Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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DFT – RFK Jr’s Crypto Holdings Revealed
DFT – Wells Fargo Downgrades Fox Corp
DFT – TotalEnergies ?EO – Winter May Produce Gas Supply Constraints
DFT – Russia Allocates Financing For Hungary’s Paks-2 Nuclear Plant Construction
DFT – UN Conference On Trade And Development Details Gloomy Global Investment Environment
The mouth also periodically has that look where they put one person’s mouth talking on another person’s picture, where the mouth and chin move a ton, while everything from the cheeks up is static, and it seems off in relation to the rest of the face. Even the female reporter could not believe it was real. So they are deep-faking a guy in the next room with nothing to do?
Shawn Ryan on UFOs, and black projects with Dr Steven Greer:
I watched it if you are pressed for time. Vital points:
First, Greer gets “out there.” If he is telling the truth, the ETs are completely benign, we interact with them and their crashed craft a lot, and there are far more astonishing and weird things going on than seems believable, from those in control being completely evil, to us flying around the solar system in human-made ET craft, to lots of wild technologies like teleportation and weird animals coming in through interdimensional portals in laboratories and running around loose. He comes off as possibly gullible, and maybe a disinfo agent, making things crazy-sounding. That said, this is a thing so I’ll summarize most of it here.
At about 6:23 an expert is quoted by Greer, who says he said, “There are no private conversations, anywhere on the planet,” and Greer comments, “True.”
Lou Elizondo is said by this guy to be a disinformation agent sent out by those hoarding the tech to muddy the waters and make it look like nobody knows anything.
There is some kind of “monstrous” project which is highly disturbing, which is using our UFOs for trafficking specially identified and selected kidnapped children, women, and some men for some sort of very specific experiments, possibly related to psychic abilities, related to remote viewing, and most of the subjects die in the course of experiments. He says the details will not let you sleep. He seems like he is saying they get melded with technology to exploit their abilities, but they don’t make it.
Congress is investigating entire villages which were slaughtered in Latin America, which look like alien attacks, but it turns out those doing UFO research did it to muddy the waters on the UFO issue. It is also setting the stage for Bluebeam, to make the aliens look bad.
Also funny in the commercial – Shawn says he wakes up every night in the middle of the night covered in sweat because “for some reason,” he “sleeps hot.” That is actually supposed to be a symptom of some thru-wall energy systems, used for harassment, and maybe just monitoring. I went through a long period around my early 20’s, waking up every might around 1 AM absolutely on fire, and needing to fill a glass with ice and water, and down the water and keep refilling until the ice was gone, before I could sleep again. I actually took a thermometer in for a couple of nights, expecting I would have like a 103 fever, but even as I was red hot and covered in sweat, I was 97.8 degrees.
He says we will see, “very soon” the script from the movie Independence Day play out for real, as Project Bluebeam, in a desperate attempt by the elites to take over the world.
Clinton wanted to know about UFOs, and George H. W. Bush visited him and told him to butt out, it was not his business, and he meekly did.
An Admiral said to Greer he cannot do anything, as the military can only deploy, at most stealth bombers, while this group has UFOs that can fly in circles around a stealth bomber.
People offered to him, to let him take out as many credit cards as he wants each month, and they will zero them out because they control the supercomputers which all those records flow through, and they can do that, if he would just back off.
They have given at least 10,000 people, $10 mill or more per piece, to get their cooperation on UFO stuff.
The conspiracy recruits for psychopathy and sociopathy, and is basically now all psychopaths and sociopaths, many highly malicious toward the world.
Around 1 hour, he says a cell of the secret not-government got ahold of Skinwalker Ranch for a while, and for some reason they could set up high end interdimensional electronic devices like toroids, and open up dimensional portals. And with that tech he knows people who opened doorways to another nearby dimension, and brought in living creatures which looked like they came from the ninth ring of hell, and they were running around the lab as material, 3D organisms. He is getting afield of his specialty, and it makes you wonder how extensive the head-games he has been exposed to are.
Right now the most amazing tech is in the hands of the worst group of sociopaths in the history of the world.
There are quantum entangled scalar weapons, which use the quantum entanglement between two points to deliver energy directly from one point to another, instantaneously, faster than the speed of light, to destroy it.
Similar tech is used for communications, and our detonating nukes disrupts the aliens comms and travel, which is why they do not like nukes.
A SpecOps operator assigned to crash retrieval says that his team went to retrieve a “stunned” UFO at the Nellis test range that we hit with a beam weapon, aliens were outside it, the team approached it, it came back online, began to glow red, and suddenly he, his team, and his helo were all instantly teleported back to their base.
Everyone will have six months to give everything they have to Congress, or they will be in violation of a law as of it passing shortly. But he says the bill is a done deal.
We have had unlimited free zero-point energy for 100 years.
Late 1950s there was a secret airshow that featured a UFO with scorch marks, which got them because it was out in the solar system, being flown around.
The have AI-run biological robots which look like aliens, which they are using to make their abductions look like alien abductions, to set the narrative up for Bluebeam with hostile aliens, and to get subjects for their experiments while blaming aliens for the kidnappings.
More sources step forward to say U.S. gov’t is in possession of ’12-15 Non-human’ spacecraft.
Nick Fuentes did some black podcast, and said the N-word, here is a still:
On 4Chan they said the black girls fawned over him, and there were other pictures of them all posing eagerly with him, like he was some kind of star-celebrity. I never pay attention to these characters, they are a waste of good neurons, so I did not actually watch this. Fuentes is a Mexican white nationalist who appears to be homosexual, based on his interactions with some other homo-male streamer he palled around with, who wears cat ears all the time. He is typical for what they promote artificially to keep our side disordered, demoralized, and lacking in real leadership. The only interesting aspect for me was the picture above. The average black girl is not going to see this skinny homosexual “Mexican white nationalist” use the N-word, after first asking if anyone will hurt him if he does, and then treat him like a God. Obviously this is some kind of psyop the eggheads came up with to serve some purpose. I have no idea what. But the girls fascinate me.
I think those girls above are the domestic network girls. They do what they are told. If I went to school with them, they probably would have been trying to jump in the sack with me as part of some control or derailment psyop, just because command told them to. I do not know if any of the ones I dealt with would have followed through on marriage and kids, they may have just been some kind of derailment ops. But there are some who marry their targets, and have kids with them. And I don’t think they ever tell the targets. If command says it, that is what they will do. It is very strange to grow up believing in individual agency, and freedom, and see these people who just accept they have absolutely none. And it feels like one of those threads, that if you could ever pull it completely loose, would reveal another one of these mind-blowing revelations, which change how you view the entire world. For now we just aren’t there yet. But it feels like we are getting closer.
New York Times says Ray Epps may sue Fox for defamation over Tucker’s coverage of him, and bankrupt the network. Whatever happens, I tend to think Tucker is in the network, and will be fine. But if he was not, and Epps’ history was opaque enough and there were no threads to pull to unravel, he could do it. It is a very weird nation right now, with no rules.
And the suit is filed: January 6 figure Ray Epps sues Fox News for defamation for claiming he was a federal provocateur. Fox will probably give him a rich settlement, as I do not think he would sue if he thought Fox would really unleash the PIs and figure out his backstory. And of course, Fox would never challenge Cabal like that.
Leftists argue government censorship is the highest form of speech.
Mark Zuckerberg privately told Facebook execs to be cautious about mRNA vaccines because “we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA.” Interesting, as I assumed Cabal operators were all taking it. They may have taken, or been given placebos.
Zuckerberg’s new Twitter alternative ‘collects all your data and follows you everywhere.’
Threads, the new “Twitter killer” app rolled out by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, has surpassed 100 million users in less than a week while Elon Musk’s micro-blogging site has seen traffic “tanking,” according to a tech executive. Total Deja vu, taking me back to like 1998 or 99, when I read an article saying, “MySpace has real problems, as all the cool kids are using Facebook, and MySpace is now where Granma and Grandpa go to post pictures of their cats.” I remember thinking I had never heard of anyone using Facebook. Everyone who did that stuff I had heard of was on MySpace. And what was the difference between the two, anyway? But that was the psyop. MySpace probably had a ton of server problems, and hacking issues, and other problems crop up which just gradually wore them down, as well. They think you will follow the herd, or at least where they tell you the herd is going. Also, since Zuck is probably Cabal funded, I will bet he is taking no action to limit bots, which are probably most of the traffic.
