Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Ken Bennet, the head of the Maricopa audit says they have the “packet captures” from the Maricopa election, and they are going through every bit of it. Lindell has 3 or 5 terabytes of packet captures, Arizona’s audit team has gotten 118 terabytes of packet captures, and they are going through all of it.
Democrats renew court packing calls, blast the Supreme Court’s final two decisions of term.
Tabulator tapes in Cobb county Georgia, which are supposed to be printed out from each machine, and contain that machine’s unique serial number, and serve as a record of election night vote casting in preparation for any audit, were found to be printed out off one machine, minutes apart. It turned out the election director told the auditing team she broke the seals on the machines, removed the memory cards with the votes from the machines, took them to another location, inserted them in new machines, and cast the votes on those cards there. At the end of the night they used one machine (probably the least visible) to fake the tabulator tape records, meaning almost 170,000 votes don’t have valid chain of custody records in that one county alone, and there is a real chance the memory cards could have been tampered with and altered when they were removed.
Republicans are starting a Defund the FBI meme.
A screencap of an older post on 4Chan here including anon research, which alleges to be by a Moderna employee, claiming the Not-Vax was designed with additional mRNA additives which will render women infertile and increase cancers across the board. Also it has reverse transcriptase to burn these RNA’s into permanent DNA, and thereby make them longer lasting and even transmissible to offspring, if they manage to have them. I find this screencap fascinating, and a little shocking, as it actually jibes with several facts we have seen revealed since its posting. This post was predictive of yesterday’s story, showing the Not-Vax caused 82% of women who took it to spontaneously miscarry, and the powers that be covered that up. And the claimed effect on aromatase could explain the affects reported on menstrual cycles. I would criticize this, asking why use mRNA and the reverse transcriptase to turn it into DNA, if you could just insert DNA itself, but I could see where that would only insert a small number of the DNA hardcopies you injected, where mRNA with reverse transcriptase would produce more DNA copies (kind of like mRNA burning off multiple protein molecules per mRNA molecule, mRNA plus reverse transcriptase would produce multiple DNA molecules per mRNA molecule, turning the cell into a DNA-producing factory (with that DNA then producing mRNA if it has the right promoter sequence) all of which would increase the dosage of everything massively. And I will bet with enough DNA (and mRNA being produced from it), you will still see it drift into the blood and be taken up by other more distant cells even absent lipid nanoparticles, just in reduced amount. It could be that he hit on a superior system by chance and guess, but it is strangely consistent as a superior mechanism, which jibes with what has been seen since this was written. It would take a seriously capable theorist who specialized in that specific specialty to even come up with such a system, if it were true.). I am intrigued by it, as everything else I have seen of the official narrative requires all the scientists involved in this to be utter imbeciles with no understanding of the technology, which does not fit. This is the first proposed explanation I have seen which would imply the scientists behind this were not just capable, but were brilliant masters of their art. Which you would expect of guys making seven figures minimum at Moderna.
And Moderna is trying to turn around and commercialize the mRNA tech to produce personalized cancer vaccines, which if this is true, everyone who is taking the shot, and any offspring they manage to have despite this, will now need due to the oncogenic additive. I said at the beginning, the use of mRNA tech for the vaccine was strange. If they had the spike protein sequence to synthesize the mRNA, it was easier and cheaper to use existing infrastructure to drop it in a living environment and mass produce the protein recombinantly, mix it with adjuvants, and deliver a vaccine just like they have for decades. The machinery was already there. Setting up all new PCR infrastructure, getting reagents (not cheap), synthesizing/amping mRNA, getting it in lipid nano-particles, shipping it under the ridiculous temperatures it had to be kept at, and storing it like that right until injection, and exposing the population to something untested and risky when it could have been so easy and safe with proven decades-old technology, was strange.
It sounds ridiculous, this idea that those who control these ultra-powerful entities would execute a strategy straight out of Mengele’s lab on regular citizens, and do it this blatantly. Do not under-estimate how bad things are. What is going on now is as bad as it has ever been in any oppressive dictatorship in the past. The only difference is, in America we are armed to the teeth, psychologically evolved to think little of killing, and they have to hide it and be clever instead of openly brutal because they are small in number. I can tell you, 100%, everything is run by some massive covert intelligence operation. It is running child spies against other children in the schools under the direction of adults, targeting American children as if they were foreign spies as early in life as possible, when American children are as helpless as they can be. It is running serial killers as private hitters and allowing them to kill innocent girls freely on their own time as it runs cover for them with Law Enforcement, zero doubt. It is employing MS-13 as trusted agents and protecting them from Law Enforcement, and killing people like Jeffrey Epstein in the most secure locations in the nation. You have already seen from sources independent of me, they have let everyone conduct elections every two years, raising billions of dollars, employing volunteers, launching massive media operations that are just CIA fronts to cover the elections and put on a show, letting everyone go to the polls and vote, and then they threw all of it away on election night and simply replaced the results for every election, county by county, with results this intelligence operation cooked up. They just placed the people they chose into power at every level of government across the nation. We are seeing the mass graves of orphan children turning up at schools where they were vulnerable and nobody would miss them. We’ve seen Tony Podesta’s paintings. They have been caught, with their hand firmly in the cookie jar. At this point, with them as panicked as they must be, nothing is impossible. You have to assume the worst and protect yourself accordingly.
Vox Day has an interesting account by a guy who started a little league summer league for kids, only to have the powers that be close in, and finally threaten to prosecute him for embezzlement to get rid of him. It is a long piece, and that is the gist of it. What struck me was, the people running the baseball program before him created a small group of “all stars” who got the play each summer, which they picked by hand with no regard to skill. What got them upset was him doing the same thing for all the other kids.
What I am looking at is an immense intelligence program, running almost every facet of our society, and looking to control fully who rises to positions of power. It targets our society beginning in schools and childhood, using child-agents, operating under the instruction of adults, to do it, and it has been doing that for at least decades now. I am 100% certain on that. Sports are clearly a problem for them, as it is meritocratic, and the primary objective of this operation seems to be an elimination of meritocracy, and its replacement with a system of full covert control. Situations like in this story can just be individual assholes looking to control their little fiefdoms. However given this machine I see is everywhere, and has made it an objective to be everywhere, (and indeed, to keep the secret it has to keep, it has to be everywhere), I would wonder if they were using the All-Star league as a way to try and control what kids were going to rise in baseball starting at an early age. This guy, by simply trying to help kids have fun, threatened to destroy that system of control and reinstitute the meritocracy, and therefore he had to go. I can’t say for sure, obviously, but keep in mind we may find out a lot of these things which seemed so stupid, were in fact far more coordinated, and had a far more focused purpose. Clearly the manpower and penetration of every facet of society is there.
Inside Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous New Mexico estate now on sale for $27.5 million.
Youtube video here of the end of the presentation (starting at 24:00) where Nancy Pelosi introduced the Jan 6th commission members she has picked. Interesting point of this is, she steps up to the podium after standing in the back for 20 minutes, and says, “I am informed we have four minutes left [to discuss] the Invest Act.” Who is timing her schedule that closely, telling her what she will discuss, and how did she get informed of all that as she was standing in the back if nobody approached her? Clearly, it was her earpiece. Then, watch the remainder of her talking. Her cadence, the glassy eyes, and the weird pauses all look like somebody is saying things in her ear, and she is just repeating them like a fleshy robot. If this was just her, I’d say she is rich enough to hire somebody to back her up in these things and afford the subaural earpiece tech. But so far we have seen AOC and the Squad all laugh simultaneously at their handler’s jokes. Joe Biden recites the orders his handler gives him word for word, like, “Salute the Marines.” We have seen a reporter who is gangstalking some guy tell the voice in his earpiece he would see the target in a moment when he entered his phone’s field of view. We’ve seen reports Antifa use earpieces with somebody in a far away location guiding their protests in real time, so far it requires a repeater for the radio to reach. And we have regular people reporting the people following them in contact with some sort of handler through their earpieces. What should not surprise us, would be to find most of the people in that room were on earpieces, reporters and politicians alike. They were all reciting exactly what was said into their ear, and somewhere was a control room with a single person in all of their ears, telling them what to say back and forth, running that entire event like an entirely scripted high school play – a program designed to reveal to the observing public exactly what they wanted revealed. Nothing there was extemporaneous. Even weirder for you, will be to find out how much of the immediate world, right around you, is probably like that from time to time.
A Los Angeles policeman says an ultra-secret Police Department file names JFK’s brother Bobby Kennedy as the killer of Marilyn Monroe — and actor Peter Lawford confessed to the cop that he watched the murder unfold. Of course Cabal wanted to take out the Kennedys, so I could even see Lawford as the poisoner, and him then testifying it was Kennedy, all under orders.
Biden administration’s West Wing payroll nears $50 million, the highest on record.
Hunter Biden used Joe’s VP perks to pursue a deal with Carlos Slim.
Joe Biden snaps at the press, saying, “I want to talk about happy things man!”
Biden removes sanctions on Iranian oil while shutting down American energy.
Kamala Harris has a history of ‘mistreatment of employees and dissent.’ Triggerable rabbit amygdalae are never fun to be around.
Democrats are concerned Harris couldn’t beat a GOP nominee, even if it is Trump. As if Trump would ever lose, if the elections were honest. Choosing her was a puzzle though. Blacks hated her, women hated her, men hated her, and she could never follow Joe credibly as a stand-alone candidate for President. It is possible she was chosen simply because her blackmail file was most extensive. But it kind of felt like one more self-destructive decision by a campaign so self destructive it would almost seem scripted by its enemy, so when the fraud happened, it was as obvious as possible.
GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy tweets – “Democrats just blocked funding to resupply the Iron Dome—the missile defense system that has saved countless lives in Israel from Hamas’ rocket attacks. While Democrats defend anti-Semitic remarks from their own members, Republicans will always stand with Israel.” I would respectfully advise McCarthy that America First patriots, no matter their thoughts on Israel, find an assertion it is assumed we need to fund Israel’s national defense repulsive. I am stunned he would even tweet this.
Trade deficit rises to more than $70 billion in May.
Very long article, but the gist is, New Internet of Things devices like smart thermostats, refrigerators, TV’s, personal assistants, doorbell cams, and so on, are now having two-way radio transmitters installed in them to create mesh networks, allowing them to transmit data, potentially to other internet of things devices on other networks, potentially very far away over the mesh, thereby bypassing your router and network, and proving hard to intercept or detect. This happened in the election fraud, where a vote-counting machine was connecting to the internet through a smart thermostat in the voting center, bypassing the network set up for the election. You will see it exploited for surveillance of you and your family in your house by your local neighborhood team, until 5G is fully online.
Facebook now sending messages to some users asking about potentially ‘extremist’ friends.
The U.S. Supreme Court declined on Friday to hear a case from a Christian florist challenging Washington state law which forced her to provide her services for same-sex weddings. Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch wanted to hear it but Kavanaugh and “Miss ultra-Catholic” Barret refused.
Mayor Bill de Blasio dismissed criticism that his $98.7 billion budget — the largest in the city’s history — is nearly the same as the spending plan for the entire state of Florida. His wife is probably at over $2 billion by now disappeared.
130 nations agree to support U.S. proposal for global minimum tax on corporations.
‘Staggering’ doubling of type 2 diabetes in kids during pandemic. There was a study which indicated COVID actually infected and took out beta-islet cells of the pancreas which produce insulin, so it is possible a lot of these kids were infected and now will have problems with diabetes as they get older. It is even possible infected beta-islet cells act like a vaccine, teaching the immune system to attack beta-islet cells and induce autoimmune diabetes. As a bioweapon, this may even have been being purposely designed as something to degrade health, rather than kill, so as to overwhelm a nation’s healthcare systems and saddle it with unnecessary expenditures, draining its national resources on just keeping its people alive as it diminishes their economic output. We may have only seen the beginning of the effects of this.
At Easter, Pope Francis invited a transgender group to the Vatican to receive COVID-19 vaccines. I’m not sure whether he was supporting degeneracy or trying to kill it.
Country music superstar Toby Keith has released a July 4 single, lamenting the state of U.S., mourning ‘all the broken-down cities, by the left’s design’ and asking why it ‘seems like everybody’s pissin’ on the red, white and blue.’ Title is ‘Happy Birthday America (whatever’s left of you).’
FAA issues a no-fly over the HAARP array in Alaska and just as it begins, a heatwave settles in over the Northwest USA. No idea if they are linked, but some wonder, so we’ll see if any pattern develops.
China and India move tens of thousands of troops to the border as tensions rise.
US and Japan are running secret war games to prep for a China-Taiwan conflict.
US hits 17 nations for not combating human trafficking. This number has been popping up again frequently in news stories of late.
Court orders Minneapolis to hire more cops.
Guns and ammo now tax-free in West Virginia.
Media Matters laments, Andrew Breitbart’s attack on Critical Race Theory ‘appears to be working.’
Sheriffs & ICE agents sue Biden for forcing them to violate immigration laws.
U.S. forces pull out of Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
YouTube takes down Right Side Broadcasting’s video of the Trump rally with over 2 million views and then bans them from covering the Trump rally today, but you can watch them on Rumble. Personally I watch all of these on OAN, which you can subscribe to through Klowd TV, to pump up OAN’s viewership numbers, but this is a good free option.
Kaczynski announces deal of European conservative parties
“Republicans are starting a Defund the FBI meme.”
And if they fail, hyperinflation will do it for us. This is why you don’t let migrant lineages that went through Ellis island run anything. Criminal Jews, Irish and Italians will run the US into the ground, and then flee. Prove me wrong Wops.
Completely agree, but it’s too late. They already ran everything into the ground.
They can’t run if Israel gets utterly fucked (which it probably would if it had no support from the US gen pop). Russia seems to deal with them in a much better way than the ZUSA (just look at Browder, no wonder he’s all salty about Russia).
“A Los Angeles policeman says an ultra-secret Police Department file names JFK’s brother Bobby Kennedy as the killer of Marilyn Monroe — and actor Peter Lawford confessed to the cop that he watched the murder unfold. Of course Cabal wanted to take out the Kennedys, so I could even see Lawford as the poisoner, and him then testifying it was Kennedy, all under orders.”
I wouldn’t be so sure about the Kennedy’s AC. How did the patriarch, Joe Kennedy, rise so fast and so far?
How did he? Connections to Ireland, and more than running booze. People who traffic booze trafficked other things too, like people. We learn that lesson today with Mexico. If you were say, a high ranking American politician and you wanted to get some untraceable tail, that was of the lighter variety, Ireland in the 1920’s was the source for you. Joe Kennedy then had blackmail on those pols and used that blackmail to advance his political ambitions as well as those of his sons.
Maybe JFK rebelled a bit, maybe Joe and the Kennedy’s were trying to take control of the Fed, we don’t know. But once Joe was dead he couldn’t protect RFK. Ted Kennedy was a verified POS, coward and traitor.
This Kennedy worship thing needs to stop. Those guys weren’t even American.
Good points. It is tough to say with them. It may be an enemy of my enemy thing.
The Kennedy’s went toe to toe with the Anglo-American Establishment, as Carroll Quigley called it, and lost their lives by public execution.
Rex’s beloved Anglos have more intrigue and blood on their hands than any tribe operating today.
The Atlanticists, as Dugin calls them, or the Anglo-Zionists, as some on the dissident Right call them, have been running Western civilization into the ground for 2 full generations.
The micks and wops are the least of our problems. Bit players on a world stage run and orchestrated by the Brits, the Zionists, and banking cabals of various Alpine countries.
The Russians and the Chinese, and to a much lesser extent various Muslim nations, are all that stand against the full power of the Atlanticists.
