Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Both “accredited” voting system test laboratories hired by Maricopa County Board of Supervisors forgot to audit the server software configurations in their audits. When the Maricopa Board hired them, it was supposedly based on the fact they were Election Assistance Commission certified. After they were hired, Gateway Pundit pointed out they were not actually EAC certified, and within hours, EAC had issued certifications. So the board was compromised, the auditing companies were compromised, and the accrediting agency were all compromised, and they were all working together in coordinated fashion to cover things up, and making it up as they went along. The AZ Senate did not approve of that and hired its own outside agency for its audit, still ongoing. And it appears that will reveal the fraud, as well as show what is summarized above, revealing the extent of the conspiracy to steal this election, its pre-planned penetration everywhere anything could pose a threat to the conspiracy, and it will probably begin the reveal of the massive intelligence operation that has been building everywhere for decades, if not centuries or longer.
PA State Senator Doug Mastriano contacted a law firm on funding options for an AZ-style audit.
The NSA denied ‘targeting’ Tucker Carlson, but did not deny reading his emails or that it may have accessed his communications through ‘incidental collection.’ I wonder if Patriots in NSA might fall on their sword and commit a purposeful flagrant violation, leak it, and then plead accidental but technically legal overstep, to force Congress to tighten the law on all surveillance by everyone. That would then leave the real domestic surveillance operation hanging well out on the hairy edge, and waiting to be destroyed through a simple enforcement of the new law.
Flopping Aces details how the Communist Chinese Party is far more embedded in our nation at the ground level, and is launching infiltration operations all the way down to local government. From the article : “I had already been sounding the alarm with well funded candidates who were running for higher office, bankrolled by boatloads of cash. Donations to these campaigns were mostly from shell corporations that did not seem to have any real roots in our local communities, or more sloppily, self funded campaigns where the candidates couldn’t even tell me how they made their wealth.” He could be seeing a few cases of Chinese infiltration, and a bunch of other cases which are the standard Cabal-asset placement that dominates ALL POLITICS, and thinking they are all the same. Or not. I have said many times I do not grasp the economics behind the surveillance state. A foreign government like China, which has its own treasury, and is raiding the US Treasury on top of that, could explain what I see. I remember a commenter here who was always savvy to the US domestic surveillance machine and its technology. He came on here toward the end of Trump’s first term, and said if you are still under surveillance, it is Communist Chinese Party surveillance. I filed it away, though I tended to think what I see is a more Cabal’s Western Elite Syndicate surveillance, which at most was using China as a proxy. But maybe. If China saw the surveillance in the US, and they gathered incontrovertible evidence, or even got all our files, and threatened to expose it to the citizenry (a relatively low-cost operation to launch), they would have immense leverage over the US machine, and could possibly, combined with their collection of high-level US political leaders eager to take Chinese coin, leverage that into a full takeover. The choices for the surveillance machine at that point would be to become Chinese assets, maybe get better funding and continue to live above the law in the US, or see the whole thing exposed, watch lawsuits from all the rest of the country hit all of them, watch criminal charges begin to be laid against everyone, see their family names blacklisted in society for the foreseeable future, and see the whole machine destroyed by an irate American nation – assuming it didn’t trigger an outright civil war with a much more violent end to the machine. The surveillance being entirely Chinese controlled would not be impossible.
Judges say far-left attorneys who firebombed cops for BLM can still practice law in New York, and yet Rudy Giuliani cannot. Just like with the Bidens.
Hunter Biden complained to his daughter that ‘half his salary’ went on paying Joe’s bills including $190-a-month AT&T bill and thousands in repairs at Delaware home while he was Vice President. So foreign entities bribed a sitting Vice-President, and just laundered the payoffs through Hunter. Note, it could not possibly be investigated, let alone turned into a criminal case. Even with Joe on video telling how he used US government funds to blackmail Ukraine into firing the prosecutor investigating it, and Hunter revealing the money the Ukrainians gave him went to pay all Joe’s bills. Joe can openly confess the crime and US law enforcement cannot touch him. Just like Joe’s son being on video molesting Joe’s granddaughter, and America’s Mayor and the former Police Chief of New York City delivering the video to the State Police cannot be touched. I’ve been saying it was this bad for a long, long time. Just now it is coming out into the light.
Ukraine inks infrastructure deal with China after Biden snubs Zelensky for Putin. Biden got an order from his Chinese handlers to give Ukraine to the CCP. Hunter will probably get more Chinese business in the near future.
25 people showed up to greet 81 million vote recipient Joe Biden in Michigan.
6-year-old son tells Dad “please don’t get the shot,” but he did and now he’s dead.
6,136 covid vaccine related deaths shown in CDC’s VAERS data as of the 6/25/2021 data set.
Spain’s proposed ‘National Security Law’ would allow full suspension of all citizens’ rights, and seizure of their property upon government declaration of a health “crisis.” Basically it says you would have to do whatever the government told you to do, and it doesn’t even define what a health crisis is.
An article on a failed mRNA tech Moderna tested in 2017 which they apparently couldn’t make work. They may have a dosage issue with the vaccine, as they have to factor in a random loss of dose due to improper storage. Significant part of the above about another application :
Every drug has what’s called a therapeutic window, the scientific sweet spot where a treatment is powerful enough to have an effect on a disease but not so strong as to put patients at too much risk. For mRNA, that has proved elusive. In order to protect mRNA molecules from the body’s natural defenses, drug developers must wrap them in a protective casing. For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients.
From the start, Moderna’s scientists knew that using mRNA to spur protein production would be a tough task, so they scoured the medical literature for diseases that might be treated with just small amounts of additional protein.
“And that list of diseases is very, very short,” said the former employee who described Bancel as needing a Hail Mary.
Crigler-Najjar was the lowest-hanging fruit.
Yet Moderna could not make its therapy work, former employees and collaborators said. The safe dose was too weak, and repeat injections of a dose strong enough to be effective had troubling effects on the liver in animal studies.
The drug, ALXN1540, has since been delayed, as Moderna works on “new and better formulations” that might later reach human trials, Alexion said in an emailed statement.
Massive explosion seen in Caspian Se linked to a ‘volcano eruption.’ However later on, Adil Aliyev, Head of the Department of Mud Volcanism of ANAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics said there were “No mud volcanos in the area, but an explosion on a ship is possible.” Sounds kind of like somebody got blown up, and nobody wants to talk about it.
Chicago’s Bloody 4th of July Weekend: 92 Shot, 16 Fatally, 6 Children Among Injured.
Chicago Alderman says of the bloody Fourth of July weekend, ‘This is a war zone!”
Another ransomware attack demanding $70 million hits a Florida company.
Anti-Trump actor Henry Winkler says we need a ‘cataclysmic event’ to bring the U.S. back together. If he knows about the way America really works, and I don’t see how he gets where he did without some idea, I view this as a call for Management to get kicking on another September 11th, or worse.
W. Va. governor says only a “catastrophe” will push unvaccinated Americans to get shot. Now I’m getting paranoid.
Bill Cosby blames the “mainstream media” for the January 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol.
An interesting proposition to add an additional House to legislatures made up of legislators randomly selected from each district by lot. If people understood they faced an enemy that was essentially a CIA-like intelligence outfit, and they could make sure it couldn’t rig that random selection process, an additional House made up of random people with the power to bring everything to a halt is not a bad idea.
Public school enrollment drops 3% nationally. Add it to the damage Trump did to our enemy, including the Fake News media, Social Media, illegal surveillance, corrupted intel/LE assets, rigged elections, Uniparty/Deepstate politicians, pedophile/trafficking blackmail networks, and China’s infiltration.
Gregg Abbott is currently beating Matthew McConaughey in polls.
Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) launched an effort to prevent forced vaccinations in the military after a massive outreach by troops. He should get calls of support for this. And we should be calling our legislators, especially in non-Cabal areas, demanding this policy be rescinded. This could very well be an attempt by Chinese assets to erode our military capability.
Spread r/K Theory, because if they lie about it you know it is interesting.
“An interesting proposition to add an additional House to legislatures made up of legislators randomly selected from each district by lot. If people understood they faced an enemy that was essentially a CIA-like intelligence outfit, and they could make sure it couldn’t rig that random selection process, an additional House made up of random people with the power to bring everything to a halt is not a bad idea.”
I say you can’t ensure it isn’t rigged and that it is a bad idea anyway.
It is much better to let things happen fast so they provoke a reaction and so that the reaction can reverse them just as fast.
One of the problems with our current Constitution is that corruption always finds a way through but the checks and balances always seem to prevent reforms.
Very true. It is like Alinsky saying to hold them to their own rules. They do it to us everywhere.
Does not matter what system you adopt, if the men are corrupt… the system will be corrupted. Christianity sounds really good on paper but… as Ghandi once said, ” I like your Christianity, but I don’t like your Christians.”
Christianity is great … as it is written, but very ugly… as it is practiced! So be it with all Great Documents.
That method is called sortition, and was often used by many of the classical Greek city states as well as for advisory citizen’s assemblies more recently. It is also the method used to select jurors in most English-speaking countries.
I’m still waiting for Massie to get on the audit bandwagon.
Dominioin already stole the governor’s race in his state and they could come for Rand Paul or Massie any time they feel like it.
But we should certainly do what we can to protect our troops and to keep the camel’s nose out of the tent so they don’t try to make it mandatory for everyone.
Gaetz promises a crowd he’ll nominate Donald Trump for House Speaker
If the audits flip the House he won’t have to wait for 2022, if they flip the Senate we can impeach and remove Biden/Harris and put Trump back.
But I think it will be more complicated than that and involve a period of FEMA/military rule so that Trump will serve less than two years of his second term and can run again in 2024.
“Spain’s proposed ‘National Security Law’ would allow full suspension of all citizens’ rights, and seizure of their property upon government declaration of a health “crisis.” Basically it says you would have to do whatever the government told you to do, and it doesn’t even define what a health crisis is.”
List of things Leftists have described as being “health crisis”
Being Male
Being Female
Not having african dna
Not having enough african dna
Having children
Going to Church
Leaving your home
Being right-wing
Studying history
Disliking immigrants
wanting to be paid for work
wanting to work
Wanting to live longer than 50 years
Reading unapproved literature
being proud of your ancestors
Going on vacation
Playing video games
Getting married
Can anyone think of any more potential “health crisis”
And if the controlled opposition “right-wing” party gets in power, not supporting Israel will also be a crisis.
