News Briefs – 07/05/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Sundance begins to cover the Fourth Branch of Government – the Intelligence Branch. No checks and Balances for this branch.

I can’t find a video, but Matt Braynard of Look Ahead America was interviewed on OAN by Chanel Rion and noted the Capitol Protestors he was working with were having trouble finding attorneys to represent them. He said attorneys were afraid to get involved in defending Capitol Protestors for fear of the personal consequences to them. I’ve told you, there is something out there, and a lot of lawyers know about it. I suspect they try to limit, to what degree they can covertly, who passes the bar. I think JFK Jr probably took three tries because he was not supposed to get into the law. I’ve called attorneys about launching a suit against the surveillance. I can show them the video of people talking about doing it. I can show the video of being followed, by people giving me the finger out of the blue to the dashcam on my car. I know how to track this back to the relevant parties and organizations. A lawsuit that proved this would make a national name for any lawyer, and potentially yield millions in damages if it broke open a governmental link to the gangstalking phenomenon, and opened all the cases nationally to suit. But the vast majority of lawyers are terrified of it. Catch such a lawyer and show him all this, and he will look terrified, and say he doesn’t “take surveillance cases.” I called one well known lawyer (who had no fear of opposing the Police) who was afraid to even say more than “yes” or “no” on the phone after hearing I wanted to sue the surveillance machine. He obviously knew instantly they would be listening. I didn’t know it would even extend to an open knowledge among DC lawyers that the Capitol Protest was a domestic intelligence operation and you needed to steer clear of it, but apparently in many high-level government-law specialist circles, this is taken for granted. Think about that. There is a hidden, secret society out there that so terrifies those in the know, it can put out the word, and no lawyer who has heard of it will represent you in the legal system. And I will bet any lawyers who haven’t heard of it, who think they can plow in, will get messages leaving them in no doubt about the fact they should not take that case. They can charge you, and you cannot find legal representation because the lawyers you need to defend yourself fear this thing. How do you think judges feel? Which raises the question if you end up with government charges, and do find a lawyer who will represent you, is he there to represent you, or is he there to work with the judges and the prosecutors to guide you into exactly the punishment this secret society wants to inflict on you? Like I say, this country doesn’t work the way they tell you. And there are a lot of people who know that, even if you do not understand just how bad it is. I don’t say this to blackpill you, or depress you. There is always hope fighting. But you need to know these things they keep from you, before you are in a critical moment. And if you have kids, make sure they know they will be surrounded by intel, and cannot simply trust the other kids around them, or assume they are all on the same team.

Kevin McCarthy’s Fourth of July statement about our Constitution guaranteeing us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and America being a beacon of freedom. Posted mainly to document the gaslighting of the times. I guarantee you, there are no Constitutional rights, the Machine is in everyone’s business, it is making sure you are only allowed a certain path that will keep you out of the way, there are no elections, they are all rigged long before the polls open, and all those servicemen he properly extolls, most likely  performed their impressive service in a sham war ginned up by elites to kill their kind and make taking freedom away easier, a generation hence. McCarthy is operating at the top of the political game. He knows all of this. He is just like NY Governor David Patterson, only when the surveillance showed up in his office, he made a deal. But I have to applaud his acting ability – he still puts on a good show to deceive the rubes. I suppose in many ways, his life depends on doing so, lest he be the next one to get Epsteined.

Mike Lindell promises that a ‘Cyber Symposium’ on Election Fraud will ‘Change History,’ and that Trump will be reinstated. I know, less talk more action. No matter – the evidence is out there. I think at this point everything is timing and arrangement. We continue with our plans, as if everything else is going to go to shit. But it does feel like these other things have a trajectory that will be quite good for freedom and the United States at some point.

Patrick Byrne is saying if you go here, you will soon be able to give them your email for marketing, and they will let you see the Deep Rig for free.

UFO researcher who assembled military reports on UFO’s affecting Nuclear Weapons facilities asks, why was the UAP report limited to just looking at UFOs flying around Navy ships, when there are a plethora of accounts of them actually hacking into our nuclear weapons facilities and preparing weapons to launch and taking them offline?

U.S. Supreme Court Justices & Federal Judges double as visiting Professors at top Chinese spy college. Alito was one of the Justices, and while it is a safe bet he navigated the labyrinth, it is a bad idea to allow this, as Chinese intel will be looking to drug these leaders and get compromat on them. Not a big deal if your leaders are honest, forthright, and savvy, but a bad idea if your leaders are like the vast majority of our’s.

In a “shocking attack on freedom of speech,” Twitter takes down the account of one of the world’s foremost CCP critics, renowned scholar Anne-Marie Brady. You can tell who your masters are…

Democratic Congressman André Carson of Indiana said Sunday that he wants Congress to conduct hearings on purported sightings of UFOs in the wake of a Pentagon report examining the so-called “unidentified aerial phenomena.”

Alabama state senator’s home shot at nearly two dozen times. Female State Senator is a Democrat. More and more, politics is like the mafia as intelligence gets less and less concerned with concealing its activities.

The National Education Association, the country’s largest teachers’ union, voted this week to conduct organized opposition research on groups that oppose the use of critical race theory in school curricula. Is that the action of a union, or an intelligence operation?

There was a massive explosion in the waters of the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan. There is speculation about an explosion on the oil rig, which the government in Baku denies.

The Facebook algorithm now searches images for the words VAERs, OpenVAERS, and/or vaccine and will instantly apply up to 3 warning labels to any post that includes content from this site.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, pioneer of the Hydroxychloroquine protocol, discusses how Covid-19 shots may reduce lifespan.

As they tell us nearly everyone is at risk from COVID, the reality is the very small risk of acute presentation is congregated all around the obese and the extremely elderly.

The CDC stopped tracking most COVID-19 cases in vaccinated people, making it hard to know how dangerous Delta really is. There is a fair chance the vaccines were more dangerous than anticipated, and were either replaced with a saline injection, or an injection just containing whatever they are really designed to do, and without any Spike Protein mRNA. As a result the vaccine may offer no protection, and they are hiding that. It is impossible to know the truth in this environment, you can only chart probabilities – and given the powers that be are committed to evil and the destruction of all that is good, beautiful, and true, add additional relevance to most ominous possibilities.