An Alex Jones video, the summation of which is, MSM denies child sex trafficking exists, attacks Sound Of Freedom movie. I am just using the video as a link to substantiate the fact and summarize a ton of headlines knocking the movie and calling the idea of child trafficking a “Q-anon adjacent” conspiracy theory. Kind of stunning and horrifying. Makes you think Caviezel’s adrenochrome statement is true, and all these motherfuckers in the media must be much closer to it than you would think. Also, an anon on Q’s board claims the purpose of all of this is to lay the groundwork for a later phase which will get people to microchip their kids so they cannot be trafficked.
In 2014, CBS did a glowing piece on Tim Ballard, and his rescue of trafficked children. Now it is all a conspiracy theory, because the media’s intel-handlers told them to call it that.
DeSantis campaign is giving ‘Jeb Bush vibes,’ ex-GOP staffer warns.
DeSantis’s stumbles have GOP mulling other Trump alternatives. A good opportunity to purge the party of other traitors.
Hunter’s laptop has a lot of pictures of very young girls.
President Biden has a short temper and frequently lashes out at staff members with profanity-laden rants if they do not meet his expectations, according to a new Axios report. That is an amygdala which overloads and releases the stress by yelling.
Nearly 30 percent of American households comprise a single person, a record high. I am not at all certain this is just happening organically. There were a lot of Cabal kids in my public school. A lot. I don’t know if Cabal ground surveillance has specific orders to breed up and out-breed real Americans, or if they just grow up different, knowing everything going on, and have more kids since knowing leaves them less maladjusted. But there were enough of them, they would comprise a significant portion of your socialization growing up, and they could subvert those relationships which were not them. I think the social alienation we are seeing, the lack of pair bonding, the lack of desire for family, people not forming the tight knit social groups of the past, and on a grander scale, the lack of national identity, is directly related to the prevalence of the secret society kids growing up around our side’s kids. As they grow in number, you have normal kids, at critical developmental periods, experiencing atypical socializing with weirdos, weird kids whose whole purpose is playing them ,and keeping secrets from them, and you can feel that, even as a clueless kid. And that is before the adult agents running the schools begin giving orders to the domestic intel kids, to actively interfere in other kid’s lives. Then you grow up, and where do you go for socializing? The Masons? Again, infiltrated, subverted, and probably a weird vibe as everyone else has to keep you in the dark. The gun club? Maybe the same. PTA? Rotary club? Local Republican groups? In short, I wonder, if there was no secret society diffused throughout the schools, and then in our adult environments, if these loners would have developed differently, and would be more social. I mean, why can I fit in perfectly with animals, who are so different psychologically, and have so little in common with me, but I have no desire to deal with my own species? It feels unnatural, in a way that there would be some very powerful influence behind it. And I can obviously think of one such influence, present in the humans I dealt with, but entirely absent in animals, right off the top of my head.
Why the ‘Yellow’ vaccine batches really do appear to be like placebos in terms of adverse effects.
A Democrat state representative in New Hampshire called members of Moms for Liberty “a–holes” and compared them to terrorists, as the up-and-coming parental rights group rises in influence. “A–holes with casseroles, taliban in minivan.” Moms for Liberty opposes the use of gay propaganda in schools.
Videos of the rapes of 10 unconscious boys were found on the cellphone of a Tennessee soccer coach after he left it behind at a restaurant, police said Sunday. Note, that would not happen to kids of Cabal, and undoubtedly, IMO, surveillance was probably monitoring when he did these things.
The number of students who identify as LGBTQI+ at Brown University stands at just under 40% of the total enrollment, the institution’s Brown Daily Herald reports. The narrative points to it being a social contagion, but given elite colleges are also intel-gathering ops, filled with kid-spies who will say in surveys what Cabal-command tells them to, there is no telling what this is.
A trial for a Las Vegas police officer accused of stealing nearly $165,000 in a series of casino heists is set to begin Monday with prosecutors painting him as a gambling addict who grew increasingly desperate under a crush of debt. Fascinating to me, because it means not all cops know what is out there watching, so it is more evidence many, if not most of the Police are probably clueless about what is really going on. It is like Dick Marcinko’s elite SEAL buddy from Seal Team Six, and his DOD BlackOps unit Red Cell, who I profiled a ways back. As a member of a DOD black-ops unit, outside of any military branch command, one of like 17 operators, IIRC handpicked from SEAL Six for the initial unit, and maybe 40 the unit ultimately grew to, the guy was among the most elite special operations operators the nation produced. He could have been top thirty or forty spec-ops killers in the world. If we were going to do an assassination of some elite government target in Europe on the down low, where the target absolutely had to die, and nobody could get caught, that is the guy who would have gotten the call and been sent. As part of his unit duties, they launched mock terrorist attacks on US facilities to test the security of the facility as they honed their own prowess.
You would think he would know everything about everything out there, and just be on another level. He got out of the military, tried to be a personal trainer, his business went nowhere, he fell into debt, and he decided to rob banks, totally unaware he was robbing Cabal operations while under full the Cabal surveillance of the American Stasi that blanket everywhere in America – and that in the eyes of Cabal, robbing its banks would be a no-no. They caught him straight away, and he probably still has no idea how.
Which begs the question, why did the Pentagon have his unit testing base security, when the operators had no idea of Cabal’s overwatch, which was both the most powerful layer of the security, and the biggest threat the base would face? They might as well have never done any testing, because they never interacted with what would either prevent an attack, or support it, depending on the whims of the real leaders of the world. They spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the unit, and they might as well have simply had somebody test the key card entry systems and call it a day. And of course there is no way they are launching Direct Action missions anywhere in Europe, unless they are Cabal-approved, and the local Stasi is told to stand down.
It is crazy because it doesn’t feel like we would be elite-level operators in an intel-operations sense just sitting here shitposting memes at each other. But I would think if you have reviewed the Google Streetview pieces, you would have most of these tier-one guys beat, at least in terms of operational savvy in the real world, and knowing what is out there, what we could get away with, and what we could not.
Which is why I say most of the NatSec shit is an espionage fantasy camp. You have training videos they make CIA Operations officers sit through on how to do a surveillance follow with three cars, each with a driver and navigator, when they are being tracked by thousands of the embedded Stasi-neighborhood ops that are laid out everywhere in Europe – and that operation has a digital record of every fart and burp the CIA guys made since entering the country.
You have this super-elite, above Tier-One Operator-level SEAL, who supposedly could get into Saddam’s Palace and cap him and get out clean. He has language skills, most were pilots, they did stunt driver school, mountain climbing, sigint, there isn’t a weapon he isn’t rated on, and he can’t even rob a bank full of civilian-rabbits in the civilian world. They are like kindergarten kids, who don’t know as much about operating as the tens, or hundreds of thousands of preteen kid spies spread throughout the grade schools of the US. But they are kept busy, probably often chasing Cabal terrorist or drug operations which were created in an office right down the hallway by another CIA Officer, who is there to really operate, and is not attending the NatSec fantasy camp. He knows he is there to fuck shit up for the real masters, and he is operating. It is just fascinating. So much is entirely fake. Even the idea of nations and national security. And nobody knows. It is all satanists vs the followers of Christ, and everything else is there to waste your time.
CIA conducted secret mosquito experiments in India to spread ‘rare and dangerous diseases.’
Rev. Al Sharpton’s pastor brother is jailed for 30 months for drug trafficking, income tax evasion and lying to obtain Social Security benefits. Interesting. You wonder if that is all throughout government. And why it is getting exposed if Cabal is still running things?
But then you see this, which makes it look like the fight continues – Biden DOJ announces charges against Gal Luft, a think tank official who provided the FBI with info on the Biden family’s dealings w/ China in 2019.
Outrage as illegal aliens forced to walk seven blocks to their free luxury hotel rooms.
Chicago Police statistics show a 39% increase in total crime compared to last year.
Biden’s Army Secretary doesn’t want 2nd generation military recruits for fear of a “warrior caste.” Are they just trying to purge patriots and real Americans from positions of power and force-wielding positions so it will operate against us at some point, or are they trying to weaken the military so we lose a war? There is a definite purpose behind this.