People won’t be able to vote out of this mess.
“Chicago Alderman says of the bloody Fourth of July weekend, ‘This is a war zone!””
NO, it’s not a “War Zone”, wars have a sides, leadership, and eventual resolution. Chicongo is a “black zone” and the violence is a trait of such. Anywhere you have critical mass of jive, you have quite a few stairways to Heaven.
Britain will keep boots on the ground in Afghanistan with special forces set to stay
“Catholics band together to support faithful priests ‘canceled’ by bishops by forming, the Coalition for Canceled priests.”
Eventually one of them should nail something to their Cathedral doors, then go make their own Church.
And write a book:
On the Jews and Their Lies (German: Von den Jüden und iren Lügen; in modern spelling Von den Juden und ihren Lügen) is a 65,000-word anti-Judaic treatise written in 1543 by the German Reformation leader Martin Luther.
Luther did a lot of good things, but he wanted to get rid of the Book of Revelation, which was a problem.
That’s a huge red flag if there’s any.
I didn’t knew that.
“Public school enrollment drops 3% nationally.”
Whitepill time:
Those are nearly all White kids getting homeschooled
Pakistan says India was behind June bomb blast in Lahore
“Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) launched an effort to prevent forced vaccinations in the military after a massive outreach by troops. He should get calls of support for this. And we should be calling our legislators, especially in non-Cabal areas, demanding this policy be rescinded. This could very well be an attempt by Chinese assets to erode our military capability.”
2nd Whitepill time:
State national guards may be able to exempt their soldiers and airmen from the jab of death.
‘Felt like a bomb’: 1 dead in Michigan explosion
“I filed it away, though I tended to think what I see is a more Cabal’s Western Elite Syndicate surveillance, which at most was using China as a proxy. But maybe. If China saw the surveillance in the US, and they gathered incontrovertible evidence, or even got all our files, and threatened to expose it to the citizenry (a relatively low-cost operation to launch), they would have immense leverage over the US machine, and could possibly, combined with their collection of high-level US political leaders eager to take Chinese coin, leverage that into a full takeover”.
I think your first instinct is closer to the truth. Remember the CCP was founded with Cabal money and organisation, and to the best of my knowledge there has never been in China the type of purge of globalist Cabal assets that Stalin conducted in Russia in the 1930s. Cabal and China is best considered as a type of partnership, with the CCP performing certain functions within the NWO operation, such as western domestic surveillance + some political operations in Western societies (funding/bribing/blackmail of candidates etc), in return for promises of Lebensraum in places like Australia and perhaps also continental USA under the incoming NWO. You could consider this a basic subcontracting arrangement, with the payment being Australia and the US going under Chinese control. That’s why Trump made such a huge deal out of the Australian Prime Minister’s visit to the US in 2019, throwing in an elaborate state dinner, to send a clear message to the CCP that Australia was off limits.
BTW, I would highly recommend to students of the Cabal and of WWII, the following interrogation transcript of a high level Cabal operative spilling the beans to Stalin’s secret police on the global machinations of what he ominously refers to only as “Them”. Very well worth the read
Nice link, thanks!
>”Remember the CCP was founded with Cabal money and organisation” – “A Jew in Mao’s China”
I mistakenly thought that China during the revolutionary period was one country that had not felt the Jewish embrace. In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.
— – “Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests.”
October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).
— – “The Jewish Origins of Mao’s Communist Regime in China. Mao ZeDong, Yale & Illuminati Skull & Bones”
That really is an extraordinarily good link. Thanks.
“Massive explosion seen in Caspian Se linked to a ‘volcano eruption”
Please…that’s some sort of gas. A fuel fire would not rise up like that and a volcano…sigh. It’s like they do this on purpose to show us they don’t care.
> so they scoured the medical literature
And we know now that 25%-50% of all those papers are falsified or entirely fictitious. The “replication crisis”, you know, where fraud is so prevalent that it’s simply accepted as academic overhead, like graft in a banana republic.
> Two are dead and another injured after around 100 shots were fired into a crowd in Philadelphia on the Fourth of July.
Imperial Stormtroopers landed in Philadelphia?
Even gangbangers shoot better than that…
> An interesting proposition to add an additional House to legislatures made up of legislators randomly selected from each district by lot.
Sounds like my Powerball Election System. Run the Powerball until a valid Social Security Number for a legal adult comes up, and they take the next vacant office.
“But what if that person was senile or criminal?”
“Then they’d be just like the idiots we have in office now.”
It wouldn’t be the *best* system, but it would be a *representative* system.
“Biden literally kneels before new Cabal-installed Israeli President in bizarre and humiliating display as he pledges unconditional support to Israel.”
Joe Biden has said that he himself and Obama are both extremely pro-Israel.
Sources: – “Biden reassures Florida Jews on Israel” – “Sen. Joe Biden reiterates support for Israel at two South Florida rallies”
“Spain’s proposed ‘National Security Law’ would allow full suspension of all citizens’ rights, and seizure of their property upon government declaration of a health “crisis.” Basically it says you would have to do whatever the government told you to do, and it doesn’t even define what a health crisis is.”
Communism in a nutshell. Government is God. The President, Generalisimo, General Secretary, Dictator, or whatever title they use is the Messiah. And the government is the absolute ruler, owner, controller of EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN.
The cynical brickbat side of me says well sure AC, it’s really a no brainer when you think it, they are the elites, of ciurse they would farm out survieliance work to the chinks, they are the laziest most selfish one way motherfuckers God’s green Earth has ever seen. After all they have farmed out and off shored every possible to the chinks already.
The fuckers can’t even do their own subversion undermining and destroying of America. They have farmed out America in a nutshell. And now they are farming out us good folks. The commie chinks are like all despotic organizations to, its not enough to control every facet in the sphere of their own subjects lives, they and our shitstains running shit can’t leave a single human alone, any freedom or liberty or self reliance and determination to them is existential. It must be watched cataloged and controlled, coerced and turned into slavery, its the r/ strategist primal fear of every despot regardless if its the neighborhood network busybody sticking her nose in everyone’s affairs and reporting in, to the Davos starchamber assholes who are haunted by 100 million pissed off plmb dog mean good folks in America armed to the fucking teeth. The chinks are no different. A Free Man is existential to them. They all in their reptile amygdalae are afraid if the event, the thing which got away from the ancient evil, the only successful slave revolt in human history, America, and none of them no matter what are gonna sleep easy till its destroyed and every vestige liquidated from sight and mind, and presently due to the internet and technology of all things they are all interconnected, linked, jacked into the same matrix. As Neo realized inside the machines back door corridor, programs hacking programs, and a system to do one thing, turn everyone into a slave to the system. Everything is connected.
Before the chinks got involved, you had the Jews doing it already. Without Jewish collective power utterly fucking up the West, you can bet your ass the chinks would not have a chance to get a foot in the door, but they did because the Jewish supremacists want to hop hosts from the US to China, so they brought them along for the looting frenzy of the West.
And you think the Russians are now free of their control?
Nope, the whole world is now under their control (they being Satan and his demons and human collaborators of all nationalities).
“Dozens detained in federal prison awaiting trial following the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol building are being subject to solitary confinement, lack of required medical care, and restricted access to defense counsel.”
This is called torture. It’s how tyrants force people to confess to crimes they did not commit. Very Typical Of Totalitarian/Communist Regimes.
I Predict All These People Will Plead Guilty To Many Crimes. Truth Is No Longer Relevant To Criminal Prosecutions Where The Feds Are Concerned. Really It Never Has Been.
It is astonishing. I am completely unsurprised. America is nothing like the American Myth we were taught any more, and they aren’t even trying to hide it now. If nothing changes, I predict they will at some point stop teaching people the myth about us being free just because dangling that myth in front of people and then revealing the truth will be more trouble than just acknowledging the truth from the beginning.
Still can’t believe how many people in the surveillance/informant network think this is a good thing.
“Just ahead of Independence Day, Marvel Comics featured a new Captain America issue in which the Captain slams the American dream as a lie.”
Cabal Propaganda. Comic strips have always been used to push the particular point of view of whoever has the wherewith all to produce them.
What America needs is a set of comics where grassroots Americans rise up and kick Cabal ass all over the map. Would like to see a comic where the grassroots mop the dirty floors with Cabal asses every which way you look. NOW THAT WOULD BE GREAT TO SEE!
Try Akhaven Comics
New around here?
Arkhaven Comics.
“Globalist technocrats, intel officials, and Fake News Media execs to hold Bilderberg-style secret meeting in Idaho this week.”
The only thing they could be talking about is World Domination. Power, power, power, and more power. The goal of all true villains is to Rule the World. Nothing less will do!
“Chicago’s Bloody 4th of July Weekend: 92 Shot, 16 Fatally, 6 Children Among Injured.”
Sounds embellished. Whenever the Police State Budgets are threatened the tall tales of crime especially against women and children get splattered all over media allied with the Police State.
“More than 140 people are killed in 379 shootings across the US during the July Fourth weekend as celebrations turn violent.”
SENSATIONALISM. Unless these numbers are compared against the previous 50 to 100 years, and the trends associated with them, they have no meaning. And this is just more Propaganda designed to scare people into paying “protection” to the F.O.P. and the PoliceState.
“Chicago Alderman says of the bloody Fourth of July weekend, ‘This is a war zone!””
History tells us that politicians are always using hyperbole to justify budgets, expenditures, and funding of all sorts to get their hands on tax-money.
War Zone? Like in Iraq? Afghanistan?
This is an obvious exaggeration.
“W. Va. governor says only a “catastrophe” will push unvaccinated Americans to get shot. Now I’m getting paranoid.”
For a few generations it has been very trendy in America to put down France and all things French, but … right about now: AMERICA NEEDS A FRENCH REVOLUTION!
“In Greece, a pregnant woman, 25, was kidnapped and raped by an Afghan, then appealed to three passing Pakistanis for help, and they kidnapped and raped her too.”
I would say Greece needs a French Revolution too. Every nation where these kinds of events are taking place needs a French Revolution.
