Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Arizona State Senate to subpoena election router and passwords to complete their audit.
Fox News cuts Trump border visit feed after he starts talking about the election. It is fascinating. No matter how much they act like they are on your side, they are actually just following Management orders. And as a result, there are still subjects that are off limits. I have always found the one subject they all know about, and which they all panic over as it is more off limits than anything else, is the surveillance. It is a great way to discover who the honest actors are, and who is owned by the Cabal.
McCarthy says he notices a ‘disturbing trend’ at NSA as it has been increasingly politicized under the new administration, and he has previously called on Sec Def Lloyd Austin to reinstate a trustworthy General Counsel the new administration sidelined. Did Cabal get control of NSA? Was Cabal lured into overstepping its bounds as part of a set-up? Or is everybody reading from a script, and this is the plot?
Biden says it was good the Florida condo collapsed, as it shows people we can still cooperate. It is a strange thing to say. A condo collapses, and we can’t rescue wounded people? What this reveals is a deep seated belief in Biden that we are approaching a point where there will be no cooperation between his side and our’s. What it reveals is he knows, that as the truth comes out, and our side is shown the truth, we will never cooperate with them again. It will be war.
A federal judge has blocked a Florida law which sought to prevent social media firms from censoring content from political candidates, saying the measure was “wholly at odds with accepted constitutional principles” of free speech. As confusing as it sounds. The judge is saying the social media companies not being allowed to censor politicians they dislike, is not fair to the rights of the Social Media Companies.
The Supreme Court held that the CDC can continue to impose a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures due to the Covid lockdowns causing millions to not pay rent or mortgages yesterday. Kavanaugh sided with the leftists to make sure CDC held onto the power. What is strange is there is no ideology, with one conservatives going leftist for one ruling, and then a different one going leftist on the next one. American Thinker noted it, proposing they are trying to send a message of unity and non-partisanship to stave off Court packing, but I don’t think so. I think almost everyone on the Court is compromised, and whoever is writing the script is shifting them off, one after another, so they all appear “moderate.” It is interesting the decision which was important, on the voter integrity laws, went our way. If Cabal were writing the script, it surely would not have. Perhaps the script writers are just trying to make them look moderate so some important future decision looks non-partisan.
Big long rambling article here on a company which it appears was printing ballots for Georgia, which some are saying will be significant to the fraud investigation. Interesting point was in Georgia, Republican ballots had a barcode on them, while Democrat ballots did not. It is not clear if the Democrat ballots were frauds, and the fraudsters forgot the barcodes, or if the state ordered ballots, and printed ballots with barcode for Republicans to protect against additional fraudulent Republican ballots, but left the barcodes off the Democrat ballots to facilitate fraud.
Stacey Abrams now owns two homes totaling $1.4M after starting 2018 campaign in massive debt.
John Kerry says green economy will be bigger than the Industrial Revolution. This is a foreign agent, sabotaging our nation and its industrial base, by forcing us to pursue a weak, inefficient economic objective, instead of focusing on the most effective form of energy. When the war comes with China, watch how well our solar powered tanks and wind-generator powered lasers do against their black-smoke spewing death machines that work in any weather. These traitors are getting paid by our enemies for this.
Kevin McCarthy picks Amnesty advocate for 2022 immigration messaging.
Trump CFO surrenders to Manhattan DA this morning on garbage charges as Obama/Biden try to destroy the Trump Organization. This is why I think there is a bigger plan. Flynn, Powell, and Byrne delivered a mechanism where Trump could easily have signed a paper and set it in motion. But Trump danced around them and ultimately did not do it. Trump always knew they would try to destroy his family. He loved to fight and create chaos. He could have not just won, but also have revealed the fraud and destroyed his enemies. But then people would think the system had worked. There would not be any incentive to do the types of broad changes required. I don’t know what the plan is, but i have to think Trump saw a better, more complete way to deal with this.
A medical journal discovered that 82% of women who took an mRNA vaccine in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy had a miscarriage — and then it then buried the data. They were telling pregnant women to take the vaccine. I wonder what the ration of whites taking the vaccine is vs everyone else.
