News Briefs – 07/10/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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On Tuesday software expert Phillip Davis testified that thousands of duplicate ballots were counted in the 2020 election in Georgia, with election workers cheating by counting ballots numerous times using different tabulators.

Biden administration promises to veto any legislative effort that blocks vote or ballot fraud.

Biden to veto safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act preventing illegals from voting in Presidential elections.

Trump calls on GOP lawyers to sue to stop illegals from voting and Democrats from cheating in another Presidential election — “That’s how they get an incapacitated moron like Joe Biden elected.”

Gov. Little makes Idaho the first state to take executive action for ‘only citizens will vote.’

Former President Donald Trump challenged President Joe Biden to take part in a debate this week, along with a golf match, where the former president would donate $1 million to “any charity” if Biden won.

Speaking at a campaign rally, former President Donald Trump says that Democrats are having a “full-scale breakdown” and challenged US President Joe Biden to another debate without moderators.

George Stephanopoulos says ‘I don’t think’ Biden can serve 4 more years after ABC interview.

Never Trumper Bill Kristol demands Joe Biden step aside: ‘Not up to four more years.’

WH insists Biden will serve out a full second term, stresses ‘he has a team’ to help with emergencies.

The House Dem meeting on Biden was a mess, with lawmakers crying and no resolution.

Democrats’ efforts to push Biden off the ticket lose steam.

Biden didn’t show up for a meeting with the German chancellor because he had to go to bed.

House Republicans to subpoena Dementia Joe’s doctor for medical records, including outside visits.

Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) revealed Tuesday that he believes former President Donald Trump will beat President Biden “by a landslide” in November.

New poll has even Hillary Clinton doing better than Biden vs. Trump. Hillary thinks she is coming back.

House Judiciary releases detailed report on “How Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan violated the Constitutional and legal rights of President Trump.”

Newly unearthed email shows Letitia James’ office corresponding with Biden DOJ hatchet man Matthew Colangelo about plan to get Trump.

Attorneys for Hunter Biden on Tuesday withdrew their bid for a new trial in his federal gun case, conceding in court papers that a motion they filed last month misunderstood a technicality in the district court’s capacity to carry out a trial.

Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) are calling on Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel to determine if Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas violated federal ethics and tax laws.

A deputy US Marshal shot a would-be carjacker who pulled a gun on him while he was guarding Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s home in Washington, DC, authorities said.

Extensive delays to the mid-life refueling and complex overhauls of two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers were due to damage to the steam turbines that power the ship. Bad Chinese steel?

In California, LGBTQ activists are opposing the Republican’s plan to increase penalties for soliciting minors into prostitution, saying it will disproportionately affect the LGBTQ community.

Nearly 1.8 million chickens will be culled in the latest bird flu outbreak at a Colorado poultry farm.

Sharon Stone says she was left with ‘zero money’ after losing $18 million in savings following 2001 stroke. Interesting story, though not enough info. She had a brain bleed and almost died, when she got home, everything she owned was signed into other people’s names. It sounds kind of like what Randy Quaid described the “Celebrity star whackers” doing to him. He claimed they created a person, Ronda L Quaid, and had all the checks from his movies, made out to Randal Quaid, endorsed and deposited in “her” account.

The Sacramento City Attorney’s Office warned a chain retail store that it could face a public nuisance charge due to a large number of phone calls placed to police when thieves repeatedly stole from its Land Park location.

Chinese self-driving cars have quietly traveled 1.8 million miles on U.S. roads, collecting detailed data with cameras and lasers. Notice, I said this about the Google car doing streetview ages ago. But you will never see a CIA media piece talking about that.

Metal thieves are stripping America’s cities on top of everything else.

Illegals are indeed getting immediate Social Security, contrary to Democrat claims.

Just one year after its creation, FEMA migrant program nearly doubles in cost, and politicians are now calling for a 725% increase for 2025. It issues funds to cities to cover the costs of the migrants.

Two Venezuelan migrants face felony charges for allegedly stealing $1,700 worth of cologne from an Ulta Beauty store in Chicago.

Mel Gibson writes open letter in support to Archbishop Viganò: Excommunication by Pope Francis “Is like a badge of honor.”

Dear Archbishop,

I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio.

I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever — so I’m not sure how this will effect you going forward. I hope you will continue to say Mass and receive the sacraments yourself – it really is a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post conciliar church.

