News Briefs – 07/08/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Canadian Dockworkers Strike Begins To Hit Small Businesses

DFT – Yellen Implores China To Support Climate Change Institutions

DFT – German Economy Continues To Decline

DFT – Turkish Inflation Begins To Cool

DFT – Finnish Companies Find Pulling Out Of Russia Did Nothing

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So, what are the elites really up to with Children? From the Dutroux Affair, which was quickly covered up, click for full size (Full source material here):

For archival purposes, another dossier here.

I do not normally expend your time on videos, but this is interesting – Ted Gunderson, former Special Agent in Charge of the LA Field Office of the FBI, relates a case where he was brought in as a specialist for a court proceeding to help defend a man who had interrupted a satanic sacrifice, and killed a few satanists, only to find two local governments closed in on him. You do not hear about things like this on the news:

Understand how difficult it would be to surprise these characters or get away clean after something like that, given surveillance would be doing overwatch, and they are just all over. That first shot would have been fired at the guy because surveillance alerted the satanists to an interloper. And when the girl took off, she was not anonymous. She was likely ID’d and marked first by surveillance for the snatch team before all this, and after it all, she was tracked to her house. If it ever happened to you, you would have to work some real magic to get away clean, and chances are it would just not happen. Your best bet might be, break out the video camera and amass as much evidence of the crime scene as possible and create a deadman’s switch, and then hope they will leave you alone so you don’t have your evidence publicize what happened. But at the end of the day, it is the surveillance which makes all of this possible. Without that, this thing would lack the intelligence to ID the girl as vulnerable and and target her, the perimeter security to operate so brazenly like that, and the sense of impunity which lets the rapists/murderers/satanists sleep soundly in their beds at night, knowing they are being watched over and nobody can touch them.

New docs link CIA to MK Ultra medical torture of indigenous children and black prisoners.

A national mass surveillance system boosted by artificial intelligence (AI) took root in Wyoming, as the town council of Jackson agreed in a close vote last month to install 30 solar-powered license plate recognition (LPR) cameras along their streets and traffic lights, which feeds into a centralized surveillance system managed by the private company Flock Safety. I will bet if you went there the gangstalking/domestic-surveillance networks are pretty decent-sized, even though it is a rural area.

Walkers coming in from both sides as things heat up, and a guy in the car next to them covertly filming with his cellphone as teh shooting happens. And the guy in the car has a little yippy dog, which is very common, perhaps as a cover, because what government/intel agent has a dog with him while he is working?

Colorado legislation supposedly aimed at increasing election security effectively outlawed hand-counting ballots in most of the state, and election officials are the ones who requested the ban.

Who here thought the FBI was created as a law enforcement agency? Ron Paul in 1998:

“For most of our history we didn’t have those institutions. The FBI came in during the First World War and interestingly enough, the one thing Woodrow Wilson did he used the FBI to spy on American citizens and actually arrest them if they disagreed with his foreign policy about going to war in Europe. Isn’t it interesting how recently they used it in the Vietnam era? Democrats used it then. Republicans used the FBI to spy on 100 different groups in this country, including the churches who disagree with the policy in Central America. It almost looks like the FBI was designed to spy on Americans who disagreed with policy, especially the foreign policy.”

U.S. government files emergency stay request to keep censoring Americans on social media.

Fox News retracted a hit piece against former President Donald Trump and admitted they “inaccurately attributed” an anti-Trump quote to former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price.

Tucker Carlson reveals Capitol Police chief told him J6 crowd was ‘FILLED with Federal Agents,’ and Fox News never aired the interview, which was apparently conducted right before he was fired from Fox.

Renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden slammed a four-year Department of Justice report examining the prison death of Jeffery Epstein – calling its finding “ridiculous” for ignoring the clear-cut evidence of a homicide, can exclusively reveal.

A DoJ official says the department is discussing delaying Hunter Biden’s plea hearing – following a firestorm of ‘sweetheart deal’ allegations by whistleblowers and claims that the Attorney General lied to Congress about the Biden criminal probe. They might be delaying it to see what happens with the White House cocaine thing. Bongino pointed out only Biden family members could get cocaine in the White House because only they bypass Secret Service Security, and if it gets traced back to Hunter after this deal is done, he will have violated his parole terms.

MSNBC: Cocaine was found in a ‘limited access place’ near the WH situation room — ‘average people just can’t get in there.’

A federal judge ordered all the attorneys involved in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case to move forward with the process to get security clearances.

Special counsel Jack Smith and DOJ spent more than $9M in the first 4 months of Trump probes.

Deep State hatchet man Jack Smith to charge Trump 45 more times.

DC disciplinary board recommends disbarring Rudy Giuliani.

Activists want to disqualify Trump from ballot in key states under 14th Amendment.