Having seen this exact story several times over the years, I have to ask,
did this even happen? Do Pakis follow Afghans around hoping for sloppy 2nds 3rds and 4ths?
I call possible bullshit by an AI “journalist” designed to foment the division and rage.
I no longer believe any of the terrorist events in the West over the last decades weren’t completely perpetrated by our own Governments/Intelligence services.
“Public school enrollment drops 3% nationally.”
Add a zero to that percentage and America will be well on its way to becoming healthy, moral, prosperous, and strong again. And … illegal, unlawful, immoral surveillance will no longer be a factor.
Whet the West needs is something more of a Byzantine revolution that would make Justinian the First proud.
The whole secular enlightenment bs is just more Jewish trickery (freemasonry).
>Sounds kind of like somebody got blown up, and nobody wants to talk about it.
Med avoiding schizos often talk about undersea bases. Maybe it was one of them.
Its pretty clear that there is an alliance between the western Cabal and the Chinese government, or the eastern Cabal that controls the Chinese government. What’s not clear is who is the dominant partner in the alliance, or whether this is an alliance of convenience like Stalin’s alliances first with Nazi Germany and then with the US and the UK.
Its reasonable to assume that an effective American revolt against the Cabal will at some point bring in foreign intervention against the USA, likely from both China and the rest of NATO. That would explain why Q or the counter-cabal, if it exists, treaded very carefully after the 2016 election. The Trump candidacy itself may have been intended to disrupt the cabal a bit but not to actually put Trump in the White House.
If and when something like democracy exists in the future, the way to go will be legislatures chosen by lot, as in ancient Greece. Actually I would prefer legislatures chosen by lot framing legislation, that would then be voted on by the voters at large to take effect.
Representative democracy is no longer viable because it has proven too easy both to get blackmail and bribery on the elected representatives, and to rig the elections.
Ancient direct democracy failed because it couldn’t scale up beyond what we would call a county. The electorate had to meet and vote in person. Representative democracy allowed for larger entities, since the electorate could elect representatives, who could meet and vote in person in a distant central capital. But modern communications allow for direct democracy again, and the only issues was that countries were already using representative democracy and until the cabal got its grip in these institutions were working OK, and the inability of any mass electorate to study legislation in detail. Representative democratic institutions are now zombies, and you can have a one term legislature chosen by lot study and prepare items, and send those to the electorate to approve or disapprove.
This is a distinct issue from universal suffrage, which I happen to favor, but only existed historically when there was mass conscription, and in fact elected institutions were subverted as soon as mass conscription went away.
And a reminder that democracy without demographic (ethnic) homogeneity is condemned to failure thou, according to the old time Greeks themselves.
> Ancient direct democracy failed because it couldn’t scale up beyond what we would call a county.
Kerensky and his Mensheviks understood that, which is why they set up the soviet system after the October Revolution. The (little-S) soviets were electoral blocs. A labor union might be a soviet, a large factory, policemen or other functionaries, colleges, even military units. The big difference between the soviet system and the republican system was that representation was by what you *did*, not necessarily where you lived.
There were a lot of possible problems; a citizen might quality for membership in more than one soviet, for example. The big-S Soviet solution was, of course, More Bureaucracy, with ID cards and residence permits. But Kerensky’s government was in turn usurped by Lenin’s Bolsheviks, and while the Bolsheviks liked to show happy workers participating in their soviets. Once Lenin and the CPUSSR took over they consolidated power into the Party and the soviets were just make-work.
What is needed is to concentrate power into the hands of one man who can be held responsible for its use and replaced at any time. (with certain exceptions like declaring war)
Modern communications can be hacked.
“Cabal and China is best considered as a type of partnership, with the CCP performing certain functions within the NWO operation, such as western domestic surveillance + some political operations in Western societies (funding/bribing/blackmail of candidates etc), in return for promises of Lebensraum in places like Australia and perhaps also continental USA under the incoming NWO.”
I think its a similar deal with Israel or the Mossad.
American pols may well work for Israel, but Israel works for the Cabal. Israel (or “Jew”) is not the Cabal. Israel does the dirtier cabal ops.
Israel was founded by the one of the top tier cabalists, the Rothschild that control the central banking cartel in the West. It’s very own origin and existence is inseparable from cabal. The moment the Western people get back control of their regions and body politic, Israel ceases existing, it has always been the biggest welfare region in the world (raking in billions every year from various Western Countries because muh holohoax and bribery and blackmail (Epstein mossad type operations, etc)).
And btw, the same people that founded Israel brought communism into the world, including China.
And only retarded Jews still buy into the Rothschild pedo haven founding Herzlian zionism bs, good luck to them serving as willing cannon fodder for the Rothschild psychopath zionist plans.
I don’t even think Roths sit at the top of Cabal’s pyramid
I subscribe to the Q model that places them as one of the sides of the gaybal pyramid, it makes lots of sense. They may not sit at the top of the gaybal pyramid, but they were the main force behind the foundation and acceptance/support (Scofield Bible, etc) of the creation of Israel, and are some of the most psychopathic Jews to ever walk this Earthly realm.
Totalitarianism and pedo seem to go together like 2 sides of the same coin.
Maybe because if TPTB can break the minds and wills of the children, who are the adults of tomorrow, they know their general population made up of broken adults won’t be able to organize against their tyranny. Kinda like the buck breaking practices, break the slaves will and you’ll never face a revolt, no matter how outnumbered you are.
It seems the most likely practical explanation. And to add to that there is also the fact that many religious practices in the past saw the sacrifice of children as a tool of worship, so there might also be a religious component to it.
The July 4th shooting news is sensationalism unless you compare them to previous July 4ths.
“If nothing changes, I predict they will at some point stop teaching people the myth about us being free just because dangling that myth in front of people and then revealing the truth will be more trouble than just acknowledging the truth from the beginning.”
I’ve been expecting this, which I mentally term “the Reveal” for some time, and am surprised it hasn’t happened already. March and April last year, when everyone was effectively under house arrest, would have presumably been the ideal time to do it.
> they will at some point stop teaching people the myth about us being free
Oh, no. The freedom myth is still important, in the Orwellian “Freedom Is Slavery” way.
What they’ve done is, they’ve redefined “freedom” to mean license. If you don’t have the freedom to shoot anyone you don’t like in the face, it’s not “real” freedom then, is it? You don’t want people shooting you in the face, obviously “freedom” is something any reasonable person wouldn’t want.
“Freedom” as in the sense of being able to choose their education, their career, their healthcare, their political views… they’ve never had that. They’ve been told where to be, what to do, what to think, all their lives. They’ve been taught they’re free; what they’ve learned is “Freedom Is Obedience.”
“That word… I do not think it means what you think it means.”
I agree with this assessment.
Every government needs to try to justify their own legitimacy, and we are watching the meltdown of the illusion of legitimacy on all sides (including our own, which gets people pissed but it is what it is). Just look at Spain, their pretenses of being a Democracy or having any type of rule of law are being discarded completely, basically the people who control the Western governments believe in “might makes right”, and they are getting increasingly comfortable in trying to justify their legitimacy using that claim, that as long as they can subjugate everyone using the police, the army, the intelligence community (including the organized crime networks they control and manage), that’s what gives them legitimacy.
I no longer believe people will be able to vote their way out of their current state of subjugation. Even the politicians more aligned with the people are still not allowed by whomever pulls their leashes to stop promoting homosexuality (which gives strength to the LGBT movement, which is ideologically based on Queer Theory, which was always open about making pedophilia legal and normalized) or pandering to Israeli interest (if I was American I would still vote for Trump, but I would put constant pressure on him to get rid of his Israeli shackles (which he clearly has, and don’t want to have IMHO), whatever they might be). Some people claim they are now hoping DeSantis becomes their guy, but he’s going to be pandering to Israeli interest too, so until the zionist power money and influence gets removed, people are just getting feed the occasional bone in their steady diet of rotten scraps.
At least the good thing for you American frens is that you’re well armed, have a good fighting spirit, and the US army is getting weaker by the second due to subversion (and it will be used against you, I am pretty sure of it). You just have to find a way to deal with the surveillance network, and freedom might be a realistic outcome once all the chaos and violence subsides and you take back control of your own territories and body politic.
Europe is utterly fugged IMHO, perhaps not on all territories, but lots of territory is going to be lost to the invaders and anti-Western forces. And the whole push for the vaccination in Russia makes me reconsider it as a place to try to get peace (there was a monastery where the abbot forced the monks to take it (or leave without any type of help), I read it on Roosh V’s gab timeline some days ago), perhaps I will opt for the hermit lifestyle (where to do so is now the question), at least nobody can force me to take anything. But I am quite sad to see the Russian Orthodox Church going along with this, seems like my aspirations to monasticism in Russia are getting impossible to fulfil.
Anonymous Fren, please check out the Insitutes of Biblical Law by John Rushdoony. He came from a centuries long lineage or priests and bishops in the Orthodox church. When his family came to America, he looked into the Puritan history. It was nothing like what we are told. Even if you just read the introduction, that is a good start. There are blessings and cursings in operation. Salvation is good, but isn’t salvation even better with all the blessings that our Father in heaven has freely offered? You can read it free online. Justinian was no saint, nor was Theodora.
Jesus gospel was this: “repent, for the Kingdom is at hand”. The definitions of “repentance” has been so mangled most people can’t repent even if they want to. The Institutes of Biblical Law is a major step to correcting this. Also, Rushdoony was extremely red-pilled, on every topic.
In the New Testament (should be Texus Receptus), “repentance” when pertaining to salvation is metanoia (or a variation), which is literally something like “changing of the mind/thinking.” False teachers preach that repentance (when it comes to salvation) means some sort of emotional remorse. But the reality is that salvific repentance is the logical acknowledgement that we (as human beings) are sinners who need external help (through God grace which is given through the belief in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection for our sins) to escape (the absolute logical worst case scenario of) hell. This is absolutely the best news any person can receive (“gospel” means “good news”). Salvation is a free gift that can be received through belief in Jesus Christ (in an instant!).
The gospel (the above paragraph) is so simple and innocuous. Yet how has something so purely good and logical borne so much strife, warfare, and death? As is affirmed here so often, I’m thinking demonic influence.
