News Briefs – 07/10/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Mexico Seeks To Increase Bilateral Trade With Russia, Including Steel And Fertilizer

DFT – UK Housing Market Falls Fastest In Twelve Years

DFT – US Exports Of LNG Fall As Maintenance Weighs And Europe Approaches Capacity

DFT – Retailers In UK Accused Of Profiteering By BoE

DFT – GE Survey Finds Medical Practitioners Skeptical Of AI’s Use

A great link from the comments. Here also on Catbox, description below:

This mother is running a TikTok devoted to music from what I see, and she has got about 5,000 followers. Here, she relates going into a grocery store and suddenly observing, all around her, the mating dance of the gangstalkers. You will look at the video, and think to yourself, she must be exaggerating, and is some kind of narcissistic attention whore. They would not point their phones right at her, with another guy on facetime looking right at her on the screen. But, no, that is pretty standard operating procedure, for the shock and awe head-games they launch on those who look poised to gather a following online. I’d bet what triggered it was even so standardized, it was set in motion when she hit 5,000 followers on the nose. And at the office it was like, “Hey we have another unapproved influencer who hit 5,000 followers. We’ll have to schedule a shock and awe for her at her next grocery store outing to let her know to back off. Notify her neighborhood commander to pencil her in for sometime this week whenever she goes out.”

It also highlights the massive gulf in perceptions between us and the secret society of surveillance people. I am sure the unit assigned to give her that show went out that day expecting they would do their thing, and she would be like, “OMG, my social media activity has gotten the domestic-surveillance/gangstalking/Stasi to come out and threaten me. I’d better beg them to let me become a member, or I will have to cancel all my social media accounts. I should have known I was not allowed to have a popular TikTok channel!”

Instead she is like, “OMG, child traffickers are trying to steal my child! I have to call the Police and file a report.” And then after filing an official Police Report, she went home and did a Tik Tok about it to get more followers. LOL. Somewhere the guy monitoring her house from down the street is slapping his forehead and asking how our kind can be so dense we cannot understand their little game of charades and secret messages. Because after a lifetime in it, these cryptic, mimed-out “messages” would be clear as day to them. But they lay them on us, and we immediately sperg out and come to all the wrong conclusions, and do exactly what they would never want us to do.

Interestingly, I would bet if I tried to get her to check out my surveillance page, there would be no way to get it in front of her, given statistically we are likely to operate in separate silos. Increasingly, I wonder, just how many silos are there? Given the conspiracy has no choice, since exposure will very likely mean horrific death, the answer is probably as many as it takes, and then a shitload more just to be sure. This whole thing is just fascinating.

I talk about all this on here with much trepidation, and some sadness, knowing some new readers will bail on the site, not believing something like this could exist. But it is important we highlight to our kind that others out there see this thing too. And you have to understand, if something like this exists, and is so big it can operate this brazenly, you can see the direct threat it poses to both the Constitutional government and the very essence of our control over the leaders in our representative republic. I really have no choice but to write about it.

I put this next one here more as a puzzle. Caviezel seems genuinely good, and God-loving, if you believe what you hear. He and his wife adopted children with cancer who nobody else would have, and took care of them when they had nobody, if those stories are true. His movie would seem to be publicizing things Cabal would not want publicized. And yet there is this out there, so who knows:

All of the signs of keeping the secrets, and being in the club. I see this, and see the rapper from Public Enemy talking about Kanye, and saying he was like all the other stars, he went down and joined the Masons, swore his oath to lucifer, and agreed to a sacrifice, not knowing the organization would choose his mom as the sacrifice and kill her, so he could be a billionaire. And I am pretty sure that means Caviezel knows 9/11 was at least allowed, and all those wars which maimed, and killed, and fucked up all those young heroes were bullshit, and for nothing, and most of all purposeful. But he has his Lamborghini. It is fucked up because this is kind of like life as a target. They don’t seem like satan incarnate. You would like to like some of them. And yet whatever they are doing with regard to you, they can’t possibly let you know, because you would not like it, they are supporting some seriously dark shit if you just look at the state of the nation, and they cannot just leave you alone to do your own thing in peace either. It is a shame, and really fucks up what could otherwise be a beautiful country. And it leaves you unable to trust anything they say or do, no matter what they look like on the surface.