You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice. To me and many others you are a most courageous hero.

As always, you have hit the nail on the head regarding the illegitimacy of Francis. You express the core problems with the institution that has eclipsed the true church and I applaud your courage in expressing that, but more than that in maintaining fidelity to the true Church!

You are a modern day Athanasius! I have all respect for the way you defend Christ and His Church. I agree with you 100% that the post conciliar church of Vatican II is a counterfeit church. This is why I built a Catholic church that only worships traditionally. You are welcome to come and say Mass there anytime.

Of course being called a schismatic and being excommunicated by Jorge Bergoglio is like a badge of honor when you consider he is a total apostate and expels you from a false institution.

Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath.

He, therefore, is the schismatic! However he already ipso facto excommunicated himself by his many public heresies (canon 188 in the 1917 code).

As you already know he has no power to excommunicate you because he is not even a Catholic.

So rejoice! I am with you and I hope Bergoglio excommunicates me from his false church also.

Bergoglio and his cohorts have the clothes and the buildings, but you have the faith.

God bless and keep you. If you need anything just ask, I will try my best to help.

With admiration and undying respect.

Mel Gibson

Even as Mexican-made fentanyl continues to flood into the United States, Mexico’s efforts to seize the drug have declined dramatically, according to figures released Tuesday by the Defense Department. They are making everything worse in the runup to the election, seemingly.

China’s aggression against the Philippines is increasing.

Iran neutralised a Mossad team trying to enter the country via north-western borders, operators were equipped with small explosive drones to carry out sabotage – Fars News.

Ontario KFC switches to halal chicken and bans bacon ‘to be more inclusive’ after Canadian province saw more than 650,000 migrants arrive in five years.

France’s future at stake: historic election unfolds amid voting scam revelations and a system rigged for the left.

The Paris prosecutors’ office opened an investigation into the campaign financing of far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s presidential bid in 2022.

Panicking French elite bombard their wealth managers with enquiries about relocating to Italy and Switzerland amid growing outrage over victorious hard-left’s plans for 90% tax on rich and huge spending increases.

British Army chief warns ‘5 years’ to prepare for WW3 with world facing ‘new Axis power.’ Be awesome if we could out the Cabal before that, and get them all killed.

In the UK, Keir Starmer could let out 40,000 inmates early to ease prisons crisis. This is a hostile intelligence operation, working to destroy the West. We need to communicate that, and then touch off the war against it.

UK finances worst since 1945 — new chancellor.

Bill Shorten, who managed Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) told parliament on Tuesday (2-7-24) that the program saw at least $5.5 billion a year diverted for use on sex toys, gambling, and cannabis etc., and that does not even include fraud and theft

In Germany: Nigerian migrant grabs 9-year-old boy and stabs 2 police officers, immediately released by the courts.

After some Germans reject Pride Month by displaying the national colours instead of the rainbow flag, domestic intelligence release a PSA declaring their action anti-constitutional and anti-democratic.

Now US provides $2 billion military aid package to Poland.

‘Veiled threat’ – Saudis warned G-7 against Russian asset seizure plan.

Russian election meddlers hurting Biden, helping Trump, US intelligence warns. If only they would.

Astrophysicist says he may have cracked the code for time travel.

A video training session on “How to Run for School Board” curtesy of the Grassroots Leadership Academy.

Nikki Haley releases delegates from supporting her at Republican convention to unite around Trump.

AARP poll in WI, Trump in the Majority, beating BIDEN in every way.

New Emerson Poll – Trump is leading all the Democrats, they’re stuck with Biden.

Trump approval rating tops 50% as he leads Biden on voters’ top two issues: poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because things will get worse before they get better

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8 months ago

So, he’s saving all that money so he can send it to Ukraine:

comment image?w=750&ssl=1

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

Ukrainians cant fly f16. They are either recruiter kidnapping thugs or fed into the macerator.

Ukraine will be over before they can train pilots.

Reply to  Ting-Tong
8 months ago

Most likely that the pilots will be supplied also.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
8 months ago

Chinese self-driving cars have quietly traveled 1.8 million miles on U.S. roads, collecting detailed data with cameras and lasers.
I’m certain that their satellites and high tech air balloons have mapped everything a car could. Maybe something else?