The Chinese play both sides of the fence and are a malign force in their own right, the Muslims don’t have enough raw power or organizational acumen to fully fight, and the Russians also play along from time to time as even they don’t want to risk open conflict, although that dynamic is now changing quickly.
Who really pulls the strings of the Atlanticists? The so called black nobility? The Payseurs?
None of us knows, but events are spiraling quickly and we may soon get a look behind the curtain.
Same entities pull the strings of the Western powers as pull the strings of the Eastern powers.
Satan and his demons.
Only one antidote, and it worked pretty well for England for around 1100 years.
US and Europe never had the antidote.
The antidote was setting up the nation to run by the laws God gave to Moses, that was England’s lawbook.
This past 80 years it’s been torn to shreds, gone now, so Britain suffers accordingly.
“Rex’s beloved Anglos have more intrigue and blood on their hands than any tribe operating today.”
Firstly, only the American ones are beloved. And the Jews have the most blood on their hands, solely because of Communism in the 20th century. The various communist movements in Russia, China and throughout the world were incredibly lethal when we are just talking bodycount.
Dugin is a soft man, I don’t like his physiology something is off about him. He says some right things though. But other stuff he says (Eurasianism) is imperialism and will lead to race mixing and racial destruction of Eastern European Whites, including Russians.
And Dave, no real American would ever like the British crown, as every real American fought against it and what it represents.
@Rex return veniet
Russians are already Eurasian. Pure white genetics are no longer true once the Mongols had their way.
Likewise if even a little race mixing is Catastrophic then Moses would have been killed by God for marrying a Black Cushite/Ethiopian Woman. Yet God vindicated Moses by causing Miriam that criticized his marriage to have leprosy on her face.
Likewise the marriage of Rehab and Ruth into the Messianic Bloodline would have destroyed Jesus before our LORD was even born.
Plus race-mixing doesn’t happen as you would think. People’s preferences free of coercion will ensure preservation of Nations. The Book of Revelation proves it. The Anti-Christ will rule over various people’s but they will not become one Nation.
If you see all of these “sub-groups” ( the Kenedys, the Trumps, the Bushes ) as mere factions within the general cabal who run the show fighting each other to take the other’s ground, everything makes sense
“…Rex’s beloved Anglos have more intrigue and blood on their hands than any tribe operating today…”
This is a lie. Did the Anglos cause the French revolution? Did the Anglos start the civil war in Spain? Did the Anglos take over Russia and turn it into a body bag?Did the Anglos take over central Europe? Did the Anglos do 9-11? Did the Anglos sponsor Pol Pot? Were the Anglos responsible for Genghis Khan? Were the Anglos responsible for all the White slaves sent to the Ottoman empire?
WWI and WWII had a great deal of Jewish manipulation behind the scenes but …maybe the Anglos did it.
Why did a Jew shoot the guy who said,”I’m a patsy” for the Kennedy assassination? Maybe the Anglos forced a Jew strip club owner to shoot Oswald.
If the Anglos control everything then why the hell are the Jews blowing buildings up in New York and the US fighting wars for them in the middle east? If the Anglos control everything then why are we sending Israel billions and even violating our constitution by silencing people who want to sanction Israel? If the Anglos control everything then why are all the mainstream media, including press, radio, book publishing, movies, TV and etc. all run by the Jews. You trying to tell me the “Anglos” run the Jews? Don’t gas-light us with such obnoxious childish bullshit.
You have a serious problem with reading comprehension and no grounding in serious historical research.
Read Quigley if you think it’s all the Jews and nothing but the Jews.
You conveniently missed the part where I said Anglo – Zionist, or that Zionists run the world with the Atlanticists and banking cabals.
The Brits, and Anglo Americans back when there was such a thing, have readily facilitated everything the Zionists have ever wanted… and more.
Klaus Schwab, and the people he represents, are not Jewish.
The list of non Jews engaging in conspiratorial destruction of our entire civilization is long and ugly.
Learn how to read.
I didn’t miss anything. You said,
“…Rex’s beloved Anglos have more intrigue and blood on their hands than any tribe operating today…”.
Now you try to weasel your way out of this with a zionist topping later on in your comment. Nope. Your emphasis. If you had added that at the beginning then I wouldn’t have responded as I did but…you didn’t.
And you fully pretend all the various institutions I listed…well they…well they are just zionst topping.They don’t matter. So you completely ignore the whole entire money system, the whole entire press, most of the online mass media, the whole entire print media (newspapers, magazines, books, school books, academic journals) and then try to say that “I” can’t comprehend??
Not that there’s no “Anglos” involved but “your” emphasis is on them.
That is blind stupidity of the highest order if you are trying to narrow down exactly what the problem is.
It’s as if someone ran over someone in a truck and coroner to determine death spent all his time blaming the road conditions, the weather, the amount of brightness of the road signs, the stickiness of the asphalt…while ignoring the fact that the person was run over by a truck.
It’s as if, and this happened, a Black Man shot and killed a White Man to car jack his car and the jury let him go because,”he lost his ride”. That’s the kind of evil blind assed stupid logic you present.
You can’t blow smoke up my ass like that and pretend that you are a logical, sound minded, fair person. You are not.
And blah, blah, blah Quigley. No I haven’t read his whole book. It’s a friggin mind numbing book. I’ve started it maybe 20 times but it’s so dense and turgid I haven’t been able to force myself to finish it and I’m someone who read all ten volumes of “history of the world” by (can’t remember his name but famous guy or used to be).
The info Quigley writes about was “history” by the time he wrote this the Jews had long controlled the US.
It takes a special sort of blindness, or hatred of Whites, to ignore all the various people I mentioned, and many I didn’t, and focus ONLY on the sins of Whites.
This is nothing but gas-lighting and Jew propaganda to only focus on the evils of Whites while ignoring the vast carnage of everyone else. Somehow you totally ignore them. Totally ignore present day power, totally ignore any benefits of Whites and condemn them only.
Oh and your diversion tactics of squirreling out the Irish as “good Whites” will not pass. Anyone who is Irish, you will go to the camps along with the rest of us as soon as they have used you up.
A farce.
“…Klaus Schwab, and the people he represents, are not Jewish…”
Are you sure about that???
“…Klaus Schwab was born in Nazi Germany in 1938. His Jewish mother fled the country, forced to abandon her year-old son with Klaus’ father, whose family businesses were Nazi collaborators…”
So apparently you have no idea even remotely what you are talking about. Maybe you should,
“Learn how to read”.
Every time you look into any of the pozz what do you find?
Every Single Time
>”while ignoring the fact that the person was run over by a truck.”
But Sam, it was a truck of peace and the coroner didn’t wanted to be charged with the ” “hate” “crime” ” of Islamophobia.
RE: “Once Joe was dead he couldn’t protect RFK”. Joe senior died in 1969. RFK died in 1968
My bad, he did have a stroke in 1961 however. I suspect the Kennedy’s were gunning for the Fed and the (((tribe))) took them out and as Joe declined Robert and especially Ted increasingly showed their incompetence. There weren’t any good guys in this, as it was the Irish mob vs. the Italian mob vs. the Jewish mob. We know who won.
“Biden administration to change US passport rules, allowing Americans to self-identify as Male, Female, or “X.””
X will stand for their place in Heaven, which they will “X” out for their actions. You are either male or female, some people have genetic disorders but are still either male or female.
“This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”
Genesis 5:1-2 KJV
Somehow this comment didn’t get approved even though comments I posted later did so I am posting it again here.
Refinery Explosion In Romania Leaves 1 Dead, Five Injured
“Democrat goons in Arizona are impersonating auditors doing door to door investigations, and intimidating voters, who will then report the intimidation to the DOJ so it can shut down the audit.”
That needs to be shouted from the rooftops. Arizona people need to be very aware of that, states near Arizona can help out too (Utah, Nevada, Texas I’m looking at you).
Regarding Internet of Things (IoT). There is consumer availability of RF finding equipment and you can pull antennas out of products you buy if you know what you are doing. Simple is best. Old is better. Here is a good site to use, but nobody will be teaching classes on this stuff, it’s too expensive and MPAI.
What do you use it for?
You use an emf detector to find which object in your house is emitting. It also helps to identify antennas and pull them out of everything you can.
I’m sure it’s a directional receiver. So let’s say you have Internet of Things (IoT) in your house you could wave this around and find things that radiate radio waves.
“If” you get IoT that are programmed correctly I say they are empowering. There’s a lot of fear about these and for good reason but id you look around a bit and follow the instructions to make sure they have passwords and that they are encrypted you should be ok. The problem is if people leave the devices set to the standard set up when they turn them on, well everyone will be able to use it.
People that sell IoT equipment that leak all your data will eventually be found out by people who experiment with these things and people will refuse to buy them(some people anyways).
The problem isn’t your passwords or “encrypted” whatever that means.
The problem is 1. Stealing your data for fun and profit, 2. The business model. It’s “sell you the thing, then update it poorly for awhile”
That leaves you having important personal data hovered up at best, and leaving a super easily compromised frogman horse inside your house at worst.
When I’m doing an assessment, IoT devices are first on my target for exploitation list.
Using some RF detector to find antennas is a bit overkill in my mind.
If you have somebody hiding surveillance tech in your stuff, you’ve got no hope of evading that kind of attention on a non nation state budget.
> If you have somebody hiding surveillance tech in your stuff, you’ve got no hope of evading that kind of attention on a non nation state budget.
Sure you can, just borrow a different nation state’s budget. Go somewhere that can protect you from the CIA. China is not recommended right now, which leaves Russia. Those guys enjoy microwaving the brains of visiting CIA officers. If you can’t win with that kind of home-court advantage, you deserve to lose!
“The problem isn’t your passwords or “encrypted” whatever that means…”
You know exactly what that means. All of these will have a server in them and if your passwords are not cracked or there is not built in cracks then the server will not answer when people try to get data from it and if it’s data is encrypted it would be very difficult for the average person to tell what data passed around is. And even if State actors get the data it will take then time and resources, they don’t have, to go through it.
And it’s hardly worth the effort if like me your use case is to watch your property. Watching the woods is not going to get them anywhere.
“…The problem is 1. Stealing your data for fun and profit, 2. The business model…”
I’m not naive. A large amount of mass market stuff will be loaded with leaks and cracks but all of it will not be and over time people will see which ones are and aren’t. Not all of it will be bunk. I wouldn’t buy any Amazon or Apple based stuff as they are mostly cloud based.
It’s like the link I left to the windows 10 modified system. people have gone through the system and removed the spyware.
As for as State actors go, you can’t have everything and not everyone is subject to that sort of scrutiny. As I stated the other day there’s only 35,000 or so FBI agents. They can collect all they want but someone has to sort through all this stuff and they don’t have the manpower to do it.
The mass of watchers that AC talks about are mostly idiots. They’re not going to be of much use to analyze anything.
I say the IoT computers are of great value if you use them for certain uses that you control. I wouldn’t want them in my TV or toaster but some things they are very handy.
“I would respectfully advise McCarthy that America First patriots, no matter their thoughts on Israel, find an assertion it is assumed we need to fund Israel’s national defense repulsive. I am stunned he would even tweet this.”
McCarthy had a well known affair with Representative Renee Ellmers in 2015. If he did that he did other stuff too and Mossad knows and is getting military stuff on the cheap. Other than that, Israel has more than enough money to fund Iron Dome on it’s own. THAADs, F-35s and ground forces too.
OY BEY, not being ok with Israel pimping your cattl… tax payer I mean tax dollars out of you via bribes, threats, blackmailing of your “elected” “representatives” is anti-Semitic (and where would Jews go if you don’t allow Israel to keep itself safe from totally not-justified retaliation by it’s Muslim neighbors using your American money and lives?).
“Will 2017’s NIS 10 billion budget surplus – the fifth consecutive such annual surplus – be used for cutting government debt or buying voters with tax cuts? ”
— – “99% Of Israeli Start-Up Companies Eligible For Tens Of Millions In COVID-19 U.S. Bailout Grants” – “ADL and Other Jewish NGO’s Loot Small Business Bailout While Americans Get Shafted (FTN Podcast Audio + Transcript)” – “Despite coronavirus-caused cutbacks, Israel expects to get full $3.8 billion” – “Israeli fifth column in Virginia funnels resources to Israel” – “US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn”
“Retailers brace for unprecedented shortages of everything, saying, “It’s too late to save Christmas.””
Make your own stuff. DIY. Sell and trade with others who do the same. Don’t be a peasant. There is more than enough stuff on this planet and especially in the USA.
This may sound silly, but one of the things I want to master eventually is show making and repair using as low tech as I can (and learn how to make everything needed to make and repair le shoes).
You’re in luck I happen to know one of the best sources possible for this sort of info.
Thanks fren.
I forgot one. I can’t believe it didn’t occur to me right away because it’s so good. This is the mother-load of low tech. I mean the mother-load. I have a copy of all this but I’m not sure where you would get the whole package. I bet if you did some serious “search foo” you could find them,
At this link is an index.
Now some of the links seem to be gone but using Internet Archive I bet you can get a lot of them. I got the IA address for one that’s particularly good
Village technology handbook
There’s a serious massive load of data in this one book
You probably already know this but if you don’t here’s the address for the IA. Put the address of the gone link into the “wayback machine” search. It will take you to a timeline where they have backed up the page. Click on the calendar blue dots where they have backed up the page you searched for and it will give you a link. Sometimes you have to move around the timeline at the top of the page to find a good link.
Very noice my fren.
Thanks very much!
Wow, very nice.
After looking through this stuff I came upon a IA link that has, maybe, the download for all this stuff. It’s huge but it may all be there.
There’s an index you could download I bet somewhere in all this mass will be something on making shoes.
If you’re any sort of DIY or survivalist or just want to have some backup information source this set of files is about as good as it gets.
Not silly. Sounds great. Cobblers are essential (probably why Shoemaker is such a common surname). I did a lot of finish carpentry when I was younger but now work mostly on my keyboard. The difference in the level of visceral satisfaction after you finish a physical vs. nonphysical project is like night and day.
While I’m at it the best knots ever. Ever.
Zepplin knot or loop. The link is not too good. This is the best way to tie two ropes together of any sort. The best 100%. The easiest way to remember it is “b and q, b over the top and through and q under the bottom and through. So one rope is a b and the other a q. Now if you can keep this in mind then you can make a loop around something also. No matter how tight you pull on this knot it will always come loose when you want it to.
I like the grapple hitch and I’m sure it’s better but I like the Adjustable grip hitch because…well I find it easier to remember.
To put a loop anywhere in a rope
The Truckers’ Hitch – tied 3 different ways
use the last one the rest are bogus and harder to remember.
I have one of these that I am going to be doing a BOOTSTRAPPY ep about:
It’s a leather sewing machine powered by a hand crank. Can also be set up for heavy canvas.
Awesome fren, can’t wait to watch it!
While I was looking at the last link I somehow ended up at this super interesting site by a guy who makes all kinds of stuff from scratch. Machines, glues, paints, solar cells, vacuum tubes… I think it could be helpful
Wow I can read this for days. I wish there was some sort of Sam J. website to download your digital library.
“US and Japan are running secret war games to prep for a China-Taiwan conflict.”
Japan has built over 2,000 stealth cruise missile, probably 5% to 10% are nuclear armed. Their robots are pretty impressive too as are their naval tactics officers, many of which are on loan to the US Navy.
“…probably 5% to 10% are nuclear armed…”
They have tons of plutonium they got from France. For their nuclear reactors….
“China and India move tens of thousands of troops to the border as tensions rise.”
India has a plan to build something like 400 hydrogen bombs, along with the missiles to go with them. We can expect that to happen.