Robert F. Kennedy Jnr has admitted for the first time that he uses testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). If you are going to combine it with exercise, it is a good move –  if you need it to get moving. Exercise and more muscle as you age is better than not exercising and no muscle as you age. I would just hesitate, as I would not want to hit a SHTF scenario, not be able to get the steroids, and suddenly go refractory, with no supplementary testosterone, and my body not producing it due to the supplementation. Also, if you are a target, any medicine you need regularly becomes a point where poisons and carcinogens can be introduced. I assume either he is Cabal (most likely) or he has to go through various means to randomize where he gets it from and acquire it spontaneously.

Zuckerberg’s newly launched social media “Threads” is already harvesting user data and censoring undesirable users.

U.S. opens new immigration path for Central Americans and Colombians to discourage border crossings.

Illinois will soon require landlords to rent and sell property to illegal aliens, opening the housing market to tens of thousands considered deportable from the United States, even as rents remain sky-high in metropolitan areas like Chicago.

The Lord’s Prayer is now problematic, because it reinforces patriarchy.

Tom Brady received $30 million — almost entirely in FTX stock — for his services in promoting the company, but those shares are now worthless, and additionally, Brady is being sued by FTX customers after the company went under. He credited his success to his wife’s witchcraft spells, he dumped her, and this is how it is going for him.

Inverse Jim Cramer strikes again on June jobs numbers.

Ben & Jerry’s HQ is on ‘stolen’ native American land, Vermont chief says.



The Dutch government on Friday collapsed after failing to reach a deal on restricting immigration.


Antifa activist commits suicide after Hungarian police find 70,000 child porn files on his computer. Cabal operatives the same the world over.

China’s military is leading the way in developing tech weapons that can disrupt brain functions and influence large groups of people, according to a report by three open-source intelligence analysts. Electromagnetic beams which disrupt brain function.

In Ukraine, Ukrainian military storm Russian trenches, but the Russians were gone and the trenches were wired with explosives which killed almost all of them:


US Senator Lindsey Graham proposes bipartisan resolution for Ukraine’s NATO membership. Which would instantly mire us in a world war he would never fight in.

Biden: We’re sending cluster munitions to Ukraine because ‘we’re low on’ ammo they need and they’re ‘running out of’ ammo.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan claimed during a briefing on Friday that Ukraine will be careful with American-provided cluster bombs. Cluster bombs are banned in 108 countries. Why is it Russia can’t take out the cargo planes or ships carrying these, before they even reach Ukraine?

A year ago then White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Russia’s alleged use of cluster bombs was a war crime. And Russia probably had never even used them. It is amazing how the conservative side has suddenly started thinking for itself, and gone from the anti-Russia programming of the Reagan years, to staunchly pro-Russia and pro-Putin despite all the propaganda. May we never be brainwashed by these traitors again.

Germany opposes sending cluster munitions to Ukraine, minister says.

Joe Biden’s administration did not sanction or support secret meetings that former top US national security officials held with the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, and other Russians on potential talks to end the Ukraine war, the White House and state department have said. Could these be Trump people, preparing to move quickly once he takes office?

Russia confirms that they are launching a BRICS currency backed by gold.

The Las Vegas skyline has been dominated by a huge animated sphere – billed as the world’s largest video screen – dwarfing surrounding high-rise hotels after going live with a 300ft eyeball looking down over the city.

A giant “eye” you say?:

Researchers in Japan are currently working on a medication that would allow people to grow a new set of teeth, with a clinical trial slated for July 2024.

‘The dam is breaking’ on school choice as battleground state passes voucher program.

Nearly 900 days in, Biden approval lower than any president since Carter.

Donald Trump dominates GOP primary field in Tennessee with 49-point lead.

Trump on CORRUPT media: They have absolute proof that Biden is being paid off by China and Ukraine and the press doesn’t even write about it.

Spread r/K Theory, because the big eye is creepy

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1 year ago

Ppl are speculating that the BRICs currency will be “gold backed”. But that’s just speculation.

Looks to me like phys gold will be the reserve asset and the currency will be a “basket” of currencies and commodities. Maybe phys gold will be a part of the basket.

I try and post news about Sergei Glazyev here but it is very hard to find. He is the the guy tasked with currency issues by RUS.

He did come out with a very optimistic interview recently which is opposite his usual stance. His position has always been the “basket”.

Two interesting things about him. First, he was ostensibly demoted to his current position. But the position seems key to what a lot of ppl think is the vital issue: currency and global trade.

Second, he is a Larouchite. So, a very radical man. It’s been fascinating to watch RUS pursue the Larouche project (as I understand it) from the installation of Putin. And that went turbo once the SMO began.