Fed Up
Fed Up
8 months ago

The Cali pedo ‘hurt feefee’ issue is similar to the Rotherham groomer scandal. The Brits did not want to acknowledge all of the Asian, read Paki, groomers so as not to stigmatize them. After all, that would be discriminatory in their way of thinking.
Both cases show how reason and logic have gone by the wayside. Look at how many batshit crazy ideas get a foothold in Britain and then cross the pond.
As if anyone needed any more reasons to despise the pols, when they would not even protect their own families and communities!

Reply to  Fed Up
8 months ago

If the alphabet group doesn’t want to be disproportionately affected then they shouldn’t disproportionately be trying to groom under age people into prostitution.

8 months ago

Alice Munro has been outed as an enabler. Her second husband molested her nine year old daughter. The daughter told Munro, her mother, of the mistreatment. AM sided with the second husband. She phrased her choices in feminist terms.

At this point, are there any mainstream, award winning, ‘big think’ ‘important’ writers that are not hiding major criminal or social flaws?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

That must have been how the Romans felt after they burned down Carthage and salted the earth so nothing could grow there.

8 months ago

‘In California, LGBTQ activists are opposing the Republican’s plan to increase penalties for soliciting minors into prostitution, saying it will disproportionately affect the LGBTQ community.’

So they’re basically admitting that a lot of them are kiddie-diddlers?

And what does China want from the Philippines?

8 months ago

The true state of ‘our democracy’.

The Editor at Large for the Wall Street Journal, Gerry Baker, says: ‘We’ve been “gaslit’ and deceived” – for years – “all in the name of ‘democracy’”. That deceit “collapsed” with the Presidential debate, Thursday’.

“Until the world saw the truth … [against] the ‘misinformation’ … the fiction of Mr. Biden’s competence … suggests they [the Democrats] evidently thought they could get away with promoting it. [Yet] by perpetuating that fiction they were also revealing their contempt for the voters and for democracy itself”.

Baker continues:

“Biden succeeded because he made toeing the party line his life’s work. Like all politicians whose egos dwarf their talents, he ascended the greasy pole by slavishly following his party wherever it led … Finally—in the ultimate act of partisan servility, he became Barack Obama’s vice president, the summit of achievement for those incapable, yet loyal: the apex position for the consummate ‘yes man’”.

“But then, just as he was ready to drift into a comfortable and well-deserved obscurity, his party needed a front man … They sought a loyal and reliable figurehead, a flag of convenience, under which they could sail the progressive vessel into the deepest reaches of American life — on a mission to advance statism, climate extremism and self-lacerating wokery. There was no more loyal and convenient vehicle than Joe”.

Vox posts on it:

The system hasn’t so much snapped as it has been exposed. What I understood in the late 1990s, and what Wang Hunin understood some 20 years before that, is now being admitted by the mainstream media and recognized by the public….Being subversive and inversive, the Clown World system relies upon secrecy in order to operate successfully. Now that it has been exposed, and now that its enemies see it clearly for the Empire of Lies that it is, its defeat is assured.

8 months ago

Please go to yesterday’s comments and read the Wooderson and Lowell comments. They got posted late and are likely to get lost.

While I am coming up with a different theory about July, they both have detailed and thoughtful takes that should be taken on board in trying to figure out what is going on.

8 months ago

On time travel into the past (one of the links), the soft core take is that it is impossible due to the grandfather paradox.

The hard core take is that it was discovered and much of what we think of our history was in fact created by time travellers from the future.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Dolly did have braces

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Ting-Tong
8 months ago

And a killer rack!

Reply to  Ting-Tong
8 months ago

…and Han shot first!

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

No time travellers. Cabal is just buying all the copies of Moonraker and editing out Dolly’s braces.

8 months ago

UK finances worst since 1945 — new chancellor.

As expected from her, what she is saying is b—sh–.

She is not saying that the previous government and parliament spent way too much money, which they did, and Labour supported that. She is saying that the government didn’t “grow the economy” and that is why the UK is in dire fiscal straights.

By the way, when a new party comes in it is now something of a tradition for the new finance minister to make similar remarks. And for what it is worth, Tom Luongo and Martin Armstrong have been predicting European sovereign defaults for some time. Armstrong has been predicting American sovereign defaults, but I think the Europeans go first.

8 months ago

Biden didn’t show up for a meeting with the German chancellor because he had to go to bed.

