Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
Macaque Mentality, can you check your email?
Supreme Court set to rule on Trump immunity case on Monday.
The Washington Post reports that President Biden has, in private conversations, ‘expressed complete commitment to staying in the race.’ So the book deal never materialized.
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer makes “secret” move to prepare for possible Presidential run.
CBS poll finds 45% of registered Democrats want Biden to step aside.
Team Biden threatens to keep the campaign’s cash if he’s replaced.
Rep. Matt Gaetz points out CNN’s Dana Bash used hand signals during the debate.
Lindsey Graham: If Trump wins Mayorkas, Biden likely will be prosecuted.
Navy SEAL’s chilling suicide note he taped to his door before shooting himself in his heart to preserve his brain – as bombshell study reveals chilling pattern on the brains of vets who committed suicide. These guys are natural high flyers, and the one here was high IQ. You never know if they get beamed, to keep them in their place, and make sure they never start making moves which could propel them to the higher strata, and put them in competition with the Cabal. All throughout America, I am convinced, is a giant machine of people who have sworn loyalty to a command which has assigned them to make sure none of the high flyers among the plebes ever rises above their station. I just wonder why this guy and not someone else on his team? If I was getting it in high school they could surely be getting it now.
Kanye West has flown to Moscow for private visit in what would be massive propaganda coup for Vladimir Putin. He’s there for the birthday of Russian designer Gosha Rubchinsky.
State Farm seeks major increase in home, insurance rates, sparks concerns the company may be in financial distress. What you see out there are increases in home insurance, auto insurance, and so on. I remember one expert saying if the vaccines were killing people early, insurance would never admit it was the life insurance policies, as that would point right at the Vax. Instead they would pump up the prices of all their other products.
There were bunch of these pride parades in NY, Seattle, and SF, and they all devolved into public nudity, open gay sex and total degeneracy:
We are heading there, anon:
Alert level of several US military bases in Europe is raised to second-highest level after ‘intelligence terrorist action or targeting of personnel or facilities is likely.’ What is CIA up to now?
The Israeli media company Haaretz reports that official documents reveal that Israel had prior knowledge of the October 7 Hamas attack. Regular people have no idea of how thorough and powerful intelligence gathering is these days. They think Shin Bet had a couple of guys asking random people if they knew anything, and this just happened out of the blue and they missed it. the reality is, intelligence work is so thorough, they could not have missed it. Surveillance sees a totally different world, and spends their lives knowing all of these events were either allowed, or they were cooked up by the “government,” whatever that is.
In snap election, many French Jews reluctantly endorse far right over dreaded far left. There will be a second round of voting though, so it is not over.
Left wing riots in France following Le Pen victory.
In Spain, the new generations are far more homophobic:
The Dutch intelligence services AIVD and MIVD have recruited several journalists and deployed them as agents. (translation)
Trump may be first Republican to win NY, NJ in decades after Biden debate debacle, GOP leaders say.
Spread r/K Theory, because the President should not be demented.
So now that we entered the Twilight Zone Universe, Arbys has come out of the illumi-naughty closet?!
Macaque Mentality, can you check your email?
If you have trouble getting in touch log into TA and use PMs there.
Thank yoU!
Navy SEAL’s chilling suicide note he taped to his door before shooting himself in his heart to preserve his brain – as bombshell study reveals chilling pattern on the brains of vets who committed suicide. These guys are natural high flyers, and the one here was high IQ. You never know if they get beamed, to keep them in their place, and make sure they never start making moves which could propel them to the higher strata, and put them in competition with the Cabal. All throughout America, I am convinced, is a giant machine of people who have sworn loyalty to a command which has assigned them to make sure none of the high flyers among the plebes ever rises above their station. I just wonder why this guy and not someone else on his team? If I was getting it in high school they could surely be getting it now.
But this can be easily solved if we just accept a hereditary rigid class system instead of expecting to be able to rise or see the incompetent fall.