It’s really to much to put in one comment but RUS has followed every core idea of Larouche. Every single one. High tech missile defense. Economic and tech Autarky. Currency reform away from Central Banking. Opposing the Khazarians. Education reform away from the Bologna System. Family subsidies. Upward paradigm shifts in energy source…

When Karaganav came out with what was almost a verbatim repeat of Larouche’s famous advice to start a nuclear war (against the USSR lol) as active defense but this time against NATO, I almost lost my mind.

Fwiw, Glazyev’s great enemy has always been the RUS Central Bank and Niabullina in particular. And the Western tendency in RUS.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

whether one agrees with larouche or not, and i can only do so part way… in my exposure to them, (((they))) are all over that movement, whether they were originally or not. they also detest old hickory, which is anathema to me. it is like they would prefer the fed. so, that movement has some… inconsistencies…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

The worst things Jackson did were overly expanding franchise (an understandable error) and the Trail of Tears expulsion.
He was one of our best leaders ever and Trump’s admiration for him is a good sign.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Yeah. Larouche himself seemed pretty bughouse. And there were a lot of you know whos. At least a lot of the “deprogrammed” ones were.

There are a lot of you know whos in RUS too. And around Putin. Looks like Chabad types. And Putin is famously cozy with ISR and screws Iran on the reg.

The whole US scene during Ol Hickory’s time was really convoluted. Esp the economics and financing stuff. The nation was struggling directly with Finance and Finance had ppl in both camps.

And by Finance I mean of course lol The City of London.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Thesokorus, thank you very much for posting this comment. I am almost embarrassed to admit how little I know of Larouche, or of his extraordinary knowledge, character and influence. Neither did I know Glazyev or his standing and significance in modern Russian economics and politics. A quick search brought me to his recent (September 2022) comments about Larouche and I found them truly eye-opening. The power of this intellectual, moral and historical foundation for what many of us here at AC’s site vividly perceive in today’s world is unmistakable. No wonder the Cabal and its minions amongst us are so revealingly desperate.

Here is an abstract from Glazyev’s comments, link below:

“The present nightmarish moment, with the breakdown of the entire system of international law, and of international cooperation, the collapse of the financial system, could have been avoided, if the Democratic Party organization had supported LaRouche as their Presidential candidate many years ago. But, unfortunately, history does not recognize the subjunctive mood. Or, as we tend to put it, no one is a prophet in his own country.

LaRouche’s voice was heard very well. We remember him. In practically all the major countries in the world that today are developing successfully – above all India, and China – there are partisans of LaRouche. They have used his thoughts and ideas, for creating their economic miracles. It is the principles of Physical Economy championed by LaRouche, that today underlie the Chinese economic miracle and are there in the foundations of India’s economic development policy. The supporters of LaRouche in those countries exert a fruitful, very positive, and constructive influence on economic policy-shaping in these leading nations of the new world economic paradigm.

We should not forget the creative legacy of Lyndon LaRouche, which demonstrates the interconnection of events taking place today with their roots many centuries ago. I was always impressed by Lyndon LaRouche’s enormous erudition. He saw the parasitical global oligarchy from its origins, and traced how those oligarchical families were parasites on trade, first in Venice; then they resettled, and continued to build up their financial power, through international trade and global speculation, in Holland; then they relocated to England; and after that, seized control of the political system of the United States.

Lyndon LaRouche saw the totality of world history through the prism of the struggle between the Good – national interests, the interests of improving the general welfare – and the forces of Evil – the world financial oligarchy, which hinders countries’ development, which strives to extract speculative super-profits from trade and economic cooperation, and which deceives the entire world by inflating speculative bubbles, and abuses its positions of power in the countries where it dominates the political system. We see how today’s U.S. financial oligarchy is unleashing hybrid world war, up to and including the risk of a nuclear catastrophe, for the purpose of holding on to its global hegemony.

Lyndon LaRouche’s warnings are coming to pass. It is important, that these warnings are not abstract. They are not simply lines on a graph. I remember the famous [triple] curve, where he showed the growing gap between the size of the world [real] economy and the size of the world financial system. He was the first to make note of this disproportion, which 30 years ago was still not so big; it could still have been overcome by transforming the excess financial aggregates into the real sector – into real investment projects. Now, this is a gigantic abyss. It is impossible today to transform quadrillions of dollars of financial bubbles into investments in the real sector of the economy. There are simply no mechanisms for this. None was created, because the parasitical financial oligarchy, which hated LaRouche, which always tried to shut his mouth, and persecuted him and tried to keep him locked up, ultimately acquired a monopoly on political power in the United States. And today, it uses its political influence in Washington to force all the countries in the world to obey its will. It continues to dominate the world and exert its hegemony for extracting super-profits from speculative operations.

Lyndon LaRouche turned out to be right. Today we rely on his work, his writings, in composing proposals for a very rapid transition to a new world economic paradigm. We call it an integrated world economic model, in which finance capital will be subordinated to the tasks of developing the economy, and in which the principles of Physical Economy will come to fruition. As we can see, countries that are taking this path are enjoying success.