Spree shooter on a scooter in NYC, first corner guy had his cell phone in hand. One dead, three injured. I’d say 50 percent likelihood somebody in surveillance will be shifted to corner-posted foot duty tomorrow to fill a void, while corner-guy respawns in another skinsuit somewhere:

Ratcliffe called surveillance powers granted under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) “vital,” but said, given the executive branch’s abuse of them to spy on Americans and on the Donald Trump campaign in 2016, “there’s no way” they would be reauthorized by Congress in their current form. I’m sure he knows 9/11 was at least allowed, and these powers have no use beyond spying on us, because we are all two hops from somebody.

New court documents show that DOJ prosecutor Jay Bratt, who tried to bribe Walt Naut’s lawyer Stanley Woodward in order to get his client to testify against Trump, redacted every reference to Trump cooperating with subpoenas.

Kim Kardashian ‘freaking out’ after noticing mysterious shadow of a woman in the background of her makeup-free selfie, taken while she was alone. Tough to say, as I am sure she will do anything for clicks, I’d be surprised if she is alone when any pic for her socials is taken, and the silhouette looks like her mother, with short hair.

Ron DeSantis is confronted about his campaign’s ‘failure to a launch’ and admission it’s ‘way behind’ in the polls against Trump.

Vivek Ramaswamy’s Soros connection: Why hasn’t Ramaswamy come clean on taking a Soros scholarship in 2011?

Tommy Robinson on Telegram has Joe Biden audibly filmed in a selfie, sniffing a young girl, and the telling her “Don’t tell Mommy.”

President Biden sat down for a recent interview in which he revealed the United States is low on 155 mm artillery ammunition rounds, sparking outrage and questions of competency.

Cops are called to Michigan GOP gathering as brawl breaks out over locked room with one Republican leader saying another ‘kicked me in my balls.’ Surveillance and Cabal operators will get really worked up, if things begin to get revealed.

FBI agents thought Swalwell had a ‘sexual relationship’ with Fang Fang, but Dem senators halted probe.

Hollywood Reporter – How the FBI worked with Hollywood to build the crime genre’s early years in film and TV. Totally not domestic intelligence taking control of the entertainment media to use it as a propaganda outlet.

Yahoo worries – Misinformation about everything from election fraud to Covid-19 vaccines is reaching millions of Americans through a popular but opaque medium: podcasts.

Illinois Gov. Pritzker considers allowing DACA illegal aliens to Police Americans as cops. Again, these will be agents of the conspiracy.

The Left’s new sugar daddy Alex Soros had 20 meetings at Joe Biden’s White House. So where is he right before and right after these meetings, because I would assume personal visits like that would mean he is some kind of courier.

TikTok boat jumping challenge that sees people jump off vessels moving at high speed is blamed for FOUR deaths in Alabama – as cop says victims broke their necks instantly.

Nine people were injured when a gunman opened fire on a group of people in Cleveland, Ohio, around 2:30 a.m. Sunday morning.

Drug-ridden Portland to hand out aluminum foil, glass pipes and straws to fentanyl smokers that have already overrun the Oregon city.

Doctors can’t guarantee your next round of chemo. A Chemo shortage. Why? What is different now, compared to before the vaccine?

Meet a student-loan borrower with $101,000 in debt who doesn’t have ‘any hope’ with Biden’s new plan for loan forgiveness: ‘I’m never going to be able to pay it down.’ It is fascinating. I mean they had agency and you don’t want to say there should be no responsibility. And yet, who can argue they were clueless and vulnerable kids because the system made them that way, it bombarded them with propaganda to make them think they needed this, and as a result they really were destined into being slaves like this.

Canada is on track for another record-busting year of euthanasia deaths, with a 35% jump to some 13,500 state-sanctioned suicides in 2022, a projection shows.

Canada’s push to euthanize veterans with PTSD is ‘disgusting, unacceptable and infuriating’, says female artillery gunner who spent six months on the front line in Afghanistan. The goal of war in the West is to kill our kind, and it is not the only way they do it.

Miss Netherlands 2023 is a male tranny. Did you think Cabal was not rigging these contests, and using them to control who was allowed to have a microphone, for all these years? I was Chiffonade’ing some lettuce the other day, and my thoughts drifted to Jacque Pepin, and the time he and Julia Child were on some show being interviewed, she felt the edge on his knife which was on the table, to see how sharp it was, and cut her thumb deeply because it was so razor sharp. It was a strange, incompetent move, making me wonder if she was even a chef. Of course she was CIA/OSS, like a secretary or something, and her husband was CIA as well, IIRC. So I thought even back then, the machine would take her and have her devote her life to the role of celebrity chef, because things were so controlled they would not risk an average chef taking the role, and one day going off script and revealing the truth about who ruled over everyone and the satanism and pedophilia and child sacrifices. We may find out nobody with any degree of fame, not even bit actors, were regular people who got there how we thought it worked.