Nobel Prize Winner Professor Satoshi Omura, whose discovery of ivermectin led to one of history’s greatest public health achievements in transforming the health status of large parts of the globe… gets censored for discussing the science supporting ivermectin in COVID-19. I don’t know what the vaccine really does. It may or may not confer immunity to a virus that may or may not exist. What I would bet just about everything on is that it does something else, or has some other purpose mixed in. My guess would be sterilization. But it could be anything. Whatever it does, it is very, very important to them that you take it.
Dr. Fauci says, ‘There are now two Americas, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.’ If the vaccine works the way it appears, we will be only one America in the near future.
Now the Military confirms a rare heart inflammation cases linked to COVID-19 vaccines.
India distributes Ivermectin, Covid delta cases drop 99%.
57 percent of Americans believe they have less personal freedom today than before Chinavirus.
Attorney General Merrick Garland on Thursday announced a moratorium on federal executions. Probably more than a few terrorists on death row were actually Cabal assets.
Man accused of shooting and killing Austin commie Antifa protester who blocked his car and pointed an AK at him, indicted on felony murder and aggravated assault charges. Shooter was active duty Army who was minding his business when armed Antifa surrounded his car and pointed guns at him. Shot commie was talking shit about being able to do anything and conservatives wouldn’t do anything back and threatening to shoot someone right before he pointed a gun and found out. Prosecutor is a commie looking to make an example.
Putin signs law requiring tech giants to open offices in Russia.
60 ‘Black Hawk Down’ special ops troops to get upgraded medals.
Former Trump aide Jason Miller launches Twitter rival called Gettr. There are reports those with google and yahoo emails are not able to set up accounts because those services are blocking the confirmation email required to set up an account. One user said a protonmail email will let the email through. Should be an anti-trust suit.
GETTR receives 1.2K strange Chinese reviews as some claim the platform automatically posts anti-CCP posts to profiles without permission. Story sounds unusual, so possibly suspect. But it is Perhaps he bought the platform as is from somebody like Miles Guo, and this was left over on it.
Iowa Supreme Court ruling blocks Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs.
President Trump on Thursday called for the Capitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt to be unmasked. There is something interesting there. Especially because he violates so many rules of safe firearms handling. Even beyond what that article cites, when he fired at Babbitt, right behind her were four cops. They were the ones who immediately rendered aid. Even I would be hesitant to shoot into a crowd if I had to, because a 9mm could easily over penetrate, and hit whoever is behind the target. Was this guy really a Capitol cop, or highly trained Secret Service Agent, discharging his weapon at a girl who posed no threat, while four cops were standing right behind her? Combined with the fact they are hiding the name, it is very peculiar.
Spread r/K Theory, because you want to pass Darwinian tests.
“A medical journal discovered that 82% of women who took an mRNA vaccine in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy had a miscarriage — and then it then buried the data. They were telling pregnant women to take the vaccine. I wonder what the ration of whites taking the vaccine is vs everyone else.”
Women are going to be women. On some level they are herd animals to society. The ones that have selected uncucked, rational and wisely semi-paranoid males, who then guided them through the lockdowns, those women who chose wisely now have a massive reproductive advantage.
This is the culling of the “GoodWhites”, and the breeding of the “BadWhites”, to quote Derbyshire.
“China building 100 missile launchpads across desert in ‘incredible’ expansion of nuclear capabilities.”
I thought it was only 16 new ICBM silos they were building, to go with the 60 or so they had already. For comparison Russia only has about 150 silos, China will now match them.
Most Russian ICBMs are road mobile though, and don’t go in silos, because silos are fixed positions that can be targeted and destroyed even with non-nuclear weapons (like with a NEM or MOAB).
China probably has another 80 road mobile ICBM’s and those can’t be found because they can move so easily. They are probably building many more. If they are building 100 more silos, then they are probably building 100 more road mobile ICBMs as well. It clearly appears they are trying to match or surpass the United States.
Either way, silos would be very vulnerable to a strike by the Japanese nukes, so it’s puzzling why China would build these.
The US had a plan to make mobile ICBMs but these were cancelled at the end of the Cold War. Look at that thing, very easy to hide in a forest, tunnel or mine.
Want to really freak them out. We should put nukes in tractor trailers rigs and drive them around. Park them in truck stops. There was a Russian Gnom missile that used an air augmented lower stage. Gross mass: 39,000 kg (85,000 lb). I bet you could lower this a great deal if you only had one nuke on each.