Monarchy and a rigid caste system for the win! /sarc
Hunter Biden was “one of the strongest voices”
Of course, Hunter needs that presidential immunity; and btw, so do all those top level (((cabinet members and their assistants))) who pull Biden’s strings; and who never took their oaths of office (is pointing that out anti-Semitism?)
AC, you may already be aware of this but on the off chance that you are not I thought I’d bring your attention to a fellow by the name of Joseph P. Farrell. He is an alternative researcher, blogger and author. He’s written something on the order of 36 books or so all of which are, more or less, loosely connected to each other and thus on the whole represent one body of work. Specifically with regard to “The Beam” and what he refers to as the Breakaway Civilization, there are a number of his books that delve into this topic to some degree or another and there are 3 books in particular I’d call your attention to (they were written successively and are intended to serve as a 3 part series) 1) Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops, 2) Covert Wars and the Clash of Civilizations, 3) Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations. Also, he has a blog and has a post out this AM which you may find interesting.
Thank you! I clicked the link for the blog, but do not see a body text. Is that some kind of member’s only post?
[Opdate] Never mind, I clicked again and the text showed up!
I’ve read most of Farrell’s books, listened to several dozen interviews with him, which he conducts on a regular basis, and have followed his work for about 15 years.
I will personally vouch for him as being an absolutely cutting edge researcher who has pushed the boundaries of dissident thought for many years.
Farrell has discovered lines of convergence between what we term “cabal” and every major civilization going back into the depths of antiquity.
He is always well worth a listen/read.
AD thank you for the background. Bought a couple of books by him 2 years ago (have not read) and I’ll put them in a higher priority. I appreciate your insightful commenting.
Farrell is interesting. I’ve read a couple of his books. The Financial Vipers of Venice is interesting, dealing with how the banksteins create 2 separate financial systems then use arbitrage to cream off profit, think Western finance and now the BRICS. Farrell states every few centuries a silver standard will switch to gold, and vice versa.
Haven’t read any of his tech books, beam etc.
Time to not use Fed-Ex, use other delivery systems and put Fed-Ex out of business.
The writers at Unz Review, including Ron Unz, have devolved into a rabid Hate-Trump, Dump-Trump, NO-Vote whatsoever website. Just read the post of Anglin and the comments that follow:
What Exactly is Going on with This Election?, by Andrew Anglin – The Unz Review
Even today’s select article has the same Hate Trump theme:
90 Minutes That Shook the Liberals Awake, by Patrick Lawrence – The Unz Review
A lot of people are staying home and not voting. The comments are vicious.
It shouldn’t be shocking or surprising in the least that a weary, and gravely demoralized, legacy American population is well beyond fed up.
Well over 80 million Americans, maybe even 90 million or more, went out to vote for Trump during 2020, and had their votes, as well as their hopes and dreams, thrown right under the fucking bus by Trump’s handlers, as the “white hat” cabal convinced Trump to retreat into defeat mode, despite overwhelming evidence of wide scale fraud, and let the cadaverous puppet be installed in the WH to prove a point to the normies.
I don’t care how many supercomputers these assholes used to game theory their way into this predicament, but our society is mortally wounded, and most right leaning folks, knowing nothing about Q, or even milder forms of dissident research, have decided they have had enough, and are going to retreat into their local cocoons, and wait for judgement day.
Worst plan ever, Q.
No plan can control the actions of the enemy, especially where there are hostages
Which is why you don’t plan to hand the enemy the reins of power.
Not necessarily. “Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves”
It can be a Ruse of War or “trap”
Through the losses of WW2, Israel was founded. Some suggest that was planned. Some anti-jewish people even suggest the Nazi program was a Jewish operation. Certainly, many senior nazis didnt exactly look “aryan”, Rod Rosenstein’s father Himmler is a good example

Compare the faces of Shai Davidai and Joseph Goebbels.
Andrew Anglin is owned by the CCP.