Germany discusses fines for COVID jab no shows, as supply begins to outweigh demand.

UPenn President tipped to be Ambassador to Germany helped hide the origins of $70 million in Chinese contributions, including $22 million to the Biden Center.

Foreign media skewer Joe Biden as ‘barely cogent,’ and, ‘bizarre.’

Biden is filmed looking confused and forced to refer to his notes while quizzed by media at Michigan pie shop: Trump’s White House physician says Dems should demand he take cognitive test.

Biden mocked after appearing to check notes in response to question about Russia.

Maxine Waters (D-CA) criticized the Declaration of Independence in a tweet on July 4th, suggesting it is a racist document because it was written almost 250 years ago, when there was slavery in the United States.

IOC loosens ban on protest ahead of Tokyo Olympics. Cabal orders, to allow for more propaganda. They will fail. Our side already knows too much.

The Acting House Sergeant at Arms appeared before a House committee and appears to have named Ashli Babbitt’s shooter as an Officer Byrd. Not really, if you read the piece he said Officer Byrd was at the door when she was shot. Might be significant as a Lieutenant Byrd’s name had popped up previously as a candidate for the shooter, but not certain. I still think it will be more interesting given they are hiding the name, like maybe the shooter was a CIA Officer plugged into Capitol Police doing something the machine doesn’t want people knowing it does, when the shooting went down.

Pope Francis will undergo colon surgery in Rome hospital. Interesting, He only has one lung, having one removed due to illness when younger. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Lung and Large Intestine are linked, and disorders of one will relate to disorders of the other, and damage to one will tend to affect the other. How does that work in western science? No idea, but you will find these strange linkages everywhere. IMO, the body is much more centrally controlled by the neurological system than modern science would tell you (Western science assumes all these organs and bodily functions are sort of metabolically independent in their operations, and not centrally controlled at all by innervation.) I suspect somehow there are central nerve linkages that control different systems and organs, relating their function to others, in ways which evolution has proved somehow beneficial. It is worth noting the large intestine has a massive oxygen-transporting capability (designed to draw oxygen from blood and use it to oxygenate the intestinal lumen to supply O2 to support the growth of aerobic bacteria, keeping the bacterial ecosystem in contact with the intestinal membrane more conducive to good health). The transporting system is so massive, and works in both directions so well, there have actually been studies on using oxygenated fluid injected into the large intestine for artificial respiration in people whose lung function has deteriorated to the point they cannot oxygenate their blood through their lungs. They can actually pull oxygen into their blood through the walls of their large intestine. Not related to politics, but just a word in favor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which all of you should understand is a powerful tool to promote good health that is available to you.

Elon Musk interview with Starlink news – Next month Starlink will be open worldwide for service. Later this year, a new Satellite 1.5 will be launched with laser interconnection between satellites and all future launches will include satellites with laser interconnection. Next year Satellite 2.0 will be launched which is to be significantly more capable than the current satellite. $99 per month after about $500 for equipment.

Allen West declares candidacy for Texas Governor, will challenge Abbott for GOP nomination. He should be challenging Cornyn for Senate. With Trump’s endorsement Abbott will be unbeatable.

Eric Holder’s gerrymandering machine lost big in 2020. Kind of interesting. From the article – “Despite clinching the White House and historically slim majorities in the House of Representatives and Senate, Democrats and their activist allies underperformed in the local races they needed to win in order to control the 2021-22 redistricting process: state legislatures.” Evidence so far from Mike Lindell indicates a strong likelihood they rigged every election, county by county, with entirely fraudulent results. This means they should have given themselves enough of the state legislatures to control redistricting. But they won the White House and the House and Senate, but lost this critical element? I wonder if the plan was to let them rig the House, Senate, and White House, so they couldn’t complain about being cheated, but modify their rigging to rob them of the local legislatures, and then go back and reveal the national rigging to fix elections after this.

Spread r/K Theory, because real America is coming back.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“I wonder if the plan was to let them rig the House, Senate, and White House, so they couldn’t complain about being cheated…”

It does increasingly look like that, the problem is that the conspiracy is so broad and wide-reaching that anyone who supported vote rigging is a potential hostile. And so many are in on it that they constitute a majority of our governments and authority figures.

At this point it’s just more data to support for our side during a future domestic conflict, after a further collapse of government and economy. I don’t see any good guys riding to the rescue and practicing logic or justice before that. The bad guys want it that way so that there can be a permanent ideological divide in America and they can claim any justice pushing purge is “illegitimate” because it goes after a majority of authority figures, Xanatos gambit. What do you do when when every cop, judge and lawyer in town is crooked? A person or movement can’t fix that, so God just destroys the town.

And we know the types of people responsible for this. An America ruined by corruption and violence will not be able to render aid to any other country or save them. Jews and Israel will be destroyed (less than 144,000 will be left), Italy, Germany and Ireland will be over-run by african and muslim migrants and there will be no fleeing to the Americas. The diasporas of those nations have ruined America, and ruined their home nations. The devil is sifting them as wheat.

I love my Father in Heaven, and I trust HIS ways and HIS justice. I know that HE will set his face against the wicked and allow the devil to utterly destroy these peoples for their iniquity and I pray that they repent or justice comes swiftly. I’ve accepted it, HE just wants our kind clear of the blast radius first.

Revelation 18:2-4

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Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“It does increasingly look like that, the problem is that the conspiracy is so broad and wide-reaching that anyone who supported vote rigging is a potential hostile. ”
The vote rigging almost surely was a division of spoils between several factions of our enemies. I don’t yet expect anything good to come of it.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago


Q said a lot of insightful things, one of them being this: pray.
Pray your ass off.

3 years ago

>”Sundance begins to cover the Fourth Branch of Government – the Intelligence Branch. No checks and Balances for this branch.”

This is a big whitepill. That’s a great project.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Very noice.