“U.S. and Russia refuse to back down as Black Sea Tensions rise. Cabal may be setting up a war, or at least a serious skirmish, as a fallback plan in the event exposure begins.”
Russia can clear the Black sea with their anti-ship cruise missiles, most of which are ground launched. It’s not even a fair fight, expensive for the Russians maybe, but hundreds of times more expensive for any power putting ships there, as they will lose them. Then those ships can’t be used somewhere else.
As somebody who has a “PCAP or it didn’t happen” terabytes of packets captured are an insane, and I mean mind boggling insane amount of data.
Problem is, if the traffic is encrypted, like say, when you load this website. You get some info like where it’s going, but the contents are gibberish.
I have no idea what type of traffic the dominion machines use. So they either have “we know they talked to this computer, and our investigations show the destination machine is in country X” but the rest is useless…
They have it all.
If there were packets going to/from a voting machine to _anywhere_, that’s a smoking gun, sure proof of malfeasance. The packet contents are immaterial.
That’s not a small amount of capture data, which is really good news. It means they probably had some decent hardware in place to make sure they could store all of it and not lose any data, due to poor equipment.
With regards to the traffic encryption, it really depends on what type of encryption it was. Payload encryption (encrypted zip)? Transparent inline encryption (IPSec)? Server based encryption (SSL/TLS)?
If the latter (through TLS 1.2 with RSA keys), you could decrypt as long as you had the private keys. We used Dynatrace’s AMD platform to decrypt and monitor TLS 1.2 traffic for one of our main applications. With TLS 1.3 and dynamic keys, this was no longer possible and our company shutdown the tool. However, putting in a SSL proxy in between the source and destination of the traffic solves this as well. You simply capture at the SSL proxy and the contents would be clear text.
This also doesn’t account for the government having backdoor’d every single encryption protocol or having the hardware capable of brute forcing the encryption.
My last job was operating a fleet of SSL Proxies for DoD, and SSL intercept only works if the client has your certificate installed. It’s a fair bit of legwork setting it up then just plopping it on the network between you and the destination.
Also proving that packets came from the dominion boxes, you’d need to capture at the first hop, or inline from the dominion boxes. Grabbing packets at some arbitrary point along the way does get you much, forensically speaking.
I don’t know shite about the subject, so pardon the most likely retarded question, but would it be possible to crack the encryption if they had enough encrypted data to run some kind of analysis tool?
Not a retarded question.
In theory yes. But modern encryption methods are designed in such a way that they are resistant to weaknesses in this type of analysis. To the point that you’d have to have a suns worth of power to crunch that data or something crazy like that.
On Nancy Pelosi:
“Then, watch the remainder of her talking. Her cadence, the glassy eyes, and the weird pauses all look like somebody is saying things in her ear, and she is just repeating them like a fleshy robot. ”
I remember her being more coherent than the average pol in the 1980s, 1990s, and as late as the 00s. The glassy eye and weird pauses thing started fairly recently. I attributed it to dementia, but it could also be the earpiece thing.
For the reasons AC stated on Harris, I was fairly convinced during 2020 that at some point she would be replaced by the real chosen successor to Biden, who would be someone higher up in the cabal. I still am. She was put in as a sop to Silicon Valley, and presumably will be gotten out of the position if there is a real chance of their having to run her as the fake Prez. The negative leaks about her support this. However, the plan could also be to run Biden as Prez for quite a long time, using actors playing him if needed. If the cabal definitely wins, I could see the 22nd amendment being repealed and they just keeping him in office past the point where he supposedly turns one hundred years old, using actors to play him. Covid, or Cusack’s version, or Fauci’s version…or Gates version?
Vox Day loves the commies doesn’t he?
He loves the Russian commies, and he loves the Chinese commies.
Big fluff piece today, quoting Xi’s speech, not a word of criticism, as that’s contrary to the T&Cs of the deal he did with the friends of this guy, to push churchianism, and go easy on the reds:
China did not escape the influence of the usual suspects, the sons of the devil. They lost the battle to them long ago, as did Russia.
Now they come for the West, the tanks will roll through Europe, China will ravage the East and the US.
Serves the West right for failing to obey God.
Repent, urgently.
Gary, you were trying to tell Americans to lay down their weapons the other day here. Saying that and then trying to criticize anyone over allegations of loving gobbunism is very hypocritical and silly. If anything is stopping gobbunism from taking over burger land (aka Murica) is all those guns.
I hate all evil, and I follow the laws of God and the teachings of Yahshua.
Don’t call that hypocritical, fool.
Learn to read Bary, it’s not your faith that makes an hypocrite, it is you talking shit about VD by saying he supports communism when you said that people have to lay down their guns. That would make it a insta-win for commies, if people ever got rid of their guns. So if you’re going to attac smart bald man because gobbunism, you have a tremendous and hilarious lack of self awareness.
And I am glad to be a fool, as long as I stay a fool-for-Christ.
I didn’t say that people have to lay down their guns, Jesus did:
“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him. “For all who draw the sword will die by the sword.
‘But I tell you not to resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also; 40if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well; 41and if someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
43You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor’r and ‘Hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you’.
’33Whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it.’
You do what you want, die in a shootout, see where it gets you, sabbath-breaker.
None of the above alters the fact Vox sold out, took the deal, and pushes churchianity, catholicism, and communism.
So if a child is about to be murdered brutally, and is looking to you for protection, and to save them you need to smoke their attacker, God wants you to turn your back on them?
You do you Bary, but here is something for your consideration regarding putting away the sword and turning the other cheek:
The putting the way of the sword was not an appeal to be a door mat and renounce self-defense, the the turning of the other cheek doesn’t mean “don’t fight”, it means “fight smart”.
In that example, you would come under this law AC, from Exodus 21, which is all about personal injury laws:
’12Whoever strikes and kills a man must surely be put to death. 13If, however, he did not lie in wait, but God allowed it to happen, then I will appoint for you a place where he may flee.’
Ideally, stop the attacker without killing him, but if you kill him, you would be guilty of manslaughter, and would flee to a refuge city for the lifetime of the high priest there, then you could come back home. Leave the city before then, and the killed man’s next-of-kin would be entitled to kill you.
But, let’s be honest, you are all gunning up ready for civil war/invasion/gulags…and all of that will be God’s will.
If you heeded ANY of the teachings of Jesus, you would be ready to die as a martyr, not in a gun battle, that is the point I have made, but y’all love to argue with Jesus.
Very few of you will make it to martyrdom though, being lawless pagan fakers.
You are citing the law for a land that God has provided Judges for. We are not that land. God has established America as a constitutional republic, which makes the People sovereign, and gives us the right and duty as sovereign to wield the sword, within the due process we establish, under God’s authority.
We do not have a right to murder, but we have a duty to oppose lawlessness with force as the sovereigns that God established.
Vox Day is right about most everything. The effect of his message is what you should be focused on.
The Chinese style of nationalism, which is ultranationalism, is winning. Vox Day notices this and discusses it.
The effect, long term, is an oil-water relationship for Chinese and Westerners. They will not mix. So the West will become free of Chinese people (not a one will be found in the West) or there will be no West (and that includes You, Me and Vox Day since we are all Westerners).
Unfortunately, this will be apocalyptic for Chinese who want to be Western (they can’t) and if China is the winner, then Chinese people who are more free-thinking or individualistic will also not be found in the Chinese system. That includes intellectuals. Countries like Taiwan and Singapore, and the Chinese diaspora will be absorbed by the Chinese state, like Hong Kong, to their Chinese citizens detriment and even destruction.
This is reversion to the mean. That’s what “One China Policy” means. For better or worse, China is not the West and the West is not China. And just because a reality makes us uncomfortable doesn’t mean it isn’t a reality, which is what VD talks about. Vox Day can’t change the reality of a rising, powerful Communist China by writing mean things about it, and neither can you. So he writes about what is making it powerful, and it isn’t Communism.
The problem with Vox and a few others I know is that they ignore the problems China has and promote them as superior when it isn’t true.
China is going to collapse and is just as evil as the west or more so.
And you base this on what?
China is on the rise, it’s nowhere near collapse, but thriving. Far far more than I expected.
I’ve had to reevaluate all my views on China in the past few months as more fresh data came in.
China has done what’s best for the Chinese, aggressively. Now it’s paying off.
This should be a lesson. It’s the “China is the boogie man” crowd that is ignoring the rising power in the east.
“…The effect, long term, is an oil-water relationship for Chinese and Westerners. They will not mix…”
The Chinese economic system is not compatible (Nazi Industrial Socialism) with ours. Especially with their banks funding industrial production while ours loot the country for the Jews. It’s a double whammy. They can always out finance us because our shit corporations will always take the fastest profits even if they lose ever single last bit of the business in the end. Japanese economic system that hollowed us out but with China it’s on steroids.
Russians aren’t communist, and obviously modern China isn’t either.
But your boomer-tier commie-mongering is just pathetic.
Does the label commie even scare anyone anymore?
This isn’t the fucking Cold War, nobody cares about “commies” anymore.
And it’s obvious Russia and China both repelled the corrupters of culture. Russias laws are getting harsher towards indecency, and Chinas always been pretty hard core about their family values angle in their culture and media.
They are pure fascist now, as is the West.
The money runs the country.
The govts just follow the money.
Global nationalist socialism is here now.
China and Russia were the pioneers, and foisted it upon the West. Those nations ARE the corrupters of the West, Joe McCarthy was correct, and paid the price for it.
You, Tommy, are a dullard, as you don’t see where the poison came from.
these people are truly diabolical monsters.
what are we as free people and really the only people capable of doing something effective and positive to do. its like they are an alien species, or the accumulation of centuries of hate and envy concentrated into this relative brief span of history of our time.
what is it could drive so many to have such reckless hate? they really ain’t unlike Tolkien’s orc’s and gobblin’s trying to exterminate the men of the west in Lord of The Rings. was Tolkien really describing something that is true to the world? it is just uncanny how close his fable comes to describing events with every passing day.
none of us regular good folks minding our P’s and Q’s as we where raised and taught, and believe in the idea and day to day function of good government could have foreseen how evil and how many are so willingly malicious, how these usurpers infest every aspect of our social order and government, destructive to everything decent and of such prudent long learned and hard won good in this world we as a great rule live by.
the contrast between us and them stark to the point it defies our traditional expectations of evil human nature we all know exists in what we generally take for granted is a tiny percentage of our civilization, so here we are, trying to get a handle on how truly horrific the reality is, and we have no references or touch stones to guide is and to most critically gauge what threatebs us as a cuvilization and a race if men. every day more is revealed, expose after expose is presented, and its more evil more disgusting, the depravity and its corruption has no bottom to it and its become pretty onvious when most if not all is revealed its depths truly will be beyond our comprehension in regards its intellectual level, but not in its threat to the survival of freedom and the preservation of time honored traditions of our ordered and individual liberty and our very existance. That will be burned into our collective consciousness, we who are of high enough order K Strategist’s, us men who hold the first order law of self preservation absolute.
it is the matter of the question of our time and possibly our survival as the last who can do something, effect positive change in our time that comes to is. Bcause if there is one thing which exemlifies the evil out to destroy us and everything good we know and believe in, it is there are no others but us who can and will defeat our enemy. There simply are no others, we are it, this is the last stand here in America, if we fail the world goes down the crapper if not for ever for a long time.
I do not say this in despair or out of belief resistance is futile, in fact it is my indomitable faith that resistance is the most fertile thing imaginable, the most legitimate thing possible, that this is as it should be, that it is us Freemen of The West who become manifest in ways which nothing can stand us, the very crux of why the ancient evil has amassed and arrayed such a despicable hord against us.
It appears our greatest problem involves ourselves as we wrestle with the stark reality long kept disguised, a campaign of extensive ruthless gaslighting and construct of plausible deniability which produced an allusion of legitimacy wearing our constitutional republic as its skinsuit.
This despicable facade is crumbling as we watch and we are learning, becoming wise to what we face, and if it were not for our innate prudence we long ago would be hardly a footnote in history. But it is our orudence, in many forms manifesting itself from our indomitable faith in our unalienable power as natural born free sovereign individuals and our long faught for hard won success as the only slaves who fought and won against the ancient evil, to our prudent armed to the teeth stance, that regardless of everything else, we are a people of decent folk who have always understod at least it is always been a very dangerous world, regardless of our direct knowledge and understanding of what evil we face. I think its our savings grace and our greatest strength after our faith we prevail in the end. There is a kind of humility inherent in us as dirt people that we hold those great truths which led to our winning liberty self evident. Nobody can truly define nor explain these things in our hearts and minds, yet they exist in no uncertain terms, for proof also lies in the truth we are the ancient vil’s existential enemy, our humble dirt person selves, it is pretty amazing when you give it a goid think, we must be some pretty dangerous people that this global enemy is arrayed against us, good folks who do not ask for much but to simply be left alone, and mind our own business, it must be some threat to such a monstrous evil and the lengths it has gone to to eradicate us from existance. It is growing plurality, a preference cascade, a legion who us realizing only action that suffices, and it is the act of resistance and defiance which brings out our mettle, what is best about us as men of the west. After all, they specifically installed a crash test dummy as a talking sock puppet and a whore of whores so they could put this whiteface skinsuit of diabolical legitimacy on declaring us, our race of men of the west as the greatest threat to its continued existance. No better compliment could be given is nor testiment to our absolute legitimacy coming from that homogeneous collection of misfits and demons. We must scare the everloving crap out of the whole lot of them. And we ain’t even begun to fight, that we sit back and watch as they beat around the armed to the fucking teeth threat we are, that we are such a threat that they attempt to proscribe us employing the prepostrous concept of pre-crime and badthink to stop is from defeating them, again. The greatest wonder of all of it is the question of are we that indomitable a race of free soveriegn men? Are we so dangerous that all the cabal does ultimately boils down to us and our rifles and our natural warrior spirits and our inomitable motive piwer, an audacity which is fearless and can not be conquered? Why else would the fuckers devote everything they got to subverting underming and destroying us men of the west and everything which symbolizes who we are down to violating our very codes we live by.
May be I speak for all of us, may be I don’t, i like to believe i am in the great company of others who possess great courage and faith, who possess the 3 great warrior virtues of the west, but humbly know at best all i can do is my best, and if it comes i die facing the enemy, that as Patrick Henry demanded, liberty or death being the only quarter given or accepted, that i leave better than i took and give better than taken in the end. Maybe thats why we are so feared. For how can such people be conquered? I think we can only be killed, and even at that we still win, as we in the ultimate sense withdrew and refused to comply, refused consent to the evil ones. That worst case we may be defeated in battle but never in spirit. They got to kill an awful lot of us then, while surviving our wrath, and thats a two way street in spades if there ever was one. The fact is if they could we would all be toast a long time ago. And thats a really great thing right there.
Lets Win!
The first thing is that the key personnel must have their addresses and current location be made public at all times. Use the surveillance on them. How do you think they will feel with millions able to access them. They think they have some wind up toys!
Then their churchs – the masonic temples must come down.
These two actions will shake them to their foundations.
Good stuff, but some will discount it because of the typos, so I gave it a bit of light editing – hope you don’t mind. / p.s. look up “Deathwind”, ” dark hero of the Ohio”, they named a county in W.V. after him.
D.C. wrote:
These people are truly diabolical monsters.
What are we as free people – and really the only people capable of doing something effective and positive to do? It’s like they are an alien species, or the accumulation of centuries of hate and envy concentrated into this relatively brief span of history of our time.
What is it could drive so many to have such reckless hate? They really aren’t unlike Tolkien’s orcs and goblins trying to exterminate the men of the west in Lord of The Rings. Was Tolkien really describing something that is true to the world? It is just uncanny how close his fable comes to describing events with every passing day.