A George Soros-backed immigration charity that pushes for open borders is being accused by a conservative watchdog in an IRS complaint of unlawfully failing to disclose how it lobbied Congress. Ask yourself, why is there all this money for this side, which wants to tear down everything those making money should need, in terms of a successful American society, and not any commensurate money for our side?
Federal debt explodes by $1 trillion in five weeks since deal suspending limit became law. We were told, nobody foresaw the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was there one day, money ran out, and overnight the “federal” architecture was dissolved and you just had states acting as nations. Who knows the truth about anything historical. But you do wonder if that is what will ultimately happen in the US. One day we will be the US, and the next the currency will collapse, there will be no money for the federal government, and we will just be a bunch of states. It might be something nobody, at least on our level, sees coming. If Cabal has taken enough control of local governments it wants, it might even prefer it. I mean, who would expel the illegals, who are likely some sort of Cabal agents, then?
1 in 3 Seattle residents relocate out of the city due to crime and cost. Would a real estate investment business be able to profit off this, if it knew in a year or two all the policies making the place unlivable were going to be reversed?
‘Rapid’ rise in child kidney stone cases concerns doctors.
Antifa activist reportedly commits suicide, Police find graphic child pornographic recordings.
Dutch PM Mark Rutte to quit politics after government collapse.
Ukraine supports 90% of anti-Israel decisions in the United Nations, Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky told Ukrainian outlet ZN.UA.”This is unusual considering Kyiv often turns to the Israeli authorities for various requests,” he said. “If Ukraine sees Israel as a friendly nation and makes requests from it, then it needs to support us in the matters that are important to us just as Israel works with Ukraine on matters important to it.”
Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry – Attacks on Russian territories on July 9 were impossible without US assistance. Translation via Brave App.
NATO’s Stoltenberg says Turkey agrees to move ahead with Sweden’s NATO bid. Erdogan did not look as happy as everyone else about it here.
Erdo?an demands EU membership path for Turkey in exchange for backing Sweden’s NATO bid.
Kim DotCom notes, Zelensky has a bit of a runny nose and sniffs a lot:
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy collected five previously imprisoned Azov battalion commanders in a recent trip to Turkey, prompting confusion from Russia, which accused Ankara of walking back an agreement to keep them until the war’s end. Somebody promised Turkey something.
Zelensky expected to crash NATO summit as alliance grapples over Ukraine. All prearranged theater.
Russian President Vladimir Putin had a nearly three-hour-long meeting with Yevgeny Prigozhin and PMC Wagner commanding officers in the Kremlin on June 29, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Monday. Wagner pledged its loyalty to Putin in the meeting. The fact our media would pretend anybody would try to challenge Putin, let alone the guy he trusted with his food, shows just how retarded our media is. And now Wagner is refreshed after a little vacation, and only a 90 minute drive from Kiev. And we are all out of ammunition, while Russia? Not so much…
Vladimir Putin debuts deadly ‘thermobaric drone ammo’ designed to obliterate people and objects: ‘No way of protecting yourself from it.’ Not only plenty of old ammo, they are coming up with entirely new ammo to debut.
Matt Gaetz co-sponsoring measure to prevent Biden from sending cluster bombs to Ukraine.
“The Russian army is the last bastion against the satanic new world order”. Literal quote from the official Russian Officer’s Handbook. Captured by Ukrainian GUR, document appears authentic. True, although there are a few others in the West who are also making a stand.
A new study finds that whole-fat dairy — including cheese, whole yogurt and whole milk — can help to prevent heart attacks, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. What’s more, the study found that unprocessed red meat “can be part of a healthy diet.” It is astonishing to think for all those years a lot of science was outright deception, but if your goal is deception, you would target the most trusted sources to corrupt. And there was not much trusted more than science.
Tennessee law banning trans sex-change procedures for kids to go into effect, appeals court rules.
Bud Light controversy costs beermaker top spot for second month in a row.
Florida poll finds Trump well ahead of DeSantis in state.
CNN’s Tapper: Trump has ‘knocked everybody in the news media off.’ If Trump was reading lines from a Cabal script, he would not have wrecked their crown jewel of psychological operations, I would think.
Spread r/K Theory, because outside of God, everything else is wasting your time
Big Pokey dies of, well, big pokey:
The Lord Jesus Christ is able to overcome the Alien abductors. Perhaps in allowing all this supernatural tech. God like in Egypt is allowing the more overt manifestation of Evil to display his Glory.
God is able to triumph over them all. And his power will be made manifest against them.
Regarding Richard Marcinko, I’ve read his first two books and seen some interviews with him in various shows and documentaries I’ve watched. In his Red Cell days, he said he got a truck with 500 lbs of explosives onto Andrews and parked it right next to the VC-25A we know as Air Force One.
I find this entirely plausible. Security is often a joke. Most bases are guarded by rent-a-cops. For the active duty in security, the front facing ones are lower enlisted. They’re young, don’t have much experience, and don’t want to be there. Some are in an MOS related to security, and others have other jobs but have to pull duty as security. Many of them don’t want to be there, especially at night. Some of those in actual security jobs asked for it, but many didn’t have an ASVAB score that would let them do something better. A friend of mine enlisted in the Air Force, and they told him he would be in security. He had no choice, and he hated it.
When I was in the Navy, I often had to stand pier watch. This consisted of checking IDs. I wasn’t armed and if somebody tried to drive a truck of explosives onto the pier, my only option was to make a phone call for a response that would never arrive in time. I don’t remember having a phone number for base security in the guard shack, so I probably would have had to call my ship and ask them to call base security.
This reminded me that my oldest brother – a chemical engineer, since retired – once complained the newer class of engineers were not well trained.
From Vox Day: Why Nothing Works Anymore:
It doesn’t matter whether or not a jetliner can even fly, it only matters that there is diversity.
Do you know how many tards can live kickass lives as pilots of planes that can’t fly because other tards lived kickass lives as engineers?
They just have to sit in the cockpit all day doing nothing.
watch undermind “Test for the Future”
Diversity based upon melanin content. Seeing it in state agencies. Nothing gets done. Those that can, retire asap.
It will become like South Africa where companies must be majority black owned and employees must be 90% (or whatever) black.
It just grinds to a halt. Meanwhile those blacks have gathered riches and advantage. When the machetes come out, everyone else is for the harvest
Beautiful song of the day. This is what they take from us:
That was a fine version of that hymn
This article was really weird to me. I’m not sure why exactly, but it just did. It just keeps quoting ppl in the restaurant industry saying COVID was terrible but just that statement and no detail? A little as to no ability to get workers and customers became intolerable a-holes…. but just very vague. I mean, restaurant work has always been brutal. Maybe comms?
Yep. Restaurants embedded in local communities are Cabal surveillance/intel and money-laundering ops. The restauranteur profiles in this article are status updates and locations of the Cabal-approved owners and their services. Comet Pizza was the tip of the iceberg. These NYC suburbs are saturated with Cabal assets.
Holy jesus, that makes sense. The article just made no sense otherwise. I was shocked that these AWFLs in the story had 5 restaurants? Really? The logistics of that is incredible, if true.
UKR is pretty based in their dealings with NATO to be honest. They’re the ones fighting RUS and dying so the rest of NATO doesn’t have too. And now they have a better more experienced military than NATO. By all rights, they should be in charge of NATO. Hell, they should be the European hegemon. If the SMO stopped tmw, UKR could take over Europe.
I mean, UKR is still getting wrecked by RUS every single day. But still, it has to gall them how NATO is treating them.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the US has promised them the leadership position in Europe after they “take care of Russia for us”.
Ukraine is not taking care of Russia. Russia is toying with them until NATO runs out of ammo, and then Russia will either take Kiev, or prepare to and demand everything it wants, to not take Kiev, and it will get it overnight.
I would not be surprised of most of Ukraine’s forces are mercs anyway.
100%. But that’s because RUS is light-years beyond everyone else in combined arms.
I don’t underestimate the amount UKR has learned getting their asses handed to them. Despite NATO command and control and “training”.
I really think they could take NATO at this point.
Whatever officer corps they have left is pretty good.
RUS still hasn’t solved the minefield issue which will prob prohibit any dramatic strikes toward Kiev.
Hopefully we (US) pretend Finns and Swedes joining NATO is a profound “strategic” defeat for RUS and call it a win.