As I said before, if I told you some of the gay tactics they tried on me (specially lately), you’d probably not believe it, but you’d certainly laugh your ass off (it’s just ridiculous how much of a nuisance they find in some chronically online retard that likes stupid memes and hoarding publicly accessible data and organize it to try to connect dots), the level of wastefulness is mind boggling.

It will probably never happen, but it would be very interesting and rewarding if the whitehats somehow made all the files on everyone publicly available, kinda like how it happens in the show “West World” on season 3 but even better (in the series the protagonists just send everyone their own file (which contains everything about them, including information about their closest social ties (if their marriage partners are cheating, etc) AND the path the machine has decided they would walk with no hopes to ever breaking the mold AND how many projected years they have to live (there is a scene were a mother starts crying when she sees her daughter, some 7 or 8 years old, and the file says the child is depressed and will die of suicide in 3 to 4 years, so the machine would have knowledge of all this and never inform everyone, it would just design a path for everyone that would serve its own self determined agenda)) to their must-carry-at-all-times-tablet-like-device, they don’t necessarily made it available in like a database).

Very interestingly, the name of the AI that decides everyone’s life in the West World series is named after the son of King Solomon, it’s called Rehoboam:

The Biblical King Rehoboam:

Perhaps they named the AI after him due to this:

“Some good in Judah” seems a fitting way to characterize the reign of Rehoboam. He was unwise and perhaps brash in his treatment of the forced laborers, thus leading to his loss of the kingdom.

We are all cattle in the hands of whomever or whatever controls this West-Wide (West World?) intel operation trying to handle and manage everyone’s life, it seems this cabal has indeed been wise and brash in their treatment of us, their forced laborers (because if you are in the world, you always end up playing into their hand in one way or the other (taxes, use of money printed from thin air by the (((central banks))), even if you try to avoid feeding the machine as much as possible)).

Here is the scene where the protagonist gets a redpill about the system and the algorithm shoved down his throat:

The scene where the protagonists send everyone their files which include their system pre-determined life paths is in episode 5 of season 3, can’t find any clip of it online.

/whitepilled rant

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”They say what they are going to do, to make sure it clears their Karma?”

That might be it. Or the creators of the series wanted to try to help wake up people. Or the writers were ordered to try to convince people via fiction that it’s computers and AI doing this shit to people, and not a group of real flesh and blood people. All these hypothesis seem plausible.

>”And I would believe anything at this point brother. There is no depth to the weirdness, or the control they have over everything, or how far they will go just to fuck with some meaningless rando’s head.”

I think God made me retarded in the ways he did just so it would protect me from much of this damaging me. Not to try to pretend to be anything special, but I think most people being subject to their tactics would either go mostly bonkers in a possibly quite destructive way. For me it ended up bringing me closer to God than I ever thought possible (the Bible does say something about God turning the bad into good).

I am pretty sure that getting people to start asking Saint Emperor Justinian the 1st and his waifu Saint Theodora (there is another Saint Theodora wife of another Byzantine Emperor thou) along with Saint Archangel Raphael and Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg to join them in their prayers for God to help and protect our side against the power and principalities that guide the gaybal was not in their plans.

Surveillance, war against Christ, and Israel seems to be their unholy trinity. Never got so much shit thrown my way and negative reactions than when talking about surveillance, praising Christ or criticizing Israel.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Satan is forced by God to allow us free will. Therefore his servants must give us forewarning.

The Angels that disregarded God’s Will and mated with human women to have children who were “Heroes of Old, Men of renown” just like Gilgamesh was and other legendary Nephilim.

Ended up imprisoned in Tartarus (2 Peter 2:4-5, Jude 1:6)

Darell Harb Christianson
Darell Harb Christianson
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

One possibility is that, since the devil isn’t allowed to just grab you and drag you to Hell, but has to get your agreement, this is something similar, in that the enemy can’t simply act in complete secrecy, but must make announcements after a fashion, so that we can stop them if we want to badly enough.

Our refusal to act, or failure to act forcefully enough, is then taken as tacit agreement.

Another possibility is that they are so far lost in their own depraved fantasies that they can’t understand how much we despise them, and so are saying all this stuff in advance as a sort of Public Service Announcement. Telling us that our children can soon be raped openly, as a favor and encouragement to us.

If it IS an AI running or advising the surveillance, the the inconsistencies, the giveaways that you report, could actually be part of the plan. Sort of a stress test, and your reaction to what they do, or what you see, allows it to fill in gaps in its information set of you .

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”If it IS an AI running or advising the surveillance, the the inconsistencies, the giveaways that you report, could actually be part of the plan. Sort of a stress test, and your reaction to what they do, or what you see, allows it to fill in gaps in its information set of you.”

It doesn’t need to be an AI managing the surveillance apparatus to be able to stress test it and fill in it’s data set in that way. But a good post.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>I am pretty sure that getting people to start asking Saint Emperor Justinian the 1st and his waifu Saint Theodora (there is another Saint Theodora wife of another Byzantine Emperor thou) along with Saint Archangel Raphael and Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg to join them in their prayers for God to help and protect our side against the power and principalities that guide the gaybal was not in their plans.

Romans killed the actual saints, those obeying God’s laws.

You don’t need to ask dead people to pray for you, that is seriously retarded, and veering towards necromancing. A big no no, all witches should be put to death.

Revert to the instructions and guidance on prayer from Jesus himself, turn away from these stupid traditions you are spouting here, as you become more and more like a Pharisee.

3 years ago

Random thought:

Were are witnessing TPTB that work thru our illegitimate Western governments to affect our lives (which are illegitimate because they don’t serve the people they govern, they serve their donors, the people who have the blackmail on them and who are powerful enough to destroy them in the court of public opinion via MSM and social media manipulation, as well as physically via assassination (which also make them capable of controlling our politicians via credible threats (because they have the capability to go thru with the threats they make))) trying to make Christians renounce their faith. Just like in history we see TPTB at the time trying to make Christianity go away by persecuting Christians in a variety of ways, including publicly torturing them (which ironically led to many people converting to Christianity as they saw martyr Saints miraculously defy death and gruesome mutilation with the help of the glory of God).