There is no doubt that the ruling American financial oligarchy is losing the hybrid world war, which they have started against all mankind. It’s only regrettable, that the price that has to be paid for this will be very high. That includes the lives being lost as a result of the war that the American and European financial oligarchy organized against Russia on the territory of Ukraine. We have to muster all our forces to fight that evil, and the creative legacy of Lyndon LaRouche helps in this.
May his memory live forever.”

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

You will know Russians are following every core Larouche idea when they change their standard on the musical scale.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Lol. Fair point. So true.

1 year ago

With how I think, I have to come up with analogies to understand things and kinda prove to myself I understand things…

I’ve been thinking recently that Cabal ppl seem like those dudes everyone knows who don’t take care of their tools. Or even care about using the right tool for the job.

Idk. Seems correct as far as it goes (not very probably).

And of course it echoes traditional wisdom about Satan.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Cabal = Sodomites

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Not denying that. That fits in the analogy.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Cabal is an r idea and every generation of it gets more r until it has a crisis and resets.

1 year ago

Obv regrowing teeth = sharks to me.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I have bad teeth, for about 6+months now I get regular adverts on YT about some “magic mineral” that regrows teeth, something you take just before going to bed, I have never thought there was anything in it and have never been tempted to try it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Undoubtedly chi is real. With our western minds however we try to imagine something like electricity. Keep in mind Claude Shannon. Information is energy. Chi could very well just be harmonized signals the likes of which we can’t imagine. The key point is that the TCM people are seeing causes and effects. Chi is an attempt to fill that link. But the chi isn’t important. The cause and effect is.
remember that back then paper was expensive and taking notes was expensive. Books would have been insanely expensive. Mnemonic devices were crucial to learning and sharing information.
systems of knowledge that deal with such things as elemental forces are a way of contextualizing and integrating vast numbers of particular observations and making them simpler to memorize. It’s like a mental scaffolding. The map is not the territory.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
1 year ago

‘Yellen Implores China To Support Climate Change Institutions’

You’d think that these Leftist elites would’ve realized by now that Xi and Co. are extremely based and aren’t falling for the bullsh*t supernova that is man-made climate change.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

That stuff is for the consumption of the DC crowd.

1 year ago

Wow, go figure, the wokeheads don’t respect God’s preferred pronouns. (Then again, God does use “like one of us” in Genesis 3:22, so maybe God is weird.) Again there seems to be a component of a sex war, i.e., maybe some of the timelords ultimately pulling our strings are androcidal posthuman lesbians like Houellebecq depicted in the epilogue to Elementary Particles. My hipster handler ex-girlfriend and my faux hipster friends who were group-handling me, one of our last communiques was their exuberant recommendation of that Houellebecq book. They were polymorphously perverse progressives, why would they be so excited about the reactionary nihilist Houellebecq? Why did they salivate over it like a utopia, when clearly, to anyone normal, Houellebecq’s epilogue depicted the horrifying extinction of humanity. Why did my ex-girlfriend’s co-worker at the Yankee Group, Johann, who had a room available for rent which I took for 6 months, turn out to be a FTM ex-lesbian who had grown up in what was described as a Jehovah’s Witness cult (those JW people are onto something, gotta admit…I gasped when I read about their interest in the pyramids) and encouraged me to begin a new secular religion and had dated Jack Black’s lesbian sister? I know Boston is chock full of people notable Kevin Bacon degree trees, I know it’s Progressive AF here, but the coincidences pile up, even more than that. I think one of our alt-timelines involves a posthuman lesbian version of Skynet/Matrix extermination/control. Maybe other alt-timelines feature an insane Jewish overreaction to “tikkun olam”, something along the line of Chappelle’s NON-joke about Space Jews, maybe the greys are all distant descendants of Yuval Noah Harari, sexless effeminate heartless bioengineered posthuman hypernerds. Something almost-psychotically weird is going on.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Cordwainer Smith (CIA head of psyops) wrote a fascinating shirt story about a Commander Sudzal. He called troons Klopts.

E Michael Jones recently wrote that AI inspired hysteria about cataclysm was the you know whos worried about the Hall of Cost narrative falling apart and losing control of the internet.

Anna Khachiyan (sp?) was fascinated by Houllebeq and is now “far right” after marrying and having a baby.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

anna kahachiyan for the record… pentagram/ devil horn skank pics galore

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yeah. Not a fan.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The picture in the background is a poster of the 1980s American metal band “Slayer.”

1 year ago

Scarcely a day goes by where memory does not present yet another “off” circumstance generated by an “off” person from the past. This happens when you have reached your three score and ten, a combination of life experience and the ruminating nature which slowly overtakes your daily thinking.