None of us regular good folks minding our P’s and Q’s as we where raised and taught, and believing in the idea and day to day function of good government, could have foreseen how evil, and how many are so willingly malicious, how these usurpers infest every aspect of our social order and government, destroying everything decent, destroying such prudent long-learned and hard-won good in this world, destroying the great rule by which we live.
The contrast between us and them is stark to the point that it defies our traditional expectations of evil human nature that we all know exists, in what we generally take for granted is a tiny percentage of our civilization. So here we are, trying to get a handle on how truly horrific the reality is, and we have no references or touchstones to guide us, to most critically gauge what threatens us as a civilization and a race of men. Every day more is revealed, expose after expose is presented, and it’s more evil, more disgusting – the depravity and its corruption has no bottom to it. Its become pretty obvious when most, if not all, is revealed – its depths truly will be beyond our comprehension in regards to its intellectual level, but not in its threat to the survival of freedom and the preservation of time-honored traditions of our ordered and individual liberty and our very existence. That will be burned into our collective consciousness, we who are high-enough order K-strategists, we men who hold the first-order law of self preservation absolute.
It is the question of our time and possibly a matter of our survival that comes to us as the last who can do something to effect positive change in our time. Because if there is one thing which shows the magnitude of evil out to destroy us and everything good we know and believe in, it is that there are no others but us who can and will defeat our enemy. There simply are no others, we are it, this is the last stand here in America, if we fail the world goes down the crapper if not forever, for a long time.
I do not say this in despair or out of belief resistance is futile – in fact, it is my indomitable faith that resistance is the most fertile thing imaginable, the most legitimate thing possible, that this is as it should be, that it is we, Freemen of The West, who will arise so nothing can stand against us, and that this is the very crux of why the ancient evil has amassed and arrayed such a despicable horde against us.
It appears our greatest problem is ourselves as we wrestle with rbelieving the stark reality long kept disguised, a campaign of extensive, ruthless gaslighting and construction of “plausible” deniability which produced an illusion of legitimacy wearing our constitutional republic as its skinsuit.
This despicable facade is crumbling as we watch. We are learning, becoming wise to what we face, and if it were not for our innate prudence, we long ago would have become hardly a footnote in history. But it is our prudence, in many forms, manifesting itself from our indomitable faith in our unalienable power as natural-born, free, sovereign individuals and our long fought-for, hard-won success as the only slaves who fought and won against the ancient evil, to our prudent armed to the teeth stance, that ensures that, regardless of everything else, we are a people of decent folk who have always understood at least that it has always been a very dangerous world, regardless of our direct knowledge and understanding of what evil we face. I think it is our saving grace and our greatest strength, after our faith that we will prevail in the end. There is a kind of humility inherent in us as dirt people that we hold those great truths self-evident which led to winning our liberty. Nobody can truly define nor explain these things in our hearts and minds, yet they exist in no uncertain terms, for proof also lies in the truth we are the ancient evil’s existential enemy, our humble dirt-person selves – it is pretty amazing, when you give it a good think – we must be some pretty dangerous people, that this global enemy is arrayed against us, good folks who do not ask for much, but to simply be left alone, and mind our own business. It must be some threat to such a monstrous evil given the lengths it has gone to to eradicate us from existence.
A growing plurality, a preference cascade, a legion of us realize only action will suffice, and it is the act of resistance and defiance which brings out our mettle, what is best about us as Men of the West. After all, they specifically installed a crash test dummy and a whore of whores as talking sock-puppets so they could put this whiteface skinsuit of diabolical legitimacy on their declaration of us, our race of Men of the West, as the greatest threat to their continued existence. No better compliment could be given us, nor testament to our absolute legitimacy, coming from that heterogeneous collection of misfits and demons. We must scare the ever-loving crap out of the whole lot of them. And we ain’t even begun to fight. We sit back and watch as they beat around the armed-to-the fucking-teeth-threat we are. We are such a threat that they attempt to proscribe us, employing the preposterous concepts of “pre-crime” and “badthink” to stop us from defeating them again.
The greatest wonder of all of it is the question: are we that indomitable a race of free, sovereign men? Are we so dangerous that all the Cabal does is to oppose us, our rifles, our natural warrior spirits and our indomitable motive power, our audacity which is fearless and can not be conquered? Why else would the fuckers devote everything they’ve got to subverting, undermining and destroying us Men of the West and everything which symbolizes who we are, down to violating our very codes we live by?
Maybe I speak for all of us, maybe I don’t, I like to believe I am in the great company of others who possess great courage and faith, who possess the three great warrior virtues of the West, but humbly know at best all I can do is my best, and if it comes I die facing the enemy – that as Patrick Henry demanded: “Liberty or Death!” is the only quarter given or accepted; that, in the end, I left better than I took and gave better than taken. Maybe that’s why we are so feared. For how can such people be conquered? I think we can only be killed, and even then we still win, as ultimately we refused to comply, refused consent to the evil ones. That, worst case, we may be defeated in battle but never in spirit. They’ll got to kill an awful lot of us, while surviving our wrath – it’s not going to be one-sided by any manner of means. The fact is: if they could, we would have all been toast a long time ago. And that’s a really great thing right there.
Lets Win!
Had a chat with an MD about the miscarriage study, and here’s the breakdown. TLDR it’s very unlikely to be as bad as the 82% headline figure.
1. The study asked people around 30th March 2021 who were pregnant between December 2020 and February 2021 & had a jab
2. Of those who *completed* a pregnancy (including miscarriages etc) by the end of March, 82% of those who had a spontaneous abortion were those who had the jab in the first or second trimester.
3. Those who were still pregnant by 30th March were not counted.
4. Due to the dates used, there’s lots of people who will have been pregnant within those dates who have not yet completed their pregnancy.
5. This skews the data a lot, so this isn’t the best kind of study – really you need to chase up everyone within those dates who completed a pregnancy, rather than leave a lot of people out of the study because they’re still pregnant.
Link for the “AK modified with an AR’s direct impingement gas system” is broken. Or maybe the website is down
I just tested, and it works, so it may have crashed.
Until it comes up, there is a youtube review here that is linked on the page.
Basically picture an AK, but that front gas block is replaced with an AR low-profile gas block and gas tube straight back into the receiver. The AK bolt carrier was machined to take an AR bolt, and the top cover is the same. The forearm is a standard AR M-LOK, with the top rail extending back over the top cover and it looks to be a Holosun holosight on it, and the stock is a standard AR collapsible.
Thank you for the heads up on a possible broken link though.
> Lindell has 3 or 5 terabytes of packet captures, Arizona’s audit team has gotten 118 terabytes of packet captures
That’s utter ballocks. You’re looking at a few hundred Kb to a few Mb of raw ASCII or CSV data for the entire election. The polls were open, what, 12 hours? They moved almost ten terabytes per hour over their internet connections? That’s enough to bring the entire state’s bandwidth to its knees. You simply don’t have that kind of bandwidth unless you’re at a NAP; downstream, the bottlenecks are an order or magnitude or two tighter.
These aren’t even “believable unless you stop to think about them” numbers. They’re so far out they’re like a little kid talking about a squizillion bazillion tons of candy.
Most of these packet captures are probably text files. These will tend to eat up clusters on a hard drive pretty extensively.
A text file that may be a few bytes can take up an entire 4096 byte cluster.
Interesting idea, but these files are likely massive.
I’d be interested to know where they performed these PCAPs
Your numbers are retarded. I really wish people would shut the fuck up about shit they know nothing about.
Last year a did a couple of hundred PCAPs in a use case much like theirs.
30 minutes of capture at 7 different nodes. Client, in-line capture device, TLS Proxy, Load Balancer, Firewall, Other end’s Load Balancer, other end’s router, and server.
This generated gigabytes of data. All looking at the same packets as they flowed through the network.
Depending on where the taps are, terabytes is totally a realistic number. Insane, massive, huge, but if day, tapped off of an ISP? Intercontinental data line? A few seconds of that will give you 118 terrabytes.
> there is a real chance the memory cards could have been tampered with and altered when they were removed.
The onus is on them to prove they *weren’t* altered. Which they can’t do.
The whole *purpose* of the machines is fraud. If your election isn’t on physical paper ballots counted in public, you’re just going through the motions.
> Republicans are starting a Defund the FBI meme.
The FBI has been crooked for generations, and is now the de facto jackboot of the Democratic Party. That’s one “defund” movement I can wholly support.
All federal law enforcement should be outsourced to local PD on a contract basis. Maybe one fed agency, in the event a Cartel took over a local department on the border somewhere using intelligence operations, as a failsafe. If the feds pass laws which attack people in a jurisdiction who aren’t bothering anyone, give the local Sheriff the power to just not enforce the law.
“All federal law enforcement should be outsourced to local PD on a contract basis…”
It already is except they don’t pay for it. All FBI actions involve local police in most all cases. They don’t have the manpower. There’s only about 35,000 agents or so. That’s not a lot of people. Look at the military which has at the least 10 support to 1 trigger puller(it’s probably much worse now) and guess how the ratio is in the FBI. Lets just say 2 to 1 so in fact there’s less than 10,000 or so agents for the whole country.
If local police and Sheriffs refuse to help them the FBI is up shit creek. They don’t have the manpower and if there’s armed resistance they are really screwed.
News | 2021-07-03 | Biden’s Residency = contrast game | Trump’s wall smashes | NSA spying on Right | Neanderthals not orcs. Adam to Noah. | Comey guillotined | CCP crimes | Pence SS shot Ashli? | Cosby framed | COVID19 bioweapon
>Christians should be leaping to embrace hybrid stabilization theory, because it finally provides a rational explanation for how Adam is the father of all men, and perhaps even makes Adam a necessary figure in the evolutionary web, once genetics discards gradualism’s preconceptions against hybrid inception. Are the bottlenecks even real, or just hybrid events?
People of faith, join Leo in celebrating the creation of humans, of Adam, when a monkey raped a boar.
Ditch your stupid bible, accept the Ashkenazi Truth, and if you can’t accept it, because of faith or some such nonsense, it’s just because you’re really very stupid, not a genius like the Ashkenazi, who do think they know better than God, hence they ignore His laws.
>If you can cure Accutane-induced permanent gut mucosal atrophy, I will pay you all my money (not a lot).
Otherwise, support by donating and sharing my work. Donations directly reduce the number of times per month I undergo pain-induced suicidal ideation. Thank you.’
I can help with that Leo.
Obey God’s dietary laws, and stop your blasphemy, you’ll be right as rain in no time.
Those of us who love God, and obey His laws, we don’t get ill, at all, ever, because we keep His covenant, obey His ordinances and laws:
’12If you listen to these ordinances and keep them carefully, then Yehovah your God will keep His covenant and the loving devotion that He swore to your fathers. 13He will love you and bless you and multiply you. He will bless the fruit of your womb and the produce of your land—your grain, new wine, and oil, the young of your herds and the lambs of your flocks—in the land that He swore to your fathers to give you. 14You will be blessed above all peoples; among you there will be no barren man or woman or livestock.
15And Yehovah will remove from you all sickness. He will not lay upon you any of the terrible diseases you knew in Egypt, but He will inflict them on all who hate you.’
He will keep hitting you with illness for as long as you remain unrepentant in your puffed-up genius. Jesus hasn’t shown you the truth:
‘At that time Jesus declared, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.’
You, Vox and Jim can have that debate shortly, take your time, you’ll have at least 1,000 years to determine which one of you was correct (spoiler alert….none of you).
“If you can cure Accutane-induced permanent gut mucosal atrophy”
Maybe this will help littlebook. Not massively expensive.
“…Sebum production, hair density, skin thickness, and dermal collagen were dramatically greater
Skin healing was hugely accelerated…”
If the above link interest you I have, somewhere, the link to how to use their product to make yogurt to multiply the product. Let me know and I’ll find it.
I’ve posted about vitamin A overload before here. I don’t know any sure fire way to counteract it. If you can try to not to take anything or eat foods with vitamin A in them. Here’s a link explaining it an your problems with accutane. I had a perscription for this once but never filled it, thank God.
That lactobacillus is interesting, thanks. Can’t use it right now, but something for the roadmap.
Sam, thanks to you I read Grant Genereux material, and am now on his vitamin A detox diet. Feeling really good on it. However, I’ve noticed with various conditions and things, sometimes the cure, if you stop taking it, causes the condition to come back rapidly. Grant acknowledges what he has is a coping mechanism; we still need a way to flush out the vitamin A safely. Studies show that high fiber in the diet helps your body dispose of vitamin A. Vitamin D should help, but people were saying when they added vitamin D, their body started pulling stuff out of their bones and making them brittle. That sounds wrong, but there could be something else going on, so there is another element needed. Bile salts can also be important; if your liver has gotten overloaded with vitamin A, the kidneys and gall bladder are probably backed up, and the bile salts help get the bile flowing again, so the liver can flush the vitamin A into the gut instead of the blood stream… but then you need enough fiber to bond to the vitamin A so it doesn’t damage your gut lining.
After reading Grant’s ebooks, I am convinced that vitamin A was developed as a deliberate poison. And the first rule of poisoners is, don’t put something out there that you don’t have the antidote for. So there must be a cheap, easy to obtain anti-dote. We just don’t know what it is.
Can we think of any group of people who aren’t affected by vitamin A poisoning? No, not (((them))), they are just as affected as we are.
I’ve been on the vitamin A detox diet for 2 months now, and one of my yellow toenails is rapidly clearing up and becoming a proper healthy pink color.
“… Vitamin D should help, but people were saying when they added vitamin D, their body started pulling stuff out of their bones and making them brittle…”
Supposedly people now taking vit. D are having this problem and taking K2 balances it out.
K2 as MK7(the MK7 supposedly is the better isomer??? or type)
Dr Dennis Goodman’s book, “Vitamin K2: The missing Nutrient for healthy Hearts and Bones”
Forgot to add thanks for the info. Have you got links for any of the stuff you talked about removing vit. A?
It’s a damn shame they are packing Vit. A in everything. I think it was Denmark that made it illegal to “fortify” food with non-flushing vitamins.
I know the idea of Vit. A being a problem sounds a little whacky but that chart the guy listed showing whole countries when their diets changed is super impressive. I mean you can’t get better data than whole countries and their diet habits directly correlated with raising or lowering certain diseases. It’s astounding no one does anything about this. If he was to write this up properly in my mind this is Nobel prize level research.
“…I’ve been on the vitamin A detox diet for 2 months now, and one of my yellow toenails is rapidly clearing up and becoming a proper healthy pink color…”
Very interesting.
An addition to the Vit. K info I provided. I believe the Vit. K thickens the blood so taking Nattokinase might be helpful in balancing that.
The big problem is you get older and your body starts breaking down and no longer works right. Want to see an interesting link? Look at this,
There’s been a great deal of study on linking a young mouse with an older one and the older one becomes young again. People are selling young peoples blood which they replace older peoples blood. Big money in that.
So it’s something that circulates in the blood that allows for all this repair mechanism to work. You get old it’s gone??? Broke??? These guys say they’ve found it.
How much you want to bet this guy is either paid off or killed who discovered this.
To make it more specific the reason thought about this was the vitamin A problems reduce the thickness of the skin and dissolve cell structure,. This stuff does the opposite.
> If you can cure Accutane-induced permanent gut mucosal atrophy, I will pay you all my money (not a lot).
I was on accutane for about 8 months when I was 20. I also suffered from numerous digestive problems and ultimately I could not eat any plants at all without negative reactions. A few links that you may or may not be aware of:
I think Lugol’s iodine is the best for SIBO/SIFO, or at least it worked for me.