I have no idea why air-augmentation has not been used for lower stages. There’s reports I’ve read about it that talk about the immense extra ISP or thrust per gallon of fuel basically but they say the whole thing is of no use because if you carry the duct all the way into space the weight of the duct uses up it’s advantage. Seems obvious that you just don’t carry it into space and use it for lower stages. To give you some numbers on how effective this is
“…Typical solid rockets have a specific impulse of about 260 seconds (2.5 kN·s/kg), but using the same fuel in an air-augmented design can improve this to over 500 seconds (4.9 kN·s/kg), a figure even the best hydrogen/oxygen engines can’t match…”
This is a really big difference. let’s say you double ISP this means the thrust per fuel is much higher. Since you need less fuel this in turn reduces the amount of fuel needed which reduces the weight needed to be lifted which in turn lowers the needed thrust. It’s a big difference.
And even better is blast accelerator that blows the missile up as it accelerates.
For a detailed and more illuminating perspective on Russian mobile ICBMs see Spies like us” starring Chevy chase and Dan Ackroyd.
“Putin taunts US saying their world dominance is ‘OVER’ & threatens to strike back if any ‘boundaries are crossed.’”
Caveats; the US was stronger than it is now during the Cold War, there were simply fewer challengers after 1992. We dismantled almost everything we could after the USSR broke up. So what we are seeing now is really just a return to normalcy. 1992 to the 2010’s was a fluke of history.
“India distributes Ivermectin, Covid delta cases drop 99%”
A former co-worker of mine used to take Ivermectin regularly. He said it helped reduce the high levels of plaque in the brains of Alzheimer patients.
He was older and said it ran in his family so he was trying to stave it off.
“… He said it helped reduce the high levels of plaque in the brains of Alzheimer patients…”
Interesting. Could the plaque be form infection of some sort????
Ivermectin has a number of potentially very beneficial effects on various disease conditions.
You can easily look up the research on the role Ivermectin plays in suppressing/shrinking various cancers.
It really is a wonder drug.
Is it conservatives who are hurt by the lack of rental money, or is it liberal investment funds and liberal boomers?
I’ve often thought about picking up a couple of investment homes for rental income, but frankly I just don’t want the hassle of being a landlord and dealing with tenants. How common is that attitude among conservatives?
Probably a lot. Same reason we shy away from buying and renting; the tenants.
Building silos is easier than building missiles. If I was countering the US, I would build 20 silos for every missile, or more, just to make the US waste more missiles hitting empty silos in an exchange.
Assuming that nukes are even real. If they aren’t real, then this is a cheap way to gain a lot of fake power.
Thank you, for pointing out the possibility that nuclear weapons just might be a scam. With all the lies come from governments about covid, elections, CRT, and every damn thing else they speak on. The question is no longer what have they lied about.
The question is what haven’t they lied about?
While we can’t be totally sure of how anything really works, I make the assumption that nukes are real, otherwise Russia is a vastly weaker country than assumed, and neocons and globohomos would have already attacked it for it’s resources.
Plus some of these old timey videos of weapons tests seem hard to fake. Check the shock wave at 18 seconds.
Yes, of course, nukes are real just because you ASSUME they are, and they are also real because you got videos. Got it!
There have been a few threads on 4chan about graphene in the vaccines. Graphene is a nano-particle that can attach to cells, almost like a glue. It also is conductive for 5g frequency.
At first I thought this was a random schizo theory. But it turns out there were actual legitimate studies done at a Spanish university. Scientists analyzed a vaccine sample using an electron microscope. Below are PDF docs that contain all photos of the graphene samples they referred to.
The research was conducted at the University of Almeria (Universidad de Almeria) by Pablo Campra Madrid. Campra Madrid is a Professor within their Department of Agronomy at the university’s engineering school. He has a doctorate in Chemical Sciences so he would be qualified to conduct this type of research.
As time goes on this information will spread. Further analysis will be done to determine exactly which chemicals are contained in the virus sample. This should be spread far and wide, especially if you have Spanish-speaking friends or family.
Unofficial English translation (official translation will be available in a few days):
Original report in Spanish:
I think this helps explain some things. They leroyed the uk destroyer in, hoping that the Russians would use their EM device on it. The Russians knew our plane was recording (duh) so they just shot at it instead.