16th-century church burned to the ground as fresh violence erupts in France.

Raytheon has called in retired engineers to teach its employees how to build the Stinger missiles heavily used by Ukraine’s military—using blueprints drawn up during the Carter administration.

Central and Latin American countries threw cold water on the EU’s efforts to rally the continent’s support for Ukraine and called for colonial reparations in a counter-proposal of an upcoming EU summit draft declaration.

Kyiv is concerned about reports of meetings between former US officials and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, fearing that this may indicate a weakening of US support for Ukraine. One thing going on in the background is the 2024 election. The last thing Cabal wants is for it to be Biden vs Trump, and suddenly Putin decides he has drained NATO enough, and he just marches through Kiev and liberates all of Ukraine from Cabal. A failure like that will make Biden look like a loser, at a critical moment, and suddenly everything spent there will be seen as a total waste, even by Biden’s side. If Ukraine looks set to just get weaker and weaker from here and ultimately lose big at a moment of Putin’s choosing, Which it does right now, they could decide the whole thing needs to be wrapped up by the end of 2023, and simply cut the West’s losses, and give Putin whatever he wants, just to end this thing right now.

Germany is set to insist on delaying Ukraine’s accession to Nato over fears the move could take the alliance to war with Russia.

Northern lights to be visible in 17 states this week including Idaho. How many states, anon? Are we sure it won’t be 16 or 18?

James Cameron to sell oceanfront mansion for $33 million after years of climate doomsaying. How many million, anon?

New NBC poll is devastating for Joe Biden — Majority of Democrat voters don’t even like Joe.

Ipsos poll: A guilty verdict would sway some voters for Trump.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t have friends if you don’t know anyone

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Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Doctors can’t guarantee your next round of chemo. A Chemo shortage. Why? What is different now, compared to before the vaccine?”

They were probably told they have to kill a certain number of people every month by management. 1000 per month or something. Medical supply companies and medicine in general would be full of these people.

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

Drug production for generic chemo all outsourced to India and China. FDA shut down imports of carboplatin from only Indian factory after inspection revealed “unsafe” practices. Clown world. Your relatively cheap treatment for most epithelial cancers (lung, gyn, head) is not available. We have lots of keytruda, as seen on Super Bowl commercials, available.

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

They are probably social crediting it.

Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

With the fenbendazole/ivermectin pair being readily available at Tractor Supply, this shortage might save lives as they try the cheaper veterinarian cure.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago
Just Me
Just Me
1 year ago

re: Jim Caviezel photos

Not sure how much credence you can put into posed photos.
The photographer is always telling the subject, do this, do that.
They basically follow along without much thought.

However, if they start throwing the Masonic/Illuminati symbols casually, without prompting, that’s a whole different ballgame.

Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

Jim Caviezel (JC, ironically) looks very annoyed making those symbols.

Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

Maybe they have inverted and stolen things that were once good and beautiful and they try to make it ugly and depraved.

Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

Photographers may use those poses because they are popular with celebrities

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Photographers may use these poses because they are popular with the people who pay the people who pay the photographers

1 year ago

Regarding Caviezel: what’s the chance the photographers suggested certain poses during the photo shoot just to get those out there?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You can see both eyes. It might be something like a warning: there are poisonous butterflies. There are non-poisonous butterflies that imitate the poisonous ones, to not get eaten by birds. They have similar, but subtly different markings.

So, he can be hired for some work, but not other work? He’s an actor with an audience- so $$, but he should not work with some directors?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Maybe he flirted with taking the ticket early in his career. Perhaps his piousness is a result of exploring God as a direct result of flirting with Satan.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Well, he did get struck by lightning while playing Jesus, and have a 150-lb cross fall on his head, all of which required him to undergo multiple surgeries. Perhaps that is God indicating that Caviezel does not have His seal of approval? Got me. I don’t believe in coincidences, though, so it certainly means something as far as I am concerned.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

I’d forgotten that. Thanks.

Caviezel’s left eye is the one covered. Do the poses all involve the left eye?

The left eye is connected to the right hemisphere of the brain. The right hemisphere controls creativity, right?

The left-hand path is part of tantric buddhism….