I have wondered, where are the life-long friendships which everybody seems to have, or the special relationships which emerge from time to time? True, I am to blame, but the basis of my blame was always the “off” stuff, the sense of phoniness or fabrication, the intuitive, sub-logical feeling of the unnatural.

AC put his finger on it, the pure, natural interaction with animals. That is it, exactly, the right comparison.

Believe me, all the other explanations have been considered, over and over, and they do not suffice. And in retrospect, it is clear why from freshman high school on, it would have been so. There are a dozen significant details not only why, but also inevitable.

Funny, a “mentor” was there to shield me when some of the roughest, unfairest stuff was inflicted, the stuff designed to control one’s destiny, to limit the possibilities. The gratitude toward the mentor was unbounded, creating a psychological gateway. In retrospect, it all looks so different.

There is sadness which will never leave, but it is never a dominant factor. God gave me a wonderful spouse, a settled, calm existence, and He led me to embrace Jesus as the only significant truth. Also funny, how everything now makes perfect, serene sense from that perspective.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Scarcely a day goes by where memory does not present yet another “off” circumstance generated by an “off” person from the past. This happens when you have reached your three score and ten, a combination of life experience and the ruminating nature which slowly overtakes your daily thinking.”

I hear you, man. As I awaken, more and more people and experiences in my past acquire a different hue. Meanwhile, my gregarious nature has become reserved and my friendships few. My surveillance coverage is very obvious and certainly meant to demoralize, as well as monitor, me. Yet, like you, I too am blessed with family and a return to Jesus. He has provided me awareness of this world that allows acceptance and calm when Satan and his Cabal are sowing chaos. There is melancholy in all this. We know how much good has been lost but we are not alone by any means, as AC’s site demonstrates. Jesus has blessed us here with His light. I have conviction our future is bright.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Walkers coming in from both sides as things heat up, and a guy in the car next to them covertly filming with his cellphone as teh shooting happens. And the guy in the car has a little yippy dog, which is very common, perhaps as a cover, because what government/intel agent has a dog with him while he is working?

From the way the thugs ignored the observers one can reasonably think the thugs knew about the surveillance; even to the hand signal one guy gave to the videographer as he pulled away.

1 year ago

“These “people” are insane at their cores: their reality is not the same as an ordinary person’s:”
What keeps freaking me out is wondering which of the two-legged hominids around me aren’t even human. The planet needs a cleansing.

1 year ago

Joe Biden’s administration did not sanction or support secret meetings that former top US national security officials held with the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, and other Russians on potential talks to end the Ukraine war, the White House and state department have said. Could these be Trump people, preparing to move quickly once he takes office?”

No. Not Trump people. They are former Council on Foreign Relations people. In other words, they are filthy British spies.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Is there such a thing as “former CFR person”?
Former CIA agent? FBI agent?
These groups are organized crime. Once you are in, you are never getting out.

1 year ago

Justified, but he’ll still do time. How much depends on the state and if he was carrying legally. A classic FAFO; more of this needs to happen to settle down the rage thugs who think any white guy is a target. With the slow motion it’s biased towards Biggie getting shot in the back, but in real time it was just a blink from the car assault to retreat mode. The Kid likely had more than seven rounds, but stopped when Biggie planted. Probably won’t get murder based on that, but the 3-4 rounds after Biggie began to flee will be problematic.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It appears that the driver ran around and got shots off first, before the passenger got his initial shot off.
I find it suspicious the way the passenger calmly reholsters, and then calmly walks off past the victim after signaling to the guy recording. It smacks of experience

1 year ago

The secret UKR meetings were apparently led by Haas who coincidentally just stepped down from heading CFR to focus on domestic US issues (combatting populism).

1 year ago

RUS took out the DU munitions via a strike with very interesting characteristics…

Sure looked like an aerial detonation of a n-word above the site.

So, I’d expect something similar if the munitions are gathered in any number in one place.

But, the SMO has taught both sides how hard it is to successfully gather forces and logistics in any appreciable number under current ISR.

Especially UKR.

1 year ago

AC, I send as many people here as I can convince, both for the surveillance reveal and the news of the day–which should include waking them up to the Cabal hold on people through pedo and other sick activity.
I respectfully submit that details of that sick activity should be behind a link for those willing to look at Satan’s handiwork. Normies will suffer cognitive dissonance between what you and I believe to be the truth and the normal world they know and understand.
You’re doing God’s work here, but on this one item I think you have to bring normies in where they clicked behind the curtain. Pray nightly for your protection and to keep up your work–seems weird to say about a guy I’ll never meet but, love you man.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

If you want to hide it, just make another page “News Briefs – 07/08/2023 – Quarantine” or something and put links to the hidden parts after a brief description in the main brief.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

Don’t do that. Hide it. It’s the truth, and more and more of it is coming out. People will see more and more of it and confirmation bias will set in. But if it’s hidden…

BTW there’s a huge, massive amount of confirmed information on the Dutroux Affair. They found 2 girls locked in a hidden wall in his house and dug up several bodies. One of the girls, though severly fucked up mentally, with borderline multiple personalities, also had close to a photographic memory. She described many of the locations. Perfectly and with tiny details that only someone who had been there would know. She also described a locket a girl was wearing who was killed, she witnessed it, and whose body was found with the locket. The investigators confirmed all this and so…they were taken off the case. The girls were tormented by controlled new investigators and then they said they made it up. Never mind the bodies and the girls in dungeons. Move along now.