What’s to stop RUS from rolling all the way to Berlin, after taking Keiv?
Swedes join NATO when Turkey joins EU.
Poland & Hungary most likely veto that idea
Agreed. But I also agree that UKR has probably been promised the world by Cabal. I’m sure that much of their top leadership has been made positively delusional with avarice.
Hate to parrot Sam J but the Joos have 2 places (and more) they’ve been cultivating for escape/expansion. Ukraine and China. Russia has always been the Crown Jewel.
Hitler was a dupe. If he had not been sidetracked by going into Russia then the World would most likely be ruled by Germania.
Stalin and Russia were not Imperialists. But they’ll fight to the death to protect Mother Russia.
The Czar was a decent man that never had a chance against his kin in England.
The whole construct of Good and Evil has been promoted by (((those))) who send others to battle and die on their behalf.
Leave us alone.
Find a place where our kind is welcomed. Raise a family where dealings with others are based on mutual respect and kindness. Deal quickly and harshly (permanently) with sickos.
Farce has got the right idea (deportation) but it will never happen. Assimilation could have worked if we kept to pre 1965 years.
Now it’s simple. Teach our children to be self sufficient in every category of basic existence.
There are thousands of (((them))) in Patagonia also.
Russians might not be imperialists, but Stalin surely was.
Read: Stalin’s war by Sean McMeekin
or Icebreaker by Viktor Suvorov
He had to go to Russia. You may not be aware but Russia had moved its entire bomber fleet to their border in preparation to attack Germany. They had to launch a preemptive strike or risk being bombed out early and not being able to produce anything. Hence how Russia lost most of its airforce very early in the war.
Ukraine is proving how weak and incompetent they are.
They are wasting NATO’s equipment and ammo in addition to Ukrainian lives.
NATO is far from what it is cracked up to be, but NATO would be doing better with the equipment and ammo than Ukraine is doing.
I think ppl underestimate both UKR and RUS. And over-estimate NATO. I think NATO underestimated both UKR and RUS too.
UKR was the second best land-air military in the world prior to the SMO. They had been mis-trained by NATO “advisors” but they also had a solid core of RUS trained officers and a great NCO cohort. And solid equipment. And were obv game.
RUS absolutely mauled them but they didn’t fold, to what looks like the shock of NATO. Instead they adapted as well as they could. Their mobile artillery is amazing for example. And they’ve kept RUS from safely gathering force concentrations.
Zaluzhny is really really good. It’s amazing what he’s done with RUS power on one side and NATO incompetence on the other. He’d have clearly fought a different war were he fully in charge. And he should have been.
Europe is de facto defenseless now. If UKR cut a deal with RUS, they could move west and south right now with what they have and train up another army at the same time and in 6 mnths drive to the sea.
UKR is a hard as nails skilled super middle weight with an incompetent trainer and manager who got matched up with the top Heavyweight.
>UKR was the second best land-air military in the world prior to the SMO
By what metrics? Cabal’s “we need to puff these losers up to dissuade a Russian invasion” chart?
The proof is in the pudding and Ukraine getting BTFO puts the lie to any assertion they were a capable force.
No. It doesn’t. It proves that RUS was better. That’s all. And I think RUS is incredibly powerful militarily. It always has been. And far more powerful than NATO.
UKR isn’t now and wasn’t then the Wehrmacht that rolled East. But they wouldn’t have to beat the Red Army. Just NATO.
It’s NATO equipment, NATO tactics and NATO leadership, just Ukranian cannon-fodder. I don’t think the Russian drones care who is driving the tank, the tank dies all the same.
Ukraine isn’t a NATO member, and NATO has no business being there.
What this is teaching the rest of the world is that NATO is likely to step in and help them, provided NATO doesn’t like whoever is attacking, and they’ll get that help “for free”, as in “from the dues-paying members of NATO.” Who may eventually start wondering why they’re paying their dues when they could get NATO protection for free, too.
You speak as if rules, principles and words mean anything anymore
The real question is, “have they ever?”
This war will end NATO.
And that’s a good thing.
Now dead Ukranians have a better more (sic) experienced military than NATO
“1 in 3 Seattle residents relocate out of the city due to crime and cost. Would a real estate investment business be able to profit off this, if it knew in a year or two all the policies making the place unlivable were going to be reversed?”
This is a part of cabal takeover of Seattle proper. They’ve done this in several surrounding suburban communities. It’s more than property value manipulation for its own sake. It’s about moving in their people and removing the previous population.
Remember the concept of network effects. The power of a network is equal to the number of nodes and the number of interconnections between those nodes. If you start a rival network to take control of a community, you must begin to remove key nodes of what already exists. You can detect a cabal takeover in the historic record when suddenly prominent families just up and leave an area. And then a few others follow. Soon, the remaining families have to decide to get in line or not.
Cabal always wants to upset these networks and remove independent business people with long ties to the community. There are property manipulation tactics involved as well. But that’s the means and not the end.
> “1 in 3 Seattle residents relocate out of the city due to crime and cost. Would a real estate investment business be able to profit off this, if it knew in a year or two all the policies making the place unlivable were going to be reversed?”
You mean, like how real estate values tanked during the Antifa and BLM riots during the Trump administration, and speculators bought up billions of dollars in properties for pennies on the dollar. Then Antifa and BLM withdrew after the 2020 election, and the “value” of those properties made those speculators even richer?
Nah. “Nothing to see here, move along.”
It would show them how another elite unit from an alternate cabal faction would assault a base.
“It is all satanists vs the followers of Christ, and everything else is there to waste your time.”
You got that right, AC. That’s the difference. How do they think they can fight God and his christened? We can even go so far as to say in Islam they say Allah is the best planners.
“ They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah. And when those who disbelieved devised plans against you that they might confine you or slay you or drive you away; and they devised plans and Allah too had arranged a plan; and Allah is the best of planners.”
I’m not down with Muhammad, the creep, but it just goes to show you that in every religion they must give credit where credit is due. And God wins.
They struggle so hard but you don’t have to struggle like they do, thank God, you just have to live your life and watch as God display himself in it. It might take 30 years or more, because gods timeline is not yours, but if you pay attention it becomes more and more clear that god is there with you, and wants you to see. And does plan against those you plan against you, especially if they plan to keep you away from knowing God. That just can’t stand.
Lah is not God, but other than that, yeah.
Allah mean “the God” in Arabic, and would have been close to what Jesus pronounced in Aramaic.
Wasn’t it Aba, Aramaic for Father?
There more context. It was diminutive, not formal. So less father, and more “daddy” or “papa!”
That is a stupid statement in context and you know it. Allah, when used in Arabic, refers to the god of Islam, not the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ or the God of Old Testament Hebrews. Islam denies that He exists as we know Him (we are essentially heretics and only Allah defined by the Koran exists). Allah was originally the name of the moon god in their original pantheon of gods, hence the crescent moon.
This comment could have been so much better without the personal attack.
Reposting Vox:
Sorry folks, but I need to vent…I quit my job as an Aerodynamicist at Boeing today.
Just a week short of ten years.
The path to today started back in summer 2021, when a new employee named Jamal (his real name, folks) was assigned to my aerodynamics engineering section. Before Jamal, everybody in aero possessed engineering & related science degrees (physics in my case), some of us had an MS, and our lead held a Ph.D.. Jamal held a degree in “Aerospace Science Engineering”, which we ultimately learned was an extremely, extremely, extremely watered down version of an Engineering Technology program.
My department head was told by his leadership that Jamal was “going to be an aerodynamicist”, despite having only indoctrination-level exposure to the discipline (basic aero, at Tuskeegee U, is given during the junior year). Totally not an affirmative action hire, right?
In the year the followed, we steadily kept Jamal from the critical work which he proved from day one complete lack of understanding. We had him doing only basic data entry in Excel. He was literally useless to us in every way.
Back in May, shortly after trying to get Jamal reassigned to a different section, our section lead was terminated by the company after serving 29 years. They told us that he “started his retirement early”. While this is factually accurate, it was glaringly evident that for stating our collective concern for Jamal, our boss was painted as a racist, and forced out. Because diversity.
Not even a week later, we received our new boss, “Miss Shanika”, as she wanted us to address her as. She wasn’t even an engineer by education or trade. She was a redundant data archival specialist. You can’t make this up.