AA is retired and living on a farm in Russia. That or he is in a shallow grave in Nigeria. Either way, whover is blogging in his name is not the same guy as a few years ago.
Farage is no better than Trump!
Zionists the w pair of them.
Not voting is the choice of many in the UK.
we have to stop legitimizing the cabals system BY Voting!
A low turnout would let us know the backing we have of our fellow countrymen.
Separate the thinkers from the voting chaff.
Know who has your back and who doesn’t.
Trump is much better than Farage.
And not voting is consent, and that’s the only message it sends.
Even voting for Reform and Farage is better than not voting.
Cabal supports this message.
To the observers, the NPC sheep can only follow, that is why the Farage/Trump backing needs to be energized.
I seem to recall that there is no guaranty that those sealed files are indictments, however it is a possibility. The number is up over half a million.
that image is really difficult to read
Whenever I see one like that, I right click, chose open in a new tab, and there usually there will be a plus sign on it which will blow it up, and if not, hit the Control button and the plus sign.
Smells like BS to me. The only reason I’m mildly encouraged about Q being something special is “Israel Last”. 2 weeks is just a way to tell us to hang on. “We’ve got the serpent by the tail and we’re not letting go”. Any time bought is more time to figure out what’s the best course of action to preserve family and the future of our kind. USA is done but Americans can find eachother and continue on. Living in a Box with wonderful ideas about The Law and Justice is a construct we now can see is only for those who control the Box. Q may have just been a syop to maintain the integrity of the Box but I suspect it was to wake up our kind and galvanize “us” to find eachother.
I did that and got a blurry image that was difficult to read. Something about sealed indictments
I think you have to click the image first, to bring up the large version. If you do that on the thumbnail, you get the small image, blown up which has crappy resolution. Click the image, and the full size image opens in some kind of display window on top of everything, and then you right click that, and select open in a new window.
Middle-click to open a new tab filled only with the image. Control+plus, control+upscroll, or click to magnify the image.
Re France & Le Pen
French elections have seen this before. Left unite with globalists and keep Le Pen out of power. It happens everywhere in the West. It is how Trudeau is still PM while unable to win a majority
If that poll is to be believed it also highlights the political gap between men and women, especially on the issue of homosexuality. Women are mostly fine with it or they pretend to be. Among the myriad of problems facing the west bridging this divide that’s been created between the sexes is one of the most important imo. What does it matter if we run the barbarians out of Rome if we can’t have happy families again? Some might argue that fixing other problems (ie teaching Marxism in public schools) will cause this issue to clear up on its own but I’m not so sure.
Women are herd animals and the establishment says the herd celebrates homos.
Feminism will die out. Not only do feminiz have fewer children, GenY women are hitting the wall and posting despair on tiktok
FBE Capital – garbage on Ukraine analysis, but spot on for Social issues.
Haven’t done a detailed read, here’s the outlines. Trump is 100% immune for acts under constitutional authority, and presumed immune for most acts as president. To not have immunity, he must be clearly acting as a private person (for example, campaigning for reelection) and the courts have to determine this based on the indictment, while also taking into account that this immunity prevents the prosecutors from admitting any evidence precluded by Executive Privilege, including anything the president discussed with advisors and any documents produced by the White House internally, and most importantly, the President’s motives.
SO, the cases go back to the trial courts with this Presumptive Immunity doctrine. The indictment itself has to be examined by the court and a finding of fact conducted, and in this finding of fact you cannot pierce Executive Privilege, and any testimony about what the President said to his advisors or what they said to each other are not admissible. Most importantly, the president’s motives cannot be an element of whether or not immunity applies.
SCOTUS, in the opinion, also bench-slapped the lower courts, by saying that no court even attempted to do this sort of (implied to be obvious) analysis, and blamed it on the rushed nature of the cases:
Also of note is Thomas’ concurrence. Thomas has essentially told Cannon to rule that Jack Smith’s office is not legally formed, everything Jack Smith has done is illegal, and if she sends that ruling to the SCOTUS, they will uphold it.