They force you to choose between:
speaking up for what is right and true and risk losing your job, risk get arrested, risk get physically harmed by protected-by-the-state-and-Intelligence-Community terrorist paramilitary groups (like antifa or BLM), risk get banned from every public avenue of mass communication, risk having your personal life and any past mistakes used against you (this is one of the main reasons why the West-wide Stasi-like network of peeping toms was installed to spy on literally everyone and make extensive and detailed files on absolutely everybody, TPTB know they might have to silence any random nobody in the future if he or she becomes too vocal and starts getting traction (the more people become aware of the game that’s being played, the harder it gets for them to keep absolute power over everyone (revolts can happen, and revolts can have bad consequences for them and their plans)), and what better way than to use their own past against them); OR

stay in silence regarding what is wrong, wicked and evil. And renounce your faith by going along with the blackmail (for example in the way they take away children from their parents in Canada if the parents speak up against the propagation of homosexual grooming in the educational system, by charging them with the “hate crime” of “homophobia”).

There will come a time where there is nothing to lose but your life, and you’ll realize that the prospect of losing your life is better than accepting what they want us to accept.

By using “hate speech” legislation, our illegitimate Western governments make obsolete the protected-by-the-state-and-Intelligence-Community terrorist paramilitary groups like antifa or BLM, who like all useful idiots in the past will outlive their usefulness and become mere idiots, which the governments know might be emboldened to act against the government that protected them by the governments past permissiveness towards their MO against the general population. And once the illegitimate Western governments pass that “hate speech” legislation, then they can just use the police and if needed military to oppress their own population without needing those state-protected paramilitary groups. All in the name of forcing the gen pop to renounce their Christian faith under the absolutely false excuses of “equality”, “inclusion” and “defending our Democracy”.

The reasons why TPTB have painted such a big target over Christianity are quite obvious IMHO:
for one, the people who are in control of our illegitimate governments and body politic (aka cabal, the behind the curtain network of special interests) know that if they can remove Christianity from the picture in the West, advancing their agenda will be much easier (Yuri Bezmenov talks about this in his talks about subversion, how when intel operations are targeting a region their first order of affairs is to corrode religion in order to corrode morals of the population, which is what opens the door for the rest of the subversion that needs to happen for the operation to be able to take complete control over the region and population without ever firing a single shot);

and second, as the Bible says in Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of 3the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”. Whomever is behind this cabal (the real puppet masters), they themselves serve something that’s not human, they serve satan, even if they don’t realize it.

To conclude:
Western governments are illegitimate because even if the people can get real opposition elected, the real opposition candidates can be corralled into complying with pandering to a big enough part of TPTB agenda in order to even have wiggle room to do anything. Best example I can think of is Trump (which I believe was the real deal) getting somehow out maneuvered into pandering to the LGBT movement agenda (which in its Queer Theory foundational literature states they want to achieve the normalization of pedophilia). I don’t judge him for “playing the game”, but I do realize that if even real opposition politicians, which are supposed to represent the people (it’s that idea of politicians representing the people that gives the governments their legitimacy in the first place) can’t even stay away from the relentless ruthless wicked influence of the powers that be power to force what was supposed to be a representative of the people to push forward an agenda of pure evil, then that signals to those that are paying attention that the system itself is no longer legitimate, because the people have no representation at all.


3 years ago

>”Mike Lindell promises that a ‘Cyber Symposium’ on Election Fraud will ‘Change History,’ and that Trump will be reinstated. I know, less talk more action.”

I used to get irritated at the constant “two more weeks” type of thing coming from the people fighting for Trump and against the usurper and the stolen election, but it doesn’t anymore because I realized that:
Our enemies want them to stop talking about it. Even if they keep getting fucked over and unable to reinstate Trump until they do, TPTB want them to shut the fug up and keep the stolen election away from people’s consciousness. In our day and age of information constant overload, what doesn’t get repeated gets forgotten by most people.

The irritation works in our favor. The more people get irritated by having to put up with an obviously completely illegitimate (and destructive) government under the usurper’s puppet administration, the more they are willing to rebel and revolt against the corrupt system and tear it all down. And since there is a non-zero possibility that whitehats never deliver total and ultimate victory (and reinstating Trump will not be the end of the fight, at all IMHO, because if Trump was still making stupid decisions, it’s because something nasty still holds enough power to be able to maneuver him into having to take those stupid decisions (which I am sure he didn’t made of his own volition)), and that the people need to do some heavylifting themselves (sorry not sorry whitehats, I no longer put my trust in any man or group of men, the only One that gets my full trust regarding His infallibility is God. I am sure you understand and won’t take me the wrong way, I am off course still rooting for you, and hope you succeed at doing the right thing. You might be doing many good things behind th curtains, but the enemy is still destroying lots of things and lives, and at a certain point hoping that people don’t start defending themselves becomes wishful thinking, no matter how much you want the powder keg to stay only partially lit (as it is now)).

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Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Agreed, the silly hopium does at least discomfort some of our enemies. I’m certainly not against it, but I don’t see any of it going anywhere in the short term.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
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3 years ago

I tuned out Lindell and Byrne several months ago, but it’s no sweat off my back if they keep blabbering.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Maxine Waters (D-CA) criticized the Declaration of Independence in a tweet on July 4th, suggesting it is a racist document because it was written almost 250 years ago, when there was slavery in the United States”

And yet if given the chance to snap her fingers and abolish said slavery from the past she would never do it because that means her hateful ass would currently be sitting in an African mud hut.

3 years ago

“In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Lung and Large Intestine are linked, and disorders of one will relate to disorders of the other, and damage to one will tend to affect the other. How does that work in western science?”

Colon cancer is likely to metastasize to the lungs first, and vice versa.

3 years ago

re holder and gerrymandering… a bottoms up strategy. or in secret, from the top also due to OGE invoking the insurrection act. a nice reversal of use of the tactic of squeezing (((them))) from the top and the bottom. (((they))) usually use it on us.

3 years ago

AC just a reminder that I, like others, appreciate your work. I’ve probably learned more from you and Heartiste than from anyone I’ve met IRL. Also, thanks for including at least one encouraging take each day. My morale about out circumstances is pretty low.