For those tuned in, to give you a clue to her ethnicity, White, Asian and Hispanic women aren’t named “Shanika”, nor do we casually tell people to precede our first names with a salutation.
Within days, “Miss Shanika”, looking out solely for her own kind, made ‘Jamal the Useless’ team lead of my project, demoting me. I was told that “he earned the opportunity”. Four days later, approximately 724GB of MatLab-processed wind tunnel & CFD data was rendered unuseable. It took three of us to find out that the code script somehow got fucked up. The worst part was that Shanika threw the three of us under the bus for the data corruption, complete with written repremands, and given a timeline to fix it. Fortunately, we had a copy of the script and was able to reprocess the data, fully completing the sub-project two weeks ago.
But happened to Jamal? Well, just a week after we unfucked the mess, he was given commendation directly from Boeing corporate leadership for “Unparralleled Excellence in Leadership, for going above & beyond by finding a problem in data and fixing it, saving the company untold time and millions in the process!”
Here, as they say, is where it gets kinda interesting…
One of my colleagues found out why/how/when…and who, fucked it all up. It wasn’t Jamal. Rather, it was Shanika who did it, from the comfort of her own home (according to IT).
Yeap, that’s right, folks- gigabytes worth of data; company intellectual property worth tens of millions of dollars, was deliberately sabotaged in a blatant effort to promote an undereducated, totally incompetent token employee, and make us out to be the bad guys.
Last Thursday, after corroborating this, we tendered a full report to security, legal and senior leadership, complete with sworn statements and supporting evidence. We also knew what could happen, and prepared accordingly.
Shortly after lunch today, we (the three of us) were summoned by senior management. We were accused of multiple accounts of “demonstrating overt disrespect to both Jamal and our ‘boss’ by way of making verbal statements and displaying materials demeaning towards African-Americans”, “attempted sabotage of company property”, and, of course, “filing a false complaint”. We three were given until close of business to submit our resignations. We immediately reached into our colleagues binder, and handed over the resignation letters we prepared over the weekend. We were escorted back to our desks to gather our belongings, turned in our badges, and walked out.
Less than two weeks after affirmative action was effectively shot down, Boeing, a multi-billion dollar business, doubled down. They literally chose two uneducated token negroids over an MIT grad, a Cal Poly grad, and a Stanford grad. Our former boss who was “retired” for the same thing we did, was a distinguished graduate of the University of Moscow, and before Boeing, was a noted and influential engineer at TsAGI (Central Aero & Hydrodynamics Institute) in Russia.
I know we will be vindicated in due course, but Boeing can’t pay us enough to go back. Let them eat cake.
Not too sure what my next steps will be, but all I can say is Wow. Just Wow.
Am srsly disappointed in you; all that shows is a gross lack of imagination. 30 years ago, my 2nd-favorite author wrote a fun little trashy novel in which the hero was given a contract to fuck up a major corporation, he did this by making small, fundamentally unnoticeable, but critical changes. “What’s the practical effect?”, she said. “Tell me a practical effect.” “OK. Say you’re designing a screw-on gas cap for your Porsche.” {this was 30 years ago. Porsches were still cool} “There’s a male part and a female part. The threading has to be the same on both parts. Now say the twist on the male part is altered just slightly – the pitch is changed a few degrees. The cap becomes worthless. You can’t look at the plans and tell that it’s worthless; you can’t tell it’s worthless when you’re making it. It looks fine right up to the time when you try and screw them together. Then they don’t work. And the whole problem is in a calculation you fucked with somewhere.” – ‘The Fool’s Run’ – John Sandford
You worked at that outfit, an outfit you have designated as **clearly** enemy-run. {companies that do that shit are NOT on the side of God or The Good, a child can see this} You had clearly been planning to leave weeks if not months before you left. And having worked there, working ANYwhere, for that long, in all that time there you would have stumbled across scores if not hundreds of nasty little ways to harm the company that could never be traced back to you. I know this because every big company is like that. The are clearly The Enemy, and you could have hurt them in 10 or 20 different ways, large and small, on your way out the door.
But you didn’t do anything at all except mewl protests and then quit. You didn’t even bother take a shit in Jamal’s desk drawer. You… simply… couldn’t… be… bothered…. to fight back. Now tell me why I’m not all that optimistic when internet macho men talk about how they gon kick ass in Civil War II.
Full disclosure: I started this in 99% jest. But the longer I went, the truer it got. {{They}} fight dirty, we refuse to fight, because confrontation is all sweaty and icky. Can’t win any fights anywhere if we refuse to throw a punch, fellas.
Read more carefully, Bman is reposting VD who is reposting the engineer
Why bother with sabotage when Boeing is doing just that with diversity hires? You’ll just become the scapegoat for the problems Miss Shanika and her pet cause in the future.
And there is your capitulation right there.
I will say it again – principles COST something.
Does this mean the end of air travel?
yes. climate change, you know.
Eventually the end of anything seriously technical…
Anything technical made by giga-corps who hate you.
The first plane was just made by two autistic bicycle bros in North Carolina. Stop assuming everything has to be handed down by a trillion dollar government backed mafia group to be worth anything; smart people exist all over who can make small scale miracles happen.
It’s the “global” distribution of quality that is dying. Local stuff will still be awesome in many areas.
as planned
I worked for Boeing. The most incompetent engineers I have ever met worked on Boeing’s equip. The most incompetent engineers I have ever met designed the tech.
That company is a disgrace from A -Z before one even includes Dr Zais and Co.
I wish Bluebeam would start already. The relentless normal corruption, trans-BS and border invasion are getting boring.
Ha ha! Downvote. Lighten up, Francis.
I just want to mount some greyman heads at the hunting cabin tbqhfam
Does anyone else remember Biden’s eyes from the 1st debate? It was like they were dilated all the way.
So the protagonists of this guy Greer’s tale include Gloria Steinem, Bill Clinton and demonic entities. And he’ll have us believe in the lunar landing lol. Yeah, I’ll call disinformation agent on this one.
“Nearly 30 percent of American households comprise a single person, a record high.”
deal with it) in kindergarten, I distinctly remember being tested, flash cards, math, language skills, etc. Having “teachers” and staff being somewhat amazed at my ability to do complex math instinctively. This is back in the early sixties, mind you, before there was “standardized testing” and GATES programs.
So, honestly, I hate to read comments that are literally a wall of text, so I apologize for this in advance.
I am a 65-year-old man who lives in the desert, off the grid, who’s only friend is a little obnoxious dog that I take with me everywhere. To the point where if he’s not welcome, I’m not either. Basically, the only one I can trust not to stab me in the back.
There is a pretty detailed story behind this fact.
When I was a child (yeah, yeah, my life story
My entire elementary school experience, thereafter, consisted of “teachers” becoming a wall of discouragement, and unfair discipline. I was punished by my third-grade teacher for being too nearsighted to read the chalkboard for months, before anyone thought to test my eyesight. She just called me “stupid”, set me in the BACK of the class and of course I fell way behind everyone else. This could have been just the teacher being a total incompetent, and rather stupid, which I don’t doubt. However, this particular situation led me to totally disregard public school, and just read and learn stuff I was interested in on my own.
In 6th grade, I was molested by an older boy I idolized, and hung out with because he “befriended” me. Never told anyone because I didn’t want to be called “queer” or a “faggot” for an interaction I had no control over. My mother had a “nervous breakdown” at this time. She left my father, who was an alcoholic idiot, dragged me back to LA from Colorado, to her parent’s house where they put her in a “hospital” for months “for her own good”. She never recovered, until the day she died.
I look back at this with newer eyes, which is why I am relating this to you.
I went from a child who instinctively understood complex math in kindergarten, to a high school dropout, who got severe headaches trying to even think about complex problems of any sort. Every interaction, friend, relative, spouse, school, church, business has led to a stab in the back, ghosting, loss of contact or even enmity.
My marriage of 40 years was a total sham, there is no record of the license, and she left me and has little to no contact with our 5 children.
Now it seems this a narcissist’s justification if anyone ever wrote one.
I take full responsibility for being, sometimes, a horrible person.
There seems to be a “script” or a “process” or a “method” of taking people, putting them aside, and never giving a break or an instant of relief to them.
Why did my elementary school teachers torment me?
Why was I never able to keep lifelong friendships?
Why did my own wife keep our marital status secret from me?