I don’t understand why this has become so difficult for Christians to communicate (not pointing at you, Mycroft Jones, something about what you wrote triggered this gospel message and I’m going with the flow.).
The reason repentance is so hard, Macaque, is present even in your post. The New Testament was written in Greek, but not just any Greek. Two centuries prior, the Hebrew scriptures were translated into Greek. This established a mapping between Hebrew and Greek words. A large part of the New Testament is quotes from the Old Testament. The language of the New Testament isn’t just Greek; it is Greek that is consistent with the way the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek. To understand the New Testament, you need the Septuagint, which then maps you back to the underlying Hebrew concepts that the Hebrews had in mind when they were writing Greek using Hebrew idioms and phrasing.
Repentance literally means “to turn back”, or “turn again”. It is much more than just a change in mind; it is a change of action. Your behaviors and deeds have to change. Any gospel that minimizes or redirects you from this, is a gospel that is hiding one of the cornerstones. The Scriptures say, even the demons believe, and shudder. Belief does no good if it does not prompt the fruits of repentance… which is corrected behavior.
That is why I recommend Rushdoony’s “Institutes of Biblical Law”. He had an IQ of 180. The breadth of his knowledge and scholarship was amazing, and yet his clarity was so great he could crunch the information down to what midwits could easily grasp. The message of the Gospel is simple; what isn’t simple at first is piercing the veil of misdirections, lies, and redefinitions that have surrounded it.
Many Christians condemn righteousness; if you try to be righteous you are called self-righteous. Many Christians condemn holiness. If you try to be holy, you are called holier than thou. If you try to repent, you are called a legalist. If you persist, you are a heretic, and if you try to imitate Jesus too closely, you are a Judaizer. For every stage of repentance, there is a label to dissuade you and any who might listen to you.
And if these labels don’t work, agent provocateurs will be sent in, to repeat a message that is close to the truth, but in a way intended to drive others away, with mistakes and errors mixed in, either to mislead, or at least to prevent people from believing.
Check out what Rushdoony had to say about the 6 trillion.
I believe spirit possession is very real and very harmful, and is involved in a lot of the prompt and immediate misdirection and redirection that happens whenever someone starts to see the Gospel clearly. Jesus was not kidding when he said you have to be ready to give up friends and family for the sake of the Gospel. But he also told the truth; you will get family and friends 100-fold afterward.
Repentance is realising you’ve broken God’s laws, AND THEN NOT DOING IT AGAIN.
Maquauque, you preach the lie that we all are bound to sin, always, with no chance to defeat it. You are wrong, you preach for Satan.
I preach as John did:
‘2Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears,a we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is. 3And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as Christ is pure.b
4Everyone who practices sin practices lawlessness as well. Indeed, sin is lawlessness.c 5But you know that Christ appeared to take away sins, and in Him there is no sin. 6No one who remains in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has seen Him or known Him.
7Little children,d let no one deceive you: The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as Christ is righteous.e 8The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the very start. This is why the Son of God was revealed, to destroy the works of the devil.
9Anyone born of God refuses to practice sin, because God’s seed abides in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10By this the children of God are distinguished from the children of the devil: Anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God’.
You were triggered because you love your sins, you love ignoring God’s laws, and thinking that’s fine. You think that because God has blinded you to the truth, per 2 Thes 2, with a powerful delusion.
Have a great sabbath day everybody, I am off to make an offering on the altar as usual: lamb steaks, lamb kidneys, a cake of fine flour and olive oil with frankincense, and some wine alongside the altar.
All things will be restored.
>”Repentance is realising you’ve broken God’s laws, AND THEN NOT DOING IT AGAIN.”
Yes, and yet, even the great Saints and modern day priests and monks tell people that relapsing into sin can and does happen, and that it’s important to immediately repent again, and struggle harder so it doesn’t happen again. People should try to be like Jesus (perfect and free from sin), but they all fail at one point or another, even when giving it 100% to the struggle because it is our fallen nature.
Thanks for the suggestion fren. I will read it because I like to understand different perspectives, even when I don’t particularly agree with them.
And I think we don’t have the same definition of Saint. A Saint is not someone that never sinned. Even Saint Constantine the Emperor (he was the one that made Christianity legal in the Roman Empire) did some pretty messed up shite before he turned into the good struggle for the glory of God (instead of his own glory and power).
And even the Apostle Paul, which was a Pharisee named Saul who persecuted and killed Christians before becoming one of the 12 Apostles became considered a Saint.
And Saint Longinus, the Centurion that pierced Jesus side with his spear, became a Saint and a Martyr after he confessed his faith in Christ after His blood healed one of his eye injuries (this was when he pierced Him with his spear) and witnessed that He had risen and refused to take the bribes from the Jews that offered him money to go along with a scheme that required him to lie and pretend he was asleep and that Christ had no risen but that his body had been stolen. Even the pagan that killed Christ on the cross ended up becoming a Saint.
“Repentance literally means “to turn back”, or “turn again”. It is much more than just a change in mind; it is a change of action. Your behaviors and deeds have to change. Any gospel that minimizes or redirects you from this, is a gospel that is hiding one of the cornerstones.”
I agree with this. And it’s not just about the actions and behaviors IMHO, but also how we fell about things and the types of thoughts we have.
Like I said, I agree with your position about repentance, and I would also add that it is predictable to see that most people will end up having to repent repeatedly for the same things, but the whole point of the struggle IMHO is to become better and better at keeping from sin over time.
I know that that phenomena of having to repeatedly repent for the same thing at different points in time has been the case with me regarding sexual sin (in action and thought) and I am still very vigilant about keeping my thoughts pure; and regarding anger I also had to find ways to restrain that passion too as to keep it from turning my heart cold.
And I see it in people more moral than me too, where they are very good at avoiding certain types of sin, but then repeatedly fall into states of massive anger and pride (aka big ego), and IMHO I don’t think telling them anything regarding that is of any use, so I just pray for them and ask for God to help them as I would like God to help me.
>>”Repentance is realising you’ve broken God’s laws, AND THEN NOT DOING IT AGAIN.”
Yes, and yet, even the great Saints and modern day priests and monks tell people that relapsing into sin can and does happen, and that it’s important to immediately repent again, and struggle harder so it doesn’t happen again. People should try to be like Jesus (perfect and free from sin), but they all fail at one point or another, even when giving it 100% to the struggle because it is our fallen nature.’
Did you even read the verses of 1 John that I quoted?
Or did you read it and think ‘hmm, the modern priests tickle my ears by telling me I will indeed sin, everyone does, and it’s really no big deal, as long as I don’t do it again, until the next time, when I will try really hard not to do it again, but I will slip up, because all the (fake catholic) saints did, and because the nice man in the pulpit tells me it’s impossible to defeat sin.
Even though 1st John TELLS YOU that Jesus died SO THAT you CAN defeat sin.
You have to sort yourself out, and stop listening to those evil vipers. They have you believing in sins that are not sins, and ignoring commands of God because ‘judaist’.
Read this and weep, THEN fully repent and be taught:
6No one who remains in Him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has seen Him or known Him.’
‘As Jesus told us ‘Be ye therefore perfect , as my Father in heaven is perfect’.
Not ‘try to be like me folks’.
Come on, get with the programme.
@Mycroft Jones
Thanks for the information. I don’t know about Rushoony and am curious. Paul lays out a distinct gospel he refered to as “my gospel,” which is the roadmap to eternal salvation/justification. Salvation is a free gift we can’t hope to earn; in attempting to work for salvation, we attempt to nullify the power of Christ’s sacrifice (Romans 4-5). This is distinct from sanctification, in which we are called to be perfect (Romans 12). Mixing justification and sanctification leads to a muddy works-based gospel that is neither good news nor possible. Paul’s epistiles lay out a clear distinction between justification and sanctification that exists in the current church age (it didn’t exist at all times in history but that’s another story).
Also, this is the first time I’m facing the belief that the Hebrew meanings of words should be read into the New Testaments. In the Greek, metanoia does not mean “to turn back.” Looks like you’re reading the OT Hebrew concept of shuwb into metanoia, which is strange because they are the same word in English translations so I don’t see how they could get mixed up (but I’m not studied in Koine or Hebrew). Also, I admit my little knowledge of manuscripts biases me away from the Septuagint toward the Masoretic (Forever Settled by Jack Moorman is my essential read).
Honestly, with this discussion I’m smelling the classic Covenant Theology vs. Dispensationalism debate, so I’ll stop here.
Regarding condemning righteousness, that has always the response of both unrepentant sinners and believers to those pursuing true biblical holiness.
I also belief spiritual possession leading to a distortion in the gospel, just the other way around. Again, CT vs. D.
“I will indeed sin, everyone does, and it’s really no big deal”
I never said it wasn’t a big deal. It is a big deal, and it should not be minimized, but that doesn’t make it any less of a reality that obedience is achieved day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, moment by moment, and that it is utterly unrealistic to take that obedience for granted, because although our objective is to become like Jesus, we are not God, like He was. We are liable to failure, and a single slip is all it takes. This means we need to prevent such slipping as much as possible IMHO, and IMHO it is highly presumptuous of anyone to convince themselves that they will never ever sin in the future until the day they day. Just some hours ago I got pissed at some news. I didn’t enacted any behavior that would give it away, but in my heart I knew the passion was there, so I had to take internal action against it and repent for allowing it to take my peace (which translates a lack of total trust in God’s plan), even for just a moment. Another example, I was reading on a laptop, and there was some retarded show on the TV someone else was watching, and a very attractive woman appeared on the screen. I looked at her face, and looked away. I knew that if I looked again, it would be in lust, so I reminded myself to fear God and reject the wrongful behavior despite my instinct to look at her in lust. Because I kept myself on my toes, that sin was successfully avoided. But I am not going to fall into pride by assuming that I am not susceptible to falling into sin in the future.
We are ordered to become as much like God (sinless) as possible, but IMHO we need to be prepared for when we fall (I won’t deny maybe some people are perfectly consistent in their obedience (in actions, thoughts and emotions), I don’t have myself in such high regard, so I assume than most likely than not I will have to keep repenting till the day I day because of one thing or another, and I will always try to prevent it by reminding myself to fear God, and fear the consequences of sin (a single moment of sin can result in tremendous calamity (not only personal, but regarding one’s salvation))).