1 year ago

Lavrov was getting his marching orders from the Fellows at the CFR. The White House just wasn’t copied in on the email. Now you know what the Kremlin means when they talk about their “Western Partners.”
AC, that Gunderson video was powerful. That woman’s letter brought me to tears. Talk about Divine Intervention. I couldn’t bring myself to look at the source material for that initial page slide. It was disgusting filth. I suspect many of those “people” were meat puppets voluntarily feeding entities in exchange for power(s).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Fwiw Lavrov and MFA denied such a meeting took place.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

CFR = British Crown

No doubt the British ponces want to bribe Putin to end the war and keep the egg off British faces, while the US takes the international ridicule for the inevitable loss.

Dirty Britsih bastards even use CFR to hide the British surrender terms. Putin should go ahead nuke London, particulary the Palace with that sodomite freak, Queen Charles in it.

Reply to  Sim1776
1 year ago

Taking orders? or negotiating from a position of strength?

1 year ago

How soon do the trials commence for the child predators? Pray for the victims and their families.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

“It is amazing how the conservative side has suddenly started thinking for itself, and gone from the anti-Russia programming of the Reagan years, to staunchly pro-Russia and pro-Putin despite all the propaganda. May we never be brainwashed by these traitors again.”

FWIW, Cabal and it’s assets were Soviet apologists when Russia was communist. Right-wingers opposed the USSR for the same reason. Communism is a Cabal tool. It makes perfect sense the sides are reversed, now.

Which is not to disagree that we are better informed now than then (before about 2008 or so, for most). I volunteered thinking I would be fighting for freedom. Knowing what I know now, I never would have put my life on the line then for these evil cocksuckers, and I damn sure wouldn’t now.

There are Americans today who won’t fall for their brainwashing again. But I believe we are outnumbered by “conservatives” and “alt-right” who are allies right now, but only need to be lured with the right carrot to be deceived again (like I once was).

Last edited 1 year ago by Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Kitten anon here. I found a good home for that kitten as an update.
Since you bring up that Cabal/satanist sacrifice and that they were using dogs, I had a thought about that. It wouldn’t surprise me if they bred animals to have certain traits they would find useful for their sacrifices. Animals can be bred for specific behavioral traits like tameness and savageness, or even other oddly specific behaviors like in the case of the tumbler pigeon. A breed of cat which was particularly loving and trusting would probably prove useful for their sacrifice rituals. I imagine they graduate people up from lesser evils in prep of finally getting to children and babies. A vicious, mean kitten would probably be easier to sacrifice than a very loving one. I could see the later being in the early stages of moving up the ladder. I believe old alex jones called the ceremony the “cremation of care.” That is, they have to harden their hearts to compassion and mercy as a major part of the ritual. You could probably weed out the less committed from the real sociopaths early by getting them to sacrifice a wonderful little kitten who wants nothing more than to love you and be your friend. And with less risk of major consequences if they blab.
In any event, that makes me wonder if occasionally they use this breed in ops where they want someone distracted or otherwise tied down with a pet. Its already bred to be as affectionate as possible, so it would be much easier for people to get attached to the breed than just any random cat. Makes me wonder on the possibility this kitten was one of cabal’s sacrifice breeds.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I was already planning that before I made the comment. I was not looking to get a pet.
It may be semantics, but I might say that being “cold as ice” isn’t strictly necessary to utilize wisdom in making decisions. I suppose it helps steel yourself up to make a tough choice, but I also think the wisest choice can be made dispassionately without resorting to that.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

We should make a blood sport out of hunting down and killing Satanists. No doubt they would be easy to lure.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Beware the line between based and fedpost.
Ask if you would want that post used against you or AC in court.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Don’t assume it’s an innocent guy having a bad day, the enemy uses the this tactic all the time to call down legal problems on website hosts.

Even a single instance of fedposting should result in a permanent IP ban

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Either way it makes a good opportunity to remind everyone what standard to use when posting.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’m glad you found a good home for the kitten.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Secret prize for overthrowing cabal, free super pets for everyone.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The “Cremation of Care” ceremony is a specific ceremony the elites perform at the Bohemian Grove. They sacrifice a baby (allegedly in effigy) to Moloch. Jones caught it on video: They claim the ceremony is merely a metaphor for destroying all earthly cares before enjoying their weekend of homosexual depravity and drugs. I like your interpretation better.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

gangstalking/domestic-surveillance networks are pretty decent-sized, even though it is a rural area.”

