News Briefs – 07/05/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


The site is under attack. It happens every few months, somebody hits the database with requests, and overloads it so the website cannot access it. Usually they do it for a week, nothing changes, you guys all just have to try to load the page a couple of times, and then they give up and go somewhere else. We may even get some additional SimilarWeb ranking from the activity. Some comments seem to have disappeared, judging by the total numbers of comments here, but when you are dealing with thousands of comments, I have no idea what they were, just that the total number of older comments seemed to have dropped by about thirty sometime this morning to midday. If that was somebody cleaning up their history here, that is fine, but if anybody notices one of their comments got deleted, I am curious what the comment was about, or if there was something sensitive somebody removed for a reason so just drop a comment here if you can.

Unfortunately when you do this, you come to realize why they wanted all our communications to be routed through the online environment. They control all of this to a degree which is far beyond what you would think was the case. With the advent of AI, the possibilities for the future are mindboggling.

CIA is three months passed the deadline to turn over to congress documents linking Obama to the scandalous employment of foreign intelligence in an operation to take down then President Donald J Trump.

Top Democrats are so alarmed about Joe Biden’s ailing health some fear a shadowy cabal is keeping him in power so they can pull levers behind the scenes, it is claimed.

Joe Biden described himself as a black woman during a radio interview flub, as calls mount for the 81 year-old president to drop his re-election bid. Said he’s “proud” to be “the first vice president, first black woman… to serve with a black president.” Could be a unique strategy. Get a couple of operations, to darken his skin and give himself a vagina and suddenly he is not only black and a woman, but a transgender and a lesbian to boot.

Ultimatum to Democrats: Elite donors, including Disney heiress, threaten to freeze funding unless Biden steps down.

James Carville now urging Dem donors not to give to pols who still support Biden, says 72% ‘want something different.’

Frantic Joe Biden forces ABC to rush out crucial interview in FRIDAY primetime slot, after Democrats give him FOUR DAYS to prove himself – or quit.

Several Democrats running in competitive House districts this cycle are breaking from President Biden, underscoring growing concerns that the incumbent could be a down-ballot liability following his rocky debate performance in Atlanta last week.

Leaked polling memo showing Biden’s collapse ‘shook Democrats in their boots,’ says former Obama adviser.

Biden family is ‘all in’ on president continuing in 2024 race, source says.

Post-debate, Biden’s support among women “actually ticked up slightly.”

Hunter Biden grilled as House intel chair Mike Turner asks if first son is receiving White House classified briefings.

President Biden seemingly lost his train of thought as he stumbled through his very brief Independence Day speech at the White House barbeque Thursday — bizarrely claiming that highway congestion no longer exists and nearly calling nemesis Donald Trump his “colleague.”

President Donald Trump challenged Joe Biden to another presidential debate — this time with fewer rules and no moderators — where Biden can prove his “competence or lack thereof.”

Undercover video exposes illegal aliens admitting to being registered to vote in North Carolina.

Illegal immigrant tells investigative journalist Andy Ngo to ‘go back to China.’

X re-joins pro-censorship advertisers’ alliance. Just in time for the election. So if you rejoined Twitter, and all your audience is there, now they can erase anything you say which the conspiracy disapproves of, and you have nowhere else to go. Like it or not, Elon does what he is told.

“NY City officials have revealed that over the next six months, approximately 7,300 prepaid debit cards, with a total value exceeding $2.6 million, will be distributed. This expansion will extend the program from three hotels to 17, potentially benefitting around 1,230 illegal aliens every month.”

At least 8 groups have applied for permits to protest at DNC in Chicago.

Arkansas files lawsuit alleging Chinese e-commerce app Temu is illegally gathering personal data.

Rapper ordered to have all future songs approved by government. Sounds like a Cabal-unapproved rapper who was getting traction. They “caught” him on a gun charge probably set up by surveillance, and then they gave him 14 years for possession. On getting out they then told him he cannot associate with any other rappers with felonies, and all his songs will have to be reviewed by the government, for any lyrics promoting violence or misbehavior which would be “inconsistent” with his rehabilitation. Meanwhile the Cabal-approved rappers are basically doing whatever will build their brand, including honeypot blackmail ops.

Nuclear power is taking off now that Big Tech needs more power for AI.

Just archiving Gavin Newsom apologizing for banging his best friend’s wife:

Gun rights groups filed a 2nd Amendment challenge Tuesday to a new California law that slapped an extra tax on firearm and ammunition sales.

Israel turbocharges West Bank settlement expansion.