(I know she knew about it because she is the one who told me before she left me. She knew for 40 years, since the beginning.)
Why did my every attempt to do anything constructive in my life fail miserably no matter how hard I worked at it for my family? Education, businesses, jobs, everything?
So my household is a single person because I have never been able to trust ANYONE, not even my family.
If Jesus Christ is your God, Savior and King. Live for his sake. And for his cause and Pray about your situation.
Your difficulties won’t cease. But he will cut your problems down to size as a path forward will eventually be made clear.
Holy shit, dude. I’m sorry.
downtick for Hollywood’s satanic “Holy” + Excrement
This kind of story, which many of us can relate to with different degrees of similarity and severity, is why the best I can wish anyone who participates is that they be cursed in this life enough that they are prompted to repent or fully damn themselves.
Sometimes people are horrible because of the attacks. And that’s what cabal interference into people’s lives IS – an attack. When you don’t know the game being played, it’s way too easy to get frustrated.
Give yer dog a pat on the head for being a good friend. Living in cabal’s world, many of us never even have that.
You absolutely were fucked over by Cabal.
They wanted you dead, by your own hand. OMG. You survived anyway. I’ve noticed more of those kinds of spouses over the years, who hooked up with good people, ruined them via emotional blackmail and usually spending, then left as the coup de grace.
It’s hard to tell about my “wife”. She just may have been screwed with as much as me, from what I know of her family and her history.
The thing is I stayed with her out of loyalty, love and the desire of family. It wouldn’t have mattered if there wasn’t some legal paperwork “making” me stay. If she was caught out as unfaithful or something that would be different, but she wasn’t AFAIK. She seems to have stayed with me because of the lack of a license, as she spent the last 20 or so years of our marriage VERY unhappy, abusive and prone to gaslighting. Trying to either make me leave or self delete.
It may be stupid of me, I don’t know. Stuff like that tends to make me dig in my heals, raise the ramparts and die in place.
She did do as much damage as she could on the way out, taking our nice Cadillac, and what little in valuables we had.
I’ve tried to post this reply 3 times. Every time I click Post my internet drops….3’s a charm
Seconded – a dear friend with a story not dissimilar from this man’s just succumbed in that very manner.
To the OP- cheers to your surviving the cabal bullshit. Keep up the good fight.
sorry about your friend.
I am sorry about your friend. You have to have faith in something to survive life all by itself without interference.
But like I said, we have 5 kids, and for the first few years it was me and her against the world. “The world” part is what got her, surely.
Look, when you talk about “Cabal”, and the nasties that seem to get off on causing problems for ordinary people, you have to realize just how insidious this is. Women have the particular psychology where they have to have a safe place. The truth is: I could not protect my own family from them, and that was very obvious to her. Whatever the “them” was, it was and still is beyond my abilities as an individual. She did not have the options that a legal marriage would have given her.
The failure was a result of a lack of trust, because I never knew of the situation, and she never said anything to me about it. For my part, I paid the county clerk, and we both signed the papers. We got a copy, it was lost over the years, but there was no reason to doubt it. We had numerous interventions from the state, children’s services etc., where the legality of the marriage should have come to light. It did not, at least to me.
She is not some Cabal harpy. She is someone who was as thoroughly screwed with as I was. If she was a “Cabal Harpy” sent to destroy me, the marriage would have been in legal existence and not “disappeared” and she would have cheated on me and divorce raped me.
I think the fact that two of their targets got together and had a family despite their efforts was the reason the license disappeared, and all the effort was made to destroy us.
Look, I have no reason to think I am special for any reason. I have no idea why stuff like this came down on our head.
Bella Dodd was a member of the Comintern and admitted to placing thousands of Judeo-Bolsheviks in the schools and the seminaries. That monster was placed in that school to target you, an innocent baby boy. They did the same to my father and my grandfather and my aunt. They tied my father to a chair. Not sure why we kept sending them our kids, I guess we had to work. I don’t trust Russia, they are playing good guys now but that’s how these Bolsheviks roll. They go into the schools when they hate our children and they go into the priesthood when they hate our Lord Jesus Christ. They go into medicine when they want us all dead. They lie and scheme and go why are you hitting yourself. None of this is happening by accident, we are only as fallen as any other generation, we have been targeted by a ruthless scheming lying enemy and we will never acknowledge it until long after we have been entirely snuffed out because of WWII.
>>I don’t trust Russia, they are playing good guys now but that’s how these Bolsheviks roll.
The Bolsheviks are Jews; they slaughtered the White Russians, the Christian Russians. We face their sons, grandsons, and nephews and nieces in the United States. And it is the US cohort of Bolsheviks who are leading the current attack on Russia, even China.
Russia =/= the Bolsheviks.
But we must remember that we can’t blindly trust them or anyone else in the long run.
You came to the right place to figure out that intelligent kids get fucked over on purpose. It would be nice to go back in time and power through all that bullshit but we can’t.
What we can do is protect and warn today’s kids. And we can be ready to right as many wrongs as we can when the surveillance is revealed.
Unlimited free zero point energy? If it’s real, nothing could be more r.
It’s real.
It was one of the main Macguffins of the Star Gate series; especially, the Star Gate Atlantis series.
Greer has been fed a lot of BS over the decades, but he also has hundreds of legit sources, many of whom have now come clean and blown the whistle, and their credentials are valid.
Even if Greer was a disinfo agent, and I don’t believe that he is based on my own reading, there is an abundance of credible testimony from other sources as to the radically advanced tech various defense contractors have developed since WWII.
In fact, much evidence points to the Nazis as the ones who made the initial advances, and why so many German engineers were hoovered up by USGOV, as well as the Soviets, at the end of the war.
When Greer says we have lived in the lost century, he is being honest, based on his sources. We have, all of us, been living in a hall of mirrors, lost in a sea of manufactured narratives, all of it designed to hide the true nature of reality from the masses, but to also distract competent people from discovering the truth and acting upon it.
Both Tesla and Townsend Brown made some amazing breakthroughs a century ago, only to be consigned to obscurity by the psychos running our governments and financial institutions, so that various banking dynasties could extract as much wealth and power from an oil based economy as possible, before pulling the entire house of cards down on our heads so that only they would benefit from the advanced tech.
By the way, Trump is aware of much of this, as none other than his uncle, John Trump, was tasked with reviewing Tesla’s paper’s after Tesla’s death. Most of Tesla’s work was obviously never released to the public.
Look up “Tartaria” and go from there.
None easily available.
It has been suppressed since Tesla.
But it is real and many different people have found ways to access it.
The Hunt For Zero Point — Nick Cook
The implications of free energy are hard to work out. The price of aluminum is almost entirely the cost of the electricity to refine it. Everything plastic can now be aluminum. Most of the cost of your goods is the energy to make it and transport it to you. Remarkably inefficient things are suddenly feasible if energy is free. Why transport water when you can just use an air conditioner setup to condense it from the air? Why worry about gasoline when you can just compress air for an energy storage between ZPE plugins? All our veg could be grown in warehouses with grow lights and robot keepers. When you don’t care about transmission losses, all the highways can be electrified.
Its hard to encompass the implications.
Nothing you don’t know but…
This information is now available to the normies and blamed at least temporarily on China.
RE: “sleeps hot”
No clue this was supposed to be a symptom of thru wall energy systems. This has been happening to me for years now, occasional but consistent. I sleep in the same bed as someone else. Never happens to them. We even shut off our breakers so no electricity is running thru our bedroom. I will wake up drenched in sweat sometimes, my side of the bed soaked. In tandem with this, my energy levels have been no where near what they used to be upon waking. AC, just curious if you have any sauce on that “sleeps hot” symptom. I’ve not figured out a cause for it.
Obviously with their shit you can never say 100 percent you know what anything is, or even if it is or is not them.
I will say, their tech is really focused. Those vibrations, at what I would say was a range of probably 150 yards from the house I believe they were coming from, could be focused in a ball about six to eight inches in diameter, and moved very precisely, to be kept within the body. So the control mechanism was showing them where I was in space, and where the ball was. I suspect it may have doubled as some sort of remote mapping tech, which would let them image where different densities of matter were inside a house. I do not know if the heating thing is the same, but I am sure if they have it, it can be focused.