That makes sense…
Unless it’s not an EM device. If it’s some sort of a backdoor access shutdown code/signal it might not work on a British ship, just an American one.
BSG. The cylons don’t do well with EMP, but have a spy slip a kill command into the defense grid and they can shut the whole system down by remote control, and Hillary was selling literally everything when she was in office, and the administration was sabotaging the metals used in weapons production, so why not that too?
Over the last several centuries, the Russians have become famous for whipping out during war, all types of exotic weapons and firepower no hostile nation thought they had or could have had. I suggest nothing has changed.
First weapon of war is deception.
Some articles and posts I think are worth the read:
“French Senate considers mandatory Covid vaccines for adults aged 24-59 in effort to curb potential fourth wave”
Comment from the article, that makes a plausible case that TPTB are basically telling Muslims in the West this: “do yourself and your people a favor honey, and lay off of Palestine. Because Palestine and Muslim nations in the Middle East are ((our)) price for destroying white civilization and handing it over to people like you.”
Well, at least Biden is being open about it. Everybody kneels to Israel in Western politics. For now.
Also, can anyone explain to me if the Court ruled (by refusing the hearing) that they can deny the service or not, I can’t understand the article:
“Also, can anyone explain to me if the Court ruled (by refusing the hearing) that they can deny the service or not…”
The state court said the florist could not refuse service because, it held, floral arrangements don’t have the effect of endorsing the wedding, the Supreme Court let that ruling stand. The florist lost.
The court let the state court ruling stand.
The state court said they have to provide service.
The ruling is that you have to arrange sodomite flowers.
I would agree to do it and then only give them brown flowers. You can order me to do it, but you can’t make me do a good job.
Refinery Explosion In Romania Leaves 1 Dead, Five Injured
Ashli Babbitt
In Sinclair Lewis’ classic novel “Babbitt”, the main character is portrayed as an ignorant rube who fights the progressive changes of his era while desperately clinging to traditional American values, which is how progressives today view MAGA. (we are called “deplorables” today, but a century ago we would have been called “Babbitts”). Combined with “Ash” (burn away to dust, phoenix rising from) it would seem a message is being sent, basically a signature for the op.
A little bit further down the Babbitt hole…
There is a very well done video of the “shooting”on bitchute. The channel is called “wooz news” and the video is titled “everything wrong with the capitol shooting in 21 minutes or less”. An impressive collection of footage with an insightful breakdown of the fakery by a talking dog. Highly recommended.
Biden’s kneeling is probably more about their respective ranks in Cabal’s hierarchy rather than Israel per se.
>tfw you realize this is a thing in the Bible

Dramatic Footage Shows Underwater Fireballs Erupting From Offshore Platform Gas Leak
“It is fascinating. No matter how much they act like they are on your side, they are actually just following Management orders. And as a result, there are still subjects that are off limits. I have always found the one subject they all know about, and which they all panic over as it is more off limits than anything else, is the surveillance. It is a great way to discover who the honest actors are, and who is owned by the Cabal.”
Reminds me of the time that Newt Gingrich brought up George Soros’ funding of corrupt district attourneys and got shut down by the news anchors.
Soros was made by the Rothschild (who created Israel with the help of Hitler via the 1933 Haavara Agreement and the British government via the 1917 Balfour Declaration), gets protection from Israel (despite his organizations not operating in Israel), and Soros organizations collaborate with organizations that get their funding from the Israeli government (like ISRAaid) and work together to flood the West with ME and African Muslims.
==DE BORCHGRAVE: Geneva gnome’s global dread==
“Their Geneva counterparts in French-speaking Switzerland were more sophisticated, relaxed in the company of global wheeler-dealers, and weren’t afraid to speak their minds, albeit off the record. Such was George C. Karlweis, the brain behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Baron Edmond de Rothschild. His biggest claim to fame: George Soros and the launch of his Quantum Fund in 1969.”
==Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel==
==Balfour Declaration==
==Haavara Agreement==
==Israel envoy urges Hungary to halt anti-Soros campaign==
==Soros stopped his investment in FEMEN after finding out they were launching FEMEN Israel==
If you have old Win98/WinMe computers you may find this very useful: