News Briefs – 06/27/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

A huge fire is blazing at a petrochemical plant in San Roque, #Spain Was touched off with another huge explosion. Don’t know what these are, but they are definitely related to something going on behind the scenes.

Philadelphia refinery that blew up, largest on the east coast, will be shuttered, and then sold to someone else to be reopened. Curious they won’t reopen it themselves. So the value of their asset is crushed, they take the insurance, and then sell it off to someone else to reopen and make profitable again.

European Central Bank tries to tell Italy it has no title to its own gold, and that ultimately their gold belongs to the ECB.

A group of possibly state-backed hackers infiltrated the system of an unnamed telecoms giant to spy on a group of unnamed “VIPs” call records, location data and other information.

Vimeo bans project Veritas over the Google expose’. They judged the video hateful, defamatory, and discriminatory.

Teen Tourist comes down with diabetes like symptoms and enters a coma in the Dominican Republic.

Denver Dad falls ill in Dominican Republic, is in critical condition. Was dripping sweat, throwing up, screaming in pain, in Kidney Failure, and is in critical condition.

Corey Booker says, “We need to talk more about Transgender Americans.” Who the fuck wants to talk more about transgenders. You have to admit, we not only got the best President ever, he came outfitted with all the best enemies.

Juan Castro signals to liberals he is one of them by noting men can have babies too. I thought if a trans trans’d they became what they became, but apparently not.

Ocasio Cortez says the Democrat Debate was like a bunch of High School students forced to tell the class about a book they didn’t actually read. Also, for a commie she has expensive tastes in timepieces.

Somebody mysteriously disrupted GPS in Israeli airspace.

Reddit Quarantines “The_Donald” message board so its content will not spread.

Police investigate, and collect DNA from a French Politician over a homophobic tweet.

Measles may have evolved around the vaccine.

Iran delivered half a ton of explosives into France in diplomatic suitcases, for a bomb attack.

New Mexico land owner who let We Build the Wall build on his land faces possible jail time after town cites him for building without a permit.

MIT President criticizes Washington for scrutinizing Chinese academics as potential spies. Not ignorance. Those are direct orders from a command authority. Still think your kid would get into MIT easily, if you were on Cabal’s shitlist?

Top NRA executive Chris Cox resigns amid tumultuous times for the gun group. Hickok 45 has announced he no longer advocates joining the organization, but it is not because of any information, but rather because nobody knows what is going on there. I have no idea whether it is still a whitehat operation, or if it might be funding Cabal.

New York Mayor has been dumping his homeless on other cities by offering a free year’s rent in another city.

CBO says the debt situation is unsustainable. My own feeling is an economy, to be optimally sustainable and peaceful, requires a unique blend of people who perfectly fill in each others weaknesses and needs with perfectly complementary strengths and abilities. Then everyone seamlessly works together as part of a perfect functional whole. That is the ideal. But given not every new member can do everything, or even be good at anything, if there is no violent Darwinian selection culling the unable working toward producing that perfect mix, some excess resources will need to be bled to those whose abilities are unneeded or redundant, or those who lack any abilities at all, lest they turn violent. Government can gradually extend the numbers of those unskilled individuals. It used to be done simply by taking more and more money from the skilled core mix and paying it to the unskilled loitering on the periphery, but now it is done through debt spending, which gets routed around to useless jobs doing paperwork, or regulatory, or other work which would not be missed if it disappeared. Now we are at the stage we are paying people to get doctorates in utterly imaginary disciplines like gender studies, which does absolutely nothing for anyone in the core mix. This slide away from the optimal ideal occurs because getting rid of the non-core, suboptimal elements would trigger a Darwinian culling cycle. But obviously nature will always take it to a Darwinian culling cycle, and reset things toward that optimal mix, and the longer you hold it off, the more chaos will occur when it happens. Seems we have one coming in probably about a decade, even with the God Emperor perfectly managing the economy. The only chance to stop it would be a detailed look at how to take the suboptimal non-core members who have dedicated lives to pointless aspects and retrain them to something tangibly valuable to the core mix. But good luck getting a Womyn’s studies feminist to admit the field will not be useful once the economy collapses. Build your vault and stock it.

Far Left political groups are pressuring Mastercard to financially blacklist the right.

Hamas had a sleeper agent inside the UN refugee agency UNRWA.

Driverless Semi-Trucks are now being tested on the road.

Merrill Lynch caught criminally manipulating precious metals market “thousands of times” over 6 years.

Austria’s Supreme Court backs extradition to US of Ukrainian businessman who used bribes to get a Boeing titanium contract:

Widespread internet outage in Iran.

AG Barr plays a little bagpipes before a US Attorney’s conference.

More British voters want to quit the EU now than when the Brexit referendum was taken. Explains why there is no more talk of another vote. Splintering is a sign of K.

Supreme Court will issue rulings on the Census and Electoral maps Thursday.

Pretty 21 year old woman killed by three sharks in the Bahamas while she was snorkeling. A horrible death. Again, I would clear the sharks from every area where humans are present, but to a leftist/feminist, this is a pretty marriageable girl who they no longer have to look on with envy. So they like the sharks, even if they do not logically understand why. But let them come under personal threat, and they would be fine with killing them.

FBI releases documents on Twelve Tribes, another cult that features drug running, mind, control, sex trafficking, and child abuse. Another Cult being broken down. Oddly enough, I always looked at Salma Hayek as just another pretty girl who hit Hollywood, happened to sleep with the right people, and made it to the top. As in, any pretty girl could follow that path and end up rich, and if she wanted, relatively autonomous at some point. But in reality I saw where someone said Salma was herself a graduate of one of these occult cults, Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. But you don’t see it advertised. I wonder how many stars are vetted for how mind-controllable they are, using cults like these, such as Scientology, and NXIVM, Ramtha, and Twelve Tribes, which only allow those who are maximally controllable to pass to the next level.

Australian man detained in North Korea. Q had said Cabal was trying to reach out to Kim Jong Un, but the phone line was disconnected. Notice how the guy is smiling with his eyes, but the mouth doesn’t quite match.

Bernie Sanders says 2016 was rigged, and won’t commit to supporting the Democratic nominee this time for that reason. It was a good play, because (((They))) will not ask him that again. (((They))) want to ask if you will support the winner because the exchange will seed the public’s mind with the idea you won’t be the winner. Logically, you can say yes or you can say no. But from an amygdala perspective you should simply use the opportunity to say whatever will maximally trigger (((Them))), so (((They))) will alter their behavior to be more amenable to your interests in the future. In Bernie’s case, he discusses (((Them))) rigging the primary, and threatens to expose their control. I would talk about the systems of surveillance and control they imposed on the populace and how to spot them. If you have uncovered a specific facet of (((Their))) operations which they would rather keep hidden, you can expose that. The bottom line is, everything (((They))) do is a show, designed to enhance their control by deceiving the public. It isn’t about logic, or reason, or finding a better way, or helping others. It is, plain and simple, about (((Them))) keeping everyone clueless about all the shit that would trigger an instant uprising if it were revealed. If you understand that, you can gain some measure of control yourself.

Mark Meadows says, DOJ exploring ‘unbelievably unusual activity’ of the intelligence apparatus in final months of Obama administration. “I can tell you that [U.S. Attorney] John Durham and Attorney General [William] Barr are going to get to the bottom of it,” the North Carolina Republican said.

Investigator in the case of SEAL Eddie Gallagher admits he made mistakes.

EPA tries to dismiss a lawsuit designed to end water fluoridation, and gets smacked down. Lawsuit will continue, and maybe reveal interesting studies about the real effects of long term fluoride exposure. Q said, “Watch the water.”

Trump orders a policy change allowing Military Cadets to take advantage of brief windows to play professional sports, before coming back and honoring their service commitments.

An interesting interview with L Ron Hubbard’s son, which makes his operation sound very Cabal-like, in terms of occult activity and beliefs, drug-running, mind-control, and intelligence-gathering activities:

L-Ron did get a publishing contract from a major publishing house for his science fiction, which goes more often than not, to those in the club. And yet I get the impression Cabal prefers to identify people like L Ron from the shadows, and then guide them through control of the environment into roles where they serve Cabal without even knowing it. It might explain why he was able to not only get away with bugging IRS offices, but he even got his tax-free religious status out of it. You could do the same thing and they would catch you in the act in two seconds, because they would be watching as it went down. But L Ron was going to be useful, so they crafted a script, and then everyone acted it out and he ended up thinking he won. But he only won because they let him, because what he was doing had utility.

Funny tweet from CNN:

Spread r/K Theory, because the best happenings take time to put together.

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5 years ago

Angela Merkel got the shakes…again.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Depends on her diet. More people than you’d believe might have it because they eat too much high fructose corn syrup and processed white sugar. It’s the worst addiction in the western world, and it’s in EVERY THING. Family members from Australia came over and wondered why we put sugar in basic food staples, such as bread and milk. That should be the next thing tackled after flouride.

Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago

Maybe….she’s got KURU, from eating people.

Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

She is a mad cow disease.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Transgendered issues are akin to crap the Weebs are into….meaning that nobody on earth gives a crap about them, except for those few fanatically into it.

RE Sharks: If it hurts the tourism economy, then sure, take a few out, however, I can’t be sold on shark genocide, just so a few thots can feel 100% safe snorkeling, which isn’t high on my list of inherent human rights. I’d look at it like those clueless people from Minnesota whose kid got snatched by an alligator while vacationing in Florida. Only in Arch-Rabbit world would we consider destroying all threats utterly, while we wander about like self-centered bleary-eyed farm animals obsessed by our own decadent pleasures. Instead, people should have the dangers of certain regions in mind. You don’t pick up snakes in Australia, the rockies are full of mountain lions, bodies of water in Florida should be looked at with suspicion, etc etc.

Just think, if that looming juggernaut of debt rolls over the land, they’ll be a mass culling of humans, which will cause all remaining predators to explode in number. Imagine how the reflexes of the remaining people would become wound up tightly. If it came down to kill a predator or starve to death, -because my livestock is getting killed with no government compensation, or because I can’t get my fishing boat in the water- then predator sympathy would be at an all time low because we’d be in close competition.