Ultimately I think the GNM one is the most important. The Universe works from within without more than the reverse, so if you have a negative mental attitude, e.g. frustration about the inability of human beings to create a decent civilization, that will affect you physically. The success of things like Gupta Method back this up.
> I’ve posted about vitamin A overload before here.
I researched vitamin A toxicity and ultimately I agreed with Paul Jaminet of the Perfect Health Diet (still the best diet book in my opinion): because the body uses A and D together, A toxicity is actually D deficiency.
Thanks for the tip on iodine. I agree, my Accutane course was very light, but I was a college workaholic and neglected sunshine. Fatality, as they say.
Meditation has been a must.
Try this koan:
swine flesh eaters burn
eat clean, fear God
“…I think Lugol’s iodine is the best for SIBO/SIFO…”
What’s that about?? To kill of fungus? Bacteria?
I looked up SIBO/SIFO and they talked about ,
“…One of the most notable traits of candida infection is that it can make a biofilm to protect itself from various treatments…”
I’ve read a bit about this and one of the ways to beat this is using a little sugar to wake up the organisms and get them going, Xylitol fake sugar to cause them harm(they gorge on it but it provides no nutrition for them. If you eat a bunch of this you will get massive gas from die off of bacteria) and lactoferrin to break up the biofilms. All this stuff is over the counter.
> For the gun lovers, an AK modified with an AR’s direct impingement gas system to reduce recoil and increase accuracy by free-floating the barrel.
The Soviets did that – well, a short tappet system – with some of the sniper rifles built to the basic Kalashnikov pattern.
Meanwhile, several companies make “pushrod” conversions for the AR, adapting them to the classic Kalashnikov system.
Gunsmiths gotta smith…
The AR is somewhat more accurate than the AK, both in theory and in practice. But though the rifles are considered similar, they were developed from very different directions. The Army wanted the AR to be a lightweight marksman’s rifle; it had to be both lighter and more accurate than the M-14 or M-1 Carbine. The AK was an uprated replacement for the PPsh-41 submachine gun; a more powerful bullet hose. The Red Army provided a few “designated marksmen” with SVDs or Mosins to take care of longer-range work.
That also shows up in ammunition; Lake City 5.56×45 is as accurate as any premium civilian ammunition. Soviet milspec 7.62×39 would reliably go bang, but due to indifferent quality control, that was pretty much the best you could say about it.
From an infantryman’s standpoint, in practical terms you will not notice an accuracy difference between the two. The various M16A2’s I was issued shooting Lake City M855 would reliably hit a man sized silhouette out to 500 yards if you knew dial setting for the rear sights, were laying prone, and shielded from wind.
The AK74 with 7N6 will keep up with an AR shot for shot.
The army did not want the M16. Nobody did except the Air Force, which only wanted a cheap replacement for the aging M1 carbines base security was using. The gun was not ready for prime time for most of the entire Vietnam war if not all of it. The A2 spearheaded by the Marine Corps fixed the reliability issues, but then turned the gun into more of a target rifle.
Just as we were getting things dialed, then along comes the M4. Colt thought they had another M1 carbine, basically a PDW to issue to non-combat troops or stuff in a HMVEE. Whoops.
Special Operations immediately bought the gun because special operations units the world over ALWAYS prefer CQB weapons. And then the Army had to do what the cool kids were doing. And then so did everybody else. So what’s the problem?
The M4 is still not ready for prime time. Colt never bothered to properly turn the gas system for heavy use, so the the operating pressures are far too high. Much lower barrel life, much sooner parts breakage such as locking lugs shearing off of the bolt. All because of the carbine length gas system. If you are building or buying an AR, make sure it’s mid length. If you are building a not-an-sbr-because-brace sbr, then buy a 12.5 midlength barrel. You gain nothing going shorter, and you greatly reduce the risk of blowing up the gun. This is my suggestion:
Also, as far as ammo goes, M855 sucks. It punches through sheet steel reliably out to 600 meters, and that is the single thing is does well. It is highly susceptible to wind drift, doesn’t tumble reliably in tests especially in skinny people where it tends just to poke .223 holes straight through, and has a low BC for a 5.56 bullet.
Meanwhile at about the same time FN was designing M855 for the 16in barreled minimi/M249, the Soviets were designing 5.45×39 7N6 for the AK74. 7N6 is the perfect general issue ball ammo, assuming you don’t mind a corrosive primer.
M855A1 probably beats it out in effectiveness, but 7N6 is much cheaper. You really do not want to be shot with either one as BOTH reliably fragment(more explode) and continue on through in every test that I’ve seen.
7.62×39 is the problem with the AK. It’s not an accuracy round.
But yeah, AK versus AR is really kind of a bad argument in the US. Fact is that an AR solves all of your logistics problems because all parts and ammo are common and available, even if only by picking it up off the ground from the fallen or raiding government armories.
AK means that you are dependent on a weapons cache, specifically your own, which means that you are tied to it, and tied to teammates that also use it. If you can only afford one, you want an AR15.
“…AK means that you are dependent on a weapons cache, specifically your own…”
I don’t agree exactly. The reason being if you have a couple thousand rounds are you going to survive if you are in a situation that you have fired off a couple thousand rounds???? I think the odds of you being killed in that situation would be rather high and I really don’t like AR’s or M-4 or whatever’s because they are just not reliable unless babied.
I haven’t owned the 5.45×39 7N6. I heard that the wounds it makes are horrific.
I will add that I don’t think AK’s are cool. They are clunky but…they go bang consistently in most all situations. Spare parts, If you fire it until it breaks the odds are someone will kill you before it breaks and if they don’t you could have all the guns the other guys you killed so parts aren’t that much of a problem. I’m strictly focusing on SHTF Armageddon type stuff. Not who has the coolest rifle.
If you count on scavenging ammo and parts from your enemies then you can also get your AR from them if you start with something else.
Some AKs shoot 5.56×45. After the Warsaw Pact broke up some of the national arsenals switched to the NATO round. China even did some 5.56s for the American market just before Chinese imports were banned.
I don’t have anything against the 5.45×39 other than the price. It used to be cheap enough to warrant building a rifle to shoot it. I doubt we’ll see those prices again.
Thanks for this!
@Lowell Houser (and anyone else who has skin in the game here)
What rifle would you recommend a non-infantryman who is planning on getting professional training (but not going to enlist) to get? All I really know is that ARs are cheap and very comfortable to shoot, the SurvivalBlog guy likes FAL-types, and that M1A’s look awesome (and shoot really well). Asking for a friend.
What do you expect to face and need to do? A person in a heavily wooded area will shoot at shorter ranges than a person in the midwest who can see for a mile in each direction. Whose coming, government, or criminals? Does it need to be concealable? How strong are you, who long will you be carrying it, and how much ammo would you need? If you are running into a rural town surrounded by plains, and most people there are conservative it is different from having to go into Chicago on foot for a good distance to visit an ailing relative.
That said, an AR is a good platform that you can swap a lot of different uppers on, and those high velocity 5.56 rounds, especially if you can get something expending like a varmint bullet, can do damage. Rittenhouse had FMJs, I believe, and he put that commie’s arm on a two-pound insta-diet. And if you look at the video, the tissue removed was literally vaporized into a cloud. Try to get it in 223 Wylde if possible for better accuracy than 5.56.
Thanks for putting things into perspective, AC. I have some homework to do.
Buy common guns in common calibers.
Make sure there are plenty of spare parts.
Common guns in common calibers often have massive aftermarkets where you can dial-in what you need.
the M24 style rifle
Practice to make sure you like shooting it.
Don’t buy an AR they are shit. They are designed wrong. The bolt is a cylinder that slides through another cylinder so if dirt gets in it…well it drags and malfunctions. The gas tubes can clog and if it’s not clogged it blows powder residue into the gun where you don’t want it. The ejector is not a positive STOP like other guns pinned to the receiver so it works most of the time but can be finicky. The gas tube can overheat under sustained fire and burst. (but not likely in semi-auto)
I can say they are light, balance real nice and shoot good, if they shoot. They work great if you keep them meticulously clean but they have a LOT of ways they can jam if they get the slightest bit of dirt in them. I’m not impressed with them at all. They use a lot of expensive machining in places not needed and have lots of flaws they refused to fix. Any general that says it’s the best rifle possible is either a liar or an idiot.
Don’t get a Fal. Too heavy, they have a weird tilting block locking system that adds to the weight. Not saying they are evil but…only if it’s cheap then go for it.
For the money and something that will go bang every single time get an AK. Make sure and get a good holographic dot sight for it with the AK side mount(most important to get a good fast sight, most important, super important, did you get that I said it was important?). Russian ones are excellent but cost a damn fortune, but they’re good. Look at the internals of an AK. The locking lugs are big and push dirt and dust out of the way. The bolt slides on rails and pushes dirt out of the way. You can pack the thing in mud, pull out the mag and cycle it a few times while shaking it and the dirt will fall out.
The AR could have been designed much better. The AR-180 was close but they put a big square bolt in it so negated some of the advantages.
I’ve owned all of the above but I haven’t owned a M1A. I suppose they are fine and have a friend that owns one, he likes it but he’s a gun nut and has one of everything.
I say for the cost and if you are only interested in self defense the AK is the best bet. People may rib you because it’s not the “super cool” thing but it will shoot in the most extreme situations every time. It also is barrel heavy but not to the extreme that you can’t shoot it. If you go with the 7.62×39 get hollow point ammunition.
The .308 nato is really not good for most self defense unless you live in the western desert or something like that where all shots will be long range. Ammo too heavy, kick of the gun much higher. If long range I would maybe get the M1A or the Fal.
I’ll tell you a really good .223 I used to own. FN-FNC a .223 made by Fabric National
Great rifle. I really liked it. It was a westernized sort of AK. Same action mostly. I sold it because the price they were going for was super high. I got $3,000 for it. Soon as I happened upon them going for that I had to let it go. The reason they were so high is that the full auto kits for AR-15 went through the roof but there were FN-FNC kits for full auto left so the price of those rifles went up so people could put full auto kits in them. I didn’t want a full auto so the extra net worth of the gun did me no good. I sold it and bought a AR-15 so I don’t totally hate them but over time I started to not appreciate how it worked.
A bunch of us are hoping that FNC parts kits will begin to arrive now that the European countries still using them are beginning to retire them. Like has happened with the CETME-L from Spain.
Personally, I think the best 5.56 almost nobody knows about is the Leader Dynamics T2. It uses a triangular bolt head and a simplified version of the AR180 folded sheet receiver. Masterpiece Arms did a knock off called the MPAR, which I have been trying to get my hands on because they are cheaper than an original and I’m not a gun collector. I need something to reverse engineer and I’d prefer to cut up an MPAR because they turned out to be terrible – they ruined all the handling characteristics of the original for a bulky pointless heat sink of an aluminum quad rail, plus they redesigned the charging handle copying the original BAR which added weight and complexity to the original SIMPLE CH.
People are still discovering the ACR, which has the best lower receiver design overall IMHO. Bushmaster really screwed the pooch on that rifle. The base design of the rifle is exceptional, but their implementation just SUCKED.
Leader Dynamics T2
Those are cool. I like that bolt. Forgotten weapons (he is great)has a video on it. Good low cost simple design. Maybe a little too simple but if they could pass on the low cost…
I you can get a FN-FNC I strongly recommend it as very high quality and very reliable. Great balance, decent accuracy. It’s exactly like taking a AK and building it with modern manufacturing instead of banging out out rough things like Rus AK’s.
The only thing I didn’t like was no hold open when mag empty but…europeans for some reason don’t do this as much. I had a HK 93 that was the same. I traded it for the FNC because…heavy, too heavy.
This is NOT advice because I don’t know enough to give advice but depending on what you need you may be interested in this:
Where do you live? What is the most common rifle there? That’s your answer. People get twisted in knots over “what’s the best” without stopping to ask “can I get parts and ammo if I have to forage for them”?
M1A’s are my favorite rifle to shoot iron sights. I don’t own one anymore. I own an AR15 with 16.5in midlength barrel with 5.56 chamber, 1-6xLPVO, KE Arms SLT-1 trigger, PDQ ambi bolt release, Magpul furniture, Norgon ambi mag release, 2-point adj sling, two dozen mags, flat wire recoil spring, Armament LARB buffer, backup irons, Geiselle Airborne Charging handle, and a spare bolt in the pistol grip in case I break an extractor. Sharps NP3 Reliabolt because LMT hasn’t had them available for sale for a while.
Oh, and I’m not bothering with an aluminum rail. Using the standard front sight gasblock and Magpul MOE hand guards with heat shield that are fair more comfortable if you end up stuck somewhere without gloves. Streamlight Protac bolted into one of the MLOK slots.
I put all the money into setting up one gun rather than a dozen cheap ones. If something breaks, a replacement part is EASY to come by. Ammo and magazines are available, so I don’t have to hoard.
P.S. If you still have an AR with carbine length gas system, you should consider the LMT enhanced BCG as a must purchase as soon as they are available again. The bolts are not only the best overall AR15 bolt design ever, but the carrier has been optimized for the carbine length system adding much needed dwell time. I will be buying one for my upcoming pistol brace build because I have two 16.5 carbine length barrels I want to shoot out before I replace them. The gun is going to be mostly spare parts put together around blem upper and on-sale 80% lower.
LMT? You mean Lewis Machine Tool? That is some expensive package.
What do you think of LMT, Knights Armory, Noveske and LWRC? Are thee manufacturers producing high quality stuff? Anything proprietary that would be hard to come by?
Oh, and my LPVO is a Primary Arms ACSS 1-6x SFP. I went cheap, but it’s on a quick release mount if it breaks so I can pull it off with no tools and flip up the rear which is zeroed. It has a BDC calibrated for 62gr bullets, so my practice ammo is Wolf 62gr, and my combat ammo is Speer Gold Dot 64gr.
I could have gone with 77gr BTHP and paired it with 75gr Tula for practice, but the glass is easiest to setup for 62gr, and it’s more common. The upcoming 12.5 is going to get a steady diet of 55gr simply because I want to get rid of it and it’s a CQB build.
Wow, thank you everyone for the replies. Looks like I opened up a can of worms here 😀
Reading up on Commiefornia, looks like the AR is the only platform I can choose and meet the criteria of readily available parts, lightness, and ammo availability. I’ve shot them a few times and I like how they feel (like a feather). I’d also forgotten how heavy the M1A is (even though they feel amazing to shoot and those ironsights are nifty). After some research, the plan now is to get a cheap Palmetto State Armory kit (mid length barrel) and a Juggernaut Tacitical CA mod kit, learn to put it together, learn the platform, then upgrade it (somehow address the bolt issue, but I do keep my pistol as clean as a whistle) as I learn what is what. Thanks again, everyone.
Arrrghhh don’t do it. I fully understand when you hold them they are light point excellent. They feel great and have great balance but before you buy it. Take out the bold then slide it in and out of the receiver. It’s a piston. Pistons are used to seal cylinders. Imagine getting any dirt in this how it will react.
It depends do you want one as a toy, to look cool, to keep around the house or do you want something if all hell breaks loose and you might have to really start killing people to survive. If it’s survival you want then get the AK. Yes it’s shitty and doesn’t feel as good but…it will always go bang when you pull the trigger.
At one time I had a bushmaster pre-ban Car-15(nice gun) and a AK I bought just because it and ammo was so cheap at the time and after looking at both if you told me I could only keep one I would have kept the AK.
Lowell knows what he is talking about and has all these special add ons. They’re great but none of them will ever fix all the problems of the AR.