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Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Yes, your summaries and commentary are encouraging, AC. Thank you.
Heartiste spoke rude truths, and had a way with words that is hard to copy, and well worth copying.

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3 years ago

Heartiste speaks rude truths. He’s on Gab posting as @kingofallnads


Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Tired of Republicans saying there’s no racism. The racism against Whites is a constant firehose blast from the government, media and corpos.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Welcome to the republicuck wing of the Israel first zionist uniparty.
Jewish supremacists and their stooges see Whites (and for those that don’t like the term, just imagine I wrote European Natives instead of Whites) as their most immediate threat to their aspirations of total global domination, so they’ve been fomenting the ethnocide and complete dispossession of Whites for some centuries now.
There are written pieces on how some rabbis consider Europe to be Amalek, which they believe needs to be destroyed in order for their “Messiah” to arrive. If anyone is interested in being spoon feed, just drop the word and I’ll try to find some rabbis talking about it on video (I had some links to it, but I don’t remember how to get to them quickly).

3 years ago

“Alabama state senator’s home shot at nearly two dozen times.”


3 years ago

“The National Education Association, the country’s largest teachers’ union, voted this week to conduct organized opposition research on groups that oppose the use of critical race theory in school curricula. Is that the action of a union, or an intelligence operation?”

Every major union in North America is an intel-op. And most of the minor ones. I belong to a national union, and it is understood that all of the B.A.’s have intel connections.

3 years ago

publicly confirming what they already do. at this point it is all unions. have had unioneer tell me biden was more presidential and there was no more fraud in 2020 than before. unions are just unprofitable corporations anyway. what do workers get for dues? left wing advocacy.

3 years ago

For those that might be interested:


In this special two part series, Kevin Allen (Host of Ancient Faith Today) sits down with Father Josiah Trenham, author of the new book Rock and Sand; An Orthodox Appraisal of the Protestant Reformation and Their Teachings.

This book has been written for three purposes. First, to provide the Orthodox reader with a competent overview of the history of Protestantism and its major traditions, from its beginnings in the 16th century to the present day. This overview relies heavily upon the Reformer s own words as well as the creeds of various Protestant faiths, in order to avoid misrepresentation and caricature. Second, to acquaint Orthodox and non-Orthodox readers with a narrative of the historical relations between the Orthodox East and the Protestant West. Finally, to provide a summary of Ortho- dox theological opinion on the tenets of Protestantism.

3 years ago

Steve Bannon is too controversial an outlier to have ever ended up in the white house, unless he was part of an organization anathema to the cabal statist quo. Something else always seemed funky, like was Steve set up? Did Trump make a mistake early on and fall for a ruse getting suckered into the glowies efforts to undermine Trump’s people? Was the split between Trump and Steve a complex false flag so Steve could go onto another vital mission, and too good an opportunity to mind fuck the machine, some misdirection? Cause, those two are pretty sharp dudes, how Trump and him fell out doesnt add up unless it was faked for a specific purpose, then it really makes sense.
Particularly in the frame of his friendship with Andrew Breitbart.

Was Steve made an outsider and alienated by the glowie’s infesting Trump’s organization and trying to control/oust/takedown Trump, and the opportunity that presented for doung something not possible otherwise, and if that ain’t a testimony to Steve’s bonafides what is.
Besides Bannon was made to seem a deepstate asset and traitor, so theirs an element of counter counter counter machine psy-op’s. Also there’s Steve ringing the commie chink warning into a void of soul sucking silence.
Breitbart not just knew but had a gift for publicly defining the machine and network in ways almost no one has. His death linked to too many things which almost completely eliminated the probability it being natural. Too convenient on orders of magnitude. Notice too Andrew was a natural leader for our side, marking him for liquidation as that can never be permitted whatever it takes at every risk. And Andrew could be said to know too many key weak links in the machines public actors and proxies disguises for it to be a singular investigative political journalist effort no matter how intelligent or genius level mind he possessed. His actions where highly strategic, his tactics uncannily accurate, with an economy of energy and resources one guy doing the right thing in our age against the machine is would be a great outlier, regardless Andrew is one of a few great outlier leaders. A master at exposing the surveillance gaslight two step for its dissimulations. Hard thing to accomplish in itself what with everything coverage and false flag.
On the face of it it goes counter and put bullshit to everything cabal real politik, how much did Andrew and Steve know and or realize we are only now coming to understand about the conspiracy. And that is the obvious tell sitting in plain sight, obvious as it is, it needs to be kept in perspective, it can not be overstated. This is similar to another who is brilliant and a fearless 3D warrior and highly popular among the Deplorable’s. Was killing Andrew a strategic blunder, as the timeless axiom about who you kill only makes them stronger? Sarah Palin at a seeming critical juncture was markedly deliberate in stating that very thing, so you got to ask if that sharp lady know the machine, as she is no doubt the threat Andrew Steve and Trump are. They certainly put the personal gangstalker coverage on her and her tribe up in Alaska. Ol’ mama bear sure had no reservations about arming herself to the fucking teeth and making sure the machine knew it in no uncertain terms. Where does Steve Bannon currently fit in this clusterfuck is very intriguing. The mirror reflection pic’s of him and the lady Chinese scientist at Rudy’s NY flat has that Q-ish dynamic. Whats with the chesire cat shit eating grins? Asking for a friend.