Other people have noticed this, but it is now really impossible to tell normal msm headlines apart from headlines in The Onion or the Babylon Bee.

Both Trump and Biden have blow past median life expectancy, and “Biden” shows all the signs of having two years to live at the most. So keep in mind that the “election” is really between their running mates.

8 months ago

The Elon Musk retweet of the longish Last Refuge tweet on election integrity is the most important item posted here today.

Jovan Pulitzer’s podcast/ radio show is too repetitive for me, but its worth checking out on occasion, especially around voting day. And he has explained numerous times how the theft is (mainly) done, and his explanation is exactly what Last Refuge tweeted.

Migrants are brought in, given social security numbers and addresses (which Pulitzer found in one case was literally a parking lot) and registered to vote. But the migrants themselves don’t vote. Activists/ surveillance obtain ballots in the migrants names and vote for them. Really, the migrants themselves don’t even need to be in the USA for this, at least not for a long time, but presumably they have other uses.

8 months ago

Z blog: describe how midwits are in charge without using the term “midwits”:

He doesn’t get into the key issue of why midwits are “in charge”, but it least its a fun read.

8 months ago

Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz Agrees to Donate Brain to Science and Give Away Rights to Name in New Civil Settlement
“The victim’s settlement regarding the rights to Cruz’s name will give Borges full control over when journalists, authors, and producers can speak to Cruz.”

Uhhhh what? Is that normal? I have never heard of such a thing. It sounds like the idea to donate the brain came from the lawyer so did name rights thing also come from the lawyer? Why?

Last edited 8 months ago by Ultra
Reply to  Ultra
8 months ago

So they can destroy it, like they do all the schools and houses and anything involved in these botched ops, to cover any trail of how their tech and tactics work on a deeper level.

Implying the event ever happened and the character named Cruz ever existed in the first place.

8 months ago

> In the UK, Keir Starmer could let out 40,000 inmates early to ease prisons crisis. This is a hostile intelligence operation, working to destroy the West. 

Remember when California and New York were emptying their prisons at the beginning of the “lockdowns”? Out of “concerns for their health,” prisoners were simply turned loose.

That wouldn’t necessarily have anything to do with the surge in the crime rates in those states, of course. That sort of simplistic thinking seldom applies to the modern world; it’s very easy for concerned citizens to draw incorrect conclusions from superficially related facts.

When all the studies are done, the relevant authorities will authorize the legitimate media to give you the true picture.

8 months ago

In regard to Sharon Stone losing her savings, this happens to ordinary people like you and me. Never go to a hospital alone. Your best defense is a loud, nosy family member. Do not trust anyone, especially hospital and nursing home social workers. I spent 40 years in healthcare. I have seen patients tricked into signing conservatorship forms. A social worker tried to trick my cousin into signing such a form, making the social worker her conservator. There are all sorts of unscrupulous people in healthcare facilities who will attempt to separate you from your money and your property when you are medicated. Asset theft is big business. Guess what? You cannot trust conservators or judges who decide conservatorship cases either.

8 months ago

> AARP poll in WI, Trump in the Majority, beating BIDEN in every way.

Interesting, since the AARP is hard left. Step Two will be to rally the Faithful, so the evil Trumpkins don’t cut off their Social Security and pension benefits. Because everyone knows that’s what the Nazipublicans will do if they have a chance. “Vote early! Vote often! It’s your only hope!”

8 months ago

> Argentina has decided to apply to join NATO, buy F-16 fighter jets and help Ukraine by sending weapons it needs.

Breaking this down, that’s three separate statements combined into one (possibly misleading) sentence. As-written, you might get the idea that Argentina was going to buy F-16s and give them to the Ukes.

> Argentina has decided to apply to join NATO

Interesting, since NATO membership doesn’t look like it would benefit Argentina much. That’s why previous governments didn’t join. Signing up right when NATO is trying to provoke a war with Russia – and by extension, BRICS – would be stupid. And Argentina’s giant neighbor Brazil is the “B” in BRICS, so if NATO and the Union State of Russia and Belarus go to war, Argentina has a 761-mile long border with Brazil, which would be *very* tense if they’re on opposite sides of a foreign war.

