the President since 2021, probably also between 2009 and 2017.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

> Trump should challenge him to a dance off.

I’ll vote for “Stairmaster Challenge.”

8 months ago

Uruguay is considered less corrupt than the US & Spain based on data from Transparency International.

Uruguay is at the top of my list of bug out countries. They currently have an amazing President, and were one of the few countries that didn’t do the COVID psyop. Even Brazil, where the President opposed the lockdowns in public in a way that Trump didn’t, still locked down.

The problem is that Uruguay is free of cabal control because it has a sparse population, ten million people the last time I checked, no natural resources, and is unimportant. It is the place the elite of Argentina goes on vacation. These places are great because they are so unimportant that the Cabal leaves them alone, but if for some reason the Cabal decided they wanted to control Uruguay, they could flood the country quickly and in two weeks tops you will see rainbow flags flying in Montevideo.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Does it have good water?

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

A friend of mine spent a couple of months there on some kind of USAF thing. He loved Uruguay, though he said it was strange that maybe a quarter of the people he encountered were actually Japanese.

8 months ago

Here is a good Newsweek article about the SAVE Act, the legislation that says you have to be a citizen to vote. You would think the federal constitution would imply this, but it seems the legislation is also needed.

I know, its too little too late. But what I found interesting is that while all the Republicans voted for the measure, five Democrats also voted for it.

This is the list of the Democrats who defected, with links to their Wikipedia bios:

Three of them sometimes position themselves as conservatives, but Davis and Gluesenkap Perez are surprises.

I don’t give out white pills that often, but I think there is some hope that the Senate passes this and forces “Biden” to veto it. If they can get five Congressional defections, they can get two Senators to defect. Manchin and Sinema are still there and are not running for re-election. Brown and Tester are running for re-elections in states Trump carried easily twice, and then there is Fetterman where you never know what you will get.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

And three of them are Hispanic…

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

> You would think the federal constitution would imply this, but it seems the legislation is also needed.

The Constitution doesn’t say voting is restricted to humans. I expect the Left will want to extend the franchise to trees and animals Real Soon Now.

8 months ago

A national election watchdog group has joined a pair of New York Republican Congresswomen challenging the state’s mail voting law in court.

According to the article, the Democrats tried to pass an amendment to the New York state constitution loosening voting by mail restrictions. New Yorkers voted it down, so they just passed an ordinary law doing the same thing. The lawsuit just argues that the legislature can’t just pass a law overriding the state constitution.

I’ve voted absentee in New York and had to provide a reason why I could not vote in person. I don’t know at the time that was a constitutional provision. I really should read my state constitution some day.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
8 months ago

Jeff Dunham doing a long bit making fun of Brandon after a show in Vegas:

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
8 months ago

Re: Kildall the genius

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
8 months ago

Looks like three guys sitting in cuck corner in a room at the Travel Lodge.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
8 months ago

Had the pleasure of going to my local jabattoir recently for a physical. Had the doctor in fits because I refused to take a Shingrix shot even though I’m a prime candidate for one.

I enjoyed pissing him off.

“You want me to take statins to reduce my risk of heart attacks? No thanks, doesn’t seem like a bad way to go to be honest.”

“Why am I here then? For the free blood work. Y’alls credibility is shot since Covid. Hey, where you going doc?”

Vitamin D levels were aces though so all’s good.

Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

top kek

Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

Did you ask him about the statins giving you type-2 diabetes?

Karl Denninger goes off on this:

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Bman
8 months ago

Nah, he was pushing his drugs and wouldn’t have cared. I’ll never see him again anyway. Just a random doc they gave me when I scheduled.

Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

A wealth of information on cholesterol and statins….

The Great Cholesterol Scam and The Dangers of Statins

Exploring the Actual Causes and Treatments of Heart Disease

Story at a Glance:

•There is a widespread belief that elevated cholesterol is the “cause” of cardiovascular disease. However, a large body of evidence shows that there is no association between the two and that lower cholesterol significantly increases one’s risk of death.

•An alternative model (which the medical industry buried) proposes that the blood clots the body uses to heal arterial damage, once healed, create the characteristic atherosclerotic lesions associated with heart disease. The evidence for this model, in turn, is much stronger than the cholesterol hypothesis and provides many important insights for treating heart disease.