What if one has a gut sense of personal critical aspect perspective, all things considered, having very limited but also commonly shared lack of verifiable key knowledge, so maybe you mind eye squint casting out at the horizon, results simply do not compute, unless there are others or something who fight for us. They are far more clandestine and critically discreet in ways which beats the machines surveillance assets at their own game, who “the others” are is particularly unclear murky, too many unknown unknowns, the absence of knowledge sometimes being more revealing than verifiable clues, indicate the possibility for it to be anything but a good guy cabal or something white hattish, for pretty total lack of an accurate definition of who and what.
Mind fucking in America is not a street called oneway. Tracers work both ways. Q regardless of speculative anecdotal and autistic anon evidence aside, its not unrealistically presumptuous may be a counter psy-op’s specific to fucking with the machines humint assets and strategic level C&C, key corporate level institutional order, a kind of dual hatted counter strategic/tactical taunt and a form of comm’s, not unlike the many faceted legacy media comm’s of the enemy media. The landscape has interesting characteristics to the theme of the spy who came in from the cold. Circumstantial or is everything connected for many a moon, on both sides? These guys are old enemies, there is a level of sophistication, of cool heads prevailing, of eating the elephant one bite at a time, seasoned combat veterans who long know well of eating soup with a knife, insurgency long learned hard won, it shows if you know to spy it. Steve is intriguing if only that he ain’t with the fishes and has many hats, aside from its said a savvy Hombre armed to the fucking teeth. A survivor that one seeming to slip in and out operating along the shadows of another kind, outliving all but everyone, attempts to doxx the guy is water off a cwafty wabbits back. The tale how he ends up in the whitehouse as he did got to be one hell of a outlier. or maybe it only appears to have paradoxical elements.
To win, the first dictum in war is to know what the enemy holds dearest.
Second you must know his central strategic objectives.
3rd his centers of power and their vulnerabilities.
Somehow thats got Steve Bannon written all over it. What better qualifications to be a part of Trump’s core color revolution team? A tough cagey old guerrilla fighter, who busted his cherry in the red diaper baby wars. Andrew and Steve: compatriots? architects? agent provocateurs? front men of another kind of network? How in the hell, the truth, did Sarah Palin end up as a manchurian candidate’s and cabal swamp shitstain’s vp running mate? Of all the possibles to pick from. Some things never added up with that, how did that slip past the machine’s gatekeepers, unless it was insurgency, then everything added up and still does. I always got questions about that all. There are interesting operational elements, characteristics that they appear to all share in common, Andrew Sarah and Trump, certain audacity and vibrancy and inner power, it springs from the same source. Somehow Steve is key in things, part of whatever it is about. Is Steve possibly Q? It would fit. And while its possibly germane, Seth Rich, how did that guy end up so deep into that blood thirsty cold blooded child trafficking gang of thieves where he had the vile goods on them? Everything is connected in some way. Its the connections that are the imperatives the conspiracy strives to keep contained above everything, not the secrets so much, couldnt keep their secrets secret without plausible deniability and it’s proven techniques, may be it seems plausible, its why plausible deniability is a conspiracy instrument, an artifact, an archeological artifact, an unbroken operational thread which seems to first rear its machine head between 1859 and the creation of the corporation near 1872.
may be we are asking the wrong questions, maybe its how long have a cabal of good guys existed, is it a “good conspiracy” they been running, what secrets do those inside it keep hidden? Get a glimpse on that and a lot of things are revealed?

Reply to  D.C.
3 years ago

Bannon is an Israel first (can’t be a zionist and go into politics pretending that Israeli and American interests aren’t at odds with each other) civ nat cuck. Every zionist in Western politics is Israel first because the moment Western people get control of their body politic, Israel goes bye bye, and so no zionist will allow the Western people to get back control of their body politic, because that would mean the Israel they want to preserve would cease to exist.

3 years ago

Pro-gay journalist dragged away in headlock by Georgian priest during Georgian Orthodox counter-protest to gay pride parade in capital city (Tbilisi). The “Tbilisi Pride” office funded by globalist interests was also destroyed. The 2021 pride parade of Tbilisi has been canceled by God.

Glory to God!

3 years ago

Gettr should be called Wreckd:

The transgender movement is a huge threat to everyone who wants a peaceful, safe, orderly and against-pedophilia society (don’t give me grief for saying what their literature and actions demonstrate, just because you don’t like the verifiable facts, don’t bother me just because I care enough to state them):

I have too wondered if it would be useful to flip the lefties rhetoric they use to justify violence against the right (I was talking about how if wearing nazi t-shirts is illegal because of what the nazis did, then using communist t-shirts should be even more illegal because they killed much more people (not that I’m a nazi, I just don’t like hypocrisy)):

Same thing as now, different times:

3 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“UFO researcher who assembled military reports on UFO’s affecting Nuclear Weapons facilities”

If true this means they can control electromagnetism at a distance. Maybe dampen it.(I find it unlikely that they could control launching sequences)

I noted this because there was a sci-fi story that postulated exactly that. All large electromagnetism was squelched. So immediately everyone whet back to hacking at each other with swords and pikes in wars.

3 years ago

Off topic from today’s news brief – something’s going wrong in Russia.

They’ve just switched to full vacc-madness. Which cannot help them at this moment anyway as their cases have already skyrocketed. If they really need urgent and working solution, they can just use ivermectin. But they are blind to it completely as all western countries and use the situation to force their vaccines instead. And they do not even have the mRNA non-vacc stuff.
Honestly, it makes no sense to me, even if Russia goes Cabal, why to push some local non mRNA stuff on the population?

And where is Putin, who was repeatedly heard, that vacc must be voluntary?
Many possible explanations, I have even heard one where he is no longer in power, or pretends not to be. Where have I seen this before? 😉

However, I must question my current understanding of the world that the plandemic was unleashed on the world population by Cabal and China in order to enslave/reduce it by non-vacc mRNA stuff and that Russia is not part of it.


3 years ago

America is one sick place. I’m reading the 1984 book “The Family Under Siege” by George Grant.
In it, he has one whole chapter on the ACLU—the founder, a WASP, Rodger Baldwin was both an Anarchist and a Communist that was hell-bent on Destroying Christianity in this country and legalizing gays, and no censorship of porno.

I learned that Jimmy Carter, “Mr. Christian”, and a WASP—gave Rodger Baldwin the Medal of Freedom. Billy Clinton, another WASP, put Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, put 92% of the openings in the Justice Department to former and current ACLU people and filled 82% of Federal judgeships with ACLU people.
I’m dumbstruck by the idiocy of the WASPs here. Jimmy Carter, Naval Officer, Mr. Christian—gives an award to a Christian hater, a Commie who hated this country and Christianity!

Can it get any more stupider than that? —We live in a Marxist Dictatorship. Just meditate on Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter—TWO WASPs, who engage with a Commie organization—which is destroying the country and religion of the country they lead!!!
It’s time to burn it all down–well, its coming down. This is total and complete Idiocy.