. . .
In other words, shitcan Jack Smith, send it to us, and we will handle the brass tacks.
That presumption part sounds like the most critical aspect of the decision. Also, great insight on the Thomas dissent!
Other SCOTUS opinions — there’s a statute of limitations case involving the APA (so kinda related to Chevron) that cuts towards the people and not the state. It’s super technical, and trust me, you don’t care.
The other two are sister cases about social media censorship, the Texas and Florida cases. Both the Texas law that the 5th circuit upheld and the Florida law the 11th circuit overturned are sent back to be reargued under the standard that the SCOTUS gives here.
First, the court has to figure out what the law covers. Newsfeeds, timelines, headlines, DMs, comments, etc. Second, they have to analyze each part separately, as to whether it implicates the 1st amendment’s editorial protections.
As to what those protections are, they give this guidance:
They then explicitly say that these laws can’t stand under this analysis. The thing is, they (Kagan wrote it, so that’s may be why this huge own-goal is in here) assert over and over that this is Facebook’s editorial right. Which means that FB is acting as a publisher, not as a service provider when they do this. Kagan may have inadvertently laid the foundation to blow section 230 out of the water, and remove the libel protections that FB and the others currently have.
Another great insight (about Kagan)!
Biden can’t drop out. He created the conditions that prevent him from being able to drop out.
He prosecuted his former opponent.
That changes everything, and makes the stakes now, “win the election or go to jail.” We avoided that for 200 years, but now it’s the new rules. That means that if he drops out, he will certainly go to prison. He has to attempt to win, simply to try to put off prison — just like Trump.
He can die (accidenticide) or get 25th-ed
I dont think cabal has qualms.
I don’t think the cabal has that much direct power. They have money and influence, but they still act through agents.
Is there something odd about the SEAL suicide’s wife? Or am I missing something?
Tough to say. It is my strong suspicion if you make it through SEAL training, you will have Cabal female assets throwing themselves at you, looking to latch onto you as their own high priority project, and I do not think they will ever reveal why they are really there, even as they have kids and grow old with you. I think the machine is scared of all those guys. And weirdly, the girls will never cast loyalty with anything or anyone like they do with the conspiracy. SEALs tend to be high IQ, crazy, pain tolerant, and don’t give a fuck under the right circumstances, so this machine cannot control them by force.
I knew a girl who dated a DevGru guy, and she was, in retrospect some kind of old, German Cabal family, doing intel/surveillance. He had no idea apparently, and was cheating on her with another girl on the other side of the country, who thought she was dating him too, and the girl I knew was right on top of it. He was a Tier One operator literally, and could not keep that secret.
And it was a wild story. She happened to take some trip to east asshole for a vacation, and happened to run into the other girl in a bar, their groups happened to begin talking, and they happened to end up talking, and they happen to mention to each other they were dating SEALs, and then DevGru SEALs on top of it, and then “OMG! I am dating a Kenny from DevGru too! What are the chances??!!” And then both girls, from different parts of the country, who happened to end up in the same spot at the same time, and happened to end up alone, chatting about their SEAL boyfriends, who were each dating the same DEvGru operator, put 2 and 2 together.
Weirder as aspect to the story – when I met her she was dating one of my martial arts buddies, who she went on to marry. Always very weird around me, totally silent and like on eggshells when I was in the group. I am like 19 or 20, I open my email, which was brand new back then so I am not even getting lots of email, and I have a message which appears to have been misdelivered to me from somebody I do not know. I open it, and it has a topless photo attached, which appears to be of a very young version of her, but professional, like you might see in playboy or something, in terms of lighting and filters and so on. It was polished enough I could not say for sure it was her, and concluded by some weird chance, the server misdelivered to me a photo somebody sent to someone else of a girl who looked very close to how that girl looked, which was a unique look, to boot. Obviously now, I assume it was Cabal somehow screwing with me, but I have no idea what the deal was. Was she doing professional topless photos when she was young, and Cabal wanted to see what I would do, or if I would run to my friend and screw up his relationship?