Here’s a good movie if you want a primer on surveillance. It’s called Heat, it’s from 1995. Still very good at showing surveillance techniques and blackmail schemes.

1 year ago

Re: the comments on my ‘House, M.D.’ post yesterday

“Nothing is truer than that said in jest.” I had a direct quote from House that he worshipped the devil, and several other infernal references, but you guys went to ‘atheism/cynicism’ – so why any talk of the supernatural? When someone tells you what they are, you’re in denial if you deflect it that way. You know that if you disregard a fair warning, evil people think that’s on you then. And although the script, acting, and production values were top notch, how is any of that relevant? Normalizing satanism, pretending that it’s okay, “just joking”, etc., is a serious problem.

Let’s try again with another recent big show that isn’t as blatant as ‘Lucifer’, etc.

These are very sick people:

Do you really think Hollywood’s religion is just atheism/cynicism?

[Of all the costumes he could choose from, Barney chose this.]

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

good points… i deal with some libertarian, er… cuckertarian types at work. they think everything is all about the money. only money. well for a lot of people it is. but there is power, control, total control also, including (((race))). when the people one talks to say it is just money or cynicism or mere atheism… they are describing themselves. not the rest of the spectrum on the way down. also, ignoring evil means guess what – little cuckertarian doesnt have to get enraged/engaged and do a damn thing. cause it is only money, not about evil/power/control/killing…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

It’s less scary to think like that, that’s why rabbits and even jackrabbits like Miles Mathis prefer to believe it.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

From Vox Popoli: Better Late Than Never: Psychiatry is a Fake Science
He quoting in full a screenshot of aSocial Galactic post by Paul Minot MD
Freud, Jung, Jordan Peterson, and the rest of you, call your offices.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teo Toon
Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

the phrenology and haruspicy bit was hilarious.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

For those of us in this country who have been targeted by cabal’s psychological warfare, we can assure you that psychology is a very real and very effective science.

For those who have been targeted by it and deny that it is a science, I have to say you folks REALLY are proof that it is a very effective science.

I’d say 90% of cabal’s activities are psychological warfare. Probably more. And they’ve conquered this country without firing a bullet. Well, I guess they did fire a few bullets into JFK’s brain and a few other people. But even then 99% of that operation was PSYCHOLOGICAL, both in how the conspiracy was carried out and the effects that it had on this society.

1 year ago

Re: Satanic Hollywood

One last example. If ‘Californication’ was just a fun sex comedy, how do explain what happened in the pilot? Hank goes into a church and gets a BJ from a nun. There’s a very strong anti-Christian current in lots of Hollywood’s output.

Here’s some dialogue from season 2, episode 4:

Why don’t… Does somebody want to say grace?
Anybody? Damien? No grace from you?
– I’ll say grace. – Fantastic. Take it away, daughter.
Can you choose your words really carefully? OK?
I would like to thank the Lord below
for giving me the strength to make it through this dinner.
Praise hail Satan.
– (Damien) That was cool. – And scary. Seriously.
(Charlie) Can you scratch my back, baby? (Marcy) I have chills.
– Interesting but chilling. – Oh!
– That feels amazing. You’re like a wizard. – Becca’s going through a phase.
– It’s not a phase, Mother. – I know.
– It’s my religion. – She’s willing to suffer for it. She was sent to the principal’s office the other day for possessing a Satanic Bible.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There’s a difference between anti-christian and demonic. And it’s a critical difference. A shaman, a Buddhist, or a Hindu can reject Christianity without being demonic. To be demonic means to accept the Christian view of the universe but to chose the demonic side.

A lot of anti-christian thought I this country comes from elements of the left who simply see Christianity as an obstacle to their societal goals. So Christianity becomes a target of their abuse. I really do not believe that every left leaning socialist is into demonic shit. And treating them like they are likely causes more problems than solutions.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

here’s a difference between anti-christian and rejecting Christianity 

Anti-Christian is driven by hate, and has an agenda.

There’s no difference between anti-christian & demonic

1 year ago

A federal judge ordered all the attorneys involved in former President Donald Trump’s classified documents case to move forward with the process to get security clearances.

Trump has an iron-clad right to have his attorneys analyze the evidence against him. If the DOD drags their feet on clearing his attorneys, then the entire case gets stayed until they get cleared or final denial, and then Trump gets a stay to find lawyers who the DOD will clear, and the judge will also want to know why the clearance was denied. Enough bullshit, and the judge will dismiss the case on sixth amendment grounds. At that point they will have violated pretty much every part of the 6th.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

what’s rights got to do with anything? we aint got no steenkin’ rights!

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

That depends on just how much they want to risk by exposing naked tyranny.
So far they have chosen to keep a fig leaf of lawfare on it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Activists want to disqualify Trump from ballot in key states under 14th Amendment.

Won’t happen. Someone has to adjudicate it. A state SoS can’t just decide it. If someone tries to adjudicate it, it will get thrown out for standing, just like all the Obama birth certificate stuff. The courts have pretty much decided it is on the US voters to decide if someone is qualified or disqualified.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Really? You actually believe there is any semblance of law…er…justice…when it comes to Trump or any “enemy” of the lopsided Uniparty. Such innocence, lol.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Calm down with Phelps. He’s been doing this kind of legal analysis for a while here.

Teo toon
Teo toon
Reply to  map
1 year ago

Really, do I need to put /sarc after a comment?

Reply to  Teo toon
1 year ago

Actually, you need to stop using sarcasm in general.
Sarcasm is for women, sodomites and teenagers. It is the technique of the powerless, because it is deniable. It is lying without lying. It is passive and feminine.
Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Sarcasm indicates that you are afraid to say what you really mean. If you feel the need for humor (and I certainly do) go for being sardonic rather than sarcastic. (Dennis Miller is a master of the sardonic.)

Reply to  map
1 year ago

Nah, it’s a valid point. It’s why we have to keep pointing out what is normal, what’s common and what’s uncommon. That tells us what is OUT of the ordinary.
This one, though, I will go out on a limb and say it simply won’t happen, and if it does, the courts will slap it down rapidly.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

And he has to be convicted of the appropriate offense.
His enemies’ wild accusations don’t count.

If they try it they will destroy “normal” once and for all and risk everything.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

What’s funny is that Xi’s 100% political purge called a “anti-corruption campaign” absolutely uncovered vast corruption, because corruption in a communist organization an absolute certainty. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

Gotta be honest though, there is some seriously impressive bullshit jargon from the CCP on display here.

China Uncensored – Is Xi Jinping Trying to Become God Emperor?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Dirtying all hands allows you to purge anyone at any time.
And while you keep them around it buys their loyalty.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

“Dirtying all hands…” That’s a pithy phrase. Explains so much, in a nutshell.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

RE: The Lord’s Prayer is now problematic, because it reinforces patriarchy.

And we hope they cry their little satanic SJW eyes out as we recite it to them.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Feminists may use a strawman of Patriarchy due to bad experiences with men or making it up.

But God is the real deal. The Real Divine Patriarchy. From whom all Fatherhood on Earth and Heaven derives its name.

A Wise and Just King who loves Mercy and is Humble

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Mothers bear children, but life comes from the Father

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


1 year ago

The Lord’s Prayer is now problematic, because it reinforces patriarchy.

Your terms are acceptable.

She added: “The big question is, do we really believe that God believes that male human beings bear his image more fully and accurately than women? The answer is absolutely not.”

According to your own gender bullshit, the answer is absolutely. God has been VERY explicit and clear about His pronouns. How DARE you misgender GOD?

Last edited 1 year ago by phelps
1 year ago

Could be just like Iran and Reagan. As soon as he took the oath of office, Iran essentially surrendered.

1 year ago

basically larry fink went to bidanco and said “show me my prop-itty!”.

1 year ago

AC, ever considered adding a link or tab on your site for articles, research or sources that you’ve collected over the years and consider the most impressive or instructive? Kind of a Best of/Greatest Hits for your site sources and purpose.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yeah, I’m sure. Maybe a Christmas Special!

English Tom
English Tom
1 year ago

Just watched an interesting presentation on YouTube called: 7/7 revisited- the changing face of terror by windows on the world channel. The host Mark Windows is interviewing Nick Kollerstrom who has a book out on false flags.

Anyway, just after 53 minutes in, Windows says a school teacher was talking about it to his class and one of the pupils said his father was involved in it and started laughing.

Would this kid perchance be spying on, and following others?

English Tom
English Tom
1 year ago

I already know the answer!

1 year ago

He said it. The creep actually fucking said it.

Teo toon
Teo toon
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

The same person cannot be both incoherent and senile then make policy statement as this.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Well, if you are looking to figure out what shaking will take place in DC this September, I can think of little else that would PANIC WASHINGTON, DC like the Federal Reserve dollar losing it’s world’s reserve currency status to a new gold backed ruble.

Man In America – In 44 days EVERYTHING changes for the U.S. Dollar

1 year ago

A book about the incident in the Gunderson video.
How following a vision in a dream landed the author in the middle of an horrific gun battle, proving that what haunts us in our sleep may have a basis in reality. In this true life narrative, Van Meter is shot a total of nine times in two separate scrapes with the bad guys and nearly dies, only to become a victim of inept and corrupt police and public officials. The foreword and various contributions are written by retired FBI director Ted Gunderson, who investigated the case and the ensuing cover-up.”