For me the heating just stopped, and I have not had it since. I have had a few things like that, extremely unusual, it happens, gets worse, and then just disappears. I have wondered sometimes if at 17 or 18 I was designated some kind of guinea pig for testing stuff, since I was psychologically likely to become problematic and had the IQ to get somewhere I might do damage, so they figured they would use me for testing, and keep me at a low percentage of function in the process.
I would not have put that together except once they turned the vibrations up to a 10, it was undeniable that is some kind of weapon they have to degrade you. And I can go back decades, early 20s when my health was fucked up, and I woke up to the vibrations focused in my legs, on like a 2, or a 1.5, just hard enough to feel it and be woken by it, but soft enough I thought it must be some sort of brain seizure in some sensory region. There was no plausible way my bed was vibrating, and if the bed wasn’t vibrating, I couldn’t be vibrating. So it must have been in my head. I made up lots of excuses like that for weird stuff.
But no, they were hitting me while I was sleeping, and trying to keep it soft enough it would have an effect to degrade health if done all night, but I wouldn’t notice it. They just did it too hard and it woke me up.
The body is very robust after millions of years of remaining functional in a state of nature, where things were unimaginably harsh. We have no ability to picture all of the weak genetic links removed from the population under the harshest conditions, to make us as robust as we all are, genetically and structurally and functionally. I recognize that now. It is why when I hear of cases of people whose health is just fucked, and they don’t know why, I assume something nefarious. We are robust, and in this level of ease, it takes a lot to break us down.
I’m just curious about something.
In the TV series “Better Call Saul,” Saul’s brother, Chuck McGill, was a hotshot law partner who built a firm from scratch. He was also a lawyer with very high integrity and the opposite of Saul’s slimy character.
Over the course of the series, Chuck developed a strange allergic reaction to electricity. He could not tolerate anything turned on in his own home. He was even hospitalized at one point, where the doctor “proved” his condition was psychosomatic by turning on a light surreptitiously against which Chuck had no reaction.
I’m wondering if this is a Cabal plotline, like the joggers and dogwalkers doing surveillance in the same series.
Now that is fascinating. And to Cabal operators it is all hilarious because they know the joke, an honest lawyer who got too big being psyoped by the neighbor-observation-post, getting dewed when they hear him turn on electricity to fool him into thinking he must be allergic to electricity.
And that is what you do. You assume it must be medical, and contrive some medical reason which makes sense, because surely it can’t be a conspiracy.
Yep, they had all the classic signs of tech being deployed, then had the main character “destroy” the crazy lunatic in a courtroom in a “epic takedown” proving he was crazy the whole time.
Preemptive strike against any normies noticing too much and thinking they might not be crazy. Too consistent across media to be an accidental plot line.
Ive also had instances of weird feeling vibrations and pitch frequencies while sleeping (and being awakened). Strange that the “sleeps hot” thing ONLY happens in my personal bed, never when I travel or, on rare occasions, sleep somewhere else in the house. It also does feel “focused” in away that’s not easy to explain.
If it was GI-based, or circadian, you would have it everywhere. And it seems their targeting is not something they do easily on the fly.
The strange thing with the vibrations was it took a day to implement. So I got one of those single floor mattresses, and I was dragging it around the house. Drop it in a new place, set up some stuff to try and shield from the main house they did it from (which I don’t think really worked), and I would get a night without it. But the next night there, I would get hit. But I only had a night in each spot, and then it was like the first night they mapped out how to hit it, and then the second night they did the hitting. And once they mapped out a spot, it was apparently set in the machine, so you would not get another night without the vibrations there. Eventually you will run out of spots.
I think the vibrations are somehow sound-based, or microwaves that make sound waves, and use constructive interference, and some kind of resonance effect to build up to the pulses, which I once precisely measured at exactly 4 hertz. But yeah, they have some kind of high pitched ear-piercing thing, and I assume the sleeping hot thing is something too. They didn’t like my surveillance stuff so they spent a good amount of time trying to dissuade it.
I wonder if I was one of the first they tested the heating prototype on.
The heat ray is public
I assume smaller versions must exist.
I have never had a heat episode. I did wake up one time and my jaw was vibrating.
Ever try building a faraday cage and see if they got to you in there?
Yes. It did, which is why either it is sound/compression, or something which can punch through thin aluminum sheeting.
| I will wake up drenched in sweat sometimes, my side of the bed soaked.
Read about some guy who suffered the same symptoms. Turns out he was suffering from some sort of vitamin / mineral deficiency. Maybe search for “night sweats vitamin deficiency’.
That’s just so unlikely.
Anything to distract from the tech cabal is deploying against us, right anon?
I developed type 2 diabetes, and before I found out I had it, I started sweating like that at night. I started sleeping with a towel under me because I would sweat so much.
If I consume too many carbs in the evening, I am very “hot” when sleeping. You could have symptoms of diabetes.
By why would he not get it anywhere except that bed?
It could be, night sweats can be a symptom of medical issues. Buying a $20 blood glucose meter kit at the drugstore would probably be worth the money. But I also, after a ton of experience, have found independent thinkers with principles, can be well served to not just look for innocent explanations. Keep everything laid out on your probability matrix.
Maybe the weapon gave you diabetes.
Your gf must be a 12 on the old scale of 10.
Well done son!
Steven Greer holds, essentially, seances to summon “UFOs”. You can find the videos. These things are demonic.
AC, been hard to read your updates lately. You’ve done nothing wrong, just the levels of evil you report on are off the charts. Keep it up, gives the amygdala a hard workout, which will prove useful one day. But it hurts in the meantime.
It is tough. The end result is you end up dead inside, to some degree, feeling nothing. I go with it because I assume it is God’s plan, and eventually that mental function will be needed.
Greer’s basic data is correct, except he gets massive hits of dopamine from those things (Nephilim) and he’s drunk on it. He refuses to consider the abductees, insists the ETs are benevolent and like others, believes they will “save” humanity when we all behave correctly. Makes me crazy! Not going to comply with demonic anything! His last batch of whistleblowers were the real deals, I can say that.
Yup. You can see Greer totally high from excitement. So sad.
I usually try to write a lot of stuff to document the things I say, but over time I find it less and less rewarding to do so as people keep repeating the same things over and over, no matter what evidence you submit. But I will say Steven Greer is a full of shit gas-lighting Jew. Don’t believe anything he says. He sounds good, and I used to credit him with some truth, but if you look further, as I did, you will see that my opinion of him is correct.
I am inclined to agree.
The bit about opening a portal and animals from another dimension coming through was clearly bullshit. Life is something which is very rare, compared to dimensional space. It requires a large accumulation of energy to form the chemical bonds necessary, the accumulation of energy has to be linked to, and structured with a greater diffusion of energy/entropy on the other side of the equation to drive it and make it happen, there is a probabilistic chance element which slows it down, with receptors having to align in space with ligands, and atoms with molecules, and so on. It is just I doubt the parallel dimension’s space is filled 50 percent with interdimensional demon-rabbits.
So I don’t want to say I know stuff 100 percent. Maybe the other dimension is a sort of small livestock corral, where aliens stash creatures they caught, and when somebody opens a portal some interdimensional rabbits can’t help but pop out.
But IMO, if they managed to open a portal to another dimension, which itself seems unlikely, but if they did, I would think it much more likely it open up somewhere in that parallel universe where there is no life, and nothing come through. In fact, I would not be surprised if it were much more likely to open in the vacuum of space, and the air in your room would rapidly begin to disappear into it, and you might even get sucked out, as the atmosphere of the planet began to be sucked into it, leaving us with no atmosphere.
So him saying guys have popped open interdimensional portals and creatures popped out, sounded like real bullshit. The kind of bullshit which taints every single other thing he asserts, if for no other reason than it speaks to him at best, not thinking skeptically, and maybe lacking the IQ to be doing what he is trying to do.
First, I think it is likely bullshit. I’m arguing the next most likely alternative.
If the portals exist, they are part of God’s creation, and He tends to put natural guards on His creation for us. It could be that the portals only (or maybe most easily) open like-to-like. Meaning, the more “similar” the situation, the easier the portal. (This also jives with the esoteric “as above, below” principle.) So if we were opening random portals, it wouldn’t open on deep space, it would try to seek a level like water, opening on a similar gravity, temp, elemental makeup, etc. Given that, life would be likely.