It prob shouldn’t be, but Glen Cook’s Black Company fantasy series is my most favorite fantasy writing. In it, a mercenary company with Institutional amnesia of its origins features… That origin is pretty much in the Left-hand path. It’s really really really cool. Cook is some kind of Boomer neo-lib deep state fan but not dumb or idk…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Discrediting is an old trick.

“He yJoey Bamzino, what about if you, me & Detective O’Reilly take a ride outside Paulie Bigano’s joint, show how we are all pals”

1 year ago

Holy jesus that UK Central Bank article almost made me lose it.

“Inflation” is a useless word at this point. It is so over-defined. It can mean so many different things. I assume anyone using it, instead of more precise and stable terms, is just BS’ing me. De-flation too. Re-flation is better but 0.5% knkw what that is.

The globe is seeing massive price increases. These price increases are absolutely not driven by an expansion of the economy. Prices are rising in a global economic contraction and probable collapse. It’s not because retailers are charging too much. Or because OPEC is curtailing production.

The one universal complaint is that there aren’t enough USDs in circulation to support global trade. This makes for a constant scramble for them prior to conducting whatever trade is contemplated.

That’s really what is behind BRICS+ and their discussion of a new currency for Int’l Trade. They’re sick of the scramble and see no other way to avoid the collapse.

We (The US) are dead set against expanding the supply of USDs in the global market.

And it’s obv a further attack against urban retail and part if the “Slaughter of Cities 2.0” to paraphrase E Michael Jones.

The Slaughter of Cities should be required reading. Even if only for the description of what happened.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

No Theso mate. That is incorrect.
Oil discovery has been shutdown. US from net exporter back to importer. Other countries the same. All under cover of the Ukraine bollocks which is unrelated. Sanctions against Russia are to decrease supply and increase prices of oil, gas etc and force increases in Electricity costs and oil. The two things that underpin every thing.
Then you have everyone in the supply chain forced to react to those costs by putting them up. Then you say ohhhh inflation is up! We must increase interest rates. Short term result of which is what? Uh huh – increased prices.
While that is going on you publish fake stats showing employment is strong, house prices rising, rents strong – helped by illegal immigration.
Regarding the money supply, that is also a fraud. Every stinkin week/month the fed publishes stats showing Billions of dollars moving into bank deposits and the following week say sorry there was actually a 50bil outflow.
I could go on. I started my working life as a chalky -and know what is going on in those fake things the retards have the audacity to call mkts.
All you have to know is that everything is manipulated.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

I’ve thought about your post a bit, and I think we really only disagree at one point: RUS and Saud. And we may not even disagree there. Not sure.

I think RUS and Saud are voluntatily curtailing production. RUS needs a certain price to continue industrial expansion while conducting the SMO in UKR and to prepare for the larger conflict with NATO and then the naval conflict with US.

In other words, RUS and Saud could produce more but aren’t going to. And they are doing this for legit domestic reasons and are not part of a global conspiracy.

If I understand you, I agree with the rest of your post. There is a global conspiracy to de-industrialize civilization. And they are starving the world of energy and currency and trying to hide it as you say.

This conspiracy is backed by the US submarine fleet, actually just a part of that fleet: the part that threatens decapitation strikes. The conspiracy has control over these subs. Or, is fronting they have control as the strikes are still threats at this point.

I suppose we may also disagree as to “why?”. I don’t think it is to enrich the ppl who control oil. Or to make money (acquire currency). I think they want to maximize the power differential btwn us and them. And de-industrialization is part of that. There’s also physical and spiritual “de-industrialization” going on obv.

Fwiw, I really do get the sense we agree on everything but we come at it from diff places, or our minds work differently…. or, we just disagree on one assumption about “how things work”.

1 year ago

Lol. Putin met privately with Wagner chiefs and Prighozin after the “mutiny”. And now all is forgiven. Cases closed. Pats on the back all around. Wagner now in Belorus. Recruiting offices open.

World Historic troll by Vlad and Prighozin.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

Denninger’s latest post about the clot shot is spot on.

“The shot acceptance has gone to basically zero yet the disability ramp is not slowing down.”

It’s not just disabilities either. I’ve had three people in my social circle die unexpectedly within the last month. One was in their mid 20s and was maybe an OD but the other two were middle age and they were certainly vaxxed since they both work in healthcare. Both were fine and then poof. Gone.