•The primary approach to treating heart disease is to prescribe cholesterol lowering statin drugs (to the point, over a trillion dollars have now been spent on them). Unfortunately, the benefits of these highly toxic drugs are minuscule (e.g., at best taking them for years extends your life by a few days) and the harms are vast (statins are one of the most common pharmaceuticals that severely injure patients).

•In this article we will explore the specific injuries caused by statin drugs, the forgotten causes of cardiovascular disease, and our preferred treatments for heart and vascular diseases.

Reply to  B_MC
8 months ago

Marion Holman has campaigned tirelessly on Twitter to inform the public the danger of statins. They’re linked to diabetes & Parkinsons.


8 months ago

Huma Abedin gets engaged to (((George Soros)))’ son Alex during romantic Italian break.

Babylonian bloodline being crossed with Tartarian bloodline.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

What cross? She’s 48.

Reply to  Commenter
8 months ago

Frozen eggs and ivf.

Reply to  Commenter
8 months ago

And he’s a queer.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
8 months ago

soze she

Reply to  SteveRogers42
8 months ago

The test tube doesn’t care.

8 months ago

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Clipped from Timcast IRL:
I’ll leave it up to you (the reader) to decide if Burchett is talking about the surveillance, but I thought it was worth noting.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Nah, just an inability of Timcast Studio to do pest removal.

8 months ago

Article on how all of our precision weapons are becoming useless because Russian Electronic Warfare is so sophisticated and adaptable.

My God, who could have foreseen this? Oh, right, me and a bunch of other people paying attention three years ago.

8 months ago

The Arizona rancher who became the face of the border crisis when he was charged with killing a migrant on his land will not face trial again, a judge has ruled.

Can’t find the ruling itself, but it’s almost certainly based on double jeopardy.

8 months ago

So Michael Douglas is *worse* than the characters he’s played?

8 months ago

i’m not a Clinton guy, but posting this because it’s just wild how very different times are now.

8 months ago

So they’ve likely been doing it all along and now they admit it

Once again AC is ahead of the curve

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 months ago

Something I ran across,

repulsive force beams

“Impulse Gravity Generator Based on Charged YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-y} Superconductor with Composite Crystal Structure”Evgeny Podkletnov, Giovanni Modanese

“…Podkletnov now says that he can generate repulsive force beams. According to Nick Cook,

“Meanwhile, Mr Podkletnov, now based at the Moscow Chemical Scientific Research Center, has taken his ideas further. Last year he published another paper – backed by Giovanni Modanese, an Italian physicist, detailing work on an ‘impulse gravity generator’ that is capable of exerting a repulsive force on all matter.

Using a strong electrical discharge source and a superconducting ’emitter’, the equipment has produced a ‘gravity impulse’, Mr Podkletnov says, “that is very short in time and propagates with great speed (practically instantaneously) along the line of discharge, passing through different objects without any observable loss of energy”.

The result, he maintains, is a repulsive action on any object the beam hits, that is proportional to its mass. When fitted to a laser pointing device, Mr Podkletnov says, his laboratory installation has already demonstrated its ability to knock over objects more than a kilometer away. The same installation, he maintains, could hit objects up to 200km away with the same power.”[72]


Another using electrostatics

“…Buhler discusses an experimental propulsion results based on asymmetrical electrostatic pressure…”

This guy claims to have an anti-gravity effect machine that has a better than 1 G force(barely). It’s based on large electrostatic differences. And these guys are not yahoos. They are real scientist who have been working on electrostatics and are experts in the field.

Now it just happened to occur to me that there was a battery company called EEStor that was going to make batteries from capacitors with very high voltage, very high electrical potential difference capacitors. Once again, these were not yahoos, they ran IBM’s materials science department in the hard drive division. They said they had prototypes and these worked, but then…they just sort of faded away. They said obliquely they couldn’t build a manufacturing line, (this may be speculation. I do not recall them saying anything), but…I wonder…could they have made these high difference electrostatic devices, they had to, to do what they proposed, and then found…something they weren’t looking for, and the government shut them down or repurposed the work???