Also, if these are alt dimensions, not other places in our reality, we can’t even expect the laws of nature to be the same. If the portals could cross to a dimension with twice the acceleration of gravity and different chemical bonds, who knows what happens? More likely you just can’t.
That said, the Bible tells us that we will physically exist in heaven, so I think this sort of thing is on the table.
Looks like some ISPs simply block It started a couple of years back and looks like my ISP just started blocking it in the past couple of weeks. Never had this issue before.
You see? It doesn’t delete videos. You use Youtube, or Streamable, they wipe videos. So I assemble a site, and put videos there, like my surveillance page, and you come back two weeks later everywhere there is supposed to be a video, it has been wiped and is no longer embedded.
It is a battle to keep them from turning the internet into some maleable, changable record, where they just delete everything they don’t like. And if you find a way, they block it at the ISP level.
I hate these motherfuckers like you wouldn’t believe.
I hear you, brother. In the end, I’m extremely grateful that we can connect here. One thing I’m confident about is that we will NEVER stop fighting evil while we draw breath. Jesus Christ is LORD and every being will bow down to this truth.
The internet is just a massive network of “stored on someone else’s hardware.” Wiping is easy if you don’t own and control access.
Unfortunately local storage and hosting is the only moderately reliable mid-term solution, and even then look at what KiwiFarms is getting dealt to see the lengths to which the enemy will go to kill wrong-think.
You could try reaching out to Josh Moon (Null) at Kiwifarms. He’s essentially built his own system from the ground up to get back on the internet when national governments, ISPs, etc all tried to kill his website. You still have clearnet access which is a huge step up in comparison, but he might be able to give you advice on preventative measures if they decide to come for you hard.
That’s a meme not their real logo.
Ah, I was gotten, moving too fast.
> because he doesn’t blink in it.
That’s also a side effect of some anti-psychotic drugs used to treat dementia, schizophrenia, and Parkinson’s Disease.
At the time I thought it was fake – because of the audio, not the visual.
The voice was too animated, too alert, too theatrical.
I think it was an actor impersonator with an image of Biden’s face top half superimposed
> President Biden has a short temper and frequently lashes out at staff members with profanity-laden rants if they do not meet his expectations, according to a new Axios report.
Also common with dementia.
I’ve known several people who had to take anti-psychotic drugs. Biden acts the same as they did. BTW, all of them *hated* the drugs; they only took them because they were forced to.
I’m very surprised that China and Russia haven’t capitalized on his cognitive decline yet.
I think they’ve been making full use of it; China with its spies and “supply shortages”, and Russia with making NATO and the West dance like monkeys over Ukraine.
Biden isn’t able to reason out a response to either, nor can the losers who are his cabinet and advisors. They’re apparently performing as their handlers desire, or they’d be told to do something else.
Biden doesn’t run anything, it’s why no terrorists bother with assassinations anymore. The figurehead is entirely irrelevant when there’s hundreds or thousands of faceless monsters calling the real shots behind the scenes.
> “can be part of a healthy diet.” It is astonishing to think for all those years a lot of science was outright deception
Gary Taubes, “Good Calories, Bad Calories” is a tediously detailed history of how the official results of most dietary studies almost always directly contradicted what the collected data said.
They felt free to publish the data openly, because they were certain nobody would look at it. And they were right; everyone skipped over the boring bits and went directly to the conclusions. And that worked for most of a century.
Taubes is Lucifer personified to modern “nutritional science”, since he showed that their entire profression is built on Fake Science.
Years of being an athlete at close to the highest levels taught me that all that nutritional and calorie stuff is crap.
The only thing that might offer some extra juice is to eat organic stuff.
On my first Mt Fuji climbing/running marathon, the night before – the Japanese team I was with were all drinking beer the night before. I didnt. Who do you think performed the worst the next day?
Honestly I don’t know. The carbs are good, but I wonder about dehydration. (God knows that is most of my hangovers.) I think that carbs are earned, and our lifestyle doesn’t reliably earn anything. Fat and protein for us chair sitters.
| you can feel that, even as a clueless kid.
Even as a child, I was sure that most people were dishonest. Time, experience, and learning has me convinced I was right.
And this matches up with the lead paint post below.
Analysis: Kennedy’s Polling Numbers Trump Biden’s in New Poll
Looks like they have decided to make him the Trump Slayer.
I think there is more to the Trump Kennedy connection than most here are willing to entertain.
Trump is not dumping on Kennedy, nor vice versa. I think they are both being directed by their handlers as a kind of pincer movement against Cabal.
Regardless what one thinks of Kennedy, and I know most of you here hate him, or fear that he will undermine Trump, that doesn’t seem to be how the competing narratives are playing out.
Kennedy is being used to wake up and shake up the moderates who were shocked out of their complacency by Covid.
Kennedy is the first candidate to ever openly discuss, and mainstream, political assassinations, government PsyOps like MKUltra, and the vaccine industry, as well as relentlessly outing Fauci as the psychopath that he is.
Trump and Kennedy are being directed to tag team against the establishment from different sides of the aisle.
Maybe I am just biased, but it seems like a lot of stuff you first see here is being picked up by all the right people, who are either here, or they are a degree or two of separation away from here.
It follows on as to why those who rule over us had developed latex paint; this means long planned development; it means a long understood and planned use of energy waves; it means there were decades, if not centuries, of planning;it means there is/was a centuries old core knowledge base; it implies an older superior civilization: we hear and see evidence of Tartaria, a world wide civilization of higher abilities; the core of this civilization was on the Eurasian land mass, not Europe; the latter was the wilderness.
Where is this core knowledge held? Tesla’s father was a librarian for the Vatican library; he sat his son down and little Nicola read to his heart’s content — we assume undirected–and bursts out into the United States; while, Edison bumbles his way into inventions: a tinkerer.
Where did the Vatican get that knowledge core? I suspect it was part of the bounty taken from the Eastern Empire when Rome overthrew Constantinople and its fake religion Islam destroyed the Eastern Empire (it has been noticed that RC churches dwell safely next to mosques); the fleeing Greek scholars brought the knowledge with them to Rome. How would Rome know to seize that knowledge and destroy the creator civilization; and leading to the fall of the worldwide Tartarian civilization?
Is Russia the true heir of the ancient civilization and can Eastern Orthodox Christianity be the true heir of the Apostolic tradition?
Why does the split between Roman Catholicism and Reform Protestantism mirror the split between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity? The core of both Protestantism and the Orthodox is the Received Text. Remember: the seven churches of he Book Of Revelation are the in Asia Minor or Turkey: Rome is not mentioned as a church; yet there was a bishopric there.
There is no way to copy a comment link except by replying to one’s own comment.
Great connections made there mate.
Lead paint should not cause a problem for people under most circumstances. Where it becomes problematic is when you try sanding it to prep it for a new coat. This turns the lead into a fine dust, which is more likely to be aspirated or to gather on your fingertips and lips. Lead is always INGESTED. That’s how it’s absorbed. When you breath it in, you create phelgm and post nasal drip, you swallow that, and then effectively injest the lead.
Germany: Young, Educated, and Wealthy Increasingly Support AfD
Is todays news up yet or am I being jacked with?
I posted it, database refused to take it. I got it up. Nothing is ever easy.
Report didn’t come through.
Thank you. GOt it up.
[fedpoast]AC’s didn’t post early this morning! Where are we stacking up?[/fedpoast]
Not sure if you posted for 7/12 but there is nothing showing as of 10:30am
Thank you. I just saw it never took.
Hi, what happened to the 7/12 news-brief? It’s not on the main page and tweaking the 7/11 URL to 7/12 doesn’t work, either.
For some reason we are having database problems, and it appears the software thought it published, but the database did not accept it. I have it up now.
“It is all satanists vs the followers of Christ, and everything else is there to waste your time.”
Probably the most significant statement ever made on this forum and the key to ANYTHING that matters. Christ my all or nothing at all!
You are really being blocked A.C.: it is 11:53 AM EST and the 7/12 post will not show and Brave takes a long time to load the site; Fire Fox loads the site quickly but still does not have 7/12. I should add it takes a while for a comment or a “Like” to load.
This post took over 2 minutes to load.
Thank you, I had not seen this didn’t publish.
You can always hit
I publish on both and for some reason that site is not as screwed up.
I finally found 7/12 by loading the minimal site