Another problem with them is the gas ports get roughed in over time. This makes the gas more powerful and it releases the bolt too fast. This in turn puts a lot of stress on the locking lugs and it also allows the end of the cartridge to sometimes be ripped off with the rest stuck in barrel. This is because the too fast gas doesn’t allow time for the expanding case to rebound and it gets stuck in the barrel.
Thanks Sam J. Main thing for me is that I’m in the People’s Republic of California and AR parts are everywhere. I think you have me sold on the AK, but not as a primary (b/c CA). I’ve wanted an M1A for years but I’m amenable to switching this preference to the AK platform. I’m saving your comments so that I can remember the weakness of the AR platform.
Before you get a M1A get a 2×4 and weight it just like the gun and carry that thing around for an hour. The extra weight is a killer. You might not think so but it is.
And to throw even further water on the fire of the AR. It has problems with the extractor leaving the cases in the chamber. The fix for this is a rubber o-ring around the extractor spring. Sigh…I mean WTF rubber o-ring because the spring is not designed and set up properly??? If you do get one of these AR’s don’t use rubber o-rings(it will melt) get a higher temperature o-ring like this(this is the first link I saw I have no financial interest in them)
This was just an example other o-ring materials maybe better.
What about a 20″ barrel AR instead? I think my next purchase will be that.
It was my understanding that the ideal barrel length for the AR and the 5.56×45 round is 20″ and over 3000 FPS. This is gives the ball round the best yaw and fragmenting characteristics. Shorter barrels affect the dwell time (exception 14.5″), as well.
I agree the M855 isn’t a good round:
If this statement isn’t enough to buy M193….
“NATO actually pushed the United States to adopt the Belgian-designed SS109 cartridge as the M855 because they felt that the American-made 55-grain M193’s tendency to yaw and then fragment was “inhumane” and possibly illegal under the Hague Convention of 1899, Declaration 4 against “bullets which expand or flatten easily in the human body.”
“The M855 cartridge was a spectacular failure in the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu, Somalia, where Delta Force operators firing the round out of CAR-15 carbines reported that Somali militiamen took multiple rounds without immediate effect. The 10.5″ barrels of the carbines did not let the cartridge attain enough velocity to cause significant damage.”
InRangeTV did tests in ballistic soap using a few common 5.56 rounds out of a 14.5in barrel. I’d have to dig and see if the video is still up, but long and short of it is that is doesn’t matter what your barrel length is with M855 because it doesn’t reliably tumble until it has traveled about two third s of the way through an average American torso. The performance was quite literally on par with 9mm FMJ, both just poking small caliber holes.
55gr M193 tumbled reliably within a short distance of entering the test medium. 77gr Mk262 was without a doubt the best performer simply doing a terrifying amount of damage from a 14in barrel.
You notice while my rifle is sighted in for 62gr, I don’t use M855 in any mag that might end up being used in a gun fight. I have some that is going to be burned through for footage for the channel at some point, but for training ammo my preference is Wolf or Tula steel case. Either one runs fine through my AR. I have Speer Gold Dot 64gr that is a favorite among LEOs. I’ll be sighting in the 12.5 build for 55gr just because I have a ton of it, and once I have burned through it I’ll switch it over to whatever the 16in is shooting.
Assuming we have Trump back in the White House in the nearish future I plan to buy a Gemtech HALO for the 12.5 build.
5.56 was developed for a 20in barrel, so that will always be it’s ideal barrel length for bullet velocity. However, it’s been fifty years, there have been massive improvements to everything in firearms.
77gr MK262 was developed specifically for a 14.5 barrel. I believe IMI makes it in bulk under the Razorcore(?) name.
I cannot stress this enough – 10.5 IS TOO SHORT. 12.5 is as low as I go, and I will be replacing the bolt every 5 thousand rounds of each carbine length barrel that I have whether it looks like it needs it or not because I have no desire to blow up an AR right next to my head. Assuming that I wear out both carbine barrels that I have, I will immediately replace with a 12.5 mid length.
The numbers are better in every category.
NSWC-Crane Mid-Length Gas System Testing Shows Increased Performance & Service Life For M4 Carbines
Good info:
> The M4 is still not ready for prime time.
They asked Armalite for help getting the short barrel to work with existing ammo. Armalite told them it was a bad idea, and there was no slack whatsoever between “mostly works” and “uh-oh.” Colt went ahead anyway, and spent a fortune polishing that dog turd until the Army would accept it.
source: Armalite has a technical paper about that on their web site.
Also some bits of AR history that are counter to accepted BARFcom lore, but hey, Armalite is only the original developer of the platform, what would they know?
– TRX (prefers Mikhail’s design to Eugene’s)
> It sounds ridiculous, this idea that those who control these ultra-powerful entities would execute a strategy straight out of Mengele’s lab on regular citizens, and do it this blatantly.
This is the same Federal government that inoculated hundreds of US soldiers with syphilis so they could watch them degenerate into dementia and death, that slipped hundreds (or thousands) of people LSD to see what they did when tripping, and irradiated thousands of soldiers by positioning them near atomic bomb tests, to see how many of them would get cancer. And then there were the various states that rented out their inmates to pharmaceutical companies for involuntary drug experiments. And, of course, the pharmaceutical companies that falsified tests, sometimes with the complicit help of the Fed.
These are just documented things that we *know* of.
> Guns and ammo now tax-free in West Virginia.
Good for them!
Now if they’d pull Joe Manchin out of the Senate and make English their official language instead of mmphrm-mmawm-hrrmumm, they’d be on a roll.
> Sheriffs & ICE agents sue Biden for forcing them to violate immigration laws.
[reads article] Self-serving weasel bullshit.
“The law” is the oath to the Constitution they swore when they got their badges. The United States Supreme Court, sitting in Nuremberg Germany after WWII, declared that “just following orders” isn’t going to cover their asses.
AC: thanks for all your hard work on this site.
I was wondering if you would be willing to start a separate thread (and refresh it every now and again) where we could brainstorm ideas for election anti-fraud statutes. The posts could then act as an idea-repository. I have not seen anyone doing this, so thought we could do it here.
I’ll go first. Assume these are Congressional laws (but could be used at the state level too). Format: Short preamble — laws usually have preamble giving courts an idea of why the law was passed. And then Constitutional basis (more for federal law — now almost always based on the Commerce Clause). Then the statute. Let’s keep these very short.
First idea — banning drop boxes:
“Preamble: One of the main methods of election fraud and cheating is the use of drop boxes for absentee and mail-in ballots. This law bans use of drop boxes. Commerce Clause
Law: “For federal elections, no states shall permit the use of drop boxes for depositing absentee, mail-in ballots or any other type of ballot not case in person. Only the mailing of such ballots shall be permitted.”
Good idea to pool the ideas.
But our real problem is everybody being compromised. Right now, we have zero power, and everything is just a show to act as cover for them just doing what Cabal tells them to.
But good idea to have a repository of ideas for if that changes.
Very insightful and worth the read article (IMHO):
Notable quote:
The Russian supply of the vaccines to Africa could be paid off by an IMF loan. This will be in line with Putin’s usual modus operandi: conform to the existing paradigm, roll with the punches and pull in as much for Russia as you can. Currently there seems to be only one game in town, one that is played by the Covid masters, big pharma, the digital giants, the IMF and orchestrated by the Rockefeller foundation. Putin does not want to fight against this extraordinary force; he thinks Russia can manage within the rules they set. He will play along until they unveil a power grab, or any rough game, but even then Russia appears to be ready. The West should deal with its own problems, starting with the digital giants; it won’t be easy, as we learn from the recent case where Judge Hinkle ruled that Facebook and Microsoft should enjoy their God-given right to block politicians they do not like. It won’t be easy, and spending our resources threatening Putin and Xi won’t help us get the job done.
“Donald Trump will have a rally tomorrow in Sarasota FL, where he is scheduled to take the stage at 8PM.”
I think it’s today, Saturday the 3rd
Correct. I was putting it together yesterday and things get mixed up.
Check the map for the location of today’s North American X-ray event.
Space Weather Message Code: SUMX01
Serial Number: 118
Issue Time: 2021 Jul 03 1500 UTC
SUMMARY: X-ray Event exceeded X1
Begin Time: 2021 Jul 03 1418 UTC
Maximum Time: 2021 Jul 03 1429 UTC
End Time: 2021 Jul 03 1434 UTC
X-ray Class: X1.5
Optical Class: sf
Location: N25W86
NOAA Scale: R3 – Strong
Well I can quit my channel, Ivan beat me to it…. Nah just kidding.
If you watch carefully there’s not enough rigidity because the machine is made from aluminum and plastic, and it just doesn’t have enough mass to absorb vibration. It also is running steppers instead of servos, and as such the motors can lose their position relative to where the computer thinks they are. This machine is not hardened-steel capable.
Still, it’s seriously shiny. I used to be one of Ivan’s Patreon supporters and wish I could still afford to do that, because Ivan is just plain gifted.
But this design is completely within the wheelhouse of the 3D printer crowd, which is where Ivan is. It looks to be capable for hobbyist aluminum work. I could use one right now.
Regarding shortages…
I ordered a plate carrier from a well known military supplier somewhere around 10/2019.
It had been on backorder this entire time. I just received part of my order. The main item is still on backorder.
That’s a couple months short of 2 years. I can’t believe this was just due to Covid.
If there was a secret space force, with TR3Bs, (and we are all so gaslighted and lied to who knows what is in the non-gaslighted part of the US), I’ve wondered if there is some sort of shadow war going on with some hidden group. Why did we spend billions out of the blue to train all our troops to fight underground in tunnels, DARPA was looking for underground facilities it could borrow to test tunnel-fighting technologies, and a few years later nobody is talking about it.
cause most of us have seen videos of smoking manhole covers etc… and DC being shutdown. whotehats wont say much in public, so to not scare people. blackhats dont want to report on their defenstration.
It’s crazy. The whole thing is just crazy.
Most of DC travels under tunnels.
Exactly. This shortage was happening 5 months before Covid. And the bill to refund the military….the DARPA request….etc.
It sucks to be in the dark for so long. Give us them damn truth.
I watched about 30 minutes of this lady’s presentation and will watch the rest.
It’s all about how the evil ones will use tech to enslave humanity (the beast system).
The use of gaming, to send you into alternative (fake) realities is part of the plan (Tencent, a Chinese company, is into pushing gaming on the West).
Huge plans they have, the evil ones, to force us to obey their whims, to live in slave container homes, to have everything we do and use monitored, it will be terrible, if it is allowed to be put into effect. I suspect they will not have time to fully implement most of it.
Here’s the link, which someone else teed up to start at that point:
“ Tencent, a Chinese company, is into pushing gaming on the West”
You’re officially smoking crack…
We INVENTED gaming. We pushed it on the world.
P.S. crack is not authorized in the book of Leviticus, therefore you should not be including it in your diet.
The same people invented gaming as invented TV and porn.
You count yourself in that group if you like.
I have never even smoked a cigarette, let alone done drugs, but at least you tried to be amusing, albeit with a very commonplace line.
>”I would respectfully advise McCarthy that America First patriots, no matter their thoughts on Israel, find an assertion it is assumed we need to fund Israel’s national defense repulsive. I am stunned he would even tweet this.”
As an average Israel-criticism enjoyer, I’d say it’s all kabuki theater (possibly to get an excuse to get all the cuckservatives to pander to Israel some more, as a PR move for Israel) and that the Rothschild founded pedo haven will get the money. The D party gets 50% of their money from Jews, and 95% of US Jews are pro-Israel. – “American Jews, Politics and Israel”
95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…
” – “US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic Party”
>”US hits 17 nations for not combating human trafficking. This number has been popping up again frequently in news stories of late.”
Dear whitehatfags, less numerology, more heads on pikes pls, k? Thks.
The yt video I just linked, at the 2:10:00 mark she starts to talk about surveillance, and also about wrecking people’s lives via traffic, organised arguments in stores, all the sort of stuff that has been discussed here in recent weeks.
The one who do that are loyal to something. It doesn’t seem like it is just a job they saw in the paper. Some assert quite strongly it is demonic, and it could fit. I tend to default to them just getting raised in it, and feeling more loyalty to it than the US/Constitution, like it is their family. But I rule nothing out.
it’s their race and religion. they believe it is their right and destiny to rule over “the cattle”.
Their religion is Luciferianism, as long as you realise that.
Their race is Khazarian/Ashkenazi, not of the tribes of Israel.
Jew-blame is just another diversion.
no gary, it isnt. quit whitewashing them.
(((morgan))), remember synagogue of satan. you are the Christ-slighter you always complain about.
1. I am directly descended from King David. Was news to me, but there we go.
2. You falsely accuse me, I have never once slighted Yahshua. You will not be able to quote me doing so, ever. So, you sin with false witness.
3. In all nationalities there are good and bad, it’s foolish to tar every person descended from the tribes of Israel as evil, it isn’t true.
4. You have never remembered a Sabbath day in your life, don’t wear tassels as commanded, and ignore the holy festivals of God. You’re a pagan. Bite me.
1. a lot of people are. even if u are, u arent special. u will hear more of why shortly. 2. gary you pump up jews at every oppo and arent truthful about them. when they do bad, they are never the real jews. get over it. they are real. and also often bad and communist. 3. it is foolish to act like they re all good. the idea they are is far from the truth. 4. you are grasping at straws and i am not jewish anyway. jews cut off bloody baby dick and eat it. now that’s pagan. tassels – that’s your jewish deal. yer pics dont seem to have tassels so stfu. i am a white man. quit trying to come on to me, useless pervert. you seem to get into the trappings of religion for show but you dont really get any of it. and that’s par for the course for you, u larping loxist.
“…Jewish collective power has no place in the West. If the Western people don’t find a way to remove it, they will be destroyed by it…”
Exactly. Now what to do about it? You say we should reform them somehow. We tried that. Over and over and over and over and it didn’t work. We have thousands of years of data showing this.
“…”they just need to go to Israel”
Respectfully disagree. You might as well just shoot them in the face if you’re trying to force them into going to a place where for you to be able to force them into, you’d be making sure it would be condemned to get taken over by the surrounding powers…”
I regect your attempt to foist on me the problems of the Jews for how they act. I categorically reject the idea that I am resposible for their fate. I thought I made this clear with the “Unforgiven” analogy. If they are goign to prop our corpses up in front of their bart they get what’s coming to them. This is not my responsibility.
Let’s use the same analogy. If a bunch of Africans in one country murdered a huge number of people. A massive number and then invaded anther country to escape retribution. Is it immoral to throw them out of the second country to go back and pay for that which they have done? No it’s not and even worse if this were real why would you involve me and proclaim that I am somehow responsible for these killers and if anything happens to them it’s my fault. It’s not.
I think over time like most of us the brain washing you have received from the Jews had led you to believe that you are somehow responsible for the Jews bad decisions and their evil ways. You are not and neither am I. They laid their bed let them lie in it. If they are genocided by others for their evil behavior then it’s not my problem. I am not responsible. I didn’t invade the Palestinians, I didn’t cut out their organs after torturing them. The Jews did this. They need to work this out for themselves and not bother me with their problems they have created.
I am not responsible for any retribution that comes to the Jews for their behavior, after all it’s theirs, and find it offensive that you should try to lay the burden of THEIR behavior on me. I reject it.
@Sam J
Thing is, you want them ALL to go to Israel. I don’t think this is either fair (which is not a problem for you, as you said, and that’s an understandable position, just not one that I share), nor even doable, because once the Western people have taken back control over their Countries, Israel will no longer be (given it’s completely dependent on the zionist lobbies and subversion, which requires the diaspora Jews and their stooges to operate freely in the West). I certainly think Western people should have the right to decide to expel or restrict the freedoms of Jews as a way to terminate their collective power (Justinian the First limited their freedoms via legislation, and the Byzantine Empire lasted 4 times longer than the 250 year average that Empires last), but to try to argue for Herzlian and claim support for Israel because you want to expel them is just ridiculous. Expel them all you want, but to try to expel them to Israel and only Israel is being silly and being compliant with the Rothschild (who are the most dangerous for the Western people diaspora Jews to ever exist, due to their central banking cartel) plans.