“…Here’s an abbreviated timeline of the firm’s financial and partnership activity:

  • Kleiner Perkins invested several million in EEStor in 2005. They don’t admit to the investment on their website. 
  • ZENN Motors, a Canadian EV manufacturer, invested $2.5 million in EEStor in 2007. 
  • ZENN invested another $5 million for a 10.7% stake in 2009. ZENN is publicly held but barely alive as a going concern.
  • Lockheed-Martin signed an agreement with EEStor for the rights to integrate and market EESU units in military and security applications but did not invest any money. 


An idea. If it’s this beam talked about in the first paper then the beam will effect all in its path. So if you hang heavy objects in a grid pattern around where your head or body parts being beamed, all around, they would also be effected. Then record if the objects move. This will give you a direct line and path to where the beam is coming from. Video that could be used in litigation. It might not need to be heavy. Could maybe just be strips of aluminum foil, or strips of metal suspended with string from the ceiling. You would have to hang enough so that the beam would have to go through some of them to accurately find the path. The smaller the strips and more numerous, the more accurate the path determination. Once you find a path with larger strips, maybe you could hang more in that direction to fine tune.

Unfortunately, I haven’t come up with any way to stop it. Maybe super conductors would work as the guy in the first paper said gravity was effected by them but this would be damn hard to rig up and expensive.

A wild idea that may mean nothing. In the second paper, they are using electrostatic forces to make gravitational repulsion. What if electrostatic screens could absorb or deflect the beam? Maybe angled they would deflect it???? The basic idea is analogous to that of an antenna. Antennas make and absorb radio waves. Could it be the same using electrostatics and gravity waves???

8 months ago

Naked Capitalism on the court intrigues around the supposedly suddenly discovered “Biden” dementia:

I read it a few yours ago, but what struck me was the argument that the CIA was on the side of the “remove Biden” faction.

The first key to understanding this is that the issue isn’t whether “Biden” is the Democratic nominee, since they can always change the rules. The issue is whether he has presidential power for the next six months.

The second key is that the problem is solved by using the 25th Amendment. But the 25th Amendment has to be triggered by the Vice President. And the Vice President is doing nothing.

So there is a faction trying to remove Biden, and a faction that has control of both Biden and Harris that is blocking the other faction.

And what do you need presidential authority for? To launch nuclear war (either real or simulated). Which faction wants to get on with the nuclear war, and which faction was blocking it. Because nukes were clearly in the plan, possibly for this month, and now suddenly they aren’t.

8 months ago

The sidebar is gone again.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Dammit! I wanted a drink and and to smoke a cigar; now I have to chew and swallow a panetela cigar. (Memories from riding the Eerie Lakawona morning commute train to Rutgers Newark.)

Last edited 8 months ago by teotoon
8 months ago

Ex-Wife Of Donald Trump Willing To Help With Campaign, “Open” To Being Vice President


Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

The VP comment made me chuckle, but everything else she was quoted as saying is on point.

Reply to  AnonL
8 months ago

Trump would know if she can be trusted.

8 months ago

46 is an actor. Tucker basically just coyly confirmed it. He has plausible deniability but basically just said that Biden is not Biden. If Biden isn’t Biden, Barry isn’t Barry. Neither is Hillary or Bill. Anyone in that social circle would have to be replaced to keep them from talking.

The choice to know will be yours. We all know around here.

They planted enough seeds about Joe being a double all the way back at the inauguration month so that we would know. There’s enough video clips that simply make no sense that in twenty years there will conspiracy theory documentaries on The History Channel about it. And like everything else that gets those documentaries, it will NEVER be officially confirmed. Just like the existence of Q.

Remember that time they tried to shoot down Air Force One via a smuggled SAM launcher parked in the Puget Sound? Classified to the end of time, along with the real story about Sky King. But we have the photo of the missile launch from the weather cam thanks to Q.

Remains to be seen if the 2020 election fraud evidence that Space Force has get’s unveiled publicly when they start doing the election fraud stuff, and they will do election fraud stuff because Trump has no choice. There has to be SOMETHING done because it simply will not go away and Trump keeps squawking about it. If he’s going to get the new voter ID/election rules through congress then they are going to have to have trials which prove enough fraud to have changed the outcome of 2020. It’s the only political crisis big enough to force the standardization of voting rules across the country.

Remember the 4AM fireworks show over the White House that we still have no explanation for? We’re never gonna get one, at least not from any White House press secretary.

Until the end of time, Joe Biden will be listed as America’s 46th president. He may be impeached after the fact over the election fraud stuff, but he will still be listed as POTUS even though he was probably replaced before his campaign even began.

Tucker Carlson says that Biden is not the same guy he remembers

Reply to  lowell
8 months ago

Q/Trump had better declassify ALL the things.

It’s time for a Truth and Retribution committee.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I think Q was right about that. I’ve seen it; when something drops, the normies freak the Hell out. I’m like “Yeah, I knew this shit years ago.” Most people are walking around in blissful ignorance and would probably suffer a break if it all came out at once. We’ve been following it for years and it doesn’t affect us as much, but for normies it’s shocking.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
8 months ago

They NEED the freakout.
“It has to be that way”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

It will be very hard for some people to bear. In late 2020/early 2021, I was reading a lot about the child trafficking, and it got me angry. I tried explaining it to my wife and it got her upset. I told her nobody should be able to hide from this since ignoring it allowed it to continue for so long. But my wife is empathic and it was affecting her in ways it can’t affect me. I eventually had to back off and take a gentler approach in explaining it to her.

But imagine the average normie who hasn’t been married to one of us discussing the Fed, conspiracies, and child trafficking for a decade.

I agree, the freakout is necessary. We’ll be living that meme where the two women are in shock and the guy has a shit-eating grin. (attached).

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Chairman Erik Prince.

Reply to  lowell
8 months ago

I definitely would love to know the story behind Sky King. So many dog whistles there. He was a baker, he stole a Q400 aircraft, and he mentioned doing a barrel roll (image attached).

Reply to  lowell
8 months ago

“NEVER”, “Until the end of time”…either you have no idea what you’re talking about, orrrrrrr, God forbid, you do, in which case, the “patriots” interested in COVERING UP TRUTHS, for whatever heinously stupid reason, are as doomed as any globalist ghoul. The whole fucking point is to UNCOVERRRRRR the truth, and so anyone — ANYONE — who claims that this or that thing needs to remain buried, i.e., continue to be lied about, is a TOTAL FUCKING FRAUD, and worse, SATANIC. Because I don’t know if you noticed, but this is the APOCALYPSE. Which means UNCOVERING, and there are ZERRRRRRRRRO exceptions, 0.fucking.000000000, and so on. Whatever any well-meaning patriots are anxious about? TOUGH SHIT. It’ll put 99% of people in a psych ward or give them cardiac events? OH FUCKING WELL. I cannot belieeeeeeeve the amount of oblivious/malicious hypocrisy on the right. You’re verrrrrrry lucky that the left has been even worse, and they’re lucky that Cabal is the world of all.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

*worst of all

p.s. I am unnerved by the probable existence of some/many “patriots” who’d ABSOLUTELY try to fuck up a Total Disclosure with “exceptions” because they’d want to preserve their precious preconceptions about God/Jesus and capitalism at all costs. “Noooo! That CAN’T be God! The world must never know, bury it!” Or more likely, “Noooo! We can’t switch to cooperative ownership, that’s communism! Plus, I own stock! My investments!” Those kind of pseudo-Christians and pseudo-Americans worry me the most now. Seeing through Biden yesterday, LITERALLY seeing through him, 100% convinced me, finally, that Q is real. But is Q composed of Grand Inquisitors and hypocritical Wealthfags? We shall see.

Reply to  lowell
8 months ago

Yep. And the whole current script to dump Biden is just more theater. IMO, just to make him look desperate. He’s going to get more desperate when Trump wins.

Reply to  lowell
8 months ago

> Until the end of time, Joe Biden will be listed as America’s 46th president.

And Barry O as the 44th.

8 months ago

Regarding the OS guy….Gates stole his operating system and fucked him by undercutting the cost.

Reply to  Bman
8 months ago

Not really. Tim Paterson’s QDOS was a work-alike, but it was all-new code. Tim wrote it in assembly language, cross-compiling 8086 object code on a DEC mini host.

Paterson used CP/M-style function calls to make it easy to port CP/M software to Seattle Computer’s new 8086 machines. It was perfectly legal, though a precedent was set in 1990 when Lotus Development sued Borland over the “menu structure” of Borland’s Quattro spreadsheet. Lotus, unbelievably, won, though it didn’t make much difference in the convergence of software user interfaces afterward.

Kildall’s story about missing out on the IBM deal varied according to who he was talking to, at least according to people who said they got it straight from him. Other bits of Kildall’s life are also obscure, including how he died from injuries sustained in a biker bar, where there are, again, multiple “official” stories.

8 months ago

>furries hack into Heritage Foundation to prove Project 2025 was a fascist plot to take over America

>accidentally reveal it’s a China op

This year is amazing.

8 months ago

From Miles Mathis:

ANNOUNCEMENT, Beware, I am being spoofed from https. My site is http. Browsers are defaulting to https, and someone has stolen the secure URL for my site. We are working on it.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Mathis is an idiot. ‘The secure url’ is a ssl (public key encryption certificate.. and yes, they can be stolen, so you replace it, using a trusted vendor, or self-issue one (which causes a warning in the browser). Using non-ssl is FAR worse: and essentially means your traffic is public and spoofable. In other words: as usual Mathis is wacko.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

Yes, but I’m sure he’s under attack.
And it’s at the same time as AC and Whatfinger being under attack.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Mathis isn’t under attack. Stop defending fools and morons.

8 months ago

Musk Announces X To Sue ‘Perpetrators And Collaborators’ Behind Advertising Censorship Cartel

But he just rejoined them.

8 months ago

Well, you totally failed re: Naylor’s 1996.
But it might be moot, now.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

You failed.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 months ago

You’re right. Thank you, for getting it. Sorry, for moments of turning into a psychotic cunt. But shit, I’m still unphased by it all, so I don’t really feel too much remorse about any mistake I may have made, or any mistake my Mossad mind-control technicians may have influenced me to make, because I am trying my ass/balls off, my brains/heart out, and because most of these threats feel for me like poker semi-bluffs I will almost invariably not follow up on. I’m a bit like Donald, in that way. And I can always encourage myself with the consolation that, fuck, at least I didn’t actually literally stab a Polonius through a curtain. Just maybe unnerved a few hundred people, slightly, briefly. I’ll take that, I have no problem paying any penance for that.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

0 thumbs up, and 6 thumbs down…that’s unusual, given the link, no? Why on earth would anyone be upset about seeing the flags through Biden? Or were they upset about me bringing up Naylor? Either way, I’m glad you can see who individually thumbs up/downed it. Right? It could tell you A SHITLOAD about who those people really are. Either they’re anti-exposing Biden, which is absurd, what possible reason could there be for that, or anti-Naylor, which is incriminating as fuck. “You failed”, lol. Oh? How? Elaborate. Go long. One thing I’m always wary of is people who post fragmentary thoughts but can’t or won’t expound upon them. Almost like they just want to engage in a Meme War, not a Truth Pursuit. Well, I’m superb at both things, memes and truths, so, I’m thrilled to participate in either.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 months ago

You failed by showing yourself to be a megalomaniac.
You make unreasonable demands and treat AC like your personal servant.

8 months ago

Ultra-Orthodox Rabbis Defy Military Draft, Threatening Political Stability in Israel

8 months ago

BRICS+: The leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, advocates for the creation of a parliament for BRICS countries.

“BRICS still does not have its own institutionalized parliamentary structure, but I believe that in the future this idea will definitely be implemented. […] Receptiveness, justice, and equality are the principles that unite BRICS countries.”

Sounds globalist to me.

8 months ago

Purdue patented a NON-ADDICTIVE formula for the opioids that they were selling so that no one could produce them

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Years ago, someone managed to create a variant of THC that would provide the same medical benefits (glaucoma, Parkinson’s, chronic pain, etc) but didn’t get you high.

That completely bombed in the medical marijuana market. “Gee, I wonder why?”

Various wild figures are slung around about how much of opioid production winds up “on the street.” But I expect the market for opioids would fall off dramatically once patients found out they couldn’t sell their prescription meds to addicts.