NATO doesn’t have directly levied membership fees, but its funding by its members is… how shall I put it… laybrinthine. With both “direct” and “indirect” contributions, not all of them public. Looks like a fine way to hide the movement of money, doesn’t it? Not that such a thing could ever happen, of course, you loony conspiracy theorist, you.

The web says it usually takes one to five years for a country’s membership to be approved. So even if it’s put in the express lane like Finland or Sweden, it probably won’t happen for a while.

> buy F-16 fighter jets

Back in March they announced they were buying 24 used F-16s from Denmark, which is downgrading to the sucktastic F-35. Old news. Apparently they were looking at some modern Chinese fighters, but Denmark sold them two dozen F-16s for only $300M, which was, from what I can tell, a smoking deal.

The F-16 is a proven and reliable aircraft, easy to maintain, and (for values of “fighter”) cheap to operate. It has also proven superior to the vaunted F-35 in several air combat tests. Nothing wrong with being used; Denmark isn’t some third-world country (yet) and they’ve probably been well-maintained.

The headline implies Argentina will give the F-16s to Ukraine; I doubt it, since they were already looking to buy fighters for their own use.

They might try dumping their existing fighters off on the Ukes, except they don’t actually have any, by first-world standards. Their whole fighter force is less than 50 planes, half of them trainers, and the other half trainers used for “tactical ground support.” While the Texan II and Super Tucano are quite good at that – the United States used them in Iraq and Afghanistan – Argentina presumably would be keeping them in service, because the F-16 is a bad fit at that sort of job, though the USAF tried mightily to force it to fill that role.

> and help Ukraine by sending weapons it needs.

Yeah. There’s sort of a shortage of the kind of weapons Ukraine needs, unless Argentina’s own arms industry hasn’t been selling to them already, in which case it would be a new market. Could be; most governments consider weapons export licensing as a highly political action.

8 months ago

> Ontario KFC switches to halal chicken and bans bacon ‘to be more inclusive’ after Canadian province saw more than 650,000 migrants arrive in five years.

Uh… I’ve never seen a KFC with bacon on the menu. Not even Canadian bacon. Around here, they sell chicken and sides like vegetables or salads. Which are vegatables, too, I guess. Definitely not bacon, though.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Interesting. I never saw that on the menu here.

Some of that stuff is regional. I remember stopping at a McDonalds in Kansas that had ribs on their menu.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

Fast Food Fake Food problems

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

It’s just more anti Muslim enragement being generated for when the debt collapse happens and we all turn on each other. Divide and rule.

Last edited 8 months ago by English Tom
8 months ago

> Trump approval rating tops 50% as he leads Biden on voters’ top two issues: poll.

Trump’s approval rating was better than that when Biden became the most-elected President in American history.

“It doesn’t matter who does the voting as long as I do the counting.”
— Huey Long, “The Kingfish” of Louisiana

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

One Joseph Stalin had exactly the same thought.

8 months ago

New poll has even Hillary Clinton doing better than Biden vs. Trump. Hillary thinks she is coming back.

Fake poll put out by someone who wants Hillary (maybe Hillary, maybe not) and trying to make it plausible.

8 months ago

Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and (((Ron Wyden))) (D-OR) are calling on Attorney General (((Merrick Garland))) to appoint a special counsel to determine if Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas violated federal ethics and tax laws.

I would say the first question is from Thomas’ dissent in the immunity case — under what statute can you appoint a special prosecutor?

8 months ago

Extensive delays to the mid-life refueling and complex overhauls of two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers were due to damage to the steam turbines that power the ship. Bad Chinese steel?

CVN-73 was manufactured between 1986-1990. I’m not sure we were using Chinese steel that early. At that time, NAVSEA was still doing a pretty good job (by conventional wisdom.)

8 months ago

Argentina applies to join NATO

Yeah, sure, a South American country adjacent to Antarctica makes sense in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Of course, there’s absolutely no chance that they will actually contribute the GPD percentage to NATO that’s required by the treaty.

Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

What makes sense these days.

China has deployed PLA to Belarus

8 months ago

After some Germans reject Pride Month by displaying the national colours instead of the rainbow flag, domestic intelligence release a PSA declaring their action anti-constitutional and anti-democratic.

Do you want brownshirts? Because this is how you get brownshirts.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  phelps
8 months ago

Yep this is the plan, for ALL of the West.

Reply to  English Tom
8 months ago

I suspected that turning europeans into Nazis has been their game for a long time.