At the end of the day, I think Jews (all types, racial, religious and cultural) who don’t GTFO from the West quickly enough are fucked (and most of them are retarded enough to bolt to Israel, which is a really bad idea for them IMHO, but whatever), because once the chaos starts, people won’t be patient enough to try to expel them to any place, they’ll probably just kill them indiscriminately (which although unfair and something I am against, it’s probably what will happen, it happens to every group and it is just what it is), and by the time things settle down and all the Jewish organizations (including lobbies, religious institutions, NGOs etc) get their infrastructure taken from them (or destroyed), then maybe the non-obvious racial Jews can get discovered via genetic testing, and that’s something that would take time, effort, organization, man power and money/resources to make happen, which would not be available immediately after the chaos (due to rebuilding efforts), and IMHO by the time you can get everyone genetically profiled so the non-obvious racial Jews can be expelled to Israel, Israel will have been removed from the map by then (without the US and other Western countries getting pimped to prop it up, they have no chance IMHO).
So at the end of the day, we can keep harping about fairness or zionism all we want, what we think should happen and what will happen will be very different things.
I too believe that Jewish supremacism (which is the basis of Judaism, if you look into it, despite many Jews being seemingly ignorant to that fact (but they still get trained to be loyal to Jewery via cultural habits (I’ve talked with Jews that apparently don’t know much about Jewish religion or history, but feel loyalty to Jewery because they see themselves a few and grew up surrounded by Jewish cultural behavior (celebration of certain dates, etc)))) is where the gaybal shite leads ultimately. I can’t prove it with 100% iron clad proof, but one thing I can say that’s 100% verifiable and undeniable: Jewish collective power is the main tool in the cabal toolbox, and it needs to be terminated. It might mean that Jews get expelled from the West completely based not only on their culture/religion but also on their genetics (which I don’t think is even needed, but I am comfortable with whatever happens), but at the very least, Jewish collective power needs to be completely removed from the West, or the Western people are utterly screwed. That’s a fact.
I think you also have to understand not just Jews, but a fuckload of people, are really NPCs, not just blind to reality, but unable to process it. And it is not even their fault – it was done to them. Even I’ve got a little bit of that programming. On the one side I have intellect, and eyes, and I see how bad it is, I process how bad it is, and I understand how Darwinism dictates it should be that bad, and everything fits. But I still have that programmed side of my brain that looks in shock, and keeps sending signals into my brain, saying there is no way it is this big. There is no way there are this many other people who think it is cool when people who were leaving everyone alone shut their doors to be alone in their home, and you just force your way into their home and intrude on them. There is no way politicians and reporters hold a press conference, and all have earpieces, and one guy in a command center directing the event is asking questions through one reporters ear, and answering them through the politician’s mouth. No way you could populate the government with a majority of traitors who would destroy liberty, sell us out to foreign powers and crater our nation. No way every election, county by county was simply scripted before any vote was cast and the results were all rigged.
I know Darwinism says it should be true. The evidence has been accruing for decades CIA was off the leash and invading things like the media and government. We’ve long known global elites were running everything, including CIA. I see this shit on my own street with my own eyes. And even I still have a little voice these motherfuckers put in my head through conditioning, trying to tell me it can’t be.
I tell everybody about the surveillance, just as a matter of principle. If they don’t want to think it possible its fine, but I think everyone should have the opportunity to be on equal ground in the nation as a matter of freedom. I had one guy I told, nice guy and he knew me for years, knew I was smart, we get along great, and I don’t think he was a part of it. But just the idea freaked him out to the point he could not accept it could exist anywhere, even in isolated areas. The movie Enemy of the State was impossible in real life anywhere, as if the government didn’t even have the capability. It was impossible everywhere. He was also desperate to take the vaccine, because the government would definitely make sure it is safe, and never make a mistake. He is a bright guy in a STEM field, but he is so conditioned, he cannot think for himself. That little voice rules his brain.
I think a lot of the Jews I’ve known are like that. I can sympathize, I’ve got that little voice myself. It is bothersome when it makes noise, and it would feel good if my logical observations and conclusions and it would mesh, and it would quiet down and my brain could be in harmony. But if it rules you, it is a huge problem because Cabal is the one who designed that little voice.
agree. and some go back to an old playbook. remember, “it wasnt real communism”? well it was real enough. and the same people have a new shtick is “that isnt real judaism”. well it’s real enough. next, they will try “that isnt real zionism”… when one determines that jews basically wrote up the op manuals for satanists and the op manuals for templars/freemasons… and they cranked out their own op manual set, the talmud… they have quite a role in all evil, period.
>”that isnt real zionism”
Real zionism (as defined by the ideological tenets of Theodor Herzl) has been in practice since the Rothschild founded their pedo haven in 1948, and that’s a verifiable fact. It also sucks ass, and any Jew that subscribes to it is retarded. First of all, the religious argument for the creation of Israel is worthless because Judaism has lost the covenant, it’s a dead cult. And going along with a Rothschild egomaniacal plan to populate on area with Jews just because they want to rule the world from an HQ in the region of Palestine is utterly retarded.
That’s why I say, Israel deserves no support, and even if Western people get rid of all Jews based not only on culture/religion but also race, only retarded Jews would go along with collaborating with Rothschild founded aspirations. If they are capable of rubbing 2 neurons together, they will bolt to Russia, which has a region even bigger than Israel called the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in which they can come together and try to build something worth of note.
Zionism is real, it has been tried (just like communism), and it’s utter shite. Humbly accepting the kindness of the Russian region to maintain an oblast for Jews to go to in case they need to is what they should be doing, if they not-retarded enough to see thru the zionism (which is associated with the Rothschild huger for establishing a HQ for a world government in Palestine) bs.
For those that don’t know about zionism, these infographs give some basic verifiable facts (such as the fact that zionists are always traitors, according to Theodor Herzl, the father of modern political zionism):
And regarding the worthlessness of Israel as a place to ship all Jews to as the West starts telling them GTFO:
If it ever comes to the point that Western people have taken back enough control over their Western regions (God willing, Western people will get back ALL the control over their rightfully their Western regions) to be able to force the diaspora Jews out, by that time Israel will no longer even exist, because most of the diaspora indeed act in ways that try to keep the zionist terrorist Rothschild pedo haven “state” alive (without the malarkey most of the diaspora is involved in (if not only in supporting Israel, which 95% of them do)).
I have seen lots of arguments between Jews that don’t like Israel and Israeli Jews on /pol/ (which is great, it means they are fracturing more and more by the second), typically the diaspora Jews are self-interested diaspora Jews that don’t really care about the Western people either, and the Israeli Jews try to persuade them into becoming supporters of Israel by trying to convince them that basically “if you don’t support Israel you’re dumb because you won’t have anywhere else to do, and zionist Jews are better than you because we criticize the diaspora Jews and you don’t”. This is utterly non-sensical, since Jews can both push for the awakening of Westerners for the dangers of letting the Jewish diaspora keep yielding their Jewish collective power against them while also pushing for the awakening of the Westerners regarding the dangers of keeping supporting the Rothschild (diaspora Jews banksters) founded pedo haven country called Israel.
It seems like the Hasbara operations have made it a priority to try to funnel efforts into convincing diaspora Jews who will have to leave the West into going into Israel, which will not save Israel (IMHO) nor the diaspora fleeing to Israel, because if the Westerners ever get control over their Western territories back (God willing the Westerners will take it back) Israel is done for because without the West getting pimped for the benefit of Israel and acting like a supplier of everything from money to tech to boots on the ground as cannon fodder, the whole region surrounding Israel will swallow it up and drive the Jews into the sea.
Israel and the Jews that choose it as a haven to fly into have no future IMHO, They are better off admitting to the issue of Jewish collective power and all its implications on the Western people, and if they are forced or willing to GTFO of the West, they should be going to the Russian Jewish Autonomous Oblast.
I will also add that zionism and communism were literally founded by the same people.
There is no difference between the subversion of the diaspora Jews and shaboz goys that engage in subversion, and the subversion of the zionists that engage in subversion.
Israel was founded by International Jewery for the benefit of International Jewery, the same way Communism was created, financed and promoted by International Jewery for the benefit of International Jewery.
Any non-subversive Jew that has no interest in International Jewery but happens to live in a place that considers his genes a component of International Jewery and has to GTFO would be very idiotic to ever choose Israel as a place to go to.
And I am pretty sure Putin will know what to do with the zionists and International Jewery enthusiasts who try to flee to Russia. So it’s all pretty comfy, just don’t be silly and support Israel “because Jews won’t have any place to go”, that’s BS and you’re only getting tricked into supporting an International Jewery founded pedo haven (Israel) on non-sensical grounds. Even if you want to get rid of all Jews in the Western territory based on genetics, that’s no reason to support Israel (it’s pretty obviously retarded in fact IMHO, but I also have my moments of utter retardation, so that’s ok).
A thought came to mind regarding the “it was not real Judaism/Communism/Zionism” trick. Maybe it can be used a dialectic counter against it:
It was real Judaism, and real Judaism is failed Judaism because Jews failed to keep their side of the covenant and so God destroyed the covenant and created a new one, for Jews and Gentiles alike, based on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Judaism is a dead cult with no temple and no covenant, and Jewish supremacists refused to accept the Messiah God sent them because they wanted a for-Jews-only-Messiah. Real Judaism is failed Judaism.
It was real communism, and real communism failed because it was a mechanism thru which Jewish supremacists (who were/are still in refusal of their real Messiah Jesus Christ) hoped to achieve global control over governments and resources. Real communism is failed communism because it failed in its goal to give their Jewish supremacists creators, financiers and original promoters global control over the world’s governments and resources.
Current Herzlian zionism is real zionism, and real zionism will fail if the Western people ever get back control and power over their territories and their body politic, because zionism was created by Jewish supremacists (the same clique that created communism) hoping to use it as an HQ in which to rule the world from. They’ve taken control over the Western body politic via bribery, blackmail, threats and MSM and big tech social media power, and that is readily apparent when the in the West no politician is able to criticize Israel or act in the interest of the people they pretend to represent if that goes against the interests of Israel without a massive onslaught of Jewish zionist media companies and lobbies working tirelessly to completely remove them out from the political game, if not from civil society itself. Zionism will also fail because it’s false religious pretense for existing is false because Judaism is a dead cult with no temple and no covenant. Even if all those signs that are said to be needed to appear before a religious justification for the creation of the country of Israel can occur were to manifest themselves (signs such as the red calf, etc), they would be meaningless signs due to the fact that Judaism is a dead cult with no temple and no covenant, and religious Jews are simply in denial that God has sent them their Messiah already, it’s just that the Jewish supremacists from the time of Jesus refused to recognize His divine nature due to their supremacism, and so their hubris still has many people who identify as religious Jews blinded to the fact their Messiah already arrived, and it’s not just for racial Jews.
Judaism, Communism and Zionism are at the end of the day, all based on Jewish supremacism (and verifiably so, if anyone wants the receipts I can deliver, just ask), and all those 3 movements have their fare share of useful idiots who don’t know it, or can’t realize for emotional reasons (cognitive dissonance). Zionism will fail as Judaism and Communism did, probably for the same reason (supremacist hubris and Godlessness).
Basically, the implications of all of this are:
Jewish collective power has no place in the West. If the Western people don’t find a way to remove it, they will be destroyed by it.
Non-subversive racial Jews living in the West that have no interest in keeping Jewish collective power alive only have two real choices: either stay in Western Countries that remove Jewish collective power but still allowed people with Jewish genes to stay (probably under specific restrictions, such as the Justinian decrees in the Byzantine Empire), or GTFO to Russia were Putin still has enough goodwill towards them as long as they behave properly.
God willing, Rothschild advanced Herzlian zionism is on borrowed time, because once Western people take back control of their territories and body politic, it will fail utterly and completely (IMHO).
>”I think you also have to understand not just Jews, but a fuckload of people, are really NPCs”
I agree, it’s useful to take that into account, since it is a fact that it exists as a real phenomena.
Still, the fact that NPCness is a thing (regardless of its origin (engineered by gaybal)) is no reason to not state facts. It may mean various degrees and strategies of persuasion and varied communication tactics are required to make the facts pierce thru the NPCness and cognitive dissonance,
In fact, I’d say the only way to utterly destroy the gaybal engineered NPCness in future generations is for them to be educated by progressively less and less NPC parents, and the way we help the people of today who will educate the generations of tomorrow become less NPC is to keep saying the truth, regardless of the existance of NPCness.
I grew up in an uber bluepilled environement, this Country is filled with communists (who think they are the good guys because the last right-wing dictatorship had most of the country in utter poverty) and has a fuckton of Jews (who have became agitated due to the recent years of non-stop worldwide redpilling (even opened a museum dedicated to rollerblade accident here in the last year)), and if it wasn’t for Trump being willing to say truths that nobody was authorized by the gaybal to say in public, and if it wasn’t for all the redpilled authors and random anons on the interwebz, I would have never been able to reduce my level of NPCness. Sure, I had the predisposition to question authority and try to understand different points of view, and was rebellious enough to speak my mind despite angering people in positions of authority (I had a powerlevel that I found impossible to hide, but it was too starved of real facts about the world (it’s was not a powerlevel in the way we think about it online in the redpilled community, but it was a predisposition to just say shit that I believed in regardless of making powerful people pissed at me (which is very unwise in lots of ways)), but the few things that angered authority figures I knew about I had no problem in expressing them) but if nobody had been willing to express those different points of view (based on verifiable facts that make NPCs uncomfortable), I would still be a bluepilled “for equality for all” useful idiot. I could be less bluepilled in certain ways, but would never be redpilled in any meaningful way if I hadn’t been exposed to uncomfortable truths (still remember the first time I read the word “globalist” was on a subreddit I don’t even recall the name off, that got banned long time ago, and I remember having this long convo with a guy named NeoReactionSafe (don’t even know how I remember this) where I was basically asking him questions non-stop about something I never heard about and would be quite surprised if it was true, thankfully he was patient and provided me with numerous links for me to look into it, and the rest is history).
The bottom line about the Jews is that we are playing by an individualistic playbook and they are playing by a combined racial playbook. They should not get to play by our playbook if they are playing by different rules. Now even the most ignorant uninformed Jew knows that they are playing a combined network system and that it helps them. So we should treat them as they treat us. Simple equivalence which no matter what happens to them is inherently fair.
If you go into a ring in a boxing match and one guy boxes but the other breaks out MMA moves then the boxer has every right to break out his MMA moves.
If the average Jew who pretends that he is blameless plays by different rules, and he does, then he has no moral defense.
I can not think of a better example than the Clint Eastwood movie “Unforgiven”. Clint comes into the bar and ask who is the proprietor of the establishment is. When he steps forward he blast him with a shotgun. The sheriff says,”you just shot an unarmed Man” and Clint says,”he should have armed himself if he was going to decorate his bar with my friends dead body”.
The Jews support or do not stop the rapacious looting and destruction of our and many other countries. They can not pretend to to be innocent when the guy comes in the bar looking for who killed his friend or in this case his country.
Why people are against zionism is beyond me. I’m a zionist. Look at the definition.
“Zionism is both an ideology and nationalist movement that espouses the establishment of, and support for a Jewish state centered in the area roughly corresponding to Canaan, the Holy Land, the region of Palestine or Eretz Israel on the basis of a long Jewish connection and attachment to that land.”