Or does Cabal do that with all its girls, and have some kind of catalog, where a guy like Clinton can open a website, choose one, and have them delivered that night for sex, and they were just laughing at how I would get it and be totally baffled by it?
I never said anything about it to anyone, and now it is just one more headscratcher.
Sounds like they were trying to bait you into pursuing her.
From the read I put here it would look like that, but IRL I don’t think that would have been it, as they would have known I was blindly loyal to friends, and she was always very standoffish with me, and stressed. Plus, I almost never saw her, except rarely at gatherings. There was no way, even if I was like that it could have happened. At least I think that. I am not sure of anything anymore.
I think the people who were assigned to me were told I was smart, which I was in a bookish way. But I was hopelessly naive to how things really worked in the world, really the definition of rube in some ways, even before considering surveillance. And I think they got laughs, as I was walking around oblivious to them, by doing things which there was no explanation for, and then watching me be baffled, obviously look around confused, and finally have no choice but to pick up, and continue with no idea what had just happened, at which point they would do it again. It probably also felt good, as it made them feel like their enemy, who was supposedly so smart, was in no way any sort of match for them. They may have even been watching me as I looked at the computer screen, thinking to myself, “Those cheeks and chin, that has to be her. And yet what are the chances this randomly misdelivered email, with no other text, would have a picture like this of her, and end up landing on the screen of one of probably a couple of hundred people in the world who knew her? It can’t be, it must just be a girl who looks like her.”
I think the lifetime of that is why I have the probability matrix. There were so many instances where I could not look at something, and say “This is what happened….,” that I finally had to restart from scratch and say, “OK, I will probably not know what has happened in any event to come, so what I will do is construct a many-reality’d model of the world, and just try to keep the probabilities of each possible permutation attached to each model, and we will see where that goes.”
The real question which haunts me is, what was up with the picture. She was not some AOC-type bartender. She was a really intelligent, high flying CPA who, from what my friend said, was the type to do a four year degree in three years, and ace the test two years before everyone else just off reading the books. From what I recall of her family, they were some kind of super-“successful” international business types, with heavy ties to Europe, maybe only a generation or two in America, and a ton of cash. The wedding was both lobster and Filet Mignon for a few hundred people with open bar.
I thought of her when 4Chan brought up that pretty Chinese girl artist, who was the daughter of some kind of Goldman Sachs guy. The story with her was at 18 she got mad at dad, went out to the worst porn-house out there and shot the most degrading videos which most professional porn stars could not do, shamelessly, and dad spent the remainder of his days buying the rights and trying to get the videos removed from websites.
It is possible the highly successful are forced to turn their daughters over to the machine in that way, as a way of showing they will do whatever they are told, and a way of giving the machine blackmail. There could be reams of that shit in the shadows, keeping everyone with a daughter they love in line.
No, his folder said “good two shoes” and wanted him to run to his friend with it. I wonder which relationship they actually thought it would break up — him and her, or him and AC.
That could be. If so it was to split me from him, because we were both targets. The girl he was marrying was almost certainly an agent sent in to marry him.
This is the friend who was also some kind of target himself. He went out right before getting married to her with some friends, and the next time I see him he is amazed. He went to some random bar with the guys he was with, and in walks his previous fiancé from three years prior, who he has never seen since the breakup. (He laughed at that relationship, as he was in a bar, and up she walks, she comes on to him, she beds him, she is making dates, she announced to him they were getting married, she picked the ring shop, she took him to it to pick out the ring, she picked a schedule of public places they would go to one night, where he would propose to her at each one. And he just meekly went along with everything as the panic built. It went right up to a couple of days before the wedding before he sperged and backed out, cancelling everything. But he was like, “I never did anything to anybody, and all of a sudden I was getting married in two days!”(like it was a punishment))
So the first fiancé comes up to him, and is all, “So what’s going on?” “Anything new going on?” “You seeing anyone?” “What are you doing this weekend?” (He was getting married.) He is like, “Oh, not really seeing anyone.” “Nothing much this weekend, just chillin.” And she won’t let it go, keeps coming back to his plans for the weekend, he must have some plans, where will he be, and so on. He was like, “It was weird, it was almost like she knew and was trying to make me say it.” But clearly he felt there was no way she would know since he had cut al ties to anywhere related to her, and eventually he got out of there. But this was went I was like 19, and the clear vibe was, the only thing which made sense was she knew he was at that bar, knew everything, and went there angry, wanting to make him say it. And of course unsaid was how you would have to be crazy to think that even possible.