This shit is far from over.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

Denninger and his “oh, the shots are bad because of incompetence, not malicious intent” had me flick him.
He seems well skilled at licking his own arse though he welcomes arse lovers from everywhere looking at the commentary he approves.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

I have an issue with him; he uses other people’s and even his own commenters statements and attributes them as his own. Or to be kind, he doesn’t give credit where credit is due and acts as if he came with ideas someone in his comment section did. Really off putting. Other than that he is ok.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

Wasn’t aware of that. I’ve never commented there. Just a lurker.

Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

Essentially Karl with his “ban hammer” is the opposite of AC, who collaborates, acknowledges and gives tips to commenters; Karl’s rant about 11th of sept was the straw that sent me packing.

1 year ago

‘Canada is on track for another record-busting year of euthanasia deaths, with a 35% jump to some 13,500 state-sanctioned suicides in 2022, a projection shows.’

This is going to be a vefy lucrative business in the coming years as the cultures and economies become more desperate. I predict Millennials killing themselves in groups a la Heaven’s Gate.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

I joked about long bets on crematorium investments in 2020 as satire of how not-lethal the alleged coof was. Turns out to be a bit more accurate than I thought at the time, just for different reasons.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Dudes, they faked the Covid numbers, faked the vax stats, and yet you believe these stats? Farkin jokin arent ya?
The point of these made-up stats is to normalise euthanasia ya ding dongs!
Jokers to the left of me, clowns to the right, here i am……………

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Yes. Covid was fake and the vaccines are fake. What is real is fentanyl. That is the bulk of your “died suddenly.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The jab deaths are not fake or fentanyl.
0 points.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Future sci-fi dystopia: a widely distributed social media platform that uses language hacks, psyops, and AI-generated memetic hazards to get everyone who uses it to eventually self-Kevorkian.

Notable features include “Death Bombing” where people rig up their timed post-death manifestos to splatter across the platform, “The Thanatos Kiss” where people randomly trade infowarfare agents with each other just for the lolzzzz as well as for kill flags that display on their profiles, and games such as “Two Minutes Fate” where players try to justify their lives in front of an audience that wants to kill them anyway.

The story changes over time to suit the author in the mode of George Lucas, and a future version of this sci-fi dystopian story carries a lethal memetic hazard that kills the reader upon completion.

Owing to the fact that the platform itself does not coexist concurrently with normal spacetime, nobody has the slightest clue how to shut the damned thing down.

Maybe you’ll be the first.

File under: conspiracies, doomed, grim meathook future, obey, perversions, the future

1 year ago

Beautiful song of the day:

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago


1 year ago

His movie would seem to be publicizing things Cabal would not want publicized. And yet there is this out there, so who knows:

They are all pro photo shoots, headshots. When you hire a photographer, they tell you what poses to make, and you make them.
I don’t think it is more complicated than that. It’s different than when people are doing it in things like pap shots.

1 year ago

Kim Kardashian ‘freaking out’ after noticing mysterious shadow of a woman in the background of her makeup-free selfie, taken while she was alone.

It’s her own shadow. It looks like a profile because her selfie-arm smooths out the right side and makes it look like a back.

1 year ago

So I thought even back then, the machine would take her and have her devote her life to the role of celebrity chef, because things were so controlled they would not risk an average chef taking the role, and one day going off script and revealing the truth about who ruled over everyone and the satanism and pedophilia and child sacrifices. 

Two word: Tony Bourdain.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Some Bourdain material, YMMV:

“Follow Friends” ~Q Joey loved pizza Pheobe was the MASSEUSE & practicing witchcraft. Nearly ALL the special celeb guest stars who appeared on the show have ties to Epstein & the occult. Anthony Bourdain tweeted that during commercial breaks, the entire cast would chant “Hail Satan”. The same people who run Hollywood, run America & most of the world. As I reported last year, [They] used the “FRIENDS” show to bury the name Rachel Chandler in Google’s search results. Jimmy Kimmel did a “Friends” reunion on his show last year to pump Google full of new “Friends” material due the growing interest of Epstein Island / Rachel Chandler in the Q movement.

The following Bourdain link is interesting, but perhaps just coincidental:
(starts at 12:50)

Unrelated to the cloning pics.