3 years ago

unfolding this long weekend –

3 years ago 🚨
NEW – Vaccinated student infects 83 peers at a high school in Tel Aviv, Israel. He, in turn, had contracted it from a relative who had also been vaccinated, and that relative had contracted it from a person who had also been vaccinated (Channel 12)

3 years ago

This is concerning (pls note it down Phelps):

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

In case someone is interested. Here’s some updates to the third world construction set files. The basic idea is this guy put together all the files he could find that aid agencies have made to help third word people do things with basic stuff instead of mass manufactured techniques. It’s great practical information. It covers most anything you would want to do and is a great SHTF resource. Stuff like this you can get now and you need it you have it.

So I found out the gut doing this died. His suite is still up but the links are mostly gone.

Here’s a couple Internet Archive pages that describe some of what he did.

Searching for “CD3WD” gets links for torrents and I found this link to a set of the 6 most basic disk that cover most anything you could think of for small scale manufacturing, farming, water, housing, just a plethora of stuff.

Internet Archive

CDW3D (CDs for the Third World) 2012 Collection of DVDs

If you scroll down on the right and open “show all” you see all files you can see the various disk. Use the earlier link to find indexes for the,

CDW3D (CDs for the Third World) Miscellaneous Content

This has further info which looks good.

Now searching around for “CD3WD” I got this interesting site

Pole Shift Survival

NOW that’s a site close to my heart! It has probably much of the same data(I just think this but have no proof). You could download both then use a compare to delete the extras. I don’t know if pole shift is real but…I swear I have read in lots of places that there are deciduous trees under the Arctic. That may be a bit iffy but I think there’s no doubt that woolly mammoths lived in Siberia and that some had plants in their stomachs that don’t grow in Siberia. I can’t fathom how this happened as the mammoths were killed by snow drifts and froze about 12,000 years ago or so. Apparently they instafroze super fast. How is this possible? The Russians mined mammoth tusk for hundreds of years. There’s pictures of huge warehouse stacks of these. And they all froze in Siberia.

As for as the trees in the Arctic. I saw a preacher give a really long speech about his time in Alaska with the Alaskan oil pipeline workers. He decided on his own that the people working up there needed a preacher and just decided to go there. (He appeared to be just straight up based old time religion preacher spreading God’s work type fellow)He got there and told the oil companies what he was doing. They agreed and decided to allow him transport on anything they had as if he were an executive , let him eat in all the chow halls like an employee, make sure he had a place to stay and go anywhere he wanted as long as he would hold prayer meetings.

During the speech he stressed that the oil shortage was a big lie. He talked to most everyone up there and they said that there were huge, massive oil fields that when they proved them out they would just cap them off. I think the idea was to save them for later. He also said that they would drill all these test holes for core samples and that they would bring up pine trees, tree trunks and even pine cones. He said one person told him they brought up a frozen frog once and when it thawed out it woke up for a while. This was a long, long time ago. Was he telling the truth? Seemed to be. He wasn’t a Jew so I couldn’t see any reason he would come with such nonsense.

And for good luck an interesting site I found and linked before but to keep it all in one comment I’ll link again.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Thanks, much appreciated. Time to get another hard drive. This place is contageous: I’m becoming a data packrat.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Thanks fren!

PS: You’re not too bad, for a zionist ; )

3 years ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Seems like becoming a hermit is a better idea then joining a Russian Monastery.
Not taking the jab even if I have to go to the Egyptian desert.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Great link, maybe to show those people who are swooning the orthodox and russian way.

They are all deceivers, all out to get you, wake up to their obvious lies. Be wise, not foolish.

3 years ago

Institutional power in cabal hands still:

3 years ago

Just a couple thoughts re: your latest discussion on lawyers. In most states, passing the bar is not too difficult (like 80+% pass rate for first time takers). As I think has been said before, currently most recent law grads have huge debts from college and law school that they may never be able to pay off. There are very few high paying firm jobs for newish lawyers. Even a lot of older lawyers have given up practicing law and do other things that wouldn’t necessarily require a law degree. All this is just to say that there’s a massive oversupply of lawyers in the US and a lot of lawyers are desperate for whatever work they can get. At the prestigious law school I went to, I had never heard of cabal, nor have I heard from any other lawyers who would discuss it or even hint at it. It just doesn’t come up as a topic of a discussion

There certainly could be lawyers who have a good idea of whatever out there. There could also be many lawyers who are careful about what cases they would take and wouldn’t take one that would be personally embarrassing (if judges they work with would laugh them out of court, they wouldn’t want that). They also wouldn’t take a case they didn’t think had a chance of winning. Honestly, I have yet to see clear “causes of action” laid out for mass surveillance. Who exactly is the actor who is being accused of a tort and what did they do that is unlawful or causing damages and how can that be proved? Unless you can clearly define this, you don’t have a strong case at law. However, regardless of what you can prove, I’m sure you could get a lot of down and out lawyers to take a case if you offered to pay them handsomely for it, win or lose. I think it’s better to go in with someone like that than nobody at all.

I’m also curious about what percentage of your readers have actually personally seen mass surveillance deployed on them or others. I can easily believe it exists to some extent and that you and others here could be under it, but I don’t have any personal evidence that it’s more than overactive intelligence agencies doing things they can somehow claim benefit the national interest (e.g., targeting supposed extremists).

I’ve been reading your site for a while now, and I am always open to hearing and considering your and other peoples’ experiences, but I also have to square them with my own.

Reply to  biff
3 years ago

>”I don’t have any personal evidence that it’s more than overactive intelligence agencies doing things they can somehow claim benefit the national interest (e.g., targeting supposed extremists)”

Let me tell you about my own personal experience, in a short way:
This network uses organized crime, the type that moves all types of hard drugs, to target people before they are even capable of being any kind of extremist. And they try to justify it somehow by claiming it’s a “pre-crime effort”, which is trying to play others for stupid because if they were interested in stopping crime, they wouldn’t provide support to violent organized crime (which they do). And you can bet your ass they target everyone because they whole point of this shit is not to stop crime, nor making money particularly (if it was they wouldn’t tank their own businesses via wokeness as they are doing now), but to get as much control over everybody as they can by gathering blackmail on them and by trying to psychologically profile you as best they can (because if they fail to get blackmail on you or you don’t respond to being blackmailed, they need to have a way to get you to do what they want, and profiling a person allows them to more make a educated guess as to what should they try next to get you to act they way they want you to act).