My point is: you don’t have to normalize sin nor think that it’s no big deal to understand that everyone is susceptible to fall into sin, no matter how good their “track record” of perfect obedience (that only God really knows the true “track record” of any particular individual, because we can sin with our thoughts and minds, without even having to take any action) is. And I’d rather have a game plan to try to pro-actively prevent sin and what to do if I fall into sin so I can return to perfect obedience ASAP.
Also, to drive the point home some more regarding the need to stay vigilant regarding the very real possibility of falling into sin at any moment, and that it can and does happen to everyone (and stating that fact is NOT the same as minimizing the graveness of sinning and is NOT saying it is all right, that’s why keeping fear of God in our hearts is so important IMHO (and Rushdoony talks about it on the intro of his Institutes of Biblical Law)), even Saint Peter the Apostle sinned after becoming one of Jesus most zealous disciples, denying Him not once, not twice, but 3 times, and still, after repenting hard, he received forgiveness.
Here’s a noice video about Saint Peter:
And what exactly is Gary Morgan doing with the lamb kidney, given he is purchasing from the shop instead of slaughtering his own.
I have written at length here, quoting scriptures, that lust from a man for an unmarried woman is not a sin, it’s natural, it’s how God made us.
The only way we can sin is by ‘trespass’, which would mean by ignorance, or by being human and forgetting something. I once didn’t wear my tassels, after having my suit dry-cleaned, thought I had re-attached them, hadn’t:
With the Holy Spirit, we are given the power to defeat routine sin once and for all, so that we wouldn’t even have a thought in our head about theft, or adultery, or eating unclean meats, or missing a holy festival. We go through a process of sanctification, we are cleansed, maybe you are still going through this, I hope you will come to obey all of God’s laws, as I teach them and restore all things.
The book of the law is now published at my website, and teachings will shortly appear, and remember I am taught directly by God, through the Word in me, so zero human doctrines, traditions or additions/subtractions.
I urge you to steer clear of churches, pastors, yt, books, anything apart from scriptures will lead you astray, with additions and subtractions to the laws given to Moses at Horeb:
A man who circumcised himself cannot be expected to be anything but a Pharisee eh, and so unable to grasp the spirit of the law, versus the letter of the law.
So, Gary is telling everyone not to eat unclean meats, and read his version of the Bible… then he eats (or at least strongly implies he eats) kidney. As for your mockery of circumcision, it was commanded only for the children of Israel. Likewise the wearing of tassels. Yet you wear tassels and tell others to do so, even though this commandment was only for the children of Israel. If you are a child of Israel, then man up and get circumcised too. If you aren’t, then let the tassel thing go. So far you are acting like the very pick-and-choose Christians you condemn.
Spain makes laws that let the government take anything they want from anyone they want, and on top of that it allows the government to re-instate obligatory military draft (which makes it quite convenient that the country has been flooded by millions of military aged invaders under the guise of them being “refugees” (despite most of them coming from countries that aren’t even at war, which makes them simply hostile invaders, not refugees at all)):
Spain Revealing the Totalitarian Future for All
In the event that a state of crisis is declared in Spain (“situation of interest to National Security” is the name given by law), the authorities may also proceed to the temporary seizure of all types of property, at the intervention or provisional occupation of those that are necessary or the suspension of all kinds of activities. That is so vague it will allow the government to seize all your bank accounts and even your home – PERIOD! Those who suffer financial damages due to the seizure of their property or the interruption of their activity will have the right to be compensated. In its first drafts, the law excludes the payment of compensation to those who are obliged to make a personal benefit. Therefore, any crisis they declare which can be health, environmental, economic, or financial nature, will be covered as well as an invasion from Mars.
War is unavoidable, whitehats have failed.
Agreed. Whitehats are childless stepdad level low-T. Couldn’t even break an egg to make an omelet.
I don’t even deny that they might be doing what they can with what they have, but seeing things like this and Boris in the UK being all in on the gaybal agenda (I still remember how I celebrated when I saw him win, I thought UK frens had a chance for freedom finally, but alas, everyone on the right seems to be as much into the gaybal agenda as the left (just at a slightly slower speed)) make me believe people would be better served to prepare and act like they don’t even exist at all. “Two more weeks” doesn’t sound that bad when the violence and tyranny don’t knock on your door, but it seems there is no place where people are safe, and even our greatest leaders are still being maneuvered into making stupid decisions that make no sense.
Some worth the read stuff:
Disgusting perverts or just misunderstood? Meet the zoophiles who have sex with animals and want to be embraced by Pride
Another step in the slippery slope, and anyone that read the foundational literature of Queer Theory (at the origin of the LGBT movement) knows it’s founders had as a stated goal to legalize and normalize pedophilia. Anyone who supports the LGBT movement is supporting that stated goal, knowingly or unknowingly.
There are 2.8 million more disabled workers than there were six months ago. The very reasonable question that Karl Denninger is asking is: what started happening in January that could have rendered that many workers unable to work?
The not-vaccines keep killing and maiming, and the evidence is getting harder to hide.
When politics crossed the line and tried to use COVID to create climate lockdowns and bring in the Great Reset, they lost all credibility. I do not care if people start dropping dead on the street. I will not get one of these vaccines. They can shoot me, and I would say thank you. Fully Vaccinated people are still dying. Six fully vaccinated just died of COVID in the most vaccinated country.
I cherish my liberty and without it, I prefer death. I have been to communist states. I went behind the Berlin.
>”The surveillance being entirely Chinese controlled would not be impossible.”
Only if the Jewish controlled machine changed hands. Jewish collective power has controlled the US and its institutions even before China became any type of problem. And also, Jewish supremacists have been talking about jumping hosts from the US to China for quite a while now, which explains why they have been using Israel to offer China US secret military tech and all other kinds of things that hurt the US. This is all undeniable.
>”Judges say far-left attorneys who firebombed cops for BLM can still practice law in New York, and yet Rudy Giuliani cannot.”
He can try to simp more for Jews, like he has been doing all this time. Despite the fact that BLM and antifa are literally funded and connected to Jewish supremacists, and that the D party receives 50% of its funding from Jews. Simping for Jews worked as well for Rudy as it has for Trump.
>”Biden literally kneels before new Cabal-installed Israeli President”
Implying Bibi is not as cabal as cabal gets too.
>”Dozens detained in federal prison awaiting trial following the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol building are being subject to solitary confinement, lack of required medical care, and restricted access to defense counsel.”
I still recall Trump Jr. telling the people who got in trouble that basically it was their fault for “using the lefts tactics”. Pathetic. I am pissed.
>”Anti-Trump actor Henry Winkler says we need a ‘cataclysmic event’ to bring the U.S. back together.”
Non-sense. If anything, a SHTF scenario will just kickoff a massive civil war type scenario that will divide the regions on ethnic, religious, political and cultural lines. And no matter how much cuckservatives try to play ID politics that pander to every racial group while pretending Whites (or European ethnicities) don’t even exist as a racial group (because they want to stop Whites from becoming racially aware, which is incredibly evil, as it is a key component in grooming Whites to accept and help with their own ethnocide), it seems to me that the conflict is unavoidable, when even the supposed champions of the Constitution act in ways that disrespect the very content of said Constitution. Maybe that’s a good thing in the end, because after all, the Constitution will not stop the ethnic replacement of the true Americans (6 quadrillion IQ mellow talking man explains who are the true Americans here: )
>”If people understood they faced an enemy that was essentially a CIA-like intelligence outfit”
From the horse’s mouth (BTW, this video cannot be found on yt anymore, and bitchute blocks it all over Europe):
>”Gregg Abbott is currently beating Matthew McConaughey in polls.”
It’s like every politician is controlled by Jewish collective power. And like Jewish collective power is in bed with China because they know the US is fucked because of JCP having demographically destroyed it.
RE: Captain America
NAZI BAGDAD BOB GUY WITH BULLHORN: “The statue of liberty is KAPUT!”
US: “Well, that’s disconcerting.”
At this point there’s nothing Marvel Comics can do right. They’ve destroyed the brand, even if Disney was flush with cash and wanted to save it the whole thing would take a decade to turn around at best.
The Marvel movies gave everyone the versions of those characters that will probably end up being the definitive ones, and whatever the comic book non-writers do now to try and undermine that, the fans of Captain America will just shake their heads and say “I can do this all day.”
RE: Public school enrollment drops 3% nationally.
That’s it, it’s over and we’ve won. Now it just has to play out. That’s 3% SO FAR. Our side is the side having children. Our side is the side prioritizing women in the home, 3-5 kids, and homeschooling. Their side is still killing their children. In addition these are the people that care enough to suffer the economic hardship of only having one income. These are stronger people than average. Smarter. One might even say K-selected.
If the future belongs to those that show up to claim it then WE’VE ALREADY WON.
I like the cut of your jib, sir. You’re right, this is a big whitepill. Now we have to make sure the growing homeschooling families have the right tools to raise the next generation.
I guess Captain America reads Anonymous Conservative 🙂
There are solutions to our problems. Take control of the voting. Make it real. Limit voting to those that have some sense or are paying taxes. Don’t let anyone vote without high school diploma or equivalent test.
Get rid of the mass State elected Senates in the States and go to regional based representation in the State Senates.
Stop section 8 which spreads the disease and build a tremendous massive amount of high rise low cost apartments in States where they are so worried about diversity.
You could decide where to put them by having their representatives vote on the question,”Diversity is our most important value” and then move all the section 8 into mass high rises wherever they answer affirmative. If you put them in one place they will be easier to control and watch.
After we get the legislative power deport the Jews. Every damn last one of them.
Anonymoous says that we shouldn’t do that because it would be like putting a gun to their heads. I reject the notion that I’m somehow responsible for the Jews. That the Jews behavior putting them in danger means I and my country have to suffer further because…well it might hurt the Jews. The never give even the slightest amount of thought to whether others are hurt or not so no one should foist some sort of misguided “honor” system on me that the Jews are not willing to honor.
If people have not learned in several thousand years that the only way to deal with Jews is get rid of them, then I don’t know what to tell you. It’s only thing that works. What ever the end result of this it’s their problem.