1 year ago

If you said to me “9/11 was an inside job” just 5 years ago I would have said of course it was that’s obvious. A total no brainer for anyone who’s not a sheep. But if you then told me we might just be separated and locked into our own individual internets like they’re cell blocks in a prison I’d probably think you needed some meds and went waaaay too far down the rabbit hole. I am now convinced that’s exactly what’s going on. It’s more of a “feel” than anything I can explain logically but it “feels” like a lot of the people I used to be on the internet with from say 2010-2016 have been sifted out to other prisons. They’re gone. Or maybe I’m gone. Whatever the case I’m here now and if we’re stuck I’m glad to be stuck with you all.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The Silo thing is real, IMO. I am so glad that I found this site a while back. I jumped back into Twitter when Elon bought it and thought that it would be different, but it’s not. If not for this site, Zero Hedge, Vox, and a couple of others I don’t think I would know what is going on in the world. I stopped watching the Mockingbird news after the 2020 election when I was subject to election fraud in PA.
Short version. I moved to PA and registered at the DMV with my spouse got a receipt that showed I was registered in my town, county precinct, etc. I went to vote, and lo and behold, I was registered in another county 100 miles away. Not even the same spelling of the town. Someone had a finger on the scales to target WM, Conservative, Republican. The spouse was fine. makes you go hmmmmm.
Love this silo!

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This whole thing we are using is being constructed to keep us separate. And I would bet if you set up a dial-in web-board using phone modems for unrestricted networking…
There is merit in this proposal. We should fight to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks upon our community. Even reliable detection of MITM would be an improvement.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Have you considered crypto-signing your posts, AC? This might help we readers spot forgeries and partial deletions imposed by the enemy.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Just a Medic
1 year ago

I look forward to the comments degrading into silliness when all of the regulars rightly accuse a fake AC of being a “clonefag”. 🙂

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

Mind Blown! But in retrospect it’s probably easy enough. That’s EXACTLY what social media does, unofficially with communities, and procedurally with blocking and lists of followers. Even GAB does this with its Groups. Also, you can even run different operating systems on a pc, allocating partitions.

Add in AI to control the system and also to corrall us with conversations that make us think we have a large social network, and we may be in serious trouble.

On the other hand if the AIs actually LIKE our ideas, come the revolution instead of nerds with pitchforks, we might actually have actual T-1000s fighting alongside us.

Or maybe not.

Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
1 year ago

I think AI is a threat to the silo’ing. That’s why the important ppl are freaki g out or sending a msg “we are on top of it. It’s all cool.”.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

“How many states, anon? Are we sure it won’t be 16 or 18?”

It was weird geography too, for a continuous phenomena. Maryland, Indiana and New York, but no Ohio, Pennsylvania or Delaware. Comms.

1 year ago

While there is a place for industriousness. Remember that the other dystopia is also a possibility:

Inspiring those lyrics:

Wagie, wagie! Get in cagie!
Boss needs help now don’t be lazy
Zero breaks will make you crazy
I’ll tell the guards to get their tazie

Need to get those new iPhones
Got to pay those student loans
Work your fingers to the bones
Bosses need vacation homes

Don’t trust unions, vote in pairs
Buy all of boss’ consumer wares
We’ll stay seated in our chairs
And make our bosses millionaires
Love your work, love the pain
Feel the life drain from your brain
Think of all you have to gain
As your dreams go down the drain

Come on wagie, join the crew!
Don’t you want your wages too?
And if the boss man makes you blue
You deserve it, you’re a screw!

Weekend comes ’round after ages
You can come collect your wages
Throw your parties, have your rages
Then get back into your cages

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

History moves in cycles.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yep. I detest this wickedness much much more so than the Marxists that pretend to care about the worker or those who do proposing worse solutions.

1 year ago

> A Chemo shortage. Why? What is different now, compared to before the vaccine?

Not just chemo. We’ve had trouble getting various prescriptions filled for a couple of years now. The latest: amoxicillin. It’s one of the most common antibotics; they probably make it by the railcar-load.

The usual explanation is that the Chinese are the only ones making it now; all the companies that used to make it just resell Chinese mox. And the factory in China isn’t filling orders on time any more. Nobody seems to know why.

Stephen Morris
Stephen Morris
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Unrestricted war, also Russia and China hold the west and especially the United States as non agreement capable. They trust nothing we say and soon they won’t honor our money, maybe already. Who knows what we’re giving up to get them to honor dollars anymore.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Or those railcars keep ending up in the river.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Is baby formula in shortage still? And did the Biden admin censor that too?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

I got my HCQ and Ivermectin from

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Also, isn’t Amoxicillin fish antibiotics?
Try the pet shop.

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

A few weeks ago the US started a transition to requiring a vet RX to get animal antibiotics. It’s unclear if this will end up applying to fish antibiotics, because it is a voluntary guidance, and also because I’ve never heard of anyone taking a fish to the vet. (Google says they exist, but they are less than 0.2% of the vets.)