5 years ago

Two points:

The first regarding chicken. I hadn’t read about fluoride in chicken before, but I had dread about it containing lots of phyto estrogens from all the soy they tend to be fed. Chicken was traditionally a very expensive bird to produce for food, and I suspect that is simply isn’t safe to eat in today’s cheap, industrial environment.

Secondly, listening to that Jared clip, he clearly is a globalist. In what sense can a man who utters those words be on the same page as Trump and his trade agenda?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

AC, you know I respect you,.

But your ideas of “pretty” women are wack.

You’re a biologist and a lover of facial construction. Do a deep dive of When you graduate from that site, you will be able to describe why the calf muscles of Northern European women are more aesthetically pleasant than are those of Sub-Saharan Africans’, and why Hope Hicks is not cute in the classical sense, but a finely formed masculine AF ball kicker.

Grab some snacks, because if I know anything about you at all, I know this website will keep you up until dawn.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

If you need a website to show you how a woman is beautiful, you’re probably gay.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Now I see why VD banned you from His site.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  spectrely
5 years ago

You’re a funny guy. Very scary name, too.

5 years ago

Refinery fires, telcomm hacks with specific targets, domestic spying by all of the government, deplatforming, banning, cabal and now “unknown disease” in Texas. Endless congressional stupidity and political attacks. Invasion of the ferals and placement everywhere. The list is long. If you want to know a general description read on but if you are sniffing unicorn farts stop here.

There is a description for it all. Fourth Generation Warfare. Look it up, read about it and decide what YOU are going to do because what is going on now is how it is started. It is here and is going to get increasingly intense. If you are or were or see yourself as middle class, it is as currently configured against YOU. Again what are you going to do? “They” are coming for all of us and throwing your neighbor to the sharks only prolongs your agony. What the chicoms are doing to the Muslims and Christians is a preview of what will happen to you. Will you prepare? Can you prepare? Are you taking your 2 mile walk every day (once a week at 5 is better)? Are you a fat, delusional wabbit ready for the poachers net or are you K and assembling your pack. Like the mil the pack is not a democracy but a heirachery and that works.

Reply to  Goose
5 years ago

You make a fantastic point Goose.

To the alt right:
What are you doing to get ready?

You think police or military will side with us because a few of them fly American flags off their trucks?

Do you expect others to do what is right when they never have before? How many times has the military or police refused to follow orders because the order was wrong?

For some reason, it was the snipers running overwatch on the insane Tranny Story time at the library. You think these guys have the guts to stand up for what is right? Absolutely not. As former LE/Mil, absolutely nobody stands up for whats right. Those that do get drummed out or leave in disgust.

5 years ago

FBI releases documents on Twelve Tribes, another cult that features drug running, mind, control, sex trafficking, and child abuse.

Investigation centered in Hiddenite, NC. 100 miles from Asheville, NC.

Manitou Springs CO is about 100 miles from Denver.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Question: Who is the biggest geopolitical threat to the U.S.?

Delaney: China, nukes

Inslee: Trump

Gabbard: Nukes

Klobuchar: China, Iran

Beto: Climate change

Warren: Climate change

Booker: Nukes, climate change

Castro: China, climate change

Ryan: China

De Blasio: Russia


Nuke weapons don’t work. Fermi was a hack. We carpet bombed Japan with air-fuel incendiary devices. Nuke explosion footage is fake. A an actual nuke explosion would be blue/violet in color with a huge burst of x-rays and gamma rays. A convention explosion in red/yellow, as well all see. I am nuclear trained by USG/DOD. Either they have no idea themselves how nuclear energy works or they are in on the take. I will leave it to you to decided which may be the more likely case.

Reply to  kjb2001
5 years ago

If that’s true (and I’ve heard convincing arguments for it before) then that is one of the big lies that has been used to manipulate the world that absolutely MUST be exposed and the sooner the better.

Reply to  kjb2001
5 years ago

“Nuke trained eh?”
Well I spent many nights in Rickover building on the Navy Nuclear Power school, and I can tell ya, they don’t teach anything related to what you just said. A middle tech? Again, nada.
The only guys who would know that stuff are the guys who set that off.

You also realize that all the footage was black and white, later colorized, right?

So basically I’m calling you out for being full of shit 😉

Much love brother, maybe I’m wrong. I’ve never seen one go off (thank god) and I don’t possess nearly enough grey matter to know refute you on a scientific level.

Care to share? I’m always open to learn a new thing I believed all my life was completely and utterly off base.

Reply to  Spectrely
5 years ago

Here is what I have seen that might back up the hoax weapon idea:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

See also:

The real science of the universe is amazing.

5 years ago

From a few days ago:

“Dollars to donuts, she is having Donald Trump sex dreams”

And now:

E. Jean Carroll Offered People $17,000 To Have Sex With Trump With Their Eyes Closed In 2012

5 years ago

r/K is mentioned in a john wilder article up at Sorry I can’t link from this device. Thought you’d like to know. Keep up the good work.