I didn’t say deporting Jews would be like putting a gun to their head (Western Countries should be allowed to deport whomever they want, provided that their governments are following the will of the people, not foreign special interests (specially zionist and Chinese, but especially zionist) like they are now), I said deporting them to Israel would be like putting a gun to their heads and blowing their brains out, because by the time the Western people have enough power to deport le Jews, Israel is gone (because it depends on the West propping it up to survive, IMHO). Now, Western people can do whatever they want (I’m not the kang of the West), but pretending that deporting them to Israel is a peaceful solution is delusional. It may be a solution, but it’s not a peaceful one (and I assume you don’t care, which is an understandable solution).
Because I would feel bad for condemning every Jew to death via deportation to Israel just for being a Jew (I don’t like that unfairness), I would support deporting them but letting them choose where they go (and not force them into Israel necessarily). But I should also add that I would support death penalty for any of them that ever engaged in subversion, including lobbying for Israel or having a volunteer or paid position in any Jewish interest group engaged in subversion (such as the ADL, AIPAC, JIDF, etc), not allowing the subversive ones to escape with their lives, but allowing the non-subversive ones to GTFO to any place of their choice where they are allowed entry.
What will probably happen is they all get fucked on the spot once the region destabilizes enough thou, and the retarded Jewish supremacists at the helm of the Jewish interest groups and zionist lobbies keep doubling down on attempts to censor the Western people and fuck them over more and more as people wake up to the issues of Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, which only makes things worse for both the Westerners and the non-subversive Jews (who should consider GTFO before the gun powder keg fully ignites, because even if somehow a more legitimate politician gets control of the system and continues to pander to Jewish collective power, that will only make people hate all Jews, subversive or not more, and the more laws and bs get passed to try to “protect” the Jews, the worse, and it’s inevitable that one day some kind of incident ignites the gun powder keg, and once that ball starts rolling, there is no stopping it (and even if the gov calls in the army, things might escalate to the point of the government losing all legitimacy by trying to fuck over everyone just to protect the most powerful minority in the region, which might lead to an insurgency war against the government, which makes the army useless against it)).
“…I didn’t say deporting Jews would be like putting a gun to their head…I said deporting them to Israel would be like putting a gun to their heads and blowing their brains out…”
I should have been more explicit and I say the same I am not responsible for their screwing up so bad.
They should have stopped them.
As long as you don’t use your understandable stance to try to defend Israel or the removal of all zionist money power and influence from Western body politic, it’s all a-ok IMHO.
“On the Jews and Their Lies”
When will we eve learn? When will we see that the only way that has ever worled with these genetic psychopaths is to get rid of them. Seperate them from your country and people and allow them zero say in any way n your society. This has worled every singlew time. Our only fault is we let them back in and in our “individualistic: moral framework we let them in because we forget they play by different rules. We should, like Alinsky, hold them to their own rules. Treat them exactly as they would treat us and the whole problem would be solved. They can do whatever it is they want to do in Israel.
pale of settlement, hotel kali style. they check in. or are airdropped in. or catapulted in. they dont leave.
You call Jews “genetic psychopaths,” which is pretty obvious, but in your opinion, just why is that?
“You call Jews “genetic psychopaths,” which is pretty obvious, but in your opinion, just why is that?”
I actually have an answer to this. A bit long but cogent. It’s based several ideas.
1. The Jews are the remnants of the Neanderthals. I’m certainly not the only one that sees this. The Jews that have a lot of Jew in them. What classic Jew caricature looks like is exactly that of the Neanderthal. Slated head, short legs, long trunk, hairy.
You can often tell what the truth is by following what the Jews are trying to hide and what ideas they attack. They took over the American Anthropological Society and booted out anyone that noted that different races had different morphology. Skull shape, skull size. Remember the Gould’s “The Measurement of Man” book that was taught to students for decades and was proved to be nothing but a thinly dressed lie. Most Jewish lies are easily proven wrong with the slightest research. I suspect this constant refrain that all people are alike and there’s no difference was to cover up the sensible observation that the Jews looked a certain way and that was like Neanderthals.
There’s studies that say all races except Blacks have about 5% Neanderthal DNA. Okay, but I’m saying it’s a lie. A typical Jew lie. The guy responsible for this study is a Jew and what he did was he used all the DNA from everyone and then averaged it. What he neglected to tell you was that in this average Europeans, Chinese, etc have next to none and the Jews and Arabs have a LOT of Neanderthal DNA. SO if a Jew has 50% and a European has 0.1% then the average is much less but actually tells you nothing about where these Neanderthal genes are exactly.
I got this from Michael Bradley who contacted some of the people involved in the study and he couldn’t get absolute confirmation of this but did get some information that the books were cooked to show this average and skew the results.
In Michael Bradley’s books “The Iceman Inheritance” and “Chosen People From the Caucasus and The Cronos Complex” he talks about the possibility that Neanderthals with some human admixture cause the large majority of violence on the planet. Bradley is half-Jewish by the way. An anthropologist surveyed all the Neanderthal bones and found they had enormous numbers of fractures. Double the amount of all others. The Jews are not only psychopaths maybe they’re Neanderthals.
Bradley’s book was widely positively reviewed until some Jews noticed that the vicious animal human behavior he talked about might be the Jews and from then on he was repressed. Bradley himself did not see this when he wrote the book only that some group of aggressive people’s were attacking everyone else.
“The Iceman Inheritance” by Michael Bradley (good info you should read it)
2. You may think I’ve gone off track talking about Neanderthals but I have not. Central to the idea of what Neanderthals were/are and psychopaths are is what is their actions. How do they behave. The Neanderthals were in Europe for 250,000 years and did not do a damn thing. Tex Arcane has said they did but I see no Parthenon, no Stonehenge, no huge churches, no castles. Even way back 40,000 years ago when Cro-Mags showed up stone tools became much more elaborate than anything the Neanderthals came up with.
Neanderthals hunted, lived in caves and murdered each other. The evidence we have is they were very violent and we know that their diet from testing their teeth was over 80% meat so no farming. The central idea was that the neanderthals were animals. Animals in the wild show all the signs of psychopathy. They have territories they defend and ruthlessly kill off anyone not in it or not in their pack. The Neanderthals lived like this and so never combined to do anything. Another central idea is that animals have very little empathy for others. Others are just there to feed on.
3. How can I say this is true. Many, many years ago I read a book called “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind”
It’s one of the few books that tries to describe the rise of civilization and the very fast, in geological time, rise of humans from the animals. It didn’t ring true to me then, and now, but give the guy credit no one else even tried. It’s a fact that human civilization just seemed to pop up very fast and so far most everyone just ignores it’s rapidity. But because the book pointed out this very large blank state of knowledge and how odd it was we had no explanation I always kept that fact in mind.
Then one of the final pieces of data was put in place, combined with a general awareness of the evil behavior of the Jews, an experiment by a Russian. The Russian domesticated red fox study. The study was a multi-generation study that only passed on the genes of the least aggressive or tame towards humans foxes. Surprise, surprise they developed many of the different colorations and droopy ears of dogs. Interesting.
I believe that this experiment, while controlling for tameness brought fourth another trait that they haven’t acknowledged. Empathy. Genetic traits when breed for usually don’t come singularly they come in packages. While breeding for tameness I think they got empathy and differential coloration in the same package. This empathy package shows very, very strongly in Dogs. It’s undeniable that Dogs have a great deal of empathy for their owners. People comment on this all the time.
Notice the vast difference in coloration of Whites and their in general higher empathy for others. If we did not have this empathy all the Blacks, Jews and various minorities that prey on us would be cast into the sea immediately. Think of the behavior of Jews towards Palestinians or the Blacks actions to others not of their tribe. Total destruction but we don’t do this. Even in cases were we are forced to act to destroy others we castigate ourselves over and over for it.
There’s a great deal of empathy for the American Indian but if you lived back in the day the Indians would murder the hell out of you any chance they got. They were specifically aiming for genocide. It was us or them and we won.
I don’t think you can have civilization without empathy. Blacks score very low on empathy and everywhere they predominate there is exactly…no empathy and no civilization. (I wish to emphasize the point I made about animals only caring for close clan). A total Hobbesian world of the vicious and strong preying on the weak, (psychopathic behavior, very important this notion).
Psychologist have commented on how cold some of the ghetto Blacks are showing no remorse for the most vile crimes of violence against other people.
Sam J’s theory of civilization,”Civilization came about because of the rise of empathy. This allowed people to work together”.
Sam J’s theory of civilization, ”Empathy is necessary to form civilization. As capacity for empathy rose civilization rose with it.”
Whites have very high levels of empathy. I think non close kin marriage made some of this possible and I believe WWI and WWII vastly accelerated the trend by killing off the most aggressive and psychopathic Whites in mass numbers. I also believe psychopathic numbers are increasing because of the long peace we’ve had.
So Cro-Mags and Neanderthals met and the Neanderthals attacked them constantly. There’s a book on this that I think the author over does a bit but is essentially true that the Neanderthals shaped the Cro-Mags(us).
Danny Vendramini,”Them and Us How Neanderthal Predation Created Modern Humans”
Neanderthals attacked everything they could. Another clue to this is that all Neanderthals genes are from Men. None known from Neanderthal Women. We can specify this because all the mtDNA, which comes from Women alone, is Cro-Mag. There is NO Neanderthal mtDNA from Neanderthal Women. So I expect that all Neanderthal genes were passed on by Neanderthal raping Cro-Mag Women.
This constant attacks on Cro-Mag was what eventually what led to the Cro-Mags attacking the Neanderthals in force and driving them off into mostly inaccessible areas.
So in essence the rise in empathy led to an ability to work together which caused the rise of civilization. Neanderthals being psychopaths (essentially the mind set of animals) were eventually pushed aside because of their aggressive vicious behavior. We see this RIGHT NOW in the Jewish behavior. No empathy for anyone not Jewish(Neanderthal). Their vicious, never ending aggressive attacks.
There’s one idea that describes the Jews perfectly. It describes their parasitism, their, lying, their chameleon like behavior, their sense of superiority and belief that they are different from everyone else. There’s a simple explanation for why the Jews are hated so much that also explains their behavior and success. The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. Not all, maybe not even the majority, but a large number. All of the Jews ancient writings are nothing more than a manual for psychopaths to live by. The Talmud is nothing but one psychopathic thought after another. The Talmud “great enlightenment” basically says that everyone not Jewish is there to serve Jews. All their property is really the Jews. No one is really human unless they’re Jews and their lives don’t matter. A psychopathic religion for a psychopathic people.
They’ve been thrown out of every single country that they’ve been to in any numbers. Psychopaths having no empathy themselves can only go by the feedback they get from the people they are exploiting. So they push and push to see what they can get away with. The normal people build up resentment towards them. Thinking “surely they will reform or repent” like a normal person who does wrong. Of course the Jews do not. They don’t have the mental process for reform. Then in a huge mass outpouring of hate for the Jews, fed up with the refusal to reform their behavior, they attack and/or deport them. In this stage of the cycle the Big/Rich Jews escape and the little Jews are attacked.
I’m not saying all Jews are psychopaths but I am saying that
There is no distinguishable difference between a bunch of Jews moving into your territory and a tribe of psychopaths. The two are indistinguishable.
This is why I’m adamant that there is no way to deal with them short of deporting them. Get rid of them and refuse to no say in any way at all in your affairs. They are a bunch psychopathic murdering Neanderthals and they will never change, never let up, never stop. They like the way they are and only wished they could do away with all of us.
I don’t claim priority on the idea that Jews are neanderthals or psychopaths but do claim priority on the idea that
Psychopaths are animals. Essentially the human mind set before civilization.
Jews are animals that got this “package” of psychopath/animal genes from neanderthals.
The Russian fox experiment proves this and also proves that genes for “empathy” are connected to tameness, hair color variation and possibly other genes not classified yet.
The idea that without empathy and a loss of the human pre-history animal genes you can have no civilization.
Thanks very much! You cover pretty much everything, though I am curious what you think about the so-called Axial Age — I had not even heard about that until a year ago and the official theory is “off,” in my opinion. Any ideas?
But yes, the Bradly Neanderthal material was spot-on when I read it a long time ago. Also read the Jaynes bicameral mind book. Very interesting, though as you say, unlikely, but describes something that was in some way real. Could that have been whatever caused what is now known as the Axial Age phenomenon?
The red fox study is new to me. I will read and read that also. Diverse colors. Someone was booted off facebook for posting a meme of White women with green, blue, hazel, grey, and brown eyes. Caption: We have all the diversity we need.
Gene for empathy? Many Chinese lack that, don’t they.
Brilliant write up! Will keep and share.
P.S. So much for Tex’s Neanderthal theory, which is fascinating. I found this site from links at his blog, for what it’s worth.
Hmmm… Melonheads were/are real, given all the old skulls.
The current surveillance is way above anything normal folks could accomplish, isn’t it? Hive mind indicated? Even a simple one! Any ideas?
>”Gene for empathy? Many Chinese lack that, don’t they.”
Given all the messed up times and mass calamities they survived thru, it would make sense for a big portion of their gene pool to be filled with a tendency for ruthlessness.
Here are a /pol/ post and some graphs that talk about some of the messed up stuff about China:
This one is more of a joke, with lots of bits of truth:

“…I am curious what you think about the so-called Axial Age…”
I had to look that up. I heartily agree that it should be a category after seeing what it meant,
“…ancient history from about the 8th to the 3rd century BCE.
During this period, according to Jaspers’ concept, new ways of thinking appeared in Persia, India, China and the Greco-Roman world in religion and philosophy, in a striking parallel development, without any obvious direct cultural contact between all of the participating Eurasian cultures…”
Yes very much a thing.
I’m going to go out on a limb here. There’s very scant evidence for this and I’m only using large events that we know happened and then filling in the details by a whole lot of guessing but trying to be logical about the whole thing.
What we know. Some sort of catastrophe happened 12,000 years ago and ended the ice age.
Reasons for this are most likely comet strike in North America OR I think it very possible that there was a huge solar flare that hit North America. Evidence tending towards it being a big solar flare is that this catastrophe happened twice. Look at this graph of temperatures. See the double spike up in temperature then a level warm period we are in now? How the hell were there two comet strikes in possibly the same spot. We do have a possible location for a comet strike in Greenland where they found a depression but this is far from a sure thing. I don’t know of any confirmation of this.
It could also be a magnetic excursion like “Ice Age Now” talks about He says when this happens there are large massive electrostatic lightening strikes far above normal. This could melt the water but to me a big solar flare would easily fit the things we see. Melting Ice. Large “black Matte” all over North America.
I also have a theory based on the Sun accumulating slag which is blown off every 90,000 years or so causing in turn large solar flares which in some cases could hit the Earth and some cases not. We have seen even recently large flares that went other than Earth directions that would have caused a lot of damage. Maybe even ending civilization due to destroying the electrical system from EMP. But no one really knows nor are they really looking that I know of.
We know that the ancients said there was an ancient land called Atlantis that was beyond the opening of the Mediterranean Sea. I say that was on the now sunken mid-Atlantic ridge. Evidence for this is that the Canary Islands were on the mid-Atlantic ridge and on it were for all we can tell a huge tribe of Cro-Mags. So I’m assuming the Cro-Mags were on Atlantis. So Atlantis sunk, in fact and in legend, around 12,000 years ago.
Notice the people that all this flowering is supposed to have come from are Cro-Mags. They like to call them “Early European modern humans” now but I think that’s some sort of cover up bull shit. Why did they change their names from Cro-Mags? I think it was to deemphasis their Whiteness. cause everyone knows Cro-Mags were White but “Early European modern humans” , I mean what color is that?
So Atlantis sinks and the Cro-Mags AND the Melonheads disperse. Now I believe the melonheads ran things during the Ice Age and had a world wide civilization.
This follows somewhat the same as what Tex says but I diverge when Tex says the Neanderthals were some super wonderful genius and the “Saps”(Cro-Mags) were this evil spear chunking savages that defeated them. There’s a lot of info that says this is not true that I won’t dredge up but it’s there. Now I believe the Cro-Mags did defeat them but not that Neanderthals were anything but animals because of the simple fact that there’s not any real evidence that the Neanderthals were anything but a bunch of animals. There is however a vast, tremendous amount of evidence that Cro-Mags built a huge civilization. The before mentioned flowering of culture all over called the Axial Age you mentioned is exactly that.
How do the Melonheads fit into this. I can only assume by the huge mass of skulls that surround Melonheads everywhere they go that Cro-Mags were their slaves and the Melon heads the masters. I think an evil vicious bunch who had various advanced technology but it seems to me were content to rule over the masses and didn’t really care about progress as long as they were in power. Sound like anyone you know? That they are the ones that jump started the civilization that Cro-Mags kept going. From the hastily dug graves of Melonheads all over Peru I think that they died from a disease that did not effect Cro-Mags. That no one has done a really super charged thorough exhaustive search and study of these Melonheads is astounding to me. Someone is likely blocking this but it could just be herd mentality of science where if no one does it then…no one does it.
Tex said the Jews are a mix of Melonhead Women and Neanderthal guards that they had??? Maybe he’s right. Hard to tell. It’s a certain fact that some Jews who seem to be running the cabal have Melonhead type heads.
There’s also the oddity that many civilizations say that some sort of scaled Man came up from the sea and that is who taught them all they knew and started farming and all other civilization. They all seem to be carrying purses of some sort, This is world wide and even the ancient Aztecs and Incas show this and show them with purses.
My guess is the purses are computers and molecular assemblers. I know it sounds whack but why are these purses so prominent??? There’s even purses carved in the stones of Göbekli Tepe which is I think the oldest known monument/temple/whatever. I can’t imagine that in numerous carved stone images of the supposed founders of civilization they all have these purses that they couldn’t have some great value far above…a regular purse that you carried things in.
I’ll stop here because as you can see as time goes back it becomes harder and harder to really even guess what happened and my speculation gets wilder and wilder. Mostly because the little facts we have..are fairly wild sounding if you take what the people said happened, happened. Some of this lack of info is because stuff that I would look for people would consider insane to look for so no one is even looking and if they found it they would be ridiculed for bringing it up.
The whole Melonhead thing is a big mystery and I believe they are still around but maybe not in the pure form. Maybe mixed with some other hominoid but I haven’t really the faintest idea what the truth is. Just guesses.
Some notable facts. White Cro-Mag skulls are found of greater age in North America than the time the Indians got here. The oldest sites in North America seem to be on the East coast and work their way up to the North East. Hmmm… Stone tools found off the coast of North America are of a type “only” made in France and they were found in the water in Mammoth bones at a depth where they would have been coast line before the Ice Age ended 12,000 years ago. There’s books on this about how Cro-Mags got to N.A. way before the Indians. Cro-Mag skulls have been found in bogs in Florida. There seems to be some hanky panky about this. You can see the skulls are difintely Indian as in Asian. They are Cro-Mags but the DNA they I think fugged somehow and refused to really test for Cro-Mag.
Another thing I think happened. I think the Cro-Mags lived on Atlantis and ventured to Europe but that at the time it was overrun by the savage Neanderthals. I expect they visited but did not stay because of the vicious nature of the Neanderthals but after the end of the Ice Age the Cro-Mags HAD to go there (Atlantis sank)and that spelled the end for the majority of Neanderthals, The rest were pushed into mountainous areas and the Caucasus predominately. This is where Bradley said the vicious “Ice Men” came from.
“….Cro-Mag skulls have been found in bogs in Florida. There seems to be some hanky panky about this. You can see the skulls are difintely Indian as in Asian….”
I goofed. It sould read
“…Cro-Mag skulls have been found in bogs in Florida. There seems to be some hanky panky about this. You can see the skulls are definitely NOT Indian as in Asian…”
Now there’s some DNA test and they say there’s some Asian DNA but I’m skeptical for very simple reasons that can;t be faked. I think maybe they are either testing for something common and the real test, whether they are Cro-Mag and have European genes they refuse to do or cover up what they find. I have read…somewhere that there were European genes but don’t have a link or confirmation. The real take away is that different races have different skull structures and those founds in the biog ARE NOT your typical Asian American Indian skulls. They look like Europeans.
Some people have noted that they showed a few skull pictures and then when people noticed that they were of the same structure as Europeans they quit showing them and now it’s all skeletons, fabrics and stuff other. Anything but skulls.
The Rusty Shackleford youtube account has been pretty quiet for over a year, since the drone footage of Epstein’s island.
A bunch of new videos got dropped in the last 24 hours….
Attack on the USS Liberty
Making of We were soldiers
We we must fight (Reagan)
Theory & History of Electricity
Star Spangled Banner as you’ve never heard it…
Admiral McRaven make your bed (cabal cunt….not sure why this one is there)
and others…
Some of the labels appears to be misspelled (on purpose?)
Theory and History of Electricity = ANTI-RELATIVITY.
I want to make an observation about this link.
Now I fully realize that there are competing interest with their own plans for ruling the world but I think of you put these together you will see the Jews cooperating with these various factions only to stab them in the back, out maneuver them and then turn their plans into furtherance of THEIR plans. So when we see various groups cooperating with the Jews and then try to blame them for the end result, (a mistake of interpretation), we see today you are totally missing the point. The present state of affairs are most likely not that which various plotters were aiming for. Many were aiming for Socialism in the traditional workers justice type ideals but all of them have been hijacked and turned into, Jews rule.
The real takeaway is that the Jews are totally ruthless. It’s no use trying to deal with them because they will stop at nothing. Nothing is sacred they will destroy anything in their path.
This is once again why you can never ever do anything with the Jews that will not in the end destroy you and the only thing to do with them is get rid of them.
Stalin knew exactly what they were about and was, I’ve read, about to grab every one of them up deport them into the wilderness and have them farm. So they killed him.
>”about to grab every one of them up deport them into the wilderness and have them farm”
That would unironically what would end up saving Jews as a group in the long term. But alas, that’s not what happened. I actually feel bad for the good Israelis that just want to mind their own business and homestead (there are a few Israeli bears that I’ve had some online acquaintance with), but I don’t think they even realize or are willing to listen to what is most likely to happen to Israel once the West takes back control of their own body politic. It is what it is.
Wonder if those people somehow love to use the Jewish identity as a shield to save themselves from annihilation knowing that whatever empire in the past touched the Jews were themselves finished. Before the coming of Christ.
Interesting comment that talks about the Chinese subversion of the USA:
I don’t see anything.
Fug, I messed up.
Let me try to get the link.
For you AC:
Nancy Pelosi Directs Capitol Hill Security Police Units to Regional Offices in California and Florida, Future Locations Coming
The coalition of canceled priests is BS uless they repent and convert to sedeprivationism. Freemasons mad at other freemasons doesn’t really affect me.
meanwhile, nasty pelousy sends her minions out into the land…
Oy bey, gridicizing Belousy is andi-Semidism : DDDD
Also, I apologize if I come across has blackpilled and negative (I confess I get pissed at things sometime, and should calm down before communicating as to avoid the emotional contagion of anger), I hope my participation is a net positive. Much love my beloved frens.
China does lots of immoral things (and is engaged in unrestricted warfare against the West), but can’t blame them of immorality for this one (quite the contrary, Western Countries should protect their populations by cracking down on the subversive LGBT movement (and no, this is not being hateful toward anyone nor inciting to anything, criticizing political movements which have as a stated goal in their own ideological foundational literature the legalization and normalization of pedophilia is not about hating gays for being gays, it’s criticizing political movements that try to use gays has human shields for their own perverse stated ideological goals)):
NEW – China reportedly terminated nearly all public WeChat accounts created and run by LGBT+ groups at Chinese colleges and feminist organizations in an overnight crackdown.
You laugh you lose:
Whitepilled af:
Oil Pipeline Explosion Kills 3 In Iran
This was kinda interesting, and the pics made me laugh:
He is right, and pretending this isn’t the logical conclusion of the trajectory of the socio-political-cultural climate in the West will not protect you from the fact this is happening and what the implications are:
Your skin will be your uniform.
The guy at the link sees the same thing that I do. Movements hijacked by the Jews for their own ends to dominate.
“…The significance of Stalin is, not that he was a “good guy”, but that he gave to Jewish Bolsheviks a taste of their own medicine, and, over time, made Communism a less Jewish and more Russian system, reflected in the name for World War II, “the Great Patriotic War”.
Many people who believe that we need a world based on common ownership of the major parts of the economy (and this is my own view) were deceived by the Bolsheviks and their supporters in the West, who hid the terrible stifling of freedom of thought in the new regime. Further, they hid the fact that at the start, Bolshevism was based not on equality of classes, but on Jewish domination (in league with other aggrieved minorities) of the majority Russians…”
Once again there is no other alternative in dealing with the Jews than…to not deal with them at all. You will eventually lose with them unless you apply harsh ruinous methods with them and who wants that. This is just not the general way that White people wish to live. It’s why we back down and try to appease the Blacks, Jews, etc. we don’t want all this friction. Who wants to constantly be in this sort of friction. What that old saying about wrestling pigs? There’s no point in dealing them, they like all this friction, conspiracies, pozz. You want to piss them off don’t deal with them at all. Get rid of them.
There’s a slogan,”We don’t have to live this” and 100% true. Get rid of the Jews.
That link is a great link. Much info there. He unifies a lot of disparate information that’s scatted about. It’s really good and provides little tid bits of info that I didn’t know about that illuminates many other actions and why they came out the way they did.
Something I didn’t know,
“… Stalin’s Purges of mid 1930s were aimed at weeding out closet Trotskyists (including from the Army; Trotsky had been War Minister, and appointed its senior commanders). The numbers of victims multiplied as suspects implicated others to save themselves…”
So now Stalin’s purges make sense to me. Even if it hurt the army getting rid of Trotsky’s Men was more important. I agree with this whereas before I thought it was stupid and didn’t understand it. We need the same in the US military at the general rank level. They should all be purged because they are the only ones left that were approved by Obama.
“…The Jewish lobby overplayed its hand towards the end of World War II, promoting a plan for a Jewish republic in the Crimea. It would be part of the USSR , but have strong ties to American Jews and thus be somewhat independent. Stalin later turned against its sponsors…”
Very interesting! Compare this with Putin’s annexation of the Crimea. Very interesting. Could this have been the plan all along for the overthrow of Ukraine and it’s splitting into parts? The Jews are in deep do do in Israel. Their defeat by Hezbollah in Lebanon must have really shook them. Maybe they could bomb the place into the ground but they could not control it or the territory. Every time they tried in the war they got their asses shot off and had lots of casualties. They also got shot up in Gaza when special forces tried to move in. They had their tanks blasted with RPG’s then when they tried to run away they were shot up. They had to back up and fire artillery. Notice the last incursion into Gaza they DID NOT send troops in. Just missiles, drones etc.
“…{Before Stalin, the Jewish Bolsheviks dominated by rallying minority peoples against the Russians: convergence.html; Stalin reversed this process, introducing Russification, e.g. in the Central Asian parts of the USSR. In the West, Jewish Communists have similarly promoted ethnic minorities against the “Anglo” majority, even to the point of weakening the cohesiveness of the society} …”
>”Bolshevism was based not on equality of classes, but on Jewish domination (in league with other aggrieved minorities) of the majority Russians”
Yes, and there is verifiable historical documentation that proves this as an undeniable fact:
The link:
And I am sure you know this already, but for the newfrens that don’t, the Trotskyites (Trotsky was a Jew btw, it’s easy to look that up) that bailed Russia to the US became the NeoConservatives (which shows that no matter if it’s on the left or the right side of the political spectrum, Jewish collective power has no place at all in the West). This is also a well documented and verifiable fact:
I used to have a better graph related to this, but I can’t find a link to it rn, but that’s enough to prove that the Israel first neocons are literally the legacy of the Jewish Trotskyites that fled Russia to the US.
I should also add, for those that are curious on how Russia even got into this mess with the Jews, it all started with the partitions of Poland, whose population was basically made up of the Polish nobility, the rich Jewish merchants and court Jews (managed the nobility’s alcohol businesses (Jews had their own independent alcohol businesses thou, but the nobility used Jews to manage their own alcohol businesses because it would look bad for the nobility to openly operate such type of business) and tax collecting).
Professor E Michael Jones explains it really well here (I think everyone should watch this, it’s very insightful on how something can snowball into a full blown Jewish communist revolution in the span of some decades because things are allowed to just progress and fester):
The relevant part to this is from 55 minutes 10 seconds onwards.
whose population was basically made up of the Polish nobility, the rich Jewish merchants, the court Jews and basically the rest were ultra poor peasants that got pimped out of everything by the usurious Jews
Good rant about Biden:
Mr. Anonymous Conservative, I am appalled at all this anti-Semitism you allow in your comment section. I woke up my whole apartment with the 6 septillion oy veys I couldn’t stop myself from loudly uttering while reading your commenters posts. Please remember the holobunga and ask yourself if you want to be responsible for hurting the feelings and memory of all the survivors of the worst thing to ever happen in the past present and future history of our whole universe (including all the different metaphysical dimensions that may or may not exist). As an appeal to your good nature, I will leave you with this graph to try to inspire you to think about all the feelings you are allowing to be hurt when you allow this HIGLY concerning and irresponsible degree of free speech among the filthy goyi… users of your site I mean in your comment section:
From the movie “Fog Of War-Eleven Lessons From The Life Of Robert S Mcnamara”
quote by Mcnamara
#2 Rationality will not save us.
Re-watching this, it’s good, this quote seemed fitting to the times.
Iran: Major Electricity Blackouts During Hot Summer Lead To Growing Anti-Regime Protests
Russia Detains Estonian Consul “Caught Red-Handed” Receiving Classified Info, FSB Says
Thomas Zimmerman – a Special Assistant to Joe Biden on National Security Agency personnel – formerly served as a visiting scholar at a Chinese Communist Party think-tank labeled as a “front group for Chinese intelligence collection and overseas spy recruitment” by the FBI, The National Pulse can reveal.
The plan is running out of time.
Whoever is running things needs to speed up.
OMG that link showing Leonies Eltern. It makes me so ill. I mean I got some sort of deep depression from this. I feel like crying but I’m not really the teary type.When I see this it just kills me but sometimes…rage. This has got to stop.
I’m sorry it made you upset fren, but people have to realize that putting pressure on all politicians is what we should be doing IMHO. Keep calm but keep the pressure you. Your voice is your weapon.