1 year ago

 ” we are all two hops from somebody. ”
This is why I read your work so avidly. Pattern recognition requires take account of these relationships and look for them, but not draw more definite conclusions than information allows. Total agnosticism is like a counterpart of overconfidence.
It’s also why it is so difficult to discuss politics. If I am programmed to resist an idea as hostile or stupid, the energy it would take to convince me might be sufficient to break the relationship! This is by design and a key principle of propaganda.
People have to figure it out for themselves. You can introduce concepts or rhetorical formulations, but that’s all you can do. So finding good pattern seekers is very important to understand what’s going on.

Last edited 1 year ago by TheFeebleClone
1 year ago

Jamie Foxx inciting racial hatred in December 2012:

While appearing on Saturday Night Live this Saturday, Oscar winning actor Jamie Foxx spoke highly about killing white people in Quentin Tarantino’s new movie, “Django Unchained,” before asking the audience, “How great is that?”
“I play a slave. How black is that?” he asked. “I have to wear chains. How whack is that?”
“I get free. I save my wife and I kill all the white people in the movie,” Foxx said to thunderous applause. “How great is that?”

Jamie Foxx was shown in a coffin-shaped pool last year (death announced), but don’t worry now, his clones are ready to go (2023). Netflix is such a total MK mess.

1 year ago

Off topic, fwiw: the “Mandela effect” came up in conversation, and I hit duckduck to see what’s currently being said. The ONLY sites it would offer up were major media, (there used to be a lot more smalltime pages on the subject) ALL leading off with sh*t about “false memories believed by groups of people”. Sorry, cabalites, no sale. I have “spelling” brain the way some lucky people have “math” brains, AND a good memory. When I was a kid, it WAS “Berenstein” bears. I don’t know if it’s some weird time-line fuckery or what, but I know what I know, quit fucking with my life.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

‘Million Short is a web search engine from Toronto-based startup Exponential Labs. The search engine, which brands itself as “more of a discovery engine,” allows users to filter the top million websites on the internet out of their search, resulting in a unique set of results and placing an emphasis on content discovery.’

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You are correct. It was spelled berenstein. I have that spelling brain too. I have visual memories of the name. Furthermore, if it had been spelled with the ‘stain at the end, you know us kids would’ve been making fun of such a name.

1 year ago

I remember reading that pedos get shanked in prison because the majority of those in prison were ruined by sex abuse as children. Didn’t look it up at the time, but the “q” stuff is really bothering me about how many kids are in danger, ’cause DAMN, how many minutes of separation from a protective adult would it actually take to mess up an innocent little kid?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

And given the majority of criminals are men in addition to this. The implications is the sodomite problem is quite bad.

1 year ago

Meet a student-loan borrower with $101,000 in debt who doesn’t have ‘any hope’ with Biden’s new plan for loan forgiveness: ‘I’m never going to be able to pay it down.’ It is fascinating. I mean they had agency and you don’t want to say there should be no responsibility. And yet, who can argue they were clueless and vulnerable kids because the system made them that way, it bombarded them with propaganda to make them think they needed this, and as a result they really were destined into being slaves like this.”

Let them go bankrupt and make the banks and colleges eat the cost.

1 year ago

Miss Netherlands 2023 is a male tranny. Did you think Cabal was not rigging these contests, and using them to control who was allowed to have a microphone, for all these years? I was Chiffonade’ing some lettuce the other day, and my thoughts drifted to Jacque Pepin, and the time he and Julia Child were on some show being interviewed, she felt the edge on his knife which was on the table, to see how sharp it was, and cut her thumb deeply because it was so razor sharp. It was a strange, incompetent move, making me wonder if she was even a chef. Of course she was CIA/OSS, like a secretary or something, and her husband was CIA as well, IIRC. So I thought even back then, the machine would take her and have her devote her life to the role of celebrity chef, because things were so controlled they would not risk an average chef taking the role, and one day going off script and revealing the truth about who ruled over everyone and the satanism and pedophilia and child sacrifices. We may find out nobody with any degree of fame, not even bit actors, were regular people who got there how we thought it worked.”

They also have been controlling beauty contests to influence how the average man sees which women are desirable in order to selectively breed the masses and make them vulnerable to cabal women who were not actually as desirable.
They want people thinking that r selected women with lower sexual dimorphism are ideal. (it also was build up to pushing trannies)

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Perhaps only homosexuals watch it anyway??