Many of the top globalists seem to be nazis, Klaus Schwab, Ursula von der Krazy, Soros, Ukraine’s Azov…

“They say Hitler was crazy. Hitler was not crazy. Hitler was stupid. You dont fight the Russians & Americans. You get the Russians & Americans to fight eachother”

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Name*
8 months ago

The Sum of all Fears.

8 months ago

Milei is W.E.F

Anyone surprised he wants to draw Argentina into global war?

Reply to  Ting-Tong
8 months ago

Perfect example of how puppet ops are run.

Everyone was so high on him because he did some cool things right off the bat. That’s the anchoring principle in action; the first thing he did was good to our side’s mind, so he has an innate reserve of goodwill that lets him get away with some serious scumbag shit once or twice before people smell the shit. If he was just another zogbot from day one resistance would be stauncher, but now you have to convince all the boomercons and idiots that he’s not the secret based chad we need etc.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Bait & Switch

8 months ago

I’m assuming there was some coercion done behind closed doors to get Benedict XVI to resign. He was still alive for 9 years after… and the pope before, John Paul II, his papacy ended when he died. So what’s up with the ‘old age and health’ reasons? Sounds like a cover up.
Can. 188 A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself.”

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

The Catholic Church isn’t a prominent factor in politics nowadays, but it’s still probably the single highest concentration of wealth on the planet. Control of the Church – of which the office of Pope might well be a figurehead – would have been a primary target for… basically its entire existence.

That the Holy See might have been pwned long ago is quite likely.

Reply to  TRX
8 months ago

It’s an organization of man, that it’s flawed is a given. God knows our innate flaws and uses them to enact His plan; if showing the corruption of something so “holy” as His church turns more people to God than away, God will do so.

Chris F.
Chris F.
8 months ago

I’m an OTR trucker. The gang stalking has gotten so bad that I decided to put my cell phone in air plane mode and a go dark bag. Traffic returns to normal immediately. I still get gang stalked, but it’s different. They get really nervous about a tractor trailer driving around without a signal telling them who I am. So when I stop the truck on the side of the road, another car stops so to see who I am, what I’m doing. I think that there is a gang stalking app, it follows my cellphone.

I’m also getting the “Keep you awake beam” a lot more. More aggressive! I think that they want me switch to a local job. I make a point to stop at the shipper or receiver, not truck stops. They used to wait until 8 pm before beaming, now it’s almost as soon as I stop. I have to use the phone for work, so as soon as I turn the cellphone on, someone immediately parks next to me to beam me. PS They don’t have to be directly beside me. They can beam me parked behind or in front of me. For me it’s loud, but it’s not a sound. It’s like a vibration, I keep my hearing aids off to see where it’s coming from. It’s impossible to be sure where it comes from, but I will find a parking spot where it is not and move the truck.

I’m with you, k*ll them all. But if I am given the choice, I do not know if I would stay in the country when this all pops off.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

Do you guys get the head itch too? It’s like a mosquito bite that just keeps itching for me. Prolly to make me look crazy itching my head. I loathe these people and look forward to their eradication. In the end we win. #ChristIsKing

a b c
a b c
Reply to  Am_Free_USA
8 months ago

Most people you’d say that to would think that’s crazy talk, you must have scabies or lice. I think they have several settings on a machine (plus single use, and with adjustments for intensity) that push more towards health degrade (general), skin irritant (surface effects instead of deep penetrate), manic (push towards nutty freak-out) focus to pinpoint (AI guided, perhaps, physical effects as poltergeist similarity) and more.

What you describe could probably be caused by low dose microwave, simple as drying out skin and preventing healing so more prone to infection by bacteria or fungus.

They will get their cup to overflow and the wrath will spill forth.

Reply to  Chris F.
8 months ago

AC this should be on a link to “testimonials ” where new visitors van read not just your stories of being stalked and beamed. Where average stalkee can tell their stories and help expose how widespread it is. Even truckers and other innocent people who don’t even know why.

8 months ago

Claim that “Biden” started blackmailing Obama over homosexuality as far back as 2008:

8 months ago
8 months ago

RE: Democrat election fraud

I have a feeling that this year’s October Surprise is going to be something that breaks the cheating, just in time. If this is a script, that’s something the screen writer saves for climactic battle during the third act.

Last edited 8 months ago by lowell