I want every single Jew on the planet to move to Israel.
Theodor Herzl knew the behavior of Jews in general was parasitic and psychopathic. He said as much that he in no way blamed people for being anti-semitic. He knew what they were like and his sole purpose, I believe and I think it proves correct, was to get the Jews away from everyone else before they wiped them all out due to their psychopathic behavior.
Herzl was another long line of Jews trying to save the Jewish people. I agree with him. If the Jews could all be moved there I would be perfectly happy with the Jews and would leave them to handle their own affairs as long as they stayed out of ours.
“…Israel and the Jews that choose it as a haven to fly into have no future IMHO, They are better off admitting to the issue of Jewish collective power and all its implications on the Western people…”
The Jews made their bed they need to lie in it. We shouldn’t pollute the area of Russia. They’ve suffered enough and we don’t want them. They all need to go to Israel and whatever happens happens.
>”they just need to go to Israel”
Respectfully disagree. You might as well just shoot them in the face if you’re trying to force them into going to a place where for you to be able to force them into, you’d be making sure it would be condemned to get taken over by the surrounding powers.
If you’re going to advocate for the genocide of everyone that has any percentage of Jewish blood, then don’t dance around it, say it directly, because trying to support a Rothschild pedo haven to justify that strategy is quite silly IMHO. By the time you have the power to make them go to Israel, you won’t have any Israel left, because as soon as the Western people take back control of their territories and body politic, Israel goes bye bye. So you’re basically leaving out the a peaceful solution to the Jewish issue, despite you saying “peacefully if we can” when talking about the need to solve it.
Russia knows how to deal with shitbags, even the chosenites (no wonder they have such a boner for the region), so the subversive Jews won’t be able to pollute the area. They’ll be denied entry and will probably be forced into the cursed Rothschild pedo haven called Israel.
>”why would anyone be against zionism”
Because it’s Rothschild created bs to try to pimp everyone, including the low-tier Jews. You want, like the Rothschild who fucked over the West with their central banking cartel, to force Jews into that particular place, which is a very stupid and subversive idea (and it’s basically just providing him with free cannon fodder).
I respect you as a person and consider you a friend, but your support of zionism is utterly retarded IMHO (not that you are retarded as a person, just that I find that support of Israel retarded).
You might as well just call for an open genocide of all Jews and partial Jews on a racial basis (which I don’t), supporting the Rothschild pedo haven zionism that created Israel to try to dance around it is very silly IMHO. But to each his own, guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.
I should add a comment regarding this phrase:
>”The Jews made their bed they need to lie in it.”
That’s the main difference in our stances regarding how to solve the JQ, you assume that every racial and partially racial Jew is responsible for the whole thing, I do not. That’s why I call for the complete termination of their collective power in the West (including removing Judaism from the territory, because if religious Jews every decide that their “Messiah” has arrived, they will wage an even more fervent war against Christ, whom by definition is an idol and false Messiah according to their beliefs), and I even believe they could be integrated despite their racial profile (which is highly debatable) as long as they completely forfeited any type of loyalty and attachment to Jewish culture and religion (which is based in Jewish supremacism, verifiably so).
You want to send them all to a place (Israel) where they won’t be able to survive if they ever get sent there (good luck to anyone inside Israel how is not an Arab once the West takes back control over their own shit, you’re going to need it and you won’t probably find it anywhere), a Rothschild project born from International Jewery for the benefit of International Jewery (that is the main tool in the cabal toolbox), and I don’t.
I don’t understand why you see yourself as a zionist (as in, a supporter of the Rothschild project that wants to ship all Jews to that specific place, which is very retarded), and not someone that simply wants to get rid of Jews. I don’t understand your apparent need to want to send them all to that particular place in the ME in accordance with the Rothschild banking cartels plans.
But alas, sometimes people just disagree on things and there is no way they will ever agree on certain things, and I think that’s the case here regarding this issue.
Spain tried it in 1380. By 1391, the Jews in Spain had turned things into a guerilla war, which they lost and preserved themselves by lying about converting to Christ. When the Spanish called them on their lies, the Jewish media/historians/fictionalists labeled it “the Spanish Inquisition.”
The thing you need to know about it is that no one calling themselves Jewish openly was within the jurisdiction of the Inquisition — only those who claimed the Christian faith.
Another thought that came to mind regarding our discussion regarding support for Israel and zionism: – “American Jews, Politics and Israel”
95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…
Research conducted in 2013 by Pew showed that 76% of Jews (identified by religion) said they were at least somewhat emotionally attached to Israel. In addition, almost half said that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish (with most of the rest saying it is important although not essential) and nearly half reported that they had personally traveled to Israel.
So 95% of the people you want to leave to Israel will probably just do that (which will be hilarious because Israeli Jews shit all over the diaspora Jews despite the diaspora Jews being a crucial tool in the Israeli tool box in keeping forcing the West to support Israel via subversion, so not only will Israeli Jews lose their diaspora infiltrators and submeters, they will be flooded with millions of Jews that they have animosity towards and see as less than them, and add to that the fact that Israel is already too small for the population living within it, which means tensions and violence both within among the Israelis (due to too much people getting crammed in the same place) and with the surrounding regions will flare up big time (because Israelis have the thieving habit to just take land from anyone they can by force)).
Another thought that came to mind is:
If Jews are the biggest psychos around (which is pretty hard to argue against if we compare the various groups (not all Jews are bad and all that jazz, but as a group, they certainly are one of the worst if not the worst regarding over-representation in psychopathy)), how is agreeing with the plans of the biggest psychos among the Jews (the Rothschilds and company, who founded Israel after taking control of the Western financial system using their banking cartel) a solution against their psychopathy? It seems like a contradiction to me. But hey, at least 95% of the US Jews seem to be on your side regarding this, so there’s that : D
But as I said, we’re probably never going to agree on this, and I am ok with that and don’t see you as any less brilliant or any less likable. Much love fren.
If they were lying about the conversion, then the Inquisitors were justified in taking them out. God will not be mocked.
100% agreed.
Also related to the Inquisitions, and the way Jewish collective power tries to paint Christians as being “anti-Semites” and other bs, here is proof that Christians in fact provided Jews in Europe lots of privileges and protection (and if they hadn’t, Jews probably wouldn’t have survived hanging around in Europe after their temple was destroyed in 70 AD):
“But I rule nothing out.” Been easing into conspiracy stuff for decades. At this point, just let the bodies hit the floor; I’m ALL THE WAY done with the wilful ignorance of sheeple (let alone the smirking, *arrogant* ignorance they currently think is a good look).
What you call the current “smiking, *arrogant* ignorance” has been used by proud sheeple for generations. Prideful sheep too scared to even look behind them to see where the shadows come from have been using.
If you’ve been easing in for decades, might be a good time to start taking more redpills if you can. You can never predict in which areas you too are practicing willful ignorance. The redpills never end because our lives are too short to learn them all.
(Also, I hope you believe that Jesus died and rose again to atone for our sins.)
Some links that are breddy gud:
Roosh V reviews and compares Brave New World to our current gayass gaybal controlled dystopic Western society.
Ukrainian takes not-vaccine, falls unconscious and 4 hours later, ded.
Rabbi Prager (PragerU being a Israeli Intel outfit (ask for proofs if you need)) should kindly fuck off to Israel (or a wooden doored delousing facility).
Off Topic (Euro footie). Some observations of mine, watching the Euro games thus far:
1. Ukraine vs England, England won of course because we are Chads, the commentator twice referred to the Russia-Ukraine war, basically making Russia out as the Big Bad Bear who just wants to eat all the honey. This was on a major mainstream channel. The commentator obviously had instructions to insert these soundbites, and to make it sound natural.
2. Most good footballers can handle conflict, it is a minority who are churls, e.g. an English player was fouled, the Ukrainian perpetrator offered him a hand up but another Ukrainian player stopped him with a “we don’t collaborate with the enemy” look. The English player looked gobsmacked. English football can be quite violent – check out Vinnie Jones or John Terry clips on YT – but in general there’s a sense that for all the bruises and fouling it’s rather jolly and you couldn’t get to your best level without an aggressive adversary; for example, the standing ovation the Manchester United fans in Old Trafford gave the Brazilian Ronaldo as he left the pitch, after he scored 3 goals AGAINST THEM.
3. I didn’t realise that the Danish footballer who died & was resurrected on the pitch (Christian Eriksen) was special, but it seems he was one of their key players. I was wondering, what are the odds…? Could different people get different vaxes?
id bet they can. are certain groups or individual targeted? id bet on that too. / coof was largely a hoax but i dont put it against ds/cabal to aerosolize nasty stuff of all kinds to infect certain group or individual targets. they tried to kill trump in the UK with an airborne agent and took out a secret service agent.
For those that might have an interest on these things, here is a yt list of high production value videos about the Orthodox Saints. They are quite entertaining, insightful, and packed with many lessons for the faithful and atheist alike:
PS (just for laughs, I love all my frens from all denominations):

Every single sabbath-breaking orthodox and catholic ‘saint’ is in hell, in torment.
You are typically foolish, you can’t just stick to the scriptures, you need the traditions and lies of religion to comfort you.
So I got a new roommate and while I don’t suspect anything in particular, what kind of things should I keep an eye out for that might show they’re in the club?
If you are here, and they are in the club, they will have an interest in you. Details about stuff going on with you, solid facts they can submit into reports, any paying attention to exactly when you leave or arrive, going outside to do yard work to watch your departure, poking around in your stuff, and the big one is ever acting like you just caught them with their hand in the cookie jar. They’ll know they are acting against you for others, and there will probably be times they think you may have caught them, and they will look like it.
Re Covid:
I used to follow an anti-global warming blog called but it’s settled science that global warming is just a scam to promote and fund the typical liberal bullshit so I havent been reading it much lately. Anyhow, I happened to find an open browser tab for this blog while I was looking for something else so had a look to see what was new. The top article (on 10 June) was by the site admin saying that Robert Felix, the blog owner, had just died. The previous post (8 June) was an update by Robert, on his health. In it he described how his rhumatoid arthritis was really kicking his butt. He was feeling terrible and it was getting worse. So one of the blog denizens asked whether he had by chance had the coronavax and he replied that he had just had taken the J&J vax within the last several weeks. He made one more response on his blog and then nothing. Two days later he was dead.
My wife got the Pfizer vax last fall with no ill effects. However, she recently got a blood draw during her yearly checkup and developed a rash soon after. It’s been 2 weeks now and she’s had the rash ever since. Tried to talk her out of getting the jab but she wanted to get back to her regular activities.
For those to whom it might help:
If you’re dealing with keeping lustful thoughts at bay, here is what has been working for me lately with great consistency (best ever). Most of these will also probably work with keeping angry and/or hateful thoughts at bay:
1) Constant prayer. If you can pray while doing what you’re doing, do it. I just mentally do the Lord’s Prayer over and over again (monks of the Orthodox denomination seem to use the Jesus prayer in every documentary I have watched, but I have heard some monks and priests say that using the Jesus prayer without having guidance from a Spiritual Father is dangerous, which I don’t have, so I use the Lord’s Prayer instead). It keeps the mind from wandering into all kinds of nasty places.
2) Avoid places where lewd content and stimuli are present (IRL and online). Why not read the Bible (or listening to it while relaxing), or watch faith related vids (the ones about historic figures tend to be quite entertaining in addition to insightful) instead of trying to entertain yourself on social media where barely clothed wahmen fish for all the attention they can get? Much of the dopamine binge compulsive activities (such as going on /pol/ and refreshing the catalog over and over again while lurking on various threads) can be replaced with Bible reading/listening and you’ll reap instant benefits (the Spiritual component of human existence is much bigger than it appears at first look, doing small things has a big impact in you and others (because as it changes you it also changes the way you impact others)).
3) When you are in the presence of an attractive person (on TV, or outside, etc) that you aren’t engaged to, don’t look a second time. We’re hardwired to look at others, and attraction is not a choice, but looking away and refusing to look a second time avoids the sin of lust.
4) Ask for others to pray for you, and pray for others. The power of prayer is immense, and it’s a free tool that builds comradery and connection with your fellow Christian brothers and sisters.
5) The most important one of all (or maybe not): when you get unwanted lustful thoughts or feelings, tell yourself “fear God” and “God will not be mocked”. When initially trying to stop the unwanted thoughts, I used to try to think to myself “forgive me God, please help me fight these sinful thoughts” every time they emerged, but it seems like it was too long of a phrase to repeat lots of times, and it would stop working after a while during the day (perhaps as willpower got drained) so the short and effective “fear God” and “God will not be mocked” work much better (I always use them together), and contain a component of deep reverence for the power of God, and show a willingness to obey His law, and serve as a reminder for the consequences of engaging in sin (problems with salvation, loss of grace, maybe even great personal calamity). Use the rod of discipline on yourself by reminding yourself to rejoice with trembling.
Solid. Thank you.
You’re in my prayers fren
It is not a sin to be attracted sexually to a woman, that is natural.
Lust is not sin.
Lust is only a sin if it consists of breaking the sexual laws in the scriptures (the ones your kind never read), preferring man-made rules, which always add to or subtract from God’s laws, which is a sin itself.
Masturbation is not a sin.
You are a long way off the narrow path. You ignore the sabbath, new moon days, holy festivals.
Hidden Radios in Home Devices (IOT)!
These things are cool as can be. I want some security stuff in a mesh network. I want to use solar and lithium batteries so that they can be placed in the woods. A small solar cell is far up in the tree with wires down to the cameras. Here’s what I’ve been looking at.
The key is if they are hacked from the factory. If you use the security codes the wireless comm is supposed to be encrypted. On some of these the antenna is a strip of metal on the board but you can buy them with antennas for more range.
They have all sort of versions of this. The older version of this is less powerful but uses less power. They make all kinds of PIR (passive infrared detectors) and also microwave chips that can use doppler wave radar to detect motion. One problem with PIR is they have slow start up times. I’m thinking use Doppler to detect motion then turn on the PIR, if it sees movement then turn on the camera and take pictures.
These cameras are cheap. You can get them bare bones for $10 more features for $17 or so.
This sounds awesome, let’s us know how it works out.
I’m still way to the left of the learning curve for all this technical stuff, just finished studying for the Technician amateur radio license.
Good hunting on the license. My best advice is to read the question pool first thing in the morning before the test (before coffee or anything) and then again right before you test. Remember, it’s designed to pass people, not fail them.
Also, I would say to at least look over the General pool as well. The same $15 lets you take general right after tech (at least with every VEC I’ve seen). I only studied a little for it (read the pool a couple of times) and passed it first shot. If you don’t, no loss. (I didn’t pass by enough to even bother to sit for extra. When I have to retest I think I will though.)
Thanks, Phelps. In case you don’t know about it and for future reference, I’m using which pulls directly from the current question pools. It’s the best resource I’ve found, well worth the money vs. the time I saved using it. They’ve optimized their platform for how humans actually put things to memory. Every entry-level subject should be taught like this. I’m planning on just passing the tests THEN reading through the ARRL material. Doing it the other way around is less efficient. After finding that site I had no more excuse to put off getting licensed.
Also, one good thing about the plandemic is that they took the tests online, so even less excuse for those who’ve been putting it off. Last time I checked there was a crew in Alaska that was holding exams almost every day.
That one is good. I endorse the “print the pool and highlight the correct answer” method, so I’m all behind a method that starts that way. The reality is that the rest is just a “mother may I” barrier, and the learning happens when you try to key up.
The link you have to “Bloody Shovel” is wrong it’s moved to
They are probably not even the same cards. The real ones went in one pocket, and the fake ones came out of the other.