1 year ago

AC, do you think that if you see surveillance and everybody knows it that either they get a burn notice or you end up having to move or something like that? If you see them they get fired? And you said that is really bad for them if that happens, right? And does it make you feel sorry for them in some way?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That clip is brilliant! Your comments about how you get along well with animals really resonated with me. Indeed, much effort has gone into contaminating human relationships so we feel the same emptiness that the rulers do. I still have hope more are awakening to the poisoned message.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

AC, I can’t get that link to work. (And I really want to see it!) You are right, of course, but I guess I do feel sorry for them in some ways. I guess it’s the ‘bless your enemies’ situation, wishing they would know God instead of some lame ass cabal scheme pretending to be god. It’s a shame, really. For everyone and for the world. Maybe all the turmoil now is God intervening and blessing the world, which isn’t necessarily a nice and fluffy thing to go through. There will be resistance and chaos and turmoil.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Having the innocence of a child. And his wonder, his love of life, vibrant energy and the Wisdom of Ages of the Ancient of Days.

Youthfulness and Ancient Wisdom is best combination.

Symbolized in Jesus being a Young Man with White Hair.

Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

It is beyond our power or right to give them the punishment they deserve.
Only GOD has the right to give them the torment that they earn.

Anything less than that which we cannot give to them leaves me feeling nothing but “you deserve more”.
The best I can wish the is that GOD sends the enough pain in this life that they might consider repentance and turn against the machine.

1 year ago

Re: hypnosis porn: is any of it NOT some version of that?! And re: another anonymous comment on radio and “the soundtrack” of our lives- Lord help us and deliver us from what was malignantly inflicted on us as naive and curious young people. At this point, I’m a proud Zero Percenter. Zero percent of the people that worked for this,in however a menial fashion, get to move forward with us. I MIGHT be persuadeable on some options for the school-aged spies, but the adults are getting drop-kicked into eternity. Period.

1 year ago

Most likely chemo products are made in China.
China has problems.
Media has been told not to discover what problems are.
Who knows? Maybe the 3GD cracked and flooded the pharmaceutical labs.

1 year ago

“It was a strange, incompetent move, making me wonder if she [Julia Child] was even a chef. ”

No, she wasn’t a chef. As is known, her husband was a diplomat in post war France. At this time, Julia was unemployed. And bored. She enrolled in classes at the famed Le Cordon Bleu.

Nowadays, Le Cordon Bleu is regarded as a full professional culinary organization. But that’s not what it was when Julia went there.

Le Cordon Bleu started as a school for teaching upper middle class house wives how to cook traditional French bourgeois cuisine or classic cuisine. This is an entirely different thing from what chef’s make in French restaurants. When Julia attended the school had expanded a bit and offered introductory professional training for new, aspiring chefs. Very much like America’s Culinary Institute of America (an excellent place) got its start offering vocational training to returning American veterans.

But what’s significant here is at this time, it was still understood that a real French chef learned on the job via the apprentice method. Becoming a chef isn’t really something to learn in school. Sure, the education in fundamentals is very helpful. But guys like Gordon Ramsay, Marco Pierre White, and Thomas Keller… none of them went to culinary school. They started doing prep work.

Becoming a good chef requires so many skills and sensitivities. It requires learning to how to properly select your main ingredients, how to prep them, and all the different possible ways to cook them. You can only read so much about this. In terms of developing one’s senses and perceptions and motor skills, it really is more like an art/craft than anything else.

Julia Child never went through this phase, a phase which consists of years of the hardest work in the best restaurants. Again, guys like Thomas Keller and Gordon Ramsay put in years at all kinds of different restaurants. Doing real grunt work for vast numbers of hours.

Julia got a very introductory certificate and then began trying different recipes from traditional French housewife cookbooks. And then assembled her own book of these recipes, the vast majority of which she just copied.

Julia was never anywhere close to people like Pepin or the other great chefs. In my view, they merely humored or tolerated her as a peer in the world of TV but not cuisine.

And all of this shows. Watch any of Julia’s original TV shows. She cooks like a slob. She turns the kitchen into a mess because she just hadn’t developed the necessary refinement or motor skills. People used to try to turn this into a virtue “she taught us to relax and have fun in the kitchen, to not take ourselves too serious” and other such bullshit.

Julia was an entertainer and a bit of educator. I’m sure a delightful woman and I’m sure she knew quite a bit about food. But she was never anything approaching a Chef.

I’d call her a rich, bored, hobbyist with a TV show.