A close confidante of Cardinal George Pell whose death has been said to be ‘shrouded in mystery,’ has attested that the late cardinal’s nose was broken and his body treated with “gross disrespect,” upon the arrival of his body in Australia from the Vatican.

Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro charged with money laundering and criminal association.

German court rules that members of far-right AfD cannot own firearms, because it is an extremist group. If we do not out the surveillance in America, it will get this bad.

“Alarming 3000% increase in unexplained child deaths in Alberta”: Medical doctors and scientists’ press conference.

In Norway, they are puzzling over the rise in deaths of younger people, and conclude there must be some after-effect of the Covid virus which is killing young people.

In Norway, as of 21 June 2022 80.5% of the population have been vaccinated with the first dose, 75.1% with the second dose and 55.9% with at least one additional dose (also known as booster doses).

Oh, Norway Bros, not like this – Fat Norwegian Minister of Culture exposes her breasts in LGBT festival:


Farage’s Reform breaks through in UK election with first seat.

Refugees and immigrants from Commonwealth countries, mainly former territories of the British Empire such as Nigeria, India, and Malaysia, are eligible to vote in British elections. And since they arrive without papers, it is anyone who says they are from a Commonwealth country.

Polls have closed in the UK General Election, and the nationwide exit poll says the Labour Party has won around 410 seats nationwide, replacing the Conservatives after 14 wasted years. If we do not have honest elections, there is no way Britain actually has honest elections.

Labour set for crushing 170 seat majority in UK general election, as conservative party suffers worst result in its history.

Rishi Sunak today insisted ‘concerns’ over delayed postal votes should be investigated after anxiety was voiced across parties about Brits being disenfranchised.

Dutch King Willem Alexander swears in Geert Wilders’ new right-wing government which gets right to work to make Netherlands DUTCH again.

Putin says he thinks Trump is sincere about ending Ukraine war.

Ukraine’s army retreats from positions as Russia gets closer to seizing strategically important town Chasiv Yar.

DNA nanobots for fighting cancer here. Interesting. It is a large DNA molecule which folds up into a knot which hides its poisonous part in a pocket in regular pH, but in lower pH such as is produced by the rapid metabolism of cancer tumors, that toxic part is driven out of the pocket and exposed, killing everything around it. Interesting idea.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need the meritocracy back


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8 months ago

Starting here “Joe Biden described himself as a black woman during a radio interview flub, as calls mount for the 81 year-old president to drop his re-election bid. Said he’s “proud” to be” there’s a huge section of blank space braking up the post.

8 months ago

Oh, Norway Bros, not like this:

Might want to hide that picture behind a link.

8 months ago

comment image?resize=1024%2C947&ssl=1

Farage is a very small first step.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
8 months ago

The site is still being attacked. Firefox is the worst culprit.
From Vox Day:

Fake Democracy: The Admission

Simplicius notes that the media is finally admitting to all and sundry that the electoral politics in the USA are entirely fake and completely under the control of a wealthy, mostly foreign elite:

The purpose of the Constitution was to protect the rights and liberties of the descendants of the American revolution. It has not been used for that purpose for quite some time now; it was never, ever envisioned to protect the rights of heathen foreigners against the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants who are the only genuine Posterity for whom the Constitution was written.

So America is a conquered nation, the USA is a failing, bankrupt, lawless empire ruled by a foreign elite, and it has been this way for decades. But only now are the people being forced to wake up to that fact. And only now are they beginning to understand that they are not going to vote their way out of their decades of humiliation any more than the Chinese people did.

Reply to  Teo Toon
8 months ago

“the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants who are the only genuine Posterity for whom the Constitution was written”

Gee, if I wonder if that assertion is good for Cabal or bad for Cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

And just like that our down voter skips your post.

8 months ago
explains why the system of voting is responsible for Labour having a runaway absolute majority at 412 seats, instead of only 221 seats with only 35% voting for them. And Reform gets a total of 4 seats, despite 14% of the vote, while Liberal Democrats at 12% yet got 71 seats.
That’s ridiculous results.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

Turnout was at 60%, its second lowest level since 1885. All parties but Reform (essentially a new party), the Greens, and Sinn Fein dropped in votes, the Liberal Democrats slightly less than Labour and the Conservatives.

Labour lost about 600,000 votes, so they got fewer votes than under the “bad” 2019 result under Corbyn (when he was sabotaged) and did only 0.8% better in percentage terms, getting just about a third of the vote, but over four hundred seats.

The Conservative vote total more than halved, and in percentage terms almost halved, with Reform accounting for most of the difference.

The Conservatives plus Reform got more votes than Labour and its calculated that if you add all Reform votes to the Conservative totals, the Conservatives win 180 more seats.