Sound logic.
Anon, we had a podcast discussion over on Substack that was supposed to last 45 minutes but it ended up going 3 hours unbroken. I found it very engaging, I don’t know if you will find it interesting. We had some very frank talk about the world we live in now.
Will check it out thank you!
Hey AC, One of Vox Day’s pup’s has cancer, maybe you can give some thoughts advice to spacebunny on how to help their girl?
On it, thank you!
I heard somewhere that cancer cells live on sugar. So theoretically, cutting sugars from diet starves cancer cells.
Had to laugh when moments ago an ad on UK Channel 4 reminded British voters to bring a photo ID with them to their polling location. I guess they haven’t imported enough illegals to make it worth their while.
If Jooepedo doesn’t die in his sleep between now and election day, he will win by at least ten million votes. There is no way Trump can win in NY.
Vox Day on Clownworld: it does not have the industrial capacity to conduct a war (this is why I believe Clownworld is going to rely on radioactive bio-weapons).
Is there more to FedEx than meets the eye?
FedEx was founded by Frederick W. Smith, a member of Skull & Bones.
Smith, a former Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps and a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, has developed a close relationship with the U.S. Government. FedEx is a major contractor to U.S. Government agencies and military branches. FedEx participates in U.S. Air Force airlift operations.
FedEx’s operations depend on tracking employees, vehicles, aircraft and millions of packages throughout its global shipping system in realtime. FedEx had to develop massive, proprietary information systems to do this.
And now we come to this headline:
“FedEx’s Secretive Police Force Is Helping Cops Build An AI Car Surveillance Network”
I think I know at least part of why this is happening.
I worked for FedEx in the 1990s. There are (or at least were) terrifying security vulnerabilities in FedEx’s operations that I will not discuss. If you know what these vulnerabilities are, please don’t feel motivated to mention them here. These vulnerabilities may or may not be known to state and non-state actors who intend to cause serious harm to the U.S. I’d rather not give anyone any ideas.
I would like to think that FedEx’s partnership with Flock Safety is related to addressing these vulnerabilities. Maybe that’s the goal. Maybe there are multiple goals.
FedEx is a strategic asset to the U.S. Government that happens to be vulnerable. I’m almost certain that The Department of Homeland Security and/or the Department of Defense is coordinating this mass surveillance operation with FedEx and Flock Safety. My guess is that, besides protecting FedEx, a copy of all the collected data is being used elsewhere. Maybe, “They’re keeping track of where you are and where you’ve been.”
What happens to all of the data that the Flock Safety systems are collecting in and around FedEx assets?
Does it get deleted after 30 days, which is the default retention period for Flock Safety systems?
More at:
Very good Farce. Fedex not the only one. Ground level ops are the key.
Sensible ruling
India – Good news for population control
Spain – Somehow I am not surprised
Another one you should probably look into (AFTER the Naylor book, of course) if you haven’t already: Evelyn Waugh seemed innocuous to the Cabal when I first started reading about him, but then you read he was vehemently opposed to the Second Vatican Council, and there ya go. So that’s three Cabal-persecuted novelists so far, by my count, Naylor FOR SURRRRRRRE, and also Wallace and Waugh. Starting to think “mental illness” is ALL just a cover story for Cabal persecution.