If you think it is ridiculous that they’d see everyone as a potential threat, think about this: a relatively small group of people want total control over everything, which requires total control over everyone. But, if people somehow successfully organize against them, it’s very hard to keep total control. So their first weapon of choice is stealth, doing everything they can to make everyone believe they don’t exist (our modern fake democracy, ridden with rigged elections and endless controlled opposition (for when the rigged elections fail) is one of the tools they have used for the past decades in the West), because the people can’t organize against what they don’t know exists, so they need to develop tools to guarantee that people are never able to successfully organize against their cabal, even if they ever find out about it. And the cabal knows that sometimes just one man or woman can be the spark that ignites their whole pretty little aspirations on fire, just look at Spartacus and his slave revolt, and others thru out history.

And so they create halls of mirrors so people don’t have any idea of what’s going on, that’s why you see so many MK-Ultraed mass shooters claiming they were being spied on and gangstalked but they think it’s cops, or the government, etc… But it’s not, those are just tools and fronts that the puppet masters use.

And two undeniable facts regarding this cabal (which I don’t know what it is exactly, it can be a group of people some AI shit, aliens, or something else (although I think they are just a group of people)) are:
They serve Satan, knowingly or unknowingly; and
Jewish collective power is the main tool in their tool box (as a wise man said, Satan is who is responsible for all the bullshit, and he sure likes to hire Jews to do his bidding).

3 years ago

The Biden Administration also promised not to limit free speech over the issue before throwing in another zinger: “This, however, does not mean we let anti-Semitic speech and other forms of hate speech go unchallenged.” That means that any American who criticizes Israel or the political activities of Jewish groups is potentially considered by the United States government to be an anti-Semite and a hater who will be “challenged” by the Justice Department. It also implies that he or she might be one of the extremists that the Justice Department under Merrick Garland is seeking to identify and prosecute under impending new legislation. I would bet that the new laws will specifically include anti-Semitism as part of the “how to identify an extremist” language, which means that Biden will have gone beyond even Trump in his bowing to Jewish and Israeli interests. And I’m sure once the principle is established that there is something particularly heinous about offending Jews, there will be more to come, possibly much more.

6 quintillion IQ cartoon enjoyer writes interesting article everyone should read right now:

David Kim
David Kim
3 years ago

In regards to Chinese medicine I’ve been enjoying two authors as new legitimate sources counter to the normal mainstream wrong doctors

Simon Yu who wrote ”Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients”
A few bits:
-Most illnesses are caused by parasites and viruses are simply a subcategory of parasite.
-The environment is everything. A healthy body can fight off unlimited parasites but we’ve been consistently poisoned
-There’s a paste like medium throughout our body around all our cells and organs thought useless by conventional biology but Simon believes it’s the medium of communication for your body. It’s what links specific teeth to specific organs to the point that he can predict dental issues from organ issues. ”Oh your liver is unhealthy, let me check X teeth first”.
-He supports ivermectin but does say it’s a bit extreme (likens it to a shotgun) when herbal regimens can weaken parasites by themselves.
-Parasites can change human behavior, a big ‘duh’ for anyone who studies parasites in the wild on insects and animals but it suddenly becomes taboo to discuss that in regards to humans. Depression may simply be a parasite affecting your brain or a persistent illness or vitamin deficiency.

Gilbert Ling of
A few of his bits:
-The human bioelectric field is real and important for illness. (It really does coincide with the rumors that some vax are graphene shots which would go magnetic inside the human body with hydrogen). The fact that MRI scans are even a thing is proof of this, than parts of the body align in such a way as to be read in a comprehensible way by the MRI.
-Cell theory is wrong. The vital component of cell theory is the sodium pump which would maintain the balance between itself but it simply would take too much energy to operate as theorized. It has been conclusively proved wrong many times.
-In addition cell theory has never been predictive in regards to invention of drugs. If scientists ‘knew’ how the cell membrane worked they could invent chemical shapes that should affect it and have hypothesis on what would happen. However that is not the case, all drugs are inventions of discovery not reverse engineering/compatibility on working modern.
-The basic unit of life is smaller than the cell and the cell is simply a fluid it operates in. It is largely based on the electrical association between particles. ATP does not carry the high energy phosphate bonds hypothesized but it is the primary acting medium used by the election associations.
-Cell operations of moving minerals and nutrients have been shown to happen even when the cell membrane is carved away, so it cannot be the membrane that controls it. Thus cell theory (which supposed membranes as the gate mechanism) is incorrect

Both authors are neglected by Boomer science and I’ve found that renegades in the scientific community are far more useful than normie scientists. They have to sustain blistering criticism so their confidence in their conclusions has to be concrete.

Similarly Dr. Mike Mew in the dental shaping world is an outcast. Same with Dr. Bernstein in regards to diabetes ‘The Diabetes Cure’ who advocated a keto diet for diabetics for many decades until Atkins made it a trendy thing. Ridiculed by their peers.

Even the term ‘neuroplasticity’ was forbidden in medical circles until recently. Norman Doidge who wrote ‘Neuroplasticity: The brain that changes itself’ spent years as a laughing stock and now suddenly it’s the hip new thing for doctors to churn out books and therapies based on it. Crooked liars who neglected that work when it suited them who suddenly turn around without an apology to profit off it. Those con doctors weren’t interested in truth or helping their patients. Outsider doctors are.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  David Kim
3 years ago

Thank you for these. Wow, the red pills never end.

Leo Littlebook
3 years ago

> Not really, if you read the piece he said Officer Byrd was at the door when she was shot.

The shooter was the only officer at the door.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

You have no idea the glee in my heart that there’s an actual site called “Pole Shift Survival”.