The Cabal wanted this result. Farage may be Cabal, in insuring Reform split the Conservative vote. But Sunak did more, in calling the election earlier than he had to in the first place, and in not implementing any policies Conservative voters wanted, so they had no choice but to stay home or vote Reform. And without Farage, Reform would have still run candidates, but with less publicity. And they seem to have gotten some votes from people who normally vote Labour. And they were twenty points behind Labour in the polls when the election was caused.

So without Farage, the Conservatives still don’t get anywhere close to a majority, but they might have kept Labour from getting a majority, leading to a parliament where no party has a majority. If the Cabal is manipulating or controlling Farage, they would deploy him to make sure there is no way the Conservatives make a come-back. So Sunak destroys the Tory brand and calls the election early, and Farage is deployed to make sure they don’t win anyway, since Starmer is so terrible he still might not have been able to pull it off.

But I think the timing was affected by the impending war. Sunak wanted out and higher command approved it (as shown by his body language during the G7 “summit”). They want Starmer as the wartime figurehead anyway. But it had to get done the first week of July.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Oh give it a rest.

Farage didnt split the vote, Conservatives ARE Labour

Tories engineered the election to give total power to Starmer (Tri-lateral Commission).

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

You missed the point: the vote totals bear so little connection to the seats of power. It’s fictional rulership.

Reply to  scruffy
8 months ago

 Farage may be Cabal, in insuring Reform split the Conservative vote.

Farage didnt split the vote. The Conservative Party split the vote. Without Reform, those votes would not have manifested.

Reform received few seats because it is spread thin.

Farage IS Reform. Reform is too new and does not have the infrastructure or candidates in place.

8 months ago

> X re-joins pro-censorship advertisers’ alliance.

As I remember it, Musk quickly re-hired the woman in charge of Twitter’s censorship section, and then she re-hired various minions.

8 months ago

> “Alarming 3000% increase in unexplained child deaths in Alberta”: Medical doctors and scientists’ press conference.

Canada was vaxxing children without parental permission and without ID, bribing them with candy or money at street “pop-ups”. Some went from pop-up to pop-up like they were collecting Halloween treats.

The Canadians have no idea who those kids were, or how many times they were vaxxed.

Oh, well. At least they have a government euthanasia program now. If the side effects get too bad, the kids can get government assisted suicide.

8 months ago
8 months ago

The sidebar is gone again.

8 months ago


Almost 1 in 8 American adults suffer from chronic insomnia.

Men (13%) are slightly more affected than women (11%).

Millennials (15%) are the most likely to experience this debilitating condition.

Chronic insomnia increases the risk of depression and anxiety.

It also affects productivity and overall quality of life.

How many are being beamed?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

After my wife complained about my snoring, I went to a doctor and was sent to get a sleep study for sleep apnea.

This resulted in surgery to repair a deviated septum. This actually helped in that I stopped falling asleep during the day while in meetings, driving, etc. and woke up more refreshed in the morning. And I used to talk really funny and apparently don’t anymore. But it didn’t stop the snoring, so she had me get a second study, and again I was diagnosed with sleep apnea.

My conclusion is that the sleep studies, like most things involving modern medicine, are scans. You sleep in a bed you have never slept in before, and are wired up with all sorts of instruments connected to a machine and observed. Of course you are not going to sleep well in these conditions. I wonder if anyone is not diagnosed with sleep apnea after going through this.

But I think you are on to something, people often have genuine problems sleeping, but its mostly caused by the Beam. When I’ve noticed vibrations and hums, obviously I’ve slept less well.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Re: Sleep apnea

Have you tried back sleeping without a pillow? Have you tried elevating the front/head side of the bed so that your head is on the top of the incline above your feet?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
8 months ago

While we may be getting beamed, sort out hygiene factors also… diet, stress, alcohol, exercise (lack thereof), light, mattress, temperature.

8 months ago

UK election is not just a continuance of the same political entity. With 33% of the vote, that “entity” has been given absolute power.

It will be a tyranny with extremist Pharmakilla Vaxinations, Lockdowns, Net Zero, immigration and transgenderism.

They can also declare war, and pass any conscription law, with only 33% of the vote. Even Hitler had 44%.

8 months ago


  • Labour 33% Vote, 73% Seats
  • Tories 23.7% Vote. 18.6% Seats
  • Reform 14.3% Vote. 0.66% Seats
  • Lib Dem 12.2% Vote. 10.9% Seats

Labour has a Tyranny with 33% vote share.

LibDems received 1/2 million fewer votes than Reform, but 14 times more seats.

UK Electoral System is broken and 33% minority supplemented with immigration has returned a Tyranny.

but as many have pointed out, the real battle is in the US

Reply to  Anon
8 months ago

Starmer was born Victoria Alexander in London in 1973 or 1974, and raised in Gospel Oak, north west London. Her father Bernard, an economics lecturer, is an observant Jew who was born in Hackney in 1929 to a Polish-Jewish family that migrated to the United Kingdom before World War II.[1] Her mother, Barbara, a community doctor in the NHS who died in 2020, converted to Judaism upon marriage.[2][3] Starmer has an older sister, Judith.[4]

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Apparently Starmer’s children are being brought up in the Jewish faith. It’s actually amazing how many UK politicians have Jewish wives or husbands. I mean, waaay beyond a normal demographic distribution.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

For sure.

8 months ago

Dolly DID have braces. The ARE changing history

Repost post that didnt stick…

Voter Roll
8 months ago

Folks, an organization of some kind designed New York’s Voter ID assignment system 40+ years ago.
They designed it to conceal an alternate counting system. This is hard to describe but easy to see.
Watch the three 5-minute videos at >> <<
Why is there an alternate counting system inside the Voter ID number assignment system?
Why is it disguised?
Answer: it provides the organization which designed it with the ability to insert false registrations, then find them to vote for them when they decide to do so.
It provides that organization with the OPTION to impact our elections.
Versions of the New York counting system was also found in NJ, TX, NC, SC, HI just for starters.

RW Alexander
RW Alexander
8 months ago

(From Clif High this morning on X re July 15/16 event forecast for several months. What it would be is one thing— meaning unclear — but that mankind in discussion of it over the next year. A BEFORE/AFTER moment):

“. . Given my data, and the Future Forecasting Group RV’s (remote viewing) data about this month, my postulate, after seeing Dick’s drawing of the nerve ganglia, is that we will all be exposed to an “Enhanced Image”.

This is to say that humanity will be split into two groups. Both groups will see the image, but one group will have an extra, nerve stimulated, body reaction, part of that experience. It’s my conclusion from both my data and Edward’s RV, as well as Dick’s RV session, that not all the people will experience the X nerve stimulation (which is likely to be laid on by an EMF approach).

This could, conceivably, induce a ‘religious’ experience, given that Dick’s drawing singled out the 10th cranial nerve, or the X nerve that forms the completion of the vagus nervous system, tying the glands to the brain.

Those who experience the ‘enhanced nerve stimulation’ may have every justification for thinking that they have been in contact with a ‘deity’ or ‘see an angel’.

Likely they will be loathed to be convinced otherwise. Think of trying to convince a muslim that Mohamed was duped by an ELohim space alien. It’s not going to work, and now, in this instance, he will have seen the divine with his own (extra stimulated) vision. And will have had the Whole Body Tingles, or whatever, and it will further convince him that you are the crazy fucker denying his real vision of ALLAH which was also witnessed by tens of thousands of others…but…probably not all people will experience the nerve stimulation, or at least to the same degree, or conclusion (religious experience).

If i am correct, this will cause real division in humanity, as well as create the ‘new religion’ scenario seen. Not necessarily the NWO version of a satanic religion. The thing is that they can create the image, project it into the sky, and stimulate the X nerve, but that does not supply meaning, only the experience that we then have to integrate in order to get meaning from it. Thus all that stuff in the data about us trashing around trying to figure out just what the experience did mean for years.

Seems all the RV guys got some aspect that would support my postulate.

That would seriously change the world if it occurs.

So Blue Beam is just a hologram. But this is some real ELohim kind of deep mind control that we have been reading about in the old hymns & poems.

Anyway… be advised that some of the Woo people have a wild idea twisting on their stability…and it maybe could manifest into this reality around the 15th.”
11:23 AM · Jul 5, 2024

One recent start point jumping in past years of commentary from many:

That the EL keep themselves hidden is a given.
No longer walk among men.
Proxy actors long ago (millennia) modified psychologically to serve.
None of us untouched genetically.
Presence in our altered history is the keystone to understanding.
Of mysteries & anomalies.
Declared themselves as gods and now Universe has had enough.
Rear-guard actions underway.

Torah (Old Testament) is that groups account of dealing with these aliens.
Congruent with all ancient accounts from around planet.
Jesus murdered as he rebelled against them.
Their human sacrifice and blood lust as slave-drivers.

“Why” pedophilia, adrenochrome, transgender, etc.
“Why” transhumanism and One World Gov.

Greater command of technology is most of what separates them from us.
Despite physical differences. Longer history, thereof.

Inter-linear Bible the referential material now key is applied.
Translation from Ancient Greek bowdlerized and altered. With purpose.
Truth hidden by “accident” and preserved. Changes not what always mattered.
As forming narrative — plus on this site — has congruency.

Don’t insult yourself via rejection as to voices and sources. Keep going.
You’ll have help when silo-ing occurs. Wait a day.

“Why” are our best tied down?
It’s not complicated to understand motives,
Only in application & method.

As above, these other voices and forming narratives are tendrils sprouting from this same root even when not yet accounted. Major theme, not “answer”.
The dead-ends are of one’s own fear, hereon.
Even analogous nutso Boomer Grandpa has a role.

“Where were you when the roll was called?”
Your role?


Last edited 8 months ago by RW Alexander
8 months ago

I have a suggestion to make.

Collect email addresses of regulars, probably just by having people email you directly. People who do this might want to get a second or third email account just for this purpose.

If and when the site goes down, start emailing out the links, and people can email you back, and later in the day you can publish a digest of some of the more interesting replies you receive.

I’m pretty sure something big will be unleased this month, and it may involve nuking the internets, but they probably won’t touch the parts needed for commerce, eg email and corporate and government sites.

I am in the habit of saving my more substantive comments on my hard drive, and now there is a system attack I am just saving all of them.

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Building an email list is an excellent idea.

Reply to  🌲🌲
8 months ago

I saw a documentary about mail lists.

8 months ago

In Norway, as of 21 June 2022 80.5% of the population have been vaccinated with the first dose, 75.1% with the second dose and 55.9% with at least one additional dose (also known as booster doses).

While yes its Norway, I’ve read that the equivalent breakdown for the USA is roughly 80/ 60/ 40.

Pretty much the same for the first dose, and then in the USA more people who had a bad reaction to the first dose refused to get subsequent doses.

Except for specific situations, such as being old, immunecompromised, or living paycheck to paycheck and really needing the job, there was no reason to even get the first dose. It really was the flu with a 99.5% survival rate, and there already was information that the “vaccines” were really dodgy, plus the media manipulation and the mandates should have made thinking people less likely to get it.

The 80% figure for the first dose is pretty constant across countries, and it tells me we are dealing with a fundamental fact of human nature here. It isn’t Norway.

ThirdMan Zither
ThirdMan Zither
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Obedience to Authority – Stanley Milgram.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  ThirdMan Zither
8 months ago

Also the Stanford Prison Experiment by Zimbardo. Students were selected to be either guards or prisoners. Zimbardo had to shut the experiment down as it got out of hand. Imagine this experiment played out on an entire society, then think how society divided during covid.

8 months ago

Repost of two tweets on the British “election”, courtesy of Naked Capitalism:

Votes received by Keir Starmer in Holborn & St Pancras:

2015: 29,062

2017: 41,343

2019: 36,641

2024: 18,884

Pretty astonishing drop in number of votes – both caused by lower turnout and big decline in the Labour vote.

— Chris Jarvis (@chrisjarvisdiy) July 5, 2024


Jeremy Corbyn won 5,236 more votes as an independent than Keir Starmer won as Labour leader in a safe seat.

— Alex Nunns (@alexnunns) July 5, 2024

Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

People talk about Labour’s declining numbers and Farage’s rising numbers.

Labour has enough power to legally arrest opposition and cancel all future elections. It is meaningless.

Trudeau has not won an election in a decade. Labour (Tony Blair proxy) just needed power to enact their next steps. AFD is criminilised. Zelensky garrested opposition & cancelled elections.

It is a zero sum game and they wont quarter.

8 months ago

Anonymous the Eighth posted this at TA since he was having trouble posting here due to the attacks:

Here is a vid about an attack on Dan Rather in 1986, the guy claimed later to be under electronic attack and was trying to get into Rockefeller plaza TV studio to stop the brain assault (that was years after the attack on Rather), he did kill someone outside the plaza and was imprisoned.

Fits within some of the claims of psychic assault, wind-up toys, etc. AC has posted about before.

8 months ago

Rumors that Biden is experiencing a medical emergency.

Seems to have been fake news.


BREAKING: Biden campaign just cancelled a fundraiser scheduled for this month in Wisconsin.

Allegedly, several other events across the country may be canceled as well.— Leading Report (@LeadingReport) July 6, 2024

Last edited 8 months ago by Farcesensitive
8 months ago

When you notice the gangstalkers too much:

8 months ago

Good video on how Aragorn as an Ideal of Masculinity and how to practically apply the lessons to your own life: